#eichen house
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teencopandthesourwolf · 10 months ago
Stiles: You wouldn't last 2 minutes in the asylum I was railed in.
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Whatever your feelings on Stalia are, you can’t deny that they most definitely matched each other’s freak. From day one too. Stiles is one of the main reasons why the pack was able to find Malia and turn her back into a human, all while not being able to read a word on paper or chalkboard. Malia wishes she weren’t turned back into a human, and was able to live out the rest of her life in coyote form, and also punched Stiles the next time they meet in the show. Then they do the deed in the super dark and creepy basement of a mental institution where they are both patients, and where Stiles keeps having dreams about the psychotic fox spirit possessing him. You know. Normal teenage stuff.
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teenwolf-confessions · 11 months ago
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Yes, Eichen has been an important setting and important to the plot, but the plot is whatever the writers decide, it could have been any number of other locations where any number of other things may have happened. Eichen was written in because the writers wanted it, and specifically, I think it's because (originally) Jeff Davis wanted it, and if you've ever felt a similar disconnect and incongruity about Eichen, it is because Eichen is basically Arkham Asylum. Jeff Davis is a well-known fan of Batman comics, and that influence is all over Teen Wolf but especially all over season 3b, which was heavily inspired by Batman: Hush. Similarly, the existence of Eichen as a parallel to Arkham from Batman comics is impossible to ignore.
And I hate it, because a place like Eichen has no room in a story like Teen Wolf, a story about people who are othered and dehumanized and how they stand up against that. Eichen is a place where people who are othered are placed, where they get dehumanized. Eichen is a place, we later learn, where specifically supernatural people are imprisoned and dehumanized. Eichen is a place where we don't even get to learn the names of those people, and at the end of the story they are all killed off, unceremoniously, and we don't even get to see what happens to them after. Did their bodies get buried? Were their relatives told? We don't know their names, but even worse, we're never told we should care about their names. In a story about these same people being othered and dehumanized!! We do know the names of the orderlies and doctors, and we know they are all terrible people, we get to put a name to the face, humanize them. The vast, vast majority of patients and - let's face it - inmates at Eichen do not get that.
The narrative utility of Arkham, although not morally-neutral, is undeniable - Arkham is a "safe zone" to keep villains in for a later story, because Batman can never end, and thus the villains can never change. Arkham is a narrative holding space. In comparison, Teen Wolf is a story that was always meant to have an ending - it does not have the same narrative justification for a place like Eichen. What it has, instead, is a space that, logically, should hang over the heads of Scott, Malia, Kira, Lydia, hell, even Stiles, constantly, as a recurring thought "if I step an inch over the line, this is where they'll put me". It's a space that hangs over the narrative of othered people standing up to those who other them. It's a space that, in the story, does not get resolved - it only gets written out, performing its function to dehumanize the people in it.
The plot of a story is what the creators wrote for it. There is not real-life Beacon Hills with its supernatural underworld we can point to and say "see, they have an Eichen House just like in the show". The writers chose how to write this story. The writers chose to include an element in the show that undermines its very basic premise. We end season 3a with our heroes making peace with the villains, even the bloodiest, most dangerous kind, due to a belief in humanity and not othering people but extending a hand. We end season 4 with our heroes imprisoning the villain and are shown said villain suffering in his prison. The ideological shift of the show that came with the introduction of Eichen is not subtle and, most importantly, entirely a choice. And I really, really, *really* hate it.
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cutielando · 2 years ago
I hope you are having a wonderful day/night :)
I was wondering if you could do a theo darken x reader imagine pls. One in which Yn is mentally and physically exhausted of the night they rescue Lydia from eichen house and theo sneaks in when Yn is having a panic attack, when he calms her down they banter a little and then Yn forgives him and Theo holds her as she falls asleep.
Thanks you so much!!!<3
my masterlist
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That's the only thing you had been feeling ever since you got back from rescuing Lydia.
You weren't supposed to be feeling like this. You were supposed to be happy that you rescued your best friend, happy that she was okay. But you weren't.
Theo had been calling you non-stop ever since you went back home to check on you, but you couldn't bring yourself to answer the phone. Instead, you just sat on the floor of your bedroom, looking at the ringing phone and not moving a muscle.
You didn't know how to deal with all of this. You were just a normal high school student before you found out about the supernatural and now you were suddenly thrown into this mayhem of life-and-death threats every single day.
How were you supposed to keep your friends safe? How could you help them? You weren't special, you didn't have powers, you didn't possess any special abilities, you were a liability to everyone. Especially your boyfriend.
You were so entranced in your thoughts that were spiraling out of control that you didn't even notice your rapid breathing, your struggle to get air into your lungs, the sweat coating your forehead because of the effort you were putting in by breathing.
"Y/N?" you heard a distant voice call, your blurry vision trying to find the source of it.
Your eyes settles on a figure climbing through your window and rushing towards you, cupping your face.
"Y/N, look at me, baby" the voice once again said, and you could now somewhat clearly see Theo crouching down in front of you, his worried eyes burning onto your shaking form.
"I can't- I can-can't catch m-my b-b-brea-breath" you wheezed out, feeling the air leaving your lungs with each word.
"Baby, I need you to focus on me and try and breathe with me. One deep breath in and one deep breath out. Come on, breathe with me. In and out, in and out" you only focused on his voice and tried to match his breathing, tears continuously streaming down your eyes.
After a couple of minutes, you managed to get your breathing under control and stopped crying, but the feeling of numbness was still overly presence in your bones.
"What happened?" Theo asked after a minute of silence, running his hands up and down your arms.
"Tonight happened. Being in that place, seeing what it did to Lydia and seeing all of you risking your lives to get her out of there and I was just... there. I couldn't do anything because I'm so fucking useless to everyone" you ranted, pouring out everything in front of your boyfriend.
"Hey, hey, how can you say that? You're not useless to us, you're not useless to any of us"
"I AM!! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT? You are all supernatural and can take care of yourselves and I'm just there, always the collateral damage, always needing someone to rescue me and always needing help with everything"
"Listen to me. It doesn't matter to us if you're a werewolf or a chimera or a banshee or anything. You're Y/N, that's more than enough for everyone. Please don't ever feel like you're a burden to us because you're not, especially not to me. I love you, and I'm always gonna do everything in my power to keep you safe because I want to, not because you feel like I need to. Do you understand?"
You nodded, a tear slipping down your cheek. You couldn't help but leap into his arms, holding him tightly.
He enveloped you in his arms and stood up, placing the both of you on your bed so you would be more comfortable. He started running his hands up and down your back and in your hair, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
His soothing touch and loving words were enough to lull you into a deep sleep, nestled in the arms of the love of your life.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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gayholloway · 7 months ago
[Click. Monroe presses record. The tape rolls.] [Monroe clears her throat, adjusting the recorder.] Monroe: Psych log, recording on 9/23/12 for work with Nolan Holloway. Friday was my first session with Nolan. His primary doctor recommended sessions thrice a week during his stay until he’s either moved to a more long-term facility or discharged. Or: a Banshee-Nolan AU following the rough plot of the Little Nightmares podcast, The Sounds of Nightmares.
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theo-notts-doll · 7 months ago
david bowie’s song ‘life on mars?’ reminds me of lydia martin and i just felt like i needed to tell someone.
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maria021015 · 5 months ago
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Stiles's eyelids felt heavy as he struggled to regain consciousness, his head throbbing with a relentless ache. With a groan, he slowly blinked, trying to make sense of his surroundings as the haze of unconsciousness began to lift. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light of the basement, he found he was bound to an old chair, his wrists and ankles tightly secured with rough rope. Panic surged through him as he fought against his restraints, his heart pounding with fear. His head whipped around, neck craning in every direction in desperation to find the brunette girl with the hazel eyes, to no avail.
"Zaida?" His voice was hoarse as he called out, his eyes darting around the shadowy space. "Zay, where are you? Are you okay?"
There was no response, only the echo of his own desperate cries bouncing off the walls. Stiles's chest tightened with dread as he strained to find any sign of her. Instead, his eyes landed on the shadowy outline of a figure standing in the dark corner, watching him. The goosebumps that rippled across his skin told him that he wasn’t alone. Not in the basement, and certainly not in his own head. He knew the feeling of that harrowing presence prickling at the back of his neck. His time had run out. The Nogitsune was back.
"Where is she?" Stiles's voice wavered with a mixture of anger and fear, his mind fixated on the missing girl. Was she still here somewhere, unconscious? Was she hurt? Was she… dead? “What did you do to her?!”
Stiles's heart hammered in his chest as he awaited an answer, his breath coming in shallow gasps. The figure chuckled darkly in amusement, and it was not the deep, raspy sound he’d expected. Instead, it was lilting - hauntingly so - as it reverberated off the smooth stone walls. The figure shrouded in darkness stepped forward into the dim moonlight, and Zaida’s tear-streaked face smiled back at him. But the look in her hollow eyes sent a chill down Stiles's spine, a depth of pain lurking within that he couldn't quite comprehend.
"Nothing compared to what he’s about to do," She whispered an answer to his question, her voice chillingly calm and devoid of emotion. His words caught in his throat as she lifted a large mechanical drill, positioning the sharp and rusted bit over her temple.
“Wha-What are you doing?” His heart faltering, he stuttered, mind struggling to comprehend what he was looking at until a shuffling of feet scraped against the ground. The sound called his attention to another presence slowly moving from behind him until it crept into his peripheral vision. The bandaged man jittered unnaturally as he moved, and Stiles’ muscles stiffened in response. His fear swiftly gave way to anger, his voice raising shakily. “You did this. You got into her head!”
“Every Dracula needs a Renfield, Stiles.” The Nogitsune hummed, tilting his head as he shifted his focus to Zaida. Loosening a trembling breath from her lips, her finger tightened over the power switch, and the drill roared to life. The whirring of metal filled Stiles’ ears like a deafening symphony, striking terror into his chest. Her eyes locked onto his, and it was as though he was staring through a mask at the girl pleading with him to help her.
But Zaida wasn’t trying to ask for help. Zaida wanted release. She wanted nothing more than to drive that drill into her own skull and end all of it. She craved the sweet release of death - an abrupt end to this cruel mortal coil. If Stiles let her die, maybe the Nogitsune taking over her head and puppeteering her body would die with her. Maybe it would end this whole mess once and for all. Maybe the rest of them would be safe. The Nogitsune wasn’t even bothering with consuming the entirety of her emotions anymore - he had no reason to now that he was strong enough to control her without her permission. She was a hostage within her own mind, and so she felt everything. Visceral guilt ripped through her heart relentlessly as she watched the boy she cared about fight to get to her.
“No, no, no…” Stiles shook his head. The words were like a chant as he tugged at the ropes bound around his limbs in a struggle to escape. “No, Zaida! Stop it! Zaida! Turn it off!”
“You know what trepanation is, Stiles,” The words coming out of her mouth were barely her own. She had just enough influence left to twist the Nogitsune’s intended message and attempt to hide her own for Stiles to decipher. “But do you know it’s history? Ancient civilisations spanning from Mesopotamia to Mesoamerica as early as six thousand BC believed that drilling or cutting holes into the skull would release evil spirits trapped within. Most people assume these procedures were forced unto others whose conditions could not be explained as anything other than possession, but I believe that some of them wanted it - a desperate attempt at freeing themselves from the torment within their own minds.”
“Zaida, please, just…Just put down the drill,” Stiles begged her, shaking his head as tears spilled from his thick lashes, still fighting against his restraints. The naiad only inched the machine closer towards her skin. When it became clear that she would not listen to him, he turned to the Nogitsune. “Stop it! Don’t make her do this! Make her stop !”
“I have an evil spirit in my head, Stiles,” Zaida admitted softly, her voice empty with resignation. Trapped within her own body, she prayed that the boy would understand her hidden message. “And it wants to be free.”
"I can't let you do this," Stiles whispered his pleas, his voice barely above a breath. "Please, Zay, don't do this."
“You know what you have to do, Stiles.” The Nogitsune hissed, taunting him with the only solution available to him at that moment. He knew to save Zaida he needed to give in, but he also knew how many people would be hurt if he did so.
“Zay, no!” He sobbed, despair claiming his heart as he racked his brains for any other alternative.
But Zaida's resolve remained unyielding, her eyes betraying a sorrow he couldn't bear to see. As his chest clenched painfully in anguish, he watched her drive the revolving tip of the drill into her flesh. She did not cry out in pain as crimson dripped down the side of her face. She simply closed her eyes and gave in, and so did Stiles. As he surrendered to the consuming darkness, he felt himself slipping away, lost to the void that awaited him.
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“I take it Allison was correct in her assumption?” Deaton eyed the small scroll that Scott placed atop the metal bench in the back room of the animal clinic.
“It was inside Katashi’s finger, just like she thought,” Scott confirmed with a nod, tense with anticipation as the vet unravelled the parchment and inspected its contents.
“There isn't much here, unfortunately…” The man tilted his head at the tiny length of paper and Scott’s heart sank. To think about what they had all gone through to get that scroll…
“Does it say anything ?” The werewolf looked at Deaton with wide, hopeful eyes.
“My Japanese isn't great…” Deaton explained, his eyes scanning the symbols in black ink once more. “But, it appears to say that one method of expelling a Nogitsune is to change the body of the host.”
“Change the body?” Scott repeated in slight disbelief, his brows scrunching in confusion.
“Which begs the question…” Deaton trailed off, looking at Scott expectantly. “How do we change Stiles' body?”
“...By turning him into a werewolf.” Scott landed on the only solution, his stomach writhing with nervousness.
He knew Stiles had been offered the bite once before by Peter, and he had rejected it. It had clearly never been something he had wanted. But when offered it again when faced with a possible frontotemporal dementia diagnosis, he had agreed. Giving Stiles the bite was something Scott had been prepared to do, but that was when the boy himself had given permission. Stiles wasn’t exactly in a state where he could consent right now. It left Scott with a dilemma, wondering if biting Stiles without his permission was the right thing to do.
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“Coming in on a Saturday? That's dedication.” Void drawled as he walked leisurely into the history classroom, Zaida not far behind him. Her body was moving against her will, arms crossing and hip jutting out as she watched the Nogitsune rifle through the contents of Mr Yukimura’s bookshelf in Stiles’ form. “Where is she hiding them?”
“I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about…” The teacher responded calmly, playing dumb in the hopes that they would leave.
“Her little knives. Daggers. I know what they are: a physical representation of her tails...however, the hell that works…” Void continued knocking over books, searching through the pages before discarding them.
“Maybe you'd like to do some reading on it?” The man insisted upon being entirely unhelpful, and Zaida felt the Nogitsune controlling her burn with frustration. “I can direct you to the section on Japanese myth in the library.”
“No, we want to talk to you.” Zaida flashed a toothy grin at the man. “And maybe if you stop playing at being an ignorant teacher, we’ll let you live.”
“The older the tail, the stronger the Oni...Am I right?” Void continued, walking slowly towards Kira’s father. “I know there's one left. I know it's the strongest.”
“Unfortunately, I don't know what you're referring to…” Mr Yukimura’s voice shook slightly, maintaining his act of innocence. Unfortunately for him, the Nogitsune did not need his permission. The Nogitsune didn’t need anyone’s permission anymore. Zaida edged around the desk, leaning against the structure as her hazel eyes locked onto the teacher, waiting for Void’s signal. Her own screams echoed in her own head as she begged herself to stop, but it was no use.
“You'll talk...They always talk.” Void tilted Stiles’ head at the teacher as he reached towards a textbook on the desk, lifting it to reveal a darting black insect. As he did so, Zaida gripped Ken Yukimura by his hair, pulling his head back and prying open his locked jaw with the other hand as the buzzing fly rushed into his open mouth.
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“What is it? You’ve got this look like everything's gone wrong,” Kira questioned as she let Scott into her room.
“Everything is going wrong. The Sheriff got a call from Eichen House,” Scott began to explain the reasoning behind his deep-set frown. “Stiles and Zaida have both escaped. I think it’s safe to say that the lichen and fennel wore off. The Nogitsune is back on the playing field. And there’s more…One of the orderlies found this on the ground in the basement.”
Kira took the item from the werewolf’s outstretched hands, glancing at it to find what looked like her own face staring straight back at her in an old photograph. “This looks just like me. This has to be my grandmother,” She whispered in surprise.
“You remember, I told you about Malia? She's the last one who saw Stiles and Zaida at Eichen House. This picture, and this…” Scott pulled an old Katana in a scabbard from inside his jacket, offering it to her as well. “They found it with a body buried in a wall. The same backwards five that the Oni put on us was on the wall. It sounds like it all goes back to your family - your grandmother, your mom…”
Before they could ruminate on the items any further, Kira’s phone buzzed with a notification. She pulled it from her own pocket only for her face to fall as she read the message on her lit-up screen. “What is it?” Scott questioned as the girl’s chemosignals alerted him to her panic.
“My dad. Stiles and Zaida showed up at the school.” She answered with a thick swallow as several more buzzes followed the original message. “My mom needs me to bring something.”
After retrieving a small vile from her parent’s room, both Kira and Scott were out of her house and on his dirt bike within minutes, speeding through the streets of suburban Beacon Hills until they pulled into the school parking lot. The tyres screeched as they came to a sudden stop, and neither of them bothered to make sure it was parked properly before sprinting into the school building. They hurried down the winding corridor, taking a sharp right into their history classroom to find Kira’s parents huddled on the floor. Her father was choking loudly as her mother tried to comfort him, immediately reaching for the vile she’d requested upon catching sight of Kira.
“Kira, did you bring it?” Noshiko asked with an outstretched hand as her husband clutched at his throat.
“You going to tell me what ‘it’ is?” Kira challenged but handed the small glass bottle over regardless, kneeling on the cold tiled floor.
“Reishi,” The older woman answered concisely and untwisted the metal cap before pouring its contents into her husband’s mouth.
“You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms?” Kira gaped at her parents, but the substance seemed to work as Ken’s spluttering and coughs became fewer and further in between.
“Are you okay?” Noshiko asked her husband tenderly, and he nodded as the redness in his face faded back to his usual colour. Slowly she helped him to his feet.
“Stiles and Zaida did this?” Scott asked, watching the man with concerned eyes.
“He wanted the last kaiken.” Noshiko nodded in confirmation of the werewolf’s question and pulled a black blade from her pocket, holding it up for them to see. “I've kept this near me ever since your friend disappeared.”
“Mom, you need to talk to us - about everything.” Kira handed her mother the image that Scott had given her in her room earlier and Noshiko’s face paled.
“Where did you get this?” The woman asked in disbelief, staring at the image with a recognition that told them she knew exactly what it was.
“Is it Grandma?” Kira prompted, her brows lifting in curiosity.
“No…” Noshiko shook her head. “It's me.”
“You…You can’t be that old!” Scott blurted, his lips parted as he stared at the woman. Kira shot him a surprised expression, and he quickly backtracked. “I just mean…If that's you, then you'd have to be, like, ninety years old…”
“Closer to nine hundred,” Noshiko’s lips pulled tight in slight amusement as the two teens stared at her, shock written on their faces.
“Okay. Sure. Why not?” Kira sighed, evidently slightly overwhelmed by the new information facing them. She turned to her father - who had now recovered and was leaning against his desk. “Dad, how old are you?”
“Forty-three. But, I've been told I look mid-thirties…” The man smiled innocently, unaffected by the news which he was clearly already aware of.
“What about this?” Kira handed the broken sword that had been found at Eichen House to her mother as well. Noshiko held out before her over the desk, pulling the handle free of its sheath only to reveal the blade had been snapped off close to the hilt. Tilting the scabbard, multiple lengths of metal clattered to the desk.
“The blade shattered the last time it was used,” Noshiko explained, running her fingers over the scabbard lovingly.
“When was that?” The kitsune questioned, hoping to glean more than one piece of information at a time. It was clear that her parents knew a lot more about what was going on in Beacon Hills than either of them had previously let on.
"Nineteen forty-three…against a Nogitsune.” The woman admitted unflinchingly.
“All this - it's all happened before, hasn't it?” Scott realised, recognising the familiarity behind Noshiko’s eyes.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Mr Yukimura quoted George Santayana, confirming the werewolf’s suspicions.
“Where did it come from?” Kira pushed her mother to reveal more to them. Trying to pry the information out of her felt like pulling teeth and it was becoming frustrating.
“It was an internment camp during World War II...In Oak Creek, not far from here.” Noshiko added the last part, almost like an afterthought. As though she was debating how much to tell them.
“Hold on - you told Allison and Isaac that there was no internment camp at Oak Creek.” Scott glanced at Mr Yukimura challengingly.
“Allison's family has a certain history of violence. I didn't know if she could be trusted.” Ken explained his intentions behind withholding the information. “There was a camp, yes...But all the records were erased.”
“They covered it up,” Noshiko rephrased her husband's words with a harsh expression.
“When I was a grad student, my passion project - actually more like an obsession - was trying to dig up the truth on Oak Creek.” Mr Yukimura elaborated. “It's how I met your mother, Kira.”
“So, where did the Nogitsune come from?” Kira looked once again to her mother for answers.
“Isn't it obvious, yet? It came from me.” The woman hissed, pain behind her dark eyes. Scott’s pulse leapt with surprise. As did Kira’s while her mother attempted to reassemble the katana out of the broken pieces on the desk. “Kira, I need your help on this. There isn't much time, and this is something that needs to be done in the daylight.”
“Not until you tell us everything.” The kitsune refused stubbornly.
“Tell them, Noshiko - tell them what they need to know.” Ken urged his wife in a soft plea, and she appeared to contemplate it for a moment.
“Foxes and Wolves tend not to get along, and not just in fables and stories,” Noshiko noted, eyeing Scott warily.
“But allies, however unlikely, should be welcomed - especially in times of war.” Ken shot his wife a pointed look, and finally, she yielded.
“I was one of the prisoners kept at Oak Creek. I would steal from the American soldiers - food, and medical supplies. An older woman there, Satomi, she disapproved of me - thought I was reckless and stupid. I wouldn’t know until much later how right she was.” Noshiko mused bitterly. “The soldiers were cruel. They treated us like animals, took what they wanted from us, policed us with fear…All except one. Rhys was different. He didn’t touch the women like Merrick, or taunt us with the threat of inspections like Hayes. Rhys was kind, and gentle, and he loved me.”
“Okay, stop. Just stop!” Kira wrinkled her nose as she interrupted, her words prickly with irritation. “We don't want to hear your Casablanca story - we wanna know how to save Stiles and Zaida!”
“I'm trying to tell you-” Noshiko defended, but Scott saw straight through her ruse.
“You're trying to stall.” He called her out on her lie. “When the sun goes down, the Oni are gonna come after them, aren't they?”
“Your friends are gone, Scott,” Noshiko stated stubbornly.
“I don't think you know that for sure.” Scott rebutted, not changing his stance. They’d come this far to get Stiles and Zaida back, and he wasn’t about to stop now. “You brought the Oni - can you call them off?”
“Stiles may be your best friend...He might be like a brother to you, and Zaida like a sister...But Stiles is Nogitsune now. He is void, and the naiad remains controlled through him. There is no saving her unless he is dead.” Noshiko explained, purposefully ignoring the werewolf’s question.
“Can you call them off?” Scott locked his jaw, repeating himself forcefully at a louder volume.
”When you hear the rest of the story, you won't want me to.” She assured him. “Rhys and I found ways to see each other. Sometimes at the barracks...sometimes in the bunkers where they parked military vehicles. He was being transferred to North Africa in a few weeks. I was teaching him some French...We watched Merrick and Hayes talking with the camp doctor. They were whispering, talking quickly and exchanging money…”
Without warning, Noshiko reached for one of the still-sharp shards of metal scattered over the desktop. “Noshiko,” Ken warned her, but she did not listen and instead squeezed it in her fist tightly until it drew blood.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Kira gasped, however, when Noshiko opened her fist and allowed the metal to fall once more among its brethren, her palm was fully healed. “How did you do that?”
“It's one of our talents - something you'll learn, Kira. You should've noticed by now that you never get sick. Ever. You'll never experience something as simple as a common cold. Something as bad as the flu. Or something like…pneumonia.” The older kitsune continued her tale. “Soon enough, everyone in camp was sick, and the medicine used to treat it had run out. Only, I knew we had more. I’d seen it when I stole supplies off the truck. Rhys checked his log...But, we already knew what was happening. Dr. Liston was using Merrick and Hayes to sell medicine on the black market. When I told the others, chaos broke out. I had realized the mistake I had made by speaking too soon. I wasn't helping anyone - I was inciting a riot. I yelled for them to stop. But so many people were sick...and so many were dying…The last person who I expected to lash out attacked the soldiers - Satomi. I'd never seen anger like that. It was a living, breathing thing. Now I knew why Satomi was always trying to keep quiet. Why she got migraines once a month, and why she was always at the game of Go - it kept her calm.”
“She was bitten,” Scott deduced, stunned with his mouth gaping open.
“Bitten werewolves have a harder time suppressing their anger. One unexpected flare-up, and they could lose all control.” Noshiko’s voice lowered grimly, thick with emotion. “The gunfire nearly killed me. I don't know how many bullets made their way into my body, but I fought every one of them...It left my body so weak, my heartbeat so slow, it appeared as though I was dead. But, even then, I was still better off than Rhys. He’d been burned nearly to death. His screams could be heard throughout Eichen House - echoing through every room, every hallway…He died in agony - the doctor, it seems, had also sold the morphine.”
“Eichen House?” Scott interrupted, surprised to hear the place mentioned. He recalled how Lydia had led them to the basement of the facility when looking for Stiles and wondered if this might somehow explain why. If the bandaged body behind the wall was Rhys.
“Eichen House acted as Oak Creek’s hospital facilities at the time,” Ken answered the werewolf’s question.
“What happened after the riot?” Kira prompted her mother to keep going with her story, despite the obvious pain etched into the older kitsune’s features.
“Merrick and Hayes were given the task of getting rid of all the bodies, both American and Japanese-American. They were transferring Dr. Liston out as well, stationing him somewhere else. They were covering it up - the doctor, Merrick, Hayes, and all of the others. They were gonna get away with murder!” Noshiko exclaimed, still outraged by what she had endured. “By chance, I guess, Rhys' body had been put next to mine. I wanted the soldiers and the administration of the camp to be punished for their crimes. But, I knew the clock was ticking. I was going to lose my chance. They were going to burn me with the others. I couldn't fight back with my body weakened and still healing. I could barely move. I was going to die. With time slipping through my fingers, I knew I was making a terrible decision. But, I could not die knowing that they would get away...So, I called out to our ancestors for kitsune-tsuki, possession by a Fox spirit... For a powerful Nogitsune, one that feeds off chaos, strife, and pain, to take control of my weakened body, imbue it with power and use it as a weapon. But, calling on a trickster is a dangerous thing - they can have a very dark sense of humour. Because, while the Nogitsune did come to possess someone, it wasn’t me.”
“What happened?” Scott’s brows furrowed solemnly, feeling a pang of sympathy for what the woman had gone through. What was happening now to Stiles had happened to Rhys. Only it hadn’t been Scott’s fault, but it had been Noshiko’s.
“My body was beginning to heal, and I managed to pull myself up from the ground. But, it was too late…” The woman’s voice broke.
“What did it do?” Scott’s tone softened at sensing her pain.
“It brought chaos, strife, and more pain than you can imagine...It slaughtered everyone in its path.” Noshiko shook her head. “I had to find him. I had to stop him. Satomi helped me drive my katana through his heart”
Silence fell over them all as they digested the tale of history, and Noshiko was the first to break it, casting her eyes out towards the setting sun outside. “Kira, hurry. Night is coming,” She urged her daughter over to the desk, staring at the broken sword that had ended her lover’s cursed life. “Coup de foudre. The literal translation is ‘a bolt of lightning’. In French, it can also mean, ‘love at first sight’, but, a bolt of lightning happens to be exactly what we need right now.”
“For what?” The young kitsune asked as her mother reorganised the pieces like solving a jigsaw puzzle.
“Excising the Nogitsune from Rhys' body shattered the katana...But you can put it back together.” Noshiko explained.
“Why don't you just do it yourself?” Kira wondered aloud, unsure of how she would even accomplish such a task.
“Because I'm not a Thunder Kitsune.” Her mother’s lips pulled into a tight smile. “Do you trust me?”
“I just found out you're nine hundred years old - I don't think I'm ever gonna trust you again.” Kira huffed, making a poor attempt at a joke.
“Trust me on this,” Noshiko took Kira’s hand and led it to hover over the broken blade. With a nod, she encouraged the young kitsune to unleash her powers along its length.
Kira wasn’t certain exactly what she was doing, but she felt a pull of energy from herself to the weapon, and simply allowed it to flow. Before she knew it, sparks were zapping before her eyes and lightning poured from her hands into the metal. When she was done and the light faded, the sword looked as good as new.
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maciswack · 2 years ago
Stiles lost his virginity to a werecyote in an insane asylum. Talk about a first time.
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blackhholes · 7 months ago
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teen wolf meme: [3/5] motifs -> resurrection
It's different now. I think dying did something to him. It did something to me, too. But none of it was good.
#teen wolf#lydia martin#kate argent#tracy stewart#scott mccall#peter hale#jackson whittemore#derek hale#hayden romero#twedit#twgifs#mine#my gifs#twmeme#yes i'm aware that it can definitely be argued whether resurrection is a motif in teen wolf or just a recurring plot device#and while it's certainly not a symbolic motif like fire and water was previously#the way it's utilized within the show does make me read it moreso as a motif than just plot#like water it's used to communicate an internal change but the ways it differs from water is that it usually occurs at the end of a#narrative arc whereas water typically appears at the beginnings#water is used to signify a character's beginning descent into something new and the resurrection is once that change is completed#jackson's arc in season two is started with his submersion in water and it's ended with his resurrection#and lydia's arc in eichen house in 5b is much the same with her in the river in her mind at the beginning and then her dying and coming bac#at the animal clinic#even lydia's arc in season two can be read within these parameters#it begins with her in the hospital shower as she digs hair out of the water and ends when she resurrects peter#so while yes there is a reversal there and lydia isn't the subject of the resurrection she is the agent of it#which honestly the same can be said for theo in 5a#basically what i'm getting at here is that my reading of the resurrections in teen wolf as a motif is very valid and you should all agree#also i completely forgot about jackson's resurrection until i was literally writing these tags so i had to go back and make a gif for that
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I have recently realized that when I write about adult Stiles, he sounds a lot Deadpool and/ Dean Winchester...
Here are my favorite examples (most of which are from a draft I'm working on):
Stiles twisted the knife, making a face when he felt the bloody, torn flesh rub against his finger. The guy let Stiles go, shoving him into a stack of crates.
Stiles gasped in lungs full of air. “What,” he asked heavily, “not into fingering? Why didn’t you say pineapple?” Stiles huffed a laugh.
“You’re not helping my reputation by showing up in uniform,” Derek said in a tone Stiles knew to be his approximation of a joke.
“Being friends with a cop who happens to also be the sheriff’s son is hurting business,” Stiles asked with a smirk, leaning on the hood of his car. “I didn’t know you kept that clientele, Der. I mean, I’m all for ACAB, especially when the Feds come poking around but…”
Derek shook his head, standing in front of Stiles. “You really shouldn’t say that while in uniform,” he said, trying not to smile. “I meant because of my history with the department.”
Derek walked into the loft, completely covered in dirt, and slammed a similarly mud crusted backpack on the counter. “We have a problem,” he growled.
Stiles didn’t even bother to look at him, pulling his chicken nuggets out of the oven. “Of course we have a problem! When don't we have a problem? There's always a problem.”
“Corinne,” Stiles said as some form of greeting.
“Hello Stiles,” she said in that evil tone of voice. Classic villain, kind of cartoony to be honest.
Derek: Does everyone understand the plan?
Cora: Uh, ya, but I have one quick question. So, you've explained plans A and B but, since plan A never works and plan B usually goes to shit, what are plans C through, I don’t know, F?
Stiles: I'm so glad you asked. Plan C is when I yell 'pizza's here' which is your sign to hit the deck so Allison and Chris can shoot anyone standing. Plan D is Lydia going full banshee scream on their asses. Plan E is some spontaneous magic by yours truly and Plan F is to just mountain ash trap everyone in and hopes for the best.
Derek: There’s plans A through F?
Stiles: And Plan G but that involves some coffins, a nice plot at the cemetery, and a very heartfelt rendition of the Independence Day speech from Coach Finstock. Scott: I didn’t even know there was a plan…
Stiles heard the person behind him inhale deeply. “McCall,” the guy growled, sounding more animal than human.
“Stilinski actually,” Stiles corrected, “but thanks for the smell check, wolfy. Glad to know eau de alpha is still strong.”
Stiles: I hate you.
Peter: You can hate me if you want.
Stiles: Good because I do.
The werewolf wrapped an arm around Stiles's throat, shoving a gun against his temple.
“Kinky,” Stiles rasped, finding it hard to breath.
Stiles walked, led by the gun at his back and the new addition of a hand on his neck.
“Ya know, this is kind of nostalgic,” Stiles remarked, feeling the sharp pain of claws against his neck. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Might get a reaction you aren’t expecting.”
Stiles was shoved onto the floor. It was disgusting even for a warehouse. There was blood splatter and mud on the floor. Which was also nostalgic in a sad, fucked-up kinda way. Like, who gets nostalgia from high school because of a crime scene?
Stiles grabbed his knife and pulled it out of the guy. The werewolf was shaking, not dead yet. "Enjoy Hell," Stiles patted his cheek roughly. He was crouching in the open to retrieve the knife. You’d think he’d know better by now.
Blood had utterly ruined Stiles’s suit. He was hardly able to apply pressure to the wound. He was bleeding out. Again. He wasn’t getting that deposit back. He tried to pull his eyes open but he was tired. So tired. If the gang didn’t hurry, he’d be on the fast track to a dirt nap and he wasn’t sure he could stay still that long.
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louferrignojrofficial · 2 months ago
i’m almost at the end of teen wolf season 4. and i think now i know more than ever…. i really could not care less about allison. i genuinely did not care about a single plot line of hers. meanwhile literally every other character i love. even her own mother was more interesting and she was barely there.
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lycoperdales · 10 months ago
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magpie-trove · 2 months ago
Thank you to Parrish for calling out Lydia’s mom signing her away to Eichen House and for saying he’s going to tear the place up
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many-gay-magpies · 9 months ago
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thomas-the-goat-of-satan · 1 year ago
Stiles burying himself in debt to go to Eichen House when he Did Not Have To Do That and it also Didn't Help At All.
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whitedahlia13 · 8 months ago
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She remembers his goodbye, how he moved close, warmth of him floating above her, glossy eyes finally aligning with hers. She remembers a single droplet landing on each of her tear ducts, alleviating the dryness that had been plaguing her.
She remembers his lips skimming her cheek before he whispered into her ear, “Lydia, I know you can hear me. I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“I promise, I’ll come back. Just keep trying.”
I will.
As he spoke to her, his thumb rubbed against the inside of her wrist, transcribing a secret message like he sometimes did when they were in class. She paid attention to the shape of each letter, the lines and the curves, the pauses that defined three words he had never said – but was then spelling out with his finger: I L-O-V-E Y-O-U
Read more: ao3 & ffnet
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