Herrscher Of Trash
512 posts
Let Ophelia and Ereshkigal be happy please. Biromantic asexual, stupid and also tired as hell.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
herrscher-of-trash · 2 years ago
I felt like y’all would enjoy this even if I never update here. So I work primarily with The Morrigan, and after my last relationship with a guy I was questioning for awhile if I was even still attracted to men. So the centerpiece for my alter in my dorm, is essentially behind everything and if it falls everything else would too. Dorms are tiny so don’t judge this a whole lot. So I went to bed having this really big moment of I don’t know if I still like men, like bigger than it’s been for the past year. The next morning I woke up to the centerpiece on the floor and everything else was completely still. Even the assignment papers I had on my desk beneath it. So I did some tarot to be like I’m sorry why are you upset, and it essentially said be gay do crime just as a summary. So yeah, bestie is a proud lesbian now.
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herrscher-of-trash · 3 years ago
Listen Mandricardo would listen to my emo ass playlist with me and probably enjoy it. And honestly what more is needed?
Anyway which of these do you think he’d like the most: Pierce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, Bring Me The Horizon, Three Day Grace, Slipknot or Falling in Reverse? No right answer here
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Roza is great once you unlock her augment core. Definitely an unpopular opinion but I love the Yae Sakura you have there, mostly due to play style. Honestly most of the Valkyries have a potential to be good if you get them decent gear.
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hey i just started playing honkai a few days ago
can someone pls tell me if these characters are good ??
idk how the ranking system works yet :/
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Not to be that person but I think the developers confirmed he’s not at all related to Nazis in an interview.
My knowledge on RE8 is entirely from tumblr, friend who has a hyperfixation, and a youtube funnyman whose playthrough i watched. And I wanna preface this with I am not Jewish but this is a thing that has been Bugging Me:
I am so mad about Heisenberg having metal powers. I am so so mad about this. The man is effectively a Nazi, and everyone sees his powers and is like oh, like Magneto!
Magneto. Is Jewish. He was created by two Jewish men in the 40s. He was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. An integral part of his backstory is that he is Jewish, and that he is a concentration camp survivor. That's why he's opposed to Professor Centrist's "oh let's be friends and agree with mutant registration" deal. Because. He's Jewish.
And giving a Nazi metal powers feels so fucking disrespectful.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Not that I have time for it but a Hadestown Au for Resident Evil Village sounds mighty intriguing 👀
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
I play both Genshin and Honkai Impact, and let me tell you Genshin stans. If you come into Honkai expecting that the community is gonna tolerate your shit, it absolutely won’t.
Honkai came before Genshin by years, concepts by years, hell, even character inspiration and names by years. This comes from a Honkai Veteran too.
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Don’t “cancel” characters over dumb shit, because it’s:
A) Stupid as fuck.
B) Outdated/Old as fuck.
C) it’s already been addressed by the community.
If you come to Honkai from Genshin and have a good time, great! More power to you. However, if you come in with the toxic, whiny, little nitpicky bullshit you all did with Genshin saying it was “too difficult” and “problematic” to deal with or play, just leave.
And for some notes for you all:
- Bronya and Seele are girlfriends, not sisters.
- Roza and Lili are sisters.
- Child soldiers are in Honkai, just like they are in Genshin.
- There are characters of several nationalities/upbringings in Honkai, don’t try your uneducated whining bullshit.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
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secrets forged in khaenri’ah 
(mihoyo pls drop more lore bits I am starving) 
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
A vivid image just sprung up in my head.
Gudako: *broke a bone during a rayshift or something*
Kiara: Ah damn, we’re all out of anesthetics, well I guess I’ll have to find my own way of dulling that pain so to say.
Everyone within Chaldea: *visible panic*
So what you're saying is that Kiara has at least 2 PhDs, as well as the endless knowledge of the grail?
Apparently Kiara is a psychiatrist, not a psycologist, so chances are instead she has 2 MDs and the Grail Knowledge.
...Oh my god Kiara “Sex Fiend” Sessyoin probably has some of the best medical knowledge in Chaldea, there has almost certainly been a time Kiara had to step in for medical emergencies. Jesus and they just... trust her with that?!
...How many Chaldea staff members has she given impromptu dick enlargening? Unscheduled breast enhancements? Jesus Christ somebody revoke this woman’s medical liscense.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
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Reblog to make a white gay big mad
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Arjuna: They’re gaining on us. Keep Master’s head down and our vehicle in top speed, I will shoot back.
Raikou: Lord Gilgamesh, must you really be the getaway driver for our Master in such a dangerous chase? Let me drive. My riding skill should let us evade our pursuers.
Gilgamesh: Fools. How dare you ask your king to let mongrels command his chariot! I am the driver, no one else!
QSH, voice coming out of the radio: Worry not, Our citizens! We have already foreseen this danger to Our retainer from such incorrigible opponents, and thus have taken steps to merge with the automobile and ensure a successful escape. Now, Our vassal, partake in appropriate chase music to relax as We take you to safety.
Gilgamesh: Get out of my car!
QSH: Our car.
QSH (Car): What is love? Baby don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me, no more!
Gudako:  *Headbobs*
Everyone: *reluctantly headbobs with her*
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Kama was merciful on my SQs, so now I may start saving for Arjuna Alter.
Thank you oh great gacha gods.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Boo Boo the Fool here totally isn’t thinking about doing a Little Red Riding Hood spin-off with Jack on Ao3. Most definitely not to procrastinate doing stuff I really should for classes.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
They’re all Pixar movies.
Random thought: another school or dorm but the students are all from other animated films that aren't Disney.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
What I do is I only summon on the normal banner when I get the faints from ascending characters. Since everything on that banner you can get from the featured banners.
Other than that just save for the banner you really want. If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
Oman I need someone to explain the pity system in genshin to me like I’m five bc I do not fucking get it
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years ago
Ok so:
Each banner has a separate pity counter. At 100 you get a 5 star available on said banner: so say it’s on the current featured character banner. From there it’s a 50/50 bet as to wether you get the featured character or the standard pool (Keqing, Qiqi, Mona, Diluc, or Jean). If you don’t get the featured, your next 5 star is guaranteed to be the featured character.
Oman I need someone to explain the pity system in genshin to me like I’m five bc I do not fucking get it
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