#eleanor bartlet
bestwwquote · 2 months
Welcome to Best Quote from The West Wing!
Inspired by all the polls about best quotes from different media/hottest actors from different media I wanted to do one for one of my favourite pieces of media The West Wing.
1. It has to be a quote. There are some great unsaid moments but the competition is 'best quote' so it needs to be something someone said.
2. It can only come from the TV show 'The West Wing' that aired from 1999 to 2007. Interviews are not allowed, and anything from 'A West Wing Special to Benefit When We All Vote' that was NOT already in the episode 'Hartsfields Landing' doesn't count.
3. Yeah I already have the end of 'Two Cathedrals' in here.
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squash1 · 1 year
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mihrsuri · 7 months
Hi I am stalled on my big WIPs but have some random ideas I did have:
This was sparked by a Discord friend (hi TWW discord) but the Leo McGarry/John Marbury ‘we aren’t dating’ ‘oh fuck we’re dating aren’t we’ that eventually morphs into an OT4 with the Bartlets that is loosely inspired by my Plantaganet OT4 (Rosamund/Henry II/Eleanor of Aquitaine/Thomas Beckett) in that Abbey/John Marbury and Leo/John is just ‘I can’t believe I want to fuck you as well as stab you’ to lovers (eventually Abbey and John are absolutely besties and no, no one is safe - I think their mutual Jed Bartlet appreciation helps).
The Leo/Jed/Abbey OT3 that gets found out as the scandal instead of it being MS.
A POV of Ozorne throughout The Immortals trilogy and his ‘I still love Numair/Arram and very much want him back/will get him back’ through the eyes of one of his mages who absolutely deserves to deal with this.
Something inspired by @lorata’s Hunger Games world building about District One that is just Trauma All The Time.
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b4rtlet · 2 months
it was a gesture. a free day to dedicate to something she believed in while making up for all the rallies and fundraisers she missed on the campaign trail. she knew how important funding or favourable word of mouth could mean to a project. ellie could only hope her appointments didn't involve ufos or a wolf only highway.
"hi, eleanor bartlet," a little harried as she entered the room. why all her meetings couldn't be in the same one only leo knew.
– surprise starter for big block of cheese day
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fadeouttowhispers · 2 years
the sweetest devotion I've ever known
A/N: see the ‘disclaimers’ in the first one. Same thing applies: unbetaed, imperfect, probably not their final-final form. This one came to me while on vacation, too (sensing a theme...), from a very happy kid in an elevator. There is so much I am not sure about but it's also pure, saccharine fluff. Enjoy ♥️
Now that the baby had calmed down, C.J. let little Eleanor down atop the room’s desk, careful not to get any drool on her just-cleaned dress. Checking herself out in the mirror, she found an image that she had long believed wouldn’t be a thing, but oh, did it warm her heart: Nora, obsessed with her mother’s necklace as she was attempting to fix her unruly wavy hair with her cute bow headband.
“Oh, you’re growing up so fast, baby girl,” C.J. cooed, her eyes filling with some of the emotion she felt — some of it, exhaustion, but the best kind. C.J. picked her up again, but Nora turned towards the mirror that had caught her eye earlier, smiling happily. “You are beautiful. Yes, you are. Those blue eyes are going to be trouble for us… Let’s hope you didn’t inherit Daddy’s puppy eyes, too.”
Her daughter was the happiest little kid on either side of the Mississippi. Her dad was a sweet goofball, so it wasn’t a huge surprise that she had gotten some of those genes… But it was just a joy to see her slowly become her own person, with a mix of both hers and Danny’s personalities, while looking like her mini me at that young age. That all bowled her over her, in the best of ways.
It was then that Nora caught onto their reflections and started giggling, fascinated by the fact that whoever was on the other side was doing the same things as her. Nora reached forward? So did the kid in the mirror. She hid on her mom’s shoulder? Nora couldn’t know what the other did until she saw her reappear at the same time… She was equal parts suspicious and fascinated by that doppelgänger, and C.J. could barely contain her amusement.
It was truly the most endearing sight of C.J.’s life, as anything that her daughter ever did was. She was fascinated by how smart her kid was, and this moment was worth wasting a couple of minutes on. C.J. walked them closer to the mirror and pointed at it — and so did the other side. 
“That is me, Mama,” she smiled before pointing back at herself, using the word Nora would often babble when referring to her. “And this is Nora,” she pointed toward the mirror, watching Nora’s awestruck yet confused expression, especially when her hand pinched her nose and that also happened to the other baby. “You!”
Her daughter’s giggles were everything she needed to get through her days. C.J. kissed the crown of her head before fixing her bow again – but not for the last time, that much she knew. She left Nora on the floor, so she could finish putting on perfume and earrings, when she saw her husband appear in the corner of the mirror. She turned around, matching his adoring smile as he walked towards her.
“And me? Am I not beautiful?” He asked teasingly, raising one eyebrow.
“You look dashing, Fishboy,” she complimented sincerely as she made a point to fix his bow tie, green and complementing her dress.
“This tie makes your eyes pop. Come on now, we’re gonna be late. I don’t want the Bartlets getting mad at us because we got late to their youngest’s wedding. So… Let’s not be, okay?”
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hoffmans-hoffman · 1 year
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Simon Bartlet
Name: Simon Cain Bartlet
Nicknames: Aces(Secret Service), Flowers(Secret Service), Single Sally(Josh Lyman), Butterfly(Abbey Bartlet)
Occupation: College student
Family: Dr. Bartlet (Grandfather), Mrs. Bartlet (Grandmother), Jonathan Bartlet(Uncle), Josiah Bartlet(Father), Abbey Bartlet(Mother), Elizabeth Bartlet Eleanor Bartlet Zoey Bartlet(younger sisters)
Relationships: a few unnamed girlfriends and boyfriends
Allergies: Meat(All)
Religion: Atheist
First appearance: Five Votes Down
Last appearance: Tomorrow
Five Votes Down
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With his father down five votes in the house to pass the Gun Control Bill, Simon makes some visits and very interesting phone calls to some people hoping to sway the votes, but Leo McGarry phones a friend in Hoynes who also takes all the credit for the bill passing.
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Simon is in the scandal sheets every couple of weeks, whether it's who he's dating, his religious choice against his father or...weirdly his veganism. He makes a visit to the senior staff and to hide from his mom. In this visit CJ has a long painful talk with him and a few hours later, he came back with a small piece of paper that says “I will try my best to stay out of the scandal sheets for the next three months - Simon Cain Bartlet„ and CJ still has it in her office.
Aces is Missing
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In a visit to Simon's college, his parents along with the senior staff have a moment of fear and worry for Simon's health. The visit started out as normal and all well and good till a rogue student starts a riot and suddenly Simon is nowhere to be seen which makes the secret service worried so they send three agents to try and find Simon. When Simon was found he had a broken nose and arm...but other than being traumatized he was okay.
Simon, CJ and Josh
(yeah I know it's not Josh and CJ's actors it just fits)
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When they lose Mrs Landingham...it affects everyone in a different way, Jed is angry, Leo and Charlie were in shock, Toby was putting in a front and Sam was sad. Simon, CJ and Josh were grieving together like siblings...Simon the strong shoulder to cry on, CJ the caring one and Josh the one crying a lot. In losing Mrs Landingham, Simon, CJ and Josh bonded with this loss but it wouldn't be their last time going through this.
Twenty Five
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Simon is moved out of his college dorm and into The Executive Residence as his youngest sister is kidnapped. Simon...Simon isn't doing well at this point in time, he's tired and angry that he has no power in this situation all he can do is watch his parents struggle along with the senior staff. When his father invokes the Twenty Fifth amendment Simon leaves the oval office and almost the white house but is stopped by Josh and CJ as Toby returns from the hospital. Simon starts a full blown argument with the Senior Staff and leaves the White House in a huff, Toby suggested to Glen Allen Walken that sending a few secret service men to go after Simon and Glen allows this.
Leo McGarry
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Simon had always been close to Leo even before his dad was president, Simon looked up to Leo and always came to Leo about his problems mostly because his dad scares him. Being at Camp David when Leo has a heart attack Simon panics and freezes as other people help Leo. This makes Simon feel it is his fault Leo dies. Mallory asks Simon to speak at Leo's funeral and at first he accepts it...but when it comes time for him to say his few words he is unable to.
A bond so strong
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This time coming to his aid is CJ and Josh, this time them being his shoulder to cry on as only a few words into his speech he says “I,I'm sorry...I can't„ and quickly remove himself from the podium as he bursts out in tears. In that moment everything sinks in for him and every tear he has suppressed over the past years comes exploding out and he tells Josh to help him out and they walk out to try and calm him down.
Gremlin Energy
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Simon is working hard on Santos campaign and it's physical and mentally killing him over it as he just wants to make everyone proud of him. As he is doing this his friends and coworkers can see the toll it's taking on him and it is Josh who ultimately tells Santos to take Simon off the campaign team. Later Simon becomes Josh's aid/Secretary after the end of the campaign.
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marshmelonlover · 4 years
Ellie Bartlet is such a sweetheart and no one can tell me otherwise.
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rather-impertinent · 6 years
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Poldark: Series 1, Episode 6.
What is the matter with the women of this family? The men.
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andallthatmishigas · 2 years
I’m back on my Bartlet hyperfixation. I would love a wee JAB fic.
Oh man I've not written for them in a solid like 5 years. Here's a little something for you.
Jed sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. He had spent hours reviewing campaign plans. The words were starting to blur together. It felt like two in the morning, not dinnertime. But that was enough for now.
A knock came at the door. "Yeah?"
The door to Jed's office opened and ten year old Zoey came in. "Daddy?"
"Hi there, sweet pea," he greeted.
"Mommy says you gotta stop being a politician so we can eat," Zoey said.
Jed chuckled. "I'm sure Mommy did. I'm coming now." He stood up and came to take her hand. They both went out into the dining room together.
Eleanor was already there, helping Abbey set the table. "Hi, Dad," the teenager said gently.
"Hi, Ellie," he answered. "Everything looks great, ladies. Let's eat!"
"Hang on, Jed, I need to talk to you for a minute. In the kitchen, please. Girls, sit down and serve your plates. Ellie, you help Zoey," Abbey instructed.
Wondering what he was in trouble for, Jed warily followed Abbey into the kitchen. "What's up, Abb?" he asked.
All of a sudden, Jed found himself backed up against the fridge.
Abbey cut off his question with a searing kiss. Jed didn't waste any time holding her tight and letting his hands wander over those fantastic curves of hers. And then as quick as it started, she pulled away. Her hands rested on his chest as she smiled at him.
"What was that for?"
"Oh I just missed you. I knew I'd only get you out of that damn office for dinner, so I'm taking advantage," she said, her nose wrinkling as she grinned.
"Well I'm sure glad you did, sweet knees." As a show of his appreciation, he squeezed two big handfuls of her ass.
She yelped and smacked him on the chest in retaliation. They were both laughing when she took his hand and led him back to the dining table for dinner with their girls.
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mandalamarigold · 2 years
Nancy McNally,
Eleanor Bartlet,
Big block of cheese day.
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aryasnow · 2 years
Rules: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.  
tagged by @dollsome-does-tumblr, thank you!
Emily Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Betty Draper (Mad Men)
Laura Roslin (Battlestar Galactica)
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Abbey Bartlet (The West Wing)
Captain Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek: Voyager)
River Song (Doctor Who)
Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones)
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cordelia Chase (Angel: The Series)
not tagging because I never know who to list on these but if you’d like to list 10 of your faves please consider yourself tagged!!
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mihrsuri · 7 months
For the Fanfic asks - for the askers: 1. My favorite fic of yours: TWW Hunger Games AU or I Tried to Rewrite It but I Can't It's just soooo good! I love both fandoms and your ideas and headcanons are absolute perfection! The vignettes are so potent; there's so much which is said in so few words. And I admire your creativity and the ability to create such vivid AUs. If you ever decide to write more for this AU, I'd read 100k words in a heartbeat. 2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: Surprising no one, I'm gonna say it's Chapter 4 of I Tried to Rewrite It. I know I've told you this a million times, but I love what you came up with for Abbey and the entire Bartlet family. (St)Abb(e) Bartlet is my queen! Give my girl a couple of sharp, pointed objects and she'll rule the world. 😉😊 5. A fic I haven’t read yet from you, but I want to: As someone who was obsessed with The Tudors when the series premiered, and someone who's always loved Anne Boleyn and Natalie Dormer's portrayal of her, I'm looking forward to reading your Tudors fics. 💜 7. What made me the most emotional after reading: Donna! Poor girl... back to the Hunger Games/TWW crossover, but Donna's story broke my heart, shattered it into million pieces 😭😭😭
I am so so complimented oh my gosh! Also the fact that people loved Abby and her emotional support knives makes me so so glad because it was my definitive image of her in the Hunger Games AU.
And Nat Dormer was so extraordinary wasn’t she (she’s the reason I got into The Tudors really - I watched it in 2009 when I was visiting a friend and oh my gosh INCREDIBLE. Before that I was mostly into Eleanor of Aquitaine!)
Donna’s story was…apologies for the overshare but a lot of that was mine and I’m so glad it didn’t come across as a cliche or silly.
Thank you so so much friend I will be saving this compliment to my phone as a screenshot 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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b4rtlet · 29 days
VERSE : doctor on deck — star trek
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GIVEN NAME: eleanor emily bartlet PREFERRED NAME: ellie RANK: lieutenant DIVISION: science POSITION: researcher, neurology and exobiology
Born to Galactic renowned surgeon, Abigail Barrington, and politician, Josiah Bartlet, the second of their three daughters. Raised in the heart of political power on Earth, Ellie’s life was always walking the delicate balance of public service and public opinion. Yet, unlike her more politically-minded siblings, Ellie gravitated toward science, seeking solace and meaning through understanding of the life forms that populate the galaxy.
Studying exobiology at university, she eventually goes on to get her medical degree from the Starfleet Medical Academy specialising further in neurology. It is in her first year at the Academy that her father is elected as President of the Federation.
Beyond members of the press corps nosing their way into her business she hadn't predicted much of her life to change. While her refusal to engage did mean she was mostly left alone, she was quickly disappointed by the odd lecturer who began to go easy on her or the strangers who suddenly wanted to be friends.
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sobriquett · 3 years
Dear Trick or Treat Author
Dear Trick or Treat Author,
[WIP: 23:50 BST 19/09/21]
What a wonderful time of year! (Or is that Yuletime? Nearly there too!)
Hello! I am very easily pleased so please take this as a starting point if you need some ideas but otherwise write what makes you happy! I know horror tropes/genre are in my dislikes but if you want to write a scary trick, you do that, yes please! Just play within the canonical world (werewolves in Milton-Northern, vampires at Thornfield, ghosts at the White House) and I'll be a happy reader (but please still stay aware from my gore-related DNWs!).
My normal ramble about what I enjoy in fic isn't really relevant to a 300+ word exchange but you can find it in past letters, click the letter tag.
That said, things missing from my main signup include these:
Loves: exploration of power imbalances Likes: epistolary
My fandoms are in alphabetical order (ish), so here we go!
1.      16th Century CE RPF
Anne Boleyn Anne of Cleves Catherine of Aragon Catherine Parr Elizabeth I of England Henry VIII of England Margaret Pole Countess of Salisbury Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester Thomas Seymour (1508 – 1549)
I've been on a bit of a Philippa Gregory kick this summer reading the Cousins' War series out of order. I'd love more stories about these figures – with some of them (Henry VIII in particular!) it's pretty easy to lean into the trick side of things, but there's treat potential too. Add more characters if you want; I've been reading histories and historical novels on this period for many, many years so if you drop in Maria de Salinas or Stephen Fisher or Kat Ashley or Thomas Cromwell or anyone I'm up for that, but I am also a laidback reader and this is a low-stress exchange, don't tie yourself in knots over accuracy. (Although I would, and I'd definitely recommend Ruth Goodman's How to be a Tudor if you haven't read it, even if you're not normally a non-fiction reader.)
What if [any utterly disastrous thing] didn't happen, or perhaps was somehow worse? Did Elizabeth and Dudley actually have some happiness in a romance, however brief? How did Anne of Cleves feel to retire as the King's beloved sister? What was Margaret Pole thinking on the morning of her execution? Is Henry VIII haunted by the ghosts of some of those he killed: friends and lovers and family? Did anything actually happen between Elizabeth I and Thomas Seymour (There's historical room for a secret pregnancy in the country…)
2.      Downton Abbey
Mary Crawley Edith Crawley Sybil Crawley Matthew Crawley­ Tom Branson Robert Crawley Cora Crawley Violet Crawley Isobel Crawley Lavinia Swire Anna Bates Evelyn Napier Freda Dudley Ward Marigold Crawley George Crawley Ship: Tom Branson/Sybil Crawley
This is like my TV comfort blanket. I rewatched it this year and I am interested in just about every main character except, oddly, Thomas – who is the favourite fic character of most writers! Give me a missing moment, a look at the future, a glance at the past, a look from the outside – whatever. Any point in, before or after canon is cool with me, except I tend to skim a lot of S4 (ugh, that rape storyline, please don’t use that).
Do ghosts walk the halls of Downton Abbey? What is life like in Ireland for Tom and Sybil? Do any of the characters ever feel a moment of true despair? What if Matthew had died in the war? What does the future hold for these characters? How did Robert, Cora and Violet get on in the 1890s? What was Carson like with Mary/Edith/Sybil as children? Does it parallel his relationship with their children?
3.      The Good Place
Eleanor Shellstrop Chidi Anagonye Tahani Al-Jamil Jason Mendoza Michael Janet
This is another show I can watch over and over and over. I think Chidi's my favourite but it's hard to be sure. I can tell you I absolutely sobbed during the S3 finale and I was a wreck for the S4 finale. Tug my heartstrings, make me laugh, make me cry, I don't care! I've studied philosophy and despised it so I'll take or leave what you include on that score, I just love the characters. Please include any or all other characters you'd like, but I definitely ship Eleanor/Chidi over Chidi/Simone! Although I'll take angst in that direction too! I don't know, I feel like a kid in a candy store writing this letter: hyper and having trouble deciding between all the possible wonders!
Existential dread? Moments from their human lives? Moments from the good place? Please tell me more about the time knife. Does Michael return to the good place when he dies? Does he reunite with Janet and/or Tahani?
4.      Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre Edward Rochester Adele Varens Ship: Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester
This is my favourite classic novel, I reread it every couple of years, most recently in 2020 for Yuletide. My reading of it changes each time, and I increasingly believe that Rochester is more bad guy than good guy and that Jane Eyre lies as a narrator and is as prejudiced and superior as those she crititcises for the same qualities. But I still love her, and that she says she got a happy ending.
Is Rochester more of a villain? How? How does Adele find school, either the one Rochester sends her to, or the one Jane moves her to? Post-canon happiness? Post-canon unhappiness? A scene from the engagement? A missing moment between the non-wedding and Jane running away? What if the wedding wasn't interrupted? (Full disclosure: I'm writing this too.) Canon divergence for, well, anything? Is Adele separated from Sophie? How does that go, how does she manage?
5.      Memoirs of a Geisha
Nitta Sayuri Mameha Nobu Toshikazu Ship: Nitta Sayuri/Nobu Toshikazu Ship: Mameha/Matsunaga Tsuneyoshi | The Baron
6.      North and South
Margaret Hale John Thornton Hannah Thornton Bessy Higgins Ship: Margaret Hale/John Thornton
7.      Stardew Valley
Female Player Sebastian Shane Harvey Robin Elliott Leah Marlon Ship: Shane/Female Player Ship: Sebastian/Female Player Ship: Lewis/Marnie
Do Sebastian and the farmer go on any more bike rides? How did Lewis and Marnie’s relationship start? Are they ever found out? Why does Lewis want to keep it secret? Why is he such an arsehole to Marnie? Tales of the purple shorts. Tell me more about Harvey’s nerdy hobbies or fear of heights? What happened with Robin and Sebastian’s dad? The horrors of the mines, or the skull cavern? Is Leah frightened by the things that go bump in the night near her home? Is Elliott? Some angst or h/c around a wounded farmer, being found/nursed? Or how about some angst/horror in which... they’re not? Fics about the war with the Gotoro Empire?
8.      Star Trek: Voyager
Kathryn Janeway Chakotay Tuvok Kes Seven of Nine Naomi Wildman
I’ve been a J/C shipper since before I knew shipping was a thing (as a kid, I had all the two-parters, S5&6, and Resolutions on video. Pre-internet, how did I even know which episode Resolutions one? Shippy magic instinct, I guess?) So apart from that ship, or canonical relationships, I would prefer genfic please. I also don’t mind the other Voyager characters so they’re welcome to make an appearance, but these are the ones that interest me.
9.      The West Wing
CJ Cregg Josh Lyman Sam Seaborn Abbey Bartlet Charlie Young Donna Moss Jed Bartlet Leo McGarry Toby Ziegler Zoey Bartlet
Happy writing!
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bookishbrigitta · 4 years
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Happy Father’s Day to some of my favorite fictional dads!
Top-down, left-right:  Tom Branson (Downton Abbey), Jed Bartlet (West Wing), Remus Lupin (Harry Potter), Rory Williams (Doctor Who), Han Solo (Star Wars), Arthur Weasley (Harry Potter), Matthew Cuthbert (Anne of Green Gables), Mr. March (Little Women)
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bepoets · 4 years
Please make an appreciation post for an underrated TWW character
Okay I couldn’t decide if I should do Ellie Bartlet or Kate Harper but I decided to just talk about Ellie because you haven’t reached any Kate episodes yet
Most Underrated Character on The West Wing: ELEANOR “ELLIE” BARTLET. My favorite daughter of President Bartlet’s and honestly I think she’s got some of the most emotional and wonderful scenes. I adore her.
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The Middle daughter of a family where her mother is a star thoracic surgeon and her father who was in congress and then governor and now president and her ancestors basically founded New Hampshire and her older sister is married with kids and could step into the political limelight with ease and her younger sister grew up with the press and the cameras and will talk to anyone and everyone. And then there’s Ellie, reserved and introverted and shy and threw herself into her medical school and her work and hid away from the campaigns and the press because she’s scared she’s frightened and the pressure of everything is so much. Ellie who has this awful strained relationship with her father because they’ve just never really understood each other. Ellie who thinks she’s doing what’s right for science and medicine and for her dad and then she gets yelled at because somehow it’s not and Ellie who’s always been closer with Abbey. Ellie who gets nosebleeds standing up for a book report who couldnt and wouldnt dream of standing in front of the press pool to say anything ever. But Ellie who does it anyway because her mother inspires her and she knows she has to support her field and her research and it deserves to be heard. Ellie who loves her family so much and understands how weird their life is that she basically doesn’t get to plan her wedding at all and that’s fine she’s just really love it if her dad would walk her down the aisle if he could just...be there on time. Ellie who was there for her father, the father who she more often than not sits in unbearable awkward silence with, she was there for him when everyone else really just...wasn’t. Ellie who makes me cry pretty much every single time she’s on screen. I just love that she is very much the black sheep of this family and she obviously feels like she doesn’t quite fit but she still loves them all so much and the staff she’s very obviously close with CJ and I jusg love that. I feel like we could’ve gotten longer story arcs with Ellie also? Zoey gets a lot and when they’re there they’re lengthy, spanning a couple episodes more often than not. Ellie’s are usually like 1 episode long and she doesn’t have that many. Yeah she’s got more than Liz but like Ellie’s just a cooler character in general so. ALSO I simply cannot keep this in any longer...Ellie Bartlet should’ve been gay. I cant explain it but her character just gives off a Vibe or Not Straight and I would have sold my soul for her to be gay okay maybe I’m projecting but whatever I feel like there was perfect setup for it multiple times and then we got Vick the Fruit Fly guy she gets married to like what why why do that to her let her meet a nice pretty girl I’d even live with the drama filled annoying arc of the president and his gay daughter gasp the scandal bit they inevitably would’ve went with in the late 90s early 00s so long as Ellie Bartlet was gay. It’s what we deserved and I’ll die on that hill.
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