#incel riddler is such a cheap take
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Watching this vid and the idea of the relationship between Query, Echo and Riddler being used as an opposition between Harley and Joker is something I had never thought of but it's very interresting.
Them being platonic soulmates that have no romance or sexual relation whatsoever but still have a good chemistry, common goals and a surprinsignly equal partneship while still cleary having the rogue-henchgirl dinamic in contrast with Harley and Joker that are romantically involved but are deeply abusive and unequal to the point that even when fans stopped seing Harley as a henchgirl she still was only that to Joker until she left him. Is an interresting concept that could have created a whole discussion about the representation of henchwoman on comics.
Instead they decided that Eddie should be an incel.
P.S: This isn't the only direction or even take of the video, it's mostly following all Query and Echo appearances and their creation and Sasha (thd youtuber) sugests some directions they could've taken. It's a really great video overall.
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