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nfumbewalk · 19 days ago
A Connection
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Part of my Shango shrine. The "sort of" batea was found at a thrift shop before I even knew Antonio or La Regla de Ocha (Santería) OR Shango!!!
I'm not caring what ppl think about my beliefs. If I don't want the headaches that come with negative magic, that's my health and my well-being. I'm middle aged and my health ain't great, so I'm trying to get healthier. My mental health and memory suffers and I need to take care of it. Three years ago, I had a MAJOR magical battle with Yadira G. I fuking wasted her but business suffered because she got me on a payment reserve on Etsy. Envy ultimately killed her and she stopped attacking. We're still both Etsy shop owners still - she has a few stores. Etsy is going good. I just want this blog to do well too.
So, I'm still posting about Orishas. I want ppl to read my stories and say, "Hey, cool!" And maybe press the 💖 button! I just had an "Ah ha, oh wow" experience with my papa Shango -of whom I haven't spent nearly enough time with. Exciting - he came to me this evening and imparted his rule, opinion, and certainty about many issues.
First, he said that, "Orunmila (Orula) is NOT my diviner or divinatory source" and he is (Shango is another mighty diviner). He's also responsible for my gifts with the muertos too! Well duh. I'm learning a lot about the muertos lately. Especially mine. I just made that Pinterest, for Rodolfo right? What did it do besides make me channel him HARD? He's making more noises in the house and Tom is hearing it too! Lol. Now Rodolfo wants more and more Pinterest!! Lol.
Back to Shango...he's so strong, I feel him now, seriously. Like when I channel but super heavy like deities feel and how my dad felt while alive. Shango really feels like a dad. I think he is my much needed replacement.
Something super fuking cool!!! I found a book about obscure coco and caracol divination. Its in Spanish and very hard to find. It is Obi divination, but many other things are involved like letters (letras) to each Orisha. There's much Spanish, but I see Yoruba as well. Its only a 15 page PDF. SO interesting! Have to translate because my Spanish is still poor.
I can only read basics and will only speak to my lawn guy' Frank's wife, Maria. Because I'm only willing to embarrass myself in front of such a lovely person. They are our good friends now. I gave Maria a gorgeous Bible with gold edges. I got it from my Catholic candle supply. It happened to be free and in all Espanol. I have English Bibles, three of them. I only use my Catholic one. Because partly of Rodolfo and I like the traditional language. The Orishas enjoy it too.
Speaking of Shango again, next Wednesday, I'll likely be doing a prosperity and wealth ritual with him. I wrote most of it myself, adapting a ritual I saw at my favorite horrible English and ad crazy website. I composed the whole prayer except one line. Shango loves it already. Hopefully I can get to the graveyard to leave his offering. I know he prefers a palm tree, but Oregon ain't got those! Shango is close to the egun (muertos) so he allows this place or the mount, which we have plenty - too far to go to the mountains though. He also said the forest too - got LOTS of that!! Dunno if Tom wants to go to the Siuslaw Nat'l. Forest though.
I learned a slight secret and won't reveal it...its tasty though. I learned it through that Ocha-Ifá website last year, the one mentioned here. I think aleyos (uninitiated, like me) who have godparents and are learning find out this "secret" too. It is a certain way to get the Orishas to consider helping you. If you do this, they fuking listen. Though, Shango really, really listens to me anyway. So does Yemanja and Obatala. They are also VERY present. Sometimes I feel envy from Oshún when I'm doing something for Yemanja. Perhaps Dos Aguas indeed. Obatala is very, very special.
I consider Obatala to be like my grandpa. He's old, but doesn't seem old. Just ancient and he is so wise. He is peace and serenity. Also justice in a non-violent way. More like deliberations, talks and treaties. He also gives me strong faith. He's a rock. He gives me stability and strength. He cools me. Especially my head - my Ori. He is purity. I use his herbs for rogations (special head cleansings) and he is the *ONLY* one I'll wear white for! He's the King of the White Cloth. When my mental balance needs check - I wear his white beads.
See how close I am with them? How can I not be a devotee of Orishas and Olodumaré? And the muertos? Yoruba, Ifá, and Santería ...these are strict religions that aren't for me. But the Orishas ARE me. I say I'm Yoruba/Ifá for ease. Wow. And there's no more confusion. Olodumaré is God, he's actually part of a Trinity. The Trinity is Olorun, Olofin, and Olodumaré.Hmm. Before Christianity. Orishas are not gods. They are divine messengers sent to Ayé (Earth) by Olodumaré to first create humans (Obatala) and to assist humans in all aspects of life. We love them, pay homage (mojuba) to them, and give them addimú or ebós (sacrifices) for their help. I know that I'm mostly correct too.
I'm not bad with my knowledge though I haven't read extensively on everything. Most things I know have come to me through intuition, but there's technical data that I must learn. I'm checking out this little book because this divination is Shango's. Then back to Diloggun unless this little book is a whopper! Think it could change some shit that I do.
Why was Shango even brought up today? Because my working cowrie shells got fucked and muertos came through instead of Orisha. I put them back in Yemanja's omiero. Suddenly, boom! Shango came forth. He said that the shells keep going to muertos because of him. My shells are supposed to be his, not a woman's like Yemanja's or Oshún. And not of egun. He said to make his omiero and soak them for six days, plus he will give me more information. I don't really have many of his herbs and just randomly mixing herbs DOES NOT work. So I spent money to get fresh omiero for Shango made. Should be here in about 4-5 days. Possibly enough time for the prosperity and wealth ritual I want to do with him.
Well, thanks a ton if you got to the end of this. Can I get a like? 💖
M.M. 💖💀💖
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Grim mood board rn
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all-that-remains-au · 25 days ago
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Wally: "I.. I remember that face.. She was old concept art, Yeah... Where did ya find this??"
(this is an inside joke do not take this seriously) (faron erika is not canon to all that remains) -mod rozz
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year ago
🕯💀 Happy All Souls Day 🖤🕯
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🖤💀 The Hoodoo Holiday festivities continue! Today we step into the shadow of deep healing work as we continue to welcome, celebrate, & venerate our Dead.
For those who are familiar with Catholicism, All Souls Day is dedicated to "all other loved ones" - non-Saints & those who are not of Elevated status. Thus, today we tend to the shadow work of our lineages; we uplift the Ancestors of our small egun (i.e.: our less than honorable ancestors, who died violently or suddenly, who remain in unrest, who lived hard lives, who endured great suffering, who perpetuated generational curses, who contributed to generational trauma, etc.).
Some differentiate this day from All Saints by focusing solely on small egun Ancestors; those who need elevating, prayer, healing, light, love, karmic debts paid, etc. & are open to receiving it - more akin to Dia De Los Muertos.
Others simply keep yesterday's tradition & festivities going (i.e.: tending to the graves of our Ancestors, communing with our Dead, getting the family together, enjoying leftovers, building family trees, prayer offerings, lighting candles, playing music, singing, dancing, etc.).
Regardless, however you choose to celebrate IS valid! May your Ancestors, - Big & small Egun - continue to be blessed. Ase. 💀🖤
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The Sandman 1991 | Remastered
Btw you could just watch it. You could watch this 9 minute short stop motion film of a hot bird monster man. He does take an innocent kids eyes but since when has something that level of villainous made someone unattracted to the villain??
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asktheremnantsaskblog · 1 year ago
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Its very rushed bcs time is a luxury that i am no longer as privy to but i swear i'll do sth cooler at some point 👉👈 i lov ur William hes so babygirl i want him to stab me jfjdjfjdnfbdifnndifnsijf also if details are wromg im sorry im very new here TwT 👍 hav a good day goodnight
(*Vibrating excitedly* holy shit it's the babygirl-
I really like this, the lineart is very nice and those folds on his elbow! Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing!)
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ausetkmt · 11 months ago
See How It ALL Began in AFRICA, The Unspoken TRUTH!
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star-23s-world · 3 months ago
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nfumbewalk · 3 months ago
Not Compromising
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Give him up? Never!
Yeah, so the African beings want me to give up Rodolfo and my Muerteria practice. FUCK THAT. NO WAY!! They do not accept necromancy. At least that is what I have experienced. They can kiss my ass and die. I love Rodolfo, he is like another part of me.
I again took down anything to do with Mama Shola on my Etsy. Not dealing with her demands of cleanliness, demands of going to the river, and her must have this and that. Rodolfo is much easier to deal with. His big want was a red kerchief to put his vessel on. Ooh, so hard. LOL.
Some may think that the muertos are hard to please, but they are not. Water and light makes them extremely happy. A favorite liquor, cigarette, incense, a flower, a crystal, anything like this - a memento of sorts - makes them feel loved and appreciated if given with intent. It is all intention, baby. I don't just throw this word around like some New Age guru. What is true is true. Oh, where is my red string Kabbalah bracelet? Guffaw!!! :D
The muertos are not a joke. The "death worker" trend is soooo funny. I've picked on it before. Oh yes, look for dead birds and clean the carcasses. That's death work? For serious? Another guffaw! Do shadow work! ROFLMAO! I do agree with working hospice care. But that's about it. Everything I've seen has just about been bullshit. Try being around your parent when they are dying - watching them, being with them, holding their hand as they take their last breath. I did that twice. It isn't pretty, it isn't fun. It is real - genuine death energy that is personal to you. My mother was 58 years old when she died. My dad was 74 - imagine losing your parents a lot earlier than expected. No matter what age you are, you feel like an orphan.
Show me proof that Death discriminates. She doesn't. I nearly died at 24 from pneumonia. That's the second time I saw her. She sent me back though for god knows what the fuck reason. I told her that I wanted to die but she said that I had too much left to do on Earth. Bullshit. My life has been nothing but troubles and sorrow. I'm not a happy person. I begrudgingly get up everyday, facing the long path ahead of me with disgust instead of happiness. Sure, I love some things. My husband, Rodolfo, my son, amphetamines, what else? Not much else. Cemeteries, yeah. But not much. I'm dreary, solemn, serious, and extremely dark. I listen to the Rolling Stones so much to evoke my mom. I talk to my dead family, but no one believes me, so fuck them. I have a fucking genuine relationship with my dead grandpa Ben. He died before I was even born. He has good advice. I found out that I'm not that Native American through him. It was his mother that was Native. My dad's grandma. Not a huge link there. There's a bigger link to me being North African.
I just can't stand being fake. Its not me. I'm always genuine. I won't even exaggerate online. Not even for copious views! So pls know, everyone - what you see here is real, true and authentic to the core - my real experiences, feelings, and opinions! Next! I'm going to seriously DISS African Traditional Religions! Srry if it hurts yer feelings! I don't have feelings - my military husband taught me not to! From his drill sergeants at Ft. Benning!
M.M. 💖💀💖
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1-mini-1 · 1 year ago
After the Rain- Hello, Musica (ハロームジーカ) English Lyrics
“I got here by frantically following
Your trail of tears.”
When I turned around, I saw your red face, out of breath
僕に半分だけ背負わせてくれないかな いいだろう?」
You grabbed my hand
“Seeing you sad makes me sad.
You can at least let me carry half your pain, can’t you?”
Like a flame, your warm hand
Melts my frozen heart 
Let me hear you, Musica
When you sing, the melody echoes around the world
On the days the wind blows, even the days you cry, a love song blooms
The night’s going to be dyed in aquamarine again today
It’s too bright and I hang my head
You pull my hand and, as usual, aren’t phased by it
The truth is, I’ve already realized it
That I can’t escape you
That my tears dried long ago
A tomorrow where you forget you can’t do anything
Keep searching for one until it makes you blind
If you’re still here when I fall
Then let’s go together
Let me hear you, Musica
When you laugh, monochrome bursts into color
Even galactic astra shine on the abysmal darkness that covers the sky
ガラクタ詰めこんだ 僕の宝箱
たったひとつの奇跡はそうさ ただ君と出会えたこと
My treasure chest is packed with trash
As for the only miracle in my lifeー Yes, it was simply meeting you
Let’s make a promise
Even though it’s embarrassing
今更だけどこんな僕だけど 隣を歩いていいかい
Listen, Musica
When you laugh, it sparks the small bit of courage inside me
This is a little late, and I know I’m not the best, but can you walk next to me?
Let me hear you, Musica
When you sing, the melody echoes around the world
On the days the wind blows, even the days you cry, a love song blooms
Let me hear you
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all-that-remains-au · 1 month ago
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Wally: "I can just smell those damned ink fumes all the way from here.."
⭐ Wally Franks is now open for asks!
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summercourtship · 7 months ago
“It was like he was testing the waters with you, figuring out what you would and wouldn’t let him do.” this shit GOT MEEEEE omfg
I'm enjoying exploring their dynamic more- as I was writing I could feel that it had shifted and I realized that it was that Edward is being a *tad* more assertive and while he isn't straight-up initiating anything (yet), he isn't content to be as submissive as he was in STBOTDI (however I do not think their relationship needs or even has a set dominant or submissive and I don't necessarily mean that in terms of sex. like I think they both hold power over the other... it is almost an equal relationship but in the most toxic way possible, if that makes sense?)
idk their relationship is complex. i just write words, man.
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year ago
🕊🤍 Happy All Saints Day 🕯💀
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🕊🤍 This is our Thanksgiving, our Day Of The Dead, our family reunion. Traditionally, this is our day to visit & honor our Dead; tend to their graves, adorn them with flowers/candles/other offerings, then share a feast meal with music, sing, and dance - as we would any Black family cookout.
For those who could, this was done under the guise of Catholicism for our protection; in regions that were subjected indoctrination under this particular denomination. And for some, akin to Catholicism, All Saints is dedicated to welcoming & celebrating our Elevated Ancestors, those we may consider Saintly within our lineages, & Hoodoo Saints in general - especially those without [known] living descendants.
Whether you're tending to graves or altars, whether you're cooking a feast or a simple meal you can manage….may your Elevated Ancestors, your Big Egun be blessed. Ase. 💀🕯
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lepetitfruit · 2 years ago
The fun part of being near-sighted is I can sit in the front porch with my glasses off and look at the Christmas lights and pretend they're stars <3
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year ago
hot cereal shrine update its 2 stories tall now
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also these technically arent part of the shrine but i want to show them too
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cloudymistedskies · 2 years ago
Please give me a color to use for a thing I'm doing🐢🐢
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