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rigel126 · 2 years ago
Goliath Prince - Prologue - Defeating the Boar God Calydos
The start of my novel project.
“My Prince Selim, wake up.” Dragonfly’s soft, measured voice nudged his ears. “We have movement.”
Sixteen-year-old Selim groaned and opened his eyes. If he had his way, he would have loved to sleep a little more on Dragonfly’s lap.
But they had a mission entrusted by his father the Damat. It was Selim’s first and he wasn’t going to fail, so he sat up and looked to where Dragonfly was gazing. “Is it the Boar God?”
“I don’t know yet.” Dragonfly was ethnic Elanite and five years older than Selim. His sole amethyst eye was like an eagle’s searching the landscape. Viewed from the left profile, Dragonfly had quite the handsome face. That is, until one saw the other half of his visage that had been badly burned and took away his right eye.
From their vantage point overlooking a glade and a creek, they spied movement from the bushes beyond them. Selim tightened his grip on his halberd, while Dragonfly slowly drew his throwing blades with his left hand. Selim gulped and could hear his heart pounding in his ears.
To his surprise and relief, it was no boar god that emerged, but a sounder of half a dozen little piglets that dug around the dirt with their snouts or dipped them into the water to drink.
Selim sighed and relaxed. “So much for camping all night here, covered in smelly boarhide.”
“We don’t have a choice. We need to hide our human scent or he’ll never appear.” Dragonfly sheathed back his weapons and sat back down.
Selim stood up to his full height of seven feet and stretched his mighty muscles, groaning and yawning as he did so. He shrugged off his boarhide cape. “Well, I’m going to have a closer look at the piglets. They seem really cute!”
“Be careful, my Prince. The mother is surely nearby and will attack if you get too near to her young.”
“That may not be a bad thing. I’m eager to taste wild boar. You know how us Sanjarid are forbidden from eating swine but I’m curious and you won’t tell me what it tastes like.” Selim descended swiftly from the hill and approached the piglets.
Dragonfly shook his head followed in his master’s footsteps, so to speak. “And don’t lose that boarhide!”
There was a loud cracking sound like thunder. Dragonfly shouted, “Watch out!” and charged, ramming full force into Selim so that they both fell over on the dirt and rolled down the hill.
A mighty tree came crashing down to where the young prince and his servant were just moments earlier and started rolling after them.
Dragonfly rolled to his feet and stood to face the approaching tree-trunk, but Selim suddenly leaped in front of him and brought his massive halberd down. The halberd glowed with concentrated magical energy just as it came into contact with the tree-trunk, which shattered into a thousand wooden splinters that showered harmlessly over the two young men.
“You saved my life, my Prince.”
Selim looked over his shoulder and grinned, hefting his halberd proudly. “Just as you saved mine, my Dragonfly.”
Dragonfly stood up straight and called out to the hilltop. “O Boar God, enough games! Show yourself!”
There was a low, echoing growl, followed by a reverberating voice that seemed to make the earth tremble. “Insolent mortals. You dare trespass in my realm?”
A massive marble-white boar the size of a horse appeared, with menacing and massive tusks. Its eyes shone with a bluish flame.
“Only because your people… uh… boars have been attacking our farmland and peasants!” stormed Selim. “If I had it my way, I’d –“
“Prince Selim!” Dragonfly barked in admonishment. He then addressed the boar god. “We come here to parley and seek a peaceful settlement, not to start more conflict. But before we continue, I am Dragonfly, and this is my master Prince Selim Bey-Effendi, grandson of the Padishah Tefvik Han of Sanjar.” Dragonfly bowed at the waist. “We come as envoys of Sanjar to seek an end to raids by the boar tribes on our farmland and trading posts along the forest frontier, O Divine One.”
“I care not of your human rulers and countries. All I know is that you humans have been felling my forest and killing my kind.” The boar god snorted and tossed back its mane.
“Those actions were in defence against wild boar intrusions onto Sanjarid territory, which had not occurred in the last twenty years. We want to know why the boars have moved closer to our lands, why the attacks? More importantly, what it will take to stop this conflict?”
“Useless talk, human. You have enraged the great Calydos and my brethren of the Five Boar Tribes. We will sweep over your land and wipe out every last human to reclaim our forest.”
“Not on my watch you won’t, you stupid old pig!” shouted Selim, flourishing his halberd.
“Impertinent whelp!”
“Enough!” shouted Dragonfly, planting himself between the two. He turned to Calydos the boar god. “If you will only listen to the language of the jungle, Lord Calydos, so be it. I challenge you to a duel. If you win, feel free to continue with your mission. If I win, you will lead us to the Council of the Five Boar Gods. What say you?”
Calydos lifted his head and roared with laughter. “You are bold, one-armed mortal. Audacious, even, to challenge a god. Do you not fear death?”
“My Dragonfly!” Selim grabbed Dragonfly by his crippled shoulder – Selim was the only one allowed to touch Dragonfly in that manner. “You can’t fight that old pig by –“
“Stop calling me an old pig!” raged Calydos.
“- by yourself. He’ll kill you!”
“Stay alert, my Prince,” whispered Dragonfly. “Look at how the boars are moving.”
From the foliage, more and more boars were appearing from all directions.
“They’re trying to corner us.”
“Exactly, and we need to get you out of here quickly.”
“I’m not leaving you, Dragonfly!”
“Selim! You and Erved Pasha will need to lead the army to stop Calydos if he decides to march on Sanjar.” Dragonfly patted Selim’s massive hand on his shoulder before shrugging free. “I’ll be fine.”
To Calydos, Dragonfly shouted and unsheathed the yatagan from his waist. “Calydos! I challenge you to a duel. Victory is called when the opponent yields or die. Do you accept?”
“If you’re so eager to die, then I’m eager for human blood! Come at me, whelp!”
“You don’t need to say that twice!” Dragonfly dug into his feet and shot forward faster than an arrow fired from a bow.
“Dragonfly!” yelled Selim.
There was a loud clang as Dragonfly and Calydos came to blows, sword against tusk. Dragonfly barrelled forward and rolled to his feet, while Calydos crashed into the dirt and slid a distance, two of his four tusks broken by Dragonfly’s attack.
“Do you yield, Calydos?” demanded Dragonfly, pointing his short-sabre at the boar god.
“Damn you, human!” snarled Calydos. “I’ll have you both trampled to death! My warriors!”
The boars perked up their ears.
“Stand down! All of you!” another voice thundered.
The multitude of boars parted and another boar god appeared, this one with a golden pelt and eyes that shone red like rubies.
“L-Lord Erymanthes!” cried out Calydos.
“You have lost the duel, Calydos. Accept your defeat with what little dignity you have left.”
There was a gurgling sound from Calydos before he sank back into the dirt, conceding defeat.
Selim charged up the hill and hugged Dragonfly off his feet. “You did it, my Dragonfly!” Laughing like a child, he twirled them both in circles.
“My Prince, stop.” But even Dragonfly could not stop a smile from appearing on his scarred face.
Eventually Dragonfly managed to coax Selim to put him down and they both paid their respects to the second boar god.
“I am Erymanthes, and my tribe is the largest and strongest among the Council of the Five Boar Gods,” said the golden-pelted boar god. “What business do you have with us, human?”
Selim and Dragonfly smiled in victory and nodded at each other.
“Great Lord Erymanthes, we come as envoys from the Empire of Sanjar…”
End of Chapter
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abstracthell · 3 years ago
MANURE® -Energetic System for Manifestation http://liuny.isoworld.0lx.net/manure.php#manure-explain-it-to-me
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chilly-twigs-n-leafs · 4 years ago
LMAO I forgot to post this-
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This is my second ever decentish finished digital art huehue-
•made in IbisPaint X (the free version)
•made with XP-Pen Star G640S
•made on my screen-cracked hand me down phone
•references used: none
•bases used: none
Time lapse under cut: (T.W for speeding and average flash at end & beginning)
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moodboardmix · 8 years ago
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“Cracked”, Solomon and Wu. Elenite and Metal.
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foggynightdonut · 4 years ago
The “Elanites Sinus” in Figure 1 is a distorted Gulf of Aqaba with its head or terminus is at “Elana” (blue arrow). The white area of Arabia Petraea ends at this point. The locale of Midian within Arabia Felix can be inferred from the Ptolemaic towns of Macna and Madiama (red arrows) which correspond with the historic Midian towns of Maqna and Al-bad’, the latter being the Madyan of the medieval Arab geographers. Midian was also placed in Arabia Felix by the 1st-century AD Jewish historian Josephus (AD 37-ca. 100) (cf. Ant. I.xv.1 and Ant. II.xi.2).
Hence, the “Arabia” of Eusebius’ is logically Arabia Petraea, if Midian was located “…beyond Arabia to the south in the desert of the Saracens, east of the Red sea” (Eusebius et al. 2003, 70). More specifically, it could have been the Roman Provincia Arabia portion of Arabia Petraea, which was created when the Romans annexed the Nabataean kingdom in AD 106 as a frontier province (Bowersock 1971 & 1983).
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abstracthell · 3 years ago
ENERGETICA® CODER® -Spiritual Attunement for creating spiritual systems, ZHER FREELE® http://liuny.isoworld.0lx.net/about-energetica-coder.php
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chilly-twigs-n-leafs · 5 years ago
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Aaayy, it has been officially 1 year ever since Steven Universe: The Movie aired!
[As always, click on the picture for more quality and please ask for permission to repost!]
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lenaglittleus · 7 years ago
10 of the Best Exercises for Upper Back Workouts
On the list of often overlooked, but vitally important muscles, are those of the upper back. Why? Because it’s easy to skimp on them in favor of toning the more impressive muscles, like your legs or arms. But just because you can’t easily see the muscles doesn’t mean you should pass on upper back workouts. According to Amanda Dale, ACE-certified trainer and sports nutritionist, strong upper back muscles set your body up for success by helping with increased mobility in sports, regular exercise, and daily life. Luckily, there are plenty of upper back exercises found in many of our popular Beachbody On Demand workouts to help you strengthen those muscles.
A strong upper back is also critical for good posture, adds Elanit Friedman, Beachbody’s director of fitness and wellness. “We tend to sit slouched over in front of a computer all day, or staring down at our phones,” she says. This hunched posture can lead to shoulder and neck stiffness or soreness, as well as more intense back pain. That’s why it’s key to adopt a consistent upper back workout routine to reduce your risk of back injury, improve your mobility, and boost your overall strength.
 10 of the Best Upper Back Exercises You Can Do at Home
If you can’t make your way to the gym for an upper back workout, don’t stress. You can easily build up your upper back strength at home with little to no equipment. A resistance band and pair of dumbbells allows you to do a variety of upper back exercises to shred your muscles. “Another surefire upper-back blaster is to install a pull-up bar in your doorway — and challenge yourself to use it every time you pass through,” Dale adds. (Check out some tips to help you get better at pull-ups.)
Here are 10 of the best upper back exercises compiled from popular Beachbody On Demand workout programs to get you started.
1. Arm balance row
Appears in: 22 Minute Hard Corps – Resistance 3
Benefits: “This move works your upper back muscles, as well as your shoulders and core,” Friedman says.
Holding a dumbbell in each hand, start in a high plank position with your wrists under your shoulders and your head, hips, and heels in a straight line.
Pull your right hand to your ribcage then fully extend it to the sky as you twist to the right side. Make sure your arm extends directly over your shoulder and not behind you.
Return to the high plank position then repeat on the other side.
Continue alternating, doing equal reps on both sides.
2. Rocket launcher row
Appears in: P90X3– Eccentric Upper
Benefits: This move targets your rhomboids, lats, and erector spinae, while also working your core, Dale explains.
Stand holding two dumbbells at your sides and take a big step forward with your left leg, bending it to assume a deep lunge position, keeping your right leg straight.
Bend forward at your hip, attempting to lay your torso on top of your left thigh. Let your arms hang on either side of your left leg, palms facing each other.
Keeping your back straight and your abs contracted, bring the dumbbells to the outside of your ribs while keeping your elbow close to your side.
Slowly release back down and repeat.
3. Resistance rows
Appears in: The 20s – I Do Strength
Benefits: Resistance rows are simple but effective. They work your entire upper back and your deltoid muscles, Friedman says,
Stand with your feet hip-width apart on the center of a resistance band. Wrap one end around each foot and cross the handles.
Bend your knees slightly and lean your chest forward slightly, keeping your back straight.
Keep your core engaged and your back straight as you pull your hands up to your rib cage, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top.
Release your arms and repeat.
4. Wide bent-over row
Appears in: Shaun Week – Insane Weights
Benefits: The wide bent-over row is an excellent way to target your lats, while also hittting your delts and your core, Friedman says.
Holding a set of dumbbells, stand with your feet hip-width apart and a slight bend in your knees.
Bend at the hips and lean your chest forward until it’s parallel with the ground, keeping your back straight and your core engaged. Let your arms hang down with your palms facing your shins.
Drive your elbows up and out, forming a goal post with your arms and squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull back.
Release your arms down and repeat.
5. Lunge row with crunch
Appears in: 21 Day Fix– Dirty Dozen
Benefits: This move is a total-body exercise — not only does it engage your traps, rhomboids, and rear delts, it works your core and leg muscles, too.
Stand holding two dumbbells at your sides. Take a big step forward with your left leg, bending it to assume a deep lunge position, keeping your right leg straight.
Bend forward at your hip, attempting to lay your torso on top of your left thigh. Let your arms hang straight down to the sides of your left leg, palms facing each other.
Keeping your back straight and your abs contracted, bring the dumbbells to the outside of your ribs while keeping your elbow close to your side.
Release your arms down as you drive your right knee up toward your chest for a crunch.
Place your left back into the lunge position and repeat.
Do equal reps on both sides.
6. One-arm row
Appears in: The Master’s Hammer and Chisel – Max Hammer Strength
Benefits: By working one arm at a time, this move helps identify muscle imbalances you may have in your upper back and eliminate dominant-side compensation, Dale says.
Holding a dumbbell in your right hand, place your other hand on a bench or stability ball in front of you. Step your right leg back keeping it straight, and bend your left leg slightly. Lean your chest forward, keeping your back flat.
Drive your elbow up, bringing the dumbbell to your ribcage.
Release your arm down and repeat.
Do equal reps on both sides.
7. Reverse fly
Appears in: Body Beast– Build: Back and Bis
Benefits: “This move is incredible for developing the smaller muscles of the upper back, as well as improving overall posture,” says Dale.
Holding a set of dumbbells, sit on a bench or stability ball. With your feet flat on the ground, hinge at the waist to lean forward slightly, and bring your dumbbells behind your calves, palms facing each other.
With a slight bend at the elbow, raise your arms outward and squeeze your shoulder blades, keeping your palms facing the floor.
Release your arms slowly and repeat.
8. Vaulter pull-up
Appears in: P90X3 – The Challenge
Benefits: The vaulter pull-up is a killer way to challenge multiple areas of your upper body, including your back, shoulders and biceps, Friedman explains.
Grip a pull-up bar with one hand facing forward and one hand facing backward.
Pull yourself upward until your chin clears the bar, keeping your back straight and core tight as you pull yourself up.
Lower yourself until your arms straight, and repeat.
Too tough? Use a pull-up assist band to make it easier.
9. Wide leg close-grip chin-up
Appears in: P90X2 – Base and Back
Benefits: This move targets your middle and upper back muscles, while also relying on strength from your biceps, Friedman says. The real challenge? Separating your legs keeps your core engaged the entire time.
Take an underhand grip on a pull-up bar.
Keeping your legs stretched wide in an upside down “V” position, pull yourself upward until your chin clears the bar, keeping your back straight and core tight as you pull yourself up.
Lower yourself until your arms straight, and repeat.
10. Dumbbell pullover
Appears in: The Master’s Hammer and Chisel – Total Body Chisel
Benefits: This move is a great way to work your lats, while also strengthening your shoulders and core, Friedman explains. “It’s great for beginners because it teaches your core to stabilize upper body movement,” Dale adds.
Holding a set of dumbbells, lay with your back flat on a bench or stability ball.
With your feet planted on the ground and your core engaged, extend your arms to the sky, holding the dumbbells together above your chest.
With a slight bend in your elbows, slowly lower your arms overhead until your biceps reach your ears.
Slowly bring your arms back to above your chest and repeat.
How do you strengthen your upper back?
When it comes to building and toning your upper back , it helps to know the exact areas you’re targeting. Here’s a brief overview of the back muscles.
Back Anatomy
The major muscles of the upper back are the trapezius (a kite-shaped muscle that runs vertically along your upper spine and fans out toward your shoulders), the rhomboids (the diamond-shaped muscles that activate the shoulder blades), the latissimus dorsi (the fan-shaped muscle originating at your mid and lower back and attaching to your upper arms), and the erector spinae (which run down the entirety of the spinal column from the neck to the lower back), Dale explains.
Together, these muscles allow you to lift, press, row, and pull during your workouts and daily activities, like sitting at your desk and carrying heavy grocery bags.
For a stronger, more defined back, Dale recommends working these structural upper back muscles at least twice a week, and more often if you struggle with chronic lumbar pain or scoliosis. “The important thing to remember is that the upper back is already a place where most people hold tension–especially those who sit at a desk–so you’ll want to keep your weights light to moderate when you exercise,” Dale says.
How do you stretch your upper back and neck?
Combat tight upper back muscles by stretching them after each workout, and even on days when you don’t work out. To do this, Dale recommends rolling your neck slowly from side to side, then moving into a cat-cow pose to warm up your upper back. “After a workout, an outstretched child’s pose can stretch the upper back and shoulders while allowing the neck to release,” she explains. Foam rolling is another way to target your upper back muscles, and you can check out these additional nine shoulder and neck stretches.
The Right Fuel to Build Upper Back Muscle
After you sweat it out, it’s important to fuel your body with enough protein to help your muscles grow and recover. As a general rule, Dale recommends consuming at least half gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. For a quick, nutritious post-workout option, try Beachbody Performance Recover. Each serving has 20 grams of high-quality whey protein, which studies show can help facilitate strength gains, plus pomegranate extract to help reduce muscle soreness. More gain, less pain…that’s a win!
from News About Health https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/blog/upper-back-workouts-exercises
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peanutbuddylove · 9 years ago
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ahhh. mama’s book club. a favorite pastime, a favorite group of women. (starting at my right: clover, maggie, keegan, noel, deborah, jain, hannah, elanit, tala, me.)
dec 2015
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vieaulette · 2 years ago
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revisions to elanites
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chilly-twigs-n-leafs · 5 years ago
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First post and Happy belated Pride month😖😌 1/?
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chilly-twigs-n-leafs · 4 years ago
A little sketch practice with my new tablet..
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The head is kinda not in proper shape but I'm sort of proud of this at the same time. Heh
[Click for better quality]
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chilly-twigs-n-leafs · 5 years ago
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I can only offer my art of Human Pearl as an apology for being inactive 😔
(Also, I planned to draw her only till her waist but my hand kept drawing from break to break. Thus, the wonkiness. If you notice any wonky thing, that is.)
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