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blackjackkent · 13 days ago
OK, so - post-Smuggled Relic Case, we have a couple of different potential avenues to go down.
The main quest appears to follow up immediately with another bit of business in Minrathous. The quest is called "Shadows of Minrathous" and Neve wants to go back and check in with the Shadow Dragons about whether they've found anything regarding the gods.
I also have two companion quests - "Echoes of the Past" with Bellara in Arlathan, and "Coffee with the Crows" with Lucanis in Treviso. We also have three quests in the "Factions and Regions" section; I'm underleveled for two of them, but "A Slow Poison" in Treviso is available.
Obviously, Helena wants to go straight back to Minrathous cos it's where she's most comfortable, but I think we'll save that to look forward to. Let's start with going back to Treviso, since we can kill two birds with one stone there, and then we'll do Bellara's quest to lay potential romantic foundation, and then we'll go back to the SDs. ^_^
So... fantasy Italy time!
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Treviso really is beautiful, actually; I want to go there in real life.
Our instructions for "Coffee with the Crows" are simply to "spend time with Lucanis" by meeting him in the marketplace. Unsure if Bellara is going to be third-wheeling our coffee date or not.
Before we head off for that, though, we have some business in the Crows headquarters at the Cantori Diamond. There's a merchant here we can level up, and also a conversation with Teia and Viago to kick off "A Slow Poison":
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"I could have daggers in a hundred necks by nightfall."
"No doubt. But more necks would present themselves tomorrow."
"I have other daggers."
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"Am I interrupting?" Helena asks, cheerfully inserting herself into the conversation without an invitation.
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"Forgive Teia," Viago says dryly. "She gets testy when a contract is delayed."
Helena raises an eyebrow. "Help me out here - what contract?"
"One that may involve you," Viago answers, matching the expression.
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"You want help against the gods. We want Treviso free. We now think they may be the same problem," Teia explains.
Helena's eyebrow lifts further, questioningly. This is interesting news. They only just recently discovered that the Venatori's activities of late have been tied to the rise of Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain. But now the Antaam occupation in Treviso might also be connected?
"The occupation has a face," Teia goes on. "The Antaam commander, Kithlord "Butcher" Daathrata. But Viagao thinks killing him outright is shortsighted.
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"The Butcher took the city suspiciously fast," Viago says, with a patient air that suggests he's had this conversation more than once. "Removing him is useless if someone else can repeat that - with the help of gods, or something else. Despite it being the outcome, assassination is not about killing. It's about sending a message."
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"And what message would that be?"
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Viago's jaw tightens. "The Crows rule Antiva," he says firmly. "And Treviso will be free."
Helena chuckles. "You're in charge? Antiva has a king."
Viago narrows his eyes at her. "And the power of a king is enforced by armies. Antiva has no army; it has the Crows."
"There's a reason Antivan coins have portraits of guild leaders, not royalty," Teia puts in. "We're patriots. Crows can't field a battalion, but we protect our nation our way."
(A/N: I've seen people discuss how various factions in this game have had their rough edges sanded off for Veilguard. Definitely seems to be the case for the Crows; this 'patriot' business is a far cry from Zevran's Crows who raised child slaves and maintained torture prisons. It works within the aesthetic/themes of this particular game but it's a bit of a canon softening unfortunately.)
Helena smiles faintly. This sounds very much like an echo of her own feelings about Minrathous. She likes Viago, she decides; he's a bit more stoic than her own fiery attitude, but he has an appreciation for subtlety rather than direct attack, and he values the place that he lives in.
This is a cause she would have been inclined to support anyway - but the fact that it apparently ties to her own battles only sweetens the deal.
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"The gods care about taking Treviso?" she asks curiously.
Viago shrugs. "The Butcher wants Treviso. The gods may just want the Antaam."
Teia frowns irritably. "But Antaam distrust magic and outright fear demons," she insists. "They should be enemies."
"Power can turn anyone against their own interests." Viago's voice is low, bitter. "Their own people."
Helena hoists herself up on a nearby barrel and leans back against the wall with a thoughtful expression. "Sounds like you think the occupation wasn't just about force."
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Viago nods grimly. "Cruel as the Butcher is, he didn't break the city with a siege. It was sudden and complete."
"Like he had it all mapped," Teia agrees. "Where to march, and what to close off to choke resistance."
Helena frowns. "He had inside information? Spies?"
"He had something," says Teia.
"And until we know what it was," Viago says firmly, "kililng him isn't the contract."
Helena juts her jaw out with a pensive air, taking in these details, filling them away. "Butcher Daathrata - what do you know about him?"
Again a shrug from Viago. "The Antaam army fractured," he says, "split among warlords. And he seems to have kept the most traditional discipline. And the rank and file like it - his numbers keep growing. But the Butcher himself is... odd."
Helena blinks. "Odd how?"
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"He gives daily speeches," Teia says. "About how the occupation is somehow 'merciful'. And the way he talks, it's... familiar." Her eyes spark angrily. "It's like he thinks he belongs here. And I won't have it."
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Helena gives a sharp nod, hopping back off the barrel and onto her feet. She has the measure of the situation now. "Helping the Crows helps everyone in the long run," she agrees. "What's the first step to your message?"
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"We have a scout named Dareth," Teia says. "He said he was onto something the Butcher was hiding."
"He was in the Drowned District," adds Viago briskly. "So that's a place to start. Find our Crow and help with his contract."
Helena nods again. "Find your Crow. Then what?"
Teia smiles coldly. "We break this occupation. We craft the message one step at a time."
"And when we finally assassinate the person who leashed Treviso," Viago says, his voice lowering to a dangerous softness, "that death will tell everyone - the Crows rule Antiva. And Treviso *will* be free."
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syndrossi · 6 months ago
You know, it would actually be kind of fun to see a verse where Jon and Rhaegar are older when they wake up -- old enough perhaps to even argue that they should go *with* Daemon to the Stepstones when he goes back. It'd be fun to see them fighting on campaign together with their father...
Eeeenteresting. That could work if they were born shortly after Daemon's marriage to Rhea, as they'd be 15-16ish. Perhaps they're successfully hidden in the Vale that whole time, and are at Runestone when Rhea's hunting accident occurs. Cue the revelation of a lifetime when Daemon either receives a raven from Rhea or the boys to come to Runestone.
This could be one of the Vermithor/Silverwing AUs, because--well, Daemon's gonna be adamant that they not accompany him to the Stepstones regardless, but especially if they would be fighting on the ground, vulnerable to the forces there. If they're on dragonback, at least it's slightly more palatable.
(I give it 50/50 odds that the boys are forbidden and ignore Daemon's command to follow him there anyway because good luck stopping a pair of dragonriders who want to be somewhere!)
And what a way to introduce themselves to the realm: meeting Corlys, helping Daemon decisively end the war, and returning triumphant to King's Landing.
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alyjojo · 5 months ago
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November 🕷️ 2024 Monthly - Virgo
Preshuffle: Your deepest wish is to go away with your family, maybe on some kind of trip. There are a lot of positive and loving emotions, solid relationships, but very little cooperation from others in regards to this thing you want.
Meditation: A teeny tiny, cute little spider 🕷️ with UwU eyes 🥹 that says a soft and quiet “meep” slowly crawls out of a dead tree limb (family?) to face a big giant monster that…doesn’t even eat spiders, doesn’t even see the spider, the spider is moot. But you grow A HUNDRED TIMES IN SIZE to bite this monster’s head off, his body falls to the ground, you burp, and with a “meep”, crawl back to the tree. Virgo is not one to fk with in these readings, Spirit keeps trying to tell ‘em 😆
Main energy: 8 Pentacles
Eeeenteresting 🤔 If there was ever a reading that would suggest a shitty boss being let go, that’s positive, right? That’s what’s showing up here. If not a boss, it’s someone in a position of authority regardless of how they’re involved with you. A bad one, someone who doesn’t do their job or “manage” - it’s suggested this would be someone over you most likely, someone that either abuses their power or doesn’t bother to do their job at all. Could be someone in another department that you only have to talk to once a month but that once a month is the bane of your existence so…have a nice life! ✌️
Now for someone, that could be you, or the Virgo for a crosswatcher. If you aren’t searching for another job and know you need to, this reading is your sign to start looking. You may not find anything, going by two cards of just kinda waiting around at the end of the month, but the motivation is on point and your Oracle shows you do need to stand up for yourself - or someone else has/will towards you - and it’s a Justice that will likely shift someone’s else’s perspective on a situation.
What’s going on in November:
Yuck. I don’t know how deep this goes but The Emperor rev can be anything from a terrible boss to an abusive cop so where that toes the line here…idk. The law could be involved, or work policies have been broken. Someone could’ve been doing something illegal with money and it’s coming out, they’re losing their job or being sued or something. Sexual harassment cases could apply as well. It’s showing up as “immaturity” more than purposeful or bad intentions but…be very careful what you say to people at work, again it could be you. Pressuring flirtation or immature behavior/actions from those under them, rather than leading maturely, wisely, protectively and authoritatively as an Emperor is supposed to do, upright. If this is you, then you’ve not taken action that needs to be taken, you abandoned something important and just let it go…maybe even lost money over it.
I’m seeing a potential opportunity to pay for something over time, or even the potential to find a job that pays for something you need and had to give up. Could be 401k, great insurance, tuition reimbursement, there’s something you want that you don’t have - or maybe DID have and lost. Work related though, for most that I can see. If that’s the case then it’s something that makes NO sense to you, why it’s even gone. They saved a whole 100k a year and gutted their employees - but it’s a billion dollar (reputable) company wtf. I heard “reputable” & your claim is legit, even if you’re just claiming it at the kitchen table, venting to a friend, because there’s been no action. You’re just considering these things, “waking up” to things you’ve let slide or have been waiting on some kind of attention, effort, or change…when it’s good for them, you know? Nothing here is brash, sudden or impulsive.
Now either you’ve been with the same company for awhile and are realizing it’s not giving you what you want, or progress has been blocked and it’s up to you to make a move (or wait); or you’re considering a new position and that’s the thing that’s not adding up to what you’re expecting or deserve. You’re feeling locked in place, you need the money so you’re not just leaving. It’s possible that reaching out for something new just makes you appreciate what you have more, and you see it differently after the fact, a changed perspective. It could also be an amazing opportunity that maybe falls through for some reason, or already has, that shifts your perspective on what you already have like…they could and should definitely step it up. Some are just checking out something new and saying “nope,” back to the old - you’re grateful. Either way, you’re probably right 💛
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Cancer, Taurus, Pisces & Capricorn,
Oracle: ✨
Don’t be afraid to take a stand against injustice; complacency makes you weak.
We enter into November as:
The Loden Lesson 🪴
“It was by taking the right action that I found the road out.”
You must take action, do not expect that something is going to change without some doing on your part. It is also important to know that while things may seem bleak, that is only your perception. Life may feel difficult at present, but The Loden Lesson is simple, the only way out of stagnation is motion. If we decide to sit and do nothing, we must accept the responsibility of the decision. You may also be in a situation you feel is dead or finished. Pray for clarity, and wait for a response. It is vital that you do not make any decisions from an emotionally distraught state.
What is to be learned in November:
Cool Lemonade 🍋
“My dreams got answered.”
There are times when chasing dreams leaves us winded and unhappy. If this gift has been given, it’s to remind you there is always a plan. If you fear you’ve been sidetracked from your right path, have faith you’ll be guided back to it. There is not always a complicated reason why things didn’t work out how you wanted them to, it may be simpler than you think. Are you sure your prayers weren’t answered? Or was it a reply you refused to hear? You will find total peace when you appreciate the gifts you have, rather than pining for what you lack. Sometimes, we all need to be reminded that the point of prayer isn’t to get what we want, but to ask to be of service. Cool Lemonade reminds us to only seek to be of service in our lives, closeness with Spirit must always be put before what we’d like to have.
Yellow may be a lucky color 💛
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beechersnope · 2 years ago
what driver would benefit the most from dumbification ? there is only one correct answer and it is lance
eeeenteresting. provide your reasoning.
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zaffrenotes · 6 years ago
HUH. so THAT'S new... they're showing us the flirty responses now??
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frangipani-wanderlust · 2 years ago
I have noticed that tumblr polls where the answers can only be selected by guessing tend to have bell-curve distributions in the results. I've seen two of them so far. I may have to start collecting them.
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hockeying · 4 years ago
I’m at Ässät- Jokerit pre-season game at Isomäki Areena, Pori 👀
KHL team Jokerit has a solid group of loud fans, Ässät, not so much, not even in this home game. I guess since Jokerit has almost never games in Finland, the fans really are into this pre-season round.
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radroller · 6 years ago
Bro if Jonathan Hickman doesnt get me into X-Men, no one can.
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aristocratic-otter · 3 years ago
Hooray! See, never let anyone tell you nagging isn't effective 😂. No, seriously, I always tag you because I love love love your writing, and I'm always hoping more is coming!
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Thank you to @aristocratic-otter who tags me every single Sunday without fail, even though my googledocs has been a barren land for half a year ❤️ Your patience has paid off because I ACTUALLY WROTE TODAY 🥳. (Credit to Hozier for getting me in my feels.)
Most of it was 100% spoilers—which is great because it means I’m doing plot things yay—except these two POVs from our boys.
(A section of this I’ve WIP Wednesday’d before—but it was in a completely different fic and I’ve reworked it.)
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and BAZ
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(Eek it feels weird to be sharing first drafts again.)
I’m assuming everyone has been tagged at this point. But: @letraspal @palimpsessed @captain-aralias @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @martsonmars @moodandmist @prettylightsbigcity @takitalks @sillyunicorn and @mostlymaudlin and anybody else who felt inspired today 🥰
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shadlad24 · 4 years ago
The Lord of War: TMPSSEA* Version
Sorry, y’all. I’m tired. Been doing way too much lately. (Yup, that’s six posts for five days, a couple in-between skipped. Halp.) And with another couple hundred images set aside for this post now, I’m just gonna give you the text for now. Ahem!
[ETA: Pic Post]
Continuing from where we left off:
You know what else is interesting? Draco and Ares take little-to-no notice of Gabrielle at first. Draco doesn’t see her even when she very obviously sneaks into the meeting hall right behind Xena, at whom Draco is staring; Ares largely writes Gabrielle off during the first two seasons of the show.
Then Draco falls for the bard thanks to Baby Bliss. Next episode, “The Furies”? Ares grabs Gabrielle and holds her to him—who responds to him a lot like she did to Draco—before verbally acknowledging the sway she has over Xena. (Yes, his comment is insulting, but Ares often deals with his deeper feelings by ridiculing them and their object.) The next time Ares and Gabrielle come face-to-face with each other, he begins to overtly warm toward her; their chemistry together just grows from there. His appreciation of Gabrielle’s body gets taken to an extreme at the end of the third season; the instant he gets the opportunity to he with “her,” he takes it and greatly enjoys it. He is protective and reassuring with Hope the same way he was with Gabrielle when they were alone.
Yes, alone, because although I don’t think it was really him who appeared to Xena on that mountain during “The Bitter Suite,” I do think he was inception reverse-psychology’ing Gabrielle during “Forget Me Not” in pretending to be her guilt disguised as himself. The character is just too much like the real Ares for me, and his objectives generally clash rather than mesh with those professed by Gabrielle’s supposed guilt. Not to mention, he knows things that Gabrielle does not: the names of the Rivers, for instance. Which would mean that Ares took the time to not only secretly visit Gabrielle while Xena was away, he tried to tempt her choose the darker, easier path, much like he often did to Xena. His desire for Gabrielle grew over the years such that he at least considered filling Xena’s place in his heart with her, making her his new warrior princess in both “Succession” and “Seeds of Faith.” Then he gave up his godhood to save Gabrielle’s life in “Motherhood.”
Seeing all their commonalities and how Ares and Draco further never appear in the same episode together, is it crazy to suggest that Draco wasn’t a real person? That he was just one of Ares’s alter egos—like Atrius in “Ties That Bind”—whom the god of war used to manipulate Xena back to his side, even going so far as spending lengths of time in those identities apart from her to build up histories for them? This fits perfectly with my theory that Xena’s doppleganger in “Dreamworker” was a manifestation of Ares and that he likely impersonated her men to get with her before “The Reckoning,” as well.
Finally, it makes sense that right after Xena began her journey toward redemption, Ares would be all over trying to win her back. But he’d need a disguise because of all he’d done to her on “HTLJ” through Darphus: stirring a mutiny against Xena, making her walk the gauntlet, looting in her name against her wishes, and then trying to feed her to his freaky dog. So, Ares popping up as himself wasn’t an option. Who was? The fallback that he’d been using to get with Xena anyway; Draco. It’s the same with Gabrielle. Ares ruined things with her by slaying Eli before her eyes, then tries to get the bard to turn to him instead; he even lets her feel his power as the ultimate temptation. She flat-out rejects him without Xena’s help (unlike in “Succession” when the warrior princess sent Ares away on Gabrielle’s behalf). So, who comes along straight away in “Lyre, Lyre”? Draco. Eeeenteresting…
*As mentioned in TL;DR #6 (linked ^), this stands for “Too Many Pictures So Skip ’Em All,” as Xena says to kill ’em all. X’) But I’ll allow one collage, for record-keeping purposes on my end. Here ya go:
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PS: No, I don’t actually think Draco was a fake. He probably would have been a pawn of Ares at most, like Najara might have been, but it’s intriguing how well so many elements fit together, isn’t it? Hm...
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blackjackkent · 1 year ago
Quick pass around camp to check in with everyone post-Mizora. Couple interesting scenes.
The first is short - chatting with Karlach, who is flabbergasted that Wyll put her life over his own. Rakha, after a long bit of thought I suspect, commented, "He is a good man. Maybe the best of us." Goes along with some of what she was thinking about in my last post - that Wyll really puts his money where his mouth is in terms of his ideals. She doesn't understand it, but she recognizes on some level that it puts him a cut above the rest of their little group, including herself.
The second is a scene with Shadowheart that I haven't seen before (presumably because I've usually had her in the party long enough for her mark to go off):
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"Something's wrong. I feel... I feel..."
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"Ngh. It hurts. Darkness protect me."
Rakha has noticed the small mark on the back of Shadowheart's hand already, but not given it much thought until just at this moment, where it sparks with a flash of magical energy that she can feel shiver all over her skin. The tapestry of the Weave ripples with it intensely.
It doesn't seem to be a spell - at least not one of the sort Rakha is slowly becoming familiar with. But whatever it was, it was significantly painful when it went off.
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"What was that all about?" Rakha demands.
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Shadowheart looks up, and her expression is unusually perplexed - and with a hint of fear. "I..." she says haltingly, "I don't know."
Rakha cocks her head curiously. Evasion? Or true confusion? It's hard to tell - but Shadowheart's blank look seems sincere. It seems, in fact, like what Rakha's face must look like, when faced with one of the myriad things in this world that she has no memory of.
[WISDOM] Use your shared connection. Enter her thoughts.
As it did before with Gale and Wyll, her need for answers overwhelms her sense, and she pushes instinctively outward with her mind. Unlike the other two, though, Shadowheart doesn't resist - in fact, she doesn't seem to notice. Her attention is turned inward.
Narrator: You sense her trying to understand what just happened. She silently begs her goddess for guidance. Shar.
Shar. The name (unsurprisingly) doesn't ring any bells for Rakha. But a goddess of... night, perhaps? Darkness protect me, Shadowheart had said.
She presses for more information. "You're a Shar worshipper, aren't you?" She pronounces the unfamiliar word carefully.
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Shadowheart flinches, scowls defensively. "I should have been more discreet around you, clearly. Yes - you're right. I worship Shar, the Mistress of the Night." She sticks her jaw out stubbornly, as if daring Rakha to make a scene. "Now that you have the truth, please don't make a big fuss about it."
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Wyll, in spite of his terrible evening, has drifted out of his tent in concern at the commotion, in time to hear this latest reveal. "A Shar worshipper?" he says. Rakha flicks a questioning glance at him. He shrugs. "Not my usual quarry. Nor my usual ally."
Rakha narrows her eyes thoughtfully. This is, evidently, a major revelation for someone with more context. Shar is a goddess worshiped in secret. People are cautious around her followers. Shadowheart expects her to make a "fuss" now that she knows - an instinctive reaction, surely, for Shadowheart knows as well as anyone that Rakha knows nothing of such things.
Did I worship a god? Rakha finds herself wondering abruptly. In whatever memories I lost?
If she did, it is lost to her now, with everything else. "I don't care who you worship," she says bluntly. "We have bigger problems."
Shadowheart blinks, then relaxes slightly. "True. I didn't think you'd react so pragmatically. Perhaps I should have told you sooner."
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Rakha shrugs. It would not have changed anything. But it would tell her more about her strange fragmented view of the world, added a few more pieces to the puzzle. "Now that the truth's out, tell me more," she demands.
But Shadowheart pulls back. She is not used to people reacting with interest to this apparently secret information, and it's clear she doesn't know how to handle it. "Talk to me later," she mutters. "This day's been long enough already."
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dreamertrilogys · 5 years ago
tbh i don’t Vibe w the flower it’s time for a change, mayhaps this time i’ll decide to quit the strange *waggles eyebrows* and save you all this confusion that’s seemingly giving you all this strife :) - 💥 (laughing anon)
:000 eeeenteresting !!!!!! “quit the strange”,,,,, im SO INTRIGUED rn
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salsabubble · 7 years ago
No roster yet, buuuut... every one of my nerds is available! (Working on it ;-;)
Character solidifying!
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have? 2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have? 3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings? 4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient? 5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered? 6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child? 7. What was the economic status of their family? 8. How does your character feel about religion? 9. What about political beliefs? 10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted? 11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated? 12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations? 13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates? 14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected? 15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED? 16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike? 17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When? 18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember? 19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now? 20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced? 21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate? 22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner? 23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex? 24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually? 25. What are their hobbies and interests? 26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance? 27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality? 28. Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice? 29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling? 30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive? 31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate? 32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively? 33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health?  34. Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous? 35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures? 36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering? 37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories? 38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic? 39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid? 40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one? 41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony? 42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain? 43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back? 44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them? 45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic? 46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body? 47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible? 48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish? 49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent? 50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
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alyjojo · 2 years ago
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The Person On Your Mind in March 💆🏿‍♀️ 2023 - Leo
Whole of their energy towards Leo: Justice
Feelings: The Hermit
Intentions: Queen of Cups
Actions: 8 Wands
This feels like a parent, possibly an air sign, water is here too. They love you and also need you to see the truth of your situation, they probably don’t feel like you listen to them much. Their messages show you both as being very different, it could be a difference in priorities & desires. They feel like whatever has happened was deserved, due to your foolish actions. I get an “I told you so” vibe from them. To be clear though, they may not actually be saying that out loud. The Hermit shows them being closed off from you or you are from them, it’s probably been necessary. I’m getting that you’re a spendthrift, they’re a saver, they see this as a lack of growth and an invitation for…Fool rev situations, reckless and foolish problems, like they’ve already shown has happened. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” They have to have Virgo somewhere with that energy 😆 I’m laughing at them, not you.
They ARE right, you’re showing up here as excessive, getting yourself into avoidable problems, being more “live for today” than “gotta eat tomorrow”, they have a point. This person has taken a major step back *because* they know they are judgmental, and watching this cycle you’re currently in is hurting their head. They need you to see logical sense, truth, do the right thing, cut the other crap out. To the point they’re probably not as nice as they would like to be, 7 Pentacles shows either the need to save money, and you don’t, or they feel they’ve invested a lot of time into this and it’s not progressing, it won’t, and they need a break. Intentions ARE to be nice! Loving. Nurturing. They do love you, and they do know that they come off as…harsh, or they have hurt you before with what they say. They don’t want to do that, they want you to know they love you. But knock it off 😣 Their actions are messaging about finances, inquiring & getting nosy about your situation, they want to know all of the details and guide you in the right direction. Hierophant shows up possibly as your spouse too, for those that are married. For a small portion, you may be deciding to divorce this person, or they are to that point of frustration with this same cycle. For others, the majority, this is a wise parent or elder figure that wants to help, but you’ve gotta hear them out and do the thing ❤️ Or rather…stop. They’re wise regardless of who it is.
Their side:
- I’m happy where I am.
- We don’t feel the same way.
Your side:
- Married 💍
- Emotionally Immature
Possible signs:
Libra, Taurus, Pisces & Virgo
If you’re dealing with:
The Star shows you in a very positive and receptive energy, healing relationships and very hopeful for what’s coming for you and everyone else you care about, seeing the glass as full and limitless potential or opportunities for you to manifest with people around you.
Aries - burdened by your sadness, doesn’t seem to understand what you’re sad about, or that’s switched
Taurus - coming in with messages and gifts
Gemini - a beautiful relationship, you are both very happy, in love, and taking your time 💘
Cancer - has already gotten over a conflict and is waiting for you to join them
Leo - wants to ask you out but doesn’t know how or what to say, definitely has feelings
Virgo - messaging about something but is kinda cold, sticks to the facts & not much else
Libra - obsessed with you, thinks you’re hot, probably worships the ground you walk on
Scorpio - doing their best to remain patient because they’re really busy, or you are
Sagittarius - a very painful ending with a King of Cups, could feel betrayed by someone they care about, maybe you or that’s switched
Capricorn - moving away from this, it’s over
Aquarius - possibly a new start with lasting potential, could be an old friend with a business proposition or something like that
Pisces - planning for the future but…what do they choose? What’s realistic with you?
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askullandbones · 7 years ago
How about goop in a band AU? Because I see eeeenteresting things in this. (Also I was that one obligatory musical kid but shhhhhhh)
The main problem with this is that I am... not musically inclined, and I think that shows in my writing because I never give my characters playing instruments even a second thought.
Maybe he’d play bass?
I can see Kid playing drums because it’s something that you can really take your aggression out on. Teach would probably be the singer because he’s literally the only Gaster I have that has a decent voice. lol
Rage on electric guitar because. Well. Look at him.
[Throw me AUs!]
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mashmaiden · 4 years ago
veeeeeerryyyyyyyy eeeenteresting indeed!
Yep, we’re all good. It’s just Kirkin kidnapping him. 😂
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