#edmund xavier
tenshichan1013 · 2 months
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rapunzel's tangled adventure (season 3) hugs and kisses part VIII
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le-clair-de-lune · 1 month
Characters I Write For
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Harry Potter
☆ Golden Trio Era
Theodore Nott
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Harry Potter
☆ Marauders Era
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
(Including wolfstar x reader and poly marauders x reader)
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☆ Narnia
Prince Caspian
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
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☆ Marvel
Tasm Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Charles Xavier
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months
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I just noticed, almost everybody is here except for Catalina
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gogmstuff · 1 year
More images of 1912 fashion -
1912-1913 Afternoon dress.
1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA).
1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA).
Left 1912 Lucile dress (V&A). From omgthatdress.tumblr.com/post/654088327176306688/evening-dress-lucile-1912-the-victoria-albert 1280X1707.
Center and right ca. 1912 Chantilly lace dinner dress front quarter and back (location ?). From whitakerauction.smugmug.com-Fall2012-Clothing-ID-22-140-i-b3kCXfz 3068X2895
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1912 Lady in Furs, Mrs. Charles A. Searles by Cilde Hassam (location ?). From tumblr.com/catherinedefrance 900X1090.
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1912 Lady wearing a large hat sitting by Franz von Stuck (auctioned by Sotheby's). From their Web site 1753X1991.
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1912 Mrs J., by Józef Męcina-Krzesz (location ?). From godsandfoolishgrandeur.blogspot.com/2016/11/randomly-ix.html; shadows 60% and fixed spots w Pshop 750X975.
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1912 Mrs. Ernest Guinness by Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee (auctioned by Christie's) From www.pinterest.com/nouvellegiselle/vintage-inspiration slightly cropped & fit to screen 924X1500.
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1912 Mrs. John Lawrence by Edmund Tarbell (private collection). From cutlermiles.com/mrs-john-lawrence-edmund-tarbell/ 992X1280.
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Left 1912 Princess Elena of Greece, nee Russia, in 1912, wearing the diamond and pearl tiara she later gave to her daughter as a wedding gift From pinterest.com/inara0798/aristocrats/ 602X960.
Center 1912 Princess Paley in a dinner dress with fancy headdress. From Sacheverelle's photostream on flickr 488X983.
Right 1912 Vizcondesa de Termens From laalacenadelasideas.blogspot.com/2012/12 1018X1316.
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1912 Robe de Visite de Paquin (pl.5, La Gazette du Bon ton 1912-1913 n°2) by George Barbier. From edition-originale.com/en/prints-engravings-photographs/ 1682X2518.
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Left ca. 1912 Frau Prinzessin Rupprecht in Bayern, Marie Gabrielle in Bayern, by F. Grainer. From eBay fixed spots w Pshop 1017X1600.
Right ca. 1912-1913 Olga de Meyer wearing the famous Paul Poiret coat La Perse, photograph by Baron de Meyer. From facebook.com/144304418968266/photos/a.397639360301436/1143579645707400/?type=1&theater 1123X2048
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Left 1912 Winifred, Duchess of Portland by Philip Alexius de László (Portland College - Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, UK). From books0977.tumblr.com/post/111045895147/the-duchess-of-portland-1912-philip-alexius-de 999X1280.
Right 1912 New Book by Walter Bonner Gash (location ?). From tumblr.com/larobeblanche/742427773413556224/the-new-book-c-1912? 876X1024.
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Left 1912 Le Manteau bleu by Xavier Gosé (location ?). From tumblr.com/mote-historie/744587745354301440/painting-by-xavier-gos%C3%A9-le-manteau-bleu-1912?.
Center 1912 Fourrures Max (Max Furs) in the catalogue 'Fourrures Portraits Minatures' by George Barbier. From tumblr.com/mote-historie/732453186620866560/george-barbier-illustration-for-the-catalogue?source=share& 1939X2541.
Right 1912 Man and woman in evening dress by Coles Phillips (NYPL). From tumblr.com/sartorialadventure/747029584815489024?; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 764X1000
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ca. 1912 a Femme chic, Supplément by A. Souchel (Rijksmuseum). From their Web site; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 3229X5315.
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donnetellotheturtle · 8 months
Chapter 1
Secrets revealed.
Varian rubbed his arms nervously. His new creation was almost complete. Save for testing. That was always where it went wrong. This current machine was to play music from a spinning disc. At least he knew the worst-case scenario was it simply didn’t work. Not that it would blow up in his face.
But to his joy and relief, it worked. The little pin read the disc and sent the music through the horn. He grinned widely.
He turned at the door to his workshop opening. Standing there was now queen Rapunzel. Her hair had grown out, ending just below her shoulders. She smiled. “There you are…” She trailed off, hearing the music. “Wow…is this your new invention?”
“Uh yeah. It needs a few tweaks but-”
“Are you kidding this is amazing!”
Varian smiled and hugged Rapunzel. She hugged back tight, then pulled away. “So, your nineteenth birthday party is tomorrow. I just needed your go-aheads on a couple of things.”
The two ran down the list. His nineteenth birthday party was going to be huge. Outside, the whole kingdom would be celebrating, but inside the royal ballroom, it would be him, Rapunzel, Eugene, Lance, the former king and queen, his dad and the other members of the order, Red, and Angry, both of whom had real names, but everyone still called them Angry and Red. He wished Cassandra could be there, but she was still gone on some adventure. Had been for years now. The letters never stopped though.
“I cant wait. Oh this is going to be the best party of the year!”
Varian chuckled. “You said that about Eugene’s birthday party a couple months ago.”
“Yes but this will be too!” She grinned. “Ooh why don’t you use your music machine tomorrow? Itll be great to unveil it at the party!”
Varian nodded softly. “Sounds good.”
Rapunzel smiled and nodded. “Ill let you get back to your work but before that I have something for you. Wait here.” She turned and went to the door. Varian waited with a small, confused frown.
A minute later, she came back in with a box, wrapped in blue wrapping paper.
“Rapunzel, shouldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”
“Actually, this is from King Edmund. He said that its traditional in the moon kingdom for boys turning 19 to receive this the day before their birthday. And you were born there so, he thought it was appropriate.”
He blinked, then smiled and unwrapped it. As he did, he saw a compass, beautifully crafted. He opened it up, and inside, indeed the signs for all the directions, there was small painting of him, his father and…his mom. He stared at it.
“How did he…”
“Do you like it?”
“My mother…how did he know what she looked like?”
Rapunzel looked at the compass, then closer at the picture, frowning. “That’s her?”
“Shes beautiful…maybe Edmund knew her. He’ll be here tomorrow so you can ask.”
Varian nodded with a small smile. “My dad probably knows too. I can ask him!”
“Yeah. Ill let you get to it. Lots to plan!” She winked and walked out, heading over to Maximus and riding off without another word.
Varian chuckled, then looked at the picture again.
Inside the house, Quirin was sitting drinking some freshly brewed tea as Varian came in. “Hey dad?”
“Hey. I thought you were going to be in your workshop all day?”
“Well, I was going to be until Rapunzel dropped off this.” He handed the compass over to his father, who stared at it for a moment. “Where did she…”
“Said King Edmund dropped it off. Some sort of tradition. Did he know her?”
Varian nodded and sat in the seat across from him. “As you know I was part of the brotherhood. Your mother, Ulla, was the royal alchemist.”
“Just like me!”
Quran nodded with a small smile. “Her and work partner made so many amazing things before the black rocks came…” He stood, went to the fireplace, then pressed a compartment on the wall. It opened up and from it, he pulled a green book. “This belonged to her…I wasn’t sure when I should give to you but…now seems like a good time.”
Varian took it and his father sat back down. The room was quiet for a moment as Varian looked at the cover. “the seven trials?”
“It was what your mother and her partner were working on.”
Varian opened it. It detailed seven trials corresponding with each surrounding kingdom including their own. Corona: Sun kingdom, Elio: Fire Kingdom, Dion: Water kingdom, Malik: Earth kingdom, Thora: Air kingdom, Estelle, Star kingdom, And The Dark Kingdom: the moon kingdom. All leading up to the eternal library, where all knowledge was kept.
“….why… why would you hide this from me?”
Quirin chuckled. “you think that I didn’t know that as soon as I did, you’d go searching?”
Varian paused. The thought had already crosses his mind as soon as he finished reading. He looked down.
“But, you’re a grown man now. You can make your own choices…I just want you to know the dangers.”
“Your mother disappeared looking for that place. I don’t know what happened to her. I can’t bear to loose you in the same way.”
Varian looked at his father. He looked so sad.
“I wont go.”
Quirin chuckled. “You will…and I won’t stop you.” He put his hands on his sons shoulders. “it’s time you have your own adventure.”
Varian smiled lightly, then looked at The book. “but…I don’t have to leave right away. I can start here! Get some information, you know… I don’t have to say goodbye just yet.”
Quirin nodded. “Yeah…I’ll help you start searching in the morning. You should get some rest. You have a busy day tomorrow.”
Varian nodded, holding the book and the picture close to his chest as he ran upstairs.
Quirin sighed softly to himself, and looked out at the fire. “Gods…guide my son. Keep him safe where I can’t protect him.”
Hugo sat in his tent, half asleep, when Cyrus came in. “Donella wants to see you.”
He groaned, but stood up, heading over to Donellas tent which was lit with laterns, and adorned with maps and books on the outside. He entered the tent.
“Hugo.” She turned. “I have a job for you.” She handed a flyer to him. A birthday party for the royal alchemist. Hugo raised an eyebrow.
“…This is some random guy.”
She rolled her eyes. “This.” She pointed to the picture. “is the son of Ulla. You watch him, make sure he knows nothing about what we’re trying to do. Understood?”
“Yes but…why does it have to be me?” Hugo almost whined.
A side eye from Donella made Hugo wince. “O-Okay. I’ll go….just don’t expect me to be happy about it.”
She huffed and turned away. “If on the off chance he does know about Ulla’s book, find where it is. Take it. And bring it back to me.”
When the morning came, Varian was up early. He had to pack for his trip after all, and get started on searching for the totem before his party at midday. He hummed softly as Ruddinger jumped up on his shoulders.
“hey buddy.” He gave the raccoon a little head scratch. “Today’s the day.”
He finished packing and smiled, heading downstairs. His dad was already up, humming as he made breakfast.
Quirin smiled at him. “Varian! I’m just making some birthday breakfast! You hungry?”
Varian nodded and sat at the table as his dad served his favorites. Bacon, eggs sunny side up, and some French toast. Quirin ruffled his sons hair before continuing cooking.
“I was going to start with Xavier to get some information on the relics.” Varian said, stuffing his mouth.
“That’s a great idea. You could also ask Ariana and Fredrick. They might have some books.”
“That’s a great idea! Thanks dad!”
“after your party, I want you to come here and pack okay?”
“Yeah dad.”
“And don’t forget your camping supplies.”
“I know dad.”
“And your alchemy supplies. You’ll need them.”
“Oh and yo-“
Quirin paused, looking at his son who was smiling. “Heh, just…be safe.”
“I will, dad. Promise.”
The two headed out to the kingdom proper not long after. The whole city was bustling with excitement. Kids kept pointing at him. Truthfully, Varian didn’t love the attention.
“I’m going to find Xavier before we meet everyone.”
Quirin nodded. “I’ll meet you inside.”
It was a quick walk to Xaviers smithery. As always it was full of soot and heat. He could hear Xavier humming a tune to himself.
“Well if it isnt the man himself?” Xavier grinned, coming out to see Varian. “your right on time. I just finished your birthday gift.”
“you should save it for the party.” Varian grinned.
“Yes, yes. But you seem to have a question.”
Varian reached into his bag, and pulled out his mothers book. “…Do you know anything about the seven trials?”
Xavier seemed a bit surprised, but nodded. “Yes. How do you know about them?”
“This was my mothers.” He pushed the book to the blacksmith who gently fingered through the pages, then nodded.
“So you intend to complete her work.”
“Yeah. I…I just need to know where to start.”
Xavier nodded. “Alright. The seven trials, created by the keepers of the eternal library and aided by Demanitus…each totem has a scientific puzzle to access them…but be aware, young man. These trials are dangerous and cannot be faced alone.”
“but the eternal library…it’s real?”
“In a sense, yes. It isn’t for the faint of soul. Legends say it will suck you in and keep you forever if it wills it.”
Varian wondered if that’s what happened to his mom.
“Very few have completed the trial. Even less have come back to tell the story. So be careful, Varian. Or you could be facing the end of your life.”
Varian nodded. “thank you, Xavier.”
As Varian walked out he felt as if he was being watched. He looked around, seeing no one looking at him. He frowned, sitting with the information that he could be going in to get himself killed.
Then he thought to himself. If he could find the library, he could find his mom. He could save her. Maybe, just maybe, he could do it. He’d have to be the smartest and most cunning he’d ever been. So he steeled himself.
He'd have to be ready for anything.
He headed into the party, seeing everyone made his heart soar. He came up to Adira. Over the years she’d softened just a bit to Varian. Now she was the only one who was allowed to touch her. But only for very limited amounts of time and always with a warning. She was who he saw first, along with Edmund, and his dad.
“hey guys.” He opened his arms to hug Adira, who accepted with a very quick squeeze.
“hey kid. You dad says you’re going to go on a trip.” She said, smiling.
“Uh, yeah…I’m going to complete my moms work.”
“Any chance you’d let me come with you? It would be good to have a body guard.”
Varian chuckled. “Thanks but…this is something I have to do by myself.”
“A boys first quest.” Edmund said. “That should be cherished.”
“Yeah…Dad said you knew my mom?”
“Yes…why I don’t tell you over dinner when you make it to my kingdom? Do you think you can wait that long?”
Varian thought it over, then nodded. “yeah…yeah I can.”
“good! I can’t wait!”
Varian chuckled, then walked further into the ballroom where everyone else was waiting. Rapunzel smiled and waved. “Varian!” She came forward with a grin, pulling him into a tight hug. “Your dad just told me you’re leaving!”
“Uh, yeah…I um-“
Rapunzel looked sad but excited for him. “Where are you going?”
“All the kingdoms. I’m on a quest, as Edmund put it.”
“really?” Eugene came up from the side, wrapping an arm around his wife. “I didn’t take you as the questing type.”
Varian blushed.
“Oh leave him alone!” Rapunzel chided.
Varian chuckled softly. “I’m planning on leaving tomorrow morning. I just wanted to stay for the party so I could say goodbye.”
Rapunzel sighed softly, then pulled Varian into an embrace. “Promise you’ll come home, Varian?”
He returned the hug. “…I promise.”
The party went off without a hitch. He ate his favorite cake, got some amazing presents which he could take on the road with him, and he said goodbye to everyone.
Late that night, Quirin and him reached the entrance to their home.
“Before you leave tomorrow…I want you to have Prometheus. He’ll be a good traveling companion for you on the road.”
Prometheus was their donkey. One who they’ve had since he could remember.
“…Don’t you need him?”
“Don’t worry about me. You’ll be better off with him. And I know you’ll take good care of him.”
Varian hugged his father again, tightly. “Thanks dad”
The morning came early and Varian ran and grabbed everything, rushing out. Only to find his dad beat him to it.
In the light of the rising sun, he saw his dad hitching up a caravan to Prometheus.
“Woah…” Varian mumbled.
Quirin looked to him and smiled. “I thought this would be useful.”
“wow dad! Thanks! This is amazing!”
He ran and hugged his dad. He smiled at his son. “You look just like her….when you find her…you let her know just how proud I am of you.”
Tears welled up in both their eyes and after a long, tearful goodbye, Varian set off in the light of the morning sun.
First stop, Elio.
Find this on A03!
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tangledbea · 1 year
So, because my sister and I are playing Tears of the Kingdom, I am once again back on my Legend of Zelda AU idea. I honestly don’t remember if I typed this out at any point, but here we go:
Hylians - Rapunzel, Eugene, her parents, Edmund, natural-born Corona citizens
Shika - Varian (works in tech), Quirin (farms), Xavier
Rito - Adira
Goron - Lance
Gerudo - Cassandra, The Baron, Stalyan
Yiga - Hector, Kiera (ex), Catalina (ex)
My list starts to fall apart there, because there are only so many antagonistic non-monster tribes (read: one) in the BotW/TotK, and I don’t want to go around making all the series villains Yiga or monsters (or Ganon, himself).
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antiquepearlss · 2 months
Team Awesome Time Travel AU Outline
Imagine Team Awesome, but the Brotherhood are time travelers, and Varian and Eugene were being idiots and got sent back in time. Now, they have to get back home with the assistance of their friends they make on their journey. A found family develops and the brothers become closer than ever.
Due to the moonstone, Edmund has the ability to tell when a historical event is going to be interfered with and the timeline will be disrupted. So an enchanted pocket watch was created by the moonstone and given to the Brotherhood. Together they can travel back in time and keep the timeline intact.
Eugene and Varian, the next generation of The Brotherhood, are raised with an extensive knowledge of history and ancient languages to prepare them for their duties for the future (past hehe). Eugene wants nothing to do with his destiny and is a rebellious young adult; and Varian also lacks excitement, wanting to pursue a career in science, but he doesn’t make his feelings known, unlike Eugene. The cousins have a very close relationship but it has grown contentious as they’ve gotten older due to their differing beliefs about their responsibilities. They were arguing one day like usual, and accidentally broke the pocket watch, sending them back in time to Ancient Times. 
They make their way to Greece hoping they can find someone to help fix it so they can return to their timeline. They end up meeting Rapunzel, an Athenian woman hidden by her mother in an abandoned hidden temple to Aphrodite. She hides their pocket watch in an attempt to blackmail them into taking her to see the outside world. During their journey, Eugene and Rapunzel fall in love and she slowly figures out that they’re from the future. They confess their predicament and she is able to figure out a way to, slightly, fix their pocket watch. Eugene and Varian find out they are able to travel closer to the future, and Rapunzel convinces them to take her and Pascal with them. But first, they have a standoff with Gothel where she falls off the temple roof. Eugene also meets and befriends Max. Due to the stress of their situation, Eugene and Varian begin to mend their broken relationship.
The cousins + Rapunzel and Pascal, travel to Tudor England where they meet Cassandra, Lady In Waiting to Jane Seymour, who is going to die soon. Cass is scared that Henry VIII is going to ask for her hand in marriage, when she really wants to join the military. Cass and her dad, the Captain, have a fight. Cass meets the others and rather quickly learns they are time travelers due to Rapunzel’s obvious ancient mannerisms and poor English. And Eugene and Varian aren’t exactly the most inconspicuous. She befriends Rapunzel and helps them repair the pocketwatch. Before they leave, however, Jane Seymour dies and Cassandra receives a marriage proposal. Varian begs her to go with them for her own safety, and also to prevent a timestream obstruction. She and her dad have a heart to heart and he allows her to travel with her new friends and Fidella. Eugene and Varian are proud of themselves for preventing a timeline anomaly and fully mend their relationship.
The group are able to travel to 1830 New York and meet Lance and his adopted daughters, Kiera and Catalina, all thieves. Lance steals their pocketwatch but returns it after bonding with Eugene and the others. He introduces them to Xavier, who is able to mend their pocketwatch even more. Although Lance is a jovial and kind hearted man and a good thief, he gets caught and sentenced to death. Even though the group wants to prevent anomalies to the timeline, they say “fuck it” and take Lance and the girls with them. Tensions rise between Eugene and Varian as Varian believes they shouldn’t have gotten involved and mess up the timeline, but Eugene gets angry that Varian would let his new friend die. They have a heart to heart and Varian comes around. They make up after Eugene gifts Varian with a pet raccoon, Ruddiger.
The group lands in 1915 Ingvarr, in the midst of the Industrial Revolution. They meet Hugo, a weapons manufacturer and thief for Donella, who runs a steel tycoon and underground thieving ring. Hugo and Varian begin a rivalry. Hugo steals the pocketwatch and fixes it due to his own boredom and gives it to Donella as a gift after they have a fight. The group are unable to find the pocketwatch and begin to believe they are stuck in 1915, possibly one of the worst years to be stuck in. Varian quickly realizes it’s Hugo that stole the pocketwatch and sucks up his pride and asks for it back, and Hugo wanting to mess with him, agrees to give it back if Varian goes on a date with him. (knowing full well that Varian would rather die, also conveniently not telling him he doesn’t have the pocketwatch.) Varian agrees, and the two fall for eachother as the day goes on. Hugo shows Varian his secret project, Olivia. Before Hugo can confess that he doesn’t have the pocketwatch, Varian figures out his secret and gets mad. He helps Hugo steal the fully fixed pocket watch but leaves Hugo; and the group prepares to finally, go back home. Before they do, Rapunzel convinces Varian to talk to Hugo, who has been drafted into the front lines. (Donella pulled strings and got him drafted after he stole the pocketwatch from her and quit her organization. She’s not very good in this story, sorry.) The group says “fuck it” and takes Hugo back home with them. Eugene is proud of Varian for messing with the timeline.
The group finally make it back to modern Corona, five seconds after they initially left. The Brotherhood are, understandably, very confused and concerned about why Eugene and Varian are four years older and also have six people trailing them plus a chameleon, a mechanical mouse, two horses, and a raccoon. 
Eugene and Varian have proven themselves to be competent time-travelers and they, along with their new friends, officially become members of the Brotherhood and spend their days fixing time anomalies.
Random ideas- 
The boys know Various ancient languages and are immune to any old diseases, plus they cannot infect anyone from the past with any modern diseases because moonstone magic idk. Varian is able to replicate this and gives antidotes to the others.
Rapunzel learns English from Cassandra, who knows Ancient Greek, to communicate better with the boys.
The group travels to Ancient Egypt and meets Nuru, the pharaoh's daughter and aspiring astronomer.
The group meet other various Disney Princesses.
The timeline obstruction with Lance doesn’t actually affect anything, since he would have eventually found a way to escape and he would have moved to France with the girls anyway.
Same with Hugo, you know he would’ve dodged the draft.
-Someday I want to turn this into an actual fic. But, the amount of time it would take to research and write would probably kill me. So, if it does happen, it won’t be anytime soon. Still, if you guys want to talk about it I would love to.-
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remussl0vers · 3 months
requesting guide
updated: 17.06.23
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please make sure to read this before requesting anything — i'm hoping that you'll respect my boundaries on what am i comfortable with and with not writing.
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I tend to curse often in my fics, and are usually comfortable with covering more serious topics, so make sure to check the content warning before hand. I always write warnings when I believe they're needed, but do let me know if you think something should be added!
also senders may request as many as they want <3
I tend to write oneshots over 1000 words, so if you want feel free to specify if you want a long or short story.
sensitive / triggering topics
smut / spice
most tropes ( best at friends to lovers )
I'm pretty comfortable with writing sensitive topics as well as angst ( anyone who's read my works before will know that they're the things I write best ) however, if I'm not comfortable with the topic as a whole I will DM you, or possibly put it off for a while.
*If you have a writing prompt from somewhere as well, feel free to send it through !!
male reader / ftm
gender neutral
original character
I do not write female readers / characters anymore. If there aren't specified pronouns then I will write it as a male character.
There are also some characters I only feel comfortable writing for with a male reader/character and vice versa, which I'll note who.
love interests
polyamorous ships ; depends on the character
support of homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, racism, sexism, pedophilia, incest ; if they're mentioned in a request in terms of the character being bullied / abused ( in the past ) then i may write it but NOT explicitly, only a mention
a pairing against a character's canon sexuality
female reader
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charles rowland
edwin payne
niko sasaki ( not romantic )
crystal palace ( not romantic )
ben beast
harry hook
carlos de vil
mal bertha
evie grimhilde
anthony lockwood
lucy carlyle
george karim
quill kipps ( friends / family only )
remus lupin
sirius black
regulus black
james potter
lily evans ( not romantic )
evan rosier
barty crouch jr
marlene mckinnon ( not romantic )
dorcas meadows ( not romantic )
pandora lovegood ( not romantic )
mary mcdonald ( not romantic )
peter parker / spiderman ( tom and andrew )
loki laufeyson
kate bishop
yelena belova ( not romantic )
steve rogers
bucky barnes
pietro maximoff
wanda maximoff
valkyrie ( not romantic )
natasha romanoff
tony stark ( not romantic )
gwen stacy ( emma stone )
gwen stacy ( atsv )
*marvel and particularly the mcu is a fandom i'm more comfortable with than most, so if there is a character not listed, then i may or may not write for them
prince caspian
peter pevensie
edmund pevensie ( only during dawn treader )
kaz brekker
inej ghafa
jesper fahey
wylan van eck
nina zenik
alina starkov
nikolai lantsov
genya safin ( not romantic )
matthias helvar
steve harrington
jonathon byers
max mayfield
robin buckley ( not romantic )
stiles stilinski ( *i will take most/all dylan obrien characters )
isaac lahey
scott mccall
liam dunbar ( not romantic )
allison argent
malia tate
lydia martin ( not romantic )
kira yukimura
derek hale
finnick odair
peeta mellark
katniss everdeen
logan howlett
charles xavier ( james mcavoy )
jean grey
erik lehnsherr ( not romantic )
wade wilson / deadpool
kitty pryde
bobby drake
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kneesheee · 19 days
I tend to look at the antagonist from the television shows, games, and abandoned characters. Alongside minor characters if I need a character on the “good” side.
Here are just a few scrapped characters:
Clarice is a character that was deleted from the final film version of Beauty and the Beast. 
In one early concept of Aladdin, there was going to be a Genie in the Ring that would team up with Jafar.
Aladdin had three friends that were going to help him. They even had their own song before they were scrapped though they do show up in the musical adaptation of the film.
Bastion is a deleted character from Tangled; he was replaced with Flynn Rider and his design went on to become Kristoff’s in Frozen.
Mata is a character that was intended to be used in The Emperor's New Groove as the considered tritagonist. Mata was originally to have been a love interest for Kuzco who would have aided him on his journey, and later married him. She was the inspiration for Malina.
Prince Oswald was a skeleton in Evil Queen’s dungeon; presumably someone that was interested in Snow White, and she was jealous of that.
Claire and Vince were the original protagonists for Tangled which at the time went under the title Rapunzel Unbraided. Very unusual for the leading characters, they were intended to satirize the concept of a typical Disney romance.
Moana's Brothers are characters that existed in one version of the film Moana and were scrapped in the final version.
These are a few characters from the shows:
King Edmund is a recurring character introduced in the second season of Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. He is the ruler of the Dark Kingdom and the long-lost father of Eugene Fitzherbert.
Varian is a young alchemist who appears as a recurring character, later a major character in Tangled: The Series. He later serves as the main antagonist for the second half of the first season until he redeems himself in the third season.
Quirin (pronounced Kiran) is a recurring character in Tangled: The Series. He is the leader of the small village of Old Corona on the mainland of Corona and Varian's father.
Hortense Q. Crowley (more commonly known as Old Lady Crowley) is one of the castle servants who appears in the 2017 Disney Channel television series, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. She is a grumpy old lady who is known to never smile, earning her the nickname "Scowley Crowley". She is often seen sweeping the castle floors. The one and only thing that puts a smile on Crowley's face is peace and quiet.
Monty (often known as Uncle Monty) is an elderly shopkeeper in the show Tangled: The Series.
Dale is a main antagonist of the episode, "Fitzherbert P.I." in Tangled: The Series. He is an actor who impersonated the famous artist Giovanni.
Wreck Marauder is the main antagonist of the Tangled episode, "Challenge of the Brave" and he is considered the most feared warrior ever.
Arnwaldo Schnitz (better known as Lance Strongbow) is a major character in Tangled: The Series. He is Flynn Rider's childhood best friend and former partner-in-crime.
Frideborg is a handmaid who appears in Tangled: The Series. She is recognizable for her atypical facial features, and being silent all the time. She can sometimes be mistaken for Cassandra, since she wears the same maiden dress that Cassandra wears.
Nigel is King Frederic's royal advisor and a recurring character in Tangled: The Series.
 Xavier is a deleted character from earlier versions of Disney's 2010 animated feature Tangled. He later appeared as a recurring character in Tangled: The Series.
Feldspar Willipeg is the cobbler who appears in the show, Tangled: The Series.
Kiera and Catalina Schnitz, better known as Angry and Red, are a pair of young former thieves who appear as recurring characters in Tangled: The Series. After plundering the kingdom of Corona, the duo would meet their match in the form of Eugene Fitzherbert and Lance Strongbow, who were tasked with reforming the two girls by King Frederic.
Princess Wilhelmina (commonly named "Willow") is Rapunzel's estranged aunt and Queen Arianna's younger sister in Tangled: The Series. Willow is also second in line to inherit the throne of Corona, after Rapunzel.
Adira is a character in Tangled: The Series. A fierce, yet mysterious warrior, she serves as Rapunzel's guide to the source of the ominous black rocks that have plagued parts of the world.
Vex is a character in Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. She is a no-nonsense teenager living in the streets of Vardaros.
Captain Quaid is a character in Tangled: The Series. He is the sheriff of Vardaros.
Calliope is a character from Tangled: The Series. She is a former street magician turned assistant to the Keeper of the Spire who eventually becomes the actual Keeper.
Seraphina is a character from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. She is a mermaid and the love interest of Hook Foot.
Madame Canardist is a character who appears in Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure. She is Vigor's keeper and agent.
Cassandra is a major character in the Tangled franchise. She is the biological daughter of Mother Gothel who was abandoned as a child when Gothel kidnapped Princess Rapunzel and hid away from the world. She was taken in by the Captain of the Guards thereafter, and raised in Corona as a handmaiden. Upon Rapunzel's return to the kingdom, Cassandra was enlisted as the princess's lady-in-waiting. Despite being polar opposites and occasional rivals, Cassandra and Rapunzel developed a close friendship—one that would inspire Cassandra to pursue a bright future despite her troubled background.
Hook Foot is a recurring character in the show Tangled: The Series, until the second season. He is the younger brother of Hook Hand.
Pete and Stan are two members of the Royal Guards of Corona who appear in Tangled: The Series. Both are often seen together throughout the show, carrying out their duties as guards. The duo are recognized by Corona's Captain of the Guards as his top men.
Zeus is a purplish-red crab and Sebastian's arch-rival from The Little Mermaid episode "Tail of Two Crabs".
King Augustus is a minor character who appeared in the animated television series The Little Mermaid. He is the ruler of Olympia, a neighboring kingdom of Atlantica. Olympia is known for its strong warriors, though the kingdom had actually never seen a full war. 
Thor is the son of King Augustus, and prince of the kingdom of Olympia.
Urchin is a young teen merboy who becomes one of Ariel's best friends. He is an orphan who lives alone and initially has few friends. Eventually, he becomes to be like a younger brother to Ariel and her sisters, and a son to King Triton.
Gabriella is a recurring character in the animated series The Little Mermaid. She is a deaf Latina mermaid who communicates in American Sign Language. 
Ollie is a blue vocal octopus from The Little Mermaid who appears in the two episodes "Wish Upon a Starfish" and "Ariel's Treasures".
Dudley is a character in The Little Mermaid television series. He is King Triton's best friend, and whom Sebastian is often jealous.
Pearl is a young mermaid featured on the animated television show The Little Mermaid television series. 
Hans Christian Andersen is a character who appeared The Little Mermaid episode "Metal Fish". As his name suggests, this character is based on the real-life author of the same name who wrote the original story of The Little Mermaid.
Mervikings are merpeople of Valhalla, known as the Land of the Heroes, but also known for being dangerous. They first appeared in The Little Mermaid, in the episode "Heroes".
Apollo is a minor character who appears in the television series The Little Mermaid. He appeared in the episode Heroes. He was seen as Atlantica's greatest hero and Triton's most trusted sea warrior long before Ariel or her sisters were born.
Neptune is the grandfather of King Triton. He is shown in a flashback in the Little Mermaid episode "Calliope Dreams".
This is also interesting since Poseidon is said to be the father of Triton. Greek mythology comes first. Also, Poseidon and Neptune are two very different gods despite their almost identical similarities. 
That being said, with them being two different gods, that means that the Greek and roman gods exist in Disney lore which makes sense considering that in they use roman names in  "Pastoral Symphony" segment of the 1940 film Fantasia. 
There is also the fact that the Norse gods exist in the Hercules tv how also!
In the Marvel Comics, two being in The Little Mermaid serial,there is Prince Waverly of the Pacifica Kingdom.
The Countess de la Perle is an offscreen character that Lumiere and Cogsworth alluded to in Issue 11 of the Marvel Comics serial for Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
Characters from Prequels and sequels:
Angelique is a character from Disney's 1997 animated film Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas, a midquel to the 1991 animated film Beauty and the Beast. She is the castle's decorator who was transformed into a Christmas angel ornament by the Enchantress' curse. Angelique initially opposes preparing Christmas, as she fears the Beast will destroy her hard work, but Belle informs her of all the enjoyable things about the holiday.
Queen Athena is a minor character in Disney's 2008 animated feature film The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning. As ruler of Atlantica alongside her husband, King Triton, Athena is the mother of Ariel and her six older sisters.
Although the goddess Athena is unrelated to the sea deities in the Greco-Roman mythology, this character's name may be a reference to the goddess Pallas, Poseidon's granddaughter in the Greco-Roman myths, who became Athena's epithet.
 Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina, and Ariel were 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 years old, respectively, when Athena died.
Chandeleria is a character in Belle's Magical World, the third film installment in the Beauty and the Beast franchise. She is one of the Beast's servants who was turned into a chandelier by the Enchantress' curse.
Stevie is Adella's love interest in The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning.
Witherspoon is a pigeon, one of the Beast's many servants, and a minor character in Belle's Magical World, the third film installment in the Beauty and the Beast franchise.
Le Plume is a protagonist in Belle's Magical World, the third film installment in the Beauty and the Beast franchise. He is one of the Beast's many servants who was turned into a quill by the Enchantress' curse.
Crane is a set of paper sheets, one of Beast's servants and a protagonist in Belle's Magical World, the third film installment in the Beauty and the Beast franchise.
Webster is a dictionary, one of Beast's servants and a character in Belle's Magical World, the third film installment in the Beauty and the Beast franchise.
The Baker is a character in Disney's 2002 film, Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, the sequel to Disney's 1950 film, Cinderella. He is Anatasia’s love interest.
Prudence is a minor character in Cinderella II and III, the two sequels to the animated feature film Cinderella. She is the castle’s housekeeper.
Beatrice and Daphne are minor characters from Disney's 2002 animated film Cinderella II: Dreams Come True. They are the assistants to Prudence.
Countess Le Grande is a minor character of Cinderella II: Dreams Come True.
The Queen is a minor character in the 2007 Disney animated film, Cinderella III: A Twist in Time. She is the late wife of the King and mother of Prince Charming.
The Duke (also known as Lord Duke or just Duke) is a supporting character in the Sleeping Beauty segment of Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams. He is King Stefan's fussy, but well behaved, majordomo.
Sha-Ron is Fa Mulan's number one fan. Since Mulan came back from the Imperial City, she was inspired by Mulan.
Simea is a character who will appear in Disney's upcoming 2024 animated feature film Moana 2. She is the youngest daughter of Chief Tui and Sina, and Moana's little sister.
Moni is a supporting character in Disney's upcoming 2024 animated feature film Moana 2. He is a member of Moana's wayfinding crew along with Kele and Loto. He is described as a passionate storyteller in Motunui and a huge fan of Maui's.
Kele is a supporting character in Disney's upcoming 2024 animated feature film Moana 2. He is a grumpy old farmer who is a part of Moana's wayfinding crew along with Loto and Moni. Kele is also the elder statesman of the island community of Motunui, responsible for the vegetables crops.
Loto is a supporting character in Disney's upcoming 2024 animated feature film Moana 2. She is the "brainy but quirky" member of Moana's wayfinding crew along with Kele and Moni, who designs and maintains the ship during their quest to the mysterious island of Motufetu.
Live Action Characters:
Queen Selina is a character featured in the 2023 live-action film The Little Mermaid. She is a human queen and the adoptive mother of Prince Eric. 
Dalia is a character in the 2019 live-action Disney film Aladdin. She is Princess Jasmine's loyal handmaiden, confidante, and childhood friend.
Princess Chelina of Zaragoza, Kit's unwanted suitor, whom the Grand Duke wants him to marry in the 2015 live-action film which I personally prefer.
Cadenza is a major character who appears in the 2017 live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast. He is a harpsichord who is described as "a neurotic maestro".
Jean Potts is the village potter and husband of Mrs. Potts and the father of Chip Potts in Disney's 2017 live-action adaption movie of Beauty and the Beast.
 In As Old as Time, he was named Alaric Potts and was a stablemaster and an old friend of Maurice. 
Monsieur Toilette is a minor character in the 2017 remake film, Beauty and the Beast. His scene was cut from the film but is featured in the deleted scenes.
The King is a posthumous character in the 2017 Disney live-action film Beauty and the Beast based on the acclaimed 1991 animated classic with the same name. He is the (possibly late) father of the Prince (who was transformed into the Beast) who used to rule an unnamed French kingdom.
The Queen is a posthumous character in the 2017 Disney live-action film, Beauty and the Beast based on the acclaimed 1991 animated classic with the same name. She is the late mother of the Prince (who was transformed into the Beast) who used to rule an unnamed French kingdom alongside her cruel husband, the King.
Conall is a character in the 2019 film, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. He is a male fairy who saves Maleficent from drowning, and reintroduces her to other fairies like herself.
Borra is the anti-villain turned supporting protagonist of the 2019 film, Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. He is portrayed by Ed Skrein. One of the leaders of the Dark Fey, a band of winged creatures residing in a cavernous nest, Borra seeks war with the humans and views Maleficent as key to their success.
Hua Xiu is a character in the 2020 live-action Disney remake of Mulan. She is the younger sister of Mulan.
Commander Tung is a character in the 2020 live-action Disney film Mulan. He is the mentor and teacher to Mulan who leads the Imperial Regiment.
Sergeant Qiang is a supporting character who appears in the 2020 live-action remake of Mulan. He is the fiercely loyal second-in-command of Commander Tung's Imperial Army.
Chen Honghui is a character in the 2020 Disney live-action remake of Mulan. He is a confident and ambitious recruit who joins Commander Tung's unit. He becomes Mulan's most important ally and eventual love interest.
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Stories I have written, characters I will write for. If you think the names are cringy you try naming stuff. It’s hard.
Prompts list
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Drive In🔥
Road Trip
Pizza girl
Eddie Munson
The Death of You
Jonathan Byers
Jump, Then Fall
Vampire Diaries
Kol Mikaelsons
*Hello Darling🔥
Elijah Mikaelson
*Till Death do us Part
Stefan Salvatore
Jeremy Gilbert
Missing You
Dean Winchester
Various and Sundry Villains
Jack Kline
Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Pendragon
The Irregulars
You shouldn’t easdrop
I care for you
Big Time Rush
Kendall Knight
One Good Love Song
Once Upon a Time
Jefferson Hatter
True Loves Kiss
The X-men
Peter Maximoff
New in Town
Haunted House
Alex Summers
Le t’s Talk about Cuba🔥
Scott Summers
Charles Xavier
Eric Lensher
The Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Yes they are all bad puns, no I will not be taking constructive criticism right now, only more ideas.
Oh dear
Oh dair he is
The Finnick games
Star Wars
Filthy Headcannons🔥
Part one
Part two
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Din Djarin
This is that Way
Anakin Skywalker
Any of the hot ones. I’m not gonna type all of their names out if I don’t even have any stories for them yet.
The Flash
Julian Alberts
The office jerk
The Chronicles of Narnia
Peter Pevensie
Edmund Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Vox Machina
Percy De Rolo
Cowboy like me pt1
Cowboy like me pt 2
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tenshichan1013 · 3 months
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RTA: “plus est en vous” favorite screenshots part CXXII
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wednesday-fanatic · 1 year
Who I Will Write For and What I Will Write For
Will: Smut, fluff, angst, death, I will do Dom/sub dynamics, choking, masterbation, overestimulation, hard doms, soft doms.
Wont: Piss kink, shit kink, creampie, not too rough of sex (but I will do rough sex), and I will not write for use of toys.
Pin Hawthorne
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
Alina Starkov
General Kirigan
Ben Stone
Olive Stone
Cal Stone
Zeke Landon
Jared Vasquez
TJ Morrison
Marcus Lopez
Saya Kuroki
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Matteo Riddle
Young!James Potter
Young!Regulus Black
Young!Peter Pettigrew
Young!Remus Lupin
Young!Sirius Black
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Griff Jones
Xander McCormick
Hiccup Haddock
Astrid Hofferson
Wyatt Lykensen
Griffin Campbell
Tom Kullerson
Wednesday Addams
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Barry Allen
Caitlin Snow
Alex Danvers
Loki Laugherson
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield)
Peter Pan
Chat Noir
Adrien Agreste
Ty Borden
Dylan Westfield
Sherlock Holmes
Gilbert Blythe
Jack Frost
I do requests. I will do X Reader and X OC.
Message me through my profile if you have a request. I do not really check comments, so it's easier for me to get requests through a message then a comment
I will write for characters from Kings Choice which is a game on the Google play store. I dont know why but im in love with some of the characters, like, the way their animated is hot. Here's who I'll write for from the game:
I will do smut, fluff, and angst for the Kings Choice game. I take requests for them too
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 7 months
The time has once again come for me to talk about some plot bunnies!! These are some all of the plot bunnies I currently have that I haven’t really talked about much - feel free to ask me any questions you might have about them!!
Solana Corzo, Glee OC, Artie Abrams ship.
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-Childhood best friend of Claudia Green, before her move to Lima.
-Loves the colour pink, Disney films, Taylor Swift and old vintage sci-fi films/tv shows.
-She basically shocks people with her smarts when everyone thinks of her as an airhead like Brittany.
-Is the only person who gets Rachel, as much to the annoyance of both Claudia and Francesca who can’t stand her.
Pedro Fernandez, Glee OC, Kurt Hummel ship.
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-Revamped version of James Green.
-Has been best friends with Ariel Berry since childhood.
-Bisexual disaster and proud!!
-Barista at the Lima Bean and a student at McKinney High.
-Tough guy with a soft heart. Initially, he comes across as aggressive, socially isolated, and simply not given a break in the world.
Matilda Thorpe Wednesday OC, Enid Sinclair ship.
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-Based on Matilda from the Roald Dahl book of the same name.
-Her parents are neglectful, however, her brother Xavier takes care of her and acts as a surrogate parent to her.
-She’s a telekinetic, and also has the power to manipulate written words.
-She also has quite a close familial bond with Miss Thornhill, similar to Matilda from the book’s close bond with Miss Honey… But slightly off 
-Roommate, and eventually the best friend of Bianca.
-Is a huge reader, and is especially a fan of the Percy Jackson books which she gets Wednesday into.
Feyra Sherwood, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Peter Pevensie ship.
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-Is a school teacher in the 60’s/70’s flower power era.
-After losing her mom, she, her twin brother and cousin discover the world of Narnia through a portal in an old storybook when going through their mother’s belongings.
-Discovers that she has stellar manipulation powers while she’s in the fantasy world.
-She and Peter have a slow burn romance, and she eventually proposes to him with a mood ring from her era/world.
August Sherwood, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Edmund Pevensie ship.
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-Is the twin brother of Feyra Sherwood and the cousin of Joan Connelly.
-Works in the National History Museum in the 60’s/70’s era.
-Discovers with Feyra and Joan, in which he finds out he has earth/weather manipulation powers.
-When he and Edmund first met, they were both constantly bickering with each other, and were basically too stubborn to admit their romantic feelings for each other.
Joan Connelly, The Chronicles of Narnia OC, Lucy Pevensie ship.
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-Is the cousin of Feyra and August Sherwood, and is like a younger sibling to them.
-Is a college student during the 60’s/70’s era who’s questioning their gender/sexuality.
-When they and the twins discover Narnia, they finds out that’s they’re really skilled at using weapons.
-They get so confused when animals just follow them around for no particular reason.
-They later befriend/adopt an orphan wolf cub, after some hesitation at first, which they name Akela who laters becomes their companion.
Cherry Hearts, Descendants OC, Ben Beast ship.
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-Is the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, but their relationship with each other is very stained.
-Is in contact with her aunt, Mirana of Marmoreal/The White Queen who she considers more of a mother figure than her own.
-A member of the VKs, she wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation.
-Smart and sarcastic by nature but not mean.
-Loves strawberries, red lipstick and graffiti.
Sofía Madrigal, Descendants OC, Evie Grimhilde ship.
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-Is the daughter of Mirabel Madrigal.
-Like her mother, Sofía is a very optimistic and enthusiastic girl who loves her family above everything, and would do absolutely anything to make them proud of her.
-Many years after Casita was rebuilt, Alma passed away, and it was revealed to Mirabel that she had the most important role in the Madrigal family all along, as she was always destined to be the next holder of the family’s miracle casa.
-Is very skilled at sewing and playing the accordion.
-The day before she was sent off to auradon, Mirabel gifted her with a hand-sewn butterfly plush. She said that she would always be with her if she kept the butterfly close, so Sofía keeps the plush in her mochila bag, as she is extremely homesick & misses her mamá, familia & casa very much.
-Unlike her mother, Sofía was blessed on her fifth birthday with a magical gift, joining the rest of the Madrigal family. Sofía has the gift of light, meaning she can create, cease & manipulate it, making her the family’s real life miracle candle. However her power is defective due to Mirabel being giftless, so her gift is uncontrollable.
Wanda Darling, Descendants OC, Harry Hook ship.
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-Is the daughter of Wendy Darling.
-Enemies-to-lovers trope!! She has the purest of hearts, is kind and sees only inner beauty, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet for the first time in the second movie.
-Wanda negates Harry’s narcissism and teaches him humility. (She basically baked him a big, humble pie.)
-Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a huge interest in astronomy.
Tagging: @luucypevensie (since she helped me with many of these!!) @ginger-grimm @daughter-of-melpomene @ginevrastilinski-ocs @manyfandomocs
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nexus-niran · 8 months
Hello! Please call me Nexus or Niran,also I am 20+ and looking for a roleplay partner who is 20+ I am looking for a multifandom roleplay but currently I am itching for some ORIGINAL ROLEPLAY (ANIMATED FCS ), HAIKYUU ,BUNGO: STRAY DOGS AND DESCENDANTS more, though if you aren’t interested in HAZBIN HOTEL. I do have a list of Fandoms that I am in below.Also I am sorry to inform everyone but I do not do CANON X CANON I ONLY DO OCXCANON AND OCXOC. I couldn’t stress this enough cause there had been people who had often come to me and ask for a canonxcanon roleplay. I have no triggers and I am also fine with NSFW content as long as we make out boundaries known and my rp partner is of legal age and also the characters as well. I am fine with wlw,mlm,wlm.Before I forget I am 19+ and is looking for someone either the same age or older, before anything else I also do double ups in ocxcanon and of course in oc x oc.
FANDOMS: ( this is listed alphabetically and love interest are ranked from most to least )
Bungo: Stray Dogs:Kunikida Doppo
Descendants: Evie, Bridget, Chloe but can do OcxOc as well
Haikyuu: Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Ukai Keishin, Bokuto Kotaro
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi
Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose, Kimizuki Shiho, Crowley
Genshin Impact: Zhongli, Xianyun, Itto, Kokomi, Eula, Al Haitham, Ayato, Kaeya, Diluc, Thoma, Yelan, Ganyu, Lisa, Layla, Jean, Kaveh
Honkai: Star Rail: Jing Yuan, Gepard, Serval, Dan Heng
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor
Love and Deepspace: Zayne, Xavier, Rafayel
Narnia ( watched the movies and read book 1 to book 4 ) : Peter Pevensie, Caspian, Edmund Pevensie
Original Roleplay ( animated faceclaims)
Figure Skater x Hockey Player
Pirate x Pirate
Pirate x Mermaid
Hockey Player x Ballerina
Librarian x Bartender
Single Dad x Babyseater
and many more
I roleplay in discord and if interested please send me a message 
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xerith-42 · 9 months
Thanks so much answering my last post! I have few more questions:
Is your rewrite published yet? If so what is it called and where could I read it?
Also- your descriptions of Irene and Shad/Araphel are awesome and I would love to hear more of them (of all the divine really). Was Irene the lover of Shad? How did she rise to power, and what was she like before she fought him (also how exactly did the fight start? You said he got into a rage due to obsessing over something he couldn't have (Irene's whole undivided attention/love, but does that mean he grew to be violent towards her and the other warriors? Did he fall into jealous fits upon seeing her interact with its members?)
Lastly- Was Edmund and Enki in love with Irene in your rewrite, or have you changed it to more familial love and duty? Similarly, is Xavier in your rewrite? If so, what part does he play in the story, and was he also in love with Irene?
Question 1: No, neither of them are. If you want to read some of my writings you can check out my AO3, but most of my writing on there is a different variety of gay block men, and I only have the MID works and reuploads of my Garrance week stuff as something in the Aphamu fanbase.
Question 2/3: Absolutely. Araphel and Irene had a very toxic romance with one another, one that could have looked good to an outsider, but was clearly awful from the perspective of everyone watching. Not from the start, they were once very loving and kind people towards one another, largely because they met before the relics came into play in their lives. It was once the relics showed up and started gving them responsibilities outside of each other that Irene became distant, and Araphel became jealous.
Before things fell apart, I could absolutely see the two of them happily lying in one another's arms in a river that once ran through the cursed forest. They could be caught gallivanting off onto another romantic vacation, going off to see if they could find more relic holders once they got theirs. Irene used to be a woman full of life, wonder, and ideals. Someone who sought out others to bring humans together. It was only when she saw how jealous Araphel became that she realized the folly of man, how susceptible they are to their vices.
It was a slow building sort of jealousy too. At first it was just wanting to be around her all the time, then it was getting angry when she was gone for too long, questioning her on who she was with and what they were doing. Then it became basically stalking, where Araphel didn't trust Irene on her own and made sure she wasn't seeing anyone else when she disappeared for so long. If she showed even the slightest interest towards Esmund or literally anybody else, Araphel would threaten them. Irene obviously became fed up with this behavior, but when you're both humans turned into demi-gods, your lovers spat becomes less of a petty argument, and into the kind of thing that can cause an all out war and ripping open dimensions with the help of giant intelligent flying lizards.
Wait who the fuck is Xavier and why is everyone mentioning him? [one wiki check later] Oh! Huh, well I hadn't thought about him in a minute. I don't believe Xavier was a relic holder, for one. I think he was Irene's childhood best friend who harbored feelings of love towards her that he never expressed out of fear of rejection, and eventually gave up on once Araphel came into the picture and he realized that Irene wanted something else. He still loves Irene and held no resentment towards her, only wishing for her to be able to return to the bright eyed optimistic girl he fell in love with while playing in their old village.
As for Enki and Esmund, Esmund is still very in love with Irene in my rewrites. There's even a scene in the Epic I wrote that has the person who inherited Kul'zak's relic making fun of Garroth for the fact that Esmund, Araphel, and Irene couldn't figure out the obvious solution they already figured out to this conundrum. The solution is polyamory. I really don't like Enki having a crush on Irene, I think it's just not a good choice for his character because it essentially makes the Divine Warriors just a bunch of guys fighting over one girl while Kul'zak and Menphina watch from the sidelines eating popcorn.
Which is basically the dynamic in my rewrite, but Enki is also on the sidelines with them and sometimes has violent make out sessions with Kul'azk while Menphina just rolls her eyes and starts simping over her favorite toxic couple.
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vilhelios · 7 months
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rules . . . !
-; the obvious: don't steal/claim my work as your own/feed it into ai. don't transform it into other forms of media (such as a bound book (although my work is too short for that, thankfully), video, etc.) without my knowledge either, if not for personal use!
-; this is a sfw blog! i mainly write x readers of the fluff and angst variety, and i don't write smut because i'm not quite comfortable with writing it yet, so the most we are getting in fics is suggestive content.
-; although i am not easily triggered by many things and can handle a lot of content, if i find something in a request uncomfortable, i will let you know! there are obvious topics that i absolutely will not write for, and i will not write anything that promotes any type of bigotry.
-; the reader is meant to be gender neutral in all of my work (although they might be implied to be fem-aligned depending on the media i am writing for, such as when a fic is based off an otome game). tell me if i accidentally slip up so i can edit it asap!
-; please understand that i am currently a university student on a pretty demanding course content-wise, so answering your asks/requests might take a while!
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i will write for . . . !
-; TEARS OF THEMIS — vyn richter , artem wing
-; GENSHIN IMPACT — kaeya alberich , diluc ragnvindr , zhongli , tartaglia , alhaitham , wriothesley , neuvillette , ganyu
-; LOVE & DEEPSPACE — rafayel , xavier , zayne
-; FIRE EMBLEM 3H — claude von riegan , byleth eisner , dimitri alexandre blaiddyd , hubert von vestra , yuri leclerc , marianne von edmund
-; PERSONA 5 — akira kurusu / ren amamiya , ryuji sakamoto , ann takamaki
-; OBEY ME ! — lucifer , simeon
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thanks for going through the rules ! ໒・ﻌ・७
send me mail ( check status first ! ) | masterlist
( header image is from vyn's second anniversary card ! )
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