#edit: wow it worked i cant believe it
lwiann · 8 months
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Maybe i wont be silenced by this app this time
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appleschloss · 2 months
I just achieved Perfection for the first time ever on Stardew Valley and I'm just, so stoked I can't even explain it.
As someone who previously could hardly make it into Year 2 before I got bored/burn out the fact that I played this save for FOUR MONTHS and have over 120 hours in it and am half way through Year 4...
I'm just so happy. I had to share.
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I used a lot of journaling/note taking and encouraged myself to take breaks as a way to help prevent burnout. I've learned a lot on how to better tackle games so I can actually enjoy them long-term and it's been incredible.
If you're reading this and you're a fellow ADHDer who *wants* to have a long game, this is your sign. You can do it.
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mybiasisexo · 5 months
its so crazy how you can write over 1000 words for your wip and then the next day decide you dont like it and just delete it all
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donghuamuqing · 2 years
Hm i may have this fic out by next week. I think i will :)
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 11 months
mara forgive me if im wrong but iirc you said you draw in mspaint? do you only draw in mspaint? your linework just tends to look so organic and airy i cant believe it’s ms paint! love your art always <4
hey anonymous;
for the most part i exclusively use mspaint, though occasionally i use photoshop to change color schemes / edit my church photos, and rarely i:ll use azpaint to take a break from using mspaint if i feel like i:m in a rut; bluntly: i don:t like the reputation mspaint has as being an awful and awkward tool for art where it takes a measure of genius/talent to get good results from it: it:s actually an excellent art program, and the reputation it has as being "basic" i think is both 1) an unfair one, & 2) earned from how barebones it was in its earlier versions (which still are fine programs); all of the mspaint brushes are solid, it actually has pen pressure support on some of them, and really all you:re missing (outside of editing tools) are layers (and generally a way to work non-destructively); there:s been this odd push-back, though, against mspaint artists who showcase the program (probably out of a common annoyance of people catching on-to "mspaint as a spectacle" being an easy way to earn impressions (ex: "wow i can:t believe this is made in mspaint!") that i also think is sort-of unfair: mspaint and it:s ui are beautiful programs, and i:m in support of people picking it up & spending time with it;
basically: i just want people to recognize mspaint as a solid art tool that doesn:t rely on gimmicks or require some profound talent to produce good results with -- it:s just a nice light-weight program; be kind to it & it:ll be kind to you.
i apologize if this sounded a little aggressive (i did mean the aggression, but not targeted at you, because i appreciate you -- you like my stuff!), i:m an mspaint fan and defend it like someone defending their friend for not being permitted entrance in-to the club for wearing goofy shoes. so take care anonymous & thank you for the kind words :-))
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Sorry to say it like this but i Just wanted to share it. I really really and REALLY never seen a gay man who don't behave a little feminine. And it's not my opinion...it's a observation. Whenever i see a gay man and i seen a lot of them...but i never and ever saw a gay man who behave fully manly u know??? I don't know how to explain it. But it's just there...like the way they sometimes walk, like the way they talk sometimes, their gestures. And that is the only reason for me to believe that jk is definitely straight. Yes he likes makeup but that's not a big deal considering his line of work. But other than that...it's just so much in body language,his gestures... everything he does...it's just so manly...same like a straight man. I can give so many examples of gay couples...on YouTube... every single one of them have something in their body language, u can just tell that yes this guy interested in men too but it's not the case with jk at all. And my gut feeling was most of the time right and i do believe that after the cameras shut down..i don't think he behave with jimin the same like he did on cameras. His body language speaks a lot, his gestures, his choices in things,the way he talks,the way he walks, his style. Everything include just doesn't show anything gay. And let me clear this also that I'm not here saying anything bad to degrade gay people that their body language just screams gay...it's just a obversation i have that every gay man atleast has something in him feminine but in jk...it's not there...not at all. So i believe he is definitely straight.
All you've done here is out yourself as someone who doesn't watch enough BTS content in full and mostly just exists in short clips that comes from your biased timeline. AND as someone who doesn't actually read my blog. I'm so sorry hun, but JK actually gives "babygirl energy" or "anime girly pose energy" more than any other member in BTS. He loves it. Lol
Just one example for you, in an edit and short clip compilation just for you lol I can link you to the original content for each clip though if you'd like, where you would find more of the same "feminine" energy from Jungkook.
Also high key suggest you interact with more queer people before making generalizations about them all, because you cant make generalizations about ANY sub group of people like that and not except to be just plain wrong about plently of them. Not to assume anything about you or anything, but... If you want to see more about JKs queer coding in general too and feel like actually reading my blog... I have a whole section of posts dedicated just to that
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kenjiyabuki · 9 months
so here are some thoughts about DMD Friendship the Reality while we are nearing the end
yeah yeah its not that deep but actually no one caring/talking about a show makes me want to write a LONG ASS POST bc i cant get gratification from going through the tags and reading opinions lmaoooooo so HERE damn okkk i will make the content i want to see in the world i guess dont mind me......😞
im not even the biggest Domundi fan but i was intrigued by the premise of this show. i mean it's a basically fake dating show (like one of their challenge rewards was getting to sleep in a suite together as if they are there to date for real) and the end prize isnt just an acting opportunity as it comes w the big decision of choosing a looooooong time acting partner. so i wanted to see how they would do it. BOC did a similar thing w The Hidden Character which i dropped halfway in bc it was too long and i found the challenges to be irrelevant to the ending goal. this show is the opposite of that and thats why ive been enjoying it.
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it is edited to be concise (only 5 eps) and honestly, is quite tranquil. all the challenges were about things they will be required to do in the future as DMD actors/idols and stakes aren't even that high. You could always guess who would win before they even started (((like of course broody model guys won the photoshoot challenge and guy w two series under his belt won the acting one, DUH))) but it was still enjoyable to watch. show's goal isn't to generate tension and competitiveness. it is more of a workshop/chemistry building camp and also a way to introduce the new generation and get the fans warm up/attached to them.
as i spent time in bl fandom sphere, i've come to realize introducing a new gen is tricky. i thought everyone would be ecstatic to see new blood and a lil bit of mix and match but BL fans are reaaaaaaaaaaally attached to their faves and generally see newcomers as threats who will take opportunities from their already neglected (!) precious babies (e.g. just couple weeks ago FortPeat fans were protesting the new lesbian side couple in the upcoming show for stealing screen time from their faves, which is a joke in itself). this kind of show is genius way to get people to warm up to idea of new faces. at the end of the the day, these fans' weakness is two beautiful boys indulging in sweet moments they can be delulu over and considering how ships were already born from the first episode, DMD FTR succeeded in their goal.
LETS TALK ABOUT THE BOYS :-) *this starts playing*
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I had to make this during first ep bc they are all dark haired boys w similar builds so I kept confusing them lmaoooooo (Tle not pictured as he joined later)
i will firstly talk about the fan favorite possible "couples";
KengNamping, the quiet visual couple and yes I love em!!!! they were kinda the only "conflict" in this very conflict free competition.
is Keng the CALMEST person I've ever seen? Latte is laid back too but Keng is just seems zen. sometimes (in the face of conflict) he just seemed hard to read but mostly he has such a calming presence. honestly, he should open an ASMR channel if this acting gig doesn't work out.
Namping also comes off very warm and graceful. him being "wow I'm finally in the winner suite" to Keng after finally getting chosen in ep4 made me laugh like DAMN he really was offended by what happened in ep1 and kept letting it slip. Idc, you are so right my prince and don't ever let Keng forget what he did to you...
when it comes to the possibility of them as a couple: i am kinda here for it while also not knowing if i actually believe in their "moments" in the show? Namping definitely set his sights on him from the beginning but Keng seemed nonchalant about it. Keng finally choosing Namping after his win, their sweet moment on the bed etc. seemed to me like classic reality show moment prompted by production to fit a certain narrative WHILE ThomasKong's pseudo-date-night chats seemed very real and spontaneous.
they do visually have chemistry, i'm not gonna act like i wasn't blushing when Keng trying to flirt during dinner or Namping softly touching a sleepy Keng's chin in the bed etc. Or even in ep2, when Namping tries to confront Keng about his pick but they are too timid and just unable to talk about it openly!!! arrghhh it's a hard to watch moment but still, made them more intriguing because they had such a tension between them. it would be a shame if it wasn't explored more. that tension can be channeled into an angsty series, just saying...
So, they def have a long way to go in their bond and arent comfortable like LatteFirst or ThomasKong but still, they are a strong contender and I would be glad to see them as a couple in a show. Namping already got my attention in the acting challenge and wonders can be achieved w a lil bit of workshop. they got the juice already!!!
Now, lets talk about ThomasKong.............
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me watching Thomas relentlessly chatting Kong up since THE FIRST EPISODE
so I knew LatteFirst are set be a side couple in upcoming Love Upon a Time but i was confused to see why everyone on Twitter was already going cuckoo over these two random boys until i saw them interacting... Wow, like Thomas really came here w one mission: get Kong and leave.
because Thomas is such a flirt like DAMNNN😳😳😳😳he needs to be jailed for carrying lethal amounts of charm... IT MUST BE SAID: I love his fits w those thin glasses, he should've been wearing those in those office BLs he was in because he has been serving "office siren". Tiktok girlies eat your heart out.
while Kong isn't the best at acting or singing (he is the best KengNamping shipper tho and i LOVE a fudanshi BL actor), he definitely would win Mr. Congeniality if they were giving that title. he naturally and effortlessly has great on screen charisma. he is a certified cutie and the only one who can get real full belly laughs from Thomas!!!
i think what they managed in the acting challenge is the testament to their palpable chemistry. acting wise they weren't perfect (naturally, their uneven acting experience levels were apparent) but they were the only one who managed to tonal shift in their scenes. it's because they were the only ones who played into the romantic subtext of the scene. they also held eye contact for the longest (because they are comfortable w each other and not shy!!!), which elevated their chemistry and made me AND the judges giggle and roll our hair and kick our feet and shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
they are obviously the most likely to win the show and they deserve it too. no matter the result of the show, i want see them carrying a series as mains because they can and should. i also believe DMD won't fumble their bag, so i am not worried about it.
to conclude, I will quote Zee,
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then we come to LatteFirst, the kinda established couple: in the ep5 preview, we see First trying to choose between Latte and the newcomer Tle, which seemed random to me and could be a production touch to create conflict in this very smooth sailing show.
i loved seeing Latte being nonchalant about the possibility of First choosing someone else, what a laid back guy. like Mio in THC, every BL reality show needs a half asleep and occasionally funny dude.
now i am thinking; what if First chose Tle, would he also replace Latte in LUAT bc DMD doesn't really fuck w mixing matching their couples. i honestly don't know where did all that come from but i feel like the result wont be too shocking, First and Latte are already really close and comfortable and got The Chemistry. need i remind of Latte punching the air a la Judd Nelson at the end of The Breakfast Club when it was announced they both chose each other for the dinner date? and their sweet and comfortable banter on that said date??? let's put our pens to work and write a friends to lovers rom-com for the boys based on that material please...
i dont think they are likely to win but might be strong contender. i just want to see them as a side couple in LUAT (hopefully this year!!!!) so they can develop themselves and their bond a little bit more before getting to a main couple level. their sweet friendship shouldn't go to waste!!! (is it obvious i am more drawn to BL couples who are besties in real life?)
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damn this post is about to be a novella so i will make it short about Gems, TeeTee and Tle, i hope Gems won't be too upset about getting slighted again 😥 like i said, stakes aren't high on this show and results are always obvious: these guys are going back home empty handed, we all know it. they are all charismatic and VERYYY talented but i just felt like none of them really focused on "getting a partner" part of the show, not just the main challenges. even TeeTee who was picked by Thomas and Keng seemed kinda uninterested about partnering up. but you cant really force chemistry and i am sure they will get many more opportunities in the future. they already started their fanbase!!! i cant stand to see Gems so upset, i hope he wont be too sad.
these are my opinions. maybe the ending will do a whole 180 and idk, GemsKeng or TleKong or some other random couple will win, who knows???? cant wait to watch the new overly airbrush filtered, Cheewin directed DMD show up to like 5 episodes and then get bored and drop it and follow the rest from gifs!!! good luck to the boys <3
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gomens trending again got me thinking about the parallels between aziraphale & crowley and of course the alltime faves warp & buzz... [SPOILER FREE POST]
idk its just! something ive been pondering is the structure of star command and its grabbag mix of peacekeeping / police / military / law enforcement functions and its ineffective & flawed structure and principles. even in blosc canon i think buzz is unquestioningly devoted to it because he is not, and has never been, directly opressed by, if i may call it that, the police state + he does believe that he as a space ranger works for the great good and general forces of justice... and yet! and yet he regularly goes against sc's rules and regulations on a whim! from disrespecting lives and privacy of perceived criminals (mocking, mind probing, other stuff i cant remember explicit examples for) to, on the other hand, not bringing them to justice or generally showing sympathy (looking at the ending of ancient evil of course, but also gravitina & millenial bugs bc ozma was breaking the law for sure there, no?). and he is also AWARE of how the system is not fair and "stacked against us" as shown in lone wolf! which makes me think he has some unexamined internal conflict about his job/calling--like aziraphale!!!
and on the other hand... sighs lovingly. and in the other corner we have warp who is obviously against star command (to what extent and based on what beliefs we unfortunately aren't shown) yet i think has never challenged its systems and operations openly, only subversively worked against em. maybe that's because in canon the whole time he had been a space ranger he was also secretly working against sc & for that reason he never cared enough to ever attempt to change sc or convince buzz they/he needed to change it ("convince buzz to do it" because buzz's a posterboy & the best & wrote actual RULEBOOK for star command--so he probably could've done a lot of improvements). and also for warp this whole star command thing was always just a job/cover so he wouldn't do all this hard unpaid work of Bringing On Systematic Changes that wouldn't benefit him immediately. BUT! imagine!!! if warp HAD to stick with the job--if he was forced to live and work under a fucked up rigorous unfair system encouraging blind obedience--as the angels and crowley had to!!--he wouldve rebelled SO FAST. punk demon warp + autism angel buzz for forever and a day!!!
so in conclusion in gomens/blosc crossover warp quits heaven day 1 and then after a lot of talking and questioning the established order of things and gomens-typical shenanigans buzz&warp must go from "a demon and an angel" to "two blokes fucking around" & go awol together married style. love wins?!
edit [STILL SPOILER-FREE]: i wrote this post before watching gomens season 2 and rereading/recontextualizing it now i keep thinking Wow. Did I Hit That Nail On The Head, especially with the buzz and aziraphale parallels. as i put it on twitter: "stubborn holier than thou autistic guy who genuinely believes the oppressive system hes working for is good and just" and "sexiest motherfucker on earth (who secretly cares)". the ending of s2 was almost a reversal of the buzz&warp main conflict which is DELICIOUS actually... with much more explicit gayness mixed in. fun! fun fun fun.
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tojisun · 2 years
i am ASCENDING. i neither watch jjk nor know toji AT ALL 'til i saw an edit of him from IG (it was his official anime design w/ the infamous "i wanna big boy give me my big boy" bg. that was what it took me to be so astronomically down. and further reverberated with ur works. oh my fucking god.)
and when i tell u that even with the utter lack of context, i still got so swooned over ur fics???!??!?! it's been so long since i've felt something like this over multiple works of one author AND EVEN in an anime i never watched at all! i'm just?!??!?!?! oh my god???? help???!??!?
how long does it take u to make 2.5k worth of story (which im not gonna particularize due shameful reasons)??? because i'm sure as hell would be eating on that for months thank you very much
im so glad for that big boy edit eventhough idk who tf they singin at bc it brought me to ur blog. i cant believe im still capable feeling this over heap of sentences. wow. you live up to ur username. what a literal sun.
im so sorry it took so long to respond to this wonderful message, but thank you so so so very much 😭🫶🏼
this has me wetly sobbing n kicking n screaming n wriggling on my bed WHSHSH i never knew i had it in me to yk make ppl feel this way w my works, and so seeing this fr has my heart so full!!
im glad that you enjoy my works (especially into my flesh because this is the first time i’ve written smut with no beta), n im extra glad that u love this version of toji!! he’s just so damn fine that i need him being a super simp for us <33
it took me a total of nine days to write into my flesh because smut writing is so hard, what??? angst is my forte but i didnt wanna write angsty smut, so the shift in tones from writing angst to writing smut, the laid out description of sex plus ensuring that toji’s a blend of soft dom and mean dom because i want him loving us dearly but also fucking us nastyyy — this was so hard for me 😭
which is why seeing so much positive interactions for into my flesh fills me up with immense joy! again, thank you (all) for loving my works <333
(and thank you so much! my pen name means a lot to me and im always so soft when ppl appreciate it just as much!)
take care darling and thank you again for this beautiful message! i hope ur day is going great n i wish that the rest of your week will be kind!
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brownsugaicedlatte · 1 year
last week (29.05.2023, a monday) i saw my favourite artist ever. i cried most of my makeup off as soon as the first 4 bars of ‘dangerously in love’ began. surprisingly, i don't have post-concert depression? i felt sooo happy after the concert, i still feel really happy? if i could this feeling into a jar i would. idk i can't explain it. if anything, i feel satisfied? im not sure what word to use. fulfilled? if i hadn’t watched themegamega’s instagram livestream on the opening night of the tour i would’ve passed out and missed the <my> show. understandable if someone passes out during alien superstar/sweet dreams. because wow. before VG, she asked, "who's a virgo?" and I screamed as if i was the only virgo in the stadium. in my mind i was (apart from her obviously). the plastic off the sofa/virgos groove/move/heated segment had my favourite choreo. the shade of hot pink (my fav colour) during cozy ! everything about cozy/alien superstar actually. hair choreo also! i luvd it sm. ummm 1+1 !!!!!! i'm going to learn/watch/listen to this version of it till i get it right perfectly. I CANT BELIEVE I SAW BEYONCE ! IN CLUB RENAISSANCE !!!! i don’t want to say she looked at me but she definitely looked in my direction. her hair is so beautiful. i wonder how her makeup artist does her makeup? there's a clear difference in editorial/award show makeup in comparison to makeup for stage performance. how do they achieve that so well? i don't really care about singing and dancing with anyone that isn't her. i'd love to sing with her. doo wop, ooo, ahh and sway behind her even. i went back to see the last show on sunday (04.06.2023) and i took notes :) she sang so well on both days! i really don't have anything left to say except that i need to work harder vocally. here's my fav pics :)
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end of ffxv thoughts
i sort of piecemeal watched the ending of ffxv so i finally sat down and watched the while thing through and some thoughts from the last 1/3 of the game
magic universe ending protozoa. This is bullshit. I get that they wanted to go scifi but it doesn't work. Imagine if maleria caused the sun to go out. They should have just made it magic. Curses were used to explain diseases anyways and magic engineering is already established in this setting. It can just be a magic infectious disease instead of having magic daemon protozoa and then they tied the magic protozoa to the world ending destruction of light like huh thats not how protozoa work. Like you could just say daemons and daemonic energy itself is infectious. Eh I suppose this isnt the worst i'm coming around to it. Like if you go the protozoa route how does the oracle bloodline stop it and why does lunafreya and ravus dying accelerate it (probably ardyn's doing) but it leaves more questions.
So in the final fight ardyn is weakened enough his physical body is destroyed but he still could come back from the rainbow realm. Ardyn kinda obsessed with noctis ngl
Which brings me to the next point presummably Noctis needs the power of the previous Lucis kings to get rid of Ardun for good but I thought that was what the 10 years was for to attune to the ring's power but then there's the cutscene of all the kings joining the ring. Did that really have to take 10 years? It feels more that the writers wanted a timeskip. I should go look up an explanation. Edit ah timeskip was crystal power.
Liked episode prompto gotta love an existential crisis. I am confused whether from prompto's monologue whether he knew he was an mt clone or not because he was saying as a kid he was afraid of people knowing. I should look that up. also did he meet luna before noctis? im unclear on the timeline. i looked things up. part of what confused me about the clone reveal was that the MTs seemed to be robotic when damaged or cut apart. the clones weren't directly put into the armor suits there were used as food to cultivate the black stuff which was then processed into the cores powering MTs. idk how much consciousness was retained but prompto seems to believe so.
Gotta say i really respect tabata. He was dumped into the worst case scenario, development hell project that had been dragging on and accumulating detritus for a decade, engine changes, concept changes, nomura, like late stage director change wow what a mess. I think tabata resigned after the project too. And yet ffxv managed to pull itself together in the end. Despite one if the worst development cycles in history xv still managed to have a better story than xvi. It shouldn't really be controversial to but monarchy iant a good government system so I'm a hard sell on return of the rightful king and divine right of kings type stories, ffxv did pretty good.
Also let me say maybe its the acearo but i cant be the only one who keeps forgetting lunafreya is the love interest they really feel like close childhood friends more than romanic interests. But I didn't hate it, it was fine.
just a thought. if after the darkening all of crown city moved to lestallum how is that possible. insomia looked like a major metropolis like hyper urban the population has got to be over 1 million maybe even 10 million or more and lestallum looks like a mid sized city maybe 0.5 million (possibly smaller) no way they absorbed that many people not to mention from other areas.
why was lunafreya in insomnia in the beginning of the game anyways
brotherhood huh i thought prompto and noctis met in highschool. actually if prompto was part of some lucis military operation how'd he end up living a normal childhood. oh the dog prompto helped pryna that's how they met. interesting contrast between prompto being presented as the "normal" one in the group and then he's actually super special i don't know if i like it. also not everything needs to connect back to noct and luna like prompto could have decided on weightloss and an image change on his own or be cause he wanted acceptance by his classmates. so prompto just shove his way into noctis's life after stalking him for like 7 years. eh anime's pretty bad it's on part with other videogame animes which all tend to be pretty bad or mid at best. it relies on tropes as a cheap easy way to tell a story with out doing any of the ground work to develope a narrative. eh it explains some plot things i suppose
kingsglaive: luna what are you doing just standing there while regis is trying to buy you time. drautos.. wasn't that the traitor guy. if so why did he send crowe to her death if the hairpin is bugged. presumably niflhiem wanted the tracker on lunafreya. the hairpin ending up with her through nyx is coincidence. multiple problems would have been solved giving lunafreya or nyx a gun. my dude why is you only long/mid range weapon a knife. plot armor really is the best armor drautos/glauca really shrugs off the entirely of regis's security detail, cladudis and regis but can barely get up from ring blast. why are the giant golems only activating now after the king has died (edit: oh that's the old wall they were talking about. it's not a wall). oh the car broke down i was like why are you all standing in the street, you're going to walk to altissia?? that's literally 40 times slower than driving. not sure why she ditched libertus beside to fit the game.
is it weird that i like the movie more than the game. movie is an action film to the background of a political drama with is exactly in my lane same reason i liked ff12. game is a bros roadtrip which is fun but isn't quite as exciting. kingsglaive also retains that urban fantasy setting that was core to versus xiii. kinda tropey action movie wise and as a movie maybe 8/10 but that's better than any other videogame movie i've ever seen in the last 20 years.
also i figured out why regis' model was bothering me, his beard isn't as neat as you'd expect. I guessing it's a 3d modeling thing because i sometimes see the same problem with animal fur just took me a while to connect the dots. regis' beard is kinda scraggly where as if you look at the beards of most high profile men they tend to be more neatly shaven (which by the way is a lot of work maintaining a good looking beard is more work then shaving every day because you still have to shave like every other day or but this time you have to actually groom it instead of taking it all off). i also still think the lucis crown looks stupid
ngl pocket edition looks super charming reminds me of bravely default i might like it more than the full game. idk why they bothered to remake all the models and assets this whole project seems like a waste of resources but it caters to my specific niche audience. i guess squeenix had too much fxiv money to burn.
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xltribe · 2 months
Outfit Of The Week The Winston Box Photos By: Shots By Priiincesss So while I was editing these photos it occurred to me that this set is over two years old that how long I been rocking with the Winston Box. TWO YEARS. wow..... I can't believe that first I've been blogging for two years but that I've been working with a sponsor that long. All hats off to THE WINSTON BOX. It can't be easy at all to run a brand just for XL men from the ground up. After two years here are all my lessons. I can't hand over my business to anyone. I can't afford to stop grind at this point. I'm at a turning point in the company that has to have my full attention on forwarding view and not the rearview. 2019 is quickly approaching and I need a team. The things that I have in mind cant be done with just me. I know that everybody is in your inbox and timelines talking about all this planning for 2019 and it may seem that you can't find the way I NEED YOU TO KNOW ITS PERFECTLY OKAY TO TURN A MILLION THINGS TILL YOU FIGURE IT OUT. Believe me, it took me 9 business until I figured out what I wanted to do. Take your time. Listen and my final piece of advice is don't compare your Day one to someone's year 10. Head over to thewinstonbox.com and sign up for your very own box. It’s $75 per month but just for our readers, you will save $15 off your first box by using code “KIRK15” at checkout. ? @shotsbypriiincesss Shirts & Pants: The Winston Box (Sponsored) Shoes: Tommy Hilfiger Photos By: Shots By Priiincesss
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tera-91 · 4 months
Mid-June Rant
Im not sure when Ill post this.
July 2nd is when 2024 will be half way over. Even though as I start to write this post it is only June 1st. It feels like Ive spent half of the year already. Like Ive wasted half of the year.
Or rather I cant shake off the last half. When 2024 began I felt like it was Spring oddly enough. Like a new beginning. The first quarter went by and I kept doing the same thing over and over again. Then April hit and I decided to turn my world as I knew it upside down.
Wow that sounds dramatic.
Not really.
Just that I needed to make a change.
My first thought was to go back to school. To do something that I could make what I was in a week in a day. In reality it would probably take me a couple of days. Which wouldn’t be bad. I would more than double my income. The only problem would be that it will take me about 3 and a half years to get there.
That is quite a while to stay at a job that, deep down, I wasn’t happy. I get that it cant be great all the time. But everyday. I would go into work, either pissed off that I was there. That I felt like I was wasting my time. And if I wasn’t mad, or frustrated. I certainly was watching the clock and ready to walk out of the door.
The manager that was directly my boss I guess, was a inconsiderate jackass. But the other one I feel so much respect for. This manager wants to see if things can be talked out with the other manager. But even if that’s the case I feel like that one is such a vindictive tyrant. I don’t want to work for them. I just don’t know how to tell the other manager. Theres nothing else I can do. Nothing else I want to do.
I feel like I need to make a change.
But I have no one to talk it out with.
My friends say that I should take a break. My family is just wishy washy. I should do what I want. I wish I could talk to my dad. I feel like he could understand my brain better. The only other person that gets it is my sibling. Although we got different versions of neuro-spiciness. My sibling has quite a different choice of words for that manager though… I would rather not repeat.
Im not sure how many times Ill tell myself that I need to take a break. To make a change before I actually believe it. Or rather before I actually do something about it.
Im not sure how many days its been since I wrote any of the previous stuff. Ive been doing a bunch of little things.
I feel like Im less stressed, I looked in the mirror the other day and realized, my shoulders were more relaxed.
Ive gotten a few things done. I got at least 3 videos made. I edited audio on another to come out hopefully soon. Ive written a little more.
Im exploring more.
Once I finish writing this Im going to tackle some things again. Try to get more done in my Roman story series. I hadn’t planned on making it a series but I ended up starting 4 stories with Roman for some reason, I don’t feel like I connect a whole lot with his character in comparison to Virgil. Then one day I was out with my pups and a thread appeared in my head. Connecting these 4 stories but I will have to make an additional one to make a 5 story series.
If youre interested in that, hopefully I wont make you wait too long for it. Im just struggling slightly as when I started the first one it was going to end differently so Ive been trying to add and shift things as I go.
I think I have a little bit of a block going, not necessarily in coming up with the story but to actually sit and write it. My brain is struggling to figure out which to tackle first.
Do I write? I have a bunch of different things that I need to write.
Do I record? I’m having a bit of an issue with my voice at the moment but I can at least prepare things to record.
Then there is the issue of income. I know logically at the moment I am lucky enough to have the option to step away from my source of income due to issues. But it is going to be a problem, I just don’t know how soon now. I have a medical thing going on that I will need to spend a not so small amount of money on which was not an issue prior to when I decided to take this path.
So I do think of that. Once that is hopefully taken care of in the real short future I will be able to tackle two things that I have a potential to get income in. Do I set up a patreon? It would be something to potentially help right now. I have applied for several jobs and have had at least 1 interview so far.
Part of me feels silly for thinking this. I mean I did decide to do a thing and this is the consequence of taking that action. But at the same time, I don’t regret making that decision.
Ill try to write the Roman stories but if that doesn’t seem to work I think I will try to get a little editing done.
Right so a few days later and I’m still in job limbo apparently. Certain things happened in recent days. Didn’t get any of the Roman stories done yet.
Going to work on that and everything else that I need to work on.
I just need to do stuff as I have time. It doesn’t matter if I know I only have 5 minutes or if I jump on it and only get to spend that amount of time on it.
Off to make a list of things that I need to get done. Maybe if I have a visual representation of what is on my mind it will help.
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batfam-chaos · 4 years
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please enjoy this screenshot from when my beta and i were discussing some edits i made to chapter 17 <3
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
The Element of Surprise | Chapter 16
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Chapter Sixteen: The Jump
mando x fem!reader
word count: 6.8k
warnings: ADULT CONTENT MINORS DNI (oral f recieving, m masturbation, overstimulation, kinda dom vibes) general sexual content, swearing
a/n: WOW FINALLY. I was feeling so unmotivated but all your lovely little messages and comments brought out my inspo!!! so yay another chapter!! im hoping to finish writing the story in the next couple weeks but I cant believe how far this has come WOW. anyways ill go now love u all bye!
p.s idk how well this is edited but just ignore the typos if they r there okay okay bye
“What even is a Mythosaur?” Din sticks a hand out to stop you as another ship whizzes past, your eyes not moving fast enough to track it as it disappears into the distance.
Corellia isn’t as ‘city like’ as you first thought. The buildings are smaller, shorter, but there’s just as many people crammed into them. Ships fly up and down the narrow streets, and you swear they are going to burst into flames when they inevitably smash into each other, but they never do.
“Like a big bug. With two legs. Giant.”
“Now you’re just making things up.” You roll your eyes as you round the corner, and you just hear him huff, making sure the kids crib clears the corner of passing traffic before returning his attention to you.
“I’m not. Things are fast, too. Ran me all the way across the desert.”
“Sure it did. Did it lead you to the end of a double rainbow? Pot of gold at the end?” Dins hand grabs on to your forearm to stop you from crossing the road. Just as you look up at him, a giant golden ship shoots past, kicking up dust and sending a gush of wind straight into your face, pushing you back a little. “You know, I can see the face your making right now.”
“Go.” Din breathes, and only because you’ve been studying him so closely do you pick up the light tone in between, and you know he’s smiling.
You’d both been walking for about twenty minutes, arguing lightheartedly about stupid things that pop into your head, and you had been taking the piss out of him about it for that entire time. Everything seemed simple, so straightforward, and it made you think about how long this was going to last. The only other time you had felt this safe, this sure that where you were was exactly where you were supposed to be was when you were a kid. You felt more free than you ever had, and stronger than before.
Just being around the kid made you better, more connected, and now that you had somewhere to focus your energy, things seemed to come more naturally to you. It was always the thing you had struggled with the most - trying to quiet your mind for longer than three seconds to actually get something done, but here it was almost easy. You hadn’t said anything to Din, but when you were piloting his ship, everything seemed so much clearer when he was there next to you, so you had been conducting little experiments of your own.
You tried to focus elsewhere, on the kid or on your own happy places like when you were younger, but nothing helped clear your mindset, helped you reset like when you imagined him. He was impossible to not think of, so you leaned into it, and found you were stronger for it. Every time you tried to lift something through the Force, tried a new technique with the kid, you honed in all of the racing thoughts your mind constantly flashed of Din, and streamlined them into your own personal muse. It worked; a bit too well. You had noticed an almost overflow of energy, and you were restless - antsy to let it out.
“In here.” A large hand rests on the small of your back, directing you into the side of a building. As you pass through the door, you see a glimpse of the main hall, fit with a small circular bar in the centre and a couple people milling around the outside. Din keeps you moving straight up the stairs, not even looking into the room.
You jog up four flights of stairs before you finally stop, and you try to hide how out of breath you were. You see the flash of a light and then the door opens.
“Wh- do we not have to, like, pay for it?” Din pushes into the room, and drops the small pile of bags down at the front. You follow him inside and let your back pack slide off your shoulders, flinging it into the door at the end of the hall and watching as it skids along the hard wood floor.
“An old friend.” He says simply, as if it’s enough to answer why you snuck up the side of the building and broke into an empty room. At least you hope it was empty.
“Since when do you have friends?” Another door opens, and with a low mumble of something you don’t catch Din slides the kid out of his crib and lets him on the floor. Immediately he waddles into the hallway between rooms, and you see him flip a couple times in the air before disappearing around a corner, a few clicks signalling him opening and closing doors as he explores. You can’t help the little smile that appears - just a few days ago he was hopeless at getting in the air, but now he’s flipping around without a care in the world. Din turns to look at you silently before moving towards another doorway to the left and walking through it, this time leaving the door open.
This place must be huge. As you move further into the apartment looking space, you look down the hallway to momentarily catch Grogu’s giant head wandering into the kitchen, door shuttering closed behind him.
Of course he would find the food first.
You turn your attention back to the door Din left open, and walk inside of it, breath catching in your throat. You don’t see him at first, too distracted by the space. The room is plain; light coloured sandy walls surround you, and you think you see a light on in the bathroom under the closed door. You take another step, and don’t bother searching for Din because your eyes are fixated on the thing in front of you.
A bed.
A giant, gloriously fluffy bed, complete with enough blankets and pillows to take up almost half of the mattress. You jump, flopping your entire body onto the soft covers and sigh into them, practically sinking. As much as you love your little place on the Razor Crest, that tiny cot has made your back lock up on more days than it hasn’t.
Your arms spread out not even touching the opposite side of the bed, and you stretch, enjoying the enormous space. Pushing some of the pillows off onto the floor you shuffle yourself up higher, and it’s then that you hear the door to the bathroom open. You flip over, but not fast enough to react before he’s on you.
Within a second Din covered the length of the room and landed on top of you, straddling you to the bed and pinning your arms above your head. He was still in his full armour, and the image in front of you was almost a little daunting. You had seen him in armour the entire time you had known him, and even seen him above you like this, but there was something about the way his chest was dragging heavily with each breath, and how one of his gloved hands easily held both of your wrists above you that sent a swirl of heat and a little bit of fear through your whole body, and your toes curled in response.
“Hi princess.” He whispers above you and you have to close your eyes to hide the effect. He lowers his body so he presses against you, the cool metal burning your skin in the best way. “Not so talkative now?”
“Hu-h?” You try to open your eyes, but he’s just so damn close to your face, staring straight at you that you have to shut them again.
“You’ve been on my ass all day. Pissing me off.” Okay, now you look at him. You try to hide the little smirk of excitement that bursts through your face, and your cheeks flush under his accusation. You’d only been poking fun, but seeing him like this makes you think you might have to try a little harder next time, just to see what he’d do.
“Have I?” You tilt your head underneath him, and feel his grip tighten on your wrists.
“Smart-ass.” His free hand rests on your hip, pulling up your shirt slightly to expose skin. The marks of his hands he left days ago still remain, and you watch as he lines up his fingers with them, picturing just how they got there. Goosebumps appear where he touches, and he looks up at you to watch your face as he begins to slide your pants down. You shimmy trying to quicken the action, but he stops when he notices you moving.
“Din, I-“
“I said stop.” The voice he uses make you listen immediately, and your hips stop their desperate attempt to be free of the fabric. “I want you to listen to me. Keep your hands there.”
Still straddling you, he lets go of your wrists and you obey. The rip of velcro frees the skin of his hands. You don’t think you will ever get over the way he takes off his armour, piece by piece like he’s unwrapping himself just for you. It’s a bit of a possessive thing, you think. Knowing that he only shows those parts of himself to you, and he does so without hesitation.
You watch him as he works through the process, not touching you apart from the weight of his body on your lower half. He undoes buckles, unties knots and slides off pieces of beskar methodically, never taking his eyes off you. It feels like it takes forever, much longer than it ever has before, and every time he takes off something new or a tighter part of clothing is revealed it gets harder and harder to keep still. When he finally gets to his undershirt your a wriggling mess, shifting and fidgeting until you forget what you were meant to be doing and you lift your hands up, fingertips finding the hem of his shirt. The helmet drops and your hands still - remembering suddenly.
“What’d I say?” Your eyes widen and you let go of his shirt, putting your arms back over your head the way he left them, but rolling your eyes as you do it.
“Such a good girl.”
You are pretty sure you stop breathing. He’s called you a million names, praised you a hundred times and somehow every time it just makes you fucking hotter. Right now, though, it almost seems different. It’s like he expects it from you. Like you should do it. There’s a tiny part in you that wants to be defiant just for the sake of it - just to see how he handles it, but first you want to see where he’s going with this.
“Do you trust me?”
“Close your eyes.” You do, so fast and missing any of that defiance you were so sure of only seconds ago. You feel his thumb come up against your face before four strong fingers find the back of your neck and lift you up slightly. With your head hovering above the flat of the mattress, the hiss of his helmet fills your ears and you feel warmth all around your head. It’s dark, and all encompassing. You know you have your eyes closed but it was light outside, so what is it suddenly so dark?
“Open them.”
It’s still unbelievably dark, and you let yourself adjust to your new surroundings. It takes a second, but as each of your senses relax, you figure it out. Your eyes see nothing, but you can smell him all around you. The warmth against your cheeks wraps around the back of your head, and you only notice it because of the line of cool metal that rests at the base of your neck.
Are you-
“Din?” Your voice makes you jolt, and you hear him laugh above you, feeling the sound on your collarbone. It was the only way you could tell how close he was. The sounds you made were unfamiliar - metallic. It was similar to hearing Din, but high pitched and a little squeakier, which made you laugh along with him. He must have shut the visor off, because there’s no way he could see out of this thing like this.
“Is that what I sound like?” Din says between kisses that he leaves along your shoulder, working his way down slowly, slipping over the bunched up fabric on your shirt around your chest. You shake your head, and realise how heavy the helmet is when it swings you both ways.
“You wish.” His teeth nip at your skin and you let out a squeak, the mood slowly falling back into darkness, your breathing slower but more desperate.
“Mm.” He shuffles down your body, giving himself room to slide your pants off completely, taking your underwear with them and leaving you naked from the waist down. The bed dips and suddenly his mouth is kissing at your stomach, licking at your rib cage and then your hips, spending a little extra time appreciating those fading bruises at each one. “No more smart ass comments.”
“Do-“ He nips at your skin again and your whole body reacts, a modulated moan breaking the silence as he licks over the mark. He sighs and his forehead rests on your lower stomach, his hair tickling your skin.
“Stop making this so hard, baby.” Swallowing, you move a little underneath him but keep your hands above your head. “Say something if you want me to stop.”
“What do I say?” Your heart was starting to race in anticipation. You can’t imagine him doing anything you would want to stop, but it just makes you melt even further into the soft mattress, knowing how safe you are with him.
“Choose.” He keeps kissing, every inch of skin open to him, and you shudder when he kisses the top of your thigh - an indicator he’s moving closer.
“Mythosaur.” You say half heartedly, and he snorts, his face pressing into the top of your thigh. You can feel his smile on your skin and your whole body flushes thinking about what he would look like smiling.
“You are not going to remember that.” Muffled, he moves to the other side, continuing his slow pace.
“Yes I will. Just - keep going. I will.” Your legs tense and the soft material of the covers feel soothing when you scrunch them up in your fist. Your trying your best to do what he says but all you want to do is grab his head, breathing is suddenly becoming harder inside of this suffocating helmet and you are so hot and this thing is so tiny -
“Shh. Deep breaths. Just take a minute.”You nod and his hand spreads across your tummy, soothing circles bringing your mind to attention. “Relax, cyar’ika.”
The reminder he’s still there is enough to calm you, and you feel the soft, spongey interior of the helmet become less squishy and more comfortable with every breath. Whatever he tells you, you do. Okay. Easy.
“Why is it so dark?” He drags his nose along your upper thigh, and you feel his head drop back against your skin.
“Blacked out the visor. Use it to sleep.” He murmurs against your skin, and everything feels electric when he starts to move again. “You okay?”
“I- yeah. Yes. Yep.” Broken words drop into the room in a metallic pitch and he breaths a laugh at your mangled sentence.
“You look so fucking good like this.” He hooks his arms around your legs and positions himself between you, letting your body completely relax and taking the weight off your thighs. You know how soaked you are, you can feel it as he breathes against you, waiting - for what you aren’t sure. “I- been too long I- say something if you need me to st-“
He cuts himself off as he tastes you - finally - and you start shaking immediately. He always has you strung so tight it’s impossible to control yourself, and one strong arm comes to hold you down across your hips, pinning you into the bed. He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks, tongue trailing after and drawing lines and circles that drive you dizzy.
You can’t stop your hands as they come down to find his hair, tangling into the slightly damp mess. He groans, the sound vibrating straight into your core and even though the helmet keeps you in the dark your vision starts to spot. The other hand that was holding your thighs open comes between them, and you drop your legs open - inviting as he slides and curls one finger inside of you.
“Oh sh-shit Din. That’s it.” He responds to your praise by applying more pressure, and your back arches into him, the arm holding you down coming under your lower back and holding you against his face.
“S’sweet, but such a fuckin’ smart-ass.” He murmurs. The sounds of his tongue is almost amplified in the helmet and you moan out again. Din was a whole body experience, and only after a minute or two he had you reeling - arching and swearing, inching closer to your release. “Gonna shut you up now.”
“O- ah fuck D-“ He adds another finger and curls it straight into your core. Every tight muscle relaxes and tenses and everything spins, the extra sensory deprivation of the helmet making everything grittier. His tongue flattens, tasting as much as he possibly can and you pull on his hair - but it’s when he takes your clit back into his mouth and you feel his fucking teeth-
You say his name in a long, drawn out moan as you cum in his mouth, and he does nothing to draw you out of it other than utter small praises in between your gasps. His hold on you is tight and unrelenting as you black out under the pressure, your legs swinging around the back of him and pulling him closer.
He doesn’t stop like you expect.
Doesn’t slow down, doesn’t let you recover before sending you straight back into the mind numbing pleasure. You can’t see him, and his mouth is so concentrated on the patterns he’s drawing with his tongue that you can’t hear him talking. All you can decipher is your own metallic version of his name and the wet sounds of yourself mixing with his mouth and fingers.
“You get so f-fucking wet af-“ He sucks and bites and licks in between words, every movement making your hips buck “after you cum.”
“D-din it’s- i’m-“
“No. You’re gonna take what I g-give you, cyar’ika.” He dives back into your heat, fingers working you faster and his thumb replaces his tongue. Everything is hot and the arch in your back presses your shoulders further into the fluffy blanket behind your head. All the sensations mixed with his words and how fucking good his mouth feels has you-
“Fucking h-hell- shitshitshit so good-“ Your eyes screw shut even though you can’t see and you roll your entire body into him just to be closer. His hand wraps around you tighter, the entire lower half of your body controlled in his grip making it impossible to escape the pleasure spreading up your spine and across your stomach. “Din- I th-think I’m gonn- cum.”
“Th-that’s it. Good g-girl.” Your second orgasm bursts like a balloon inside of you, starting low in your core and exploding over your entire body, and it’s seconds after that you are shivering underneath him, completely overwhelmed.
You can tell how wet you are, the blankets underneath you soaked with the evidence but he still doesn’t let up. Somehow he feels closer than before, lips and tongue seemingly everywhere at once and his fingers pump in and out of you, every time making your hips and stomach tense and jolt.
“Din pleasepleaseplease- s’much I’m g-“ Floating and completely molded to how he’s holding you, he never pulls away too far that his mouth isn’t on you, lips brushing your overly sensitive clit when he speaks. He kisses it and lets his fingers come all the way out before curling them back in.
“Fuckin’ bratty before. Want my nice girl back.” You weren’t sure if he was talking about the walk here, or when you made fun of him while you were dropping the ship off, or maybe when you sucked him off so good he was about ready to give you anything you asked for - there were so many times he could be paying you back for but you don’t care - you just need him now. “Pissed me off.”
“B-but i’ll be- f-fuuuck i’ll be so good I sw-“ Another kiss to your clit has you crying out, and you swear you nearly cum just from the light touch. His mouth draws a circle all around your pussy, gathering as much of your cum as possible and taking it into his mouth before returning to your clit. Tears start to form on your eyes because it’s so much but it’s so good-
“Still with me, cyar’ika?” His lower lip drags over your clit and you try to nod, but the helmet is so heavy that you just squirm, one hand leaving his hair to lift your body up and make the movement possible. He takes his mouth off you for the first time in what feels like hours and you miss it instantly - your body squirming to search for him in the simulated darkness. “You gonna be sweet to me now? Know you can be.”
“Maker - whatever you want, Din. I promise okay-“
“That’s it, princess. Always know exactly what I wanna hear.” His words are so sweet but he just keeps fucking going and god- there’s no way to hold back the sounds of your sobs because it feels like he’s electrifying you, every movement sending waves of pleasure that make you flinch. Your hands are grasping at strands and you feel the bed dip again as he gets on his knees, pulling your lower half into the air, one arm still wrapped around you.
He has complete control, just like he had the entire time, and your legs drag up his back to wrap loosely around his neck, although your muscles are so strung out that you can’t really find a grip. You just fold and crumple the way he wants you to - doing whatever he wants and crying out his name as you cum again and everything goes white.
The sounds are so strange it’s almost disconnected that it’s coming from you - modulator buzzing as you babble praise and curses in no particular way, just whatever you can wrap your head around in the moment. You aren’t surprised you end up just repeating his name because he is all you can think about as pleasure shoots and crackles through every nerve ending. Somewhere in between you fall back onto the mattress and he switches hands, hearing a few quiet whispers of praise before he groans and shudders against you. When he finally settles, he has you whimpering and sighing the minute his mouth comes off you and his hand finally leaves your warmth, gently placing you into the soft blankets, throwing the ruined one to the side and placing you on the clean, fluffy covers.
At some point he slides the helmet off, because your eyes are still closed but you can feel the warmth of the sun on your face. It’s the sensation that starts to draw you back to your body, that and the warmth at your back when Din curls up behind you, his bare thighs intertwining with your own. You don’t remember him taking his pants off, but then again you don’t remember much except the way his mouth feels against you. It makes you shudder against him when he presses that same mouth to the back of your neck - soothing.
“I love you.” Every part of your body sinks into him at those words, and the arms wrapping you closer bring the biggest smile to your face.
“I love you.” You whisper back, and you feel the same reaction when he smiles on the back of your neck.
“You okay? It wasn’t too- too much, was it?” He runs his hand up your thigh, and you can still feel the slight shake in your legs at the feeling of him. You like that - a reminder that he was there.
“No. Fuck no. S’good. Just sleepy.” You mumble. You can’t help it - this bed is so big and fluffy, and he feels so good wrapped up behind you that you don’t care it’s the middle of the day. The time zones you’ve been travelling through have your sleeping schedule all out of whack - so crashing right now feels like absolute heaven. He leans up to kiss your temple and drops back behind you.
“I have to go tonight. I’ll leave the comm link out for you. You’ll be okay in here, though.” Almost forgetting why you were here, you just nod and link your fingers together. “When I come back, I need to- to talk to you about something.”
Suddenly sleep is not an option.
Talk to you? About what? Why did he say it like that? Oh maker - is he kicking you out? Did something happen with the kid? Maybe he finally found that Jedi he set out for. Not like you have been overly consistent with your ‘lessons’. So many options - all of them incredible anxiety inducing, but why does he sound so nervous? You swallow and try to fog out the thoughts.
“I- Okay.” If you say anything else you think you might produce word vomit and -
“It’s not bad. I just- I want to do it right. The right way.” You try to suck in a breath and choke on it, spluttering and coughing. Smooth. “You good?”
“Yep! Fine. When, um- when do you have to go?”
“Couple hours. Sleep, you need it.”
“So d’you.” His hand continues to drag feather light lines up and down your exposed skin, and the touch practically rocks the anxiety out of you and sends you into a lull, heart beat starting to slow and exhaustion catching up.
“Mhmm. Sleep.”
“Don’t want you to not be here when I wake up.” You shuffle backwards into him and he groans, you can feel the thing material of his briefs against your bare ass. “Come closer.”
“Your killing me, cyar’ika.” He rolls against you, and your practically begging him to fuck you. “You made me cum just from tasting you. Won’t be sleeping if I’m inside you.”
The confession isn’t lost on you, and as much as you want him all the time, your body is so tired. He can always tell when your tired, too, because that’s the only reason he doesn’t bend you over the headboard and fuck you senseless. You feel his breathing start to slow, and your eyes flutter closed, drifting to sleep with the sun streaming in the small gap in the window.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You feel him get up, and as much as you appreciate how quiet he tries to be, the clatter of beskar wakes you almost instantly. You open your eyes, careful not to catch him at a moment when his helmet isn’t on, but when you hear the familiar hiss you let yourself watch him, the utility belt clicking into place as you pull the cover down from over your head.
“I’ll be back soon.” You nod your head, believing him.
“I know.” Shuffling down into the covers, he comes to your side and a gloved hand brushes your cheek. “Kid around?”
“Mhmm. Ate too much and passed out in the kitchen. I put him in his crib. Want me to bring him in?” You nod. As much as you like how much privacy you are afforded in this giant place, you miss having the little fuzz ball around. Plus, it makes you feel safer when he’s next to you.
“Stay safe.” You mumble as the crib rolls in to your side of the room, and you see Din stop at the door. He turns back, and you think he might come back to you - he hesitates, and suddenly the air in the room gets a little colder.
You feel something - you aren’t sure what it is, but the Force always rushes over you when you least expect it. This feeling is unfamiliar and makes your stomach turn, almost like you are nervous for something, but you aren’t sure what.
He steps out of the room and you hear the door shutter closed behind him anyways. Maybe it’s the fact that he told you he needs to talk to you when he comes back. ‘Do it right’. What the hell does that mean? Why was he being so cryptic? Grogu yawns next to you and the crib opens when he stretches his arms out - grabbing.
“Alright. Just this once.” You pull him into the bed and he easily makes a little nest in the top corner, using one of the many blankets to curl himself around in a tiny ball. His calm energy nestles next to you, and you are suddenly too exhausted to overthink - drifting back into a deep sleep, and as good as the mattress feels underneath you, just before you fall asleep you find yourself imaging the cot on the ship, and Din curled up next to you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A voice shouts you awake, and your instantly on your feet, rushing over to the bags at the door and grabbing the blaster. You don’t know the voice, but you swear it’s so loud the walls start to shake. Grogu mumbles himself awake, and he picks up on your energy, and that someone very much not The Mandalorian is inside your building.
Something breaks outside, and your heart beat pounds in your ears. Din said you were safe here - that he had an old friend. Din doesn’t trust easily, so something must of happened. You try to reach out with your senses but all you feel is chaos and determination. There’s at least 5 guys outside, and if you were on your own, with your new found strength you might take the chance to fight them - you have the element of surprise, but Grogu looks at you, big eyes wide, and you think better of it. You were still half asleep and awfully underprepared to fight one guy, let alone five.
Quickly you shove on a pair of pants, simultaneously placing the side table in front of the door with your mind and a flick of your wrist. The comm link sits on top of your table, so you grab it and move. You pick up your back pack and shove the blaster in, along with another unfamiliar weapon Din has brought with him.
He hasn’t come back. It’s light outside, and it was dark when Din left. Checking the clock behind you, you know it’s been at least seven hours since he left. Anything could have happened in that time, and he would never willingly let someone come after the kid, like when you thought those guys were going to break into the ship. Maybe he’s right outside, just biding time to take them all out in one swoop and safe you again.
You take one more second - just to check. You know what he feels like, strong and supporting, he would stick out in all this chaos with his calm energy.
You don’t find him, and the footsteps are getting closer. Din would never let anything happen to you - not if he had a choice. What if he…
No. He would have come back. You would know if something happened. Grogu would, at least. No. You would know.
Tightening the back pack straps you hear a crash right outside your door. Three strong bashes have the wood beginning to split. You scoop Grogu up into your arms. You look at the window, and remember the 4 flights of stairs you went up. You’re high up, and you haven’t made a jump this tall yet - but no better time than the present. Lucky you work well under pressure.
Quickly, you check outside below the window - no one suspicious. Ships still speed past, and you think if you time it right, you might just have a get away ride. You slide the window open. Another bang on the door and the table starts to slide out of the way, and a green arm reaches in.
“In here!” The voice attached to the arm shouts and you don’t take a second look. You leap - and for a second all you can hear is Grogu’s high pitched squeal in your ear. Everything slows, and you look down, watching as your feet lead the rest of your body and you plummet towards the ground.
You move in slow motion, and look to the right to see and white, flat like ship hurtling towards you. You let out all the breath in your lungs and shoot down, suddenly picking up an inhuman amount of speed.
The ship wobbles, nearly off course as your feet slam onto the roof, and you scramble to find something to hold onto. Grogu is continuously screeching in your arms and grabs hold of your shoulder, allowing you free reign to hold the ship with two hands.
As fast as the ships were going when you past them on the street it feels ten times worse when your on top of one. Holy shit. People looked and pointed as you flew past them, knuckles white with the force that you were hanging on to make-shift handles. Your stomach was flat against the exterior, legs swinging wildly out behind you every time the pilot took a hard turn. Maker - what the fuck were you doing? You look ahead, squinting, and try to make out what direction you were going but everything looks the fucking same when your flying through the streets on the back of some idiots speeder ship.
The pilot turns another corner and everything gets darker. You no longer have to squint as you start to get closer and closer to two giant buildings. Both towered over all the others, and were significantly darker, but the ship showed no signs of stopping.
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” You take one hand off the part you were clinging to and bash onto the roof, but the ships pilot hasn’t even noticed you. They also continue to hurtle you towards certain death, because there’s no way this ship was fitting between those buildings. Oh god - you remember watching how these ships fly, and how they go horizontally to zip past buildings and avoid the main roads. You were going to get flattened if you didn’t let go soon.
The decision is no longer your own. Either you let go now, or you slam into the building and become road kill. Grogu’s little hand scrunches your shirt in a bunch and you close your eyes.
Din. Everything goes quiet.
He was there.
Walking you through the controls on the Razor Crest. You could smell him, it was like you were wearing his helmet again. He was all around but no where. You could see him in front of you, and you sucked in a deep breath as he began to take a step towards you. ‘Let go.’ He said. You can hear it in your ears, all around you like a sonic radar. It was deafening and soothing - and you grabbed at the energy that built in your chest.
“Let go.” He said. So you did.
For a second you thought you might have died. You pushed off the roof of the speeding ship with so much force - not Force but pure strength that you had to grab at Grogu before you lost him. It was weird; you knew gravity was going to hurl you onto the ground, and you knew you were going so impossibly fast that you should have been flattened into the wall in front of you. But none of that happened. You were suspended in the air - gliding towards the ground like you were a feather caught in the wind. You felt a lock of your hair brush against your cheek, and you watched as it floated; rippled in your peripheral vision. You blinked once.
Then it was over. You smashed on to the ground and rolled, wrapping the kid instinctively in your arms. You felt the pain of the fall instantly, and your arm was definitely bruised. You weren’t dead, though.
You weren’t dead?
Oh! You weren’t dead! As you came to a stop in an alleyway, smashing into an empty wooden crate, you started to put together the events that just somehow unfolded. You broke your fall. You flew. Kind of. All on your own.
When your brain stopped racketing around in your skull and you pushed up off the ground, the same hum of pride that you felt when you shoved the Razor Crest into hyperspace buzzes in your stomach. You brush off a few splinters of wood that the broken crate left on your arms.
The kid shakes his head, giant ears flopping wildley. You check him over - no cuts or bruises that he wouldn’t heal within a day. You sigh in relief, and then check yourself. Apart from a bruise already appearing on your arm, you were fine too.
You were fine. And you were the reason why.
All your life you had felt helpless - and now you were scaling speeding ships and Force jumping off them like no one’s business. All that un-used energy buzzes in your hands and chest, and you try to control your breath.
You were being chased.
Scooping the kid up and putting him in the top of your backpack, you slowly stand up and brush the dust off your pants. Ships continue to speed past the end of the alleyway, and you take a minute before you move towards the light of the street, not knowing if anyone saw what you just did. The street seems pretty empty when you peak a look, and after another minute you step out.
Two options. Left or right.
Where would Din go?
He was chasing a bounty. He would follow the tracker - only you didn’t have one. You did, however, have an uncanny ability to read the Mandalorian, and you may be able to use that to your advantage.
As much as you are feeling good about yourself right now, you know you need to find Din. You had no way of protecting yourself against that many guys without him, and there was also the daunting feeling that something may of happened to him. You need to find him - and fast.
The comm link! God - you were slow. Years on Tattooine had you never relying on technology, but you scramble to find the tiny little speaker and shove it in your ear.
“Hello?!” You take the earpiece out and shake it a bit, and then put it back in. Nothing.
The comm link was connected to his helmet. There is no way he wasn’t hearing you right now.
“Hey! Mando?!” You don’t want to say his name because you don’t know who can hear you right now. “Please. Are you there?”
Silence. Absolute silence. How was he not hearing you? You were yelling on the inside of his helmet - and there was only one plausible way that he couldn’t hear you.
“Ahh!” Grogu yells and hits you on the back of the head.
“Hey! I’m trying, okay?!” You hadn’t realised there was a tear in your eye until it fell onto your chest. No. You would know.
Shaking your head, you face the street again, keeping the commlink on, just in case. You turn left just because you feel you should, heading away from the giant building that nearly flattened you. A tiny ‘hm!’ of content comes from the back pack and you roll your eyes.
Grogu knows he’s okay too, and he needs you to focus because as strong as he was, he couldn’t do it without you. And you couldn’t do this without him. The sun begins to set as you run across the street, heading further into the city. You figure if a bounty was hiding out on a planet like this, they would go into the most populated area and hide in plain site. It’s what you used to do on Tatooine, and as much as you hate to admit it, all that hustling is going to come in handy right now.
You found him once - albeit by accident, but you could do it again. Din was fine - and you were going to find him.
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inkymint · 7 years
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