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pixleddisplay · 6 months ago
Ultra high indoor transparent screen in Nanjing, China.
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chalupaconspiracy · 2 months ago
At the risk of sounding on high horse, those of you who can't stomach politics but want to make change in the world, have you considered early childhood education?
It's definitely no picnic, low wages, lots of burnout. But!
You make such a difference in people's lives.
Children are mirrors that reflect their surroundings. If you show them love, compassion, kindness, and respect, it will come radiating out of them like the son.
I don't have children of my own (thank god), but I've laid the foundation for over one hundred and fifty kids to be good humans.
The first five years of life are some of the most important in a person's development.
( source: https://www.unicef.org/parenting/child-development/most-important-phase-life-class)
If you are sick and tired of grownups, kids are a breath of fresh air. Watching them work out conflicts, find solutions, overcome obstacles, is heartwarming. Now can my students be mean and nasty as hell? For sure! But we can learn from that. We talk about "it's okay to feel angry. It's not okay to hurt someone." and "You can ask for what you need, and people will help."
You don't have to go door to door, phonebanking, listen to NPR politics twice a day to make a difference in the future.
You can start small.
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mariacallous · 10 months ago
Last month, US president Joe Biden signed a surveillance bill enhancing the National Security Agency’s power to compel US businesses to wiretap communications going in and out of the country. The changes to the law have left legal experts largely in the dark as to the true limits of this new authority, chiefly when it comes to the types of companies that could be affected. The American Civil Liberties Union and organizations like it say the bill has rendered the statutory language governing the limits of a powerful wiretap tool overly vague, potentially subjecting large swaths of corporate America to warrantless and secretive surveillance practices.
In April, Congress rushed to extend the US intelligence system’s “crown jewel,” Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The spy program allows the NSA to wiretap calls and messages between Americans and foreigners abroad—so long as the foreigner is the individual being “targeted” and the intercept serves a significant “foreign intelligence” purpose. Since 2008, the program has been limited to a subset of businesses that the law calls “electronic communications service providers,” or ECSPs—corporations such as Microsoft and Google, which provide email services, and phone companies like Sprint and AT&T.
In recent years, the government has worked quietly to redefine what it means to be an ECSP in an attempt to extend the NSA’s reach, first unilaterally and now with Congress’ backing. The issue remains that the bill Biden signed last month contains murky language that attempts to redefine the scope of a critical surveillance program. In response, a coalition of digital rights organizations, including the Brennan Center for Justice to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is pressing the US attorney general, Merrick Garland, and the nation’s top spy, Avril Haines, to declassify details about a relevant court case that could, they say, shed much-needed light on the situation.
In a letter to the top officials, more than 20 such organizations say they believe the new definition of an ECSP adopted by Congress might “permit the NSA to compel almost any US business to assist” the agency, noting that all companies today provide some sort of “service” and have access to equipment on which “communications” are stored.
“Deliberately writing overbroad surveillance authorities and trusting that future administrations will decide not to exploit them is a recipe for abuse,” the letter says. “And it is entirely unnecessary, as the administration can—and should—declassify the fact that the provision is intended to reach data centers.”
The Justice Department confirmed receipt of the letter on Tuesday but referred WIRED to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which has primary purview over declassification decisions. The ODNI has not responded to a request for comment.
It is widely believed—and has been reported—that data centers are the intended target of this textual change. Matt Olsen, the assistant US attorney general for national security, appeared on an April 17 episode of the Lawfare podcast to say that, while unable to confirm or deny any specifics, data centers today store a significant amount of communications data and are an “example” of why the government viewed the change as necessary.
A DOJ spokesperson pointed WIRED to an April 18 letter by Garland that claims the new ECSP definition is “narrowly tailored.” The letter includes written reflections on the provision by the assistant attorney general, Carlos Uriarte, who writes that the “fix” is meant to address a “critical intelligence gap” resulting from changes in technology over the past 15 years. According to Uriarte, the DOJ has committed to applying the new definition internally “to cover the type of service provider at issue” before the court.
Ostensibly this means the government is promising to limit future surveillance directives to data centers (in addition to the companies traditionally defined as ECSPs).
The surveillance court that oversees FISA and the appeals court that reviews its decisions sided two years ago with an unidentified company that fought back after being served an NSA order. Both courts ruled that it did not, in fact, appear to meet the criteria for being considered an ECSP, as only part of its function was storing communications data. Finding the government’s interpretation of the statute overly broad, the court reminded the government that only Congress has the “competence and constitutional authority” to rewrite the law.
Digital rights groups argue that declassifying additional information about this FISA case may help the public understand which types of businesses are actually subject to NSA directives. Practically speaking, they say, that information is no longer a secret anyway. “Declassifying this information would cause little if any national security harm,” the letter says. “The New York Times has already revealed that the relevant FISC case addressed data centers for cloud computing.”
In the aftermath of the FISA court’s ruling, the NSA and other spy agencies began lobbying the House and Senate intelligence committees to aid the administration in redefining what it means to be an ECSP. Members of both committees have subsequently portrayed the court’s ruling as a “directive” that Congress needs to expand the NSA’s reach. In a floor speech last month, Mark Warner, the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said, “So what happened was, the FISA Court said to Congress: You guys need to close this loophole; you need to close this and change this definition.”
But in fact what the court asserted was that the government had exceeded its authority and that it was Congress’ job, not the Justice Department’s, to revise the law. “Any unintended gap in coverage revealed by our interpretation is, of course, open to reconsideration by the branches of government whose competence and constitutional authority extend to statutory revision,” the court said.
This would culminate in new language being proposed that quickly alarmed legal experts, including top civil liberties attorneys who’ve appeared before the secret court in the past. The surveillance fears quickly spread to Silicon Valley. The Information Technology Industry Council, one of the tech industry's top lobbying arms, warned that companies like Facebook and IBM were interpreting the bill as having “vastly expanded the US government’s warrantless surveillance capabilities.”
This expansion, the firm added, would also hinder the “competitiveness of US technology companies” and arguably imperil the “continued global free flow of data between the US and its allies.” Customers internationally, it argued, would likely begin taking their business elsewhere should the US government turn data centers into surveillance watering holes.
Concerns about the new ECSP definition have been circulating since December. While largely dismissing them, members of the House and Senate intelligence committees made a few adjustments in February, exempting a handful of business types. This came in response to popular concerns that Starbucks employees and hotel IT staff might be secretly conscripted by the NSA. FISA experts such as Marc Zwillinger—a private attorney who has appeared twice before the FISA Court of Review—noted in response to those adjustments that Congress’ rush to exempt a handful of businesses only served to demonstrate that the text was inherently too broad.
Intelligence committee members kept the pressure on lawmakers to reauthorize the Section 702 program with the sought-after language, going as far as to suggest that another 9/11-style attack might occur if they failed. The power of the committees was on full display, as while neither actually have primary jurisdiction over FISA, a majority of the Section 702 bill that passed was authored by intelligence committee staff.
Even while supporting the new framework and dismissing the intensity of civil society’s concerns, Warner did eventually step forward to acknowledge the new ECSF definition needed additional tweaking. First, on the Senate floor in April, he said that Garland shared his “view” that the language “could have been drafted better.” Later, in response to questions from reporters, he added: “I’m absolutely committed to getting that fixed.”
That appears unlikely to happen soon. According to The Record, Warner indicated that the best time to update the language again would be in the “next intelligence bill,” presumably referring to legislation this fall broadly reauthorizing the intelligence community’s work.
In the meantime, however, more than half of Congress is running for election, and the next US president will have greater surveillance powers than any other before. No one can say for sure who that president will be or how they’ll make use of that authority.
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roloflop · 1 year ago
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ECSP getting ready for a race!
(ECSP is on twitter, they make games and draw unique poly dragons)!
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postsofbabel · 2 months ago
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0 notes
ginnysmoonstone · 2 months ago
food anxiety cw
i do so good w my food anxiety until the horrors of storage arise. like i want my own house more than anything so i can have my own fridge and freezer. i have fish fingers on rn which is fine and dandy but why were they put right next to raw meat ecsp with the box open...
the 0 to 100 stress is so fucking annoying and i'm literally having to try not to cry when yes realistically they will probably be fine to eat but my mind is just focused on the 'what if'. i've made so much progress and i'm glad but these moments are still frustrating and the fact the only way to improve is to just sit with that discomfort and uncertainty is so annoying
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UN Bias Against Christians Exposed Heart patient Talib Masih hasn't seen his children in 12 years. Others jump the line as Masih & fellow Pakistani refugees wait for years to gain UN resettlement. The ECSPE's Farrukh Saif shares the details.
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fondsinformation · 1 year ago
Exporo-Projekt mit 8 Prozent Rendite
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Exporo hat am 27.12.2023 ein erstes Projekt mit ECSP-Lizenz auf den Markt gebracht. Die Investition durch Schwarmfinanzierung wird mit 8 Prozent Rendite angeboten. Exporo mit erstem ECSP-Projekt Exporo startete am 27.12.2023 sein erstes ECSP-Projekt. Bei dem Investmentprojekt handelt es sich um einen Logistik- und Solarpark in Vilshofen an der Donau. Dafürist eine attraktive und endfällige Rendite von 8,0 % p. a. kalkuliert. Ein weiteres ECSP-Projekt wird bereits vorbereitet und zeitnah starten. Welche Bedeutung hat die ECSP-Verordnung für Anleger? Die Europäische Union erließ am 07. 10. 2021 die Verordnung (EU) 2020/1503 für „European Crowdfunding Service Provider” (ECSP) (auch Schwarmfinanzierungsverordnung, „SF-VO“ oder ECSP-Verordnung bezeichnet). Mit dieser Verordnung will die EU einen europäische Rahmen schaffen, um kleineren und mittelständischen Unternehmen den Zugang zu Kapital zu erleichtern. Diesen Vorteil sollen auch Projektentwickler - beispielsweise für Projekte im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien und Immobilien - und Schwarmfinanzierungsdienstleister genießen. Damit gibt es für Plattformen wie Exporo europaweit einheitlich Regulierungen. Die EU verspricht sich von der ESCP-Verordnung, dass die Märkte von insgesamt 27 Mitgliedstaaten für alle offen sind und zudem auch der Anlegerschutz gestärkt wird. ECSP-Projekt Logistik- und Solarpark Vilshofen an der Donau Das neue Exporo-Projekt bietet Anlageinteressierten in 27 europäischen Mitgliedsstaaten die Chance, sich ab 500 Euro anteilig an dem Projekt zu beteiligen. Die Beteiligungen sind nicht mehr auf den deutschen Markt begrenzt. Dadurch können Schwarmfinanzierungsdienstleister mittelfristig eine größere Bandbreite an Beteiligungen anbieten. Für das Projekt Logistik- und Solarpark Vilshofen an der Donau ist eine Minimallaufzeit bis 30. 04. 2025 und eine Maximallaufzeit bis 15. 05. 2026 geplant. Bis zu diesen Terminen wird das Investment der Exporo-Anleger voll verzinst. Bei nicht fristgerechter Rückzahlung zum geplanten Laufzeitende stehen den Anlegern zusätzlich Verzugszinsen in Höhe von 4 % p. a. zu. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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idontlikeitgere · 3 years ago
@ FanFiction writers can i just have o n e fanfiction that includes periods and it's not a kink?
Blz i just want some pain comfort bleazeeeee
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jobupdatepk · 3 years ago
Engineering Consultancy Services Punjab Jobs 2021| ECSP Lahore Jobs 2021 Advertisement
Engineering Consultancy Services Punjab Jobs 2021| ECSP Lahore Jobs 2021 Advertisement
Engineering Consultancy Services Punjab has announced the latest 40+ job Posts for Account Officer, Assistant Director, Accountant, Computer Operator, Auditor, Assistant Private Secretary, and other posts. Interested Candidates can apply for Latest Engineering Consultancy Services Punjab Jobs 2021 before 25-10-2021. ECSP Lahore requires Qualified, highly talented, and self-motivated Pakistani…
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doriansapprentice · 4 years ago
Quiet night in
Ship: Bryce Lahela x Remy Miles
Words: 832
Warning: None
Disclaimer: All characters belongs to Pixelberry
A/N: A sweet Valentine story 😘 @eleanorbloom Another Bryce fic for you to read 😉 @choicesficwriterscreations I like this to be part of the fics of the week 😄 @choicesfebchallenge I am a bit late. Day 14 Valentine
Remy waved as the gang messy and loudly try to grab all their stuff and headed out the apartment door one at the time. Elijah were the last one out as he rolled to the living room grabbing his bag behind the couch, and turn to his room mate.
" You sure you do not want to come Remy? It will not be as fun without you." The doctor asked for about the ten time this evening.
The other doctor rolled his eyes but still gave him a smile, Eliajh and the others meant well, they always did. Tho Remy were tired of feeling pressure to go out clubing. A dinner were fine as it were the squad and maybe some of the surgeons or Raphael. But he got anixety and felt akward and out of places as they got to dance or just drink. It were just so much pressure being surronded by many people he did not know and constantly thinking how to talk and react to everything. At a dinner he did not feel as much pressure to talk and he could just listen opposite to getting drunk, and have to play drink games and watch the social cue changes.
" I am. Go have fun."
Eliajh snickered and rolled out the door who Sienna held up, teasingly shouted at Remy.
" Go is maybe not the greatest word for me!"
The freckled doctor snickered and looked how Elijah clumsy flirted with Phoebe and Sieena looked like her OTP became canon, before he shut and locked the door. The second he did, Remy grinned pleased over having the apartment all to himself all night, cause the gang would probaly come home in the middle of the night.
So the doctor put hot milk on the stove and mix in some cocoa powder and turn on the heat. While waiting for it to boil up he jumped out of his pants, and put on a couple of knee long knitted socks and moved out of his formal shirt to put on his cozy long sleeved ones. When it were halfway over his head and shoulder Remys blue eyes looked how the milk foamed and nearly poured over the saucepan. The doctor grabbed the handle and moved it aside and by some miracle he manged not to drop it as the long sleeved shirt blocked his sight slightly.
After a couple of minutes Remy had chopped vegetables and made a dip, and microwaved popcorn and grabbed several bags of capri sun, balance it all to table in the living room. Tho depiced his efforts he had to make two rounds to get the hot chocolate. Now he put on Disney plus and cuddle down in the couch. Ruffling his messy red hair to the side, liking how it settles even tho it happen when he had not shower for a long.
" Hey freckles!" Remy fliched holding the warm cup and his blue eyes turned dark and wide eyed when he looked upon Bryce outside the window on the fire ecspe. The surgeons else perfect hair were now covered in snow and the tip of his nose and ears were red, making Remy wonder how long he had stood there. Bryce grinned as Remy open the window. " Ooo a disney movie, I like that Cutie."
The freckled doctor blushed of cold when snow plowed in, and of the fact Bryce saw him in his boxershorts.
" Why are you out in the snow? You could get a cold. And why are you only in a jumper and scarf? And without a toque? Why would you not go to the door."
Bryce only grin as his newly boyfriend brushed away the snow of him.
" It were suppose to be romantic. Then it start snowing. So it got more romantic...for about fourty five minutes when your squad finally left. Now I am cold. But the champange is cold and the smoked scrimps had not changed." Bryce being as bubbly as the champange, tho it faded as he saw Remys sad blue eyes.
" I am sorry." Remy ruffled his hair looking away. " You probaly wanted to go out and do something grand on Valentines day, and I did not contact you. I just wanted to find a small restaurant where we could be a bit private first...but I looked to late and it were all book up... so I just assumed you would go with somebody else. I am just so bad at..." Remys rambled were shut with a sweet kiss.
" Remy. Its okay. I do not need a grand valentines evening out. Being home with you. Eating and watching a disney movie..." Bryce sweetly ruffled his hair. " That is as grand as it can be."
So the rest of the evening the doctor and the surgeon cuddle in the couch and when the squad came home they had doze of. Sienna try to muffle her happy screams as he snapped a picture of the cute boys.
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byler-charms · 3 years ago
i think robin and max will become friends/closer friends ecsp if they are hanging in a group with dustin and steve
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akmathur-blog1 · 6 years ago
ECSP – EC-council Certified Secure Programmer
Software defects, bugs, and flaws in the logic of the program are consistently the cause for software vulnerabilities. Analysis by software security professionals has proven that most vulnerabilities are due to errors in programming. Hence, it has become crucial for organizations to educate their software developers about secure coding practices. more info visit here http://www.handsonweb.com/ajayseo/ecsp-ec-council-certified-secure-programmer.html
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khulumaafrikaspeakafrica · 2 years ago
KASAPA Society
<div class=”ecsp ecsp-SingleProduct-v2 ecsp-Product ec-Product-520098434″ itemtype=”http://schema.org/Product&#8221; data-single-product-id=”520098434″><div class=”ecsp-title” itemprop=”name” style=”display:none;” content=”KASAPA Membership Packages”></div><div customprop=”addtobag”></div></div>https://app.ecwid.com/script.js?83363543&data_platform=singleproduct_v2<script…
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favoritus · 3 years ago
<div class="ecsp ecsp-SingleProduct-v2 ecsp-SingleProduct-v2-bordered ecsp-SingleProduct-v2-centered ecsp-Product ec-Product-433037827" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product" data-single-product-id="433037827"><div itemprop="image"></div><div class="ecsp-title" itemprop="name" content="Livro AMAR EM BAGOS DOURO de Joao Pires"></div><div itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer" itemscope…
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yasashidemons · 6 years ago
"..." A loud huff ecsped him before his hand was grabbing the crotch of the other hard without caring to hurt him while he was pouting badly. "No 5 minutes, you fuck. You will only sleep the whole day like a pregnant woman who can't move... Wait..." Is Kimihiro sweating hard as fuck right now bc he hopes that the isn't possible? yeee."
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Lee sat up in pain, wildly kicking around as a reflex. “Jesus fucking christ!” He yelled out. “All I want is just some fucking sleep after being awake for almost three days!” 
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