#either way it is a project im very interested in even outside of it being something yall are doing
im-still-a-robot · 1 year
I figured it out. It makes sense. Do not worry.
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mesetacadre · 1 month
Firstly, Im USAmerican I’m not trying to be like “oh woe is me,” Im just trying my best to understand what would be the best option for everyone. I’ve heard so many varying things and this is my second time voting, so I just want wanted to know what other people think. This isn’t meant to be malicious or condescending in any way either! I know you can do multiple things at once it’s just that I worry that when I walk into that polling booth, that I’ll be putting more innocent people at stake.
I’ve seen people tell,call,email etc Kamala to say that she isn’t getting their vote unless she stops funding Israel and their assault on the Palestinian people. And I’ve seen some people say that there is literally no point in trying to reason/ransom with her and that she (like all other US presidents) is a monster no matter what.
I’ve seen some other people say that voting 3rd party or not voting at all is the only way to go. But I worry that a 3rd party candidate wouldn’t stand a chance so late in the game. And I also worry that not voting would be a waste of a privilege, especially since so many people don’t have the access to voting inside the US and out.
I’ve also seen people worrying about project 2025 being pushed into place and I’ve also seen other people say Americans are cowards for worrying about such a thing.
I know you don’t live in the US but I also know this election impacts people outside of the states so I just wanted to know your thoughts. I’ve asked this to another blog as well, so if any of your followers have thoughts Id like to hear them too! I just feel a little pulled in every direction and I figured asking around would be a good idea.
Thank you so much and have a nice day!
If I were in your position I would stop going back and forth about who to vote for and start organizing. Were social rights protected with Biden? Very clearly not, since people are already suffering from things that are in that think tank's document. Abortion is no longer protected, trans people are begin targeted across a good portion of the states, the border is going to keep getting bloodier regardless of who wins, etc. Sure, you might argue that these things are not in control of the president, like the Supreme Court or the individual states. So then, how are elections supposed to help? And this is just talking about domestic policy, but the imperialist cogs of the US hegemon will keep turning no matter who's in DC, and you really cannot fucking ignore the current genocide in Palestine, plus the US' entire history of foreign interventions and the suffering that has come from that. You all should really realize the scale of the situation and stop engaging with the US on its own terms. There are class interests to which every mechanism of liberal democracy are subordinated to.
It is extremely unique for you USAmericans to spend this much fucking time and energy on your elections, you can't overstate it. Practically every year is filled with election bullshit. Election periods in basically the rest of the world only last like a month at most, where I live it takes two weeks. Elections aren't even the only or most important way to participate in politics within the very basic framework of liberal democracy. But you're all constantly acting like it's a team sport, always with the election. Don't take this personally anon, I'm not annoyed at you specifically and I appreciate the effort in your ask, but it's so incredibly childish to every single time spend 2 years or more hueing and crying about the upcoming election. Do something about it then! stop hyperfocusing on a single day every 4 years! People were already talking about the 2020 election after Trump won in 2016, that's absurd!
Read Lenin and read decolonial theory, organize yourself and the working class, build political-revolutionary consciousness amongst your class, do whatever you can to strike at the stability of the empire which you live under without getting arrested or killed, and stop legitimizing this pantomime by making it the exclusive vehicle of your political thought. Voting is just a single day, and the run-up (not 3 years!) should be spent campaigning for your own interests, denouncing this bullshit system you all keep saying you also don't "like". "Surviving", which is what some left liberals keep saying they're trying to do (I know you did not say that, anon), looks like organizing yourself and everybody you can to stop relying on the scraps the managers of capitalism and imperialism sometimes throw at you.
Voting as an action and voting as a strategy are two different things. What you're worried about, as I understand it, is the action of going to a booth and putting your choice of ballot in the box. Voting as a strategy, is the decoration and structure so many people build around it. I can't recall exactly who I saw doing this, but a USAmerican mutual of mine who's also a communist got an ask about who they're voting for. This mutual laid out the options in their state, went over their policies, and explained why they'll vote for the candidate they disliked less (I think it was an independent but don't quote me on that). You know why none of us "election interfering foreign agents" jumped at them for this? because they understand the very limited potential for voting, spent a little bit of their time researching each candidate avaliable to them, and then spend the entire rest of their political energy focusing on other things outside electoralism.
Yeah, shit's fucked for social rights, so is basically anywhere else in the world right now. I also don't have good choices in my elections, half the parliament is talking about the islamization of Spain and plans to gut any public service, and the other actively anesthesizes and absorbs any social movement that could combat reactionarism. So I stop worrying too much about who I'm casting my ballot for and I dedicate all my political energy to militancy in my communist party, slowly creating class consciousness and setting up ways to eventually protect our own class from the inevitable strike. All of this while being the 12th economy in the world, and consequently, an integral part of the imperialist NATO and EU, facts that no sector of our liberal democracy even questions. And do you think our siblings in the countries victim of the imperialist doctrine of NATO have it any better? When entire elections and governments have been interfered with not by "social media bots", but by actual bloodshed and terror? They don't spend years yelling at each other about who to vote for, they also organize themselves and attempt to emancipate their own class
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kagoutiss · 1 year
I kind of love how you have all these interesting hcs for Ganondorf like animals loving him, his weird dynamic with Sheik, the approval he seeks from his mothers etc. while at the same time being like “he’s a horrible gremlin and bloodthirsty and no one would want to stay near him”. I feel like it really captures how absurd and chaotic he is. Thank you for your service.
oh…im holding this ask very gently…..this means a lot to me because like!! yeah all these things are sort of true to me and i feel like he’s one of those characters where the more you dissect him, the more discordant things you find, and yet they all somehow intertwine in a way that makes him compelling and whole :-) retroactively putting a warning here that i ended up talking a lot and going pretty off-track but. like,,, one of the main roots of his absurdity to me is that he just has these fundamental problems with connecting with people (outside of clever manipulation, which he is good at), which are very effective at driving people away, even when he genuinely loves them, and i think he does this thing constantly where he wants people to despise him and he wants people to think the worst of him, because he is so much more comfortable with that than just? learning how to actually differentiate between love & hatred? and to not immediately feel threatened by gestures of love as some kind of deception, because he probably can’t quite make out the difference? despite having such a high level of emotional intelligence otherwise? and this primarily ties in with the idea that the biggest most terrifying enemy he has ever known in his entire life has been the neighboring kingdom, which professes to be the epitome of love & light & benevolence while at the same time committing the most egregious hateful bloody acts of cruelty in the darkest recesses of kakariko’s catacombs
and like. i think all of his formative experiences have still led to him being fully capable of things like feeling love, but also consequently not having the faintest idea of what the definition of that actually is, or how it works, or how to relate to someone you care about without just projecting all your own experiences onto them, or communicating your affection in ways other than just. being mean. and him purposely antagonizing people who do love him and are kind to him is a kneejerk reaction that he might not even realize is nonsensical, just a way of avoiding the most fundamentally disconcerting thing he knows, which is the ambiguity of something that claims to be kind or good. and so i think he‘d find a weird comfort in things that either don’t have that ambiguity, or subvert it entirely
like animals! who are far less capable of deception, or monsters, who like him, are deemed inherently evil. or spirits, who shouldn’t technically even be bound by the concepts of good & evil, even less applicable to wayward souls than to living beings. above all other humans though, he is definitely closest to his surrogate mothers, who supposedly are the true highest authorities of the gerudo tribe, and who treat him more like a deity than a son, and might moreso love the idea of what they want him to be, rather than the person he is. and he is in fact mortal, and a human being, and extremely flawed, and prone to recklessness under stress, and makes silly mistakes, and is emotionally unstable, with an attention span that doesn’t actually seem particularly well-suited to politics or government. and i accidentally wrote way too much in one sitting again, but.
but yeah, he’s like. my point is he is so full of things. he is completely absurd and chaotic and yet also i think there are recognizable patterns in what he does, if you think about him way too hard for way too long. he’s an infuriating swiss watch of a person that functions with seemingly inexplicable precision, but is made to say rude things to you instead of showing you the time, and yet you can’t really judge him too harshly after making the difficult effort of trying to understand him, because it becomes more & more evident that. that’s just. the way he is. that that’s the inevitable way that he came together, entirely due to circumstance. he’s a reflection of the completely nonsensical universe that he lives in, an antagonist since the day he was born, defined as such by the world’s Inherently Good Authorities, who are themselves objectively guilty of mass kidnapping, torture, murder, displacement and genocide, and yet are still, by the immutable definitions of these words as they’ve established them, Good. and i NEED to go to bed but yeah i love him for being a horrible insufferable bitch, actually, because it’s meaningful in and of itself, and i love him for not being normal, and having unmanageable fears of inadequacy, and mommy issues, and ADHD and autism, and for bullying teenagers, and being more fond of monsters & parasites than people, and literally using his emotions as a weapon, and referring to himself as king of every evil thing in existence, and almost never bothering to explain his actual motivations to people who he knows have already decided that he is the crux of all the world’s problems, because he’s fully internalized that trying to be understood by anyone at all is completely pointless. wife material
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sugarcryztal · 1 month
Hi i was wondering if you could do a romantic matchup for genshin! Call me C. i use they/them pronouns and I’m pan. I like being in charge but i love sitting in my room on my phone. I love taking naps to the point my friends make fun of me for it! School grades were pretty horrible but still was class president… Im a bit of a nerd who reads manga and watched one piece but I also do alot of crafty things like drawing and crocheting. I dislike fake people but i don’t get mad or hate anyone very often. Personality wise i try to make people laugh but end up embarrassing myself all the time lol! Tysm :)))
I’ll match you with. . .
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Alhaitham !
- I imagine you both met at the akademiya when there was this big project between coworkers and he just so happened to be in your group.
- When you took charge you immediately earned his respect, which is not something easily earned! He admired your leadership and talking skills.
- Safe to say that project went swimmingly… At least he thinks.
- But even after the project he still hung out with you. He was still in denial about being in love with you though.
- Once he realizes though, his first instinct is to write a confession letter. He’s better at words through pages rather than face to face given the fact he can be so blunt.
- So one day, when you’re taking a nap at a table in the library, he ever so carefully places an envelope underneath your elbow. Later after you read it and texted him, you guys decided to take it slow.
- Moving on, HIM AS A BOYFRIEND!!!!
- You guys are definitely an indoor couple. While you’re on your phone he’s sitting or laying behind you, one arm around your waist and the other being used to hold a book in his hand to read.
- He can either read to you or with you. It doesn’t matter to him. As long as you’re there.
- While he may be more on the stoic sarcastic side of humanity, but he can show his care in other ways.
- He tidies your room for you.
- Especially your napping spots, he always makes sure to keep them clean in order to let you have a comfortable nap experience.
- Also loves the fact that you’re a napper. Gives him more time to hold you close before he gets rudely interrupted by his roommate, Kaveh, for something meaningless.
- Speaking of Kaveh, what role does he play?
- Because Alhaitham doesn’t really have the same artistic eye as you do, Kaveh is there to fill in that gap!
- At first Kaveh was hesitant to befriend you, not because of anything you did, but because you were dating Alhaitham! Of all people why him?!
- So he assumed you would be the same as Alhaitham, aloof and sarcastic. But… You weren’t! In fact you two got along pretty well once he figured out you’re also into creative hobbies!
- You and Kaveh have arranged days where you guys would meet and share drawings/ideas with each other!
- Kaveh always ends up dragging along Alhaitham to these meet ups because Alhaitham could at least show a bit of interest!
- It’s not that he wasn’t interested, he just loved watching you quietly draw or knit. It was peaceful. He loved watching you show your creations to him with confidence, to which you were always awarded with high praise.
- Alhaitham thinks you’re silly when you try to make him laugh, your foolishness feeds his amusement. Whenever you get embarrassed though, he just subtly smirks and makes a light hearted teasing remark. For the jokes of course!
- If and when you need help studying for things, Alhaitham is always there to lend a hand. Making sure you’re reading the right material, you have the correct notes, etc.
- He also is the one to make sure you don’t get distracted or go on your phone.
It was a quiet and peaceful evening, you were sitting on a comfy arm chair next to a stain glass window Kaveh recently just had installed. The soft sound of pencil dragging along paper lightly being the only noise along with the birds chirping outside. You were sketching out something for a project until you heard the front door open and close softly. You smiled to yourself, immediately recognizing the sound of a coat being shrugged off and footsteps coming closer.
He, your boyfriend Alhaitham, huffed out softly, “Move.” He gently nudged your leg with his foot. You inwardly giggled, standing up for a brief moment as he sat on the chair behind you and lowered you onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around you while leaning down to bury his nose into your hair, your scent intoxicating him with a warm fuzzy feeling of familiarity and relief to finally be home. You two stayed like that. In silence. Enjoying each other’s company.
Until the silence was rudely interrupted with, “Alhaitham let go of them! We need to go to out and look together for good stationary deals!”
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Thank you for requesting!
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ge · 3 months
can I hear more abt your trans chung myung thoughts please
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HEHE ANYTHING FOR YOU MY ANGELS... trans chung myung is like my number one, most well loved & personal, firmest hc evur.. no matter what he is always trans to me idk..he is like the most trans character ive ever seen its sooo real to me.. ive said it once ill say it again, chung myungs lore is literally impact by his transsexualism and im the only one who sees it.. if u get it u get it... a little cw for minor transphobia out of ignorance, not prejudice..⬇️
i always imagined that chung myung knew he was trans since he was very young, like 'beginning to comprehend words and what they mean' young.. he always got angry and aggressive when his sect siblings called him young lady or samae, sajeo, etc, lashing out even at elders to the point hed get in trouble over it... i think pretty quickly everyone figured out if they just 'humoured' him, he'd get over whatever phase he was in and stop being so troublesome, so they did.. at first they began using more masculine terms and honourifics in a 'wink wink nudge' indulgent kind of way but they noticed as he got older, he started inserting himself into more male dominated spaces, even going so far as to bathe and groom himself w the other male disciples
at first it kind of set off red flags for everyone who were still under the impression chung myung was still just going through his little 'phase' but i think chung mun was the first who stepped up and actually ASKED chung myung about it.. he pulls chung myung to the side one day and asks WHY chung myung keeps doing the things he does and chung myung frowns and says because im a boy sahyung..DUH.. chung myung explains the best he can but bc he doesnt really know how to articulate himself on these matters (doesnt know any other trans people or experiences outside of his own and cant put it into words properly) and bc chung mun is cis, chung mun is still a little confused but now he understands chung myung isnt like..joking about this, or going through some sort of phase.. he seemed genuinely put out and upset when implied chung mun didnt understand him so from that day forward chung mun very firmly introduces chung myung to everyone in the sect as their littlest brother and that was pretty much that..
it probably took some people a while to wrap their head around, but because i dont want anyone in mt hua to be transphobic LOL they all understand and accept chung myung as their new baby brother pretty quickly and soon they dont even bat an eye seeing him train topless or bathe w the rest of the guys, doing other guy dominated activities, etc.. when he got older it was just normalized that one of their brothers had boobs..literally nobody gaf theyre REAL trans allies.. mount hua most PROGRESSIVE MARTIAL ARTS SECT
also majorly hc chung myung does not have any bodily dysphoria/morphia and is perfectly fine w the way he looks, especially after he gets older and starts building lots of muscle, so he never undergoes any gender affirming surgeries but he does take wuxia testosterone pills.. cuz i think the idea of wuxia magic hormone pills is hilarious and awesome
ive also put some thought into whether cho sams body would be trans or cis, because either could be interesting.. i feel like if cho sam were cis it would actually invoke body image issues and dysphoria in chung myung, having been thrust into a body so unfamiliar & alien to him than the one he spent the most time living in and caring for.. i dont really think too much in depth about this tho so my thoughts on it are pretty vague.. is cho sam cis or trans? (shrugs) up to you!
ummm *scratches ass* i cant think of anything else to say.. trans chung myung is so awesomesauce and i love projecting my own transmasc wants and desires onto him and into a world that accepts and loves him for who he is.. i have more thoughts about his relationship w tang bo and the world around them and how they view him but those are a little more personal and nuanced so i wont get into all dat.... when rotmhs gets more popular i hope trans chung myung hc blows up cuz its sooo real... something something chung myungs reincarnation into cho sam is a trans allegory
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goldenpinof · 11 months
As much as I love the new dnpg era we're in (and Im not complaining in the slightest) in the back of my brain I am finding it a bit strange that dan and phil are currently creating the exact content that for the last 5 years they (especially dan) have been saying they are tired of making. The whole "heres our sponsor, please hit the bell, like and subscribe!" Content. It feels very nostalgic right now, which I love, but also isnt necessarily sustainable. And the idea that they're only doing it to pay the bills on their house doesnt sit right with me either.
Im wondering if maybe theres a bigger picture. I feel like the gaming videos they are churning out are to sort of ease us in to a new era of dan and phil. If maybe they are playing a bit into the nostalgia of dan and phil, to gain back the audience that they lost after 5 years hiatus, so that then, they can slowly start to transform the content and the brand of dan and phil into something that better fits them as they are now. Because an abrupt change after 5 years of being gone, would honestly kind of mean they would have to almost start from scratch (bar the few thousand people that have been following them throughout), and honestly idk if an abrupt change would work for them either, bc even with dystopia daily, it was a cool idea, and not badly executed (apart from just kind of stopping halfway through) but it was also so different to anything else, that I think people found it really jarring, because it didnt really feel like the dan people were used to. I also dont know how well it really represented dan creatively anyway. I feel like bringing the gaming channel back, and also making it clear that its going to be different, its not specifically limited to games, is allowing them to take us with them on the journey of figuring out their new creative direction, rather than starting a few projects that get announced suddenly and then not going anywhere. It also means that when they are working on things behind the scenes that take months or even years to come into realisation, that can also just be cancelled at anytime, they are not banking on their audience just happily waiting with nothing to show for it, and can atleast still produce content that they enjoy and we enjoy, so that when dan inevitably does more standup or phil announces a project or they announce a new dan and phil project, it didnt come entirely from nothing.
Idk, basically i feel like the gaming channel is only the start of something bigger, and I dont think that bigger thing is them reverting back to 2016 dnp. Im interested to see.
oi, big asks bring so much pain ehfeliwdskd only because my answers usually are also big as fuck.
what i find interesting about this relaunch of dnpgames is that it's treated like the main place for joint content. what Dan said in the baking video can only mean that what was posted on AP channel or Dan's channel before, will now be on dnpgames. this gives them (Dan specifically) a way out of the dan and phil brand. it's like the joint branding exists outside and in parallel to their solo brands but doesn't intervene (it still does with AP but maybe it won't in the future). there's a better, more strict division between dnpgames + what's allowed on it and AP and their social media. it's so interesting to see how far they will go with it. they might bring back small portions of what they did before the hiatus (livestreams, dan vs phil, spooky week, gamingmas, game series and etc) but there will be new stuff as well. i wonder if the promo for all dnp brand related things will go on dnpgames now. before that, it was on Dan's channel (tours, books). i'm manifesting ladydoor tour 2.0 if the gaming channel thrives and there will be an audience to fill out the venues.
don't forget that Dan's decision to resurrect dnpgames allegedly came only in 2023 and because of his semi-flopped tour and difficulties with the dvd. no one wants to throw money into it, unfortunately. something happened in Edinburgh with BBC (wad related or not, hell knows). this dnpgames return is like a filler between solo projects (re: they are not banking on their audience just happily waiting with nothing to show for it). and it will be dropped the moment they are offered something serious. unless that something is gonna be precisely dnp brand related.
i don't think there's gonna be a huge change in the direction of dnpgames. we missed it how it was, Phil missed it because it allowed him to work with Dan and have fun. it can co-exist. i have an unpopular opinion maybe, but today's vibes are so unhinged. it's different from what it was before the hiatus, and i'm not talking about gay stuff. it feels like we're constantly running somewhere with them, and i don't like it. too much, too suddenly. and for someone who likes rewatching videos to find something new or just relax and laugh, it's a very uncomfortable schedule. and even dnp in the videos seem a bit frantic. plus different editing styles are visible, so it's like constantly jumping on a trampoline never knowing how high. i like consistency, so i need time to adjust? it's not a criticism, just an observation.
i think i have a bit different opinion to yours :) if it's the start of something bigger than only in the variety of content, but i don't think dnpgames will live for more than 3 years. 5 max. and this insane schedule will be dropped eventually. because it's unhealthy and EXACTLY why Dan backed out in 2018.
thank you for sharing your thoughts! let's see how it goes.
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marley-manson · 1 year
Riffing off a post/talking point I’ve seen recently, and having just rewatched Dear Sigmund, it’s completely unsurprising to me that people are more interested in BJ’s repression than Margaret’s, even aside from most fans rn being more interested in BJ as a character overall (though ofc that’s reason enough).
They’re both textually repressed as described in this episode, in that Sidney describes them both as one way on the outside (tough/calm) and another way on the inside (passionate/a volcano), but the show takes every opportunity to push Margaret into reaction, and it’s always in pretty straightforward ways. Margaret is upset, Margaret acts tough and tries to hide it but yells at everyone, then Margaret cries on someone’s shoulder.
BJ otoh is an enigma, again as Sidney says, in part because the writers likely had no idea what they were doing with him lol and thus he’s a land of contrasts and contradictions, placid calmness interspersed with bizarre, largely unexplored lashing out, which is generally more interesting territory for headcanons ime. BJ has the same types of plotlines where he’s upset about something, tries to hide it, yells, then cries on someone’s shoulder, but he also has plotlines where he just randomly lashes out at his friends, where he’s aloof and condescending before very suddenly succumbing to repressed anger, where he either projects onto Hawkeye or the writers mischaracterize everyone involved (No Laughing Matter), where he’s just aloof and condescending without the outward anger component, the rueful passive aggression episode, etc.
And it’s not discussed in this episode, but they do also both textually fulfill prescribed roles in their life - Margaret and the father she tries to please, BJ and ‘whatever happened to the rules? let the other guy go first, and life will reward you etc’ in Wheelers and Dealers. And this can easily be taken further for both too. Margaret playing a role romantically, as we see when she falls into a very inappropriate persona after sleeping with Hawkeye, and as discussed to an extent in Stars and Stripes. And BJ with his idealized husband role that causes meltdowns whenever something back home isn’t perfect, when he gets hit with the notion that he or Peg are changing. Mike Farrell’s line reads also project a sense of falling into a role, imo, thinking before speaking and always aiming to say the right thing.
But there’s something to be said for Margaret growing more in touch with her emotions and true self while BJ seems to only get worse and more repressed as the show progresses. The show does most of the work for you when it comes to understanding Margaret, not so with BJ where it largely just presents more puzzles to be solved, probably both deliberately and through inconsistent writing.
Margaret’s repression as an aspect of her character is thoroughly explored, so there’s little left for fandom to theorize about. BJ’s, not so much.
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idcpxseur · 9 months
i want more laurance thoughts pretty please
My thoughts on Laurence Zvhal
soft warning for aaron slander. im not really slandering him im just sharing my conspiracy theories. ALSO THIS BITCH IS LONGGGG AND THERES SO MUCH RAMBLIGN GOD HELP
god i love him so bad... thats the main thing i wanna get cleared up right the fuck away. i love him SOSO bad and i think jesson uses him completely inappropiately and im stealing him. okay? hes my oc now.
this is also a warning, i havent refreshed completely with my mcd knowledge and mystreet is more fresh in my mind so if i say something wrong about a plot point be nice to me im doing my best im a little guy with a dissociative disorder so i forget shit
aaalllrighty where the hell do i begin?
okay so first off, right off the bat: when he got back from the nether in mcd, he should've been blind. because
disability representation. blindness isnt something that can just be cured unless you get touched by jesus christ himself (im not religious but i think thats in the bible lol) and it something that impacts millions of people on the daily. exposing that to young kids can introduce them to the fact that not everybody is just like them and that people come in many different shapes and sizes. and it ofc helps anyone who happens to be blind have a chracter to relate to and project on.
do YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT WOULD BE FOR A BLIND KNIGHT? like fighting is a very visual skill for the most part you need to see your opponents sword to properly dodge it or you are good and truly fucked. so taking something integral to fighting and ripping it away gives another great chance for character development as well as some really sick ass scenes where laurence goes all toph and uses his senses that are now firing at all cylinders and kicks total ass
ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST!! like. laurence is a very visual guy, right? he sees pretty ladies to flirt with, he's a knight, he cares about his looks. so now he has all of that pretty much ripped away from him in an instant. what the fuck is he supposed to do? he flounders. hes a shell of his former self, in a way. like hes still there, hes still alive, but is he even laurence anymore? its something he has to learn to embrace and come to terms with. the main cast could also be super encouraging for him and basically is like "hey dude youre still the same fuckin awesome guy and you can still do all these fucking awesome things you just gotta learn how to do it again"
itd make for some cool relationship building between him and garroth or him and zoey or him and aphmau or even like him and cadenza. it gives him external relationships outside of just aphmau's love interest
i think giving laurence (in both mcd and mystreet) jealousy/possessiveness issues is lame and a total turn off. like its such a gross thing to tell to kids, no? like "hey kids if you love someone they are ENTITLED to love you back and they CANT be in love with someone else"
obviously this behavior is still shut down but still... like why include it? especially because, prior to him falling in love, he seemed to be just a completely chill dude who only gets angry if he needs to. but suddenly hes mass slaughtering people at weddings (mcd), stalking his love interest because he saw her talking with another guy (mystreet), giving aphmau the cold shoulder because she is either indecisive or loses interest in him (this goes in both series i believe)
like it just gives you such an ick and obviously i know why they did this. i will say this until the day they put me in the damn ground its because of motherfucking aaron becoming a love interest. i have zero issues with aaron as a character and i even like him as a character (i have redeemed myself. i used to hate him) but as a love interest i think hes the worst thing to happen to every series because he just simply destroys any male character who had the potential to be shipped with aphmau which was all of them
were moving to mystreet here because mystreet is the best and most glaring example of this because mystreet was after they had decided to make aarmau canon in mcd and you can tell because of the way they set up laurence and garroth.
lemme explain and yes i know this is deviating from strictly laurence a tad but stay with me
im not going to use pdh because pdh was written after mystreet based off of the fact that for some reason travis doesnt know aphmau???? despite them being best friends in pdh??? WHATEVER WHWATEVER NOT THE POINT OKAY. were also going to completely disregard the undercurrent of grooming for aarmau and were going to pretend like this relationship is normal and not at all weird. okay? okay.
so from the moment you first meet laurence and garroth, you can tell their vibes are off. theyre openly hostile with each other (even if its playful theyre still "competeing" for her), theyre trying to shove each other out of the way. it makes them seem unlikeable. every time theyre on screen theyre talking to her or about her (often times planning on stalking her or getting irrationally jealous because they heard something through the grapevine) and it just turns the viewer off. if youre a first time viewer without any preconcieved notions of these character you're thinking "wow thats creepy. why would she stay friends with them? why would she bother sticking around her if all they want is a relationship out of her and not a genuine friendship?" and if you happened to watch mcd first youre thinking "wow is this how theyre really like? wow i dont like them at all anymore" and then you go to mcd and see their worst traits being ramped up and amplified to make them even more unlikable
and then you see aaron
in mcd hes a silent protector. hes always by aphmau's side. hes her one true loyal knight even when she does something he doesnt like. they understand eachother in ways that laurence and garroth just dont
in mystreet hes her guard dog. hes always there to step in when shes uncomfortable. hes her secret best friend her home away from home. he makes her feel loved in such a way that laurence garroth never could since theyve only ever cared about her superficially and not in any way that really, truly mattered
it makes the audience cling to him. it makes them think "well fuck why did the other guys even try hes obviously perfect for her" it blinds them of any other potential option because jesson just didnt give any other opportunity to shine through.
and thats fine. thats completely fine they can do whatever the hell they want to with their series because as one creative to another sometimes you just gotta make your bed and lie in it knowing that not every bitch out there is going to like every creative decision you make.
as a viewer it just.... it just makes you feel dissatisfied. leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, especially given the fact that in mcd you were basically told "these are your two options for love interests" and then a third love interest swoops in seemingly out of nowhere, gets her pregnant, and then he fucking dies.
in mystreet it just like... ugh. i dont know. i guess i feel happy for them because i can see their development. but like me personally i cant really feel shit for ms aarmau simply because of pdh and the FUCKING WEIRDNESS OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP
sorry this, once again, turned into a rant about how aaron's introduction as a love interest fucking ruined everything (my words, not anyone elses)
to sum up this long, long, long post my thoughts on laurence are as follows: i think hes written very poorly in mystreet and severely mishandled in mcd. i think that he had the potential to be very interesting in both series if used properly and he couldve had more intersting things happen to him in terms of the love interest department.
i think hes a character that gets the a lot of the character assassination tirade that jesson went on and i wish we got to see more of him but unfortunately we never will since you know his va left.
but most importantly:
hes my pookie wookie booboo bear and i love him so bad and im going to shake him and bite him and rip him to shred
well... i hope you got what you wanted. i have emptied all of my thoughts about laurence
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elvenbeard · 1 year
omg i wanna know more about vince's arasaka ex-boyfriend! he looks cute! hope he's not a dick. but then again you gotta be a certain level of dick to survive in arasaka so maybe im setting myself up. do the other co-workers know or was it a hush-hush thing?
AAHHH!!! öashdfafd thanks so much for asking!!! BETTER BUCKLE UP, this is gonna be long and angsty xDD
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(putting his not-100%-polished or canon appearance here again cause I like having pics with my long posts XD)
Okay so... his name is Shou, like Vince he is half-Japanese, but he actually grew up and spent the majority of his life in Japan. He comes from a similar background as Vince, too, corpo-family with ties to Arasaka, excellent education, good grades, a little bit of an outsider even, but he never intermittently left the corpo world like Vince did. He got his entry-level position job at Arasaka fresh out of university and has been (outwardly) loyal and obedient ever since, rising in ranks in no time.
He's roughly 10 years older than Vince, and in 2074 gets transferred to Night City from Tokyo, to help with the expansion of the Counterintel department there. Technically he's on Jenkins' level, experience- and skill-wise, but since everything works a bit differently in Night City, for the time being he ends up a part of Jenkins' team on a level with Vince. It would've been Jenkins' duty to show Shou the ropes actually, but he delegates the task to good old Agent V instead, and that's how they first properly get to know and work with each other.
Let's just say, there is definitely an instant curiosity/interest and base-level of attraction from both sides XD Vince and Shou work well together, share a lot of common interests, have similar ambitious personalities, (both of them are a little bit of a dick, really), and inevitably they also spend a lot of time together. The one thing that Vince is most interested in though, that Shou always seems to avoid answering directly, is why he volunteered to come to Night City from Tokyo. Most people V knows that are striving to rise to the top would wish for it to be the other way around. Shou is always like "I wanted a change of scenery", "I wanted to broaden my horizon", "It looks good on my resume to be in the teamlead of this project" and so on, but none of that feels 100% genuine and so Vince keeps his walls up and tries to maintain a professional distance, despite really liking him otherwise. Emphasis on "tries", cause Shou is not making it easy for him either xD
Some time passes, Vince is still adamant about not wanting a relationship with a coworker (also because he is low-key worried if he lets someone into his life too closely, they might discover he's in contact with Jackie and leaking very classified company secrets to him now and then). But still, one evening Shou and him end up alone at a bar together and one thing leads to another...
Initially their relationship was definitely more on the hush-hush side, not because they were ashamed of it or anything, but because Vince didn't want to be blamed with treating Shou favorably over the others in his team because he was sleeping with him. As time went on though the others definitely caught on, and there was a little bit of drama and bad blood, but nothing they didn't know how to deal with. They had to make it official towards Jenkins and the head of the department at the time soon-ish after becoming a thing anyway though, to not run into problems on that side either, but it went surprisingly smooth. Vince actually was very very happy at the time and wouldn't have figured to ever find someone he'd click so well with that he started to imagine a long-lasting future together.
Long story short though... It never came to that. I mentioned in the lore post that their relationship ended abruptly and bitter, and yeah. Let's just say, Shou hadn't come to Night City for a change of scenery, but as part of an elaborate plan he'd been setting up for years to get out of Arasaka for good, make a bunch of money in the process, and disappear from the face of the earth. Fuck off to somewhere where they'd never be able to track him down, the Soviet Union or something like that. He hadn't planned on genuinely falling in love with Vince though.
Aware that Vince was (apparently) very loyal to Arasaka, he also knew it would need some effort to convince him to come along with him, leave everything behind for good and start over somewhere new. So, what's his idea here? Make it seem like Vince is leaking info to a competing corp by messing with his computer and files. He abused Vince's trust to basically force him to come with him, cause at the press of a button he'd be able to notify Jenkins of Vince’s “betrayal” and he would have no other choice but to run away. Vince figures this out accidentally, and just briefly before Shou can set him up in a way so that there would’ve been no turning back. Since Vince is *actually* leaking company info, just not to a corp but his best friend whose safety he’s now also extremely scared for, he kind of has to make a choice between “run away with the love of my life” and “run to Jenkins and tell him about the setup before Shou can go through with his plan”. And he ends up choosing Jenkins out of loyalty to Jackie.
Let’s just say… the ensuing chaos did not end well for neither Shou nor Vince, but at least Vince walks out of it somewhat alive. Shou never felt in the wrong btw (and really, he was not wrong to want to get himself and Vince out of Arasaka asap). He did what he did out of love, genuinely convinced it was the only thing and the right thing he could've done. Best, most loving intentions, worst possible execution.
(one day, when I have Vince in NPV format, be ready for gut-wrenching VP of all of this. I'M NOT OKAY ABOUT THEM. Also, imagine the very awkward convo with Kerry later on that starts with "So, I told you everything about Louise... now how did your last relationship end?")
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tellywoodtrash · 1 year
// trigger warning for abuse and panic attacks //
hello TT. I'm so sorry for oversharing but i literally don't know what to do right know.
I'm 18 and my parents are abusive in an physical, mental, emotional, and every other sense.
I'm going to college this year and for years i thought that if i could just move away for college, i would be able to heal away from them. i would finally be free.
but they didn't let me apply to any out-of-state colleges. so now I'm stuck with them till idek how long. i wish i could just rent a tiny appartment or something but i don't have the money. and i can't live in any in state hostels either because they don't accept students who live in the same state.
as a result, my depression and anxiety has gotten so much worse. im having multiple panic attacks a day and i don't know what to do.
i don't know how i will survive anymore torture from them. i don't see a way out for myself. what should I do?
Dearest baby friend,
First offf, sending you biggest and tightest hugs. You are being very brave reaching out to me through your pain.
Crappy parents are just a shitty lottery result, and the worst bit is, you cannot change them. What you can change however, is how you react to them. It will take a lot of work, but train yourself to not hear the shitty things they say to you. It's extreeeemely difficult to grow out of wanting your parents' approval (esp. for us desis) but that's what you've got to do. By now you must have realised that no matter what you do, there's no pleasing them. So fuck it. Do what you think is right (PRUDENTLY, within reason; try not to rock the boat too much) and fuck their opinion. It's just white noise. Stop allowing them to affect your mood. Free yourself from them emotionally, and you'll see a lot of their power over you is diminished.
Is there anyone in the extended family you could reach out to? An aunt/uncle/grandparent etc? Maybe just work on forming a bond with someone like that, an adult whom you can trust to have your wellbeing at heart. Worst situation, you can move out to their place. But that's just in case of emergencies.
Now that you're starting college, I assume you'll have a little more freedom than you did in school, time wise. Try and use that to spend as much time away from your parents, whether it be in the college library, or with friends, etc. Come back home at reasonable times, and then just say you're exhausted and go be in your own space. Try and build a life outside of home and treat this just as a place to come rest your head at night.
Most importantly, you need to start creating an action plan to become financially independent as soon as feasibly possible. The sooner you have your own money, the quicker you can break your parents' control over you. You can move out to PGs or working women's hostels, or whatever. There are a buncha places that will pay you for small online tasks, like fiverr and upwork and stuff. All you need is your computer and an internet connection. If you have skills like graphic design and video editing etc, even better. Do some research into those. Depending on your college major, your professors might be able to help you get some small stuff within the college as well, as a research assistant or something of the sort. If/when you find a professor you form a good bond with, tell them you're interested in participating in projects or whatever, and that they should keep you in mind. These professors will also be able to give you good recommendation letters and connections when you graduate and are looking to move into the job market.
Since you don't have much disposable income rn, I realise it might not be feasible to suggest therapy to you; but please know there are online options that take like, a 1000 - 2000 bucks per session (look up The Mind Clan.) If that's not possible, I'd like you to try doing some self therapeutic reading that might be helpful. Research books written by professionals in the field (for eg Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life by Dr. Susan Forward; and Childhood Disrupted: How Your Biography Becomes Your Biology, and How You Can Heal by Donna Jackson Nakazawa) and absorb their messages and do the exercises if any, to help yourself understand how this relationship has affected both your mental and physical health, identify patterns that you may have built up as defense mechanisms to cope, and how to move forward with healing.
Please know, that you WILL eventually make it out of this situation. Maybe not now, maybe not in the current foreseeable future; but eventually you WILL become financially and emotionally independent from your parents and will be able to do as you wish. It's just about hanging in there a little longer. Use this time to prepare yourself to be self sufficient in the real world, and freedom shall come sooner than later.
Please take care of yourself in the meantime. I love you lots and am rooting for you.
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fauslayer · 1 year
tbh I'm always interested in whatever headcanons you have for anything ever because they're always pretty interesting, anything in particular you want to bring up? Go for it!
thats really kind of you to say 🥺 thank u izzy....
ive been thinking about the Blue Thing 🔵 recently...funneled some of my energy into doodles so i could try to refine what i want to talk about uwa
im actually not sure how much of his deal is possible to gleam from just me being strange the past couple of weeks but for awesome primer bc i love talking about things. sugary spire is a swap au and upcoming fangame for pizza tower starring pizzelle, a nervous, married, and transgender pastry chef at the end of her rope, and "the" pizzano, a baking show host and tv network owner/personality who
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well i think this^ is a good enough explanation.
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there is no way this man isnt autistic. anyways i like to think he stims by biting his hand like normal peppino does in his idles, but a lot of actual damage is held back by the fact that he wears his gloves all the time. theyre probably made out of some kind of rubbery material (at least on the outside), either purposefully or coincidentally nice to chew. he mostly does this when hes alone or at least off camera; its a whole "image" thing that honestly irritates him.
same with singing! singing is one of his big passions in my eyes (if we get to treat the weird website song hunt arg as canon, i would like to use that as proof that he loves music; enough to get fiercely paranoid about it, even), which fits bc i like. absorbed the headcanon that peppino has a special interest in dance music/mostly eurodance specifically and loves dancing (hence his schmoovement). pizzano has strong opera pipes and loves to sing while he works but he has the lungpower of a boeing plane engine and the projection ability of a car alarm and hence doesnt get to hit his full stride on the air often. he wants to get involved with opera production but they probably think hes too silly or bad for the image. sadge .(
i think ive said a little bit on the subject of pizzanos Accoutrements in the past. i dont think he takes them off. its beneficial for the network presence! its marketable! it covers up very vulnerable and/or identifiable parts of him. despite The Fire being completely nuked from canon i still hc him as going through some kind of fucked up physical trauma event (i still say a fire, just not that one, dont really have a specific idea) so hes got prominent scarring on his face and hands. even besides the Unspecified Cluster B Paranoia he doesnt like the idea of anyone catching his scars on camera. sometimes hell just hole himself up in his room for days because hes freaked out.
he cries easy and switches moods on a dime and is generally kind of someone that should have more concern thrown his way but most of this is covered up by the fact that hes relatively expected to be Wacky and Violent and Loves Incendiary Weaponry!! hes 100% unmedicated because he doesnt like the way any of his pills have tasted for the things hes bothered to get diagnosed (ptsd, adhd) and is a little freaked out of doctors outside of like, first aid medics
thank you for letting me talk about my guy 🥺
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x-tetrodotoxin-x · 1 year
i am the person who sent the last ask, and i have finished playing the game and watched most of the anime, and im now a Changed Man.
pleaaaaaase can you give me your hcs on zack's time in the hell orphanage? that whole thing is really interesting, and it's a shame it's mentioned like once
Hii what fun! Yeah I can give some hcs. Honestly it's kind of a shame the orphanage wasn't really touched on for very long, but the shit we did get on it was dark.
So like i said I really think that orphanage was a front for human trafficking. It seems at least implied to be based on the caretakers mentioning the money aspect so often. What's fucked is it sounds like not only were the caretakers trafficking the kids, but the kids parents sold them to the orphanage to get rid of them, probably knowing the shit was shady as hell. It's pretty straightforward that those kids were abandoned there for money, it's stated in canon in at least the manga:
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(Little Zack is so freaking adorable btw omg hes so tiny)
So like the whole aspect of the dead kids being buried in the yard; they clearly made Zack do that more than once. Totally hc that while yea some of those kids died of starvation, exposure, lack of medical attention, etc some of them were killed either on purpose as an example to the other children or on accident during incidents of abuse and Zack saw that a lot, contributing to his violent nature later on
ik he apparently started killing because he "saw a violent movie on tv" but I think that's bs and the caretakers were killing people in front of him or making him kill the other kids
Back on the programming shit, it's mentioned a lot that as a child Zack did whatever the caretakers told him to do despite not wanting to do it, hence him being referred to as a tool so often. So uh. Programming.
He's scared of fire, so they used fire to frighten him into doing things, following orders, being obedient, etc.
A lotta his abuse was like severe neglect and making him sleep outside, do a lot of physical labor, starvation, etc. I usually hc there was a lot of physical abuse too, especially early on to condition him into doing thinhs.
Sexual abuse but they targeted him differently in that way- like they really wanted to push the idea that he was a monster on him just because of his burns so incidents of noncon weren't as frequent as some of the other orphans, but were really horrific like refusing to touch him during it, using objects to do it, lots of degrading and insulting comments, not letting him bathe after, forcing him to isolate, etc.
If we hc the incidents of sa were less frequent with him (or done in private) the other orphans being kind of cold towards him not only bc they see and learn from the way the caretakers treat him, but in their mind he's "getting off easier because he's too hideous to sell off" so they project onto him, leading to more alienation.
It's not really clear when Zack got burned besides that it was shortly before his Mom abandoned him at the orphanage but if they were fresh they probably healed badly due to improper care- the orphanage caretakers refusing to let him properly clean and bandage his burns.
Also, like, the fact he still wears the bandages as an adult despite the burns being scars by now makes me think they probably forced him to keep the burns and scars covered up and made him wear the bandages even after his burns healed "as to not cause disgust to others" or some shit. He definitely wouldn't say it out loud, but he's self conscious about them.
I'm sure I've got more on that but like that oughta cover bases for now. So much dead dove potential with that orphanage, that series in general tbh omg
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glassautomaton · 1 year
i cant speak for everyone obviously but me and a good handful of other people rlly love redwood labs and especially gamma and would certainly love to see you expand on that! While im a tad out of the loop as to what draws engagement on the wiki, I don't think you need to necessarily bank on pre-established interest, you write all your original characters so charmingly i find them just as fun to read as the older ones :]
Thanks, it's good to hear that people like them. I feel kind of bad about posting stuff like that since it seems like I'm fishing for positive feedback, but it's just been weighing on me a bit, creatively speaking.
Some more general thoughts about the wiki and my characters under the cut.
As for what draws engagement on the wiki, shorter articles tend to do well. All those people who complains about how "all wiki articles are theses on pseudosciences that take two hours to read and three weeks to understand" tend to annoy me, as it seems like they don't actually engage with the main site very much before dismissing it. We have a "shortest pages this month" page accessible from the sidebar, for crying out loud. Beyond that, having a following with your stuff helps, either by contributing to something people care about, or by being a big-name writer. DA got a little bit of buzz for being a new Resurrection thing, but not too much, as opinions on the mainline canon are a little split. Hell, I'm writing for the thing and I've got mixed feeling about it.
True, you could just make your characters ones people get invested in, but I'm not really a big name on the site, nor do the ones I write seem to fall into the arcetypes that are typically popular. I see a lot of fans for the staff characters, like the ones in the OG43 canon or ones like Light (to say nothing of senior staff), but staff characters never really appealed to me very much. Hence why I'm writing a series that focuses on humanoids: the anomalies are the things that really pique my interest, and I didn't see many people writing the kinds of stories with humanoids that I wanted to see. There's a number of reasons for that, some of which I laid out in my post about the issues in writing "affectionate" characters, but in general, humanoids aren't usually written like long-term characters in the same way that staff members are (with notable exceptions like the Unhuman canon).
This isn't to say I don't like staff characters at all, as I have September and plan on writing some of them in the future, like KPC, but by default I tend to like anomalies more. Even outside of my interests with the SCP community, I also just really like stuff featuring androids. Couldn't really tell you why, it's just something I've always found interesting and wanted to write Gamma and her 'family' so I could write a bit about them. Since they're more like characters I'm writing for me, I'm concerned about whether or not they'll have broader appeal. Of course, I have considered how they fit into the narrative, and I wouldn't have included them if they just stuck out, hence their relation to the Olympia Project, and KPC and Adams by extension.
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hahafunyfungusman · 2 years
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i was finally able to finish drawing the characters for my obey me monster prom au thank goodness
okok so
lucifer - vampire. he’s the biggest nerd (in the actual useful knowledge way) in school and i want to shove him in a locker but yk. he’s incredibly smart and talented, and he even built satan (more on that later). He often has to get his classmates into shape, and is seen as the proper one. Usually found in the library or classroom.
mammon - demon (ik im so creative). in contrast to lucifer, he doesn’t score very high on homework or tests. He’s much more interested in the prom part, and spends most of his time trying to impress you (the main character). he gets most of the lectures from lucifer. Usually found outside or in the library.
Levi - fish thing idk. biggest nerd (in the levi way) in school i also want to shove him in a locker but um um he often skips class because of the anxiety that comes with going. he rants a lot and his fin-ear things flare up whenever he gets excited. often sits on his own at lunch with headphones on, but is sometimes accompanied by mammon. Usually found in the bathroom or class.
Satan - robot. He was built by Lucifer for either a school project or for fun i haven’t decided yet. but um he’s constantly afraid that he’s not his own ‘person’ and is instead just seen as an extension of lucifer. He wasn’t built with a mouth and uses sign language to communicate. because of his lack of a mouth, he feels the need to use a face mask to cover that up. Usually found in the Auditorium or classroom.
Asmo - ghost. k so i know he died by his throat being slit but i’m not sure yet if he did it or if someone else did. like mammon, he cares little about studies. His grades aren’t great, but he’s still technically passing, so lucifer’s lectures aren’t given to him as often as they are mammon. he’s a big part person and uses parties to get closer to you. Usually found outdoors and in the Auditorium.
Beel - werewolf. He’s often hanging out with belphie in the gymnasium. He likes sports and is a big softie i swear i’m not just copying scott from monster prom i swear but ummm um yeah. Usually found in the gym and outdoors.
Belphie - honestly not sure yet i’ve been thinking troll/orc but also considering zombie so idk. he couldn’t care less about his classes and skips most of them, but he does very well on tests somehow. he only really sticks with beel in the gym to make him happy, but he himself isn’t happy about it at all. usually found in the gym or the bathroom.
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i'm a teenager, and i have no actual irl friends. sure, i hang out with some people at my school, but i never feel like i fit in, be it bc im queer or bc they just seem to not care about me. i'm also like, not exactly the weird kid, but to give you an idea i stumble over my words a lot and am very Very socially awkward. i have 2 very good online friends and i love them a lot, but they just don't help with how lonely i feel all the time (and theres also two other people from my school that i'd love to befriend but they both have their own best friends and dont really interact with me). only feeling comfortable around my homophobic mom feels humiliating–i cant be myself or feel safe around my classmates, because im worried they'll somehow think i'm annoying. this shit was like, the root of a major depressive episode i had last year, and even though ive completely recovered now, im still scared i'll end up knee deep in shit again. girl help
Hey there,
It can be really difficult when we want to be friends with another but then for one reason or another it just doesn’t work out or we feel we are on the outside of the relationship with them due to them having other good friends. Have you mentioned that you wanted to be friends with them though even if it’s more someone to hang out with. Even though one person may have a best friend/s, it doesn’t mean they can’t have other friends too.
You mentioned that you don’t really feel safe with your classmates as you fear they will view you as being annoying or something like that. Whilst this is a completely valid concern to have, if you don’t try to interact with others then you will never know how it may go, you may even make a friend or two out of it! Start slow though, get to know them, likes/ dislikes, if you have anything in common. If you have to do a project with other class mates then try to take an interest in what they say, try to start a conversation with them – it can be a lot easier to focus on becoming friends with just one person as opposed to a handful of people all at once!
I know it can be so hard when you feel like you are socially awkward, and you stumbling over your own words wouldn’t help your self-esteem either, but it doesn’t mean that these things cannot be helped over time and worked through. For example, have you ever thought about looking at yourself through a mirror and practice having conversations and focusing on your words and speech in general. Sometimes when we stumble over words (I use to be the same and especially when I was feeling incredibly anxious) it can be due to anxiety like I just mentioned and a good way to work on that is to try to slow your talking down and especially if you are a fast talker. So when in a conversation don’t forget to breathe and focus on where full stops or commas should be put in just like as if you were writing something down on paper.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
what i assume of u based on who u stan in bnha
a/n ;; this is a joke‼️ im clown do not take me too serious 🤨
deku - this answer is completely dependent on if you like or don’t like bkg. either way you’ve got main character disease and a deep-seated emotional attachment to men who are kind. probably bad experiences w dating or none at all. highly likely you’re into art. nice but mostly oblivious about your own short-comings even though you’re aware of other ppls to an alarming degree.
kirishima - high strung‼️ always very sweet but generally insecure about shit. probably started out liking someone else but fell into liking kirishima and stayed there (I’d bet bkg or denki). sometimes you project onto other people bc if you try to address things within ur self you might die. normally pretty athletic / in shape or has in interest in it. probably a sub or claims to be a switch but too nervous to dom.
todoroki - you need to be needed and desired more than you need anything else in ur life. likely with lingering childhood trauma (HIGHLY likely you’re first gen child of immigrants but not completely necessary). you probably spend a lot of time day dreaming about being someone else completely or running away. quiet and probably a little meek but people think ur mean. put a ton of pressure on yourself to succeed and prove ppl in ur life wrong.
bkg - the worst case of “i can fix him” disease in a person their could be. you have trouble standing up for yourself. think the only way you can be desirable is when you service or provide for others probably? the idea of mutual obsession is sexy to you but you would never say that outloud. hard time connecting with people outside of your hobbies and probably pretty isolated. desperately want someone to put u first like so bad.
shinso - depends on how much he simping is lust. if you want shinso romantically - you probably just desperately crave someone to find you endearing? or take interest in the things you like without you having to ask. been on internet for many years before you were supposed too, probably. a little dorky and probably a little jaded about something - likely school. you struggle with something a lot but no one close to you knows. ghost people on accident.
sero - you always like second male leads more than main ones and you be fighting for your life over that. you probably used to have a lot of crushes on people but you’ve only ever caught serious feelings for a few people or one person in your life. you struggle to regulate one of your major emotions. super funny and always making people laugh because that’s the only way you think people will like you. more self aware than you let on.
denki - you’ve got a romanticized idea of people in your head and feel disappointed when those expectations aren’t met. you’re easily swayed by other people but it’s subconscious. it’s hard to tell what you’re thinking. a tendency to be paranoid about how people perceive. shitty sleep schedule but you’re also weirdly honest with people. really good at giving compliment.
aizawa - you’re at a point in your life where you just want stability and find everything else to be kind of exhausting. you’re giving to almost a fault and you just want someone who will anchor you when you float away. terrible at flirting on purpose but do it in accident a lot.
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