#ac odin
cippicat · 22 days
She is Evior
The real protagonist
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He is just Havi/Odin
Yes that's a reference to Barbie
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You think Basim ever got an identity crisis when he saw Eivor before he figured out she was Odin?
Like, here's the adopted sibling of the ruler of a tribe (who he is also convinced is Odin), who is accepted as one of them until she steps out of line (killing Dag), at which point they all turn on her. She constantly does the mucky jobs whilst her brother gets the credit, and when she tries to point out her own accomplishments she's shot down and ridiculed by her brother's other confidant, who's a great fighter but near incapable of coming up with any other strategy than 'hit the thing really hard' and dumb as a tree to boot.
Like, at some point Basim has to have gone '...am I certain I'm the Sage of Loki? Like, I'm not just the Sage of... Narfi or something like that?' And when he finally does figure out what's going on, he's like 'Okay, good, identity crisis over, let's not think about Havi being in the same position as I was, we are repressing the hell out of that.'
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vexwerewolf · 4 months
So after that ask, I decided to make some Pride Month memes for In Golden Flame. The character art is by @punkr0xy
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izunias-meme-hole · 6 months
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Alright we're doing this again, but with a slightly bigger roster.
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eziosofia · 1 year
Me, after Mirage, 6 feet deep into my delusion, thinking of ways we can get non-Isu Basim back:
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New life, new teenager to beef with.
(Ceolbert being so much like Atreus honestly gives him plot armor here. Kratos is about to become Dad of Saxon Boy.)
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syninplays · 1 year
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Whenever I'm bored I just open ACV and play around with armors 👉👈
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vikingnerd793 · 7 months
I miss my girl, including my girl as Odin
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mitamicah · 1 year
Entering late at a patch making workshop today I didnt have much time yet I couldnt resist using said time for feeding the brainrot a little 😆💚💜
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deimcs · 2 years
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the last chapter | eivor and odin
BASIM: fascinating. eivor grapples with odin’s memories in a way unfamiliar to me. my own struggle with loki was intense but brief, ending with a mutual understanding of who we were. where will this new conflict take you, i wonder?
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cippicat · 3 months
AC Odyssey and AC Valhalla
This is strictly my opinion
Ac Odyssey and Valhalla haven't been very appreciated by the large public because they aren't a real Assassin's creed games.
They revealed us the history of the ISU with a splash of the war between Assassins and Templars.
In AC Odyssey the Assassins, or the hidden ones, aren't even born yet. Yes, there is a conflict between Kassandra and the Order of Ancients but I didn't feel like I was playing an AC game. With the first DLC, "The legacy of the first blade", we have a strong connection with Origins. The DLC, The Fate of Atlantis, revealed us the real purpose of the protagonist that is always linked to the ISU (and to Loki's plan)
In AC Valhalla, the conflict between the hidden ones and the Order is almost on the background because the real purpose of the game, and DLC, is to tell us the history of the norse ISU clan, how they tried to survive the Toba's catastrophe (Spoiler they didn't succeed because the seventh method was incomplete) and, the great conflict between Havi and Loki (two sick bastards).
Let's be honest, AC Mirage also is about the ISU.
Then Ubisoft really fuxked because the choice of the sex of the main characters the most stupid thing to do, especially when it has been revealed that the main characters were females in both games.
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dirtyasscreedsecrets · 7 months
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'Am I the only one who thought that Minerva maybe had some liasons with Havi in any moment? I'm very horny for just imagining it.'
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vexwerewolf · 6 months
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reiverreturns · 2 years
do you ever just think about how eivor’s whole personal arc is set in the context of her believing varin was a coward and weak for sacrificing himself to kjotve for his clan. not understanding that love doesn’t exist stagnant and immutable. learning, in time, that it’s in action and choices. choosing others, your family, your clan, over yourself. forgiving others, your family, your clan, in spite of yourself. how sad it is that she always sees what her father did (and also what styrbjorn did) as a passivity when she herself is so unwilling to be subject to her own fate. she’s constantly in company but so fucking alone because she all she understands love to be is empty words and sentiment. She can act on it but can’t recognise the act from others, until she can, looking into the faces of the people of ravensthorpe that choose to follow her, to love her. and she chooses them right back. 
and ubisoft... ubisoft thinks eivor just decides to up and leave them all. in the middle of the night. to wander alone for the rest of her life. because odin said so.
i just.
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halpyyy · 1 year
I remade that one vid from a couple years ago
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Odin dumping out Eivor's entire wardrobe and giving her a makeover... an evil makeover...
Randvi, who knows right away something is very wrong:
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