#eddie would be such a smitten boy truly
ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
Eyyyyyy babay. Color me not surprised that you have so many fans. Oooooobbbbbvs I want to do sunset orange. 🌞
Let’s see…I love food, family, my puppers, friends, shitty comedies, Eddie Munson, Joe, YOU….😉
I’m just so proud to be your friend when you’re so talented and shit. #BLESSED 🫶
ash. baby. love of my life, pain of my ass. i ADORE you. the moment you sent in your request i've been so excited to get to it and i'm apologizing for it taking so long. <3 also we have been over this ma'am: not fans, friends!!! y'all are my friends!!! who are so kind and support me and who i will give all the forehead kisses (with tongue thanks katie lol) to!!!
first of all, i ship you with me. forget about eddie and steve and robin etc. you're all mine baby <3 but if i was forced to share, i suppose i could share you with.... eddie munson. (we saw this one coming, didn't we?)
let's get into it, shall we? imagine below the cut is just me writing you a loveletter and not even talking about eddie haha jk... unless?
okay, so here's the thing. eddie munson is a lot of things. he is a menace, he is annoying, he is feral, and he has spent his entire life being reminded of those things. too much. he has always been too much. until you.
you'd take his too much with stride, and never make him feel as others had. you'd bake him incredible 'special' brownies, you'd make him delicious home cooked meals, you'd show him that show of the brothers you sent me who play dnd. you'd see his crazy, and you'd raise him your own times ten. he'd be absolutely whipped for you, completely devoted. he'd be the worst influence, always telling you to take a break if work got overwhelming, convincing you by any means necessary. you'd text him to pick you up some wine while he's at the store, and homie would dramatically respond "yes dear anything for you" as if he didn't already have your favorite in the cart. any time one of your puppers joins in the snuggle sessions with the two of you, he'd sigh dramatically, but secretly adore it and get offended once said pupper decided to leave. the best part of his day would be when he gets random memes sent to him from you, always smiling the moment his phone buzzes in his pocket because he just knows you sent him something hilarious. anytime you're on your period, he jumps at the opportunity for cuddles, willingly handing over his hands as personal heating pads and doting on you in anyway you may need. he knows your love language is simply death by affection, and as a touch-starved boy, he'd be more than happy to comply. endless kisses are a must, and if he somehow convinces you to play with his hair at the end of it all? well, that's just bonus points for him. and don't even get him started about how much he adores how short you are compared to him. aside from the merciless stream of jokes, and the way he always would put his snacks on the top shelves you couldn't reach, he'd also love the way it let him hold you so easily. when cuddling bed, when he hugs you from behind in the kitchen, when the two of you press together into one corner of the couch despite all the free space available when you decide to rewatch your favorite feel-good shows. he just loves everything about you. you're his favorite person, his favorite time of day, his favorite season of the year - you're his favorite, simply put. he's smitten, and he's not ashamed to admit it.
which is why your song with eddie has to be smitten by leanna firestone. that funky fun beat, that mundane love laced through every lyric. it's completely the two of you, and eddie is absolutely thanking his lucky stars that this time, he managed to do something right when it comes to you.
1k celebration - requests for this are now closed, but you can still send in general requests! just check out my rules first <3
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tink27 · 10 months
Steddie ficlet (might do a follow up to show Eddie's reaction)
"He likes a boy"
after years of friendship, and being joined at the proverbial hip, Robin liked to think she could read Steve pretty well, however, his love of being just vague enough to confuse her made this difficult.
"who likes a what now?" still trying to get a read on Steve's feelings, but as of right now he just seemed, disconnected. Since showing up unexpectedly at her house, he had maintained that far-away sort of look that showed that even Steve didn't know what he was feeling.
"Eddie... he... we were hanging out and he" finally he fully met Robin's gaze, and the heartbroken edge to his vacant stare became evident "he was implying, heavily, that he likes me"
"... likes likes you?"
Steve's expression briefly switched to mocking disbelief at her childish choice of words, but he didn't have the energy for any kind of clever retort
"Yes Robin! like likes me!" throwing up his hands before allowing them to smack down against their Jeans ("their" because they fit them both and had been making the rotation between both Steve and Robin's wardrobe for months, she wasn't entirely sure who they belonged to to begin with, not that it mattered)
"And you're... upset?" This was baffling because in the months since Eddie returned for the upside-down, the two had never been closer. Far too many shifts consisted of Steve waxing poetic about Eddie while Robin vaguely tried to relate and be supportive. Although why Steve seemed so utterly smitten as he talked about Eddie's hair or musical elitism would never really make sense to Robin. But still, she saw how they were together.
Steve had a bad track record for love, pouring every part of himself into another person in a way that was truly heartbreaking to watch. However, it became significantly less heartbreaking when it was accompanied by Eddie's eyes following Steve around every room, and always looking to him in conversations no matter who was there because it was Steve's opinion and thoughts that mattered to him most. They truly were obsessed with each other, and honestly, Robin had been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So Steve's stricken expression made no sense, nor did his frustration that Robin - despite being his platonic soulmate - didn't magically understand the issue he was having.
"I dont know Robs, its just he likes... Steve Harrington" his voice was defeated as he said it, but it still explained nothing
"....you're Steve Harrington" The confusion in her voice was evident "Am I missing something here, this isn't a 'King Steve' thing is it, because Eddie has made it pretty clear that he thought you were a jerk back then"
the noise of frustration from Steve showed she clearly had missed the point and never had she wished so badly to read her best friend's mind as when the tears began to well up in his eyes. She wanted to hug him, but knew from experience that Steve needed to get the thoughts out first.
There was a minute of silence that Robin had to try desperately to not break, every instinct wanting to spit out an awkward and unhelpful comment to lighten the mood, but she knew she just had to wait.
"I'm not..." the words seemed to get lodged in his throat, even those two words came out scratchy and uncomfortable
He squeezed his eyes shut "I'm not a boy"
Steve opened their eyes, with a desperate expression "I'm not a boy"
It was a statement but also a plea. Begging for Robin to know exactly what to say. She didnt.
"you're not a boy." Robin made sure to sound confident, at least she could pretend to know what she was doing. It seemed okay because they gave an awkward nod, head moving slightly too much for it to seem natural
"you're.... a girl?"
the tears seemed to spill the second she said it, and a choked noise lodged itself in their (her?) throat, but after a moment of panicked pause their eyes screwed shut and they nodded but also shrugged. Clearly just as confused by their discomfort as Robin is.
"Okay, thats okay Ste-" shit, stupid "that's okay babe, you're still you, and hey I might be... severely romantically challenged but even I know Eddie is obsessed with you"
there's a brief watery smile before the corners of her lips are pulled down "He likes Steve, he wouldn't like me"
"Horse shit" Robin wasn't as confident as she was trying to sound, but she knew that her best friend was still her best friend and that anyone who didn't adore her was an idiot (as all best friends know)
she moved to sit next to her friend who had ended up on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest, and once again the silence was allowed to stretch out before them, only broken up by heartbroken sniffles and shakey breaths
"so..." Robin wished more than any other moment that she wasn't so awkward "Not Steve?"
"I-" the thought gets broken off " It doesn't feel right, doesn't feel like it's me"
"whats you?" two words encapsulating a question that was near impossible to answer, but it still felt right to ask, to show that Robin wanted to know the answer.
the expression on her face showed that her friend also thought the question unanswerable, and a frustrated shrug fell from her
Robin hated that defeated expression, so she tried "Michelle?"
Clearly, the scrunched-up expression implied it wasn't a fit
"Hannah?" no not that
"Sarah?" seemed less disgusted but still no
"Becky?" okay back to disgust, moving on
"OH! Punch me if this sucks, but... Stevie?" Robin felt the need to justify her choice, showing that she wasn't just trying to make her keep her old name "Like Stevie Nicks! I could see that, dye your hair blonde, get some bangs"
the comment about changing her hair was obviously met with a scowl, but after a soft smile found its way onto her face "Stevie feels better"
Robin had never felt so smart, she was a fucking genius "Stevie is it babe"
Stevie spent moments looking at her, seemingly deep in thought before softly speaking "Thank you Robin"
it seemed too formal for them, to say it so directly with her name like that, but she could tell that Stevie was really grateful so Robin held back the tears (one of them had to be the butch one in this relationship)
"no problem babe" it was spoken just as softly as the thanks, and for now it seemed enough
"Now, tell me what happened with Eddie"
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Beautiful Swan
Eddie Munson x reader
(Summary: When Hellfire starts a fun little game of ‘what animal does everyone look like?’ your self-esteem plummets to the floor. But your best friend and crush, Eddie, can tell. And he’s there to not only defend you, but make sure he’s around to help pick you back up <3. Tw: negative body image. Reuploaded from my ao3. 9.4K)
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You’d finally finished today’s session. Eddie decided the cliffhanger he’d brought up was the best place to leave it, the worst for you and the rest of Hellfire unfortunately. But that meant you guys had a few minutes where you could all just chat and hang out.
Eddie waddled up to you, nudging his shoulder against your own to get your attention, and when you looked to him, all he did was smile at you. You chuckled smally back, rubbing your shoulder against his playfully too.
You loved the fact that when Eddie enrolled you in his campaign, he pulled out the seat right next to his for you, on your very first day. Pushing it in with a genuinely charming smile as you sat, and a short bow of his head, as you thanked him. Gareth seemed to get a pencil thrown at his head right after that, although you were too busy starting at Eddie’s pretty smile he was giving just to you. So you guess he’s the one who lost his chair.
It wasn’t just his genuine and effortless charm that made you fall in love with Eddie Munson though, even before he was your best friend, although that certainly added to it. From the moment you saw Eddie, you were completely enamoured. Not just romantically, but he had such an aura around him it just made you want to be someone close to him till the end of time. You’d love, more than anything, for Eddie to ask you out. On a proper date, not just asking his friend to chill at the arcade or smoke weed in his empty trailer. Although you still enjoyed every interaction with him. Him asking you to do those as his girlfriend would be a great day! But it wasn’t going to happen.
Even though Eddie didn’t see much about himself, you tried to talk him up, as much as you could, even if sometimes it fell into the not completely platonic category, you would tell him, because he deserved to know every good thing about himself. You truly saw how amazing Eddie was. And while you two were best friends... you feared there was no way in hell, he would ever even consider thinking about you like that.
Not that you’d hold that against him! Of course not! He didn’t owe you anything, he was perfectly fine being attracted to who he was attracted to. But you sometimes just wished, you looked a little less like yourself, because now and again your gut just whispered to you all the parts of your body that made you unlovable to another person. Especially someone you admired so much, like Eddie Munson.
Eddie nudged you with his hip this time. And a laugh seeped from his bitten smirk as you shoved his arm with your hand, easily regaining his balance but using your shoulders to do so. You giggled back, offering your help by steadying his own shoulders, and letting go once he was on his feet. Eddie however, did not let go of your eyes. Still grinning, his body turned to give you his full attention. “How was today’s session princess?” His hand coyly flipped half over his grin, holding his elbow, like he was rocked with anticipation for your answer.
Your character wasn’t even royalty. And you refused to ever play the damsel in distress role, in a group filled with only boys. But Eddie still called you that pet name. And it made you smitten every damn single time. You at least presumed, it was a dnd reference.
“Was I an... adequate dungeon master?” He leant closer to you but didn’t whisper it. You sucked your lips in even though you made it clear you were smiling, just trying not to giggle, with the way Eddie made you feel. “Well... adequate may be a grand understatement, my noble dungeon master.”
Eddie’s fist skyrocketed to his chest, eyes closed as he let out a grateful sound. “You’re too kind sweet princess! For I surely would’ve been strewn in twain, if you thought any less of me.”
Eddie never gave up the silly voices, and he only peeked open one eye to see if you were amused, teeth gleaming in glee as he saw your cheeks raise as you laughed. He winked that open eye at you, before dropping his hands to his sides.
You went to swat at his chest teasingly again, but Eddie easily brushed away your hand with his own, smirking at his easy victory over you. His smirk soon transitioned into a smile, and his lips opened as if to say something else. Until Mike spoke up loudly.
“This is boring! Let’s play a game.”
Eddie didn’t even take his eyes off you before dramatically rolling them. You giggled, hiding it in your hand, but at the sound Eddie’s slumped shoulders bounced right back up, and he beamed at you proudly.
“Aw. Do the babies all need to play games to stay happy?” Gareth teased, flicking Mike’s forehead, who then bat at the band members hand like an angry cat.
“Dude shut up. You’re making us look like babies!” Dustin smally whacked Mike, Lucas agreeing. You laughed a little into Eddie, who’s shoulder was still close to yours and not going anywhere. The poor freshmen did still have to fight a little bit to get taken seriously sometimes. Although no one would debate that Eddie held the most power in this room.
“Let’s say what animal everyone looks like!” Jeff smoothly input, pivoting immediately around to his friend. “Gareth is naked mole rat.”
“A WHAT?!” All of the boys erupted into laughter, expect for Gareth who was hitting Jeff with a book. Even Eddie’s chorus rang out behind you and you loved that sound. But oh God.
A cold slimy feeling ran down your throat and seemed to climb up your spine in canon. This game would not be for you. You know you struggle with self-esteem issues, you realise that. Sometimes you felt bad even being in Eddie’s Hellfire logo shirt. It could feel too skin tight and suffocating, nothing to do with Eddie’s printing, but your own nauseating feeling like you somehow didn’t deserve to be wearing it.
You would really prefer if you guys could’ve just kept talking instead. If you could be chatting with Eddie right now, instead of standing here with literal goosebumps on your skin from the threat of this conversation. Would there be anyway you could get out of being picked at this that wouldn’t look odd? You weren’t sure.
Eddie crossed his arms, biting back a smile as he looked at his young warriors, Lucas energetically shaking Jeff and Mike who stood beside him. “Who should we do next?”
God you hoped they didn’t pick you. You knew Eddie wouldn’t be cruel, you knew he was a very empathetic guy, who from his own experiences, knew when words could hurt more than most. You loved that about him, and he loved that you could actually see how kind he could be, and not just because he had such kind eyes. Some of the things he told you in private, only you, were things only a genuinely emotionally intelligent person would know. And even though the other guys were your friends too, you dreaded the thought of them all staring at you and judging an animal from that. ...What would they even pick?
‘A slug.’ Is what popped into your mind. But you shudder, hating yourself for thinking that way. And hating yourself because you almost believe that is an animal you could resemble. It’s stupid. You have to clear the thought away immediately, focus on something, Eddie’s smile at liking this new game, just so you didn’t actually think hard about what you could argue might’ve been an intrusive thought. If you think too hard on it, you’ll bring yourself down and you can’t do that around the others, it’ll just bring them down too.
“Dustin... Dustin...” Mike pondered, now realising he got to make fun of his best friends too.
“Oh shit. Yeah, Dustin...?” Lucas piped up, swivelling more to his side as they both, all of you, stared down your cap wearing friend.
Mike continued. “Hmm... Dustin.”
“You guys better be careful.” Dustin warned, holding up a karate chop hand to show he was serious, making you and Eddie giggle into each other.
Into each other! Your giggles shifted your bodies about until Eddie’s shoulder was leaning against yours. And he stayed in that position! Normally you wouldn’t be this excited because you were physically close as friends, it wasn’t unusual, but when your heart’s already going, everything seemed bigger. You tried desperately not to move, self conscious about your own breathing now, was it rubbing Eddie the wrong way, was it loud? Nasally? And oh my god this is an uncomfy position. Did you look unnatural positioned like this? Like you just wanna touch Eddie? Which is ridiculous because you touch him all the time! You literally hugged this morning. And Eddie held your high five after he’d graced you with one, swinging your hands down and wrapping it in his own as he continued his description of the, courtesy of you, slain goblin. Swinging your hand for a few seconds so it was enough to be causal, not enough for someone to call anyone out on, but enough to be long enough to make you question. And have something to giggle over in bed that night when you thought about it.
Mike and Lucas just laughed at Dustin’s display, before the former decided. “An ostrich.”
It seemed to not be anything Dustin was expecting at least, if his whole body leaning back was enough to tell. “An ostrich? Why the shit?”
“I don’t know” Mike fake stroked his chin, Lucas following in suit as all the members now tried to see the relation in the curly haired boy. “It’s something to do with the eyes. Too beady, too... untrustworthy.”
Dustin scoffed. And there was silence, only for a few seconds in the club room, which was still rare. But everyone was busy contemplating Dustin. Until Gareth spoke calmly. “Jeff’s a blobfish.”
“What the hell is a blobfish?!” Jeff double taked, looking at his best friend incredulously.
“The ugliest animal in the world.” Everyone snickered. “We can probably find a pic of it in the library, if you’re okay breaking into the scary adults only section.”
You were part of the ensemble of laughs everyone gave, including Jeff’s cheerfully fake one before he tackled Gareth, noogieing him hard as the other boy cackled in his grip. You were glad everyone could joke around as friends like this. At first the guys were all a little nicer to you. The freshmen of the group were clearly already friends, as were Gareth and Jeff, but Eddie, even being friends with all of them, accepted you into his close circle almost immediately. You were glad when the guys realised they could just treat you like their other friends, they didn’t need to coddle you just because you were a girl. Although you were a little nervous about the rough housing around this topic.
Sure you could take some light teasing, you weren’t a baby, and you hazed the guys right back, but you had a feeling whichever animal they all said looked like you, is something that’s going to be spiralling into the back of your mind quickly. And you were a bit nervous for any disatourous consequences that could come of that.
The two band members were getting a little rougher, still laughing away, but knocking into the table now. The freshmen all eagerly cheering them on. And even though the session was over, the pieces were about to be put away from their strategic positions on the map, Eddie still raised his hand as he watched his beloved hand painted figures topple.
“Hey hey HEY!” Eddie called out, his hand spread out and everyone, you included, falling into silence under your leader, a smile on his face that got you all invested in whatever wise words he’d say. “I’m the dungeon master here!” Eddie threw both his arms wide open dramatically now, smiling fiercely at his little group. “Have you all forgotten who’s God when you’re wearing those shirts?” He scoffed at the guys who were settling down, smiling to you as you watched them all fall in line, his hair bouncing as he rolled his eyes with his whole head. It made you smile. “I’ll decide who’s what!”
Eddie dropped his arms once you all were grinning, eagerly waiting for him to cast his opinions. And firstly, Eddie turned on his heel to you. Both his feet plopped in place firmly, hands swinging behind his back as he hummed to your self, looking you up and down.
Now your heart was truly pounding. You hid the worry on your face easily, just smiling back with such a nice look that it almost was daring him to be mean to someone so loveable, and loyal in your group.
Finally Eddie resigned, with a hand extending to yours, smiling with heart as he finally got the animal he was searching for. “For y/n... a swan.”
Now that hadn’t been what you were expecting. You could feel your head flinch back from the unexpected declaration. For a moment you tried to decipher if there was anything physically about you that was truly swan like that surpassed all the, well, you. But coming up with a blank for that, you felt your heart spike in the good way you’d only felt around Eddie in recent years. A genuine smile crept onto your features and this time you didn’t hold it back.
You and Eddie were still looking right at each other, and he grinned as he saw you spark up at the name. But before you could ask, in a voice you dreadfully knew would be smaller and higher pitched than your usual but you for once didn’t care about, Mike popped up with a question of his own to your dm.
“Soooo, is that because of the ugly duckling thing, orrrr?..”
The rest of the club burst into laughter, Mike more than anyone, looking to you with pride at his jab. You guys did tease each other quite a lot, it helped solidify a lot of friendships early on. The only one who didn’t laugh was Eddie.
You’d laughed at their joke. Not in a large way, but you pointed your finger and stretched out as if to hit their shoulders as they teased, but you laughed along with your friends in their game. Even though as soon as the joke left Mike’s mouth, and the laughter started up, you felt a stabbing pain, starting from your heart, wreaking havoc all over your body. In your life you’d gotten used to laughing after a while, you knew it was easier for everyone else. And it was easier for you if you just played along and didn’t make them uncomfortable. ’Ugly duckling...’ you thought, ’couldn’t have picked better myself. My friends clearly know me so well.’ A glum cloud was moving over you.
Eddie wasn’t too thrilled though. “Hey knock that shit off.” He growled warningly at Mike, who only raised in hands in fake surrender before bringing them to his knees to laugh again. Eddie telling them off almost made it funnier to them. Well, his reactions did really.
With Eddie’s eyes on Mike and Lucas, Gareth raised his hand behind Eddie’s back quickly “Have you turned into the pretty swan yet?”
He yelped and ran as Eddie span around to whack upside his head, hiding behind Jeff with a playfully startled look on his face. Like a dog wanting to play chase.
You didn’t answer his question, and you didn’t even have to laugh as everyone’s attention was on the scene Gareth was making with Eddie. It allowed you to just sink into the background, wishing the shadowy room, a perfect set up by Eddie, the auteur of Hellfire Club, would swallow you whole so you didn’t have to grin till your cheeks hurt, and hide the redness you knew would eventually stain your eyes.
“No I meant swan! Just swan!” Eddie whipped his explanation to the room, frustrated everyone was making such a big deal about what was supposed to be his compliment to you, twisting his words like everyone else in town did. Except this time it made his heart hammer like it hadn’t since he’d accepted the fact nearly everyone hated him, because you were on the receiving end, and not him. “That’s not what I mea- shut up you guys!” His eyes found yours now, and you were just standing exactly where you were before, a neutral look plastered across your expression, minus your upper lip you sucked in.
“You have never been, and are not, an ugly duckling.”
There was a pregnant pause. Your wide eyes were held on Eddie’s soft ones, one hand pressed out to you, the other behind him where the majority of the guys were, like he was trying to forcefully separate you from the bullies, even if they did think it was all joking, and you thought he knew you wouldn’t try and distance those opinions yourself, from the way he kept looking at you. His own lips mirrored yours, the only movement in the room apart from his chest rising and falling as he breathed, sucking it in as he waited for you. He hadn’t meant to start any type of conversation like this, and you knew he didn’t like where it’d gone. With just a few moments of him watching you like that, you felt a small smile start to tug at your lips where they were previously tucked away, heartbeat softening under his gaze and words.
That was until words not spoken by Eddie, broke the graceful moment supposendly only noticed between the two of you.
“Like... so what, is y/n aging backwards, orrrr??” Dustin asked the group, snapping the silence of the room. It was quickly completely shattered as everyone praised Dustin for his comeback. You watched Eddie’s shoulders fall in a sigh, squinting his eyes just a little harder than usual.
Your stomach flipped as the boy you almost felt was a little brother to you cut you deep.
Great, even Dustin was properly joining in now. His words almost stung the most. But even as your brain thought that, your heart thought another thing ’not him too...’
“Seriously, knock it off!“ Eddie growled deeply at his members, more firm than the last time he said it. But the guys just didn’t get it. They weren’t taking him seriously, they didn’t realise they were supposed to. Dustin hadn’t even looked at Eddie, he just kept waiting for you.
And when his big goofy grin was looking to yours, and the others as he got such an uproarious reaction to his joke, Eddie being ignored, your own practice perfect smile reacted too. “Oh not you as well?” You rolled your eyes, thankful it gave you an excuse to blink any wateriness away. “Shit Dustin, I thought at least you’d be on my side?”
“I am.” Dustin nodded, feigning seriousness in a straight pose as he embellished upon his joke. “It’s therapeutic for people to not live in denial after a while.”
You laughed again, giving a small punch to his shoulder as you were half relieved that your serious words came in a light enough tone that no one could decipher them. The other part of you begged them to realise this was too much. That they were hurting you. But you knew you couldn’t handle that. If you started acting like a baby, acting out against their words like a brat who couldn’t take it, they’d all just pause and stare at you, even Eddie. None of them would know what to say and you’d have ruined everything by making it awkward. The ugliest animal thing earlier showed they were all joking as friends, but you couldn’t apparently take a joke. They were all good kids, and your friends. They couldn’t help your uncomfortable truth.
“Has it happened yet in that case?” Mike faux whispered to the other younger boys, slinking away a little with a giggle as Eddie stepped closer, chin out and teeth gritted in frustration.
You couldn’t see that though from your vantage point at the other side of the end of the table. You managed a chuckle at Mike’s add on, it was smaller than your laughs before. You didn’t really know how to react now that Eddie was sticking up for you the way he was, but even that small laugh was enough to bring Eddie physically back to you.
“Y/n you don’t have to laugh,” Eddie told you, eyes twitching downwards in sadness. Why weren’t you discouraging them? “Guys, shut the fuck up already.” He told them off, stepping closer to your side whilst he glared at them.
You felt something in your jaw twitch, a muscle or something, and you hoped Eddie didn’t hear the sound your throat made in response. You leant closer to his warmth, not touching him yet as his slightly widening nostrils made his breathing audible to you, but your jacket material brushed agaisnt his own. “It’s fine Eddie, don’t w-“
“No it’s not y/n.” Eddie quickly interrupted you, looking down at you with a softer glance, even though he’d snapped his disapproving look from the boys in under a second. He still looked disappointed at you though. Although you weren’t sure if he’d had time to control that look aimed at them, or if it was your fault.
You were stunned into silence. You almost felt ashamed, bowing your head as you looked at Eddie’s feet, noticing them shuffling nearer to you. He didn’t solidly touch you yet, but his arm and left side was slightly behind you now, closer like this. You didn’t think the guys were making that much of a big deal, especially since in this case, part of you knew they were truly joking. But the words they spoke still came out. You weren’t expecting Eddie to really defend you, not when you didn’t even try and defend yourself anymore, not even subconsciously. It felt... warm, that he did though.
In the tiniest of movements, you leant your back into his torso.
Your back only grazed against his cotton shirt, but it still felt better than before. Better than most things.
“C’mon, it’s not like she’s gonna start sprouting white feathers any time soon!” Mike retaliated against Eddie in a brave offence.
Your instinct is almost to laugh again. But Eddie’s was to drop his hands onto your shoulders, and that touch completely whirlwinded your thoughts, as well as snapping you out of that learnt behaviour. Things were different when Eddie was behind you. After a few seconds of them still laughing, Eddie began gently rubbing your shoulders. You didn’t think this was because they were still laughing at you. Eddie just naturally fell into it. It felt too good as he rubbed his hands quickly up and down the top of them, the friction buzzing beneath your skin in a way that made you feel heated in your face and chest, not in a way that made you want to itch your skin off, for how disgusting your body felt it was. Eddie was now fully behind you, but his head still leant over yours as he spoke. You felt shrouded by him, including, from your own umbrella of thoughts. “Don’t pay any attention to those shitheads y/n.” He commanded you.
You meant to nod. Really. You meant to show Eddie that you were strong. You were good and could do what he asked. But instead, with the soft weight of Eddie’s palms rolling against your skin, your body gave off more of a defeated shrug. Maybe that’s what your mind intended your body to show anyway. Even with Eddie’s support. Something you didn’t know you needed quite this much, even if you were having somewhat of a hard time properly accepting it.
That seemed to do it for Eddie. He peered down at you, leaning more to the side. You had to look away after a certain point, when his eyes grew scared, it was like he could see right into you. His voice was stable as he moved in front of you, hands still clapsed to your shoulders, and eyes full with hurt. “Stop that y/n, you’re beautiful.”
Loud enough that the club members could hear. Which was in Eddie’s plan. He just wasn’t thinking super far ahead, his chest squeezing for a second too hard, when after a small obvious pause the guys all called out in unison. “Ooooooh!”
They all started teasing him. At a similar level they were doing so to you. And you didn’t miss the sudden panic that hit Eddie’s eyes, especially as his hands dropped from your body, twiddling his own rings instead. “Well you know not beautiful I didn’t mean it like that I just m-me-meant...”
You guessed it wasn’t worth defending you at this point. Now more than ever you had to keep in control of your face, with Eddie looking at you still stumbling over his own words. His confidence quickly fading.
And while it hurt hearing him call you that initially, ’beautiful’, even though you knew something was wrong with you that that did hurt, it hurt even more when he said you weren’t.
And you knew that was stupid. That wasn’t what he meant, he just didn’t want you to think he was hitting on you inappropriately or anything (or at all). He didn’t want the guys teasing you about him having a crush. Especially when he almost definitely didn’t, so Eddie would’ve found it annoying you were sure. That bad part of your brain still took what it could grab at though. Eddie did not mean to say you were beautiful, he didn’t think that was true at all.
Probably only said it to shut up your blabbering for a second. You were that pathetic, just bringing the vibe down for everyone, so much Eddie had to lie. Good job he quickly redacted it you guessed. At least he still had his values there.
Wallowing in your own self-misery, something Eddie was very clealry not missing, he was shook out of his concern for you by Gareth sticking his tongue out at him. “C’mon Eddie, you’re never this nice to us.”
Eddie rolled his eyes back with a dramatic grunt to him. “Yeah well that’s because I actually like y/n! Y/n is actually nice.” He turned back to you, still concerned that you weren’t looking at anyone’s face, not even his as he tried to grab your attention. Only his kept being stolen back by those little pricks.
“Is it because y/n’s the only girl in the group?” Lucas asked, getting a “Yeah Eddie. Is it?” From Dustin as back up.
Eddie grit his teeth, shaking his head in frustration. Talk to you, get them to back off, get you to look at him, talk to his group. “No-“
“Well it has to be something.” Jeff suggests, earning a snicker from Gareth.
“Look, you’re all assholes.” Eddie chides. Not in a super serious way, but letting them know he was getting tired of dealing with their bull. He was trying to shut them down, at least get them to talk amongst themselves so he could have you. But as soon as his head snapped back to you, everyone’s went to Gareth, as his digital watch started to beep.
Eddie’s heart sunk, and yours fluttered in relief mixed with discomfort. Time to leave.
Everyone started packing up. Eddie quickly shoving all his things into his bag because leaving them there was a death wish for any figurines or other creations, but he didn’t want to get caught behind by everyone else’s cleaning up.
Dustin hit your arm lightly only to snicker at you when you looked up. You laughed along with the joke. Your head was red because you were bending at an angle under the table to quickly pack your bag. No other reason.
At least with the growing members, no one would notice if you didn’t talk to anyone on the short way out of school. You hoped.
All of you flooded out the theatre rooms door, the club chattering amongst themselves down the empty hallway as you tried to keep your head buried even further now, in less dim light. Although the sudden change of leaving had given you a small spark of rejuvenation, that you were riding out so as not to cry. Eddie was sticking close by you, not talking to the others either, but apart from your mouth breathing you were doing, which you had to keep up to stop from fully cracking, you tried to act normal.
And considering both of you were surrounded by the group walking to the exit doors, Eddie didn’t try and talk to you until you all dispersed there. Even though you were the only thing he looked at the entire walk.
Exiting into the Indiana sun, that was definitely about to start setting with how late the session had gone, the rest of the members started going to their methods of transportation, the parking lot pretty silent as most clubs finished at a reasonable and precise time. Unlike Hellfire.
The kids had their bikes to haul back today, and Gareth’s mom was picking him and Jeff up, so it meant Eddie had a free seat. Not that he wouldn’t be driving you, or anyone, in the back of his van anyways. “Hey, do you need a ride home?” Eddie offered, trying to act causal like he could tell you wanted, but the inside of his mind buzzing with ’Please say yes, please ride with me so we can talk.’
But you quickly shut that down, panic evident on your face, which Eddie hated to see, as you quickly spoke out “My mom’s picking me up.” Too quickly for normal.
Eddie opened his mouth again, just letting it take over what he was next to say without his mind’s involvement, a bit like you clearly were, but as he did, you both spot about the only car rolling outside.
Heart dropping disappointed, Eddie put on a small smile as he waved to your mom through her window, just as you started to run over, not even saying bye to Eddie. Not even hugging him goodbye... which he looked forward to every single day. You hugging him hello and goodbye were the only hugs, the only true physical affection, Eddie really ever got. And he didn’t get it today.
But all he could do was keep waving, not able to see if anyone was waving back thanks to the sun’s reflection on the car window, as he was forced to watch you driving away...
You hated that you had school the next day. You almost wanted to take the day off, you had the very real stomach ache as an excuse. Plus the fatigue from staying up until 2am - it was hard to sleep when all you could do was cry. Scared about what Eddie was thinking right now, knowing he’d be up. How all your friends see you. Would they see you any differently today?
But there came the cost of not showing up, and them possibly figuring out you were hurt by yesterday. Then you holding in your crying the afternoon before was pointless, because they’d all know you’re a baby who makes her friends feel bad. God you hated how anxiety made every decision feel like a crappy one.
But you decided to go to school, prove to yourself that you were brave and not stupid. Even if you still secretly planned to avoid Hellfire as much as possible. Wherever physically, and in places like shared classes with Eddie (in which being the only two to share desks previously always seemed like a blessing), and lunch with all of them, you’d just have to practice avoidance by being quieter.
Unfortunately, none of this was on the table for you.
You got out your moms car and started to walk up to the school doors, busting through the ones closest to your lockers like you did every day, only for your heart to freeze and constrict in your chest, at seeing a pained looking Eddie leaning against your locker.
He was looking every which way, peering over most students heads. And you quickly made the decision to let autopilot run free on your body so you could continue your usual walk up, before Eddie could see you just stood stiff staring at him. Not weird at all. You trudged on.
Eddie’s face lit up when he saw you, but not in the usual happy way. It was more of a relieved look this time. He waved you over though, his curled hand raised above people but not shouting for your attention, which was a bit lower profile for the metal head than usual. You managed a small smile, taking a breath you knew you’d need, as Eddie managed to give a smile that looked all to much like your own as you swanned closer. “Hey princess.” He breathed out, calmer than he looked before.
As much as that nickname made your heart beat faster, you were distracted by the fading smell of smoke on him, and a small frown twisted onto your features, as Eddie only usually smoked right before classes when he was stressed, and needed a cigarette. Oh no, you hoped he was okay.
Eddie pretty much blocked you off from the rest of the school goers, and the world, as you got to your locker. Scooting over because he was literally leaning on yours, his hand moving to rest one to the left, but his entire body leant behind you, a breath as relieved as his smile leaving his lips as he could finally look over you. “I’m so glad you’re in today.”
Your face burned, heart swelling and tingly.
“I mean, I was worried you weren’t gonna show. I was totally gonna ditch and steal your neighbours ladder to check up on you though, if you didn’t.”
You heart was palpitating now, your lips opening into a small fish like shape as you blinked furiously, charmed. Eddie would’ve climbed through your window to check up on you if you’d missed school? How long was he worrying about you? How long had he planned that?
The gesture was so sweet, too sweet to you, electricity stormed through your stomach and your legs, not sure whether to smile or bury everything down deeper because you knew negative feelings were still being held back by a very thin damn. You turned to your locker, keeping a side eye on Eddie as you spoke, organising your books. “I’m fine. I promise. Why wouldn’t I be Eddie?”
It didn’t sound like you were faking. But that’s because it didn’t come out sounding causal at all. Like you weren’t even trying to be convincing. It sounded like you truly didn’t mean any of that and the both of you knew it too well.
’Maybe he just wanted to skip school’ floated briefly through your mind.
Eddie clicked his tongue, unseen to you, running his sweaty palms against the skin and denim of his ripped black jeans. “Well, after yesterday, you seemed a bit upset. Which was fair. I know they were just messing around because you’re their friend, but the guys were being total assholes and losers.”
Fair? Eddie thought you were okay being upset? You knew it was true, realistically. Of course you were allowed to feel upset. But it just felt so... comforting, to have Eddie confirm that for you in his own way, without any prior prodding. It was just a genuine declaration of how he felt.
That wasn’t being hidden from Eddie. The crowd of pupils and teachers was thinning, but Eddie still drew closer, a shield against all those people, the noise of outside the two of you. People could be mean to you guys, mostly him, and he hated the fact people were only mean to you because you were friends with him, so he just wanted a break from that so he could focus on you right now. His face furrowed, already fallen like before he’d even seen you, lips twisting every which way and being bitten on the inside.
“W- uhh, thank you. That’s really nice of you... But yeah, um, I’m fine. No need to worry, honest!”
“Are you being honest though?”
Eddie leant closer and his breath on the nape of your neck drew a loud shudder of a gasp. You turned around quickly, only to be even more intimated at his determined look, now you two were front to front. Your back closed your locker for you, bag dead by your shoes.
“Uhhhh I-“
Eddie put his thumb to your lips, his hand following after and oh so gently cupping your chin. You couldn’t even breathe at this point, too scared to, and Eddie had this geuinine look in his eyes, emotions full in the dark brown, that you didn’t know what to do with. “Y/n please talk to me. You’re my best friend, right? I know you were lying yesterday when you laughed with the guys and I don’t think...” Eddie struggled when he didn’t let his heart run with the words, tongue flicking against his lips as it usually did, while his thumb still graced yours. “I don’t think they were playing along with me.”
In Eddie’s head it made sense. But it had yet to be translated to you. Instead, it was taken as wrong. “Oh? And what game were you playing?” You spoke, lightly unable to avoid brushing against his warm finger.
“No I’m not playing a game I just mean...” Eddie sighed, his brown puppy eyes so sad, as they held yours. Everyone had gone to class now, no one bothering to remind you two of the last bell. “I mean the guys and I... no fuck, hold on.” Eddie inhaled through his teeth, his hand finally leaving your face, which at least allowed you to breathe, but made you feel solemn and hollow at the same time.
Eddie was level with you. Looking like the normal boy you knew he was, who could feel unsure, and scared, and nervous. His ringed hands wrung together, swearing to himself as he tried to hold your eyes in his, desperate for you to stay right now. “I think- I mean I know, I see you differently than them...”
Eddie’s hand braced his chest as he said that, staying splayed there over his white Hellfire shirt. Meanwhile you were overlooking your flustered crush, rolling your shoulders as you exhaled unsurely through your nose. It made you nervous having a one on one conversation with Eddie that was so serious. No distractions. And seeing him so flustered and open was a vulnerable side you’d seen before, but not when you both felt this exposed, with something you were so hesitant to say. You bit your lip, only realising for a split second after that Eddie’s thumb had been on there, but you pushed that thought aside for later as you watched his tongue almost reaching the top of his nose again, sticking out like that nervously. About as on the spot as you felt.
“So... you see me as a swan and they see me as the ugly duckling?” You asked unsure, flinching back and feeling bad when Eddie winced harshly at your words. Shaking his head vigorously. Voice cracking a little through the first few words.
“No! Fuck no, that’s not. That’s not even true what they said y/n! They were just trying to find a joke and they locked onto it, they don’t think anyone looks like what they said, Jesus H Christ none of us look like animals. Least of all you y/n!”
You blinked away the last sentence, pinning it again for later, like your brain couldn’t be split between conflicting emotions, but unfortunately was picking the negative ones to experience now. The negative ones to experience with Eddie, and the positive ones for when you were alone. Christ couldn’t you be positive and happy when you were around people you loved instead today? “Look I’m not mad at them okay Eddie?” You spoke up. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to yell at them or something for me. I mean I really appreciate what you did for me yesterday, it made me feel nice but-“
“What? I’m not mad. Y/n-“ Eddie strode close and took your hands softly in his, flipping them over and grazing them in his own calloused touch, holding them warmly. “I’m not even trying to talk about them right now. They were being little dicks yesterday but they were just messing around. You know I know you’re beautiful don’t you? I mean, I do have eyes.” He chuckled softly only on that last sentence. The first and only time he hadn’t seemed serious apart from when he finally saw you. Almost like you relaxed him, made him feel good, better.
But now your brain was pushing away the positivity, that was becoming more in volume than the negativity, on purpose. Because it stuck onto one part that it could warp, and stab into you like a knife.
“Look Eddie I really appreciate you, and you know I love you.” You squeezed his hands softly, and Eddie looked like he was melting at your touch. His cheeks seemed softer, slightly pinker as they raised in an honest to god smile, medium sized, but perfect to the situation. And you both took a step closer to the other, not knowing each other would do the same. Still a parting, but wrists resting on your own stomachs. “But you don’t have to say that, I know yesterday you got kinda screwed over and tried to take it back and it’s fine. I don’t want you to feel bad or-“
“Y/n stop!!” Eddie snapped, shocking you a little as you jumped. Eddie held your hands closer in apology, pulling your wrists so near your hands were in his stomach now. “I mean Jesus Christ! Y/n. You are beautiful. I meant it yesterday and I mean it now. And I’ve always known it. Maybe I should’ve said it more but...” Eddie used one conjoined hand to shift back his curls in his face, huffing out quickly. You could feel how hot his poor forehead was becoming as he moved so.
“You are beautiful. You’re gorgeous.” His brown eyes looked deeply into yours, open, and face contorted in a mixture of confusion, but being pure, and fully unendingly loving, as he held you close. Hands smoothing down your shoulders, shaking as they tried to keep you from running, tried to soothe you into his words. Like a charm roll a bard would throw for a restless dragon.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever been graced enough to lay my fucking eyes on.” His tongue darted out, eyes blinking sheepishly as he kept looking right at you. “Why don’t you see that, all the time?” Pain and confusion. That’s what was in his voice. Love and fear mixed into all his touches, hands smoothing over your back and shoulder blades in his need to fidget and be touching you, someone he always wanted to never not be touching, ever since the moment you first lit up when talking to him. That’s the only thing he ever saw when he looked at you, and he just couldn’t fathom a world where you somehow didn’t see the exact same thing, staring blatantly obviously back.
“Because I’m not!” You wriggled harshly out of his grip, the genuine hurt in Eddie’s eyes, only fuelling the burst of passion you were having. “I’m not anything! I’m not anything good, Eddie!” You were yelling, no one had seen you yell before, least of all Eddie. And Eddie teetered on nervous feet, worried about reaching out for you, but scared of what you’d do if he didn’t ground you.
Your breath felt ragged, head pounding. “I look at myself, I think about myself, and all I can feel, is how ugly, and disgusting I am.”
Pure and simple shock was spread across Eddie’s features. The kind of disappointed shock where he couldn’t understand how, or why you’d ever felt this way. Eddie was heartbroken.
“Whenever I remember this body I’m in, I want to cry because I feel like nothing good is deserved for someone as fucked up as this. I feel sick in my own skin. Every cell of me feels wrong, and that’s how I live. Terrified that someone’s going to look at me, someone who’s seen me a thousand times, and suddenly see this me that’s just a monster when you look again.” Your hand was to your heart, and you were crying now. Tears itching that disgusting skin people should wash their hands after touching. God you felt awful getting it out there, this was bullshit.
Anger was about to start seeping into Eddie too, just a little, grief and heartbreak was overtaking him right now. “Is this to do with what the guys said?”
You were hyperventilating now. Very aware of breaking down in front of your crush, and unable to breathe because you were crying so hard. Terror striking you from speaking the truth, because your best friend would see you that way now. Upon his words, a gasp bubbles through the saliva in your throat, but before you could answer Eddie finshed.
“I’m going to knock their teeth in.” Eddie felt hot tears in his eyes. He’d let you go home thinking about this. You were hurting. “I don’t care that they’re stupid, I’m going to tell them all that-“
“No!” You finally got close to Eddie again, your hands the only strong part of either of you as you lightly gripped his forearm. “No it’s not their fault.” You knew Eddie would only drag them somewhere and knock their heads together, but you didn’t want him guilting your friends, you didn’t want them hurt. You didn’t want them to know either. “It’s not them. I’ve always felt like this.”
Eddie felt lost. Eddie was crushed. His whole face collapsing to show it. His tears dripped onto his shirt, defeated by them. The white staining in the hollow hallway as he just looked at you, about as broken as you feel. ”But why?”
Eddie was genuinely confused. And it made your heart skip. To the point it felt so good, it was painful.
This whole conversation was painful. Your head dropped as your tears slunk to the floor, Eddie gripping your wrists in return, before pulling you warmly into a hug. Eddie’s embrace so tight, so scared to break you but needing you to stay, safe, with him, so you wouldn’t. Eddie would never let you break. He promised to himself now to always pick up your pieces before you could fully fall apart. Eddie would never let that happen, not on his watch. Not when you were under his oath. He sniffed, licking up his tears as he nuzzled his cheek into your head. Dreaded mumbles falling from his lips with small cries. Even his hips pressed to yours, his feet entangling thoughtfully, so you couldn’t fall, or retreat, just hugging you.
“I just. I don’t know.” You sobbed once. “I’m sorry.”
“Ssh. Don’t you dare apologise.” Eddie stroked the wetness away from your head, into his hand. “I’ll kick your ass.” He kisses your head instead, heart delighting, but not enough to give a smile, as you laughed at that. Hearing your small purr of a giggle was enough to tell himself to keep going, that he was doing an alright job.
Eddie pressed a hard kiss into your temple, growling lightly at you. Clearly still teasing you though. For once you didn’t have a single fear Eddie was mad at you. You could just breathe out laughs, even as you were crying. “I don’t know. Don’t you see that? See that... see an ugly duckling, in me?” You asked genuinely. For once your brain didn’t give you a million versions of the future, you just felt blank as you waited for his answer. It was peaceful.
As Eddie thought, he grazed against your head. Lips nibbling your skin, and your hair caught there, laughing lightly back when he felt another round of your chuckles, vibrating through his own chest, his warm hand smoothing down your back. He loved that feeling. He always wanted to make you laugh, but now he resolved to do so as he had your chest pressed against him, all the time. “I’ve... since the first moment I saw you, I’ve always thought you were jaw-droppingly stunning.” He revealed.
You felt conflicted, your heart pulled, brain just... not able to picture him seeing you like that. But you knew he wasn’t finished, and he held you impossibly closer, always being able to tell what you were feeling, even if it could be irritatingly accurate.
“But... the more I fell in love with you, the more and more I just kept seeing you as someone so perfect, it felt like the sun lit up her hair through every window on purpose. To shine down on her specifically. That the weather was made that day, so she could wear an outfit that made your legs, and stomach, and arms, and hands, look so desirable to hold. Someone who’s smile literally made the people around her smile for the rest of their entire day, and how that kinda magic could only be possible from you. That every day I’d see a different person spin around and do a double take at you with that look on their face, that look because they know they’ve just walked past the most beautiful girl in the entire world, and they’ll never get that chance again to brush past your shoulder, and meet-cute you, ever. And that I’m the luckiest man on this earth, because somehow, through your own kindness, and through the wind and the sun and our peers and the earth beneath our feet and stardust that made everything, I was lucky enough to be someone, who gets to see someone so beautiful, every single day.”
Eddie breathed out. His brown eyes warm in yours. His touch craving. His body glowing after all that.
And there were no words. A white sheet in your mind and a white glow over your body. You only knew you felt light, you felt... right. And your heart was full. And the thing that kept circling over and over in your mind, finally spoke out.
“You love me?”
Eddie’s breath collapsed in his laugh. Full and hearty, and the tears in his eyes were now spilt because of how they crinkled, smile spreading to his cheeks and his warm palms cupped your own cheeks, like he was so grateful to be able to hold you safe like this, like he was so happy to have your face beating in his hands. “Of course I do. I love you y/n. I’m madly in love with you! I love you so much it’s consumed every part of me and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I love you more than fucking anything! I love you more than anything y/n!”
“I love you too!” The air tasted different when you gasped, Eddie’s heart swelling was something you could see throughout his entire body, as his chest rose and his feet curled, and his eyes warmed, and his lips opened in such a smile. You took Eddie’s face in your own hands and everything fit together perfectly. He was so warm, so full of life, so Eddie, and so full of love for you. Eddie was the love of your life, and you could hold his tear ridden smile in your hands.
Eddie leant in close, using his hands to pull you further as his open lips spread, and your eyes fluttered stickily shut as you just smiled leaning in. Finally having his full, wet lips slotting against yours, and feeling each other’s smiles into the kiss, as you felt him kiss you like it was the best memory he’d ever make.
He pulled you in closer, almost tripping over your own feet as his hands on your cheek coerced you, but only one foot slipping, as you kissed him deeper. Lovingly moulding his lower lip that wanted to live in your mouth, and feeling his thick upper one kiss you back with so much deep adoration. Affection and love oozing out of Eddie as he kissed you happily. Sweet sounds coming from the both of you as your hands curled in his dark hair by his ears, and his cradled your nape and your lower back. Cheeks brushing and noses nuzzling, as you sweetly tasted each other, kissing like it was the only thing that was right in this world.
Finally, after stopping a little, and feeling Eddie’s nose nuzzle and brush at you in return, you pulled back. Eddie having literally stolen your breath away. You both backed up just an inch, just enough to see each other, and you were both beaming smiles through the warm sun rays. Eddie leant in to kiss you again, this time a small peck that you reciprocated, both his lips sweetly pressing against yours, and you could just tell they were Eddie Munson’s lips.
A noise of deep happiness and satisfaction finally broke the air and Eddie couldn’t help but nose at your cheek playfully again. “That was even better than I imagined.” He fondly grinned.
You tilted your head, wrapping both your arms around Eddie’s neck, as you felt a different energy, making a home in your new home. “You imagined kissing me before?”
Eddie went momentarily bright red. Before he remembered it was you he was with, and it was okay to be this vulnerable because you loved him too. “‘F course!” He sang. “Although minus the crying.”
You burst into laughter, Eddie following along as you rubbed at your drying tears, stomach fluttering as Eddie’s calloused fingers went to softly swipe at your cheekbones instead, the warm metal of his rings from how clammy his hands were, actually feeling nice as he brushed them away, “Pretty princess...” Getting at his own tears with his sleeve before you could return the favour. “Yeah.” He took both your cheeks in his hands again, before he leaned in to kiss you once more. Then your two red cheeks, and he leaned back and smiled, then both your eyes, still smiling, as he just had to look at you again “Can’t have my gorgeous girl crying. Never.”
Somehow, that didn’t start it again. Your lip wobbled but no tears came, only as Eddie kissed your nose fondly, was your movement to hold his face back, squeezing those adorable cheeks as you kissed all over his face. Every single inch got covered in your loving kisses, and feeling Eddie’s excited giggles fanning so close on your skin just made you kiss his lips over, and over, and over, and Eddie kiss yours, over, and over again. Your “I love you Eddie”’s being caught in between each and every kiss. Only stopping when Eddie pulled back to look at you, so happy in his hand, so he could smile at the sight of you. “My beautiful y/n.”
You two both skipped school that day eventually anyways. Only this time, as you walked hand in loveable hand down the empty hallways, not looking at each other only and purely because you were too busy kissing to have your eyes open, you were leaving to spend your first moments together as a couple.
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diazsdimples · 6 months
What do u say about these supposed hard core fans that are shipping buck Tommy? They gonna make the writers keep that homophobe around 😰
I am entirely the wrong person to ask about this.
Firstly, I ship Bucktommy AND Buddie. And this is possible! You are allowed to see Buck be happy with a man for the first time (how fucking good!!) but also wish upon the nearest star that he ends up with Eddie in the end. I truly believe Buddie is endgame but at the moment, I am more delighted at the fact that Buck is happy, with a man, experiencing a positive queer relationship.
The reason I ship Bucktommy is because look! at! how! happy! this! boy! is!!! I will ship ANY person that makes my little blorbo as happy and blushy and giggly as Evan Buckley is when he's with Tommy Kinard. He is SMITTEN. Do I think they're endgame? Not at the moment, no. Would I be upset if they were? I'd mourn the fuck out of Buddie, but I would be glad that Buck is finally happy and comfortable in a relationship. His happiness is paramount.
For the reasons why Buck's bisexual arc is more important than a ship, please read this post. It talks about the importance of representation in current media, and my own experiences of coming to terms with my bisexuality just before this arc was aired. What we're seeing with Buck's story is revolutionary, really. We haven't seen this kind of thing happen in media much at all and it is so important to show.
For any issues regarding Tommy, please read this post by the lovely @slightlyobsessedwitheverything. They beautifully go through all his appearances and break them down for us and I would urge you to read it with an open mind.
Now, about Eddie. I am an Eddie girlie (gn) through and through. That is my babygirl and I adore him with every fibre of my being. I would love nothing more than to see him go through a queer arc. However, right now, Eddie is not in the place to do so. We saw from the last episode that he's an untapped reservoir of Catholic guilt, and it's gonna take a lot to work through that, before he can have any kind of realisation re: Buck. He's very much in his comphet days but is starting to take some steps towards undoing some of his old habits, like getting Marisol to move out when he realises they're moving too fast.
With this in mind, I think it would be too rushed and too early for Buddie to get together right now. Yeah they've had many seasons of being married and living out of one another's pockets but given the stages of life they are both in, I feel it wouldn't end as well as we'd like it to. Eddie isn't in the right place for it. Buck is exploring his sexuality. They need time to learn and grow and do some serious thinking and realising before they can even begin to contemplate a relationship together.
Regarding the "homophobe", I am assuming this is referring to Edy Ganem and not Lou Ferrigno Jr. I would like it noted for the record that I cannot stand Edy and therefore cannot stand Marisol. If Meddie were to be endgame, I'd fume. They have no chemistry. They do not suit one another. And I don't believe Edy should be given a platform to spread her hateful rhetoric, and I hope the last we see of her is 7x07. I'm a little mad it wasn't 7x05 but there we go.
However, Tommy and Buck's storyline and Eddie and Marisol's storyline are entirely separate. The only thing that links them are Buck and Eddie, and their friendship. I don't believe that Tommy's existence means Marisol is going to stick around and I find it a little odd that you do. Buck can and has had relationships that aren't Eddie. Eddie can and has had relationships that aren't Buck. Buck being in a relationship does not mean Eddie will also be in one. Tommy's existence does not confirm Marisol's continued existence.
My current best case scenario is Eddie being single by the end of 7x07 (please god), and Buck and Tommy continuing their relationship, so Buck has the opportunity to learn and experience same-sex relationships while Eddie has the time to deconstruct his true feelings, get therapy, work through 30+ years of repression, and then they'll be ready.
Best case scenario, sometime towards the end of s7 or beginning of s8, Buck and Tommy decide that they both want different things out of life, have an amicable split that doesn't leave either of them hurt, Tommy sticks around as a recurring character because he's ingrained in the 118 again, Eddie's doing his therapy thing and then maybe mid s8 him and Buck can start coming to some realisations with a potential for Buddie moments towards the end of s8. Honestly anything else would seem too rushed.
The final point I'd like to make is that I find it extremely odd that you call people who ship Bucktommy "supposed hardcore fans". Shipping anything other than Buddie doesn't make you any less of a fan. Actually, I'd argue it shows a bit more commitment to the characters as you're willing to be open to them growing as humans and expanding on the personalities that we love. If Buddie is the only reason you watch the show, I feel you should re-evaluate your motivation. This show has so many great ships, such as Bathena, Henren and Madney, as well as Buddie and Bucktommy, and considering this is an ensemble show, we should show all of them as much love as the other. These characters are so intertwined with one another and that's what makes this show so worth watching. Watching for 2 characters and 2 characters only is not getting the full enjoyment out of it.
I hope this answered your questions and gave you something to reflect on. As I say, I'm not the right person to ask about this as I too ship Bucktommy, currently have 2 Bucktommy fics in my drafts and watch them kiss at least 10 times a day. And for future reference, I will be unfollowing/blocking people who throw tantrums about not getting Buddie so far, or who believe you can only ship Buddie and feel superior for doing so. Have a good rest of your day.
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Ready for the (messy) ramble no. 2? Topic this time: your honour, Tommy is just as smitten and nervous around Buck as Buck is around him, probs has some heartbreak experiences in his past, and here are my proofs. 
Tone and confidence pre dating vs. dating: Think about Tommy’s tone when he’s speaking to Hen in episode 3, or the tone and posture he has in episode 4 before the kiss when interacting with Buck. At least to me it’s very different to the way he speaks after. The tone he speaks to Buck becomes clearly softer, his words less pompous and more calculated/picked than earlier. Why? Because before the kiss there was no chance for hurt, this is just a new friend/acquaintance. After the kiss there’s suddenly chance for something real which of-course can lead to actual hurt. Thus to me the ”Maybe it’s just me who makes your nervous” and ”God I hope so” are not completely deadpan deliveries, they are nervous/shy attempts to feel the ground to see if their humour and flirt matches. Thus the cute little smiles after both lines to show ”Look I can joke and be funny but I’m not sure if it’s too much.”. The man is so smitten that he’s probably overthinking everything he says to avoid looking too weird or ruining things. 
Escaping the 1st date+coffee: Let’s be honest a clear sign Tommy has been hurt before and he’s putting his guard back up before he properly put it down. Buck’s reaction to Eddie got him scared that his humour/flirt was wrong or that something similar from the past would repeat. I truly believe the boy beat himself up after for leaving like that and thinking he was too dramatic and hasty and might have lost a cute guy due to that. And then showing up to the coffee date with his hands in his pockets, looking like he’s not sure he wants to stay? Clearly keeping the guard up to avoid getting hurt but then that little smile and hopeful tone when he says ”Practically everything.”? He’s smitten and can’t believe the cute guy called him back. Also compare the coffee ”hey” and ”of-course” to the bachelor party ones? Guards coming down again. (and something something about his tone when he's leaving the 1st date and saying Buck is adorable, that a sad tone)
The hospital scene: Is it just me that hears the slight desperation in Tommy’s tone when he walks in those doors? Like that man has been cursing and stressing for multiple hours that he’s stuck putting down the fire, had to bail from the bachelor party and is missing the wedding. When he arrives both his tone and eyes tell how badly he’s begging that he didn’t ruin his second chance with Buck. Because he LIKES this guy and he’s probably lost someone before due to work and being too weird/different. 
We get so little of Tommy yet there’s so much that gives away that he likes Buck and wants this to work but is afraid to repeat some past mistakes. Think he also has some people pleasing tendencies.
(Can we also give some love to the way in  the final and in the coffee scene how Tommy is so clearly listening with these very attentive and soft expressions and then there’s this smile when Buck says that the something could be with him.)
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bekkachaos · 3 months
🪞🪞 💫💫 🏥🏥 please 💜💜
Omg y'all are really making me write!!
Polin fic (I don't know if this will be the same fic or a different one but this is what I got 😅)
"Do not think it escapes me that your child is the picture of health and arrives not eight months after your wedding Colin Bridgerton," Violet said his name with a chastising tone as she turned to look at him.
Colin did not have the decency to act modest or scolded by her words, his mouth instead curling with a proud little smirk that had Penelope flushing violently and shooting him a glare. He pulled his lips between his teeth as he looked to her with far too much cheek in his eyes, pressing his hand to her lower back and leaning in to kiss her at her temple.
Violet tried to act indignant, but her lips quivered with a smile as she watched him, shaking her head lightly as she focussed her attention back on the baby in her arms and rocking him side to side.
"Truly, you can get away with anything," Penelope said to him under her breath and he let out a light chuckle. "I do think you could get away with murder with that smile."
"Just as well," he teased, and she refused to look at him knowing exactly the effect his smile had on her.
"You have intentions to commit murder?" she quipped, and his smile grew as he gazed adoringly down at her.
"No, but if you are to forgive that mortal sin then I am surely forgivable for all manner of grievances I am yet to commit."
"You tell a lie," she said, looking up at him and working hard to maintain the straightest face she could. "You murder my patience."
"You," he said, reaching down with his other arm to turn her to face him as he let his hands rest on her hips. "Are the one who chooses to love me."
the soulmate au !
Eddie had known from a very young age that he had a soulmate out in the world somewhere. When he was a child his mother and abuela read him books that told him so, when he was slightly older, he detested the idea (as did many of the boys his age) and swore that he would never fall in love. As a teenager, he felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of anyone new he met, could it be them? What if it was someone who was mean or intolerable? What if it was someone he didn’t find attractive? What did he find attractive?
Most importantly, would it feel different to meet them than it did anyone else?
He decided very early on that he didn’t want to know. After all, what were the odds you would meet your soulmate? Billions of people in the world and you were expected to just bump into them on the street? Stop in at the same coffee shop?
And what happened when you fell in love with someone who wasn’t your soulmate? What happened when you had a perfectly fine life with them only to meet the person whose body split from yours in the cosmos?
No, that was absolutely not what Eddie wanted for his life.
He knew the one important thing about soulmates was that you were physically incapable of lying to them, so he made himself a rule.
Eddie Diaz would never tell a lie.
The grey's au my most beloved but neglected fic!
"Anyway, I've got a craniotomy if that would cheer you up?" he asked, tapping Buck's arm with his file as he stepped back.
"Can't, I'm on the ER rotation," he said, watching as Eddie began to walk slowly backwards down the hall.
"Well, I hope I don't see you then," he smiled, eyes lingering for a moment, even in a lab coat the man was insufferably good looking.
"Does Eddie's ass have something to say?" Maddie said quietly and Buck rolled his eyes.
"No," he huffed, turning to glare at her before looking back at his paperwork (with one small detour back to Eddie as he stood speaking to someone at the end of the hall).
"Oh you are so smitten, aren't you?" she chuckled. "How do you get through a surgery with him and learn anything?"
"I'm a bright young talent," Buck said dryly.
Giiiirrrlll your icon is sending me, love a little ankle!
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luxeberries · 2 years
wayne warms up to steve pretty quickly bc he sees all the nice things steve does for eddie and sees how much steve truly cares for eddie and loves him and wayne just thinks like.. he's never seen someone so smitten for his boy, someone who loves him as much as wayne does. cares for his wellbeing. how can wayne not like someone who loves his boy like that? when all eddie's known is being outcasted by the town? eddie, who was such a reject that he completely removed himself from the whole thing and embraced his freakness out of self-preservation, finally being loved by someone for who he truly is, for the parts he hid away and downplayed. wayne would love steve
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cheerscoops · 5 months
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ship: Chrissy Cunningham/Eddie Munson wc: 7.9k A/N: First hellcheer fic and feeling the pressure for it to be a good one. This one is dedicated to all of the lovely ladies in the hellcheer server but especially @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction and @justhere4thevibez for giving me the inspiration <3
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If there was one thing that the members of the Hellfire Club could count on, it was that Eddie Munson was one of the most overdramatic people on the planet, and he was going to put all of those theatrics to work in his carefully crafted campaigns. Some of them had been playing with him as their dungeon master since middle school, and by now, they were all used to his personal brand of immersive storytelling. Typically, this meant that they were going to encounter a sidequest or two that revolved around whatever it was that Eddie was struggling to deal with at the time.
When he was struggling to pass chemistry, they met a potion maker who’d lost his touch, and they set off to find the witch that cursed him, the master potion book that she’d stolen, and the ingredients they needed to brew the cure that would give him his skills back. When he struggled to find a legitimate part time job so he could afford to buy the miniatures and cassette tapes he wanted without worrying his uncle about his potential arrest because none of the businesses in town trusted a kid from the trailer park that looked like him, they were tasked with clearing the good name of a young farmhand who had been wrongfully accused and banished based on nothing more than his unsettling outward appearance. And anytime that he was particularly worried about his uncle overworking himself or going without to make sure Eddie was taken care of, they encountered the same young squire whose only goal in life was to give back to the knight that had taken him in when no one else would and sacrificed so much to raise him. The boy wore his heart on his sleeve, and the ever-changing NPCs that inhabited Eddie’s fantasy world told them everything they needed to know about what their friend was going through.
However, the most common recurring theme to Eddie’s sidequests were acts of true love. There was the humble minstrel who fell in love with a beautiful mermaid and longed for a way for them to truly be together despite the fact that they came from different worlds. They met a thief whose truest love had been kidnapped by a man who he’d stolen from in the past, and they had to find a way to rescue her. And nobody could forget the time that Gareth’s character almost died when they had to fight off an army of goblins in order to save a lost princess for her betrothed. Each and every time one of these quests came up, the girl was exactly the same. She may have had a different name and upbringing each time, but she always looked the same, and she always had the same temperament. Eddie thought he was being subtle enough about it, but it was obvious to his friends: she was always Chrissy Cunningham.
Ever since he’d first laid eyes on her at that middle school talent show, he’d been smitten. He could pretend that he wasn’t interested in her all he wanted, but his friends saw the way he looked at her. They noticed that he never lumped her in with all of the other cheerleaders and jocks. But the most damning piece of evidence was the fact that every time he bumped into her in the halls or saw her out in public, one of these special quests popped up in the middle of their next gaming session.
It only got worse when Eddie started his third attempt at his senior year only to find that he and Chrissy shared Ms. O’Donnell’s third period English class. And while Jeff, Gareth, and Greg had privately agreed amongst themselves to put up with Eddie’s lovesick antics as long as none of their characters came close to death as a result again, the new group of freshman party members had made no such agreement and were too perceptive for their own good.
“Would you just grow a pair and ask her out already so we can do something other than run errands for some lovesick knight?” Mike asked after the third session in a row where the game play was overtaken by sidequests that had very little relevance to the main plot.
The rest of the players around the table froze. Nobody spoke to Eddie like that, and nobody brought up his crush on Chrissy. Not unless they had a death wish.
Eddie leaned back in his throne and looked in Mike’s direction with an expression that was eerily calm for the situation.
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” he replied. “Are you saying that you have a problem with the way I run my game? Because I'd be happy to step aside and let one of you run a campaign for once if that's the case. But, if you're not willing to put in the work to provide the epic entertainment that this group has grown accustomed to, I’d suggest you let me continue telling the story that I'm trying to tell without the complaints.”
“That's not what he's saying at all,” Dustin interjected, elbowing Mike in the ribs with enough force that the other boy groaned. “It's just that we thought we were still working on overthrowing that corrupt king, and it's been a few sessions since we've encountered anything that had a connection to that. We were all really excited to see where that story was going, and we feel like that's been abandoned in favor of minor quests that aren't really adding to our character development. That's all.”
“I see,” Eddie said as he crossed his arms over his chest. “And here I thought that you all enjoyed my side quests.”
“We do,” Gareth told him. “We would have quit ages ago if we didn't. But, if we're talking about this, we've been thinking that you've been using these side quests to avoid acting on the feelings that you have for a certain someone. And while it still leads to some pretty cool story elements most of the time, it would be nice if we didn’t end up ignoring the main plot for multiple sessions in a row, you know?”
“And you're all feeling this way?”
The group nodded and mumbled their various statements of agreement.
“Fine. While I have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to my feelings, I suppose that I can put an end to the side quests for the good of the group. On one condition.”
Eddie reached into his bag below the table and pulled out a small locked chest that he then placed on the table before them.
“I was planning on putting this into play at the end of today's session anyway. Your quest, if you choose to accept it, is for the party to go on one last side quest. This chest belongs to the knight who knows each and every one of the locations of the seven sacred items you'll need to defeat the corrupt king, but it's been stolen away by a band of thieves who are only slightly weaker than you are. The chest doesn't contain any riches. Instead, it holds a secret that the knight would desperately like to keep hidden. If you can retrieve the chest for him, he'll gladly help along the journey that you actually want to be on. It won't be an easy quest by any means, but I believe the rewards outweigh the risks. Do you accept?”
The group debated whether or not the quest was worth it for a few minutes before making their decision.
“We accept,” Gareth announced on their behalf.
“Excellent,” Eddie replied. “We'll start our next session with the beginning of that quest. If you're lucky and the dice gods are on your side, it might only take you one session to get the chest back. You're dismissed.”
The younger members of the group might not have picked up on it, but Jeff, Gareth, and Greg figured there was more to this chest than meets the eye. It wouldn't surprise any of them if the secret that the knight had was some sort of connection to a secret that Eddie was trying to hide from all of them, and they'd be even less surprised if that secret was somehow related to Chrissy. All they wanted was for their friend to be happy, so they knew that they had to do something. That's when they came up with what they thought was the perfect plan.
They were finally given the opportunity to put that plan into action the day before their next gaming session. The group was talking about the upcoming quest while waiting for Eddie to finish putting his stuff in his locker before they headed to lunch together when they were approached by none other than Chrissy herself. She offered up a smile and a quick hello to the others before turning her full attention towards Eddie.
“I was wondering if you maybe wanted to spend lunch in the library getting a head start on our project?” she asked. “I know we have almost a month to get it finished, but I'd rather get it started now so we're not rushing to finish it later. It's so much less stressful that way, you know?”
“You guys are working on a project together?” Jeff asked.
“Yep. Ms. O’Donnell randomly assigned partners today,” Eddie told the group.
“We have to choose a book from her approved list and give an oral report with visual aides. It counts for something like a third of our grade this semester, and I'm determined to help this one finally pass her class,” she said as she gestured to Eddie before hugging her binder to her chest.
“Third time’s the charm, right?”
“It will be if we get started on this project now. Please say yes?”
“Mrs. G isn't going to get on my case if I'm eating in there, is she?” he asked.
“I don't think she cares as long as you're not getting food all over the books. And we can always sit at one of the back tables that she can't see if you think she'll give you any trouble.”
“Then I'm in,” he told her as he shut his locker. “Give me a couple minutes to finish filling these guys in on tomorrow's campaign, and I'll meet you there.”
“Campaign?” she asked.
“It's a dungeons and dragons thing,” Gareth told her. “That's what the different stories you play through are called. We're actually starting a new one tomorrow if you're interested in checking it out.”
“Oh, I don't know if you'd want me to join you. I'd have no idea what I was doing, and I'd just end up holding you all back.”
“Nonsense,” Greg told her. “We'd all be happy to help you out, and Eddie’s always happy to welcome new players into the party. He's got this whole speech about how the world would be a better place if more people would just give the game a chance. Don't you, Eddie?”
“I have said that before. Yes.”
“So, he'd love it if you joined us,” Jeff insisted. “Wouldn't you, Eddie?”
“Oh yeah. It'll be fun.”
Their usually animated dungeon master was standing there frozen, and the guys were thankful for Chrissy's presence if only because they were pretty sure one of them would be getting strangled if she wasn't there.
“You have study hall last period, right?” Gareth asked her. “Because I just so happen to also have study hall last period, and I'd be happy to help you create a character if you want to join us.”
“You're sure I won't be intruding or messing anything up if I join?”
“I can honestly say that every single member of the party will happily welcome your presence,” Gareth told her with Greg and Jeff nodding in agreement.
“Alright. I'll give it a shot,” she told them. “I guess I'll see you in the library last period, Gareth. And, Eddie, I'll meet you there in five minutes?”
“Can’t wait.”
Chrissy said her goodbyes and headed off in the direction of the library.
“I hope you all have your affairs in order because I might actually have to kill you for that,” Eddie said once he was positive Chrissy was out of earshot.
“Whatever do you mean?” Gareth asked, feigning innocence. “You're always saying you want more players because you'd be able to throw stronger monsters at a larger group. We were just giving you the opportunity to do that.”
“And, if my math is correct, adding Chrissy to the party means that we'd have seven people. One to wield each of the seven sacred items we need to defeat the king,” Jeff added.
“Yeah, but did you have to invite Chrissy of all people?” 
“Why would inviting Chrissy specifically be a bad thing?” Gareth asked. “You don't secretly have feelings for her or something, do you?”
“I have no idea what you're up to, but I'm not dignifying that with a response. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a book report to get started on.”
With that, Eddie turned and left for the library.
“If this doesn't get him to finally ask her out, I don't know what will,” Jeff told the others.
“She's a halfling rogue armed with a crossbow and the typical thieves’ tools. We came up with a pretty extensive backstory about her family and why she became a con artist if you want to weave it into a plotline at some point in the future, but we have a planned party connection for her already.”
Gareth handed the character sheet and the couple of pages that Chrissy had filled out with her character's history over to Eddie who started to scan through the information provided there.
“Calpurnia Amaranthe? How'd you come up with that?”
“It’s all symbolically linked to the backstory I wrote,” Chrissy told him. “Specifically her lost love and her motivations behind becoming a con artist.”
Chrissy leaned over and pointed to a specific passage in her backstory.
“If you look here,” she started, “you'll see that this wasn't her given name. It was a name she chose for herself after her truest love passed away to separate herself from who she was before she lost him. I didn't write the symbolism into the backstory, but the globe amaranth is a flower that has been used to symbolize immortality and represents a love that will never fade or die. And Calpurnia comes from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. She was Caesar's wife, and she had a dream that predicted her husband's death. Much like how my character had a dream that her love would be murdered. She didn't place any significance in her dream, and the name is a badge of guilt she wears for not trying to save him. It all ties back to the fact that she was forever changed by losing her greatest love, and everything she does now is an attempt to still have the life that he always promised her that she would have.”
“You did research to come up with a name that symbolizes your character’s motivations?” he asked.
“Oh, I didn't have to do any research. This is just stuff that I already knew. Gareth told me how seriously you take your campaigns, and I know that this might just be a one time thing for me, but I wanted to show that I'm taking my participation in this game seriously as well.”
If he wasn't already harboring a secret crush on this girl, that statement would have sealed the deal. It was only her first session, and she was putting this much thought into her character's motivations already? He was a goner.
However, having her join in on this specific campaign filled him with dread. The guys just had to invite her into the session where they were retrieving the chest that held the knight’s biggest secret. If any of them managed to open the chest and take a look at what was inside while she was there, he'd have to leave the country.
He tried to push those thoughts aside and stay focused on the conversation at hand.
“So you're just that well-versed in Shakespeare’s plays and the language of flowers? I wouldn't have pegged you as such a nerd,” he teased.
“There's a lot you don't know about me.”
“Well, color me surprised. I look forward to learning more.”
“So, are there assigned seats?” Chrissy asked. “Or can I sit anywhere?”
“Well, the throne is Eddie’s,” Jeff told her. “But other than that, we pretty much just sit wherever.”
“You should sit here though,” Gareth said as he pulled out the chair next to Eddie’s throne. “That way you're between me and Eddie, and we can help you out since it's your first time playing. You have an extra set of dice she can use, don't you Eddie?”
“Sure. Let me see what I've got in my bag.”
Everyone took their seats around the table, and Eddie dug through his dice bag to find a matching set of bright blue dice for Chrissy to use.
“So, did Gareth cover any of the gameplay basics with you, or did you guys just go over character creation?”
“He told me a little bit, but he also said it would be fairly easy for me to learn as we go. You'll help me if I get stuck, right?”
“Yeah. Sure. Of course. Whatever you need,” he told her before turning his attention back towards his bag and pulling out the small chest from the week before. He set it on the table and then leaned back in his throne to address the group.
“When we ended our session last week, you'd just been informed about the existence of this chest which contains a secret that Sir James would desperately like to keep hidden. Over drinks at the tavern, he told you that the chest had been stolen by a roaming band of thieves when he'd recently been robbed. The gold and weaponry he lost no longer matter to him, but he's willing to do anything to get that chest back. If you can retrieve it for him and keep his secret safe, he'll happily accompany you on your journey to find the seven sacred items and aid you in overthrowing the corrupt king that has brought down chaos and destruction in the land that you've called home for many years now. All he asks is that you keep his secret from falling into the wrong hands.”
“Do we know where the thieves have run off to? Or are we going into this blind?” Greg asked.
“Sir James has heard rumors that this particular band of thieves has a permanent camp set up in the middle of the woods about a day’s walk from the town you found him in. He can send you in the right direction, but you have to make this journey alone. Where would you like to begin?”
“Are we assuming that Calpurnia has already joined the party?” Dustin asked. “Or should we have Chrissy roleplay introducing herself and convincing us to let her join?”
“Gareth and I actually wrote a connection between our characters into my backstory, and we were hoping that his character could introduce me to the group if that's alright with everyone else,” Chrissy told them. “But I'm happy to participate in any way that works the best for what's already been established.”
“Let Ryker introduce her,” Eddie decided. “I'm curious to see what the two of you managed to come up with.”
“Should we say that the rest of the party is at the tavern preparing to leave, and Ryker approaches with Calpurnia at his side?”
With agreement from the rest of the party, Gareth leaned forward in his seat and started to embody his character.
“Good morrow, brethren,” he began. “I come before you today with a story to tell and a new ally to introduce. Due to no real fault of my own, I found myself surrounded by an army of goblins. And while I fought valiantly, I was outnumbered and was certain to be overtaken by the vicious hoard. When all hope was nearly lost, two of the goblins nearest to me were struck with arrows and fell down dead. I had no idea where the arrows were coming from, but with their aid, I was able to defeat the goblin hoard. It was only when the last one was dead that my companion dropped down from a nearby tree and announced her presence with a crossbow sling across her back.
“I owe my life to this woman, but I had nothing of real value to offer her, so I invited her to join us instead. A seventh adventurer will only help us when it comes to welding the seven sacred artifacts designed to break the bond that the evil king has on our beloved homeland, and I feel she’ll make an excellent addition to our party. It is my honor to introduce Miss Calpurnia Amaranthe to all of you.”
“But how can we trust her?” Mike asked. “We know nothing of this woman or where she came from. How do we know she's not on the side of the king and actively working against us?”
“Bite your tongue,” Gareth sneered. “She is a woman of few words, but from the little she has told me, I believe that she has the purest of intentions for joining us on our quest. I owe her my life, and I don't think she would stoop so low as to betray me with everything she's promised. But, if it helps to dissuade any uncertainties you might have about working with her, I will swear on the good name of Ryker Stormsworn and the honor of The Raven Queen that she will not betray your trust.”
The party whispered amongst themselves before Dustin turned to Chrissy.
“I get up from the table, cross over to Calpurnia, offer her my hand, and say ‘Welcome to the party, Cal. Hope you enjoy food that tastes like ass and mediocre lute playing after too much mead.’”
“Hey! My lute playing is phenomenal no matter how much mead I've had,” Jeff yelled.
“Keep telling yourself that, Leafshade.”
After the rest of the party took their turns introducing themselves to Calpurnia, the group set off into the woods. While Eddie was excited to see how Chrissy was going to fit into their group, this was not the campaign he would have wanted to bring her in on, and while he was normally a fair and impartial dungeon master when it came to letting the party make their own choices on how to live in the stories he created, the urge to sabotage their mission grew stronger the longer he sat there. Specifically, he wanted to keep Chrissy from succeeding in anything that would allow her access to the chest. It was hard enough for him to mentally prepare for the possibility of his friends learning what was locked away in that chest. He'd already come to terms with them knowing. Chrissy knowing was a different animal entirely, and he didn't know if that was something he could handle.
But he was going to keep his cool. He was going to continue being a fair and impartial dungeon master and put his own interests aside in favor of making this an enjoyable experience for everyone involved. It did cross his mind that if Chrissy enjoyed this session, she might decide to keep playing with them, and he would've been lying to himself if he said that he didn't want her to stick around. He just had to find a balance between making this session fun for her and keeping her from getting inside that chest.
With Eddie painting a picture of the world around them, the party journeyed through the woods. Occasionally, a low level monster or two would jump out at them, but with seven party members, they were defeated pretty quickly. Soon, their adventure led them to the edge of the thieves’ camp which was smack dab in the middle of an open clearing in the woods.
“How big is the camp?” Lucas asked. “Do we need to roll a perception check to figure that out or learn how many people are in the camp?”
“It's after nightfall, but the camp is well lit  at the moment, and it's small enough that that isn't necessary,” Eddie told them as he set up his miniatures on the terrain before them. “It's a fairly small group. There are three tents positioned around a roaring fire. From this distance, you can only see five men, but there could be more in the tents. As of right now, you're far enough away from them and hidden in the shadows, so they don't know you're there. How would you like to proceed?”
“I say we just run forward and ambush them,” Greg said. “We outnumber them, and the camp is small enough that we'll easily be able to find the chest after we win this fight.”
“We don't know how many men are still in the tents though,” Lucas countered. “If we just rush in, it'll alert anyone in there, and then we'll be the ones getting ambushed. We have to come up with a better strategy than just running in.”
That's when Chrissy - who had remained mostly silent this far other than asking about loot - spoke up.
“You said they don't know we're here?” she asked.
“You're completely hidden. As long as you don't start screaming, you won't alert them to your presence until you're ready to do so.”
“And are we close enough that we can make ranged attacks? I mean, if I climbed one of these trees, would I be able to hit one of them with my crossbow?”
“I might make you roll with disadvantage because of how dark it is outside of their camp if I'm feeling like giving you an extra challenge, but you're close enough that any crossbow or ranged weapon could hit them.”
“I think I have an idea then. Who else uses a ranged weapon besides me?”
“I have a crossbow, and Lucas uses a short bow,” Jeff told her.
“Perfect. May I move our miniatures to illustrate my idea?”
“Whatever you need to do.”
“Okay, here's what I'm thinking,” she said as she pulled the seven player miniatures into her hands. “Those of us with ranged attacks can climb separate trees to get a better vantage point on our shots. I assume there'll be some sort of athletics check to do that? And will we need to do a stealth check as well before we take our shots?”
“You'll need to do an athletics check to get into the tree, but there are a lot of low hanging branches, so it would be an easy check to pass. The only way I'd make you do a stealth check, too, is if you fail your athletics roll just because falling out of a tree would be loud enough to let the thieves know you're there.”
“Okay, so assuming we all pass our athletics checks, would we all be able to get a shot in before the thieves would counterattack?”
“Since this is your first session, and you're doing some pretty creative thinking on the fly for a newbie, I'll allow it.”
“Fantastic. Here's my plan then.”
Chrissy lined up her halfling rogue, Lucas's human ranger, and Jeff’s elven bard along the tree line. She then took Dustin’s dwarf artificer, Greg’s half-orc barbarian, and Gareth and Mike’s human paladins, placing them in a line closer to the camp.
“So, what I'm thinking is that Jeff can stay on the ground, and Lucas and I will have our players climb the trees. Then, we can fire off three shots into the camp. I'm hoping we'll all hit, but even if there's a miss, the main goal is to cause a little chaos within the camp.
“What I'm thinking will happen next is that anyone who's currently in the tents will come out of hiding when they hear the commotion happening around the fire.”
“But how do you know they'll come out?” Mike asked. “You might just alert them to the fact that there's someone hiding in the trees, and then they'll have the upper hand by staying hidden until we're right there.”
“I highly doubt that's going to happen,” Chrissy continued. “These thieves are clearly morons.”
“How do you figure?” Eddie asked
“Well, just look at where they set up camp. They have to know that someone is looking for them at this point after robbing a knight, and yet they chose to set up camp in such an open area. Sure, it's an open area in the middle of the woods, but they're still really exposed. If it were Calpurnia, she would have hidden somewhere deeper in the woods. It might have been more dangerous for her, but at least she would've been better hidden from attackers. The thieves didn't consider the risk of staying in the clearing, so I doubt they'd think before rushing out of their tents.”
“An interesting theory,” Eddie said as he leaned back on his throne.
“One that you wouldn't be careless enough to confirm or deny?” she asked.
“You're pretty smart for a newbie, but no, I won't be confirming or denying your theory.”
A blush started to bloom on Chrissy’s cheeks, and it took everything in Eddie’s power to keep from telling her everything she wanted to know. He wasn't going to give her special treatment just because he'd never been more attracted to her than right in this moment where he realized that she would be a formidable player in any campaign that he crafted with the way she was thinking.
He didn't have to hold out for long though because she was soon diving back into her plan.
“Whether Eddie will confirm my theory or not, I think I'm right,” she told the group. “After everyone exits the tents, Gareth, Dustin, Greg, and Mike can all rush forward and attack in the confusion. Even if the newly revealed thieves get to attack first, we'll have potentially incapacitated three out of the five we already know about, and I like our odds of outnumbering them after that.
“Plus, this keeps our healer from taking immediate damage since Jeff is hidden in the trees and out of the fray. Lucas and I can keep it up with the hidden ranged attacks from our trees no matter what, and he can run forward if anyone ever needs healing. You're all at a higher level than the people we're fighting, so this should be a relatively easy brawl. And, this keeps me from taking too much more damage since my hit points aren't nearly as high as yours. I'm fairly confident that if we try my plan, we'll all make it out of this fight without any major injuries, and we'll be able to claim whatever loot they have in the camp in addition to retrieving Sir James's chest. What do you guys think?”
Chrissy bit her lower lip and looked over to the rest of the party in search of their approval. The boys looked between themselves, but Gareth snuck a quick glance over at Eddie and saw that their dungeon master was gazing at Chrissy with hearts in his eyes. If it wasn't already obvious that Eddie had been harboring a crush on this girl, hearing her plotting out the perfect attack strategy had clearly worked some sort of magic on him.
“I think it's brilliant,” he told the group. “I say we give her plan a shot. What have we got to lose?”
The rest of the group agreed, so they put their plan into action. Everything fell into place exactly as Chrissy had hoped it would. She and Lucas passed their athletics checks with ease, so their characters were able to fire their arrows from the trees and injure two of the thieves surrounding the fire. Jeff ended up missing his shot, but his arrow went through the fire instead and ended up setting one of the tents ablaze which injured two of the three thieves that had remained hidden. The chaos that that caused allowed the four remaining players to ambush the camp, and the battle was won easily without any party member taking on too much damage. They raided the camp and divided the gold and gems evenly amongst the players, and a few people walked away with extra weapons. And, if there happened to be the perfect set of halfling armor for Chrissy’s character, that was purely a coincidence and definitely not an incentive for her to keep playing with them.
Jeff’s character ended up being the one to find Sir James's chest, but he immediately offered it to Chrissy.
“I think Calpurnia should carry the chest back to Sir James,” he said. “It was her strategy that helped us win it back, so she should have the honor of presenting it to him.”
“I couldn't agree more, Leafshade,” Gareth replied. “Our new companion has proved herself a worthy addition to this group, and I think it would suit us well to secure her position as a trusted ally in that way.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes in their direction. He didn't know what they were up to, but he knew that he didn't like whatever it was.
“I would be honored to present the chest back to Sir James,” Chrissy told the group. “What’s in it anyway?”
“No clue,” Gareth told her. “All we’ve been told is that it holds his greatest secret, but that’s the only clue we’ve been given.”
“Is the chest locked?” she asked, turning to Eddie.
“Of course. You think he’d leave his greatest secret somewhere easy to get into?”
“I’d like to roll to open the chest. That’s something I’m allowed to do right?”
“Yeah, you could try to do that, but is that something you really want to do? I mean, if you open it, and he finds out that you betrayed his trust, he might not want to help you on your quest any longer. And if he doesn’t want to help you out, how are you going to find the seven sacred artifacts you need to overthrow the king? That seems like a pretty big risk to me. You definitely don’t wanna open the chest.”
Eddie knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t want anyone to know what was in that chest. Especially Chrissy.
“But what if his secret is that he’s loyal to the king?” she asked. “Then I’d be saving the group from aligning ourselves with someone who only wants to sabotage our mission.”
“That’s true,” Gareth chimed in. “We have no reason to believe that Sir James is even on our side. I think she should open it.”
“And, if I’m staying true to my character, I feel like Calpurnia would want to open the chest. She doesn’t trust people easily, and knowing for sure that Sir James isn’t secretly loyal to the king will go a long way towards helping her trust him as an ally in this quest.”
“Then I think you have to open it,” Jeff told her. “You’ve gotta stay true to your character.”
“What kind of check do I need to make for that?” she asked.
Eddie dug through his dice bag and set a single black die with red numbers on it in front of Chrissy.
“Dexterity,” he told her. “But you should use this one for it. For good luck.”
“Isn’t that the D20 that’s in permanent dice jail for never rolling anything higher than a six?” Dustin asked.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Eddie couldn’t watch as Chrissy picked up the die and rolled it, but he knew from her squeal of joy that he wasn’t going to like the result.
“That’s a nat 20!” Gareth called out. He offered up a high five that she gladly returned.
“So what’s in it?” Chrissy asked, excitedly turning to Eddie. “What’s in the chest?”
He said nothing as he opened his wallet, pulled out a key, and then used said key to unlock the small chest sitting on the table. He slid the chest over to Chrissy and could feel his stomach twisting up in knots as she opened the chest and pulled out the envelope that was hidden inside. 
When she opened the envelope, he couldn’t take it anymore. He got up from the table and walked out without another word. Chrissy almost didn’t notice his exit. She was too focused on the contents of that envelope. Inside, she’d found a simple silver charm bracelet with a single cheerleader charm and a handwritten poem.
More beautiful than the lushest red rose
And more comforting than a warm embrace
The one thing every poor sap surely knows
I was a goner once I saw her face
Bright blue eyes and waves of strawberry blonde
No one around is more lovely than she
This sweet girl of whom I’m overly fond
Deserving a love far better than me
Try as I might we were doomed from the start
Someone more worthy shall win her favor
Destined forever to be torn apart
While I still can, these moments I’ll savor
For all the world could not help but adore
The only fair maiden my heart beats for
She didn’t want to be too presumptuous, but she couldn’t help but think that the poem was written about her.
“What was in that chest that made him leave like that?” Lucas asked. “I’ve never seen him be that quiet before.”
“It’s nothing,” Chrissy said as she tucked the items back into the envelope and tucked the envelope into her sweater sleeve. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Should one of us go after him?” Greg asked.
“I’ll do it.”
Chrissy was up and out of the room before anyone could stop her. It didn’t take her long to find Eddie. He was pacing back and forth not far outside of the doors to the building. She could tell that he was mumbling something to himself, but he was being quiet enough that she couldn’t make out what he was saying. She moved to sit perched on the edge of the brick planter near the door and cleared her throat. Eddie whipped around to face her and froze in his tracks.
“You ran out of there pretty quickly,” she told him. “I figured you would have wanted to explain the knight’s secret after I opened that chest.”
“I figured it was pretty self-explanatory.”
“It’s a lovely poem. Really.”
He couldn’t have this conversation with her. There was a ‘but’ coming. He just knew it. It’s a lovely poem, but he shouldn’t have written it. But she didn’t feel the same way. But she thought it was creepy and so was he for writing it in the first place. But, but, but, but. It didn’t matter what the but was. He couldn’t stick around to hear it.
He turned on his heel to start heading towards where he’d parked his van, but she was moving to stop him before he could make it very far. She grabbed the cuff of his jacket and started to pull him back over to where she’d been sitting. Once she’d taken her seat again, she patted the space next to her, and he joined her in sitting on the edge of the planter.
“When did you write it?” she asked him.
“You’re gonna think I’m even more of a freak than you already do.”
“Don’t say that. I’ve never thought you were a freak.”
“Scout’s honor,” she said, holding up three fingers in the typical Girl Scout salute. “I just want to make sense of what was in that chest.”
“You remember that middle school talent show?” he asked her. “You did your cheer thing, and my band played. After the show, you came up to me and told me you thought my guitar playing was neat, and you had the biggest smile on your face when I let you hold it even if the one note you played was completely out of key.”
“I remember.”
“Well, a week later, my English teacher taught us about sonnets. I wrote the first draft then.”
“How many drafts are there?”
“I don’t know. Dozens probably.”
“And the charm bracelet?”
“Probably around the same time, I guess? I saved up my comic book money for weeks and any other spare change I could scrounge up doing random chores for people around the trailer park just so I could afford it. I had this whole plan where I was gonna give you the poem and the bracelet - maybe some flowers if I could find some nice ones growing in the park - and tell you that you were the nicest and prettiest girl I’d ever met.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I chickened out.” He couldn’t look at her as he spoke, choosing to stare down at his hands instead as he fiddled with the rings that adorned his left hand. “Then the school year was over, and we weren’t at the same school after that, so I thought it would have been weird. And then, when we were at the same school again, we were hanging out with such different people, and it felt like too much time had passed, so I just didn’t say anything.”
Chrissy was silent for a moment before pulling the envelope out of where she’d hidden it in her sweater sleeve.
“One last question,” she started, turning the envelope over in her hands a couple times. “You said that you’d written more than one draft. When did you last rewrite it?”
“Truthfully? I changed the last couplet after we had lunch together yesterday. Spending the period with you kind of inspired me.”
“That’s sweet.”
“You think so?”
He looked up at her for the first time since he’d admitted his crush, and he noticed her cheeks were tinged with the faintest of blushes as she nodded. But then she offered him the envelope back, and his heart sank. Of course, she didn’t want it. She thought it was sweet, but she didn’t feel the same way about him, so she couldn’t accept them. She was going to turn him down, tonight would be her only session with the party, and she’d probably ask Ms. O’Donnell for a new partner because she couldn’t bear to spend anymore time with him after he’d made things awkward with his confession.
“You don’t want them?” he asked, taking the envelope back from her. He was waiting for her to put him out of his misery - or plunge him into it depending on how you chose to look at things.
“No, I want them.”
That definitely wasn’t the answer he expected from her.
“You do?”
“I do. I just have this feeling that you really, really didn’t want me to know they exist let alone give them to me tonight, and I only want them if you actually want to give them to me.”
“That’s fair, I guess.”
“But, if me saying that I want them isn’t enough, let me just say this: I don’t care that we’re in different social circles. That kind of thing doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is the kind of person you are.”
“Oh, yeah? And what kind of person am I other than the school freak?”
“Stop saying that about yourself. You're not a freak. Don't you realize that you're the very best kind of person? I saw how you took those freshmen under your wing and how you gave them a safe place in a school that really doesn’t value what you guys bring to the table. You’re nice to me on both my good days and bad when the people that are supposedly my closest friends only want me around on the good ones. You even let me join your club tonight when you probably really didn’t want to given the result of that quest. Plus, I think you have the best smile, you make me laugh without even trying, and I still think your guitar playing is really neat.”
“You haven’t heard me play since middle school,” he said, trying to change the subject from all of the nice things she’d just said about him. “How would you know it’s still neat?”
“Whenever I need to get away from my mom, I spend time with my grandma who just so happens to live two doors down from Gareth’s house, and you guys aren’t exactly quiet.”
“I was not aware of this.”
“Well, now that you are, maybe I could come listen to you play in person instead of through the open window of my grandma’s guest room?”
“I'm sure we could work something out,” he told her.
He moved to hold her hand, and when she gave his hand a little squeeze instead of pulling away, he knew his fears about her rejecting him had fully disappeared.
“So, if I were to give you the things in that envelope willingly, you'd accept them?”
“Wait right here.”
Chrissy watched as Eddie got up and raced over to the grassy area next to the parking lot. When he returned to sit next to her, he was holding a small bunch of bright yellow dandelions.
“They aren't exactly the tulips I was picturing, but they'll have to do for now,” he said as he offered them to her. 
“They're lovely,” she said with a small giggle as she made a show of smelling them as if he'd given her a large and fragrant bouquet.
He pulled the charm bracelet out of the envelope next.
“May I?” he asked.
She held out her hand, and he clasped the bracelet around her wrist before moving to hold her hand in his again.
“So, I wrote you this poem,” he told her as he handed her the envelope. “When I was in middle school, I just wanted you to know that you were the nicest and prettiest girl I'd ever met. Now, I want you to know that that's still true, but you're also one of the very best kind of people. Better than anyone else in this town even. And I was wondering if maybe you’d want to go out with me sometime?”
“I’d really like that,” she replied. “So, you wanted to give me tulips?”
“Yeah. I have no idea why, but I always pictured bringing you a big bouquet of tulips in a rainbow of different colors.”
“Do you know what tulips are supposed to symbolize?”
He shook his head.
“Over the years, they’ve come to symbolize a lot of different things, and typically, the different colors all have different meanings. But, the longest lasting and most well known meaning tulips carry is a deep and perfect love.”
If any of the guys noticed the way Chrissy was clutching a handful of weeds as if they were a precious bouquet or the smear of lipgloss against Eddie’s cheek when the pair reentered the room, they all chose to remain silent on the matter. They didn’t know what had happened while they were outside, but one thing was certain: their gaming sessions wouldn’t be featuring anyone pining over an unattainable love anytime soon.
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theemporium · 2 years
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[1.3k] late night dinners, home-cooked meals and wayne munson realising his nephew’s girlfriend makes the trailer feel like home.
Wayne Munson was not a good chef. 
He could read the instructions on the back of the package. He could whip up basic meals that didn’t require more than three ingredients. He had the number of his favourite local takeaway memorised. 
He never really cared about nutritious meals and all that five-a-day crap, not until he had his young nephew thrown at the doorstep of his trailer with no parents and big brown eyes that could melt anybody’s heart. 
So yeah, it was fine that Wayne Munson was not a chef when it was just himself he needed to worry about. But when little Eddie Munson came into his life, he knew he needed to make more of an effort. 
The microwave meals and the takeaways never really disappeared though. Wayne worked night shifts and it was easy to just leave money on the counter for Eddie to grab what he wanted. And when he came in in the mornings, he was too tired to make anything more convoluted than cereal. 
Wayne knew it was bad, and he knew he wasn’t exactly teaching Eddie any good habits, but there wasn’t much else you could do. 
He just had to deal with the hand he had been given. 
Then the Munson boys met you.
“You don’t get it, Wayne, she’s…” Eddie had trailed off one day, oddly bouncy and on some sort of high he knew wasn’t from anything in that metal lunchbox. He had sprawled himself on the couch, eyes shining with an emotion Wayne had never seen as he continued to ramble to his uncle about his day at school (something he had never done in his life). “She’s fuckin’ perfect, I’m telling you.” 
And as bad as it sounded, Wayne didn’t really expect much to come out of it. Hawkins, Indiana was full of narrow-minded people who didn’t understand his nephew, who were superficial and couldn’t look past the wild curls and theatric persona. He knew how locals viewed Eddie and as much as he hated it, he knew that there was very little he could do to change their minds. People were just bastards like that. 
But much to Wayne’s own surprise, he had walked in back from work early one morning, dragging himself through the door with plans to just make it to his bed before he gave into the exhaustion—only to find you in their small kitchen, clad in one of Eddie’s shirts with a sheepish smile on your face. 
“‘m sorry,” you murmured, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as you looked around at the kitchen counters. They weren’t messy by any means. Hell, they probably looked cleaner than when he left. “I made pancakes…if you want some.” 
The Munsons became quite smitten for you pretty fast. 
Wayne thought it would be weird having another young adult in his space. The trailer wasn’t fooling anyone and he knew it already felt cramped some days with him and Eddie, he didn’t know what it would be like adding you the mix considering you spent a generous amount of time at the trailer (not that he minded). 
But the truth was Wayne couldn’t bring himself to even care if the small couch was a bit of a squeeze for the three of you on movie night because you made his nephew happy in this deadbeat town and that was truly all he could ask for. 
And maybe Wayne hadn’t realised what a family unit you three had become until he pushed through the door after a long shift at the construction site, shaking off the snow and the cold, only to be met with the mouth-watering smell of home cooking. 
He was somewhat convinced that he was hallucinating the smell until he popped his head around, knocking the trailer door closed with his foot and the sounds of one of Eddie’s tapes playing through the trailer, mixed with some snickers and giggles. 
“Eds, leave it!” 
“I’m just taste-testing it!” 
“Are you questioning my culinary skills?”
“Never, baby.” 
Shrugging off his coat and leaving it abandoned on the back of the couch, he made his way towards the kitchen to really take in the sight in front of him. Pots and pans and dishes sprawled around the kitchen, vegetables being boiled and desserts being made and, fuck, he was pretty sure he could see a turkey in the oven. You and Eddie were pressed up against each other, with you hovering by the hobs and Eddie right behind you because god knows that boy couldn’t stand to be away from you for a second. 
“What’s going on here?” His gruff voice broke through the picturesque moment and he almost winced at the way both of your heads snapped around. 
But you just smiled brightly at him, not a care in the world as Metallica’s Ride The Lightning was filling the space instead of cheesy Christmas carols. “Christmas dinner!” 
Wayne never considered himself a Scrooge or anything, but usually there were just more pressing matters on his mind whenever the holiday season came around. But this—sitting with a plate full with a loving, homemade meal,  some trashy movie playing in the background as he sat with his nephew and his nephew’s girlfriend—maybe this was the closest Wayne ever got to feeling festive. 
“You, baby, are a fucking godsend,” Eddie grumbled with a mouth full of turkey and potatoes. “A magician in the kitchen, I swear.” 
“It’s just some turkey, Eddie,” you said with a roll of your eyes, though it didn’t stop the pink tint growing on your cheeks. “Nothing special.” 
“It’s the first time I’ve ever had turkey,” Eddie commented so casually, not seeming to notice the way you paused in your meal. “Now I get why the snobs over in the west side never shut up about this stuff.” 
“I’ll make you turkey whenever you want,” you said to him, voice a little thick but before Eddie could even question it, you were leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. 
“Careful, sweetheart, sounds like you’re signing yourself up to deal with this buffoon for a long time,” Wayne piped up, causing a snort to leave your lips and an exaggerated sound of offence to leave Eddie. 
Eddie puffed his chest out. “Oi, I happen to be quite the charmer.” 
You snickered. “You sure about that, big boy?” 
“I got you, didn’t I?” Eddie retorted as he threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side so he could press a loud, wet smack against your cheek. You let out a small shriek but you didn’t move away from his touch.
“Keep her around then, will you? Don’t think I can go back to that dodgy mac and cheese you make in the microwave after this,” Wayne joked, watching in amusement as your face brightened and his nephew’s face blushed in embarrassment. 
“It was one time, alright?” Eddie huffed in his own defence. “I didn’t even know you could get food poisoning from pasta and cheese.” 
You barked out a laugh, a sound so full of love and warmth. You placed your hand on Eddie’s cheek, grinning when the boy leaned into your touch. “It’s fine, baby, I’ll give you some lessons.” 
“God knows he needs them,” Wayne coughed under his breath. 
“Hey! You too, old man!” 
But your smile didn’t drop as you shrugged, your eyes meeting Wayne’s from across the table. “I’ll teach you both then, since you’re just as hopeless as each other.” 
Eddie tugged on the end of your sweater, your attention returning to him once again. “Think we can learn how to make those chocolate pudding things you put in the fridge first?” 
Wayne Munson was not a good chef, and maybe he never would be. But in his little family of three, he didn’t think it was the biggest deal.
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thegirlfromhawkins · 2 years
A Very Merry Christmas | Eddie Munson x gn! Reader ft. Uncle Wayne
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This is seriously something I am so proud of and I truly wrote it with so much love. I hope you enjoy and have a wonderful Holiday time. ❤️
“Um a little more to the left.”
“Like this?” Eddie asked, tilting the star a little like you said.
“That’s too far.” You said, causing Eddie to turn his head, giving you an ‘are you kidding me?’ look.
“I think it looks great.” Uncle Wayne remarked stepping into the living area holding his mug full of hot chocolate.
“Thank you.” Eddie smirked, finally having accomplished decorating the tree with you.
The Munson’s never had a big tree up during the holidays but you managed to find the perfect one to fit in the corner of the trailer. Wayne hadn’t decorated for Christmas in years since Eddie became older. It was nice to have some cheer added to the humble home. He could see you were the one to bring the most joy to Eddie and him.
You brought content to Eddie’s life in this small town and boy was Wayne happy about that. Of course Eddie still would rant on about Hawkins and the population of sheep as he would say. When you came along though something changed in Eddie. You grounded him but also gave him hope for your future together. Living in Hawkins sucks but you have each other and that’s enough.
“Alright kids, I'm off to work.” Uncle Wayne waved to you both and opened the door to the cold winter night.
“We’ll save you some cookies!” You called out to him.
“If you’re lucky!” Eddie added, making you smack his arm.
“I’m feeling very lucky tonight.” He replied before closing the door.
Eddie and you broke into laughter as the Christmas music played through the radio on the countertop in the kitchen. It wasn’t either of yours favorite but hell it was Christmas time.
“Oh you know what time it is?” Eddie questioned looking down at his watch.
“What is it?”
With one swoop you were slung across Eddie’s shoulder with a scream leaving your mouth,”Cookie Time!!”.
The giggles coming from you melted his heart like a snowman in the sun. He carried you into the quaint kitchen then set you down.
“You’re crazy.” You said smiling up at the doe eyed boy.
“Me? No way, that’s you.” He replied in dramatic fashion making you laugh again.
“Only crazy in love with you.” You kissed his lips.
Eddie shook his head at your antics,”That was way too cheesy.”
You only shrugged at him and off to cookie making you went. The next hour was spent destroying the once somewhat clean kitchen and by the time the cookies were in the oven both of you were just as messy.
“I’ll go get some clothes to change into.” Eddie said, starting to walk to his room.
“Wait, I have a surprise!”
“What could it be this time? You know what, I bet it’s clothes.” He replied following you to a bag you had arrived with earlier.
“Very funny.” With a roll of your eyes you stuck your tongue out. Eddie snuck a kiss in when you weren’t expecting it. Smiles spread across your faces. Sure you’d been together for awhile but just as smitten as ever.
Out of the bag you showed three matching sets of flannel red plaid pajamas. Eddie grabbed one looking down at it and smiled,”One for Uncle Wayne too?”.
“One for Uncle Wayne too.” You smiled.
After getting cozy in your new jammies the cookies were out of the oven. You already set a plate of them aside for Wayne when he got home and set his pajamas down on the couch. With the radio still going ‘Happy Xmas (War is Over)’ began to play.
“A dance m’lady?” Eddie held his arm out bowing while your mouth was still full of cookies.
There you both were in your own world dancing in the kitchen light. The smell of cookies and holiday candles in the air as the snow drifted from the sky outside. And so began the many years of Christmas’ shared together. Each one filled with more love than the last.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Always seen you
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Pairing: Eddie x insecure!Fem plus size reader
A/N: This is another part of my mini series. Still not sure exactly where this is going. But, I’m working on it. Okay this one has a scene from Rocky three. Hope you like it. Thanks for reading. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love ya bye.
Warnings: Language, angst, fluffish, body insecurities, secret pining, slow burn, and eventual smut. Not proof read and no word count.
Summary: The boy of your dreams is always just out of reach. If only you could get over yourself to see that he sees you too.
Part 3
Eddie's thoughts about you continued.
He could fall in love with you. He just could. That whole time he was jogging next to you on the stage. All he could think about was how pretty you looked today. With your hair half up and with a slight curl. How you dressed like a mixture of a school girl and library. A collared white shirt under a black sweater. With an all black skirt that just fell above your knees. You were beautiful.
You were a sweet shy smart girl. Someone who he really shouldn't be into. But oh he was. That's why it broke his heart to see you cry.
Then when he went to your place and he saw you in bigger clothes, he felt like you were hiding your body. And those glasses did something to him. But when you took them off he felt bad. Didn't you see how beautiful you were? How god damn gorgeous you looked?
Even with the baggie clothes and glasses you were still so stunning. He swore you could wear a potato sack and still look amazing.
You made him nervous. No one has ever made him nervous before. But he liked it. He liked the weird feeling he got in his stomach. He liked ... You.
But, as always there were people who really thought he was a hoodlum. Another no good Munson. Why would you or any girl for that matter want to be with him? See Eddie was insecure about himself too.
When it came to girls his age, they wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole. They avoided him like the plague. That's why when he was mowing lawns for extra cash he took up the offer to sleep with the lady of the house.
He guess word got out and now he could hook up with loads of other ladies. Not that it was right. He knew that. But he liked having the attention. He liked being desired.
That's why it was a little hard to believe you would like him. But did you like him for him or did you want to bang a freak? You didn't seem to be like that. He really hoped you weren't. Then again no girl as ever truly liked him.
Later he called you and you guys talked for hours. This time around he wanted to learn about you. He asked all sorts of questions. He learned that you were much smarter than you let on. Which was intimidating he would have to admit. But you were so sweet that you gave him butterflies. He liked how easy you were to talk to. How funny you actually were.
He was smitten with you. He wished you guys would have talked sooner.
When he hung up with you that night, he actually dreamt of you. It wasn't anything sexual. He just dreamed of how your chubby cheeks got all pink. How your hands moved while you wrote. How you smiled and laughed.
Yup he definitely liked you.
Over the next week you guys prepare to do your second scene for Mrs Adler. This time was a very emotional act. It was supposed to end with a kiss but you thought that it might be too much for you to handle. Yes you wanted to kiss him. But you knew it would just break your heart. Eddie Munson would never really be into you like how you were into him. So you asked that you guys didn't.
Eddie was bummed that you didn't want to kiss him. But he would never make you do anything you didn't want to. Even if you did have a crush on him. That didn't mean you would actually want to be with him. Or get that intimate that fast. So you guys ran lines together without the kiss.
"Okay. Whenever you're ready." Mrs Adler said
Eddie walked up to the other side of the stage. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves and walked to him.
Can I talk to you?
Eddie had his hands crossed over his chest and looked at you for a second before looking down. You put your hands behind your back and looked down at the ground before continuing.
I want to ask you something and I want you to tell me the truth.
You put your hands on your hip and turned your body towards him.
Why'd you come here?
I just don't want it no more.
It's over because you want it to be over. I'm glad.
I do.
It's just --- you never quit anything since I've known you.
You put your hands in your pocket tilting your head. Eddie looked at you. That look almost broke your heart. He was a really good actor.
I don't know what you want me to say. I mean-How- what would happen? How did everything that was so good get so bad?
You took a step closer to him.
What's so bad? Tell me. What?
Eddie uncrossed his arms and turned slight to you.
I wrecked everything by not thinking for myself. I mean why couldn't Mickey tell me where I was really at right from the start? He didn't have to carry me and lie to me and make me think I was better than I was when I wasn't.
(You spoke softly)
He never lied.
Those fights weren't right. They weren't Adrian. I never fought anybody in their prime. There was always some angle to keep the title longer than I shoulda had it. I mean do you understand what I'm saying here?
I understand, but you've gotta understand, he loved you! That was his job, protecting you.
You took a half step closer to him.
But that protectin' don't help nothin'. It only makes things worse. You wake up after a few years thinking you're a winner, but you're not. You're really a loser. So we wouldn't have had the title as long. So what? At least it would have been real Adrian.
It was real
Eddie started to yell.
Nothing is real if you don't believe in who you are! I don't believe in myself no more! Don't ya understand? When a fighter don't believe, he's finished, it's over, that's it!
Tears started to fill your eyes from emotion. Eddie was really fucking believable. So you had to do the same.
That's not iiiit!!!
Eddie looked off into the distance.
That is it!
Why don't you tell me the truth?
Eddie looked at you again and put his hands on his head. Dropping them a second later.
What are you puttin' me through Adrian? You wanna know the truth? I don't wanna lose what I got. At first, I didn't care about what happened. I'd go in the ring, get bust up. I didn't care! But now there's you and the kid. I don't wanna lose what I got!
You shook your head.
What do we have that can't be replaced? What? A house. We got cars, we've got money! We got everything but the truth. What's the truth, dammit?!
Eddie took a step back. This time his shouting made you jump a little.
I'm afraid! All right? You wanna hear me say it? You wanna break me down? Alright I'm afraid. For the first time in my life, I'm afraid.
I'm afraid too. There's nothin' wrong with that.
There is. For me, there is.
Why? You're human aren't ya?!
Eddie looked away
Look I don't know what I am. All I know is I'm a liar, and because of that, Mickey ain't here no more.
Now it was your turn to shout. It, making Eddie look at you again with wide eyes. You hadn't read the lines like this.
You didn't push him into anything! He was a grown man, and He did what he had to do. And you have no right to feel guilty for what happened. You don't! You were a champion, and you did what you were expected to do. You did what I and everybody else thought you should do. And you wanna tell me that those fights weren't real? That you were carried? Well I don't believe it!
You started bridging the gap and you continued.
But It doesn't matter what I believe because you're the one that's got to carry that fear around inside you, afraid everybody is gonna take things away, that you'll be remembered as a coward, that you're not a man anymore. Well, none of it's true. But It doesn't matter if I tell you. It doesn't matter because you're the one that's got to settle it. Get rid of it! Because when all the the smoke is cleared, and everyone is through chanting your name, it's just gonna be us. And you can't live like this. We can't live like this. Cos it's gonna bother you for the rest of your life. Look what it's doing to you now. Apollo thinks you can do it. So do l. But you gotta wanna do it for the right reasons. Not for the guilt over Mickey. Not for the people, not for the title, not for money, or me - but for you. Just you. Just you alone.
And if I lose?
You finally got close enough to him that your bodies were only inches apart. You cupped one of his cheeks and looked deep into his eyes.
Then you lose...But at least you lose with no excuses. No fear. And I know you could live with that.
Eddie put his hand on yours. He really liked you touching him.
How'd you get so tough?
Your smile made Eddie's heart skip a beat.
(You let out a small laugh)
I live with a fighter.
Eddie paused for a second. Even though it was just the scene. He really felt this out of nowhere. Maybe it was just all the emotions he had to fake. But it felt real to him. Before he said his last line he pulled you in for a hug.
You were so warm and soft and smelled so damn good. He could swear that he actually did fall in love that very moment. He didn't expect to feel like this so fast. Or even at all. But when you hugged him back it felt too good to not be real. He didn't want to let you go.
When Eddie hugged you it caught you by surprise. You guys didn't practice this. But it felt absolutely perfect. His strong arms wrapped around you making you feel safe.
Everything faded from view as you two held each other. After a few seconds Eddie leaned back a little and looked into your big beautiful eyes.
(Eddie whispered)
I really love you.....I love you.
The way your eyes sparkle looking at him made him weak. He was gonna go for it. He was gonna kiss you.
You saw his Adams apple bob as he swallowed. Was he really gonna do it? It looked a hell of a lot like he was going to kiss you. You bit your lip in anticipation and when he leaned in you held your breath and lifted just a bit, closing your eyes in the process. You could suddenly feel his breath on your lips.
Was this really gonna happen?!
"Okay! Great job! You guys got a part in the play"
@salenorona23 @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @idkidknemore @hiscrimsonangel @hellv1ra @b-irock
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say-al0e · 2 years
Looks That Kill
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Rating: M | This is smut! No one under 18! Minors, DNI!
Summary: Eddie’s never stepped foot in your bedroom and that fact has been driving him insane. When you return home for spring break and your parents have to head out of town, Eddie finally gets his chance to see every piece of you. | Ft. Anon Request:  “Do you think of me when you touch yourself?” + “I didn’t think you’d notice.” “I notice everything about you.”
Warnings: No spoilers for season 4 outside of Eddie’s existence, college!reader, protected p in v, dom!Eddie (though it’s a little light), mentions of switch!Eddie, a little overstimulation, some mention of bruises left by Eddie, very brief mention. of high school bullies, risqué Polaroids, gratuitous use of pet names, innocent!reader.
Pairing: Eddie x fem!Reader (innocent!reader)
Word Count: 11.8k (...I would apologize but, you know what, I’m not sorry.)
Stranger Things Taglist | Stranger Things Masterlist 
It was cliche - the good girl, falling head over heels for the bad boy - and a surprise to everyone who knew you, but you’d been smitten with Eddie Munson from the moment you met. There was something about him, beautiful in a way that was wholly effortless, a gentleman wrapped in a worn leather jacket, heart of gold hidden beneath a layer of protective snark, that captivated you.
Without even trying, Eddie. Had you in the palm of his hand.
The relationship was slow to start, a gentle wade into the muddled waters of a romance you’d never seen coming, with Eddie quick to subvert every expectation others whispered in your ear. Where he was rumored to be mean, brutish and dark with a biting wit and quick temper, you’d seen otherwise. He’d proven himself to be sweet, good and kind in a way you had yet to grow used to - especially from someone who was given nothing and gave everything in return - and made more of an effort than anyone else had ever even tried.
Your list of past partners wasn’t very long - a middle school boyfriend who never made it past the hand-holding stage, a handful of high school dates who’d huffed and puffed when you wouldn’t kiss them on the first date before turning heel and disappearing - but Eddie erased all memory of them, anyway.
Despite what you’d heard - whispers that he was dangerous, that no good could ever come of him - Eddie was a dream come true.
With your lack of experience, you often expected him to grow frustrated, maybe snap or huff, but he remained patient. Eddie smiled, bright and easy, any time you asked a question that had an obvious answer; he slowed, retraced his steps and started from the beginning each time you blinked owlishly at him when he rambled on about this interest of his or that; he altered course without so much as a tick of his jaw any time you froze, a little overwhelmed by his touch or the crude words that sometimes spilled from his lips.
There was no such thing as perfect - especially in Hawkins - but Eddie came excruciatingly close.
Though you’d fallen in love with him quickly, Eddie was a friend before he became your boyfriend and his understanding extended well beyond your romantic inexperience. Eddie saw you, really and truly, and knew you well. He had known for quite a while, confided that your reputation had preceded you; just as you’d heard whispers about him, he’d heard whispers about you.
It was well known that you lacked romantic and social experience, just as it was known that what you lacked in that department, where you blanked on social cues and pop culture references, you more than made up for in academic knowledge. There was a running joke - not a very good one, but one that made your family, and the few friends you’d made, laugh - that you were the dumbest genius anyone knew. It made sense, given that you were the first choice when choosing project partners or the go-to source for homework answers but never one to be included in casual conversation.
Everyone knew it - those who spoke to you swore they didn’t mean any harm, they were just teasing. That didn’t mean it hurt any less.
Eddie marveled once, in the quiet of the woods after a particularly rough day - not long after you became friends but well before you started dating, early enough that you were still figuring one another out - that he couldn’t believe the soon-to-be valedictorian of his (second) senior class knew his name, let alone gave him the time of day. He joked that you’d intimidated him, made him a little nervous with your intelligence, but upon talking to you, he realized there was nothing to be afraid of.
The slight wasn’t intentional - it was supposed to be a compliment; an observation as to how the little hiccups in conversation made you human, someone he could interact with without fear, someone he could befriend - but it still needled at your nerves. That was the first time Eddie saw you upset, frustrated tears prickling at the backs of your eyes, and he was quick to realize that he wasn’t the only one who struggled with how others saw him.
From that moment forward, Eddie made it a point to remind you how he saw you - brilliant, but human; kind, if a little uncertain; wonderful, just slightly misunderstood - and, really, it should’ve been no surprise that you fell head over heels for him.
As a result, conversations with him flowed a little easier than they ever had with others. He was intimidating - beautiful, with his doe eyes and near permanent smile in your presence, and confident in a way you’d never been; quick, loud and excitable in ways that made your skin heat - but, as time wore on, there was little that Eddie didn’t know about you. Even when words failed you, stuck in your throat and threatened to choke you, he was able to make sense of your thoughts. 
Eddie understood your brain - and, when he didn’t, he made more of an effort than anyone ever had to try - and never judged the misunderstandings caused by your lack of experience or knowledge. He explained, if desired, or shifted course and kept moving. He also understood your tells, the little tics that told him exactly how you felt even when words failed you, so it made sense that he noticed your nerves the moment he stepped into your home.
It wasn’t as if he’d never visited - he’d come over for dinner, sat with you in the living room and watched movies, worked on campaigns in the backyard as you read - you just tended to spend more time at his uncle’s, mostly unbothered by the presence of familial supervision.
With you in Indianapolis for college and Eddie still in Hawkins, time together was not quite as frequent as either of you would’ve liked. Before you left, you’d spent the entire summer together - a summer in which Eddie took each of your firsts, painstakingly thorough in making sure that you were sated and happy before he let you go - and every school break was spent back in Hawkins, plying Eddie with tales of college and your new job at the record store near campus.
The little alone time you were afforded in the privacy of his uncle’s trailer was nice - mostly spent catching up, whispering admissions you would never share in the presence of anyone other than Eddie - and not something you were given at home. Though your parents knew the nature of your relationship with Eddie, they still liked to pretend within the walls of your home.
Eddie’d never visited unsupervised and wasn’t allowed in your bedroom, a rule he bemoaned but followed readily. Your parents liked him, something that still surprised him, and never questioned it when you told them you were staying with a friend - even if they knew you would be spending the night in his bed. He wasn’t keen on jeopardizing their fondness but when you called on the first night of spring break and informed him that your parents had gone to Indianapolis for a family emergency, he’d jumped at the chance.
The grin on his lips was a little too bright, easily resembling the Cheshire Cat, when you opened the front door and pulled him into the empty house with a little more force than necessary. It only grew brighter, a little more excited and accompanied by a quiet chuckle, as you guided him down the hall into the unexplored territory of your bedroom a few steps too fast.
Upon stepping into your room, you faltered, if only slightly, and released his hand. Eddie lingered a moment in the doorway and arm brown eyes roved your skin rather than the pale pink of your walls, studied the minute changes - the little differences that appeared since he saw you last - before they blinked, fluttered shut, and reopened with a fond warmth you’d missed terribly.
In a few short strides, Eddie entered the space he’d been dying to see - a space he’d begged for a Polaroid of, just because he couldn’t stop imagining what it must look like - without so much as a glance at anything other than you. The realization warmed you from the inside, made your heart pound an unsteady rhythm within your chest, as he stopped a half-step from your still form.
Eddie smiled - something true, sweet and so happy it made your chest ache - when you closed the gap to stand toe to toe. “I missed you, sweetheart.” Large hands lifted, found your cheeks with warm palms and callused fingers, and you leaned into his touch as he tilted his head to study your face. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“It’s been two weeks, Eds.” The reminder was unnecessary - Eddie knew, could likely recount the date of your last meeting better than you, had a running tally of the days you spent apart in his head - but you still uttered it with a fond exasperation. It came out muffled, obscured by the way his hands compressed your cheeks just so, but it only served to make him grin. “Hardly forever.”
He removed one hand to wave it, silver of his rings glinting in the overhead light, and returned it to cradle your jaw before you could miss the warmth. “Do you want me to be cheesy, waxing poetic about how a moment away from you is a lifetime? Because I can. I can go on and on and on and on. And I’ll mean every word,” he promised, feigning being put out by your lack of affection.
There was no doubt that he would, that he could, as he’d done it before. The first time you returned home for a break, the first reunion between the pair of you, began with the most beautiful sentiments you’d ever heard that overwhelmed you at first. Now, the gesture was unnecessary - two weeks or two minutes, Eddie missed you just as you missed him - so you shook your head.
“I believe you would. But, for now, ‘I missed you,’ is more than enough.” Eddie shrugged, as if to say ‘your loss,’ though it did little to hide his relief at having you in his grasp once more. The light in his eyes burned bright, brilliant and content to be back where you both belonged, and you couldn’t help but lift your hand to grasp his bicep. “And, for the record, I missed you, too, Eds.”
The raise of his brows - an exaggerated wag that sent them disappearing beneath his hair - made you laugh as his thumb swiped just beneath your bottom lip. “Even though it’s only been two weeks?”
His tone was teasing, a gentle poke at you missing his cue - the opportunity for you to wax poetic, return his sentiments immediately - though he knew it would fly over your head. The mischievous twinkle in his eyes kept you from being too annoyed as you rolled your own. “Mhm, even though it’s only been two weeks.”
Eddie laughed then, pleased, before leaning in to press his mouth to yours. His lips were slightly chapped and warm, tasting of cigarettes and mint gum as you melted into his embrace. There was no rush, no frenzied flutter of hands tugging at the soft fabric of your skirt - no harsh nips to your bottom lip, no presses of his body to yours - as he stole your breath and swallowed the soft noises that escaped you.
The kiss was soft, slow and sweet as he reacquainted himself with the taste of you, and you were content to allow him this moment. Callused fingers continued brushing at your rapidly heating skin, mapping the curve of your jaw, the apple of your cheek, in a way that saw stars bursting across your eyelids. The way he handled you - firm, but not unkind; eager, but not desperate - made your head dizzy as he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to yours.
“Shit. Maybe you did miss me.”
He grinned at the surprised peal of laughter that filled the silence, a puff of giddy giggles that lightened the mood, and you shook your head. “There should never be any question that I missed you. And that I love you. ‘M sorry I don’t say it as much as I should.”
Eddie’s gaze softened, melted into something sugary warm, as he tipped his head to bump your nose. “Hey, I know you missed me, sweetheart, and that you love me.” He used the hand on your jaw to tilt your head, made it easier for him to search your eyes. “They’re hard things to say but they’re even harder if you’re not used to them.” 
Words of doubt splintered on the tip of your tongue - a soft frown and a declaration that it had been nearly a year, you should be used to it by now - and were swallowed by a soft kiss. The press of Eddie’s mouth to yours was firm, a pressure tethering you back to reality, and you shot him the ghost of a smile as he pulled away to plant kisses across your cheeks.
“You can look around, if you want.” The offer was quiet, a soft whisper in the still of your room, provided in lieu of the self-doubt you felt. There was a twinge of fear, a worry that Eddie may find something he didn’t like and disappear into the ether - that he might realize everyone was right, there was something wrong with you and he would do well to cut and run - but Eddie grinned just the same as he finally spared the pale pink walls a glance.
“You spent an hour snooping around my room the first time you came over.” Eddie’s reminder was unnecessary. It happened without your notice; your body moved on autopilot as you wandered through his room, studying the flags and posters that covered his walls, picking through his collection of tapes and records with excited little hums any time you spotted something you knew. It hadn’t struck you as potentially rude until you turned to him, excited by the Motley Crue you’d pulled from a basket, and found his eyes already trained on you. Now, you felt your skin burn with an unnecessary embarrassment each time you were reminded. “Now it’s my turn!”
It was the pinnacle of vulnerability, allowing him into your space and giving him the run of the place when no one else had ever been given access, and the gesture was not lost on him. He spared you another kiss, this one lingering a moment longer than of the others - accompanied by a final searching gaze, warm brown eyes flitting between yours, and a reassuring smile - before he released his hold on you and lost himself to the wonders of your bedroom.
Just as you had, Eddie took his time exploring and wandered around your room slowly. His fingers delicately dragged along the surface of your dresser, the spines of books lining your shelves, the tops of records filling a crate, the plastic cases of tapes stacked in a bin, and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He hummed when he spotted something that caught his eye - one of his guitar picks, a well-loved copy of The Fellowship of the Ring, a copy of The Illustrated Man you’d stolen from him, a Black Sabbath cassette he’d given you for your birthday - but only paused when he noticed the cork board above your desk.
White thumbtacks held items securely in place - ticket stubs from movies and concerts, cards from family members, notes from friends (and him), photo strips from the carnival - but there was no doubt that the one to catch his eye was the newest addition. It was a Polaroid, taken on the little camera your parents had given you for your birthday, of Eddie. In it, he sat on his bed, guitar resting on his knees and head bent, lost in his own world as he attempted to teach himself a new Metallica song.
“When’d you take this?” Eddie’s voice was a tone you’d never heard from him - something soft, a little breathless - as he reached out to brush the photo with careful fingers. It made you forget yourself, forget the nerves that tingled in the tips of your fingers and had your heart beating a little too fast, as you smiled.
“A few weeks ago. I took two, one for home and one for my dorm. I didn’t think you’d notice. You looked pretty.” The compliment was stated as a fact, as easy as acknowledging the setting sun or the rising moon, though your voice faltered as Eddie turned to face you. “I like watching you play the guitar,” you admitted, quiet as you picked at your chipping nail polish. “Is that… is it okay that I took them?”
“Flattery, sweetheart.” Eddie shook his head fondly, eyes crinkling in the corners as he grinned just a little too wide - a little too giddy, bright in a way that made your chest ache. “It’s more than okay. But it is kinda unfair, though, don’t you think?”
The confusion furrowing your brows was evident, obvious to him even as he returned to trailing his fingers over the items covering your desk. Instead of turning back, grinning and explaining himself as you expected he would, his attention remained locked on the stack of books piled at the corner of your desk. The bounce of his shoulders told you this was something you should understand - a tease he was waiting for you to get - but, after a beat of silence, you couldn’t help but ask, “What’s unfair?”
“Well,” he began mildly as he picked up the Motley Crue tape that started your relationship, “you have a Polaroid of me pinned up in your room, on display for anyone who comes in, and I don’t have any pictures of you.” He turned then, pout exaggerated and doe eyes wide, to fix you with an imploring look. “You’re so damn pretty, angel, and I don’t have a single photo. Tell met hat’s not totally unfair. More than, it’s criminally unjust!”
Soft giggles filled the silence, bubbled from your chest and eased a hint of the nervous tension filling the room - exactly as Eddie had planned, you figured, judging by the pleased grin he wore. “You’re right,” you conceded, smile wide as you watched him reach for the camera settled on your desk. “It is unfair, I’m sorry. If you really want, you can take a picture of me,” you offered, suddenly a little shy as his eyes glittered with excitement at the prospect. “I have plenty of film.”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Eddie grinned, a salacious smile that set your body alight with a heat that only he’d managed to ignite - a fire, rushing through your veins and converging in your core - as he took a step closer to where you sat at the foot of your bed. “I’m absolutely going to take you up on that. You gonna pose for me or do I get to play director?”
There was a moment of hesitance, a beat of silence in which you questioned what you’d gotten yourself into, that Eddie smothered with a reassuring grin. He softened, if only slightly, and the fire in his eyes cooled considerably as he weighed the camera in his hand. An assurance was on the tip of his tongue, a reminder that you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to, but before he could speak, you frowned. “I… I don’t really know what to do.”
Eddie’s smile returned, this time a little softer - a little more fond, a little warmer - as he lifted the camera to his face. “Just smile for me, pretty.” The moment you acquiesced, smiled at him - fond and sweet - with the look you reserved for him alone, Eddie snapped the first photo. He caught it, dropped it onto your dresser without so much as a glance at the developing image, and nodded. “Beautiful, angel. One more? Sit up a little higher so I can get the ABBA poster in this one.”
It was a joke, clear from the grin on his lips and the snicker he hid badly, but it was necessary. The moment of levity made you blink, eyes a little wider, before your disbelieving laughter filled the room. “Eddie.” His name came out as a whine, sharper than intended but accompanied by a pout that made him laugh. “Don’t tease me. S’not nice.”
“I’m not teasing, sweetheart.” His promise was empty, full of mirth as you pouted. “It’s fitting!” He dropped the camera, eyes shining as he took in the sight of you, before he admitted, “Y’know, before you gave me the time of day, ABBA’s for sure a band I thought you’d listen to. Then you fuckin’ knocked me out when you told me you listened to metal, too. I’d come out to the woods for lunch and find you out there listening to Motley Crue and Iron Maiden and the only time you ever skipped school was to go see Metallica with me.” He paused, eyes narrowed as they took in the sight of you. “Were you grown in a lab? You’re too fuckin’ perfect, angel.”
The laughter that rang through the room, surprised and a little shy - always so flustered when he spouted compliments - covered the sound of the Polaroid. “I’m not perfect, Eds,” you denied, grin a little rueful as you shifted on the bed. “But you’re pretty close.”
“Me? Nah. I think you’re blinded by how much you love me. But that’s okay. I’ll take it.” Eddie winked, a gesture that made you laugh, before waving a hand at you. “One more? One for my room, one for my locker, and one for my dashboard? I miss your face.”
“Flattery, Eds.”
Surprised laughter escaped at your taunt, though Eddie was quick to grin and shake his head as he gestured for you to move. With a grin of your own, you shifted to sit a little straighter and move up the bed to get the poster in frame. 
As you moved, your legs shifted and Eddie’s eyes flashed as they dipped between your spread thighs to catch a glimpse of the pale pink cotton protecting your modesty. His grip on the camera tightened, skin pulling taut as he watched you adjust the fabric of your skirt, and you could feel your skin begin to burn as you dipped your head.
The way he looked at you seared you from within, set your skin alight and made it difficult to catch your breath. “Sorry.” Your laughter was nervous, tinged with the jitters that made your fingers tremble as you chanced a glance at him from beneath your lashes. “Didn’t mean to… you know.”
“You never have to apologize for flashing me, sweetheart.”
Though he’d been planning to take another photo, have one more to display somewhere, Eddie abandoned the camera on your dresser. Without a moment of hesitation, he crossed the room to take a seat beside you on the edge of your bed, and you took a moment to study him.
He looked out of place amongst the pastels of your room, dark and brooding amidst the pale pink walls and childhood memories, but there was something about him that fit so perfectly. He seemed at home, content to exist amongst the ghosts of your past, and the thought settled the roiling of your stomach.
Eddie smiled, syrupy sweet, as he shifted closer to you. His knee knocked yours, body radiating heat even through the rough fabric of his jeans, and you felt powerless to do anything more than blink owlishly as he lifted a warm hand to cup your cheek.
Deep brown doe eyes met yours and you swallowed harshly at the heat you saw reflected in them. Despite the smile on his lips, there was something predatory in his gaze - a hunger, heady and wanting - that sent a shiver down your spine as his thumb grazed your cheekbone.
This was the first time he’d stepped foot in your room - the first time any boy had ever stepped foot in your room - and he was all too aware of the slight tremor in your limbs as you glanced at him from beneath your lashes.
“Why’re you so nervous, angel?” To anyone else, it was a genuine question - the most innocent inquiry, asked out of genuine concern. But you could hear the barely concealed amusement as he searched your face. He knew, could read it clearly written across your face, but asked anyway.
The silence was patient, even, and filled with the soft sound of his steady breathing. His palm was searing, a brand against your skin, and you were half-afraid he’d leave behind the imprint of his palm as he cradled your jaw. His rings, warm with the temperature of his body, bit at your skin as his thumb brushed your cheekbone. “This is different,” you answered finally, voice a whisper as your gaze dropped to your lap. “You’re in my room, in my bed. It feels… more serious, kinda scary.”
Eddie cooed, the sound edged with a mocking tinge - something not quite degrading, just enough bite to make you whine softly, and he offered an exaggerated pout. “Scary? You’ve been in my bed plenty, pretty girl. How is this any different?”
There were times, moments in your relationship that Eddie encouraged you to turn off your rationality and just feel - allow yourself to get lost in the emotions bubbling in the pit of your stomach, the flurry of thoughts clouding your brain - and you knew this was a prime opportunity.
A million different reasons came to mind but each one sounded more flimsy than the last, a pathetic attempt at covering up the truth. So, instead of fighting it, you shrugged. “I just… This is it, you know? The last piece. Now you’ve seen everything, all of me. It’s scary because… what if you realize you don’t like it, don’t like me?”
Whatever answer Eddie was expecting, that was clearly not it. Though he knew you had moments of doubt, instances of trepidation when it came to admitting your feelings and insecurities, you’d tried to keep from drowning in them. This was the first time you’d so much as mentioned your worry that he could lose the feelings he held for you and Eddie frowned in response.
The fingers brushing across your chips fell, dipped beneath your chin to tilt your head, and you could see the furrow of Eddie’s brows as he searched your face. The heat was gone from his eyes, replaced by an understanding that made your chest ache, and you offered him the ghost of a smile.
“Sweetheart, I’m so fucking in love with you, it’s kind of unreal. I’m in love with everything about you. Nothing is going to change that,” Eddie promised, tone as serious as you’d ever heard him. 
Eddie’s eyes flickered between yours, waiting for some indication of how you felt, and the gaze was more intense than any you’d ever been on the receiving end of. It made your chest ache, warmed you from within and made you feel loved - seen in a way that no longer terrified you. So, you nodded.
For a moment of levity, you offered him a small smile and asked, “Not even the ABBA poster?”
His laughter, pleased at the moment of levity, filled your ears. It seeped into your skin and wrapped around your heart like a vice, squeezing as he grinned. “Not even the ABBA poster. Though, I was thinking about seeing if we could find you a Slayer flag so we could match.” 
When you laughed, Eddie’s grin grew just a touch wider. He leaned in, fingers gentle where they pressed into your chin, and slotted his mouth over yours. It was a quick peck, a gentle kiss to remind you that he was there - just as eager for you as you were for him - and he laughed when you whined as he pulled away.
“You wanna watch a movie or somethin’? We could go to Family Video, bug Harrington. Think they got Halloween in stock, or maybe Nightmare, if you’re up for it,” he offered as his fingers stroked your jaw. “Might even let you talk me into Pretty In Pink again.”
Eddie’s smile was warm, softer than it had been in the heat of the moment, and you found yourself grateful for his ability to read you. There was a practiced ease to your conversations, a deftness with which he handled your moments of doubt, and the thought made your chest ache.
It was sometimes easy to forget that he had only a little more experience than you, that while the physical and the flirting was natural for him - a little more practiced, but only slightly - you were the first real partner he’d ever had. That love was new for him, too, as was the vulnerability, but he took it all in stride and did what he could to ease your mind.
There was no doubt that you wanted him to claim this final piece of your soul as his, to take the last bit of your vulnerability for himself - to have all of you, locked away in his memory - so you shook your head. “We can stay here,” you offered, voice going quiet as you met Eddie’s eyes. “I think I’m starting to like seeing you in my bed.”
“Yeah?” When you nodded, certain, Eddie grinned. There was no need for an explanation, no need to complicate the moment by declaring how you wanted him - just as he had with everything else, Eddie understood. He was much better at reading between the lines so it came as no surprise that he breathed his usual reminder. “I’m starting to like being in your bed, sweetheart, but if you get uncomfortable, tell me. We’ll go watch TV or listen to music or something, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay, Eds.”
With your consent - though you knew he would ask for it again and again before the night ended - and the way your knee pressed a little closer to his, desperate to feel his warmth, the fire returned to Eddie’s eyes. It was almost startling how easily he slipped back into the heat, how quickly it consumed him, but you didn’t question it as the light in his eyes was nearly instantly eclipsed by the blackening lust. 
Eddie always made the first move - knew that was well within your comfort zone and had no problem initiating physical contact when you so eagerly returned it - and smiled as he turned to face you more fully.
A large hand slipped between your barely spread thighs, callused fingers featherlight as they ghosted along the rapidly heating skin. There were nearly faded bruises lining the soft skin - marks in the shape of his fingers, his lips so faint you could barely see them - from your last trip home and he pressed a finger to the one a few inches from the seat of your panties. When you inhaled sharply, pinprick of pain shooting straight to your aching cunt in a way Eddie cheered upon learning you liked, he smiled.
“I’m curious,” he hummed, voice dipping lower; honey dripping in your ears as his eyes swept across your face. “Do you lay in this cute little bed, in your pretty pink room, and touch yourself?”
He knew now, after nearly a year of dating, that you hadn’t touched yourself before he touched you. He was the first, in every way, but he’d been kind enough to teach you how to replicate the press of his fingers against that spot that made you see stars. It was a painstaking lesson, one that dragged on for hours, but he’d taught you how to throw yourself over the edge - just in case you missed him while you were away.
Eddie knew that you’d touched yourself in your dorm room, hidden beneath the covers on nights your roommate went out to parties - pulled the admission from you as he stared up at you from between your thighs, lips pressing insistently to the bundle of nerves hidden between the puffy folds of your fucked out cunt - but you’d been home plenty since then, slept in this bed, and he wondered.
There was little need for you to touch yourself at home, not when he was so close - when he could do it for you - but you had. On nights that he had Hellfire or his uncle had a day off or your parents implored you to stay home, you tucked yourself beneath the covers and pressed your fingers into your dripping hole, just as he’d taught you.
Though you had yet to answer, had yet to give him the affirmative he so desperately wanted, the hitch in your breathing told Eddie everything he needed to know. It added fuel to the fire, spurred him on, and you could see the crinkle at the corners of his eyes as his smirk grew just a little darker.
“Do you think of me,” he hummed, voice softer than you’d ever heard it, “when you touch yourself?” He gripped your thigh then, fingers digging into the tender spots he’d left in his wake, and laughed - a barely audible puff of air that fanned your cheek, had you inhaling the heady scent of cigarette smoke and mint gum - at your whimper. “Do you see these marks, think about what I spent all weekend doing to you, and stuff those pretty little fingers into your cunt, wishing it was me instead?”
He’d seen you, knew your body almost as well as his own - knew your heart, your mind, even better - but it was still embarrassing how the question ignited a blaze that had slick gathering between your thighs. Your entire body heated, tips of your fingers tingled and ears burned, as you dropped your gaze to your lap. You studied the pale fabric of your skirt, eyeing the way it bunched higher up your thighs with each pass of his hand, and swallowed.
Eddie cooed, cloying - almost condescending - as he pressed his fingers beneath your chin and tilted your head to search his eyes. “It’s okay, sweet thing.” He could see the hesitation written plain on your face, your reluctance to admit to something so torrid - even though he knew every dirty little secret you harbored - and leaned in close.
“I think of you when I touch myself,” he admitted, dark eyes sweeping your face as he treated it like a secret - a confession only you were allowed to hear. “I think of you, spread out in the back of my van with those pretty little lips wrapped around my fingers to keep you quiet while I fuck you in one of your cute skirts. I think about you in my bed, dripping for me before I can really even get my hands on you. I think about that little smile you get when we try something new that you really, really like and that shy little squeak when I first touch you, even though I’ve been touching you for a year now.”
Eddie groaned, an exaggerated sound that reverberated through his chest and shot straight to your core - a sound that pulled a soft moan from your mouth, a near whimper as his fingers pressed to your thigh - and he smirked as you shivered in his grasp. “Tell me, pretty, do touch yourself and think of me?”
The confirmation was a whisper, a barely audible acknowledgement that still managed to make Eddie smile - proud he’d managed to pull that much from you - as his fingers trailed back to your knee. At your soft whine, disappointed that he hadn’t pressed his fingers to the growing patch darkening your pale pink panties, he pinched your knee in warning. “Patience, pretty girl. What am I doing?”
At your whine, the breathless cry of his name, Eddie tutted. He used the grip on your chin to tilt your head, waited for your eyes to meet his - brown eclipsed entirely by lust blown black. “I asked you a question, angel. When you think of me,” he repeated, voice ringing with an authority he knew you craved - one you’d admitted to loving,  desperately desiring, in the darkness of his bedroom - “what am I doing?”
There was no real power dynamic in your relationship. If you asked, Eddie would happily hand over the reins. Though you had far less experience, he would willingly lie beneath you, trembling with eace swipe of your fingers over his heated skin - voice ringing in your ear with the same wrecked yearning he always managed to pull from you - the moment you requested it. If you ever faltered, he would offer a gentle word of correction, a soft suggestion, before falling back into place.
It happened, on occasion, but you both enjoyed this a little more.
Eddie relinquished control in most facets of his life - bowed to the rules of a system built in no way for people like him, fell into line in ways that he hated - but with you, tucked between his sheets or hidden in the back of his van, he could regain just a little bit of that power, a little control.
He never pushed farther than you were willing to go, never made you feel anything other than safe - loved and treasured, well cared for - and it gave you both an outlet. Eddie had the opportunity to lead, take charge in ways he was never given before, and you were able to stop thinking. He made it easy to shut off your brain and follow his orders, eager to make the moment good for the both of you.
“Don’t make me repeat myself a third time, pretty.”
The quiet order snapped you out of your reverie; drew you back into the moment with the gravel of his voice, rough and low in his chest, as it sent a rush of heat to your cheeks. The look in his eyes was searing, warm and hungry, as he awaited your response.
“You’re touching me.” The answer escaped in a whisper, hesitant and soft as your eyes widened at the sight of his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “When I think about you, you’re touching me.”
Eddie hummed, pleased by the answer, and allowed his hand to drift back up your thigh. His fingers ghosted along the soft skin, brushed at the inside of your thigh in a way that sent goosebumps erupting and seared his touch into your memory, as his eyes met yours. “How am I touching you? You gotta be specific, angel. I’m not a mindreader. I can’t give you what you want unless you tell me.”
“You’re…”. You paused for a moment, swallowed thickly in an effort to shut off the doubt weighing heavy on your tongue. Eddie - the man who’d taken your every first and thanked you for the privilege - would never judge you; he wanted to know and that thought encouraged you. “You’re just… touching. Your hands are so warm, Eds. Your fingers are kinda rough from guitar but it’s nice. It feels good when you just, you know, touch me. My sides, my neck, my…”
The smirk on Eddie’s lips grew, lifted the corner of his mouth in a way that made your stomach twist - a way you’d seen directed at you from between your thighs more than once - as his fingers inched your skirt higher. The warmth of him bled into your skin, his fingers leaving a trail of blistering heat in their wake. Though he had yet to touch you properly, slick gathered between your thighs embarrassingly quickly.
“Your… what?” The hand at your cheek shifted, fingers tracing the curve of your jaw - dragging teasingly across your bottom lip, tugging at the soon-to-be kiss swollen flesh - as he asked, “Your face?”
Each swipe of his fingers across your heated skin set you on fire, built the blaze higher and higher - sent your heart rate skyrocketing - and you bit the inside of your cheek so hard you tasted copper as his hand shifted a few inches lower to rest on your throat.
Eddie’s rings always felt a degree cooler than the rest of his body, the metal a slight shock to your system as his hand settled over your blazing skin - never cutting off the air, fingers simply settling at the pulse point, eager to feel your hummingbird heart beneath his thumb. “Your throat?”
As you blinked, eyes wide and breath hitching in your throat, Eddie trailed his hand a few inches lower. You’d forgotten every worry, every doubt, and could only focus on the lust roiling in the pit of your stomach as he bypassed your chest entirely to drag his fingers across your bicep. “Your arms?”
A soft whine, louder than you intended, escaped at Eddie’s teasing. In response, he grinned, laughter badly concealed, and dropped his hand to your chest. “Your tits?” He cupped one breast, gave it an experimental squeeze that saw your eyes falling shut and your lips parting in a breathy moan, before he continued his descent.
Teasing fingers dragged down your sternum, trailed across the expanse of your stomach, before they came to a rest just above the waistband of your skirt. “Or, maybe, you want it here,” he hummed as his fingers dipped just beneath the elastic. “What d’you call it, sweetheart? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say. Cunt, pussy, snatch; I’ll call it whatever you want, touch it, just tell me that’s where you want it.”
The warmth of his fingers bled through the cotton of your panties and sent you spiraling. Embarrassment burned in your veins, filled your chest in a way that made your fingers tremble at his question, as lust battled it in equal measure. He was close enough to feel, so close to where you wanted him, and you couldn’t help but whine.
There was nothing you wanted more than for him to finally touch you, to give up the teasing and taunting and press his fingers between your thighs - alleviate the ache that had grown nearly blinding, a desperate pressure that made you whine - and he could hear the desperation in your tone. It was evident what you wanted but Eddie made his desire clear, too.
As you hesitated, words stuck in your throat, Eddie’s fingers drifted lower to brush at the top of your mound. “Mm, how ‘bout this? Tell me which word you prefer, where you want me,” he hummed, voice low in your ear as he leaned in to mouth at the hinge of your jaw, “and I’ll let you come on my tongue.”
The prospect of having Eddie between your thighs thrilled you, scorched you from the inside with a desire that knew no bounds, but you were desperate to feel all of him. It had been two weeks, long and arduous without his touch, and you wouldn’t be sated until you’d gotten your fill.
Eddie knew, could read the hesitation in your suddenly rigid shoulders, and laughed as he sucked at the delicate skin just beneath your ear. “Fear not, pretty. You’ll get to come on my cock, too. This’ll just be the warmup. We’ve got all night and now that I’ve seen this cute little room, I’m not leaving until we’ve ruined your sheets, too.”
That was a promise - you knew Eddie well enough to know that he meant it; that he wouldn’t be satisfied with his brief stint in your bed until your mattress resembled his - and it saw you squirm in his grasp. Your attempt to press your thighs together, desperate to relieve a touch of the pressure, was blocked by Eddie’s hand keeping you spread open for him.
“Just say the word, pretty,” he encouraged, dark eyes meeting yours, “and I’ll eat you the way you like.”
There was no question as to what he wanted and, desperate to get what you wanted, you swallowed the lingering embarrassment bitter on the back of your tongue. Eddie loved you - wanted to hear you say it, wanted you to be comfortable asking for anything you wanted from him - and you kept that firmly in your mind as you shut your eyes. “When I think of you, you’re touching my… pussy.”
As the word filled the room, rang in your ears as if you’d shouted it instead of whispering it into the silence - so very different from the metal that constantly filled Eddie’s room and masked your sounds - Eddie grinned. “Good girl,” he cooed, eyes flitting across your face. The name filled you with a desire that burned, something so desperate to have him touch you that it almost surprised you, as Eddie tipped his chin to meet your eyes. Something warm, syrupy and so eager to have you that it set your entire body alight, lingered in his eyes as his hands lifted from your center. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Before you could lament the loss of his touch, mourn the disappearing warmth, Eddie leaned in to press a searing kiss to your lips. It quieted the lingering embarrassment, erased any concern, and brought your focus back to the slick gathering between your thighs. It was almost unbearable, the desperation you felt - the desire to have him touch you, to touch him in return - and Eddie seemed to be able to read your want as he nipped at your bottom lip and tugged.
“Let’s get you out of this, sweetheart,” he urged as his fingers fell to the hem of your top, “so I can give you what you want.”
There were moments, encounters where he liked to drag out the process of disrobing you - moments where he tugged the pieces of your clothing from your body with the utmost care - but he knew he’d taken enough time teasing you. Eddie was almost unnervingly patient in moments like this but even he was starting to grow restless.
Sure fingers found the hem of your top and tugged it up, tossed it across the room where it landed on the floor with a thud. It was followed by your skirt, soft material dragged down your legs carefully, before steady hands pressed to your shoulders. When you reclined, rested with your head amongst the pillows, Eddie finally chanced a glance at your nearly bare from.
Eddie gasped, a teasing sound that rang in your ears and set your skin alight, as he eyed the matching pale pink set covering the bits of flesh he so desperately wanted to see. It was nothing special, a set he’d seen - a set he’d tugged from your body, tossed into the abyss of his bedroom floor - a handful of times already, but he still eyed it as if it were the first time.
“You planned this,” he accused, feigning a scandalized glare as a hand flew to his chest. The silver of his rings glinted in the dim light of your bedroom and drew your eyes as his raked over your exposed skin. “You invited me here, knowing your parents were out, just for sex. What kind of man do you think I am, you minx?”
The moment of levity was desperately needed, useful in easing the ache in your chest and calming the rapid beat of your heart. Soft giggles escaped into thick air - harder to breathe with every brush of Eddie’s fingers against your overheated skin - as you glanced up at him. “Eddie!”
Your admonishment was soft, lacked any real heat, and made Eddie grin as he shifted to settle above you with one knee on either side of your hips. “Yeah, yeah,” he hummed, sounding a little put out as his hands ghosted along your sides. “I’m getting to it. I haven’t seen you in two weeks, sweetheart. Two whole weeks. Let me take my time, alright? Wanna see what’s changed.”
Eddie’s gaze softened, if only slightly, as he glanced down at you. Two weeks had passed - only two - and nothing of note had changed but he still studied your body intently. There was never any hint of displeasure, never any hint of anything other than a fond warmth reserved especially for you, and the look in his eyes made your heart ache as callused fingers brushed at your sides.
He traced the dip of your hip, the soft expanse of your stomach, the divot left in your skin from the waistband of your skirt, and you sighed as you focused on the feeling. It was soft and so sweet, something that made you glad you’d given him a chance - let him befriend you, let him ply you with pretty words instead of running for fear of falling in love - even as his fingers hooked into the band of your panties.
“I’ve seen this set before,” he acknowledged, grinning was he snapped the band against your skin. The sting was minimal, more a surprise than a real nuisance, and Eddie laughed at the squeak he managed to pull from the back of your throat. “It gets prettier every time, though.” When you tipped your head, skin burning from the weight of his gaze - the sincerity of his compliments, spoken with a reverence that never failed to warm your heart - Eddie laughed. “It’s prettier when you’re dripping for me, angel.”
Rough fingers dipped down, brushed the cotton barely concealing you from view, before Eddie dipped a thumb to brush the growing wet patch. It was darker than the rest of the fabric, evidence of your desire for him, and he groaned at the sight. “Are you gonna let me taste you, pretty? Eat you like I’ve been dreaming about for two long, long weeks?”
Eddie’s request rumbled in his chest, words low and rough as his eyes flickered between your face and the cotton hiding the spot you both so desperately wanted him to see - to touch, to taste. It rang in your ears, searing words edged with a playful tinge that made you whine, helped you realize he knew you were more desperate than him.
“Yeah, please, Eds.”
That salacious grin returned, bled into the warmth of the room and made it hard to breath. He had you in the palm of his hand - eager to give him whatever he asked for, permission to do as he pleased - and he tilted his head as his fingers dipped beneath the waistband of your panties. His thumb stroked idly at the cotton, soothing both of you, as he met your eyes. “Please, what?”
Anything, everything; whatever he wanted. When he looked at you like that, dark eyes starving - hungry, all for you, in a way that made you feel so fucking powerful - you would give him anything he asked for. There was no time to think, no time to worry about the words that escaped, and that was the way you both liked it. When he demanded an answer, so insistent, all you could do was respond on instinct.
“Whatever you want, however you want it. I’m yours, Eddie. Please.”
Dark eyes, blown black with lust, glinted in the dim light of your bedroom as the corner of his mouth curved into a smirk. Plush lips, swollen from your kiss and the drag of his tongue across them, drew your eyes and all you could think of was how heavenly they felt pressed to your skin.
“Oh,” he hummed, fingers gripping the band at your waist and beginning to tug, “that’s a very dangerous promise, sweetheart. You sure about that?”
“Uh-huh.” There was nothing to consider, no need to weigh the consequences of your promise - with Eddie, there was never a moment where what you both wanted failed to overlap and create a perfect circle of desire - as you nodded. “Whatever you want, please.”
With your ringing consent, so desperate just to feel the press of his warm hands to your skin, Eddie dragged the soaked cotton down your legs. Deft fingers raked along your skin, brushed at the heated expanse of your thigh - littered with goosebumps, shivers racking your body despite the searing warmth of his body pressed to yours - as he mapped your inner thighs.
Eddie shrugged out of his jacket, let the heavy leather hit the floor with a thud, before shuffling down the bed to settle between your spread thighs. Moments of lingering embarrassment, unnecessary shame at the way he studied you, hit you square in the chest but before you could move to close your thighs, Eddie shouldered his way between them.
Eagerly, he reached for your wrist and plucked the scrunchie wrapped around it from you with a teasing wink before he dragged the frizzy curls framing his face into a low bun. He knew his hair tickled your thighs, sometimes made it difficult for you to concentrate on the feeling of his mouth - his fingers, his whole and undivided attention - and you smiled at the gesture.
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty, sweetheart. Missed you,” he cooed, voice muffled by your skin as he pressed his mouth to the sensitive skin just above your knee. “Missed your face,” he hummed, slowing to press another kiss to your inner thigh, “and your laugh.” He scraped his teeth across a fading bruise, lingered for a moment to suck the pliant flesh between his lips - shut his eyes and hummed at the breathless moan he pulled from you - before flicking his tongue across the warm flesh. “Fuck, missed everything about you.”
He leaned in then, stilled for a moment as his breath fanned across your dripping folds, before licking a broad stripe up your slit without so much as a warning. After two weeks of nothing, no time alone with Eddie - only a moment of attempted intimacy over the phone, interrupted by the nineteen other people living on your hall - the first drag of his tongue felt like a live wire pressed to your skin.
Electricity jolted through your body, yanked that surprised squeak Eddie seemed to love so much from your chest, and you gripped at the sheets beneath your pliant form as his nose brushed your clit. “Missed this perfect fucking pussy,” he groaned, vibration spreading through your body as his fingers pressed into your thigh. “Fuck, you taste so good. Could live between your thighs, if you’d let me, sweetheart.”
As your grip on the covers tightened, fingers digging into the soft cotton, Eddie doubled down on his ministrations. He lost himself to the desire you’d both felt, the desperation to have one another after two weeks of nothing, and licked at you with reckless abandon.
The press of his tongue, lapping at the slick dripping from your folds, and the suckle of his lips wrapping around the sensitive bundle of nerves had you seeing stars. The edges of your vision blurred white, the dark curls between your thighs blurred into a mess of little indistinguishable, and you could feel the bubbling warmth spreading through your limbs. Eddie knew your body well, always so happy to see you falling over the edge for him, and allowed his fingers to drift higher with every swipe of his tongue. 
When he finally pressed forward, slipped a finger into your weeping hole, you could feel the metal of his rings pressing into your skin and gasped. Eddie lapped at you, eagerly swallowed all you had to give - the taste of you, the noises falling from your lips - and hummed against your skin as his thumb pressed to your clit.
“Fuckin’ look at you, sweetheart,” he breathed, sounding just as wrecked as you felt, though you had yet to touch him. “So good for me, so responsive. Love fuckin’ you with somethin’ on in the background but, fuck, if hearing you alone isn’t so much better.”
As Eddie spoke, drew your attention to the lack of music, his eyes fell from your face to the apex of your thighs. With his intent gaze, dark eyes blown wide and gone wild, watching as his fingers pressed into you - something akin to wonder, hidden just beneath the black of his lust - you took a moment to listen. You could hear the lewd squelch of his fingers pressing into you, the slick sounds of his mouth lapping at your folds, and it burned white hot in the pit of your stomach as your eyes screwed shut.
He wanted to hear it, reveled in the sounds, and you reminded yourself of that fact as the noise seemed to spur him on.
“Eddie, please!” The request was there, stuck on the tip of your tongue - so close to escaping, so desperate to fall over the edge that your hesitance was long forgotten - and Eddie knew it. There was no way he couldn’t feel it; the way your stomach tensed, the way your thighs pressed tighter to cage his body as close as you could, the way you clenched tighter around him with every insistent press of his fingers. As he tapped the spongy spot that had you seeing stars, your eyes opened and flickered to his.
“Good girls ask for what they want, princess,” he reminded you, lips shiny with your slick and swollen. “You’re my good girl, aren’t you?” The question was syrupy, warm and dripping as he eyed you, mischief clear in the brown of his eyes as you shivered at the name. When you nodded, choked out a keening ‘uh-huh,’ as his thumb pressed to your clit, Eddie cooed. “Then ask me, sweetheart. Ask me to make you come and I will.”
Any residual hesitance you felt was long gone, melted into the sheets and dripping down Eddie’s fingers. This was the way he liked you, pliant and soft beneath him with no thoughts of anything but the pleasure he gave you, and you would do anything to keep him moving. With a whimper of his name, a sound that had him pressing closer - nipping at your skin a little harder, teeth pressing into soft flesh in a reminder that would linger - you begged. “Please, Eds, please! Make me come, please. Missed you, missed this. Wanna come, please!”
“Mm, that’s it. Good girl.” Eddie’s pace quickened, fingers pressing into you in time to a rhythm only he knew. It constricted your lungs, set your skin alight, and had stars bursting across your vision was his breath fanned over your sticky inner thighs. “Let go. Come for me, angel. Make a mess of me.”
The moment the words fell from his lips, you were careening toward your end. It burned bright, scorched your skin and seared the shape of his palm pressed to your thigh into your memory, as it hit hard. The edges of your vision popped with bursts of white and the cry of his name rang in your ears. Eddie’s own noises - a soft grunt as he shifted, pressed his hips to the mattress in search of a moment of friction; a deep moan as he savored the taste of you on his tongue - melded with yours in a way that made your heart hammer against your ribs.
Eddie lapped at your puffy folds, drank your release eagerly, and you shivered at the insistent pull of his mouth. It was bordering on too much, overwhelming in the best way - sending shivers down your spine; a heat that threatened to swallow you entirely, flames lapping at your skin - and you weakly pressed your hand to his shoulder.
With a laugh, Eddie seemed to take the hint and lapped at your slit once more - a final drag of his tongue through your slick - before pushing himself up to his knees. As he settled above you, you took a moment to drink in the sight of him, eyes blinking slowly as you studied him.
His hair had fallen, frizzy curls no longer contained by the soft scrunchie, and his jeans did nothing to hide his arousal. His mouth and chin were coated in your arousal, lips shiny with your slick, and he grinned at the way your eyes lingered. Though you wanted to look away, pretend you weren’t ogling him, you felt powerless to do anything but watch as he gripped the neck of his t-shirt and tugged.
Black fabric sailed across the room, fell to the floor and joined your clothes - his jacket - and your eyes drifted to the dark trail of hair that disappeared into the band of his boxers. Without thinking, your hand lifted and trembling fingers traced the coarse hair. As your nails raked across his blistering skin, Eddie groaned.
“You gonna let me fuck you now, pretty? Make you come on my cock? ‘M so hard for you, princess.” Eddie’s moan was honest - you could see the evidence clearly, straining against the denim of his jeans - but there was a mocking edge that made you whine. He wasn’t making fun, he could never in a moment like this, but it was close enough to make your cheeks burn.
Whatever filter Eddie had - though it was minimal, at best - was gone. It disappeared with the first press of his mouth to yours, lost to the ether of the room as he sank into your embrace. He spoke freely, unafraid of your reaction, and you would’ve been grateful for the comfort that brought had he not used it to send you spiraling.
As you swallowed, desperate to ease the cotton filling your mouth, Eddie’s hands fell to his belt buckle. With a metallic clink, he popped it open and unzipped his jeans. Your eyes followed his hands, transfixed by the gleaming metal of his rings, and you didn’t need to look at his face to see his smirk.
“Please, Eddie,” you begged, eyes flickering to his as he shimmied his jeans down. “Wanna… wanna feel you.”
Eddie nodded, eyes flickering between your face and the apex of your thighs - the way your legs tightened around him, knees pressing into the side of his as he shucked off his jeans and underwear. “I know, sweetheart,” he cooed, voice softer than it had been - though still tinged with that teasing tone that made your stomach twist. “Been so good for me, even when I’m being mean to you, teasing you. I’ll give you what you want, pretty.”
Before tossing away his jeans, Eddie slipped his wallet from the back pocket and tugged a foil packet from within. It was new - shiny and untouched - and you pouted up at him as he grinned. “You knew,” you huffed, though your voice was too far gone to hold any heat.
“I didn’t know,” Eddie defended, though his grin gave him away as he ripped the foil. “I guessed. Figured it would take longer, though, if I’m honest,” he teased, eyes glittering with a mirth that made you smile despite yourself. “You’re just so easy for me, sweetheart.”
“Only for you.”
It went without saying - he was the only one you’d ever been with, the only one who’d ever made you feel this way - and he knew it. But it still made him grin as he shifted to hover above you. He leaned in, pressed a searing kiss to your mouth, and laughed when you whined as he pulled away.
“Only for me,” he agreed easily as his hand wrapped around the base of his cock. “You ready for me, sweetheart?”
“Uh-huh. Please, Eds.” With your lips forming a pout, kiss swollen and shiny with his spit, Eddie laughed. He leaned in to press one final kiss to your mouth, eager to taste you - have you taste the tangy remnants of yourself on his tongue - before he notched the head at your entrance and pressed into you.
As your hips shifted, desperate to meet his despite the slight pinch, Eddie laughed. “Look at you.” There was an edge of condescension in his tone, something dark and syrupy - a little lazy, a little taunting - that had you clenching around him. It was belied by the fond look in his eyes, softened by the caress of his hand at your side, but it still sent a shiver down your spine as he hummed, “So fucking needy.”
Eddie’s fingers pressed into your skin, one hand on your hip - grip bruising, punishing, harder than you could remember it ever being - as he rocked his hips slowly. The pace was far more sensual than was usual for him, slow and hard - a rough drag of his cock through your walls that had you seeing stars - as the tip kissed a spot so deep it bordered on painful.
“You take me so well, pretty,” he complimented, eyes fluttering as he slipped as deep as you could take. “This perfect little pussy was made for me. Wasn’t it?”
He tutted, a soft click of his tongue, as your eyes threatened to close. With great difficulty, you glanced up at him, your eyes meeting his, and he cooed. “Say it, sweetheart. Tell me this pussy was made for me,” he demanded, still so fucking soft it made your head spin.
Callused fingers trailed up your side, the rough drag of them a beautiful contrast to the way his hips rocked with yours, until his hand rested at the base of your throat. He still refused to press, never wanted to constrict the air, you could feel the weight of his hand, heavy and warm, against your skin.
“Say it,” he repeated as his hips moved just a touch faster, “say it and I’ll let you come.”
A moment of hesitation, still not used to breathing the word aloud, and Eddie snapped his hips harder. He pressed impossibly deeper, so close that it took your breath - the scent of him embedded in your nose, in every lungful of air you managed to steal - and you relented. “This pussy was made for you!”
“Shit, good girl.” At his praise, the soft name falling from his mouth so eagerly, you keened. On instinct, you tightened, pleased with yourself - glad you’d made him happy - and Eddie laughed. “Oh, fuck, you like that? Like being my good girl, sweetheart?” When you whimpered, head bobbing in a nod as your hands lifted to his hair, Eddie grinned. “So good for me. So pretty, always so eager to take me. Shit, I missed you, angel.”
Eddie’s hips rocked harder, faster, as he pressed into you with reckless abandon. It was everything you’d missed - the weight of him settled above you, the brush of his fingers against your searing skin, the slick press of his mouth to your face and neck - and you were barreling toward another release far faster than you could’ve imagined.
He saw the signs, felt them clearly, and hummed. “C’mon, sweetheart,” he encouraged, voice wrecked in your ear. “You’ve got another for me. Let it go. Give me one more and I’ll come for you, alright?”
With his encouragement, you sank into the feeling of his hips rutting into yours. The puff of his breath, fanning across your face, and the weight of his palm resting across your throat. It was so much, a desperate heat that made your bed feel too hot - the surface of the sun - and you came with a shout of Eddie’s name.
The rhythm of his hips faltered, sputtered at the feeling of you clenching around him, and you could hear the tremor in his breathing as his own end loomed over his head. As he came, the lewd sounds of your bodies - skin meeting skin, panting breaths echoing through the room - rang in your ears and the warmth of his release made you moan.
A few moments passed, both of your chests heaving as you attempted to gather your breath, before Eddie pulled away. At your whimper, the soft whine you released upon feeling the emptiness, he leaned over to press a soft kiss to your mouth. “Give me a few minutes,” he teased, grinning as your eyes flickered to his. “I’ll fill you up again, pretty.”
You slapped at his chest feebly, limbs boneless, and laughed as he settled on the edge of your bed. His fingers itched for a cigarette - he would’ve already lit one in the comfort of his bedroom - but, instead, he reached for your Polaroid with narrowed eyes.
“You can say no,” he began, voice suddenly earnest - soft, warm, back to the gentle boy you knew and loved - “but I was wondering, can I take a picture of you like this? You look so pretty, angel.”
With the way his eyes roved your sweat slick skin, caught on the spots his mouth loved - the spots his fingers pressed to - you had no doubt as to how he saw you. It was obvious, clear in the reverence of his stare, and though you were a little nervous, you nodded. “As long as you promise to keep it hidden.”
“No one will see it but me,” he promised, and you knew that he was telling the truth. “You sure?”
When you nodded, Eddie clambered to the foot of the bed and snapped a quick photo - your body splayed across the pale sheets, tip of your chin visible but no other defining features, puffy folds spread with evidence of what you’d been up to. While it developed, he dropped it to the nightstand before climbing back onto the bed beside you.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he hummed, sparing the photo a glance, “this is gonna come in handy when you’re gone. I love thinking about you, but having a visual? ‘M gonna get carpal tunnel.”
“Eddie, that’s so gross,” you teased, laughing through the heat burning at your cheeks as he pressed you into his chest. “I really, really missed you.”
Eddie grinned, laughing along with you, and shrugged as he pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. “Mm, I missed you, too. You wanna order pizza, gather our strength before round two?”
The rumble of your stomach answered for you - hunger cutting through the soft, syrupy remnants of your high - and you nodded. “Sounds perfect, Eds.”
After nearly a year together, Eddie had finally seen all of you. It was everything, every piece that comprised you, and judging from the fond look in his eyes, he would take you whole. He loved you, understood you in a way that no one had, and you found yourself glad that Eddie Munson had you in the palm of his hand.
Author’s Note: Every Eddie fic takes a million years because I just can’t shut the hell up about him. What kinda spell did they cast on this. man. He’s so goddamn charismatic.
Taglist: @x-avantgarde-x, @thisisparadisemylove, @eddiesprincess, @slvdsjjk, @munsonlover, @tasmbestspdrman, @urofficial-cyberslut, @jxngwhore, @hopelesslylosttheway, @meaganjm, @lazuli-leenabride, @deiondraaa, @piscesmesss, @glowyskiess, @kiszkathecook, @missryerye, @solarrexplosion, @ofherscarlettwitchways, @lovedandleft-haunted, @trappedinlimbo15, @sweetiekitten, @bookfrog242, @gwendolynmary, @sage-bun, @zealouslibrariesparadiselight, @castiels-lilass, @tojis-little-brat, @emmah787, @theworldsendxx, @asuperconfusedgirl, @flores-and-sunshine, @passi0np1t, @laurathefahrradsattel, @hellf1reclub, @slut4yourmom, @niko-04, @hannirose-loves-you, @mrs-eddie-munson, @screambabe, @vllowe, @ryswritingrecord, @cheriebondy, @ryswritingrecord, @thewitchofthewilds140, @bootlegmothman420, @maruushkka, @honeymoonpython, @keenesbeans, @jess-bonn, @sammysinger04, @khaoticken21, @denkis-slut, @spiderman-berries, @lotus-es, @amortiff, @stardust-galaxies, @ure-a-sunflower, @1-800-ch3rry, @ladybeewritethings, @ynbutbetter, @hunnybunimdun, @breathinfive, @s-u-t, @s4ntacarlal0stk1d, @rae-iin, @pennamesgame, @stefans-wife, @voldieshorts, @frankie-mercury, @bbymochi1, @serendiipty, @saturnsworld01, @eddiemunson1sstuff​, @valthevalkyrie-main​, @crying-caro​, @inglourious-imagines​
If you’re not tagged, it’s because Tumblr wouldn’t let me!
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heylookliisten · 2 years
thinking about if eddie were to purpose, he would do it through a campaign
maybe it’s a few short years after the events in the upside down. he had just barely made it out, accepting his death before he passed out. what he wasn’t prepared for was to wake up in a hospital room with you by his side. when your eyes meet once you realize he’s awake, eddie decided he never wanted to wake up without you again
so two confessions and one epic kiss later, you and eddie have started to build a life together. he graduated, got a job, and is just so incredibly happy with you. he’s been absolutely smitten from the start so it’s no surprise to anyone when eddie brings up the idea of proposing. steve, robin, nancy, and the kids all give eddie their own suggestions but it’s when mike says to just do what feels right, it clicks. what’s more eddie-like than striving to create the greatest, most important campaign in d&d history?
it’s relatively easy to keep the reality of the plan a secret from you. developing campaigns isn’t an uncommon occurrence for eddie even after passing the torch to dustin. however what is odd is how vague eddie is about the whole thing. he won’t go into heavy detail and always keeps his notebook out of your reach. the most he’s done was give you small clues here and there before telling you to “play and find out, sweetheart” it also throws you off that everyone seems to know about it. you even caught steve and max talking about it
it takes months before eddie decides it’s finally ready. you don’t play often but eddie begged you to this time and you could never say no to those puppy dog eyes. he surprises you when he comes out a little dressed up, playing it off as nothing when you question him. todays campaign is being held in the same drama room at hawkins high but you notice there’s more decor, candles, and even music playing in the background. the members of hellfire file in as normal but it’s when you see everyone else show up that you start to become suspicious. before you can say anything, eddie gives dustin a signal and the curly hair boy dramatic announces the start of the campaign
you get so lost in the game that your thoughts from earlier are nearly forgotten. to say this was eddies best work was an understatement. it has twists, riddles, and captivated you like no other. the general synopsis was for the party to follow the rumors of a rare treasure that grants a wish of those deemed worthy. they went through several regions, fighting monsters, solving riddles, and overcame any problems thrown their way. you guys were several hours in and it seemed that you were nearing the end. The party had traveled through an underwater crystal cave, receiving the blessing of a goddess who saved you all from a monstrous guardian lurking within. it was a close call for your character before eddie swooped in and saved you. dustin explained that the killing of the guardian allowed the water to drain and a secret passage to be revealed. when the party took a chance and explored the secret passage, a lone treasure chest was revealed. for visuals, dustin brought out a small, ornate looking chest from his pocket and placed it in the middle of the table before asking who will test their worth. there was a tense silence to wash over the room, all eyes turning to eddie. it was now or never
he leaned over to take the chest before taking a deep breath and turning to you. his eyes are glossy with unshed tears as he explains that there’s only one wish, one dream that he has. he’s never felt truly deserving of happiness, thinking he’d never find someone that can truly make him feel loved. but all of that changed the moment you came up and introduced yourself to him freshman year. his voice waivers as he confesses that you have given him everything and he wants to spend the rest of his life giving you everything you deserve. he flips open the box to reveal the perfect ring. a nervous smile graces his lips and he asks you “what do you say, baby? wanna be my dream forever?”
it’s then that it hits you. this is what he was working so hard for, this is what everyone was helping out with. the campaign and everything suddenly became so clear. the regions you went to shared characteristics of places where you and eddie created core memories together. one of the herbs used to save your character happened to resemble the type of flowers eddie gave you on your first date. eddies character always wore a piece of your armor the same way you always wear the guitar pick necklace he gave you. he came in to save you the same way you saved him all those years ago. everything was about the life you and him have built, the life you want to continuing growing.
there are tears streaming down your smiling face, shaky hands coming up to cup eddies cheeks. everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting for your response. “i’ll be yours if you continue to be mine.” everyone can hear the complete love and adoration in your voice. the metalhead choked back a sob as he grins and nods, surging forward to connect his lips with yours. everyone is crying and their cheers fill the room as you and eddie pull apart so he can slip the ring on your finger. nancy snapped a polaroid of the two of you, eddie scribbling something on the boarder once it was developed. he shows it to you and you didn’t think you could smile even more but boy were you wrong. the photo shows you and eddie locked in a kiss with your hand showing off the ring and at the bottom it’s dated with “the first day of forever” written with a heart
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allexthakatt · 2 years
Dance of Death
Okay, so I've been (like everyone else) absolutely in LOVE with Mr. Eddie Munson! And I just needed to join the fanfic party.
Also yes I know Dance of Death came out in 2008 but for this fic let's just pretend it came out in 1983 with Peace of Mind, okay?
Anyone that knows me, knows that my all time favorite band is Iron Maiden. And a certain song popped in my head while thinking of storylines. I hope this is adequate, it's very late 😅
PAIRING: Eddie Munson x FEM! HISPANIC! Reader!
WARNINGS: A mention of racism, but nothing explicit. Jason, because he needs a warning 🙄. Bullies are ew.
CONTENT: ANGST, Seemingly unrequited love, Dustin being the very bestest friend ever! Ending in fluff!
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There was something about him. Something that made her lose all brain function to act normally. There isn't a thing he could do wrong in her eyes. Edward Munson. The name alone made her blush. How could she not? There's just something about him...
Could it be his messy long hair? His rock and roll style? His sense of humor? His love and care for his friends? The was he defends her so easily and so often? Who knows, actually.
She'd hadn't known him that long. The beginning of her second senior year (not meeting requirements to graduate the first time), his third. Right off the bat she wasnt accepted in most friend groups. Her coming from a whole other state, well away from the tiny secluded town that is Hawkins, Indiana. Not to mention she's one of the only Hispanic people in the high school in general. It also didn't help that she dressed all in black all the time. No one really cared enough to look her way, outright avoiding her to some extent. She's the new kid on the block, she understood that much. Why no one bothered to befriend her was a whole new experience.
Her pervious town was just outside Juarez, Mexico. Her whole neighborhood was so welcoming, never letting her feel left out of the festivities that went on in school. Here? In Hawkins? It felt like she was ghost. A ghost no one liked or wanted around. A certain Jason Carver particularly wasn't fond of her. Him and his petty group of friends would go out of their way to make her day worse. Shouting names, "accidentally" bumping into her in the hallways, going as far to spill his drink on her occasionally. She still keeps a change of clothes in her locker just in case.
She had been on her own those first two months. Hating every minute of it, wishing she could just go back home. It had been a particularly rough day with Jason when two freshmen had seen enough. Jason and his bully buddies had just pushed her to ground, kicking her backpack before laughing and walking away. She'd been humiliated, defeated, just wanting to cry in the bathroom. The two young boys bent down to help her pick up her things, introducing themselves as Dustin and Mike. The boys were her first friends. Sure, they were younger, but they'd been the only ones to show her kindness so far.
It had been a week after that they'd introduce her to the Hellfire Club. Jeff and Gareth welcomed her right away, interested in her culture and language. Lucas didn't mind her really, being a little preoccupied trying to get on the good side of the basketball team. Eddie, however, was absolutely smitten. She was everything he'd want in a woman. Someone he related to in many ways. She didn't live with her parents, her grandma taking her in after a falling out between the family. She loved rock, she played the drums, and was so. fucking. funny. Why hadn't he noticed her before?
Now, all those months later, they were all good friends. She finally felt like she found her people. Her little family in this swarm of assholes that flooded the school. Sure, Jason and his stupid gang still messed with her. But nothing could truly brings her down if Hellfire could pick her back up.
Senior prom was coming up, and although she didn't have a date, she was secretly hoping Eddie would ask her. The one person she'd put up with prom for. She'd do anything for him, honestly. There was a million reasons not to go to prom, but if Eddie was going? That was the one reason to go.
Her hope was dwindling, however. She'd noticed earlier that day a miss Chrissy Cunningham slip a note in Eddie's locker. That was out of the ordinary, considering she was a part of Jason's little clique. She was nice, Y/n guessed. Never joining her past boyfriend in the harassment toward her but never putting a stop to it either. Eddie had mentioned once or twice that he used to have a liking for Chrissy, but that was in middle school. Y/n was hoping the little note was for anything but prom.
Lunch came, and everyone was sitting at their claimed table. Everyone except for Eddie. Something Jeff caught on to first. "Where the hell is Eddie? Lunch is halfway done." To that everyone looked around. "Maybe he had a deal going on today." Jareth added in. "Doubt it. It's the middle of the school day, he wouldn't take the risk." Jeff and Gareth continued going back and forth, Y/n getting too lost in her head to keep up with what they were saying. He's never late for lunch. Where could he be?
"Speak of the devil. It's about damn time, man. We need to plan for tonight!" Dustin spotted him walking up to the table. There was something about him that was different. She'd never seen that smile before, a light flush on his face along with it. He shrugged off Dustins complaint. "We'll get to the planning in a minute, Henderson. I got big news right now!" Everyone at full attention, egging him to tell the big news.
"I'm going to prom!" Y/n's jaw dropped a little. Going to prom? With who? "Really? Who's the lucky lady, huh? Who?!" Mike was eager to find out who, just as she was. "Chrissy fucking Cunningham. She just asked me like 10 minutes ago!"
She was happy for him, really she was. But in that moment she couldn't smile. She couldn't congratulate him, applaud him, nothing. She felt... Broken. Falling, falling so fast; plummeting to the cold, hard ground and no one could catch her. The only person who noticed her fall is Dustin. He'd been the only one she told about her not-so-little crush on Eddie.
Dustin looked at her with a sympathized expression. Knowing full well she wasn't okay with this. She turned to him, too. Waving her hand with a notion that she's okay. Even though they both know she very much wasn't.
"Damn! That's awesome, man. Congratulations, didn't know you had it in you to pull something like that." The boys were proud of him. Of course they were, it's Chrissy fucking Cunningham. Little miss perfect of Hawkins High. The head cheerleader, straight A's, a slim body, nice personality. Everything that Y/n was not. Nothing made her self confidence shoot down faster than this.
No wonder he'd never ask her to prom. She didn't have anything he wanted. Chrissy did.
She kept her head down. Not having enough emotional energy to keep up a conversation. Just wanting to go home. Perhaps she'll just go home after lunch.
Wait. But then she'd have to just come back anyway for Hellfire tonight. A very important campaign to not only Eddie, but the rest of the boys too. Not to mention Dustin's lecture he'd give her about skipping it. She'd never hear the end of it.
The boys never stopped talking about Eddie "The Freak" Munson going to prom with Chrissy Cunningham. Not really having the heart to hear anymore of this, she stands up to throw her food away. She barely ate. "I'm gonna head to the library, kay? I have some catching up to do on Mr. Kellins paper." Without another word, she makes a bee line to the door.
"Mr. Kellins has a paper due?" Jeff not really getting the hint that she just wanted to leave. Dustin opted to follow her, knowing she'll probably want to vent. He looked up to her, like the big sister he never had. He was protective, odd as it is. To be protective of someone 4 years older than you. She wasn't blood, but he considered her family nonetheless.
Eddie noticed her change in behavior as well. He saw the rush she was in to leave, and Dustin's departure after her. Figuring Dustin would tell him later, he turns back to Jareth, who's bragging how he also got a prom date.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" She was in the back of the library, sitting on the floor with a random book in her hand. A book she probably grabbed just to have a reason to be here. "Honestly, Dust? Not really." Her legs are shaking slightly, trying her very hardest not to cry. What's her problem? Its not like she and Eddie are dating, he can go to prom with whoever the fuck he wants.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. He's an idiot for taking Chrissy and not you. A huge one." He tries his best to make her smile, but to no avail. "See that's the thing, Dust. He hasn't seen me. He probably just thinks of me as his sister or some shit. I'm nothing more than one of the boys. That's all I'll ever be." He could hear the heartache in her voice the tears she's kept in for so long. She'd let slip a couple months ago that all the boys she ever liked never liked her back. She called herself 'not traditionally pretty.' He assumed she meant like she wasn't like the pretty girls that got all the dates. Her skin was darker, her body was fuller, her hair was crazier. Boys never looked her way, it had been chipping away at her self esteem for years, Eddie was just the icing on the cake.
Dustin sits next to her, his back leaning on the bookshelf behind them. "Y/n, like I said. He's an idiot. He needs shit spelled out her him to even get it through his head. I know he likes you. Not like one of the guys, either. He really likes you. I know it." Y/n wants to believe him. But there was a voice in the back of her head. If that was true, why was he going with Chrissy and not her?
"Are you going to prom?" Dustin asks. She shakes her head. "What, and see them dancing all close together? Seeing them be like a couple? No fucking thank you. I'm gonna stay home. I wanna practice a new song." Figuring changing the subject to something she loved to do, he asks "What new song?" She perks up a bit and the question. "It's not really new, but Iron Maiden has a song called Dance of Death. I've been wanting to try it out for some time now. What better time than now?" They continue chatting for a bit more until the bell rings, signalling lunch was over and to head to class. Before they went their separate ways, Y/n game Dustin a hug. "Thank you. For checking up on me. I really appreciate it." Dustin hugs her back, "of course, Y/n. You're like a sister to me. I'm not just gonna leave you to cry in the library all alone." She laughs a bit at this, giving him one last squeeze. "I'll see you later, Dust."
It was right after school. Dustin, Mike, and Eddie were preparing for Hellfire. "So, you wanna tell me what was wrong with Y/n earlier?" Eddie started up the conversation. He'd tried to track her down after class, but to no avail.
"No." It was fast and a little bit venomous. Dustin was furious as him. How could he not be?! Eddie was tossing aside treasure to get with a nickel. He had no idea the pain he'd been causing Y/n. Even if he did, would he care?
Eddie looks up from the table. "What? Why not?" Mikes listening intently from the side, trying not to intervene. "Because it's her privacy. She's going through something right now and it's not my place to spill the beans. If you wanna know so bad maybe actually talk her." His attitude was showing through, and he didn't mean for it to come out so mean. He's just protective of his best friend.
"Hey, dude, I'm just asking. Kay? No need to get your feathers ruffled." Eddie tries to make the room fun again, cracking a joke at the end. He can't seem to shake this feeling, though. One he can't really pinpoint as to why. There's something wrong with Y/n? She always goes to him about her problems. Why can't she just come to him now?
"Hey guys!" Y/n was the first to arrive, slight red eyes with makeup piled on top of it. Enough for Eddie and Dustin to pick up on it, but not enough to say anything.
"Hey Y/n, we're just setting up now. You're pretty early today." Mike wants to break free of the tension that was currently in the room. "Yeah... I wanted to get here before Jason found me in the hallways again." She internally cringes at the remembrance of what happened last week when he saw her. He tripped her, calling her some racist name he could think of in the moment and then laughed in her face. She didn't think Jason was actually racist, but just wanting to hurt her in any way he can. Or maybe he was, she didn't really care enough to know.
"Carver can choke on a dick. He has no right to harass you the way he does." He's angry, of course he is. The way he's so quick to defend her makes that sparkle of hope shine once more. That is until she remembers that prom is in literally two weeks and he's going, but not with her.
"What can you do, huh? Let's finish setting up, kay?" She sets her bag down and avoids eye contact, ignoring the strange looks she gets from Eddie throughout the night.
That was probably the worst end to a campaign ever for her. She was thrown so off her game she died 15 minutes in. Spending the rest of her time just following along and giving advice when needed. God, she just wanted to go home.
Finally walking to her car, she was stopped by a concerned metalhead. "Y/n! Are you okay? You've been... Distant today." He desperately wanted to know what was wrong without pushing her too far.
"I'm fine Eddie. Just wanna go home, okay?" She tries to leave the situation as soon as possible, but Eddie refuses to leave it at that. "But Dustin said you're going through something. Whatever it is you know can talk to me too, right?" Y/n pauses, contemplating her answer. "I'm sure I can, Ed. Please just let go of my arm." He didn't even realize he had a hold on her, quickly letting go. "Just... Y/n don't leave me out of it, okay? I'm here for you, whatever way you need me."
Yeah but the way I need you you don't even want.
"I'll see you later, Ed." She gets in her car and drives off. Leaving Eddie in the parking lot alone.
The two weeks flew by like nothing. Eddie and Chrissy spending more time together alone, Y/n opting to take her lunches in the library, not wanting to see the boy she loved with someone much prettier than her. Dustin tries his best being there for her, spending every other day in the library with her.
"She actually changed my grade from a D- to an A! Can you believe that?" Dustin's blabbing about something Suzie did for him, she wasn't really paying attention. "Hey! Y/n! Are you even listening to me?" He claps his hands in front of her, snapping her out of her head.
"Sorry! Sorry! Just zoned out over here." She looked to the side, avoiding eye contact with the freshman. Knowing he'll know exactly what's on her mind. "Is it Eddie again?" Slowly she nodded, not wanting to cry. "Prom is in two days and all Eddie can talk about Chrissy. Chrissy this, Chrissy that. That's all I fucking hear about and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Imagine if Suzie kept talking about some guy that you thought was so much better than you. Wouldn't you be hurt too?"
Dustin nods slowly. Of course he would be. He really likes Suzie, and the the thought of her fawning over someone else made him sad.
"I don't think I'm gonna make it to Hellfire tonight, Dust. Not given what's going on. I think I just gotta get over him. How? I have no clue." The younger boy stands up, "What? But the ending of the cult of Vecna is tonight! What about the campaign?" She looks up at him sadly. "I promise you guys can do it without me. I just don't think I'd be much help tonight." Her voice drops, and it's then and there that Dustin realizes the full extent of her situation.
She's completely in love with him. And he's got his eyes on someone else.
He knew he had to do something. What that was? He didn't know. What he did know was that he hated seeing someone he cared about crying alone in the library. She was broken, lost. Not knowing where to go from here.
"sigh... Promise me you'll try your best to feel better okay?" She smiled softly at him, ruffling up his hair. "I promise, Dust." From that moment, he knew he couldn't keep quiet about this anymore.
Hellfire had just finished, not ending on a very high note, but hopeful nevertheless. The only ones left were Eddie and Dustin, deciding it was how or never.
"You're a idiot, Eddie." That caught him off guard. Sure, Dustin had been a little off today, but Eddie figured it was some freshman puberty thing. Not an Eddie thing.
"Excuse me?" Eddie stood up, approaching the younger boy with a confused look on his face. "You heard me. Do you even want to go to prom this year?" Prom? This whole thing was about prom?
"I mean not originally, no. But Chrissy really wants to go so.. Why the hell not, ya know?" Dustin was having none of it, his patience running thin. "You told me you don't even like Chrissy anymore. Why are you so damn hung up on her now of all times?" The room was getting tense.
"Hey. She asked me. I just said yes. It's not like I had bigger plans anyway." It wasn't a lie. He guesses he'd probably be in his room alone that night anyway. Unless Y/n would've wanted to do anything, in that case it was a whole new situation.
"What about Y/n? Do you even are about her anymore?" Dustin stood up from his chair. "What are you talking about? Of course I care about her!" The freshman scoffed, "You have a pretty funny way of showing it. You've been practically ignoring her since Chrissy came in the picture. I bet you barley even noticed she didn't come to hellfire today, huh?"
Of course Eddie noticed. It was the main reason team morale was down, the reason they'd all had retreated the fight. Their best girl and fighter wasn't there. "I did notice actually. I also noticed she hasn't been coming to lunch with us either. AND that no one seems to know the real reason except you. So why don't you just tell me what's really going on, Henderson. Enlighten me."
"She's in love with you, dumbass!"
Quiet. Neither of them breaking the deafening silence that engulfed the room. Dustin was mad, furious even, that Eddie had been so oblivious to the pain he'd been causing her.
"What?" Eddie couldn't believe it. Love? She actually loved him back? Why hadn't she said anything before? Why didn't he say anything before?
It all made sense. Chrissy. Prom. Y/n. That's why Y/n was so distant. He was going to prom, but with Chrissy. Not her.
"Y/n has been heartbroken the last two weeks! She can't even go to lunch because all you talk about is Chrissy. Chrissy Chrissy Chrissy. We get it, you wanna get in Chrissy's pants. But for gods sake, man, think! She sits in the library all alone because that's where she'd rather be than sitting in the cafeteria listening to how much she isn't what you want."
Dustin was about to explode. All the pent up anger was coming out. His brotherly protectiveness showing full scale, and Eddie deserved it all.
How could he be so blind? So stupid?
"Why... How come she never said anything? I-" His thoughts getting jumbled in his head. "She said she didn't wanna destroy the friendship. But Eddie, I'm gonna be honest, I think that's happening anyway." Eddie's heart shatters. The girl of his dreams, the person he'd do anything for. His very reason to keep coming to school! She's hurting, broken, thinking he doesn't care for her, love her.
And it's all his fault.
How could he fix this? It wasn't like he could just snap his fingers and change back time to before Chrissy asked him to prom. Oh how he wished he could do that.
"You're wrong about one thing, Henderson. She is what I want. Hell, she's all I want! Chrissy... I said yes because I didn't think Y/n would want to go, let alone with me." Dustin shakes his head. "Okay? You should've at least made sure before putting her through all of this shit. This is stuff you need to be telling her. Not me!"
"I know! I know! Shit, I don't know how I'm gonna fix this..." Eddie deflates, sitting down with his hands in his face. "I really fucked up, didn't I?" Dustin sits next to him, patting his friend on the shoulder. "Yeah, you did. But on the bright side, you know she likes you back now, right? Now figure out the next move."
The night of prom. Tonight. A night full of excitement and adventure for most. But for Y/n, it'll just be a regular Saturday. She'd skipped school the day prior, Opting for a quiet day in to collect herself. Mostly to avoid Eddie at all costs, not sure if she could really handle it.
Eddie had waited in the library for her to show up for lunch that day, hoping to explain everything, but she never showed. He instead got weird glances from the scattered students and librarian, not used to seeing Eddie in a place like a library.
He also waited after school, but gave up after noticing her car nowhere to be seen. Chrissy had found him instead, confused as to why he'd been standing sadly in the parking lot for ten minutes. It was there Eddie told her everything. Why lie? She'd deserved to know the truth too.
Chrissy had initially been disappointed, but came clean as well. Confessing she still had feelings for Jason, and was hoping to just make him jealous by showing up to prom with Eddie. They then had the mutual decision to just stay peers, nothing more. Something that took a huge chunk of weight off of Eddies chest.
Now prom was merely hours away, and Eddie was thinking of a plan. Best case scenario, he proclaims his love and sorries, she forgives him, and they get together and live happily ever after. Worst case scenario, anything other than that.
Y/n had been in the middle of the song when Eddie comes bursting in the room. Her grandma had taken quite a liking toward Eddie, Y/n guesses she's the one who let him in the house.
"Y/n! Please I need to talk to you." He was nervous, anxiety ridden. Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Y/n stands up from her drum set, walking past him to her water bottle. "I'm a little busy right now, Ed."
Eddie approaches her, hoping his confession would work. "Just... Hear me out, okay? Please?" She nods at him, praying this is just something that has to do with hellfire.
"I'm not going to prom with Chrissy." Her ears perked up at this. "Okay, so? You came all this way to tell me just that?" She didn't mean to keep up the attitude, but she didn't want to get her hopes up, either.
"I also know why you've been so distant. I know... Everything. I know you're feelings for me and I know how hurt you've been these past weeks. And Y/n I'm so so sorry. I wish I would've seen it sooner." He was staring in her eyes, searching for any kind of response.
"How do you know?" Tears were filling her eyes, she had no idea why. Raw emotion was building up without her consent.
He smiles at her softly, "A little birdie told me." She backs up, tossing her drumsticks on the chair. "Fucking Henderson, man. He can't keep a secret for shit." She'd confided in him, told him all her fears, insecurities, worries. All with the hopes of him keeping it between them. She felt a little hurt, but she can't help but feel a weight lift off her shoulders. Now everything was out in the open, and she could face rejection head on.
"Hey don't be mad him, I needed to know. Boy did he let me know, too. He'd probably have my head on a stick if I wasn't here right now." She laughs slightly. Dustin always acted like an older brother, despite her being 4 years older than he was. Never stopped their bond as family, though.
"Why are you here, Eddie? You couldn't tell me you didn't like me back on Monday?" He grabs her hands, holding them together, close to his chest. "That's the thing, Y/n. I do like you back. Just as much if not more than you like me." He's pleading with his eyes for her to listen, to understand. She shakes her head, looking anywhere but him.
"Eddie, that makes no sense. If that was true why were you going with her to begin with? Why wait 'til two hours before prom to confess your love for me?" He holds her tighter, "I should've told you all this a long time ago, and I'm so sorry, baby. I was scared. Hell, I still am! You're so beautiful it's intimidating. Why would someone as drop dead gorgeous as you like a freak like me?"
She laughs and looks down, tears falling freely now. "We're both freaks, dummy. I was planning on spending the whole night right here on the drums." He places a hand on her cheek, softly stroking it. "If you'd let me, could I join you?"
Their foreheads inch closer together, both of them being highly aware of the distance getting smaller. "What, you don't wanna go to prom?" Smaller. "Not if you're not there, babe." Smaller. "Then stay here with me." Smaller. "Gladly."
The distance is gone, her lips finally on his and it's. fucking. amazing. Nothing had been as sweet as her, or soft as him. It was like 2 pieces of a puzzle, fitting perfectly together like they were made for each other. Hands starting to roam, but before anything else could happen, breathing was a necessity.
Their foreheads leaning on each other once again. The tension now completely gone, all that's left is a room full of love and adoration. Both of them waiting so long to finally be here in the moment, neither of them wanting to let go just yet.
"So... Wanna show me what song you're playing?"
Ahhhhh I'm so proud of this tbh I love Eddie so goddamn much I've never related to someone so much honestly.
Let me know what you think! Love you 😘
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solesurvivingmom · 2 years
Mr. Munson/Wayne headcanon
We all know who Wayne is. Eddie’s uncle. We meet him a few times during the show, and the man is truly a blue collar worker. I am thinking likely works either at a construction site, carpenter, or he works as a mechanic when pausing the screen to see how rough his hands are and dirt under his fingernails. So he’s a humble man. He works hard, he provides for his nephew that he didn’t think would become his priority to help raise. He does what he can. 
Wayne is divorced. His wife wanted more than a trailer park in Hawkins. She definitely didn’t want to be taking on Wayne’s nephew as a child. So, one day after weeks of arguing, Wayne came back to see she was gone with their daughter. Left behind was obviously Eddie. Maybe like 9-11 years old for age range wise. Now Wayne is a single income parent, and paying child support to his ex wife, and raising his nephew. Man is quite busy... and he’s tired. He truly does try his best for Eddie, but there are times that the neglect is there. Like he can’t make certain mandatory performances that Eddie is in, and he can’t always be there to pick Eddie up from school. So, Eddie grows up with a distant father figure by means of his Uncle who he does love. But, he also ends up establishing a very self reliant, independent lifestyle. 
Now let’s do a fast forward ‘kay? Chrissy and Eddie are alive. She doesn’t get Vecna’d. First time that Wayne meets Chrissy is that same night where she originally went over to get high, and to take her mind off things. Eddie is a dude, has urges, but he’s also not going to overstep his boundaries and take advantage of someone while they’re high. So, they don’t smooch, hookup, nothing. Because technically her and Jason are still dating, and Eddie isn’t that much of a douche. So him and Chrissy have shared a joint, had a bowl, smoked it back and forth. She’s glassy eyed and not paying attention to her surroundings, and she has her head on Eddie’s shoulder. They are watching tv, something for background sound, help so she doesn’t have anxiety during the high. Because being high, and having an anxiety attack as to why you can’t feel anything... and why the world is skipping like a CD with a scratch on it- is fucking weird. Trust me. I KNOW FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE! 
So Wayne. He gets late home from work because they’re backed up at the shop or whatever. -Insert reason to be late home because work sucks ass and it’s America.- He recognizes the smell of weed by time he gets to the front door, and figures that oh well, Eddie must have his friends over. No big. He’s shared a joint with Eddie a couple times, and halfheartedly lectured him about not using drugs. So when he walks in expecting to see Eddie’s friends and he’s instead met with the sight of a beautiful young lady with her head on Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie has his arm around her. Wayne starts to find alarms clanging around in his head. It’s not that he’s going to beat Eddie because he has a girl over. It’s the fact that it doesn’t take long to realize she is from the good side of town. She’s from people with money. She’s from a family that wants her to be perfect, succeed, find a boy that will give her a lot of babies, and make a shit ton of money. Eddie is a good kid, but he’s not the one to give her the world that her folks would expect. Oh boy, that’s something that is terrifying for Wayne because he didn’t think he’d have to be going through with this. Again it’s not that Eddie is a bad kid, people are just cruel to those that they do not like. He knows that if her folks find out about Eddie? They’ll crucify him. 
Eventually Chrissy does come to enough to stand up, introduce herself, and Wayne is smitten with her manners. She’s a lovely girl! She’s sweet, she polite, she has all her teeth. He likes her, good kid. BUT GOD DAMNIT EDDIE! DO NOT BRING THE PRIZED MARE FROM SOMEONE’S PASTURE OVER HERE! THEY DON’T WANTE A MARE BRED WITH A MUSTANG! -Wayne’s thoughts while he’s nodding to Chrissy, and letting her know she’s welcome any time. “Eddie really should be getting you home. Getting late, Ms. Cunningham.” Wayne shoots Eddie a look that looks like it’d be a general glance, but Eddie catches it quickly. His uncle is FUCKING FURIOUS! 
Wayne watches Eddie as he puts his hand on Chrissy’s lower back, and they look at one another. Wayne used to be there when he was young. Lovestruck, smitten, sweet on someone- so on so forth. Wayne maybe a man that is tired and works really hard for a humble life, doesn’t mean he doesn’t notice things. Oh boy, he notices the look that both Eddie and Chrissy give one another. God damnit, EDDIE! Wayne wants to smack him upside the head and explain to him what he’s decided to catch the eyes of, because Chrissy... she’s something else. 
Eddie takes Chrissy home, and usually Wayne would have a cold beer and sit on the couch and thumb through news or something. Him and Eddie would share a joint, have a chuckle or two. Go on their merry way. HOWEVER he can’t do that tonight, because he’s terrified for Eddie and furious at the same. He can’t stomach the idea of having a beer right now, or finding Eddie’s stash. He has to keep his head centered and thoughts from getting tired and cloudy. 
So, when Eddie does get back home and he’s trying to lay low, Wayne leaps on him. Not literally! He stands there by the kitchen with this thumbs hooked in his jeans pockets, and he’s staring at Eddie. Eddie stands there and looks at Wayne like, fuck, what I do now?
“That girl is really pretty.” Wayne breaks his silence. A man of few words. He’s going to start out carefully to make sure his nephew understands. 
Eddie sort of nods, does that fingers snap palm slap thing. Tries to excuse himself, but Wayne steps forward. He doesn’t block Eddie from going to his room, he just changes from how he was standing with his butt leaning against the counter, now he’s standing upright. Eddie stops to stare at him, because he knows something else is up, so he’s waiting. 
Wayne nods and rubs his jaw and feels the days neglected stubble that he’ll have to shave in the morning before work. Again, he’s finding his words. Man of little words, but he’s going to make sure that they are heard. 
“That’s a lady that you don’t see in your lifetime very often. When you do, they usually are arm in arm with someone that comes from money. Usually someone that is going to give them every bit of a life they deserve.” 
Eddie states that she just was anxious and looking to relax. He just knows her from school. There’s nothing. 
Wayne shakes his head and sucks on his teeth before he looks at Eddie in the eyes and feels that real irritating father instinct to smack him upside the head. “That girl has eyes for you, Eddie. May not be young, but I ain’t stupid. I know that look. She’s sweet for you. Eddie... she’s one of those gals that comes from money. She’s as good of an angel that you’ll find, don’t mean her folks are the same. You be careful with her Eddie. She’s the prized mare they keep put away in a nice barn. Her folks aren’t keen on some range wild mustang trying to steal her away.” 
Eddie rolls his eyes and shuffles. He’s feeling awkward, and doesn’t know how to respond. He states that Chrissy has a boyfriend, and Wayne just chuckles. 
“Not for long she won’t. You be careful with her, understood? I don’t want you getting hurt, or her. Be a gentleman with her, and treat her right! Am I understood?” Wayne already knows what is to come in the following weeks... he’s going to see more and more of Chrissy. He knows that this ‘boyfriend’ Eddie mentioned about, he’s not going to be in Chrissy’s life much longer. Because his god damn nephew became that range wild mustang to find the purebred mare kept away from the scraggly stallions. Eddie offered her freedom from it all, and Chrissy galloped away with him. Wayne knows it’s just a matter of time before he’s meeting her folks, and realizing that he’s worked on their cars before. Realizing Chrissy’s mom is mean as a snake. It’s a matter of time before Chrissy is spending the holidays’ with Eddie, and Christmas mornings on the couch with both of them. It’s all a matter of time. 
Eddie shrugs his shoulders, comments he’s the freak and Chrissy wouldn’t date Hawkins Freak. He walks to his room where he shuts the door. 
Wayne... he has two beers those night, and neither help him to sleep any better because his damn nephew went and fell in love with the uptown girl. 
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copperbadge · 2 years
Re: Carlo the Party Count - oh man, I would love to see him end up with Ofelia, just because mildly-antagonistic-to-lovers is such a Hallmark trope. I want to see him do the full Darcy - become charmed by Ofelia's intelligence and political acumen, mildly condescendingly propose (ostensibly to smooth out the ongoing grumbles of the old guard over her legitimacy, but really because he's smitten), have her laugh in his face /1
And point out that she doesn't need him or anyone else, and his position is really for /him/ to prove himself as something other than a useless party boy. And then after a lot of self reflection and character development on his part they can get together and Carlo can happily settle down as the supportive husband of President Ofelia. :D
Ahaha, I love the idea of like...Ofelia and Carlo in a cut-rate Pride and Prejudice. Especially since Carlo is basically “Bingley but cast as Darcy” and Ofelia is like “I do not have time to be an Austen heroine right now sorry.” 
Call it “Party and Pragmatism” or something. I’ll workshop the title.  
I’m torn because on the one hand, the idea of an Ofelia/Carlo romance is deeply appealing to me, it combines my passion for competent romantic leads with my fondness for real dumbasses in love. But also there’s something truly compelling about Ofelia hiring Georgie away from the Shivadh palace to be her bodyguard and then the two of them falling in love. (That said I’m also toying with a romance for Georgie in the California story, where she and Eddie’s sister Monday end up together.)
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