#edit: i feel like this has been made b4. has it.
yumenosakiacademy · 7 months
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marsbotz · 7 months
good news for all my haters: im not coming back. not properly. i think social media and being around ppl in general is destroying me so im gonna just focus my energy on other stuff
ill probably still be a little bit active occassionally but for now i think il just stick to posting art etc. im moving to sheezy.art (which is down for maintenance rn but opens for registration again on fridays!) bc the energy there is much nicer for me.. but ill still post on here and insta. im also gonna be working on building my own website again!! so bookmark it and maybe some day itll have cool stuff on it.... :]
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nebulousbrainsoup · 1 year
business attire
PAIRING: fashion designer/director!kim hongjoong x assistant!reader GENRE: smut with feelings, lil bit of fluff TAGS/WARNINGS: non idol au, neutral pronouns used for reader, reader wears a dress (but in true joong fashion clothes have no gender), balmain!joong AND strawberry!joong, mentions of anxiety, hongjoong is a simp, pov shifts a lil, ash's questionable editing; lmk if you find anything else! WORD COUNT: 4.5k A/N: so, we were trying to figure out when the outlaw red hair concept photos may have been taken and sky might've mentioned that the cut looks like what he had before the european leg of tour and paris and balmain and... things escalated. tagging my enablers: @hwaightme @jaehunnyy @justhere4kpop
nsfw tags under the cut ; masterlist | join my taglist | buy me a coffee?
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NSFW TAGS/WARNINGS: language, they're both switches, reader has female anatomy, mildly public sex (locked conference room), brief dom/sub undertones, sex with your boss is kind of its own form of power play, mentions of punishment, use of pet/nicknames (babe, Balmain Boy, sweetheart, love), hair pulling, marking, joong is possessive, dirty talk, lil bit of degradation, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it homies), piv, finger sucking/fingers as a gag, creampie; lmk what i missed
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You were so late. It wasn’t like you in the slightest, so you were hoping against hope that your boss would let it slide this once, but… fifteen minutes behind and counting for the monthly investors’ meeting was certainly pushing your luck and probably his patience. You wish you could say it was entirely not your fault, but you were the one who had both forgotten to set your alarm last night and postponed laundry long enough that, when you spilled your coffee down the front of you this morning, you were left with only two options; either your pyjamas, or the unreleased piece currently hanging on the back of your door, reserved for S(e)oul Monde’s summer release show next week. The wave of anxiety over Hongjoong’s reaction took an extra five minutes to tamp down, and by the time you’d finally figured out the clasps and sashes—having been reminded why models had dressers—you had five minutes to get out the door if you were going to catch your train. You managed it, if barely, yanking on your boots and snagging your workbag from by the door, barely stopping to lock it behind you. 
And, of course, you’d made it into the station in time to watch the damned thing pull away. Of all the days for it to be actually on time, of course it was today. Fantastic. The bus had been the only option, and between the walk back up to the street and the distance between the nearest stop and S(e)oul Monde headquarters… You’d known this would be the outcome. It didn’t stop you from trying to close as much of the gap in time as possible, though. The moment you were seated, leg bouncing feverishly, you’d sent a message to your boss, apologizing and letting him know you were on your way. 
You’d known it would go unread, but that didn’t stop the irritation that bubbled up at the sight as the bus pulled into your stop. Flying through the doors and up the stairs as quickly as you could, you gave tight smiles and murmured apologies to the coworkers you nearly trampled in your rush to the elevator. The disgruntled sounds of its occupants and those waiting echoed as you wormed your way in, a quick, scathing glare around quietling them as you pressed the button for the tenth floor. With only two stops between you and your destination, you were slipping into the conference room seventeen minutes behind schedule, tablet clutched to your chest as all eyes turned from the man speaking to the door. You immediately dropped into a ninety degree bow, apologizing profusely as you shuffled toward your seat, dropping your bag into it and taking your place. 
Hongjoong, like everyone else in the room, had looked at you the moment you entered the room, but unlike the investors, he couldn’t seem to drag his gaze away from you. His surroundings faded to a blur as you made your way to stand next to him, the breath having been knocked from his lungs. The dress was perfect, exactly as he knew it would be—a little short for a traditional office, certainly; he’d seen a few eyebrows raise at your entrance—and on you, of all people, it looked immaculate, like it had been designed specifically with you in mind. Which, well…
Every artist has a muse. Hongjoong wouldn’t be apologizing, especially not when you looked that good in his work. 
It was your voice that pulled Hongjoong out of his stupor. 
“I’m sorry for my lateness and the interruption, sir. Please, continue.”
He snapped back into himself, blinking rapidly and offering you a soft smile. “Right.”
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When he had finished with his presentation and you both sat back down, Hongjoong at the head of the table and you to his left, you finally let yourself relax. The way he’d stared you down over the tops of his glasses as you made your whirlwind entrance hadn’t slipped past your notice, leaving anxiety coiling in your gut, alongside something entirely more exciting. It was no secret to either you or your boss that you each found the other wildly attractive, and the combination of his intense gaze on you earlier and the way he looked today had memories flashing through your mind that were entirely inappropriate for the workplace. He always dressed up a bit more for these meetings, but today, he’d really gone above and beyond. The custom, black velvet Balmain suit he wore made his freshly dyed red hair look even brighter, and it took a stunning amount of self-control to keep from leaning over and taking the chain connecting his lip ring to one of his many earrings between your teeth. All in good time, you supposed, if the way he was looking at you earlier was any indication. Sure enough, as he slid his chair under the conference table, a warm hand settled on your knee, and the chill of the various rings adorning it nearly made you jump. Feeling you twitch, Hongjoong peeled his eyes from the man speaking to flash you a slightly worried glance. You returned it with a slight smile and a nearly imperceptible nod, earning a quick squeeze to your leg. The touch had your shoulders relaxing further, a silent sigh passing your lips—he wasn’t mad at you. Wearing the dress had been a gamble, and if the intensity in his gaze hadn’t been anger, then it was something not entirely different but far more fun. You smiled to yourself as you turned back to face the man speaking once more. All of that anxiety, for nothing.
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Or, maybe not, because the second your eyes left the woman who had, at this point, been speaking for fifteen minutes straight, running an increasingly frustrated Hongjoong in circles, you felt his grip tighten. Your jaw twitched, and you carefully brought your gaze back to hers, feigning interest to the best of your ability as his fingers danced lightly up the inside of your thigh. 
“Y/N, could you run Ms. Lim through the timeline one more time, please,” he sighed, a tight smile on his face. 
“Of course,” you agreed with a similar look, only slightly less obvious in your annoyance, once again flipping your tablet open. Clicking through a few things, you cast your sceen to the TV on the wall and stood, making your way to stand beside it. Hongjoong’s eyes followed you the whole way, eyes wandering over the bits of skin his work left deliciously exposed. He couldn’t wait to kiss his way up your thighs, to tug the sashes criss-crossing over your back free and run his hands across the plane of it, to sink his teeth into the curve of your shoulder and make you look that much more his. You once again caught his narrowed gaze over the invisible frames of his glasses, a smirk tugging at his lips that nearly had you weak in the knees. You knew that look all too well; it was both a threat and a promise. 
Maintaining an air of complete professionalism with Hongjoong staring at you like he was ready to devour you was a feat you’d be thanking some god or another for later, but right now, you simply bowed and took your seat once more as you finished your quick presentation and returned to your place next to your boss, standing over his shoulder rather than taking your seat. 
“If something is still unclear, feel free to send me an email, but we are a bit over time and Mr. Kim has another appointment over his lunch,” you stated with a polite smile, pointedly ignoring the confused look Hongjoong momentarily shot you. “I think it would be best if we wrapped up for the day, in interest of everyone’s time.”
God, he could kiss you. He would kiss you, he decided; he’d kiss you breathless the moment he got you alone for this.
Ms. Lim pursed her lips, but the look in your eyes left no room for argument. After all, who knew the S(e)oul Monde director’s schedule better than his assistant? She nodded, pushing her chair back, and the rest of your restless company followed. “I certainly will.”
“As always, thank you all for your continued support of S(e)oul Monde, and I hope my work continues to exceed your lofty expectations,” Hongjoong offered as he stood. “Thank you for your time. I hope to see you all at our showcase next week.”
The men and women in the room murmured their own parting pleasantries, phones returning to hands and bluetooths returning to ears as they filed into the hall, leaving you and your boss alone. Only a beat of silence passed before he turned to you, heat burning behind his eyes as they flicked over you hungrily. 
“Lock the door and close the blinds.” Your low-burning nerves and arousal were both lit ablaze again at his direction, and you stuttered. He raised an eyebrow, tongue darting out to toy with the lip ring you so desperately wanted a taste of. “Don’t make me ask twice.”
The warning snapped you out of your stupor in a moment, and you paused only to set your tablet on the table before rushing to comply. His gaze was warm on the back of your neck as you moved through the room, first clicking the lock shut, then moving to drop the shades on the frosted windows that faced the hall, and finally crossing the room to do the same with the exterior windows. When you reached for the controls, Hongjoong clicked his tongue disapprovingly, the noise pinning you in place. 
“Leave those. Look at me, Y/N.” 
Swallowing thickly, you did as you were told, chin held high. “Yes?”
“You were late this morning,” he commented off-handedly as he stood, and you dropped your eyes to the floor.
“I’m sorry, everything just—” you started, only to be cut off.
“Was this little number,” he gestured to the dress, using the chance to give you another once-over, “the reason?”
“Part of it, but—”
This time, it wasn’t his words that cut you off, but his lips as he lifted your chin and dragged you into a kiss that told you exactly how long he'd been waiting to do this. You squeaked in surprise and quickly melted into him, one hand clutching at the asymmetrical neckline of his suit tightly as the other grasped at the base of his skull in an attempt to pull him impossibly closer. With a sigh, your lips parted against his, tongue darting out to finally get a taste of the brand new jewelry you'd been eyeing the entire meeting. The metallic tang pulled a pleased hum from you as you took it between your teeth, shifting to catch more of his lip than the jewelry itself as you pulled away.
“This is so not business attire, babe,” he breathed against your lips, and you laughed quietly into his mouth as he captured them again.
“Are you telling me I can’t—mm—wear your designs to the office?” You teased between kisses, finally pressing him away from you. 
Hongjoong rolled his eyes heartily, his own half-smile giving away the feigned nature of his annoyance. “Not all of them, no,” he sighed, hands coming to rest over your ass, pulling you into him and groping at it lightly. “You know better than that. And one that isn’t even released yet?” He clicked his tongue again. “I was going to forgive you for being late since you look this good, but maybe I should punish you after all.”
You frowned, pulling away from him slightly as your earlier anxiety washed over you again, and Hongjoong wanted nothing more than to take his words back. “It… This was the only thing I had clean, I spilled coffee on myself this morning and I—”
“Y/N, it’s okay, I promise,” he soothed, shifting closer to you and squeezing at your hips in a way he hoped was reassuring. “If it weren’t, I could’ve asked you to change. It’s not like we don’t have clothes in every size you could ever need.” 
“That’s… true,” you muttered, tugging your lower lip between your teeth.
Hongjoong hummed in distaste of the action, reaching up with one hand to pull the skin free and immediately planting a chaste kiss where his thumb had just been. “You just look… too good,” he murmured, grip on you tightening. “This may be my best work yet.” It was your turn to roll your eyes, scoffing as you tried and failed to push him away from you. “And yours may be getting me out of that meeting.”
“How do you know you don’t have an appointment over lunch?” You grinned, ever unable to pass up a chance to tease him. “I know you haven’t checked your schedule since this morning and—mmph!” 
For the second time in the past five minutes, he cut you off with a heated kiss. “Oh, I know I have a lunch appointment,” he shot back, spinning you and guiding you backward until your hips hit the edge of the table. “And we both know it’s with you. Up,” he directed, tapping your thigh twice. 
With a little hop and loose guidance from Hongjoong’s hands, you boosted yourself up onto the edge of the table, your boss following behind quickly to spread your knees with his own body. He couldn’t get enough of your lips today, it seemed, wrapping one arm around your waist as the other came to rest on the surface behind you, forcing an arch into your back. You let out a pleased hum against him, reaching up to card a hand up over his scalp and give his hair a light tug. The action pulled a groan from his lips as he leaned back into the contact, and when his eyes blinked back open, the predatory look he pinned you with sent electricity coursing through your veins. 
You met his fire with a burning challenge of your own, tugging harsher on your fistful of red and grinning wickedly as a throaty groan left the man’s mouth. “You,” he hissed, grabbing ahold of your wrist and tugging it free from its home, “drive me fucking insane.”
“Ditto, Balmain Boy,” you shot back, and you reveled for a moment in the shine of the smirk on his face, before it disappeared into the crook of your neck.
Little pleased sounds fell freely from your mouth as his worked its way down your throat, kissing and nipping at the skin, never enough to mark—although, you knew if you let him, Hongjoong would jump at the opportunity, jealous as he was—and he closed his eyes, basking in every single one. The hand around your waist shifted to splay out against your back, the warmth of his palm in contrast to the cool metal of his rings making you shiver again, and you felt him grinning against your skin for a beat before sinking his teeth into your shoulder. You choked back a sharp cry at the sudden action, grasping at his velvet suit.
“Hongjoong,” you hissed in warning, the last syllable coming out whinier than you would have liked. In your regular attire, anything below the neck was fair game for him to mar as he pleased. But between the safety pins holding together the strap on the side he was currently working over and the mesh of the other, you were working with far less coverage than usual. He let out a low noise akin to a growl at your protest, pulling a choked-off yelp from you, before soothing over the angry skin with his tongue. 
“Joong,” you tried again, and this time let it be a whimper. “Careful.”
“Who cares,” he muttered, pressing a quick kiss to the blooming mark before letting his lips trail across the collar of your dress. “Let them know.”
You squirmed, a quiet whine leaving you as heat struck through you at his words. “We… we can’t,” you protested weakly.
Hongjoong let out a low, dark giggle. “You don’t sound sure, sweetheart. You want people to know you’re fucking your boss?” Another whine, this one more frustrated than the last. “Nasty,” he chastised, but you could hear the grin in his voice. He got off on the thought more than you did, the possessive shit.
Straightening up, he pressed one more quick kiss to your lips before just as abruptly dropping to his knees in front of you. The action made you wince—not for the man in front of you, but for the pants he was wearing. You carded a hand into his hair again as you groaned in protest, tugging on it to force him to look up at you. “You’re gonna wear out the knees on th—”
“Worth it,” he shrugged, fingers immediately sliding under the hem of your skirt, kneading at your thighs. The moment they found the hem of your underwear, his hands slid smoothly from the outside of them in, fingertips dancing teasingly over your clothed core. He smiled up at you as you squirmed under his attention, the expression spreading to his signature smirk as he pressed harder and pulled a low moan from you.
“Get on with it, we don’t have all day,” you breathed, tugging lightly on his hair again. The sight of his eyes rolling back in his head—an exaggeration, sure, but you wouldn’t be complaining—sent heat rushing to your core again, the muscles in your thighs twitching as they tried to close around Hongjoong’s hands. 
The look he gave you was one you immediately wanted to wipe off of his face. “We do if you’ll clear my schedule,” he quipped back, earning a harsher yank to his hair, this time in the direction of your body.
“Put your mouth to better use, Kim Hongjoong.”
The second the words left your mouth, his fingers were hooking into the waistband of your underwear, and you lifted your hips off the table. In one fluid motion, he’d tugged the fabric free from your legs and left your skirt bunched around your waist, exposing you to his increasingly hungry gaze. Tossing his glasses onto the table beside you and throwing your legs over his shoulders, he pressed kisses up the inside of one of your thighs, breath barely ghosting over your center as he switched to the other. Annoyed, you tried to pull him where you wanted him, earning a breathy little laugh for your efforts. 
“Ask nicely, babe,” he muttered, pausing his work just long enough to properly look up at you.
His dick twitched in his pants at the sight. You stared down at him with half-lidded, pleading eyes and parted lips, lust clouding over your face. The neckline of your dress was still askew from where he’d pulled it aside, the skirt hiked up and now balled in your hand to give you a better view of him. And just as his eyes drifted lower, landing on your glistening heat, you breathed out a quiet, breathless, “Please.”
Who was he to deny his muse when they looked so breathtaking?
A weak, weak man. Weak for you, for everything you gave him and everything you let him take from you. Weak for the way you looked in his designs, in your own clothes, in a burlap sack, probably. Weak for the way you looked commanding the office—the whole operation would fall apart without you, and if Hongjoong were being honest with himself, he’d go with it. Weak for the way you tasted—your lips, your skin, your cunt; he’d drown in you if you would let him. 
And now, mere minutes after you’d saved him from the most boring meeting of his life; a few short hours after you’d strutted into the office in the piece he’d made for you, he was going to try whether you let him or not.
Biting back your moans while he ate you out like a starved man was a feat you didn’t think possible until you achieved it, muffling all but the quietest little whimpers and gasps as your orgasm coiled in your core. The closer you got, the harder it became, and the hand in Hongjoong’s hair left it in favor of clamping over your mouth. He growled against you in protest, the sensation making your thighs twitch, and wrapped his lips around your clit. With a few harsh sucks and practiced flicks of his tongue, you were clamping down around him, muffling the squeaks of pleasure he so desperately wished to hear.
You tugged him up off of the ground and he was weak for you, so of course he followed, palms hitting the table on either side of you as your lips crashed against his. When you pulled away again, he could only hope—fruitlessly—that you didn’t hear the way he whined.
Smiling softly, you tugged him in again briefly, gracing his lips with a chaste kiss before breathing a quiet “Fuck me,” against them.
Hongjoong was so, unbelievably, undeniably weak for you. Weak for the way you felt pressed up against him, the way he knew you would feel around him—and with that thought, he was scrambling to unfasten his pants, suddenly desperate and so, so weak. He hadn’t noticed how constricting the fabric had become until you shoved his pants and boxers down to his knees in one go, the release of pressure pulling a low moan from him. 
Reaching between your bodies, you wrapped your fingers around his length, delighting in the way it twitched in your hand at the same time his breath hitched. He shifted forward, bracing his hands further behind you and crowding into your personal space, slowly guiding you back down onto the table. You stroked him slowly for as long as you could reach, until finally, with a whine of protest, he pressed your shoulder back against the wood. Bracing himself with an arm beside you, he leaned down to catch your lips in a heated kiss, his free hand busying itself with lining his cock up at your entrance. His tip brushed your folds once, twice, before he pushed into you in one fluid thrust, hips falling flush with your own. 
The feeling of him filling you and the sound of the breathy moan that left Hongjoong had your walls fluttering around him, and the pause he took was as much for himself as it was for you, you could tell. So, you gave him his moment, taking the opportunity to drink in his form above you. He looked as desperate as you felt, so before he’d opened his eyes, you rolled your hips, pride swelling in your chest as his eyes shot open and he cursed under his breath. 
“You’re not the only one who doesn’t like repeating themself. Fuck. Me,” you demanded, punctuating it with another grind of your hips against his.
His gaze darkened, and electric arousal warmed your body. You saw him fight for words for a split second and quickly give up, electing instead to drape your knees over his arms and start fucking into you at a brutal pace. The suddenness punched a small yelp out of you at first, and you clapped a hand over your mouth, turning to look anywhere but at the man grinning devilishly down at you. He clicked his tongue and the rough grip he had on one of your thighs disappeared, his hand shifting instead to your chin. You were nearly folded in half as he reached for you, and the shift in angle had his length dragging over all the right places.
Securing your face between his fingers, he yanked you back toward him, forcing eye contact as he pounded into you. “Watch me, sweetheart. Watch me make you come undone again. I want you to remember this.” His rough handling had dislodged your hand from your mouth, and as a drawn out keen began to bubble up from your throat, he shoved two fingers past your lips to silence you. 
Some combination of the intimacy of looking into his eyes and the way he knew your body so well—shifting and adjusting until your legs were shaking—had your high building rapidly, and your teeth closed lightly around his knuckles as you felt the coil tightening in your gut. He tilted his head at you, a weak grin gracing his sweat-coated face as you sucked at the digits, pulling a breathy sigh from him. 
“Close?” he uttered, and you nodded rapidly, one hand snaking between your bodies to rub tight circles over your clit. “Cum with me then, love.” 
Whether it was the pet name or his permission that sent you over the edge, you weren’t quite sure, but just like that, the tension lacing your body snapped, and you clamped down around his cock. Hongjoong did his best to fuck you through it, quickly toppling from his own height and pressing his hips flush you yours as he spilled into you.
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When you had both caught your breath, he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss and lowering your hips back onto the table. You whined as he slipped out of you, pouting at the low chuckle your reaction received. Before he could walk away to search aimlessly for paper towels or a tissue box you knew weren’t there, you kicked him lightly and pointed to your workbag. “Tissues in there.”
“Mind reader,” he hummed, a lilt of faux annoyance in his tone. 
“‘S why you hired me, Joongie.”
Another quiet laugh and a private smile graced your eyes and ears as he cleaned you both up, tucked himself back into his pants and handed you back your underwear. 
Most days, this was it—he’d be waiting by the door to make a clean exit and you’d see each other when you finally made it back to your desk. So today, when you finished dressing yourself and found him still staring at you, you turned your eyes to the ground bashfully. “Don’t you have work to do?”
Most days, he’d quip back something along the lines of “I don’t know, do I?” Today, he tilted his head at you and smiled.
“That piece was made for you. I think I should work that way more often.”
With another quick kiss to your lips and one to your cheek, he left the room, and you with it, heat rising to your cheeks. “And maybe I should wear ‘not business attire’ more often.”
You weren’t sure what had just happened, exactly, or why, or how serious he was about the dress being made for you—but one thing was certain; you were as weak for Kim Hongjoong as he was for you.
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© June 2023 nebulousbrainsoup | all rights reserved. reposting and translating of author’s work is prohibited.
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yutagram · 1 year
- megumi fushiguro x reader
- notes: i edited this from the last time i wrote it which was like over a year ago.. if u remember this ur so real but act like u haven’t read it b4 😘 (for my sake)
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megumi fushiguro doesn’t know how it feels like to be loved, not really at least; to be completely taken into the arms of another with such gentleness and care the dangers of the world slip your mind. he’s starstruck, in more words or less, by the way you continue to stick by him throughout the many moods that make him whole. 
he’s in awe once more, at the way you bend over and mindlessly pick up the laundry that’s been long overdue; megumi’s been in a slump, worse than usual. he’s not sure why, but it feels like he’s a kid again.
he can’t fathom why, out of everyone, it’s him that has to deal with the obstacles of navigating life without a mother, father, sibling, just someone who won’t leave. and he knows, he’s aware that gojo has tried everything in the book to cheer him up. he’s done that since the day he became megumi’s official caregiver — and megumi is grateful, so so grateful, but he can’t help the ache in his chest he feels when he sees a happy family. he has never felt a jealousy that runs so deeply he can taste the bitter feeling on his tongue. 
so, when you came around and filled that void with nothing but light so powerful it would shame the sun itself, he wasn’t sure what to feel. 
megumi cares for you, he knows that for a fact. he doesn’t have to utter a single word for you to understand him. he doesn’t want to think that it’s love of all things, though. not when you could so easily leave and abandon this, him. 
where does he draw the line? even after he continues his attempts at shutting you out, you manage to find loopholes and glue yourself next to him — he refused to answer his door and yet you’re standing right there, completing chores he should’ve done long ago— megumi doesn’t understand why you stick around the way you do. 
his voice is raspy as he scrambles up on his bed from his previous position. hand going through his hair in an attempt to tame the mess it’s become when he narrows his eyes at you, “what are you doing?” 
you peer over at him, blinking a couple times before straightening and grinning widely, presenting all of your teeth. megumi has to ignore the way his heart skips a beat at the sight. 
“cleaning. is that not obvious?” you tease, careful to not allow him to see that those four words made your heart content. he can still complain, so that’s a good sign, you think. 
megumi’s mouth runs dry when he monotonously states, “you didn’t even knock.” you did. 13 times to be exact, he counted. 
you turn over to him once more, eyebrows furrowing, “you know i did.” 
he sighs heavily, rising from his (very comfortable) seat on his bed to join you. he glances at you for a moment, eyes taking in the concentration evident on your face, the way your hands gently fold every piece of clothing like it’s expensive china, “why are you doing this?” 
without sparring a glance at him, you respond, “because i care for you, dummy.” and it’s like he’s watching every moment you’ve shared with him in slow motion. 
running through the thunderous rain, getting soaked from head to toe, just to remind him of early training the next day. you knew he wasn’t listening, so you took it into your own hands to tell him. 
delicately washing his cuts when shoko’s lab was closed off for the night. you saw him walk into the school gates bloody and bruised and even though no one asked you to, you decided to help him. 
allowing megumi to sleep alongside you the night after tsumiki was hospitalized. megumi knows you don’t exactly like sharing your space, but you allowed him into your bubble with open arms; you let him sleep right next to you without one complaint. 
megumi’s eyes widen in realization, i care for you.
this, what you two have, is so clearly love. he was just too stubborn to notice it. 
love is relying on another when your burdens are too heavy to carry, love is within every single bandage you’ve placed on megumi, love is in every shared glance between the two of you.
without a second thought, megumi grabs your shoulders and quickly pulls you to him, “i love you.” he whispers it into your hair, as if it’s a secret just for your ears alone, “i love you so much, it hurts.” 
your face visibly softens at his confession, arms dropping the shirt onto the floor, “megumi.” 
he closes his eyes in anticipation, don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t leave. 
as if you know what he’s thinking, you place your arms around his waist, squeezing, as you move your head to the side to place a chaste kiss at his jaw, removing those thoughts from further consuming his brain, “i love you more than you’d ever know.” 
with his arms tightening their grip around you, megumi knows that if he were to die in the sanctuary of your arms, he wouldn’t mind one bit, not when he knows that love can make even the darkest places shine with light of a thousand rays.
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veintrry · 2 years
winter greetings and their departures.
wanderer x gn!reader, sweet & soft fluff, emotional angst, loss, memory loss.
warning! minor spoilers for wanderers backstory and major spoilers for 3.3 sumeru story quest. 4.3k words.
an: hi this is me b4 writing this and i feel like this is gonna ruin me.
edit: I'm ruined. I hate everything. part 2!
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There was never much that Winter would bring to Snezhnaya, after all, it was always winter here. From the piping hot delicacies, the layers of clothing, the deep inches of snow. You practically didn't need to wait for Winter to come. However, what it does bring is gifts, and one day you received a puppet at your doorstep, unbeknownst to you that is.
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A couple of weeks ago you had found a boy slumped up against the wall of your house. Seeing this as you hummed to yourself planning to spend the day shopping, you obviously were surprised at the figure that donned a large hat and light clothing sat unconscious against the wall. At first you had assumed that maybe it was a drunk who didn't know better, however, after feeling his temperature, you decided to leave the pondering for later.
After a tough struggle of getting him into your home, you laid him on your couch, draping him in multiple blankets. Immediately after doing so you put a hand to feel for his pulse but nothing came through and panic surged through your body. You tried feeling for his heart but nothing beat underneath your palm and there was no sign of his chest ever having been raising up and down, even back when you found him outside. Had he died out in front of your house that long ago? You felt guilty for not being there soon enough but you were wondering just for how long had he been out there? Why did no one help?
You didn't exactly know what to do till you saw him open his eyes, sending your body stumbling backwards as you yelped form the horrifying sight. He's dead. He's meant to be dead. "Who the hell are you?" This doesn't happen to dead people does it? God, please, what possession occurred within your home? "You're alive?" You inched near him. "Of course I'm alive, have you ever seen a dead person before or should I show you one?" Despite his threats you were relieved to know he was well, "Oh my god, you're alive." You say as the weight leaves your shoulders. "I couldn't feel your heartbeat so I thought you had died by now." You don't notice the way his face scrunched at your words.
"Who are you?" You know, he was awfully direct for someone who was drunk prior. "I'm the person who had to drag you out of the freezing cold." You tell him your name as you expect a form of thanks or emotional gratitude but it never comes. "Do you want me to get on my knees and pledge loyalty to you?" Maybe you should've left him to die.
But you didn't, that's why you were here now, eating dinner together like you do every day.
You came to find that the young man, who's name you came to find out is Scaramouche, was not as bad as you thought he was despite his horrible personality. In fact, he was good company once you adapted to his way of speaking. He clearly isn't as direct about his emotions as you thought he was.
You would say you two had become good friends since the incident that occurred, although, he's never really told you how he ended up there. You always thought he was too embarrassed to admit what occurred, after all he has a lot of pride, but you've come to realise he doesn't enjoy alcohol, not unless he seems to be in a bad mood. You never wished to pry onto what happened for him to end up in such a state so you let it be.
"It tastes good right?" The question leaves your mouth excitedly as you expect to be praised. It had been the first time you were the one who made dinner because ever since the first time he met you he decided you were too careless and 'might try to poison him' if he lets you do the cooking. But, after some haggling, you managed to persuade him. Most likely because he seems to have grown a soft spot for you. "It's fine."
Your spoon hitting the bottom of the bowl. A silence overcame the room. The dish before you two was goulash, but not just any goulash, no, it was Your Special Goulash recipe. You had mastered this recipe to perfection, no, more than perfection, it is a goulash so good the Archons would be astounded. "Liar." You bitterly said. "What, you seek more praise?" He spoke, his voice was somewhat laced sweetly with honey as though to further taunt you. "Yes. Yes, I do. This is years of work, it is more than fine, it is magnificent!" You take strong pride in your skills when it comes to cooking and it won't be undermined. "I think it's pretty average." "Average?!" You repeated with astoundment.
One could say you were almost this close to jumping over the table at this blasphemy. He was clearly taking much amusement in your behaviour. "Yeah, I bet I could make a better gou-" His sentence is cut short by a spoon being forced into his mouth and he feels the warm liquid seep into his mouth, the seasonings it carries covering his tongue. His gaze stays stuck to your hands and his eyes are wide. You could easily tell he was astounded and you began to smile happily, but his shock didn't come from what you thought it did. He raised his sights onto you, and your stupid face.
Scaramouche felt his face grow warmer, and it wasn't frustration at your actions but something else. You take note of this and your eyes seem to glimmer, at this he pulls your hand away from him, thereby removing the spoon as he swallows. "So you do like it!" You're so dumb. Such an idiot you are. His hand is raised to his face as he mumbles something but you don't hear him, and you ask him to repeat it, repeat what you know will be the praise you deserve. "I said...It's too hot."
"...What." You stand still, disappointed once more. "It's goulash, it's meant to be hot!" And to your surprise, he mimics the same volume as you. "Well, it's too hot!" "You just don't know genius when you see it!" Taking a seat back down harshly. "Ha! I see it in the mirror every day." Crossing his arms as he bites his bottom lip, as though trying to keep his own resistance against something, making himself appear frustrated despite the colour of his ears. "You wish. Just eat up." You huff, biting your own food.
"Whatever." And he does the same as you, but with each bite he takes he stays more and more focused on what you did. You're so careless. Do you ever think prior to acting? He chuckles to himself, and you raise a brow but don't ask anything.
You both continue to eat peacefully.
Scaramouche had begun to act oddly. It's small things he does that have changed.
He used to cling onto you, he wouldn't directly ask for it but you'd give him it and he'd welcome it despite his complaints that you're too touchy, "You better not do this with anyone else." He'd say to you. And whenever you tried to leave his grip he'd pull you back in, asking you what you thought you were doing leaving him like that. He used to always keep you in his sights, he'd stay reading a book somewhere in the room just to make sure he can also keep an eye on you. But now, he seems too busy, too worried, with something, you aren't entirely sure what. You've asked him about his behaviour but he brushes it off, acting as though you're imagining things.
You question why he feels more distant nowadays, why even after having known each other for a long time now it feels like you're back to being strangers. Despite always being the more honest one out of the two you didn't want to admit to him that you missed having him there, with you. Yes, you two still lived together, but, although you don't want to admit it, you missed his touch.
It's an odd thing to say that you lost someone when they're always with you, it's kind of like having an anchor tied to you, yet the rope isn't tied around you, it is in you. You are one.
You wanted to figure out what's wrong, to sort things out. So you decided you'd try again, that you would do your best.
"Scara?" You called, peaking your head into his room. His answer was quick and to the point, not bothering to stare back at you. "What is it? I'm working on something." You pranched towards where he was sitting, attempting to peer over his shoulder, glimpsing at what he was working on before he abruptly hid it. You feel your brows furrow as you bite your tongue. Why was it that he suddenly began keeping things from you? You can recount exactly when it started. It wasn't like he shared everything with you, nor did you expect him to, but he didn't go out of his way like this.
You straightened your back. It was better to simply be straightforward with him. "What are you hiding?" Your voice was flat, there is no reason for there to be anything other than suspicion. "Nothing." Quick as always to cover up, but unlike other times he might have lied to you, this time his eyes didn't meet yours, they stayed focused on the ground.
You fisted your hands, annoyance surged through your body, but another part of you felt differently. You felt disappointed, not in him, but yourself. You somehow felt you had done something to cause this, to have him leave you behind. It felt slightly hollow. How can you blame him when you want to so badly just forgive him for whatever it is?
"Scara," You started, and the words threatened to never continue sounding out, to stay confined in your throat, suffocating you. But once he glanced up at you, anticipation in his orbs, you knew he was aware, aware that he had done something. If so, why hasn't he done anything regarding it? Regarding how he neglected you. You barely eat together anymore, he's too busy. "Please, just tell me, what's wrong?"
Truth is, he did wish to tell you, but then your idea of him would shatter. Everything you saw would fall apart. He can't have that, he doesn't want you to hate him, he can't take that. "Is it something I did?" No, no, no. God, no. He finds himself denying it repeatedly in his mind, the guilt seeping into his body, realising that you might have been blaming yourself the entire time. The last thing he'd want is for you to denounce yourself in his stead. He knows what he's doing. He knows what he has been doing to you and he knows it's cruel and awful, but he has to, he has to. He's done worse so why was this most bothersome for him?
"Did I ever say that?"
"No, you didn't. But, what else am I meant to think." You were the one who suffered the consequences of his actions. He expired a heavy breath, before admitting his thoughts, putting aside his usual act. "You're right. No, you didn't do anything. You never did. I'm simply caught up with some stuff."
"What stuff? You keep saying you're busy but you never tell me what. I'm… starting to get worried. I don't know what you're doing but if you have to go out of your way to hide it from me then it mustn't be good."
He didn't respond, only blankly blinking at you. It was hard to figure out what he was thinking till he stood up, his following words cut through not only the tension that had built up but you as well.
"I plan on leaving."
"What, where?! Why?!" You couldn't wrap your head around why he'd make such a plan, or why he would have to, nevertheless want to. "I have something I need to do. It's important to me." Important to him. Important to him? Why had he never mentioned it and why does he only bring it up now. He still continues to be discreet about his actions despite clueing you in with small tiny drops of information. But you didn't want the info, you wanted to know when it would end. "Then is it more important than you and I?"
It was as important on its own as he was. And since they were tied, if he were to say it is then he'd be saying he's worth more than you. He wouldn't want to put you down. No, you meant the world to him, you were so beautiful, you were wonderful and full of life but in a way he felt like he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve this warmth, your warmth. You were the world but his vision was much bigger, he was a god, this is his birthright. If you'd listen to him, if you could understand, if you could trust him. Trust him blindly without a second thought. That's what he wishes to ask of you, he doesn't want to cause you any more pain but this is necessary for him to achieve. "Yes. It is."
He didn't need to hear your words to know how you felt, every part of your face said it. The misery, the burning, aching misery that swirled within those orbs of yours. How your body tensed, your jaw clenched tighter, and your brows raising higher in astonishment. A laugh leaves your throat, a scratchy bitter chuckle, and he hates it. "I see. Okay, I get it." It was clear he had already decided to dispose of you, that whatever this other thing was is more valuable, it matters most, not you. You feel as though you've been shot, the emptiness filled with disappointment and shame at him and yourself for ever thinking he'd have chosen you. You step away, and move towards the door. He says your name, it sounds almost pitiful, and you are hesitant to glimpse at him. You're weak, at this point what do you have to lose. You both know the end.
So you turn, you face him once more. Now you are the one to observe him, watch the way his face scrunches at your expression, how his fists are clenched. His mouth agape as no words leave his mouth yet you see it in his eyes, how he pleads you to stay, begs you to forgive him. You wish to think it isn't how he said it was. Scaramouche always had a tongue that defied his thoughts. But you wanted to hear him say it was you. It never came. No words came. Nothing but silent mouthing, as though he was whispering to you, knowing that if he spoke his voice would break. 'I love you.' And you see the way his shoulders drop, his orbs following the slightest of movements you make. You can't find it in yourself to say the words back. You only gaze at him as though he was the worst man you had known, and he might've been. To your disdain, you didn't hate him at that moment, you pitied him, and you hated yourself for feeling sympathy for that man.
You left without a word said, but you both knew each other well enough to know what you both were thinking.
After that, everything was quiet. There was no more tension. You didn't bother asking the Archons or a deity for help. What good would it be to ask a higher being for help, does that not only prove how dire your situation is, how pathetic it is? You didn't need the Archons, you will adapt as you always do.
One day, everything became all the more quiet. And you realised how much comfort you took in his company. You were truly alone now. It's just you.
You stare blankly at his door. You sit against it like you have done a thousand times, and you pretend he is just working again.
Not once did you enter his room. You didn't want to know what he took, because you feel its empty space in your chest, and you didn't care for what he left because you felt it in the silence as you monitored the items he touched for any traces of him like an owl, never blinking.
You were once again at his door, knocking thrice and awaiting any sound to erupt from the room but you only had the peace of no noise return. And yet you hated it, you felt frustrated. To you it was never placid because you could hear your thoughts echoing throughout the rooms, his name tormenting you, following you. How could one forget him, with a face like that, a personality so annoying like that? And yet you loved it; you loved him.
The day he left the snow had already erased all footprints he might've left behind, you would think that maybe that's why you feel his ghost here constantly. But it's likely your delusions.
Today, you'd enter. You wanted to feel him. To remember what it was like to have him. You didn't wish to forget him. The numbing coldness of the metal on your palm became evermore permanent as your hand seemed to refuse to budge. What had he done to have put me in such a state? You think it's funny.
You turn the knob, and push the door open.
White. So much white. The glacial weather was near enough to numb you, but that was not why you stood paralysed. You felt tears twinkle in your vision, before departing and travelling down your cheeks.
Snow. It's all snow.
He had left the window open. God, he probably never left out the door.
You stayed still as you processed this. Your mouth agape as your eyes stayed glued onto the sight before you.
It always snows in Snezhnaya, so why was this so much more painful?
It's torturous. It's horrible. It's pure torment. Yet it is such a beautiful sight to you, it is home to you and you hate it.
Your eyes wander around to where all the snow particles have fled to: The bed he slept on, the cabinets, his desk. The desk he worked at.
You walk closer, you feel your feet dip into the snow. You study his table, only a match, a bottle of ink, and a letter. He left a doll next to it.
You spent the entire day there, cleaning the snow out, and you left everything else untouched as you shut yourself in there just as he had, reading the letter where he had written it and then, you cried. You cried till your weeps went mute. Your attempts to stop your tears continuously failed. You hate him. Every aspect of him. And you hated how well you knew him.
'My dear,
I know it's shameful of me to say goodbye like this. I don't want to see what face you make.
I'm going to Sumeru, I'm going to fulfil what I was meant to be. Then, I'll come for you.
I'll be stronger then, I'll protect you from everyone, so this time let me save you instead. Wait for me, I won't take long.
I love you. Next time I see you I'll seriously say it. Thank you and I'm sorry, for all that I caused you. I'll make sure to repent with the rest of my life.
(I hope you like the puppet. It was made for you.)
Yours Truly,
It seemed that the weather only grew colder day by day in Snezhnaya. You had developed a pretty steady routine which was unusual for your normal self and today was your special day, today you got to spend a day treating yourself to all things nice. You've worked hard this week after all.
So, you walked out to the hallway dressed and ready to go, hurrying past the guest room and putting your shoes on, wrapping yourself with a scarf as your gloves turned the knob of your door. You leaped out of the house excitedly, only to catch yourself on your foot as you found someone standing at the right of your door.
A beautiful face was what you were met with, you felt the air knock out of you as you stumbled back. You didn't spot how the man smirked at the sight of this, nor would you know the relief it gave him to see you still the same. "Did I frighten you?" He wanted to test the waters, just out of curiosity, just so maybe, maybe it's fine, maybe you're an exception.
"No- I mean, yes? You did. I'm sorry, who are you?" For a second his face dropped into a sour expression, but he returned himself to his previous composer. "You ought to be ashamed. To think you'd forget me after I told you to wait for me." His words were a whisper but despite their gentle tone their weight laid heavy on him.
"Pardon? I couldn't hear you…"
He resented himself for what he was going to say and he was internally cringing and god he hates you for having him say something so dumb, but if this was a sick joke maybe he should appease you.
"I'm just a wanderer, that's all. Sorry, you wouldn't happen to know where I could find the best goulash?"
"The best goulash in Snezhnaya?! That's a hard thing to decide… Well, there's a diner down far by the town's heart. I'm heading there so you could join me if you'd like?"
Kind-hearted as always. An idiot to the core. But so was he for thinking that you'd offer him, a stranger, your secret recipe. Yeah, he should've cherished it when he had it. It was good, really good, and your face was pretty too, stupidly pretty.
He studied your outfit. Layered and thick as always, a contrast to his. You had yourself packed warm but that wasn't what he was focused on, you had a messenger bag strapped across your chest, and off it he saw the puppet he gave you. It was his.
"Where'd you get that?" He asked, pointing at it and ignoring your offer.
You found everything about this so-called wanderer odd. But when he asked about the puppet you had attached to your bag you couldn't quite recall when you got it. "I'm not sure… maybe it came with the bag? Sorry, is there anything else I can help you with?"
"No, nothing else. One thing though," You piped your head up, and he swallowed his pride. He didn't want to lie to you, even if you don't remember it now, he doesn't want to lie to you. But he never realised how much of a difficult thing to say it was, especially when you don't remember. Could he say he loves you, does he have the right anymore?
"I… love you." He could feel that same heat that would always arise within him coming back once fourth. He tilted his ichimegasa down to hide his face, spitting out his next words quickly. "I'll be departing now!" This had been the first time that you knew that you saw him flustered, or that you've met him which made his words more absurd to you, but you felt almost flattered to be told that by someone so pretty. It was such a simplistic way of thinking. Then his words register once more, and you look at the chained puppet, unlocking it as you gaze at it. How alike they were.
How strange, how weird it was, the gaps in your memories, the guest room in your house, the puppet that looks like him, him acting so weird towards you, so casual.
You begin to wonder if this was really a mistake.
Despite the flustered emotions he first felt, he quickly let them pass, realising you'd simply think nothing more of him than him being some creep. Ha, to think he'd settle for such a thing so easily.
To think he'd settle for this so easily. What was he meant to do? What should he do? Tears welled within his eyes as he walked, and he hoped that even if the snow covers his trails it never erases what's already beneath.
He made a gigantic mistake. One he has to atone with the rest of his life. Unfortunately, it appears it isn't with you. He was ready to spend the next hundred years being pestered by you. But to be rid of that was an even worse punishment.
The wanderer won't tamper with your life. He wouldn't do such a thing to you. Despite his many wants to, his need to be with you, he won't. Because it is he himself who made himself land in such a position. Maybe rather than having shown up like that he should've recreated everything from the beginning, maybe then you would behave just as your stupid self normally would. Supplying him with warmth, dumb comments, annoyance, affection, care, humanity. Humanity. God, you had already made him a person long ago.
What should he do, what should a lost wanderer do when his home doesn't look at him the same. When those familiar eyes only return an unknowing look, a clueless, foreign stare?
How long does it take to rebuild a home, to rebuild the love you once carried for him?
The snow continues to seep into the room like sand filling up an hourglass. The doors knob has icicles on its insides and the inks long gone solid. All that remains is the opened envelope and the letter it contained, with stained tears. Another tightly sealed letter beside it.
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blessedshortcake · 1 year
My opinion on the finale episodes below the cut. Obviously spoiler warning lol
First of all. I see people say it was really underwhelming and i kinda have to agree? It wasnt a Bad ending or a lazy one or whatever words have been thrown around tho imo. I feel like with all the hype about how "painful" and emotional itll be from the VA and from everyone, we all just expected more tragic outcomes or something.
I am dissappointed because of that as well. I liked how Simon finally reflected a bit and had some self awareness about their situation with Betty. I loved that he didnt become Ice King again or that they didnt do some actual time travel to "fix" stuff. I also liked that they didnt necessarily made him a bad husband (?/boyfriend?) he kinda just never realised that Betty has been putting more into their duo than he was.
That doesnt make him innocent tho b4 someone comes at me. He was a bit too self absorbed but i dont think he was entirely selfish either. He was a person who made mistakes and didnt realise them. The line where he said smt like "i wish we could have talked like this before" also makes it pretty clear to me that Betty never really spoke up about these things either. Golbetty had to make him aware and tbh? I think that was more Golb than Betty.
The whole Scarab ordeal felt a bit. Ehhhhhh I dont know. His anger reaction to things suddenly becoming "canon" (lmao) was very nice to see but him being allowed to wreck havoc like that for a good while felt more like an excuse to bring the others into this world. I dont have a problem with it btw i just dont see the point why we need Farmwold Jay and Little... I forgot her name damn. Also whys Babyworld Finn here 😭 (i get it, he was in the tank, i dont mean literally i mean Why)
As much as i was soooo mad when LSP freed the scarabs it was very in character. I like how it was a thing that he likes animals from the start so it wasnt senseless stupidity, it was something he would do even tho it was the wrong thing to do. Made me pause and lay down to stare at the ceiling in frustration for a solid minute i cant lie, still in chacter tho.
But alas. I like how in the end it all didnt turn magical (completely since ig its partially magical with Cake and everything else) and how Cake finally cooled down about the crown. IM ALSO SO HAPPY THEY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH SIMON OVER THE PHONEEE!! But yea him wanting to move was so real and I hope he does lmao he deserves it.
I only kinda wish they made him reconnect with Marcy a bit more. I am actually pretty dissappointed that we dont know if he ended up reaching out to her more or not. I understand his situation with not wanting to spook her, i actually feel that bit in a soul connecting level good god, but idk. Im at least happy he is Literally in therapy now
(Kinda makes me wonder tho if he spent the time between the end of AT and the start of FC with no like therapist or psychologist. Just rawdogging his mental illness about everything. Mood tbh but like did he? Did he??)
Anyway despite my slight dissappointment i am actually pretty happy with the outcome. I really liked the theories and the ideas of how Simon may make FC magical or what he will become but tbh this is probably the best outcome. Everyone got a happy/hopeful ending (minus Farmwold Finn ig who im atp assuming is dead. Also Star Marceline and PB) which i am really REALLY happy about.
I gotta say I already wanna write fanfic about these guys so inspirational effect granted. Woooo.
I was kinda dissappointed because it was overhyped about how emotional it will be when it really wasnt but other than that I am really happy about how the ending turned out save for the alternatives staying in FC
Also Simon had like 10 minutes to get closure with Betty which was horrifically rushed but again, when your wife turns into Basically God you kinda dont really have a choice to chit chat. Still not happy about it but again, could have been worse. Could have been much worse.
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s0ulryo · 2 years
congrats on your followers ryo!!! could i have a love potion with cinnamon feathers, dried roses, and fairy wings pls with prompt #13 and albedo? tysm!!
♡˚✎ˊˎ- You’ll Never Know How Much I Love You
[Albedo x Reader] Potion Type: A Love Potion (romance) with Cinnamon Feathers (attraction/protection) and Dried Roses (admiration/appreciation) [Fairy Wings are also included (headcanons – default format for the event)]! Prompt – #13 “If anything were to happen to you…”
Synopsis: Albedo can’t comprehend how much he loves you, but he does his best to show you how much he cares for you. Tags: Fluff, domestic, slight hurt (?), possible depictions of violence(?), pining, soft Notes: Haha Albedo makes brain go brrr… also like i write my tags n synopsis b4 i start the actual fic then edit it after fic completion – is that normal?? Anyways THANK YOU FOR BEING A REQUESTER IN THE EVENT <33.
Thanks for participating in the event!
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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Albedo has always had difficulty comprehending his emotions — he’s always known this. There’s just something so complex about feelings; it’s not like a mathematical equation; you can’t predict or write an equation for how someone will feel, act, think, or behave.
This is something that has always troubled Albedo.
He genuinely gets so irritated trying to read your emotions — yeah, he can read your body language, but he’s jealous that you can connect with people so much better than him.
What irritates Albedo the most is that he can’t fully understand his emotions, especially those he feels toward you. He knows that you have a much better grasp on how you feel toward him than how he feels toward you; you made the first move, after all.
He’s pretty insecure about that fact — you understood that you love him, while he couldn’t immediately figure out that he loved you.
He’s not dense; he just treats everything like a math problem.
“Albedo, is something wrong? You’ve been staring at me for quite a while now….” You ask, looking up at him with concern.
He believes it’s not normal for someone to care for another person this much. He admires you and cares for you — you plague his thoughts 24/7, so why can't he comprehend how he feels?
He knows he loves you, but Albedo believes the word love is too weak – too simple, to describe how much he adores you.
He knows he thinks about you a lot; he goes out of his way to put your safety and comfort before his. You are the first thing he thinks of when he gets up in the morning and the last thing Albedo thinks of when he goes to sleep (when he goes to sleep, that is). He often worries about your well-being, ensuring that you take care of yourself — he doesn’t want you to adopt his unhealthy habits after all.
“Nothing’s wrong, love — nothing at all…” he responds, diverting his eyes back to his research.
He thinks about numerous things, a good portion of those things being you. He thinks you are everything he’s not; kind, generous — human. He thinks about how you have a finite amount of time while he doesn’t — how you can be removed from his life as quickly as you came into it.
If anything were to happen to you...Well, that's not something he wants to think about. Albedo doesn't want to imagine a life without you — he has decided that a life without you would be bleak and almost meaningless.
Albedo knows that he loves you; though Albedo may not know exactly what love is, he’s okay with that; he’s okay with knowing that what he feels for you is love, and that is what matters.
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idunnokys · 9 months
TPOT 9… discovery??/potential theory on TPOT 10
TPOT 9 spoilers ahead !!!
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so close to the end of TPOT 9 (like 21:07), we can see BH (black hole) smash ZSB (zombie snowball) into Gelatins steakhouse to set out the fire which was raging on inside it, yeah? Then the steakhouse gets covered in the snow that belongs to SB as seen here:
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Wait… what do is see? Zoom in rq…
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That obv snowballs face. Like look at him b4 being rolled up then smashed:
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That’s literally his face. And since it’s his zombie face, as he has only made it when he was a zombie, which means he is still a zombie. Everyone else has been cured except him. (Or they died or smth, but this is about SB. So it ain’t important)
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If you break the face down to three major parts, it’s easier to recognize:P. That’s just a quick like visual representation of like what I mean or whateva… I dunno actually. But not important ❌❌❌
we also know that barfbags barf + TD = cure, as it like cancels out the lava in the barf to begin with (am no scientist, correct if wrong). The mixture was applied to the steaks from the steakhouse where bottle uses all the mixture. They throw these strakes out on the field outside the steakhouse. It attracts the zombies and they eat it, which cures them. After eating and two exclaiming something (not really important), we don’t get to see the plate again, but since there was several zombies, I will have to assume they ate all the steaks. So on that assumption, there wouldn’t be any steaks left to cure snowball, as he is still in his zombie form. I know they didn’t include snowballs face for nothing or of the shiggles, but as something to grab on to and make predictions about it, aka like I’m doing now!
I predict that the next episode (TPOT 10), we will have something related to snowball still being zombified. Or maybe just wait a few more episodes for it to happen, as we also got 1 (the algebrarian) showing up out of the moon + some more exitors shots. But still, I know this will appear in a future episode and we can maybe get some more snowball and his team interactions (not implying that there isn’t any).
(Additional rambling about TSTOE, not important, you can skip)
I also feel that this will also add on more to TSTOE arc, YK. You already have robot flower acting up and bell and basketball disagreeing with each other about what to do with RF, but then we also have SB being a zombie in the mix. I have a feeling that the next, or any future challenge they will face, will include issues popping up because how bad the team is working together.
That bell disagrees with something basketball said which leads to them losing (in any way), them losing a challenge where they needed snowball’s or RF’s help, which wasn’t given because RF wasn’t following commands or snowball only wanting to attack other contestants to infect them, or them losing because basketball was burnt out from all the management she has to do alone, as she shared a bit of management with eggy b4 she was eliminated, which made her unable to respond to anyone and stopped her from cooperating with her team, etc. all seem like possible things that can happen in future episodes.
I’m really excited lol
I made a few edits :3
Another add on. Because I’m stable.
Okay, okay. So like… IM KINDA RIGHT.
I’m just scared that bell is gonna be eliminated… bc I love her… and her being voted out because she isn’t a part of any arc… is gonna hurt.
bye :(
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vethsoddities · 1 year
Veth’s Steph and Pete Headcanons
CW:This Follows The canon of NPMD the best I can so mention of funeral’s and death and the like so be warned if I forget any warns tell me and I’ll add them
and if I spelt or got any lore wrong lmk nicely thank you
Master List
A/n: I’m totally “normal” about these two I wrote these at 1 - 2 am and b4 that I tagged all of these at 1am hope these makes since I’m on new meds and they made me kinda tried and my eyes hurt so bad anyhow my requests are open check my master list it’s pinned on my profile anyway enjoy these headcanons I’m also going through and editing all this at 2:58 am so technically I’ve been working on this from 1 am to 2 am to 3 am I hope you like this
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Stephanie Lauter and Peter Spankoffski headcanons
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After all that happened in NPMD ie Steph losing her dad and Pete losing Richie and Ruth and Steph having to shoot him and Max stopping the bullet and doing the whole “I’m the only one who can kill you nerdy prudes” and Grace taking one for the the team by giving up what she cherished most 
Pete and Steph didn’t want to be far from each other and ending up holding each other for a while so that led to them having sleepovers at the others home Steph hated being all alone in that big house so she was glad to have Pete being there with her.
They both try to comfort the other when they start to breakdown after all that has happened Steph seems like the type who doesn’t know how to comfort someone same with Pete but they both try and they love the other for that
Steph and Pete didn’t label their relationship right away because they weren’t sure what would happen after all that went down but they knew for a fact they loved the other after a LONG and I mean a Long time of denying the fact they were in love each other like they canonically had a song about it too but after a bit calls each other their partner or girlfriend/ boyfriend thing
These two in my mind both have They in their pronouns and or possibly t4t because they aren’t totally straight in my mind Pete to me seems unlabeled but Steph is either Pansexual or Bisexual and could be gender-fluid and or She/they but either Gender fluid or Demi girl she has She/They pronouns
Pete without a doubt is trans FTM and uses He/Him and possibly on occasion uses They and or them and I could possibly see him as Asexual but I’m not for sure on that one just yet
Pete definitely drives home the fact that Steph is smart and that he’s proud of her and whatever else Solomon told her is bull shit and he loves her no matter what and that he will be their for her no matter what
Steph does the same type of thing for Pete that he is in fact cool to her and not a loser and comforts him fully and says that he’s a handsome always especially when gender dysphoria kicks his ass and will be their for him through it all
This could be me projecting but these two would probably give a little smooch on the other’s forearm and tell the other they love them
I feel like Steph would do Pete’s hair into different hairstyles, Steph definitely teases him lovingly about the bow ties still
Steph at some point mentioned thinking about doing a wolf cut or short hair and Pete supported her no matter what Steph did the same with his hair if he wanted to cut it or let it grow more either way she could still run her hands through his hair
And as Steph does in canon affectionately calls Pete a Nerd and him possibility calling her Mean Girl or probably something else it’s 3:11 am rn and I’m proof reading this when I could be sleeping to creativity is low lmfao
Homecoming was fun for both of them and as it should be I think they have photos of it both digital and Polaroid and for the Polaroids, they have the pictures hanging up on an aesthetic string and clips thing
Content warring here’s the mention of Funerals and death(ig I don’t think I say it at all but still be aware)
Now when it came to the funeral’s of Richie,Ruth it was a ruff time for both of them and seeing as they all were friends it was one of the Moments Steph comforts Pete even if it wasn’t something she was good at still
and after words they visit Ruth and Richie’s graves and leaves flowers and possibly Anime themed stuff for Richies grave and no matter what both Ruth and Richie gets flowers on their respective graves 
When Solomon’s funeral came around I think Stephanie kinda shut down having to be around her fathers colleagues friends and connecting and was going into auto pilot going through the motions of everything that she knew how to act as to make sure Solomon’s image looked good
Pete was their with her and after a while pulled her away from the people so he could make sure she was okay as she could be for what was happening and she just broke down and they decided to leave after funeral things happened
I feel like after wards of both funerals just like after NPMD but before homecoming’s they just held each other to comfort one another and saying sweet things to each other because they love each other
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anissapierce · 2 years
do you have any thoughts on the current r/usty qu!ll situation and the controversy surrounding the recent article written about them? totally understand if you don't wanna get into it. you just often have insightful commentary on stuff so i wondered if you had anything to say about this. personally i think it's a little absurd the lengths some people are going to to defame and discredit the article writers
Oh yeah i saw that happening on twitter..im like a leeetle bit biased bc yeah ive been following the fable n folly network since very on like when it was just alba salix n the space show and yeah i follow sean n eli (the cocreators of the network) on insta bc dog pics so ive formed a minor attachment
Ok now to get into the actual meat of it all, heres a link to the article
I was already seeing some of the claims of the article bubbling up b4 it came out, which ok you might argue are there to add credibility to some shit tht isnt true but the claim that this is a smear campaign just feels so off base, yes newt made a mistake in not saying they were a marketing director for fable n folly up front but like...
I dodnt wade deep into the discrediting happening i just viewed some qrt while it was happening bc i do often go through those. I think if you believe that rusted queels growth was totally organic w no growing pains n anybody trying to point out a problem w them is trying to smear them for the competition well... Thats dumb
RQ and fable n folly r such different networks FnF doesn't have anything to gain from "taking RQ down" like ok sure they both have actual play podcasts set in space but otherwise
I do think that trying to keep every criticism of podcasts n networks to hush networks like discord is doing more harm than good yes ppl involved in the industry should get to talk abt shit others have done even if its 'indie'
I guess theres a response now i skimmed it idk enough Abt the situation to weigh in either way but idk i didnt think the tone of the article was as harsh as RQ makes it out to b it n casting aspersions on a person who .... Made a mistake like the company is owning up to their mistake is just so...
Also i refuse to believe this happened in dec like wtf i thought the article happened in summer... Newt has not edited the article so i am going to their twtr rn to see if they had a response
Edited: there is a response from the editors of the first article
I read it and the one qualm i have is bringing in BLM into the explanation Abt journalism like yes the conversation abt journalistic impartiality harms pic n is built on white supremacy but it felt odd to esp focus on tht when ppl are trying to discredit your journalism as three white ppl .... Especially to specifically bring up BLM but otherwise this article literally addressed everything
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
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Hi, and welcome to the Masterlist of the Fandom Free Bingo ~ Book Night Edition, hosted by @fandom-free-bingo! 💙
On this Masterlist, you'll find all the prompts I've filled along the way, and they will combine angst, fluff and smut. Each one-shot will have its appropriate warnings when necessary.
If you'd like to check my other works, you can find them on my Main Masterlist! For now, I hope you will enjoy the works I've created while participating in the Fandom Free Bingo ~ Book Night Edition! 💙
I do not work with a tag list. If you want to be kept up to date when I post new fanfictions, you can follow @nicoline1998enilocin-library 💙
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Card: @fandom-free-bingo || Other graphics are made by @nicoline1998enilocin
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|| 🥀 ~ Angst || 💙 ~ Fluff || 🌶️ ~ Smut ||
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B1: I'll Give You The (Sun)
B2: "Just Trust Me."
B3: Bookstore AU
B4: Igloo
B5: Solicitation
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I1: "I Don't Care."
Red and Gold || 💙 🌶️ || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark Prompt || I2: Sexual Tension Tony is bringing you along to a charity event, but this time, you decide to surprise him with your outfit. The moment he finds out you're wearing his colors, he has to restrain himself from tearing it off you and having his way with you right then and there.
I3: 'I Can See You Crying'
On my knees for you || Part 2 || 💙 🌶️ || Sugar Daddy!Tony Stark Prompt || I4: "Save Your Strength." After you left Tony’s office, he couldn’t stop thinking about everything that had happened before. Seeing you on your knees like that when everyone could have walked in has made him more than desperate for you, and he can’t wait to ruin you for the little stunt you pulled.
A drunk mind speaks a sober heart || 🥀 💙 🌶️ || Tony Stark Prompt || I5: Soulmate is Best Friend You and Tony have been mutually pining for months, and he finally reveals his feelings during a party—albeit after a few too many drinks. The next day, you go out to confront Tony about it, and what happens next is better than you could have ever dreamed.
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N1: Bondage and Discipline
Reflection || 💙 🌶️ || Tony StarkPrompt || N2: Reflection The sexual tension between you and Tony has been steadily rising for the past few months. After the latest victory tour, it's reaching an all-new height before boiling over, marking the start of a new adventure for you both.
N3: Satisfaction Brought it Back
N4: Coffee Shop AU
"Marry me" || Part 1 || 🥀 💙 🌶️ || Tony Stark Prompt || N5: "I'm Getting Old." Tony comes home from another gruesome mission and doesn't stay unharmed this time. As you take care of his wounds, he can't keep his thoughts to himself any longer, and he asks you to marry him in a way you never would have seen coming.
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G1: Award Ceremony
G2: You Know Me
G3: Riding
Every step of the way || 🥀 💙 || Chris Evans ~ RPF Prompt || G4: 'Here's the Day You Hoped Would Never Come' Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
G5: Librarian AU
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O1: 'Too Sick For Heaven, Far Too Sweet to Go to Hell'
O2: "You Always Seem So Happy..."
O3: Singing Karaoke Together
O4: Me and Mine
Every step of the way || 🥀 💙 || Chris Evans ~ RPF Prompt || O5: 'I'll Do Anything to Keep You Right Here With Me.' Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
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A1: Hate Sex
A2: Hunting
Every step of the way || 🥀 💙 || Chris Evans ~ RPF Prompt || A3: Cold Hands Ever since you were small, you have had a substantial fear of the dentist, and now that you have to have your wisdom teeth removed, your anxiety is growing every day. It's a good thing you have Chris by your side, as he will be there alongside you every step of the way, making the load to bear a little less difficult.
A4: 'Look at the Stars'
A5: Cafe AU
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drawnaghht · 1 year
Gotta post about this b4 I forget about it but basically;
went on TVtropes yesterday, found the SRTUC page again, started adding to trivia and though, hmm, I've been getting "earlier anthro action cartoon" vibes from this show for a while now.... wonder why that is?
and guys, adding some of the art peeps there no the TVtropes trivia, I noticed that supervising producer ben jones actually worked on SWAT KATS as a character designer for 3 eps! what a connection to make!
my brain at that moment:
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edit 1(27.06.2023) - ok, turns out I just mixed the actual show up with this show.... but it's sorta nice for me bc I like reminiscing about Swat Kats haha xD
on with the old post!!
actually, swat kats is a cartoon I was obsessed with for a while as a kid after we got access to cartoon network and they started airing it here. i think it'd seen a dubbed version of it before but it was exciting to see the english original, . it was fun and rompy as I remember, but also I loved the music and action elements after bikermice ended and I missed it so much, seeing something with similar musical cues felt like a consolation almost, like "oh there's more cartoons like this". now admittedly, i don't really remember that much abt swat kats anymore. it aired alongside other H-B cartoons and there was a lot to watch and pay attention to, so i kinda haven't retained more of it than memories of memories of loving the intro, memorizing the music and feeling cool while watching it. I remember the shift to more "serious" storytelilng (if I remember it right at all lol) and both feeling a bit critical/apprehensive at Callie (bc I'd thought, "why is she the only one who gets a more human-like appearance) and loving her design/fawning over her ("oh no, girl hot") but also it was just interesting to see a girl character given a mayoral role which made her seem more important than I'd seen from other action cartoons directed at boys so far.
like, i need to rewatch this series now that I've seen the cast/crew list, and just see also what it was about this show that I loved so much it left some kind of artistic impression on me.
lol idk what other connection with SRTUC it has, but when I'd read that Ben Jones was on it, I suddenly also thought, "well, not it makes sense why the antrho designs in samurai rabbit actually makes sense" There are so many shows, comics and so on before which have made different kinds of attempts at anthro/furry designs, and they all might make sense within the context of their show/media piece, but what I liked about Samurai Rabbit was how it didn't "humanize" the animal designs *too much*. Resulting in awkward designs where women look much more human than their male counterparts. which might not bother a kid much, but will bother an artist like me concerned with consistency lol. like in the og usagi yojimbo it makes sense how the animals look a little more human depending on their role or function in the story/scene, Stan Sakai is very good at making his cartoony style work with these ideas of "basically human, but represented by animals" but also literally animals. And I like that the show takes this same idea and runs with it in it's own way.
All this to say - Experience builds on experience.
so Ben Jones and many other veteran animators/artists/writers in the field working on it, but also the numerous visdev artists, animators and other visual folk with similar vested interest in a UY adaptation, give this show such an unique flair among other furry/anthro shows.
sdfsdf ill continue writing this later, I am soooo exhausted after work today, but, this was cool to think abt yesterday and ive been mullting it over in my head during quiet hours. so cool to have a brain that keeps noticing all these names and all these similar things and then running with it. like the animated things you like are so connected thru their staff knowing each other or having worked on same/similar things before, you wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it all the time.
0 notes
There’s a 10 video per post limit found out now. Posting ths bcz I saw an ad with quest love ❤️ 142 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
{updating 15 November 2022 Tuesday 5:06 am pdt @ bottom }
I heard ths song many years ago & didn’t learn the lyrics until recently?
146 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
it’s hard 2 say no even when you want 2? Work on it, promise yourself for only yourself, 4 a stronger happiness, (-a more promising connection with some1, who you really like 2b with in the future, that today, we must reject bcz we don’t yet feel it -) to say NO! 147 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
158 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
203 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
If you dress up more it creates a stronger barrier probably 2 enable you 2 say “no”? Or keep things long distance, a long distance relationship, 2 make it stronger b4 saying yes? Have conditions/ standards. Unconditional love with a man can kill a woman. Unconditional love w/ a man means putting up w/ all sorts of abuse. Do your best. Make him check mark ✅ those boxes 📦. Or rather, find one who will do it willingly w/o being asked. 208 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday. I had 2 tried 2 find happiness w/ myself by myself for years when I started again 2 try 2 b celibate since July ≈4th, 2010. Still celibate 2 MY knowledge. Incubus says differently 😑only broke the news 📰 2 me this summer.😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 after each failed attempt, try & try again. Read self help books 📚, & I guess if you can not hold yourself accountable find someone who can or will?? 216 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday. 😖😭incubus 217 am pdt left calve leg 🦵 pain! 😖😖😖 218 am pdt word play: calve—> calf love=puppy love —>> other word play on Calvin Klein; besides Calvinism. 220 am pdt
255 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
sorry to Nancy Pelosi & husband, kinda heard what happened, awful 😣. This next song has nothing to do with them. I’ve hit my head on hard surfaces, ie stainless steel - I have experienced some a lot of pain besides getting punched. (325 am pdt edited)
259 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
304 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
Slam your body down & wind it all around I thought of break dancing = b-boys.
319 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
ps 330 am pdt a relative of mine closely related 2 my father, is a red head. Makes me wonder if black hair genes are made with one of each allele hiding potential for many hair colors. Need 2 dive deeper n2 biology. 332 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
341 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
incubus spiritual husband who claimed he is Adam Noah Levine, has made it clear he’s going 2 kill me & thinks I am too old & unattractive. Incubus husband also had a friend who speaks 2 me too & has his back.
344 am pdt
gets sprung. He intentionally destroyed my ass since 2017 he has been stabbing it, cutting it, & pulled apart the bones several times then clashed them 2gether last year while I was trying 2 sleep 🛌 346 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
pps I naturally have curly eyelashes. Distal joints of fingers slightly bend back. Big long finger nail beds. Pale white skin w/o sun exposure, & when I was in high school a classmate wrote me a love letter 💌 telling me I had beautiful brown skin. I used 2 have dimples & those disappeared 👻. Random guys have said I was “hot” in front of me up until ≈2020 (even though I was in a lot of pain(359 am pdt)). I used to have very muscular calves from working out for years that I didn’t have to flex 💪 & people could see it bulge. A guy felt my legs 🦵 & said I had “legs like a stallion.” So you know, you’re not the only one. I’m talking to someone in particular who might see this. 14 November 2022 355 am pdt. & I am petite, about/around same height as Sierra LaMar. 356 am pdt. (Add: 503 am pdt: when I was 18/19? Years old I was told I looked 12 years old by a random guy. & then prob 21/22 ? I was told I looked 16 years old.)
407 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
b4 2020 election 🗳? I remember seeing/listening 2 a video online of a guy who is supposedly psychic? & I think it was him who said to a woman she was going to marry Jesus? & she died not long after that guy said that, so it seems that getting married to Jesus is a deceptive way to say you’re going to die? By the devil? In 2017/2018 incubus husband was giving me signs that he’s Jesus & has been throwing around in front of me signs 🪧 he’s going to marry me since then, “what lovers do” song: do you love me or not? Like Jesus asked Peter. Reminds me of the mentally dating Adam Levine tshirts.
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If you read the word marriage = marr i age. Then we can probably assume since he has demonic power that he wanted me to see that video, about the marrying Jesus & dying -demon lord does not want me typing this he literally deleted part of this - incubus is the devil 😈- & he decided this before I was born to treat me this way. I’ve had it rough for a looooooong time, even when I was a kid he hurt me. He’s showing me through auto correct that he “decided devil” probably trying to make me feel bad for typing this. So when he says marriage to me, he means he is killing me. 428 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday.
432 am pdt do incubus only get turned on by lust? Not love ❤️? Only want 2 make babies 👶 with who though & why? Looking for specific traits? Or is it only lust? 434 am pdt. 14 November 2022 Monday.
445 am pdt I wonder if Adam Noah Levine means anything he says. Like I thought I read he told Maryka/mvrykv_ (I’m guessing this is a self given alias, not her real name) that he had 2 children 👶 & he’s done, he’s tired of it? & he thinks he can get away? I guess he is looking for escape from being a dad/father. & wants to only mess around & “fuck”/have sex. When a man phrases it like that & says all those things together, & he has continually said publicly for years things that sounds the opposite of that, it probably means he doesn’t want ❤️ love? He wants raunchy horny wild sex probably? With the youngest women he can find; not 1,2, 3, or 4, but 5 or more??? 453 am pdt. & it looks like he wants women who will hide it! He says you know I should not be talking to you right? Bcz he’s aware & he is fishing around for a way to say keep this a secret 🤫 secret 🤐 . This is what I think 🤔 & it has taken me a while to realize that.457 am pdt. 14 November 2022 Monday.
6 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
thinking if incubus spiritual husbands are actually rapists & murderers, & they like their friends to talk down to me & torture me too, then that guy w/o condom is probably friends of incubus/incubi, too, birds of a feather flock 2gether- maybe even sometimes nicolatian, too? (but w/o offspring?only sample)(hypothesis) bcz his friend who gives me signs 🪧 & talks 2 me, too, reminds me of that guy. ♐️ another hypothesis: incubus look for specific traits, & they kill off the wives bcz they don’t want anyone else having offspring with the same traits? For years I had body shame (wore jackets & sweaters & pants & 3/4 to full sleeves & socks 🧦 to hide my arms, butt, legs, feet 🦶, & a lot of fears. Maybe it was a form of control to keep me from meeting other men? If he has power to transfer fertilized eggs 🥚, probably has power to make miscarriages happen or prevent pregnancy 🤰 , whenever I did meet some one. But each person I got involved with seemed to be a sign 🪧 / a clue, showing me my planned fate, or maybe a clue to what already transpired?? (definition inferred through previous readings). 617 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday. There are overlapping? themes. Before I watched serendipity & after. Cassiopeia. I see Casio, cassi- x2 to 4. ... 14 November 2022 625 am pdt. Hungry.
644 am pdt 14 November 2022 Monday
Bcz incubus/incubi? Are probably demons & can control people, they probably will do whatever they can to confuse you- including concussions 🤕/head trauma/ injuries & also headaches & other things in your head to make you retarded & forgetful. So if you are hardworking he would probably exploit it, & if you are smart it would probably take a long time for you to know it. My dad & his father are studious & like to work with their hands 🙌. My mom & her mother had a good work ethic. I wonder 💭 if these kinds of traits are genetically transferable ? 652 am pdt. 14 November 2022 Monday.
update 15 November 2022 Tuesday 5:06 am pdt : remembering now that a few people have complimented me on my smile & teeth 🦷 (probably bcz of its shapes- kinda bigger I guess) that & I endured @ least 3 years of painful orthodontia. 513 am pdt
0 notes
nejiraez · 4 years
one day, you all will know true peace when i stop making bakugou the default character to the maladaptive daydreamz i write. but until then...
get well soon! | bakugou katsuki
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader // 2.9k words
genre: fluff — contains spoilers from mha chap 298; includes kissing, thats it!
summary: free bakugou until it’s backwards!!! but until then, he appreciates having your presence around as he takes the time to properly heal.
the way i haven’t written a full fic since oct </3... but i needed to post this b4 aquarius season ends tmrrw...
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He’s never had to stay this long in a hospital before.
Sure, there were minor check-ins that he had to tend to at the clinics every so often from the injuries he’s received, but he never had to stay more than a few days at hand.
“Only a couple more days until you’re discharged…” 
The sound of your voice prompts Bakugou to shift his gaze away from the TV screen stationed at the corner of his hospital room to focus his sights on you. Deep shades of scarlet watch as your hands absent-mindedly pick at the white petals from the bouquet that his mother had gifted him. 
Carnations, a ‘get well soon’ present that would prompt him back to wellness. They were becoming quite the eyesore. The stems were beginning to droop and dull in colour with how poorly maintained they had been kept for the past week.
“That must be exciting for you, yeah?”
Bakugou shrugs, but he’s quick to regret his slight movement due to the small wince that follows shortly after. Despite being placed in the hospital for a little over a week now, a great mass of Bakugou’s body still aches. “It’s whatever,” he mutters, dismissing the subject matter altogether, “I’ll be back to doing the same crap over again anyway, so it’s nothing special.”
Closing your eyes, you sink yourself further down into your seat near his bedside and sigh. The windows a few steps away from Bakugou’s left allow for the sun’s late afternoon glow to beam into his room. You’ve sat here with him for the past two hours and a half from when you first came.
“You’re so pessimistic, you know that?” You announce, resting your arms against the bed’s side rails, which promote access to you, propping your cheek onto your hands with your face turned towards Bakugou. “Always thinking so negatively.”
Choosing not to respond to your comment, Bakugou soaks in the brief silence shared within the confines of his room.
For the past few days, other than his immediate family, who was relentless about visiting him as much as they could- save for the days where work would pull them away- your regular visits were something that became apart of Bakugou’s daily schedule. 
Wake up. Eat whatever shitty food the kitchen staff has to offer for the day. Wait through numerous check-ups and appointments, while the nurses examine the vital state of his internal organs. And then, he has a bit of free time to himself before either you or any visitor arrives at Hosu General hospital.
“I’m just telling it as it is.”
Bakugou would be lying if he said that he didn’t look forward to your visits.
Like Pavlov’s law, he’s grown conditioned upon awaiting your arrival every day, always finding himself sitting a bit straighter in his bed whenever 15:00 rolled around on the clock. 
Growing bored with not much to do, Bakugou allows his eyes to wander the room, skimming each object with little to no thought before his eyes would drop down on your form once again. With your eyes still closed, Bakugou takes this chance to absorb your presence before him fully. Watching the tiny twitches that would happen every now and then on your face out of curiosity.
The amount of fear and dread that washed over you the moment you caught news of how Bakugou jumped in front of his childhood friend, Midoriya, to spare his life, in turn, putting his own on the line had you aching to the bone. 
You were scared and couldn’t bring yourself to the thought that you would lose him, and there wasn’t much that you could do about it since you and a few others were far from where the main fight had gone down.
Regardless of whether Bakugou had a chance of waking up or not, you were still adamant about swinging by his hospital room as often as you could until the second day where he miraculously woke up. And caused an uproar as he did. He had to be restrained as he tried to check up on the others’ wellbeing as he did so.
To be placed inside of a room alone, with no one around to tell him what the fuck exactly went on, Bakugou was on edge. Hands down, that day would take the cake as being the most overwhelming experience he has had at his time here. Where were was Deku, for starters? And where did you disappear off to? 
He really didn’t deserve you.
Pulling himself out from his thoughts, Bakugou breaks the silence to pester you with something. “Pass me that, will you?” He asks, nodding his head over to the sole snack that sat on his bedside table. Something that one of the nurses left behind for him after his physical exam.
You blink, snapping yourself back to reality. You crane your next behind you, following his line of sight to the bright Tarami packaging. “Sure,” you grab and toss it for him to take.
Bakugou grunts out his gratitude. “Getting to eat normal food again will be the pinnacle of my life,” he states, rolling the Tarami around in his hands. “They feed us nothing but literal dog water and bland shit. “
“I’m sure the staff is trying their best. You aren’t the only mouth they feed in here after all,” you say, referencing the fact that your other peers, such as Todoroki and Midoriya to name a few, found themselves in the same situation as he did. 
“I fuckin’ guess,” he mutters in response, his focus shifted onto trying to rip open his snack but to no avail.
“Want me to - ”
“Don’t need it,” he says, cutting your sentence short. His bandaged thumbs are still fumbling to get a good grip on the plastic seal that stood in the way between him and his fruit cup. “This stupid gauze is just - ” The cup tumbles out from his hold and rolls out onto his lap. “Dammit!”
You smile at the display in front of you. Bakugou glaring at the container as if it had crossed him wrong was quite the sight to see. The fact that he has shown no signs of making another attempt at opening the seal gave you an indication that it was your turn to step in.
What a dork.
“Jesus, Katsuki,” you say, shaking your head at his stubborn nature. You take the fruit cup off his lap and, without issue tear the seal off before passing it back to him. He was too headstrong for his own good sometimes. “Nobody’s gonna bite you if you ask for help once in a while.”
Bakugou scoffs - losing steam now, he tips the rim of the cup against his lips, knocking back as many diced peaches he could fit inside of his mouth.
A mix of wonder and admiration suddenly crosses you as you study how quick he is to swallow down his food. Not even bothering to make use of the silver spoon left astray on the stand.
Bakugou silently chews. His cheeks have bulked up in size for the time being until all traces of food have been gone. Cute. “You’re so - ” You start but cut yourself short, wanting to enjoy the serene atmosphere rather than spurring him to the edge towards nagging at you.
You reach your hand out towards Bakugou, thumb grazing the corner of his mouth to clean the small mess he has made, to which he gently swats your hand away. His mannerisms were still the same as ever, never changing.
“I’m so what?” He asks, flicking his attention onto you as he watches the way your eyes linger on his face.
“You’re so amazing, was what I was going to say.” 
“Damn straight.”
You half-heartedly roll your eyes at his narcissistic response and reach for your phone, checking the time. “Wow, it’s now getting to 18:00?” You exclaim, swiftly entering the passcode to your iPhone and so that your fingers could scroll to the Tokyo Train Navigation app to check the times of when you should catch the next ride home.
Bakugou brows bump together in confusion at your surprise. “What about it? That means you’re ditching me already?” 
“Only for today though, the next train is coming in 30 minutes, and I gotta catch it before it gets dark out.”
As much as Bakugou isn’t a big fan of having your time spent together but abruptly short, he understands where you’re coming from, mentally putting himself in your shoes. 
At hours like these, when the begins to sun hide behind the city’s tall, towering buildings, it isn’t an ideal situation to have you walking out alone in the middle of dimly lit streets where villains may lurk at any corner. Especially after the shit show that went down this past week with the jailbreak.
He’d have no problem walking you home at times like this, but he can’t. Not when he’s on a “house arrest” list with the staff of the hospital.
“Fine,” he replies, dropping his head into his hands, which then finds purchase through his hair. Pissed with the cards he’s been dealt with. Feeling like he should clarify about your safety, Bakugou pipes up, “Make sure you ask the front desk to have one of their idiot guards walk you to the station. I hear that they do that.”
“Yeah, of course,” you say, collecting your belongings from the ground. “Not trying to be edited in with the clouds.” A remark that was supposed to prompt a lighthearted, humorous feel to the conversation, but Bakugou remains tight-lipped as ever. A fitting expression for your grouch of a boyfriend.
“I’m serious. Text me when you get home too.”
“And so am I! I love my life.”
And he loves you-- was something that Bakugou refrains himself from saying. It was something that he still had trouble saying verbally but had no difficulty expressing.
You walk towards the door, ready to bid your counterpart a farewell, but he beats you to the punch.
“The hell are you doing?” Bakugou’s voice halts you from making your grand exit.
He stares at you sharply from his bed. Glowering with jaw taut as he eyes your hand placed onto the sliding door. “Cut that shit out, come back.”
“For why?”
You hear Bakugou breathe out a hushed hiss, becoming peeved at how evasive you were when he knew for a fact that you were aware of what he wanted you to do for him. “Come and do the thing.”
At his sudden inquiry, you finally turn around to face him. “What thing?” You prod, wanting to hear him say what he wanted out loud. To be straightforward with you for once rather than dancing around the topic like he always does.
Sidestepping the multiple wires and the IV tube that he was hooked up to, at last, you close the distance between you both. Finding yourself back beside Bakugou’s bed, and now settle yourself down onto the small space that he has created for you on his mattress. 
You feel giddy. A hazy warmth exudes from your chest that spreads down to your toes as you watch the slow change of pigmentation in Bakugou’s face. Blotches of a soft, rosy pink littered his exposed neck, indicating the effect that had over him.
Caving in, Bakugou swallows down his pride and utters, “Kiss me…” His tone is wavering in the slightest.
There it was.
Propping your hand near Bakugou’s face to steady yourself, you nod. You’re gentle in the process as you move much closer to Bakugou, attentive as not to brush up against any of his wounds. “Okay,” you murmur. 
You think to yourself about how pretty looks from your point of view. Admiring how Bakugou's plush and soft skin was despite the light bruises and scratches he’s gained from the fight, he looked very well-maintained for a hospital patient.
The more time that you take, you become aware of the fact that Bakugou isn’t above taking a fistful of your shirt and tugging you down so that you could meet his lips. Hell, it wouldn’t surprise you if he were to do so right now.
But he doesn’t. 
Instead, he waits. Patiently, for you to make your move and just fucking kiss him already. Though there’s only so much he can take before he breaks.
Feeling the bed dip beside him, Bakugou could damn near feel his heart hammering against his chest. “Hurry up and get on with it will you,” he chides, his striking features already beginning to twist into an unreadable expression.
You laugh, unable to bite back your giggles as the male fixed you with his signature scowl. “Look at you, being a bully to the person you want a kiss from...” You say, leaning in close, now only hovering a few mere centimetres from his lips, both of you desperate for what would come next.
“You’re so mean, I swear.”
And that’s when you decide to close the distance, pressing your lips together.
It was quite sweet, literally, for his lips tasted of citrus.
Bakugou does a poor job at suppressing down his groan the moment your fingers wind themselves into his hair. The pads of your fingertips adoringly dance across his scalp.
The kiss starts off relatively chaste, both of you relishing in each other’s warmth as you pepper several small kisses against him—your stomach ties into knots as you experience how gentle he was being with you.
Despite the dull aching pains that Bakugou could still perceive whenever he made broad movements with his arm, his hand steadily finds its way to reach up towards your neck, pressing you further against him to deepen the kiss, swiping his tongue upon your lower lip. 
When your tongue comes into contact with his, it’s tentative and quick. And then it happens a few more times before fully feel comfortable enough to full-on kiss Bakugou.
Your thought process was growing muddled. Not a clear premise came to mind as his bandaged hand trails to the small of your back and back up again.
With every sound or hum of approval that you made way past your lips, it fed Bakugou’s desire to satisfy both you and his needs even. His thumb smooths over the curve of your jaw, easing your nerves each time you shyly pull away attributable to the great intimacy that swirled between you both.
He chases your lips, fervent on returning your energy that you were relaying to him, back tenfold. He loves you. So fucking much, and he only hopes that his appreciation and devotion may reach you.
You choke on a tiny gasp. “Katsuki - ” And that’s when he feels it, right in his chest. It’s as if he has been jump-started back to life, his heart quite literally skipping a beat at the sound of his name tumbling past your lips. It was adorable, and he wanted to hear you like that again. Say his name like that again, on loop without end.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, your breathing was starting to grow laboured now, and you decide to break the kiss before things can escalate and before you miss your train.
Pulling away from Bakugou, the traces of confidence that you once had prior to the kiss have all but flung itself out the window, completely gone now. “I’ll, uhm -” You stammer over your words, brain trying to compose a proper sentence in spite of your current dazed state. “I’ll be back to see you again, with the others.”
With how flustered and scatterbrained you were acting, it stroked Bakugou’s ego beyond belief. A wicked smile threatens to split upon his face, but he bites it down along with his greed to ask for one more kiss before you go. “Tomorrow,” he affirms, flicking his eyes back towards the TV—an entirely new show publicized on its screen.
You hoist yourself up from the bed and stand to your feet, ignoring how your knees almost buckle. “Right,” you say. No fucking way were you this beat up over making out with your own boyfriend, for crying out loud- you thought as you wander towards the door, almost taking out one of the monitors in your trail. 
Sliding the door open you step out, but you poke your head back in, stalling a bit so that you could look at the blonde for the last time that day. “But until then, get well soon, okay?” 
Bakugou’s eyes stay glued to the screen, trying to distract himself from how damn sweaty his palms were, that or how he could feel the beat of his heart pick up in tempo. Its incessant pounding was all too much for him.
It’s so stupid how whipped he found himself to be nowadays. “I know,” he dismisses, a bit all too quickly. He wants your ass out before you have a chance to glance at the heart monitor he was wired up to.
Fortunately enough for him, you don’t. You wave and close the door behind you, your smile being the last thing he sees.
With the coast clear, Bakugou throws himself back onto his mountain of pillows. “Shit,” he curses, panting out a sigh of relief seconds after you were gone.
That was amazing, you were amazing, he thought, recounting the kiss. He swipes his palms against his sheets, being sure to get rid of any nitroglycerin that may linger to activate his quirk successfully.
Bakugou can’t stress how much he’s aching for nightfall to come, knowing that he would be one sleep from getting to see you again, and again, and again, until he would finally be let free.
But until then, as you had said, he had to heal.
And with the knowledge of you being around whenever he needed you the most, Bakugou was most definitely on the bright path to a speedy recovery.
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kwritingbooks · 3 years
Prompts You Can Request HERE
(Harry Styles edition)
* marks that it has been requested and in the process of being made
A1: “Let me wash your hair for you, okay?”
A2: “Let’s just stay in bed.” *
A3: “Do you want to watch the stars?”
A4: “Catch me if you can!”
A5: “I guess we’re stuck here until morning.”
A6: “Rain is the perfect lullaby.”
A7: “And now we’re out of power. Where do you keep the candles again?” *
A8: “Is that a drawing of me?”
A9: “You are the peace I crave in this chaotic world.”
A10: “I need you, you idiot.”
A11: “You still live in the silences between my thoughts.”
A12: “You think the universe fights for souls to be together?”
A13: “Can I stay here tonight?”
B1: “When was the last time you slept?”
B2: “Please don’t leave me.” *
B3: “Why can’t you just love me back?”
B4: “I can’t keep kissing strangers pretending they’re you.” *
B5: “So that’s it? It’s over just like that?”
B6: “I think we need some time apart.”
B7: “When was the last time you meant it?” *
B8: “Stop looking at me like you still care about me!”
B9: “It should have been you all along.”
B10: “We won’t forget about each other, right?” *
B11: “I warned you how this would end.”
B12: “You always pushed people away. I just never thought you’d do it to me, too.”
B13: “It wasn’t supposed to end like this.”
B14: “Why does it feel like this is goodbye?”
B15: “All I’ve ever wanted was for you to see me.”
B16: “I’m tired of being tired.”
B17: “But friends don’t look at each other like we do.”
B18: “Why are you scared of loving?”
B19: “In my dreams we’re still together.”
General scenarios
C1: in a beach town
C2: met in a psychiatric hospital
C3: photographer photographs new model
C4: stuck on a hiking trip together
C5: coffee house regulars
C6: tinder date turns into quarantine date
C7: run away from a religious cult
C8: ghost hunting; one believes and the other doesn’t
C9: walking the other home late at night
C10: it’s the 90’s and they’re renting a blockbuster movie
C11: realizing they’re in love with their childhood best friend*
C12: met on a carnival ride
C13: watching them come out of their depression and smile again
EDIT: if you have a specific face claim/physical qualities you want the character to have, please specify in the request! {this also goes for pronouns}
requests already filled will be linked with the post <3
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beckysworld7 · 3 years
The Housekeeper:
Teaser Series Head Canons
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Summary: Being the housekeeper can have unexpected surprises...
Genre: housekeeper au, smut 
Pairing: instances of 🍆 with each member (OT7) and reader
Trigger Warnings: each part has individual warnings, smut, fingering, masturbation, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it), dream sex, more to come ad fics get added
Rating: NC-17/ 18+ / Matute, NSFW
A/N: 18+ The series/individual expanded stories come from this thought process. Some might change up a bit from this, but it's where the idea to expand the thoughts came from! Nothing's edited or proof read. It's just what I was thinking and making note of at the time. 😂😂😂 Special shout out to @casuallyimagining for designing all the series banners! Love you bunches!!! 💜😍💜
| Master List |
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The Housekeeper Head Canons
(You've been working for BTS as their housekeeper for months and have become friends with them. You've been told to make yourself at home while there.)
You'd finished cleaning for the day and had sat down to rest on the couch. Pulling out your phone and checking your notifications, you notice your fav fanfic smut author has posted a new fic. It get you hot and bothered and sparks a fantasy. Your so into it that you don't notice Jimin had arrived home and has been watching you. (Part One)
Washing dishes your surprised by Jungkook early arrival home. After eating lunch the flirtation begins, initiated by him. With you pinned between his arms at the counter he whispers "Is there anything else you want, Noona?" softly and seductively into your ear. (Part Two)
You went to work even though you weren't feeling to hot but regret it after cleaning for a while you decide to take a quick nap on the couch to get your energy back before continuing on but you over sleep and wake up to Yoongi looking down at you hand on your thigh he leans in and whispers "Has sleeping beauty finally awakened for her prince?" (Part Three)
Doing general cleaning while Tannie is over for a visit. You notice him humping a throw pillow that had fallen to the floor. Your giggle at the situation is interupted by Taehyung behind you. He leans in close to your ear and whispers "Doesn't look like a bad idea, care to join me?"
Hobi arrived home before everyone else and catches you dancing around to music while cooking them all a surprise dinner. He get in behind you swaying and grinding into you as the song continues. Caught up in the moment you allow it to continue until the song end. fantasies of what it be like in bed with him on your mind have you panting and your panties moist. You can tell he's just as affected by the bulge in his pants pushing up against your ass. As the song comes to an end he whispers into your ear "I hope you fuck as good as you dance, I know I do."
You arrive to work that morning to find Jin in the kitchen finishing up cooking putting food on his plate. It smells mouthwatering and you comment as such. He offers you the plate he'd made for himself and some chopsticks. Sitting at the table you shyly admit that you haven't quite gotten the hang of using them. He smiles at you, something that you don't quite catch flickering across his eyes as he joins you at the table. He takes the utensils from your hand and picks up some food. He turns back to you with an not so innocent smile and says "Open up Sweetheart." You open you mouth automatically without hesitation, caught up by the hungry look you see in his eyes and take the bite he offers. "That's a good girl" he whispers the praise, running his free hand across your cheeks. Thumb swiping slowly across your lower lip getting the sauce off of it. He puts his thumb coated with the little bit of sauce into his mouth and moans around it. His eyes were on your eyes while your eyes were on his lips. Your eyes return to his as he leans in closer to you. "Can I have another taste sweetheart?" He doesn't wait for your answer as his lips descend upon yours.
Namjoon shakes his head a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He glances down the hallway making sure Jin is gone before speaking. His voice draws your eyes up from where they're been staring at your feet, embarrassed to have been caught by him again in another compromising situation. "You're very popular." He states it simply no insult or judgment in his tone. "Not with everyone," you reply before you can catch yourself. You didn't mean to say the thought that had crossed your mind out loud. Joon was your bias and while the attention from the rest of the guys had your head spinning, you'd often been saddened by the lack of attention from Joon. That is other than the smirk he often wore when catching you in positions like the one you'd just been in. His voice brings you attention back to him from your musings. "You sure about that?" he asks as he begins to walk slowly toward you. It's then that you notice that along with the smirk always seeming to grace his, face there's a dark and powerful lust burning in his eyes.
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