#ed seymour
londonedge · 2 years
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Shoreditch stickers with tribute to spray paint creator, Ed Seymour
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confused-disaster32 · 2 months
me when I like a character too much and start self projecting (they're now either trans, queer, autistic or all of the above)
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sixaus-meaa · 27 days
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Six The Musical as Tweets pt51
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latchkeyart · 8 months
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nofatclips · 1 year
You Look Good To Me by The Oscar Peterson Trio, live in Amsterdam
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calliemity · 7 months
okay actually no the world will be ready for my no-op transfem seymour krelborn headcanon. literally nothing changes physically, no wardrobe change or new name, shes just a woman now. audrey is also transfem and they kiss on the mouth
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lumiilys · 6 months
Gentlebeard little shop of horrors au send post
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domusinluna · 2 years
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Loving this almanack by design legends Milton Glaser, Ed Sorel and Seymour Chwast, 1955
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rednuzlockeaskblog · 1 month
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WELCOME TO THE TEAM, SEYMOUR! If anything bad happens to him I will kill everyone and then myself (literally, it's in the rules) Seymour is now available to receive questions! Hopefully, I won't take over a week for the next page :' )
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theclassymike · 7 months
The Official Trailer for new movie Irish Wish starring Lindsay Lohan, Ed Speleers and Alexander Vlahos coming to Netflix March 15, 2024!
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Irish Wish (12): Bejesus. Irish Buses are accomodating, so they are.
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of "Irish Wish". #IrishWish. Lindsay Lohan in a sadly predictable rom-com set in Co. Wicklow. 2/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “Irish Wish” (2024). I mean… I could have predicted that “Irish Wish” was going to be a “MISS” with me, almost before it started. A rom-com with Lindsay Lohan; a magical wish-giving Saint Brigid; an American in rural Ireland; directed by the person responsible for Lohan’s “Falling For Christmas”. The signs were on the wall. And… I was right. Bob the Movie Man…
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almond-milk-man · 1 year
…what would everyone think if i made a little shop of horrors nygmob au???
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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W a t c h e d
This is first time I've watched this in adulthood, this movie is fucking beautiful. Colorful neon streets, the villains are in incredible Technicolor, but also had that 1940-50s mob movie noir style.
It's a goddamn art piece. The matte painting backgrounds, the lighting, the insanely beautifully made character makeups for the mobsters.
There are so many old school character actors mixed with contemporary guys like Pacino etc. And then you have brilliant Dick Van Dyke as a crooked character!
I'll even go out on a limb and say even Madonna was excellent!
It's a cleverly built movie, beautiful visuals, unbelievably beautiful makeup.
It's a treasure!
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sixaus-meaa · 1 month
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Six The Musical as Messages pt16
(special edition: the Six Kids)
Mary / Liz / Ed / Hank / Mae
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Meddling Kids IIII
WARNING! Please do not read this if you're sensitive to topics such as attempted SA, EDs, underage drinking, drug use, etc. This work is NOT recommended for anyone triggered by those things. My writing does NOT work to normalize or romanticize any of these things whatsoever. That is not what I stand for, so do not take that message when you read this.
This involves themes and characters from both Bully/Canis Canem Edit and both Manhunt games. Please enjoy at your own risk.
“Stay still, moron,” Gary ordered, biting his tongue as he carefully painted JImmy’s face.
“Mhm,” Jimmy hummed, stiffening the muscles in his face.
Edward was in the adjoined bathroom, puking his guts out. Jimmy thought it must’ve been the nerves, or maybe Edward was indulging in his disordered eating habits again. Hearing it was a disgusting gag, retch, hurl, gag, retch, hurl. Gary had held back his gagging listening. Jimmy couldn’t help but feel awful for the senior.
“There, done,” Gary leaned back, showing Jimmy his reflection in a mirror.
“Nice,” The ginger nodded.
Edward spat into the toilet one last time, flushing down the expelled contents of his stomach. He put on a dark hoodie and some jeans. He made sure to spray on cologne to hide the awful smell of vomit on him.
“Ok, come on. We have to go now,” Edward told the younger students, shoving them out of his bedroom, through the hall, and out of the front door into the snowy night.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” Gary hissed, hugging himself as they began their walk out of the parking lot and down the road.
Snowflakes fluttered around them, creating a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere. Jimmy looked back down, watching the ground for unsalted patches of ice. He’d busted his ass enough times to check his surroundings. The night only made it harder for him to do this. Everything looked glossy under the streetlights, a spooky winter wonderland.
Ed interrupted the silence.
“I’m gonna set a few things straight with you two, alright?’ He asked, glancing back.
He and Gary nodded.
“Do not start shit with anybody. You don’t know what anyone in there is capable of doing. Keep your mouths shut and don’t stare,”
They listened, their guard set up now that they’d passed the threshold into New Coventry.
“Do not take anything from anyone but me. Drugs, drinks, and even cigarettes don’t take them. And if you’re gonna drink, watch them. Keep your hand over the top of your cup, and if one of you has to leave, don’t go back to that drink.” Edward said.
“Wouldn’t that be a waste?’ Gary raised a brow.
“A waste of what? Daterape drugs? Come on, Smith, I know you didn't fall off Debutante that hard,” Edward snapped, “last but not least, stay together and keep your phones on,”
Jimmy and Gary nodded again. The pair were nervous, glancing around as they followed Edward into an alleyway and down the staircase on what looked like an abandoned subway. They approached a steel door, vibrations of electronic music shaking the floor and echoing down the chasm. Two tall skull-painted bouncers stood at the door, looking at Ed, then at them.
“They’re with me,” Ed said.
The men looked at one another before one opened the door and allowed them in.
Entering the Devil’s Lounge, the overpowering scent of weed and sweat hit Jimmy like a freight train. Loud music and drunks all around them. The red and purple strobe lights made it so difficult to see. Jimmy reached out, brushing Gary’s arm. The brunette instantly took his hand, squeezing tight as Jimmy weaved them through the rowdy crowd.
“Look, I’ll be asking around. You two stay out of trouble!” Edward shouted over the music.
“Alright!” Jimmy hollered back, watching as the prefect disappeared into the crowd.
Jimmy and Gary moved around, looking for anyone suspicious. Wandering hands from intoxicated strangers pawed at the boys, and they did their best to swat them away.
“Fuck off! That’s my boyfriend!” Jimmy hollered to some random girl.
Gary lost his breath, nearly laughing. But thankful that Jimmy would cover up for him.
“You wanna drink!?” Gary yelled over the music.
“Sure thing!”
“Alright! I think the bar is this way!” Gary pointed, dragging Jimmy behind him.
They sat down at the bar, and Gary ordered two drinks for them. The pair watched as the bartender pulled his tricks.
Edward walked upstairs to a door guarded by another skull-faced man and golden bars. They made eye contact. The man allowed him entry.
Inside were people that shouldn't even have business in New Coventry itself. Ed recognized Mr. Spencer, Mr. Hattrick, Officer Morrisson, and high-ranking state government officials. It wasn't like anyone could tell because they weren't better than the other person. They were all in the same ring of rich scum bullshit, all by choice.
Ed had made his way around the room, getting bubbly and talkative with those he suspected. He was disappointed upon realizing they were too high or dumb to give a good answer.
“C’mere pretty boy, we need to talk,” A raspy voice said.
Ed looked to see his dealer looming over him, practically breathing down his neck.
“Yes, sir,” He nodded.
Downstairs, Jimmy and Gary had downed two more drinks. Their buzz now began to set in. The pair lounged on a couch with one another, snickering as they made dirty jokes. Gary had made himself at home on Jimmy’s lap, keeping their boyfriend facade up to ward off creeps. Jimmy leaned his head back, scanning the room for a moment.
“Hey- isn’t that the defense attorney?” Gary pointed.
“Huh? Holy shit,” Jimmy sat up, wide-eyed.
“I’m gonna talk to him,” Gary slurred, standing as he made his way to the man.
“Wait!” Jimmy called, fumbling after the taller teenager.
“Hey, you!” Gary confronted, standing over the defense attorney.
“What kid?” The man growled.
“You know anything about that missing girl!?” He asked loudly.
“What’s it to you?”
“She’s my friend,”
“I don’t give a shit who she was to you, you little punk,”
“Excuse me?” Gary hollered.
“You’re excused the fuck out of my face, you brat!” The defense attorney snapped.
Gary went to slap him, but Jimmy yanked him back. The shorter boy pulled him away from the man’s table and stopped him.
“Do you not remember the rule, Gary? Don't start shit with people here!” Jimmy scolded.
“That guy was asking for it!” He argued.
“That doesn’t mean you need to deliver!” Jimmy snarled.
“Wait, where is Ed?” Gary asked, “He’s been gone for a while.
They broke away, storming through people and calling Ed’s name. They checked the bar, lounge, pole dancing area, and entrance. Jimmy pulled out his phone, struggling to open the Nokia before punching in ed’s number. Anxiety hung above them as they waited for an answer, but it went to voicemail. Gary tried calling Ed as well but got the same results. The two spammed his phone, panicking amongst each other.
“Get off of me!” Ed yelled, writhing underneath the man.
“Stop it!” The man growled, attempting to pin Edward’s arms above his head again.
Edward struggled, trying to fight off his drug dealer. His face and torso had smears of his face paint. Alcohol and weed hung on the adult's breath as he attempted to force himself on Edward again. But the man endured a powerful kick to the gut and a hard shove.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Edward screamed as he ran out of the room and back down the stairs.
Ed hadn’t even bothered to find Jimmy and Gary, much less put his top back on or get his phone as he ran out into the snow again.
Tears ran down his face as he wandered around, shivering with his arms crossed over his chest. He needed to call Seth. He needed to get the hell out of here.
Edward approached a payphone, choking up as he put in a few quarters and picked up the phone to dial Seth’s number.
“Ugh, what the fuck? Who is this?” Seth asked in a groggy voice.
“Seth, please, please come get me,” Edward wailed.
“What happened?”
“I almost got raped!” Edward yelled, breaking down into loud, violent sobs.
“It’s ok. I’ll be there. Where are you?” Seth asked, shuffling around.
“New Coventry,” Edward stuttered.
“I got you, don't worry. I’ll be there in five minutes.” Seth told him before hanging up.
Edward sat shivering in the call box as he dialed Jimmy’s number.
“Edward! Where the fuck are you!? Are you ok?” Jimmy yelled.
“I’m fine. Just get the fuck out of there, Jimmy. NOW.” Edward told him before hanging up.
As promised, Seth pulled up in his car five minutes later. Edward ran over, slamming the passenger door shut as he got in. His skin had become red and irritated from the weather. His once neatly combed brown hair was in a wild, snowflake-covered mess. Seth took a reckless U-turn, veering back to campus.
“You heard him. Let’s bounce,” Jimmy said, pulling Gary as they shoved their way out of the club.
The two boys ran down the streets, not stopping to look behind them or even watch for ice. Something was deeply wrong, and they knew it. By the time they had reached the dorms, their throats burned, and their feet were on fire. They stumbled off to their respective rooms, cold and spooked.
Jimmy lay in bed, thinking of what had happened to make Edward freak out like that.
As soon as he parked his car, Ed grabbed onto his friend and started sobbing again. Seth wrapped his arms around him, rubbing Edwards’s back to comfort him. They stayed like that for a while, Seth listening as Edward recalled the events between monstrous sobs. Seth pulled his sweatshirt over Ed as he led him inside the prefect dorms.
“Please, I can't sleep alone tonight,” Edward croaked.
“Lay down with me then. It’s ok,” The ginger assured.
Seth kicked off his slippers, crawling back into his bed, Ed joining beside him. They held one another, listening to each other’s breathing. Tears stained Seth’s pajamas, but he wasn’t upset about it. He knew well of Edward’s promiscuous behavior, but it didn’t warrant something as vicious as this. Thinking about it made Seth’s blood boil over.
“Thank you,” Edward sniffled.
“It’s ok,” Was all Seth could think to say in response.
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
Sequels have to walk a tightrope of meeting expectations set by the original while offering more than a rehash of the same plot. Your deadicated hosts see how RETURN OF THE FLY (1959, Bernds) fares with this balancing act!
The films stars Brett Halsey, David Frankham and, returning from the original, Vincent Price.
Editor's Note: Throughout the episode, Ben mistakenly says "Bill Nye" when describing the make up effects. Bill Nye is the science guy; Ben meant to refer to Ben Nye, the head of make up at 20th Century Fox at the time of this film. Apologies!
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 16:35; Discussion 25:18; Ranking 38:06
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