#echo memoria
swdefcult · 1 year
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megan dietrich and echo memoria by eduardo risso
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hardcoregamer · 3 months
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10 Underrated JRPGs You Can Play On Steam Right Now
In 2024, there is still a cavalcade of incredible JRPG gems just waiting to be unearthed, meaning that if you've only played Persona 5 or Final Fantasy XVI and want to dive a little deeper into the JRPG well, there are plenty of options waiting for you. You just need a helpful dude like me to highlight them. So, let me do just that!
Check them out!
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warlordfelwinter · 11 months
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"i didn't get to play your past like a vr game like fiver did but"
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waterdomemusic · 2 years
Ameli Paul: Echoes of Memoria – brilliant Album – 2022
Read our review for the new album "Echoes of Memoria" by Ameli Paul (brilliant electronic album)
Review zu Ameli Paul: Echoes of Memoria – brilliates Album – 2022 Facts Artist: Ameli PaulCountry of Origin: Germany, BerlinTitle: Echoes of MemoriaFormat: AlbumAvailability: Streaming, DownloadLabel: MeiosisRelease Date: Dec 02, 2022Genre: Experimental/Electronic12 Tracks | 50m 33s On Apple Music available in Hi-res24 Bits / 44.1 kHz – Stereo – Stream At Juno Download available in Lossless16…
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eleyras · 10 months
About narratives: the story of Sarcean, Anharion and the Collar.
Ok soooooo I finished Dark Heir and I have THOUGHTS.
This could be my delusional mind speaking BUT I firmly believe that the whole thing about the Collar and the relationship between Sarcy and Anharion depicted in the story written and established by the winners (the Lady's faction) and Gauthier is far from the truth and a lot more complex and fascinating.
More ramblings under the cut!
Putting all the hints given in DH aside for the moment (I will discuss them later) for me the biggest red flag about these narratives is the way Anharion is depicted in both.
This is a little twisted but it’s something I’ve been thinking about since DR, so let me elaborate.
In DR, the Stewards DON’T know about the Collar. James himself admits that he found out about it from Sinclair, and so the Stewards are convinced that James/Anharion had willingly betrayed the Lady’s side, becoming willingly Sarcean’s lieutenant and his lover.
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Gauthier instead reveals a more twisted version of the story.
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It’s clear that the two narratives are in contradiction with each other: the one told by the Lady’s faction and echoed throughout the centuries among the Stewards doesn’t include the knowledge of the Collar, and it entirely blames Anharion for his deeds and his betrayal; Gauthier’s version instead, serving for the readers as an introduction to the existence of the Collar, specifies that Anharion didn’t have any agency.
So, which version is the true one? Neither of them, because both, as it often happens in history, took the truth, and twisted it to serve its own purpose.
Let’s start with the narrative ‘written’ by the Lady.
My biggest doubt about it is why the f*ck it seems that A LOT of people outside the Hall know about the Collar. Gauthier knows about it because his ancestor was the one who stole it, but Sinclair? Let’s hypothesize that he knew about it from Kettering. Kettering knows about it because he is a Returner, so someone who was THERE, in the Old World. It’s not a stretch then to theorize that the existence of the Collar and its power was somehow known in the past.
And in DH, the presence of the chain attached to the throne in the Sun Court, where EVERYONE could see it, hypothetically ( and I underline this because I don’t trust ANYTHING of what we saw in the Undahar for it was the Sun King’s court before Sarcean’s) linked to the Collar around Anharion’s neck, makes me think that the Collar and its power weren’t such a well-kept secret.
So, the whole “the Lady’s side didn’t absolutely know about the Collar” narrative is a bit sketchy at this point. I believe someone knew at some point, so why would they iterate this version of the story, instead of depicting Anharion as a victim and blaming Sarcean for it?
Well, the answer is simple: damnatio memoriae. The version of the story known at this point had been written by the Lady’s faction, so of course her enemies are painted in the worst light possible. Anharion’s memory is, in my opinion, even more tainted by this narrative than Sarcean’s one; we don’t even know his true name. It didn’t matter that he could have had reasons for his actions: he went against the "good side" and chose the dark, the end.
This narrative is not interested in reporting the truth. Its purpose is to celebrate the Lady as a Saint figure and vilify her opponents, disregarding their reasons, their feelings, their insight of the events entirely.
So, it’s not so difficult to believe that underneath all the twists and the lies, in this version of the story there is a grain of truth; that, in a way, Anharion did betray willingly the Lady. Maybe he understood that the so righteous Lady was, in fact, not that pure and good. Maybe, at the culmination of the fight, he somehow hesitated to kill Sarcean, because he was a human being, not just a cold hearted betrayer. All factors that would of course be excluded from this narrative, for they would expose the Lady’s true face.
At this point this is all but speculations, but one thing is certain, and this takes us to the second point: it’s canon that Anharion had feelings for Sarcy. Before the Collar.
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I would not call it ‘undying love’ at this point of the story, but the affection is there. Palpable, visible, corporeal in glances and words. This is, like, a HUGE revelation.
Because this proves that the narrative told by Gauthier is not the truth either!
While I believe that the Collar has some kind of power (I’ll explain this too), in the Gauthier’s version of the story, it’s clear that the emphasis on the submitting part of this power comes from the desire to possess Anharion, from the (false) conviction passed on for generations that whoever put it around his neck would master him. I suspect it consumed not only Gauthier himself, but also every member of his family who owned the Collar before him.
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In the end both narratives, pushing for their own agenda, give an insight on the relationship between Sarcean and Anharion not only false but also humiliating for Anharion, for he is depicted as a selfish, cold hearted betrayer where his own agency is totally dismissed (and not even mentioned) in one, and a plaything slave of the Collar in the other.
The truth is far more complex than this, of course, and the one million dollar question about it is then: how much influence did have the Collar on the true nature of their relationship?
In these days I have read a lot of theories about this. One of my favourites is the one depicting the Collar as a mere object of fashion without any power and Anharion not only conscious but also willing the whole time and the fact that this may be hinted in the text makes me feel unhinged (if this is true, you will hear me screaming about it for years)
In my opinion, and I will believe this until I read the third book, the Collar has some kind of power on James/Anharion but not in the way it has been described so far. This is but a mere speculation for the moment, but maybe this power leans more on binding Anharion’s magic to Sarcean’s than controlling his free will or feelings. (this bit in DH is soooo interesting!!!)
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I’m convinced that the Collar cannot create something that is not there and that underneath its power, it’s clear that Anharion had conflicted feelings for Sarcean, he always had, because James REMEMBERS feeling this even with the Collar:
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This means those conflicted feelings are still there and are not magically morphed by the Collar into pure and simple obedience and that whatever Anharion felt was real, whatever James feels is real, contradictions and all.
We still know so little about this two at this point, and since Pacat really loves plot twists, I believe that their real story will come out in the end and that Will and James will achieve what their past selves couldn’t had, unravelling the conflicts and the misunderstandings between them, and conquering the freedom they search in each other’s arms to be just Will and James.
I had fun writing this, please feel free to give me your opinion on this!
(PS. I think I needed to specify that this whole rambling is focused on Anharion’s feelings. What about Sarcy? I believe his feelings were a deadly cocktail of desire, affection, possessiveness, admiration and horny thoughts, like the disaster babygirl he was, thanks for your attention)
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caostalgia · 1 year
269 días sin ti.
Como pasa el tiempo, ¿no? Ayer estaba llorando después de colgar la llamada que me apagaría el corazón y hoy van casi 270 días sin ti. Faltan menos de 100 para que vaya un año.
Un año sin tu sonrisa o tus bufidos. Un año sin tus canciones en inglés y tu emoción por un nuevo capítulo de tu serie favorita. Un año sin tus chistes, que eran horribles, y tu risa. Un año sin todo lo que te conformaba, sin tus aristas, sin tu brillo.
Ha sido una tortura y sigue siéndolo. Todo este tiempo sin ti abrió un hueco en lo más hondo de mi corazón que ni mengua, que duele. No veas como duele no tenerte cerca, no escucharte, no sentirte. Es duro seguir intentándolo y que tú no veas los pequeños pasitos que estoy dando en esa dirección de la que tanto hablamos.
¿Sabes? La abuela te habría querido, sé que sí. Te habría querido por el simple hecho de que yo te quería, pero, además, te habría querido porque era fácil hacerlo. Porque quererte era una de esas cosas inevitables de la vida. Ojalá la hubieras conocido, pero no, porque ya van 269 días sin ti y a la abuela la vi hace poco.
¿Sabes? Me habría gustado enseñarte esos lugares que me vieron crecer; esos árboles especiales, esa cabaña derruida, ese taller lleno de estornudos y aprendizaje, ese parque, esa poza.
¿Sabes? Me habría gustado que conocieras a mi gigante invencible, al pilar de mi vida. A ese adolescente que hizo de padre cuando papá no lo hacía. A ese loco.
¿Sabes? Me habría gustado decirte, hace 269 días, que te quería. Pero no lo hice y sigo viviendo en el "y si...?" Sé que no estás orgulloso de eso, pero esta herida va lenta. Y no siquiera intento, no de verdad, conocer a alguien a fondo. Enamorarme. Porque me da miedo querer y que un día, como hoy, tenga que escribir algo así. Un título de "100 días sin ti". Porque me da miedo, como cuando te conocí, que mis defectos eclipsen lo bonito que sé que puedo ofrecer.
Y, sobretodo, me da miedo dejar de quererte algún día. Que desaparezcas de lo poco que queda de mí corazón. Que tu sonrisa deje de habitar en mi memoria. Que los sueños le pertenezcan a alguien más. O que, como contigo, nuestra historia sea difícil y lenta. Que esté llena de kilómetros y ganas. De sueños que no se cumplirán. No. Lo que me da miedo es querer y que mi corazón ya no lo soporte. Que se rompa y no haya arreglo.
Entonces, aquí me encuentro. En el día 269 sin ti, con ganas de llorar. Y con dudas y con miedos. Con inseguridades y poca esperanza. Creyendo cada vez menos en el amor y con mucho dolor todavía en mi pecho.
Entonces, te echo de menos. Como todos los días. Pero hoy quizá un poquito más. Y te quiero, como todos los días, pero quizá hoy un poquito menos. (y eso me duele).
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kanade-howl · 12 days
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Solo puedo decir que no hay dia en el que no te extrañe... pero también no hay dia en que pueda dejar de quererte... hoy se cumple un mes más desde que ya no estas aquí... y realmente te echo de menos... en este mes también, se cumplen 16 años desde el día en el que te conocí... realmente estoy feliz de averte conocido... porque gracias a ti conocí a los demás chicos de The Gazette, han sido una parte importante en mi vida todo este tiempo.
Te extraño mucho...
En memoria de Reita El Bajista Eterno 🤍❤️‍🩹
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alasdepaloma · 5 months
Te extraño, vida mía, te extraño en verdad. Me gusta viajar a esa memoria que guardo de tu mirada y extraviarme unos minutos ahí, entre la miel de tus ojos, en ese río profundo donde te alcanzo los labios con las yemas de mis dedos y me dejo besar todos los miedos. Te extraño, ángel mío, tus manos, tu piel, tu sonrisa… Tus enojos, tus caprichos, tus impulsos. Te extraño al cerrar la puerta y al instante, correr hacía mí, ávido de ganas de mí. Echo de menos la manera en como me veías antes de tomar mi rostro entre tus manos y morderme los labios anunciando tu llegada. ¡Cuánto te he anhelado palomar mío! He de callar, mi bien… He de guardar silencio como lo hace la noche… He de implorarle al viento que me siga hablando de ti y he de susurrarle a él solamente lo mucho que aún te quiero. Me gusta amarte así. ¿Sabes? Es mejor amarte así, aún cuando ya no puedo siquiera tocarte, cuando ya no es posible quitarme la sed al no poder beber de ti. Prefiero amarte así. He preservado mi amor por ti en lo prístino de estas hojas. Dulcemente he ido sanando los recuerdos, ya no duelen. Hoy sólo puedo aspirarte con mis ojos cerrados, evocando a la luna que siempre nos acompañó a los pueblos mágicos. Eras mágico, siempre lo fuiste… Tal vez por eso no logro olvidarme de ti.
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00pr1nc3ss · 6 months
Desde que tengo memoria siempre he odiado mi cuerpo, más creciendo junto a mis primos que, oh sorpresa! Desde niños siempre han sido delgados, he ir creciendo siendo comparada con ellos, Además de estar gorda yo era la más alta, que puto asco, siempre siendo la niña gorda y fea, para nada delicada, escuchando burlas por parte de familiares y yo era solo una niña, recuerdo que nunca me veía al espejo con miedo de ver lo que realmente soy, con miedo de enterder el porqué de tantas burlas, conforme fui creciendo ni siquiera me tomaba fotos, las odiaba, las odio de echo, más las fotos grupales estas son un asco porque siempre soy la que se ve peor...
Un pequeño desahogo, besos 💓
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parolerandagie · 7 months
Se l'osservante e l'osservato esistono solo nella simmetria del reciproco validarsi, allora nessuno esiste davvero solo, se non in quella echo lontana della realtà, che chiamiamo memoria, che sia propria o di altri. Ma altrettanto chi non è più qui, ma è quotidianamente nei ricordi di chi lo ha amato, non ha smesso di esistere: ha solo smesso di osservare.
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dreamerwitches · 1 month
Now that Magia Record is shutdown what do we as the Puella Magia fandom know about the upcoming game Madoka Magica Magia Exedra?
I know it has Ihora and her sister Ui present in the game so there definitely Magia Record content on there. Will there be dopples? Will the Magia record story be on the game as well?
Hopefully they don’t use the anime version of Magia record for the game.
Well in simple terms:
There is a new character called Name that has no memories. (I'm guessing here that a) she's a magical girl and b) she'll be your player avatar)
The game is set in a Lighthouse and the player views memories of other magical girls (which kinda opens opportunities for any spin-off, timeline, etc.)
There is a green Kyubey called A-Q (role unknown)
There are 'portraits' that seem to be similar to magireco's memoria
The current playable characters(? those we've seen, so Im assuming they're playable) are Madoka, Homura (cool only), Mami, Sayaka, Kyoko, Iroha, Yachiyo, Kazumi, Oriko, Suzune and Tart.
The labyrinths we've seen are Gertrud's, Elly's, Albertine's, Zenobia's, Suleika's (could just be Ulla's), Charlotte's, Walpurgisnacht's and 10^43 (as before, could just be the Echo's). The only witches we've seen properly is Charlotte's second form and Walpurgisnacht. Box Wood's labyrinth is seen in Iroha's art.
I honestly doubt there will be doppels sadly but we'll see... I think they'll at least do a little of the magireco story though
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xcrissz-blog · 10 months
"Si vienes para quedarte, necesitas saber un par de cosas.
Tienes que saber, que no soy solo letras, poesía o solo verso entre líneas.
Si vienes para decidir hacer nido en este pecho, tienes que saber que padezco de insomnio los domingos a las seis y que amo ver las madrugadas con olor a tierra mojada, rocío y el cielo apenas en azul.
Tienes que saber también, que vengo de algunas batallas sin ganar, que he sido un aprendiz de la vida y que a estás alturas, tengo bastantes complejos que hoy día, no logro descifrar.
Que soy un tanto realista, otro tanto de pesimista, con un conato de demencia y otro de locura.
Que suelo ser conformista en ocasiones, que echo de menos las tardes en casa de la abuela con los primos y el pan de las seis de la tarde recién hecho con leche fría en casa de papá.
Que tengo el corazón hecho pedacitos y me refugio en el recuerdo, que muero de ganas por hacer una máquina del tiempo y volver unos años atrás para abrazar a quien tanto me hecho falta.
Que no pasa día en que no me termina de convencer lo que el espejo me da pero que también, muero de ganas por parar un día.
Por terminar en dónde nunca imaginé y despertar donde siempre quise.
Que no he perdido el sentido del humor, que uso diminutivos cuando veo brillo en un par de ojitos, que suelo grabarme cada reacción en la memoria, que soy bueno para las fechas, que hago de una canción dos historias y que sin duda, echo tanto de menos asentar mis sentimientos donde estén dispuestos a darme un tantito más de lo que yo doy.
Que no tengo miedo a un caos, que no saldré corriendo a la primera de cambios y que tengo los pensamientos más firmes que antes.
Que no he perdido el brillo en la mirada, ni la fe en el amor, que amo la poesía y la cerveza un domingo a las seis.
Si vienes para quedarte, tienes que saber que tengo más para dar que para perder, que para nada podría hacerte perder el tiempo pero sobre todo, que si tú quieres, nos podemos pasar una vida entera tomando café o reventarnos de amor bonito solo si vienes para quedarte"
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arataki-neato · 2 months
It's so interesting how the lore we get in Penacony about how memory works in this world retroactively builds on the Vidyadhara lore, like we know memories can be stored as a physical substance in the form of memoria so like that's probably what Vidyadhara mirage echoes are made of
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0rqcles · 1 year
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𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Gwendoline, Glinda, Celeste, Phoebe, Psyche, Ranni, Gwynevere, Rin, Evie, Rosa, Eva, Avery, Ashley, Catrina, Mary, Johanna, Maria, Astrid, Neriah, Bella, Belle,  Delilah, Gabriella, Valentina, Valerie, Venus, Ēostre, Vishali, Alice, Esther, Lynda, Ada, Iris, Daisy, Willow, Aurora, Memoria, Charlotte, Olivia, Emma, Dulcie, Amara, Amala, Claire, Dorothy, Diana, Aesira, Amanda, Maeve, Daphne, Irene, Cassandra, Gaia, Rhea, Cassiopeia, Camilla, Anastasia, Echo, Isis, Cybele, Phaedra, Rhaenyra, Maya, Hippolyte, Malenia, Daenerys, Cersei, Arae, Talia, Edith, Mio, Kyoko, Wanda, Uva, Dia, Usagi, Tsukiyomi, Charlie, Stella, Luna, Erza, Lucy, Verrine, Kali, Tara, Hathor, Anna, Nepthys, Khepra, Amrene, Kate, Jayne, June, Annie, Doris, Madeleine, Magnin, Isabel, Eve, Rose, Rosemary, Sydney, Ophelia, Ana, Amelia, Jasmine, Eliza, Tomoe, Maggie, Jill.
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𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Marek, Vasper, Oscar, Felix, Ralph, Emory, Azariah, Alexis, Balthazar, Ramses, Shem, Jibri, Mercury, Eos, Namur, Luzbel, Gabriel, Kushim, Ravi, Indira, ba’al, melech, Mikhail, Dimitri, Jeremiah, Dius, Judus, William, James, Azriel, rodon, Ghidorah, Khaleesi, Adam, Adonis, Tyron, Marcus, Daemon, Louis, Jasper, Lestat, Astaroth, Horus, Maleketh, Mikael, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Maacah, Sephtis, Cyrus, Abraham, Shesmu, Stefan, Nitäl, Aiden, An, Belua, Thatos, Gaelio, Eden, Ethan, Marzo, Harkos, Grims, Tyre, Saccharin, Gadreel, Neith, Set, Genos, Eisther, Oberon, Ka’el, Joseph, Hoshiyomi, Emelod, Leto, Thorn, Casimir, Astril, Arkmose, Demephius, Rue, Colin, Luka, Douglas, Mazoth, Nortek, Avalon, Luthinor, Adamas, Indra, Bradnall, Newt, Maul, Percy, Jack.
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𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Meijer, Lugosi, Lee, Boucher, Talmai, Salvatore, Forbes, Avalon, Kaelux, Wong, Wang, Huang, Gyokuto, Choi, Lou, Angelou, Dague, Eliot, Urban, Medina, Graham, Robert, Anderson, Andromina, Dotter, March, Crowley, Ellis, Lockheart, Lovegood, Grendel, Mornings, Armas, Gadot, Bennett, Gozen, Cary, Harper, Ogilvie, Ewing, Rowe, Lackmos.
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𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 - Ambrose, The dirge, Cynder, Paraguay, Nowhere, Ember, Tartarus, Valcan, Twilight, The island of no return, Nightmare Vally, Eden, The fallen kingdom, Vally of shattered dreams, Themyscira, Rosario.
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waterdomemusic · 2 years
Ameli Paul: Echoes of Memoria - brilliant Album - 2022
Lest unser Review zum Debüt Album von Ameli Paul (Brillante Electronic)
Review zu Ameli Paul: Echoes of Memoria – brilliates Album – 2022 Facts Artist: Ameli PaulCountry of Origin: Germany, BerlinTitel: Echoes of MedmoriaFormat: AlbumAvailabiltiy: Streaming, DownloadLabel: MeiosisRelease Date: Dec 02, 2022Genre: Experimental/Electronic12 Tracks | 50m 33s On Apple Music available in Hi-res24 Bits / 44.1 kHz – Stereo – Stream At Juno Download available in…
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princeescaluswords · 8 months
Random question, Prince but do you think Victoria or Gerard had military backgrounds? Maybe serving themselves or had parents that served?
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I want to preface this answer with a caveat: this might be the most speculative meta I've ever written. While I'm going to try to draw as much evidence as I can from canon, I don't think it would be out-of-the question for people to disregard it on its surface merits.
So, here goes. I don't think that the Argents would join the military and they would strongly discourage their children from joining the military. I'm sure that during the time of the draft there might have been some Argents serving, but it would be under duress. If you accept the same head canon that I do, that Victoria was also from a hunting family, she would not be either. I think the reasons would be historical, practical, and philosophical.
Historical: Of all the characters in the Teen Wolf series, Marie-Jeanne Argent née Valet had the most emotionally true (if not entirely rational) reaction to the discovery that her beloved relative turned out to be one of the most prolific serial killers in that world let alone a terrifying demonic werewolf. As we see in The Maid of Gévaudan (5x18), she reacted with outright condemnation, hunting him down over three years and destroying all trace of him with a damnatio memoriae, which in reality meant destroying her own past, too. We can assume that the Argent Code was written by her, including the part where any hunter who was Bit by a werewolf had to kill themselves. This is extreme behavior (even if valid) and it is echoed in the revulsion non-corrupted Argents like Chris and Allison had when discovering Kate's and Gerard's crimes. It was certainly less permissive than the Hale family's tendency to react to deaths caused by their family which ranged from outright condoning ("But still beautiful, just like the rest of you") to dismissive (after all, how many people did kooky Uncle Petey kill, including the guy he shoved alive into a burning barrel, and still have the keys to the family home?).
Considering that Sebastian became a demon wolf while he was serving in the French king's war with England across an entire ocean in their respective colonies, I don't think it's a stretch for Marie-Jeanne in establishing her code to steer her descendants away from military service. It might even have been a requirement.
Practical: While both the military and hunters use weapons, military service wouldn't seem to bear much resemblance to hunter training. It appears to me to be much closer to espionage or criminal work. Hunting werewolves requires training in specific weapons (bows, tasers, and poisons), technology (hypersonic emitters), and techniques (torture, infiltration, intimidation, and cleaning up evidence). In addition, the soldiers of the Argent family exhibit a level of discernment when it comes to tactics and targets that the military simply would not tolerate. Chris points as much out to Kate in Code Breaker (1x12):
Chris: No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human. Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun on a 16-year-old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. 
Later on in Relics (6x04), Chris explains that he should have intervened when he saw how Gerard was training Kate. That implies to me that while Argent soldiers are supposed to follow the lead of the matriarch, they're also expected to do more than just follow orders. While civilization demands we hold individual military soldiers to answer for their conduct, I can tell you from personal experience that military training does not have a goal to instill a sense of individual agency.
Philosophical: In my encounters with real-life military people, it is my experience that they see themselves and the military as a whole as an immanent part of society itself. They enable civilization to exist; they uphold society's laws and mores as one of its pillars. I am sure that many people on this site would disagree with that assessment, but I'm talking about the perception within military culture itself. The military focus on being a vital part of their country, and when they err it is when they come to believe that they are the most important part and thus have a greater right to say how a country and a civilization will behave.
One of the things I've noticed about the Argents and the other hunting family feature, the Calaveras, is that they don't consider themselves part of the greater society. They see themselves as protecting it from monsters that the average person cannot comprehend, and while they certainly do infiltrate law enforcement and emergency services, they don't seek permanent authority over the mundane social institutions. This is one of the significant departures that marked Monroe as different from previous organized hunters, and one that made her more dangerous. Victoria, Araya, Chris and Allison (and when they weren't being selfishly corrupt, even Gerard and Kate) saw themselves as operating outside of it all as a necessity. They work with criminals like the yakuza; they hire mercenaries; and they understand that they will never be fully accepted.
Chris: We're gonna be pariahs in this town. Victoria: We can handle it.
Monroe, on the other hand, organized hunters to protect society, but she wanted to change society as well. She accused the werewolves not only of being monsters by virtue of their natures and by their acts, but by the power that privileged them ("No one should have this power"), and she accused people like Sheriff Stilinski of abetting that unfair advantage. (I will never forgive Teen Wolf for giving up on exploring that difference half-way through 6B.) Since Gerard was only interested in using Monroe, he didn't train to see herself the way he and his family saw themselves: protectors working from the outside.
All these things lead me to believe that the Argents wouldn't have military training, not even corrupt ones like Gerard or Victoria.
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