#eivor x valka
vegtamr · 8 days
AU with corpse bride!!!!!
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canaidliafail · 1 year
mead & wine
kassandra x reader x eivor
College AU ( is anyone even surprised lmao ) CW: pure unedited filth
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“I hope everyone happier than me dies”
Randvi said, pulling away from her book looking at you in astonishment. You rolled your eyes with a scoff and she smacked your arm hard causing you to flinch and pull away
“This is pathetic. YOU are pathetic”
“I don't know how you wanna handle your breakup but I just lost another job offer cause of her so I will stay bitter”
“Oh come on it wasn’t even that good of a job offer. Im telling you the best is yet to come”
you squinted and lowered your brows. she checked her phone and perked up at the row of messages popping up on her lockscreen. Randvi, the gorgeous and funny woman that she was, already had a new little fling going on with a girl majoring in film and she was hooked on her new found love having already long forgotten her rotten apple of an ex, Sigurd
A small smile rounded your cheeks and you rested your head on the palm of your hand waiting for her to type out her response. She put her phone back on the table and turned to look at you with a sheepish little grin and flushed cheeks
“Sorry, I’m listening I swear-“
“relax, I'm just happy to see you all giddy again. Is it going well?”
she nodded and bit her lip looking up in thought
“See I’ve had a crush on Valka for a while now…But couldn’t do anything about it…You know. Since I was already so long with Sigurd and I didn’t think my parents would be ok with me..Not being with a man but now…” her brows lifted up and her smile widened. You knew she had a clear visual of her new crush Valka as she spoke
“But the way they were so supportive and also Valka being so excited to take this somewhere its just…Its so perfect”
You rubbed her arm soothingly
“Im really happy for you. The Gods know you deserved someone who actually was present and willing to do things for you and with you and now you have someone this great, Im just really happy for you Randvi”
she nodded and then turned around to look at you
“Oh actually, We are having a gathering. We will watch a movie and play cards over at dormitory B with Valkas friends. You should join us. Would do you good to get out”
“Randvi I…” You started and looked down at your notebook. You crinkled the edge of the paper and chewed on the inside of your cheek. It had been two..maybe three months since you did anything remotely exciting that didn’t include work or studying. You had barely found a peace of mind with all the chaos that stormed your life and you weren’t sure you wanted to go outside your apartment yet
“Im sorry I’ll have to pass…”
Randvi got up and grabbed your notebook smacking your in the head
“HEY OUCH?! and second of all BITCH?!”
“You have rotted on your couch enough. The planks must have the shape of your ass at this point. Im not listening. You are coming tonight with me”
“Randvi I dont need a pick me up now-“
“yes you do and quite frankly your opinion doesn’t matter you moldy sack of starch”
“nothing better came to mind. Don’t dwell on that. Listen I have one last lecture and then Ill come by the apartment to pick up some clothes ok? We will get dressed up, We will look hot and we will have some good time”
you rolled your eyes and slumped further down in the bar stool
“whatever you say goes”
“Ay, There you go!”
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
Kassandra was fed up with her roommate having yet another hangover from drinking too much the night before. Kass loved to drink, certainly not as much as Eivor but she could hold her own, however this was the second day she had to go all the way down to the cafeteria to ask for ice and buy crackers for Eivor to shove down her throat. Kassandra considered replacing ice with a fist. A punch could sober her up well enough no? Usually it was her roommate being the aggressive and impatient one however today's spectacle was ruining every plan she made for the night and she had enough of it.
She slammed the door shut behind her and hit the bottom of Eivors bunk bed
“Get up”
Eivor groaned and rolled around to look at the brunette who had a nasty grin ready to toss the bag of ice on the blondes head
“You owe me one today as well which makes…a lifetime of favors of me taking care of your sorry ass”
“wasn't my fault you shitface”
she went to bark but fell back on her elbows from the pounding headache making her ears ring
“My brother is depressed from his break up and he is insufferable without a glass of vodka”
“glass eivor? You chugged down half the bars menu”
“he was growing more painful every second and I had to adjust to the task at hand”
“alright. How about the new task at hand. Half the campus saw you on his story gyrating with another girl. Eivor you were in your sports bra and was about to take that off as well”
that woke her up fast enough and she shot out of the bed and grabbed Kass by her shirt
“what did you say?”
“nothing. This is too entertaining for me to intervene. Fate would be mad at me you know” she said with a pout and Eivor was about to start swinging while Kassandra easily dodged every loose punch thrown her way
“ante re malaka, I'm joking. I talked to Sigurd and he took it down. So I expect you to return the favor”
“Kassandra I-!”
“you’re welcome” she said and grabbed her cheeks squeezing hard and shaking her face before tossing her off balance and letting her fall back on the bed
“So, your brothers ex…Randvi?”
“Aren’t you all meeting up at Valkas today to watch movies?”
Eivor grabbed a fistful of ice and buried your face in her palms to ease the pain as she hummed in agreement
“Randvi has a friend. A friend that I like and I asked for her to bring to your get together today and since Im YOUR friend you will bring me”
Eivor let out a long sigh and before she could speak she paused
“Wait, her friend? the short one?”
“she is your height”
“fuck off, you know who I mean. The one who dyes her hair regularly and is her roommate?”
“yeah her…why? No don’t tell me-“
“Yes I will I called dibs first”
They stared at each other for a long hard moment, neither of them sure of what to do or say. Neither of them had talked to you before. Partially due to the fact that you were really confusing to figure out on whether you were single or not and you had a tendency to vanish the second they were starting to get used to your presence in the local bars. Kassandra being ballsier and hornier asked Randvi straight out about you while Eivor seemed to be waiting to feel out the mood tonight at the get together.
“Ok listen “
“No you listen” Eivor interrupted and tossed the ice back in the plastic bag
“Ill take you there and we can just have fun. I don’t know if Randvi even managed to convince her to come but at the end of the day its up to her to choose between the two of us right?”
“yeah. No hard feelings if she ends up with you”
and that, was a fat stack of horseshit
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
They walked down the halls to Valkas place
“nice pants. new?”
“no, had them buried in a pile in my closet. Hey aren’t you gonna catch a cold with the sleeveless top?”
“no I'm good. We will be indoors anyways”
Eivor wore baggy jeans that comfortably sat low on her hips showing her inked, sharp V lines and her hair was rebraided with new rings and stones. Kass wore a white tight top without a bra that outlined her chest in an awfully nice way with her nipple piercings shamelessly outlined through the thin fabric and if they weren’t so busy hating each others ego and guts they would have fucked each other in the elevator but currently their brain was muddy with the thought of you and how to win you over. To everyone around ,they looked like hyenas ready to pounce.
At the get together at first they only found Randvi, Valka and Ciara. Later Alexios -kass’ brothe- joined with his girlfriend and they tried not to let their sour mood show on their face. Kassandra did at least. Eivor was pouting and was rude and snappish to everybody. That was until you made an appearance walking through the door and greeting everybody without really looking at them and going straight to Randvi
“hey did you take my keys?”
“oh fuck I probably did cause I couldnt find my own” she said in faked surprise and Kass wnated to mentally high five the ging in that moment. She was a real one and she made a mental note to gift her a bottle of wine later that week
“Hey since you are here why don’t you stay over?”
“I dont know, I had a really long lecture and..”
“oh please do us the favor. I've been dying to meet randvis mysterious roommate” Kass intervened and walked up to you offering a hand in greeting. You looked up in genuine curiosity and there was an unmistakable lustful glint in your eyes
“do you now” you asked and turned your body to face the tall greek demigod - as described by Kassandra herself-
“You see a cute girl, you ask for her number. its the natural order of things” she teased and you chuckled looking to the side seemingly flustered before you attempted to hold eye contact for a little longer
“Who are you?”
“Kassandra. I’m”
“ooooh” you said and then cut yourself of regretting your reaction
“shit, didn't mean to make that expression out loud” you joked and Kass tried to laugh it off as well
She didn’t like that oh. It meant you have heard of her from one of her past flings which she did try to end things on good terms. As good as ghosting someone after a one night stand could be at least. She was yanked back from a strong grip on her shoulder as Eivor stepped up to steal the spotlight
“Ease up on the girl Kass”
you turned to look at the norse and your demeanor changed in seconds
“Your braids- they are amazing. Is your hair this thick or are these extensions?” you asked and took a step sideways and towards her. Eivor subconsciously touched her braids pulling them to the front and showed them off proudly, bragging about their cultural meaning and you chimed in, perked up and eager to learn more.
Kassandra was leaning against the wall behind you having you trapped between their bodies in a way that sparked up a new idea in Kassandras filthy brain. Her eyes searched for Eivors and when they met she was sure that the same thought crossed their mind.
You looked awfully nice in the middle and the two mascs could certainly get used to such a sight
“You should come by our place. Eivor braided my hair once as well. She is skilled with her hands you know”
the brunette teased and run her fingers through your hair as if measuring the length
“If that's something you’d be into. It will take a few hours though”
she agreed and you looked behind you and then back to your front in realization of the position you were in. You shifted your weight from one leg to the other and hiked up your skirt a tad, discreetly as if to fix your outfit
“That sounds fun. I could compensate you for the effort by bringing coffee and my sunny personality”
“that sounds like a deal”
and before they could get comfortable with your presence you slipped out of the tight space they formed around you and in a smooth motion walked to the door
“Well then have fun tonight. Ill see you girls around”
and left the room. They stood there awkwardly refusing to make eye contact at how pathetic they probably looked to everyone around them. Valka let out a sigh
“Its ok you can leave”
And they both relaxed, tension leaving their bodies as they made their way to the door
“Ok ok cool cause like we-“
“Yes I know why you came. Goodnight”
The two women left in a hurry to catch up to you since you had conveniently forgotten to leave your ig handle or any other form of contact that they could reach you through.
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
It happened fast and the first time the three of you found yourselves alone. As alone as one can be at a public library. In your defense it was after hours and there were maybe one or two other students at the east end of the room where there were desks with computers while you three sat at the far back of the library on the couches by the large windows. Kassandra had snuck in a bottle of wine bragging that an uncle of hers made it himself and what was supposed to be a group study turned into a sloppy make out session with you on all fours on the couch,hands flat on the velvet fabrics on each side of Eivors thighs who had a tight grip on your cheeks pulling you in to deepen the kiss.
Eivor was a good kisser. You never thought you could ever kiss someone and reach a near death-like orgasmic state. She had skill when her velvet tongue caressed yours and the way it folded over the walls in your mouth had you begging for more and moaning in the midst of it.
“Fuck this view is good”
Whispered Kass as she pressed her thumb against the wet patch forming on your underwear. She rubbed the spot around your clit and you flinched letting out a moan. She had bunched up your skirt around your waist enjoying the view of your ass.
She looked around and leaned back to check if anyone was coming to their spot.
While you were covered enough thanks to the tall bookshelves separating the sitting areas she wanted to make sure that this view would be reserved for them alone. Kassandra didn’t care about getting caught in the midst of an indecent act but she would be bothered if anyone else would get sight so easily of what she fought to get access to for a few months now.
She adjusted her position again, spreading her legs further away to get closer to you and Eivor broke contact in that moment
“Someone’s coming?”
“No we’re good”
And before you could ask about the situation Kass was back,stimulating every nerve ending and sense in your brain by pulling your bright red underwear to the side and swiping her thick fingers through your folds collecting the wetness and leaning in to taste it. Your moan was thankfully drowned by Eivors lips crashing against her while her hands worked their way beneath your top and started caressing your chest and brushing over your nipples teasing the spot. You took the initiative to move your hand to undo her heavy belt, the noise of the metallic clasp ringing in the empty halls.
By now, Kass was knuckle deep in your pussy fingering you at a steady pace, reminding you to keep your back arched for her while Eivor on the other hand held your head low on her crotch bearing her teeth in an attempt to be quiet while you ate her out diligently. Your hair that she spent hours accessorizing with stones and rings was a mess in her tight grip now. Her knuckles were white as she pushed you against her cunt to which you obliged with content eager to push your tongue deeper in her hole, loving her scent and taste and the way her thighs twitched and started to shake from the upcoming orgasm. You yourself were barely holding on with Kassandra mercilessly destroying your pussy and whispering filthy praises all the while.
Your knees gave out the second your orgasm washed over you and you sat back on the couch resting your head on Eivors thigh while she gently caressed your hair now. Kassandra took her time to fix up your clothes being terribly tender with every move as if she was holding a priceless artifact in her hands.
It didn’t end there. Of course it didn’t. Because once they felt out how smoothly everything rolled with you three they had to keep going. So you ended up in Dormitory C and the second the door closed behind you Kassandras was already pushing you on her bed impatiently trying to get out of her baggy jean overalls while Eivor opened her closet to get out her leather strap on. Kassandra, like the whore that she was, had been strapped before they even left the house and so the minute her pants came off she eased her way in between your thighs and reached for the lube in the drawer of her bed table.
They took turns fucking you and in that moment you had the epiphany that being a whore was the best choice you took that day.
“I don’t know who to choose, they are both hot”
“Then go with both of them, Be a whore” Randvi suggested with a wink and you took her advice to heart. She would be proud tomorrow when you told her of this night over coffee
Kassandra lost all sense of time and space and by the time you all were worn out it was 5 am. You were laying on their living rooms couch, a series you forgot the title of playing on their Tv. You were on Kassandras chest, your cheek against her soft breasts while her hands caressed your hair and lower,laid Eivor between your thighs, arms wrapped around your waist and head on your sternum with her face buried in your neck near the countless bite marks that they left.
Kassandra made plans to make you breakfast. Not that she knew how to cook but she could cut up a few fruits and maybe finally use that espresso machine that Eivor bought a few months ago. The next day however the only one in her lap was her roommate who once was awake was as distraught to see that you were nowhere around
“Did she just…leave?”
EIvor would have laughed at Kassandras face for finally being the one ghosted however this specific situation directly affected her as well since Eivor was also ditched
“No, I don't think so. Wait” Eivor stood up and walked over to the coffee table to see a note left by you.
I borrowed your hoodie. Ill wash it and tell Randvi to give it to you <3
“Are you fucking with me right now?!”
Kassandra walked over and smirked
“Oh thats hot”
“Are you fucked in the head ? Like are you actually dumb?” Eivor angrily yelled and Kassandra just kept laughing
“Oh come on. Don’t tell me that what she just pulled didn’t make her that much more attractive. I say we one up what we did last night and make her ours”
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
Randvi was yelling at you for an hour half excited and half mad
“Why?! WHY?!” She held you by your shoulders shaking you like a rag doll and you just grinned refusing to take anything seriously
“Because Randvi I know the shit that they pull. Hell every girl they fucked around campus has being ghosted or cheated on or other shit. I had a good night but I don’t want to get attached”
Randvi frowned and seemed slightly let down. Hard to accept and harder to deny was the fact that indeed, Eivor and Kassandra had been leaving a series of broken hearts in their path however she could at least testify that Eivor did it because the blonde confessed to having a crush on you for a long time now and only fooled around with others until you were available.
“I think you should give it a shot. Can’t be worse than your last ex”
“No see it can because with them, sex was good”
And Randvi choked on her juice
No matter what grand plan you had to avoid getting entangled with them, The two were set on finding you and they did. Easily enough. You were drinking coffee at the cafeteria,headset on with a book in your head reading and enjoying your peaceful afternoon which they very excitedly ruined. Kassandra wrapped an arm around you sitting on the chair next to yours and Eivor pressed her palm against your lower back in greeting. You rested your headphones around your neck and looked at them
“Oh hi..ugh whats up”
Kass smirked and looked up at her roommate who licked her teeth as her smile widened. Her voice was dry, scratching that itch in your brain that made it awfully pleasing to listen to her speak and even better to hear her loud moans. Eivor caught the shift in your eyes and how the pupils seemed to dilate
“Someone is excited to see us”
“Bold” You remarked and leaned back against your bar stool your eyes going from Eivors blue to Kassandras hazelnut gaze
Why the hell not
You thought and decided to indulge them while they got comfortable around you. One thing led to another and you were yet again naked in the bathroom stall while they devoured every inch of your body.
Soon enough you found yourself more and more at their place and you would catch the way their body language changed and how they started using pet names more frequently with you. You didn’t dwell too much on that shift being someone who needed to be told things out right to understand them. You found out that according to them, you three had been dating for a month. The way you found out was at a party when a girl was hitting on you. You weren’t interested but when she asked if you were seeing anyone you told your version of truth which was
“No not really”
And word traveled fast at the party. So that night Eivor dragged you back to their apartment and had you choking on her strap while Kass pounded in you from behind
“Single huh? Is this how you get fucked when you are single then?!” She growled while you failed to see what she was angry about enjoying the delightful punishment that you were receiving
“So two ain’t enough for you? You need more people to fuck you?” Kassandra hissed while dizzy with the sight of your pussy stretched around her cock that glistened from your cum.
That night none of you were sure if someone was angry or horny or both and sat down to talk about whatever occurred at the party the next morning with coffee. You felt uncomfortable having such a serious conversation and when Kass asked
“So what are we?” You were convinced there was a glitch in the matrix. You couldn’t understand how you managed to make these two hang by every word coming out of your lips. Eivor was fidgeting with her cup while standing next to the window pretending not to care much. Kassandra had the same easy going smile but her knuckles were white from her clenched fists.
“I..Didn’t think you two considered us to be..like a thing I mean…You two are smart enough. I’m sure you know what they say about you two”
And kassandra flinched while eivor clenched her jaw
“No yeah we know but I figured since we…spent so much time together it meant something more” You nodded and found yourself melt at Kassandras visible vulnerability
“Didn’t it?”
You smiled and walked over to her gently holding her cheek in your hand and caressing the soft tan flesh. She relaxed in your touch
“I like what we three have going on. I wouldn’t mind if it were to become something more. No need to rush into anything though”
Eivor found the confidence to walk back towards you and face you
“No sure but…we want this” she exclaimed and you looked at them not believing what a turn your life had taken in less then a month.
“Alright then” you agreed and she relaxed leaning down to kiss you
“And sorry if I was a little rough with you last night”
You smiled in the kiss and shoved her face out of yours “You aren’t sorry at all” and she graced you with a wolfish grin that confirmed your statement.
Im suffering with Kasseivor thoughts these days and you all should as well
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ʙᴇɪɴɢ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴇɪᴠᴏʀ ᴠᴀʀɪɴꜱᴅᴏᴛᴛɪʀ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ...
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Characters: Eivor Varinsdottir(Female Data String) x Black!Fem!Reader
From: Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: When the Jarlskona of Raventhorpe sets her eyes upon you, there is virtually nothing you can do to sway her affection. What would a courtship with Eivor Wolf-Kissed entail?
Warnings: fem!data stream!eivor, cursing, game-canon violence, mentions of injuries and wound dressing
A/N: Started playing AC: Valhalla and honestly? Ubisoft don’t miss when it comes to this franchise. It’s been out for a bit now and it seems to be a bit dry out there, so allow me to feed the blk eivor lovers out there
Tags: @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @niyahwrites
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First and foremost, Eivor is an intense lover. There are no if, ands or buts about that. She’s lost everything and worked to regain it all back; her honor, her respect; and if she chooses you to be her lady, then best believe it was a choice made precisely.
You joined Ravensthorpe via trade - you were a fine seamstress looking for a settlement to call home. As you had a skill that could benefit yourself and the settlement, Eivor allowed your transition into the camp. She was impressed by your craftsmanship and with another winter closing in, the town would need all the best weaving and sewing it could get to brace for it.
After your first initial meeting, there were only fleeting moments of which the two of you would greet each other and talk. You were a joy to be around, always sporting a simple smile and engaging in Eivor’s jokes and combatting her sarcasm with your own. You were one of few people who could keep up with her and it sparked a friendship between the two of you.
Though you’d always had an eye for the jarlskona since your arrival - and honestly, who could blame you; the woman was large and brooding, carrying an air of mystery and absolute dominance while simultaneously being a comfort to you - there was a level of hierarchy that had to be maintained. Yes, she was attractive, but she was also your leader.
This is definitely a situation where one person falls first and the other falls harder. And while both of you are good at hiding your feelings (or maybe it’s just both of you are oblivious to the other’s affections), there was no denying that something was there.
Eivor’s realization of her affections comes when she receives her cloak back from you. She had asked you to repair it, as someone had ripped it pretty badly during a raid, because it was her favorite and she never left the settlement without it. It’s through Valka that you learn that the cloak is the last thing she has of her mother who was killed right in front of her when she was young. And while there was very little left of the original cloak to work with, you came up with a brilliant idea that you prayed wouldn’t end in her yelling at you for it.
You’d been wanting to make her a new one anyway, and with the torn one being the right shade of light brown you needed, you decided to use it on the hem and edges of the cloak, thickening it so that the frigid winter air wouldn’t make it through as easily. A wolf pelt was also sewn as the collar for the cloak, and hidden underneath it was a regular hood for when the cold was too much to bear in the face.
It was a fairly simple design, really, fortified by an extra layer of cloth for the cold, but to Eivor, it meant everything. When you handed it to her, she took her time analyzing your handiwork, tracing the edges and the hem of the cloak where it would meet at her chest, remembering the times her mother would hug her from behind in the same manner. Enveloping her in warmth, protecting her from harm.
There was a thudding in her chest that wouldn’t quiet until she returned to the longhouse. It was heavy and loud and unlike any emotion she had ever felt before. It couldn't be compared to the feeling of near-death, nor the ignorant bliss that came from downing endless horns of ale. She wished she could have figured it out on her own what the heaviness in her chest meant whenever she looked at you, but it took Randvi, her brother’s widow, to tell Eivor that she liked you more as just a friend. Whether she wanted to pursue something further than that, however, would be something she had to figure out alone.
In the weeks approaching winter you’d actually been working with Valka in learning skills to be a healer. She’d predicted that this winter would be bad with a lot of sickness, injuries, and deaths. Unfortunately, she was correct. Her cabin became overrun with injured raiders, and of course, Eivor was amongst the ranks.
Valka suggested that since Eivor had some pretty severe injuries (not to mention a history of hallucinations and visions she’d informed you on), that Eivor should be taken care of by you in the longhouse. It took a little bit of convincing of both you and Eivor (though once the healing salve had been applied to her injuries and she’d drunk a brew Valka made, Eivor couldn't put up much of a fight while she was asleep), but nevertheless, you’d started taking care of Eivor in the comfort of her room. To this day, you aren’t sure if she knew what she was doing when she suggested this arrangement, but you’ve always had your suspicions. They don’t call a wise woman wise for nothing.
Weeks went by and Eivor was making a steady recovery, having regained much of her strength and was able to move around on her own now. SO you started coming around less often, which saddened her. One night, while you were cleaning and redressing her nasty shoulder wound, she pointed out the exhaustion that plagued your face and asked you if it would make things easier if you spent the night, and to be truthful in your response.
You admitted that it would be easier, but you had no sleeping clothes and you would have had to travel across the settlement to get them anyway. Eivor offered up one of her shirts a bit too eagerly, though quickly covered it up with an ‘it’s what friends do’, which was a painful statement to say because after being taken care of a dotted on by you for the past few weeks, it became increasingly clear for her that she wanted more than just friendship.
She still doesn’t know what officially solidified it for her, but the moment she sees you in her linen shirt, a particularly large one that hung slightly off shoulder and created a pretty contrast against your dark skin, glowing against the candlelight that flickers throughout the room, she makes up her mind that she will ask you to be hers before the night is over with.
Eivor is no stranger to having to be quick-witted in timely situations, and this is no different. She formulates how she will pose the question to you, shuffling through different starting points, trying to also hold a steady resolve so that she can actually get to the question and not chicken out when things get hot.
Which is exactly what almost happens when you ask to take down her braids that she’s had in for god knows how long, too fixated on healing to really notice her hair needed attention as well. And when she’s met with your hands in her hair, it takes every fiber of her vikingr being to not lose focus.
You’re standing in front of her while she sits on the edge of the bed. You’re rebraiding the two side pieces she normally has in, and there’s talk of the events that happened in your day while you were out before you came to check in on her. You end up moving a certain way that causes you to lose your balance, you almost fall on top of her but she catches you before you do. A crisis averted…
…and yet her hands dont leave your hips. Eivor tries to pull them away, she really does, but she can’t help that they feel right being on your sides. And when you lock eyes the intensity of the atmosphere and in your stares all but thickens, and suddenly Eivor is at a loss of any words she thought she was gonna speak.
Eivor is a skilled warrior, hardened on the battlefield, mind sharpened from years of training and discipline, but it’s the slightest nudge you give her when you lean forward, when you’re looking down at her with your pretty eyes and full lips slightly parted, when you seemingly melt into her hands - its then that every resolve she has falls through the cracks, and she pulls you onto her lap, and kisses you through the searing pain that courses through her shoulder when she encourages you to straddle her.
Eivor is an intense lover. She does properly ask to court you, after catching her breath from the mindblowing kiss she’d stolen from you, and from then on, there’s not a doubt in anyone's mind who has the jarlskona’s favor. She prides herself in having you as her Lady, wanting to spoil you with the riches at her disposal but understands if being dressed up isn’t you’re cup of tea. She grants you the same respect that is expected to be given to her - you are her equal, and she will love you with everything she has until Odin calls her to Valhalla.
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negronispagliato · 1 month
i'll be around (where we used to be) || eivor varinsdottir
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summary: a year or so post nastiest break up of your life, you and eivor reunite at gunnar & brigid's wedding
pairing: modern!eivor x reader
themes/warnings: breakups, established relationships, mentions of eivor not having been the greatest partner (but never cheating), yearning, all that good stuff.
word count: idk but they're all full of queer yearning.
note: i'm not exactly back but kinda....? had to take some time away from the ac space lol but anywhoooooooo here's an old fic with very shitting writing. divider by @/cafekitsune
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She looks good. You think to yourself while sipping on a lukewarm mulled wine. 
It’s been nearly a whole year since you’ve seen Eivor. It shouldn’t feel as strange as it does, but there’s been a whole year of the two of you acting like awkward strangers ever since the break up.
Ever since the explosive argument that pigeonholed the two of you into making a decision that ended up hurting the two of you, and dissolving everything you had into suitcases and storage boxes. 
There’s the weight of things unsaid and unresolved, and no matter how much you try to interact with everyone at the wedding party it doesn’t soothe the dull ache of being so close and so far from her at the same time. 
You were just a guest at Gunnar’s wedding, so your outfit of choice wasn’t all that in comparison to Eivor’s outfit. She was part of the wedding party, the officiator, all trussed up in a black suit that had been expertly fitted, a couple of buttons on the white dress shirt undone to reveal a bit of the tattoo that occupied most of her chest.
She was always effortlessly handsome, you would say to her a long time ago. She’d  only laugh and respond with a kiss.
A whole year apart, and the ghosts of their memory still lingered in your mind much like the memory of how it felt to be held and kissed and loved by Eivor once upon a time. 
Her golden hair, braids done up and sides shaved off to reveal the tattoos emblazoned on her scalp, itching to be played and caressed by your gentle touch that could put her to sleep as easily as it could cause her pleasure. 
Despite the awkwardness of passively and actively trying to avoid her, you have a fun enough time. 
You make the valiant effort to talk to old friends, catch up with their latest life accomplishments. Randvi had just completed an assignment overseas as a diplomat. Soma had made incredible strides in her consulting business. Valka, and gods you missed her so much too, had incredible success as a professor. 
And for a while, it works to distract you from the incredible pull you still feel towards Eivor while passively avoiding her. Really, you weren’t actively trying to, but it was hard to say no when someone else seemed to pull you away into another conversation at just the right time.  
The rowdiness of all the drunk guests works to drown out your melancholy a superficial amount, but it only works so much until you feel like you need to breathe. 
It’s hard to find the words and form an excuse to dismiss yourself from the conversation you were ensconced with Valka and Randvi, at least until you spot Eivor walking over. 
You could only keep yourself from looking at her so much, from your eyes searching her out for so long. She caught you looking, and now your heart threatened to beat out of your chest like a war drum. 
Even from afar, she could read you with just a look. 
As if by some sort of fucked up serendipity, your phone starts to vibrate in your pocket, and you take it as a way to give yourself an out. 
You make your way towards the street after Randvi advises that the signal inside is terrible. Eivor gets to where you had just been sat, glancing at Randvi all confused after she watches you practically run away. 
Breathing doesn’t become any easier once you step outside. The air has become a little too cold, and it makes you keenly aware that your choice for a coat was not all that suitable for the weather. You also miss the call, but make no effort to call back. 
You don’t feel any better avoiding her.  You feel dirty, scurrying and escaping like a cat avoiding water in order to get away from Eivor. 
But the feeling of dread that pits in the bottom of your stomach just gets worse, and you don’t know how much longer you can keep avoiding her. Keep missing her. 
You hate how much you miss her, how much her comfort is the only one that can soothe the ache she caused, but you can’t lie to yourself either. 
There’s been many times during your time apart that you’ve ached to call her, to hear her raspy, piquant voice soothe your worries. To call her and try to come to a truce, that you wanted to go back to her, that you would’ve left everything behind to be with her.
She probably would’ve done the same, no, you know she would’ve done the same for you. But neither one of you could deal with the weight of the guilt, the shame of having yelled at each other. The two of you never did that before. 
Besides, she probably had someone else now. Even during your years together, she always seemed to ignore how people fawned over her. 
Though, you hadn’t been able to see how she’’d only ever had eyes for you. 
The sigh you release doesn’t make you feel any lighter. 
“Leaving so soon?”
The sound of her voice after not having heard it for so long makes you jump, and you whip around to look at her. You were hiding your phone like you had been doing something worthy of punishing. 
The pulsing takes over your ears, triggering a numb feeling that leaves you feeling weightless all over. It’s the same feeling you got when the two of you first met all those years ago. She still had that effect on you, taking your breath away with that smirk that always had you feeling some type of way. 
“I um...uh..” You can’t even find the words to say to her. You didn’t expect to interact with her on any level. 
Could you be any more ridiculous in front of an ex? 
“Randvi told me you were taking a phone call outside.” She says, shoving her hands into her pockets and shifting her weight from one foot to another. 
“Yeah uh..it was..it was work?” You awkwardly wave your phone before shucking it in your pocket, shivering for reasons other than the cold. 
Fuck if you knew if that’s what it really was, but you were trying damn hard to make it seem like you weren’t preoccupied about her the whole time. 
Eivor’s eyebrows shoot up and her eyes glint in curiosity. 
“How’s that going? Did they treat you alright over there?” 
You smile a little at her ever present thoughtfulness, “yeah, it was great.” There’s an awkward pause that leaves the two of you wondering what could be recovered from the ashes of what once was. 
There was a time where the breakup had come as a shock to a lot of your mutual friends, and for a time it was the only thing people could talk about. 
It didn’t help Eivor any. The breakup was equally as difficult on her. She didn’t have the heart to get rid of things the two of you had amassed over the course of the relationship, especially not the polaroids that had been littered about the home you two once shared or the pictures in her phone.
She regretted letting you go the second you had been forced to walk out of her life, and seeing you at the wedding had resurfaced a lot of unresolved feelings. 
Even though she felt elated seeing you again, she didn’t dare hope. 
You chuckle awkwardly at the poignant silence, picking at the cuticles of your nails—a part of you Eivor had known well once upon a time, and just sigh. 
She used to take your hands, and kiss the parts that hurt. She used to know how to mend the parts of you that needed healing.
To her credit, the small conversation that comes up isn’t too awkward since it wasn’t all that personal. There’s a chuckle here and a joke there, lulling the both of you into a false sense of security. 
It’s when she gives you that look, one that’s so natural to her, that it has you feeling nervous all over again.
Whether she’d meant to or not, it was the look she’d give you when she couldn’t verbally express how much she truly loved you with every fiber of her being. It’s always been an automatic, second nature thing for her to look at you like you hung up the moon and the stars. 
There’s a sigh that escapes her. A whisper of truce. 
That look that left you tingling all over with desire for her, a warmth suffusing all throughout your body. The love she possessed for you is clear in her eyes now as it was back then, before the fight. 
It was clear that she wasn’t really ready to let you go just yet, not when she had you right in front of her again after such a long time. She offers you an arm, nodding behind her. 
“Did you..want to go for a walk?” 
“Oh, I don’t—“
“I won’t keep you long, I promise.”
How can you say no with the way she’s looking at you like that? You felt your heart squeeze at the soft pleading in her voice. 
It feels like you’re melting under Eivor’s gaze, and just like that, you give her an easy smile and take a hold of the arm she offers. She hums pleasantly, keeping an easy and relaxed pace with you as the two of you are walking away from the party with no particular direction in mind. 
The conversation and the silence in between you is easy, coming and going naturally as if no time had passed by at all. 
You caught each other up on what had been going on in your lives during the last year: Eivor finally settled back in London after travelling constantly for work, but still had a ways to go in unpacking all of her stuff from the suitcases. The only things she had bothered to set up again in the old apartment were the bare essentials, which didn’t surprise you in the slightest. That’s how it had been when you two had lived together. 
You’d brought color itself into her life. 
Neither of you really acknowledged how fucked up of a feeling it was for Eivor to have also left your once shared home, and have come back to it empty and alone with the bare bones of what you once had together. 
“Are you in town just for the wedding?” She asked after a while, adjusting her arm so you could loop your elbows together. She can’t help the smile that comes on when you naturally match your stride to hers and hold onto her just a little bit closer, fingers laced together. 
“Sort of.” You squeeze her arm slightly when the two of you momentarily acknowledge a dog being walked by their owner, “My work contract is actually done, and it coincided with Gunnar’s wedding so...yeah, might finally settle down here again.” Eivor feels her heart accelerate as fast as it drops when she hears your words. She stops walking entirely, oceanic eyes riddled with a slight panic.
Were you telling the truth? Were you officially back home now? Back to…her? Would you even want to be? What if you had moved on? 
Looking at her, you practically knew what Eivor was wanting to ask so badly. It was as obvious in her eyes and in her touch—the way she held your hand so carefully. The way she rubbed your skin with her calloused thumb had soothed the bubbling unease in your belly. 
“Would yo-” 
“Maybe we–” 
The both of you laugh awkwardly, and she motions for you to speak first. 
“I..would like to get to know you again, Eivor.” 
Eivor breathes softly. She can’t say that the words don’t hurt a little, but she forces her impatient nature to not rear its ugly head. 
She hadn’t even realized the both of you stopped walking, or how she’d let go of your hand. But you reached for her again, bringing her back from the insecurity that threatened to drag her under. 
“I think we owe each other that much, right? A clean slate.” You whisper to her, feeling your own heart tug a little when you notice her stormy eyes water up with tears. 
“You’ve always had more sense than me, anyway.” 
That makes you laugh a little, but still, you can see how she deflated she was from the hurt she undoubtedly felt. The dejection was written all over her face, shoulders sagging as she stood in front of you, loosely holding your hands. 
Eivor’s shoulders shake as she lets out a watery laugh. You don’t blame her for feeling the way she does. She’s used to fixing everything right away, and even now it’s hard for her to know that while you hadn’t rejected her outright, you didn’t take her back immediately. 
“Eivor…I-I need to settle, and I can’t lie – the wedding is bringing up a lot of things we shouldn’t talk about right now.” 
“I’d give anything in the world to have you come back to me.” She’s a little more hopeful this time, voice a little high from nerves, but receptive to your touch as she rests her forehead on yours, “Without you, I’ve lost my way a thousand times.” 
“We’ll come back to each other, Eivor. I promise.” Your own voice wavered a little as you grabbed her hands, “I just need time, please?” 
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 8 months
saw your requests are open. If its not ignore this .
can u do AC Valhalla hytham x reader ? Maybe reader is evior sibling? And hytham is falling for them but is shy to confess . They fall in love and basim is like :
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Amongst hidden ruins
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I am so sorry for the long wait I was havig life and death situation with uni I didn't consider that would be there but I hope I can make it up to you by offering a 3 part slow burn?? Ya girl is trying I promise🙈🙉🙊
Pairing: Hytham x reader
Genre: fluff, awkward fluff, idiots in love
Warnings: none, except if you count me not knowing what im doing???
Note: Shy Hytham is canon to me, let he be nervous and giddy with his crush🤌❤️. Also, Basim with his wolf dad energy 100% supports his adopted son like "i teach you how to be an assassin, now i teach you how to rizz, boy" and Eivor finally can live through what Sigurd needed to, aka being the older sibling and they will quickly find out why Siggy has eyebags lmfaoo
Here's part 2
Being related to the leaders of the Raven Clan was not easy. Especially when it came to two battle-hardened brothers. From the dawn of your life, you had to have someone by your side to keep you from being "hurt." First came the cautionary orders of your father Styrbjörn, which you cannot remember unless it is from Tekla's evening stories. Taking in and raising a newborn baby with two troublemaker squirrels aged a lot on your fathers, even during the early winters of your lives. Then, as you were growing, Prince Sigurd's sense of duty began to surface, and who else could he begin directing, rebuking, and protecting than his youngest sibling. Most of your childhood thus consisted of tramping in your eldest brother's heels, holding his hand, and obeying when he forbade you something. And just when you thought your troubled years would cease to exist as you grew up, Eivor's pestration began.
"I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to call Randvi next time. More eyes see more, more blades cut more." Eivor continued as he dodged those who came across him, trying to catch up with you, who was trying to get rid of his brother with wide steps. You rolled your eyes grumbling as you picked up a bucket from the riverbank, heading towards the stables.
"Eivor, last time, I just went riding for an hour. To the neighboring fields. If you climbed up the top of the Longhouse you would have seen it!" You patted it over your shoulder as you trampled up the path of the settlement.
"Yes, but Tove reported that Saxon bandits are passing nearby lately and-" "Eivor, I don't need a nanny! I can defend myself. I might as well show you how good I am." You raised your voice a little harder than you wanted as you spun back, defiantly shouting into his face. Eivor backed up with wide open eyes, raising his arms to the surrender. 
"Hey, hey, you have no reason to yell at your brother, little one. I just want the best for you." Eivor's voice sounded suspiciously metallic, sarcastic. You knew he was almost certainly  taking your words half-heartedly.
"And if you want any good for yourself, you'd better shut your mouth before I stuff it with Gunnar's footcloth!" Your fingers and fists almost turned white from the effort you used to hold the bucket close to your chest – you had to concentrate very hard not to hit your brother's head with it.
"You talk like you have a chance to beat me." Eivor chuckled to himself in a pitiful grin.
"Listen here, you smartass, Sigurd entrusted you with the leadership of the Clan, not that some blister-headed—"
"I think it will be enough of spreading curses for today. Otherwise, Valka won't be able to make enough talismans for all of us if you keep going like this." In your big arguments, you didn't even notice that Randvi walked next to you. She looked at the two of you with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe a retreat would be good.”
"But Randvi, don't you hear that Eivor runs to me at the slightest crack of a stick to see if I'm still alive? Can't you see that even though I've had the same training as him in our childhood, he acts like I'm a defenseless baby? " You turned to Randvi in desperation, not even paying attention to the water, whether it would stay in your bucket or not.
Your sister in law looked back at you with a pursed mouth. Please, be the more mature one. Reflected in her gaze.
Why do you always have to take the shortcut, for the sake of peace?
You nodded with an annoyed sigh.
"Alright." You grunted in agreement turning back to Eivor, but your flaming stare could have almost scorched him. "Next time I'll tell someone to come with me when I leave home. Okay?"
Eivor's face softened, his eyes sparkling with joy as he grinned in satisfaction.
"Perfect, little sister." He almost sang it as he straightened his back and walked off as if he had done his job well.
"I'll drown him in Tekla's beer one day, you'll see." You fumed at Randvi as you watched with narrowed eyes your brother’s leave.
Randvi laughed hearing this, and patted your shoulder. "Don't be so angry with him, he really only wants good for you." She said apologetically, voice full with kindness.
"His desire for good crushes me. He suffocates me with his fear. No one could live that way." You answered defiantly, speaking from your heart. When will the moment finally come when you can live your life for yourself and no one else?
You sighed dejectedly, then lifted the wooden bucket to your side again. "..I'd better reload this." You muttered, then waved goodbye to Randvi and turned back towards the water.
It seemed to be a long day ahead of you. 
That night you felt like all the joy had been drained from you. Despite the feast, time passed grimly. Despite the music, singing and celebration, you couldn't cheer up - the meat felt tasteless in your mouth.
Since what happened in the morning, you didn't even want to see your brother, specifically for that reason you went to the other side of the longhouse, where you won't even accidentally come under Eivor's watchful eye.
You wondered what you should do to make your brother's overbearing subside.
"Is this seat up to take?" A question came to you behind your back. At first it crossed your mind that it could just be Eivor, that he can't even leave you alone while eating, but then you realized that the voice asking the question sounded much softer than your brother's thunderous one. 
You turned around and found yourself facing Hytham's slender figure. ​He wore his usual white caftan, but now the hood did not cover his lush brown curls. In the darkness, the light of the fire showed a deep brown iris of warm honey, his skin golden from the dancing embers.
It was as if the summer night itself was standing before you.
"For you I am gladly saying yes." You smiled with relief, motioning for him to take the seat beside you.
With a chuckle Hytham took a seat beside you and as he was settling, his shoulder and elbow rubbed against yours.
"Oh, sorry!" He gasped in fright, immediately pulling away from you, offering a decent distance.
"Ah, don't even  worry about it." You waved it away, turning to him. "And what's new in the office? Have you found anything recently with… Eivor, that would advance your research?" You asked, leaning on your elbows.
Hytham shone a timid smile towards you, shaking his head.
"I'm afraid I can't give you exciting news, there haven't been any new leads for weeks. Eivor has been too busy lately, taking care of the clan's affairs with the surrounding allies, to be thinking about that right now."
Pursing your lips, you pondered; your attention falling on the beer mug in your hand, you didn't even have time to notice the warm, longing look with which Hytham stole a glance at you. 
You couldn't notice it - but Basim did; from across, beside the fire. 
"And if I helped instead of Eivor? Trust me, I'm just as good at tracking as he is!" It came out of your mouth suddenly. The thought that you could finally break away from the prohibitions of your brother, from the small life of the settlement, had an invigorating effect on your soul.
"Uh…well…I don't know." Hytham was suddenly speechless, fidgeting shyly, glancing around the hall. "I don't think your brother would be happy if I took you."
"Eivor would only be happy if I was sitting on the shelf in his room until Ragnarök." You rolled your eyes, poking at your brother in annoyance. "Please Hytham! I promise I'll be of use to you!" Leaning closer to him, you betted your eyelashes so sweetly, gazing up at him in the hope that his heart softens for your request. 
But Hytham's heart no longer needed cunning tricks to seduce him.
An indescribable force has drawn him to you since his arrival in the North. The man stood mesmerized by your beauty and as the months went by, as he got to know your pure soul, bright mind, and sharp tongue more and more, he grew a great passion for your person.
Young fierce love or it was a heart-wrenching, bittersweet yearning;  he didn't know yet – Hytham was only certain of this: that your nearness filled him with hope and happiness.
And that was enough for him.
"I— I can  Basim when he might not need my help, and if he releases me, we can go…if you really want to, of course." He agreed with a warm smile on his face.
Sheepishness filled you under his penetrating gaze –  your heart pounded, and slowly the heat of the fire seemed cold compared to the warmth of your skin, as you could only look at your mug while blushing.
When did the young man from the far east start to interest you? When did you notice his charming smile and delightful gaze? How many times have you melted by his eloquence, gentle speech, patience or care? Why did you feel you could never tell Hytham this, because of Eivor? That your brother would definitely stand in your way, even if only for a spark of happiness.
Perhaps better at rest; to live unchanged; as in shame and regret.
"So be it, Hytham." You agreed, now in a much more subdued tone. "If you have come to an agreement with Basim, please tell me immediately!" You promised him as he bowed in agreement.
Maybe you were given a chance for a way out after all. Maybe you'll finally manage to break free from your brother's wings. Maybe if you start on this unknown path, you can find yourself in someone else's arms.
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legitalicat · 3 months
Dragon of Valhalla
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AN: Guys I've started doing TikTok trend posts for Anya and Sihtric, I love them so much. They have my whole heart.
Series Masterlist here!
Special shoutout to @sihtricfedaraaahvicius as the "flower scene" was inspired by a recent meme she posted!
Songs of the Chapter:
Soldier by Tommee Profitt and Fleurie
Driver's Seat by Madds Buckley
Given by Sleep Token
We Are Broken by Paramore
Summary: Grief rolls through, denial and acceptance and love being left behind.
CW: Divinity, talks of loss, talks of grief, unrequited feelings, Sihtric speaks of Kjartan
Pairings: Sihtric Kjartansson x Anya Eivorsdottir, one sided Aemond Targaryen x Anya Eivorsdottir
Word Count: 3.6k
Previous Chapter
Chapter 11
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Ravensthorpe, Kingdom of Mercia
They had returned three days earlier. Sihtric tried to remain by her side. Yet, it seemed every time he tried to find her, she was gone. He did not find her in her room, under the tree, in the war room, or even Valka’s hut. She really only allowed him space in the night, when she laid in his arms and tried to pretend as though she did not cry herself to sleep.
He knew she was spending time with Aemond. While he did not understand why, he would wait. He could be patient with her. What she had just gone through would have devastated even the most seasoned warriors.
Sihtric did not know what he could do. Eivor nor Hytham could speak to her. She refused. They told Sihtric she had never become like this. Death has never so greatly affected her, as they told him.
Anya sat on the cliff side across the river from Ravensthorpe. On her right sat Dwolfg, a wolf she had bonded with early on in her life, head in her lap. On her left sat Aemond in a rare moment where he allowed the removal of his eye patch. She could watch the movement of her people as though they were ants.
She could see Criston Cole, his armor shining in the light like a beacon, making his twice daily perimeter. The children of the town played about aimlessly. Tarben carried his bread to the longhouse, Dag lead his men to a longship. Uhtred, Finan, and Osferth followed Sihtric as he undoubtedly looked for her.
There was a part in Anya that wanted nothing more than to be by his side. She wanted to share this part of her with him. She loved him a great deal. It infuriated her to no end. Her heart should long since have learned that love seemed to only hurt her.
Sihtric was impossible to not love, though. He was soft where she had hardened. He found beauty and joy in the gentle parts of the world. His favorite thing she had shown him was whenever butterflies gathered in the lilac field not far from where they met. He was dawn where she was dusk. He the promise of warmth and light, she the promise of cold and dark.
How could she explain to him how weak she felt? Be it honor or cowardice, she should have stepped forward to try to fight Ivarr. Instead, she stood by as her mother made him answer for his crimes. She did not move to avenge Ceolbert.
“I do not mind the silence, but I do believe you will not get past this if you do not speak of it,” Aemond said quietly to her, glancing at her.
“I do not wish to speak of it,” she whispered.
“Then speak of anything, Anya, please,” he pleaded with her.
She sighed and turned to look at him. The look of love in his eye was obvious. How desperate he was for the connection they once shared. What that connection was, Anya could not name. But she knew it was different than what they shared now.
“It is here that I feel the callings of Norway. I cannot tell you why,” she said quietly.
She could not tell him the whole truth of it. It was a part of her that only Sihtric was granted. To know the inner workings of her heart and soul was the privilege he earned.
“It is odd, in truth, to long for a home I have not seen,” she told him. “I do not know if I ever will.”
“Why not?” he asked her. He turned to face her completely.
“I was gone for four years, seeking the army I need to achieve my destiny. Seeking you,” she said. “What would it say about me if I were just to turn around and leave again?”
Aemond felt his heart thud against his chest at her words. She had sought him specifically. She had alluded to it, yes, but never outright said as much. To think about how she had traveled across oceans to find him set something on fire inside of him.
“Anya, I,” he said quietly.
Her blood ran cold. The way he was looking at her made it obvious what he wanted to say to her. His words were heavy on her ears. She did not want to hear them.
“I value your counsel, Aemond,” she told him. “Your friendship has meant a great deal to me these last years.”
“Is that all it was?” he asked her.
She looked away from him. Ravensthorpe still bustled about, the view of it not changing. She could see Finan grabbing Sihtric, trying to get him to turn around to talk. But she could tell just she was he moved that he did not listen. He may have even yelled.
The way her heart yearned to go to him told Anya everything she would ever need to know. There was not a part of her that did not love him. As much as it frustrated her that she was once again vulnerable, nothing inside of her allowed her to deny it.
“What we were, or could have been, it is not important,” she told him while she watched Sihtric.
Dwolfg looked up at Anya as Anya looked down at her. The two did not make a sound between them. Anya knew the great creature understood her, just as she always understood Dwolfg. And somehow, she knew the wolf understood her desire. Without further hesitation, Dwolfg stood and began walking down the hill.
“Because of him?” he asked her quietly. From the corner of her eye, she could see him putting his eye patch back on.
“I do not wish to cause you harm. I care for you, but I merely cannot pretend Sihtric does not exist,” she whispered. “I wish I could explain it to you, but all I can tell you is that he above all is my future.”
“You will change your mind,” Aemond said simply as he stood himself.
“Aemond, I will not,” she said.
“You will. There will come a day you will understand what I offer you, and you will accept,” he said, his voice cracking just slightly.
She sighed, but did not try to keep him there as he began walking away. If he wished to live in his delusions, that was his decision. If he would beg her to speak, but then deny her when she did, she wiped her hands of the pain caused when he realized it was true.
For now, Anya looked north, past the longhouse, before closing her eyes. She thought of what it would be like to travel to Norway. The land of her people was interwoven so deeply within her that she could close her eyes and feel the biting chill. As long as she stayed in this spot, she could pretend. ( 1 )
It was when she opened her eyes that she was reminded of the truth. She was a warrior. There would never be a time in which she was not fighting for long enough to ever travel so far. Her duty to her people would stay with her until the end of her days.
Anya looked back to the town. Dwolfg had found Sihtric. As she nudged against him, he looked around. Anya did not understand how, but it was as though he suddenly knew exactly where she had been. He looked up at the cliff, directly at her.
Sihtric quickly held up his hands. A sign for her to wait, to stay where she was. She nodded, without knowing if he could even tell that she had. And then she watched as he practically ran into the longhouse.
That was the moment she decided she could not do this to herself anymore. He had asked her, begged her, pleaded with her to let him love her. She needed to let herself love him.
She closed her eyes again. Instead of envisioning Norway, she thought of his arms around her. Anya longed for the future they would have together. Perhaps one day, the fighting would be over. They could go to Norway, together. If they were lucky, maybe they would have children. A boy with her hair and his eyes, a girl with his smile and her nose.
She could see it so clearly. A life, dedicated to the gods and her destiny. Sihtric by her side, a life of happiness waiting for them at the end of it all. What more could she ask for?
When Anya opened her eyes again, it was because she felt his presence next to her. She looked to him, every muscle in her body relaxing. He had a basket at his side, a poorly strewn together bouquet of little white flowers in hand. Even standing before her in such a way, just in a tunic and his breeches with his axe loosely secured to him, she felt there was nobody she was safer with.
“Sihtric,” she whispered.
“They are in need of some sunshine,” he explained to her as he handed her the flowers. “You were the obvious solution.”
Her heart felt as though it were going to explode and melt at once. She could not fathom a world in which she deserved him. Where she was cold and closed off, he was warm and open. He thought her to be sunshine, but that would make him but an inferno.
“I am sorry, for what it’s worth,” he said to her before she could respond. “I had hoped you were right about him.”
The tears came to her eyes before she could stop them. If Anya were to be honest, she had avoided everyone these last days because she did not want to be reminded of her being wrong. Not because she could not admit that she had been, but because she had been so wrong. How many people died because of her trust in him? How close had Sihtric been to death because she was reckless?
“I do not regret denying him,” she whispered. “Perhaps that makes me just the same as him.”
“No,” Sihtric said immediately. His voice was unwavering. “Your reasons are your own, but I do not imagine I could do any different.”
“You are much better than I, Sihtric. I do not think you could ever do such a thing,” she whispered.
“I just stood by as I watched Uhtred’s brother kill my father, a cowardly little boy just as I always had been,” he said quietly.
His gaze shifted down as she took his hand in hers. He did not say it for pity. But she deserved to hear it. If he were to spend his days by her side, she needed to know him.
“I should have taken you away from Repton when I saw Kjartan’s men,” he said to her. “I was paralyzed in fear.”
“You do not have to explain yourself,” Anya whispered.
“I do, to you,” he told her as he looked back up at him.
The wind danced around them. Their names were a whisper along the current. Those who knew them, who had loved them, coming to encircle them. For a moment, Sihtric could feel his mother’s love reaching out to him. Anya could feel Ceolbert’s unending approval.
“I am sure your father has told you about mine than what I alone have shared. Just as I am sure every story, every rumor is true to how he was. He was cruel, vicious. And never did he carry out his own punishments. He fed my mother to dogs, but did not have the honor to do anything but give the order,” he said quietly. ( 2 )
She leaned forward, resting her forehead against his. It was a connection of their hearts, their minds. A way to show him she was his, if she had to name it. It may be ridiculous, yet she needed him to feel her.
“I told you he was an angry man,” he said quietly, closing his eyes. “But I worry at times I may have inherited his rage. I worry the part of me he cared for and nurtured may one day win out. He taught me how to be a ruthless killer, whether he intended to or not.”
“Your heart is far too large,” Anya told him. “You are far too compassionate.”
“You did not know him,” he said as he pulled away. He was almost frustrated that she did not seem to recoil at this revelation. “He was perfectly contented by using me as a weapon! I was not good enough to be his son but I was more than welcome to spill his enemies’ blood!”
She watched as he stood and started pacing. It was not uncommon for her to see Sihtric become restless when his emotions started building up. She imagined that just a few nights earlier, when he walked away in the woods, he paced a cavern into the earth itself.
This, though, was different. A panic that had settled deep into the pits of his stomach. And it was not that she was the cause, but merely the vessel. The thing others could manipulate him with when he swore he would never be manipulated again.
“You…you do not think yourself capable of what Ivarr did, do you?” She asked him quietly.
Sihtric stumbled a bit as he came to a stop. Her words felt like chains around his ankles.
“Kjartan was like him. Kjartan raised me, his blood courses through me. It is not impossible,” he said quietly.
She stood from her spot. Her heart had ached with his claims. It was as though an eagle pecked at it. Piece by piece, dismantling itself in her chest, as she realized just how much Kjartan harmed him. Physical wounds would heal, leaving scars to prove victory. But damage to the soul felt near irreversible.
“You are mine as I am yours, yes?” she asked him. He only nodded. “Do you believe me to be capable of such things? When Ivarr was one of those who trained me?”
“No, of course not. But, Anya,” he whispered.
“I do not want to hear what you are about to say unless it is your agreement,” she said quickly. “I am yours and you are mine. Sihtric, I will stand by you in every moment. I wish to know the beauty, the pain, the love, all that you feel and all that you are. I will look at those who would harm you and cut them down before you ever notice them. I am not scared that you would ever betray me in any way, because you are not capable of such.” ( 3 )
Her voice was as firm as it was steady. There was not a word she said that she did not believe in entirely. The love and faith she bore him was just as sure for her as the faith she had in her gods. It was just as sure as the faith she had in her own mother.
He felt as though as his knees would buckle under the weight of her gaze. Never in his life had he seen a look such as hers. It was of complete, utter devotion. He was being granted more love from her than he had ever been in his life.
Anya could feel his understanding. Neither of them had been secretive about their feelings. They had both known, perhaps from the very beginning, that their hearts belonged to one another. Yet, she could not stand not to say it. She had wanted him to feel it, but to say it now would make it far more real.
“Sihtric, I love you,” she said quietly. Her voice cracked under the weight of her confession. But she could not stop herself now. “I love you in every part of me. All that I do, all that I accomplish, it would mean nothing without you. I love you entirely and completely. I would let the world burn to ash if it meant you would be by my side.”
She closed the distance between them. Ten feet from where she stood at the edge to where he was. Ten feet that felt like a chasm large enough to swallow thirty jötunn whole. Her need for him far surpassed anything else.
“It is my failing that you do not understand,” she whispered to him as she took his hands in hers. “I should have told you. I thought perhaps if I loved you enough you would know it so deeply I would not have to say it. I thought I,” she took a deep breath, trying to steady the way she now shook. “I thought if I said it you would be taken from me.” ( 4 )
“Why?” he whispered, his own voice cracking now.
“I have not said, to anyone, that I love them since Ceolbert’s death. He was the last I told, in any circumstance. He died in my arms, Sihtric, and that nearly destroyed me. To think of you in such a position, to think of losing you, I would never recover from that,” she told him. She found herself incapable of holding it all in anymore. “Because you are not just the holder of my heart but my heart itself. You are all that I fight for and to weigh you down with the burden of me paralyzes me.”
“What burden do you pose on me?” he asked her, his brows furrowing in genuine confusion. “Why do you fight so hard to prove yourself to me when I have never asked you to?”
He dropped her hands before taking her face gently in his own hands. It was something he had done a few times now. Now, there was something different.
The wind shifted around them. It was an encompassing comfort, urging her further into his arms. As though being controlled like a marionette, her feet shuffled forward helplessly. Her face was still held by him, but now they were chest to chest.
“You deserve everything,” she whispered. Her hands found the sides of his tunic, gripping it tightly to hold him as close as possible.
“You are everything,” he told her firmly. “In the morning before the sun has even risen, you hold the value of Wincestre’s wealth. While in the quiets of the woods, when it is nothing but the two of us, I would build a city brick by brick in your honor. You are everything, whether you secure a thousand victories or never again pick up your axe.”
Anya shifted onto her toes so that she could kiss him. She felt a desire to be closer to him. She wanted to prove to him just how much she loved him, and she could think of no better way. Their lips moved feverishly against each other’s, his hands holding her face still as they both tried to put everything into this moment.
As much as Sihtric relished in the kiss, the deepening longing behind it, he pulled back after a few minutes. She looked to him, confused, as he rested his forehead against hers.
“I need to be clear of mind. The first time I enjoy you, I cannot be so overwhelmed,” he whispered to her.
“Okay, my love,” she whispered. “Then let’s have this lunch you brought us.”
He smiled and nodded, taking her hand in his and leading her to their previous spot. He was beyond what she could have ever hoped for. If Anya were asked, she would tell anyone that Sihtric was the perfect embodiment of man. And so, she would wait. She would be patient with him just as he was with her. He was worth waiting a lifetime for.
“You know, this is the spot my parents remember falling in love,” she told him as he helped her sit.
“Oh?” he asked as he sat next to her. He grabbed the basket and pulled it closer to them.
When he opened it, she saw he had packed it full of some of her favorites. A golden brown loaf of bread, scored by Tarben with an arrow so she knew it was just for her, accompanied by both goat cheese and cow’s cheese. There were a few pieces of roasted duck. She liked the thought of Sihtric going about the town and trading a piece of silver here, a favor there, just to assemble this.
“Aye,” she responded as he handed her some duck. “That branch there,” she gestured to a felled log that looked sturdy as though it had only just been laid, “Da taught her one of the greatest, most sacred rites of his order. It is older than some of the trees in this land. It was a show of great trust between them, and as they said, that trust gave way to love.”
He smiled, mostly to himself. The way she looked as she told this story softened him inside. It made her seem happier in ways he had not quite seen from her.
“When I come here, I feel at home. I feel connected to myself, to Norway. Ma always told me it was the closest view to Fornburg, the village my people came from,” she said quietly. “Between that and my parents love, I think it is why I love it up here so much.”
Sihtric nodded softly. He thought about how this moment was perfect. He could imagine coming up here one day, as Anya taught their children of her parents and her people. She could grant them the privilege of their heritage, and teach them the ways of Hytham’s order. And one day, he would take her to Norway.
Taglist: @foxyanon @zaldritzosrose @lexeirikrleif @thenameswinter99
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guccipussay · 2 years
Valkas admirer
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“you can let them dry and turn them into paint,
or you can drown them in water to make them a potion, but should you find me worthy of your attention you can keep them
and come dance with me at the spring solstice”
Ive been itching to make a Valka x reader oneshot cause I have the biggest crush on her and the first idea that came to me was a Drengr from Eivors crew crushing on the seer and subtly asking her out. Valka is also interested in her but likes the idea of a chase and does everything in her power to seduce and drive the drengr crazy first before giving in.
im unsure if this is a good idea My brain may or may not be fried from exam season
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reiverreturns · 1 year
the woman the myth the legend eivor varinsdottir herself for the ask game!
a song that reminds me of them
in dreams by ben howard really hits those eivor vibes for me, from odin's voice in her head (always a riddle inside my head) to her adventuresome spirit (it's a big old place for me, yeah, it's a big old world indeed) to her loneliness and displacement from her home (i live alone without you here)
what they smell like
honey and woodsmoke if you ask ship writer me. if you're not then dried blood and horseshit probably (i love her but i am CERTAIN she would have to be convinced to bathe sometimes)
an otp
eivor x vili now, then, and forever. if you could custom design a ship dynamic exclusively for me it would literally be theirs. i love them so much that i don't even mind them eventually parting ways canonically because. like. the love doesn't fade. no matter who they are, where they are, how long they're separated, they will always love and understand each other like nobody else in their lives does. i lose my mind over that
a notp
eivor x tarben. fuck that white bread tasteless man. NEXT.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
sigurd but only when eivor punches him in the face
ok my obvious answer is hemming (and its the answer my heart desires) but thinking about it i actually really enjoy her friendship with valka. eivor seems to really respect her and is so happy when she makes the crossing for norway to england!
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
i'm not certain i've seen any eivor-specific ones that i thought were exceptionally dumb tbh. i think some readings of her character in the fandom lean too heavily into the softer parts of her nature. like eivor is helpful and kind but only to people she has motivation to help (like children), or when she thinks she or the clan can get something out of it. there's a general fanon dulling of her sharp edges that i don't always agree with
the position they sleep in
starfished on her belly with a different animal under each limb
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
PACRIM PACRIM PACRIM. give me eivor and vili bicker-flirting in a jaeger or give me death
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
i am terribly boring but i really enjoy just the plain/not upgraded ravensthorpe armour!
send me a character and i'll tell you some things
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eivorthehighone · 2 years
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Hakdjdhehsjsjs 🖤💙🖤
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caernua · 3 years
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orphiceonian · 2 years
Painted lavender
ship: eivor/valka word count: 582 tags: nonbinary eivor, modern setting, high school setting, painting, fluff, a paragraph of angst and them just being cute together. ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38475970
Valka thinks Eivor is beautiful like this. 
She thinks Eivor is beautiful no matter what the blond was doing.
But when they are sprawled out on the bed, hair a tangled mess and wearing nothing but boxer briefs, binder and a pair of chunky woollen socks. With the mismatched hand-poked tattoos that decorated their skin on display and a peaceful look on their face, god she could draw them for hours.
Valka often did, with pages upon pages of sketchbooks filled with sketches of Eivor. All different expressions of how they felt on any given day. Some days she drew Eivor with their hair done up in braids like they wore it when working at the ren faire in summer. On other days the pages were filled with Eivor in baggy clothes, sitting outside at breaktime, taking in the rare warm sun.
Valka leaned down to kiss Eivor. She was straddling their hips, a paint palette on the bed and a paint-stained glass on the bedside table. Outside, rain steadily dripped down the windows and Valka’s room was softly illuminated by strings of fairy lights and the soft flicker of candles. 
‘Are you going to paint me or are you going to keep kissing me?’
The dark-haired girl laughed and smiled, leaning down to cup Eivor’s cheeks and kiss them once more. The pair had been dating for nearly a year now but each time Valka kissed Eivor, it felt like the first time. 
‘I…I think you should paint along my scar…make it beautiful.’ Their voice was a whisper, though the crackling tones still came through. Valka gave a silent nod and lent down to kiss where the scar met skin. 
She started with gentle strokes of the brush across the skin, becoming softer as she painted over the scarring. Valka would stop every now and then to ask if they were okay. Eivor hummed softly, eyes shut and whispered a yes. 
The sky darkened further and the rain increased, dripping down the window and Valka focused on the flowers. She was sitting beside Eivor now, finishing off the last of the painted leaves that trailed down their back, covering the smaller scars. 
Everyone in the town knew what happened to Eivor. They knew but never spoke on it. Flowers by two graves on the anniversary each yeah and that was it. Valka and Eivor had spoken on it a few times, just enough times that Valka knew how Eivor felt and enough times that Eivor felt comfortable with the occasional touch to the scars on their neck, skull and back.
Valka set her palette down, admiring her work and Eivor, ‘come over to the mirror.’
Eivor stood, walking over to the fairy light and ivy-covered mirror, taking a few silent moments to look over the painted flowerers that covered them. Lavender and rosemary intertwined on their neck, with ivy and flowers of all sorts covering their shoulder and back. Eivor turned to her, a smile on their lips and faint tears in their eyes.
‘Thank you.’ 
Valka stepped over to them, looking at them in the mirror, ‘I should be thanking you, you were a very good canvas.’
Eivor shook their head, turning around to kiss the top of Valka’s head, ‘no, thank you. I’ve never felt beautiful because of this but…I feel that way now.’ 
Valka cupped their cheeks with her palms and pressed a gentle kiss to their lips, pulling away slightly to whisper between them,
‘I love you.’
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wolfkissed-drengr · 4 years
Female Eivor - Drabbles pt 1
Just some short connected drabbles about her childhood in the Raven Clan.  I had some headcanons and they needed to be written!
A/N: These are some headcanon that were stuck in my head. (One of the first times a game has given me any, outside of dragon age!) Most are very short, and go in order, starting from Eivor’s childhood. Maybe I will expand on them later, who knows. 
*spoilers for my writing*
I begin to touch on some body issues Eivor has, but I do not suffer these issues in my real life. If I do it misjustice, please let me know and tell me how to make it better!
*spoilers over*
Synopsis: Eivor begins to heal.
Word count: 1426
Warnings: There are some childhood crushes happening, but a little kiss is all that happens. Some descriptions of gore, and the beginning of body issues.
In her mind the fires raged. In front of her on the ice lay her fathers head, and in the next blink, her father was kneeling before his murderer. Next to her was an axe that she could not lift. Then she was on her back, throat, neck and skull all on fire. The wolf was above her, salivating bloody drool onto her face. She struggled for the axe that still lay beside her and as the creature bore down again, two raves swooped and stunned the massive beast. It was enough time for Eivor to pull the axe up as the ice cracked around her small body. Her legs dipped and cold fire burned there as well. She screamed as the wolf's teeth bit into her again, sinking deeper, but stopping as its furred body dropped onto her, axe having sunk into its neck. As it collapsed on her and drug her further under the water, a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out of the water. Her body was wracked in shivers as Sigurd's head swam in her vision- blackness pulling at the edges. There was a ringing sound, like when the blacksmith struck metal, and Sigurd's mouth was moving but nothing was coming out. Between one blink and the next, she woke up in bed, screaming- but that hurt like fire in her throat. Within an instant a tattooed face of a woman appeared in front of her eyes, hands gently coaxing Eivor back onto the bed.
"Calm, little one, calm. You live yet, and should not move or speak." Once she was sure Eivor was not going to be moving, the woman turned and went back to working at the table next to the bed Eivor was laying in. Eivor tried to speak again, and tears sprung into her eyes at the pain. Instead, she found herself mouthing the words 'what happened' over and over, looking pleadingly at the Völva.
"The wolf tore into your throat, deeply. You live, by the luck of the gods, but you may never speak again." Finally turning back, the Völva peeled off the bandages that wrapped around most of Eivor's upper torso. Applying a thick paste, the wound was rewrapped, and a drink was pushed to Eivor's lips. Drinking deeply helped soothe the throbbing in her throat, so she bore the taste without hesitation. Almost immediately, sleep tugged at her mind, and she laid back, deeper into the bed and slept.
It took weeks for her to be allowed out of that sickbed. In that time, the fire in her throat died down, but never went away. She still could not speak, and she was even weaker than she had been the night of the slaughter. Sigurd came to see her many times. He would stay and talk to her, despite her being sullen and angry. He became a rock for her and her emotions. Upon his insistence, they came up with a basic language for Eivor. Using her hands and different gestures, she was able to communicate for the first time in months. The first time she was able to get through an idea she wept.
Sigurd brought her news of what happened as well. That his father was bringing her into his house as a ward. She was to be Sigurd's sister. There was an unfamiliar emotion roiling in her stomach at that though, but she did not know what it meant, and ignored it.
Walking was hard. The muscles in her legs all but wasted away during her recovery, and it hurt to use them. The Völva forced her to, though. Praised her when she managed further each day, until she could walk without aid for hours at a time. She wept then too. The muscles in her arms were both easier and harder to fix. The undamaged side went quickly, but the side the wolf had mauled was weak. For nearly a year, lifting her arm above her head was impossible, and she could barely hold things. The Raven Clan became her home in that first year. Many of the villagers giving her small tasks to do such as running notes, to help. She had taken to trailing Sigurd like a shadow. In her mind, it was because he was the only one she could 'talk' to, but that roiling emotion was still in her belly. She was learning to ignore that as much as the ache in her muscles. One evening as she tried to find Sigurd, she overheard Dag complaining to her brother that he gave too much time to the weak Wolfkissed girl. She froze in despair, and never heard what Sigurd might have said back.
One of the good things, Eivor mused internally, about living with the Völva and her daughter, was that most of the village left them alone unless they needed something. This let Eivor try to regain her strength without looking a fool. Valka was always coming up with strange ideas for Eivor to try. This week, it was holding a rock and squeezing it as tightly as she could for as long as she could. Both girls were thrilled when, after the week, they realized Eivor's grip has strengthened enough to help hold her when trying to climb. They sat on the roof of Svala's house and shyly kissed. After that, they lay curled around each other while Eivor cried in relief. Her arm and hand strength recovered quickly after that. She did as many chores as she could, lifting and carrying crates and boxes for Svala, and anyone else in the village. Sigurd made a game of it for her, making her find him in the strangest of places. It almost always required her to climb and always left her sore and tired after. After she was able to climb with easy, Sigurd swept her into a tight hug and spun her. Her cheeks flushed as she hugged him back just as hard, but in her mind, the feeling she got when she kissed Valka and how she wanted that with Sigurd. She pushed the still roiling feeling down instead. She moved out of the Völva's house then, and into the longhouse with the King and Sigurd. Eivor still made the trek to Svala's house as often as she could, often with a wood axe strapped to her back. She would practice swinging it as much as she could. In the beginning, she could barely lift it and she fought back tears as she was reminded- each time she could not lift it- of her parent's death and how she could do nothing. She swore to herself she would never be so helpless again. She would be a Drengr, like Sigurd was becoming.
It was the following year that as she managed to finally throw the axe and have it stick into a target her and Valka made that she made her first noise since the incident. It was a scratchy meager yelp as she stumbled, but it made her freeze. Valka shouted in excitement, and barreled into her, knocking her into the snow. It would be one of the last times she wept. Her tongue was clumsy in her mouth at first. But, just like her legs and arm, she pushed and pushed until it obeyed what she wanted. She stumbled over her words like a babe at first, but week by week she was getting better. Her voice never lost the rough, horse quality to it though. She didn't mind. A few months after she learned she could speak, curled up on Valka's roof, Eivor whispered her deepest secret to the other girl. Sometimes she felt wrong in her body. She would look to the other boys in the village and wonder why she was a girl.
As she grew leaner and more muscled, the scar stuck out deeply in her skin. It covered her whole shoulder and neck, a deep and ugly thing. She thought back to Dag's words. Wolfkissed. As Eivor crouched over the stream looking at her reflection, she agreed with the name. It was a strong name, a good name for a Drengr. "Eivor the Wolfkissed, they will all know me by. A Drengr, a fighter, I will be battle blissed. Valhalla be my rest when I die." After a year of forced silence, words became as close a friend to her as Sigurd was. She rarely held them back and found a love of flyting. She battled words as often as she practiced her blades.
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canaidliafail · 2 years
navigation list
• my ko-fi tip jar•
♡- sexual content
🔸- alternative universe
🔹- angst
▫️-under 1k words
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♡ evie frye x reader ♡
the woman that you are ♡ ◽️
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♡ randvi x reader ♡
faithful traitor ♡
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♡ Eivor x reader ♡
starved knight ♡🔸
curse that ravens fire
mead & wine [ kassandra x reader x eivor ]
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♡ Abby x reader ♡
and still I yearn.. ♡🔹
angels like you ♡▫️
stay grounded //streamer AU [part 1] [part2] [part3] [part4] [part5] [part6] [part 7]
scumbag abby x maneater reader ( part 2 coming soon....)
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♡ ellie x reader ♡
rich lies ♡▫️🔹
invite [part 1] [part2] ♡
art lines ♡▫️
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♡ Valka x reader ♡
her praying lips ♡🔷
Sadie adler x reader
Fulke x reader ( ac valhalla )
Minthara x reader [part 1] [part 2]
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lonelyquadsquad · 2 years
Heyyyyyy new work. Enjoy if you’d like
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Randvi: I'm gonna leave him a letter while he's sleeping that says, "We're done." Eivor: Clear. Accurate. But do you feel like it's enough? Randvi: "We're done. Goodbye." Eivor: Yes. That should do it. <later> Eivor: I told Valka about how I approved of your strategy for breaking up with Sigurd, and she said that we were quote sociopaths unquote.
Source: Brooklyn 99
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legitalicat · 5 months
The Dragon of Valhalla
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AN: Thank you to those who already love this. This is a dream of mine I swear. This is a bit of a long one for this series.
Series Masterlist here!
Songs for this chapter
Téir Abhaile Riú by Celtic Woman
Lose Control by Teddy Swims
CW: Eivor and Hytham getting a moment as parents and a couple, language, ale consumption, Aemond pouting, Anya being confronted with her past, oaths being sworn, divinity,
Pairings: Eivor Varinsdottir x Hytham of the Hidden Ones, Sihtric Kjartansson x Anya The Ashen
Word Count: 2.7k
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
Chapter 5
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Ravensthorpe, Kingdom of Mercia
When night fell, they were feasting all together. Grudges did not linger once a matter was truly put to rest. Especially not when a war was to be fought.
Sihtric noticed the way Anya was cared for by the silver haired man. He waited on her hand and foot. She would merely point at something and he would go get it for her.
And he watched her. At first, she seemed amused by it. Well, maybe more amused at showing those around her that he responded to her commands. But, Sihtric could quickly tell she was bored.
He could see that the Princeling, who he heard was named Aemond, adored her. Yet, he couldn’t imagining feeling such a way about someone and not understanding what they wanted. Despite her being born here, Anya was a Norse woman in her veins. They were not made to be waited on.
“Perhaps we should go get to know our new ally,” Finan muttered to Sihtric and Osferth.
Sihtric caught Osferth beginning to try to find some reason. “You are coming,” he said firmly, standing in unison with Finan. They both pulled on either arm of his.
“So, before we walk over there and anger the man with a fuckin’ dragon for speaking to her, you got anything to tell us?” Finan ask Sihtric quietly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sihtric muttered.
“No? So you weren’t…well, undressing her with your eyes?” Osferth asked as they began crossing the room.
Sihtric flushed. He could lie, of course, and say he had nothing but the purest thoughts of Anya. He could try to pretend that he solely saw her as the warrior she obviously was. He could try to pretend that the sight of her didn’t set his soul on fire.
“She is beautiful. That I will not bother to deny,” he said quietly before they stood in front of her table.
Anya looked up at the three men. Finan and Osferth saw Aemond’s jaw clench as he shifted when Anya’s attention was taken from him. But it quickly became apparent that Sihtric, for who his vitriol was truly aimed, saw nothing else but her.
“I suppose we owe you our thanks,” Sihtric said to her. “Without you, I doubt Uhtred would have talked his way out of this.”
“Uhtred is not why I said anything, you are,” Anya said quickly. Too quickly. She hadn’t meant to say anything of the sort, not in front of him anyways. And it made her cheeks go pink. “I just…I stand by what I said, is what I mean. Crimes of the father should not be punishable to the son. And Valka said you are needed.”
Anya was tempted to take her dagger and stab herself in the leg if for no other reason than to give herself something else to think of. Something other than the way he looked at her. Something other than his eyes looking directly into her soul. Something other than what his lips may feel upon her.
“It is not easy to talk Uhtred out of his mess,” Finan said, laughing heartily. He sat across from Anya, the first of them to do so. He noticed the way Anya was looking at him, her eyebrow raised. “I walked for near three days straight, I am tired of standing.”
“I suppose I am more surprised you do not share the fear I see in your little friend’s eyes,” she said, chuckling as she looked to Osferth.
His eyes widened slightly, his cheeks flooding pink. His words failed him, all he could think to do was grab the cross around his neck. Anya frowned.
“You are truly that scared?” she asked him.
“I grew up in Runcwold Abbey,” he whispered to her.
Her gaze softened and she stood up from her spot. “You are the boy,” she said quietly. “You hid in a building in your cemetery. You and a nun.”
“Aye,” Osferth said.
Without another word, she reached under her armor and shirt. A moment later, her hand emerged and she revealed two pendants. One was a pendant of Freyja, common for women to wear. The other was an intricate cross.
“It was my first raid. My first taste of battle. And I…the Christians have hated us and hunted us since the first of us. And I didn’t realize until you that you weren’t all full of hate for us,” Anya told him softly. “I am sorry for the harm I caused you. I am truly, truly sorry. But you changed me. You made me realize that I do not ever, ever want to hurt those who have not hurt others, no matter the glory or riches they hold.”
Anya was sincere in her words. She remembered that day so vividly. It wasn’t something she looked on with pride. She had thought of that boy, who had been her age at the time, every night. His blue eyes staring at her for a long time, flooded with tears, as he whispered his prayers.
“You are free to leave, if you choose. No matter what oath you swore to Uhtred or any other man here. If you being under my banner causes you distress, I do not wish to keep you. And I will help you gain safe passage to anywhere you wish to go.”
She looked at him with a softness typically only reserved for those closest to her. She couldn’t help but to feel as though she owed him something. She couldn’t imagine what it would’ve been like for him, especially when she learned Saxon boys only grew up in places like that when their parents who didn’t want them. And she truthfully couldn’t begin to ever imagine her parents not wanting her.
“I think I shall stay,” he said softly, smiling at her.
She smiled softly back at him and gestured to another open seat in front of her. Then she turned her attention back to Sihtric, who could only look at her.
“Are you going to sit?” she asked him.
“Or maybe you would walk with me?” he asked her. “I would love to see your home.” ( 1 )
Anya couldn’t help the growing smile at the suggestion and nodded. She stepped back from the table and gestured for him to walk towards the end. Aemond watched after her helplessly
Sihtric and Anya walked parallel to each other on either side of the table. Every few steps, he would look at her and momentarily forget what it was like to breathe. When she would look to him, she felt as though everything was okay.
She grabbed a horn of ale for the both of them and met with him at the end of the table. When she handed him his horn, he couldn’t help but laugh. It had truly been a long time since he had been in the presence of such a woman, if ever at all.
“We should drink before we step outside,” she said to him. “To destiny.”
“You sound like Uhtred,” he said. She couldn’t help but to notice the goofy grin that spread across his face.
“Well, then I suppose I quite like him. After all, is it not destiny that brought us here?” she asked. When he nodded, she smiled. Raising her horn, she exclaimed, “Skål!”
“Skål,” he exclaimed.
In unison, they began chugging their drinks. The people around them changed and cheered in unison. As Hytham looked on, he fought a smile.
It had been far too long since he had known his daughter to be so happy. She had always been so focused on her training, both what he could teach and what Eivor taught, to ever truly care for much. She had came into the world fighting, and Hytham worried for the longest time she would never stop.
But, even now, he couldn’t help but worry what would happen to her. The Order would never stop trying to get her to fight for them. They would never stop hunting her.
“I thought she may had been with that Aemond boy. I didn’t think a Prince would follow a woman to a war that was not his if he had not been promised power, riches, or marriage,” Eivor said from beside him.
“How many men did you have chase you who you didn’t care for? Especially when they knew little about your people, and didn’t make the effort to try?” Hytham asked his wife. He wrapped an arm around her middle.
She smiled at the small contact. There had once been a time such softness was off-putting to her. But after twenty years together, Hytham’s touch was what eased her.
“I never cared to keep count of them,” Eivor said with a smirk. “Not after I met you.”
“Good answer,” he teased. Neither of their eyes had left Anya, who was dancing with Sihtric while Bragi played a tune on his lute.
“You worry about this boy so much?” she asked him, looking to him.
“I cannot help but to. You know the type of man Kjartan was. Kjotve was his mentor. If there is any chance this boy is like him,” he said, cutting himself off. He felt his heart rate quicken out of anger just at the idea.
She could understand why he felt that way. The Order of the Ancients had taken much from him. He only remembered his mother being murdered by one of them, just for the Hidden Ones to avenge her. They had cost him the ability to fight. He had been all but contained to Ravensthorpe the entirety of the time they had lived here.
“Valka said he is part of her destiny. And I think it is something more than that. Already, they cannot help themselves. Their eyes always find each other. They look at each other the way I know we look at each other,” Eivor told him.
“You think she would fight for him?” Hytham asked. He sighed, and turned to look at her. In a lot of ways, Anya was just like her mother. He loved her for it, but he also worried. “And what of him?”
“I think they would kill for each without a second thought. I do not anticipate the year ending without them at least making a public intention to marry,” Eivor said as she looked to him.
“I cannot lose her,” he whispered.
“You will not. You once told her she was too stubborn to die on anyone’s timeline than her own. I think that is more true than ever,” she assured him before the turned back to Anya.
Anya pulled Sihtric out of the side of the longhouse. The ale they had drank made them feel warm, fuzzy, the chill of the night unimportant. His right arm was wrapped around her shoulders, holding her close. It was only natural for them.
She took him towards Valka’s hut which had been erected next to a waterfall and small pool of water. Her left arm was wrapped around his middle. She had to look up a bit to see his face as they walked, but she didn’t really mind. His face with the stars behind him was a beautiful sight.
“I am not like this normally,” she told him before turning her attention back to in front of her.
“Oh, you do not wander off with every man?” he teased her.
“I meant feeling like this,” she confessed. When they stood at the water’s edge, she sighed and looked at him. “I will not pretend I am innocent.”
“I do not care about that,” he shrugged at her. He turned his whole body to face her. His arm moved as he did, his hand now on her hip.
Anya blushed a bit. “I do not ever feel overwhelmed or embarrassed.”
“I overwhelm you?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Says the woman who pointed her bow at me before I even had her name.”
“Tell me you would not have done the same and I will apologize,” she said to him.
There was an ease between them. An ease that Anya had felt with no other person. A comfort in believing the same thing, following the same teachings. There was a bond that formed immediately and intensely.
It was the bond Aemond tried to force between himself and Anya. She wasn’t oblivious to his affections entirely. She could tell he desired her. But she didn’t understand why. She was not like the women of Westeros. In fact, she seemed to be the exact opposite of them. Why would he desire her so much if she didn’t fit into his world?
“I would have. Though, I imagine I would have lowered it much faster,” he told her, reaching up with his free hand to brush a strand of hair out of her face.
“Really? You were so nervous, I imagine you would’ve shot me out of nerves,” she teased him.
Sihtric couldn’t help but laugh again. The ale in his body made him feel warm. Seeing Anya smile up at him made his heart start racing.
“You are a fearsome woman, with a bow in your hand,” he said to her, teasing her just the same.
“I am fearsome with no weapons,” she said quietly.
“And beautiful either way,” he whispered.
She looked down at her feet, her face hot. His thumb rubbed circles on her hip. Anya truly had never been like this. Never had a man made her feel both nervous and like she had just emerged from battle. She had been attracted to others, of course. And maybe once she had been in love.
He felt grander. More real. Sihtric was already invading her mind, her heart, her soul. She knew it was insane. She knew it was too fast. She barely knew him. Yet, she knew him. She knew him in her bones.
Sihtric could not help but to look down at her. His hand felt right, touching her. She felt right touching him. He could not explain it, but he knew that she was his destiny. His destiny did not lie with Uhtred or in Dunholm. It lay with her, in her arms.
“Aemond looks at you as though you are his woman,” he said to her.
“I am the woman of no one yet,” she said quietly as she looked back at him.
“Then you are free to kiss me,” he whispered. ( 2 )
Sihtric did not wait. He could not help himself. He pulled her flush against himself and kissed her. His left hand never moved from her hip, his right moving to hold her face. He couldn’t tell if he was more shocked or grateful when she began kissing him back.
It was a heated kiss. Fueled by equal desire and ale. Messy, needy, lips moving against each other like it was the only way either of them could survive. They leaned into each other, Anya’s hands moving desperately to grab him. First it was the front of his shirt, then cupping his jaw on each side, until settling into his hair.
It was after several moments that they pulled away. Just enough to break their lips apart, his forehead resting against hers. Her eyes remained closed as his studied her face.
“You have me, I swear to you,” he whispered. It was not something he said often, or lightly. The last oath he swore had been to Uhtred when he was barely a man.
This oath to Anya was far more. They both could feel it. He felt a burning need to stay by her side, to protect her should she ever ask it, and fall on his sword for her should she need. His soul yearned for hers, it always had, he had just never realized it.
She pulled her head back, just slightly, so she could look to him. The story of her parents was at the forefront of her mind. Eivor had always told her that one look into Hytham’s eyes and she felt at home. And in truth, Anya hadn’t thought it to be true. Yet, the first time looking into Sihtric’s eyes, she learned of love.
“Just as you have me,” she whispered to him.
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Taglist: @foxyanon @zaldritzosrose
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