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lupes-hat · 2 months ago
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bobbin lace loon i made earlier this year :)
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ivvyela · 4 months ago
can’t wait to see billy sitting with the young avengers trying his best to ignore his loving ghost mom being an asshole in the corner
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haveyoureadthistransbook · 9 days ago
I found 3 bundles on itch.io currently on sale featuring trans characters in at least some of the books:
Monsters, Mecha, and Greek Myth: 10 books, $15, cyberpunk, sci-fi, horror, centered around the Gunmetal Olympus Series, with the main book The Hades Calculus by Maria Ying, mostly trans women afaik (+ lesbian characters)
Ela Bambust Science Fiction Bundle: 7 books, 10$, sci-fi, many trans women (+ lesbian characters)
Claudie's Aro Week 2025: 6 books, $15, sale for Aro Week, fantasy + solarpunk, works by Claudie Arseneault, Baker Thief has a genderqueer character, Awakenings has a nonbinary character (+ obviously aromantic and aroace characters!)
Enjoy :)
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zukkaoru · 9 months ago
souheki is princess4princess
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vickyvicarious · 2 years ago
My favorite bit of the episode today was the tone in Lucy's voice when she said, "As to the tall, curly-haired man, I suppose it was the one who was with me at the last Pop." It's so obviously playfully polite and coy and 'well, let me see...' and then she moves on quite politely - only to burst back in a little later with calling him Arthur once she is more relaxed and just kind of discussing her thoughts casually (because she obviously thinks of him by first name). And as soon as she does, of course she can't help but admit the rest, blurting it out eagerly and delightedly. Just like Mina, Lucy too can't speak freely with most people, but Mina isn't most people.
Also the absolute love in her voice when she says Mina. It's wonderful.
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bri-cheeses · 10 months ago
| May 7nth | Prompt: Lush | Word Count: 538 | @rosekillermicrofic |
This had always been one of Evan’s favorite times of year, when the snows melted and made way for new plants to spring up. There was simply something magical about it all, about the way the earth was born new again each year. And somehow it resonated with Evan every time it happened.
He thought of these things as he looked around at his surroundings and breathed in deeply, enjoying the beginning of spring. The fresh air smelled of water, infused with a dewy scent left over from this morning, and the grass all around was lush and green.
It matches Barty’s eyes, Evan thought.
The boy in question was down by the edge of the lake, a grin across his features as he splashed Regulus with the cool water.
Evan smiled at the sight, then leaned his head against the tree he was sitting by, feeling content to just sit there with the sun warming his skin.
He had been sitting there for anywhere from a single minute to ten when he heard a rustling noise next to him.
“Shhh,” Barty quietly shushed whoever was with him. Evan knew they were trying to sneak up on him, but frankly he wanted to see how this would play out.
So he kept his eyes closed and waited, making a valiant effort to keep the amused smile off his face.
“Boo!” Hands landed on Evan’s shoulders, heavy and startling. His heart leapt in his chest as his eyes shot open and he took in Barty’s own green eyes pinned on him, entirely too close.
The world faded slightly as they stared at each other. Barty didn’t make any move to retract his hands from Evan’s shoulders, and Evan’s mouth went dry.
Evan licked his lips. He felt shaken all of the sudden and needed to do something, anything in order to break that tension between them.
That’s when Barty’s eyes fell to Evan’s mouth.
A breath hitched in Evan as Barty’s hands slid slightly further down and closer to his chest.
“Bee…” Evan whispered. He didn’t want to break this moment, but they were in public. Besides, Evan was probably just kidding himself, anyways, his cruel brain supplying actions and events that weren’t actually true, that didn’t actually mean anything.
The sound of his own name seemed to bring Barty back to himself. He shook his head like a dog attempting to dry itself, then snatched his hands back as if Evan’s skin was burning him. Evan regretted the absence of his warmth as soon as it was gone.
Barty chuckled awkwardly. “Got you,” he said. His voice wavered only slightly.
Evan laughed, but it sounded false even to his own ears. “That you did,” he said, then clapped a hand on Barty’s shoulder and pushed himself up.
“Anyways, I, uh…” he searched for some excuse, “got to get back to the castle and… study.”
Get it together, Rosier, Evan cursed himself. Really, it was pathetic how one tiny touch from Barty affected him this much.
Barty looked slightly lost. “Yeah. Sure.”
Evan waited for more, but once it became clear that Barty had no more to say, he bent down to pick his bag up, then made his way back to the castle.
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conceptofjoy · 5 months ago
Where are you..we miss you conceptofjoy
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blue-thief · 6 months ago
it's been so long since i've properly sat down to read a fic im gonna be ill /pos
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lilolilyr · 1 month ago
What Mando’a have you learned yet?
Heh I know I said on my rec list here that I remember 90 words and that was true at the time but because I take ages to reply to asks it's been a while, so let's see what I still remember now, I've mostly read clone wars fic lately, nothing with that much Mando'a...
Gonna try to structure this a bit to try and remember more. Also btw this is definitely just what I remember from what I've learned via fic reading osmosis, so take this with a grain of salt, for actual Mando'a knowledge there are a couple online dictionaries you could check out!
...I've spent 35 minutes trying to remember All The words xDxD fandom brainrot much lmao, why can't I get obsessed with like an actual useful language xD anyway lots of words below the cut, indeed over 90! Lots of words on weapons and family which tracks with Mandalorian culture xD but also a whole bunch of other random words!
Mando'a - Mandalorian language, manda'yaim - planet Mandalore, mando'ade - mandalorians (children of Mandalore), Manda - the mandalorian Force (the council of fallen mandalorian warriors), kara - stars/the Force, jetii - Jedi, jetiise - Jedi plural, dar'jetii - darksider/sith, aruueti - outsider or traitor, dar'manda - no longer mandalorian, demagolka - monstrous criminal
Counting 10 words
Weapons and stuff:
Buy'ce - helmet, beskat - sword, beskar'gam - armor, kar'ta beskar - heart of the armor, jetii'kad - lightsaber, kom'rk - vambraces, hal'cabure - chest plate, cabur - guardian, arane - also guardian/protector? Not sure whether there's a difference, ramikad - fighter, ori'ramikaade - supercommandos, deece - gun
Counting 12 words
Aliit - family, ad - child(son/daughter), adiik - child, ikaad - baby/infant/toddler, vod(e) - sibling(s), buir(e) - parent(s), ad'vod - nibling, ba'vodu - aunt/uncle, ba'buir - grandparent
Counting 9 words
Riduruuk - marriage (vows), riduur - spouse, cyare - beloved, cyar'ika - darling, copikla - cute
Counting 5 words
Jobs & skills:
Baar'ur: healer/medic, mir'baarur - therapist/mindhealer, hibir - student, baji - teacher, bajuri - teach/educate/raise, goran - blacksmith, alor - leader, mand'alor - mandalorian king
Counting 8 words
Body parts:
Shebs - ass, kar'ta - heart, tal - blood
Counting 3 words (and I can't believe I forgot the words for head and chest and limbs. Also a bunch of words are used for private parts but most of them I'm sure are made up slang like deece (gun) for dick so I won't count those xD)
Dikut - idiot, mir'shebs - smartass, shabuir - motherfucker, din'la - crazy, hut'uun - (goddamn I can't speak English anymore. The opposite of brave???)
Counting 5 words
Yaim - home, kar'yai - living room, Khedabe - keep/city of Keldabe, khi'khedabe - little Keldabe (the enclave on Coruscant), Coruscanta - planet coruscant
Counting 5 words
Pronouns etc:
Gar - you, ni - I, mhi - we, sa - mine
Counting 4 words
Kyr - death, gai - name, solus - one/alone, tome - together, dar'tome - apart, haat - truth, evaar - new, ijaat - honor, haa'it - vision, kyr'tayl - know, darasuum - forever, jate - good, ori'jate - very good, ori'haat - promise, ni ceta - I kneel (an apology), nayc - no, elek - yes, nu draar - no way!/not possible, an - all, bar - and, dinui - share, tuur - day, var'tuur - morning (new day), shereshoy - lust for life, ne'tra gal - (a strong alcohol), tingilaar - (a spicy stew), tihaar - (an alcoholic beverage), shig - (a mandalorian spice tea), olarum - welcome, oya - let's go, cin - white, tra - black,
Counting 32 words
So unless I've counted wrong we're at 93 words. Not bad! Pretty close to my guess from a month ago, and I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some in the meantime (or just can't think of them right now, there are always some that I can translate when I see the English word but can't think of when making a list in one go), so it's actually more than I expected!
+ these phrases etc:
Haat' mando'ade/haat'ade - true Mandalorians (Jaster Mereel's fraction), evaar('mando)'ade - new mandalorians backed by the Republic led by the Kryze family, kyr'stad - deathwatch (terrorists)
Jate var'tuur - good morning, Gai bel Manda: Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad - adoption vow: I know your name as my child, riduruuk: mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mi me'nidui an, mhi bajuri verde - marriage vows: we are one together, we are one apart, we share all, we will raise warriors, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I will now you forever (I love you)
I don't quite know this one yet: 'today is a good day for someone else to die', it's a saying for going into a battle, especially when it's for revenge
Thank you for the ask xD
Edit: yeah looking at my list from the last time I counted my vocab there are a bunch of really easy ones I've forgotten to list here
Me'ven - what, Me'vaar (ti gar) - anything new? (Hey, how's it going), Su'cuy gar/su'cuy - hi (still alive), Returce'mhi/ret - bye (let's meet again), mandokarla - has Mandalorian spirit, udeesi - calm (down), Cin vetin - blank slate (white fields), Nasaade - nameless/clanless, Dha'kad - darksaber, Dral'han - mandalorian excision, ven'alor - next in line to lead, ven'riduur - fiancé, Mesh'la - beautiful, Osik - Shit, Kute - Bodysuit, Naas - nothing/nope (I'm fine), jare'la - stupidly brave
So def over a hundred word mandalorian vocab, just from reading too much fic xD
Also I remember the words Koyaci and Kandosi but I don't remember what they mean??? Gotta look them up one of these days
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lupes-hat · 10 months ago
i've been working on a depiction of a bufflehead in bobbin lace lately. i had some ambitious ideas about what sort of effects i would be able to create. like i'm still proud of what i've done but it doesn't look as cool as i had hoped
this is the reference image:
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Picture credit: Mick Thompson
and this is what i have made so far:
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i chose rose ground for the wings bc it's a cool looking stitch. problem is, it makes the wings appear spotted, like a loon. i know what stitch to use to make a loon body now though, so that's a positive. originally, i intended to just do cloth stitch all in black to create a solid mass and rose ground for the white body. i changed my mind bc i thought it was too simple and boring. should have followed the plan. oh well
the reflection of the duck in the water i did using cloth stitch; the workers (running vertically) are blue and the passives (horizontally) white. i did this to try to mimic how the rings of tiny waves kind of break up the reflection and create lateral lines in the photo. this might have worked better if i did a far closer weave (idk if there's a proper term for that). this part was supposed to go farther down the duck's body, but the workers broke :( and i had to undo a couple rows to get enough slack to make a knot :(. overall, i'm okay with how this looks, though
and the head. one of the most striking elements of the duck in the photo is its iridescent head. i'm using black workers and colorful passives to try to recreate this. the issue i have with it so far is how solid it is compared to the rose ground of the back. it makes the back seem even more spotty. i'm trying to reserve judgement on how the head looks until i've finished it. hopefully the white patch on the head will make it look more bufflehead-y than loon-y. also, i think i'll try a tally to depict the eye, which i've never done before. i've heard tallies can be difficult to tension, so it's so good i'm doing one for the first time as part of a large project lmao
another problem i've created for myself is that i'm using polyester thread. i heard i can block it by steaming it. hopefully that will hold the shape. i've added an element of danger to this project by not testing this on a smaller piece first
i still have to finish the head, do the body (idk why i left the middle piece until last), and decide if i should fill in the water or leave it empty. i'm treating this an as experiment and a learning experience. my goal is to create a bunch of imperfect bobbin lace, rather than getting stuck on one piece
i think i might make a loon next, since the rose ground seems to work so well. my lace society encourages members to enter at least one lace piece in a state or county fair each year, and i think a loon might be popular among potential judges. since it's for competition, i'll actually have to plan that one out impeccably
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ivvyela · 7 months ago
listen idk what to think of rdj as doctor doom but i DO know the irondad & spider-son ao3 tag is about to get crazy
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ela-arts · 5 months ago
"From the instant you woke up in a dark room surrounded by flowers and no memories you had only one surety: that you had to get to Great Britain. Once you reached that goal you earned a few more in the form of unwelcome gifts: a mask that told you your name and face were not welcome and a mentor who filled you with a sense of loathing that you could be assured would not dissipate easily.
Lastly, and this one was quite new, you were sure the man across the street from you was familiar."
Some MDRyuu in honor of ryuubowlweek
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leaf4e · 6 months ago
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Designed my other oc by making a skin
Download here or under the cut:
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polisena-art · 5 months ago
vc acha q o donald humano tem que tipo de voz? no caso, tom de voz mais "realista", p mim ele ainda tem voz fanha, mas acho que a voz dele pato seria muito cartunesco na verdade, qual seu headcanon de voz para todos os tres caballeros humanos? quais seus headcanons sobre linguajar, sotaque? adoro suas artes!
Ai, muito obrigada, amigo ❤️!! Então, eu meio que já respondi essa pergunta, pelo menos em relação ao Donald kkkk Cê pode ver a resposta aqui. Já pro Panchito e pro Zé, na minha opinião, não tem vozes melhores que as originais do filme, ou seja, do José Oliveira e do Joaquín Garay. Eu também sou fã da voz do Panchito na dublagem em espanhol latino original, que foi do Felipe Turich! Acho que deu uma vibe mais amigável e animada pra ele, o que eu amo! Quanto a trejeitos e sotaques... Eu só posso falar mais do Zé mesmo. A única coisa que eu imagino diferente é o sotaque carioca mais marcado com gírias (mais atualizadas) aqui do RJ. Daria uma vibe 200% mais malandra pra ele automaticamente kkkk Já o Panchito pra mim passa a impressão de que 1. adora falar e conversar e 2. se falar tem que se mexer. Então ele me parece uma pessoa que gesticularia bastante ou então encostaria bastante nos amigos enquanto faz a "palestra" dele KKKK
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evany-star · 5 months ago
know the difference
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morangoowada · 5 months ago
I will state here that if any like ANY of my followers needs some help with research, cultural or historical aspects about Brazil or maybe just my opinion about a certain topic PLEASE ask me I am going crazy at people at people getting things about my country wrongly. I may not be an expert of the culture of every state around here but I'll do my best to help. JUST DON'T DO THINGS WITHOUT RESEARCH OR THE OPINION OF A BRAZILIAN. DAMN
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