#edward Nygma/nina damfino
mimicben · 4 months
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*rolls out of grave* hhhhhhrgrghh, what year is it??
(enjoy another panel redraw lolol, they're a lot of fun to do; original under the cut)
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gilverrwrites · 3 months
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someone has probably already done this better but eh
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ktsghost · 2 years
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god I wish that was me
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froot-batty · 7 months
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Eddie and friends :]
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twofaceenjoyer · 6 months
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Redid my echo and query designs from a while back :0)
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robot-carl · 4 months
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Just two crime lesbians and their sleeping bisexual boss. Crime is tiring business.
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jas-peesauna · 6 months
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query and echo designs !!!!!!! enjoy them very much
if i mixed them up please shoot me immediately . also this is Kind of codotverse but also general designs idk Tell me if theres anything I need to know ..,
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anicansortadraw · 1 year
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Some of my newest sketches
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mimicben · 9 months
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A quick drawing i did of my designs for Query and Echo because i love women
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Watching this vid and the idea of the relationship between Query, Echo and Riddler being used as an opposition between Harley and Joker is something I had never thought of but it's very interresting.
Them being platonic soulmates that have no romance or sexual relation whatsoever but still have a good chemistry, common goals and a surprinsignly equal partneship while still cleary having the rogue-henchgirl dinamic in contrast with Harley and Joker that are romantically involved but are deeply abusive and unequal to the point that even when fans stopped seing Harley as a henchgirl she still was only that to Joker until she left him. Is an interresting concept that could have created a whole discussion about the representation of henchwoman on comics.
Instead they decided that Eddie should be an incel.
P.S: This isn't the only direction or even take of the video, it's mostly following all Query and Echo appearances and their creation and Sasha (thd youtuber) sugests some directions they could've taken. It's a really great video overall.
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omggaypeople · 8 months
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Some riddler sketches (+ memes)
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ktsghost · 2 years
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based on that one comic panel lol
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Query and Echo comforting him. Might redraw this in my actual art style at some point :) (had the need to just do a Riddler drawing and complete it y'know?)
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
With Young Justice Riddler(or more if you want): He is coming home from a cuddly date with Y/N at the fair, and he realizes that his shirt smells like Y/N. So Eddie pulls his shirt up to his face to smell it before it fades away.
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Lightheaded, lighthearted
Young Justice Edward Nygma X Reader
OHOHO this wil be good, to those who are requesting more of our pathetic baby YJ Eddie, I love you guys sooooo so much 💝✨
💚 It is most crucial to introduce major players in this little trip, so I won't refer these group fo people as solely 'your friends' throughout the whole narrative.
There's Lee, the horndog with the innuendos. but with that innocent face, no one suspected a thing and no one would believe you. The brightest, yet sometimes dimmest. Other than that, she's a sweetheart.
Diedre, the thrill seeker. Enables Lee a lot with her continuous spur of innuendos by adding fuel to the fire. A great cheerleader and pep talker, she is very encouraging and supporting, always the loudest in the crowd when it comes to showing support.
Nina, the stoic one, the sarcastic edge over lord. Mistress of dry humour, straight-faced and takes no shit. May look like she doesn't give a fuck, but don't let that fool you, she's the older sister friend that keeps everyone in check if she isn't the one enabling it, which is normally the case.
Marian, but she prefers to be called Macy, mom friend supreme. Sweet, warm, welcoming. Holds the metaphorical child-leashes in your friend group. Is placed under constant stress with either Lee, Diedre, Nina and you from your unique individual needs, circumstances, fuck ups and such.
💚 Carnival fairs!!! The food, the sights, the ambiance! The screams of children and adult alike as they course through the air from a highly questionable machinery that's probably overdue to repairs and maintenance... ITS FUN I SWEAR---
Well, you can always avoid the rides... But you have friends who are good in peer pressure, in which case, yes, you cannot avoid it. You can delay the rides by going elsewhere, but it won't take long until one of them hurls you in one of those the rides.
If you can tolerate/enjoy such activities, good for you. Your date on the other hand... Well, you gotta save it for last if you want him coherent, not vomitting and standing with two of his feet on the ground.
💚 And so while you're evading the carnival rides, Edward has taken to test himself with a few range-shooting games for fun. He's held a real gun before and aimed it at the Bat before, surely he can do it in a setting in which it's not really. Keyword, aimed, never shot. And he's only ever used it to intimidate anyways--but surely! Surely he can use a fake one! And besides, the targets aren't even moving... Unless the game is rigged, then it was not on him.
Anyways, there were five bullets loaded in the toy gun and you have a specific amount of targets to knock off a terrain to win a specific objects with points written on them. Ten points can win you a pen. Fifteen points you can win a snack. Twenty five points get a pencil case. Forty points can get you the fun ones, the stuffed points and boy, was he aiming for a one hundred to win youthe biggest stuff toy in there.
He has the gun in his hand, on a stance of what he thinks is the proper pose for a marksman.
Aim... Ready... Fire.
Aaaaand it missed. His aim was waaaay off. Upon firing, he catches the attention of your wandering friends and began to gather behind you. Knowing them full-well, they were going to heckle the fuck out of your poor man for the fun of it and though it's all in the name of fun and they don't really mean it, but you know how Edward can be a touch sensitive. Instead, Lee, Diedre and Nina stood behind scrutinizing the targets, then the operator, who has his eyes on you.
Whatever, he has four more shots.
... it didn't knock the target off the terrain.
Nina steps next to Edward and squints at the target for a moment, before turning to him.
"Try shooting that one," She points at the one at the edge, in which Edward follows and surely hits the target, but it didn't fell off. He empties the bullets, and it barely knocked it over. "Huh... The glue on that target sure is strong, ain't it Mister?" Nina points a barely concealed condescension at the operator, her accusatory gaze contorting to irritation when Macy smacked the sarcastic lass by the shoulder.
"I assure you, ma'am, they're not. See?" The operator demonstrates by picking up the target. Seeing satisfaction in Nina's eyes, he lowers the target back down.
"Sorry about that, Mister." Macy sheepishly smiles at him.
"Nah, I get it."
"I'll have another try."
Your friends glanced at your date with stunned faces. Oh he is determined to get you that damned stuffed animal, fuck his wallet.
💚 About five tries, not a point in his calibre and at this point, he was getting embarrassed. He is aware this might be rigged but at the same time, his ego was way to big for him to back down until he won the price. He is winning this for you, goddamnit! It feels as though he was playing basketball, and he has the ball and proclaims to you that this shot is for you, only for him to fail at shooting the ball in the ring and it just looks pathetic and to him, it symbolically equates his love for you being untrue. He doesn't know where he is pulling these bullshit from at this point, he is a mess.
"May I try?"
Edward flushed red when your hand lands on his arm and his determination and obligation to win this melted away. Of course he wasn't going to say no to you! Who would do such a thing?
"O-Of course!"
He hands you the gun and closely watched the concentration in your beautiful countenance scrutinize the target with sheer admiration in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, you squeezed the trigger.
For some reason, he wasn't that butt hurt. He initially thought he would, but not a speck of it was there. Instead, he felt proud and damn impressed. And his chest swelled at the memory of the sight of concentration in your features, how you somehow dropped from your usual self and into this unrecognisable, yet still beautiful side of you.
It was then Edward found out that your achievements were also your friends', as he almost jumped out of his skin when he heard them shriek behind him in excitement, shouting out words of support. But most of all, you actually did it! You sheepishly turned to them, rubbing the back of your neck whilst lowering the gun by the counter.
"Oh come on you guys, it was just beginner's luck." You dismissively waved at them, before picking up the price by the counter. "This, is for you." You handed him the brown bear with a purple bow around its neck.
"T-thank you umm..." He swallows thickly, accepting the bear and pressing it to his chest. "I-uh... Good job! You did really well!"
"Aww, shucks..." You bit your lip before lightly nudging him. "I kept you in mind as an inspiration to win."
Edward stares at you with wide eyes. Have you now?
"I'm flattered, Y/N. I was actually... Um... The sentiment is mutual but uh, I kinda— y-ya know, failed." And it was pathetic.
"I know this sounds so cliché... But it's the thought that counts."
Diedre exclaimation bursts from the world you constructed with Edward where the only two of you exist at the moment. You were back in the present, where your friends began dragging both you and Edward to the said karaoke booth.
💚 The booth was small, but enough to fit six people if you are willing to squeeze against your seatmates... Or maybe sit on one's lap, that can work too and that's what you did. Edward was a touch flustered, but with enough convincing from you, he finally sat on your lap.
Anyways, songs were found and numbers were punched in. The microphone was functional in Diedre's hand and the machine was blaring the tracks you all know and love. At first, Edward was a touch too flustered to sing along with you and your friends. But as time comes, he finds himself singing as well, just not as loud as you were being. The microphone gets passed around during verse and chorus switch, in which Edward denied the microphone and instead passed it to someone else.
"But mama I'm in love with a criminal! And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical! Mama please don't cry, I will be alright! All reason aside, I just can't deny, love the guy~"
Diedre had always been fond of singing and she is one hell of a vocalist. But at times, she tends to be carried away and throw what she had learned from vocal classes and just scream lyrics with friends.
Lee is a screamer, not a shred of vocal talent within her but she is an enthusiastic fellow who is passionate about it.
"Strumming my pain with his fingers, singing my life with his words. Killing me softly with his song, killing me softly with his song, telling my whole life with his words, killing me softly with his song~"
Macy falls more into the soft, whispery singing voice suited for lullabies.
"Somebody, ooh, somebody! Can anybody find me somebody to looooooove!"
Nina and her rock and roll voice, of course. Chest voice is rich and she nails more of the guttural side of singing, but now and again, she belts out.
"Oh shut the fuck up you're winning in love." Nina shoves your face away from the microphone from singing the chorus, her gaze flickering to Edward, before she continues with the second verse.
They're already wilding at this stage, Edward wonder what could possibly happen if alcohol were to be involved...
💚 As the "the first one to get a sore throat" competition ensues, Edward couldn't help but to feel at ease at how your friends would include him in every activity you engage in. He doesn't feel lost in conversations, as they would provide him context.
He doesn't notice the way you wrapped your arms around his waist while he was seated in your lap until you temporarily unwrapped them and reached for something. He felt as though your arms were natural to be there, around his midsection. The moment he noticed, he was flaring red and one might assume because you were screaming the lyrics of Rihanna's S and M.
"You sure you don't wanna give it a go?" You grinned at Edward, offering the microphone. R
"Come on!"
"It'll be fun!"
"You don't have to," Macy reassures with an understanding look, as the instrumental of the last song begins.
... I mean, he might as well.
Upon reaching for the microphone, your friends began clapping and cheering. He isn't much of a singer but the way your friends hype up one another despite delivering an ear-piercing performance, they applaud to no end, so it does bring comfort to know that.
"I want your love and I want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!"
"WOAH OH OH OOOOOOH~~~" you and your friends sang along.
"I want your love and all your lover's revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!"
💚 After exiting the booth, the sights of the ride greets you once again, where it had Edward swallowing thickly when his eyes meet a Pirate ship ride filled with screaming attendants. Then there's a roller coaster, a big nope. Then there's the Ferris wheel, that's oddly fast instead of an idle spin, it resembled a human washing machine.
Then there's your friends, pointing at the said rides in excitement. This is where Edward has taken to hiding behind you again when your friends settled to ride the Pirate Ship. The ominous thing which swung back and fourth like a pendulum.
"Come on Edward, it'll be fun!" Lee encourages, lightly shaking him by his shoulders.
"I-I don't think I can—"
"If Y/N will ride, would you?"
"Lee, don't force someone to do what they don't want to," Macy lightly scolds.
"You are riding, right Y/N?" Diedre asks, draping her arm around your shoulder and poking a finger in your cheek.
"Well yeah, sure why not?"
... well, suck it up, I guess.
"Dee," Macy glares at Diedre.
"I-I'll go." Edward blurts out.
"Are you sure?" You and Macy spoke in unison.
"Yes." No.
"Come on, I already bought tickets. Eddie's coming along, right?" Nina spoke from behind you after standing in line to get tickets.
"I am..."
"Are you sure?" You pulled him aside, clinging on his arm and looking deeply within his bespectacled gaze to search his reluctance, lo and behold, it was so fucking obvious.
"Y-Yes... Don't worry about me." Fucking. Help.
💚 With reassurances given to you and himself, he was strapped in his seat with you and Lee, who were seated on either side of him. White knuckling the metallic safety bar, he watches in horror as the seats were filled by other attendants and the sound of horns rings against his ears. Then, the ship started to swing and let me tell you, his stomach fucking dropped.
His first instinct was to screw his eyes shut and refused to let a sound from his throat. Behind him, he can hear Nina and Diedre cheering loudly, fucking egging the conductor to bring the ride at its fullest speed. Out of fear, he tucks his head against your neck and found his hand clutching your thigh. In all this terror, for a moment, felt him stabilizing when he felt you put a hand atop his...
Then, somehow, Nina and Diedre finally got what they want... Everyone boarding the ride who swore not to scream, screamed. Edward was a little thankful he wasn't the only one.
💚 Nina and Diedre were a touch disappointed when the ride came to end, but some others were rushing out of the ride and Edward was one of them. The ground seemingly swayed with every step and felt as though he had once again accidentally drank from the Mad Hatter's teacup. To lend him a sense of stability, you were once again by his side... Macy, being the concern mother hen she is, was also there. Whereareas Lee, Nina and Diedre were laughing about the experience... Not specifically Edward, but he was too disoriented to hear it.
"Oh my fucking, the girl behind me was screeching a church hymn." Diedre laughed, before nudging Nina. "You got that recorded, right?!"
"Sure did!" Nina holds her phone out.
"Oooh! I recorded too!" You looked over Lee, who possesses blackmail material with a glare.
"Who are you feeling?" Macy, not minding the noise behind her, has taken to seating Edward under a tree shaded bench. Rummaging through her back, she produces a zesty menthol essential oil before handing it to Edward. "Here, hold on to this for the time being. I'm going to get some water."
"Thank you..." Edward managed to croak as Macy turned away and make a beeline for the food stalls. Taking a light inhale from the uncapped bottle, he feels his nausea to lightly dissipate.
"I am so sorry about that..." Edward glances at you to find your apologetic face looking away.
"No, no, it's not your fault... It was my choice..." He weakly insists.
"Can I still make it up to you?" You looked up at him.
... Well if you're offering...
"Can I... Rest my head on your shoulder?" Edward chokes up for a moment, but felt a sense of comfort knowing you wouldn't say know.
Smiling, you tip your head aside your offer him your shoulder. Edward leans in and sighs in content, face flushing a deeper shade of red when you went an extra mile to wrap your arms around his torso. Unbeknownst to the both of you, certain cellphone welding friends were taking pictures.
💚 Upon feeling better, the whole group decided to stop by for some snacks, eat before going home. Edward had fun; he got to know more of you, the people you love, your interests, talents, befriended your friends, rode a dreaded ride... Cuddling up with you...
When he got home, he couldn't deny the smile on his face. He steps in his room, in the process of removing his jacket when he suddenly caught your scent. Stunned, he presses his nose on his jacket and breathes it in before he collapsed on his bed with a content sigh.
He was disrupted from his daydreams when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Curiously, he reaches for it and unlocks it, to find himself added to a group chat named 'Green Gang', the picture of the group being the photo you have taken after the damn ride... Lee, Diedre, Nina who looked as normal, while you, Macy and Edward were situated by the corner tending to him.
Lee: Hey :D
Lee: Just got home. I'll send some pics later (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Nina sent 30 photos
Diedre: Damn, I have like 3 or 5 pics 😂
Nina sent 30 photos
Nina sent 30 photos
Nina sent 30 photos
Nina sent 10 videos
Diedre: 😳
Lee: RIP phone storage
Macy: Still on the train. Are you okay now, Edward?
Edward froze... He swallows thickly, before typing up a reply.
Edward: Just got home. I'm doing great, thank you for taking care of me.
Lee: That's Macy for ya (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
Edward: That was actually a great time, thank you for inviting me.
Diedre: We won't traumatise you next time 😁
Nina: That would be Y/N's job lmao
Edward couldn't help but to chuckle.
Y/N: Gang and I are like going out for a fun photoshoot. Wanna come?
Well duh.
Edward: I'd love to.
Another date, pinned on his calendar. He is fucking winning in life.
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geislieb · 2 years
Riddler, Query, & Echo (platonic) / T / 1,383 words
Edward has a broken arm. He, Query, and Echo argue about who’s going to do his T shot.
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