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aceurenard · 8 months ago
you know a ship is superior when they have matching outfits✨🤌
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months ago
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Last Chance
Li'l Giri defeated the dastardly villain . . . or had he? Find out what is in store for our hero next time!
Artist: Kawasumi TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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portlicat · 1 year ago
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29.01 — tipo van gogh
capa de pedidos pessoais feita com artes originais e ia.
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sunny-pandas · 2 years ago
What your Favorite Boruto Ship says about You (Joke Post)
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You love the Childhood Friends to Lovers trope also you're a slut for Bickering Married couples
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Your interest in Canon is outweighed by your interest in Canon Divergence and love for Edgy Boys
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You tuned into the series IN SPITE of Boruto, not because of him.
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You would've shipped SasuNaru but you somehow thought that dynamic wasn't Gay ENOUGH
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You just want Good things for Sumire (And who doesn't?)
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You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of Shared Trauma
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Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic is Girl Boss x Male Wife
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Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic is Disney Villains and 80's Bad Boy Rom Coms
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Now I COULD give you the benefit of the doubt and say Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic is Dark and Edgy x Ray of Sunshine...
....But honestly I should just be saying FBI OPEN UP!!!!
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Your Ideal Relationship Dynamic is the KawaHima Relationship Dynamic but you thought the age gap and psuedo incest was just too much
(Heavily Inspired by this video)
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metalsonic93 · 9 months ago
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aww they could never make like you two :3
Both of you are too overrated
And one of you also has a toxic fanbase(cough Borusara)
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pevensiegiigi · 6 months ago
Tengo dos oneshot's KawaSumi, un MitsuChou y un Iwasabi en borradores. Pero ciertamente no me animo a terminarlos si de antemano se que pueden no gustar.
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kakeimygirl · 7 months ago
Se você gostar ou salvar, curta e reposte, por favor.
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arinrumi · 8 months ago
It’s very weird to write a post here after so long. However, there are a few updates to make!
I’m very active and post writing progress on Twitter (X):
So I’ll use Tumblr as a place to share/gather the news about my fics in a longer format:
Already existing BoruSara fics:
First of all, Gambler of Feelings is now a completed story! The ending is written + published. Now that I’ve gotten better at writing in English, I’m aware the first chapters are rough. Hopefully the ending will make up for it. 💜
Toy’s Maker wish is another BoruSara story I completed. It has only 6 chapters, but it helped in my growth as a writer!
Equal Standing was initially a BoruSara story that was meant to be OneShot. Now, it turned into a short series that has both BoruSara + KawaSumi OneShots. It won’t be going on for long. I do have fun with it, though.
Already existing KawaSumi fics:
Those are perhaps the most recent fanfics I’ve written, since they were for KawaSumi week this year. Please, check them out!
Future Stories:
I’ve two big multi-chapt projects, I’m working on. First is the KawaSumi Office AU — The Convenient Attachment. This is a fic I already fully outlined and I’m in the process of writing chapter drafts. I’ll start posting it weekly once I’ve chapters in reserve.
Second one is BoruSara rivals to lover Badminton AU I came up with two days ago. This is a project that exist mostly as concept and I need to write an outline for. The intention is to do the same as for TCA — build up chapter reserves and post it weekly.
Who knows? Maybe I’ll start posting both fics at around same time?! I do heavily work on them behind the scenes. Fics that were on hold/resumed:
My old KawaBoru fic is on the way to be completed with daily updates! That being said, my head is filled with BoruSara + KawaSumi, so it’s unlikely I’ll write anything related to KawaBoru in the future. I just don’t like my fics being unfinished.
Out of all fics I put on hold, my ShikaTema Flying Fan lessons, then SasuSaku fic the Spotlight Affair will be finished next. The chapter count might change to be shorter for both, since it was while where I touched those stories.
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i-28-29 · 2 years ago
Kawaki when he learns of Sumires terrorist past
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ladyuchiha96 · 9 months ago
Guys! My first KawaSumi fic! I'm so excited! (I know there's a lot of BoruSara there, sorry 🫣🫣)
Day 1 - prompt: flowers #kawasumiweek2024
You only need one. Quit being an idiot.
Kawaki shifted uncomfortably, eyeing, for the eleventh time, the flower arrangments displayed on the pavement, two streets away from his apartment. All of them seemed nice, he debated. But what did he know about what was nice? Why didn't he listen when Inojin was saying what was the most important thing when making a bouquet? What if he picked one and Sumire didn't like it? Or she thought it was... he didn't even know what was the worst thing you could say about a flower arrangement. Distasteful?
"What's it gonna be, young man?" sighed the older woman. He initially refused her help, thinking he'd pick one and be done with it. Why didn't he think this through? Why did the only time he went into a problem unprepared have to be this one? To make things worse, no one was forcing him to bring her a bouquet. No. He had inflicted this misery upon himself.
"Why don't you tell me who this is for? Your girl?"
"She's not my girl," he snapped without meaning to. The woman shot him a glare and opened her mouth most likely to tell him to get lost, but as he was currently her only customer, she decided against it.
"Is she your mother? Your sister?" she tried again.
Kawaki made a face. "Heavens, no."
"Well, then?"
Kawaki shifted his weight again. The woman narrowed her eyes.
"Are you quite sure she's a she?"
"I am," said a female voice behind him. A woman he had hoped to avoid today. "Hey, there," she greeted, tapping his shoulder briefly. Kawaki snorted as she leaned over the arrangments and said,
"We'll take this one."
"I don't need your assistance," he hissed. Now the flowers wouldn't be from him. They wouldn't mean anything. The older woman gave him an odd look for his harsh tone then turned to Sarada with an apologetic smile,
"Are you the lucky gal?"
"Oh, no," she laughed, "I'm his brother's girlfriend. Thank you," she took the bouquet into her hands while Kawaki paid.
"For future reference," Sarada said as soon as they turned the corner toward the apartment he shared with Boruto, "she prefers simple arrangements. Peonies, regardless of the color, but honestly, anything except roses would do."
"I know that," he clipped. A couple of years ago, Sumire slipped while helping Hinata in the garden, fell into a rose bush, and got a nasty infection and everlasting scar on her palm. Though she never officially swore off roses, she subtly steered clear of them.
"Give me those," he said when Sarada didn't hand over the flowers. She cast him a sideways glance. He thought he saw her smile, but if there was a smile on her lips, it was gone before he could be certain. Wordlessly, she gave him the bouquet.
"Weren't you supposed to come with ChoCho?"
There was an open-air cinema in Senju Park, and their friend group had agreed to meet there to watch the first Kagemasa movie, for old times' sake.
"Are you going?" Sumire had asked a few days prior. He hadn't intended to, but at that moment, for the same inexplicable reason he put himself through buying her flowers, he said, "Yeah." She smiled, warmer than the sun, and sank all hope for slipping away.
They hadn't officially agreed that he'd pick her up, but she briefly mentioned when she'd be leaving her apartment. He decided he'd just give her the flowers and hope she'd propose they go together. If not, he could always say Boruto was waiting for him.
"She dumped me for Mitsuki and Boruto said you'd be picking up Sumire, so we thought we'd hang out beforehand," Sarada said, pulling him out of his daydreaming. He cringed, having a pretty good idea what their "hanging out" looked like.
The moment they entered the front door, he took off his shoes and went to look around for the vase Hinata gave them as a gift for moving in. He almost collided with Boruto who was just leaving the kitchen with a cup of coffee.
He made a noise of surprise, lifting the bouquet above his head so it wouldn't be smashed between them. Boruto only had time to jerk away, which caused him to spill half of his coffee on his T-shirt. He swore loudly.
"Watch where you're going," Kawaki said at the same time Sarada gasped, "Are you all right?"
"What happened?" asked a third voice from the kitchen. Kawaki froze, flowers still up in the air when Sumire peered out at them.
"You're here," she smiled.
"Of course he is," Boruto said enthusiastically as Sarada took the half-empty glass from his hand and started dabbing at his front with a paper tissue from her bag.
"He just ran down to get you some flowers," she supplied.
Kawaki couldn't move. He could feel his ears warming up and knew they'd turn an embarrassing shade of red soon enough. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't prepared for this scenario. She was supposed to be in her apartment. Gulping, he took a step back. He saw Sarada dragging away the snickering Boruto from the corner of his eye.
"Oh, those are for me?" Sumire asked quietly.
He nodded mutely, slowly lowering his arms. She took a tentative step toward him and he forced himself to stay in place, handing her the flowers.
"They're beautiful," she breathed. "Thank you."
Hers was the most beautiful smile on Earth. She was the most beautiful woman on Earth. And that gentle smile that radiated happiness in its purest form - there was so little he wouldn't do to earn it.
She looked up at him expectantly, then around the room. He shifted his weight, figuring he should probably say something.
"I - uh - I thought - I didn't - I mean, I was going to... drop by your place."
Sumire blinked at him. Kawaki had a feeling he said something wrong.
"I mean, I'm glad you're - it's nice you're... here," he struggled, "I just thought -"
"Sarada said the four of us were meeting here," Sumire frowned faintly. "You didn't know?"
Kawaki felt like he would collapse on the spot from stress. He felt like someone pushed him out onto the stage with all the lights pointing at him and he didn't know a single line.
"Nonsense! He was the one who suggested it!" Boruto said, opening the door to his room and rejoining them, now in a clean T-shirt. That sneaky bastard, Kawaki thought. And his sneaky Uchiha witch, who just came out of Boruto's room looking flushed and slightly disheveled.
"Sarada was going to come over anyway and Kawaki said, Why don't we tell Sumire to come as well?" Boruto continued in a relaxed, conversational manner. Sarada was discreetly shaking her head to tell him to shut up, but he wasn't looking at her.
"And Sarada and I thought it was a great idea. I mean, how often do we really find the time to hang out together, all of us?"
"Right," Sumire agreed, not entirely convinced. She cast an odd look at Sarada, who shrugged with resignation. There was a moment of awkward silence. Kawaki had had enough.
"Let's go out, you and me," he told Sumire. "The two of them can stay here and do - whatever it is they were doing till now."
Sumire seemed surprised for a moment, then her face brightened. She smiled, "Sure."
Oh, that smile.
As she put on her shoes, Kawaki turned to Boruto and Sarada and silently ran the tip of his finger across his throat and made a circular later motion.
"I hope you guys don't mind," Sumire said.
"Not at all," Boruto grinned. "We love it!"
Sarada looked ready to strangle him. Kawaki was ready to strangle them both. Sumire seemed oddly happy about the entire situation.
"Should we go back to my apartment so I can put these in a vase?" she asked, slipping her hand into Kawaki's before he had a chance to react. The feeling sent a pleasant tingle through his entire body and he smiled involuntarily, hoping no one saw it.
"Sure," he whispered, not trusting his voice to form a longer sentence. Frankly, at this moment he would have agreed to anything. Take me to the Moon - done. Spend three days choosing a flower for me - done. Go to a social event and talk to people for me - done, done, done. But for the love of everything good in this world, he thought as his heart thundered against his ribcage, don't let go of me.
He squeezed her hand properly, so that his hand wouldn't be loose around hers, and was rewarded as she ran a thumb over the back of his hand. Kawaki thought his face would melt from the heat.
"I have to apologize for the confusion," she said as soon as the front door closed behind them.
"It is partly my fault, you see."
"I don't see how any of that could have been your fault," Kawaki grumbled, glad to be distracted from the fact that he was systematically melting away.
"Well, Boruto told -"
"Boruto needs to keep his mouth shut," Kawaki snapped and instantly regretted it. "Sorry."
"It's all right. As I said, Boruto told Sarada that - well, uh, it might not have been true, of course -"
"What did he say?"
Sumire didn't respond right away.
"She said that he said you wouldcomepickmeup," she blushed. "And I panicked. So Sarada offered -"
Kawaki halted, letting go of her hand, ready to turn on his heel, kill his brother and Sarada, and bury himself from embarrassment. His first instinct was to deny everything, but he remembered he had already admitted it earlier.
"I'm sorry," he said defensively. "I didn't mean to upset you, I'll-"
"I wasn't upset," Sumire said calmly. "I just panicked. That's different. That's... I wasn't upset," she said again. "I wouldn't be here with you now if I were upset."
Now it was Kawaki's turn to blush.
"But Sarada was right to tell me. When you know something like that, you always give the other girl a way out, just in case."
"I wouldn't have forced you to go with me," he muttered, his blush deepening.
"I know," she smiled.
"Is that your girl code or something?" Kawaki sighed.
"It's an unwritten rule. Though the execution did turn out a tad clumsy," she chuckled. Kawaki couldn't help smiling as well. They resumed walking.
"In fact, the entire interaction back in the apartment was so silly I realized I had nothing to panic about," she said carefully. "It's just us."
Kawaki was positively astounded at how simple and rational it all was. Just us. His two new favorite words. Just us. He let the back of his fingers touch the back of her hand in a silent question, and to his immense relief, she took his hand. Just us. He made a mental note to buy her flowers again soon.
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kairi-chan · 1 month ago
Hello! Recent chapter dropped food~ 👀
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Her loyalty will be at test now since she can either share this info with boruto/sarada/shikamaru or go behind konoha's back and find a way to help get rid of this feature—maybe at kawaki's request? Ooooh this tea is GOOD 🍵🫰🤭
Omg I’m— she always appears at the most convenient times!!! 🤣 interesting to see where she will take it from here. Sumi, baby, don’t let us down. 🙈
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aceurenard · 8 months ago
Love this parallel of sarasumi! They care so much that they desperate to help the boys🥹 (the way they begged tho..)
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rantahead · 1 year ago
If you don't mind me asking, could you do a rant on MitsuSumi & KawaSumi/KawaHima.
Like why people ship them (if you know) and all that because, personally, I find all three disgusting, especially KawaHima.
(I know this'll be more of bsu and anti-bsa, but it's an important essential of the story)
ok, so I, personally, ship msu and ksu because I find them fun and more of crack ships then actual canon ships. I see why ppl like them, but they are more of crack ships. the only one that's actually sailing is ksu, but that's basically dead since timeskip.
but before I get into those ships, let's begin with the incest KawaHima.
kh is basically bsa, an incest ship. except the only difference is kh doesn't have same blood (bsa is incest because of their dads are reincarnations of Ashura and Indra and their clans are close, almost to the point of bsa being literally cousins). but kh are ADOPTIVE siblings, either way, they're related, not by blood tho.
I don't understand why ppl like it considering they're literally siblings. it's basically like shipping Boruto and Himawari. and not to mention their age difference.
ok, so now msu & ksu! first we'll start with msu because that won't take as long as the ksu rant:
so the first actual reason ppl started shipping them (actual fans) is the anime when Nue arc took place. that's what got me hooked on them.
but bsa fans only ship them to get Sumire and Mitsuki away from Boruto and Sarada because Mitsuki has only shown to be romantic around Sarada and Boruto (he might be gay for Boruto, but if he's straight, he's only ever shown interest in Sarada). and Sumire, well, need I say more? she is the ONLY character to have confirmed feelings for another character, hence why they want them both out of the way, because, other than Kawaki, they're the biggest threats to their ship. and they say Mitsuki is the captain of their ship, yet they're suddenly gonna want to throw him away the second he has any romantic relationship with either. and he actually never called them a "good couple" in the manga a.k.a canon and only in the Academy in the anime. after graduating and being on the same team, NOT ONCE has he said they make a good couple because he KNOWS they don't. hell, he asked Sarada ONCE about her feelings in anime and in manga, but he just wanted to know, not that he thinks they will make a good couple, but he was curious, not shipping them.
and with Kawaki, they ship Sumire with him just so they'll both be out of the way of their ship. yet Eida has feelings for Kawaki so she'll most likely get him and Sumire has feelings for Boruto so she'll most likely get him. Sarada's only option is Mitsuki, but yes, Kawaki is a victim of the disgusting bsa fandom because neither parties (Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki) have confirmed their feelings for each other.
and they know how cringy their supposed ship is, which is why they try and say Sumire's love is just a crush and Sarada has confirmed her feelings over blushing and she's a tsundere. they even say Sumire only lied to Sarada so she could recognize her feelings, yet that backfired because after that, the only romantic scene they got was Sarada hugging Boruto in timeskip, like, 66 chapters after Sumire supposedly "manipulated Sarada in realizing her feelings for Boruto".
ok, so I gave a basic rundown, but I'll get into detail about it, starting with Sumire's confession:
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ok, so here, antis claim that Sumire only manipulated Sarada into realizing her feelings for Boruto (which didn't happen considering the only romantic thing they have in the ENTIRE manga is the hug at the end of TBV chapter 5, the rest of their moments in the manga were cons to the ship). Sumire was GENUINE about HER feelings, not helping Sarada realize hers.
(btw, for bsa to actually happen, Sarada's personality has to take a big 180 for the ship to actually be considered romantic)
because this comes back up AGAIN:
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this is when they KNOW she has DEFINITE feelings for him - REAL feelings. not an act, not a manipulation tactic, REAL FEELINGS, TRUE LOVE.
even Katasuke says "though it's so very obivious". meaning her feelings are true and real.
and say she DID manipulate Sarada to realize her feelings (hell will have to freeze over before it's confirmed that she did), her look wasn't jealous, but more of shock because it came out of nowhere, and she looked concern as Team 7 left and she was looking back at Sumire, probably like "oh no, this idiot is gonna get her heartbroken!". she was worried FOR Sumire, not worried ABOUT Sumire. she didn't think of Sumire as a rival, she thought of her as a close friend (she was her first friend and only friend until Chocho showed up) and she was worried that Boruto (being the dense kid he is) will hurt her.
say, just say, that she lied to Sumire about not having feelings for Boruto (as some antis claim), she'll be an even worse friend than Sakura was to Ino when their friendship ended. at least only one was serious about Sasuke (Sakura), Ino only went after him just to piss Sakura off. whereas Sumire's feelings are real and if Sarada has real feelings, all her moments after chapter 19 will be to piss of Sumire, because remember, she NEVER mentioned Sumire's name when she told Sasuke about Omnipotence, and she hugged Boruto IN FRONT of Sumire. that'll just make her look WORSE than she already does.
but Sarada couldn't care less about romantic feelings, let alone for Boruto. as she confirmed with Eida and Mitsuki.
so they need Sumire to be like Ino and move on with a guy like Sai (Mitsuki), hell, even Kawaki!
the only problem is:
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"(koi) = Love between lovers(romantic)"
THAT is the kanji written on Sumire's databook and the cover she first appears in. they're both about SUMIRE, not Sarada as ppl claim. because why would it show up in the same cover Sumire does, huh? suspicious. but her databook cover comfirms her feelings are real.
but now they know that her feelings won't go away so they need Mitsuki and Kawaki to come and take her away so any of them won't be in the way.
msu has had NO interactions in the manga, had the Academy & Nue arcs and the one seen in the Kawaki arc where Mitsuki catches her when she falls over after Kawaki kicks her (all in the anime), well, if you exclude all the random classmate talking during other arcs. but overall, those have the romantic scenes and even then, the only romantic scene is that one seen in the Kawaki arc that isn't even that romantic.
ksu however, in the manga, only has Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker and the anime added a few "romantic" ksu moments, then realized, "wait, this isn't what's happening in the manga", and suddenly, it's like they never happened and ksu never even met.
ppl think that Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker will make her fall in love with him, yet HE asked about HER feelings for BORUTO, not him, BORUTO, his brother. both Mitsuki and Kawaki haven't shown any romantic feelings in ANYONE, including Sarada and Boruto. but at least with Boruto and Sumire, there's a spark there (Boruto being a little too much overprotective of her).
Sarada, however, currently, hopping to and from Mitsuki and Kawaki, so it's kinda hard to tell who'd she'll end up with but it'll probably be Mitsuki because Kawaki ruined Boruto's life. with Boruto, there's just that "he's my teammate, gotta keep him save", "my master told me to protect her so I have to."
say msu or ksu do get a lot of attention, you really think Sumire could look at them like she looks at Boruto. Boruto, himself, debunked that she may be a good actress, yet she can't hide her feelings. she can barely hide her feelings from Boruto in front of anyone. I'm honestly surprised Sarada didn't see the confession coming when Sumire started talking about if Boruto was popular with the girls back in Konoha.
but ppl start creating crazy theories that they'll end up together and that Kishi planned it.
but yes, I'm gonna rap this up:
basically, ppl (some) ship them because they're cute, most ship them to get all three out of the way.
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usoraiwrites · 1 year ago
My New Borusara fanfiction
𝓑𝓸𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓪𝓻𝓪: 𝓐𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷
* 18+ themes🔥⚠️
*illicit affair, mention of drugs and addiction
* Forbidden Love
* Warring States Era
* Couples: Boruto and Sarada( Main) & Kawaki and Sumire( Side)
𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓐𝓸3
𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭 𝓸𝓷 𝓦𝓪𝓽𝓽𝓹𝓪𝓭
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kyriolex · 2 years ago
Is it me or does it seem like the Anime is pushing Kawaki and Sumire together a lot?
Just look at today's episode
The Final Episode of Part 1 before the series goes on a Hiatus and it one of the final scenes in it is a Kawaki-Sumire conversation. Just the 2 of them ~ 💜💚
Sorry I've taken so long to answer these. Life has been hectic.
Honestly, it feels like the anime was pushing Kawaki and Sumire together from the moment they met. They gave her a huge role when he was first introduced, and the manga went out of its way to have them interact in more recent arcs.
It's like Sumire is getting set up to feature in both major love triangles, serving as a rival to Sarada (or Mitsuki) for Boruto and a rival to Eida for Kawaki. Personally, I'd rather Kawaki end up with Sumire than Eida, but who knows what the creators will do?
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