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Helium in der Chemie: Mehr als nur ein Partygag
Helium ist den meisten Menschen als das Gas bekannt, das Luftballons schweben lässt und unsere Stimmen in hohe, quäkige Töne verwandelt. Aber in der Chemie hat dieses Edelgas weit mehr zu bieten. In diesem Blogpost widmen wir uns den verschiedenen Facetten von Helium in der Chemie und beleuchten, warum es in der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft und der Industrie eine solche Bedeutung hat.
Chemische Eigenschaften von Helium
Helium ist ein farb- und geruchloses Gas, das in der Gruppe der Edelgase im Periodensystem zu finden ist. Es ist äußerst reaktionsträge und bildet praktisch keine chemischen Verbindungen. Im Gegensatz zu seinem "leichten" Bruder Wasserstoff ist Helium ungiftig und nicht brennbar, was es in verschiedenen Anwendungen extrem sicher macht.
Helium in der Forschung
Eines der faszinierendsten Anwendungsgebiete von Helium ist die Kryotechnik. In flüssiger Form erreicht Helium extrem niedrige Temperaturen, was es ideal für die Kühlung von supraleitenden Magneten in MRT-Geräten oder Teilchenbeschleunigern macht.
In der Gaschromatographie dient Helium oft als Trägergas. Aufgrund seiner chemischen Inertheit beeinflusst es die zu analysierenden Substanzen nicht, was für hohe Präzision und Verlässlichkeit sorgt.
Helium in der Industrie
Helium wird oft bei der Suche nach Lecks in Vakuum- und Drucksystemen eingesetzt. Durch seine geringe Molekülgröße und hohe Durchlässigkeit kann es selbst kleinste Undichtigkeiten aufdecken.
In der Tauchtechnik wird Helium als Bestandteil von Atemgasmischungen verwendet, um das Risiko der Tiefenrausch zu minimieren.
Umweltaspekte und Nachhaltigkeit
Helium wird aus natürlichen Gasfeldern gewonnen, und es besteht die Sorge, dass diese Ressource erschöpft werden könnte. Es ist daher entscheidend, verantwortungsbewusst mit diesem Edelgas umzugehen und Recyclingmethoden zu entwickeln.
Helium mag in der Populärkultur vor allem für seine Unterhaltungswerte bekannt sein, in der Chemie jedoch nimmt es eine ernstzunehmende und vielseitige Rolle ein. Von der Forschung bis zur Industrie ermöglicht es fortschrittliche Technologien und trägt zur Verbesserung unserer Lebensqualität bei.
Schlüsselwörter: Chemie, Helium, Kryotechnik, Gaschromatographie, Lecksuche, Tauchtechnik
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Not to make everything about Another Three Years Of 3H Discourse, but the idea of divine/religious beings not being able to win in certain big fandom circles really, really reminds me of how Rhea is treated.
She somehow simultaneously rules over Fodlan with an iron fist and never lets anyone or anything go against her ever watchful eye and she actively encourages evil to flourish to keep control over everyone through the Crest system, but also doesn't ever use her immense power to do anything at all which means it's still her fault when humans chose to be evil since she could have stopped them but tacitly did nothing also through the same Crest system. She answers calls the countries have to send them her aid and she's forcing her influence over the continent, she doesn't interfere when not asked to and she's sitting on her laurels.
It's clear that people want her to be evil to act as a scapegoat to their faves and/or want to live out their All Religion Is Bad fantasy and so kind of just. Say Anything to make her evil even if it contradicts what they said before.
So this was sent to me in regards to this post (and I do apologize for the delay; I had a VERY busy semester and have spent most of the last two weeks decompressing), and I absolutely agree. The parallels between 3H church discourse and CR gods discourse have not gone unnoticed; @wardensantoineandevka and I have discussed the eerie similarities, and I suspect that at least one person with particularly sophomoric takes on C3 already had me blocked from the 3H fandom.
It's funny, because at least with 3H there are some legitimate wrongs with the system. Rhea is an imperfect person! Crests are being abused for political finagling, wealth inequality, and child abuse among the nobility, and there is a heavy undercurrent of racism and xenophobia. The church tenets teach that Crests are supposed to be used responsibly and they don't actually encourage isolationism...but it doesn't appear that Rhea directly communicates that. She herself doesn't discriminate based on Crests; she shelters the needy; and she has no problem with foreign-born people at the monastery, the academy, or even her own inner circle (nor does she demand that they assimilate to Fodlan's culture or religion). But while I do think right action is more important than right beliefs, she's still the archbishop of the church, and the indication is that she's not really using her position to teach those values.*
But in Critical Role? Again, as I said in my reblog of the above-linked post, people have vagued me about that, but no one's actually said how I was wrong. I haven't heard any articulations of exactly how the status quo was consistently unfair or unjust—at least none that are actually borne out in the story.** The Prime Deities' influence has been overall good for Exandria; their followers heal the sick, take in orphans and the less fortunate, and protect people from devils and demons and undead. They also have followers who join adventuring parties and do things like kill tyrannical dragons and banish evil gods and stop wars and fight corruption. The lowest point of the Prime Deities, the destruction of Aeor, was in fact the thing that convinced them to make the incredibly difficult decision to leave their home in the first place, for their people's own protection. The situation at Hearthdell was absolutely wrong, but that is, from what we've seen, an isolated situation, and mortals were able to deal with it. The complaints Ludinus has really boil down to "the gods bestow favors on some but not others", which is funny both because clerics and paladins do in fact have to cultivate a relationship with their gods and because Ludinus is allying with sorcerers.
In both cases—and I say this knowing it's often met with accusations of "spineless neoliberalism" by a milieu of particularly headass people—there's not really anything going on that truly necessitates the kind of violence that characters like Edelgard or Ludinus are advocating, particularly when they are in the positions of power that would allow them to actually enact political reforms to fix things peacefully and they choose not to. But a concerning portion of the generally-privileged audience insists that war is the only way to fix things, and would rather dig in their heels and distort the text than give up their Glorious Violent Revolution power fantasy. Because that's what this is ultimately about—it's wish fulfillment, narrative be damned, like fanwank always has been. Neither Rhea nor the Prime Deities will win over this kind of person because they can't; the deck is stacked against them before the discussion even starts.
* To me, though, that points to something so compelling about Rhea's character. She's so consumed by her dedication to bringing Sothis back and her belief that doing so will set everything right that she sees herself only as a "mere proxy" who can't do what Sothis can do, and so she just...doesn't. What attention she does pay to the continent is benevolent, but it's largely about maintaining the stability of the status quo until she can basically bring back the adult supervision, even though the status quo was breeding child abuse and prejudice. She rescues Cyril, an Almyran, from slavery to the casually-racist House Goneril—but she doesn't try to broker peace, and she doesn't pay enough attention to know Cyril can't read.
** One argument that has been made is "the gods didn't help so-and-so". Laying aside the obvious Doylist explanation for this, the main reason the gods didn't help so-and-so is that they couldn't...because of the Divine Gate, which exists explicitly so the gods can't directly interfere and do something like Aeor again, which the anti-god crowd is also mad about. And the thing is? The gods did help so-and-so—unless all the healing and resurrections and protection and guidance from paladins and clerics just doesn't count all of a sudden.
#fe3h meta#cr meta#cr discourse#rhea 🤝 jonas spahr 🤝 passivity in a leadership role that leads them down a path of enabling systemic injustice#it's JUICY#(at the same time it's also very funny that the western church tries to foment a rebellion bc they're mad that rhea lets in foreigners)#(meanwhile there's still racist assholes in the monastery who mistreat dedue and cyril and the gonerils are Weird about almyrans)#(the western church is not beating the christian nationalist allegations)
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ID START ; a flag with an X shape on a black background, each X having 3 stripes in them colored: blue, navy, and blue. just before the X's overlap the colors change to: magenta, purple, magenta; and the overlapping section is colored: lilac purple, peach, lilac purple with the very middle being orange. ; END ID
edelgashev !
a gender related to noble gases.
e + del + gas + shev
from "edelgas", the original german noun used to describe the noble gases, and the suffix "shev"
requested by anon, coined by us
id by @ xdle
#gender#gender coining#mogai gender#mogai coining#⭘ my terms#coining#mogai#mogaireal#mogaisafe#mogai flag#liom#liomreal#liomsafe#liom coining#liom flag
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I said Edelgas as in noble gas and Wolfgang immidiately thought of Edelgard and started laughing.
#i am so fucking confused#he can be glad edelgard didn't appear to ask what was so funny about this#-franz#about wolfgang#about edelgard
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Radon aktiviert die Selbstheilungskräfte
Die Wirkung des Bad Stebener Naturheilmittels ist wissenschaftlich belegt (DJD). Als Zauberkraft der “Brunnengeister” war die heilsame Wirkung der oberfränkischen Quellen im heutigen Bad Steben schon im 15. Jahrhundert bekannt. Um 1900 wurde das Geheimnis gelüftet, als man das Radon entdeckte: Dieses seltene, natürliche Edelgas sprudelt in der Tempelquelle im Bad Stebener Kurpark zutage, es…
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Hugo Wilhelm Traugott Erdmann
8 May 1862 – 25 June 1910 was the German chemist who discovered, together with his doctoral advisor Jacob Volhard, the Volhard-Erdmann cyclization. In 1898 he was the first who coined the term noble gas , the original noun is Edelgas in German.
Erdmann invented the name Thiozone in 1908, hypothesizing that S3 made up a large proportion of liquid sulfur.
In collaboration with Rudolph Fittig, Erdmann found that dehydration of γ-phenyl structural analog of isocrotonic acid produced α-naphthol, an observation that provided evidence in understanding the nature of naphthalene.
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In Peking beurteilen gerade drei Sport-Richter den Doping-Fall der russischen Eiskunstläuferin Kamila Walijewa. Betreut wird sie von einer gnadenlosen Schleiferin und einem dopingerfahrenen Arzt.
Als am Sonntag in Peking die Startliste für das Kurzprogramm im Eiskunstlauf der Frauen herausgegeben wurde, schien die russische Welt noch in Ordnung.
Ganz unten, fünf Stellen vor Schluss, fand sich der Name jenes Mädchens, das es in den vergangenen Tagen auf vielerlei Weise geschafft hatte, der Weltöffentlichkeit aufzufallen: Mit einer aufsehenerregenden Leistung im Mannschaftswettbewerb und einem positiven Dopingtest. Kamila Walijewa, 15 Jahre alt.
Recherchen der Sportschau zum Umfeld der jungen Frau legen eine verhängnisvolle Mischung offen - aus einer extrem harten Trainerin und einem Mediziner, der in der Vergangenheit wiederholt bewiesen hat, auch über die Grenzen der Grauzonen hinauszugehen.
Bereits 2014 hatte die ARD über den Einsatz des Edelgases Xenon an hunderten russischen Sportlern aus etlichen Sportarten berichtet. Durch die Methode, sagte damals der Kölner Universitätsprofessor Mario Thevis vom Institut für Biochemie der Sporthochschule, sei "die Produktion von Erythropoetin innerhalb von 24 Stunden um den Faktor 1,6 auf 160 Prozent gesteigert worden". Die Folge: Wenige Monate nach dem ARD-Beitrag wurde das Gas Xenon auf die Verbotsliste der WADA gesetzt. Eine Anwendung an Athleten erfüllte also den Tatbestand des Dopings.
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Baulicher Schutz vor Radon Zur Verbesserung des Schutzes vor Radon hat das Bundesumweltministerium (BMU) am 24. April einen Maßnahmenplan veröffentlicht. Das Dokument erläutert die Strategie von Bund und Ländern zum Schutz vor dem radioaktiven Edelgas.
#baulicher Schutz#Bundesumweltministerium#Edelgas#Lungenkrebs#radioaktiv#Radon#Radonhandbuch#Radonmaßnahmenplan#Strahlenschutzrecht
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“ d-do you think our l-little bird is a girlboss? d-discuss. ”
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S Plays 'Golden Wildfire' - Part 4
Chapter 7 - A Contest of Beasts
as per request, @garlandgerard, here's what I've gleaned from GW this chater.
Story Content
Roundtable unanimously votes to go fuck up Adrestia
Front-line commanders are not so in favour of going to fuck up Adrestia
Such is war.
Oh??????? Tea? Lysithea and Marianne are having a very hard time believing Ordelia wants to fuck Adrestia because of how much it's already suffered.
God fucking dammit Claude I swear if this comes back to you-- (he said the count made Claude his proxy. mmmmmmm--)
Claude: "I just want to be clear about one thing. I'm not trying to invade the Empire because of some personal ambitions. Seizing House Bergliez's territory is essential to the future of the Alliance. That much won't change, whether we continue to wage war with the Empire or simply need a little leverage for peace talks. This fight is about protecting our future. So I'm asking you all to lend me your strength, because I can't do this alone."
Huh. I'll have to double check, but there's WAY more reluctance to fight this fight than what I've seen on Azure Gleam (Alliance Soldier, Linhardt though that's no surprise, Marianne, etc.). Even Claude acknowledges that his plan is contested. I know it's because the Kingdom, and by extension Dimitri, are being targeted, but it's certainly something I find interesting.
Claude's doubts rear their head again. Wondering if they're actually founded this time and if he should back the fuck up.
Okay, no, see, when these characters can't even remember each other's names, I have a hard time believing they're going to be really troubled by fighting them. (Hilda camp conversation.)
Lorenz states he doesn't have the right to express an opinion regarding Leicester's move on Adrestia. A unanimous decision in formality, I suppose, but all isn't as it seems.
Alliance general, from House Albany: "The Alliance is invading the Empire for the first time in history. The nobles need to present a united front. Though I don't even want to imagine how the roundtable meetings will go if this battle expands Alliance territory."
Ignatz, rightly, says the claiming gronder is a recipe for disaster because the Empire won't stand to lose their greatest plot of fertile soil.
Fun to note: everyone that wants to go fuck over Adrestia wants it done because they've lost someone to the war.
Count Bergliez plans to fuck up the Alliance without getting Edelgard involved because her main focus is on battling the Kingdom; that's where most of her forces are.
Hm, something to note: Count Bergliez says the field has been trampled beyond use.
Learning that Shahid is kind of . . . not smart? lol?
Almyran solider: "General Nader, our troops are compeltely exhausted. Everyone's starving, and we're running out of water. [....] We didn't bring enough provisions? What is Prince Shahid thinking?"
Khalid was . . . the favourite? LOL, okay. Whatever you say, Three Hopes. (which isn't to say that he wasn't loved, but, uh . . .)
Shahid has an uncle; whether that's also the king of almyra's brother is unclear.
Yeah Shahid is certified incompetent on the battlefield.
Claude, his Hilda b-support: "Is it really responsible of me to keep letting the war drag on like this?"
I've said it before and I will say it again: His japanese VA brings such a lovely range to Claude's lines and I cannot thank him enough for it. he sounds so tender talking with Hilda
"Honestly, Hilda, I . . . I don't know what to do. Is my way really the right path forward? It feels like I'm rejecting everything Leicester used to be up until now. Like I'm tearing something important away from the people who need it most. Are you sure you won't regret lighting this fire in me?"
Bergliez wants the war with the Alliance over and done with; Hevring, in his usual manner, says that Bergliez's intuition is rarely wrong and backs him up; Edelgard says the thought of armistice has also crossed her mind, and wants to focus all her attention on the Kingdom.
We are absolutely fucked, lads.
? Notable dialogue: Edelgard: Perhaps it's time we focus the entirety of our armies on the Kingdom front, and cease our attempts to conquer the Alliance through military means. Hubert, smiling: Hm, yes. Through military means.
When I tell you my stomach sank. Eugh.
Main Battle - The Battle at Gronder Field
Here we go folks
Jeralt and co. are here once again
The Imperial army is almost certainly pulling a fast one on me
Recruited Petra because I'm not a monster
???? Forced retreat??? Rock music? What's happening
It's twice now that I've seen the Byleth/Sothis v. Shez battle and it STILL fucks
Anyway Claude is panicked and I don't know why
OH. Almyra duh
Dimiclaude less-than-crumbs: story beats matching in how they're winning their respective battles until they get called back to the capital because someone's decided to cause problems
Side Battles
Saved people from bandits that were taking advantage of war's chaos and got to fuck up Metodey. All in all, a good day.
Gatekeeper wants revenge on adrestia for fucking up Garreg Mach lgkdjfgj you go, legend!
DAMN LORENZ IS REALLY TRYING TO FUCK??? Selling his territory as an ideal place for Hilda to settle down--I see you!
Lysithea admitting to bein grateful for her friends even if she never says it fdkjdlkgj i fucking love her.
I really love Caspar's voice in Japanese <3<3
#s starts a wildfire#lgkdjglkdfjg already getting ill over this why does this game do what it doe#does*
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Chapter V: Flourish
Catch up here: Part 4, Part 6
Warnings: Graphic description of violence, gore, and blood, making out.
Snapdragons can represent strength, grace, and deception. But they can symbolize love and passion as well.
Their death is surprisingly quick. The spy had not uttered a sound when I pierced his chest. Killing him with magic would have been too messy, too conspicuous.
I feel the warm blood spill out of their chest over my knife and onto my hand. I knew I had done the right thing. I knew it. They were nothing but a threat to the Black Eagles Strike Force. Not only did he have the audacity to try to leak out important information about our strategies, they even tried to sneak another spy inside our flanks. The choice was clear from that point on.
I pulled my hand away with the knife and more blood fell to the ground along with their limp body. The final dregs of their life had left their face as they crumpled silently to the ground.
A fitting end for someone who is willing to sell our information to the enemy. Just one more reason to be overly cautious in the future. I remove my blood stained knife and quickly wipe it with a handkerchief from my pocket. I will never turn a blind eye for a bastard like them.
Another day. Another corpse.
I cannot risk being here longer. Time to go back to the Monastery and report this unsavory matter to Lady Edelga—
“Ah! Here you are, Hubert!” My hand moves in reflex to hide the knife and blood stained handkerchief when Ferdinand calls me out of nowhere. How did he manage to find me in this forest?
“There is an assassination attempt in the Dining Hall and (Y/N) has captured the culprit. I am worried sick for her safety. We sho—"
My blood ran cold from Ferdinand’s exclamation. I cast a Warp spell and we were gone before he finished his sentence. Please be safe, (Y/N).
Panic runs into my brain. My lungs are burning and I feel out of breath. I feel relieved when I see that there is no sign of hurt or wounds on (Y/N) when we arrive at the Dining Hall.
Cold and unyielding, those beautiful eyes are deadly and lethal. A true killer. Vicious and lethal. I see no hint nor traces of emotion in them. Unlike (Y/N) that I used to know. She looks down on the injured man from atop a pile of broken glasses and plates, knife in her hand glinting menacingly. Various utensils are scattered on the floor haphazardly. Red and black are painting the ground sickeningly. Blood and… charred wood? Soot? I can see Professor and Lady Edelgard from my peripheral vision. They stand side by side and have their weapon at the ready.
Everyone is surrounding both of (Y/N) and the culprit with bated breath, including myself.
There is a loud crash that reverberates through the Dining Hall. Even my trained eyes cannot follow her movement when she slithers behind the man and locks his arms on his back, another hand is holding a kitchen knife right to his throat, the sharp side is digging on his jugular. Precise and effortless.
“Who has sent you?” Her sharp words send chills down my spine.
Blood trickles from the assassin’s neck as (Y/N) scrapes the knife slowly on his neck. The man is on his knees, his back straighten stiffly. A satisfying amount of fear glimmers in the his teal eyes when he involuntarily grits his teeth and still managed to force out, “Adrestian wench” to (Y/N).
That scum.
Ferdinand loses his composure at his insolent manner of speech and leaps straight to the man with his iron lance. This is bad. His abrupt strike surprises (Y/N). The assassin exploits her opening to lunge and attacks her with a head butt to her jaw. Another wave of relief washes over me when I see (Y/N) is able to evade the attack with feline grace. A true embodiment of perfect beauty. Not that I would admit it out loud to her.
My Dark Spikes barely reach their target when the assassin pivots on his heel and sets his aim on Lady Edelgard. He reaches for his breast pocket and attempts to lunge at her.
(Y/N) shifts her weight and flies into a somersault, leaping high to strike the assassin before he could attack Lady Edelgard. She kicks his head then plucks a dagger from her bosom and shoots it right on the man’s spinal cord without blinking an eye. A swift, clean, and merciful death. Not even a single speck of blood spilled on the floor. Not until she lands on the man’s back and slit the knife across his throat effortlessly.
“Why did you kill him?”
“Better safe than sorry.”
A cloud of warning settles over my features as I storm to (Y/N). Red explodes in my vision, and I couldn't breathe fast enough, couldn't think above the roar in my head. One heartbeat, I glower into her eyes–the next, I seethe. “That assassin might have countless important information regarding his plot and employers.” My body is shaking with rage and concern. Either for her well-being and the loss. I can’t tell. But I am sure it is the latter. Or I wanted to believe so. “Things that we could extract from him have gone with his death! You should not be so reckless.”
(Y/N) lets out a heavy sigh and bows her head deeply.
“My abysmal reflex has put us in disadvantage. No words can make up for my failure. He has tried to bring harm to Miss Edelgard with this.” Rummaging the man’s inner breast pocket she produces a vial then throws it on the table in the middle of the dining hall. The piece of wood becomes black with loud hiss when the substance splatters on it. Sulphuric acid?
“This vitriol oil could burn your insides and kill you if ingested. It is a strong acid and highly corrosive. Sulphuric acid can cause severe burns and tissue damage when it comes into contact with the skin.” She stalks over the man and tears his sleeve to seize more vials filled with that colorless acid. I can hear the collective gasps of everyone. They are squirming with uneasiness. Growing apprehension is palpable in Lady Edelgard’s violet eyes. “I found him prowling around the kitchen at dawn and managed to corner him here. He has poured those vials into our breakfast and utensils. It is odorless. That's why I had to break everything. Please pardon my impudence.” She shifts between her legs and stares at the floor.
Ignoring murmurs and astonishment from the Black Eagles, Professor gives (Y/N) a reassuring nod. “(Y/N),” they interrupted her thoughts, reaching up and lifting her head from where it had been glaring at the floor. “It’s okay. You did a great job. Thank you for saving Edelgard and everyone. You have our gratitude.”
“I can’t put the Black Eagles life at stake and Miss Edelgard’s safety is my utmost concern.” Her smile is radiant and breathtaking. She is about to turn on her heels when she catches my gaze and gives me a knowing look, then gestures to me to follow her later. I will make sure to stop by her quarters. I need to chastise her for being so reckless.
Shivers run through my spine as the spring wind licks up the back of my neck, the air cooling as the sun descends quickly between the thick trees. I have changed into my casual clothes and while they are warm, the chilling wind's bite is colder than I had anticipated. My feet walk mindlessly toward (Y/N)’s quarters but instead of knocking on her door I decide to warp inside.
“Sneaking up on me is unwise, Huey.” She says to me without even batting her lashes.
My chuckle dances through the room at her remark. I always find her sharpness to be enchanting.
“How did you find that man?”
“I was unable to sleep after you left so I decided to walk around the monastery. I asked you to come to my quarters because it wouldn't be wise if they knew that you had killed someone as well, Huey.”
She pauses and points to a minuscule speck of blood beneath my glove. Opening her drawer she takes two soft towels and dips them into warm water then gives one to me.
“We do need to maintain secrecy, don’t we?” She sits on her bed and cleans the bloody kitchen knife. When did she take that? Always so agile and meticulous. “The path we must walk...is soaked in blood. And the pool of blood at our feet is growing larger. But I don’t mind it at all. For Miss Edelgard’s sake.”
“I share the same sentiment, (Y/N). She does not need to trouble herself over these trivial matters.” I wring the wet towel and dab it on my glove to wipe the dried blood. After making sure that the towel is clean, I fold it neatly and put it back on her desk. “Still, you need to take better care of yourself.” I nudge a particular spot on her waist gingerly and she flinches in pain.
“How did you find out, Huey?”
“You were swaying when you got out of the dining hall when you thought no one was looking. Why didn’t you tell anyone? Or me?” I do not understand what this suffocating feeling in my chest is when she winces and clutches at her side painfully.
“Fernie noticed but I told him to not sweat over this. Just a small bruise.” My eyes narrow at her words. I cannot comprehend which bothers me more, her pet name for Ferdinand or bluish purple bruise that peeks at me when she sits on her bed and pulls her shirt up a bit.
“That assassin managed to slam me into the chairs before I hit his solar plexus and subdued him.”
I kneel before her and produce a vulnerary from my pocket which she accepts readily. Her gaze never leaves me as she drinks the potion. I can tell even without looking. It is making me uneasy. Like a predator and its prey. Unyielding intense glare that never falters even when I am standing tall and trying to not make any eye contact with her.
“You care. You really do, Huey. Thank you.” As if appraising me (Y/N) lifts her head with a slight smile then looks, really looks, into my eyes. Gorgeous doe eyes filled with trust that make my breath hitch.
She smells like milk, honey, and fresh soap. How intoxicating. Blood is rushing to my head, my breathing gets quicker. I could feel my own heart beating out of my chest. Damn (Y/N) and her ways to distract me.
“Stop that.”
“Stop what?” Her brow furrows at my words. Confusion is blooming on her gorgeous face.
“Please do not look at me like that. About my confession, I truly mean my words. I really do, (Y/N).”
“When it comes to you, I—" Ugh. No. This is not good. I am Hubert von Vestra. I must conceal my feelings with my stoic façade. Alas, she makes my heart go weak. I am too afraid to return her gaze. "If I may ask..." I shift on my feet, pulling at the collar of my shirt nervously. "Is there a reason for your being less abrupt with Caspar and Ferdinand? They do not seem to draw your ire as much as… me.” My heart feels like it is going to burst from my chest and I cannot breathe. I swallow but it does nothing to ease the dryness in my mouth. I feel like I’m losing my mind as I close my eyes and continue with my question. “Especially Ferdinand.” What has gotten into me? Why do I blurt such things?
“I do understand what you are trying to ask, Huey. Duke Aegir and Count Bergliez… They…'' she nods weakly to silently indicate what their parents did to hers. “I did. But.. Fernie is very caring and respectful towards me. He often took me for evening horse riding to cheer me up when I was drowning in despair. Fernie loves to walk with me through the woods looking at the flowers and he has me over to tea. He talks constantly, and sometimes that is needed to keep my mind away from darker and worrisome things. He is full of sunshine and light. Although I do not deserve to fully belong in the light, there are times when it is comforting."
No. My world is falling apart at her words. The way her eyes shine brightly when she speaks his name. The lilt and warmth in her tone of voice. What is this burning and painful feeling in my chest?
“Caspar is simply funny. He dives in head first, having no idea how deep the water is or what he is attacking, but he's ready for it. A little chaos in the mix always makes things much more interesting. When I locked myself inside my room, he almost turned me deaf every morning with his loud yells and broke my quarters door once but I know he meant well. It’s the thought that counts, isn’t it?”
I am sure (Y/N) is singing lots of good things about them but my mind is failing at grasping it. They sound like ruminant rambling in my head. Everything is blurry, everything is hot.
“Huey? Are you okay?” The next thing that I know is (Y/N) waving her hands in front of me. “Are you listening?”
(Y/N) trails up to interlace her fingers with mine. Her tiny hands fit perfectly in mine. Her eyes are soft and she has the tiniest smile on her picturesque, delicious lips. She locks her eyes with mine as she speaks.
My lips set in a grim line as I try my best to choke out a simple “Yes, I am.”
“…That’s why I wanted to tell you… Your kindness has helped me to open my mind, my world, Huey. Our pasts don’t define who we are and it is you that taught me so. To be able to accept the Black Eagles’ warmth, care, and affection. Make peace with my past and move forward. I can’t describe how thankful I am.” She looks down at our joined hands and takes a deep breath, looking me in the eye with the loveliest smile. "Your kindness overwhelms me."
She barely whispers it loud enough for me to hear, a subtle embarrassment at her honest confession. “I love you, Hubert von Vestra.”
Have I heard her correctly? There must be a mistake here. How could she love an unlovable, not deserving of a love—a man like me? Compared to me, Ferdinand is always so appropriate and easier to get along with. With a smile as bright as the sun, gorgeous flowing locks, and gentleman demeanor, women generally enjoy Ferdinand’s company better.
“Are you sure, (Y/N)? H-How about Ferdinand?” I stammer nervously. Profound warmth burns my cheeks, they are becoming so red now. Words are jumbled out from my lips but I don’t give a damn.
“Fernie is more like a big brother to me, Huey. He really dotes on me and loves to pat my head gently. Why do you seem to resent Fernie so much? You did mention him a lot today.” She floats and nudges my elbow with a wolfish grin. “Do you like him?”
“What?” (Y/N)’s power and acumen is beyond impressive but her tact is on par with Caspar. For someone so strong and intelligent, she is very dense.
I am sure (Y/N) is as dense as a rock.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Have I said something wrong?”
“Foolish.” It was a miracle that I managed to say it with an impassive scowl. My heart is jumping up and down happily from her admission. No, I am not supposed to be happy to know (Y/N) is not romantically interested in Ferdinand. And no, I am certain that I do not hold feelings for him either.
“It’s rare to catch you smiling, Huey. Suits you better than your usual sour look.” A small giggle escapes her lips. Oh what a tease. Such a mouse. My feisty mouse. I would be the happiest person alive if I could hear that for the rest of my life. I could not help the pull of my own lips, mirroring her expression as I slid my arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
“I cannot fathom the hold you have on my heart. How much I dearly love you. This is not how I wished to tell you, but my heart is open, willingly offered to you for the taking, (Y/N).”
My heart continues to race as I search in her eyes for any answer. The air is heavy, filled with anticipation, excitement and fear. My confession hung heavy in the room, one I both feared and looked forward to. I can feel her arms respond in kind, hugging me tighter to her. My gaze falls to her lips, soft and supple, drawing me closer. Pressing my forehead to hers, my eyes shut tight as I try to rein myself in.
I can barely control myself.
“...May I?” I dare not look at her. I cannot let myself fall into the abyss of her eyes, be enchanted by her scent, or melt into the warmth of her small body pressed against mine.
“Yes, Huey.” It isn’t a whisper, it isn’t begging, it is loaded with all and every emotion she had ever held towards me. “Huey…” She repeats again, but a little more forceful. My hand trembles as I hold her cheek and as I lean down to kiss and revel in the taste of hers.
A thrill runs down my spine as I feel her soft warmth against my own lips. They touch firmly, feeling a little like heaven, if there ever was one. My thoughts are many at once as I run my fingers up and down her back, caressing her hair, the back of her neck, and then cradling her face affectionately.
A spark. A fire. An explosion bursts in my mind. I cannot begin to explain the feeling of my lips against hers, drinking her up. (Y/N) looks lost, eyes wide and hands tightening around my arms while she is panting.
Grazing my lips against the shell of her ear I quietly tease, for only her to hear, “I have you speechless at last, (Y/N).” I cannot take my eyes from her flushed face, nor could I ignore my hunger for her.
“Y-yes”. Her breath warm against my lips makes me shiver in delight. She is flushed head to toe, her breath coming in ragged stutters. I lean my forehead onto hers, closing my eyes to take in what has happened. This feels unreal, hazy like a dream, to be here in her quarters, to have her in my embrace. Though I am trying to hide it, the corners of my mouth are twitching upwards.
We are impossibly close until I finally cease the gap and kiss her again passionately. My callused hands graze her hips, her waist, claiming her. She gives in, opening her mouth into the kiss and letting my impatient tongue brush against the seam of her lips, slip in and explore each crook she has, tugging her tongue and making her moan gently into the kiss. I am savoring her moans in earnest and offering up mine in return.
Lightning lashes through my veins and my focus narrows to her fingers, her touch, her breath, her body on mine. “(Y/N)”. I breathe her name like a prayer more devout than any Mercedes and Marianne had offered to the Goddess in Cathedral everyday. My tongue sweeps her mouth again, growl reverberates in my chest as I worship her with my soul.
My name sounds so good when (Y/N) moans it out loud like that.
For a moment, I am nothing. Not the shadow of the Adrestian Empire. Not the notorious Count Vestra. Just Hubert von Vestra. This—This moment, it is just me and (Y/N) and nothing between us.
An involuntary growl escapes from my mouth when she pulls me away with a smack of her lips, a thin string of saliva connecting the two of us. She gulps down heavy breaths of air. The haze leaves us light-headed and incoherent. Her thighs are trembling like a newborn fawn as she crumbles against my chest, her legs finally giving out.
Did I go too far?
“T-That was.... intense. I feel like melting, Huey.”
I simply chuckle against her temple and place a few pecks on her skin. Despite her protesting fusses, I withdraw my hand and curve my arms around her panting form, holding her close and caressing between her shoulder blades.
“Did you like it, (Y/N)?” My jaw feels tense as I grind my teeth in anxious worry.
She nods softly. “You’re an idiot, Huey.” She slurs, as quiet as a mouse. (Y/N) turns her gaze away, wipes the saliva and puffs a breath to move the sweat-dampened hair that's fallen over her eyes. Those puffy cheeks are utterly adorable. Warmth floods through my body. The longer I study (Y/N) the softer my eyes become.
“I can’t tell the difference between your face and tomato now. Small, red, and puffy.”
“Eeeekkk!!! How dare you!” Tiny hands deliver sharp jabs at my chest. It hurts but I don’t mind. That squeal, I can listen to it for my entire life and never get bored of it. Her reactions are well worth the pain and I can never get enough. Previously, she was ferocious and cold-blooded. But now my touches make her brimming with emotions. In times like these, (Y/N) makes me fully aware of just how much I love her.
“I am not one to give hugs, usually.” My hands saunter and hold the back of her head in a protective way. Her futile attempt to hide her blush in my arms is utterly precious. I can see red is rising to the tips of her ears. Fortunately my gentle ministration is sufficient to stop her pummels. Her soft, warm body feels nice but... (Y/N)’s petite body barely reaches my chest.
As she snuggles deeper into my stomach, I can feel her warm breasts are smothering my groin with her tight embrace. Mercilessly. I can even feel her thundering heartbeat throughout my body. The sheer intensity of it is enough to send my pulse racing. To my head. To my heads.
No. This is bad. I had not expected such a turn of events. A flush of colour warms my cheeks. My heartbeat is a drum in my ears—fast and loud. It might have been funny if the room actually isn’t much hotter than usual and my face isn’t burning red from pleasure. This sensation is driving me wild. I feel hot and bothered. What is this? It is a question for later, but the thought has kindled something within my chest and pants.
I have to get her away before she takes notice of my physical evidence of my arousal and not so innocent thoughts. I need a distraction. Now. Everything happens in a flash. My hands shove (Y/N) away (more forcefully than I intended) to her bed and I can hear a soft plop and yelp.
“Ouch! What was that for, Hubert?”
My eyes nearly pop out of my head when I look at (Y/N) is splayed on her bed in all of her glory. Her skirt is hunched up around her waist, the blanket barely covers her thighs and panties. My mind snaps. It’s relieving to see that the bruise is getting less swollen than before. No. I must look away. I must not indulge myself in this impressive scene. I will not burn this image in my mind for future reference. I am not Sylvain Jose Gautier. I promise. And I will not falter.
(Y/N)'s glassy, heavy-lidded eyes and parted lips made my thought process entirely derailed. Whatever pithy remark I had intended to tease her floated clean out of my mind. I swallow around the lump in my throat and turn on my heels.
I need to cool off. In the nearby lake. Now. Anywhere but here will do.
“I must take my leave now, (Y/N). I have an important matter to attend to. A meeting.” And with that petty excuse I cast a quick Warp spell to get away from that damned room.
The pure black of the night is my comfort. It is the starry kissed night that makes the pale crescent moon shine like a silvery claw in the sky. My fingers ache in the fierce spring wind as I clench and unclench them, trying to keep the feeling in their tips.
I let myself sink in the shallow part on the far end of the Monastery lake to gather my thoughts and sanity. My clothes are thoroughly soaked but my mind is clearer now. Water is rippling around my body when I resurface and push my wet hair that's fallen over my eyes.
“That is a new way to fish, Hubert. You could ask for Professor’s help to instruct you on how to do it... better.” Lady Edelgard looks at me up and down. Ah, her casual sleepless night stroll. Circles under her eyes show me that she was unable to sleep from the thoughts tormenting her. The same nightmare had haunted her every night for the past week. I hope her short walk can chase them away even just for a bit. I ought to do something to ease her mind.
“Would you like a cup of tea, Lady Edelgard? Ferdinand gave me some of his best selections yesterday.”
“Thank you for your kind offering but I must politely decline. Just a stroll is enough for me.” A sad smile crept on her face solemnly. Her stare dips to my clenched fists. My nails dig crescent moon shapes into my palms until I'm sure I have broken skin.
“What brings you here, Hubert? You look troubled.”
“I am just trying to organize my thoughts.”
“Do you have someone in mind?”
Vivid image of my heated make out session with (Y/N) came across my mind. Absent-minded quiet moans left (Y/N)’s lips, eyes closed as she relished my caress, her body was melting under my touch and both of us got caught up in the moment, letting desires lead and not quite realizing where it was going. The way she moaned my name into my mouth and looked back at me with her glassy eyes. Delicate thighs that I yearn to…. no. I have to take a hold of my own thoughts.
I could’ve sworn my heart is going to burst out of my chest at the flashbacks. My pupils are blown wide at my own imaginations. The hard bulge on my pants is becoming more uncomfortable now. I have to turn away from Lady Edelgard before she notices. And wipes my drool and nosebleed to maintain some decency. How unbecoming.
“Nothing in particular.”
“Then what are you doing there at the dead of the night? The lake must be freezing.” She cocks one eyebrow high.
“Contemplating. I am in a dire need to cool off my mind, Lady Edelgard.” There is a doubtful curve to the way she looks at me but, then again, she never presses me to elaborate further and I am grateful for it.
“... And let that Golden Fish bite you? Is that really necessary? How intriguing.” I can hear her stifle a soft giggle to save me from further humiliation. Her gaze is attentive, never straying from my face and she beckons me to get out from the lake. “I am all ears if you need someone to talk to.”
Heat itches along my cheeks and neck but it does not excuse what I had done. I swallow against the burning in my throat and nod. My hand moves involuntarily to burn the fish with dark flame and cast a spell to dry my drenched self dispassionately.
Lady Edelgard chuckles at my actions and claps her hands. “I am so happy for you. Glad to know that you have found your special someone. I wish all the best for you and your loved one, Hubert.”
“I-I... Thank you.”
An amused look dances on her violet eyes as she muses, “You might want to check the books in Abyss for all of your romance problems, Hubert.” There is a sing-song quality to her voice. She knows. It always manages to surprise me that Lady Edelgard always sees right through me like an open book.
“See you tomorrow. Be careful not to catch a cold. Good night, Hubert.” Lady Edelgard waves her hand and takes her leave.
Maybe Lady Edelgard is right. I should go and scour the books in the Abyss. The vast library offers a variety of different materials, including books banned from the library at Garreg Mach Monastery. I require every help and knowledge regarding this subject.
My self discipline and composure have been through many years of tempering and teaching. I have taught myself how to NOT respond to people provoking me. Trying to conquer anything that would bother me, what would upset me. To never let my guard down lest the enemy finds out something about me.
Alas, (Y/N) on the other hand, breaks my walls as easily as the thinnest glass. I cannot hide any emotion from her. She always has her way to set my feelings running rampant in my mind and throughout my body.
‘(Y/N), you are the worst. Your lips are my demise.’
Tonight will be another sleepless one for me. So off I go to the Abyss Library to broaden my horizon.
#fire emblem three houses#fe3h#fe3h fanfic#hubert x reader#fe3h hubert#hubert von vestra#hubert fire emblem#fe hubert#hubert fluff#hubert angst#making out#fire emblem x reader#fire emblem three hopes
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Chapter 1.2
The kids wandered about, deciding to meet the other students as Byleth continued to discuss matters with the other two professors. They didn’t know Byleth particularly well, but it still surprised them that such a blank faced guy had been picked to become the new professor for an academy housing the next rulers of the continent. Then again the ArchBishop did let a bunch of strangers into the academy without very much hesitation either.
The two professors were named Hanneman and Manuela. Hanneman stated that he is something called a Crest Scholar, and Manuela said she was a former Songstress, reminding them of Azura. They were kind enough to explain the three different houses and their origins.
The Black Eagle House is for students from the Adrestian Empire. Their house leader this year is Edelgard, the Imperial princess, who is in line to be the next emperor.
The Blue Lion House is for students from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Their house leader this year is Prince Dimitri. He is to be the next king of Faerghus.
Lastly, there is the Golden Deer House, which is for students of the Leicester Alliance. Their house leader is Claude, grandson to Duke Riegan, the leader of the Alliance.
The group reached the area in front of the classrooms, and saw the three house leaders standing around. Soleil immediately began to walk towards Edelgard, with Shiro right behind her to make sure she stays out of trouble. Selkie bounded towards Claude to say hi to him, and Dwyer was right behind her to keep her out of trouble.
Midori and Forrest exchanged a look before smiling and making their way towards Dimitri.
Edelgard smiled when she saw Soleil and Shiro approach her. “Ah, it’s you. I was pleased to hear that you will be joining us at the officers academy. I hope you decide to lend your power to the Black Eagles.” She said with a slight bow.
“If you’re the one in charge, then I have to admit that your house is quite appealing.” Said Soleil.
Shiro rolled his eyes at his friend’s flirtations. “You’re one heck of a fighter, our brawl with the bandits proved that. I definitely don’t wanna be on the wrong side of that axe.” Joked Shiro.
“A smart choice.” Stated Edelgard.
Soleil stifled a chuckle at that, Shiro turned to her and gave her an unimpressed look. “Next you’re gonna say, ‘Shiro and smart? Those words definitely aren’t used together very much.’”
“‘Shiro and smart? Those words definitely aren’t used together very much.” Laughed Soleil, who paused for a moment before sticking her tongue out at Shiro.
Edelgard watched the display with a bit of surprise. “That was impressive, how did you predict what she was going to say?” She asked.
Shiro chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “My mom’s a fortune teller, I inherited some of her abilities when it comes to predicting the future, though it works a bit weirdly with me.” He explained.
“I see… your mother must be quite wise to be able to predict the future.” Said Edelgard.
“Yeah, she’s pretty impressive… when she’s not screwing with everyone for her own amusement. She definitely has a… unique sense of humor.” Said Shiro, making a face like he was recalling events that he would prefer to be forgotten.
“Oh yeah… like the time she tricked Midori’s uncle into revealing a story from when they were children and she scared him so bad he soiled himself?” Asked Soleil.
“Yup.” Said Shiro.
“Well… it sounds like your kingdom has quite a unique queen. Hoshito, was it?” Asked Edelgard.
“Hoshido, with a d, and yeah. But fortunately dad keeps mom from going too far, and she’s there to make sure he doesn’t have a stick up his bum at all times.” Said Shiro as he shook his head while smiling fondly at the memory of his parents.
Soleil laughed. “Yeah! I think the only one more serious than Lord Ryoma is Lord Xander! I’m pretty sure his face would actually crack if he tried to smile.” She joked. Shiro laughed as well.
“I’m amazed you can talk so nonchalantly about the rulers of your countries.” Said Edelgard.
“Meh, I mean, we spent months fighting together in Lord Corrin’s army, that tends to break down most social barriers.” Said Soleil.
“I suppose that is fair…” Said Edelgard.
“Ah, Lady Edelgard, there you…” A gruff sounding voice caught the attention of the trio as a taller man with black hair that covered his right eye approached them. “Ah… I see that you are preoccupied at the moment. I assume that these are the ‘otherworlders’ that rescued you?”
“Oh, hello Hubert.” Said Edelgard. “Yes, this is Soleil and Prince Shiro of the kingdom of Hoshido, I fought with them against the bandits.”
“I see. Well, as Lady Edelgard’s retainer, I thank you for protecting my liege at a time where I could not, and I advise that you treat her with the respect that she is due, even if one of you is a prince.” Said Hubert calmly.
“Well… you’re a real ray of sunshine…” Said Shiro drily.
Hubert crossed his arms. “It matters not what you think of me, all I care for is Lady Edelgard’s well being.” He said.
Soleil chuckled. “Well, from one retainer to another, I can respect your dedication, and I look forward to seeing you in the future.” She said as she extended her hand to the tall and creepy man.
Hubert looked at the outstretched hand, then at Edelgard who was looking up at him with an unimpressed expression. Sighing, he met Soleil’s hand with his own. This caused a smile to cross Edelgard’s face. “Hubert, I take it that there was something you wished to discuss with me?” She asked.
“Indeed.” Said her retainer. “Something I would prefer was discussed in private.”
Edelgard nodded her head.. “Understood. Soleil, Shiro, why don’t you meet the other members of my class. They’re located in the room on the far right with the red flag. I hope to see you and your friends again in my class.” She said before departing with Hubert.
“See you Edelgard! Let’s get tea together soon as well!” Said Soleil as she waved goodbye to the princess.
“Why are you like this?” Asked Shiro tiredly.
“Because I am an adorer of all things adorable and girls are the most adorable of all!” Said Soleil proudly.
“Fair enough. Let’s go meet the others.” Suggested Shiro.
“Alright! I hope the class has more cute girls!” Cheered Soleil as she and Shiro made their way to the other Black Eagles.
“Midori, Forrest, it is wonderful to see you both again.” Said Dimitri with a polite bow as the two younger teens approached him.
“Hello Prince Dimitri.” Said Forrest with a similar bow.
“Hey Prince Dimitri!” Said Midori with a smile.
“Please, simply Dimitri will do.” Said the prince with a chuckle. “We are going to be attending the academy together in the near future, there is little need for formalities.”
“Very well.” Said Forrest with a smile.
“Ok Dimitri.” Said Midori with a giggle.
“There, now if only Ashe could do the same…” Said Dimitri with a light chuckle.
“One of your classmates?” Asked Forrest.
“Ashe? Yes, he’s the adopted son of a lord named Lonato. He is a polite young man, perhaps too much so since he insists on sticking to formalities when referring to me.” Said Dimitri.
“Perhaps he is intimidated by you? You are a large man and from what I witnessed against those bandits, a powerful one as well.” Said Forrest.
Dimitri laughed awkwardly. “It is certainly true that I’m adept when it comes to combat. I remember that my friends and I would pretend to be knights and such when we were younger.” He said.
Midori giggled. “I bet you were a cute kid Dimitri.” She said. That only earned more awkward laughter from the prince of Faerghus.
“Come now Midori, no need to say such things.” Chastised Forrest.
“Oh come on Forrest! I was trying to be nice!” Pouted Midori.
Dimitri watched the pair with a soft smile for a moment before speaking up. “So, if I remember correctly, Forrest’s father is a prince of Nohr, Midori’s mother is the chief of the Flame tribe, and her father is a retainer to the king of Valla?” He asked.
“Yup! Aren’t my parents so cool?!” Asked Midori proudly.
“Indeed, though I am curious as to what Forrest’s mother does.” Said Dimitri.
“My mother? Oh, she’s an assassin employed as one of the retainers of my aunt Camilla.” Explained Forrest.
“An assassin?” Asked Dimitri.
“Indeed. It was not a life my mother chose, but one that circumstance forced her into and cost her her emotions to survive in. One day she found her way into working for aunt Camilla, and that led to her and my father becoming comrades in the war. After learning her story, my father decided that he would help my mother learn to feel again, and they developed a love for one another that eventually led to me. A unique love story for two people as unique as my mother and father.” Said Forrest, a smile on his face as he recalled the story of his parents’ love.
Midori giggled at the sight of her friend’s romantic side. “What about you? What’re your parents like Dimitri?” She asked, turning to the prince. All the warmth on Dimitri’s face vanished as he looked down for a moment. “Dimitri…?” Asked Midori worriedly.
Dimitri looked at the pair once more with a strained smile. “My parents are sadly… no longer of this world. They died four years ago in an event known as the tragedy of Duscur. I lost almost everyone that I cared about that day.” He said.
Midori gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my gosh, that’s terrible!” She exclaimed.
“Indeed. It was a tragedy, not just for me, but an event that would lead the people of Duscur to ruin…” Said Dimitri.
“A…and, here we are talking about are parents all happily while yours are gone… I… I feel terrible!” Midori was starting to tear up, causing Dimitri to panic.
“P-please Midori! Yes the loss of my parents caused me great pain, but I continue forward for there sake. So please, there’s no need to be upset on my behalf.” Said the prince.
Midori sniffled. “O…okay…” She said softly.
“Milord, is all well?” Everyone turned as a giant of a man approached the group. Forrest and Midori had to tilt their heads back to see his face.
“Ah, Dedue. All is well, I was simply speakingwith two of the people who helped me against those bandits.” Said Dimitri in a slightly shaky tone.
“…I see…” Said Dedue as he turned to Forrest and Midori, causing Midori to flinch a little. “You are the ones who aided his highness, against the bandits. It is not worth much, but I offer my thanks.”
“It was no problem then and it is no problem now.” Said Forrest simply with a smile and a nod.
Dedue returned the nod before looking at Dimitri.
“Perhaps I shouldbe with you at all times so I will be there for you the next time an unexpected attack occurs.” Said Dedue.
“Dedue, while I appreciate your company, that is far from necessary.'' Said Dimitri.
“…as you wish.” Said Dedue calmly.
Dimitri looked at the smaller pair. “Ah, I realized I’ve yet to introduce you. Forrest, Midori, I would like you to meet my retainer, Dedue. He is not just the one who protects me, but he is also a close friend of mine.” He introduced him to the pair.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, I am Forrest, a prince of the kingdom of Nohr and this is my ally, Midori.” Said Forrest with a polite bow.
“Hello.” Said Dedue.
“Good, now that you have properly met Dedue, perhaps you should come and meet the rest of our class.” Said Dimitri as he began to make his way to the center classroom of the school, with the others right behind him.
“CLAAUUDE!” The archer barely had time to process what was happening when the sentient fluffy ball of energy launched straight at him.
Dwyer watched Claude spit grass out as he stood back up after Selkie’s tackle hug. “You get used to it…” He said. “Eventually…”
“Common occurrence?” Asked Claude with a chuckle.
“Very…” Said Dwyer. “It’s just my lot in life to follow after Selkie and keep her out of trouble. I’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years…”
“Yup! He may act tired and lazy all the time.” Said Selkie.
“Because I am...” Said Dwyer.
“But he’s still my best friend! And he heals me when I’m hurt!” Said Selkie.
“Which happens a lot. I’ve probably used at least a dozen staves and rods on you alone…” Noted Dwyer.
“Staves?” Asked Claude.
“Yeah, these...” Said Dwyer as he pulled his staff out. “It’s how we heal each other in battle. But they break after they’re used too many times.”
“Uh huh…” Said Claude as he examined the item. “In Fodlan we simply learn spells. Faith, or White Magic for healing and Reason, or Dark Magic for hurting.”
“We use Tomes and Scrolls to cast spells in our world. I have some experience but I prefer using a dagger. It’s more my cup of tea. Even if I’m a coffee drinker…” Explained Dwyer.
“All I need is my Beaststone to get the job done!” Said Selkie proudly.
“Well who needs weapons when you can turn into a giant beast and maul your enemy…?” Noted Dwyer.
“So are shapeshifters considered normal in your world?” Asked Claude.
“Hardly… other than the Kitsune, the only races of shapeshifters are the Wolfskin and the Vallite royals that descended from Anakos…” Explained Dwyer. “And our army only has two of each… Kitsune and Wolfskin usually live in isolation because people try to hunt them…”
“People want our fur.” Explained Selkie softly.
“Oh… charming…” Said Claude awkwardly.
“Fortunately the kings have outlawed such activity, so now their kind can go about without as much fear...” Said Dwyer.
“And if someone tries to get me, I’ll just have to get them first!” Cackled Selkie.
“…so, you’re royalty?” Claude decided to tactically change the subject.
“Correct, our mothers are both the youngest siblings of the royal families of Nohr and Hoshido. Their friendship lead to Selkie and I meeting at a young age, despite our Deeprealms being separate...” Explained Dwyer.
“…Your Deeprealms?” Asked Claude.
“Yeah, we were born during the war so our parents hid us in different Deeprealms where we would be safe. Unfortunately due to the different flow of time, by the time a month passed for them, we were nearly at adulthood. Realizing that if we stayed there much longer we would die of old age by the time our parents ended the war, we were invited to join lord Corrin’s army…” Said Dwyer. “Some of us wound up becoming the same age as our parents. Our friend Rhajat is older than her own father now…”
“That is… really disturbing.” Said Claude.
“Oh yeah, a lot of us were definitely… not happy with our parents. Apparently our friend Percy tricked a band of mercenaries into thinking the army was a band of bandits and attacking us. That was a fun story.” Giggled Selkie.
“The more stories I hear, the more insane your army sounds.” Noted Claude.
“Our army is filled with crazy weirdos…” Said Dwyer simply.
Claude couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Well, the Golden Deer definitely isn’t in short supply of those. Would you like to meet them?” He asked.
“Yes yes yes!” Said Selkie excitedly.
Claude continued to chuckle as he stood up, brushing grass and dirt off his pants. “Well then, let’s get going. Just a heads up, the purple one is very… stuck up.” He said.
“I will keep that in mind…” Said Dwyer.
Fire Emblem: Three Fates
#fire emblem#fire emblem three houses#fire emblem fates#fire emblem three fates#authordgaster drabbles#Shiro#Soleil#Forrest#Green#Midoriko#Dwyer#Selkie#edelgard von hresvelg#dimitri alexandre blaiddyd#claude von riegan#sorry for taking so long to update
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Hey yo, the anon who talked about it being okay to like or not liking things here again. Just gonna say that even as someone who LIKES edelgaed the way some people act is fucking wack. Edelgard's whole thing is that she's morally grey as opposed to being objectively good or bad, and even that dependa on the route since without Byleth around she's at her worst, much like the other lords tend to be. Hell, even Rhea ain't scott free as she's done some lowkey shady shit. The bottom line is: enjoy the characters you like, and dislike the ones you dont like. Ain't no need to make it some internet war over it. Oh and more importantly Rhea's got a fat dumptruck A$$.
literally!! i love her but her stans are off the shits. i could argue that she’s not really morally gray since her motives revolve more around imperialism and restoring adrestian power and less on the actual people she’s supposed to save. like, there’s more to moral grayness than just saying ‘but the greater good’ but i’m just... so tired right now. byleth doesn’t even do much for her morally. she’s the same at the end of the route as she was at the beginning, she just now has a bf/gf.
but yes, there’s nothing wrong with liking characters. i genuinely don’t care. but i draw the line at saying shit like “jewish coded lizards” when lizard was literally a word to describe jews way back then. at that point it isn’t pointless fandom drama.
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Wow, Edelstans had gone crazy. Stating that Dimitri stabing Edelgaed is metaphor for rape is the apex of stupidity. This fanbase is getting dumber and dumber.
To clarify it’s worth noting that the surface level Freudian read of AM’s final cutscene is quite an old fandom take. I expressed my distaste for it only a month after the game’s release, back when the material was new for everyone and the concept of Edelstans hadn’t quite crystallized yet. My impression at the time was that it was coming from straight male players attempting to rationalize the emotional core of AM as something with which they could personally identify, because the reality is that it’s either a celebration of male intimacy in its many forms (if you play as m!Byleth and/or ignore Byleth’s role in the story altogether) or a by-the-numbers romance fantasy for women (if you play as f!Byleth and lean into Dimileth). Neither of those options work for that demographic, so some of them came up with the alternative that Dimitri has been sexually attracted to Edelgard all this time, symbolically represented by him gifting her a phallic object, and it’s her betrayal and rejection of him that causes his psychotic break and leads him to spend years obsessed with his inability to kill/fuck her.
It was a dumb read then and it’s still dumb, although the fandom landscape is very different now. Dimigard has actual shippers but the pairing is reviled by antis for being pseudo-incestuous and (in their minds) misogynist and/or lesbophobic, from the sound of it most of the Reddit bro types have abandoned m!Byleth for his female counterpart and F/F Edeleth, and the ones dedicated to hating AM have given it up as a lost cause loved only by women looking to “fix” Dimitri and fujoshi - for the extremely popular Sylvix if not for Dimitri’s own queer relationships. Nowadays turning Edelgard’s death scene into a rape metaphor would likely only come up as an example of Faerghus’s toxic masculinity or the memetic “brutal masculine retaliatory violence.”
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this is the type of spam you’ll see on my ig story 😏
(Tara Platt voices Kaolinite and Usagi’s mom but I’m on season 3 part 2 so more EDELGA- I mean Kaolinite)
#you'll also see i love to zoom on faces too#sailor moon#fire emblem#edelgard#anime#manga#animangs#video#lins doodles
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