#either he can be with her or he can't but she's got an interested neighbor
handkinkbis · 1 year
As a fan of proper communication as a plot device here's what I would do as Shin Yu.
If he's being blackmailed into this relationship with Nayeon then tell Hong Jo exactly that. You don't need to share all the specifics, but especially IF the stalker has something to do with whatever blackmail, Hong Jo has a right to know about it at this point because it's putting her at risk too. Shin Yu might know more than he lets on.
It doesn't seem like Shin Yu and Nayeon spend any? significant? time together and there's no love between them so it's a contractual relation at best (clearly they're not sleeping together since Nayeon spends nights with her lover) and Shin Yu's been very publically chasing after Hong Jo anyway (at work, outside of work) so Hong Jo and Shin Yu really dating* won't influence how the fake relationship between Shin Yu and Nayeon is seen. Maybe he could be less obvious about it, but that too is on him. (Unless the brain condition is making him impulsive? Nothing is certain with this show lol.)
Keeping Hong Jo in the dark about it just seems like a tragedy in waiting because Shin Yu's chasing is getting her hopes up that Shin Yu will split with Nayeon eventually. If he's not going to, he needs to make that clear!
Use Your Words characternims! I still don't get why it hasn't been revealed why Shin Yu and Nayeon are marrying and why it's such a tightly kept secret, it just seems like a weird writing choice to use miscommunication and misunderstanding like this to drive the plot. Even if the reveal would clarify whether the magic in this universe is real, well... Dragging that reveal out also seems strange.
And unless Shin Yu's prevented magically from sharing with Hong Jo why he's entering into a loveless marriage with Nayeon, the withholding of something so key makes no sense.
I probably need to rewatch the show because everything seems unnecessarily confusing and I've probably missed so many details.
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Another theory of mine is that Shin Yu's health condition has something to do with the messy plot/story telling since he's an unreliable narrator, but so much of the show is from Hong Jo's POV that it seems quite... unlikely? If he'd dreamt parts of the story then you'd expect him to be more of a central character in his own dreams so that's probably not it.
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auspicioustidings · 10 months
Hmmmm I’m seeing so many x single mom readers and not sure if this is something you’re even interested in BUT
Simon meeting his pretty new neighbor while she’s moving I and realizes she is either a.) heavily pregnant or b.) has a very young baby so Simon goes “hmmmm mine now :)” and helps her out a little? (Alternatively, if you don’t wanna do Simon for this, then maybe Price?)
(Also if you haven’t read @peachesofteal’s Light On fic, Simon x single mom reader, I implore if you to do so!!! It’s so good)
Peaches Light On fics, and I am being so deadass serious, give me such a flood of serotonin any time I see a new one. Everyone get your butt over there because they are the standard for single mother content as far as I am concerned!
That being said, I've put a bit of a twist on this so it's not really what you requested at all, sorry :') I could not do a similar idea to Peaches because there is nothing I can do to improve perfection!
Tactical Action
Words: 1.1k
CWs: mentions of death
“It's not a shame Price, it's fucking ridiculous.”
Simon Riley was furious looking at the paperwork. It wasn't often that TF141 kept tabs on a promising rookie so when they did he expected nothing but excellence. What he did not expect was a large ‘Early Service Leaver’ stamp over an otherwise exemplary record.
“Their brother died in that warship collision, can't blame them for wanting out.”
“My brother was murdered, I kept fucking going.”
He had met you once when Johnny had dragged him. His Sergeant was both excited and annoyed that someone had gotten the new record for the 3rd selection phase. It made sense to get some feel for you then, if you were as good at escape, evasion and tactical questioning as the test scores suggested then the 141 needed to have you on their radar because the PMCs certainly would. 
You were a determined thing, shoulders back and addressing them with just the right amount of respect. Not arrogant, but not a pushover. Soap had been talking about how much he wanted to get his hands on you the whole drive back to base because he was a horny idiot and you were a challenge he found intriguing. Simon had just rolled his eyes and added your record to the small pile in Price's office. 
He knew a little of your background. Both parents gone, one sibling in the navy. Well one sibling now KIA. He could have understood taking leave, but to quit entirely? It made him angry, he thought it was a waste of potential. Price could see how it affected him and he sighed. 
“Go talk to them then. But do not get yourself reported for harassment and intimidation Simon, if they don't want back in then we make our peace with that.”
That was all the permission he needed. He probably should have taken Soap really, someone who could be comforting and coax you back. But fuck it, you were supposed to be good under pressure so he was going to give you some hard damn advice on not bloody giving up.
Exhausted didn't even begin to describe how you felt. This was the hardest thing you had ever done, but you were not going to just give up. You couldn't, not with this tiny thing relying on you. 
She had never even got to meet her parents. Your brother died just before the due date in that accident and then his girlfriend had died from complications in childbirth. You had promised her you would look after their baby if anything happened, made an oath that you'd not let her parents anywhere near such an innocent little thing. 
So you were on your own with nothing but grief and exhaustion and an ever dwindling death in service payment. They would pay part of your brother's pension out each month at least for the baby, but you were terrified that it wouldn't be enough to give her a life she deserved. She certainly deserved her parents and not her fathers ill equipped sibling, but you could only do your best even with the knowledge it would never be enough. 
You flinched when there was a hard knock at the door of your flat, freezing but taking a breath when the baby remained sleeping in your arms. You needed to move at one point you knew, a flat in a bit of a rough area was fine for a soldier (ex-soldier you reminded yourself) but not so much for a baby. 
The security you had upgraded as best you could at the moment and you checked the door camera to see Lieutenant Riley. Ghost. You had met him briefly once, but what was a legend like him doing here? Shit. You knew you looked a wreck but it wasn't like you could ignore him so you opened the door, bouncing baby girl gently to keep her sleeping. 
Simon's planned tirade died the moment he saw the situation. You had a baby. Oh that changed his tirade significantly. Your marital status had listed single, so he could only assume you had gotten yourself knocked up by some casual hookup. That was unacceptable in a soldier, so bloody stupid. 
“Shit” you cursed when she woke up, heading back inside and giving him a nod of invite.
You bounced her and tried to coo at her to go back to sleep. To please God go back to sleep. You never knew what she wanted, it felt like whatever you did was always wrong. And of course then she started wailing and the Lieutenant was in your flat closing the door behind him witnessing your absolute failure to take care of a baby. 
“Oh for Christ sake, give her here.”
Simon took the baby and hoisted the little thing up onto his shoulder, rubbing hard at her back. 
“When was the last time you fed her?”
“I- well, just before you got here. 10 minutes ago maybe? Just got her to sleep.”
“Did you burp her?”
“Oh. I…” you replied, straining yourself in an attempt not to cry. “No. I forgot.”
While his eyes were sharp on you his hands and voice were gentle and soothing for the baby. He was good at this. Did he have kids? Fuck was everyone just innately good at caring for babies but you? 
“Didn't stop to think if you could take care of her before having her?” 
“She's not mine. Well I suppose she is. I'm her only living relative, or only decent one at least. I, um… that warship accident from a few months back. My brother died during it and her mum passed during the birth. I'm her legal guardian now. I'm what she has sir, it was the best tactical action given the circumstance” you said, straightening up despite your exhaustion and prolonged terror at being responsible for such an innocent little thing. 
Simon cocked his head to the side as the baby on his shoulder burped and gurgled, now trying to get back to sleep. You were still a soldier he saw then, you were fighting back your emotions to give him a report on the situation. He reevaluated after the sitrep and took a moment to find the best course of action.
“Marry me then.”
“We can get it done tomorrow. Might take a bit of time to get a decent house but we'll stay in my flat until then, better area. Still going to be out on assignment a lot but any death benefit would go to you and the widows pension would set you up for life. I'm what you have rookie, it's the best tactical action.”
“Yes sir.”
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Hinamori can drive? How did that come about? Is she a "must follow all the rules" driver or a "hold on for dear life" driver?
Momo's posting in the living world was in a more rural area and she got started driving her neighbor's tractor for him when he got hurt and she was bored, and then the farm truck and that was FUN on the little mountain roads, so she went and got a driver's license and managed to scrape together enough cash to buy her neighbor's 20 year old P.O.S. compact, and in the span of four months went from "what's a car?" To getting heavily into maybe-not-totally-legal vehicular modifications and earning herself the nickname "Peaches The Freak" on the illicit mountain rally racing circuit for "driving like she can't die".
She didn't actually tell anyone this when she got back to soul society because she was a bit embarrassed to be so enthusiastic about such a niche interest, so nobody finds out about HOW Momo drives until she's in the human world with her boss and her co-lieutenant, and they need to transport a large number of small objects at speed and the most reasonable way to do that is in the back of a car.
"what do you MEAN you don't know how to drive? Momo gapes at Shinji and Hiyori. "You were in the living world for a whole century?!"
"No, I do." Explains Momo, getting into the driver's seat of a Subaru old enough to vote. "That's why it's so strange to me."
"SHOTGUN!" Bellowed Hiyori, leaping into the passenger seat. "Okay, it's a little weird that *I* don't know how to drive, I guess, but do you really want mirror image dingus back there out driving on the wrong side of the road, do you?"
"I'm sure he'd get the hang of it eventually!" Said Momo. "Okay, seatbelts everyone! -and gas, mirrors, seat adjustment- who was driving this car, captain Komamura? Okay, check for cops-"
"What's a seatbelt?" Asked Shinji from the backseat.
"-and we're clear!" Momo said, putting her foot down and accelerating at a speed that made the buildings stretch and streak by like they were about to enter hyperspace.
One hour and six minutes later, they reached their destination, having reached a top speed of 193 mph, Hiyori discovering the female version of a terrorboner, and Shinji discovering what it feels like to be a lone sock in the washing machine during the spin cycle.
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stinkylittleanon · 1 year
Hello! I wanna make a request
Can you do any character you like X neighbor who's sensitive to loud sounds?
If you don't want to please feel free to ignore xD Thanks!
I saw this request that you sent to someone else /lh /t
Welcome Home x Neighbor who is sensitive to loud noises!
This includes: Julie, Howdy, Wally, and Frank! Can be read as platonic or romantic!
I imagine Julie can be loud when she's excited, and at first she doesn't even know that she's hurting your ears!
But when you ask her to quiet down, and she asks why, you explain to her that loud sounds can hurt!
She's like "Ooooh! I'm sorry, Neighbor! I'll make sure to be extra extra quiet!"
And then she proceeds to start whispering EVERYTHING and now you can barely hear her
So you have to explain that it's just loud noises, as long as she doesn't get too loud you'll be fine!
She still doesn't get it, but she tries!
Definitely has the hardest time out of the bunch
Frank has to remind Julie to quiet down, and has the easiest time understanding what you mean.
While it doesn't happen to Frank himself, he knows that Julie has somewhat the same problem and he's learned more about it
You're thankful that he reminds Julie to quiet down when she yells!
"Julie, you're hurting the neighbors ears! Quiet down."
One time things got a bit chaotic on a holiday, and Frank immediately took you outside where it was quiet
You two talks about butterflies! Or any of your interests, of course!
It was sweet, and Frank does his best to help (without admitting it)
Obviously has the best hands to cover your ears! Two sets o' them, to be exact!
He's done this before, when things got rowdy and he noticed you looked uncomfortable
He put all four hands on your ears, two on each, and told the others politely to quiet down in his shop
Gave you a good ol' hug after!
"Aww shucks, neighbor! You don't have to thank me, it's the least I could do!"
You don't need to explain it to him, he picks it up quickly after that incident
Gives you some noise-cancelling stuff with a discount! Anything for one of his best customers!
The first to know, he's always known.
You never have to worry about Wally being loud, his voice is always at the same tone and he's always speaking the same
Will invite you to go out with him when he wants to doodle outside, somewhere quiet! No loud noises to bother either of you!
Barnaby will join as well, here's your Barnaby cameo!
He can't really cover your ears since he's shorter than you, but he'll catch your attention and remind you of the things you bought to help with your sensitivity
"Neighbor, your earplugs." "Neighbor, don't forget your headphones." "Neighbor, let's grab your fidget toy."
The most 'attentive' neighbor to your problem, always notices and always tries to help.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
This so random, but I love the way you write Joel talking with other people about Beautiful in New in Town.
For example when he’s talking to Tommy about how he’s in love with her but is worried it’s too soon to tell her. I’d love to see more of interactions like this! Him talking to Sarah about her, Tommy being annoyed about how obsessed he is. Him planning the engagement. He’s just so in love ahhhh
OMG Hi Bestie!
Joel is down so bad for her and I love it lol
I keep feeling like Joel is a deeply emotional person who tends toward attachment, he just is so traumatized in the OG timeline he can't let himself do it. So no-trauma Joel ends up being SO IN LOVE. Like he just adores his partner, thinks about her all the time, she is his area of special interest. I love it.
I hope this is the vibe you wanted!
The Ask
Joel has a question for you. It just requires some planning first. Between the chapters First Thanksgiving and Second New Year in New in Town.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (both from New in Town)
Warnings: STRAIGHT FLUFF Y'ALL But in general, 18+ only content, minors DNI
Length: 1.2k
“Over here!” Sarah’s arm went up from the corner of the restaurant, waving Joel over from the entrance. Joel smiled and thanked the hostess before heading for his daughter, trying not to feel nervous. 
He didn’t have a good reason to feel nervous. None of this should come as a surprise and he knew what his daughter was going to say. Probably going to say. 
OK, so he was nervous. 
“Hey old man!” Sarah got up, grinning before wrapping her arms around Joel’s neck. “Good to see you! I love that I only live a few minutes away now, we can just do things like meet up for lunch on a random Saturday…” 
“Me too, Baby Girl,” he smiled, giving her a squeeze. He really did love it. This, he thought, was how it was supposed to be. Sarah, having her own life and own interests but close enough that he could be a part of it. “Settling in OK?” 
“Yeah!” She nodded, sitting back down and sipping her cocktail. “I do really like the apartment, the gym is really nice and either my neighbors are really quiet or there’s actually decent soundproofing.” 
“Well I looked into the construction for a reason, Kiddo,” Joel smiled. “Not gonna let my baby girl move into a shoddy apartment.” 
Sarah laughed and shook her head as the server came over. Joel ordered a beer and the two of them ordered sandwiches even though Joel wasn’t sure he’d be able to eat any of it, the way his stomach was in knots. 
“So,” Sarah asked conspiratorially. “Been a while since I saw just you. Everything OK?” 
“Oh, yeah,” he said. “She’s got a hair appointment today…” 
“You know to tell her she looks good when she gets home, right?” Sarah teased. 
“She always looks good,” Joel smiled as the server put the beer in front of him. He took a long sip of beer, steeling himself before sitting back in his chair, watching his daughter across the table. “But I did want to see you without her here for a reason…” 
“OK…” She frowned a little, sitting forward, leaning on her arms on the table. “What’s up, Dad?” 
Joel looked at his daughter for a moment, marveling at her in a way. Sarah had always amazed him. From the day she was born it seemed like she did nothing but amaze him. But she had grown from an awe-inspiring girl to an incredible woman. She was still so young but had already accomplished so much, all while being uncommonly kind and thoughtful. Everything Joel had now he could only credit to Sarah. 
It’s why this conversation was so intimidating for him. He couldn’t do this without her blessing. 
“I was wondering,” he said slowly. “How you’d feel… if I proposed.” 
Her mouth dropped open for a moment before she clamped both hands over it, an excited squeal slipping through. Joel laughed a little as Sarah stomped her feet excitedly before she smacked both her hands on the table. She took a deep breath and looked like she was fighting to not smile hugely as she looked at him. 
“OK,” she said, excitement obvious in her voice. “OK, let’s talk about it.” 
Joel laughed again, anxiety easing. 
“Course, Baby Girl,” he said. “What do you want to know?” 
“Is this really what you want?” She asked, tone more serious now. “Or is this just what you think you should do? Because I know you grew up going to church and crap but you don’t have to marry someone just because you’re living with them, you know?” 
“I know,” he nodded, smiling a little. “That’s not part of it.” 
“Good,” Sarah said. “That’s good. So… Why?” 
“Because I love her,” Joel said, thinking about how to put how he felt about you into words. “She’s… Besides you, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Wake up every day wonderin’ how the hell I got so lucky that someone like her wants anything to do with me. She’s so kind, the kindest damn person I’ve ever met. She does this thing - it’s like she can read my damn mind - she just knows when I’m having a shit day and she knows exactly how to fix it, she just… she takes care of me. Don’t remember the last time someone did that. And she’s so smart, she’s so damn smart. I see how y’all are friends, you’re both the smartest damn people I’ve ever met… and she’s so funny. We watch those crappy movies and she…” Joel laughed and shook his head, remembering just a few nights earlier. “She says the funniest shit, I swear she’s funnier than the damn movie and she’s just… she’s the most fun I’ve ever had. Doin’ everything with her is better, everything is better when she’s there. I love her more than I thought it was possible to love anyone who wasn’t you and I wanna do everything with her. Everything, for the rest of my life.” 
Joel was quiet for a moment, taking a sip of beer as he watched Sarah from across the table. She was looking back at him, her eyes glistening and his stomach knotted for a second. What if he’d said the wrong thing? As much as he wanted this, he couldn’t do it without Sarah… 
“Oh Dad,” she said, her voice thick. She got up from her chair and came around the table, all but falling on him to hug him, kissing his cheek. He gave her a squeeze before she went back to her seat, drying her eyes on her wrists. “I’m so happy for you. I’m so happy for both of you. I wouldn’t think anyone would be good enough for either of you but, it turned out, you were just perfect for each other and I’m just so happy you found each other.” 
He smiled back, the pinch of tears in his own eyes. 
“Well, you knew it before we did,” he laughed a little. “Have you to thank for it, Baby Girl. All the best things I got in my life I have because of you.” 
She laughed back. 
“You’d have found each other eventually, with or without me,” she said. “You’re meant to be, I’m convinced. I couldn’t be happier that you want to propose, Dad. I couldn’t be happier for either of you.” 
He smiled, looking at his daughter for a moment. She’d grown so much since she was the silly little girl sitting across from him, learning how to drink through a straw or struggling to sit still for more than two minutes at a time. 
Her eyes went wide for a moment and she grabbed the table excitedly. 
“Have you picked a ring yet?” She demanded. “Because I have some thoughts…” 
Joel laughed, taking another drink. 
“I haven’t picked the ring,” he said. “Wasn’t going to take that step until I had your blessing.” 
“Well, you’ve got it!” She said. “Can I go shopping with you? I’m not saying I have great taste in jewelry but… I have great taste in jewelry.” 
He smiled, thinking of getting to spend his life with her and with you, getting to be happy forever. 
“Course you can, Baby Girl,” he said. “Course you can.” 
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romanarose · 1 year
Secret's Out
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Art by @runa-falls who drew me and marc lolololol
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Brother Best Friend!Marc Spector x fem!reader
Summary: Marc is your brothers roommate and best friend in college. When you attend the same school, you meet and fall in love with Marc Spector. You both try to keep it a secret, for fear of what he'll say... eventually though, the secret comes out.
Warnings: Brief smut, readers brother drinks alcohol, protected creampie, mentions of oral.
Immersability: Reader is not Jewish, or least knows nothing about holidays as she tries to learn. Picture above does nothing to describe reader, including height, I just thought it was cute and Em let me use it lol. Reader is fem and AFAB
A/N: Although I know no one owns the idea of collage AU's, I think in this fandom it's safe to say that @juneknight is a big inspo for a lot of us writing college au marc. June had said she doesn't mind other people writing college marc but I still wanted to give her credit for it as that series is something I love v v v much and is a fandom fav. If you havn't read any of it, check em out. June is amazing. Als, I feel like i've had similar conversations with people in different discord servers about this concept but I can't remember who or who said what? but y'all know how those convos go, everyone throwing things in. If you feel i ripped of something you said, know it was on accident and i can give you creds as well!
1.5k words
Sex on a dorm bed was hard enough, but Marc insisted he wanted the bed raised so he could fit his mini fridge under there. 
And a pile of fucking junk, but thats neither here nor there. Marc looked like he packed up all his personal belongings into plastic bins. He must live far away, because he never went home, not even over thanksgiving break and he paid the extra money to stay over winter break coming up, citing he was Jewish so he didn’t really need to be home for christmas. But what about new years? And he never felt for Jewish holidays either. You know, because you had been looking into them all in order to properly greet him. 
A few weeks into classes your first year, your older brother introduced you and let you hang around them while you got oriented in your new school. You had told Marc ‘Happy Yom Kippur’ to which he politely smiled and thanked you, only for you to find out later that ‘happy’ wasn’t exactly the right verbiage. So, you did your best to research. It wasn’t until you were intently watching youtube videos on what everything on a passover seder symbolizes that you realized how hard you had fallen for him.
Lucky for you, your interest and effort had endeared you to him just as much. He fought his feelings for a long time. Your brother, AJ, had been his roommate freshman year and all four years since, and there was no goddamn way on this planet he’d let Marc date you, always telling you which guys to stay away from. He was one of those guys, wasn’t he? So he tried his best to avoid you.
Fate had other plans, a normal day where you showed up at their room looking for AJ had ended with you both tumbling into bed, starting a secret little affair. Marc was good at what he did, opening you up with his fingers first and spending so long with his head between your legs you wondered if he was even planning on getting off at all. But he did, oh god he did, blowing his load inside you and you both came with a loud groan that caused the next door neighbors to bang on the adjacent wall telling you to shut the fuck up.
So started your dirty little secret, sneaking fucks in where you could, hooking up in the public bathroom next to the laundry room, quick kisses in unused classrooms. There was one time AJ was supposed to be gone for a 3 hour class, and walked in unceremoniously as Marc was balls deep inside you, the jingle of the keys and the sound of the key in the door only barely giving Marc enough time to throw you under the covers. AJ was quick to realize Marc had a girl in his bed, closing the door. Covering your mouth, Marc slowly began fucking you as he told AJ the come back later, AJ giving him some good-natured ribbing before announcing he would be at the dining hall. You were back on the verge of an orgasm by the time he left the door, the thrill of near getting caught culminating in cumming hard enough you bit Marc’s hand that still covered you.
 It was hard, you wanted to be out. Marc wanted to show you off, to show all the assholes in school how you, YOU were willingly dating him. Prettiest damn thing he’d ever seen. And you, you just wanted everyone to know who you belonged to. You knew Marc had a reputation, and you knew being his girl, you were safe.
Most of all, outside of the public image, you just wanted to be able to be together.
You helped Marc climb back on the bed despite the fit of laughter. After he finished, Marc rolled off you, but seemed to forget you were on a twin bed and promptly fell off. That’s where the bed being raised came in, adding a few feet for him to drop down. You would like to have thought you would have been a concerned girlfriend, but once you saw he didn’t land on his face or anything you couldn’t stop laughing, especially at his grumpy frown. Fucker was funny as shit without trying to be.
When he finally climbed back up, you two cuddled back under the covers and you began to kiss away his frown lines all over his face until they eased in a smile, kissing you back.
“I love you, you know.”
You did. You knew that with your whole heart. “Love you right back, Marc Spector.”
It wasn’t two minuets later when AJ walked in to see you laying on top of Marc, only covered by the blanket, he quickly closes his eyes. 
“GOD DAMMIT! WHAT THE FUCK!” He shouts, Marc quickly pulling the blanket up more and rolling over to cover you with his body. 
AJ left, going to the lounge and you knew it was over. He knew it was you. You were shaking, your anxiety through the roof and Marc tried to calm you.
“Shh, baby, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, I’ll take the blame-”
“I’m sorry, I forgot!” 
Marc took your face in hands, sitting up and gently coaxing you. “Hey, baby, look at me.” You open your eyes, lost inside his and you knew you were safe. “I’m sorry, I’m really fucking sorry. But you’re safe, it’s going to be okay. I swear. I’ll never forget to lock the door again, I promise.”
Tearful, you express your fears. “I don’t know if there’s going to be a next time.”
Marc’s soft eyes are in contrast to his tense face. “You’re a grown adult, baby. He might not like it, but he can’t stop us.”
“But he’s going to be mad at you! He’s your…”
He chuckled. “My only friend?”
“Your best friend.” You correct.
With a sign, he strokes your face, knowing you both had to go out there and face him soon enough. “You’re worth it, okay? Whatever happens, you’re worth it.”
Overcome with emotions, you tuck your head into Marc’s neck. “It’ll be okay.”
You both got dressed, Marc opening the door to the loud, his body symbolically in front of you. Neither of you thought that there was any chance your brother would hurt you, but it was the gesture and what it meant. Marc would always be your protection.
“J, listen man, I can explain-”
“C’mon dude, all you had to do was text me to stay out so I don’t have to walk in on you fucking my sister.”
Everyone was quite, that wasn’t the response they were expecting. “I wasn’t- we weren’t- we were done,”
You smack Marc’s arm, whispering ‘gross’ and then look to AJ. “So you’re not… mad? You sounded mad…”
“I was mad because it was nasty, I don’t need to see that. I don’t give a fuck what you guys do.”
Marc was hesitant, but you moved out from behind Marc to join at his side. He spoke next. “You don’t care?”
AJ laughed. “I don’t care for her,” He clarified, smiling. “For you.” AJ pushed past both of you and made his way to Marc’s minifridge, stealing a beer.
“What does that mean?” Marc asked, incredulous and only semi-distracted by his roommate's theft. Bigger fish to fry.
“I mean,” AJ finished the beer and handed the can to Marc. “You know she cries every time she watched Revenge of the Sith, right?”
Marc turned to you and you shrug. “They were brothers, Marc!”
AJ continued. “She once cried because she wanted to make pasta but we didn’t have sauce. Like laid down on the kitchen floor and cried.”
“I was hungry and to broke to order food!”
“I offered to drive you to walmart!”
“I was tired!”
“You she bites her toe nails”
Marc jumped back in. “that’s why you’re so flexible”
AJ had enough “DISGUSTING! GET OUT! OUT!” He pushed you both out of the room he claimed you had defiled. “Go be disgusting elsewhere, sickos.” He slammed the door in your face as you laughed, giddy that the secret was out and it went well.
“Well, that was not what I expected?” You wrap your arm around his middle, walking towards the elevator. 
“Yeah… I thought I was about to get decked.”
Just then, you hear your brother scream your name down the hall.
Marc turned to you. “You forgot your underwear?”
Sex was moved to your dorm from then on.
Sorry this came to me today again and i had to write it.
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @campingwiththecharmings @whatthefishh @k-ra @ivystoryweaver @steven-grants-world @ahookedheroespureheart @littlenosoul @mikaelak @stevenandmarcslove @scarletthefierce @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @missdictatorme
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 1 month
how did you develop all of the backhoe sisters? and choose which characters to populate the holler with?
I don't know how to answer this in a way that isn't either super brief: chaos, whimsy and serendipity. Or super long and dull, "well then I thought this and then I thought that and in the end...."
Read the below with a grain of sand because this was a few years ago so it blurs together.
But what the hell.
For the sisterss, I wanted 5, I wanted bible names. I wanted one to have autism (Ruth) and one to have adhd (Poppy). I decided to make them all 3 years apart and then took Bucky's age and started subtracting and then had to make a chart of all their ages at all the varioes flashbacks and flashforwards.
I typically think of people in my real life who I find interesting and kind of mash a few together?? I try to give them negative character traits that either me or someone very close to me has, so that I can write that annoying aspect of them with some kind of compassion.
Otherwise they are just annoying.
I didn't fully understand them as kids till I had written the epilogue with them grown. Or at least envisioned it. So I just kinda trust the process and go back and retcon or whatever it's called when it's your own character.
I wanted Becca to be surly and tender and also career driven in a way Bucky wasn't.
I wanted Hannah to be on the cusp of extraordinary but completely awkward and uncertain about it. Peak teenager.
I wanted Ruth to be uncomfortable and never feeling like she fit quite in and also a brilliant and core part of the family. She is a big part of how the family functions, but she can't always see it. I feel so bad for her in her teen years. They are not great. It gets better for her.
I wanted Poppy to be a boisterous, joyful, messy, partially feral child.
Imma be real Sarah is the least fleshed out. Look I got tired. I think she is the most regular of all the siblings which is not a bad thing at all but it is sometimes hard for her. One of them had to be kinda normal I think. Sarah is sharp and well organized and likes thing in her life to be predictable and orderly. She is ambitious and driven about whatever she cares about but somewhat unpredictable in what she decides to care about.
Once I have a straw concept then I just put them in situations and see how they react. I figured people would get them confused as there are so many but I am happy if other people can tell I at least tried to make them not be a generic blur.
As far as the neighbors, I find it amusing to make Scott Summers a super boring normal guy. He's soooo boring. I mean he's a good person but zzzzzzzz..... I made him a super nice but boring normal person in Unpredictable Synchronicity too. Anyway im Backhoe they needed some nice middle class neighbors and honestly there are like no nice middle class people in the MCU. So Jean and Scott it is!
And Bucky needed another single parent in the holler and there aren't that many parents in the MCU plus I mean Maria is great even if she barely appears. It amused me for them to have this whole parallel romance in the background that Steve is barely paying attention to.
I was digging deep for MCU characters by the end. I went around and around for Ruth's partner she brings to the wedding, and who Sarah would marry.
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ask-shane · 9 months
this has already probably been asked, but what's yor opinion on the other bachelors and bachelorettes in town? (you don't have to do ALL of them! just do a few if you want!!)
i'm not one to usually talk aloud about my neighbors, but let's give this a shot. for all intents and purposes.
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might as well go through the whole list while we're at it. and hey, just a fair warning: my opinion is always subject to change. i'm just speaking based on what i know for now.
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alright. prepare for some blabbing. if you're not interested, there's your cue to bounce.
alex: alex is complicated. he's a little self-absorbed. and arrogant. but he's also not as mean as he seems. he just has this whole "bad boy" image he likes to put on for whatever reason. at his core, i think he's actually a pretty nice guy. we both like gridball and can chat over that so i can't really complain too much. sebastian: i hardly see this guy around. maybe during town festivals or at the saloon playing pool, yeah, but i can count on my fingers the amount of times we've talked one on one. it's possible he's just not much of a talker. i can't figure out if he's reserved or just doesn't have a lot to say. dude's doing his own thing most of the time and that's fine by me. elliott: his speech and outlook on life can come off as kinda pretentious or egotistical, though to be fair... if i were him, i'd be the same way. he's done well for himself. he's a little hard to catch since he never leaves the house, but if you get him talking about books, his passion is pretty admirable. it's just hard to connect with him because he always seems to have this "mysterious elusive writer" image up.
sam: i don't mind this guy, actually. he's my co-worker too which i guess is a good thing. he's laid-back and doesn't sweat the little stuff. super easy going, just wants to chill out and have a good time... we're not close buddies or anything, but from our short break room chats, it's clear he's pretty passionate about music. almost reminds me of myself when i was younger. he's got a good head on his shoulders. harvey: what can i say? he saved my life when i was at my lowest. i've got a lot of respect for the work he does and for taking me in that night. sure, he's dorky, but he's way smarter than i could ever dream of being, so who am i to judge? he's like the dream kid every parent wishes theirs could be. hope the guy's not overworking himself. knowing him though, he probably is... emily: she's one of the closer friends i have in this shitty town. she's been incredibly optimistic for as long as i've known her and normally that'd piss me off, but i actually find her tolerable. maybe it's the way she accepted me and stayed kind even when i was being a piece of shit. i gotta appreciate her for that.
abigail: i know she's pierre's daughter and that's about where my knowledge stops. like sebastian, i hardly ever see her, let alone find a reason to chat. she's a mystery to me. i do wonder if she has any hard feeling towards me, considering my job at joja right across from her dad's store. knowing the trouble that corporation's caused them, i'm not sure i'd forgive me either. hopefully she gets that it's not my call though.
haley: i never thought i'd say this out loud, but she's kind of the stereotype for spoiled city girl. she thinks she's all that and you just get the sense that she thinks she's better than you. she probably sees me as nothing more than dirt beneath her shoes for all i know. although honestly, i think it's just a defense mechanism for some deeper insecurity. i can see right through that.
penny: she's jas's teacher and also the only teacher for the kids in town. that's gotta be a handful. thankfully it seems like she really loves what she does. i have a feeling she just wants to do the right thing, which is hard to find in people these days. she also has to deal with pam's alcoholic instability at home but never gives up or lets herself become hopeless and i admire her for that. good for her.
maru: while i don't know her personally, i know she's accomplished. from what i've seen and heard from her proud dad, they work together on science research projects and whatnot. with a strong support system like hers she's set up for a future making headlines as an astronomer or something like that. she strikes me as someone who struggles to take things easy but that's pretty normal for goal-oriented people. i don't have much to say about her aside from that. leah: she's my neighbor, if you can even call it that. every time i see her art in the town square, i've gotta admit, it gets a nod of approval from me. i try not to knock other people's art, but every now and then i see these abstract pieces going for a million g that make me think i could've made them at home for a buck or two. so i gotta hand it to her. her craft is impressive.
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bringbackgoth · 2 months
Reasons why I haven't been online - please ignore our busted ass fence/yard, we work with what we got. This home has been in the fam since the 60s and we're trying to get funding to fix shit.
Dog Behavior Breakdown under the cut for anyone who cares, I'm mostly just analyzing the video for my own education(and encourage anyone to give their own notes)
It's encouraging to see that Daisy has incredible dog-language, and I'm happy to see Scoops is respecting(at some level) what she's broadcasting to him.
In the beginning of the video, you can see that he gets interested in smelling her rear - I believe she's either in heat or coming out of it - she signals to him that she's not okay with that by jumping away. He tries again, so she pivots and offers a play-bow to indicate that she's willing to play but she doesn't want him to keep sniffing her or engaging in breeding behavior.
He appears a bit confused for a moment but then understands what she's saying and play bows back at her, indicating that he's game to just have fun.
In a show of good faith he jumps to the side and bows again, then takes off, encouraging HER to chase HIM.
She chases him for a minute but then stops because she sees the neighbors dogs across the alley, he keeps running because he is acclimatized to those assholes lmao.
Scoops notices that she's stopped chasing and so he kind of stops and circles back, noticing the neighbor dogs are barking - it seems that Daisy is really interested in this and can't shake her focus until Scoops comes back and engages her back into his game of 'chase'.
She happily follows him away from the barking dogs but he's being pushy and wanting to be side-by-side with her.
As they round the tree he maybe puts his mouth against hers, which she does NOT like. She stops and he turns around to see why she isn't still running with him. Daisy is a bit stiff, but Scoops play bows to indicate that 'It's all cool, girl! I didn't mean anything serious!'. She reciprocates the bow, though it's not as confident as it was last time... 'ok, lets keep playing...'
Scoops takes this as a green light to do an Epic Cool Dude Move by trying to jump over her(he loves jumping over other dogs) and they engage back into Daisy chasing Scoops until he tries subtly to turn the tables.
Unfortunately there is a Stick Pile in the way which he crashes into(and which interrupts their rhythm)
Scoops recovers but they get back into a stare off like 'are we still playing?' and despite both of them indicating SEVERAL times that they want to PLAY, Scoops idiot boy brain seems to have switched back to 'stud' mode as he clearly tries to assert himself over Daisy with plans to mount her several times.
Unfortunately for Scoops, Daisy is NOT having it, and is quick to pivot and run, but he keeps trying to insist on it.
I stopped the video so I could yell at him and tell him to cut it out. After the reprimanding, they went back to playing.
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woncon · 11 months
Flufftober Day 6
Corn Maze
(but it's actually a corn field)
🎃 yunho x gn!reader
🎃 thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely ❣
🎃 flufftober masterlist | main masterlist
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"No, not that way!"
The cow seemed unconcerned by your protests, craning her neck and taking a step closer to the mysterious field: the cornfield. Abigail had always been picky, sensitive to the soil and the quality of the grass, so you had to pay special attention to find tasty food for her. You herded her where the grass was tender and she could eat in peace. But by this time you'd got so far from the farm that you were brushing the neighbor's property line, the cornfield. And Abigail was intrigued by the prospect of a new delicacy.
"Over my dead body!" You blocked the cow's path. She gave a long, unhappy bellow and tried to go around you. You stepped in front of her again, opened your arms and looked at her defiantly. "You can't trample the crops. Turn around!"
She twirled her ears, the bell tingling in protest around her neck as she tossed her head a little. Her nose nudged you gently, and you knew that even with all your determination, you could not outmatch the strength of a cow that size. You could have easily distracted a calf, but not the macabre Abigail.
Luckily, Yunho showed up to bail you out of your predicament. He was carrying a large canvas sack, his shirt rolled up, the veins in his upper arms bulging. When he noticed you struggling with the cow, he furrowed his brows and smiled, his heart filled with warmth. Here were his favorite things from your dad's farm: you and Abigail.
He whistled. Abigail immediately jerked her head towards him. Yunho always gave her little treats. She wasn't disappointed this time either, the boy reached into the bag and held an apple in his hand. It was ripe, green, and for free. No longer interested in the yellow countryside, Abigail bobbed up to Yunho, accepting the snack, then rubbed her head to his hand gratefully.
"I'm sorry she almost stepped in the produce."
"Don't you usually keep bait with you?"
"I do. I had a small head of cabbage, but she stole it from me." You didn't look Yunho in the eye. So he must have known that your good heart got the better of you, and you gave the food to the begging cow yourself.
"Then it's a good thing my father hired me to bring you supplies."
Yunho's family had only one cow, an old, peaceful animal. They grew plants and traded with the surrounding farms. They provided all kinds of crops for you in return for milk and eggs.
"Yes, very good."
You were on your way back. Abigail clung to Yunho's side, snuggled close to him, watching his every move hopefully. She got another apple.
"How can I ever thank you for your help?"
Yunho laughed. Not because you were being ridiculous, but because you were so kind and innocent that it simply elicited that reaction. If he hadn't laughed, he would have told you how much he liked you.
"Do you insist?"
"Of course. But I don't have a lot of money saved up, so please be chivalrous."
"Money? No, no. Even our fathers don't trade in money."
"What would you like? Do you want a jug of milk? Gladly. As soon as we get back-"
"No, I don’t. My help is a theoretical value, difficult to measure in physical products."
"Kiss me."
You stopped dead in your tracks. For a few moments there was only Abigail's monotonous chewing and the late afternoon wind playing with the grass.
"Excuse me?"
"Here." Yunho pointed at his face.
You must do every task to the best of your ability and be grateful for everything, that's what your father taught you, so you didn't hesitate any longer, you stepped closer, leaned to the tall boy's face and pecked it shyly.
The taste of salty sweat remained on your lips. It wasn't bad. But your heart was beating so hard you thought it would burst out.
"Thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome. Now we're even."
You continued your way back home.
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flufftober taglist (send an ask! <3)
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url-is-url · 1 year
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At this point this is barely more than a doodle but, alive!Ember headcanons
I hc that she had lots of curly blonde Disney princess hair and big brown eyes and she absolutely hated both of these traits. Her aesthetic would have been somewhere between goth and like, proto-grunge. She's not a fire-themed ghost because she died in a fire, though she did, she's a fire-themed ghost because her other hobby besides music was arson. I imagine her being in high school in the very late 70s to early 80s - she would have died when Jack and Maddie were in undergrad - because that's when Siouxsie and the Banshees were big and her eyeliner is very Siouxsie imo. I also hc that Ann Wilson of Heart was her bi awakening.
My Ember is very, very auDHD. Her special interest is music, but like me she has "hyperfixate on ALL the things!" disease so she's not just into the playing and listening to music, she's also a huge geek about the audio tech side of things, and music history, and she can't be left alone with an instrument or she will try to play it even if she doesn't know how, and she's probably experimented with building her own instruments and recording gear. With her sensory differences, she can hear all sorts of shit that nobody else hears, and depending on the fic I do take this in a supernatural direction; sometimes she hears ghosts and shit even before she becomes a ghost herself.
So we've got a socially awkward child who hears things other kids can't hear and likes to set things on fire because it looks pretty and the crackling sound is a good stim. In the late 70s and early 80s. AKA... right when the Satanic Panic kicks off! I hc that she grew up in one of those judgemental small towns where everybody is all up in everybody's business, and about 60% of the other people in her town were convinced that either A) she was possessed by a demon, B) she straight up was a demon, or C) she was gonna be a serial killer when she grew up.
Enter Ember's biggest defender, her mom, the weirdest church lady. Mama McLain is inspired by two things: my own family history of southern folk magic, and the line in Hadestown that says "you might say [Orpheus] was touched... because he was touched by the gods themselves!". Mama McLain acknowledges that her daughter is a bit touched in the head, but she insists she's touched in the head by God/Jesus/Saint Gabriel, so mind your own biscuits. This is the kind of woman who whips out a dowsing rod when the neighbors need to build a new well, so she never blinked an eye about Ember claiming to be able to hear the trees growing if she held her breath, and if she's still alive she's perfectly aware that Ember is a ghost and keeps in touch with her accordingly. My mental image of Ember's dad is less firm, I imagine he's a long-haul truck driver and also very, very autistic (hence why being alone on the road so much doesn't make him crazy), so he thinks his daughter's eccentricities are Just Fine, Thank You. Father-Daughter Bonding Time consisted of Papa McLain tinkering on his truck while Ember tinkered with her record player and neither of them spoke to each other.
I know that ghost!Ember canonically has green eyes, but for some reason whenever I draw her I want to give her lavender eyes, so I did.
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outeremissary · 2 months
13 + 53 for Balthazar?
Thank you Nix! I hope this is coherent I should. Perhaps be in bed. But I was Compelled
[Amorous Asks]
13. Does your OC find other people's love lives interesting - or even compelling - to learn about? Or would they really rather not know?
Balthazar is really not interested in other people's love lives, at least not for their own sakes. He doesn't find other people's relationship drama especially gripping most of the time and he finds people's relationship successes absolutely cloying. One might call him a hater. But all things do have their uses, and there's plenty of information worth having about people's love lives. It's useful to know who is connected to whom and how, what predilections others have, how they interact with others and how that affects their self image, how these relationships are perceived... there's a lot that you can pull out of it. It's useful for building a sense of a person and a social setting. And if you're lucky, you can get things that let you exert some real pressure.
And, on occasion, sometimes people do have situations which are incredibly funny. There are so many ways people are willing to humiliate themselves for love. That, at least, is worth hearing.
53. Has your OC had to unlearn any cultural or societal messages about love and relationships as they have got older? Was this difficult for them?
Hm. I feel like one some level it's impossible for this not to happen to a person, but at the same time... I feel like there must be something I'm missing, but I can't think of anything specific. I think he has been situated from pretty much birth in a way that makes him extremely critical of a lot of messages about love. His mother abandoned him and his father when he was far too young to remember anything about her, and a lot of his childhood was shaped by on the one side his father's conviction that one day she was going to come back and she loved them very much and on the other the pity and mockery of every neighbor who had known her and could say with their own certainty that on no level was that true. He didn't have a lot of positive models of romantic love in his life outside his household either- there were a lot of failed or struggling marriages and unequal or ephemeral relationships out there. There was a concept of "love" as a mutually affirming, uplifting thing out there in fiction, but it seemed so distant from reality that the older he got the more cynical he became about it.
I'm not sure that it's a mainstream idea, but what he really internalized was that love was a kind of dangerous delusion people developed because they couldn't cope with the reality that relationships are just about using each other. And of course, anyone who wanted to make themself such a soft target was just asking to be taken for all they were worth. It's a dog eat dog world out there. On the other hand, people with genuine connections and stable relationships...? Those really did make him genuinely uncomfortable.
I feel like there's no way to write a conclusion here that doesn't sound incredibly cheesy, but like. So much of his arc as a person has wound up being about finding worth in genuine connection and stability with other people so. You know. Love is real and all. And that vulnerability really does have something to offer.
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I agree with you so much. Putting ShinRan aside why can't Ran know the truth when her Dad is 'Sleeping Kogorou' and the Black Organisation is very interested in him, she lives with Edogawa Conan and is friends with Haibara Ai (Apotoxin victims) and is dating Kudou Shinichi (who the BO want dead)? She's only alive because she's Vermouth's Angel, one of only two treasures in this world. She's undeniably involved at this point and considering how many people know by now she should be fully informed of the dangerous situation she's in. It may not be Shinichi's fault exactly that she's involved but it is his responsibility. There's a limit to how useful fooling your allies to fool your enemies is when her ignorance can be taken advantage of by bad people. About the police not being trustworthy at least let her know that Amuro and Okiya can help her. She's nearly figured it out so many times, keeping her in the dark isn't the priority Shinichi! Sera could tell her but considering she has to keep her Mother (an MI6 agent traumatised by Tsutomu's presumed death and distrustful of everyone) hidden maybe not. Ai's a good option as she argued Ran should be told many times and sees her sister in her, plus Ran knows that Agasa could best enable Shinichi to lie to her and he must care about her lots too. Hattori could do it as a tough love approach to Kudou, outsider perspective can see clearer, and his relationship with Conan and Shinichi has always been off to her. I want Ran to be angry at Shinichi for the gaslighting, the lack of trust and puppeteering her Dad and BFF to solve cases (drawing his enemies towards them).
I think at first it made some sense for Shinichi not to tell the truth, he didn't understand what he was dealing with either and was aware of the true danger he got himself into, however, as you say, after so many chapters, having obtained the necessary information, allies and so many suspicions, I think at this point the fact that he doesn't know is ridiculous.
As if Shinichi was making fun of Ran's intelligence, it's cruel.
Gosho didn't intend to do it like that, but that's what it seems.
In my opinion, it wasn't Shinichi's fault at the beginning, but it became his fault by continuing to live with them. He's hurting her a lot and not only that, but now he's putting her in serious danger, the worst thing is that she could be manipulated for not knowing the truth.
Honestly, Shinichi's argument of wanting to protect Ran is quite weak, in my opinion, he's the one who should be protected, he has the body of a child.
Ran knows Karate and has shown that she can fight against armed people, it would be dangerous if she were reckless or a violent person in dangerous situations, but she is not.
Honestly, something I think about a lot is how everyone around her (most of them) knows Shinichi's secret, but she doesn't. It's pretty strong, as if to say that not only Shinichi doesn't trust her, but that no one does.
Imagine, a random guy (hattori) found out about it before you, a thief she doesn't even see often, her neighbor, Shinichi's parents, a grad student, a classmate, an fbi agent, and god, the list is so ridiculous… But not her? The person she supposedly trusts and loves the most?
I imagine it as a horrible blow to her confidence, like "Everyone I've ever met thinks I'm useless, I was friends, acquaintances with all of them."
It's not even the bad thing that Shinichi didn't tell her, the bad thing is how horrible everyone around her seems more trustworthy than her.
I hate him so much.
That's why I say, it would be so therapeutic if Ran beat up Shinichi.
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feral-mouse · 2 months
16 and 16 for you, Ronny, Davis, and Dan!!
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You are completely fine, I've done the same thing too before 😭. Also apologies for the long post psjfjks but here you go (I'm putting the second question under the cut so it doesn't take up too much space 👀💦)
Also just in case here's a color guide for everyone 👀💦:
Me (plain ass text lol) | Ronny | Davis | Dan
16) I'll love you if
Ok, ik this is a boring answer lol, but I'll love you if you're nice to me psifjdsk. Or if you're weird and goofy and we can totally fuck around with each other lol. Or if we have the same interests, that totally helps, especially if I feel comfortable enough to show you this blog osjfjjs
"- You can take care of me. Like, you can cook? You can clean? Perfect. You're the one for me. Let's date. Get over here right now-"
[Ronny's being a bit sarcastic (I hope that's the right word), even though it does help to get him to like you. He's not good at chores, so he would love someone who can just take care of him and make him feel comfortable. But the real answer would be someone who he can honestly hang out with. If you two talk and he has a good time, he has fun with you? Then he likes you. It can either be someone who matches his freak lol, or just someone he feels he can be comfortable around. If he keeps showing up, even if it's too bug you, you can bet he likes you.]
"- you're obedient. I don't need someone who will fight back against everything I say. If you can do as you're told, then we'll get along just fine~"
[He's trying to be an asshole LZKFJKSLSNF. He does like obedience, but that's not really the best way to get him to love you. He'd never tell anyone, but the way to Davis's heart is to just be super kind. He hates how it makes him feel guilty and all mushy inside lol. If you're kind and considerate to others, and especially himself, he can't bring himself to hurt you. He'll want to protect you and honestly will start to develop feelings, even though he'll be in denial lol.]
"Oh, this is kind of a tough one, haha! Um... I guess I'll love you if... you're a nice person? Haha! Or a fun person. Just as long as you're not mean, I guess!"
[Dan is super easy to impress lol. He wants to get along with everyone, so honestly, approaching him is the first step to getting him to like you because he is way too nervous to otherwise pdifkdks. Really if you just keep talking to him or approaching him, he'll like you back lol]
17) Someone you miss
OUGH DAMN THE HARD HITTING QUESTIONS 😭 pskfkdks. Honestly, it's gotta be some of the friends I met in high school. I haven't reached out to any of them for so long, and I do honestly hope that they're doing fine, wherever they are in life 🥺
"Damn- what, you wanna see me get sappy or something? Fuck, I don't know... I miss my neighbor? I guess? Oh- No, I miss my delivery guy. Don't know where the son of a bitch went to. I'm still waiting on my package."
[Ronny's just fucking around about the delivery guy thing. He just doesn't like being vulnerable so will make up something to cover up his true feelings. When be was a kid, he would often seek out his neighbor for support. She always treated him like he was her own son. She was always there for him when he needed someone to talk to, especially when he ran away from home. But one day, she got into an accident and passed away. He never knew what had happened to her, but blames his parents for it. He's sure they had something to do with it.]
"I hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I don't actually have anyone that I miss. No one's ever stood out to me enough to care about. Who knows, maybe that'll change in the future. But I highly doubt it."
[This guy's a heartless bastard 😭. The closest person Davis misses is his first ever girlfriend. He has mixed feelings about her, specifically because he knows he was the reason why she broke up with him. For good reason too lol. But he still feels a bit sour about the whole thing whenever he reminisces about it. He hates how it makes him feel.]
"Hm, someone I miss... Does it still count if I still see them? Hahaha... Um... I guess I miss... my friend. They seemed like a different person when we first met. Although, maybe they were always like that... but I guess I miss how they were back then. Sorry if that's such a downer, haha!"
[Dan's talking about Brice 😔. Who I STILL NEED TO DEVELOP 😭. I've got some stuff down but pakfjkel. But essentially he used to be much friendlier towards Dan. Less teasing and making fun of him. But once he introduced Dan to the rest of his friend group, then he became more comfortable with making him the butt of the joke. It didn't help that Dan never told him off about it either 😔]
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lyricalwizard · 6 months
I decided to list all of my thoughts on exile because that song has become my roman empire. (I listed it so it would be easier for me to organize)
The song is a conversation about two different people(this was not first mentioned by me and I cannot take credit for it).
So there are a total of 3 characters in the song. Person A, Person B, and some guy. The first verse is from the perspective of Person A watching Person B with the guy. The second verse is from the perspective of Person B who is standing with the guy but still watching Person A. (the guy cracks me up because hes just there and neither Person A or B seem to really care about him)
Throughout the whole song both of the people mention that they are in exile which is really interesting because that's not how exile works. Usually one person is in exile from a place and they leave that place. I still don't fully understand how both of these people are in exile.
Both of these people start off in the same place. I like to think of it as a house(possibly the lover house?). But even though both Person A and B are in exile Person B is the only one to leave the house.
When Person B leaves the house they leave through the side door. This implies that they either don't want Person A to know that they're leaving or they don't want their neighbors to know they are leaving. Whichever it is there is something secretive about Person B leaving the house.
From this you could assume that Person A got left in the house which would connect it to right where you left me.
I have been thinking of this house as the Lover house. During the Eras Tour we can see that it looks emptier than usual as if Taylor has moved out. But I think it is more likely that the lover has moved out because we can still see Taylor in the lover house, but she is on her own. I think she got left in the lover house and she's also in exile there. (I also think it's interesting that she burns the lover house down with herself still in it)
This song is probably connected to My Tears Ricochet because the one place you can't go when in exile is home.
The line "You were my crown". Because not it could be connect to King of My Heart and Hoax("my kingdom come undone").
I also think its worth mentioning the line "Holdin' all this love out here in the hall" and it possible connection to the line "I heard your key turn in the door down the hallway". Because it seems like she still waiting in the same hall for the other person.(right where you left me again).
There are faint bird sounds in the background of the first verse. I don't know why they're there or what relevance they have but they are definitely there.
That's all. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
either Cal or Sabrina work :) I wanna know their thoughts on Kit >:3
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I hope I did Kit justice, I felt like she wouldn't be too into Calahan's usual modus operandi when he meets new people. 🤣 Sabrina has a little cameo after his snippet, too.
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Calahan watched as another guard did his rounds around the cages, when the Peggie was out of earshot, he turned to his right, focusing on the woman that was thrown into the makeshift cells a few hours prior. The braided red hair was the first thing he noticed about her and how perfectly it matched the blood that covered her clothes. He got closer to the bars, lowering his voice as he addressed the newcomer with a smirk he didn't quite feel, but pretending was what kept him going since the start of the Reaping. Hell, even before it. "What are you in for?"
The stranger gave him a quick glance, her stare hardening, and said nothing in response to his joke. "Name's Calahan, yours?" More silence that made him retreat to his usual spot, then her voice came unexpectedly, "You gonna eat that?", she pointed a bloody hand at his bowl of mystery meat, yet another serving he had refused to eat in the recent days of capture. "Nah. I'm watching my calories.", he retorted and pushed the "meal" over to the bars, her arms quickly reached for the disgusting pinkish-red mass and shoved it in her mouth. "Is everything a joke to you, Calahan?", she asked as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "Hey, you just ate the most questionable meat in human history. We all survive somehow." "You talk too much." "And you talk too little.", he stuck out his tongue at her as dark laughter emerged from outside of his cage, then combat boots appeared in his sight. He didn't bother raising his baby blues the rest of the way instead continued to stare at the ground, knowing full well who had graced them with his presence. "Careful now, Rookie, this one bites.", Jacob stopping at her door piqued Hartley's interest. He caught the older Seed sending the woman a strange look as he stood in front of her cage. Pride and something deeply carnal was hidden in his cold eyes. Calahan chuckled humorlessly, "I didn't ask about your sex life, Jakey. Or lack of." His words didn't get a raise out of him like they did with John, instead the bastard just shook his head and walked away. "He's preparing another trial." "What's your name?", he tried again. "Doesn't matter." "Why?" "Because soon you will be dead. You won't need my name then.", the woman stated matter-of-factly, "It's my third time." "I have no plans on dying today, sweetheart.", he muttered, counting down the seconds in his head, when no guard appeared for patrol as they usually did, he knew for certain something finally was happening. And sure enough, footsteps hurried in his direction, a familiar voice calling out his name as she worked on the lock of the cell. "Kid.", Sabrina slung the door open, reaching out a hand and pulling him to his feet, "Sorry I'm late." Calahan grabbed the gun that was passed to him as she exited in a hurry and unlocked his newest neighbor's cell next, her eyes softening as she regarded the woman sitting on the ground. "You can come with us." "I'm staying. I'm right where I need to be." "Are you for fucking real?", Calahan asked incredulously. "12 minutes. It takes that long for him to return. You just wasted two in useless chatter.", she retorted. "We have to go, kid." "We can't just leave her." "I'm leaving her cell unlocked. Remember what we talked about.", Sabrina lowered her voice, "It takes a lot to break away. We can't force her. It's how you get caught." She nodded at the woman, "Good luck." and hurried off, rifle readied as she called out, "Move, Calahan." He followed, the final words of the stranger haunting him with their hopelessness and cold conviction as he fought his way out of the vet center side by side with Sabrina. "It's inevitable. He's going to call you right back here when he needs you. And you're going to run to him. You can't escape." I sure as hell won't go down gently, lady. There was always hope, a way out of the darkness. Sabrina had taught him that.
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Prompt: Send 💭 to hear my OCs most recent thought about your OC.
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Bonus, a teeny tiny snippet from Sabrina too. No clue where this went. 🤣🤣 Who sent her, why she's at the ranch, idk. 🤷‍♀️
Quiet footsteps were the first thing Sabrina heard as she sat on the couch in wait of John to arrive back home. She was immediately on high alert, spotting a difference in how they sounded compared to his, then a dark figure that was definitely not John sneaking up to the stairs came into view and confirmed her suspicion. She reached out, turning on the lamp next to the couch, simultaneously her other hand grasped John's knife from her boot. The light coming on alerted the intruder to her presence. It was a slender redhead, and she was clutching a blade of her own. "I was going to ask if you're here for revenge or for some other reason. I guess that knife answers my question.", Sabrina muttered as the stranger examined her from a distance, unmoving from her spot. "Does it, really?", finally came as a retort. "He's not here either way." "I got the answer I came for already." "Then you can leave.", Sabrina got up, walking over to the same door the intruder snuck in through and opened it, "Whatever issues you have with him, find a different location to raise them at. Especially not around my sister." The woman walked over to her slowly with an unreadable expression and breezed past her on her way outside when she muttered, "You're her." Sabrina didn't bother to ask what she meant by that, instead she shut the door and rubbed her temples, wondering if John was even going to make an appearance that night. Or the talk would have to wait for whenever he would decide to come home. She couldn't help but admit whoever the woman was, she was ballsy and her demeanor screamed danger, it made her worry why she had shown up and left so easily.
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