#eden prison
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spilladabalia · 6 months ago
Swans - Eden Prison (Live in Budapest, 21/5/2011)
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fungus-no69 · 10 months ago
Little things on defiant pc (you/your pronouns) ft. Gn Bailey, Harper, Remy and Wren
pc bites a lot, Bailey typical human trafficking, pc is implied to have been attacked by/visited the wolves, mentions of Harper's medical malpractice, amab Harper???? (dick jokes), mention of the wolf tf in Remy's, mention of pc in prison in Wren's, pc is joked to (possibly) have rabies, pc is feral in general
You're a little terror.
You're fucking impossible to wrangle. If Bailey does manage to force you into restraints and sell you somehow while you're still kicking and screaming like you're being murdered you show up again within an hour or two.
They sold you to a party of rich people why are you covered in twigs and fur??? Why do you have (wolf)shrooms?????
Half considers putting a bounty on your head. Might.
Daydreams about the day you finally pay them
Harper is fighting for their life over here- you're showing up after passing out, being sent to the asylum every now and again, get them riled up and just escape???? Kissing them while your hands wander to their-
You sneaky little shit.
Yeah sure, Harper can just..... not creep on you but they can't help it! :( you're so cute!!!!! So what if they get a bit close or stick their fingers in your mouth to test your gag reflex? (you bite them so hard it breaks the skin and they have to get their rabies shots)
They are not a masochist. Ignore the boner.
Always half hard and ready to go with you I'm sorry.
You get taken to the Underground farm and tell Remy to go suck a fat one
You get muzzled for that. Also the whole biting thing you've got going on I guess.
With the wolf tf they are going to try and turn you into cattle without letting you out with the others. They know you probably won't eat the cows but they're not taking any more chances here. You've already made sure that half of the staff needs vaccinations against several infections and diseases (advised by Harper, who seems all too acquainted with you and your 'habits')
Why can't you eat grass normally....
What the fuck do you mean you befriended the horses. You can't even get along with people- oh you escaped.
When they see you working with Alex they damn near have an aneurysm. They just smile at you, strained. Why must you torment them like this.
Please stop eating the blackjack cards
It's literally that image like 'the smart kid wondering how he's losing to me : me eating the pieces when he's not looking' yk the one except neither of you are winning because you're fucking eating the cards.
You guys meet up in the prison so much to the point that they're not even surprised anymore.
More shocked you got caught.
It would USUALLY be concerning how horny they get over you but it's Wren so yeah.
Expect to be teased and egged on
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gnnosis · 2 years ago
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on brothers
[ jewish literacy, rabbi joseph telushkin / the bear 2x06 + 2x10 / east of eden, john steinbeck / succession 3x09 / “brothers,” kevin atwater / the west wing 6x16 / prison break 5x04 / greywaren, maggie stiefvater / boy (2010) / “he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother,” the hollies ]
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eggiari · 10 months ago
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sagaalatourr · 5 months ago
Saga compilation ٭
I want what they have ( ͡°Ĺ̯ ͡° )
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yuuverseyuuverse · 9 months ago
I dunno how many ppl watched Visual Prison but here are clothes I designed while watching, more like listening to it lmao.
This is why I don't watch shit istg. It's not really polished
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tricornonthecob · 10 months ago
reading through this pulp fiction historical romance novel set in amrev, but with an amrev hyperfixation, really makes this experience more interesting.
Who the fuck was out there in British North America naming their son Damien in the 1750s, why is she putting her shift over her stays, and when is the smut? The cover promised me smut.
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elektrosyntetik · 2 years ago
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suddenly remembered beth and i still love them dearly
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lemon-up · 1 year ago
Not me slithering here from Eden just to sit outside your door right now
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starboymp3 · 9 months ago
reading east of eden cause i only ever read it once 10 years ago and in hungarian 🫡 im ready
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sweetestflow3rs · 28 days ago
the moment i figure out vanida’s mom design, its over for everyone
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kazu-naito · 11 months ago
i watched the burning sun documentary by bbc and man i really hope that's not the path garden of eden is taking (cause it sure looks like it)
the gap between making it work and just being disrespectful and insensitive asf is soooo small
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hadukilina · 3 months ago
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lunaetis · 7 months ago
@apocryphis asked :
"your friend seems annoyed." moze declares out of nowhere, unprompted, certainly not encouraged, to the trailblazer pacing near him in the underbelly of the shackling prison. they are trapped, for the time being; and while there is no use panicking or getting worked up, it seems neither the reborn vidyadhara nor the galactic baseballer are coping very well with the pressure. ... that, or maybe he's reading the room completely wrong. again. eh - who cares. there are more important things at stake than bruised feelings. jiaoqiu's fate is not in their hands, and if those two cannot accept it, there is nothing he can do for them. "you seem somewhat more composed. how come?"
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「エデン」─  eyes of GOLD turned towards the voice breaking the heavy silence that hung around them, a comment that caused her line of vision to then shift briefly towards her companion, noting the discomfort showing upon the ARCHIVIST's expression and demeanor becoming a little more obvious, now. he had been uneasy and on-guard ever since they entered the shackling prison, and for a good reason, too. and the realization that HOOLAY had caught someone innocent did not sit well with them.
                " one would expect you to be more concerned about your friend. " eden responded back, her own composure partially intact because she shared the same SENTIMENT with dan heng. perhaps, the fact that the assassin looked almost too casual despite the unknown fate of his companion was what rubbed them both the wrong way. they were the type to get protective over those they cared about, after all.
                " and this place brought back bad memories for him. " that was all she told him. after all, dan heng's past was not hers to share. the other's comment, however, drew her AUREATE ORBS back from cloud-piercer bearer to the speaker once more. somewhat more composed, huh. she blinked, then gazed around her to the surrounding.
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                " this isn't the first underwater prison i've been to. " most likely wouldn't be the last, either. she still remembered the LABYRINTH of fortress of meropide after being sentenced as GUILTY. that was her first exposure to being thrown in jail, quite literally. the DUKE was ... something. compared to that place, and all the politics and complicated situations she found herself in FONTAINE, this place felt slightly less intimidating. it was still unpleasant, of course, but she was partially used to it. and at least this time she was here as a visitor, not an exile.
                " a lot less number of guards for a prison of such importance and size. " she recalled there were guards almost every corner at the fortress. she could almost tell her every move was being monitored, unlike now. how were they so confident they could keep this place maintained with this NUMBER ? curious. amber optics returned back to him. " you seem familiar with this place. been here before ? "
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cursedcupcakemaster · 8 months ago
and if you do it, can i be ✨🌙 anon?
Well hello and you may be ✨️🌙 if that's what you want
My thoughts on the boys go as followed
Guil;He's sweet but needs to open up to his roommates/bandmates but he's a good guy otherwise
Ange:Sweet kid and a good mc for the series, I had high hopes for him still kind of do
Robin:One of my favorites and a major sweetheart other than needing to learn some boundaries and personal space he's perfect
Eve;Needs hugs and therapy, another of my favorites I like Eves design and singing voice, I hope happiness upon him
Saga:He's certainly not going to show it all the time but I can tell he cares about his bandmates and while he is aggressive I read it partially as his passion, he's complicated but he's not a jerk he's just Saga and that's enough
Jack;I felt sorry for him that he couldn't see his own talents him being turned so young is tragic in a sense but I know his mischief isn't purely malicious,he's entertaining to watch, loved his and Robin's duet
Mist:He's not my favorite but it is nice to see how much he loves Saga, their relationship is fascinating but I'm glad that's not his only trait, he's intelligent and it shows multiple times
Beth:Another favorite of mine, I love Beth's style both in and out of concerts, I was genuinely charmed by Beth's song and sometimes listen to it while working on something, I really wish we'd learn more about him and the other boys
Eclipse (G2)
Hyde;like Mist he's really not my favorite but on screen he's fine to watch, between him and Dimitri he's obviously the level headed one not putting up with his bandmates antics but tolerating it, it's nice to see a level headed character beside the chaotic one
Dimitri;He's funny, I find him funny in his antics including the time he showed Ange his beetle Odin. The man is chaos but the kind you can't help but laugh at a little bit in a good way. He and Hyde compliment each other nicely both in music or just chilling together
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tavoit · 2 years ago
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Mark Eden was in everything from Dr. Zhivago to The Prisoner
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I liked him best as Chief Inspector Charles Parker
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