#edward needs a hug
inthebluz · 3 months
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I should not be allowed to write about Edward Elric
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the-shrimp-alchemist · 9 months
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Anyone else think Ed and Ling should've been a little more. I dunno. Drenched in blood during this arc? :)c (for the sake of the blood showing up on their dark clothing let's just say there's So Much Of It)
I didn't draw this for October 3rd btw, but now's as good a day to post as any!
Bonus, by the time they emerge:
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dramatic reveal ruined, more at 11
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adriart · 2 years
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how about some picking each other up content in s2 mr jenkins?
+bonus heart-eyes closeups:
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near-death experience
(Ageswap/Roleswap AU)
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bethanydelleman · 4 months
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Edward Ferrars Appreciation Text Post
(These are based on the book, not the movie or mini, but alas I need pictures)
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cheetahspy · 3 months
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“I always thought the only positive feedback that he ever received in his life was when a puzzle or a riddle said, ‘You win.’” -Paul Dano
Everyone brushes over the fact that Edward’s username is Puzzle King, I think it’s silly ok🥺
Also I can’t do backgrounds or hands still lol✌️Or anything-
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ghostofchaos-past · 10 months
it is a necessity at this point that ed and stede hug in s2
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fluffyfluffyscarecrow · 8 months
Cuddling with the Riddler (2004 version)
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He's...not the best at cuddling. At least at first.
This is because with all of his elaborate schemes and never receiving a lot of affection in the past, he's never really had a chance to be this soft and vulnerable with someone.
He really does want affection, though, so once he trusts you, he's willing to cuddle.
Well, as long as you initiate it. He's not used to asking for affection.
If he does ask, it's gonna be in the form of a riddle (obviously...)
Despite how bony he is, he actually makes a pretty nice cuddle partner.
Absolutely the little spoon, I won't argue on this, he just is. He LOVES being held.
He also adores when you stroke his hair and makes these cute purr-like sounds when you do it.
His hair is super soft, you could pet him for hours and he'd probably love it.
He'll make you answer some riddles though. Because of course.
It's tough work being the smartest man in Gotham. Fortunately now he has you to comfort him, and he'll do everything he can to comfort you as well.
Overall 10/10, would cuddle.
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jaypentaghast · 9 months
I'm not worried at all about the crew not forgiving Ed tbh
They tried to mutiny Stede, Ed and Izzy almost killed him, they almost killed Izzy, Buttons wanted to eat Lucius and the Swede, Roach too, they tried to kill Ed, etc
what is a family if not a group of people who sometimes try to murder one another
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boogiewoogieweeb · 19 days
floppy mid-00s mcnulty is THEEEEE modern au ned. look at him. he's like a microfibre cloth left in the dryer picking up socks with all the static electricity
anon, while i love your conviction on the topic, i'm afraid i have to disagree. modern!au ned would look like this:
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gif credit: @mmcnultys
just an average dude trying his best to survive the horrors (mandated corporate team-building exercises). though to be fair, he does still look like a staticky microfibre cloth in the second gif. so good call on that.
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xariarte · 1 month
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meimeiherokitten · 17 days
Well, duckies, thank @deskgirl for this!
I've never written soulmate au before, so let's see how this goes!
Izzy never believed in soulmates. Or soulmarks. Or any of that crap. So why does he have a new mark on his arm...?
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soapbubbles511 · 9 months
For as dark as things got for Ed, we still don't see him personally kill anyone. He still can't, even when the person he wants killed is himself.
We see the crew killing all sorts of people on these raids. But Ed is mostly standing back from it. Forcing the crew to enact terrible violence on his behalf. We see him fire his gun at someone offscreen, but as shown with Izzy shooting doesn't mean killing.
He tries to force the crew to kill each other, maim them and make their lives unbearable. The whole thing is to goad them into killing him rather than him killing himself. Again, outsourcing the big job.
The one person he actively tries to kill is Hornigold, who is a manifestation of himself and his self-loathing. And as much as he tries, he can't actually do that either. Hornigold just keeps popping back up.
Him not personally killing was never some twisted morals. It stems from a very specific trauma around killing his father. And even at his lowest moment, he still can't make himself do it again.
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redid the lineart on this one because I wasn’t as happy with it as I knew I could be
(Ageswap/Roleswap AU)
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anli-rambles · 3 months
In case you're wondering no I won't ever shut up about the Kenways
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bragginball-z · 11 months
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These two are the captains of “I’m in love with a blonde that loves books and also loves abandoning me” club
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