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rururi-chan · 9 months ago
my top most favorite anime ships!
narusaku (naruto)
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Jerza (fairy tail)
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Nejiten (naruto)
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Inohima (boruto)
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Saiino (naruto)
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Mitsusumi (boruto)
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Kakarin (naruto)
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Inonezu (demon slayer)
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Kacchako (my hero academia)
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Dekulissa (my hero academia)
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Konomoe (naruto)
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Obamitsu (demon slayer)
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Inukik (inuyasha)
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Bixanna (fairy tail)
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And last but not least....
My favorite ship of all time is....
*drum roll*
GRAYLU!!!!!!! (Fairy tail)
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rantahead · 1 year ago
If you don't mind me asking, could you do a rant on MitsuSumi & KawaSumi/KawaHima.
Like why people ship them (if you know) and all that because, personally, I find all three disgusting, especially KawaHima.
(I know this'll be more of bsu and anti-bsa, but it's an important essential of the story)
ok, so I, personally, ship msu and ksu because I find them fun and more of crack ships then actual canon ships. I see why ppl like them, but they are more of crack ships. the only one that's actually sailing is ksu, but that's basically dead since timeskip.
but before I get into those ships, let's begin with the incest KawaHima.
kh is basically bsa, an incest ship. except the only difference is kh doesn't have same blood (bsa is incest because of their dads are reincarnations of Ashura and Indra and their clans are close, almost to the point of bsa being literally cousins). but kh are ADOPTIVE siblings, either way, they're related, not by blood tho.
I don't understand why ppl like it considering they're literally siblings. it's basically like shipping Boruto and Himawari. and not to mention their age difference.
ok, so now msu & ksu! first we'll start with msu because that won't take as long as the ksu rant:
so the first actual reason ppl started shipping them (actual fans) is the anime when Nue arc took place. that's what got me hooked on them.
but bsa fans only ship them to get Sumire and Mitsuki away from Boruto and Sarada because Mitsuki has only shown to be romantic around Sarada and Boruto (he might be gay for Boruto, but if he's straight, he's only ever shown interest in Sarada). and Sumire, well, need I say more? she is the ONLY character to have confirmed feelings for another character, hence why they want them both out of the way, because, other than Kawaki, they're the biggest threats to their ship. and they say Mitsuki is the captain of their ship, yet they're suddenly gonna want to throw him away the second he has any romantic relationship with either. and he actually never called them a "good couple" in the manga a.k.a canon and only in the Academy in the anime. after graduating and being on the same team, NOT ONCE has he said they make a good couple because he KNOWS they don't. hell, he asked Sarada ONCE about her feelings in anime and in manga, but he just wanted to know, not that he thinks they will make a good couple, but he was curious, not shipping them.
and with Kawaki, they ship Sumire with him just so they'll both be out of the way of their ship. yet Eida has feelings for Kawaki so she'll most likely get him and Sumire has feelings for Boruto so she'll most likely get him. Sarada's only option is Mitsuki, but yes, Kawaki is a victim of the disgusting bsa fandom because neither parties (Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki) have confirmed their feelings for each other.
and they know how cringy their supposed ship is, which is why they try and say Sumire's love is just a crush and Sarada has confirmed her feelings over blushing and she's a tsundere. they even say Sumire only lied to Sarada so she could recognize her feelings, yet that backfired because after that, the only romantic scene they got was Sarada hugging Boruto in timeskip, like, 66 chapters after Sumire supposedly "manipulated Sarada in realizing her feelings for Boruto".
ok, so I gave a basic rundown, but I'll get into detail about it, starting with Sumire's confession:
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ok, so here, antis claim that Sumire only manipulated Sarada into realizing her feelings for Boruto (which didn't happen considering the only romantic thing they have in the ENTIRE manga is the hug at the end of TBV chapter 5, the rest of their moments in the manga were cons to the ship). Sumire was GENUINE about HER feelings, not helping Sarada realize hers.
(btw, for bsa to actually happen, Sarada's personality has to take a big 180 for the ship to actually be considered romantic)
because this comes back up AGAIN:
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this is when they KNOW she has DEFINITE feelings for him - REAL feelings. not an act, not a manipulation tactic, REAL FEELINGS, TRUE LOVE.
even Katasuke says "though it's so very obivious". meaning her feelings are true and real.
and say she DID manipulate Sarada to realize her feelings (hell will have to freeze over before it's confirmed that she did), her look wasn't jealous, but more of shock because it came out of nowhere, and she looked concern as Team 7 left and she was looking back at Sumire, probably like "oh no, this idiot is gonna get her heartbroken!". she was worried FOR Sumire, not worried ABOUT Sumire. she didn't think of Sumire as a rival, she thought of her as a close friend (she was her first friend and only friend until Chocho showed up) and she was worried that Boruto (being the dense kid he is) will hurt her.
say, just say, that she lied to Sumire about not having feelings for Boruto (as some antis claim), she'll be an even worse friend than Sakura was to Ino when their friendship ended. at least only one was serious about Sasuke (Sakura), Ino only went after him just to piss Sakura off. whereas Sumire's feelings are real and if Sarada has real feelings, all her moments after chapter 19 will be to piss of Sumire, because remember, she NEVER mentioned Sumire's name when she told Sasuke about Omnipotence, and she hugged Boruto IN FRONT of Sumire. that'll just make her look WORSE than she already does.
but Sarada couldn't care less about romantic feelings, let alone for Boruto. as she confirmed with Eida and Mitsuki.
so they need Sumire to be like Ino and move on with a guy like Sai (Mitsuki), hell, even Kawaki!
the only problem is:
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"(koi) = Love between lovers(romantic)"
THAT is the kanji written on Sumire's databook and the cover she first appears in. they're both about SUMIRE, not Sarada as ppl claim. because why would it show up in the same cover Sumire does, huh? suspicious. but her databook cover comfirms her feelings are real.
but now they know that her feelings won't go away so they need Mitsuki and Kawaki to come and take her away so any of them won't be in the way.
msu has had NO interactions in the manga, had the Academy & Nue arcs and the one seen in the Kawaki arc where Mitsuki catches her when she falls over after Kawaki kicks her (all in the anime), well, if you exclude all the random classmate talking during other arcs. but overall, those have the romantic scenes and even then, the only romantic scene is that one seen in the Kawaki arc that isn't even that romantic.
ksu however, in the manga, only has Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker and the anime added a few "romantic" ksu moments, then realized, "wait, this isn't what's happening in the manga", and suddenly, it's like they never happened and ksu never even met.
ppl think that Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker will make her fall in love with him, yet HE asked about HER feelings for BORUTO, not him, BORUTO, his brother. both Mitsuki and Kawaki haven't shown any romantic feelings in ANYONE, including Sarada and Boruto. but at least with Boruto and Sumire, there's a spark there (Boruto being a little too much overprotective of her).
Sarada, however, currently, hopping to and from Mitsuki and Kawaki, so it's kinda hard to tell who'd she'll end up with but it'll probably be Mitsuki because Kawaki ruined Boruto's life. with Boruto, there's just that "he's my teammate, gotta keep him save", "my master told me to protect her so I have to."
say msu or ksu do get a lot of attention, you really think Sumire could look at them like she looks at Boruto. Boruto, himself, debunked that she may be a good actress, yet she can't hide her feelings. she can barely hide her feelings from Boruto in front of anyone. I'm honestly surprised Sarada didn't see the confession coming when Sumire started talking about if Boruto was popular with the girls back in Konoha.
but ppl start creating crazy theories that they'll end up together and that Kishi planned it.
but yes, I'm gonna rap this up:
basically, ppl (some) ship them because they're cute, most ship them to get all three out of the way.
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raveneira · 1 year ago
Hi, I'm sorry in advance if my English is too bad. Can we talk about ksu? Because it seems so wrong and disgusting to me, this ship is just a sidekick for Borusara, which is created by their hatred of Sumire and hate her love Boruto
Nah your english is fine, atleast well enough for me to understand you.
But yea lets talk about Ksu, because its the most disigenuous ship of the entire new gen out done ONLY by KawaAda, which is purely out of hatred for Kawaki but we'll just talk about Ksu for now.
Ksu was seen coming a mile away as soon as it was revealed she would be his caretaker, hell just from the leaks dropping of that panel of her tending to him with Katasuke we already knew the agenda was gonna start, why? not because of the usual ppl shipping things as soon as theres interaction but because they saw a perfect opportunity to keep Kawaki and Sumire away from BoruSara, it worked out perfectly because they get to kill two birds with one stone, keep Sumire away from Boruto and Kawaki away from Sarada, and what better way to do that than to shove them together? it was so obvious.
Lemme tell you I watched in REAL TIME an instagram acc that made OCs of the new gens kids and one was an KawaHima child alongside BoruSara, but as SOON as that panel dropped all the content with the KawaHima kid disappeared and all of a sudden was replaced with a KawaSumi kid instead. It was so so obvious what the agenda was and I can tell you as an eye witness just how fake they all are when it comes to Kawaki ships that they try to pretend is 'genuine' when its really playing keep away.
I saw in real time ppl start shipping MitsuSumi to keep Sumire away from Boruto, but when their interactions became scarce and they saw Kawaki building somewhat of a bond with Hima they jumped ship to KawaHima instead to keep him away from Sarada, but when their relationship became heavily sibling like they got quiet but still lowkey pushed it until they saw that panel of Kawaki and Sumire and thats when they finally found the perfect keep away ship that gets rid of them both at the same time and they've been clingin to that ship with their lives ever since because for once FINALLY they found a keep away ship that has a decent amount of interactions to 'possibly' have a chance unlike the others.
But dont get it twisted because they dont have total faith in KawaSumi either, the reason being because they themselves know that when girls fall inlove in the Narutoverse they STAY inlove and dont move on, and because Sumire loves Boruto they know odds are she'll keep being an obstacle for BoruSara, thats where KawaAda comes in, because since Sumire isnt a 100% garuntee to keep Kawaki away their backup plan is Ada who actually DOES like him and isnt movin on anytime soon.
So on the 50/50 chance Sumire doesnt move on to Kawaki, they have Ada to fall back on atleast to remove Kawaki.
They have tried to lie about these facts whenever anyone called them out on it and claimed 'oh its not keep away ships we just can see the obvious endgame ships being set up unlike yall' and of course their usual deflection 'yall only ship KawaSara because you hate Boruto' which is really just projecting because they only ship KawaSumi/KawaAda because they hate Kawaki, some Sumire too, but they claim its the other way around to try to take the spotlight off of them because they KNOW their the ones really hate shipping.
Lets not forget how they play down Sumire's feelings as 'just a crush' but paint Sarada's as 'true love' even though only one of them have confirmed romantic feelings and it isnt Sarada, Sumire's love is described with the same kanji as Sakura's for Sasuke, and unless you gonna try and argue Sakura's feelings were also just a crush then your either in denial or just a complete dumbass.
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People WANT her feelings to be just a crush because then they can push the agenda that she'll move on like Ino, who was the only girl who actually only had a crush on Sasuke and not actual love and had feelings for another guy as well. However ALL the girls who loved ONE guy and ONLY one guy and were NEVER shown to have feelings or interest in anyone else all stayed devoted to the ONE man they loved whether their feelings were returned or not or even if they died, they STAYED inlove with that one man and one man only.
This is why they need to deny Sumire's feelings so hard because its the only way to keep their ship safe, because acknowledging her feelings are genuine and real means she's never movin on which is what they want and what they NEED to feel secure in their shit ship that they fear to death of having any competition because despite being 5+ years, 200+ episodes, and 85+ chapters in they STILL havent gotten ANY confirmation of romantic feelings on either side and that scared tf outta them.
Meanwhile Sumire's feelings are crystal clear and reinforced multiple times to everyone who matters, Sarada, Kawaki, Katasuke, and Amado, all people a part of Boruto and Kawaki's inner circle. The fact that Sarada and Kawaki knows this really gets under their skin because that adds less of a possibility of either of them making a move, Kawaki doesnt care one way or another but even if there were a chance he'd consider it Sumire already killed it before it even had a chance to start which from then on made Kawaki not even think of it because he knows she likes Boruto, it'd be pointless to even look at her that way since he knows she'll never want him anyway and is literally only around him just to hear more about Boruto anyway which is an even bigger turn off from the idea, not that he ever considered it in the first place, but if he WERE to possibly consider it she nipped it in the bud before it could even happen by admitting to him right away that she liked Boruto.
As for Sarada shes even LESS likely to make any moves because Sumire is her friend, she came to her as a friend and asked her how she felt about Boruto and Sarada told her she didnt like him that way which is when Sumire felt comfortable telling Sarada about her feelings then since she wasnt a threat, so how grimey would it be for Sarada to be revealed to have lied when Sumire was trying to be open and honest with her as a friend, Sarada lies to her while secretly liking Boruto behind her back, and even worse, she continues getting closer and closer to him right infront of her face? and now even hugging him infront of her knowing how much shes loved and missed Boruto too? it'd be just like Kishimoto said about Sakura in the Pain arc, that if she suddenly fell for Naruto now after he became the hero of the village she'd look like a terrible woman.
Well the same applies to Sarada, for her to have lied and pretended not to like Boruto all this time after Sumire trusted her to of told her the truth, only to then stab her in the back by still getting closer and closer to him and then rubbing it in her face hugging him infront of her and being hugged back, and to add extra salt to the wound SHES the only one who gets credit for saving and remembering him because Boruto never knew Sumire was unaffected and on his side too, is nothing short of scummy.
Im not saying the hug is romantic or that Sumire is petty enough to be upset over a friend hugging her friend she aint seen in 3 years, Im talking about the PERCEPTION of it. Like Sakura could very well have moved on to Naruto after the Pain arc, especially with the events that happened at the 5 kage summit it would've been more than justified for her to give up on Sasuke and love the guy thats always been there for her since day one and loved her sincerely, but the PERCEPTION looks terrible because like I said she only loved him after he became a hero and then to make matters worse she completely gave up on Sasuke who she swore to help save and to have loved sincerely yet now she moves onto Naruto just cuz hes nice to her and Sasuke isnt, and the biggest issue being she KNOWS Hinata is inlove with Naruto since day one, thats her friend, so it would be beyond despicable for her to just step on Hinata and only think about herself.
Well the same applies to Sarada here, there isnt anything inherently wrong with her liking Boruto and trying to be with him despite Sumire also liking him but its the HOW thats grimey. If Sarada was upfront with Sumire when she asked and said yea I like Boruto and then Sumire was like ok well I like him too so lets both do our best and no hard feelings, then it wouldnt be an issue cuz their both on the same page and support eachother.
But that is not what happened, what happened is, lets for arguments sake say Sarada does love him, then she blatantly lied to Sumire and never told her the truth after learning how she felt, she kept her feelings secret from her which alone is foul play, but she doesnt even try to help or support Sumire in her feelings for him which yea she isnt obligated to do but again her keeping her feelings secret and then not even supporting Sumire just looks hella grimey like she doesnt want them to get closer and is glad shes the one who gets to spend the most time with him having the advantage over her.
To make it even uglier all their interactions up till that point take on a whole new shady meaning if you look at it with the assumption that Sarada loves him and lied to Sumire about it. Her running off to save Boruto because she 'cant stand back and do nothing' comes off like a sly jab at Sumire for being logical and staying behind, like 'you dont care for him like I do'.
Another scene that has an ugly meaning now is when she asks her dad to save Boruto, she takes in ALL this info from Sumire and yet doesnt relay any of it to Sasuke or mentions Sumire to him, she makes it seem as if this is all her figuring out and that he should 'just trust her' and save him, it literally wouldnt have taken up any extra time for her to say that Sumire thinks Ada caused some huge mass brainwashing to make Boruto everyones target instead of Kawaki, but now it just looks like she wanted all the credit for herself and purposefully left Sumire out.
Then comes the timeskip and its revealed that Sarada has just been bitching at Shikamaru and co for these past 3 years straight, 'fighting' for Borutos innocence and even comparing herself to Naruto who she couldnt be further from btw, the audacity to even compare her and Boruto with the Naruto and Sasuke situation is laughable. But whats ugly about this is that she's acting like 'ugh why wont anyone believe me?' and Sumire is just forced to be the level headed one and supress her feelings because Sarada can only think to talk about hers, so far we only see Sumire reaching out to HER more so than Sarada consulting her about anything.
Sumire is the one who plays along with Ada when Sarada nearly blows their cover being so insistent, and Sumire is the one who questions Amado to guage just how much he knows and reports to Sarada what she learned, but you dont see that same teamwork given back from Sarada.
Again none of this is inherently bad on its own, but if your gonna argue Sarada has been inlove with Boruto this whole time and has been lying to Sumire about it, then it makes all these scenes ugly because Sumire trusts her entirely and has been open and honest with her while Sarada has been deceitful. Sumire has been fighting just as hard for Boruto in her own way but from the looks of it only Sarada is gonna get credit for it given how Shikamaru overheard what Amado said and is probably thinking about how Sarada has been saying the same for 3 years straight.
That is just plain shitty and unfair to Sumire's character and all her efforts over the years as well, just because she remained calm and level headed doesnt mean she didnt care about Boruto just as much, and it danm sure doesnt mean she shouldnt get credit just because she hasnt been pointlessly screaming the same things over and over for 3 years straight and instead opted to do something productive instead, yet the only one who will get any credit for Boruto starting to be believed is gonna be Sarada, the same way only Sarada got thanked for saving his life even though she never would've budged if not for Sumire pushing her to act.
But thankfully Sarada isnt that kind of grimey character so none of that ugliness applies to her, so like I said, Sarada knowing about Sumire's feelings makes Sarada even MORE unlikely to consider a relationship because thats her friend who trusted her to be telling the truth, so how grimey would it be for her to still make moves knowing how Sumire feels? Sarada is a good person like her mother, she would NEVER see her friend truly inlove with someone and pursue them anyway behind their back, thats just not who they are.
This is why Kawaki and Sarada knowing Sumire's feelings scares them to death because they know that makes it less likely for them to stand in her way, Kawaki has 0 self worth already so theres no way he would try to snag a girl from his brother when he doesnt even feel he deserves love in the first place and places Boruto on a way higher pedastal than himself so he'd never try to interfere in his romance. Sarada is good friends with Sumire so she'd never lie and go behind her back knowing how she feels about Boruto, Sarada would sooner sacrifice her own feelings than to hurt Sumire like that when she sees how much she truly loves him.
The part that scares them the most about this is that Kawaki doesnt have this same knowledge about Sarada, unlike Sumire who he does know likes Boruto, Kawaki has never noticed any signs of Sarada liking him so from his perspective the two of them are just friends/teammates, which is a huge problem for KawaSara antis because theres nothing holding them back from developing romantic feelings for eachother like there is for Sumire. From Kawaki's perspective Sarada doesnt have anyone she likes, so theres no reason for him to stop himself from falling for her, same way from Sarada's perspective Kawaki doesnt have anyone he likes either, so theres no reason for her to hold back developing feelings for him either. That fact scares them more than you'll ever know cuz they'll never say it but they dont have to, their actions and arguments speak for themselves.
This applies to Boruto too btw, because by him not knowing anyone elses feelings and having no confirmed feelings of his own yet, that leaves him open for anyone atp, as long as hes unaware of anyones feelings then theres nothing holding him back from falling for either girl or someone else entirely.
This is why they NEED Sumire to move on, its the only way they can truly feel safe from any threat she could possibly pose, especially since after chapter 5 Boruto is finally about to find out Sumire is unaffected too and theres no telling how their reunions gonna go which probably has them on edge too not knowing how Boruto is going to react to knowing shes been on his side too all this time.
What scared them even more is that we still dont know how her relationship with Kawaki is atp, they were hoping that Sumire 'pretended' to like Kawaki all this time to keep them being unaffected a secret, but once it was revealed Sarada and Sumire did NOT keep their cover now their just hoping that the two of them got closer over the years as shes been taking care of him this whole time even tho Kawaki only sees her at the lab for a quick routine checkup and then leaves immediately because he cant stand Amado, Sumire never once has gone after or approach Kawaki outside of the lab so why would that change now? especially knowing what hes done to Boruto? but they NEED that to be the case so they can continue to push the 'Kawaki treats her better than any other girl' agenda and that they had positive 'development' while KawaSara's is negative and that Boruto and Sumire dont interact enough for there to really be a bond, even though NH only had 38 pages of interaction, SaiIno only had 2 interactions/moments in the entire manga, and ChoKarui had 0, this is the most laziest and desperate argument they use against BoruSumi as if ships havent happened with far less in this series, now all of a sudden Boruto has 'standards' and only goes with the ships with the most interactions rather than the ships with actual romantic development and confirmation.
BoruSara and KawaSumi are blatantly and completely platonic, there is nothing romantic from either side for either ship, period, ship bait scenes like Sumire, Ada, and Mitsuki asking Sarada how she feels about Boruto is not confirmation if she seriously denies it or doesnt respond at all, its not the same as Kawaki asking Sumire how she feels about Boruto and Sumire confirming she infact does, there is absolutely NO reason for Sarada to be asked 3 times and not a single one does she admit that yea she likes him. It doesnt matter if her and Sumire are both confirmed to like Boruto because its still up to Boruto in the end who he chooses, it doesnt ruin the suspense because the same was done with Sakura and Karin and NOTHING changed because it was up to SASUKE who he chose to be with in the end. So there is literally NO excuse for why Sarada's feelings havent been confirmed in 85+ chapters yet UNLESS she just doesnt have feelings for him, point blank.
So yea bottom like KawaSumi is a disgusting pathetic excuse for a keep away ship that thrives purely off headcanon rather than actual canon material. Just because she's his caretaker doesnt mean shes gonna develop feelings for him, nor that the two are gonna develop a bond, their relationship is purely business as Kawaki stated himself that he doesnt care how she feels as long as she does her job and refers to her as Katasuke's assistant. People make a big deal about him being the only one to call her by name despite it literally making no sense for him to call her anything else because she was never his class rep, so its stupid to even use that as some sort of proof of closeness or whatever.
Im not acknowledging those terrible contradicting Ksu episodes because they completely contradict the manga entirely and its been more than proven atp that not everything in the anime is canon despite the lie that was told in the beginning, just take Sarada being a chunin with 2 tomoe for example while shes a genin with 3 tomoe in the manga since the Boro fight and now an MS. The fact that Ikemoto kept up with the anime every week yet only ever acknowledged Sumire and the mist arc says all you need to know about these so called 'anime canon' episodes.
There was a whole Mitsuki arc about Boruto and Sarada finding out he was a clone while in the manga Mitsuki just made an comment on it to Katasuke and thats how Boruto and Sarada found out, same goes for Kawaki being made an official genin and gone on several missions while in the manga Kawaki never became an official ninja, there are so many instances where the anime blatantly contradicts the manga that theres no way you can consider them both canon in its entirety.
If Ikemoto wanted to reference anything from the anime he would have like his did Sumire and the mist arc, and yet theres been radio silence for anything anime only related since then unless you wanna count Code's hair being red and Mugino getting more development in the anime so his death would have more weight, neither of which was any groundbreaking inclusions, not even getting more context on how Ao survived really mattered because the guy literally dies in the exact same arc hes revealed to be alive in so who gives af? why did we need context for him and some rando Mugino only introduced to die in that very same arc? what did we gain from that? nothing. The 'How you use it' lesson was already being taught through Katasuke and co, Ao was not needed for that lesson to be learned and if he was removed nothing would change, and Mugino in both the anime and manga really had no substantial impact other than some temporary sad feels and then moved on like he never existed, him having added 'depth' when he was doomed to die early on and forgotten was a complete and utter waste of time that again if you removed him nothing would change because nothing really came from his death or his inclusion.
So yea I dont count the entire anime as canon because theres way too many contradictions, and even the few things they expand on doesnt really add much or was pointless anyway because it leads to nothing, its all in the moment and then forgotten about, its nothing like the land of waves arc with Zabuza and Haku who had a long term substantial impact on both the story and team 7, Ao was forgettable and pointless whose death had no meaning, same for Mugino, and Shojoji, all forgettable pointless villains from mediocre arcs with minimal to no substantial impact on any of the characters or story, the most you can argue Shojoji did was foreshadow Kara, which didnt need him anyway since we were shown Kara having a conversation anyway, that was the forshadowing right there. What did we really need the Mujina bandits for? just for Boruto to have a pitiful Naruto and Konohamaru rip off? which btw the whole thing with Tento also was completely pointless because best believe he is NEVER appearing in the story again.
I could go on and on but you get the point, the anime is a clown show 99% of the time so I dont take half these arcs seriously and I danm sure dont take those Ksu episodes seriously either because they contradict EVERYTHING that happened in the manga.
Naruto was the first person to care about and vouch for Kawaki, not Sumire, nor did he need anyone to 'beg' and 'convince' him to have mercy on him
Naruto was the first person to greet Kawaki when he was brought back to the village and assured him that he was safe, not Kawaki waking up alone in a locked room with his hands binded and being knocked out with gas when he tried to escape, he also wasnt shot with fire multiple times by the police force or nearly had his arm bit off by Nue who till this day has YET to make a single appearance in the manga but sure go off SP
Naruto [and Kurama] was the ones who opened up and related to Kawaki about Narutos past and compared Kawaki to Naruto, not Sumire with her 'Hes just like me' bs that couldnt be further from the truth and never once been stated in the manga
Kawaki's fear of needles was showcased when he ACTUALLY first interacted with Sumire at the hospital where he rejected it, he does not get over that fear until much later after the Isshiki fight and much development with Naruto and team 7, but in the anime Kawaki gets over his fear of needles the same episode he rejects it
In the manga Boruto was pissed at Kawaki because he broke Himas vase accidentally when trying to escape, in the anime Boruto is pissed at him because he attacked Sumire and then stupidly changed Kawaki breaking the vase from being accidental while trying to escape, to being him just lashing out and smashing the table cuz Boruto pissed him off. All cuz they didnt allow Naruto to assert dominance to get Kawaki to stop running away and instead just made Boruto needlessly hostile towards Kawaki over Sumire [which again never happened in the manga] and then Kawaki breaking the vase cuz he just lashed out in anger rather than him trying to escape like in the manga.
Nobody else besides KawaSumi shippers acknowledges those episodes for obvious reasons, but the hilarious part about it is that SP realized they fked up when they saw the manga didnt support anything they set up and went a completely opposite direction so they just pretended those episodes didnt even exist and never happened and didnt let them interact again until they began adapting actual manga content again, which is hilarious because I cant tell you how many Ksu fans were hypin up how Sumire and Kawaki were gonna have way more development and that this or that arc was gonna include her etc and nothing happened lol
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These are just a handful of their foolishness but you get the point, none of this came to fruition like they thought it would and yet they were all so cocky and calling other fandoms with sense enough to see their relationship was never gonna be anything more than caretaker and patient ended up getting slapped in the face.
That stupid ending of Kawaki and Sumire standing near bamboo lead to nothing, it was just random shots like one of the replies said because believe it or not, not every anime opening/ending is symbolic of anything canon or gonna happen, just look at that one ice monster opening with the sand trio that NEVER happened. Some openings/endings really are just visuals and have no other meaning beyond that, the bamboo thing was one prime example of that.
People clung to that bamboo symbolism with their lives because of her name forgetting her name isnt even really Kakei, she changed it to go undercover to attack the leaf, her real name is Shigaraki which essentially means death but you'll never see them acknowledge that fact cuz it pokes a hole in their whole ridiculous theory
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Like they are actually deadass about the name thing even though its never a canon thing thats brought up anywhere. Sumire's primary symbolism is the flower shes named after, violet, which in hanakotoba means 'sincerity' which is a clear reference to her character and her love for Boruto as being 'sincere', blowing their whole 'its just a crush' argument out of the water.
Then theres the ridiculousness of making the connection between Kawaki's name meaning dry and Sumires surname meaning bamboo shoot like whats used to carry water which is just...just so stupid for so many reasons because again, the connection between Sumire and bamboo is never even addressed in any canon material, not only that but if they want to make the connection then they need to not half step and tell the whole true about the ACTUAL symbolism of bamboo.
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Long story short, literally the meaning of her name they cling to so much is about SUMIRE'S character, nothing to do with Kawaki, even its connection to Kaguya-hime is a reference to Sumire's Gozu tennou and Nue being connected to Kaguya. The bamboo is symbolic of strength, simplicity and prosperity all of which apply to Sumire's character, it also meaning loyalty and steadfastness is even more reference to her character and feelings for Boruto, she is loyal and steadfast, she is strong and not easily moved no matter the situation and is able to stay calm and firm like the bamboo root during an earthquake.
It also being symbolic of purity and innocence goes along with her first name meaning sincerity, Sumire is a pure and sincere person, as are her feelings for Boruto.
So if we gonna use name symbolism as evidence then lets use ALL of it not just the surface level bs like 'her name means bamboo shoot which holds water and Kawakis name means dry so that means Sumire is gonna be the water he needs to heal his heart' yatta yatta yatta nonsense.
They try to make everything about Sumire some hidden connection to Kawaki which literally no other fandoms do but Ksu and Bsa for obvious reasons. These people wont even let Sumire be her own character even down to her name which as I've pointed out, has nothing to do with Kawaki but everything to do with Sumire herself as a character. Even her job they said was for Kawaki rather than her own ambition/goal for herself, they tried to make it about her being there for Kawaki only for it to be revealed its cuz shes suspicious of Amado and wants to hear more about Boruto, but then they even tried to twist that and say she wasnt concerned about Boruto at all and just Kawaki, but then when she says herself that shes worried about them both they defaulted back to she'll move on from Boruto as she gets closer to Kawaki and that Kawaki is jealous of Sumire's feelings for Boruto which...was yet another stupid agenda of theirs they tried to push. Everything she does at the science department is for Kawaki, and her suspicion and fear of Amado is for Kawaki, shes not a scientist because of her own goals and ambitions, and shes not suspicious and confronting Amado because hes a threat to her village and clearly up to no good, no its all about Kawaki.
They want her to be Kawaki centric the same way they want Sarada to be Boruto centric, only unfortunately Sarada is being turned into just that but thankfully Sumire hasnt been reduced to that as of yet and has her priorities in the right place and zero interest in Kawaki. Even in the recent chapter shes asking Amado about Boruto trying to see if he's still Amados target and is shocked when he confesses that he knows somethings up with his memories and have set his sights back on Kawaki who is his real target. Her immediate response was to go tell Sarada that Amado is not another person who sees through omnipotence, not to go warn Kawaki that Amado is now plotting on him again and to be careful. No, her primary focus is on reporting to Sarada that Amado knows somethings up and is no longer targeting Boruto.
I dunno how clearer it needs to be made that Sumire does NOT give af about Kawaki like that and vice versa, Sumire treats Kawaki no different than she would anyone else, and Kawaki treats her no different than he treats Katasuke, shes just doing her job, no more no less.
Sorry for the long rant and tbh even with this being as long as it is I STILL have more I could say about this shit ship that its fans have the audacity to say KawaSara is dead yet KawaSumi isnt which is beyond hilarious when the girl cant even stop sweating and staring at Kawaki in fear ever since she learned he killed Boruto and hasnt thought about him at all since is laughable that ANY of them fit their mouths to call anyones ship dead when their ship dont even talk outside of occassional short lab visits, but these same ppl wanna talk about other ships lacking meaningful interactions. Gtf outta here man.
Anyway just wanna put it out here now to not go look for or harrass any of the ppl in these screenshots cuz that was not the point of me showing em, I only showed them to back up my claims about alot of the bs thats been said in defense of the ship, I do not condone harassing or going after ppl so I ask that everybody chill and leave them be.
These kinds of ppl cant be reasoned with anyway, they've really convinced themselves to believe their own delusions and are determined to stay there even when all canon signs says otherwise so its pointless to even engage anyway, let them stay deluded and let them keep talkin because thats exactly what NS and SK did and we all know what happened to them so theres no need for yall to argue with these ppl anyway, karma will strike in due time, just gotta be patient.
But yea those are my thoughts on Ksu, hopefully this wasnt too long of a read for you lol sorry.
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daycuroachinhhang · 4 years ago
Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac
Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac
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Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac – là loại thuộc nhóm sản phẩm là dòng sản phẩm cao cấp. Đặc tính đặc biệt. Được thiếu kế riêng cho từng loại sản phảm Là loại dây dùng rất nhiều trong ngành bao bì. Dây curoa dẹp màu xanh dùng cho bao bì. Dùng cho ngành đóng gói thùng carton. Dây dẹp dùng cho máy thổi chai. Và dây curoa dẹp dùng cho ngành dệt.
1./ Vật liệu: PU/PVC có lõi bố bên trong. Cấu tạo đa dạng từ PU+Bố+PU hoặc Bố+PU+Bố tuỳ kết cấu. 2./ Quy cách : Đa dạng. 3./ Thương hiệu sản phẩm: Mitsuba Thái Lan. Alpha Power Thái Lan, Taka Power Đức. Mitsuboshi Nhật bản. Mitsusumi Thái Lan. Robota Thái Lan. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn trực tiếp đặt hàng (không qua trung gian) các loại dây curoa cao cấp khác. 4./ Daycuroa.net – nhập về số lượng lớn với tồn kho lên tới vài ngàn sợi mỗi loại. Chủng loại sản phẩm đa dạng gồm nhiều thương hiệu, chất lượng và giá thành khác nhau. Mỗi loại đều có đặc tính sản phẩm và chất lượng riêng phù hợp với nhiều ngành sản xuất bao gồm: Vật liệu xây dựng, khai khoáng đá, tàu thuyền đánh cá, nuôi trồng thuỷ sản, sản xuất công nghiệp cao, công nghệ chính xác,… . Một số thương hiệu khác của dòng sản phẩm này: Mitsusumi Sanlux, Tri Angle, Sanwu 5./ Chính sách bán hàng: Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac là sản phẩm chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn nhà sản xuất. Do tốc độ bán hàng rất nhanh, nên hàng nhập luôn là loại mới nhất, thời gian sản xuất còn rất mới. Chúng tôi cam kết giao đúng, giao đủ và giao chính xác loại khách hàng yêu cầu. Để tránh nhưng sai xót không đáng có, quý khách hàng vui lòng liên hệ 0906.999.843 6./ Xuất hoá đơn đầy đủ đối với đơn hàng có giá trị trên 2.000.000 VNĐ. Bao gồm hoá đơn VAT và hoá đơn đỏ trực tiếp. 7./ Hình thức vận chuyển: giao hàng toàn quốc / Lào / Campuchia qua chành xe . Ngoài ra chúng tôi còn là khách hàng VIP cao nhất của Giaohangtietkiem, Giaohangnhanh, Viettelpost,… Do là VIP loại 1 nên được hỗ trợ tốc độ giao hàng nhanh hơn, cước vận chuyển tốt hơn các đơn vị khác. Vì vậy, việc giá cước mềm hơn giúp quý khách hàng giảm thêm chi phí mua hàng. 8./ Thanh toán bằng chuyển khoản / Momo/ Zalo Pay và tiền mặt. 9./ Xem thêm một số sản phẩm khác cùng loại răng. Hoặc cần hỗ trợ vui lòng liên hệ SĐT/Zalo: 0906.999.843. Địa chỉ cửa hàng giới thiệu sản phẩm: Dây curoa chính hãng giá sỉ – 90/5 Tạ Uyên Phường 14, Quận 11, TPHCM
---- ---- #Alpha_Power_Japan,#Day_Curoa,#Dây_Curoa_Đặc_Chủng,#Mitsusumi_Sanlux,#Robota_Thái_Lan Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux - 0906.999.843
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sandpancakecat · 2 years ago
Thanks for the tag love <3
1. Three ships: BBRae, MitsuSumi, and Klapollo
2. First ever ship: probably Otto/Gibson from SRMTHFG now that I think about it
3. Last song: Tom Rosenthal - Home
4. Last Movie: Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
5. Currently reading: Tales from the Gas Station Volume 1
6. Currently watching: PandaRedd compilations
7. Currently consuming: loads of water. to stay awake. won’t fall asleep if you make a run every 15 min
8. Currently craving: a nice walk outside and no deadline hanging over me. maybe some sweet strawberries too.
I tag @elvselvselvselvselvs Get double tagged rhombus Ɛ>
People you would like to know better
Tagged by: @vincentvampiria beloved <3
1. Three ships: AkuRoku from Kingdom Hearts will always have special place in my heart, Tallstar x Jake from Warrior Cats (how can you not love a pair of gay kitties?!), not in shipping that much but uuuuuh lets say Captain and Pat from BBC Ghosts their interactions with each other are ADORABLE
2. First ever ship: probably SasuNaru lol xDD or maybe Yuki x Shuichi from Gravitation could be first???? i have no clue
3. Last song: Storybook - Geoff Zanelli and Jon Brion from Christopher Robin soundtrack, such a cool chill song, giving strong fantasy dnd vibes <3
4. Last movie: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) good fun many giggles
5. Currently reading: Wampir z MO by Andrzej Pilipiuk (fun story about vampires living in PRL), waiting for Warriors: First Battle to come out (wojownicy slaaaay!)
6. Currently watching: The promised Neverland, i need to finally catch up on the stand up to cancer bake off tho :C
7. Currently consuming: Caramel cappucchino from Aldi mlem mlem mlem
8. Currently craving: never can go wrong with something snacky snacky like a pack of cheetos but anything you can do *chrup chrup* on would do nmn Tagging: @animefanka @proppane @nietoperq @evilcocoabats c'mere do some funsies uwu
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thekingwhereitallends · 3 years ago
(Sarada,Mitsuki and Sumire on a Mission)
Teen Mitsuki:(stuck between sumire and sarada)
Teen Sumire:(zips up mitsuki's shirt)
Teen Sarada:(zips down mitsuki's shirt)
Teen Sumire:(zips up mitsuki's shirt)
Teen Sarada:(zips down mitsuki's shirt)
Teen Mitsuki:(pouts) Ah...
Teen Sumire:(reaches for mitsuki's shirt)
Teen Mitsuki:I'll do it myself.
Teen Sarada:wait wha-
Teen Mitsuki:(rips his shirt and takes it with one hand infront of sarada)
Teen Sarada:(burns the shirt with a fire style jutsu)
Teen Sumire:(her face turns red)
Teen Sarada:(smiles)
Teen Mitsuki:(wraps his arms around sumire's and sarada's shoulders and pulls them close to his body) You alright,class rep?
Teen Sumire:(nosebleeds)
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christelightlavo · 3 years ago
Sumire:- how do you ask someone out!?
Boruto:- well--
Sarada:- don't ask him, he asked through my father. My dad told me boruto liked me. My dad was his messenger!
Sumire:-*looking at mitsuki*..... His parent is too scary.
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what-the-hells-stuff · 4 years ago
Boruto's Fandom right now with the spoilers
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queen-of-spoilers-zvonchy · 4 years ago
Boruto 190
I love how both Mitsuki and Boruto are concerned for Class Rep after Kawaki pushes her away. I mean Boruto always had a soft spot for Sumire,but Mitsuki and Sumire went from 'Yeah,I'll kill you and smile and wave tomorrow' to 'We are friends and no one can hurt you!'
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aquatischejunge · 5 years ago
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BORUTO opening 6 | Before and After Sumire leaves them
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kairi-chan · 5 years ago
Sorry im really bored. Could you give us a glimpse of one your WIPs or next borusara project plz?
Hello, Anon! 
Here’s a super rough summary and two snippets of a long-ass one-shot I’m working on. It’s based on my friend’s sister’s current love life. Well, the start of it, at least. Lol! 
Title: The Bet 
Summary: Sarada knows that she doesn’t need to be in a relationship to be complete. Her best friend doesn’t think so. They make a bet that if Sarada goes on dates, and still doesn’t find the right one, she wins and proves that being single is better and she will never date again. And then she meets Boruto Uzumaki, who apparently has no flaws, and he changes her mind.
Snippet 1, a glimpse of what Sarada is like: 
“Sumire!” Sarada turned around and hugged her friend, side-eyeing the guy who was now walking away, looking frustrated. This gave Sarada a little bit more of a ‘pick me up’, and she continued to hug her friend until she perched on the stool next to her. “What happened? You didn’t answer my texts or calls, and you said this was urgent!” 
“I know, I know!” The girl was all smiles and waved her hands in front of Sarada’s face. “I’m sorry, I got caught in traffic but—oh my god. You won’t believe it, Sarada!” Sumire squealed, holding on to both sides of her cheeks, barely containing her glee. 
That’s when Sarada saw it, a sparkling ring on Sumire’s finger. Her eyes went wide. “Oh no, oh no.” She pulled Sumire’s left hand towards her and there it was: a shiny diamond ring set on a silver band, wrapped around her pretty little ring finger. “You said, yes?” 
“Yes!” Sumire beamed. “Oh, Sarada. I couldn’t believe it.” 
“Neither can I.” Her face twisted. “Sumire, you’ve only known him for what, three months?” 
The girl’s smile melted for a moment, but she quickly put her grin back on. “Yeah, but he’s so nice and I really really like him.” 
“Sweetheart— ” Sarada ordered a drink for Sumire and looked at her pointedly. “This guy has snakes for pets and you don’t even know what he does for a living. It’s sketchy!” 
Sumire smiled sweetly and held on to Sarada’s hand. “I know you’re worried about me, but believe me: Mitsuki’s the one.” 
Sarada swallowed the onslaught of harsh comments along the lines of ‘you can’t marry a man you just met’ lodging in her throat. How could she say those things when her best friend looked at her so sincerely? The spark in Sumire’s eyes was undeniable and it made Sarada sigh in resignation. “If you’re happy, I’m happy.” And she meant that. Sarada placed her other hand on Sumire’s. “But if he breaks your heart, I’m killing him.” 
Sumire giggled and squeezed her hand. “That’s a deal! Oh, I’m so excited. His friends are throwing us an engagement party this weekend! Please, please come.” 
Snippet 2, BoruSara’s first encounter: 
“Sarada, Boruto’s my best friend, and he will be my best man, too,” Mitsuki explained. “Sarada is Sumire’s best friend.” 
Sarada took his hand in hers and gave him one of her business handshakes--nice and firm. “Nice to meet you.” Surprisingly, his handshake was also firm, but not painfully so. 
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked, noticing that her hands were empty. 
“Yes, please do,” Mitsuki walked around them, holding on to his fiance. “I’ll be right back. Sarada, please enjoy yourself.” 
This wasn’t what she expected at all. Sumire was already drunk and was going to be put to bed and now Sarada was being endorsed by a  stranger. Despite knowing a few faces in the room, no one looked available enough for her to scurry over to, and maintain a safe distance from anyone else. The blond stood next to her, waiting with a bright smile on his face. “Can be water, or whatever you want, ya know?” 
She rolled her eyes, failing to stop the curve on her lips. “What alcohol do they have?” Sarada asked as she walked over to the kitchen.
His eyes widened a bit, and he fell in step with her, filling the space with easy conversation. Sarada listened as her gaze wandered to the counter, skimming the bottle labels, seeing if there was anything she fancied. Even if there was no work the following day, she had no plans to get plastered but a drink after a long day sounded like a good idea. 
“Whatever you can think of,” Boruto snickered. “Here, what do you feel like? I’ll make you something.” He walked around the counter, standing across her and washing his hands in the sink. Once he dried them off with a towel, he pulled out a pack of ice from the freezer. 
Interesting proposition, she thought and then teased, “I thought you were in sales, I didn’t know you were a bartender, too.” 
He shrugged, a curve on his lips. “Just something I picked up and like to do. Do you want something sweet?” 
“Do I look like someone who likes sweet things?” Sarada crossed her arms across her chest and huffed, pretending to look offended. When Boruto’s eyes widened, achieving the desired reaction Sarada wanted to illicit, she smirked. “I love sweets. I’ll have whatever you recommend, as long as it’s tequila-based.” 
With a sigh of relief and a bright grin on his face, he took the bottle of tequila and a cup. “Yes, ma’am. Right away.” 
This will probably take me a little longer to write, as I need to get more inspiration from my friend’s older sister, and currently, she has been quiet about the topic. Lol. I also have a lot more WIPs that I’m working on, but The Bet was something I want to write with a little more quality versus my other fics and challenge myself to write it a little nicer. ^^; 
Thanks for asking, and I hope this helps ease your boredom, anon! I’m lazy to format it with the italics. LOL. You’ll just have to wait and see it once it’s posted! 
I hope you’ve all been staying indoors and staying healthy! 
All my love,
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dawnrosheen · 6 years ago
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Chbi couples nwn <3
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aikawaiichan · 6 years ago
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Sumire & Mitsuki❤
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daycuroachinhhang · 4 years ago
Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac
Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac
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Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac – là loại thuộc nhóm sản phẩm là dòng sản phẩm cao cấp. Đặc tính đặc biệt. Được thiếu kế riêng cho từng loại sản phảm Là loại dây dùng rất nhiều trong ngành bao bì. Dây curoa dẹp màu xanh dùng cho bao bì. Dùng cho ngành đóng gói thùng carton. Dây dẹp dùng cho máy thổi chai. Và dây curoa dẹp dùng cho ngành dệt.
1./ Vật liệu: PU/PVC có lõi bố bên trong. Cấu tạo đa dạng từ PU+Bố+PU hoặc Bố+PU+Bố tuỳ kết cấu. 2./ Quy cách : Đa dạng. 3./ Thương hiệu sản phẩm: Mitsuba Thái Lan. Alpha Power Thái Lan, Taka Power Đức. Mitsuboshi Nhật bản. Mitsusumi Thái Lan. Robota Thái Lan. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn trực tiếp đặt hàng (không qua trung gian) các loại dây curoa cao cấp khác. 4./ Daycuroa.net – nhập về số lượng lớn với tồn kho lên tới vài ngàn sợi mỗi loại. Chủng loại sản phẩm đa dạng gồm nhiều thương hiệu, chất lượng và giá thành khác nhau. Mỗi loại đều có đặc tính sản phẩm và chất lượng riêng phù hợp với nhiều ngành sản xuất bao gồm: Vật liệu xây dựng, khai khoáng đá, tàu thuyền đánh cá, nuôi trồng thuỷ sản, sản xuất công nghiệp cao, công nghệ chính xác,… . Một số thương hiệu khác của dòng sản phẩm này: Mitsusumi Sanlux, Tri Angle, Sanwu 5./ Chính sách bán hàng: Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux BB5800-luc-giac là sản phẩm chất lượng theo tiêu chuẩn nhà sản xuất. Do tốc độ bán hàng rất nhanh, nên hàng nhập luôn là loại mới nhất, thời gian sản xuất còn rất mới. Chúng tôi cam kết giao đúng, giao đủ và giao chính xác loại khách hàng yêu cầu. Để tránh nhưng sai xót không đáng có, quý khách hàng vui lòng liên hệ 0906.999.843 6./ Xuất hoá đơn đầy đủ đối với đơn hàng có giá trị trên 2.000.000 VNĐ. Bao gồm hoá đơn VAT và hoá đơn đỏ trực tiếp. 7./ Hình thức vận chuyển: giao hàng toàn quốc / Lào / Campuchia qua chành xe . Ngoài ra chúng tôi còn là khách hàng VIP cao nhất của Giaohangtietkiem, Giaohangnhanh, Viettelpost,… Do là VIP loại 1 nên được hỗ trợ tốc độ giao hàng nhanh hơn, cước vận chuyển tốt hơn các đơn vị khác. Vì vậy, việc giá cước mềm hơn giúp quý khách hàng giảm thêm chi phí mua hàng. 8./ Thanh toán bằng chuyển khoản / Momo/ Zalo Pay và tiền mặt. 9./ Xem thêm một số sản phẩm khác cùng loại răng. Hoặc cần hỗ trợ vui lòng liên hệ SĐT/Zalo: 0906.999.843. Địa chỉ cửa hàng giới thiệu sản phẩm: Dây curoa chính hãng giá sỉ – 90/5 Tạ Uyên Phường 14, Quận 11, TPHCM
---- ---- #Alpha_Power_Japan,#Day_Curoa,#Dây_Curoa_Đặc_Chủng,#Mitsusumi_Sanlux,#Robota_Thái_Lan Dây curoa Mitsusumi Sanlux - 0906.999.843
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arinrumi · 6 years ago
Gambler of Feelings - Chapter 17
Title: Gambler of Feelings.
Status: Ongoing
Rating: T
Wordcount: 2, 855.
Konoha High, One Year ago:
This is the story about the four people that made a mistake. First was too much naive in seeking a place to belong to, the second couldn't pick between love or friendship, the third blinded by their pride and the fourth that was the cause of it all.
Now when they think about it, it was just a mere coincidence that all three of them ended up in the same classroom. Whether it could be a fortunate one, or not is up to debate.
Boruto's assigned class was the class "C". He could feel the sense of dread about his upcoming high school life. As the principal son, he for sure will face prejudice or people approaching him with nasty intentions.
Walking towards the classroom assigned for the class "C", a faint scent of vanilla made the trip through bland hallway much more bearable. Decorations along the way were tasteless just like his dad.
Surprisingly the classroom he entered looked approximately normal. Empty desks, blackboard stained with charcoal and pleasant view through the seats next to windows. What brought his attention were two familiar figures writing something on the blackboard.
"Sumire and Shikadai…" he whispered in his state of shock. Boruto had a conviction they chose a different school, so why they were here? Deep in his thoughts about their reasons, he stopped paying attention to his surroundings.
"B-Boruto? I didn't know you were in the same class!" Class rep sudden shout startled him. He missed the moment when both she and Shikadai recognised his presence.
"Shouldn't I be more surprised you're both here, ya know?" he asked. Boruto's suspicions about them being here had a valid reason. Both Sumire and Shikadai supposedly planned to go to 'Suna High.'
"What a drag… Sumire should give you an explanation, not me." Shikadai couldn't stop his yawn. Yup, his childhood friend was talkative like no one ever was.
"Konoha High was our second pick on the list, can't you remember?" The sigh class rep let out started to hurt his personal pride.
"Now that you mention it I remember something like that, ya know! So Sumire do you plan to be a class rep in high school too?" What with that unimpressed gaze from Shikadai?! 'Class Rep' nickname was in danger if Sumire won't want to be one! It would be convenient if she is because she's used in dealing with his mischief.
"I don't know if I will. Maybe?" Sumire tilted her head in an overly-cute way. Damn, she saw through him like he was some sort of open book. 'Class Rep' could be really scary sometimes.
"Please, be class rep this year too! Without you being class rep when you're here everything can feel off, ya know?" How awkward of him to spell this out loud. It's too much big of favour since the 'class rep' didn't have any obligation to listen to his plea.
"My close friend from Suna was nervous about transferring to the city, so I ended up here. Though, it's troublesome," mumbled Shikadai. That was the nice life-saver! As excepted from his childhood bro that could tell how ridiculous his conversation with 'class rep' was.
"Oh, really? Introduce me to your friend someday, ya know!" Pretending to be excited, Boruto jumped as high he could. Crashing onto the floor wasn't the best first impression he did on the rest of slowly coming into the classroom his future classmates. But the thought that two of his friends being here was reassuring.
At that time feigning ignorance to his naivety and still seeking out for a place that he belongs to. He hurt just his own feelings in the end.
Sumire considered Shikadai just as a mere acquaintance. Of course, she was astonished when she met him in near the school building. After all, didn't he plan to enter Suna High just like her?
Setting aside the small chat that she had with her old friends and hiding her 'real' reason to be a student here, she spaced out during class rep election. Boruto's begging from before apparently had an effect of the promotional school election campaign. She won the votes from her classmates without doing anything. That irritated her to no end.
It's true that she always was 'class rep.' However, being one this year sounded boring. Even a small change in her position would be nice. At this point, she's stuck to the stigma of a 'class rep' forever.'
Echo of the school bell annoyed her more. But it was a sign that the time to meet Shikadai's friend is coming soon. During their talk, the guy asked her to accompany him because 'Asami' didn't have a lot of female friends. Sumire agreed for the old times' sake.
Walking into cafeteria filled with the smell of freshly baked bread, Sumire somehow noticed Shikadai waving towards her to join the table. Next to him was sitting slender looking girl that had green eyes and the long wavy platinum-blonde hair. Was it Asami? She looked similar to a doll with a bubbly personality than the real human. Maybe she shouldn't judge her based on the first impression?
"Hi, Shikadai! I g-guess that's the friend you talked about, right?" Sure, she stammered a little bit because she's nervous around meeting new people. But gathering the courage to join the table where both Shikadai and the doll-like person were sitting wasn't easy for Sumire Kakei. At least not now.
"Oh, it's a person I talked about to you, Asami. That's Sumire Kakei, Sumire the person sitting next to me is Asami Kinoshita." Shikadai eyes seemed to sparkle when introducing his 'friend' from Suna. Friend, right? For Sumire, it looked more like a one-sided crush. Nara wagging his puppy tail for that girl wasn't something she excepted.
"Nice to meet you, Lisa! Do you have speech problems?" Asami spoke up. The whole doll-like image Sumire had of her suddenly shattered to pieces.
"I'm Sumire, not Lisa. And my speech shouldn't concern you," she responded. All her willpower went into stopping herself in saying something ruder.
Sumire disliked Asami thinking of her as the person that had the sweet, innocent facade that went completely unnoticed by no one in school. Oh, stupid comments about her upbringing coming from Asami's mouth played a large part in it too.
Due to her too much prideful personality and an open-dislike for the girl, Sumire's warnings were not considered. If something else happened that day…
Maybe the warning she gave would have more meaning. And everything could change. But Sumire's personal pride got in the way.
The only thing Sumire Kakei wanted to know till this day is the entire truth. The truth about the girl that hurt her close friend.
Boruto ran away from his fangirls. Those girls were crazy and dedicated to tail him that far.
"They're just after me cause of my parents, aren't they? Being in the centre of attention sucks," he whispered. He was sure nobody will hear him here. After all, that's his favourite hiding place.
"Oh, you're the guy… Boruto Uzumaki!" Boruto recognised the owner of this voice. Was he so out of it he didn't notice the girl sitting in front of him?!
"Asami, what are you doing here?" he inquired. Maybe it was the stupid thing to do, but at this moment he didn't care about it.
"Sitting as you can see! Is there something wrong? You look really like a beaten puppy right now." Asami shook her head in worry. How pathetic. Being an optimist was his speciality, not this girl.
"I just feel overwhelmed by the other people putting high expectations around me, ya know? It doesn't help I don't know what to do either," his small confession and feelings he hid until now came out.
"Oh, I mean every person feels down sometimes. You're just a human like me! Aren't you good at gaming?" Asami started to spin as if some idea popped into her head. What is she? A ballerina? And when she got into a position to be his personal counsellor?!
"I like to play in games, but I wouldn't call myself a professional gamer." For a moment he forgot how bad he's feeling.
"Why do you not to try to take part in the upcoming gaming tournament? I feel you have a knack for it!" she clenched her hands into fists. Did he really give an image of a professional gamer? The idea itself wasn't that bad.
"If you think I have a knack for it, why not? I can even be the president of the club for people that enjoy playing in games, ya know!" Maybe he acted too hasty, but for some reason need to impress this girl won over his any remaining doubts.
"See? You still have reason to live for the future." Asami made a peace sign. He really appreciated the gesture she did to try to improve his bad mood. It was the first time when he let someone see him in this state.
After their first real conversation, they started meeting up in Boruto's hiding spot. Talking about various things and the future plans involved gaming was in his daily routine now. It's no wonder he fell in love. He even successfully could be called Asami's boyfriend.
That's how they all met her. And that's how Boruto love for her was the cause of everything that happened.
"Did you hear, Shikadai? Boruto started to date Asami!" Sumire felt an obligation to inform him about this shocking news.
Shikadai shrugged. "It's a drag… I'm happy for them, really."
That was obviously his lie, but Sumire didn't plan to give up. Something was wrong with that 'Asami' girl.
"I'm telling you something is wrong with your so-called friend! Can you at least listen to my warnings?" It's the only hope she had for Shikadai to take action and warn Boruto too. But her words weren't enough.
Because Shikadai couldn't pick either love or friendship. Both were a precious gem for him. His inability in choosing sides hurt every party.
"Can you stop, Sumire? I know you dislike Asami, but it's not really your business. Stick your nose into something else, okay?" Due to mixed up emotions welling up inside of him, Shikadai got unreasonably mad.
That day friendship that could form between them came to a halt. Sumire stopped her usual mornings' greetings directed at Shikadai, and he started to ignore her as well.
All three of them were just fools back then. 
Boruto was really nervous that day. He somehow managed to convince both Sumire and Shikadai to join his club and the gaming tournament.
All those cameras around made him extremely nervous. There was a lot of the clubs competing and gathering at different gaming tables, or sometimes even fancy platforms. A place where the audience could watch his matches from a safe distance, for sure didn't make him feel calm
Maybe that's why he bumped into a girl with short jet-black hair and red glasses. He shouted out his apology, but it seems she completely ignored him.
The feeling of anxiety passed when Boruto started to play with his competition. His club destroyed all the others on various games. It was so humiliating for those losers that a break was announced due to some complication about some 'cheater'. Well, that so-called cheater wasn't a person he took an interest in.
Walking towards the backstage when the short break started, suddenly he froze. He couldn't believe what was transpiring in front of him.
Asami kissed flustered Shikadai that pushed her away. They were screaming. At some point, she cried. Boruto stopped to care, his mind went blank. All the things he believed in his best friend, girlfriend and future shattered. And the sudden realisation struck. Asami was using him, she wanted to get closer to Shikadai, not him.
His personal feelings, the fear of being used were now true. And that hurt like someone cut his heart in half. That pain was so real he'll never forget it.
"A-Asami, S-Shikadai…" Boruto cried out to them. His friend and girlfriend expression were terrified. Like he's some kind of monster. Why? Was he really that selfish? Naive? So incompetent in love that his friend and person he loved betrayed his trust?
Asami knew about his fear of being used. And she took advantage of that knowledge. He couldn't forgive her, even if he could try. Never. In the end, he broke up with her for Shikadai's sake too. Because it doesn't matter if Shikadai betrays his trust, he was still his childhood friend.
Running away from them and giving up in the tournament was the main action he took afterwards. Even if losing meant he'll never announce to everyone Asami is his girlfriend, or give her a surprise he planned. Everything he did had no meaning. Eh? Are those tears that are falling on his cheeks?
Feelings can be indeed cruel sometimes. That's the conclusion Boruto Uzumaki arrived at after some time passed and he received a letter from Asami.
Dear Boruto and Dai!
I owe an honest apology to you both. I didn't want to hurt anyone, but I guess it couldn't be helped in the end.
The president of Boruto's Fanclub learned about me having a crush on Shikadai and the secret talks I had with Boruto. At first, it was nothing major, but later I got dangerous threats telling me what to do.
I was so scared that I did everything I was instructed to do. Terrible things. Like accusing that one poor girl as a cheater and leading you all on.
I'm really sorry! Please forgive me… I won't show up in your lives anymore too, so let's all move on.
PS - Don't show this letter to Sumire. She already disliked me, so what's the point?
                                                                     From wishing you good luck, Asami.
The content of the letter helped him and Shikadai to move on. They didn't tell Sumire about what happened between them. Later on, their old friend Chō-Chō and a completely new member joined the club. But the pain and the past grudges remained till this day.
Back to the Present Day:
"That's the whole story." Boruto summed everything up being grateful Sarada, Mitsuki and Sumire are patient listeners.
"Uwawa! You should tell me about the letter, even if you knew about my dislike towards the girl." Sumire couldn't help but comment bitterly. Instead of being secretive, everything would get resolved if they talked to her from the start.
"You're quite scary when you mad. It's a drag," Shikadai put his input about events that happened in the past. But he sensed Boruto wanted to ask Sarada something important right now.
"Hey, Sarada… You said you know Asami. How exactly you're connected to her?" Boruto tried to calm down. Telling a story about his emotional scars wasn't easy for him.
"I'm the accused cheater. Asami approached me under the guise of friendship and framed for cheating during the tournament. We were… close friends." That's all Sarada had to say about the girl. She forgave Asami Kinoshita long ago. Holding a grudge now was pointless. But the feeling of betrayal will always linger.
"I see… I'm sorry," said Boruto with a warm smile. He even walked up to her and stroked her hair to show he's really sorry. It made Sarada incredibly embarrassed. At this point she suspected patting her was the new hobby that he desperately looked for in the past.
"I-It's not your fault." This situation was bad for her heart. Every time Asami name was mentioned, Boruto smiled.
Sarada hated it. She wanted to be the person that makes him smile in that way. Not some another girl! At the same time, she hated herself for being jealous too. God, she needs help. Boruto is just too kind and handsome.
"Thank you." Boruto response pulled at her heartstrings more. She needed to change the subject. Think Sarada, think! Before your cheeks will turn as red like tomatoes.
"So what about the game tournament this year? Do you want to participate?" Sumire question was a life-saver. She needs to say 'thank you' to her later.
"I have nothing against it, but my mom will." It was the truth.
"That's okay. This day is exhausting. Let's meet up tomorrow. You can flirt with Boruto later," she winked in her direction. Wha-What? Wasn't Sumire on her side?! Not being able to look any club member in the eye Sarada exited the clubroom.
And that's when she remembered about the bet. The bet that didn't have any progress. Eh, she promised to buy a new phone together with Boruto tomorrow before she got engaged in a story he was telling!
Is it a date?
That type of delusions flew into her thoughts. It's official if it continues she'll turn into Chō-Chō. But if that's possible… She wanted to help Boruto to heal from his pain.
AN: I hate that tumblr rid of horizontal lines for me. It’s disappointing. Some exposure and explanations why Boruto and Shikadai were hurt by Asami!
Your clumsy author - Karinrumi :)
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