#mah otp
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This pic is art!
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jevthejester · 10 months
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Lazy ass thing i did for no reason but cuz i like these ships
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setoangel01 · 2 years
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Modern Zerith is life. I imagine Zack returning from deployment and taking Aerith on a much-needed vacation. Of course they would both be like big kids going to the Golden Saucer. Zack gives the best piggyback rides. ☺️
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ladyofvoss · 1 year
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Year of the OTP 2023
April - Canon Divergence
Content Warning! - Mentions of death and blood
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
She was supposed to be safe in Ishgard. It was why he had taken this risk. Had all but begged his father to give her and her companions asylum. It was why he had bound himself to her in matrimony, to give her as much protection as he could.
She was supposed to be safe.
“Did I not tell you to have faith, my friend?”
He should have seen it, Ser Zephirin perched on the parapets, readying his weapon, taking aim. 
He should have been faster, should have put himself between her and the fatal blow, even if it meant his own death.
But he wasn’t.
The spear had pierced her heart. Within a single moment, she was gone.
“Do not hesitate to call upon me, no matter the hour...”
Blood, there was so much blood. It stained the silver chainmail of his armor. It stained the stones beneath their feet. It stained the thick leather of his gloves. 
He fumbled with the clasps, bit into one of the fingers to wrench the glove off with his teeth, just to press the bare skin of his hand against her neck in the hopes, however weak it was, that he would be met with the thrum of her pulse, or the warm flush of her skin.
But she was cold. Cold and very still.
“You would truly risk life and limb for Ishgard?”
“It’s your home, isn’t it?”
I’xiris’s anguished wails still pierced the air, even as Estinien physically removed the mi’qote girl and an inconsolable Alphinaud. 
“I can....I can heal her....” “Alphinaud....”
“I can save her! Estinien please!”
Undeterred, he had carried them, literally kicking and screaming, back into the Vault.
They could not see. They were still children, they could not see....
“Aren’t you afraid, Haurche?”
“No. After all, I have you, don’t I?”
“Haurchefant....” Aymeric croaked, and over the ringing in his ears, he could hear the devastation in his voice. “Haurchefant....I......I am so sorry....”
“No....”, he pleaded. He could barely recognize his own voice, broken as it was. He couldn’t look at his friend. He couldn’t look at any of them. Not when his love, his light, his life Thalia was lying still and lifeless in his arms.
“Please. Please leave me”
Aymeric’s strangled sob was the last thing he registered before Lucia took the Lord Commander by the arm and carefully guided him away. 
“What is it?”
“Nothing. I’m just......I’m glad to have known you, Haurchefant”
“And I you, my love”
He was alone now, the air still and silent around him. Then, and only then, on the empty airship landing, did Haurchefant Greystone let out a soul wrenching cry of agony as he mourned.
In which Haurchefant Lives™ , but it all goes terribly, terribly wrong.
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im-no-jedi · 2 months
hehe… had extra paint from repainting my figure’s lips, so I decided to make Hunter’s helmet more accurate to my story 🥰😘
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look-a-draw · 1 year
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I did nothing for Valentine I’m sorry Please accept this redraw of my OTP
Happy Valentines Day~ 
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capsensislagamoprh · 4 months
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Victor slid across the ice, blades cutting feather thin lines into its fresh shine. His movements were graceful, fluid, full of possibilities. He was going to gather glamour, he would put it to good use. He would get a hold of the oracle and an interpreter. Or he'd learn Chinese. Ether way.
Gliding, arms turning out, slowly lifting towards the sky, palms arched in reverence, Victor imagined the rain of snow that kissed his skin when ever he felt a fresh dream. He drew his arms in, cupping his heart thrugh his chest, long hair flowing beside his face like a vale of silver ice. His feet arched, one over the other as he gained speed. He jumped. The spin felt natural. It landed clean. A triple. He followed it with a moments notice, a double taking him to the next step sequence. He could feel himself, face mussels and long limbs burning like cold flame. The music covered him in kisses made of dead men, there inspiration caught in the air, Victor's to interpret.
His hips bent as his back arched, toe loop step, fluid hands. Toe loop - try to be en pointe, use that toe pick - step, powerful sweeping motions as you flow that twizzle into a sit spin. Pull it into a lay-back... use your core mussels to rise into a scratch. Step sequence as you convey, emote. Use your whole body. Your face. Don't forget the grace of your line...
"VICTOR!" Yakov screamed into the void. A silver head snapped around as his blades cut a sharp C, stopping himself from continuing. Flicking his stakes as he glided towards the grumpy man, he once again wondered if he wasn't a very well hidden knocker.
"Yes, Yakov," he purred. "Something I can help you with?"
"Arch your back more. You're toe is to low, and your twizzle looked like you weren't even trying. Air, Victor! Air! Look like you're gliding yes, but you should fly!"
Victor felt his smile plaster on. "Sure, Yakov. I can do that." He could almost feel Madame Baranovskaya staring him down, telling him to not waste the dross on something bound to get him tested for sanity.
It goes like this in practice for hours. He's not ready to get off the ice. He knows he can do more. He knows he can make another rotation on his Salchow. But reality is going to gobble him up feet first if he doesn't shower, eat, and hang around people with actual imaginations.
He's not sure what to do. What he knows is that sometimes children let loose dreams. They play in the parks and on the streets. They bounce about pretending fantasies so powerful they taste like sweet cream. Umm, sweet cream. A pastries. Trubochki? Vatrushka maybe? Milk and honey, a basic thing to fey, a kin to vitamins in humans. Mother's milk, warm and welcoming. Damn. He was starving.
Walking to Primorskiy Park, Victor watched the sky, felt the cold, smelled the air, and watched his step. The shadows were trying to cling to him again, trying to warn him of something. He wasn't sure what it was, but for a moment he thought he heard someone laugh, smelled the scent of chocolate, and then it faded. Shaking his silver locks, Victor watched as children played, their screams little more than an echo at the highest end of sound.
Sitting on the frosty bench, Victor looked at the children, their parents keeping lax eyes as the water fountains played with the empty spaces. He'd got his pasties, was about to indulge in a powered sugar covered delight when - like the right hand of Madame Baranovskaya herself - came chaos and sound the likes of which he's not experienced before.
Several small dogs chased a rather large Siberian Husky right over the bench he sat, across the bag of goodies, over his entire form, with one rather enterprising spaniel slamming a muddy paw right across his forehead. It was disappointing. It was disgusting. It was shocking. It... surprised him. He hadn't been surprised since he came to the material realm. How exhilarating!
He could feel himself lift from the soul up. His insides were floating on a glowing tide of power, fueling his innate abilities. A slow, steady snow began to fall. People began to gather their children and animals. They fled to the places snow was not supposed to go. And Victor laughed.
Marvelous! What joy! What was that creature? Could he get one? He must have one! Smile brighter than the cloud covered sun, Victor rose, eyes bright with liquid delight as he whispered with glee, "I must have a chaos animal! Where do I get one?"
He'd use the computer to find a place to get a cleaner animal. One as well breed as himself, and just a much of a joy as the muddy print in the middle of his head.
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22
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midnightmah07 · 8 months
Iñaki and Emily Rudd singlehandedly making me want to draw lunami again bc of one (1) image
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lovesomehate · 2 years
Should I do a series of gifsets for my age gap ships? 🧐
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frostedpuffs · 3 months
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🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
USUALLY in sequence because it helps me make sure my chapters mesh well together. HOWEVER, for ppu, I jumped around a lot!!! which was a lot of fun but ultimately led me to have to scrap/change stuff later so for my next fic I am also going to write by sequence
🤷‍♀️What's a fic you didn't expect to be popular, but really took off?
i answered this with ppu earlier, but another fic that I didn't expect to get popular AT ALL was truthful scars, the very first ml fanfic I ever wrote. it's now considered a popular fandom "classic" which just BLOWS my mind. if anyone wants to read it do so at your own risk knowing it was written by a 17 year old who barely had a grasp on the characters' personalities LOL
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be?
🙊Your coworkers or classmates stumble across one of your fics, but don't know you're the author. Do you fess up? Or keep quiet?
answered here 💗
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
i don't know if I can pick one out of them all (mostly because my adhd has made me forget), but I will say I have a special soft spot for long comments that go into depth about why they like what I wrote. i love all comments of course, but those really stick with me. and of course YOUR comments akari, I love reading them so much <3
here are some of my favorites from ppu chapter 39 :)
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of course i've loved ALL the comments I've received and I never ever delete any of them, I hoard them all in my inbox so I can reread them whenever I want. I've been doing this for years. i mean it when I say I hoard them
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9xyzt · 5 months
should i draw mah yaoi and yuri otps for valentines day
@eientewi @rabbitsdontstarve @smushymouse
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tinyevelyn · 1 month
ChameleonKitty my new otp AUGH
they're not much but i do love them, and i love mah boi💖💖💖
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im-no-jedi · 2 months
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funny modding update. I have to wait for the green stuff to dry before moving on to the other shoe, so I’m stuck in this position for a few hours. Hunter is trying to give me moral support; babe, I need physical support rn ROFL
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cadybear420 · 5 months
Happy Valentine's Day, here are some headcanons of my Choices/Pixelberry OTPs' favorite assets of each other
Ideally I'd make some edits for this holiday and I still might, but there are also a lot of edits I'm working on lol. So have these headcanons for now. Prepare to meet some familiar MCs/pairings as well as a couple of new ones that I haven't talked about a lot!
Evie x Aiden (OG HSS)
Evie: She likes just about all of Aiden. His hair, his eyes, his lips, his lean stomach, his chest, his waist, his hips, his thighs. But probably what she gives the most attention to is his sculpted ass. She's a major ass woman.
Aiden: His personal favorite is Evie's nose as it reminds him of how close she is to him, as stated in the game's canon in the premium carriage ride scene. But what he's most attracted to in my opinion is definitely her chiseled abs and especially her taut muscular biceps and slightly roughened hands. He tends to be most fascinated by hands and arms, and the fact that she's buff especially drives him wild.
Cher x Ajay (HSS:CA)
Cher: Is a big fan of Ajay's ass (fun fact, I can have MC comment on liking his "hot butt" in their premium prom scene in the canon game). But is also an especially big fan of his hourglass figure. She also appreciates his hair quite a bit.
Ajay: All of her face probably, but most especially her eyes.
Jordan x Julian (HSS Prime)
Jordan: Julian's hips (Payton comments on how he has the hips for dancing bachata in Prime so yeah). Cue Julian being surprised at someone who is attracted to an asset of him that isn't his muscles.
Julian: Jordan's muscles. She's the "ridiculously jacked for a nerd under her sweater" trope and that definitely catches his interest.
Jo x Lucas (ILITW)
Jo: Her favorite feature has to be his slender waist, long legs, and overall twinkish figure. Though the LucASS is a very close second. The gel-slicked hair, glasses, old-fashioned and body-hugging dress styles, and his face are just the cherry on top.
Lucas: Initially he can't decide and just says all of her. But in the end, he'd have to go with her hands. And her smile.
Harper/Addison x Tom (ILB)
Harper/Addison: All of him. Just all of his lean-muscle twinkish figure. Okay, her particular favorites would have to be his chest, belly, and thighs, but really they love all of his figure.
Tom: He can't decide.
Cedric x Jocelyn (ILW)
Cedric: Easily Jocelyn's abs. IIRC, Joss is also implied to be tall both in ILITW and in ILW, so I think he'd find that pretty hot too.
Jocelyn: Either his ass or his nipples (she's given these features quite a bit of extra attention in their smut scenes).
Peggy x Tyler (MAH)
Peggy: Tyler's ass, no contest. Given Tyler is a track runner, after all.
Tyler: He can't decide. Probably her lips? Or her arms?
Lew x Liam (TRR)
Lew: Liam's Royal Posterior, AKA his Perfect Royal Backside (both of these are descriptions used in in-game dirty thirty scenes), as well as his fairly hourglassy figure. Particularly his wide hips.
Liam: All of Lew.
Dick x Peg (DLS)
Dick: Almost all of Peg but especially her muscles.
Peg: Almost all of Dick but especially his ass.
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evanatsuhi · 9 months
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mah otp
can you leave me alone this is actually a really sensitive time for me right now.
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sugar-autumn · 1 year
Fandom Side Blogs:
Bluey: @i-slipped-on-ma-beans
Bugsnax: @anxious-gaymer
Centaurworld: @i-dont-know-him
Cuphead: @henchdevildice-enthusiast
Dead End: @barney-x-logs-is-otp
Inside Job: @your-mental-health-with-a-kodak
Luca: @chemicals-in-the-water
ODDTAXI: @sekiyano-and-imanaka-enjoyer
Ok K.O.: @aroace-ko
The Owl House: @this-is-mah-grave
Welcome Home: @normal-about-wally-darling
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