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hoodooboo · 10 months ago
i know my ancestors be tired of my cry baby ass 😅 especially while i’m trying to endure this break up
like, a couple of weeks ago i was crying to my ancestors while cooking dinner. and i just kept saying how i felt like a fool for being played like i was and how i just wanted to die.
why all of a sudden, everybody plays the fool by the main ingredient start playing in my head repeatedly. not like it was stuck in my head, like my ancestors really wanted me to play the song for them.
i’m like okay, i turn on their little altar speaker and put the song on and y’all the first lyrics:
“Okay, so you’re heart broken.
You sit around mopin’,
Cryin’ and cryin’
You say you’re even thinking about dying?
Well, before you do anything rash, dig this:
Everybody plays the fool, sometimes.”
tell me why i immediately start laughing, i couldn’t even be sad anymore. they were really like “you’re not the first and you won’t be the last person to be played. get it together, girl.” but in the gentlest way possible.
anyways, i love my ancestors. they’re so funny, but so right 🥴
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keyamsha · 1 year ago
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nfumbewalk · 16 days ago
A Connection
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Part of my Shango shrine. The "sort of" batea was found at a thrift shop before I even knew Antonio or La Regla de Ocha (Santería) OR Shango!!!
I'm not caring what ppl think about my beliefs. If I don't want the headaches that come with negative magic, that's my health and my well-being. I'm middle aged and my health ain't great, so I'm trying to get healthier. My mental health and memory suffers and I need to take care of it. Three years ago, I had a MAJOR magical battle with Yadira G. I fuking wasted her but business suffered because she got me on a payment reserve on Etsy. Envy ultimately killed her and she stopped attacking. We're still both Etsy shop owners still - she has a few stores. Etsy is going good. I just want this blog to do well too.
So, I'm still posting about Orishas. I want ppl to read my stories and say, "Hey, cool!" And maybe press the 💖 button! I just had an "Ah ha, oh wow" experience with my papa Shango -of whom I haven't spent nearly enough time with. Exciting - he came to me this evening and imparted his rule, opinion, and certainty about many issues.
First, he said that, "Orunmila (Orula) is NOT my diviner or divinatory source" and he is (Shango is another mighty diviner). He's also responsible for my gifts with the muertos too! Well duh. I'm learning a lot about the muertos lately. Especially mine. I just made that Pinterest, for Rodolfo right? What did it do besides make me channel him HARD? He's making more noises in the house and Tom is hearing it too! Lol. Now Rodolfo wants more and more Pinterest!! Lol.
Back to Shango...he's so strong, I feel him now, seriously. Like when I channel but super heavy like deities feel and how my dad felt while alive. Shango really feels like a dad. I think he is my much needed replacement.
Something super fuking cool!!! I found a book about obscure coco and caracol divination. Its in Spanish and very hard to find. It is Obi divination, but many other things are involved like letters (letras) to each Orisha. There's much Spanish, but I see Yoruba as well. Its only a 15 page PDF. SO interesting! Have to translate because my Spanish is still poor.
I can only read basics and will only speak to my lawn guy' Frank's wife, Maria. Because I'm only willing to embarrass myself in front of such a lovely person. They are our good friends now. I gave Maria a gorgeous Bible with gold edges. I got it from my Catholic candle supply. It happened to be free and in all Espanol. I have English Bibles, three of them. I only use my Catholic one. Because partly of Rodolfo and I like the traditional language. The Orishas enjoy it too.
Speaking of Shango again, next Wednesday, I'll likely be doing a prosperity and wealth ritual with him. I wrote most of it myself, adapting a ritual I saw at my favorite horrible English and ad crazy website. I composed the whole prayer except one line. Shango loves it already. Hopefully I can get to the graveyard to leave his offering. I know he prefers a palm tree, but Oregon ain't got those! Shango is close to the egun (muertos) so he allows this place or the mount, which we have plenty - too far to go to the mountains though. He also said the forest too - got LOTS of that!! Dunno if Tom wants to go to the Siuslaw Nat'l. Forest though.
I learned a slight secret and won't reveal it...its tasty though. I learned it through that Ocha-Ifá website last year, the one mentioned here. I think aleyos (uninitiated, like me) who have godparents and are learning find out this "secret" too. It is a certain way to get the Orishas to consider helping you. If you do this, they fuking listen. Though, Shango really, really listens to me anyway. So does Yemanja and Obatala. They are also VERY present. Sometimes I feel envy from Oshún when I'm doing something for Yemanja. Perhaps Dos Aguas indeed. Obatala is very, very special.
I consider Obatala to be like my grandpa. He's old, but doesn't seem old. Just ancient and he is so wise. He is peace and serenity. Also justice in a non-violent way. More like deliberations, talks and treaties. He also gives me strong faith. He's a rock. He gives me stability and strength. He cools me. Especially my head - my Ori. He is purity. I use his herbs for rogations (special head cleansings) and he is the *ONLY* one I'll wear white for! He's the King of the White Cloth. When my mental balance needs check - I wear his white beads.
See how close I am with them? How can I not be a devotee of Orishas and Olodumaré? And the muertos? Yoruba, Ifá, and Santería ...these are strict religions that aren't for me. But the Orishas ARE me. I say I'm Yoruba/Ifá for ease. Wow. And there's no more confusion. Olodumaré is God, he's actually part of a Trinity. The Trinity is Olorun, Olofin, and Olodumaré.Hmm. Before Christianity. Orishas are not gods. They are divine messengers sent to Ayé (Earth) by Olodumaré to first create humans (Obatala) and to assist humans in all aspects of life. We love them, pay homage (mojuba) to them, and give them addimú or ebós (sacrifices) for their help. I know that I'm mostly correct too.
I'm not bad with my knowledge though I haven't read extensively on everything. Most things I know have come to me through intuition, but there's technical data that I must learn. I'm checking out this little book because this divination is Shango's. Then back to Diloggun unless this little book is a whopper! Think it could change some shit that I do.
Why was Shango even brought up today? Because my working cowrie shells got fucked and muertos came through instead of Orisha. I put them back in Yemanja's omiero. Suddenly, boom! Shango came forth. He said that the shells keep going to muertos because of him. My shells are supposed to be his, not a woman's like Yemanja's or Oshún. And not of egun. He said to make his omiero and soak them for six days, plus he will give me more information. I don't really have many of his herbs and just randomly mixing herbs DOES NOT work. So I spent money to get fresh omiero for Shango made. Should be here in about 4-5 days. Possibly enough time for the prosperity and wealth ritual I want to do with him.
Well, thanks a ton if you got to the end of this. Can I get a like? 💖
M.M. 💖💀💖
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 6 months ago
Dos legados do meu passado, eu apenas queria perder o medo extremo de visitar cemitério. Amo a arte tumular, o ambiente do lugar, mas fui assombrada, ao menos diziam isso, de eguns no meu pé
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pildz · 1 year ago
Papo na Encruza 160 - Obsessão, Fascinação e Subjugação
Já ouviu falar em Encosto, Frexamento e Vexamento? E em obsessão espiritual? Sabia que você pode estar nesse momento sendo vítima disto? Apesar de já termos falado nesse assunto, parece que é necessário retomar ao tema sempre! ORÁCULO DAS 7 LINHAS DE UMBANDA E QUIMBANDA O método oracular desenvolvido por Douglas Rainho em parceria com Tata Kamuxinzela para aprimorar a comunicação com os espíritos…
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year ago
🕯💀 Happy All Souls Day 🖤🕯
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🖤💀 The Hoodoo Holiday festivities continue! Today we step into the shadow of deep healing work as we continue to welcome, celebrate, & venerate our Dead.
For those who are familiar with Catholicism, All Souls Day is dedicated to "all other loved ones" - non-Saints & those who are not of Elevated status. Thus, today we tend to the shadow work of our lineages; we uplift the Ancestors of our small egun (i.e.: our less than honorable ancestors, who died violently or suddenly, who remain in unrest, who lived hard lives, who endured great suffering, who perpetuated generational curses, who contributed to generational trauma, etc.).
Some differentiate this day from All Saints by focusing solely on small egun Ancestors; those who need elevating, prayer, healing, light, love, karmic debts paid, etc. & are open to receiving it - more akin to Dia De Los Muertos.
Others simply keep yesterday's tradition & festivities going (i.e.: tending to the graves of our Ancestors, communing with our Dead, getting the family together, enjoying leftovers, building family trees, prayer offerings, lighting candles, playing music, singing, dancing, etc.).
Regardless, however you choose to celebrate IS valid! May your Ancestors, - Big & small Egun - continue to be blessed. Ase. 💀🖤
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months ago
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Moar Vuosttami. Ulli's hanging out with the sheepsies
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and then it was birthday time.
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She's so short her anims get really funny sometimes
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Johka's having a normal one
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And Ausarta befriends this handsome fella called Poppo, who has been wandering this island since time immemorial
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Welcome to the family, guy
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Johka and his cousin Egun are really similar and I platonic-ship em, but belonging to separate classes makes things awkward sometimes
moar soon
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imitacionalarte · 3 months ago
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drstrange2024 · 4 months ago
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Good Morning/Buenos días!
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dangerousthingobservation · 3 months ago
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Aviation Photo #2470804: British Aerospace Sea Harrier FRS1 - UK - Navy
800 squadron aircraft - Photo taken at Mildenhall (MHZ / EGUN / GXH) in England, United Kingdom on May 23, 1981.
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jartita-me-teneis · 13 days ago
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Las sirgueras de Bilbao, remolcadoras de barcos mal pagadas, explotadas y olvidadas. Es una oportunidad para acercarse al paseo de la ría, fotografiarlas y enseñar a los demás lo que hicieron para ganarse la vida.
Egun on - Buenos días
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hoodooboo · 10 months ago
i had a dream i was initiated into, what i’m guessing is, ifa. it was a little intense but exciting at the same time. idk if that means one day i’ll be initiated, but it was an interesting dream nonetheless.
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arinzechukwuture · 6 months ago
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The Yorùbá community is a prominent Niger-Congo ethnic nationality inhabiting southwestern and north-central Nigeria, as well as southern and central Benin. Collectively, these territories are referred to as Yorubaland. The Yoruba population totals approximately 44 million individuals.
The majority of this demographic resides in Nigeria, where the Yorùbá account for 21% of the nation's population, according to the CIA World Factbook, rendering them one of Africa's most extensive ethnic nationalities. Most Yoruba individuals communicate in the Yoruba language, which features tonal characteristics and holds the distinction of being the Niger-Congo language with the most native speakers.
The Yorùbá share territorial boundaries with the closely affiliated Itsekiri to the southeast in the North West Niger delta, the Bariba to the northwest in Benin, the Nupe to the north, and the Ebira to the northeast in central Nigeria. To the east lie the Edo, Ẹsan, and Afemai groups in mid-western Nigeria. Adjacent to the Ebira and Edo groups are the related Igala people situated in the northeast, on the left bank of the Niger River. To the southwest are the Gbe-speaking Mahi, Egun, Fon, and Ewe, who border Yoruba communities in Benin and Togo. To the southeast are the Itsekiri, who inhabit the north-western extremity of the Niger delta and have maintained a distinct cultural identity despite ancestral ties to the Yoruba.
Substantial Yoruba populations reside in other West African countries, including Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. The Yoruba diaspora comprises two primary groupings:
Recent migrants, predominantly relocated to the United Kingdom and the United States following significant economic and political shifts between the 1960s and 1980s.
Descendants of those displaced by the Atlantic slave trade, now residing in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Saint Lucia, Jamaica, Brazil, Grenada, and Trinidad and Tobago, among other nations.
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dabid-motozalea · 8 months ago
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Egun on majetes!!
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shorigaitz1 · 4 days ago
soy como un actor de metodo
que sufre detrá s de las escenas
y sufre sin que le vean llorar de verdad
porque en pantalla mis lagrimas son de otro
son del avatar construido pa vosotros 
y qué ez dut nahi geratu 
sé q tengo q avanzar
ez dago beste irterarik
suizidioa ez da inoiz irteera
beste egun bat geihago
beste egun bat izan go da niretzat
eztanda egin arte
ezdut hil nahi
baina asko maitatu dut
eta askomindu dut nire burua
maite izan zaituztet inor baino gehiago
mingarria da gauza eta pertsona mingarri hauek maitatzea
dena dut baino ez daukat ezer,,
ez daukadalako nire buurua supongo
nire ametsa oraintxe bertan da norbaiten altzoan negarr egitea
nire psikologoa ez dena
ta esatea egin dudan guztia
baina ezin dut
zerbait esatean nire minaren zatia joango delako 
baina ez den dena 
 eta ez delako nire psikolgoa
atera nahi dut hemendik.
baina zer berri
itsu geratu denak ez dauka atzera bueltarik
soilik zirrikitutik ikustea 
maite zaituztet baina hau gehiegi da batzutan
badakidanez gehiegi dela 
bizitza zailtzen didaten gauzak egiteari utziko diot (musika, pornoa, internet) etab 
nere burua aurkitu nahi dut
nor izan naizen ahaztu barik
ez naizeela izan nintzena
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nfumbewalk · 2 months ago
Necromancy & Witchcraft & Orishas
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From the front of Rodolfo and Florence's altar.
Olodumaré, bless me today! I need strength! 💖
Nah, having a good day. 😊 Things are chill, but I'm thinking about how necromancy is portrayed by "normies" in regular life and in Hollyweird. Ugh. In regular life, I find people to have hackneyed and dubious notions about necromancy. Ppl get this way through movies, books, games, and other media. Like "The Hobbit." The necromancer character was mentioned once in the book.
In the movie, they mention the necromancer many more times. Ppl are in love with necromancy. I've been trying to figure out why - as a practitioner of necromancy... I love it because I love the muertos. 💖💀 Because I have genuine empathy, respect, care, and a need to be with muertos. Not for great arcane powers, to grant magical spells, or to see the future.
Ppl also need to realize that using a Ouija board IS necromancy!! Necromancy is primarily divination with the aid of the dead, by speaking to them. Ouija boards make it easier, sometimes.Anyone who uses a board, especially for the first time, knows it takes a while for a spirit to "show up," right?
Well, its mainly because there is no experienced medium present. Children are probably the most common users of Ouija boards and the board only works if one of the kids has some skill. Whenever I was around friends using a board, the planchette moved crazily and items in the room fell off of shelves. They were all so scared, they put the Ouija away. Lol! I didn't know any of my gifts then. It wasn't until I was an adult that I showed a powerful potential using prepared (Demonically) Ouija boards with my old teacher/High Priestess. We both had exemplary skills. And we were both used like puppets. That wasn't fun at all.
Anyway, I've asked this before on my blog, when I only had a few followers. I just wonder what appeals to ppl who get into necromancy? I just naturally came into it a bit before I discovered Leilah Wendell, her writings, and her museum: The Westgate in the early 90's. I got enchanted by Azreal and deathly things. Santa Muerte was always with me (since age 8), but I didn't practice with her until about 16 years ago. I made my formal skin sacrifice, that cost me $300, six years ago - along with a very serious ritual dedication to her after that in the month of May. This cemented everything and sealed our bond.
My very serious dedication to the necromantic lifestyle (Because it is one!! For real!) came in September of 2022. I don't speak to him anymore, and I believe he may have lied to me (he did) but this Palero did give me the tools to start my own practice that has turned into what is Muerteria today.
I thank Olodumaré for this. Orunmila (aka Ifá, Orula) did remark about my divination and psychic gifts - he said that "to never shut them out. You are bursting with treasured gifts from Olodumaré. Keep using them, we (Orisha) won't stop you from egun because of your skill and marked talent to help others. I will teach you further divination in time, or you will learn from your mother, Yemanja. Call upon the egbe, call upon the egun. You'll learn."
So the Orishas aren't against my necromancy. From what they've witnessed, I'm not doing what they view as witchcraft. The African model of witchcraft is quite different than our Western world's idea. I did have a blog post on it, but it appeared that no one was interested. Lol! Let's just say there's three kinds of witches. White, black, and red. Which is worse? The red is the worst!! 😊 Lol. These witches are known as the Ajé.
This article is short and interesting and definitely not pagan or too scholarly. I know I may sound terrible, but I prefer non-pagan witchcraft. Is that possible? Yes. Witchcraft doe not have to have any god. My practice may confuse ppl. My path is Muerteria, my faith or religion - I call Caldera. Caldera is also unique and all my own concept. It is for those who vibrate to African diaspora religions, but who don't want or care for initiations that cost thousands of dollars nor do they want or need community. Its solo African Traditional Religion. Some say NO! Fuk them!! The Caldera faith is mostly Ifá and Yoruba based. I know there are many things that cannot be learned unless initiated! But...on the other hand, I've learned things that only the initiated know with the help of muertos, or egun. It can be done!!
I said before in another post that I got omeiro recipes, when usually only initiated ppl get those. How did I get them? My Orisha friend, the Divine Physician, Orunmila. I feel closer to him because I was in the medical field until I retired. He's also directed me to certain herbs to use for healing teas, though I double check for safety.
Its kind of funny though - my mother Oshún is sort of interested in my necromancy. She seems to find my dedication odd, but my love of muertos makes her warm up. She only thinks its odd because Rodolfo is a raffish type, not a normal happy go lucky guy. My other mother, Yemanja, Is a bit interested in my proclivity for muertos, but she's going to probably be getting me into the Odú soon! The very beginning of starting divination is to learn the 16 Major Odú and the 256 Minor Odú. Not easy at all. Its a life long study. The Odú are parables for living, to put it into easy terms.
Well, this got long winded and rambling!
M.M. 💖💀💖
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