#eida timeskip
mocchimazzy · 5 months
Eida my Queen 👑💖💗
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usakiboi · 9 months
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Mitsuki holding his sun and star…I think
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“Boruto female characters are so much better than Naruto ones!”
No,they fucking aren’t.
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Eida,just like Delta,is a Mary Sue,who is overly sexualised and overly hyped despite being a cheap fan service & obvious ped0 male gaze.
Oh,did I tell you that Eida is only SIXTEEN? Yep,she is a minor and Ikemoto draws her with ass out.
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thekingwhereitallends · 4 months
I decided to write a one shot, turns out there was too much plot so i had to make it a double chapter, the hardest part is when you don't plan on having two characters develop an intimate bond but then you figure out that it'll be not just a wasted opportunity to flesh out characters but also rubs the story of a crucial dramatic tension.
As obsessed as i am with angst and tragedy, there is an issue i deal with as a writer (and i know that many people suffer from this damn thing) and that is you grow to cherish your characters.
Have you been so mad at a mangaka or comic book author for doing your fave characters dirty? Yes. So upset and desperate that you are willing to challenge yourself and have things go according to your plan, in your own ideal alternate universe.
I was writing this mitsusara one shot (called tsukuyomi x amaterasu) i published here. I wasn't really thinking of Mitsuki caring about Ada that much, perhaps only sympathizing with her for her opposing feelings withing the heart. But then i reached where i realized Mitsuki misses a motive and without it, people will be like "this boy is just a stereotypical jealous boyfriend" while in reality that is far from truth.
In two of flashbacks, two very short moments was all that it took to impress all the readers who left a comment (i constantly ask them to tell me what they think of different aspects of the story since i am the most stoic critic and look for ways to perfect myself). At the last phase of the fanfic when i was almost finished with everything, i began to summarize it from the beginning to end to visualize and feel the story with every single cell in my body just to be sitting like this:
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Jesus christ Ada's moments with Mitsuki hit me much harder than i expected. I can't even imagine Mitsuki exist without Ada as she becomes one of biggest fuels that motivate him to indescripable heights.
What i'm saying is not that all characters have to be involved with another, just that sometimes you have to expand your vision and see the chemistry berween two of your sweet babies. You won't regret it, believe me.
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kitsuneudon743 · 11 months
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My hot take on the timeskip girls ~
Sarada is fun to draw
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rantahead · 6 months
If you don't mind me asking, could you do a rant on MitsuSumi & KawaSumi/KawaHima.
Like why people ship them (if you know) and all that because, personally, I find all three disgusting, especially KawaHima.
(I know this'll be more of bsu and anti-bsa, but it's an important essential of the story)
ok, so I, personally, ship msu and ksu because I find them fun and more of crack ships then actual canon ships. I see why ppl like them, but they are more of crack ships. the only one that's actually sailing is ksu, but that's basically dead since timeskip.
but before I get into those ships, let's begin with the incest KawaHima.
kh is basically bsa, an incest ship. except the only difference is kh doesn't have same blood (bsa is incest because of their dads are reincarnations of Ashura and Indra and their clans are close, almost to the point of bsa being literally cousins). but kh are ADOPTIVE siblings, either way, they're related, not by blood tho.
I don't understand why ppl like it considering they're literally siblings. it's basically like shipping Boruto and Himawari. and not to mention their age difference.
ok, so now msu & ksu! first we'll start with msu because that won't take as long as the ksu rant:
so the first actual reason ppl started shipping them (actual fans) is the anime when Nue arc took place. that's what got me hooked on them.
but bsa fans only ship them to get Sumire and Mitsuki away from Boruto and Sarada because Mitsuki has only shown to be romantic around Sarada and Boruto (he might be gay for Boruto, but if he's straight, he's only ever shown interest in Sarada). and Sumire, well, need I say more? she is the ONLY character to have confirmed feelings for another character, hence why they want them both out of the way, because, other than Kawaki, they're the biggest threats to their ship. and they say Mitsuki is the captain of their ship, yet they're suddenly gonna want to throw him away the second he has any romantic relationship with either. and he actually never called them a "good couple" in the manga a.k.a canon and only in the Academy in the anime. after graduating and being on the same team, NOT ONCE has he said they make a good couple because he KNOWS they don't. hell, he asked Sarada ONCE about her feelings in anime and in manga, but he just wanted to know, not that he thinks they will make a good couple, but he was curious, not shipping them.
and with Kawaki, they ship Sumire with him just so they'll both be out of the way of their ship. yet Eida has feelings for Kawaki so she'll most likely get him and Sumire has feelings for Boruto so she'll most likely get him. Sarada's only option is Mitsuki, but yes, Kawaki is a victim of the disgusting bsa fandom because neither parties (Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki) have confirmed their feelings for each other.
and they know how cringy their supposed ship is, which is why they try and say Sumire's love is just a crush and Sarada has confirmed her feelings over blushing and she's a tsundere. they even say Sumire only lied to Sarada so she could recognize her feelings, yet that backfired because after that, the only romantic scene they got was Sarada hugging Boruto in timeskip, like, 66 chapters after Sumire supposedly "manipulated Sarada in realizing her feelings for Boruto".
ok, so I gave a basic rundown, but I'll get into detail about it, starting with Sumire's confession:
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ok, so here, antis claim that Sumire only manipulated Sarada into realizing her feelings for Boruto (which didn't happen considering the only romantic thing they have in the ENTIRE manga is the hug at the end of TBV chapter 5, the rest of their moments in the manga were cons to the ship). Sumire was GENUINE about HER feelings, not helping Sarada realize hers.
(btw, for bsa to actually happen, Sarada's personality has to take a big 180 for the ship to actually be considered romantic)
because this comes back up AGAIN:
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this is when they KNOW she has DEFINITE feelings for him - REAL feelings. not an act, not a manipulation tactic, REAL FEELINGS, TRUE LOVE.
even Katasuke says "though it's so very obivious". meaning her feelings are true and real.
and say she DID manipulate Sarada to realize her feelings (hell will have to freeze over before it's confirmed that she did), her look wasn't jealous, but more of shock because it came out of nowhere, and she looked concern as Team 7 left and she was looking back at Sumire, probably like "oh no, this idiot is gonna get her heartbroken!". she was worried FOR Sumire, not worried ABOUT Sumire. she didn't think of Sumire as a rival, she thought of her as a close friend (she was her first friend and only friend until Chocho showed up) and she was worried that Boruto (being the dense kid he is) will hurt her.
say, just say, that she lied to Sumire about not having feelings for Boruto (as some antis claim), she'll be an even worse friend than Sakura was to Ino when their friendship ended. at least only one was serious about Sasuke (Sakura), Ino only went after him just to piss Sakura off. whereas Sumire's feelings are real and if Sarada has real feelings, all her moments after chapter 19 will be to piss of Sumire, because remember, she NEVER mentioned Sumire's name when she told Sasuke about Omnipotence, and she hugged Boruto IN FRONT of Sumire. that'll just make her look WORSE than she already does.
but Sarada couldn't care less about romantic feelings, let alone for Boruto. as she confirmed with Eida and Mitsuki.
so they need Sumire to be like Ino and move on with a guy like Sai (Mitsuki), hell, even Kawaki!
the only problem is:
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"(koi) = Love between lovers(romantic)"
THAT is the kanji written on Sumire's databook and the cover she first appears in. they're both about SUMIRE, not Sarada as ppl claim. because why would it show up in the same cover Sumire does, huh? suspicious. but her databook cover comfirms her feelings are real.
but now they know that her feelings won't go away so they need Mitsuki and Kawaki to come and take her away so any of them won't be in the way.
msu has had NO interactions in the manga, had the Academy & Nue arcs and the one seen in the Kawaki arc where Mitsuki catches her when she falls over after Kawaki kicks her (all in the anime), well, if you exclude all the random classmate talking during other arcs. but overall, those have the romantic scenes and even then, the only romantic scene is that one seen in the Kawaki arc that isn't even that romantic.
ksu however, in the manga, only has Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker and the anime added a few "romantic" ksu moments, then realized, "wait, this isn't what's happening in the manga", and suddenly, it's like they never happened and ksu never even met.
ppl think that Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker will make her fall in love with him, yet HE asked about HER feelings for BORUTO, not him, BORUTO, his brother. both Mitsuki and Kawaki haven't shown any romantic feelings in ANYONE, including Sarada and Boruto. but at least with Boruto and Sumire, there's a spark there (Boruto being a little too much overprotective of her).
Sarada, however, currently, hopping to and from Mitsuki and Kawaki, so it's kinda hard to tell who'd she'll end up with but it'll probably be Mitsuki because Kawaki ruined Boruto's life. with Boruto, there's just that "he's my teammate, gotta keep him save", "my master told me to protect her so I have to."
say msu or ksu do get a lot of attention, you really think Sumire could look at them like she looks at Boruto. Boruto, himself, debunked that she may be a good actress, yet she can't hide her feelings. she can barely hide her feelings from Boruto in front of anyone. I'm honestly surprised Sarada didn't see the confession coming when Sumire started talking about if Boruto was popular with the girls back in Konoha.
but ppl start creating crazy theories that they'll end up together and that Kishi planned it.
but yes, I'm gonna rap this up:
basically, ppl (some) ship them because they're cute, most ship them to get all three out of the way.
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rosellerivers19 · 1 month
Sarada Timeskip Redesign: My AU
My version of Boruto Timeskip is very different because I didn’t like the original story anyway I am a strong believer that everyone loves Boruto now because of his ‘cool’ redesign which essentially destroys his original character and gives him the edgy bad boy look which is NOT what he is.
Sarada fell into a feeling of helplessness when her father left for a second time and Boruto leaving and Kawaki’s betrayal. And having this breakdown does not make her weak she has had something like this before in Gaiden. This would spark her character development in which she’d have to prioritize her goals and what she would be focusing on for the next 3 years until Boruto came back which would bring another hurricane of problems.
Sarada tried explaining to to Chocho that Boruto was actually the Hokage’s son because she was her closest friend but instead Chocho looked at her with pity thinking she went crazy due to all these new changes and tried disproving her since she herself had gone through massive changes in her home life with her dad being put under more pressure and having to step up in his role as the Akinichi clan head with Naruto dying the clan’s began cracking in their trust of Konoha’s leadership and her dad had to deal with that. Karui herself had to reassign her perspective of Konoha and her loyalty to the Cloud village. Chocho thought she was helping but Sarada could only see that her closest friend couldn’t believe her. Her mother was silent she went into a state of Workaholic stress because of Sasuke leaving again. And Sarada couldn’t really trust anyone with her thoughts or feelings especially not Himawari who was dealing with three losses already.
But out of nowhere a hand reached for her that hand was Sumire. Sumire also was unaffected by Eida’s omnipotence it was a shock but she was quickly able to adapt to the situation because she wasn’t as emotionally affected as Sarada. They both became a team they realized quickly that there would be no point in trying to convince Konoha that Boruto was actually Naruto’s son without proof and that proof was hard to find Kawaki was quick to get rid of any traces of Boruto’s legitimacy. Sumire and Sarada worked on finding more about the Otsusuki clan and getting contact with Boruto. They weren’t able to get in contact with Boruto however they did dig around and find more about the Otsusuki.
Different teams in Konoha were working on different goals.
Sarada became more serious about her training perfecting and making more versions of her Chidori her outfit resembling more of Sasuke’s style because Sarada wanted a way to feel closer to her father who she had been on recently reconnecting with before having to let him go again. However Sarada does add her own personal touch to her style. Sometimes she wears glasses and sometimes she doesn’t.
She briefly awakes her Mangekyo during her depression phase but it isn’t fully awakened until a few weeks/months till Boruto’s return when she strengthens her resolve no one except Sumire knows.
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sunny-pandas · 1 year
Maybe this question is kind of strange 😅 But how old is Hima right now?
We know after the timeskip Boruto will be 16, so his sister should be 14. That's why I suppose right now Boruto is 13, while she's 11 (maybe even 12). But people continue to say she's only 10. Maybe, because of the way she's drew in the manga. Like, I can see in the anime during The Academy Arc she looks more mature. Anyway, what's your point?
Boruto is officially confirmed to be 12 as of Chapter 76 (which was 2 months ago)
He asks why Eida doesn't like him despite being an Otsutsuki and she responds with this:
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Since Boruto is 12 that makes Himawari currently 10 years old.
I do think, that at the beginning of the series, Boruto was supposed to be Himawari's current age when he joined the Academy and that's where the confusion is coming from.
But the way I see it, it's like this:
Boruto at the start of the Series: 10 Years Old
Himawari at the Start of the Series: 8 years old
Boruto after Graduating the Academy: 11 Years Old (Confirmed by Naruto Gaiden)
Himawari after Boruto's Graduation: 9 years Old
Boruto Now: 12 Years Old
Himawari Now: 10 Years Old
This would mean Himawari's also starting the Academy now at the same age Boruto did when he started
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narhinafan · 11 months
I'm so hyped for timeskip himawari. The fandom is treating her like a side character just to praise sarada but srsly her whole personality is going to depend on boruto.
There are even some theories that she is going to be the new sasuke for borutu as him being itachi of this gen. Or she is going to kill him to avenge her parents.
Not like salad as just wannabe hokage as full of plot armour and trash tears. Nothing is going to be new or surpising, even if she obtain rinnegan by sasuke's eye in future, it would be useless just like her trashfrog cause ootsutsuki power level were shown none damage as sasuke rinnegan was not useful towards momshiki, jigen and isshiki. I mean nothing is really new.
Its just Sakura fans that treat Himawari that way cause they want Sarada to be above everyone else and used as a trophy to uplift Sakura.
Himawari ending up like Sasuke would be interesting and would throw her into the action. Though I think Himawari would likely not be affected or maybe resistant to Eida's power.
Sarada she is going to go blind even if Sasuke gives her his last good eye that would BS and a sin she would never wash away as it would mean Sasuke loses a good chunk of his power even if they replace his eyes. The only way I see Sarada getting Sasuke's eye is if he ends up disabled and unable to fight or dead.
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kyriolex · 11 months
Boruto Timeskip Immediate Reactions
I have work so I can't spend too long on this post, just some immediate reactions I have to get out of my system:
Boruto: The best part of the outfit is the spiral "Uzumaki" keychain. (I know that specific spiral is traditionally a Maori symbol, but we all know it's meant to be an Uzumaki thing in this context.)
Sarada: Good design, but I wish the outfit had pants. And shorter heels, because how is she supposed to fight in those stilts?
Kawaki: McJagger pants. Also he can fly now.
Mitsuki: Fantastic hair. Formless outfit that is in character but still uninspired.
Shikamaru: He's Hokage but not happy about it. Poor Konohamaru is still watching other people living out his dream.
Sumire: Gone into full secretary mode
Inojin: My boy. That is not a good haircut for you.
Shikadai: Looks the same from the fraction of his head I saw
Chocho: ...Character-wise, I'm glad she's accepting her body and stuff. Still wish she had a shirt on. The cape is fantastic though.
Himawari: Cute design. Very in character. I'm relieved it's age appropriate.
Eida: Same
Daemon: Why does he look younger instead of older? Please tell me that rabbit onesie is his pajamas or something because WHY?
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mocchimazzy · 4 months
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Coeida Fanart 🤧💗
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raveneira · 8 months
Hii! I wanted to ask you something. I've seen a video saying that Code is affecting by Eidas power too, so he thinks that Boruto is Kawaki, right? And the 1st person he tried to attack is Sarada, that would mean he considers her important. But my question is, is that true?
Oh no he definitely was talking about Kawaki and I have no idea how anybody thinks otherwise when he literally has no beef with Boruto, he doesnt care about Boruto at all besides as just a sacrifice to the 10 tails, but beyond that he doesnt give af about him at all and never has, its KAWAKI he has personal beef with and wants revenge against, this is proven by his own words before and after Omnipotence.
After Ada's betrayal, Code blames Kawaki for everything and vows to destroy everything he loves, Naruto, his friends, and Konoha. To Code, Kawaki has always taken everything he loved, everything he wanted, everything he held dear, and now he wants to do the same to Kawaki, NOWHERE does he mention Boruto in his vendetta.
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Code only has this information because Kawaki TOLD him when he offered himself to Code in exchange for him to leave Konoha alone.
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He also mentions during their confrontation how much Naruto means to him that hes even willing to leave with him to meet Ada despite not knowing anything about her and what risks that might pose. But even before then Ada told Code how much Naruto meant to Kawaki and asked him to exclude Naruto from his revenge plan which Code refused, so Code was already familiar with Kawaki's attachment to Naruto, Kawaki just confirmed it.
But in chapter 80 when Code finally makes his move to exact his revenge, he says the exact same words he said about Kawaki but to Boruto now after Omnipotence.
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This was clear confirmation that Code is infact under the effects of Omnipotence, and everytime he talks about Boruto from here on out hes really talking about Kawaki, the only time hes ever ACTUALLY talking about Boruto is about when he confronted him 2 years before the timeskip, but as far as his personal grudge and vendetta against him that is all towards Kawaki.
Anyway fastforward to the timeskip, when he confronts Sarada its clear hes taunting her about Kawaki and not Boruto based on his wording which is consistent with how he taunted Kawaki before about wanting his friends and Konoha to be spared, Code literally makes reference to it when he says he was going to use his former friends and village he cares about to lure him out. Whats also curious is that Code actually knows Sarada's name when there is absolutely no reason why Sasuke or Boruto would bring her up to Code, it makes no sense how that'd even come up in conversation. What makes more sense is that Code learned it from Ada who was keeping tabs on Kawaki during the time they were working together and she mentioned his friends to him, same way she mentioned Naruto to him.
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Code says 'his former friends for whom he still cares about' I assume is why ppl think its Boruto he means since Boruto is the traitor that betrayed everybody and fled the village, but ppl forget that Boruto is KAWAKI in everyones mind, including Codes, so in Codes mind its KAWAKI who stabbed everyone in the back and fled the village.
To be honest Code might not even be aware of the supposed betrayal at all, he doesnt have Adas senrigan to know everything thats going on in Konoha so how would he even know what Kawaki did and why he left? fars Code knows Kawaki left the village to try and protect it the same way he did before when he confronted him and asked him to spare Konoha.
It's pretty interesting that Code specifically targeted Sarada rather than anyone else, he could've approached anyone but he chose her, ppl might try to say thats because of Boruto but again why tf would he even bring Sarada up to Code? they would be fighting not conversing, it'd be so stupid if mid battle hes randomly like 'btw let me tell you bout my friend Sarada' it just makes no sense.
The only thing that does make sense is that he learned about her through Ada, if Ada mentioned Naruto because of how dear he was to Kawaki, is it really far fetched that she mentioned Sarada after seeing his bond with her too? she WAS his first friend and the only person he has any closeness to besides the Uzumaki's, hes not all that close to Mitsuki, nor is he close at all to Sumire , the only other person he has any real bond with is Shikadai but thats not who Code approached, he approached Sarada, which means he has to believe his bond with Sarada is stronger than anyone elses.
Ppl might wanna call that a reach but I challenge you to tell me why Code would approach her if he was actually talking about Boruto, tell me how she would've come up when Codes main objective is killing Boruto on sight not discussing his friends, and even if Code was taunting Sasuke saying he would go after his daughter just to rile him up and lets say Boruto lost his cool which is how Code concluded she meant alot to him, that is WAY too convenient and I just dont buy it.
I wont say thats an impossible scenario but its a very unlikely one and needlessly convoluted just to explain why Code targeted Sarada to lure Boruto out, its way more sensible that he knew of Kawaki's bond with Sarada through Ada and thats why he went after her.
Regardless all of that is just speculation at the moment until we get flashbacks so take it with a grain of salt, but the part about Code being affected by Omnipotence and him really talking about Kawaki in 99% of his dialogue after Omnipotence is a fact though so dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
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A sexy bimbo Mary Sue is not a “good” neither “strong” female character!
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Not only Eida and Delta are very obvious and cheap fanservice for male gaze,also…
Eida and Delta are awfully out of place in Naruto universe and do not fit there at all.
Their abilities,especially Eida’s,are stupid and don’t align with established canon.
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Daemon:Mitsuki gotta be the coolest guy in the world.
Adult Kawaki:Whatever.
Daemon:He's a geek,i know,but he is a fun dude.
Daemon:I like hanging out with him more than messing around with emo guys.
Adult Kawaki:Should i take it personally?
Adult Ada:I mean,my lil brother has a point.
Adult Ada:Mitsuki might be a menace to society but he is super nice to us,every single girl is in love with him.
Adult Kawaki:I bet you'd wanna have a date with the pretty boy?
Adult Ada:(blushes) NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Teen Sarada:(listening behind the door) Mikki,kawaki's jealous of you.
Teen Sumire:For real?
Teen Mitsuki:What do you expect?
Teen Sumire:I bet things will get a lot more interesting if you had extra long hair.
Teen Mitsuki:I'm gonna ask my parent to think something about it.
Teen Sarada:(blushes) I am the next on the line. I'll come with you,mikki.
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eliseuocscreator · 10 months
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Letsgoooo. (@x-emeraldsky-x )
Okay, now after Very Very Very tiiiime here my New Oc of Boruto(actually his design, is from Boruto Two Vortex timeskip).
Name: Rairakku Uchiha Haruno
My Diamond (Sasuke)
My Cute Son(Sakura)
Brother (Sarada)
Nephew(Naruto and Hinata)
Diamond Boy(Boro, Jigen, Amado and Delta)
Sarada Older Brother(Boruto)
Diamond from Iwagakure and Diamond Boy(Isshiki)
Diamond Otsutsuki(Momoshiki)
Diamond Eyes(Aida/Eida)
Lava Diamond(Daemon
Age: 17 (to 18 years)
Date of Birth: November 5 (scorpion)
Place oc Birth: Iwagakure(Land of Earth)
Height: 1,73m(5'7ft)
Unnamed Father and Mother (Biological Parents): Deads
Sasuke Uchiha: Adoptive Father
Sakura Haruno: Adoptive Mother
Sarada Uchiha: Adoptive Younger sister and partner of Team 7
Kawaki "Uzumaki": Best friend(formerly)
Boruto Uzumaki: Partner of Team 7(Formerly): friend
Mitsuki: Partner of Team 7(Formerly): frienemy
Konohomaru Sarutobi: Sensei
Naruto Uzumaki: Uncle figure
Hinata Uzumaki: Aunt Figure
Himawari Uzumaki: Cousin figure
Justus Styles:
Obsidian Release
Carbon Release / Diamond Release
Lava Release
Fire Release
Kekkei Genkai: Carbosidian (Obsidian and Obsidian Fusion)
Carbon Release
Lava Release
Personality: Serious, Protective(Towards Friends and Family), intelligent, loving(only With Family), Strategic.
Likes: Takoyaki, Sushi, Sashimi, Training, Meditation, watching the stars/moon, Reading books, talking With his Family and His "Uncle" Naruto, Himawari Playing With him, Mitsuki(somentimes)
Dislikes: Boruto Jokes in mission, Mitsuki, Kara, when his sister get in trouble, when Isshiki call him The Diamond Boy, Isshiki Otsutsuki.
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luckychi7 · 9 months
Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 2 (82) Livestream Discussion/Review: TREE AND TEN TAILS!!!
The timeskip continues with Boruto making his reappearance in Konoha after 3 years due to Code drawing him out via the Claw Grimes attacking the village all the while Kawaki is dealing the simultanously. That's also including the simple fact that Boruto and Kawaki have switched places due to the powers of Eida's omnipotence senjutsu, and what these creatures have caused
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