#edit: i only know this cause i was on the wiki just now but bottom right second picture salamander girls name is mona lisa
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pcktknife ¡ 2 years ago
Did you know there are lesbians in tmnt comics now. There’s just a turtle girl and a pig girl kissing lesbian style in there. I’m not a tmnt fan this discovery just pleased me. There are wonders in every corner of the universe.
i do actually :] i've seen the punk pig girl before (and the turtle but i didnt know who she was before now)
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zaph1337 ¡ 4 years ago
Monster Hunter Rating 21: Khezu, the Blank Stare
When I reviewed Basarios, I made a joke about how the devs likely gave it human teeth over sharp teeth because the latter might not give children nightmares, but I don’t actually think that the devs ever intended Basarios to be more terrifying than any other monster in the game. This monster, however, is literally the stuff of nightmares, and I’m not misusing “literally” here. This may be the longest review I’ve written yet, so buckle up. Time to get spooky with Khezu!
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter 1)
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(How it appears in Monster Hunter Rise)
Appearance: I think there’s been a mistake here; last I checked, Capcom wasn’t making Silent Hill games. Seriously, this thing would fit right into that series, and not just ‘cause its phallic neck lends itself well to metaphors. The pale, veiny skin, the leech-like mouth, the complete lack of eyes...Khezu’s unlike any other monster in the series because it’s the only monster that’s meant to be horrifying to look at. It’s got flabby, tattered wings and gecko-like feet, but its main characteristic (other than the head) is its tail, the tip of which can open up into a suction cup that allows Khezu to stick to ceilings.
Obviously, Khezu’s an abomination that came from a really dark place in someone’s mind, but that’s just it: Khezu is a monster that appeared in an MH developer’s nightmare either before or during the production of the first Monster Hunter game, and said developer (I don’t actually remember who) decided to put it in the game. I learned of this from the Twitch streams of a streamer called DuncanCan’tDie, who’s a huge MH fan that’s on great terms with Capcom. Unfortunately, I can’t find any other sources for this claim, but I don’t think he’s lying for a few reasons; firstly, like I said, he’s on great terms with Capcom. He’s friends with some people who work there, and he even has a tattoo designed by someone on the MH team he called “Kaname-san” (who didn’t actually give him the tattoo, but drew the design that a tattoo artist used) and the only person who could go by that name is Kaname Fujioka, the man who literally directed several MH games, including the first one, and who was the art director for Monster Hunter World. So yeah. Duncan and Capcom get along great, and if he was spreading false rumors, they’d probably know about it.
The second reason I believe Duncan about Khezu’s origin is that someone once came into one of his streams (and I was there at the time) and started spouting “lore” about two monsters that looked like they could be related, but actually weren’t. Duncan flat out told this person that what they were claiming wasn’t mentioned anywhere and asked for sources...which the loregiver did not provide. In fact, after Duncan started getting on their case, I don’t think they said a word for the rest of the stream. Duncan believes that this person was just making stuff up to sound like they knew a lot about MH and weren’t aware that he was an MH expert, and I doubt that someone who would call someone out on that would do the same thing, especially if he had a reputation to uphold.
I apologize if I spent a lot of time talking about that, but I didn’t want people getting on my case because they couldn’t find anything to support my claims. But in conclusion, I believe that Khezu truly was born of a nightmare, and that’s awesome. It makes the Silent Hill comparison even more fitting since the enemies in those games are basically projections of the protagonists’ psyches. Disturbing enemies are much more effective if they scare(d) the people who created them, and Khezu is certainly disturbing. Because of that, as well as its ominous origin, I’m giving it a 9/10.
Behavior: Khezu mostly inhabit caves, jungles, and swamps due to the need for their skin to be moisturized, though they usually only leave caves to hunt, which they don’t have to do very often due to the plentiful fat beneath their skin, which also keeps them warm. Their favorite hunting strategy is to ambush their prey from a location usually concealed by darkness, which is made easier by their extendable necks. However, their reliance on darkness, as well as their preference to dwell in caves, has made them completely blind and reliant on their other senses; despite not having visible nostrils or ears, Khezu have great hearing and a very good sense of smell. Back to hunting, while they need to subdue larger prey, smaller ones, like Kelbi, are slowly swallowed whole...which is apparently something you can actually witness in the games, according to TV Tropes (I normally stick to the wiki and what I already know for resources, but I went to the “Monster Hunter / Nightmare Fuel” page while searching for another source for Khezu’s origin as a nightmare). As if this thing needed to be more disturbing, it doesn’t always kill its prey before it tries to swallow it, so the Kelbi you can see it eat is constantly struggling as the Khezu swallows it bottom-first. That’s...that’s messed up. But it gets worse.
Practically every monster in this series isn’t any more intelligent than what we consider a normal animal to be. Aside from Lynians, which are people, the smartest monster I’ve talked about is the Velociprey, which might not be as smart as, say, an irl crow, which is very intelligent by the standards of nonhuman animals. What I’m getting at here is that most of the monsters in this series don’t really take any sadistic pleasure in killing and eating prey; they just do it to survive. But Khezu is different. In several MH games, including Rise, the first time you go on a quest to kill a specific monster, the gameplay is preceded by a cutscene that shows off how powerful or intimidating that monster is (and in Rise’s case, you also get a poem). Here’s Khezu’s intro, and I want you to pay attention to what Khezu does from 0:24-0:30:
That’s right: this thing “looked” right at the monster it was going to eat, and smiled. That isn’t just me anthropomorphizing it, either; I’ve seen what Khezu looks like outside of that cutscene, and even with its mouth closed it has a neutral expression, so it smiling actually means something, and considering the context, it’s obvious what the devs wanted us to take from it: Khezu likes killing. It enjoyed the prospect of swallowing that monster whole while it was still alive and struggling, which means that this is the first monster I’ve talked about that we can definitively say is evil rather than just an animal. Rather fitting for a living nightmare, I would say. And if you thought all that was disturbing, I have some...unfortunate news. I hope you aren’t eating anything right now, ‘cause this next part is just gross.
Y’know how some wasps lay their eggs inside other bugs so the eggs have incubation they can eat when they hatch? Well, uh...Khezu do that, too. And they’re hermaphrodites that, from what I can gather, don’t need to mate, so any adult Khezu is capable of injecting another monster with its “whelps” (not saying that Khezu are always “pregnant,” just saying that any of them can be). And you know the really crazy part? After everything I said about Khezu, there are still people in the MH world that tame them and keep them as pets. Why would you want to have a slimy, flabby, sadistic, parasitoid, 14-to-40-foot abomination as a pet!? God, people are so freaking weird.
EDIT (05/07/2021): My older brother reminded me that I forgot about one of the odder aspects of Khezu; when you enter a fight with a Main Monster, its battle theme plays (don’t know if every monster has a unique theme, but several do, to my knowledge), but Khezu has no theme to speak of. I don’t know if this is true in every game, or even if it was intentional at first, but it’s still both funny and eerie at the same time. There’s no background music until you get in a fight, so if you somehow tick off a Khezu without seeing it, then it can sneak up on you. “But Zaph, the moment a monster enters ‘fight mode,’ it roars! So the Khezu will give away its position!” See, you’d be right about that if it wasn’t for the fact that, according to TV Tropes at least, Khezu’s roar sounds just like wind--howling wind, yes, but wind all the same. I don’t know if there’s any howling wind SFX in the areas where Khezu live, so for all I know you’ll still be able to identify it in a hurry, but just imagine what that’s like in-universe! Imagine that you’re walking around in the Frost Islands or something and hear a chilling wind from out of nowhere. Unless you’re an experienced hunter, you’d likely have no idea if that was a Khezu or not, so you wouldn’t know if it’s too late to run or not, or even if you should run at all. Going back out of universe, the details I just described are very nice touches to a monster that was already horrifying in behavior, so I’m bumping the score here up from the 7 I initially gave it to 8/10.
Abilities: All of the “Flying Wyverns” I’ve talked about so far have had a lot of trouble with the whole “flying” part, and Khezu are no exception; they’re better at it than Diablos and Gravios, but they still need to flap really frantically to stay in the air. They’re great at jumping, though, and their gecko-like feet allow them to scale walls and stick to ceilings, something that their tails also allow them to do. Khezu are Thunder-element monsters capable of discharging electricity in a manner of ways, including shooting balls of it from their mouths and emitting it all around their bodies. Since Khezu like to spend time around water, their attacks are even more dangerous, as everything near them will likely be wet and therefore more conductive. This also applies to Khezu themselves, which may be why they stick their tails onto the ground before discharging electricity; they ground themselves so that they don’t shock themselves. Finally, Khezu saliva is very dangerous; we don’t know if it’s electric or acidic, but anything that gives off smoke when it touches something probably isn’t good for your health, which is why owning a pet Khezu is so dangerous; their drool can literally kill you. 7/10.
Equipment: Most Khezu weapons are as interesting as you’d expect them to be, considering the monster they’re made from. Most of them have a horror aesthetic, like this Great Sword called the Khezu Shock Sword:
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I just noticed that the skin is actually stretched over the blade, rather than being what the blade’s attached to. Gross, but I never expected Khezu weapons to look pretty. There are also weapons which emphasize the monster’s electric aspect, like this Gunlance called the Full Voltage:
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It still has Silent Hill vibes due to its “rusty hospital” aesthetic, and looking at it long enough reveals little details it inherited from Khezu. Speaking of hospitals, there are a couple of weapons based off of syringes, such as the Khezu Syringe, which is a Light Bowgun, and a Lance from MHFG that’s literally a giant hypodermic needle, but I didn’t want to show those off in case they triggered anyone with needle phobia. The last weapon I’m gonna show will be very familiar to those of us who’ve played the Rise demo a lot: the Insect Glaive known as the Bolt Chamber!
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I like the green tube running from the sac between the blade and the shaft of the glaive; according to the Bolt Chamber’s in-game description, it uses that “pulsating device” to steal energy from its targets. If you mentioned that to me before I grabbed its image for this review, I probably would have asked how it did that. If you then pointed out the mouth at the glaive’s end, I would have thanked you for cursing me with the knowledge of its existence. Seriously, I’ve used this thing probably more than 20 times, and until I saw this render, I never noticed that. As for the armor, here’s the Blademaster Khezu Armor from MHGU:
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The male armor here is almost identical to the one from Rise--which sadly doesn’t have any pictures on the wiki yet--and yes, it does look like the main character from Assassin’s Creed. The female armor, on the other hand, looks almost like a nurse’s outfit, especially with that metal thing on the woman’s head with the cross. The more I look at this equipment, the more I feel like they wanted people to think of Silent Hill, and if so, that’s pretty cool. I’ve got another armor set to show you; the Gunner version of the Khezu R Armor from MHGU:
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Jesus, is this an armor set or a medical emergency? I can’t imagine bandages are very effective at protecting your body from physical damage, but thankfully it looks like most of them are just covering actual armor...meaning that the people who designed this stuff in-universe wanted the people wearing it to look like they were in an accident. Not sure I get why, but I’m not here to--actually, I am here to judge, so never mind; it’s gross. Also the female set has Khezu mouths as arm coverings, which is someone’s fetish, I’m sure. The equipment as a whole is macabrely interesting (TIL that macabrely is a real word) and calls to mind a fascinating horror game franchise, so 8/10.
Final Thoughts and Tally: I figured that Khezu was gonna be interesting, but I didn’t know how far the devs would take the horror theming. Everything about this monster is creepy; it looks disturbing, it acts even worse, and its equipment makes me feel like I need a tetanus shot just from looking at it. But that’s not at all a bad thing...unless you’re really squeamish, in which case you were likely cringing this whole review. I’d apologize, but you made the choice to stick through ‘till the end. 8/10.
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ejm513 ¡ 4 years ago
1-I know there is now a cannon child for edo Nalu and edo Gruvia with names and everything. I also know that Gajeel and Levy have twins and Levy is currently pregnant in 100 Years Quest.  I love it and their names and everything about those precious babies-but I’ve had these ideas and characters and backstories growing and developing in my head for years so I’m being the stubborn Taurus that I am and sticking with it.
2-Also please forgive any misspellings and grammar mistakes as I am dyslexic and my school failed us at teaching spelling and grammar. I did my best.
Hello my lovelies!! 
So I’ve spent most of the day working on the first two ships and editing everything so I figured why not just post the second one right away. 
And the next ship we’re doing on this crazy journey is my personal favorite my OTP to end all OTPS 
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Ah yes people... I’m in my happy place. 
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  Nicolai Sliver Fullbuster- Nicknames- Nick, Nicky, Nicky Bear (gotta love little sisters)
Birthday: March 15th, 797 (Bonus points if anyone gets the reference :P)
Magic: Ice Make Magic
-Height: 5’10 (same height as Gray)
-Hair: Dark and thick like Grays, slightly wavy curiosity of his mother.
-Eye color: Dark blue and large like he’s mother’s.
-Built like his father.
-He and Gray are the closest to clones.  
-Gray doesn’t want his boy to deal with the consequences of being a demon slayer… so he doesn’t teach him how to be one. At least not completely. He does pass on some techniques and skills but nothing more.
-For example he teaches him Ice Make Sliver. 
-He got the name Nikolai Sliver from both of his grandfathers-I chose a Russian name because I have this idea in my head that in the real world Juvia would be Russian and nothing can convince me otherwise.
-Though he got over it eventually poor thing hated the cold and having to strip in the snow.
-He too got the illness Ultrear had, and while he didn’t get through it as easily as the Dragnell children he got through it in the end.  
And before anyone ask yes… he stripes.
-Loyal (but maybe not to a fault)
-Laid back like his father
-A little moody and temperamental at times
-Can be a bit reserved but more or less wears his heart on his sleeve like Juvia.
-Very imaginative like his mother… which sometimes lead him to being a little ditzy and spacy.
-Very loving
-Very protective of those he loves
-Definitely inherited Juvia’s possessiveness-when his sister was being introduced to the guild for the first time after she was born he grabbed hold of her little blanket, stood in front of her and said
“No! She’s MY baby sister!!”
-Gray QUICKLY helped him get it under control
-A huge romantic like Juvia…like MAJOR romantic. He even enjoys reading her romance novels (but don’t you dare tell anyone)
-He also enjoys drawing, doing anything in the snow and ice
-Very intelligent and did well in school-given his magic he was particularly skilled in art. No one understands how he managed to do so well in school because his note books are covered in doodles
-In general just a much more open and expressive person than his father or sister, much more like his mother.
-Extremely close with both of his parents-the Fullbusters are known for having a very close knit and loving family.
-Like almost every boy in this generation he is a total mama’s boy and you better not call him out on it.
-Also idolizes his father and wants to be just like him
-Absolutely adores his little sister is very gentle and sweet with her. He’s extremely protective of her  and one of the only four people he can be a little possessive over (the others being Lila and his parents).However, she can get on his nerves because like most little siblings she follows him everywhere and wants to do everything with him. Plus they can both be temperamental and stubborn. They are also so much alike yet express themselves in such different ways that it causes clashes.  As a result, they bicker the most out of any of the siblings in the next gen-but their fights never, EVER turn physical. But the bottom line is they are exceptionally close-so close in fact they are one of the only pairs in the next gen that can successfully pull of a Unison Raid.
-Real he just wants Eliza to stop calling him Nicky Bear… in public at least.
-The first of his two best friends is Simon Scarlet. At first it was a matter of convenience because he was the only boy in the guild close to her age, but it didn’t take too long to become genuine friends. They love to bond over their love of sweets. The other of course is Lila.
And naturally Happy… Happy is everyone’s best friend
-He has loved Lila pretty much his entire life-before he even understood what that feeling was. When he learned what the concept of marriage, he knew right away she was the one he was going to marry. As stated before he constantly referred to her as his wife as children and when they were older (like almost 20 or older than 20) he would say “You know I’m going to marry you one day Dragnell right?”
Elizaveta/ Eliza/ Liza Ur Fullbuster
   Birthday: November 23rd, 801
Magic: Water.
Height: 5’2 (a couple of inches shorter than Juvia who is 5’4 according to the Wiki)
Hair: Long, thick and wavy like Juvia’s, dark like Gray’s
Eyes: Juvia’s shape but dark like Gray’s
-She has the same gifted build as Juvia, but somehow a little more fragile looking
-Has her father’s smile
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-Yes that beautiful beautiful smile 
-Has heard from Gray that despite her strong resemblance to her mother something about her reminds him of his mother
-Elizaveta or Eliza Ultear got her name from Juvia’s mother and obviously Ultear. Eliza is what she goes by and only those closest with her call her Liza
-Eliza was born five weeks early and this caused… problems. She was extremely sick as a baby. She ended up becoming dyslexic. Finally, it messed with her powers. She has water powers like her mother, but because she was born so early they are technically incomplete because her body isn’t completely made of water like Juvia. This means she’s not impervious to physical attacks, but she makes up for it in other ways.
-Due to being born early and being a little sickly, when she got that infamous illness all the children in the next gem see to get Ultear’s illness (I have no idea what else to call it) she got hit the worse. She actually came close to dying and Gray and Juvia were told to expect the worst.
-Because of this, despite obviously being a skilled and well trained wizard, Eliza is more known for her emotion strength and endurance rather than her physical strength (at least until she was almost an adult)
-Is definitely no ice wizard and can’t stand the cold, but did learn some tricks including how to freeze her rain into snow or freezing rain.
And yes… she is absolutely forbidden to strip under any and all circumstances unless she doesn’t want to see the outside world until she’s 30 or until Gray is dead… which ever comes first
-Massive, huge heart of gold
-Very sweet
-Very shy and introverted
-Extremely reserved, keeps everything close to her chest like her father
-Appears laid back but is a ball of emotion and anxiety and occasional bouts of depression
-Comes off as an ethereal, sweet, Mary Jane type of dainty princess when she is anything but
-Actually, has a very snarky, sarcastic sense of humor a la Gray and is just funny like her mother.
-Is never willing to start a fight but if you push her enough she follows the same line of thought as Lila;
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-Is very stubborn, moody and temperamental at times
-Very ambitious and always smiling despite everything that’s happened to her.
-Is quiet laid back with her language when she’s older and has been known to swear.
-Is also great at impressions.
-Has Juvia’s quiet astounding imagination and is definitely a dreamer.
-Is a HUGE romantic, openly reading her mother’s romance novels. Otherwise she’s very good at hiding it… mostly.
-Exceptionally smart but struggles with math and is a slow reader because of her dyslexia. She excels in history and music.
-I have a head cannon that Juvia can sing because of all the hydration she gets from having a water body, mermaids/sirens luring sailors with their voices and because apparently Juvia’s voice actress can sing. So Eliza inherited that gift but never sings on stage for the public.
-Because of how sickly she has always been, and because she was the first girl born to the guild a string of boys, and because of how bad she’s treated by kids at school, Eliza is utterly spoiled and a little coddled by all. No on one minds though because she never acts spoiled. She just loves having such a safe and warm space to fall.
-Like her brother is super close to her parents.
-Juvia is her rock and the pair are inseparable.
-She is also daddy’s littler girl though don’t you ever get her to admit it. They love joking around with each other and just talking.
-She adores and idolizes her big brother-her Nicky Bear. She always wanted to follow him around and do what he did-which after a certain point would get on his nerves. She also sometimes get annoyed with how protective he can be. They can both be a little possessive over each other and their parents.  As mentioned before they have many of the same personality traits but express them in different ways, so they bicker a lot. But in the end she would be lost without him.
-Like her mother Eliza was unfortunately bullied badly by kids outside the guild and even more unfortunate a few kids in the guild. So her three closest friends are Lila Dragnell, Hazel Redfox and much to her chagrin Iggy Dragnell.
-Iggy is the only person who can flare her temper on the daily and who she has fought with-he never fights with more than words but from time to time she will blast him with water just to get him to leave her alone. He is more or less the annoying younger brother she never asked for but similar to her own brother would be lost without him.
-And before you ask no she has not and will never have a crush or any romantic feelings for Iggy… but Simon Scarlet on the other hand….
-Has a love hate relationship with Happy after he was flying her around ounce and dropped her from pretty high up which gave her a fear of heights.
 All right my lovelies!! That is it for this round! I’ll be back soon... hopefully with the next ship!!! 
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egdocument ¡ 6 years ago
About the EvaGeeks wiki and why you shouldn't trust it, concerning mainly one user.
On the subject of EvaGeeks: Let’s talk about the manipulation of information on the wiki, and perpetuated “nastiness” on the forums that has persisted for several years now. THIS IS A MIRROR OF THIS GOOGLE DOCS FILE. (My twitter post.) You can share this post or the original document freely, use parts of it, etc. I want this document to simply serve as a warning to new Eva fans and those less familiar with EvaGeeks and their history - as well as an update for people who haven’t seen the current state of it.
NOTE: If you can’t read any of these images, these are Imgur albums containing all of the notable ones: https://imgur.com/a/z2mGvvX https://imgur.com/a/oAgufc3
The intent of this document is not to “take down” the wiki or forum, obviously. The intent is simply to inform people of the dangers of trusting this site with their Eva info. It might be the best we have but that doesn’t mean we can’t improve it. I would actually love to see a more community cultivated version of the site with less biased information, but I fear that will never happen. The anxieties of any one (or many) individual(s), which have prevented consistent change until now are well justified, and it is not within reason to blame the outsiders for never bothering to correct the myriad of issues with the wiki. Please extend kindness to other Eva fans and approach sites like EvaGeeks with the appropriate scrutiny, if you aren’t already. We’re divided enough as it is.
Before I begin, I must state: All of the information presented is publicly available, either through main pages, chat logs or history. And yes, the link to join the Discord server and verify the information given in this is publicly available too. I will not link it myself, as I want to avoid any possible harassment of the users I speak about here. Harassment is NEVER the answer in any kind of conflict. This behaviour I don’t believe can go unchecked, but that doesn’t mean the consequences of it should be any kind of conflict towards any user. I will be naming them here so you are aware, but I really do have to advise you, as a reminder, DO NOT HARASS OR ENGAGE WITH THEM. The rule of thumb is that these issues are more systematic than you might think, and blaming or taking it out on a singular person or even a whole group is never justified. Targeted harassment, even with reason, especially never helps to remedy an issue, because it forces the person to double down on their behaviour and beliefs. Causing unnecessary pain to a person is never okay, and the ‘offences’ committed here aren’t deserving of it in the first place. Please also consider the feelings of the people who use the server and EvaGeeks site; not everyone is your "enemy" or your "target" (and frankly, no-one should be) and despite the feelings echoed in this document, EG is not a monolith of a singular opinion or belief.
The purpose of this document is to inform people of the ways EvaGeeks fails objectivity and has existed to push narratives and exclude outsiders for far too long. With new people coming into the Eva fandom (and there of course being others who have been around for quite a while but just aren't aware) I feel like now is the best time I could write this.
As for what prompted this, an anonymous member of the Discord server contacted me regarding the behaviour of one particular user they were concerned about. Said user had expressed considerable bias in the past and was admitting to making large edits to pages on the wiki very recently, and the person who contacted me felt unequipped to bring the issue to light themselves.
A decent amount of this document will be dedicated to presenting said user's contributions - while I feel someone always had to address the EvaGeeks Problem at large, it doesn't help that this user has essentially incriminated himself here to expose the problem in its entirety. 
There is quite a bit of pretense I must discuss before I get into the subject of the wiki pages themselves. I suggest you read all of it; the start of the wiki section will be in heading text if you’d like to skip to it. I’m sure information on the biased editing of wiki pages is privy to anyone who has used the server or the site itself, but at the server’s current status of 60 entire members, I know not everyone has, or is aware of what the problem actually is. Please note that the person who contacted me has requested anonymity and I will be complying. I will not include screenshots of their conversation with me, and anything I quote from them will be paraphrased so nobody can go full Sherlock and analyse their typing patterns. It sounds silly and it’s probably just paranoia, but they shared my concern here. Any conflict we can prevent is for the best. EvaGeeks, of course, has a culture very much promoting the idea that it’s the “number 1 source for all things Eva”, and for English speaking fans it definitely is - you’d be surprised the amount of people who still, after all these years, think this site is consistently reputable. For the sake of context, I’m going to assume that you are not all that familiar with the site’s history or nature, so I’m going to provide a little bit of information about it for those without any first-hand experience. The forums in particular cultivate a very join-us-or-get-out type community, where those who dare to go against the grain get incentivised to leave the site; they’ll claim this isn’t the case if asked and obviously the site is NOT a hivemind but that doesn’t mean it’s not insular. I can vouch for myself and many others who refuse to go in more than a few threads for fear of discussion turning particularly nasty. Even the server member who came to me about this has stated they feel it “might not be a hivemind but it sure feels that way.” Silencing dissent, even when officially-backed, is part of their culture. You don’t have to personally harass everyone who has an opposing thought to you for it to not feel acceptable, you just need to have a history of mocking those who do. If you want some previous, notable cases of “discussion turning nasty”, here’s some off the top of my head: 1. The AWL Incident - In which ADV VA of Rei and director of EoE dub, Amanda Winn-Lee, joined the forums for discussion and was promptly harassed by a user. Most of these messages have been deleted but you can view what remains of her post history here.  2. Recently brought to my attention: upon beginning translation of the Episode 24 drafts, EG forum user LiLi was subjected to incentive to leave, mostly in the form of homophobic disgust in replies to her thread or others they were mentioned in. Any information that goes against the cultivated narrative, even when it is literally officially licensed content, is only ever considered with a degree of reluctance. The fact these drafts co-exist with other pages concerned with this episode is almost a miracle. You can find plenty of repeat instances of the above if you want to (more to do with homophobia and misogyny than outward hostility, but honestly it’s the same thing.) A look at basically any EvaGeeks thread concerning pairings or the female characters will unearth a variety of awful comments from many other users, not that that would be surprising to anyone who has spent more than two minutes in the fandom. Now, of course, that’s very relevant to the topic at hand even if it doesn’t seem to be. The EG wiki and forum have quite a bit of overlap and circular influence on each other as you’ll see later if you aren’t already aware of it. For a short summary before we jump into things and analyse our subject of the day, this essentially means that anyone with an opinion or information the majority doesn’t like will never get in a position good enough to edit the wiki and keep the edits there. This has resulted in many articles filled with conjecture and fan speculation that serve to shut down other viewpoints, whether it’s intentional or not.
The issue surrounding homophobia and downplaying of references to LGB content in Eva, through proxy of fan-dictated content control and translation is not a new one by any stretch of the imagination. I'm sure you're all very well aware. It’s far from the only issue present in the fandom but it will be our subject of conversation today. Any ‘one instance’ of this persistent behaviour from Eva fans is never going to be enough to summarise how insurmountable it really is, though, so today I instead draw your attention to one user of the wiki who goes by the name of FelipeFritschF and his recent, frequent updates to pages concerning Nagisa Kaworu.
I must reiterate here: although this document is mostly concerned with this user and will contain a number of receipts from various places, it is NOT supposed to function as a hit piece or inspire any kind of mob. Leave this guy the hell alone, just be aware that he’s the one making most of these changes and isn’t a particularly impartial party, to put things lightly.
Now, before we really get into things, it should be stated that the EvaGeeks wiki requires approval to get your edits there, as stated at the bottom of the homepage, here:
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This means that anyone making consistent edits to the wiki has in fact been approved, and this isn’t the result of lack of maintenance.  
What you’ll find is that it is consistently Felipe making edits to the pages in question. Kaworu’s bio page, for example, is almost entirely edited by Felipe, which we can see from the “History” tab of the article.
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This is barely half of his edits made in the last few days. Take a scroll through it yourself if you’re so inclined. This hilarious bit of waffle was added by Felipe a few days ago and since revised since by him, as shown here. 
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(As an added bit of comedy, the man who decided to add in the Japanese in the first place apparently didn’t know the difference between 好意 (kindness, what Kaworu actually says) and 行為 (action). It’s been fixed since but I still think it’s quite funny.) Now, as anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of Japanese knows, 好き is not actually a very ambiguous word at all. I think it goes without saying, though, and I’m not here to have an argument about translations with you all (for the record, Kanemitsu’s now scarily infamous translation of this scene is perfectly fine with me in a vacuum, it’s just literally everything else surrounding it that’s the problem. Also, regretfully, I will have to speak about this nonsense later when it becomes relevant.) I’m using this as an example instead, to show how utterly ridiculous this guy’s additions to these pages are. He’s not even making a point here. It keeps going past this excerpt, and I suggest you read the whole thing (Kaworu’s page is linked above.) The point of bringing this up - and when I eventually discuss the Netflix translation when it’s necessary - is not to complain about semantics, although I’d argue that’s what’s happening in these articles, honestly. It’s just helpful when proving the actual point of the editor being incredibly unreliable and biased in how he phrases and omits things.
On the page dedicated solely to Shinji and Kaworu’s relationship (which is basically identical to their section on Kaworu’s page as far as I can tell), we can see that Felipe has also edited this several times, and even credits himself with expanding the version on the Evangelion Fandom Wiki now copy and pasted back to EvaGeeks.
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The kind of “discussion” (very much not discussion when added to a wiki page supposedly presented as factual information, is it, frankly?) would be fine if it was happening in the EvaGeeks forum itself (and happen does it ever, but that doesn’t change the inappropriateness of this particular behaviour.) What I find disturbing is that in the past few days, this user has gone out of his way to make some already worrying articles even worse, presumably in an attempt to silence discourse, or add more fuel to the flames, surrounding the new Netflix translation. He has a whole page on that one, too, one which is very up-to-date in some regards and not at all in others, despite only being added a few days before me compiling this information. Frankly, going through this whole page on its own is a huge waste of my time considering how BLATANT it is in its biases, but I’ll do it anyway. It IS only a Theory and Analysis page (which is essentially an EvaGeeks free-for-all), but I think it’s quite bothering that the site even allows Theory and Analysis pages that consider only one viewpoint and are written by one person. The forum, presumably, is connected to the site for a reason. 
I’m just going to link it here, for the sake of brevity. https://wiki.evageeks.org/Theory_and_Analysis:Kaworu%27s_lines_in_Episode_24 I suggest you read this before continuing. For a slight departure, the original theatrical Funimation dub of 3.0 is partially available for viewing online, although the audio is in cam quality so you may want headphones if you have plans to watch what’s there. The home media dub’s major changes are to issues with lore and localisation of jargon. While not directly mentioned in this article, it is implied from the subject that this is what it’s about; it’s been speculated that the very literal translation of Episode 24 in particular has come about due to Khara’s embarrassment with how Funimation’s theatrical dub of 3.0 handled Kaworu and Shinji’s relationship rather loosely. Despite these claims, every instance of the two sharing (honestly pretty awkward and unnecessary) flirtatious back-and-forths are still present in the home media version, barring an instance in the stargazing scene where Kaworu’s dialogue was translated even worse than it is in the final dub. If you don’t believe me, do the comparisons yourself. It may not be conclusive, but I think it puts mostly to death the rumour that “a Khara employee was there and saw how people laughed at the Kaworu and Shinji scenes and demanded it needed to be changed for the final release and now that’s being reflected on the new translation”, which is what it tends to boil down to. 
It also goes without saying that NO ONE PERSON is “the most qualified” (holy shit, is this entry not even bothering to hide how biased it is) to translate an entire TV show, let alone something like Evangelion. Let us not forget that Kanemitsu’s claims that he respects “ambiguity” are not even true to begin with. EvaGeeks itself is a shining example of Eva fans, of which Kanemitsu is one and this is even discussed in the article, not being impartial enough to be tasked with discussing Evangelion! (There is obviously issue with citing the ADV translation as a source of all truth; if you read further into the thread on my tweet [the kitchen scene in EoE], I provide extra context for those interested, which I am aware has been spread around Discord and other places without that context included. Of course, I’m not an unbiased source either as you can probably tell from my tweets nor am I claiming to be, so please feel free to discuss these things in other places if you want. I’ve just got the tweets I have on hand here. Sorry about that.) Next, the repeat claim that this is “Khara’s licensed translation and thus the most accurate version” is pretty obviously nonsense; I’m sure I don’t need to point out to the audience that Japanese companies meddling in localisation has ended poorly in the past, or that Khara uses questionable translations from the dubs of the Rebuild films on licensed merch from time-to-time, or that the translation was fairly obviously not overseen or even QA’d by anyone following Kanemitsu’s translation work judging from the myriad of grammatical errors, missing subtitles and overly literal, poor sounding phrasing present in the final work. (Do I need to source this? Just watch the damn thing.) It’s not even like the ways it was translated have been consistent through different versions on Netflix; some were translated from Kanemitsu’s English to other languages judging from the obvious mistakes being present in multiple tracks, and some were barely even translated at all - the Italian version, the dub of which is mysteriously now missing, was so bad people were commenting that it sounded like Shakespeare or that it was translated word for word from Japanese. I dunno about you, the reader, but something about “Khara only bothered to check very rigorously the English version for their specific requests with the translation” doesn’t sound like what really happened to me. It’s more like they’ve just sent a translator they have worked with before to work on a project of theirs. Apologies for engaging in speculation, but that’s all this whole article is anyway. It’s just something I noticed from skimming through the page, but I find it quite interesting that Felipe makes a blanket statement about the excerpts from Schizo and Prano “being wrongly attributed to Anno” and then the source he provides for that is just someone on the EvaGeeks forums saying the same thing with little proper sourcing, when that was never really the intent of their post anyway. An interview summary exists where Anno has stated he wrote both books himself, and if you haven’t seen it, here it is. It’s obviously flimsy at best, but Tokyo Otaku Mode is an officially licensed Evangelion distributor. If Felipe is going to parade around his love for the Very Official Khara Subtitles Of NGE he can at least extend the same gratitude to other forms of official information; I mean, frankly, this article is about as reputable as anything in the Netflix subtitles are.  Lastly, another thing I found quite interesting is his strange love for the ADV VHS subtitles. I really, really think this is obvious, but subtitles changed in later versions of the ADV release were changed because they were deemed incorrect. I don’t have sources for this so take it with an absolute grain of salt but I believe there’s even a commentary track on the Platinum release where the translator talks in depth about why she translated episode 24 as she did. It’s not exactly a better word than Kanemitsu’s, but if we’re considering translator’s word as law for whatever reason like Felipe is here, we might as well consider hers, too, right? Oh, and actually, have a look at the sources used on that article. Most of the sweeping statements he makes have absolutely no backing beyond what he’s piecing together from old and irrelevant interviews (when discussing the Netflix translation) as well as...linking Kanemitsu’s job history...I mean, sure, the guy is qualified, but do I really need to go over this again?
INTERMISSION: Speaking of sources, you might have noticed from perusing these articles yourself that EvaGeeks has a very low standard for sourcing to begin with, which is likely partially to blame for how things like these articles can even exist in their current forms in the first place. A site that doesn’t have such a lenient policy on sourcing, though, is Wikipedia. Felipe, of course, cannot stay within the confines of the fandom and has decided to have a go at providing some information to Kaworu’s actual Wikipedia page as well.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kaworu_Nagisa&action=history Felipe is far less to blame for the state of Kaworu’s Wikipedia article, which is honestly pretty bad to begin with. There have been plenty of other people editing this one and the rather homophobic “Relationship with Shinji” part of the article has been present for a while before he started editing it. (The fact this article literally uses someone being explicitly homophobic as a source is not surprising for Eva fandom, but holy shit, am I disgusted every time I reopen this page. I'm not even going to bother figuring out who added that one.) I do wonder if his reasons for not desecrating this page the same way he has on EvaGeeks is because he knows it wouldn’t stay up for particularly long. Reminder that he is also the main editor of the same pages on the Evangelion Fandom Wiki, which is essentially a copy and paste of EvaGeeks. Of note is this little tidbit I found:
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This is what Felipe then deleted, as this is apparently not relevant, despite literally being about Kaworu’s relationship with Shinji. I mean, I’m sure this could have been put in somewhere else and perhaps phrased a bit better, but why the hell would you outright delete that kind of information? It’s supposed to be a wiki, not your own personal opinion chamber. BTW, this is the thread post he links as a rebuttal to that person adding it, and it’s probably for the best it’s presented here with context: https://forum.evageeks.org/post/886380/NGE-Ep24-Script-First-and-Second-Drafts/#886380
He clearly thinks he has a point here, but I’m not sure what exactly he’s going for. Basically everything he’s saying is conjecture, and while I can kinda see where he’s coming from it sure does completely fail to address the intent as explained in this interview. “Read the whole interview” is very dismissive, especially when the interview in full doesn’t exactly contradict the initial point. It does say quite a bit, how he will disregard official information when his wiki articles themselves are full of nothing but rambling.
Here’s another relevant and quite funny Discord screenshot:
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Felipe is making a pretty hypocritical statement here. I’m sure he does have a point - there’s probably been quite a bit of vandalism happening to these pages which isn’t exactly surprising (again, Eva fans are not often rational people, please be honest with ourselves). That being said, I think there’s a particular irony to the man who has written many very, very long paragraphs on the wiki pages he has control over trying to stop people from thinking there might be anything but “ambiguity” between a pair he doesn’t like.
In the case anyone reading has forgotten: the purpose of a wiki should be to provide unbiased information on the material it discusses. Obviously the repeating of “innocuous” statements about how “ambiguous” it all is, in the vain of EG’s now made fun of ‘we don’t know what he really meant by that’ and ‘why Kaworu is so intent for Shinji alone to have happiness remains a mystery’  are pretty obviously intended to downplay the very, very obvious “subtext” and leagues of official information provided.
It kinda goes without saying that WE CAN INFER THESE THINGS FROM THE ACTUAL INFORMATION ON THE WIKI, you don’t need to add a disclaimer to everything going “well we just don’t know what it means!” (even in instances when we do know what it means, but that’s almost besides the point). You don’t need to add in these statements, unless you’re trying to sway people into ignoring what's presented by the show. If you want people to draw their own conclusions, you are in fact capable of presenting information without commentary - in fact, that's kind of the whole point of a wiki. Yes, Eva is ambiguous at times, but talking down to people like they need this reminded to them constantly is an absolute waste of time and energy. It’s almost as if the editor has been trying to cultivate a narrative and has been getting away with it because you can’t really prove these statements are biased unless you do the research. (I mean, you can from context, but it certainly hasn’t done much to get them removed, has it?)
You can view the editing history of any given EvaGeeks article on their own pages if you want to see just how many times these things have been added in by Felipe. And obviously, no, it isn’t just his fault - there are other users, several, in fact, credited with the editing of these pages, many of the edits serving the same point as Felipe’s paragraphs on “ambiguity”. He’s just the most concrete example of a biased editor. Also, yes, I do recognise this has all happened within the few days post the release of Eva on Netflix and that it was likely prompted by that. But we know at least one of the mods is aware of it given how Felipe talks about it in the EvaGeeks Discord server. It’s also quite funny I’ve seen people linking these pages like they're some kind of "gotcha" in response to tweets discussing the new translation, as if they haven’t been invented out of thin air in the past few days.
Now, frankly I’m sick of staring at EvaGeeks, and if you want any more information on these articles and others with instances of the same thing happening, you can have a look at it yourself.
Originally, this document contained far more screenshots from Felipe. My desire for this to not turn into a hit piece has lead me to remove a great deal of these messages. I do suggest, if you want to, you join the server and make your own conclusions. Even beyond what the member told me about I found myself agreeing with him fairly frequently when he was being reasonable - this doesn't change my concerns regarding the presentation of information on the wiki, though. The anonymous member was mostly concerned about this user having basically all the control over Kaworu's wiki articles, seeing as he has far too high of a stake in everything. Not all of these messages are inflammatory or even necessarily bad or wrong, but I find that to anyone privy to the “revelations” about the EvaGeeks Wiki here, they paint an interesting story, to say the least.
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It’s starting to sound like he perhaps has just had some bad experiences. The following few messages are part of the same conversation.
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I find it interesting how he flipflops from not understanding anything about the whole Eva Parallelism Theory Thing to suddenly being all for it when it concerns things not about the gay stuff.
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Comments on how ‘manipulative’ Kaworu is
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Because Kaworu is very pro instrumentality, and this definitely isn’t just a theory, I mean, it’s even talked about on the wiki, guys! (And I’m not even touching on the yes-men in this server.) Oh.
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Oh no.
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For the record, this page is clearly still under construction, and to point out any one thing about how bad it is would be essentially just poking a stick at a beehive. At least this one is so absolutely poorly phrased it’s doubtful anyone could mistake it for any kind of proper information. I also find it incredibly funny whenever pages on the wiki use the forum as a source. Relevant: Qmisato’s post on his defending of Shinji sexually assaulting Asuka: https://qmisato.tumblr.com/post/183082754484/yesterday-i-was-invited-to-evageeks-official
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In response much later. I really can’t see it as being framed as “fun teenage romance”, also why is the word romance suddenly being used to talk about Asuka and Shinji after the whole debacle with Kaworu? He’s said before he doesn’t see Asuka and Shinji’s relationship as romantic, either (and GOOD! It’s not!)
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(Also - it’s not sexual assault when Shinji tries to kiss Asuka in her sleep, but it IS when Kaworu does the exact same thing to Shinji? Make up your mind, dude.) Turning this sort of thing into Shipping Discourse is frankly not the right way to go about it, but it is perhaps notable that despite what Felipe says, he is in fact an Asushin shipper. (I don’t feel the need to post all these images in the document as its cluttered enough as it is.) At this point it’s rather adhom and I feel irrelevant but I do think it’s relevant that through all of Eva fandom, those who have the most issue “understanding” (more like accepting, I suppose) LGB subtext, are those who also are really attached to a fairly morally grey het pairing themselves. Again, seriously, there’s nothing inherently wrong with any of this and assuming the worst of someone because of the pairings they like isn’t my intent here, it’s more that I find this pattern has always been prevalent and it’s bothering me I’m seeing it STILL in 2019. ESPECIALLY from a wiki editor who inserts so much of that into his work on the site. 
  You’re probably sick of reading all of this (and I’m getting sick of writing it), so I’ll wrap up the part on Felipe quickly: Yes, I just dedicated several pages to screenshots of mostly innocuous (when considered out of context) stuff one guy had to say. I feel more obsessive than I’d like to admit, and frankly I have no business with this person. We’ve spoken twice on EvaGeeks threads if you can even call it speaking. This task was given to me by a member of the community who was concerned about his behaviour but didn’t want to publicise it themself and I feel a little out of my depth here. I at least hope we can come to the conclusion I wanted to here, that I fear may have been lost in this whole great mess of language - no one person should have THIS much sway over the state of a wiki that’s supposed to be impartial, especially when they have not been quiet with their biases in the first place, and it is the failure of everyone involved in the maintaining of the wiki itself that this sort of behaviour has been allowed in the first place. 
The guy can have whatever opinions and theories he wants, obviously. I don't give a shit; he's not even that bad compared to the grand majority of Eva fans to begin with. Don't think this document exists to "cancel" him or thoughtpolice, I truly, genuinely, do not care what is said inside this server anymore. It doesn't concern me. I mean, it's a fucking cartoon, for god's sake. This only becomes an issue when opinions are expressed on a wiki, for reasons I have reiterated many times now. EvaGeeks lacks the objectivity required to function as a wiki and I'm trying to make that clear. 
[ON THE TOPIC OF THE EVAGEEKS WIKI AND COMMUNITY IN GENERAL] As for who can edit the wiki and what they’re allowed to say: As you can see from the nature of people���s posts in this thread, you’re given access to do very specific things, and although I haven’t bothered going through the process myself (as I find it would be quite redundant, trying to fix such an inherently broken system), I’m guessing it’s very easy to get your edits reversed if you post anything they don’t like. Take that as conjecture of my own.
I have it in decent faith that the approval process involves whoever of the mod team is there at the time coming to an agreement based on people’s applications. Obviously this is a decent idea for a system, and I’m sure there are legitimate reasons as to why EG has to be locked down as much as it is; judging from the state of other fanon wikis I’ve seen there’s likely to be a decent amount of vandalism, especially in a fandom as passionate as Eva’s is. However, I think it’s fair to say that the complete restriction of updating these pages to those approved by a mod team who, while I’m sure are very reasonable people overall, certain individuals of which have displayed concerning behaviour and biases of their own in the server during my brief look around. I won’t be naming anyone in particular from the mod team as I don’t feel like I need to add any more targets of shame to this already horrifically negative document, but I have gotten the general impression (in case it needed confirmation, following the remaining of these specific changes on the wiki) that some mods, not all, aren’t the most nonpartisan individuals themselves. I do happen to be decent acquaintances with at least one of them so, again, please don’t consider this a personal attack.
My concern here plainly is that I don’t think a group of mods who have routinely failed to prevent events like the ones mentioned earlier, nor seem to have much of an issue with the myriad of examples of people being openly homophobic and misogynistic on their own forum are really in the position to be choosing who of the Privelleged Few get to control the Eva meta-narrative here. As I was writing this, I was alerted to the state of the primary Japanese Evangelion wiki as a source of cross referencing for what these things can look like if done right. If you take a moment to browse it, even if you don’t speak any Japanese and have to use an automatic translator it should be very obvious how something like this differs greatly from EvaGeeks. Kaworu’s page, for a relevant example, doesn’t have present any of the nonsense statements about ambiguity or overwritten descriptions of everything. The wiki respects the reader’s intelligence enough to know that it is, in fact, a wiki, and thus tries its best to be factual. His page is fairly decent in size and states things we know are fact rather than theory. There’s no attempt made to influence or confuse.
Oh, and just in case you think the mods aren’t actually active or present enough to know what Felipe is doing, his particularly awful page on Kaworu in episode 24 got a shoutout from the official Twitter account two days ago.  
If you are going to join the Discord server to verify things yourself* or do further digging, again, please be cautious of other users inside and do your best not to start anything. I am an occasional contributor to the forums and I’d prefer not to get my account flagged or to experience harassment myself, if any EvaGeeks members are still reading this document and disagree with my conclusions. I may not have posted much since I joined earlier this year, but despite everything I find the forums to be valuable for connecting with other fans and have enjoyed the positive feedback to my SIRP translation! Those who have spoken to me there have been very kind (including Felipe himself), and I must reiterate that this is not targeted at the whole site, or even at just Felipe. I simply believe there is more than enough evidence to suggest there have been consistent, systematic failures to recognise and correct the utter lack of objectivity present. I seriously don’t have any personal issues or beef with this guy, either. I wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t someone else who came to me about it.
*It should be noted that the person who spoke to me has pointed out certain members have been concerned about outsiders joining and screenshotting the chat. They may remove the public link to join if this document were to cause a huge issue. I will leave the server following the publication of this document and I have no plans to join again. I can’t speak for those who may join of their own accord but I do hope people have heeded the disclaimer I made initially.
Thankyou to all the people who have extended their own kindness and support during the creation of this document, to the anonymous person who tipped me off and the lovely Eva analysts I know for offering their own experiences with EvaGeeks and further supplementary information. If this whole document reads like the product of a bad mental health day, I guess it is. Also yes I know how hilarious it is that I’ve spent all this time creating what essentially amounts to an EVAGEEKS CALLOUT POST but I mean. Someone had to say it. Why not make an utter buffoon of myself in the process?
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sillyfudgemonkeys ¡ 6 years ago
Kasumi’s PT Outfit Analysis
Tell me what do these two have in common?
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If you said “Cat theme” you are correct! If not, well then buckle up my dudes cause this is gonna be fun~! :D (I also want to take the time to point out, while this isn’t want I’m talking about, I do like this fan artist’s perspective on her gloves :D)
I know what you’re thinking, and no I’m not smoking anything I don’t do that, but Kasumi really does have cat thief themed origins (and no not because of the fan art, didja click on it? it’s cute!). I realized it after realizing she was a gymnast and was like “Why? Why does she get a gymnast theme? How does this fit with the outlaw theme? Has there been a thief who had gymnast outfit?....wait....could it be.....omg it IS!” AND THE ANSWER IS YES! 4 thieves actually, 3 are sisters in one series, and 1 is an expy of those sisters by the same author in his other work. If you know who I’m talking about I’m talking about.....CAT’S EYE! (and Phantom Thief 305 from City Hunter, I dunno the meaning of the name tho)
Let’s start with Cat’s Eye (not a 100% expert in it, but I know more than City Hunter tbh). Cat’s Eye is about a trio of sisters (Hitomi the middle who is the main character, Rui the oldest sister, and Ai the youngest) stealing things using their multiple skill sets (such as gymnastics), partially because they want to contact their missing dad who is also a thief (and their attempts to contact him are through the calling cards and stealing the items in hopes he comes as well). And....that’s basically it I think (been awhile since I read the manga and I’m in the process of re-reading it now). Movie wise, it seems they are in the process of trying to rescue him (hard to find info, no eng subtitles for me to watch so efsljdfl;aj).
Anne and Kasumi are the biggest shout outs to Cat’s Eye than anyone else (tho you could argue Cat’s eye is probs the reason Makoto drives a Motorcycle and Futaba is an semi-orange themed tech genius, and Haru who is “Noir” tho I don’t feel like looking up who came first, her or the Cat’s Eye Pachinko machine cause it’s not important). Anne’s outfit is more a shout-out to the Cat’s Eye Movie version while Kasumi’s is more a shout-out to the original manga/anime. Let’s focus on the Cat’s Eye movie for a second tho.
This isn’t the first time Cat’s Eye movie was used as inspiration for Persona. Back in P2 Tamaki Uchida dressed as Ai (the youngest sister of Cat’s Eye, but is the lead role in the movie), as the actress she is based off of (Yuki Uchida) played Ai in the movie.
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Anne, however, seems to be based on Hitomi outfit with some Rui flare to it (they differ slightly)
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(btw the movie opens up with an anime sequence before going full live action, Hitomi Left, Rui Right I think for both pics, Ai is in the middle for the bottom pic, and recolored Anne for better comparison and also because I can 8U)
I know what you are thinking, “But what about Catwoman????” I think she’s still related to Cat’s Eye tho. Catwoman came first in creation, and Catwoman was the first to use the leather outfits (tbh, mask wise, Tamaki’s mask/ears seem to draw from the Catwoman 60s tv show outfit), and it seems she/Batman were the inspiration for the movie costumes. Also considering how Persona likes to use Batman, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the cat theme stuff was also Batman/Catwoman related as well as Cat’s Eye. So there’s still a connection to Catwoman esp with the movie! 
Another possible connection to the movie is Anne’s name, specifically “Anne,” as the person who went by the stage name “Anri/杏里” (I mean Anne is just the  杏 kanji but still) who sings the theme song “Cat’s Eye 2000″ for the movie. Fun fact.
Now let’s look at the manga/anime, where it’s Kasumi’s time to shine (tho Anne will come back up).
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As you can see they’ve been redesigned a few times (btw Hitomi’s colors in the first vol of Cat’s eye is actually blue with an orange ribbon, it was changed to yellow later it seems, also the top right is a spinoff manga of Cat’s Eye called Cat’s Eye: Ai where Ai is the MC)
As you can see, the girl who is mostly in the blue is Hitomi, and she has a tendency to wear a chocker with her leotard. Kinda like.......Kasumi! 
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Recolored with blue to highlight the comparison (also because I NEED COLOR IN HER DESIGN ATLUS LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH DX) 
Fun fact, Hitomi I believe is a gymnast and she utilizes her skills as a thief (and thus where we get the gymnast as a thief outlaw theme and why it only works for Kasumi/gymnasts and not runners like Ryuji). 
But Kasumi also has similarities between her and Ai, both have red in their theme, both I think are first years. Also, while Ai isn’t as strong or skilled as her older sisters in fighting, she is the most agile (which we don’t know if Kasumi is in the same boat but it’s worth noting just in case). Another thing about Ai, is her connection to Tamaki up above, Tamaki who is based off the actress who played Ai was in the fencing club (which Yuki Uchida was also a fencer), and what weapon does Kasumi wield? A one handed sword similar to other fencers in Persona (like Mitsuru), so woot we’ve come full circle on that! (also if Kasumi is Hamuko reincarnated, or Hamuko’s younger sister, it should be noted that one of Hamuko’s theme colors is orange along with pink and red so fklsdjfsajf; bonus points if that comes true!)
Kasumi’s mask is also probably based on the Cat’s Eye calling card (or at least it follows a similar pattern):
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Same point pattern, same eye shape and design (it’d also explain why it’s so thick, cause the emblem is thick looking too 8U)
So I mentioned we’d come back to Anne, and here we are! There is one last thing that is similar to Anne and the Kisugi sisters, and it’s that they are all hafus! The sisters are all half german, and Hitomi looks just like her western grandmother if Hitomi had blonde hair, and later dyes her hair blonde for her thieving:
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Also *cough* a pink/red outfit I wonder who that reminds us of? 8U
Now onto City Hunter, which....I think is the biggest evidence that Kasumi was based off these people. And it’s this girl:
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The girl with the glasses is the same one as the girl in the same girl in the green leotard (the one in the red isn’t a thief, but was wearing one to match the other girl while they stole a flower). 
This is the first episode this girl shows up (only one I’ve seen too tbh), she’s actually 17/a 2nd year iirc.... And guess what her name is? Kasumi Aso. Kasumi is spelled the same way too (aka only in hirigana)! From my research she only steals what is commissioned of her (I think she steals back what is stolen from other people). She has connection to flowers like Kasumi Yoshizawa (Aso is connected to the [black] tulip, Yoshizawa has flowers on her belt). Both are pretty unassuming in their civilian outfits too tbh. (tho slightly off topic, fun fact, there was a Japanese hafu rhythmic gymnast named Kasumi, I’ve been wanting to post about that for awhile but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s who IRL Yoshizawa was based off of)
Sadly I don’t know much else about Aso, I need to read more of City Hunter to find out (even tho she’s not a super main character), and tbh this is where I kinda end with the Kasumi/Anne and Cat’s Eye/PT 305/Catwoman analysis. But I’ll use this time to talk about a few misc stuff and maybe a few theories related to cat themed thief ladies:
P5 probably got the “Thief who works at a cafe during the day (and the Cafe name also is a reference to their thieving as well as possibly housing a cat)” from Cat’s Eye and City hunter (which take place in Tokyo/Shinjuku, tho in different locations), as the Kisugi Sisters work at their cafe called “Cat’s Eye,” and Aso being their expy, also works at a cafe by the same name (tho it’s run by different people cause it’s in a different/parallel universe). 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Tamaki’s tendency to house a Nekomata in her workplace to be similar to the kitty (Tiger I think it’s name is) that Ai has at the cafe (esp considering, again, Yuki Uchida played Ai). 
According to the Japanese fan wiki of Cat’s Eye, in the sequel “Cat’s Eye: Ai,” the Cafe is moved to a new location, which is Kichijoji, which is the new area that has been unlocked in P5R (maybe a certain cafe will be available for us to wander into? :0 Or maybe Kasumi works at a cafe XP or maybe is connected to the billiards place, tho that DARTSLIVE3 screenshot seems to have a “cafe” poster in the background so maaaaaaaybe that’s a cafe XP)
Part of me wonders if Mitsuru’s Arena outfit is related more to Black Cat, due to the signature “white fur” both characters wear. 
Kasumi Y’s hairstyle (aka if her hair was down, so basically we are going off her bangs) is similar to Hitomi (at least the Pachinko machine ver)
Anne’s circle zipper designs might be more of a shout-out to Marvel’s Black Cat, not that Catwoman hasn’t had that as well, but I don’t feel like figuring out who did the circle zipper first 8U 
Satomi Tadashi dressed up as Zorro and was romantically involved with Takami. Anne who is a Cat’s Eye expy is crushed on by Mona (who wields Zorro). And Kasumi, another Cat’s Eye expy, looks like a Hamuko Expy, while Mona’s human form looks like a Minato Expy. 
Kasumi has a similar black mask with silver line design (not the mask shape itself, the line design) as a woman named “Noir”(?) who appears in the Cat’s Eye Pachinko Machine (yes I did come across interesting things, no I don’t know what her deal is or really who she is tbh cause I think she’s a pachinko original 8U ;w;)
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So yeah just gonna kinda end it here awkwardly. FYI this doesn’t mean you HAVE to like her outfit (you have every right to dislike or like it tbh), it’s just a history lesson, and explaining how it fits the outlaw/PT theme, where’s Ryuji’s track or Haru’s ballet doesn’t.
Oh! Edit cause I forgot, if you push her mask up over head, it might look like cat’s ears, just a theory tho (of course it might look like devil horns but so does Anne’s so fklsjdfk;aj;faj;f take this for what you will):
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energonalucard ¡ 5 years ago
A FEM Team of my Own Design (RED Edition)
Usually, I don't like doing this kinda stuff. One: I don't usually share my ideas and I am very nervous. Second: FEM characters are one thing, BUT A WHOLE (TWO) TEAM makes me sweat. The good sweat, but also a nervous sweat. Because I am now sharing a personal part of my brain and my love for woman. Beautiful. Lovely. Yes. 
@medics-secret-shipfic-folder, this is one half of those FEM's I talked about! 
Is this more OC team's then canon gender swap? Yeah, and that's because I don't think that's my endgame here, I didn't make these for a gender bend AU, I made them out of love and from a community of great idea makers. I'd rather make OC's then be another generic half-hearted bending AU maker. <3 <3
Also, this really is just a dumb fact thing as I don't want to give away plot stuff. Fun facts and getting to know them a bit. 
(Yes, I said PLOT) 
-- RED Team: 
𝗦𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘁: The default FEM Scout you see around. Pony-tail, blonde like normal Scout, Bostonian. Has a bit of dimples but I swear, she'll punch you if you call her cute. 
She/Her. Straight, but an Ally. Or so she says. Nobody believes her.
But something you won't know is how many sisters she has! The answer is four. Four sisters and a single dad back in Boston. While lower on the sibling count then most Scout's she is far more likely to NOT talk your ear off in a large group... but will corner you and chat you a blue streak if your like Sniper or Spy and seclude yourself. Since she has less family to push her to run, she's a slower Scout but she can run ALL day pal. Even Medic needs a break but she keeps going, going, going...
Will beat you with heels/pumps (Spy will have loaned them) if you even offer the idea of her wearing them. Sneakers, pal, are Gods gift to feet.
Right handed, and uses left only to throw a ball or clever. Only. ONLY. 
Once drank Mad Milk. No one saw them for three days. Medic had her strapped to a table. She apparently was found in town on a rooftop at 6 AM after vomiting loud enough for neighbors to notice. She got better, but has amnesia from the incident.
Favorite weapon of all time is the Holy Mackerel, because its freaking hilarious and Spy's are disgusted by it. Also reminds her of her dad only being able to cook fish and roast back home in Boston.
𝗦𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗿: Looks like the canonical Soldier, but her hair is similar to the Battle Bob (https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Battle_Bob) but with no bangs and it barely peaking from her helmet. Blonde, American, and named John Doe respectively. 
She/Her. Bi(romantic/sexual). 
Has a thing for tank tops and will wear them around base when not on duty, because she's a very sweaty person and her clothes suffer (and who ever does laundry as well). This was a compromise. Trust the RED Team on that one (Medic approved).
Helmet 100% of the time though.
Bra comes off = be ready for a fight maggot.
Has more lower body strength, absolutely loves the Manntreads. But don't underestimate her running Original. See her on Battalion? She most likely has Rage ready when she pops out of nowhere.
Has no idea why people tell her walking around naked is weird/distracting/rude or whatnot. She's covered up! In jam (Pyro mourns their jam and preservatives cupboard)!
𝗣𝘆𝗿𝗼: Looks... exactly how a Pyro should. Like a balloon bodied Pyro. Yeah, nothing strange here other then their SASS. Dear heavens.
They/Them. Non-binary.
You've only seen these Pyro's around three or four bases in your entire LIFETIME. This walking bag of fire does not have time for ANY bullshit. Loves doing the windup middle finger when someone does something stupid/rude. Isn't really all that serious as they are made out to be but you get it.
Still loves Balloonicorn and cooking even though they act like any other merc. Has a tea set with crudely melted crayons on its outside.
Wanna get BACK here? BACK into THEIR base? Turn around and head BACK son. Backburner and Thruster Pack predator, all day unless the team suffers.
Covers up Soldier in a towel if she's naked. Sows up Demo's pants if she splits them. Engie loves them when they swing by with anything cinnamon realated. Second most likely to do everyone's laundry.
Arsonist Guardian of the Year Award. 
𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗿: Just like Scout, the typical Femgineer model but this time, she's more chubby then her skinny model on Gamebanana. Her overalls like default Engineer helps her self esteem though. Brunette, Texan, and still a shortie. 
She/Her. Bi(romantic/sexual), but leans more towards men.
Ever seen a small volcano of 5'4'' and puffy red cheecks? You've met it, you've angered it. But you ain't staying conscious for long. Not with her weilding a Southern Hospitality just for this occasion.
Has made many comments about making traps and watching unfortunate folk "disappear" from her daddy's old farm. Nobody questions why the cameras in the building have tiny barrels attached to them and a laser sight. 
Has mentioned a husband or at least a male partner once to Sniper. Never elaborated. Never showed a ring or even a smile when talking about him.
Cinnamon and jam enthusiast along with Pyro, and the most flustered when Soldier is covered in it. 
Hair bun is a must unless she ties it flat with pins. Short hair because she don't wanna catch fire. Smells like burnt metal and a dulled oil smell nobody can rinse out of her clothes. Her hardhat is permanently on her head, googles are a go too. Welding smock and overalls in and out of battle.
𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘃𝘆: Like before, like Gamebanana FEM Heavy. Brunette (like two of her sisters), Russian, and actually has scars all across her chest if you can see her shirt peak off-hours.
She/Her. Lesbian (romantically involved with RED Medic). 
You probably think Medic is the one most likely to do laundry since I said Pyro was second right? (I'm not that predictable ;>) Nope, its Heavy. Heavy doesn't like machine washers unless she has to deal with jeans or other thicker fabrics she knows won't dry in under 12 hours correctly (because they fight EVERY day). She washed unmentionables too, and does not make it weird. Until Sniper literally has to answer about why all her underwear is stained yellow, Sniper she just wants you to have nice clean clothes--
You ask Pyro for dinner if you miss a meal or have a diet going on. If Heavy catches anyone not eating, they eat double. Diets? Heavy always grew up with the mentality you ate what you could get, but Heavy is not heartless. Since food types are abundant, she is careful about diets. But she'll still make you eat it double. 
Her girlfriend doesn't eat pork products, so she understands. (Slightly)
Natasha may be her right hand gun but her doctor will always have her heart and soul. Still bought a better bed for Natasha though, but don't tell doctor. 
Once beat a male Scout cause he called her ally Engineer a fatty. Has had to fend off two Scout's from her team's Spy ("Heavy, they had information I needed." / "Intelligence? Bah."). Actually stepped on a drunk Demo's crotch on accident, but did apologise. 
Loves her girlfriends muscles way more then her curves, she has no idea why. But she can appreciation a nice bottom when she sees it. 
Two little sisters, an older brother who's tettering around step-brother, and a mother who's nearly paralyzed from the waist down. But that woman was her light, she did things not many woman do anymore and for that wisdom and learning, Heavy is grateful. Mother also instilled a fear of swatters with a shoe tied to it. Creative, but scary.
𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻: Actually looks like The Demowoman made based on Drew Wolf's own design, but I think a bit more fuller in the cheeks and chin (more square). Scottish, eyes sharp as a sass lass, and a thick as hell skull.
She/Her. Pan(romantic/sexual).
Once cried in a pile of bras while drunk. Not her own. That's how everyone learned about Spy being... more on that later.
Has a father and mother, but both are leaning so far towards insanity she gave up listening a long time ago. Still doesn't back talk them though, she just pacifies them by dividing her money and saying she has many jobs.
Gains weight like crazy, and its not all the alcohols fault. Food is just very heavy in America and since the team is 1/3 American she feels enlarged everytime a meal based around or for the Americans is brought out. And dear god Heavy, bear goes straight to her muffin top. Spy notices her uncomfortable nature when eating and generally tries to swap out their plates (Spy fussing at the chief before dinner saying she needs X on her plate and not Y, just so Demo can keep her ideal self). (Don't tell Demo, she's too drunk to notice it)
Actually will hug Soldier when naked and be like, "Nothing weird about it". Has actually kissed Spy's hand like you'd do royalty as a joke. Has actually spun Medic around in a circle in a bear hug before. 
She's all for makeup, but really, all she can manage normally and steadily is lipstick. At least she can wipe it away if she wants (can't wipe away the pain of stabbing your only good eye with a mascara brush). 
Nobody touches her hair, never. But she likes doing other's hair. She isn't all that good with cutting or styling or maintaining hair, but playing with hair or just running her hands through it is amazing. The body hair on her legs is shaven and so are her underarms, but her arms and "moustache" that Scout notices are well grown out.
Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Launcher Quickiebomb Laun--
Hair always under a beany, nobody sees her hair until much later. She had it all in one wide french braid. Wait, doesn't she normally fail at braids? How did she get that? 
𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰: (Okay, this is where similarities in the FEM models stops. To me, I don't really like the FEM Medic model as much as I should for OC's so I'll explain Medic as best I can.) Just like any male Medic counterpart and she has a square-ish chin, with curves almost as boxy as some of her cosmetics. But its a good boxy, she's wide with muscle and shoulders to carry injured teammates. Black hair, German, and the creepiest white teeth you've ever seen.
She/Her. Lesbian (romantically involve with the Heavy). Gay Energy™.
Thicc thighs saves lives. Like, no joke. She is mostly muscles in her legs and torso so everyone assumed she was good at running. Even Scout. Once lifted Demo with ease in her arms and gave Pyro a piggyback ride all at once. It did strain her back and she was slower, but she was fine after dropping Demo in a safer spot to sleep.
Her posture is shit, but she does form corrections regularly, and uses a pillow to cheat the system if she's grumpy enough.
Her teeth. God, her teeth anywhere in blue lighting make weaker mercs a bit dizzy. You've never seen teeth have a blue-green tint like hers, it feels like watching a horror movie permanently set in a blue shaded tint.
Does not eat pork products, and won't elaborate. Will eat beef, but not pork. Maybe she just hates it? Maybe. A diet? Even Heavy shrugs it off now when it happens.
Medic gives the thumbs up for Soldier walking around in tanktops. Naked Soldier is also a thumbs up. All those bras Demo collected once had Medic sorting through them happily. Actually figured out Spy's real cup size. 
Medic has banned Sniper's ace bandage bras. Not in this house, not under her roof. She fits Sniper for personally made bras, Spy bought and tailored. 
Loyal girlfriend. But gayer. Heavy is fine with it, and actually partakes in showing everyone love sometimes too. Since Demo is also affectionate, it can't be too bad.
Push-up queen, but will drop in the dirt in exhaustion afterwards. She only beats Soldier by a few points and mostly runs on spite. 
Has actually stollen all her team's uterus'. What?! She gave them all back later! Just... someone else needed them first. And in a Female vs Female war zone her teammates weren't planning on using them. But they are back now! Well... not all.
Has actually tried to make a Spyper out of an old male Spy and Sniper she used to fight. Both just despawned and targeted her the next day. Sadly. 
BLU Demo's line about shagging Medic's husband always makes her go into a laughing fit. 
Has a ring ready for Heavy, because Heavy is best wife material and loves her dearly.
𝗦𝗻𝗶𝗽𝗲𝗿: (Changed a bit too.) Taller then her Gamebanana model, and god is her face longer and more like regular Sniper. You've heard of laugh lines but the Sniper has frown lines, and the dip in her cheeks has wrinkles from the sun. She has a unibrow growing almost as fast as you can wax it, she leaves it be. So much arm hair. Brunette, Australian (New Zealand), and her hands are big for her size.
She/Her. Bi(romantic), Asexual. 
Never shaves. Never.
She has a mom, a dad, and a big brother. Her brother snipe's as well for RED Team and they have secret mail chains going between them (not so secret, Administrator knows). Her parents don't know she's Bi and after what they said to her brother about him being Trans, she never wanted to figure out. 
Her brother is actually fully transitioned with the help of a Medic who seemed pro-Trans. Of course the doctor waved that off but he had been careful about the procedure enough that they could tell he was a good doctor about all this.
Her brother is the reason she wears ace bandages for bras. So he wouldn't feel bad. She just never STOPPED wearing them after that, and she always reasoned it was because of her broken family and wanting to hold on a little longer. A "little longer" was nearly nineteen years of wearing it to help her brother mentally. Until Medic banned it. Then, she had tailored bras that were strapless but wouldn't fall down. Sometimes goes without the bra onto the battlefield and will tie her shirt off as a makeshift support. She doesn't feel she betrayed him, just... cloth is real itchy sometimes.
Jarate. Isn't... entirely enthusiastic about hygiene outside of basic shower stuff, brushing her teeth, and trimming her nails. Her underwear is clean but since jarate is... yeah, it stains her clothes. Jarate is a lot harder for females to make with how pants work.
Yes, has mooned the enemy Spy before. Not on purpose. Many times. Yes, her pride is shattered every time it happens.
Had long hair upon arrival to this war. She refused to cut it even as her team warned her about what long hair can cause. She changed her mind after the male enemy Spy yanked her around by it and smashed her head in a windowsill. She had her ally Spy cut it after she could stomach letting it be tugged, even for a cut. Spy was gentle, and asked her questions on what she prefers: suits or dresses. 
Suits mate.
(And that BLU Spy was never seen again on the battlefield after a week.)
𝗦𝗽𝘆: (Different from the model ENTIRELY, I really do not like the Spy FEM model at all. But I have grown more warm towards it lately, probably from my BLU team ideas *wink* *wink*) Wears a suit like all other Spy's, and a balaclava as well. Her shoes are as Italian as they come and could take out a man's eye they are so sharp. Blue eyes, sharp chin and nose, and she is NOT a mother.
She/Her. Pan(romantic/sexual)/Polygamous.
Is not the mother to any children at all. She does not need nor want any. Still gets all the men thought. And ladies. 
She actually does not have a uterus at all, she caught wind the doctor had taken something out of her (what Medic doesn't) and didn't want it back. Turns out, she really does not care for the missing body part. Oh well, a Spy's lose is a Medic's fortune.
Has her breasts restricted a bit by a special SpyTech bra that distributes muscle instead of pressing it all against her lungs. She looks like a D cup for her bust size. Is a E cup naturally. Medic drools when she sees the tag on the bra for the first time. Sometimes wears buisness casual around base, without her SpyTech bra and using a normal one for comfort. Attracts Demo and Soldier like flies when she does. 
Cuts and manages everyone's hair. Sniper was her first job, and that was easy. Next was Medic coming in it get a half fade. Next was Soldier to keep her hair barely peaking from the helmet. Demoman was the hardest to convince and she can only touch her hair if she "uses those leather fancy gloves" she always wears at all times while braiding Demo's hair.
That BLU Spy from before? Gutted multiple times over the course of games throughout a week. His score suffered and he was moved to a team of lesser skill. A temporary "fix" to the problem. She still wants to gut him but can't do it outside of work hours as he's employeed to BLU (costing her a contract). But did find him in a seedy city with the mother of his child, and casually reminded him of his deeds out of spite while in disguise. He apologized, but she refused to take it. She wasn't the victim. They parted ways after that and promised to never see each other again. 
Will actually hit Scout on the head. Hand open, palm ready. Right in the back of her head. Stupid American loudmouth...
Likes the Dead Ringer with the stock revolver a lot, and likes being active. Really good at acting like Pyro, its kinda scary. It's probably the sassy movements they mastered.
Third least shameful having no top on. Proven.
Has secret meetings with BLU Spy outside both base ranges. For some reason, even though the ritual of enemy teams Spy's meeting and exchanging whatever they have for whatever they need is long over they both still come out here. Probably to get away from the base and at least smoke in peace, or at least she hopes so.
-- BLU Team... (soon)
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probabltbry ¡ 6 years ago
Carole & Tuesday [Rants/My Opinion/Controversy]
This is very different than what I usually post and I want to begin by saying that I may not have all of the facts! I am basing this on what I’ve seen other people say on this site (and others) and fact checking. I am open to learning and understanding more, and I will read any and all comments (if this post gets any lol). If this changes anything, I am making this post through the lense of a black bisexual female, so my view on things may be different. :)
I try to keep this spoiler free in general, but since I’m going to talk about characters and episodes that have released that’s a little impossible, so I will warn you if there are any spoilers in the section I discuss. I want people who haven’t seen the anime to get a taste of what it is! 
In this long post I will touch on the following; LGBT+ representation, POC representation, exposure of the anime(streaming and where to find it), the community/fandom of C&T, Cybelle????!!, and other characters. Remember- this is my opinion and that is always subject to change.
For those of you who don’t know about Carole & Tuesday, it’s a Spring 2019 anime directed by Shinichiro Watanbe in association with the popular Bones studio. Shinichiro is well known for his other successful series such as Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloos and Space Dandy and Bones studio has produced many popular animes like Noragami, Soul Eater and Ouran High School Host Club, etc. [Fun fact, Cowboy Bebop and Carole & Tuesday are said to be set in the same universe and I died when I heard this.]
The plot of Carole & Tuesday, as provided by wiki is:
Set in the future on a partially terraformed Mars, teenager Tuesday Simmons runs away from her posh lifestyle as the daughter of a politician and makes her way to the populous Alba City to pursue her dream of being a musician with just a suitcase and her Gibsonacoustic guitar. On her first day in the city, she crosses paths with Carole Stanley, another aspiring musician who plays the piano, and the two decide to team up as a singer-songwriter duo under the name Carole & Tuesday.
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Where can I find this? Why haven’t I heard of it?
I actually discovered Carole & Tuesday through google since I was looking at new and upcoming animes for the Spring and Summer of 2019. Sadly, the website I used show that Carole & Tuesday was an anime many people weren’t looking forward too- but that was only a handful of votes. Personally, I had been super ecstatic since, just from the promo poster, I assumed Carole and Tuesday would possibly be a couple, there’s a person of color as a main protaganist, and they’re both SUPER CUTE. This all made me happy beyond words. 
As of now, Carole & Tuesday should only be available on Japan Netflix. Japanese viewers tend to prefer weekly released episodes whereas Americans prefer to binge shows. I am assuming that once the show has completed airing in Japan (there are going to be 24 episodes) it will appear on other Netflixs around the world. 
I believe that’s why the promo for it has been severely lacking and the fanbase appears non-existant. The fandom is there, if you squint (which is why I’m surprised there’s already controversy). The fact that I had to look through a list on an unknown website and scroll to the bottom to find this anime is very showing of how unknown this anime is.
I also saw a post comparing Yuri!!! On Ice to Carole & Tuesday and I personally believe that OP took the wrong approach. I forgot the posters name (I will edit and tag if I find it again) but the post said something along theses lines; YOI is so popular because it’s a mlm show whereas C&T isn’t nearly as popular because it’s a wlw relationship with poc. 
While this can prove to be true in the future, there are some major differences that were overlooked. I was into the YOI hype when it was first released but it didn’t truly become popular until Yuri and Viktor were canon and everyone was speculating whether it was a kiss or a hug, etc. Yuri!!! On Ice is also a relationship with a person of color, Yuri, and the anime was also supported by Crunchyroll, a major streaming service for Americans/others. It has had two years to become popular, grow and this is one of the very few animes that had positive lgbt+ representation since the relationship grew just as normally as any other type of relationship. It also wasn’t labeled a yaoi/shounen ai (though this sadly didn’t stop the fetishization of the characters and No.6 did it first but let’s move on-). It felt like a big step in the anime lgbt+ community and it won’t be forgotten! 
Carole & Tuesday has just started off! Not much promotion is being shown in other countries outside of Japan and the first episode premiered in early April this year. I believe it’s harsh to compare C&T to such a popular anime when it’s literally just begun. It’s also exclusively on Netflix (besides pirating sites) so there is a little foreseeable loss since it won’t be available on Crunchyroll. But despite that I know there’s hope! Though mlm couples tend to be more popularly viewed, and any pairing that doesn’t have completely white/asian/white-presenting people in the relationship they tend to not garner much interests, but I don’t think C&T will fall into that pit. There’s simply not much promotion of it yet but it still has defied odds and has a fanbase with people from many different countries already!
Though I do see the OP’s point and concerns and they have facts on their side (look at fandometrics popular characters/couples, they’re mostly male) I think it’s too soon to point fingers.
Just imagine how large it’ll get when it has proper streaming (because many people do choose not to pirate in order to directly support the anime and it’s creators!). I think this is where our patience comes into play because if you have seen Carole & Tuesday already, you are most likely not using the most legal means. We are all early to the party.
LGBT+ and POC Representation (spoilers in part of this section, read first line):
I will say this, and this will only be the only spoiler free line, I think it has decent lgbt+ representation and that there’s more to unfold. If you’re going to watch exclusively for lgbt+ representation then I don’t think you will be too disappointed but the anime has a ways to go before it’s finished so my opinion can change.
But the most recent episodes and commentary has caused a ripple in viewers beliefs.
Anne and Marie 
I literally adored when Marie kissed Anne whilst Carole and Tuesday sat there blushing. Then, Marie was careful to ask if either of them had a boyfriend or girlfriend not assuming C or T’s sexualities at all. This happened on in an early episode so this left me to believe that more casual representation was on the way!
This was where it began to become uncomfortable for me and a few others. I actually couldn’t figure out whether Cybelle was a female, male or left to be ambiguous intentional (I just concluded she was non-binary until they used she/her pronouns). But many people concluded that since it was clear Cybelle was a female with an infatuation (not a crush, an infatuation) on Tuesday people simply labeled her as lesbian. A few are labeling her interactions with Tuesday and Carole as a harmful and negative commonly used trope when involving wlw characters.
Cybelle was being creepy and aggressive towards Tuesday, constantly touching her abruptly and without consent and going as far as biting Tuesday’s neck and leaving a mark. Actions like these feed into the trope that is commonly used in anime/television shows and it actually demeans real lesbian couples. It’s like a scapegoat; saying ‘here’s your rep’ but it’s very, very, very bad rep.
The controversy comes in since there are people defending Cybelle’s actions because she’s a girl, and people are literally calling others ‘homophobic’ because they choose not to ship Cybelle and Tuesday despite their ‘canon interactions’ but they still want Carole and Tuesday to become a couple.
My personal stance is that none of Cybelle’s actions were consensual and I will never want her and Tuesday to become a couple. I think the creators fed into a bad trope (I’m not sure if intentionally or not), and the real only development we got from this was Tuesday learning to stick up for herself. I also think that Cybelle is simply a crazed fan who is not in a sound mental state and that her gender may not necessarily play into this; maybe she was meant to just be an aggressive fan that overstepped boundaries and made people uncomfortable and just happened to be female. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be representation and should not be labeled as such.
But these are just thoughts!
Mermaid Sisters - Galatic Mermaid  
I was personally pleased that the Mermaid Sisters blatantly said they weren’t male or female, just like mermaids aren’t fish or human. Non-binary representation is my fucking jam!
But there are worries that this group was used as a comedic affect due to the way the characters were dressed and how they presented themselves, and the fact that they were POC who were interrupted, immediately lost and were shown to be aggressive directly after. 
When I first viewed this I was more focused on the fact that they were non-binary, had amazing voices and had sang a song that was clearly not the most appropriate for Mars Brightest. Now I understand that how there were presented can be damaging and as a person of color, I am disappointed but I’m still conflicted. This scene caused people to ‘cancel’ the show and they’re trying to discourage others to not view it but I want to watch until the very end.
Overall I am super happy with the POC representation in the show! Especially since various races and skin tones are show quite frequently.
The same can be said about Dahlia. People feared the a negative trope of transgender females was being displayed though it’s stated that Dahlia is currently male but their sex varies from time to time, on the official website!
The Community/Fandom
Honestly besides the few odd balls who stir the pot and clearly use harsh words when not needed, the fandom is chill. The artworks are sooo cute and a little scarce but you can find Carole and Tuesday content here, on twitter, on YouTube, Deviantart- literally where you would find any other fanbase! Most people are friendly and (NEED) are willing to talk with you! If you’re still hesitant to watch just message someone who constantly tags Carole & Tuesday because I assure, they’re dying to rant to someone about what goes on lol.
Here’s my last little tid bit on whether or not to watch!
You should watch this show because you want to. Don’t do it because someone else keeps saying you have to because it has representation, or because they think Pyotr is hot or whatever. Of course I am the biggest hoe for Carole & Tuesday and if someone wants a new anime to watch I will suggest this one!! But!! Watching a show just because you feel you have to and you have no genuine interests will dull the experience! You should watch and support the show if it makes you laugh, feel love and genuine enjoyment. That’s the point of anime and that is definitely the point of Carole & Tuesday. 
I have already seen so many people drop the show because they were forced into it and promised things that weren’t delivered (it’s still early on) and then they bad mouth the anime. If you want to start watching when there’s more hype and a fandom, then wait!! If you’re unsure and want more convincing, message me!! If this doesn’t seem like this anime suits your tastes and, then why did you read this far (kidding)?!!! Regardless, I just want everyone to have a good experience when watching so we can have more good vibes all around.
I would definitely give this anime a shot if you love music, beautiful voices, dancing, poc/lgbt+ rep, suspense and just amazing animation all around, though! It’s has a baby fandom but it’s surely going to grow and I can’t wait to see the outcome of the anime and what becomes of our lovely Carole and Tuesday! <3 
I’m also in love with Roddy, just look at him~ | I’m still not super fond of Angela but I am wishing her the best to achieve happiness in the end!
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coolsaladllama3000 ¡ 6 years ago
Gentle jazz filters in to where I sit perched up on the second ledge from the bottom. The Leubas must be near. Ah, yes, here they come, gently padding across the hardwood with their loving eyes scanning the many literary volumes and works of art spread throughout the room...
My, my, forgive me for my rudeness in not properly introducing myself...I am out of practice in this art as I mainly converse only with my fellow literary friends in the Leuba household. I am the Leuba’s (more on them later) 1855 volume of Putnam’s Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science, and Art published in the Northern United States. Though I may not be of the same build as my grandfather, a monthly magazine as was the original format of Putnam’s Monthly (figures), I still contain all of the same pieces - just put together in an 1855 yearly volume. My pages are wrinkled, my coloring a fading tan and black. My weight, I dare to hesitantly reveal, is greater than that of the average novel...
Suddenly, but slowly and with a sure hand, I am being pulled from my resting spot on the second shelf. Ouch! Can you hear my spine cracking? 
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Again, I will have to ask for your forgiveness...My loyal companion two years my senior is pictured here instead of me (as I’m sure many of you will understand, it was a bad hair day). Although he contains material from the 1853 volume of Putnam’s Monthly, we are almost identical in form and layout! 
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The stories contained within my pages, some true and some not, highlight American thought during the middle of the nineteenth century - a time in which tensions regarding matters of race and slavery ran high. Americans and foreigners alike were grappling with these issues which understandably gave way to a desire to make known their opinions to the greater public. 
“Topics of national and general interest, or relating to the public welfare, will be discussed when there is occasion, with freedom...” 
-Publisher’s note in Putnam’s Monthly 
It is here where we finally arrive at our destination on my page 353. You, reader, have been waiting oh so patiently, for aren’t we ultimately setting out to contextualize “Benito Cereno?” This story, “Benito Cereno,” was written by Herman Melville and tells the tale of sea captain Amasa Delano and his encounter with a peculiar ship carrying white sailors and African slaves - with special focus put on the ship’s captain Benito Cereno and his enslaved African companion Babo. Even though the story finds its basis in the writings of the real captain Amasa Delano, it diverges from the true happenings as Melville changes the character of Delano and the narrator and weaves a story, providing much more description. Overall, in making this change, Melville is able to intentionally represent slaves as being intelligent, strategic, and real people (especially in the case of Babo). Therefore, it takes on an abolitionist viewpoint and allows readers to fully see the humanity of African slaves without having radical anti-slavery writings thrust at them. 
Those coming across “Benito Cereno” would no doubt also have to be aware of the other articles contained in my volume. It is serialized in Putnam’s Monthly, not a stand alone work and as such, we can look to the articles surrounding it to perhaps glean more about what other writers and publishers of the time were thinking about slavery and race. As you peruse my pages, you will find poems attributed to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, an ardent abolitionist, an article entitled “The Kansas Question,” and multiple other texts either directly or indirectly speaking on the question of slavery. There is a heavy emphasis on anti-slavery ideals, and even those writings not explicitly containing material about race or slavery can be applied to the emancipation cause if a reader was of that mindset.
Readers of Putnam’s Monthly would have received “Benito Cereno” as a way for Melville to subtly expose the status of slaves in a way that would further the abolitionist agenda without being an incendiary work that would cause a stir among the already divided states. 
Remember the Leubas I referred to above? I told you we would come back to them! They, Walter and Martha, collect books, artwork, prints, letters, and other notable works from a multitude of remarkable figures. You know by now that I am a member of the extraordinary Leuba collection and contain many texts from writers holding anti-slavery opinions. But what about my other literary friends I spoke of earlier? What do their pages hold relating to matters of race and slavery, and what does this say about the Leubas? 
The mark myself, as well as the others, proudly bear as parts of the Martha and Walter Leuba collection is pictured below. 
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One good friend of mine is a copy of the Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell volume I. He and his brother, volume II, comprise the set the Leubas own. 
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James Russell Lowell, as you can read more about in the two images below, was a writer who really became a part of the anti-slavery movement during the 1840′s. He penned many, many, poems, as well as articles, in defense of abolitionism and was the chief editorial writer for numerous anti-slavery / abolitionist newspapers, including the National Anti-Slavery Standard and the Pennsylvania Freeman. Even with his witty and slightly racy language, he managed to become a significant abolitionist. 
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Yet another close friend of mine in the Leuba collection contains the personal writings of “Fanny” Kemble in what is considered the “closest, most detailed look at plantation slavery ever recorded by a white northern abolitionist” (PBS). 
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This journal was written during the time Fanny spent on the Georgian rice and cotton plantations actually owned by her husband, Pierce Butler. At the time of their marriage, she was not aware of his great dealings in the slave trade and ended up divorcing him after realizing he would never change his pro-slavery views. 
Fanny’s writings as a whole show that she is so blatantly positioned in complete opposition of anything to do with slavery. She passionately exposes the inhumanity and horrors faced by the slaves and continued to stand firm in her abolitionist ways. 
Though these are only two closer looks at fellow books in the Leuba collection, there are many more dealing with the same topics of race and slavery from the same perspective of being directly against them. My personal opinion, which I hope can now become yours as well, is that Martha and Walter greatly appreciate the efforts of abolitionist writers and their works during the 1800′s. Their aim is to preserve these books of significance for future generations. It can also be said that the Leubas would read my “Benito Cereno” pages and think about slavery through an abolitionist lens while understanding the African slaves truly were intelligent, worthy human beings. 
Works Cited
-images were taken of books from the Special Collections room at Hillman Library 
"Fanny Kemble and Pierce Butler." PBS Africans in America, WGBH, www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/
"James Russell Lowell." Poetry Foundation, www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/james-russell-lowell.
"Longfellow, Slavery and Abolition." National Park Service, 12 Jan. 2018, www.nps.gov/long/learn/
Melville, Herman. "Benito Cereno." Putnam's Monthly Magazine, vol. 6, 1855, pp. 353+.
"Putnam's Magazine." Wikipedia, 20 Jan. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putnam%27s_Magazine. Accessed 3
    Nov. 2018.
"Walter and Martha Leuba Papers." ULS Digital Collections, digital.library.pitt.edu/collection/
    walter-martha-leuba-papers. Accessed 2 Nov. 2018.
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umyikesiguess ¡ 7 years ago
“You don’t need dysphoria to be transgender.”
“You don’t need dysphoria to be trans.” 
This is a sentence that can make people feel strongly. This is a sentence that has sparked up countless debates. People push and pull on either side of the argument until the sentences exchanged dissolve into petty insults; into worthless exchanges. No one seems to get anywhere.
I think the biggest problem here is that lots of people see this as an open debate, when in reality there truly is only one correct side. This correct side has scientific analysis and data to back up their reasoning, while the other side simply makes claims based off of their own opinions of what exactly gender is. Definitions are not taken into account. Data is not taken account. The only thing taken into account is one’s own warped definitions, opinions, and sick ideas of “inclusivity.”  
Another problem that usually arises is truscum leave areas of the conversation open, instead of closing and filling in all of the gaps. This leads tucutes to jab at areas where the argument has not yet been developed, only briefed upon for fleeting moments. They take words and twist them, purposefully misunderstanding them to make up for their lack of any real argument.
So here, in this post, I will leave nothing up to debate (well, you can still express your opinion and explain why or why not you agree or disagree with me, but factually, I will be correct), I will tie all loose ends. I will cite my sources and be thorough. I will fill in the gaps.
Truscum, terf, tucute, feminist, transphobe, lgbt, cishet, and so on, I welcome you all to read this post and give me your input.
Now, onto the main post: You need dysphoria to be transgender.
Firstly, let’s get some definitions out of the way.
Google defines the word “Transgender” as, ‘denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.’
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word as, ‘of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity differs from the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth; especially : of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.’ (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/transgender)
“Gender” is defined by Google as, ‘the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).’
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “Gender” as, ‘the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex.’
The term “Gender Dysphoria” is defined by Google as, ‘the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.’
And by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as, ‘a distressed state arising from conflict between a person's gender identity and the sex the person has or was identified as having at birth; also : a condition marked by such distress.’
Keep in mind (tucutes especially), I am not choosing to define these words the way that they have been defined. These definitions have been worded carefully and are based upon factual evidence. How you or I may define these terms is irrelevant, because these are the correct definitions, and they have already been decided upon. Unless new data comes up stating otherwise, which I doubt will happen, these definitions are static.
Now that we have defined these key terms, we should move on to the argument, and it’s simple, this sentence will sum it up: You need dysphoria to be transgender.
Why, though? Isn’t being transgender just an identity? And can’t anyone identify as whatever they please? And after all, gender is on a spectrum, and non-dysphoric transgenders aren’t hurting anyone. Maybe truscum should stop being gatekeepers---the LGBT community doesn’t need that kind of negativity.
These are common arguments I see tucutes making. First, I’m going to address the “why?”
Now, my favourite place to gather information from is the DSM. If you’re not already aware, the DSM stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSM) (and before we go any further, I do want to say that the DSM I’m using for reference is two editions out of date. The current version of the DSM does not include transgenderism in it, as the DSM stopped considering it a mental illness in 2013 [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/where-transgender-is-no-longer-a-diagnosis/]. Furthermore, recently the WHO (World Health Organization) changed the classification of transgenderism, following in the DSM’s footsteps, just five years after the fact. However, despite the fact that my references are slightly out of date, I assure you they are reliable sources, and that the diagnosis that I present is still valid.) The DSM is basically just a big book of diagnoses for any and all mental illnesses. It is a book used religiously by psychiatrists, and me too.
The DSM I’ll be using for reference is the DSM-III (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-009-9562-y) (which by the way, links countless references that you can check out.) In this book, we see the diagnostic criteria for transsexualism (transgenderism, GID, GD, or GI, whichever term you choose to use is fine. Though some of these terms may be classified as out of date, they all mean the same thing) as (a) sense of discomfort and inappropriateness about one’s anatomic sex, wish to be rid of one’s own genitals and to live as a member of the other sex, the disturbance has been continuous (not limited to periods of stress) for at least 2 years, absence of physical intersex or genetic abnormality, not due to another mental disorder, such as Schizophrenia.
Here what we see is what I’ll call The Pattern of Distress.
Now, if the criteria provided by the DSM doesn’t cut it for you, then let’s take a look at some other symptoms of transgenderism.
Psychology Today has this to say about transgenderism.
‘Gender dysphoria (formerly gender identity disorder) is defined by strong, persistent feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one's own assigned sex that results in significant distress or impairment. People with gender dysphoria desire to live as members of the opposite sex and often dress and use mannerisms associated with the other gender. For instance, a person identified as a boy may feel and act like a girl. This incongruence causes significant distress, and this distress is not limited to a desire to simply be of the other gender, but may include a desire to be of an alternative gender.’
Now, what I want to address first is what I called the Pattern of Distress.
From each symptom of transsexualism, we see one consistent thing: Distress is caused by one’s biological sex. This is the key symptom of transsexualism, and this distress is otherwise known as Gender Dysphoria.
“A sense of discomfort and inappropriateness:” Distress. “Wish to be rid of one’s own genitals:” Distress. “The disturbance is continuous:” Distress.
All of these symptoms include distress. This distress is Gender Dysphoria, which is needed to transgender. You know why? Because distress is a key symptom of being transgender, and distress is equivalent to Gender Dysphoria.
Transgenderism and Gender Dysphoria are synonymous. Which is another thing I want to briefly touch on. In the medical world, these two words are, more or less, the same, and warrant the same diagnosis.
So, I think I’ve proved my point significantly. There’s no way around it: Gender Dysphoria is needed to be transgender.
Now, let’s move on to arguments I see tucutes commonly using. The most used argument that I’ve seen is anyone can identify themself however they please. The only way to be transgender is to identify as it. However, this argument lacks any evidence to support it.
Firstly, this implies that being transgender is simply a choice. If all you have to do is identify as transgender to be transgender then hypothetically, anyone could be transgender. And then, if being transgender is a choice, that would mean that it’s not a serious condition, and therefore things like top surgery, bottom surgery, and HRT would no longer be covered by insurance, and would be classified as cosmetic procedures. There would also no longer be a medical diagnosis for transgenderism, and it would not be a valid disorder, because, after all, you can just identify yourself as transgender and then you are. By that logic, being transgender is clearly just a choice and a choice does not warrant the need for a diagnosis.
Furthermore, what would be the incentive for people to not discriminate against people who identify themselves as transgender? After all, who would make a conscious decision to become the other gender. Who would pay thousands of dollars to mutilate themself in an irreversible way. Who would want those pink, puffy scars on their chest, or the pain of taking hormones? Surely only a freak would. So again I ask: What would the incentive be? (Also any discrimination would not even be classified as such because being transgender would a choice.)
See, this wishy washy idea that anyone can be transgender as long as they identify that way is extremely dangerous. It’s important to consider the consequences before we decide that being blindly all-inclusive is a good idea. We must consider the risks that these ideas pose. All of them.
But, now, let’s go into why someone can’t just identify as transgender and...be it.
First we must ask the question: Why is someone transgender? What makes this disorder valid?
The simple answer here is that there is an observable neurological difference between the transgender brain, and the cisgender brain.
‘In particular, researchers are identifying similarities and differences between aspects of the structure and function of the brains of trans- and cisgender individuals that could help explain the conviction that one’s gender and natal sex don’t match.
The results may not have much effect on how gender dysphoria is diagnosed and treated, notes Baudewijntje Kreukels, who studies gender incongruence at VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam. “It’s really important that it will not be seen as, ‘When you see [gender dysphoria] in the brain, then it’s true.’” But the insights from such research could go a long way toward satisfying the desire of some transgender people to understand the roots of their condition, she adds. “In that way, it is good to find out if these differences between them and their sex assigned at birth are reflected by measures in the brain.”’ (https://www.the-scientist.com/features/are-the-brains-of-transgender-people-different-from-those-of-cisgender-people-30027)
‘Several studies have looked for signs that transgender people have brains more similar to their experienced gender. Spanish investigators—led by psychobiologist Antonio Guillamon of the National Distance Education University in Madrid and neuropsychologist Carme Junqu Plaja of the University of Barcelona—used MRI to examine the brains of 24 female-to-males and 18 male-to-females—both before and after treatment with cross-sex hormones. Their results, published in 2013, showed that even before treatment the brain structures of the trans people were more similar in some respects to the brains of their experienced gender than those of their natal gender. For example, the female-to-male subjects had relatively thin subcortical areas (these areas tend to be thinner in men than in women). Male-to-female subjects tended to have thinner cortical regions in the right hemisphere, which is characteristic of a female brain. (Such differences became more pronounced after treatment.)’ (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/)
The cause of these neurological differences is not yet known, and it is extremely difficult to pinpoint where they stem from, however, it is speculated that it starts from the development of the baby in the mother’s womb.
‘One prominent hypothesis on the basis of gender dysphoria is that sexual differentiation of the genitals occurs separately from sexual differentiation of the brain in utero, making it possible that the body can veer in one direction and the mind in another. At the root of this idea is the notion that gender itself—the sense of which category one belongs in, as opposed to biological sex—is determined in the womb for humans. This hasn’t always been the scientific consensus. As recently as the 1980s, many researchers argued that social norms in how we raised our children solely dictated the behavioral differences that developed between girls and boys.’ (https://www.the-scientist.com/features/are-the-brains-of-transgender-people-different-from-those-of-cisgender-people-30027)
So, if there is a clear difference between the brain of a cisgender person and of a transgender, and this clear difference is the cause of Gender Dysphoria, then that means that you cannot just identify as trans and just be it. You must have the transgender brain (which causes Gender Dysphoria) to be trans.
Now, onto the whole, “gender is on a spectrum” myth.
There’s this idea that’s been going around that is less than factually correct, yet it spread like wildfire simply because it allowed Tumblr’s narrative on gender to flourish.
Is gender on a spectrum? No. Biologically, there are only two genders, and there always will be. Now, I know some people will be happy to argue that gender is different from sex (I used to be one of those people), and while there are only two sexes, there can be millions of genders. And gender isn’t biological; it can shift and change...but this simply isn’t right. (Take a look at the definition of “Gender” again.)
You see, there is a clear difference between the male and female brain (this is part of the reason why transgenderism is valid.) An example of this is brainmass; a male brain is slightly larger than a female’s (for more information on the neurological differences between the sexes, you can read this wiki article, though it is a little dry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuroscience_of_sex_differences.) And (with the exception of intersex people) you will either have a female brain or male brain. Your brain will usually correspond with your sex, the only exception to this is transgender people, who have a brain that acts more like that of the opposite sex.
Therefore, gender is not on a spectrum. Nor is is a feeling. Nor is it something that can shift or change. Gender is innate; biological; ingrained in you from birth. And though it’s fun to think that you can shift throughout the “gender spectrum,” and be a boy one day and a girl the next, it is impossible.
(I think people are mistaking gender with gender expression. These are two separate things.)
“But non-dysphoric transgenders aren’t hurting anyone. Let people live!”
See: Firstly, this implies that being transgender is simply a choice…
The last argument I’ve come across is that truscum are gatekeeping, and I’m gonna give it to you straight: We are. And we have to. You know why? Because we cannot blindly accept everyone into the trans community. The more we accept non-valid trans people into the community, the more we water down what it means to be transgender. The more we water down the severity of the condition. The more our community becomes a joke to society. And the more we are at risk to the demedicalization of transgenderism, to the shift of surgeries and HRT from medical procedures to cosmetic. The more we are risk to discrimination not even being classified as such.
All of these are things clear issues that come along with supporting a factually incorrect narrative. I understand that wanting to include everyone stems from a place of kindness; of not wanting to hurt anyone, but sometimes people need to be told “no.” They need to know where they belong and where they don’t, and they need to understand that being transgender is not quirky, cute, or fun. It’s a serious, painful disorder that is not to be taken lightly.
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mpfallsalot ¡ 8 years ago
The Supertastic SPN Family
Supernatural (SPN) is a popular television series that first started airing in 2005. Immensely popular and seemingly never ending, the show has found its home at The CW Television Network, and they are currently just about halfway through season 11. Steadily growing through the years, the Supernatural fandom has grown attached to the actors, their families, to each other and to the causes they fight for together. It has also been known to periodically take over websites such as this one, and has become a safe space for many people all over the world. In the following paragraphs, I will be talking about how this one common interest has brought many people together to create the SPN Family. 
(All following italics will provide access to external links.)
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The two main characters, Sam and Dean, are played by Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles respectively. They are accompanied through their ordeals by an angel, Castiel, played by Misha Collins, whose character became so overwhelmingly popular that he was signed as a series regular for season 5 onwards. They share an amazing friendship outside of the show and always share their support of one another with their fans.
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First Always Keep Fighting campaign design 
Of the three, Jared Padalecki is the sensitive, gentle giant. After suffering a panic attack on set, he was diagnosed with clinical depression (read this article for more information). Having himself lost someone he holds dear to depression, he decided to come out and talk about it publicly in order to raise awareness, and destigmatize mental illness; to start a conversation and let people know that they are not alone. In March 2015, he launched a campaign called Always Keep Fighting, the first of many to come, selling shirts on represent.com and the profits were donated to organisations such as To Write Love On Her Arms, The Wounded Warrior, Attitudes In Reverse, and many others over the years. That first campaign alone sold 46,436 units, and the following six were similarly successful. That first Always Keep Fighting campaign wasn’t the first they had organised. To name a few, Misha held one to support Random Acts, and Jensen held his SPN Family shirt campaign, raising money for a joint fund set up by himself and Jared, The Pack Fund (PAdalecki + ACKles), to test the waters. However, #AlwaysKeepFighting was certainly the most successful to date. Fans went as far as to buy shirts from that first campaign for people they didn’t know who were not able to afford one. 
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Mental illness is difficult to understand and most of the time goes unnoticed until the people affected talk about it. Both Jared and Jensen often mention in interviews that knowing how that feels, it was important for them to open up the discussion.
Carry On
The Carry On website, created by the fans, for the fans, provides people who need help or support with some tools and a place to feel safe. Resources to report bullying, help with mental illness, a community of people to talk to whenever needed and a store to raise money for causes are some of the things that can be found there. Carry On also has a section dedicated to fans’ stories, where they can share their struggle, their recovery or just share their experience with the show and joining the fandom. This Stories page is there for those who want to be heard, for those who want to express their gratitude, for everyone to have a place to truly be themselves.
Random Acts (Watch the promo video)
Another really important organisation to have taken root within the supernatural fandom would be Random Acts, a registered charity co-founded by Misha Collins (read the story here) which has teams all over the world (visit their Regions’ page). Random Acts is run by volunteers, and they are always looking for new ways to spread kindness and getting people involved. Those who are more creative, who really want to get involved, have the opportunity to apply to run their own projects by filling out an Act Proposal Form and submitting it, allowing people to help in ways that are meaningful to them. They also have a page dedicated to their Kindness Files sharing stories and experiences of spreading kindness.
Conventions and Fan Projects
With such a large fandom, Supernatural holds their own exclusive conventions throughout the year via Creation Entertainment, where the main cast members attend only these in North America, with the exception of the San Diego ComicCon. The conventions run over the span of three days with a variety of different ticket options, autographs and photo-ops. Admittedly, they cost a little more than an arm and a leg, but it is truly a gratifying experience. All the guests are engaging, fun to interact with and entertaining to watch during panels, but let’s start from the beginning of the experience. 
When going to a convention for the first time, most people tend to fret about what to bring, how to manage their schedules and if they go alone, will they be able to make friends. For each convention location, there is an individual Facebook group (see this general group for more information). In these groups, people are quick to answer questions and reassure each other. Some are looking for hotel roommates, finding their seating buddies or making plans for the day before the convention to meet up and make friends. There are also people looking for ideas for their photo-ops with certain cast members, and everyone is eager to share theirs and the story of how it came to happen. There have even been some wedding proposals during ops, some coming out stories, some stories about healing and many more great anecdotes. 
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SPN TorCon15 Always Keep Fighting photo project
It is really heartwarming to see how some people have grown into their own, found the strength to be who they want to be and be proud of themselves for it. Through the fandom, they’ve found support in all kinds of aspects of their lives, there are even some fitness groups available to share tips and organise challenges for them to get “ready for their con”.
Throughout the years, there have been several other campaigns and events from different members of the cast and crew promoting all kinds of causes: Mark Sheppard with diabetes education, Osric Chau’s Proud to be Unique campaign, Felicia Day’s Embrace Your Weird campaign against bullying, Ruth Connell’s Rowena’s Coven Couture for breast cancer survivors campaign and so on. All of these had something crucial in common: the support of the SPN Family and a will to help.
At the 2015 edition of San Diego ComicCon, a very significant fan-run project took place. As a thank-you gesture for Jared’s work with the Always Keep Fighting campaign, fan Anne Kim produced 1200 tealights to give out to the panelists and attendees. They read: “SPNFAMILY * 10YEARS STRONG & COUNTING. Share why you fight #AKFHallH.” They were packaged with this message:
“Everyone is given a candle that burns just for them.
When your flame flickers and you fear it will go out, know not even the strongest wind lasts forever, and there are other lights to guide you even in the Darkness...
And when your candle burns bright, you can ignite the hearts of others and hope will spread like wildfire...
Always Keep Fighting, & you'll never fight alone. 
#AKFHALLH #AlwaysKeepFighting” 
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During the Supernatural panel, the tealights were held in the air and a message was passed on for Jared to read. Watch the video here. 
It goes to show that given the means and encouragement, people can do anything. Through those campaigns and individual fan events or even forums, the SPN Family has each others’ backs, and one voice can start a big movement. No matter who you are or where you’ve been, you have a place in this family, and you are important.
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From left to right, top to bottom: Always Keep Fighting Round 5: Love Yourself First, Always Keep Fighting Round 6: I Am Enough, Jensen and Misha’s You Are Not Alone Campaign, Always Keep Fighting Round 7: Family Always Has Your Back
You can find a lot on the Supernatural Wiki website if you would like a quick access to a treasure trove of information and interesting facts.
Bye for now!
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lexgivesgayadvice ¡ 4 years ago
Alright, Hello, Im MJ (she/her) Im having a bit of a dilemma lol. im a cisgender demisexual/romantic woman. I have been questioning my sexuality for a couple of months now and im... still confused. I thought I was straight, until I realized that im actually attracted to "masculinity" (short hair, pants and shirts- anything you would consider to be more masculine traits). Or, at least I think I am. I cant really tell cause I am in a happy relationship with a cishet man. So, It's hard. Lol. I have some internal homophobia (as everyone does) and dont know if I can consider myself queer because maybe I’m just “confused”, as I seem to only like women and enbies who LOOK like MEN.
I was just looking for some advice. :)
Hello MJ!!!! If you are attracted to women and enbies, then you can definitely call yourself queer, no more questions asked! You don't have to take it any further than that if you don't want to - you're allowed to be attracted to whomever and whatever qualities you like.
If you do want to get a little more in-depth about this, I did a little research and I seem to have found a word or two that might fit your experience! The first is "androsexual," which according to Dr. Elizabeth Boskey in an article for Women's Health, "may include being attracted to cisgender men, but it may also mean being attracted to transgender men, masculine women, or masculine non-binary individuals." According to what I've read, this term (and "gynesexual," the equivalent for femininity), are most often used by non-cis folk, but are not limited to non-cis folk. The same is true of "minsexual," which has the same definition we're using for androsexual - attraction to masculine people regardless of their gender. Here are the flags from LGBTA Wiki:
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So what's the bottom line here? You can identify yourself in whatever way you feel best describes your experiences. If androsexual or minsexual resonates with you, awesome! If you want to call yourself bi or pan with the knowledge that you have a specific type, go for it! If you want to stick with queer, that's great too! And if you want to store up this knowledge without settling on one word to describe your entire experience with this, that is ALWAYS a valid choice.
Good luck, MJ! I hope this helps 💚🌈
(IMPORTANT EDIT: I just started scrolling the tumblr tag for androsexual and there seems to be some question of whether this particular term is transphobic. If anyone has thoughts or more info on that, please lmk, since I do not id as trans and don't want to make any assumptions)
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thedaveandkimmershow ¡ 7 years ago
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Turns out “memory lane” for me is basically I-5 going north from Seattle to Vancouver. It’s a drive that’s filled with overlays from the past and, as the missus ‘n I drove to Bellingham on Monday, a lot of those memories were brought front and center once again.
We didn’t even have to get out of the drive before a memory poked its head out.
For example, and for starters, we already live a few miles north of what I used to think of as Canada. I mean, not literally Canada, but soooooooo far north that it might as well be. 
The place I’m thinking about was actually a kennel to which my dad and I were taking our beagle, Rusty, back when I was a kid. This would be the northiest north part of Lynnwood. And however we reached this remote area from Magnolia, the last bit was done on 99, take a right at the red clock building, take the very next right after that, then drive down to the end.
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So we’re on the road now, up I-5 passed Everett. Coming down into the valley after downtown, Dagmar’s Landing is always a memory. An olfactory memory. Because this whole area used to stink. Really it did.
That was also back when I was a kid... paper mills, I think.
Whatever it was... it. was. nasty.  
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Keep driving and, of course, Marysville. Where our dear friends, the Ramos family, lives. We always give a wave of the hand as we pass by.
Mostly a mental wave of the hand.
But you get the idea.
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After the casino, it’s Seattle Premium Outlets. I especially remember this place ‘cause the last time we were here... my hands were literally freezing.
Not a great memory. But it sure sticks with you.
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Next up, 172nd Street NE. Smokey Point. An area that itself has no particular significance other than it’s where we’ve exited to reach three destinations west of I-5.
The first is Lake Ki. When she was in grade school, Linzy ‘n I and her uncle and cousin came out here disturbingly early one morning to fish.
So yeah.
We did that.
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Not too far after Lake Ki, Country Burger. And I love this place. Looooooooove it. It’s on the way to Warm Beach... but we’ve actually driven all the way out here just to eat here.
No kidding.
You should definitely check it out yourself. 
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Almost all the way to the water, Warm Beach Camp. We spent time up here with family as well as called it home for a few days of Winter Camp for Kids during a week that included Valentine’s Day.
And yes... Kimmer did her camp medical provider thing and I helped.
What was nice... was that we were set up in our own cabin.
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Back on I-5, coming up on highway 532, the Stanwood exit, I’m always reminded of Stanwood Foursquare Church because my very first Kid’s Camp gig was accomplished without my own computer. I had my own consumer-grade video camera, sure, but as for a Mac...
I used theirs. 
Drove up here to borrow it. Drove back here a week later to return it.
It was an awful lot of driving, but worth it as the church was gracious enough to loan me the use of their own Mac.
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La Conner’s never been that big a deal for us, but every time we come up on Conway, WA, not even a proper town but a Census Designated Place, I’m reminded of a wedding we attended out here. Somewhere.
I know it was a classic white-painted church. I think a steeple, definitely two stories. Barely on the west side of I-5.
I also know the reception was in La Conner and driving between the two was pretty straightforward. Conceptually, anyway. There were actually a lot of turns and curves and unlit roads involved.
Can’t actually find it on Google Maps where I figured it would be... but I still always think of it around these parts.
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North, still, there’s an area where you kind of descend a little into another valley. It’s not super dramatic or anything, but you notice it.
And every time I do... I think:
Of course, were I to print that in the paper or broadcast it on TV, you could definitely call that Fake News.
Remember that exit for Warm Beach?
Arlington’s on the east side of I-5 at that point.
Still... this is where I always think Arlington.
And probably always will.
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As you pass through the area, eventually a county road parallels the freeway. Somewhere along here, back when I was a kid driving this way with my parents, was a little stand where they sold honey. I remember we stopped there once to buy some. Don’t know if it’s still there. I didn’t see it this trip.
I just think honey along this stretch of road.
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Okay so the area I think of as Arlington is basically the outskirts of Mount Vernon. The overpass you see below is, for me, the sign that we’ve entered the town proper.
Is that true?
No idea. I’ve always just thought that when I was a kid. Pass under the road and BAM.
Mount Vernon. 
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Couple things about Mount Vernon is that there used to be a 2-3 story brick building here that was a bookstore. Kimmer ‘n I actually stopped in town once to check it out. Nowadays, I don’t think it’s there anymore. Not in the brick building, anyway.
The other thing is that one year a bunch of college friends and I did a Skagit Valley bike ride. A totally doable thing ‘cause it’s all flat in the valley.
I think we parked in town and rode our bikes across that bridge below toward wide open spaces.
That’s what I remember, anyway.
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Burlington and Highway 20 is another major crossroads in my life. 
For one, I remember going on the Skagit Tour when I was a kid. You basically drive I-5 from Seattle to Burlington, head east about 60 miles on the North Cascade Highway and...
There you are.
I caught this description in the June 16, 1977 edition of the Centralia Daily Chronical. It matches what’s still rolling around inside my head.
“The regular tour is generally available by prepaid advance reservation only. This fully-guided four-hour visit begins with a complete orientation at the Diablo Tour Center and includes a ride on the incline lift, a boat cruise to Ross Dam, a tour of the Ross Powerhouse and an all-you-can-eat family-style meal.”
The thing I have an actual visual memory of, though, is this.
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It’s the incline lift near Diablo Dam. 
They don’t use it anymore on the tours, but when they did, it had this kind of capacity.
And I loved riding it as a kid.
Prolly still would.
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I’m actually thinking about redoing that tour someday. But I am bummed about the incline lift.
Here are a few more details about the tour...
Okay so say dams, tours, and hydroelectric power isn’t your thing. About 60 miles further east on the North Cascade Highway you’ll find a town pulled from the old west. 
At least it’s got that vibe.
We actually drove out here once to hang out in a nearby cabin with friends. 
We got a late start on the evening we were supposed to catch up with them and, by the time we hit Burlington, it was super dark. And we had no appetite for driving Highway 20 that way. So we figured a hotel for the night. Only, there was some kind of sports tournament going on at the time and all the hotels were booked.
As were all the hotels in Mount Vernon.
We basically had to backtrack about 20 miles to find a room at the inn.
Winthrop was cool, though. The next day.
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Okay. We’re back at Burlington and Highway 20. We’re not any further north, but west of here I remember a great country breakfast kind of place painted red from top to bottom with white trim. It’s a place I’m pretty sure we must’ve spotted from either I-5 or on our way to Deception Pass. Certainly there wasn’t a way for us to just know about it.
Of course, like that little church I mentioned earlier... I can’t find it where I was pretty sure it would be on Google Maps.
UPDATE (11/10/2018) Found it! It’s called the Skagit Valley’s Farmhouse Restaurant. And my memory was completely off as to its location. Turns out, we never spotted it from I-5. Not even once. Kimmer ‘n I spotted it from Highway 20 on our way to Whidbey Island one time.  It’s also not “painted red from top to bottom with white trim”. So I don’t know what that’s about. All I know is... it’s still here.  :-)
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Kimmer ‘n I managed to eat there once and it. was. delicious.
Back on Highway 20, drive another 20 miles across the valley, then across Fidalgo Island, then across a pair of iron bridges onto the northern tip of Whidbey Island.
Right down below is where my family spent a lot of picnic time when I was growing up. 
We even came here once with my Aunt Esther and her family. She had a 16mm film camera with her and managed to capture the most embarrassing moment of my grade school self ever.
To this day, it’s the most embarassing moment of my life.
And I’m pretty sure she still has that film.
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My dad liked to gather a lot of the naturally polished rocks here which, I’m pretty sure, gave him the idea to buy a rotary rock tumbler that he set up in our garage. It always seemed to be running. 
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From Burlington north... next stop’s Bellingham which I always thought was this.
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It’s actually Fairhaven, one very Instagram-friendly neighborhood of Bellingham. Calling Fairhaven Bellingham is like calling Pioneer Square Seattle.
But this is where I always ended up on those few occasions in my life I found myself in Bellingham so...
I thought this was Bellingham.
Bellingham, of course, is much more. And last Monday we had an opportunity to explore it just a touch more thoroughly. Enough to finally understand that Bellingham isn’t what I thought it was.
And this:
The photograph below is Haggens, up the hill from Bellingham Marina. Broadway, take a left on Meridien. You’ll find it by the time you hit Illinois Street.
The thing about Haggens is this is the grocery store Kimmer’s talking about whenever she talks about the grocery store at which she worked when she went to Western Washington University. The one she rode her bike down to from her dorm. And then back up again.
The one she worked at that one time when she fell asleep in her dorm and woke up thinking it was the next morning when it was actually evening of the same day.
Thought she missed her shift, you see.
That Haggens.
This one here.
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And there you have it. My trip up Memory Lane. North Edmonds to Bellingham. It’s a fast drive getting there, a little over an hour (which surprised both of us). 
But it covers decades of pretty awesome memories.
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wildcatscot ¡ 7 years ago
https://shatterboysuk.wordpress.com/blog/   https://archive.is/qBwqC 
LINKS SCREENSHOT  http://www.gcoffey.co.uk/personal-injury-services/accidents-work/care-home-accidents         https://www.facebook.com/grahamcoffeyrally/
Victoria Myers  {Graham Coffey & Co}
Victoria Myers sales pitch 1  https://videopress.com/v/rSKYG0ah
Victoria Myers sales pitch 2  https://videopress.com/v/cP9fItnd
source VOICING CSA https://vimeo.com/213215657   https://vimeo.com/223345165
Ex Shatter boys Director Mr Steven Ward
In a lengthy statement from Mr Ward, he talks of a meeting with himself & director Mr John Lennon also Ms Myers from Graham Coffey Solicitors.
Mr Ward said
“John & Vicky were discussing getting survivors to use Coffey solicitors firm.  It really didn’t sit well with me, so I asked Vicky what was in it for her & she replied. 
“35% of each case“
Further on Mr Ward states.. 
“The first cheque from Coffey’s was to cover the rental of an office for shatter boys. We had arranged with Albert House to rent an office costing £600 per month for 6 months. Whilst I am a little uncertain of the exact amount on the cheque, It was for approximately £5,000”
“3-4 weeks after agreeing to rent the office, we STILL had no company bank account,  so I asked Daniel what was happening with the cheque, as Albert House wanted paid. Daniel said Coffey’s were going to sign the check over to him so he could put it in to his own personal bank account that way enabling us to pay Albert House.
However in the meantime, having finally grown tired of waiting for us to pay, Albert House put the office back on the market & subsequently it was rented to someone else.
“I never saw the cheque again & we never did get an office, so I have no idea where the money went nor what it was used for”
                                                                 Mr Steven Ward – ex shatter boy director
Below, a FB post by another Shatter Boy director, Mr J Lennon. Who appears to be a tad miffed with Daniel
Unfortunately I can’t make out the details on the cheque, other than it has a Lloyds Bank Logo
But it is clear that these are two different occasions Coffey’s gave Shatter boys money. & that is only the ones I managed to find…
We know from Daniel’s own words.  Shatter boys DID NOT have a company bank accout.
Daniel Whatshisname – PART 1
Mr Daniel Whatshisname – PART 2
Daniel Whatshisname PART 3
As well as being VERY supportive of Shatter boys, going by their facebook pages, Myers & Coffey Solicitors are clearly supportive of all things CSA. For example
The Truth Project
Voicing CSA
Victoria Myers Facebook page is at least 95% CSA related posts, & her very first posts are dated 28 Feb 2017. (Presumably the day she opened the FB account) & from that day onwards its near enough all CSA related & very, very few about any other business matters. There are so many, I couldn’t possibly screenshot them all so these are just a sample (see more below)
https://www.facebook.com/VictoriaMyersSolicitor/    archive 
Coffey’s not only supports & promotes shatter boys, but also #purplefriday #purplechristmas  which as far as i am aware was started by DavidLean (I could be wrong)
@InquiryCSA Verified Account https://twitter.com/search?q=%23PurpleChristmas%20iicsa&src=typd      https://archive.is/bCFWr  
@voicing_csa      https://twitter.com/search?q=%23PurpleChristmas%20Voicing%20CSA%20&src=typd     https://archive.is/L7PkI  
Shatter boys is also very vocal in their support of #purplechristmas 
EVEN MORE BIZARRELY, I decided to just have a quick look to see what purple friday / christmas was all about & so I  googled purple christmas.
I was HORRIFIED to see this
Purple Friday is an LGBT Youth Scotland.”thing”
Strange, how out of ALL the colours & ALL the days they both JUST SO HAPPEN to be the same… purple friday.
Purple Friday 2017 – Be a #PurpleHero – LGBT Youth Scotland https://www.lgbtyouth.org.uk/news/purple-friday-2017   https://archive.is/cRTpz 
Purple Friday 2018 – LGBT Youth Scotland https://www.lgbtyouth.org.uk/purplefridayorder2018   https://archive.is/55JSa 
LGBT History Month | Friday 26th Feb is… Purple Friday!       http://www.lgbthistory.org.uk/blog/2016/january/friday-26th-february-is-purple-friday/  https://archive.is/y4vIu 
Early day motion 909 – PURPLE FRIDAY 2017 – UK Parliament  https://www.parliament.uk/edm/2016-17/909    https://archive.is/b64cL 
Purple Friday – Grove Academy – Dundee  http://grove.ea.dundeecity.sch.uk/news/purple-friday     https://archive.is/zTtJJ 
https://twitter.com/calamiTcat/status/915727225265250304   https://archive.is/JdAAh 
Scottish paedophile ring found guilty of more than 50 charges https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/may/07/scottish-paedophile-ring-guilty-child-abuse  https://archive.is/k6kiY 
Paedo gang trial: How MI5 helped bring Scotland’s sickest perverts to justice  http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/paedophile-gang-trial-how-mi5-1021744     https://archive.is/2mVFl      
Common Purpose trained James (Jamie) Rennie Paedophile https://www.cpexposed.com/documents/common-purpose-trained-james-jamie-rennie-paedophile-previously-scottish-lgbt     https://archive.is/vudHd 
AND THEN ADD THIS   http://lgbt.wikia.com/wiki/Scottish_Minorities_Group
I MEAN SERIOUSLY?? WTF? They MUST have checked if anyone else was using it, or they must know by now certainly.  THEY COULDN’T FAIL TO SEE IT!  Cause the links above & MANY MORE are all RIGHT THERE on page 1 of google search purple friday
James_Rennie_Paed_Sky_Report.pdf     https://archive.is/bBxpq
Ian Campbell Dunn – Founded and run by self-confessed paedophiles, the SMG – also known as the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group and later as Outright Scotland – have been promoted by the BBC and were active with Trade Unions, the Scottish Government, and other Scottish public institutions such as the NHS, Police, and Justice System until around 2006 [1][2]. Their role has since been taken over by the Equality Network and Stonewall Scotland, both linked to and affiliated with the SMG. Two or three months after founding PIE, Dunn promoted it publicly by organising the First International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh in 1974. PIE was openly advertised as a proposed participant:  Dunn is also notable for establishing the Edinburgh LGBT Centre in 1974, editing the Gay Scotland magazine, and later publicly criticising the Aberdeen police in 1997 for a sting operation that uncovered local paedophiles abusing a thirteen year old boy in public toilets. After his death in 1998 of a suspected heart attack, Dunn was posthumously given the pride-scotia award by the LGBT community in recognition of his accomplishments.   https://forum.davidicke.com/showthread.php?t=295869         https://archive.is/gN4eq
http://www.solvesecret.co.uk/chapter10.html    https://archive.is/KQSYM
Robin Cook, Gordon Brown, Ian Dunn & PIE    https://archive.is/4KVhr 
https://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/03/16/pie-documentary-evidence-6-chairpersons-report-197576/    https://archive.is/5nkOm
The Color Purple Revolution: Hillary’s Elite Cult Wants War
Soros, the Purple Revolution and The Caviar Eating Fake Left
more FB screenshots from Graham Coffey’s & co & Victoria Myers
This slideshow requires JavaScript.
Going back to the same shatter boys blog,  https://shatterboysuk.wordpress.com/blog/   https://archive.is/qBwqC    It then goes on about someone called BILLY WALDEN
And if you look at the bottom of his page, you find JAYNE WALDEN pops up  
& we can see from Billy’s Linkedin that he is in fact Jayne’s son. 
It also states Jayne is Shatter boys “North West manager”   
But under her Voicing CSA vid it says she is Shatter Boys “Campaign Manager”
Billy Walden’s site  It states “Just made this bench for Chris Harper who plays Nathan in Coronation Street”    Chris Harper – google images
CHRIS HARPER ON LOOSE WOMEN https://videopress.com/v/1AtDf7Dv
Christopher William Harper (born 19 August 1977) is an actor and director who played Nathan Curtis in ITV soap Coronation Street in a high profile teenage grooming  & exploitation storyline.[1]
Under the heading Charity work, it goes on to say
“Alongside appearing in the soap, the actor has helped raise awareness of child sex abuse through charity work[8] and as patron for the charity Voicing CSA,[9] which helps adult survivors of child sexual abuse to speak out.”
Victoria Myers also posted about the Coronation street storyline NUMEROUS TIMES here  here  here 
It is Voicing CSA on Vimeo that have a heap of shatter boy videos on Vimeo Including the 2 Victoria Meyers vids (see above)  AND Jayne Walden’s Vid (above) AND ALSO one of Chris Harper on Loose Women (above)  https://vimeo.com/search?q=voicing+csa
Voicing CSA is registered as a Community Interest Company (№ 10059644)
wiki quote “CICs must be limited companies of one form or another. A CIC cannot be a charity, an IPS or an unincorporated organisation.”
Victoria Myer supports & has posted from & about voicing csa here  here
AND about The Truth Project  here   here  here (a few samples of all her relevent posts)
(Site shut temporarily for maintainance)  http://www.thetruthproject.org
For feedback from those who have attended and more information about the Truth Project on the project’s website, please visit: https://www.truthproject.org.uk/i-will-be-heard
Please also see the links to the Truth Project: What to Expect (PDF) and a fact sheet which includes details of how victims and survivors of child sexual abuse can contact the project.   There is also a video which explains more about the IICSA.
Ambulance Chasers, “Charities”, Survivors & Purple LINKS SCREENSHOT   Victoria Myers  {Graham Coffey & Co} Victoria Myers sales pitch 1  
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