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mkultra2030 · 1 year ago
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La @ONU_es contra las cuerdas⚰️@FELIPECALDERON https://actualidad.rt.com/.../zoom/485692-gaza-onu-cuerdas @otan @joebiden🇮🇱➕🇺🇸@ISRAEL🟰#HAMAS @IsraelinSpanish #hezbola💥🇮🇱@netanyahu 🚨#Palestina😡https://pic.twitter.com/isTcrnAMe1el #ISRAELTERRORISTA NADIE CREE SUS MONTAJES NI #FALSABANDERA #urk0z👇👇 pic.twitter.com/JTUFXzc46p
editEditgearManagetimeHistory Topics La @ONU_es contra las cuerdas⚰️@FELIPECALDERON https://actualidad.rt.com/.../zoom/485692-gaza-onu-cuerdas @otan @joebiden🇮🇱➕🇺🇸@ISRAEL🟰#HAMAS @IsraelinSpanish #hezbola💥🇮🇱@netanyahu 🚨#Palestina😡https://pic.twitter.com/isTcrnAMe1el #ISRAELTERRORISTA NADIE CREE SUS MONTAJES NI #FALSABANDERA #urk0z👇👇 pic.twitter.com/JTUFXzc46p
La @ONU_es contra las cuerdas⚰️@FELIPECALDERON https://actualidad.rt.com/.../zoom/485692-gaza-onu-cuerdas @otan @joebiden🇮🇱➕🇺🇸@ISRAEL🟰#HAMAS @IsraelinSpanish #hezbola💥🇮🇱@netanyahu 🚨#Palestina😡https://pic.twitter.com/isTcrnAMe1el #ISRAELTERRORISTA NADIE CREE SUS MONTAJES NI #FALSABANDERA #urk0z👇👇 pic.twitter.com/JTUFXzc46p
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sualne · 2 years ago
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found back this thing from 2021
putting the addition directly onto the og post since nobody reblogs the full version:
'about this i feel a few people have misunderstood what i drew it for, my tags didnt help at all for sure and it is just one doodle, but i didnt made it as 'i'm questioning my sexuality and need to know what specific labels i am'. i've been well aware of what my whole deal is for years.
this was a silly doodle i drew as a recreation of all the thoughts and questions i had that went 'what is attraction? what is romance and sexual and platonic and friendship and something else entirely? how and why do we need to define feelings and relationships so much? why do people act the way they do, date the way they do, marry the way they do, live the way they do? how much does your own culture and time influence the way you do those things, the way you think you should act and feel? how much does amatonormativity influence and impact all of us? and why are some people so resistant against the idea of questioning and living out of these norms?' among many others things.
again, i drew years ago. i didnt want to post it because it felt unnecessarily personal and because people are insufferable about queerness.
EDIT: pls for the love of my sanity reblog the full post instead.'
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muffingnf · 1 year ago
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eternalfrowning · 5 months ago
hello ! i would like to draw some naruto sketches during this month, im open to requests, if you want to send some my way ! (you may know im not very good at this, so be understanding if i end up doing 1% of it rfdkjghhd but i'll do my best!!!!) i hope you're having a good day or night!! <3 edit: thank you for the messages !! im on it ! :^D
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gimblegamble · 1 year ago
Since the word is out that season 9's gonna end soon I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that the next season would start around February or March, unless they've already said when the next season's gonna start and I'm just blind.
edit: Mumbo said around the new years... stating that the too-long break between season 8 and season 9 kinda took the wind from his sails a lil bit, I get that.
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councilblr-voting-rights · 2 years ago
can I ask for nbr in general to be added to the post talking about nominations -> for the tragic couple showdown specifically? idk if they’ll let in poly relationships when it says “couple” but may as well try since Kian’s relationships with Rand and Rolan are just as tragic as Rand and Rolan’s relationship with each other imo
also maybe Becky and Kian? i feel like they fit it too. maximise jrwi profits 💪💪💪
Very true. I'll post this as is. Again for everyone, make your nominations here.
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whiskeyskin · 1 year ago
Make Me Feel
Premise: What's that? The well trodden trope of weird potion creates problems of the - ahem - 🍆 variety? Well if you insist.
• Astarion x gn!tav • 18+ • E/M rating
They/them pronouns, Potion mishap!, interrupted masturbation, handjob, bj/deep throat, embarrassment, tone shift, mild canon trauma discussion, connection, enthusiastic consent, communication, dirty talk.
4.1k words
Edit: RAHHH! You're all so wonderful for getting me over 200 notes 😚 it may be a small number for some but to me it's a lot. Love you! 🥹🖤
Editedit: Over 400 notes?! Excuse me as I ugly cry 😭😭😚✨
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Thank @northernolddragon for the beautiful screenshot 💜🥵
Tav was on watch with Shadowheart this evening, not that they really needed to with Gale's wards keeping an alarm on things coming in or out of camp but they all slept better with a night watch.
They'd enjoyed company and conversation as they spoke about everything and nothing. Mostly about Tav, since Shadowheart had very little memories to share.
A friendship had steadily grown with them, so much that she'd revealed herself a Sharron - which wasn't really a shock.
A low alarm pulsed and they went to investigate to the left of camp but after a little cooperation between Tav's survival skills and Heart's perception, concluded that an animal had triggered the alarm - hence the low pulse and the fresh animal tracks belonging to a rabbit.
Tav paused a moment, a thought flashing across their mind. They called to Shadowheart, "Hey, did you hear Astarion come back in from hunting?
"No, he didn't go out tonight. Said, 'he had something else to attend to'."
Again, Tav paused. Oh, shit. Had they promised he could feed tonight and completely forgotten?
"Are you supposed to be 'dining tonight'?" Shadowheart asked through a smirk.
"I don't think so.. maybe? Oh, gods. Maybe I did say." Said Tav, trying to think back on the day.
"Go check on him, see if he's waiting up for a midnight snack. I'll stay on watch." She pursed her lips and swished her long braid as she walked to do a patrol of the camp.
Tav quietly made their way passed the tents of their companions, who were softly - or loudly - snoring. Astarion's tent however still had a candle going and made no sounds of sleep, or revery but rather stranger noises. Hissing sounds from the side of his mouth and what seemed like a painful gasp.
Their brow creased with concern, Tav stepped up to the entrance of his tent. The noises intensified.
"Astarion?" Tav called through the fabric in a hushed whisper, "Are you alright?"
A choked noise of frustration replied to them first, "Uh-yes. I'm perfectly fine. Why do ask?" He retorted a little too sharply, despite his usual lulling tones.
"Shadowheart said you hadn't gone hunting and I couldn't remember if I'd agreed to let you feed tonight."
"Ah, you're such a sweetheart.. while I always delight in our little nightly visits, I've rather got my hands full with something at the moment." He strained, like he was in pain. Something wasn't right.
"Astarion. What's going on? I know something's wrong. What is it? What have you done?" Tav asked, exasperated.
"Ughh, it's nothing just-Arghh" he let out a muffled cry.
"I'm coming in." Tav announced, pushing their way inside the dimly lit interior.
"No, no, don't!" But it was too late.
Tav's mouth flew to their face, shocked at the view.
There, on the floor, in only his ruffled shirt and barely covered in his grotty blanket was Astarion. Although, the blanket was more of tent itself with what it was shielding.
"Oh! Oh, shit. Sorry-sorry! I'll leave." Tav blustered at the sight of the half naked pale elf on the floor before them. They'd clearly not been sounds of pain, and the frustration was aimed at them not leaving him to masturbate in peace.
"No, stay. Please." He croaked, desperate, "I don't know what else to do; I need your help."
"With what?" Tav questioned, averting their eyes to afford him some sort of privacy.
"I appreciate the gallantry but we can do away with the charade, you know what I was doing." He sulked, shifting his weight to sit up, the ruffles on his shirt bristling as he heaved himself upwards.
Tav's eyes tracked the movement and flitted down to the protrusion, unwavering in it's vigil against the thin protection of his grey comfort rag.
Hot flashes of memories seared their mind; remembering how it felt in their hands, hot and cool at the same time. Harder than rock as he'd moved within them, expertly stroking their sweet spot while feeding openly on their blood.
Tav bit their lip, then jolting back to the situation, looked away.
"Um, you said you needed my help. I don't know how I can-"
"I have been.. doing this to myself for the past three hours. It's incessant."
"Jeez, Astarion. I don't need to know that."
"Not for my own selfish good. I-" he growled to himself, it made Tav's stomach flip uncomfortably, "I drank something. It looked like a normal potion, but it tasted a bit off.. and now, this." He gestured to the distinct lump, "It's unbearable and painful if it's not being.. used." He paused, discomfort clear on his face.
A blush flooded Tav's cheeks, "Aaand, you want me to help by..?" They trailed, needing more explanation. Because if he was suggesting what they thought he was suggesting...
"Ugh, I don't know. This obviously isn't helping! Find something that can? Another potion, a spell? Anything!" He waved his arms helplessly into the air.
Astarion looked up at them; his shirt in disarray, his legs gently folded with the blanket tucked between them, with guilty but adamant eyes. He looked helpless and adorable.
A feeling was stirring in Tav's chest, something rumbling and loud but it wasn't arousal, it was laughter. They caught a snicker behind their hand, trying to hold in their amusement.
Astarion's face changed to surprise, with a big frown cutting across his beautiful features.
"Well, thanks a lot. Glad the bleeding heart thinks it's funny." He pouted.
"Oh, come on Astarion. It's pretty funny."
Astarion's eyes narrowed, "How precisely is this funny?" He demanded.
"It's so unfunny that it's funny again. It has to be laughed at how ridiculous this is. I mean, come on." They tried to explain, "you drank a strange elixir and now you have an erection that won't fuck off." Tav barely made it through the last word without sniggering, "You've been beating yourself stupid and it's not going anywhere. It's a fucking ridiculous situation to be in and if you can't laugh about it? Fuck." They shrugged, smiling brightly and encouraging him to see the funny side of this ridiculousness, "I thought you said Lae'zel was the one with no sense of humour."
"Actually, Lae'zel is hilarious. She just doesn't realise she's being hilarious," The frown on his face softened, a smile clearly fighting to spread across his face, "I suppose it is absurd. Most men would kill for this."
"Most people would pay good money for this problem!" Tav squeaked, "Oh gods, the old men that have given all their gold for this problem!" They whined out before coming down to kneel on the floor.
"All of them furiously masturbating to get rid of it after their mistress has left and their wife will notice." He chuckled.
"Oh, the scandal." Tav flourished.
"What would the neighbours say?" He jested, opening up to the idea that the incredulity of it all needed to be laughed at.
He mimed trying to push it down only for it to spring back up with a pop sound effect provided by him and they fell about cackling together.
It was nice. Seeing him smile.
They sat laughing for a while, trying to come up with unfortunate scenarios to find yourself in with this predicament. Each as hilarious as the next.
Howls turned giggles, and giggles turned to titters, until eventually they were all laughed out.
There was a comfortable silence between them for several moments. Tav glanced back at him.
"Did that help? Taking your mind off it?" Tav asked, hopeful.
"I'm afraid not. Still there. Although, it's taken away the urgency of needing that release."
"That's a start at least. What the hell's did you drink?"
"I don't know, it was in the pack from today's adventure with the hag."
"You drank one of the hag's potions?" Tav chided, incredulous.
"Of course not! What do you take me for?"
Tav raised their brows and wordlessly gestured to his lap.
"Point taken," he relented, "but, no it was a regular looking potion bottle. I needed a little healing, so I.." he trailed off, loosely waving a hand.
"You drank a random potion from today, before we'd had a chance to examine it and expected nothing to go wrong. You brought this on yourself." Tav pursed their lips mockingly.
"Yes, thank you for stating the obvious, dear. What am I going to do?" He asked, exasperated.
"Well, masturbating yourself sore hasn't worked, so it can't be about orgasming it out of you."
"Oh, I haven't orgasmed. That's what I was trying to tell you before, but in my feverish haze didn't get out into words properly."
"After three hours?" Tav asked, wide eyed.
"It was more stop/start than powering through. I'm drawing the assumption that while this potion grants me this bloody thing, it doesn't heighten the sensation much."
"Maybe it deadens it? To keep it going longer? That's why you couldn't.. yuh know." Tav mimed the action for affect. They shared a small titter through their noses.
"I haven't a clue. Although, I'm not really.. versed in this sort of thing. It's not something I do, not something I've done for centuries," he admitted, shrugging, "Self pleasure wasn't high on the list when the thought of touching anyone, let alone yourself made your skin crawl-" Astarion caught himself, his eyes widening.
Tav's mouth gaped, "What?" The question came out breathy and low. Hurt struck painfully into their heart, "So the night we spent together you were disgusted-"
"-No. No. Well, at first it I was a little but-"
Tav's eyed widened and they recoiled, wounded. He knew he'd revealed too much and Tav could see that flawless mask of his was trying to slot back into place after it's momentary lapse.
"Don't." Tav urged, "Don't pretend you didn't say it."
"It wasn't like that-I didn't mean you, you're wonderful. I meant in Baldur's Gate with Cazador. The manipulation, the deceit. I couldn't. I never." He stopped himself.
Tav softened, the harm still stinging but this was important. Astarion had never spoken about his time with Cazador apart from being a slave and using sex to lure people back. He hadn't elaborated more than those facts. Obviously, he would have sexual trauma.. and he'd opened up a chance at the conversation.
"It's alright. I'm here to listen. Go on." Their tone was low and understanding.
His face full of uncertainty and shame, Astarion shook his head and refused to look at them.
"I don't want to. Not yet. Not now. I mean.. I just want this thing gone." He motioned to his still swollen member.
Tav's brow knitted and they shrugged heavily.
"Apart from distracting you from it, I don't know what I can do." Tav raised their hands in exasperation, "I mean if you can't do it after three hours, what am I supposed to do-"
"Trust me, you'd be able to help." He said darkly, almost to himself. His gaze darted back, scared by another accidental confession. Tav's confused expression must have been clearly legible.
"What do you mean?"
Astarion averted his eyes, clearly debating on letting more of his secrets out.
"Shit." He cursed. There was a pregnant pause that Tav refused to break.
"You-" he stopped himself, "the other night at the party was- it was-" he shut his eyes and sighed through his nose, "I can't do this, you can leave. I'll just keep this forever."
"Astarion.." Tav said softly, gently reached a reassuring hand to the floor beside him.
He took a deep, cleansing breath and swallowed.
"It was the first time I've known actual pleasure in almost 200 years. Where I actually enjoyed myself, much to my surprise."
Suddenly feeling relieved and very flattered, Tav remained stone-faced silent, encouraging him to keep going.
"My existence has been about having my body used to lure back pretty things for him. To get them to trust me and let their guard down, then.." he trailed off, "I tried to make the most of it and relish in the copious amounts of sex I was having.. It didn't last long. I got extremely good at pretending I did, they never suspected a thing." He said with a sneer.
"I became numb to the entire experience. It was nothing to me. A dance. A deception. It became second nature and I got used to the disgust I felt, I used it to push through. To hold onto some semblance that I had one shred of humanity left. As long as I despised myself for what I was doing, there was still hope."
"So imagine my shock when I actually felt something different with you. Something good." He finally looked in their eyes, "You are a bastion of firsts in this newfound freedom of mine. My first true blood, the first person who has let me indulge in my instincts and helped me grow in my power," Astarion swallowed, "the first person in so long to make feel something.. anything.. during sex that wasn't hatred and self-loathing."
Tav's throat closed and tears threatened to brim but they blinked them back.
"You offered your neck to me, your life blood to me and I felt something.. it wasn't like our usual feeds.. it was something immense.. something transcendant and I.. I lost myself in you.. wholly. Pleasure had returned to my body and I froze. I didn't know what to do."
"Nothing else existed outside us.. and I could have spent the rest of my life buried inside you," he paused, closing his eyes as if the memory over-powered him. Tav sat there, breathless, mesmerised by his beauty in the candle's soft glow.
"I think I came back to consciousness when I saw my seed over your beautiful body. You looked just as shocked as I felt. It was all over your chest, your mouth.." he was breathing heavily now and the air around them shifted. Tav swallowed dryly. They remembered.
The grunting, ecstatic moan he'd made just before he came over them echoed in their mind long after. They'd pulled back from lavishing his thick, pale cock to pause for breath and to whisper sweet words to him. He'd erupted on them with no more than a silent gasp and a hand fisted in their hair.
Staring deeply into Tav's eyes, Astarion continued, "You took me so well," he brought a hand to their bottom lip, grazing it lightly with his fingertips, "With your mouth.. with all of your holes, actually. Your wonderfully tight holes." He moaned through a sly smile.
Tav's mouth was aridly dry, as all the blood in their body rippled and pooled to their core. Heat radiated through them and quickly made breathing steadily a problem, and logical thinking was non-existent.
"I know you could do it again, if you wanted to." He closed his eyes and snaked himself closer against Tav's neck, inhaling deeply. His breath cool raising gooseflesh, as he pressed his lips against the shell of their ear, "You could wrap those soft lips around my cock and suck me like you did in the forest. So deep and so warm."
Tav's thoughts were like wading through thick, soupy mud as Astarion's words clouded their mind and flooded their body with desire.
"I've never been devoured quite like that, you fit yourself around me so well.. you were such a good f-"
Tav quickly brought their hand to his mouth. He had to be silenced. His seductive power was too much to leave unbridled.
Mentally shaking off his charms, Tav came some what back to their senses.
"In one breath you tell me how disgusted you are with sex and the next you say about wanting my 'tight holes'? What is it that you want, Astarion? You can't have it both ways."
"Of course I can, darling. Now I can. Things have changed. Lots of things. I have my body back and I decide what to do with it. And right now.." he moved with the lithe limbs of a panther to sidle himself beside them, the grey blanket gently pulling back to reveal his thick, swollen manhood. He exhaled at the softness leaving him, "I want.."
Tav swallowed hard, their lips parted. Another wave of euphoric desire swept over them as the cool touch of his skin ghosted against theirs.
Astarion reached over and grasped their hand and placed it on his engorged cock.
"This." He hissed as their skin finally touched, his cool hardness welcome in their palm.
Gods, he was so erect. The veins in his thick shaft pulsating. The velvet softness of him thrummed with desperate need.
He was so close to them, so close now.. they could kiss if he wanted them to. Astarion breathed against Tav's mouth, "Touch me."
He started to move both their hands in short bursts over the head of his penis, Astarion shuddered out a gasp and screwed his eyes shut, "Touch me. Please."
Tav willingly acquiesced, bending down to spit on his painfully erect cock and began to work.
He made a staggered, breathless moan as he leaned back on both hands, exposing himself to them. Tav pumped his rock hard length in a steady rhythm, remembering back to the Tiefling party that he had appreciated the gentle building of friction, to fruition.
His head was purple and looked sore from his abusing himself for so long in search of relief. Tav generated salvia in their mouth and spat on their other hand to use on him.
The sweetest moan they'd ever heard sang from Astarion's chest.
"Yes-yes-use your hands on me.. make me feel like before.. make me feel-" he gasped through the last word so ferociously he inadvertently bared his fangs.
Tav used their hands in symbiotic motion; pumping the bottom of his shaft with their non-dominant, while teasing and playing with the head between their deft fingers, all the while keeping his entirety slick in saliva.
Gods, they wanted to use their mouth on him properly. He looked so beautiful, unmasked before them. He had been so unexpectedly naked and raw with his past. Revealing hard and difficult truths regarding his lack of control, and autonomy of his own body.
And Tav had to respect that, no matter how aroused they were. They would show that his trust was placed rightly in them.
"Astarion?" They called softly to him.
He answered back with a broken, "Mhm?"
"Thank you for telling me what you did. I won't tell anyone else, you have my word."
"Mm-mm-thankyou, Tav." He managed, his voice tense.
Tav slowed their pace and Astarion let out a whine, balling up his fists in frustration.
"Don't pretend with me. Don't force it."
"I'm not, I swear." He gasped, looking directly at them, a light sheen of sweat appearing on his upper lip.
Tav smirked, "Promise you won't."
"Yes-yes, I promise. Please speed up again." He pleaded through gritted teeth, thumping his head back on the pillow.
"I will. But I'd like to use my mouth on you aswell, would that be okay?"
He let out a pent up huff of air, "Oh gods yes, yes, yes-please use that gorgeous mouth on me. Swallow me. Take me."
Tav smiled and quickly got into position, propped between his legs, "I'd also like to play with your testicles, if that's agreeable."
Astarion wrenched his red hot eyes open, making contact with theirs again. Tav irked a suggestive brow.
A devilish grin crossed his face, once again his fangs shone in the dim candle light, "Oh, my dear. That would be most agreeable." He purred through steadier breaths now they had paused.
"One request from me though; don't push my head down, I don't like it. I'll respect your wishes and you respect mine. Deal?"
"Deal." He smiled and reached down to collect his shirt up to reveal his pale, chiseled body. Tav looked hungrily at his toned flesh, desperate to snake it with their tongue.
They took a breath to ask but Astarion interrupted, "Yes, gods please yes! Lick me, kiss me, bite me, suck it. Do what you want with me.. I'll tell you to stop if it's too much."
"I'll hold you to that." They crooned with a serious edge, as they spat on their hand again, then manoeuvred themselves to be able to kiss his beautiful body, and pump the head simultaneously.
He twitched at the increase in contact and laughed hungrily through strained teeth, "Uhhgh, fuck yes."
Tav lavished their lips and tongue across the defined muscles, gently sucking and nibbling occasionally for added sensation. They kissed and dragged their tongue up and down the V in his hips, paying equal and excruciating mind to each side, making Astarion moan and buck.
Tav firmly pressed kisses on the creases of his pelvis, breathing hot over the area. They took their time, languishing over his form with their mouth, exploring the contours of his hips and thighs with their spare hand. Astarion groaned in vexation.
"Ooh, don't tease me. Please."
"The potion is making you impatient. You enjoyed this last time." Tav reminded him.
"It's not the bloody potion-Gods above-AUGH-I'm asking nicely. Don't keep me waiting any longer, I've already been edged enough. Show me-make me feel-let me feel-"
Astarion gasped as Tav collected the precum that bloomed at his tip, and licked their fingers clean, before deftly angling themselves to engulf his thick cock as much as they could.
The noises that were illicited from the pale elf were unlike any they'd ever heard before - strained and trembling, through gritted teeth and grounded fists - and the sloppy, wet sounds that their mouth made around his unyielding cock were intentionally and debaucherously pornographic.
Momentarily retreating, they began flicking their tongue over the slit, Tav moaned from the back of their throat like he was a tall mug of water quenching debilitating thirst. One hand holding his length steady, the other lightly grazing his testes.
Astarion's thighs fluttered and tensed, as Tav heard a smile through his own moan, "Ooh, that's new."
Gathering more sleek, Tav ran the flat of their tongue up the smooth underplane of Astarion's cock from base to tip, and encircled the head. His member twitched unconsciously as he let out a warm, low rumble from his chest.
"Is that alright? Not too much?" Tav asked, checking in. They kissed the crease of his frenulum, while nimbly massaging and squeezing his sac.
"Mm-mhm-yes. I'm gaining quite an appetite for your skills in this area." He cooed, shifting underneath them, "but I remember a rather more deeper approach last time."
Tav grinned at his less than subtle request, "Oh, my darling. We're just warming up.. but if you're ready for more. I will, of course.. oblige."
Unhinging their jaw like a snake preparing to consume their pray, Tav gorged on the willing partner in front of them.
Astarion sucked in a gasp and Tav felt a hand on the back of their head briefly, before being removed hastily. Tav heard his fist pound into the bedroll beside him. They moaned in thanks, vibrating against his solid shaft.
He replied with a deep rumble from his chest, "Yes.. that's what I've been missing. This is what I needed.."
Bobbing and dipping, taking just a little more in their mouth each time. Sucking and stroking his perfect length. Their mouth salivated and filled with lubricant, anticipating the meal in front of them. Meeting their lips on their pumping fist, working together harmoniously.
Tav relaxed their throat further and began swallowing the last length of him, valiantly suppressing the need to gag until it would afford the most pleasure. They flattened their tongue and swallowed, sucked and gagged as Astarion whimpered and moaned, unconsciously jerking. Tav placed a hand on his hips to steady him, to not ruin the mood by choking unexpectedly.
They pressed down just above his pubic bone as their lips bottomed out against him, tears forming wet stains under their eyes at the challenge of taking his full size. Tav gulped and gasped against his cock, enveloping him with their tongue and throat working in tandem, coating him in liquid slick. The debased, vile sounds coming from their meeting wet and loud and hot as the hells; pushing him higher, dragging him under, coercing him to cum.
He gasped and raised his head to look down at them. Tav met his tear-streaked, claret gaze, with their own.
"Ohh-yes-yes-look at me as you devour my cock-take it all the way down your throat-such a good-nasty-AHH-YES!" He gargled the last word through moans and his hips pulsated and thrust wantonly as he bunched his shirt in his hand, the other fisted around his greyed rag blanket.
His brows creased, his face wracked with pleasure and pain. His face contorted and twisted as he writhed and moaned. He panted and heaved and shook his head from side to side.
Concern furrowed their brow at his expressions, while he seemed to be "enjoying himself", they were reminded of his words from their conversation, that his sexual conquests couldn't tell that he was pretending.
Tav pulled back to breathe through their nose. They reached out with the tadpole and gently stroked his mind, seeking reassurance that this was what he wanted. That he wasn't pretending. That this was real. That this was what he wanted.
"Yesyesyesyes-oh gods-please don't stop-choke on my cock till you can't breathe-ARH-going to cum down your throat and taste myself on your tongue-fuck!-fuck my hard cock deep in your throat-do it-do it-doit-doit-doit" he repeated, trailing off in whimpers against his soiled comfort blanket.
That enthusiastic consent was all they required.
This was a challenge that they would unabashedly attempt to conquer. They had no idea if they could; he hadn't fed on them this time and the potion was an unknown quantity for help, or hindrance. They had no idea. But damned if they weren't going to try. Tav steeled themself and took a deep breath.
They made no illusions at a slow build in tension, they went straight for the kill.
Straining down his hard length to the hilt, making the most illicit and disgusting sodden noises as they consumed him, squeezing him with the throat that tried to resist his intrusion.
Astarion growled and whined and shook with the tension in his body coiled so tightly.
Tav stretched their jaw to lap their tongue against his balls, which tightened due to the expected feeling. He rewarded their efforts with another mumbled, half coherent onslaught of praise and explicit desires.
They re-applyed the pressure on his pubus, pushing down firmly against his taut skin.
A breathless gasp shot from his throat as the hand bunched in his shirt now flew to grasp their hand with choruses of, "yes-yes-yes!"
He was so close, they could feel it. His precum tainted the back of their throat. His jaw was tight and his glistening fangs were bared.
Tav remembered back once more to what had unexpectedly tipped him over the edge when they'd made him cum the last time.
Concentrating hard on keeping the fast-paced rhythm, tears streaming from their eyes, they flipped their hand to hold his properly.
Tav reached out through their connection and whispered, "I've got you, Astarion.. you're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise.. I have you.. Cum, Astarion.. cum, my love."
Astarion stilled, his every muscle contracting and seizing, his chest rising off the floor as his spine curved.
A gentle, surprised gasp escaped from his mouth. He squeezed their hand so tightly as their name died on his lips.
Suddenly Tav felt warmth shoot against the back of their throat as he came hot and quick, filling their mouth and spilling out the sides and he thrust wildly, unable to control his movements. His cries of pleasure muted and gasping.
Tav gagged and slowed to a gentler pace, swallowing him down. Astarion twitched and quivered as they saw him through his climax; still holding each others hand.
His soft, whimpering groans dissolved into laboured heaves as he relaxed into the lull of his orgasm.
A moan shuddered from him as Tav expertly extracated his thankfully - slightly - softening member from their stretched throat.
They tenderly cleaned him up with their tongue, as there was quite a lot that had spilled from his heavy, metallic-tanged load, while Astarion lay there in stunned silence.
Tav dried their eyes and gently rested their chin on his thigh and sighed deeply, their hands still joined on his stomach.
They kissed his cool skin, "Are you alive up there?" Tav asked, jokingly.
If he wasn't already dead, they'd have thought he'd died.
"M'alive." He mumbled in a stupor.
"Good." Tav said through a wry smile.
They looked to their left where his cock was already starting to swell again and sighed.
"I don't think it worked, you're getting hard again."
Still nothing.
Tav furrowed their brow, "Do you hear me up there?"
Still nothing.
Starting to worry, Tav raised themselves up and started padding their way one-handed up towards his face. His crimson eyes were fixed on ceiling of the tent, drying tears still streaked down his temples.
"Are you alright? Was it too much?" Tav asked, worried they'd gone too far.
He finally blinked.
"My body feels like it's.. weightless and.. empty. My head feels like.. I've been zapped with a.. shocking grasp.. and my ears are ringing." His tone was high and dazed. His every move tinged with exhaustion. His expression one of pure contentment.
He was fully in an afterglow bubble. That was better than potentially traumatised.
Tav pursed their lips with pride, "Sounds like a good orgasm then. Was it?" They asked, feigning innocence.
Astarion gave a long blink and turned his gaze to Tav, who lay to the side of him.
"You've rendered me paralsyed. I think we can call that a success, don't you?"
Tav chuckled, "Well, a semi-success. You've still got your problem." They gestured a thumb towards his now alarming erection again.
"Oh no, that's not the potion. That's me."
Tav jerked their neck in questioning confusion, "Eh?"
"I'm laying here sprawled on the floor after one of the best orgasms of my long life. Two of whom have been granted by you.. and the only thing I can think of.. is that I need to do that again."
Tav bit their bottom lip through a grin spreading across their face.
"But we said that that night was a one-time thing and this is an extraordinary circumstance.. this isn't supposed to-"
His pale pink lips came up to capture their first kiss of the night and from the passion and force behind it, it was not to be their last.
Astarion slid his fingers to their umber trousers and cupped them through the fabric. Tav gasped against his mouth as they twitched within his grasp, the damp spot of their arousal staining their clothes. They sucked in Astarion's bottom lip into their mouth and cursed.
"Well, apparently that arrangement needs to be renegotiated." He smirked, as he kissed them deeply, sweeping his tongue to taste himself there.
He brought his hand to the buckle, "And these definitely need to come off."
Psst.. hey..👋 you want some more smut? 👀
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metalgrateeater · 9 months ago
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Sorry this is the way y’all had to find out I’m an ex homestuckie I drew it as a joke I pinky promise
Also for context on shakezulafan1993 visit Carlitoland.straw.page trust
Edit: I accidentally put the transparent image mb
Editedit: I put the wrong one like 3 times but I fixed it
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antisocialbunnysims · 1 year ago
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requested on youtube, someone was interested in the house I used in my new mods testing video (22 Bayside Lane). I threw in a bonus house that was nearby and had no one living in it so it was easy to package up as well (24 Bayside Lane). Both are unfurnished and under 20k. Pics and download under the cut!
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here is the floorplan for 22 Bayside Lane and the clean installer screen showing the build cc that is included. The only thing I'm a little confused about is I'm not 100% sure I got the roof correct. I included what I THINK is the right roof recolor in the zip folder, but the description of the roof on the house is "metal roofing in evening blue by icad at mts." But as far as i can tell no such roof exists at mts, and the only metal roof by icad that I have that is blue is called "icad metalroofs bluegrey"..so i am not 100 if that is the right roof but i tried my best, someone lemme know if they know the right one. edit: also just realized there's no door to the master bedroom, just remembered there was a section in my mods video where I was confused why they wouldn't go to bed..there's no door im sorry, don't forget to add one lol
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24 Bayside Lane is the bonus house, uses all the same CC and has a little like half wall open kitchen vibe thing. edit: omg i hate packaging lots so much. the half wall didn't package bc of course it didn't lol but this is the link to mts to download them. editedit: omg im sorry i didnt' realize the fence was a default replacement omg its by shasta download it here!! Why two bathrooms apparently in such a tiny house? I have no idea idk why i do the things i do the floorplan of this house is weird lol. roof recolor included in the folder.
both lots have been cleaned with chris hatch's lot compressor. I use criquette's lush terrain defaults so if you don't use those the terrain paint is gonna look poo probably, but you can hold ctrl while using the terrain paint tool to erase any you don't like.
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pretty-idol-hell · 1 year ago
Protect/Transfer your Idol Land PriPara account!
Friends of the blog, new and old, it is very easy to lose your Idol Land PriPara account be it by accidentally uninstalling while updating, damaging your phone, etc., and as of this posting the official policy is that your account is basically gone forever. However, as of 12/6/2023 transfer codes are now active for 30 days so PLEASE!
If you have spent money on this game, or if you have spent significant time ranking up, please protect your account!
EDIT: As of 4/17/2024, it is now possible to recover your Idol Land PriPara account using either Apple, Google, or LINE. This now makes the process below obsolete.
EDITEDIT: There was a bug involving transferring with Apple accounts. As of 7/12/2024 it has been resolved, but you'll need to disconnect your Apple account and then reconnect it to resolve the issue.
To connect your account, go to the settings (gear icon) and アカウント引継ぎ (account transfer) as before. Now the screen looks like this:
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I was easily able to connect to my Google account by clicking "Sign in with Google" and now, as you can see, the Google button is turned on. (You can only pick one.)
But, even though this is a much easier method of securing your account, it couldn't hurt to keep saving passwords just in case. So, please refer to the method below for extra security.
Step 1
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Click on the gear icon on the home screen to pull up the settings page. Then find the アカウント引継ぎ (account transfer) button in the middle of the bottom row.
Step 2
Click on the pink パスワード連携 (password connect) button below the Apple/Google/LINE option.
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Make a password and type it into the box. Type the same password in again.
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If you have entered an acceptable, matching password you will see this screen and in the area I've scratched out in blue is your temporary account ID.
Step 3
Save your ID with the password (write it in a notebook, email it to yourself, etc.) and you are done for now.
But when you do need to transfer/recover your account...
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You'll click on 引継ぎ (the second button in the bottom left of the opening screen).
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And here is where you will enter that ID and password.
According to the official Twitter it SHOULD work within 30 days even if it's an ID and password created before this posting (12/6/2023).
Step 4 (Optional, but recommended)
Set an alarm in your phone 29 days from now to remind yourself to do this all over again!
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videoworm · 8 months ago
Do we think a chainmail plushie is possible?
Thinking about what to do with the chainmail bc I'm not a big jewelry wearer (except piercings). I'll definetly do stim toys.
But plushie? The chains would have to be small and I'd need stuffing that doesn't fall out but is still soft enough 🤔
Edit: I could just use foam I guess but then the shapes need to be really accurate 🤔🤔
Editedit: CHAINMAIL FURSUIT??? (sounds incredibly impractical... But also incredibly epic)
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lordsireno · 18 days ago
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I was lamenting I didn't get around to any valentines day art, but then I remembered this CAD comic editedit I made. Rufus and his one true love, Rufus.
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dasloddl · 1 year ago
edit: cishet people please interact :) editedit: it autocorrected cishet to cashew and I think thats beautiful
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ozkar-krapo · 10 months ago
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"Editeditions Contexts"
(7". Subterranean rcds. 1983 / rec. 1981-83) [US]
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pricechecktranslations · 2 years ago
Honestly Im very happy that mothy is gonna use Teto SynthV and Yukari Yuzuki (the Cevio version i believe) on his new album. Yukari means the song probably has something to do with Luna, and Teto... well, that *could* be Charlotte? (Also btw, the Bluebird tweet from mothy was a joke about how EM made the Twitter blue bird disappear and how we have to find it now like Len and Rin (?)
Chartette I feel is very likely, given the song title is in French and she's Lucifenian. As for Luna...not really? I don't see why we would make that assumption at all. The song title references Clarith, and Luna has no representative VOCALOID in canon (to my knowledge mothy has never made a Yuzuki Yukari character, period).
And yeah, I got a reply to that effect on the earlier post. I'm not as up to date as to the goings-on with Twitter so the joke went right over my head.
Edit: I spoke too soon. "Atelier Horloge" appears to have something to do with the world that Banica and co. have landed in (I think it's Rilia-Renee's world? But I'm not 100% sure I'm remembering correctly).
EditEdit: I did forget about Yuzette Ora and Yvette for Yukari characters, though in my defense they aren't strictly confirmed. Still, that does lend credence to the idea that the Yukari in this case is Yvette, given that the title mentions Clarith.
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faux-fires · 2 years ago
hi i'm newer to the da fandom, but i see versions of your name or names around a lot on old accounts. Are you the same person as those?
Hello, probably! I've been in DA fandom since 2015. My original tumblr name was inmyvortex, then i changed it to fauxfires (no dash), then reikah, then i deleted my tumblr entirely, and now i'm back as faux-fires because spambots snapped up my old names as soon as they were released. /sob
so if you see something by one of those names that isn't trying to sell you website advertising, it's me!
edit: omg reikah is available again brb
editedit: nvm :(
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