#edain's screens
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edains · 5 months ago
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Miranda in Ashley's bun
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messydiabolical · 1 year ago
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@edains thane mesh swap mod continues to be the gift to soothe the shrios soul. Look at them on their little date 🥺And Thane with the droopy sappy so in love puppy eye expressions? stop it. (of course I forgot to turn subtitles off for screenshots. every. time!) Other mods pictured: Hair (style: Enrique with crewcut) Hair applied with & Keahi's face tweaked with appearance menu Project Variety, Expanded Galaxy and Spectre requistions are all such big overhauls that there is likely essence of them in these screens somewhere! All those colourful people in the background is PV. Reshade
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beyonddarkness · 2 years ago
Means of Mastery
(Sauron's Influence in Off-screen Meetings)
I'm in the process of outlining all of this on the blog (yes, chapter 6), so this is relatively short. But I just realized something that I NEED to get off my chest, even if you don't have the full context yet. I've been plunking the same note on the keyboard for months now (that Sauron is scary, and not to be trifled with), but this one little aspect proves my point.
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Sure, it may seem like everything just magically fell into Sauron's lap, but if you really think about it, he has always been in the background. He wasn't just sitting in his chair, waiting for Galadriel to do everything for him, crossing his fingers, hoping that by chance, he would automatically be pushed to the top of the power pole. Here is the little indication:
We saw many secret councils between those in positions of power, involving Celebrimbor, Elrond, Galadriel, Gil-galad, Míriel, Elendil, Pharazôn, etc. All of these councils were important, and led to important decisions being made.
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But out of ALL the planned secret meetings that were mentioned, there were only two that we did not see. These two meetings had the most significant results.
But first, for a little context...
Fear of the Eldar and the Edain
When Gil-galad showed Elrond the decay of the Great Tree, he said:
"We first took notice of it just prior to Galadriel's return. We thought that by sending her away, and so bringing an end to the last vestiges of war, that we might arrest the decay. But despite our every effort, our decline has only quickened." (1x05).
Earlier, he said:
"We foresaw that if [Galadriel's search had continued], she might have inadvertently kept alive the very evil she sought to defeat" (1x01).
How did they foresee?
What is this random dish of water by the Tree?
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...isn't there someone who knows how to manipulate such things?
When Galadriel asked Míriel why she was not faithful to the Elvish ways, Míriel informed her of the recent rebellion in Númenor. After Galadriel foresaw Númenor's future, the following exchange ensued:
Míriel: "It is Númenor's future you saw. [...] It has already come to pass. The vision begins with your arrival. [...] The Valar gifted us this isle in a day of virtue. They can take it away, should we turn to the paths of darkness." Galadriel: "The virtue you speak of was your ancestors' loyalty to the Elves!" Míriel: "My father believed that. His path nearly destroyed us! That is why tomorrow, I will announce that you are gone, and this crisis ended" (1x04).
How did they foresee?
What is this random ball they call a Palantir?
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...isn't there someone who knows how to manipulate such things?
(sidenote: It is interesting how everyone believes that sending Galadriel away will solve all of their problems.)
What is the common fear between Elves and Men?—Extinction.
Now, let's get to the point:
Unseen Meetings
Everyone knows this:
"In an instance like this, it seems to me that you'd do well to identify what it is that your opponent most fears. [...] Give them a means of mastering it, so that you can master them" (Sauron, 1x04).
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Is it really a coincidence that the only two meetings that we did not see were the two meetings that made Sauron rise to the top? Why are they the only two meetings in which "a means of mastering" the fear of Elves and Men was given? Why are these meetings the ones we DIDN'T SEE?
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The first meeting that was mentioned was the one that Elrond was not permitted to attend.
"The Council regrets to inform you, you won't be permitted to attend the next session. Elf-lords only" (Elf-maid, 1x01).
This meeting involved Celebrimbor, Gil-galad, and other Elf-lords. Presumably, it was here that the song of The Roots of Hithaeglir was discussed. Mithril was suddenly brought into the picture, and Celebrimbor (an artificer, who heals) proposed a Forge, powerful enough to handle crafting the sort of power they needed to survive.
Why does all of this sound like Sauron's intriguing suggestions (mithril being the means of mastering their fear, so that he can master them)? How could mithril be a means of mastery given by Sauron, if he was not in attendance?
He would not have to be physically present in order to have an influence. Recall that 'random dish of water' by the Great Tree.
Here was the ultimate result of that meeting:
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The second Unseen Meeting was first mentioned by Míriel, who was particularly intent on Sauron's attendance:
"This council will reconvene at first light to make a final decision. See to it Lord Halbrand attends" (1x05).
Galadriel informed him:
"Tomorrow, the Queen will call you to audience. Your voice at that meeting may well decide whether this mission stands or falls. Help me" (1x05).
The meeting involved Míriel, Galadriel, Sauron, Elendil, and Pharazôn. What did Sauron say to convince Míriel to save the Men of Middle-earth? Perhaps there is a hint in her conversation with Bronwyn.
Bronwyn: "What I owe you. My people are alive because of you." Míriel: "As I understand it, they are alive because of you." Bronwyn: "A burden I never sought to take up." Míriel: "Few of the finest leaders do. [sees Halbrand approaching] But if you would like some relief in carrying it, I may be able to help." Sauron: "You called for me, Your Majesty."
What was the means of mastering her fear? Galadriel gave it when she said, "Choose not the path of fear, but that of faith." This is probably why Sauron corrected Galadriel in the end: "You convinced her. I wanted to remain in Númenor." All Sauron had to do was reenforce that idea to Míriel with flattering words.
So, if we just change some names around in the above dialogue, the following exchange seems very plausible:
Míriel: "Your people will live because of you." Halbrand: "As I understand it, they will live because of you." Míriel: "A burden I never sought to take up." Halbrand: "Few of the finest leaders do. [pause] But if you would like some relief in carrying it, I may be able to help."
In any case, here was the result of that meeting:
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Here's a funny sidenote:
That means of mastery may have been aimed at Míriel, who was afraid of the kind of death that comes with the Fall of Númenor. But we know that all of the Kingsmen become increasingly afraid of their mortality, and the means of mastery that Sauron gives is a bit dismal:
"[...] Darkness alone is worshipful, and the Lord thereof may yet make other worlds to be gifts to those that serve him, so that the increase of their power shall find no end. [...] he that is their master shall yet prevail, and he will deliver you from this phantom; and his name is Melkor, Lord of All, Giver of Freedom, and he shall make you stronger than they" (Akallabêth).
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aipilosse · 2 years ago
I've seen people say Maedhros doesn't get any characterization, which is understandable. But I really do think people minimise or underestimate the amount of information we get about him through the texts? I think we get fairly enough to establish a good impression of what he must be like, from passages scattered throughout the works, rather than a few descriptive adjectives that a few other characters get. I want to write more about this in detail, but I would like to know what you think about the whole characterization debate since I disagree that he doesn't get enough. I think he gets much more characterization than both Finrod and Fingon, with the former getting much narrative focus rather than characterization and the latter getting neither.
Anon, I was just recently thinking about people minimizing or underestimating the amount of information we get in the texts in general so this ask came at the perfect time!
...but I don't think saying that Maedhros doesn't get any characterization is an understandable statement at all, actually. So I guess, yes, I totally agree with you that there's clear traits we can get from the Silmarillion. I also agree that he gets more than Fingon, who suffers a bit I think from having inconsistent explicit and implicit characterization in the Silmarillion. For instance, we're told:
No oaths [Galadriel] swore, but the words of Fëanor concerning Middle-earth had kindled in her heart, for she yearned to see the wide unguarded lands and to rule there a realm at her own will. Of like mind with Galadriel was Fingon Fingolfin’s son, being moved also by Fëanor’s words, though he loved him little.
Fingon yearns to rule a realm at his own will, really? I would argue we then see little political maneuvering on his part and he spends the rest of the story playing the role of the heroic prince -- bold and eager for battle, but with no indication he would prefer to be king. This is made even more obvious when you consider that his younger brother *does* go off to rule a realm at his own will. You could explain this by saying the journey across the Helcaraxe squashed any desire to rule on Fingon's part if you wanted to, but I suspect this is rather an inconsistency likely borne out of the evolution of Fingolfin and Fingon into separate characters.
Honestly, we don't really see Galadriel acting on this desire to rule a realm at her own will until the Second Age, but in her case that can be explained by the patriarchal society she's in.
Anyway, back to Maedhros and Finrod! I think Maedhros may get more explicit characterization; there's the notable line, "for since his torment upon Thangorodrim his spirit burned like a white fire within, and he was as one that returns from the dead," and several others referring to his fiery spirit and vigilance against Morgoth. But I do think that due simply to being the central character in several more storylines, Finrod might have more overall characterization? But I just realized I’m definitely including the Athrabeth and the Lay in that calculation, and I’m a lot less sure without those works. But he still has plenty of characterization in the Silm! Founding Nargothrond, finding the Edain, throwing his crown on the ground, killing a werewolf with his teeth and bare hands -- the narrator isn’t saying “Finrod was ambitious and curious, and saw himself as a man of honor” but that’s what his actions say.
For either Maedhros or Finrod, anyone who says there's little or no characterization we can draw from the Silmarillion is talking out their ass tbqh. They have plenty of agency and 'screen time' as it were, unlike characters like Amrod and Amras, and don't suffer from conflicting characterization like Fingon.
Which brings me to a larger observation I suppose; I see the idea that 'we just don't have any details' about characters floated pretty often. Not only is this not true for many characters, but I've seen this used as a reason why female characters aren't written about, which is such a threadbare excuse? If you're not interested in a character there's no shame, but I would say Aredhel, Morwen, Nienor, Galadriel, Idril, and Elwing all have the same amount or more characterization as Maglor yet he’s far more of a focus of the fandom than any of them. Again, this isn’t to shame anyone into liking female characters (a very ineffective strategy even if that were my goal!) but just to say, hey, be honest about why you like the characters you do. 
I had this whole thing written up about why people would even say we don’t have any details or why fandom acts like the Silmarillion is this dense unknowable book from which hardly anything can be derived, but it got out of hand and really my own annoyance with this phenomenon is a mix of very real observations about how hard it can be to talk about things with people steeped in fanon (like I literally will have no idea what’s going on sometimes just because I don’t know where every single Feanorian is at all times according to agreed upon fanon), how there’s this deep history of misogyny in fanon that influences how people talk about characters to this day, how this layer of false complexity deters even knowledgeable people from talking about the stuff they’re interested in, and then there’s my petty, bitchy self who’s annoyed because there’s a lot of works out there I don’t like and don’t understand because it seems to me counter to the material I am actually a fan of, which. The fact that fandom does not cater to the likes and dislikes of one Aipilosse is not a real problem lol!
I think I’ll just say that this pseudo-reality where there’s tons of people who *insist* we can’t know a thing that we can very much at least draw reasonable conclusions on isn’t a good thing, no more than insisting that there’s only one way to interpret a thing and if you don’t you’re a bad fan is a good thing  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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blixvoronin · 2 years ago
day 4: vision
synopsis: Blix unveils the newest settlement in the duchy of Silverloch - an agricultural farming town, Cecil’s Crossing.
cw: none!
for more information on the daily writing challenge, click here.
🇾‌🇪‌🇦‌🇷‌ 630 🇧‌🇾‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇰‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌'🇸‌ 🇨‌🇦‌🇱‌🇪‌🇳‌🇩‌🇦‌🇷‌
Standing in the center of the newly-constructed Cecil’s Crossing within the duchy of Silverloch, nestled in the southeastern reaches of Duskwood, Blix flashed a bright smile to the assorted crowd. Present were citizens from the other settlements - Brightroad, the haven for the undead and otherwise-extraordinary citizens of the duchy, and Silverloch Township, the main hub for trade, marketing, and livelihood. Much to her surprise, the crowd was larger than she’d imagined - but, of course, the grand reveal of a duchy’s new hub for agriculture was no small feat to miss, she supposed.
Brightroad had been the last expansion prior to the construction of Cecil’s Crossing, intended to be an area of respite for death knights, necromancers (thoroughly screened, of course, following the Abercrombie incident in Darkshire so many moons ago), the newly-returned dark rangers, and most recently a few Dracthyr citizens looking for a home. It had, originally, been intended to house fleshcrafters, alchemists, and parts of Silverloch’s militia - over the last few months, however, it seemed that it had expanded as more of the living populace from the township and remainder of Duskwood crept in. Now, it nearly made its stand as equivalent to the primary area - Silverloch Township.
Nestled in the center of the Duchy’s territory, surrounded by woods and a river to the north, Silverloch Township was home to the main cathedral, the settlements of druids from the Cenarion Circle who had helped in revitalizing the lands within Silverloch itself for agriculture and upkeep (which Blix fervently thanked them for on a regular basis, as well as Indraste, for bringing them to begin with), and the estate that Blix and Indy called a home away from home, along with one other individual. Recently, Blix had struck on fortune, convincing none other than Marsulu Goldmane to establish a G-Tek workshop in the township itself. It had brought extra trade to the area, and opened avenues for business, especially given both Silverloch and G-Tek’s affiliations with the duchy of Cindervale, led by Duchess Olivia Edain and her husband, Duke Lebryn Edain, in Redridge.
Vesper Oberon Thorne, the new heir apparent to the Thorne duchy and Blix’s title as ruler of Silverloch, had made his entrance to the scene roughly a year prior. Blix shuddered to recall the circumstances under which Vesper had been found - however, it had been at great reward. Still young, Vesper had just crested nineteen; as a result, Blix had not only struggled with the challenges of parenting an individual a mere nine years younger than herself, but also with teaching him how to be nobility - a skill she’d just barely managed by herself, having been born to common lineage and married pretty damn high up.
He’d done well, though, over the last year - acclimating to a new place was never easy, let alone taking on all of these burdens at once. Blix was proud - and he stood aside her, curled white hair pushed back from his eyes in a rare moment, and dressed in the closest Blix could sway him towards formalwear - a set of fresh leathers, accented with a warm shirt and a coat laid over his shoulders bearing the Thorne family colors. She looked to her adopted child, and nodded. “Ready?” she asked quietly, one brow raised.
“As I’ll ever be. You know I hate this stuff,” Vesper grumbled, and Blix snorted.
“I know.” She raised her voice, addressing those gathered.
“Citizens of Silverloch! Thank you, every one of you, for being present today. We commemorate a new dawn for Silverloch in its entirety with the completion of Cecil’s Crossing, named for our dearly departed duchess, Cecilia Thorne.”
The crowd grew silent for a moment at the mention of Cecilia’s name - Blix saw Vesper’s hands move behind his back, and she absorbed both the grief and the tension present in the crowd. Not all of them had been fond of her; after all, necromantic activity to the point of killing and raising the house staff was... frowned upon, in most minds.
“May her legacy as a ruler of peace and wit be remembered, and may this town serve as a beacon of hope and wealth for Silverloch evermore. It has been a dream of mine to establish a farming town here,” Blix continued, “and thanks to our allies in the Cenarion Circle, this may finally be accomplished. The lands are fertile, and we will have crops for the spring and summer prepared for trade - let this be a new age for not only us, but Duskwood as a whole. Darkness cannot shake our endurance or heart.”
Blix paused for a moment. “Allow me to present, with no small amount of pride - my child and heir, Lord Vesper Thorne.”
The crowd cheered as Vesper stepped forward, much to Blix’s delight. Vesper had taken a role as a servant of the people; he worked closely with the militia, cut no one from conversation, and always had an ear to pass along the street’s whispers to Blix when she couldn’t listen for herself. He was deeply loved, and Blix couldn’t help but be glad for it.
He’d make a fine ruler someday - hopefully, better than she could ever hope to be. Blix listened as Vesper addressed the crowd, brief and to the point. He was never the type for diplomacy or frilled words, as she could be - granted, that was a skill she’d learned years ago from too many days in Stormwind Keep, listening in on the House of Nobles between her own briefings.
“I’m going to be a lot less formal than the Duchess, here, um - honestly, farming isn’t my forte? But, like she said - this is a new time. We can all learn something from each other, and I promise I won’t steal any carrots. May your crops be bountiful, and... ah, have fun, I guess!”
The crowd laughed, giving their applause, and Blix shook her head with a smile. “We’ve brought in performers from all corners of Alliance territories, and a banquet is in the town hall for anyone who’s hungry!” she called. “Celebrate - and envision, with me, a brighter tomorrow for us all.”
Stepping off to the side, the crowd dispersed around Blix and Vesper as she looked to the younger human. “You did great!” she said, wrapping him in a brief hug. “I’m proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Vesper crowed, laughing as he patted Blix on the back twice before pulling back. “I’m getting better at the whole ‘future duke’ thing, I guess, but let’s not go launching friggin’ fireworks just yet. I’m gonna go find Dot, this shit makes me itchy.”
“Fine,” Blix conceded, rolling her eyes with a lopsided grin. “Home by seven! We’re doing your favorite for dinner.”
“Raw steak?” Vesper called back, already walking backwards and threatening to disappear into the throng.
“Wh - no! You’re taking after Indy too much!” Blix shouted - but Vesper had already gone.
With a snort, Blix turned, her eyes meeting a familiar pair of gold, and smiled as she held out her hand. “Let’s go join the festivities,” she said quietly. “Maybe we can say hey to your parents, if they’re here.”
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randomnameless · 4 years ago
Julius seems to get more love because he's still attractive plus the final boss, but I've noticed alot of FE4 fans tend to forget the evil brothers to the major characters, like the serenesforest wiki page for Brigid and Edain making ZERO mention of Andorey despite his plot importance to both characters.
The fuck??
Someone forgot André/Andorey/Scipio's dad???
When he's such a major player in the first Gen?
More importantly, blame it on GOT our Julius never receiving screen time, but Arvis got the plot development and build up as the boss, he is the douche who surprised your heroes. Julius is just here to trash talk his dad, make Ishtar uncomfortable in Fe5 and that's it. Lyon follows his exemple but was better developed, maybe fe8's devs thought hard about what made Julius a non entity and thought about the flashbacks and the various scenes where the twins think highly of him.
Julia is a non entity so she cannot remember her brother and Diarmuid’s more of a brother to Seliph than Julius.
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so1vitur-ambu1ando · 5 years ago
I really enjoy rereading The Silmarilion but goddamn is it sad af. Finished reading the chapter "Of the Fall of Doriath" and goddamn do the Children of Illúvatar need some fucking victories, man! Like they've suffered enough by losing pretty much the best of the Eldar and Edain! Turin definitely has the saddest story in all of The Silmarilion, poor bastard. Don't even get me started on that twatwaffle, Morgoth. Fucking hell man he's a loathsome Bastard isn't he? And then the Sons of Fëanor and their stupid Oath ruining everything. I so hope we get to see Fingolfin fighting Morgoth in the Amazon series though. That is definitely one of the most badass and epic fights in the books for sure and I want to see that on screen.
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hildorien · 6 years ago
Edain Memes
(Sees tree and says to elf) “I’ve found yor missing family.”
(Dealing with Elvish Nonsenese) “Andreth give me strength.”
“My friendship has ended with Morgoth, the Sun is our new god.”
“Our backs don’t hurt from getting old, they hurt from holding the weight of every age’s war effort on them.”
[Something goes wrong] “Morgoth”
“Don’t Túrin-it dude.”
Screen caps of Haleth, Andreth, Túrin and etc dealing with Elves and they look like:
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Or this:
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Implying elves don’t fuck
Implying elves do fuck, but the sex is horrible
Acting like Shane Madej on a ghost hunt when it comes to random magical shit: 1) sitting in a Morgoth pentagram, “Let’s go backaroo” 2) Goatman = Morgoth 3) Goes up to Orcs, “Hello demons, it’s ya boy.”
(Does something stupid or brave) “Wild card bitches.”
“I’d probably sell you to Morgoth for a corn chip.”
(Sees Blonde immortal) “oh look, the devil.” Because Sauron
Haleth, the queen of lesbians.
Elf fuckers are basically furries
“I’m gonna Húrin it.”
“You gave up paradise for fucking rocks?”
“Oh this box is empty? Just like the valar’s love for us.”
One of the groups of edain blocks the other on social media just to start drama
“I saw Húrin once, I heard he had nine pack.”
(Caption on the beorian sigil) “Defends Finrod knowing the fucking idiot don’t deserve it.”
(Caption on the Hadorian sigil) “defends the Nolofinwes knowing they don’t fucking deserve it.”
“Op looks like a walking tree mixed with a fluffy eyebrow having baby but go off I guess.”
Op is an elf claiming they are the most beautiful creatures on earth.
Starting beef with distant relatives still in the east.
(Dealing with elf nonsense) “we should have never left the east.”
“Elf-friend? No elf-enemy, square up Bitch ass.”
“The Valar? Sounds musty.”
“The Valar? I don’t know her”
“Eru can stay but your one thin ice.”
“Floppy eared fucks.”
Humans in Every Age:
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All the elves hold up in beleriand? Everywhere else in middle earth, humans: ITS FREE REAL ESTATE
Edain when they suddenly get Númenor and are now the biggest bitch in school:
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“Elves....were a mistake.”
Men when Elves suddenly start dealing with death:
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maglor: maybe...all the things we did....were wrong........and we didn't have to do them..........
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Elf fuckers be like:
The people of Haleth with Elves and Men and just about anyone:
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Beorians and Hadorians and People Of Haleth coming to beleriand and having to now deal with some elvish blood fued:
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“Eru shits in my dinner once again.”
“Ulmo for the last time we don’t speak Ocean stop sending us floods.”
“For the last time I don’t want to hear the word of the Valar.” / “But you’ll be saved.” / “There is no saving this hot price of ass.”
Eru says it’s yeet or be yeeted
“That is just how it be on this bitch of a Arda.”
Men send elves this yearly:
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silmarillionwritersguild · 5 years ago
May 2 Block Party Prompt: Hiding in Plain Sight
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Today's Block Party prompt is Hiding in Plain Sight: We all know Galadriel and Fëanor, but there are many characters who get far less screen time. Create or comment on a fanwork featuring a rare character.
As we've done in the past, we're defining a rare character as one who has five or fewer stories on our archive. There is a list of those characters on the Block Party page, and I will post it as well below the jump.
Hiding in Plain Sight: Characters with five or fewer stories on the SWG archive.
Adanel Ailinel Algund Almarian Almiel Amlach Amroth Angrim* Ar-Adunakhôr Ar-Gimilzôr Ar-Sakalthôr Aranwë Arminas Arthad* Arvedui Asfaloth Balan Baragund Barahir (Fourth Age) Baran* Belegund Belen Bereg* Beregar Berúthiel Borlach Borlad Boromir (House of Bëor) Boromir (Steward of Gondor) Boron Borthand Bregolas Bregor Cirion Ciryon Dagnir* Dairuin* Dís Dorlas Draugluin Eilinel Elendur Elentir Elmar Enel Enelyë* Enerdhil Eriol Evranin Eärendur Eärnil* Eärnur Fíriel Fuinur* Galador Galdor (Edain) Galdor of the Havens Gelmir Gereth Gethron Gilfanon Gimilkhâd Glirhuin Glóredhel Grithnir Guilin Gundor Haldad Haldan Haldar Halmir Handir Hareth Hathaldir Hathol Herucalmo Herumor* Hiril Hunleth Hunthor Ibun* Imlach* Imrahil Isilmë Isilmo Khîm* Larnach* Larnach's Daughter Lenwë Lindo* Lindórië Littleheart Lorgan Magor Son of Malach* Makar Malach* Malbeth the Seer Marach Mardil* Marhwini Meássë Meleth (Mortal)* Meneldil Meril Meril-i-Turinqi Mîm Morwë Nahar Nielíqui Númendil* Núneth Nurwë Ohtar Pallando Quennar i Onótimo Radhruin* Ragnor* Rochallor* Rúmil (Lothlórien)* Silmarien Tar-Alcarin Tar-Ancalimon Tar-Atanamir* Tar-Ciryatan Tar-Elendil Tar-Meneldur Tar-Minastir Tar-Telemmaitë Telemnar* Tevildo Théodwyn Tinfang Ulfast Ulwarth Urthel Valandil Vardamir Vëantur Yávien
*These characters are super-rare and currently have no fanworks posted on the SWG archive.
Characters from a Silmarillion-related text (like Unfinished Tales or the History of Middle-earth) who are not on the archive at all yet also count. The initial character list was built from the “Index of Names” in The Silmarillion and we add new characters by request, so if there is a character who would fit in a Silmfic but we don’t even have listed yet, she/he/they definitely count!
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inthedusksynria · 5 years ago
Chapter 1 is done!!~ below a bunch of ramblings
I LOVE ARYA HOLY SHIT SHE IS AWESOME - when she isnt filleting your army alive.  Below screen cap is my entire mood this entire fuckingchapter.
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Her and Quan convo was pretty cool. the setting of Loptyr church conspiracy is nice.
Loved the foreshadowing of how Sigurd’s kindness mixed with impulsiveness/shortsightness will eventually bite him. When saving Shanan, Oifey points out they should warn the king/explains their actions to the king regarding them protecting an Ishaavalien(a country they are at war with) prince, but Sigurd refuses since Shanan is a kid. Oifey lets it go, amazed at Sigurd kindness, but... coupling with everything else. it will set up one piece for Sigurd fall.
I also love Aideen/Edain. Really love how she wants to find her missing twin. also i couldnt save the screenshot but she also joins bc she feels her disposition is better there. (so sorry ma’am for putting you with Midir, alas Midir is way too good of a unit).
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 Pretty much everyone is a MVP. Alec, Lex, Arya, Midir, Ethlyn are rocking the heck out. And i am getting attached to the cast.
“ Villager: “There’s a dense forest jus’ north of this village. T’is called th’ ‘Spirit Forest’. I used t’live there once upon a time in a village hidden deep within th’ forest. Th’ legend goes that Saint Maira was exiled by his fellow Lopt clansmen for allying with us humans. That village is where all of Maira’s descendants holed up t’avoid persecution. While I was there, a beautiful girl named Cigyun was living under th’ village’s custody. That was due t’her bein’ th’ last remaining descendant of th’ Loputo prince. But Cigyun grew tired of th’ forest life. She up and left thus breaking village law. She returned several years later expectin’ a child. She gave birth to a little girl, but tragically didn’t survive. Apparently, the village fortune-teller took after raising the child. I wonder where the child is now… If she’s livin’ she’d be around 17 or 18 I imagine.” “ -> this one is the old translation of the village that is the biggest headache to catch. Honestly this lore dump it is highly important oh my god why they made it so hard. The moment you join it with Manfroy/boss convo in this same chapter it pains a very clear story. 
Also wow, it is very tiring to play each chapter. this one took roughly 4 hours.
would say more but damn brain is melting
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edains · 10 months ago
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markoftheasphodel · 8 years ago
For the Ӝ gender, sexuality, romance headcanon meme.
Oh boy. Here we go with Part II of Pretty Boy Knights With Sugar-and-Ice Personalities and Questionable Love Lives. Part I, Lukas, can be found here. I make a couple of references to FE15 but don’t cite the details.
This. Gets. Long. Because I feel the need to justify everything.
So. With Finn we have the challenge of dealing with a character who actually got a lot of text & development for the SNES era instead of a couple of lines, a death quote, and a character ending. We have two full games with copious screen time in each, artbook scribbles, a short story, and snippets of creator headcanon. It’s the troublesome middle ground between minor SNES characters and the fully-developed but self-contained characters of, say, FE8 or FE15, because it’s like getting handed a couple of boxes of puzzle pieces and you might have to invoke the “alternate time lines and EVERYTHING is canon!” angle from FE13&14.
gender: I still think @runespoor7​ hit the nail on the g-damn head with “dmab knight” and if you really, really want to say dfab then point out Nanna’s adopted and Finn is as smooth-cheeked at 34 as he is at 15. (I don’t recommend this because then you gotta explain why he goes as far in presenting male as he does and the argument starts devouring its own tail IMO, but I wanted to point it out). But the long and short of it is, Finn’s identity is tied to his societal role, not his gender. He’s clearly been affected by the toxic patriarchy of Jugdral, but there’s something… weird… about it all.
sexuality: I’ll just say on the front end that it’s entirely plausible that in the mind of his creators, Finn never got with anyone, and that if he didn’t exist in the context of Fire Emblem: HetFest Baby Factory 1.0, we’d be having a different conversation on him. He’s not favored to win over any of the Gen1 ladies; he has not a single lovers’ conversation with them and in fact has event conversations only with Quan (who showers him with praise and presents but we’ll get to that). Skip chronologically to Leonster’s Fall and this does not in any way appear to be a young man who’s had a romance with Lachesis or any other noble lady, nor is this on his list of priorities. He’s this earnest, awkward kid who perturbs his One Close Friend with laughing/crying jags and his priorities vacillate between taking care of Baby Leif and, um, getting himself killed. There’s a LOT of weird going on here. Skip ahead to FE5 and its vague allegations about neglecting Lachesis. Skip to Gen2 of FE4, where he is left out of the HetFest. Skip to the FE5 character ending where he… wanders around in the desert for reasons unknown.
Of course he might be looking for what’s left of Quan, the lord who treated him so very well and who spoke of Finn with his dying breath, and who is clearly the titanic figure at the center of Finn’s psyche given how his life pretty much revolves around fulfilling Quan’s dreams and avenging Quan’s death. Given it takes him 17+ years that is some dedication.
(Seventeen. Years.)
Then again, there’s the moment wherein he learns that his One Close Friend, Glade, has not in fact been dead for the last decade. Finn forgets himself and lets out an “I have to see him!” at odds with everything else in his character… which gets him an earful regarding his cold treatment of women.
Oh yes, women. By some cosmic irony, the Gen1 character who seems least interested in women nets serial cohabitation with some of the most beautiful ladies in Jugdral after everyone else is dead. The multi-year relationship with Lachesis ended on a real bad note while the three-year co-parenting adventure with Eyvel seems to have been very positive and marked by a distinct lack of communication about deep and personal things.
Oh, and yes, he’s an icebox. Basically the fall of Leonster fucked him up and the change to his emotional expression was so profound a literal three-year-old (Leif) could pick up on it. Unlike Lukas, he doesn’t appear to be particularly self-aware about how he comes across and seems genuinely surprised when Selphina rebukes him for being cold to Lachesis. [ETA: Heroes!Finn appears to be self-aware on at least some level of his emotional problems.]
I don’t think this guy is straight. As with Lukas, IMO it’s just a matter of what not-straight category you want to put him in, and I personally say “bi” because I do enjoy shipping him with Lachesis and Eyvel and would prefer not to have those ships be an actual bad-faith exercise. If I were not personally invested in shipping him with a couple of fine ladies I would probably have a more restrictive answer. Again, the original context of Finn’s existence as a character is HetFest Baby Factory 1.0, and that skews things IMO but can’t completely erase the… oddities. It’s very hard to say he’s just “too young” to be chatting up ladies in Gen1 (hello Dew) and “too old” in Gen2 (hello Oifey). TL;DR I say bisexual with his relationships affected by icebox behavior and if y’all want to argue something else there is plenty and I mean PLENTY to work with.
Also you know those dom/sub graphs? Yeah he is swimming in the bottom of the Sub Zone. No arguments.
romantic: this is much easier. Biromantic, because in spite of how not-favored he is to pair with ladies in Gen1, if you did pair him with Edain or Ayra you get a scene in Chapter 7 where he refers to the lady in question with the word “ai” for love. Even if there’s a lot of embellishment of memories of a few months from half a lifetime ago, Finn thinks he loved them. There’s also the scene in FE5 where he surprises Eyvel by waxing romantic over the memory of a certain blonde archer. There’s ALSO that scene in FE4 if you paired him with Raquesis wherein Nanna asks the “But if you loved her, then why didn’t you?” sort of question and he doesn’t answer. He gets called out on his failings with Raquesis in both games and refuses to provide a defense. But he thinks he loved women, at least those particular women.
I’m pretty damn sure he loved Quan more. He carried a torch for the guy for the next twenty years.
[ETA: After seeing him in Heroes I don’t think any other interpretation beyond “He loved Quan more than basically anything” makes any sense.]
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edains · 6 months ago
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Miranda Lawson's Armory (LE2)
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edains · 10 months ago
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edains · 10 months ago
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edains · 10 months ago
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