#eldritch egos
all-lee24 · 6 months
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St. Trina of the cradle song
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mothgodofchaos · 2 months
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Eldritch murder man.
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The Hunter:
The Hunter takes the form of a serial killer, with moving void-like tattoos on his upper body, heavy scarring, inhuman muscular build, and a large mouth spanning his abdomen. He picks his targets through a method of seeing wrong-doings, offended by anyone "more diabolical" than he is. Once a target is chosen, he will always stay just out of sight, but the target will stay in his. His methods of killing range from supernatural to mechanical, with a preference for using his hands, a knife, and a sniper rifle. He can project his thoughts into the target's mind, move at inhuman speeds to catch up, and appear in new places if barred from reaching his target. It is believed by making the target feel watched constantly, that he exhausts them to the point of exploiting their weakness. He kills them finally by ripping out their heart, feeding it to the mouth on his abdomen, and draining their life force. He enjoys watching the light drain from their eyes, before abandoning the rest of their body.
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painted-bees · 1 year
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Anxiety beach
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jollycryptid · 1 year
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So I made an evil cult leader bard & have been drawing her a lot lately <3
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chaseisglitched · 2 months
How often does anti see his own death happen? Is it surprising? Does he look at Jackie’s face and wonder how this thing is the cause of his demise?
Anti, do you fear death?
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kalcifers-blog · 1 year
Okay straight off the bat- I think Anti has never been human, I think whatever Anti is predates any human currently alive and possibly any human being that existed before then too. Whatever Anti is, it has existed for far longer than any human being could ever feasibly comprehend. But
I don't think they're a "God" or a "Demon" either. I think any terms humans have come up with in the past would only diminish the true scale of whatever Anti truly is. And to truly appreciate what Anti is, is to accept that you'll never fully understand. Whatever goal he might have is quite frankly incomprehensible to humans- it's like an Ant trying to figure out why a human would be mowing a lawn or what a lawnmower even is. All the Ant sees is the violent, gigantic machine beyond anything it's ever seen, tearing apart its home and its colony.
I feel like that's the point of Anti, we all love to theorize and draw meaning to things all the time, because it's human nature to want to know- I think Anti going against that very instinct is what makes him so terrifying. Anti needs us to pay attention, to keep feeding into him to continue to watch to see what he does next- it's like he's trying to get us to find a solution to the problem, knowing that we'll never find it because there never was one to begin with.
I feel as though Anti sticks in like an embedded thorn. One that's dug in so deep under the skin that the top layer has healed over- but the thorn is still there, maddeningly scratching away at your insides as you desperately try to figure out what's wrong. Figuring out the solution to your problem is to tear it out of you.
That's how I imagine Anti is to Chase. A thorn deep inside a long healed wound, only there to twist and pry into him, a sick reminder of the wound long after it's healed.
In my mind- the only real way to stop Antisepticeye realistically within The IRIS Project, is to accept that you never will.
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kevinzhechair · 1 year
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[How did this heretic get here?....]
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florenceisfalling · 7 months
brief realization that depending on your definition my anti counts as having been a prostitute at multiple points in time
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lounaticm · 1 year
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Been a while since I made an eldritch form for one of the Egos, and an idea for Night possessed me a couple days ago, so here he is. He's far bigger than any of the others, but he can shrink himself down if he so chooses.
(The space pattern on his chest is meant to be in his chest, but I couldn't figure out a way to get that to work so...)
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And a close-up so you can see just how tiny my boy is by comparison~ So smol~
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egotankart · 10 months
Eldritch Creature!!
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The names Vilhelm I’m an Anti in the system this is one of my drawings of Antisepticeye as an eldritch creature enjoy.
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
We got ghost! Da but how about eldritch entity! Da? 🤔🤔🤔 I sortof headcannon the da as to be spooky and creepy like dark but more powerful than dark more than they show since they spent the longest in the upside down(?)
The powers or attributes they would have:
Some of them are similar in a way with dark but also different
Like him having the chromatic abberation, instead they would have like whispy smoke like fading (maybe blurry) almost as if you cant see them whole as mostly some parts everywhere are missing and it changes everytime
Also the thing where dark multiplies the screen the da can recreate this but having its own twist and its reflection! Like one of those house of mirrors!! I like to think that there are some barts to be funky ones but some of them are just very spooky. Is it showing the future or what would be the alternative? Who knows! (why is there a rotting corpse do i see??)
Mirrors are definitely their domain! Its dope they can manipulate what they want to show to the people or when the passerby took a quick glance.. yknow just casually make anyone loose their mind >:3
My brain is just cooking up like a very angry ballistic da who have lost to the voices inside the upside down creating havoc and dark just saw them and something snapped in him realizing what he had done and how could they forgotten them. Just like wilford they went mad but in another way >:3
Got to rambling abit i find it pretty cool if the da werent so human-ish and I'm curious about yours! :D
So, my original DA basically did lean a little more eldritch, so I adore seeing more of this! (I wrote...like, 50k words in May and posted it on Ao3)
I'm always so madly in love with these ideas!
I also love all the DA designs that have cracks in them like the mirror as a reflection of that! Or being able to change their appearance to mimic someone, but it's always reflected.
I personally love the same idea of like...Dark's ringing aura but it's the sound of static! (You know when you get to a TV channel that doesn't have anything broadcast to it and it's that hissing sound, and the visual snow? That sound, and the cracks in their skin being that static snow)
I may or may not have also written that mirror so it reflects the DA, Dark, Actor, and Wilford as they were the night of the party, not how they look now.
And Dark's void is just an extension of that place (and yeah I do remember the WKM explanation stream calling it the Upside Down LOL)...
Him going to set a scene for whoever is the Actor's next victim in his stories, to warn them...and instead finding the DA. Broken and dangerous, snarling and unable to hold onto who they were, their form constantly shifting, almost nothing of how they looked before remaining. Violent and giddy about it, because what does it matter in this place they can't escape from? His little monster now a monster.
And it's all his fault.
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chaseisglitched · 10 months
c!Jack wakes up from the coma. Everything is actually okay for once. Or at least for awhile. Chase is the first to actually notice it. Jack is odd. His eyes have a strange shine in certain lighting. The way he speaks and is behavior seems slightly…off? Chase can’t quite remember how Jack used to be before the coma. He wasn’t always like this, right?
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scandalouslamb · 4 months
I know we all want the 4 hour cut of tbosas, but also what I would give to peek into the brain of my best friend and see whatever gestalt funhouse mirror version she has in her head, formulated from her memories of the original trilogy and what I’ve told her of tbosas
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butterfirefly · 1 year
Is that Niko's ego?!?!?!
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dustymansonotome · 2 years
Dusty Plays: Patchwork Ego - Rose's Route
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