#doing it on my one day off before school properly starts 💀💀
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blue-thief · 6 months ago
it's been so long since i've properly sat down to read a fic im gonna be ill /pos
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quintessenceofdust88 · 27 days ago
đŸ€ Bathena 💀💀💀💀
🎃 BuckTommy
Hi Becca!! Thank youuuu for the prompts, these were so much fun!!!
đŸ„ for Bathena (I'll admit this one gave me pause hehe, so I hope you like what I came up with!!)
The noise of the karaoke bar is deafening, but Bobby’s having a lot of fun. He’s laughing as he sips his club soda and watches as Tommy and Buck come down from the stage after signing an actually very soft rendition of what Hen informed Bobby was a High School Musical song. And now Chimney is trying to convince Bobby to sing, which is. Not gonna happen. He doesn’t sing in public, and there is nothing or no one who can make him change his mind. 
Well, except for one person, and Chimney probably knows that. "Athena!" Chim exclaims when he spots her and Maddie coming back from the restroom. "Will you tell your husband he has to sing? He’s the only one who hasn’t!”
Athena raises an eyebrow at Bobby, and he gives her an unimpressed look. She sits down by his side, taking a sip of her wine, and shrugs at Chimney. 
“Don’t bother, Chim. I don’t think there’s much we can do if my husband’s too much of a chicken to sing out in public.”
There’s a collective ‘ooooohhhh’ going around the table, and all of his team, plus Maddie, Tommy and Karen, are smirking at Bobby. He feels his cheeks blush, and he raises an eyebrow at Athena, crossing his arms. 
“‘Chicken’? Really?” He says, and Tommy and Chim snicker at each other.
“Are you gonna pull a Marty McFly, Cap? The whole ‘nobody calls me a chicken’ thing?” Tommy snarks, and Buck and Eddie start making silly chicken noises. But before they can do it for too long, Athena raises a finger at them, giving them the look. The pair of them stop immediately, looking like properly chastised children. 
“First of all, back off. He’s my chicken.” Athena says, kissing his cheek, and she manages to make it sound like a good thing. Then she smirks at him. “But you know how to make them stop, baby.”
Bobby looks at her, then at the microphones, then back at her. And with Athena smiling at him like that, her beautiful eyes looking at him filled with love and joy despite her teasing, singing in public doesn’t seem so terribly scary anymore. 
“How about we make a duet out of it?” He suggests, and she laughs at first, but then realizes he’s serious. She smiles amazed at him. 
“Are you for real?”
“Unless you don’t wanna sing with a chicken?” He teases, and she rolls her eyes, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“C’mon, chicken. Let’s show this children how it’s done”
(Bucktommy under the cut!)
- 🎃
It's a matter of revenge, really. Eddie had the audacity to say Buck and Tommy were sappy just because they had a little 'No, you hang up' moment during their mutual 48-hour shifts. So, as the little shits they are, they decide they are sappy, that's their thing now. And that they're going to be ridiculously sappy next time they have Eddie over. "Want a beer, Eddie?" Tommy asks from the kitchen, watching as Eddie and Evan keep trying to overtake each other on Mario Kart.
"Yeah, thanks man!" Eddie says distractedly, and Tommy smirks to himself, figuring out how he can get his boyfriend to win.
"And you, Pumpkin?" He asks, his voice as sugary as possible.
It works, too; Eddie drops his controller, looking at them with his mouth agape. Evan, already knowing Tommy had something like this in mind, just smirks and crosses the finish line. Then, he bats his eyelashes at Tommy. "Absolutely, Pumpkin, you're the best" He says, making kissy noises, and Eddie stares between the two of them. "...I hate you both" He grumbles, and Tommy and Evan smirk at each other. The trouble is: they aren't quite able to stop there. At first they only called each other 'Pumpkin' in front of Eddie, but one day, it's just the two of them at home, and Tommy is distracted with a book, so he barely notices what he's saying. "Pumpkin, can you take the trash out?" He says, and Evan stops in his tracks.
It takes Tommy a while to notice he's standing in front of him, a small smirk playing on his face. He frowns at his boyfriend. "What?" "Nothing." Evan says, and then places a kiss on his cheek. "Pumpkin." It's only then that Tommy realizes what he saids, and he can't help but laugh. He pulls Evan down so he lies on his lap, both trash and book forgotten for the moment, and Tommy kisses him. "For the record, I blame Eddie" He clarifies, and Evan laughs, kissing the tip of his nose. "Me too, pumpkin." He teases, and Tommy pinches his arm in retaliation. Evan squirms away with a laugh. "But... you know what? It's kinda cute." "It is." Tommy easily agrees. "We are pretty cute, aren't we, pumpkin?"
"We are." Evan nods resolutely, kissing Tommy soundly. "I love you, pumpkin." "I love you too." Tommy says. -- Becca I really hope you like those, baby! I tried to do something different for the ideas! Ily ♄♄
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vhstown · 1 year ago
pavitr prabhakar ★ general headcanons
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content/warnings: implied/mentions of death (his parents+uncle), mentions of bullying, gayatri x pavitr, written by a coconut who is not indian PLS CORRECT ME!!
a/n: the sunny boy himself... (ugly crying) I LOVE HIM. loosely based off of the scraps of canon that i could find. maybe a little projection... (i am desi) atsv version pavitr! written at midnight and not very edited 💀
For some background, Pavitr was born in Southern India (likely Tamil Nadu or Kerala) so one of his first languages was Tamil! A village / small town boy at heart.
After his parents passed at a young age he moved to Mumbattan with his Aunt Maya and Uncle Bihm (of course) and it is very very different!!!
Obviously Pavitr has to learn Hindi and Marathi properly in order to fit in AND English my boy has to be multi-lingual from the start...
Even from early on Pavitr was bullied because he didn't fit in with the city kids. Gets called pagal Prabhakar (crazy Prabhakar — a bit like puny Parker?) and a slew of other names because of his accent, how he mixes up the languages, and the fact that he lives with his aunt and uncle rather than his parents.
Eventually by the time he's in his early teens he "assimilates" in terms of the language and culture but he's a scrawny kid so he still gets bullied... kids are ruthless bro don't you got the JEE to study for 💀
God forbid if anyone found out about his emo phase at that time... Pavitr's just getting onto social media and when he sees the emo subculture he just takes it and runs. (He stops out of embarassment when his Aunt Maya finds out why he's stealing her kajal... There are photos out there somewhere.)
Also meets Gayatri during his lil emo phase. Definitely a chill popular girl and definitely sticks up for him (it's giving Indian Forest Gump... does anyone know about that adaptation 😭)
He's a bit hesitant about Gayatri at first since the popular kids kind of dogpile on him all the time but eventually they become a little duo and he crushes HARD
Enter hopeless romantic Pavitr he is the embodiment of the song "Love Spell" by Param Pannu (Spotify link it's a BOP)
Plus you know he's in love when he admits he had an emo phase to you... in the middle of his emo phase. (Gayatri has all those pictures saved by the way.)
Then comes Mumbattan Visions Academy!! (according to the wiki that's where he goes.)
Of course we know that Pavitr is quite naturally smart so the entrance exam is no problem (RAFFLE BOY like Miles 😊😊😊)
But he is so super concerned about getting in with Gayatri so a few weeks before the exams they're studying together (doing anything but study)
My girl Gayatri is trying to help him out and he has no idea what she's saying and she's so smart and literally knows twice the amount of info you need to know so my boy Pavitr is sweating BULLETS the day before (exam is so easy he thinks he's sitting the wrong one LMAO)
Pavitr does NOT want to stay at the dorms he'll defo miss his auntie and uncle too much (and his auntie's cooking) but he begrudgingly goes anyway...
Enter NADEESH (his universe's Ned counterpart I totally just made up...)
They're roomies and Nadeesh is from Bengal and they actually bond quite easily considering they're not from Mumbattan he's a STEM boy and has a love/hate relationship with it (super smart though maybe just not at school... gadget stuff đŸ˜±)
Pavitr doesn't know a LICK of Bangla but Nadeesh teaches him some perhaps to rizz up Gayatri... (they're all vulgar or swear words or words Pavitr picked up from hearing Nadeesh's mum speak on the phone 💀)
SPEAKING OF GAYATRI yeah she's slaying school and also has a lil modelling thing going on too. STEM girlie and fashion girlie and knows multiple languages (her father knows a couple considering he's an officer)
Pavitr is a hopeless romantic but he's just hopeless when he asks her out in Bangla trying to be cool and doesn't realise he called her a whore... (he's so going to kill Nadeesh.)
She finds it HILARIOUS though and they start dating and everyone lived happily ever after and NO ANCIENT YOGI TIME MY BOY IS SPIDER-MAN NOW đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż
I think Pavitr's initial approach to being Spider-Man is very... impractical. Given he's just gotten his powers and gotten his naturally buff abilities and always amazing hair (yes that is part of his powers) (yes he asked the yogi for it), he's very spontaneous and disorganised. He probably has the stupidest most impractical suit and sweats like HELL in it (kind of like the one in the comics?) My boy's grades kind of take a hit and so does his little freshman year relationship with Gayatri.
My guy Nadeesh is chill though he knows instantly like Pavitr isn't subtle about it... (they're both night owls and Nadeesh is like cramming asf and Pavitr swings in without thinking and he's just like... "okay dude I have a physics exam tomorrow idgaf 😭 wait but that so cool though can I help—")
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a— Okay his Uncle Bihm dies. You know how it goes.
Gayatri breaks up with him (it's exam season and she wants to "take a break".) His uncle is dead. He's flunking school (for real this time) Emo phase 2? Maybe not...
Pavitr ends up spending a lot more time with Maya and while he's a little irrationally spiteful he learns the importance of taking care of the little family he has left. Pavitr doesn't have the privilege of that multi-generational village household he had back when he was young, or parents like the rest of his classmates. It's just him and his aunt in that little apartment, a speck in the whole of Mumbattan, the place he has to protect and call home now.
Okay that got sad real fast but HE CHERISHES HIS AUNT hence why he always makes time to have chai with her, no matter how busy he is or how emo he's feeling.
His uncle Bihm had a couple traditional pieces of clothing and Maya makes him try them on. He feels a bit silly especially since he's gotten used to pushing away his culture and mainly speaking English at his new school but then his aunt starts tearing up and he starts tearing up and "you look just like your chacha" and UGH
After a while Pavitr gets himself together and decides to design himself a new suit. He takes inspiration from a couple of his uncle's fancier pieces and also Gayatri's first advert feature (my girl is going places!!!) so his outfit has a lot of meaning to him.
We gotta go BACK for the yo-yo though y'all. I'm so certain that Gayatri had a yo-yo when they were younger and he learnt it just to impress her... SO HE HAS A YO-YO AS PART OF HIS GEAR đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±
Of course these little signs add up and Gayatri is like half-sure he's Spider-Man (but not entirely cause when she's saved in the film she's a bit taken aback when he hugs her... my girl is smart but you always got a lil uncertainty!!! Maybe she figures it out after that though...)
Obviously he flunked those exams considering he was NOT studying while he was grieving and when Gayatri checks up on him he's of course not doing the greatest despite his little comeback. However...
"I can help you review if you want?" she asks him. Pavitr's smile comes back that day.
But my boy STILL CANNOT CATCH A BREAK because Gayatri's father gets promoted to Police Captain and is suddenly very protective of his daughter
There's a lot of awkward moments where Pavitr has to play off his association with Gayatri (puts the hopeless in hopeless romantic yet again.) No, she never told him they were dating before (and those pictures are in a SAFE trust) though they're not exactly dating now.
Gayatri is pretty indifferent about it all, to be fair. She doesn't exactly care if her father finds out (and hopefully she can tell him soon) but she also doesn't want her dad to be disappointed in her considering she looks up to him a lot.
A BIT OF GAYATRI HEADCANON but I feel like she's very academically gifted but doesn't exactly want to go into STEM? Fashion is her thing and she eventually might want to go into acting (like this girl in her classes called Meera Jain... OUUU rivalry but not really they're besties I fear)
Gayatri definitely gossips and gushes to Meera Jain about Pavitr like how he gossips and gushes to Nadeesh. They both give the other contrasting advice (they're still not together... SITUATIONSHIP 💀💀💀)
It's not as bad as when Pavitr called Gayatri a whore by accident but getting together again is definitely awkward when they go to get lassi at that very overpriced store that opened up that Pavitr most definitely cannot afford (smiles and fights to pay while a part of him dies inside)
Though their relationship is stronger this time! Pavitr does still have his secret as Spider-Man, but things are looking up! Especially when he finds out that he's not the only Spider-Man (ENTER ATSV CANON STORYLINE đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±)
Endless high school antics I love this dude and his lil friends
That's it for now I think THANK YOU FOR READING!! I so wish there was more content on him but I had to take matters into my own hands...
y'all better stop sleeping on pavitr now... HES SO AHHHH I LOVE HIM YOU DONF UNDERSTAND HES THE DUDE EVER
don't talk about my other wips. or why im uploading this at midnight.
ALSO if you are desi (particularly indian) please correct me OR FEEL FREE TO ADD ON i am so whitewashed and my boy needs to be done justice
reblogs so super appreciated! if you wanna read the rest of my atsv stuff click here :p
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piss-pumpkin · 2 years ago
The future (Hunter/golden guard x reader)
Around 2.8k words
Reader is in the oracle track, also I invent how oracle magic works since it wasn’t really explored in the show lmao
I don’t know how it happened but I only really post on here when people give me compliments 💀
Coming back to school after
 Belos, was something. Disorganized classes, half the teachers fired, a new headmaster
 there was a lot. 
And after a few weeks of preparation, there was an orientation day for new and returning students, to see the new system and choose their classes. No more tracks. And the facilities to properly teach wild magic were in the works. How lovely. 
Most people were choosing the classes they’d been with the longest. You weren’t much different. Some new, mostly old. It was a comfort zone, and with all the change happening, it was a content one. The oracle track was a lovely place. 
And that was something you had to convince him. Hunter, never having been a student, had no idea what classes to choose. 
If Hunter liked oracle magic, then you’d end up seeing him a lot more during school
 maybe even impress him.
You smiled, taking his hand to lead him into the empty classroom. You supposed everyone else was doing their selection, or was hanging out outside. “Come on, give it a shot.” You dragged him over to your desk, carved with old jokes and cluttered with a crystal ball. “You could see the future,” you said, adding as much mystique to your voice as possible, “I foresee you’ll love it.” 
He smiled at the pun, “The future?” He asked, pulling a chair from another table to sit across from you.
You sat down to, and gave the crystal ball a spin. “Yep, super easy to see with this bad boy,” you smirked, trying to sell him on the idea. Before he could speak, you put he offer out. “Come on, let me read your future, it will be fun.”
He pursed his lips, apprehensive. “Uhhh, sure,” he said. “So how does it work?”
You smiled, hoping you piqued his curiosity, and happy to teach him anything he asked.
You placed your hand in the orb, sparing Hunter a glance and a smirk as you did, exhaling slightly. “So, it’s super simply, actually,” you started, the crystal ball starting to swirl inside. “I think reading people’s futures like this is like, the first thing you learn in the oracle track.” 
Hunter nodded along, watching intently as the purple colours started to come alive at your touch. You couldn’t help but smile as your eyes fell on his concentrated expression, as if he was trying to learn all he could just by watching. Maybe your plan was working. The furrow of his brow told you maybe he was intrigued.
“So, for me to see your future, you gotta touch the balls.”
”ball, singular,” he sighed, eyes drifting back up to yours with a tired and unamused expression.
You snickered, “My balls could make you see the fut-“
Hunter cut you off with a groan, and called vented a smile. “Titan, the human realm made you worse,” he laughed.
You folded over slightly, “Luz is a great influence, what do you mean,” you laughed. Your hand nearly slipped off the crystal ball for a moment as you did, causing the swirling colours to falter. “Oh shit-“ you pressed your hand back onto the orb. 
You looked at him for a moment, remembering why you were here. Maybe Hunter being in your class wasn’t such a good idea. You smirked a slightly off putting smirk as your motive started to crumble. He was quite distracting. “Right,” you recovered. “So you have to put your hand on the orb with me, and I’ll see your future.”
Hunter nodded, placing his hand opposite to yours. He was smiling to himself as he did, a rather infectious smile, it seemed. You found yourself grinning back at him, happy he had at least some love for your occasionally insufferable humour. 
The smile faded from his lips a moment. He glanced at the ball for a second, then back at you. “Wait, will I be able to see it too?” He asked, watching the soft colours of the crystal cloud around his fingertips.
You smiled, “nope, just me.” Your eyes fell on his finger tips, ungloved. “So you’ll just have to take my word for whatever it is I see,” you snickered.
”That doesn’t seem fair,” he murmured. For a second his lips pursed, and eyes squinted. “Wait, if my future was horrible, would you tell me?” 
Your brow furrowed as your face fell into a smile meant to reassure. “You’re future is gonna be fine, dude.”
“But like, would you?”
You pursed your lips, thinking a moment. “Yeah, I would. What’s the point in hiding that?”
Hunter chuckled reflexively, “I don’t know, sparing my feelings?” He smiled his toothy grin at you. 
You exhaled, “Would you rather that,” you chuckled, “on the off chance that I see something unfortunate?”
Hunter paused to ponder, eyes drifting off and looking to the window behind you. “You know what, use your own discretion,” he smiled, eyes falling back on you. “I trust you to know-“ he glanced at the floor, “what I should know.”
You smiled, nearly rolling your eyes, “I honour the responsibility, then.” A lighthearted understanding reached, you thought best to ask, “So, are you ready then?”
”Yes,” Hunter replied, a slight bit of determination in his voice and a slight bit of fear. Suppose he’s had enough hardship in his past that he’d be scared of seeing his future. You smiled softly at the thought as you started the spell. You’d show him a lovely future. You had too. Your eyes started to glow a light purple with the orb, and your vision began to cloud.
”Oh Titan, that’s cool,” you heard Hunter exclaim quietly.
You giggled, “Yeah, man,” as the sight of the real world started to drift away, going white at the edges until it was gone, and Hunters voice vanished with it as he spoke some sort of reply.
It was just you, the crystal ball, and Hunter across from you, alone in the void for a moment. But you couldn’t hear him, just see. Then, replacing the classroom, a scene started to drift in. Blurry at first, but you blinked away the fog. 
Around you, the ball, and Hunter, was a different place. The owl house living room. This must happen soon, because all the furniture isn’t back in yet. The room felt rather empty, the only big thing in it being a couch. You looked around for the other Hunter, trying to find the snap shot of future. Keeping your hands in the ball, you turned left, right, and around, trying to find him. 
As you were looking behind you, voices carried through the hallway. 
First, a very recognizable one, that some called annoying. But you never thought so. “I-I’d be honoured!” He stuttered, walking into the room. As you saw him, you saw the stars in his eyes, complete admiration. He turned around to face the hallway, and you saw two more figures. 
First, Eda, who was strangely quiet, smiling to herself. Secondly, a man you hadn’t seen before. With a striking resemblance to the owl lady. He spoke, and his age was clear from his voice. “It’d my honour to teach you, son,” he said calmly. “Carving palismen is an art form I’d love to pass on.”
You gasped. Looking at the scene, and then back at the Hunter across from you, whose face was confused. His mouth was moving, but you couldn’t hear. Must be asking about the gasp.
“Hunter,” you said, a tad bit loud to compensate for how you couldn’t hear him. He winced as you spoke, and you adjusted the volume. “Sorry,” you laughed. “But, uh, good shits happening, good shit, you’ll love this,” you said, proud smile on your face. 
The future Hunter was nearly in sobbing, wiping tears off with his palms as the Eda and the old man tried to calm him, and he insisted that he was happy. 
The scene faded away, and you were left with a giddy grin in the void for a moment while the next snippet materialized. You could see the curiosity and slight bit of frustration on Hunters face as his lips moved, and you were sure he was asking about what you saw. That one is better left unsaid, for him to see when the time is right. His questioned about that one would go unanswered.
A new scene was coming in pieces. Outside, school grounds. This one was a tad bit further ahead than the last. The season was off. The present was spring, but this future was summer
 probably. The sun shined a lot brighter, and patches of grass beneath you were dry and dead from the heat. Seemed summery. 
As you blinked away the fog, Hunter walked down a path toward you, coming through the gate of Hexside. Your eyes widened, hoping to see a uniform, something to give away what classes he picked. That would help. 
As you looked, you saw only his regular clothes though. Your face fell in disappointment. That didn’t last long though, as you spotted he was wearing one of his dumbass wolf shirts he made. That always made you smile.
Then something caught this future Hunter’s eyes. He looked to the side, down a connecting path, and his face lit up. Hunter grinned wide, and waved. 
Curious, you followed his gaze. Down the path was
 you. Your eyes widened. This could be interesting. You
 the other you. Ran down the path toward him, a tad but awkwardly as you were carrying a bag on your back. 
What were you guys doing there during the summer? 
As the other you got close, Hunters face softened. You pursed your lips, watching as the other you came crashing towards him. You slowed down, but not completely. In a swift motion, you rammed into his side, body checking him off the path and sending him stumbling back a step into the crunchy grass. 
Hunter laughed, head butting you gently as you both regained balance. 
Well shit, now you were smiling like an idiot watching them.
You watched as they regained balance, holding onto each other as they did. Hunter was blushing. The other you couldn’t see it, their eyes were closed as they laughed to themself, but you could. Hunter was looking at the other you with adoration and flushed ears. 
You couldn’t help yourself from smirking, and you didn’t have a free hand to cover your face with. Unfortunate, given you felt the heat of a blush creep onto your cheeks.
The present time Hunter that was across from you was staring at you with confusion, still speaking and not quite getting you couldn’t hear him. You glanced over at him, cheeky grin still wide on your lips, and blush on your face. He tilted his head to the side as he got a proper look at your expression, even more confused. 
Snickering, you turned back to the future scene. The other Hunter and Y/n were chatting. Chatting vey close together, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying quietly. 
The future you’s face was very close to his as you said something to him, and present you was blushing harder now. You must have said something to him, because the other Hunter turned away, covering his face and hiding a wide smile and flushed cheeks. 
You couldn’t  shake the grin from your lips as you watched. Titan, I’m so glad I can do that to him. The effect future you had was powerful.
As the future Hunter turned back to the other you, he smiled softly, taking your hand from your side and lacing your fingers together. Oh? He said something, beaming at you. 
You laughed, and he did too. And just before you started to walk, he pulled your face closer, and kissed your forehead. Fuck. You wished that was you. Well
 it was. You wished that was your present. 
Your eyes widened in realization. That will be my present. Wildly, you glanced around. Hexside didn’t look much different. So the big construction plans must not have started. That means
 this is soon. Perhaps, Mayhaps, if you’re lucky, this summer. You didn’t realize your jaw had fallen slack. This could be soon. 
You kept watching as Hunter and Y/n, held hands, bumped into each other, and head butted as they walked down the path, swinging their arms between them. God I wish that were me, you thought, fully knowing it would be.
You’d never been jealous of yourself before, but there’s a first time for everything, yeah? You stared as they walked past, still slack jawed. 
The scene started to fade away though, leaving you alone with
 Hunter. Who looked so confused, brow scrunched, head tilted, relentless in his refusal to realize you can’t hear him, asking questions. 
Grinning, you took your hands off the ball before another snippet could come to you. His voice came back.
”-you gotta tell me now, what was that?” He asked, hands still on the fading crystal ball. “Why do you look like that? I saw a lot of faces, Y/n, and I want to know what they mean, those were faces you don’t make often.” 
“Hello,” you said sweetly. You felt your face with your now free hand. Hot to the touch on your cheek. 
Hunter opened his mouth, then closed it. “Hello,” he answered, skeptical. “So, what’s my future look like?” He asked, taking his hand off the ball, and placing them in the table. 
You couldn’t shake the smile that was plastered on your lips. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” You teased. 
Both of Hunters hands flew to his face, covering both his eyes as he leaned back. “Titan, come on!” He breathed. He dragged his fingers down his skin, pulling his features down. “You can’t make those faces and not tell me.”
”Oh but I can,” you snickered. 
Hunter grumbled, opened his mouth to speak, and failed again. He smiled, then stopped. He sighed, then groaned, seemingly going through the five stages of grief. “Come on, tell me.”
”Didn’t you say just a few minutes ago that you trust me to tell you what you needed to know?” You smirked, throwing his words back at him. 
“I-“ he started, pointing at you. “I meant that if it was bad!” He said. “I don’t think you’d be smirking like that if it was terrible, what happened?”
”You’ll just have to wait and find out,” you shrugged. 
“Titan, do I need to take oracle classes just to see what you won’t tell me?” He grumbled.
You laughed, “Oh Titan, I actually forgot that’s why we were here.” You thought a moment, smirking to yourself. “I guess what I saw in your future distracted me that much,” you added dramatically.
Hunter groaned again, and you were lucky the oracle room was nearly empty. “Don’t do this to me, Y/n,” he pleaded. “I have to know now.”
You laughed, picking up the crystal ball to put back on its shelf. “And you will, when the time is right,” you said, placing it away.
”You know that’s not what I-“
Hands free, you cut him off by leaning hard on the table beside him. “How about we go get some food instead of hangout at school when we don’t have to, yeah?” you propositioned. There were other places you could spend an afternoon during orientation day.
Hunter looked around, and sighed. The classroom was empty anyways. “Yeah, alright,” he said reluctantly. He looked up at you with wide eyes, “but just this one time, we’ll get in trouble if we miss classes.”
You laughed, ïżœïżœïżœI don’t know if that’s true, actually.” You pushed off the table, and offered a hand to help him up. “You know who the new headmaster is, Hunter.”
He took your hand, and with a pull, he was up. “Ugh, you’re right,” he shuddered. “There is gonna be so much less
 rule following.”
”Isn’t that good?” You laughed, heading out of the classroom.
”No! There should be more structure!” He said, speaking with his hands, making wild gestures. He paused, and pursed his lips, “not like how it was before in the emperors coven, but like-“ he put his hand to his chin. “Rules to follow, that are good.”
You snickered, “good rules, eh?”
”Yes,” he said matter of factly.
You shook your head, still smiling. “If you say so, I suppose,” you said. Not like you disagreed. But you had to play devils advocate to bring out any bit of rebellion from him. “Let’s ignore rules today, we don’t need them.”
Hunter sighed, but he didn’t resist, walking with you down the main entrance way and towards town. “So are you really not gonna tell me what my future was?”
”Not a chance,” you laughed, shaking your head.
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what-about-yogurt-night · 10 months ago
Here's the most recent story I've written about a couple of my ocs, it's for a class so technically it's finished in terms of the assignment but the story isn't wrapped up cause it's supposed to be the first 10 pages of a novel so sorry in advance for the poorly written cliffhanger I ended it on💀😅😂
Divider cause it's a big chonk lol
    “Man, it’s wild to think that we’ve only got a week or two left of school, right, Con?” 
    Conor looked up from the ant he had been watching crawl along the rock they were sitting on. “Only six days, yeah.” 
    Michael leaned back and looked up at the clouds gliding lazily at the summer sky. “Six days left of high school and Mrs. Henderson still hasn’t handed me back that one math homework.” 
    “You turned it in over a month late, remember?” Conor chuckled. “You got a zero on it, no question.” 
    “I did it though, shouldn’t that count for something at least?” 
    “Okay, maybe it’s worth a ten, but no more than that.” 
    Michael snorted. “Whatever, I hate math anyway.” 
    “I know you do,” Conor said as he rolled his eyes. “You still owe me five bucks for that assignment I did for you last quarter, by the way.” 
    Michael muttered something incomprehensible and pretended to look for his wallet, even though they both knew he barely ever brought it to school and half the time didn’t even know where it was at home. 
    Conor sighed after a moment. “I’ll remind you later.” Pushing himself off the rock and onto the hot sidewalk, he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “C’mon, our bus will be here any minute.” 
    As the two boys were trudging over to where the rest of the kids in their neighborhood were waiting, an odd rumbling resonated through the sky and, after a few seconds, sent vibrations strong enough for most of the students to look up in confusion. Both the vibrations and the noise stopped relatively quickly, but people were still squinting up at the clouds for several minutes afterwards. 
    “What was that?” Michael asked Conor, even though there was no way Conor could’ve known. 
    Conor searched the sky for any evidence of plane contrails or anything else that could give any sort of clue, but there was nothing. “I dunno, maybe a jet went by or something,” he suggested halfheartedly. 
    “It sounded like it was coming right for us, though,” Michael said, clearly much more shaken than Conor was. “What if we’re getting attacked? What if they’re gonna come back and, like, bomb us or something?!”
    Before Michael could start properly babbling about World War III, though, the school bus rolled into the lot and everyone started piling on. “Hey, it’s okay, it was probably nothing,” Conor assured his panicked friend. “Plus, if it really was an attack, we’d be hearing sirens all over the place, probably.” 
    This was enough for Michael to at least calm down a little, and by the time they were dropped off at their stop back home, he seemed to have completely forgotten about the whole thing. Conor had never fully been able to comprehend Michael’s short recovery time, and this instance was no exception. Despite not thinking much of the noise at first, Conor found himself wondering about what it could’ve been more and more, even though Michael had steered the conversation away from it a while back. As they split off from each other to head to their respective homes, Conor couldn’t help but wonder if whatever had made that noise was still in the area. 
    The next day, the strange rumbling had been mostly forgotten, and the day played out normally as if nothing had happened. The lack of attention put on it nagged at the back of Conor’s head, but for the sake of keeping Michael calm, he decided that bringing it up again was probably not the best idea just yet. 
    “Y’know,” Michael grunted as he desperately tried to pull his gym bag out of his locker, “Since I’m gonna be in Spain for a good chunk of the summer, I think it would be cool if we check out a few spots in town we haven’t gone to yet before it’s too late. Any places you wanna go to?” 
    Conor snapped back to reality. “Uh, let me think
    “I’ve always wanted to go to the Newbury Comics,” Michael babbled, “and that one place with the red sign on the corner of West Street always looked kinda cool.” 
    Conor couldn’t help but laugh. “You know that’s a sex shop, right?” 
    Michael’s face went red. “Okay, scratch that one, then. How about we just go to the comic book store and splurge on useless junk?”
    “That’s better,” Conor chuckled, watching as Michael finally dislodged his bag and stumbled backwards a few paces. “I guess I’ve always been kind of curious about that old golf course on the edge of town. I’m pretty sure they abandoned it after it flooded, right?” 
    “Don’t ask me, I don’t golf,” Michael told him, pulling a pair of dingy old sneakers out of his gym bag and changing into them. “But that could be cool, we could swing by there after and take a look around.” 
    Conor nodded, but then furrowed his brow after a moment. “Do you remember if there are any ‘no trespassing’ signs around it, though? I wouldn’t want us to get in trouble.”
“Nah, I don’t think so,” Michael told him. “If anything we might walk in on a drug deal or something but as long as we don’t talk to anyone it should be fine.”
Conor gave him a look. “You’re not helping, you know.” 
“Bro, this was your idea; if you don’t wanna go then why’d you suggest it in the first place?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just that I don’t want to walk in blind,” Conor insisted. “All I’ve ever known about it was what I could see from the car whenever my folks and I would drive by, after all.” 
“Fair, fair,” Michael said, shoving the gym bag back into his locker and slamming the door shut. “How about this: we swing by, and if there’s anything telling us we’re not allowed in there we turn back. How does that sound?” 
Conor nodded slowly. “Sure, we can do that. I do want to bring my camera so if we’re allowed inside I can take some pictures, if that’s alright. I feel like the place must be super overgrown by now.” 
Michael scoffed. “I don’t know how you can stand taking so many pictures of boring ol’ plants and stuff. It’s all the same: leaf, leaf, leaf, branch, leaf, leaf, flower, leaf, grass, grass, branch, leaf—” 
“At least I don’t take photos of my biceps in the mirror,” Conor retaliated. “If you don’t do any arm workouts they’re not going to get any bigger, you know.” 
Conor successfully dodged the kick Michael had aimed at his shins and stuck his tongue out at him playfully as Michael struggled to think up a rebuttal. Just then, though, a teacher walked by, so they were forced to stop scuffling lest they get in trouble. 
“I do too work my arms out,” Michael hissed, as Conor stifled a laugh. 
    That weekend, Conor sat outside his front porch with his camera, a flip phone, his wallet, a notepad and pencil, and a flashlight—just in case—all stuffed into an old messenger bag he had found among his dad’s old stuff a couple years back. He knew that Michael would be at least a little bit late, but he still found himself worrying as he always did when things didn’t go exactly as planned. To make himself feel better, Conor rubbed the soft leather of the bag between his fingers and checked his phone to see if Michael had texted him anything. To his relief, there were several new messages: 
    car wont strt
    srry 4 w8
    luv u
    jk ur ugly
    ok headn ovr
Conor took a deep breath. At least that explained the wait. Clicking his phone closed, he found himself gazing up at the now cloudy sky, wondering if anything unusual would show itself. Whatever we had heard that day didn’t sound like it ever left, he realized after mulling over what the mysterious rumbling had sounded like. It’s almost as if whatever it was landed somewhere. Suddenly having a revelation, Conor whipped out his notepad and started sketching out a vague map of the town, with the high school at the center. He was almost certain that the sound had come from the right-front side of the school, so he marked out an area where the sound could’ve been coming from based on that. After ruling out most of the closer areas and anything far enough away that the vibrations wouldn’t have possibly been able to reach far enough, he was left with a place that gave him goosebumps: the old golf course, seemingly abandoned for years, now might not be as abandoned as they had thought. 
    Conor jumped as Michael’s car scraped into view, and began to gather up all his things so he’d be ready to go by the time Michael got to the driveway. Michael’s car was in even worse shape than when he had last seen it: the mismatched door on the front passenger’s side was starting to rust just as much as the rest of the car, and there was a new dent in the bumper that Conor didn’t remember being there for. As Michael pulled up on the side of the road, Conor thought he heard something dislodge from inside one of the wheels, and for the rest of the way the car had an unpleasant rattling noise accompanying the rest of its already pathetic noises. 
    “Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” Michael called out in a mocking tone. “Or that’s what I would say if I was a basic bit—” 
    “Shut up, if my sister hears you, you're dead meat,” Conor cut him off, scrambling into the passenger’s seat and carefully putting on his seatbelt so he’d at least have some chance of survival in the not-so-unlikely chance they got into an accident. 
    “C’mon, there’s no way she can hear us out here,” Michael scoffed. “And even if she can, she needs to know the truth.” 
    “I saw Mean Girls in the theaters and I can tell you it isn’t nearly as bad as you’re always making it out to be; it’s ten times better than the stuff you watch, anyway.” Conor lurched forward involuntarily as Michael forced the car into drive and slammed on the gas. 
    “You‘re just saying that ‘cause you’re a sissy. Only real men can handle the masterpieces that I have in my library.” 
    “Your ‘masterpieces’ are just full of gore and rubber masks and don’t have any plot whatsoever. If I wanted to experience something like that I’d just go to a Spirit Halloween.” 
    Michael rolled his eyes and then slammed on the brakes as they approached a stop sign, a couple empty Monster Energy cans getting tossed around in the back seat in the process. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on, man,” he told Conor, who, after almost chipping a tooth on the dashboard, had decided to grab onto the handle above his door and grip it so hard his knuckles turned white. 
    As they wandered through the comic book store, Conor found himself unable to focus on anything other than the map he had drawn in his notepad. Should I tell him? He wondered. I don’t want to scare him, and I might be completely wrong about the whole thing anyway. On the other hand
 Wandering away from where Michael was looking through posters—he insisted on finding a Metallica one to replace the one he had ripped last year—Conor floated towards a display sporting pins from various franchises and began to absentmindedly shift through them. Among the superheroes, band logos, movie quotes, and anime characters, he eventually came across one that caught his eye. It showed a classic flying saucer with a little green alien piloting it, and the words “FAR OUT!” were scrawled along the bottom in bubble letters reminiscent of the 70s. Something about the way the alien looked at him through the glass of its little spaceship made his stomach feel odd, but he couldn’t bring himself to put it back. 
    “Found anything cool?” Michael asked, suddenly appearing behind Conor and making him jump. “I couldn’t find the poster I wanted but I did pick up this cool Iron Maiden one,” he told Conor proudly, waving the tube in his face. “Ooh, you gonna get that pin?” he added, poking Conor’s hand with the poster. 
    “I was thinking about it,” Conor told him, instinctively closing his fist around the pin so Michael couldn’t see. The weird feeling in his stomach turned sour as he was reminded just how soon they were probably going to be heading to the golf course, but he knew that stalling wouldn’t accomplish anything. “You ready to go?” 
    “Yeah, I was thinking about picking up a t-shirt too but they didn’t have my size in the designs I liked. Downsides of being absolutely shredded.” Michael proceeded to mime lifting a barbell using the poster as a stand-in, attempting to show off his not-very-impressive muscles. Conor promptly took the poster away from him and brought it to the checkout, and offered to pay as Michael protested from behind him. 
    “Geez, what’s the big idea?” Michael whined. “You never have any respect for these guns—” 
    “Do you want to pay or what?” 
    “Ew, no, you do it.” 
    Conor sighed and gave the cashier his credit card. It wasn’t like Michael would’ve had his wallet with him, anyway. After grabbing the receipt and the now-bagged merchandise, Conor let Michael drag him back outside to the parking lot where the car was sitting solemnly in its own decay, and they both sat down in their respective seats. 
    “Hey, uh, before we head to the golf course, I think you should take a look at something,” Conor finally mustered up the courage to say. He couldn’t quite figure out why he felt so nervous. 
    Michael adjusted the mirror and glanced quickly at his friend. “What, did you find something saying it’s private property or something?” 
    “Not really.” Conor pulled his notepad out of his messenger bag and opened it to the map he had drawn. “I was just
 thinking about the noise we heard, and I think that whatever was making that noise might have landed somewhere in the golf course.” He quickly explained what each thing in his drawing represented, and watched as Michael’s eyes widened. 
    “Yo, you think it’s even safe to go in there?” Michael whispered once Conor had finished. “Who knows what could’ve landed there? A bomb? An enemy plane??” 
    “I don’t know,” Conor told him, “but whatever we do, I at least think I should go in and take a look. I could even get some photos if I find anything.” 
    Michael sat in thought for a few moments, and then sat up a bit straighter so he could look Conor in the eyes. “I don’t want you going in alone, Con, you should have someone watching your back. And when I say ‘someone’ I mean me.” 
    Conor let himself deflate a bit. “Okay, as long as you don’t do anything stupid.” 
    “Me, stupid?! Bro, ‘stupid’ isn’t even in my vocabulary.” Michael crossed his arms defiantly, accidentally honking the horn in the process and sending a flock of birds into a frenzy outside. 
    “Don’t see any ‘no trespassing signs’ yet, I think we should be good,” Michael commented as the two boys rattled up to the golf course’s parking lot. Lurching to a stop, they scrambled out of the car and went over the plan. 
    “Okay, remember, you take the flashlight, and I’ll hold the camera. If anyone jumps out at us, use the light to slug them in the face, got that?” Conor told Michael, rummaging through his bag and taking out the items mentioned. 
Michael took the flashlight from him, tossing it lightly to himself to get used to the weight. “Tell me again why your on-the-go flashlight is big enough to have its own postal code?” 
“It’s the only one I have,” Conor insisted, hanging his camera on his wrist by the wrist strap so he could put his bag back on. “Besides, wouldn’t you rather have that than a dinky old thing that dies after ten minutes?” 
“I guess so,” Michael muttered. “It’s not even dark out yet, though, so the battery life wouldn’t really matter, right?” 
“I don’t know how big the course is, for all I know we could be out here all night.” 
Michael looked down at the flashlight and made a noise. “We better not get jumped by some wacko after dark, I can barely tell if someone’s coming after me even in broad daylight.” 
“Well then, let’s just hope that we don’t bump into anyone who wants to hurt us,” Conor said. 
At that, they began their trek out into the unknown. 
Spoiler alert cause I'll prolly never finish the story lol: they find an alien spaceship in the golf course😳 then they help save the alien from getting probed by humans or something idk (the alien's supposed to be Silvin who's one of my other main ocs)
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peachyybunni · 3 years ago
It was now one day before Halloween, the dorm was decorated, the smell of sweets and pies being made sent everyone’s taste buds watering, while it was common to hear so much commotion but anyone who was new to the house, hearing babblings and people gushing over what sounded like a baby, but it was in fact Han and Felix in little space decorating their bottles and paci’s for Halloween seemed just a tad weird but they never cared not one bit.
Now for a little bit of a flashback while in the studio 3racha was working on making songs and just messing around as they do yaknow, then all the sudden Chan blurred out a fun little activity “so I was thinking for Han and Felix, you both have so many bottles and sippy cups and pacis..why not decorate each of one item for every holiday” Changbin screamed of course the sound proofing in the room did it’s job to not let others outside hear the loud ass scream this man made, he was probably way more excited than Han who was indeed bouncing in his seat at the innocently fun idea, then changbin stopped, “how the hell are we gonna pull that off Han and Felix turn 3 and 2 they can’t even open a door properly
” Chan smiled “that’s the point since they are little we the caregivers help them! The children! They pick what they want and we just glue it on!!” Changbin made a “:o” face and nodded sitting down “alright alright
” is all he said and Han was quick to text Felix
“Sounds amazing right?!?”
Felix đŸ„°âœš “Absolutely adore the idea”
Okay, back to present day Chan ordered the Halloween theme items hyunjin being the artist he is, had the super glue gun but not the glue it’s self so he had to run and get the actual glue seungmin and Jeongin were happily recording while gushing over Han and Felix in their Halloween pajamas. Soon! The cups, bottles, and pacis were done and Han was quick to put his in, biting on his sleeve was hurting his jaw some and he was throwing fits so the Minho and Chan wanted to hurry before the other started up too, Minho smiled and hugged him while Chan sat Felix down,ïżŒ the others joined in and they all ate their food. Felix and Han coming out of their headspace slowly never leaving the sippy and the paci it soon became one of their all time favorites. đŸ€
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✧: *✧:*    *:✧*:✧
Notes~ iam absolutely so so sorry my stories have been shit as of late I’ve been so busy with school and just life in general so today I give you Han and Felix little, but before that please go give pacisandstuff on instagram a follow their work is actually what inspired me for this fic, and here are what Felix and Hans pacis and bottles look like :) again sorry it’s not super detailed :(
Felix. Han
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pop-punklouis · 2 years ago
Hi babe 💓
Sorry I missed getting to this yesterday, got busy! I hope you got better sleep yesterday night after pulling an all nighter the night before 😭.
No but same, my younger one is the one that bothers my oldest and starts fights and for the longest time the older one wouldn't even do anything but cry but now she fights back lmao each day there's fur on the ground like it was a battle. YOU'VE GOT THE CUTEST CATS PLS. They're so so precious awh you're making me want several more cats â˜č
Oh psychology is definitely so interesting. I did it as a subject for two years in school before choosing it as my undergrad. I wish I had gotten to learn criminal psychology as a module! Rather than area, I've just got favorite topics. Like attachment theory, which I think deserves to be common knowledge for everyone, it'd just promote a little bit more understanding.
Lmao love that we both ended up doing nothing with the instruments we bought. I think the problem was I tried to teach myself when really I needed classes so that there was structure. But oh well. I don't think I'm particularly musically talented anyways 😅 painting IS cool! I'm not like, too advanced in it so I always think other people's art is just so unbelievable.
Aw please that's so sweet! And to see the impact the one show had on you and your interests! I think one of my fondest memories is when I first got to meet my best friend; knew her from stan twt and was thrilled when she moved to the country I was staying in. That first meeting filled with nerves and excitement will always be precious to me, and I'm lucky I got to see her a couple more times after that.
For today's question: what are some of your favorite things to watch? Shows or others (can be specific or just fav genres etc).
Have a wonderful day babe xx
hiiiiii!! đŸ€
noooo not the fur on the ground đŸ˜€ why is it always the younger ones wanting to gang up on the elders đŸ”Ș my younger one is the exact same. the irony is that he’s such a scaredy cat around anyone else that isn’t my mom or i. so his tough guy attitude with my older cat is hilarious for how much of a baby he is otherwise lmao if you didn’t have to be off anon to send me photos i’d ask to see photos of your cats i wanna seeeeee (maybe when we’re finally properly introduced in a few weeks 👁)
oooo yeah attachment theory is a good one. i agree. i think everyone would benefit from learning about that more. doesn’t that theory also have layers to it as well?
love that we are both the same with instruments djdkdkd i think i’m also someone who gets super frustrated if i’m not immediately good at something so i lose all interest which isn’t. good lmao my brother played guitar and he taught me for a bit before i abandoned it, but yeah i think going to classes and having structure would’ve benefited me as well 💀 and yes! i always watch oil painting videos or restoration of art videos before bed. they calm my mind and just fascinate me to watch
awe i love that. i love how fandom can bring people together. some of my closest friends and best memories with people have come from the relationship we have with fandoms. i’m so glad you guys were able to meet and have that time together. so many people who meet over stan culture don’t have that so it’s always so special when you’re able to meet these people you’ve grown so close to đŸ„șđŸ€
and hmmm idk if you want to open up that can of worms with me about shows djdkdkdk sci-fi, psychological thriller, crime, and rubber reality horror are some of my absolute favorite genres to watch. favorite shows would probably have to be Dark, Mr. Robot, True Detective Season 1, Midnight Mass, Twin Peaks, Seinfeld, and The Silent Sea. (i know i’m missing some but that’s all my brain can think of right now) how about you? đŸ‘đŸŒ
hope you’ve had a great day, love!! đŸ€
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