#edit - forgot to mention he draws bendy
skitariiposting · 2 years
Okay, warhammer stuff can sit down for a second. I got started talking to my boyfriend about this and now everyone else has to hear about it too.
So, I have three favorite animals. The highland cow, and moths are the first two. The third is The American Woodcock.
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Look at himb.
Not only are they the quintessential bird, have the words 'wood' and 'cock' right next to each other in their name, and look like something a 1st grader would draw when asked to draw a 'bird,' but they have some amazing side features to go along with them.
#1. They have some fantastic colloquial names. My personal favorite of the bunch is 'Timberdoodles,' because come on, that's good. Here's some from the official Wikipedia page on them:
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(ID TRANSCRIPTION: sometimes colloquially reffered to as the timberdoodle, the bogsucker, the hokumpoke, and the Labrador twister.)
Awe inspiring.
#2. They don't sound like a bird. They sound like a squeaky toy.
He go "MEHP!"
#3. They dance to find worms.
Amazing. They strutting real good, good job birbs.
Edit: I forgot to explain why they do this. It's to hunt worms! We aren't 100% sure why they do it or how it works, but it's effective enough for them to keep doing it so... I dunno. It's freaking cute though.
Some researchers believe it's to emulate the vibrations of rain so worms will come to the surface. Worms like to go where there's moisture, so the Woodcocks walk rhythmically to make the worms think there's water falling down from somewhere. A couple others believe the vibrations emulate falling dirt or changing landscape, which causes the worms to be disturbed and try to move away from it, usually up into the birb's range.
Foolish worms, your hubris will cost you your life!
#4. They've got some whack ass beaks
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Not only is the bill prehensile, but it's also bendy! Their flexible beak has a ton of nerve endings in it to sense where the worms their searching for are. So when they're pecking at the ground and not pulling up anything, it's not because they missed, it's because they're using it to sense if there is a worm to go after at all and if its moving or stationary. Not only that, but unlike other birds, they can open the upper tip of the beak. Its especially useful for letting their long rough tongue out after sticking it in the ground so they can catch worms!
Honorable mention: their eye placement let's them see nearly 360 degrees around themselves, so they're especially hard to catch for game birds.
So. If this didn't convince you that Timberdoodles are fantastic and amazing creatures worthy of praise, I don't know what will at this point.
Go forth and spread this information to fellow bird lovers. Tell them they need to add the Woodcock to their favorite animals list.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 years
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illusion. the art of mimicking real life.
BATIM is officially 6 years old..oh jeez. A little hard to believe it's been this long. Six long years since the little devil that invaded my life was created. Where did the time go? Still,it's cool to see how far it's come. The journey so far has definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions,with ups and downs,but even so,I'm still glad I discovered this little guy. He definitely brought me a lot of good moments in recent times.
I didn't have anything really new or done specifically with the anniversary in mind,but I had this drawing I was trying to finish a while ago that I thought would be nice to post on the day. As we can see,this successively failed.I had the idea for this drawing since 2021, and I tried to execute it at the time, but I never made it past the sketches. Then last year I tried to redo it from scratch and since then I've been trying to finish it and post it on specific dates and failing successively.
But eventually, I manage to find the strength to finally end this piece altogether and put it behind me. The main drawings had been finished for a while,it was just a matter of doing...well,whatever the final result became. I confess that I didn't really know how to do the "broken mirror" idea at the beginning. And that wasn't even the original idea that I have in mind back in 2021.
I'll admit the first time I stopped and looked at the glass cracks I was unsure if I was liking how it was turning out. But it's better than nothing. And at the moment I'm just thinking "Bro, stop. You've done everything you could do in this drawing. It's over. Just let it go". So I'm going to do it.
Oh and Joey is here too,I forgot to mention that. Technically it was also his birthday too. So happy day of birth,pencil man. He's definitely going through something in this drawing. This was mainly made with one of my AUs in mind and the events that happen in it,but I think if you look at it as something more “canon related” (close to canon?),it might work well too. I think at least.
Better finish this desc before it gets too long. As a bonus,here are the two main drawings I did for this piece,unedited (because I'm not going to show the edited versions,I assume they're kinda ugly separately) :
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Call me "Bendy and the Ink Machine Remix and Lyric Video" because I was AHHH AHHH AHHH trying to finish this drawing.
#The phrase at the beginning of the text is not actually a definition of Illusion it's just a phrase I quoted from TIOL#or at least it's not a real definition i found#I just thought that in the context of the image itself the phrase made sense#batim#bendy and the ink machine#bendy and the dark revival#i guess#joey drew#idk if I should tag Memory Joey on this because considering this drawing is more geared towards the events of my AU than those of canon#+ the fact that I started this drawing before the release of BATDR#the Ink/Cycle Joey here is less ''a memory/copy of the original''#and more like the real deal you know#but at the same time I say this I decided to change the design of the Ink Joey that I was using at the time#to something similar to the one of M!Joey#making it now much more similar to canon even though in the context of the image Ink Joey here is not a memory/copy and#yeah maybe i should have used the old design#now I'm bothered lol;but fuck it#as I had said#if you look at this drawing as something made with canon in mind and not an AU; it might work well too#i.e. interpret it however you want;it's still connected to an AU at the end of the day but that doesn't mean it can't be seen in other ways#what other ways?#I don't know; you tell me. if you want#but hey; at least i wont have to change my AU for the thousandth time because of new canon info haha#damn; only now I find out that there is a tag limit;if anyone has read this far;hi;hope you had a nice week;okay I'll shut up now#crookedsmileart#batdr
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 7 years
#BendyHTtakeover Recap
((so I’m gonna compile all the Good Shit from the #BendyHTtakeover event into one post okay here we goooo))
Sammy has been writing music for most of his life, "from a young age [...] tunes would pop into my head, [writing music] was the only logical step. ;)"
“Willow Weep For Me” is Sammy’s favorite song, he apparently considers it modern. what time period does this game take place in jfc
Sammy made a handful of puns during the event. Puns are great.
Apparently he liked Bacon Soup at one time, but “it kind of lost its luster after a bit.. But you’d have to be crazy to not love chocolate cake!”
Putting on pants is apparently a struggle for him.
Someone asked if Norman was behind the organ from chapter 2. He responded with “The organ... I don’t know what you mean. Although Norman, our projectionist, he was always very bright..” which might be a hint to something, a compliment, or another pun - who knows.
An ad for a Little Mermaid bedspread got posted in the middle of the event, probably on accident. Someone joked “Sammy’s favorite Disney Princess is Ariel, confirmed.” All he had to say was something was amiss with the post, and the bed looked comfortable.
Sammy still writes and sings music when he’s not praising Bendy, and has written “so many dozens of songs! So many! When you’ve been in this business as long as I have... you’re quite busy.” He also said “Perhaps you shall hear them someday.” pls
His clearest memory of the studio besides the ink pump is “a whistling sound, a vague melody.. with a sinister purpose.”
When asked for advice on composing music, he responded “Music is all about layers. Rich and lush. Practice, my friend. That’s what it’s all about!”
Wally’s catchphrase is apparently contagious. Someone asked “Sammy, what would happen if Wally lost his keys again?” To which he responded, “That Wally! That man can’t ever keep his things in order! If I didn’t know better I’d say his mind was wayyyyy out of here!”
Headcanon confirmed, “Sheep Songs” is Sammy’s favorite song he wrote for the Bendy cartoons.
He wears the mask to “resemble the most perfect form I know!”.
He might not be able to see without the mask as well, someone later asked “how do you see with that mask?” and he replied “how do you see without yours?”. Might have just been a joke, or confirming the “ink monsters can see through Bendy’s eyes in cutouts and posters” theory.
Sammy thinks Susie is “A charming woman.. quite... charming.. I recall only her face... that.. smile.”
He took some selfies for us.
Someone asked how he felt after what happened to him at the end of chapter 2. “I can’t recall any injustice on the part of the Ink Demon. He is.. most fair.” Apparently he’s fine with being pancake’d.
“Who’s better? Bendy, Alice, or Boris?” “There is only our lord Bendy.”
What makes Bendy so worshipable is that “[He] knows all and sees all. He is the hope we’ve been waiting for!”
"The last I can recall... I had a flowing cascade of brown hair.. I miss it so... or was it blonde? No matter.. it was splendid.”
He regrets never going to Coney Island.
Someone asked what he thinks of Alice “Ohhh such a voice! So.. heavenly! So beautiful!” Tied with his earlier comment about Susie, this makes Samsie shippers such as myself rejoice.
He is honored that people write songs about him, and Bendy.
He doesn’t only make puns, he memes. According to him, “if you have the proper training, mayonnaise IS an instrument.”
His favorite instrument is the banjo, he was always fond of it and it “plucks the right chord with me”
He thinks bacon soup can be good, “it’s best when aged for a while I hear.”
He’s happy Joey let him name the song “Sammy Jam” after himself.
Someone asked if he had a special someone before becoming an ink monster. His answer was a flustered “Someone.. special? ... I.. well.. there was.. this one. I almost remember.”
He doesn’t quite know where Joey is, but he thinks he’s off raising his salary somewhere.
He doodles Bendy sometimes.
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thesquidgame · 4 years
i do give a shit
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Summary: Five And Diego talk for the first time in years, (40 for one, and 17 for another)
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100. “I have always loved you, and I’m never going to stop.”
word count: 1.1k
a/n: i hate this a lot, my intrusive thoughts kicked in while writing this so it's painful. i couldn't edit it. i wouldn't write it if it wasn't my first request (thanks btw! i how you like it's :)) i kinda want affirmation that it isn't gross or incesty bc my ocd is a little bitch. i know it's not but my head is bad.
warnings: suicide mention, abuse, trauma, scars, child death, death
Some people are meant to die. The lucky ones do. The unlucky ones are stuck living. But, most people in this situation, get the gift of death. The Hargreeves siblings (with an exception of one) weren’t as lucky.
The kids had always ranked their trauma, but at a certain age, they couldn’t repeat it anymore. And when their brothers died there was a piece of the pain missing. Diego and Five weren’t close. The golden boy and the piece of shit kid who cries at needles. Guess which was which. 
But, out of the three “angels” Five was Diego’s favorite. When Vanya and Diego practiced guitar at two am Five would always check up on Vanya and make sure she’s okay. You can’t trust anyone in this family, and when he was a kid Diego thought that Five was a prime example of this (but as time went on it disproved this) but at least he cared. Not good at showing it, but still caring.
So, when Five disappeared, Diego didn’t care at first. But as time went on he began to see how the veil covering their fractured lives slowly started to get pulled off. The fractures made it shatter. Every year he missed Five more. Diego missed his brother.
He stayed up with Vanya and helped her make sandwiches, he sat by Five’s statue every year on their birthday, he mailed Allison a picture of her and Five when Claire was born, he told Eudora about Five the first time they heard a missing 13-year-old report on their police scanner.
So yeah, Diego missed Five. Laugh all you want. 
So when a fucking portal opened up out of the sky, Diego was happy. Internally, of course, but happy. Still brooding and never talking to Five, but happy. 
He avoided his little (big?) brother whenever he could. Acting like a divorced couple trading off Klaus in parking lots. 
He wished he could’ve saved Five. Someway, somehow, tackled him to the ground and said “DONT YOU FUCKING ZAP AROUND TODAY”.
But that didn’t happen. And Five got more fucked up than any kid ever deserved to. Diego got fucked up, but Five shouldn’t have to go through that thing alone.
“Hey, dumbass” Diego was sitting in a bar, drawing his sorrows in beer.
He turned around to see his brother behind him, in his stupid uniform from when they were kids (even though one of them still technically was one). “Yeah, ‘bro’”.
“I spent 40 years trying to save your ass and you’re drinking cheap beer and trying to forget the only family you have.”
Diego traced the scar that left his hair missing on his head and wondered if this family was worth remembering. “What’s not to forget.”
Five unusually stayed in silence, and Diego could swear he heard a feeble me but then he snapped back and said “we’re the only thing you have left.”
Diego glared at the kid. “Okay, we’re leaving, c’mon, let’s go.” 
Five glared back with a scalding gaze in his eyes. “Fine. We’re going home.”
He would’ve complained, but arguing with a time-traveling, teleporting, young old man, was not on his agenda. 
He grumbled as he paid his tab, took a last swig of beer, and made his way out of the pub to his car. 
He unlocked and started up his car, and Diego could tell that Five was pissed that he wasn’t driving. Good. No matter how much he wanted to remember, the drive home was muscle memory from anyplace in the city that sold alcohol. Just because he preached to Klaus about not messing up his body, he figured that he was canceling himself out.
Diego pulled the keys out of the ignition and sighed, rubbing his eyes outside of his old house. Five rolled his eyes and opened the car door “come on, let’s get fucking moving. I’ll have mom make us some sandwiches and cider.
No man, however strong, ever wants to go back to the place where his father tortured him and where he had to kill his mom (only to have her resurrected again, but still devastationg. Even though that was exactly what Five was making him do. He didn’t have enough time to think about what Five was feeling, he was the one making him do this.
“Welcome home Diego!” It hurt him that only a few days ago he had to kill her to ‘save’ her. No one should have to do that to their mom. Especially not when your mom was the only thing that kept you from killing yourself when you were 11.
“Hey, mom.” Now he gave her all the hugs he could. 
“Mother, could you please make us some sandwiches?” Five so rudely interrupted.
“Of course Sweetie.” She said smiling at her ‘youngest’ son before she walked out of the room to the kitchen.
Diego grumbled and sat down on the steps, pulling out a knife and twirling it around using his fingers. Five sat down next to him and stared off into the distance.
After a few minutes of (un)comfortable silence, Five interjected. “I never forgot stopped trying to find my family, you know.”
Diego stilled his hands and responded to his brother “what?”
“Every single day for 40 years I tried to get back to my family. Through the scars and the delusions and the trauma, I worked. And now that I’m back no one gives a shit. The apocalypse is in a few days and my siblings are getting wasted and high. A thanks would be nice.” 
Five looked at Diego with anger and sadness.
“You’re my brother. It’s just jealousy and pity. You didn’t have to go through what we did, but you also went through something horrible. We’re numb. After getting broken enough times, your just bendy.”
Five was angry, he stood up and started yelling at Diego, while pacing, which the man sitting on the stairs started playing with his knife again. “I went through hell every single fucking day. And your only excuse is that you sad??? YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND, NO ONE IN THIS FAMILY UNDERSTANDS!!!!” Five was out of breath “No one cares about me.”
This made Diego chuck his knife next to Five’s head “HEY. YOU ARE MY BROTHER AND I’M ALWAYS GOING TO LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT! I care about you, and just because I can’t show it well doesn’t mean that you aren’t my brother and that I missed you! You are always gonna be my brother, which means that I do give a shit.”
Five looked apprehensive at first, then he gave Diego an awkward hug, which Diego then immediately returned, with an equally awkward bear hug. 
“You’re my little bro, and if it makes you feel better, we’ll save the world I guess.”
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Sergeant Archie Wynand
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Here he is.....I’ve mentioned this character a couple of times for my Bioshock Rebirth AU. Amazing how he went from a human character in Bendy And The Last Rebirth(My Bendy sequel AU) to something bigger. 
For a while I had planned this little commentary from a commander talking about how Arch is so damn good at what he does. Such as combat and whatever else. But the fact that he strangely scares other rangers(As in US Army Rangers) because he doesn’t show any attitude, seems to get anything done without much trouble unless it’s a bigger job. Along with the fact he seems to have no family and is alone when he’s not on duty.
But I’m not gonna do that. Amazingly for him...in a funny way this is also my first drawing of another Bioshock character. But I’m not reveal that yet until I feel more comfortable showcasing my Bioshock stuff on here. 
Maybe not my best work. But it’s nice I finally drew him. Again not spoiling anything from the AU yet. But I wanted to draw him finally. 
Also before I post this since tags are done. Originally he was 21 but late last night I changed in the synopsis for Bioshock Rebirth that he’s 23 now. It feel like I’m more comfortable with that being his age. 
Edit forgot to mention this. But I just wanna say I’m amazed Archie has gotten Archie Andrews jokes. Because that name is very popular with that character. Despite it’s a real name. Meh this is some what of an OC of mine or....I mean some what. You know afterwards I thought I made his hair too long. But looking at it, it’s actually pretty alright and what I think I aimed for. 
Not like metal hair and maybe not shaggy hair. But it’s kind of loose. Again yeah haven’t heard Archie jokes. Most likely because I’m not huge but hey I’m rambling. XD Edit again wanna put a smile. :) Meh Archie is a nice name. It’s just I think of the character or whatever just it’s popular with that Archie Andrews character I mentioned.
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skynights2 · 6 years
Bendy first chapter,Good version found!?  Secret and analyze
Update from last post.
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“He was born HERE”
Font is curious, since some of the fonts in hidden message are not the same font. ... It sounds  like Henry wrote “He was Born”  (In neat writing) Then some one else added “Here”  good version hint...
second hint  “Listening and always watching”   Hinting good version is watching henry.  becuse before you pull ink machine up, there room with lights on, but it locked and someone listening to music, after you get machine pulled up, and go back to this room, you see ink splatter in corner, and hidden message “Listening and always watching”  
Third hint
Before you enter the room to the ink machine control, the wood plank drops down, alerting you, but not really scary, and when use the seeing tool.  You see hidden message
“Don’t be scared”
This is good version letting you know, because after leave the ink machine  room.  He appears in hallway and greets you with playful music sound. and also blocks your vision from dead boris...almost like he does not want you to notice and be scared..
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More hints, If go back to the drawing room..
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with the hidden message “Can i get a little Privacy?” and there is a cardboard good version of bendy in there...now here are main  keywords HINT.  
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why?  because each time you look at this hidden message, behind you there artist table with still drawings of bendy...
But,  in order for him to change his expression Pose.  You have to look away from cartoon bendy that drawn, to give him privacy! Get it?  (so far have not seen anyone else notice this, so secret?)
Little Darling Devil, Needs LITTLE Privacy!  
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walked back to the hidden message and look at it, to give him a LITTLE Privacy, then i turned back.
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he does more pose beside this three, But see?  This is hinting he communicating with you in his own way, and showing off to you. 
let move on.
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Peekaboo!  He more active when henry around...
Also he leaves the message “Peekaboo” in hallway after this,  because as will see when get to this part.
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he will peek around corner with same music tune greeting like he did previous with “don’t be scared”
Also since he previous teased you with peekaboo in door before, and now he wrote it down, and does peekaboo again,
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Look at his right hand, Ink!! Oh what a coincidence? and just so happens there hidden message “Peekaboo”  and after this sequence the projector turns on and we see the animated bendy on screen, and he singing and whistling...more hint he is indeed interacting with you, but not in the obvious. because henry is clueless to what happening... 
Plus as already mention before...
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Ending in chapter 5 again hints this, In the story board, and only 1 good version of Bendy is shown, and look he writing something with Ink!!  (Not sam, since no pants!) That is toon version of bendy....
odd... “he had a over worldly feel”  message in chapter 5, Someone who can tease you, playfully from cardboard pop up, and a still drawn image when you give him privacy... is this perfect bendy?
also, Story Board?  Card Board of bendy??
Perhaps this might explain why Henry still stuck in the time loop??  Because if bad version saw the end,  still would not work since two version are being hinted.  Which means the good version never saw the end...
also other reason why good version wont show up, instead hides is because he scared of the bad version..  also Joey..
He said to henry “You should have tried harder”  I’m beginning to think joey never changed, and possible perfect bendy is who Joey after.. but this version only active around henry, but even so he does not come out fully.. just hints to henry he there....
it almost like he can bend ink reality around him, and show up as still drawing or card board version, only story board shows full toon version writing and be active and staring at someone, most likely henry.
Edit: forgot to add, at end credits notice the last two character to be shown in end, are Joey, then the still image of card board good version of bendy.. 
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Just like we meet joey, before forgetting and going back to first chapter and seeing this good version..
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Thomas says the first creation was in the likeness of bendy, but joey says abomination?  
Thomas says first version looked like bendy, but then Joey contradicts this statement later by saying abomination?  
“No other attempts of this particular figure have emerged” 
“And the one that did......there something unworldly about him”
These two sentence, implies there two Versions of Bendy.
First one-Abomination? bad version?  he is first one we see that seems to be locked up, border up at end of chapter 1.
unworldly is the second one.  card board bendy who follows and watches you, and tease you playfully,as he can be more then cardboard...
there more stuff found, but leave this here, what do you think?  time loop makes sense if good version has not seen it?  Joey true motive?  he needs good version?  beside revenge.....because he keeps resetting herny memory and makes him go back into the machine...making henry look for someone...or say SOMEONE>....His money maker Bendy!  Good version.
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insightfulllama · 6 years
Batim Chapter 5: Theories, Observations, and Questions
OKAY. So there’s a lot to unpack with the new chapter and my brain feels a little bit like exploding. I don’t think the ending we got was bad, but I do think there’s a lot to unpack. People smarter than me will probably make better theories, I just really need to get these thoughts out. Questions in bold. Answers I could come up with bolded and italisized. Observations normal font. Be warned: There are spoilers everywhere. 
Firstly, the largest question. What the frick frack snack was that ending?
I don’t believe that the game is a dream or a time loop. The dream is a tired cliche, and the time loop kind of just raises more questions than it answers. I think the ending scene with Joey is either an encounter Henry is remembering, or some sort of dream. Yes, I know I tossed out the dream thing earlier, stick with me.
The last thing we see before Henry appears in Joey’s house is white screen. If we’re going by trope logic, Henry is probably experiencing a vision of some sort, or he passed out. The scene in the house plays like a planned meet up between Joey and Henry, with the last line basically being the last line from the letter we see in the beginning. I don’t see why both the letter and the meeting would exist. I can only see one of them being the thing that prompted Henry to return to the studio. So which is real, the letter or the meeting? I have no idea, but I’m thinking the letter is more likely. If the letter is the only thing that’s real, then that scene could be some sort of dream that Henry’s mind created, basing it on the letter he received and filling in the cracks. Or maybe Joey has some sort of connection to the studio, and is trying to communicate a message to Henry as our protagonist lies unconscious. The dream/memory ends with Henry remembering the beginning. (And probably waking up right after.) Bottom line, the ending scene where Joey speaks to Henry in the house is either Henry remembering an event, Henry having a dream about why Joey would have sent him to the studio with the letter, or a mixture of both. After it is over, Henry will wake up in the studio and be able to return home, having freed the souls trapped there by defeating the ink demon. 
On to the next several questions, which are smaller. Who is writing the hidden messages? 
Anyone can guess. I read another post suggesting that Joey wrote them. Considering the drawings we see and the idea that Joey has some connection to how the studio is now, that theory has some merit. All we know for sure is that whoever it is has some sort of knowledge of the future, based on the message that knew Good!Alice would leave you for dead and the fact that the messages are instructions on what to do. We know that Good!Alice has been reading them, but does not understand their meaning. If you’re a fan of the timeloop idea, you could guess that Henry himself is writing them. The writer could be anyone, but Joey is who I instinctively blame, given his connection to the studio. 
Why did Henry leave the studio?
Thanks to Henry’s podium in the archives and the picture we see framed in the house, we have at least a little information. Henry left the studio for unknown reasons at some point, before the studio shut down. My first thought was that he left because Joey took credit for making Bendy, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. The picture signed by Henry says “Your success”, implying that he already left. But it is signed, “your best pal”, meaning they were probably on good terms. So why did Henry leave if they were on good terms with each other. We can only speculate, seeing as Joey and Henry seemed to be on good terms based on the picture we see framed in the house. (Or maybe Henry is a super sarcastic person who decided to send a back handed message by saying “your best pal” when they clearly weren’t. But then why would Joey have it framed?)
What did Wally do?
In the last recording we hear form Wally, he explains that he found a chocolate cake while cleaning. Based on his language, he probably ate it. Then he says “I hope no one finds out what I did.” This could be referring to the cake, but it seems odd to word it that way. Could the cake be a metaphor for something else? Or maybe there was a cake, but Wally is talking about something else in the same recording. There aren’t many recordings in the last chapter, so the fact that it’s there means it must be important. Based on his recording, Wally must have done something that made him afraid he would get in trouble. We don’t know what it is yet, but it was definitely something. How related it is to a cake is also unknown. 
Where is everyone else?
It doesn’t look good. We know that Tom is the Boris we work with near the end, and we can assume that Good!Alice is Allison. But what about everyone else? We haven’t been able to see many images of the secret messages in other chapter, but we do have some clear screenshots of the coffins (credit to @procrastinatorat), and you know what’s on them? NAMES. 
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Things aren’t looking so good for the employees of Joey Drew Studios. There is a very strong implication that they are dead. (Or worse, as in the cases of Susie, Bertie, and Norman.) Side note, we don’t actually know that much about the fates of Tom, Allison, and Wally. The letters in the Joey house sequence suggest a happy ending, but if that scene is a construct of Henry’s own mind, that might be him hoping for a happy ending that didn’t actually happen. Also, the fact that Wally is mentioned continues to point at him being extremely important story wise.
Is the ink demon evil? 
This is a matter of speculation. When the ink demon in early chapters touches you, you die. However, this may not be intentional. We don’t honestly know enough about it’s nature to determine decisively. In the final chapter, the ink demon back hands you across the room after reaching his final form, but doesn’t actively attack you after that. You only die if you stand in his way, at which point he tramples you. When you insert the “the end” tape, you turn and see him reaching for you, but his intentions are unclear. It’s kind of hard to tell what a persons intentions are when they don’t have most of their face. The reaching could be interpreted as an intent to hurt or mere curiosity. The answer remains to be determined. 
What was that whole part where you had the ink demon break some glass pillars full of ink? 
Heck if I know. It was clearly important, but why, I have no idea. Bendy immediately showed up when you switched it on, so it may have been a summoning spell of some sort? Really, I have no idea.  
(EDIT: Forgot this question, whoops.) What is Henry?
Sorry to be from the department of redundancy department, but there’s not really a way to say for sure. We never see Henry, not even so much as a shadow or a hand. The most we can gather about him is that he’s short. But based on interactions, we can guess at a few things. I believe that when Henry entered the studio, he was human. However, we know that the ink changes things. Pretty obvious examples are given in the form of Sammy, both Alices, etc. Henry has died like a billion times by the end, and is constantly walking through ink showers. I’m not sure how, but he has definitely changed him. This is further supported by Good!Alice saying, “We don’t know what you are.” Not who you are, what. Henry may have started out human, but I’m pretty sure he’s not anymore. What exactly he is remains to be seen.  
That’s all for now. Whoo, that took awhile to type. This is disorganized word soup, but I hope it was somewhat helpful in getting brain juices flowing. I have a lot a feelings about the game, and most of them are good. Thank you so much to TheMeatly and all of the amazing people responsible for this game. I’m not going to forget about it in a hurry, I love it to bits, and I know it was an enormous labor of love for all of you. Stay amazing, all of you! Might come back and edit this later, not sure. You all have a good night! 
(One more tiny thing. I have a niggling thought in the back of mind that while the studio and all that happened there is not a dream, it is somehow a construct of Henry’s mind. There was a screenshot I wasn’t able to get with a secret message on Henry’s desk saying “he was born here”. This could mean that the studio, at least the one Henry is in, is all in Henry’s head. As in, the version of Henry we play as was born there. There seems to be a lot of evidence pointing to this. Like, he defeats the ink demon by showing it “the end”. Maybe it’s a metaphor for how he is trying to let go of Bendy, let go of some anger or issue he has been hanging on to, to end it. This could also be the reason that no one can come with him into the machine. He has to let go of this himself. I’m not sure I particularly like this theory, but I can’t get it out of my head. So if someone wants to either prove me wrong or spin it in a way that isn’t as much of a cliche, feel free! It just now occurred to me that “he” could mean Bendy. Eh, I don’t feel like rewriting that whole paragraph. Cheers everyone!)
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