felixschokehold · 8 months
Hi, I am going to be annoying and give a reminder that there IS a Discord Server for The Volturi! You can join here.
I see tumblr is worried about an apocalypse and while I'm not super active blogging recently I still want to extend a place where Volturi lovers can unite. We have a little over 20 people and this IS an 18+ ONLY BLOG.
It is nice and organized and I may turn on "Community" mode so you can customize which channels you want to see.
I know Discord is a little scary to try to navigate at first but we are all very welcoming and it's a lot more simple than you think (if you don't use it). I hope to see you there!
EDIT: This is for EVERYONE! Even if we aren't mutuals or have ever talked, join! And it'd be very helpful if this is reblogged so it can reach more people <3
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kazachi69 · 1 year
make a side-cult for sun and moon lovers
I'm putting that shit deep underground, past the bedrock, but don't dig straight down, you'll regret that... (Yeah, they're moving to the nether)
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maudiemoods · 1 year
heyo! i was recently thinking about bmos and suddenly i had an idea!
what would a reverse version look like? for example: Y/n would be an Alien that came to earth for x reason and while they was distracted or busy with something far from the ship Sun and Moon found it. Maybe Moon was the first to enter out of curiosity and then Sun just followed him!! and then when Y/n returned and took off in the ship, they found them inside as bustles, but they couldn't return them home... so they would have to take care of the pair of humans (of whom he probably doesn't know much if not nothing) while that these have adventures discovering space and life in it...
I tried to imagine a role for Ecplipse and although it doesn't make sense this is what I have: maybe when he finds out what happened he interprets it as Y/n kidnapping Sun and Moon on purpose, so he manages to steal a ship of some kind and He ends up becoming some kind of alien hunter until he finds Y/n's ship and "rescues" Sun and Moon... Maybe at first he pretends to be harmless so that the three of them let him into their group, but probably he will try to kill Y/n and maybe he will try to recruit Sun and Moon as hunters too...
Tell me what you think of my idea °u°)/
[this is probably a bit bland and has several typos thanks to my translator, sorry]
OOO THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!! I'd love to design them but I'm a little burnt out right now 🥲 oooo maybe eclipse works for a secret part of the government that deals with UFOs and stuff and they have their own ships? It'd be more fantasy leaning (I mean, both involve aliens so fkwnjdkeej) but I think it'd be neat! Idk!
Btw I saw your other ask about those cool boots and I want to doodle something for it when I get the chance!!
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devorakit · 5 months
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"[...] and as Bdubs looks at this portrait, he doesn't have to ask who it is. Not when the answer is obvious, not when his chest aches for a man he never got the chance to know."
my favorite scene from @mochiwrites 's solar ecplipse au fic "his clockwork heart"!!! :D
scene under the cut!
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socksandbuttons · 2 months
While I wait for your Solar design So excited!! AAAAAAAAAAA!! Giggling and kicking my feet!!
Spoiler for yesterday's TLAES episode. Eclipse doesn't know how to handle how Earth was sincerely, tenderly talking to him AAAAAAAAA "Do I cry now?" YES!! LET IT ALL OUT, ECLIPSE!! Let out all those bottled up emotions!! He doesn't know how to handle someone genuinely trying to help him and his emotional panic "Why are you doing this!? I'm a monster!" GOSH!! The feels!! But Eclipse is going away to a different dimension!! Was that part of Dark Sun's plan? I don't know but Earth's "goodbye" at the end AAAAAAAA This episode warmed my heart and broke it at the same time (⁠╥▽╥⁠)
it if it helps hes got new threads.... sort of new. ECLIPSE COMING TO EARTH TO TALK... a nice surprise but also concern for his questions. he truly dont know how to handle that. EARTH YEAHH!!!!!!!!!!! ONE ON ONE!!!!!!!!! she gets to fully get a scope of this guy its sweet and yeah i do wonder about that other dimension thing. maybe a way to get away from it all finally or back to dark sun??? altho i dont see why he'd need to keep ecplipse around. AND YEAH EARTH LIL GOODBYE..... Monty was not having eclipse empathy but she was also just... yeah.
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little-lamb-lyosha · 1 year
🗺️- podcast world you’d most like to live in & 🎙️- podcast with your favorite narrator? 👀
🗺️ - hmmm i think that if i could choose it would be valle del cielo gris because i already been living in a fucked up Mexican city BUT THIS ONE HAS BIG WEREWOLVES WOMEN THAT CAN RESCUE YOU FROM THE DARK ECPLIPSE
Also i already had to almost fight to death to get internet service where i live, there's few things that could scare me there, i just love the valley so much
(except maybe the giant louse (is this how do you say piojo?) interdimensional)
But also i think that would be cool live in the monstruos agonies world.
🎙️i'm not inmune to jon themagnusarchives telling me about the horrors
But also tales from the low city and the mistholme museum give me such peace because dom guilfoyle has such a beautiful voice
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liskadaebabbit · 2 months
Ecplipses and Earthquakes Prove God...apparently
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findingtheself64 · 6 months
Sometimes, it hits me.
That the person that I should empathize with most, is me.
Sometimes, it hits me.
That I am afraid.
That empathy is a bitch.
That everyone is human.
I miss everyone.
From the person I’ve only known from afar in high school.
To my ex friends, my best friends, the people I’ve hurt, and the people that hurt me.
Empathy is a bitch.
I feel void, I feel like I am not a person.
And I remember to work on myself
To love this person
Who I am
Who now feels present
For a splinter of time.
Once in a billion years.
Like when two stars aline.
Like an ecplipse.
It reminds me what it feels like to love all
To be human.
It reminds me to priviliedge life
To love myself.
And it is the scariest feeling in the world.
To realize how one is so lonely.
How one may never feel whole
Because to live,
Is to leave someone.
To pass through someone
So rich, and so unique.
But scary of all,
to know that everyone you pass by is different than you.
And no one knows what it feels like to be you
No one relates to you
Like you do.
To look in the mirror, and see the truest of friends
To see your other half
Within you.
To make peace with the fact that you neflected this person
To remember to live in the present
And hug yourself
Feel warm with the world.
Love yourself.
To know that to love someone else
Different than you.
You must feel the most heartbreaking of empathies
To embrace the strongest of love
of pain
That is
To fall in surrender,
To yourself.
The one who knows what it truly feels like.
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gayl0rd · 4 years
brought pomegranate burt’s bees lip balm bc twilight
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kazachi69 · 1 year
the celestial bible
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Pretty cool!
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thecl0wnwars · 4 years
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“And she’s the poison you’re dying to drink.”
Succeeding a phone call at 3 a.m two months prior, Grace Elmore and her family are compelled to move from the buzzing city of Birmingham to the inconsequential town of Forks to dote on her grandmother-in-law in the elderly woman's last few years of life.
This doesn't sit too well with Grace though; moving to Forks means leaving behind life as she knows it. However, despite the panic that begins to set in, she's resolved to keep her head held high. After all, it isn't a permanent arrangement, come graduation and she's sure she'll be on the first flight back to the UK. And yet, all it takes is a glance and a grimace which sets off a series of catastrophically life-changing events, and suddenly Grace isn't so certain of anything anymore.
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rtnnoticias · 3 years
Se producirá un eclipse de luna que podrá ser observado en el país
Este eclipse de luna total, conocido como “luna de sangre”, se producirá este miércoles y podrá ser visto en forma total en horas de la madrugada en zonas de la Patagonia, mientras que en otras regiones del país, entre ellas la ciudad de Buenos Aires, se observará de manera parcial. El eclipse total de luna podrá ser visto en Australia, el Océano Pacífico , gran parte de América, Antártida,…
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Diccionario mundifinista parte 21
Eclipse: (de sol) Ocultación transitoria, total o parcial del astro rey debida a la interposición de otro astro o al paso del primero por la sombra proyectada por otro. // (eclipse de vos) El eclipse de yo o eclipse de vos, es cuando alguna cosa de la vida se interpone entre tu brillo y el mundo. Para evitarlo existen diferentes técnicas: _Aumentar tu brillo hasta límites insospechados. _Evitar cruzarte con la órbita de esos objetos que intentan opacarte. _Mantener firme un pie en las sombras, para moverte con soltura también en la noche, sobre todo en la oscuridad, especialmente en las tinieblas. _Solo permitir en tu universo personas que aporten luz, otras estrellas.
Estaciones: Cada uno de los períodos en que se divide el año comprendidos entre un equinoccio y un solsticio, o viceversa, y caracterizados por determinadas condiciones climáticas, por la longitud del día y otras características. Actualmente existen dos: Verano e Invierno. Según algunos historiadores, la humanidad conoció otras dos en algún momento del planeta: Primavera y Otoño. Algunos no comparten esta teoría, afirmando que solo es una leyenda, mientras que otros creen que en el camino de la autodestrucción, lo primero que extinguió la humanidad fueron estas dos estaciones.
Frustración: Nuevo nombre del ex planeta Tierra, luego de que se propuso “Resignación”, iniciativa que no prosperó.
Gastroenteroconomía: Hambre.
Hambre: Gastroenteroconomía.
Inapelable: Masculino carente de razonamiento y sinapsis, al punto de que sólo dice estupideces que son imposibles de refutar ya que carecen de argumento o son incomprobables. Se le llama “inapelable” porque nunca pela la chota ya que su condición lo convierte en incogible.
Intuición: Brújula del alma.
Jjjjjkkptuf: Escupirle la cara a alguien.
Oculomancia: El arte de adivinar el futuro viéndote a los ojos. También funciona para conocer tu alma, todos tus secretos, tus sueños y anhelos. Es 100% inefectiva.
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App: http://www.appsgeyser.com/12773970 Instagram: acostumbrado_al_fin_del_mundo Diccionario: Diccionarix del fin del mundo Twitter: @GestoObsceno Opiobook: Acostumbrado al fin del mundo
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unitedintentions · 6 years
Psychics And Predictions: What Does The Solar Eclipse Mean?
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mrtrapper21 · 5 years
Total solar eclipse in South America today
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vxmpire-cxsh · 3 years
I got my youngest brother into toh
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