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unpleasant-ghoul · 1 year ago
Found myself reading Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde today. Realized that that's it, I'm in deep, I'm reading a motherfucking WARCRAFT BOOK, so might as well...
So after a bit of searching found a private server that seemed agreeable (BFA, 1x rates available) and yep. That's it, I'm in modern WoW instead of pretending nothing beyond WotLK exists.
So far I'm loving it. Trolls look goooood here (Well, they always do. But now they look the high-polygon kind of good).
Still made the same char as my main in WotLK, though - class, color, face, hair... Even name (it wasn't taken, lucky me. Pity same was not the case for my warlock's name - gonna have to make a separate one once I can think of something)! Here he is, in all his low-level, still-basic-armor glory.
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Okay, so, you see the beginning. And now onto the other shit. That being bugs of that specific server (lots and lots AND LOTS), opinions on stuff, and an occasional rant.
The first thing I've found was with the "the ancient enemy" quest. Vol'jin, buddy, pal, my beloved leader... Not that you don't look lovely jus' standing there, but I've read how it's supposed to go and "standing there, then giving the speech, then standing in the statue, then fucking leaving" as I slowly, sloooowly chip away at that Sea B... Err, Witch's health for 15 minutes straight is NOT it. No, the fact that the quest is considered already done while she's still very much alive does not improve things. I may be a filthy pirate, but I'm a proper player, too. I want to DO quests.
And not that I don't love your voice, but that post-quest voice line? Got it from the first time just fine. No need to repeat it until I relog.
Another thing is the Spirit healer of the Darkspear Isle's graveyard. Look, girl. I'm glad you're friends (or more. Not judgin') with your colleague at Sen'jin Village's graveyard, but maybe visit her when off duty? Not fun to run all the way there for a rez.
That next one I should have discovered earlier, but oh, well. So that moment when you talk to that troll with the raptors and get a ride to where you're supposed to fight nagas. Heh. Not that I don't appreciate an early taste of riding a flying mount, but I prefer my raptors to be running, not flying through the air sideways. Ending up dropped off where I'm supposed to rather than amidst a bunch of very much HUMAN (no tails or scales or anything) enemies would have also been nice.
And speaking of rides. Raider Jhash, whether you like it or not, Master Gadrin says you're supposed to give me a ride to Razor Hill. So, maybe less "you're annoying my dog", more wolf-riding? Eh? What, not even a non-working option for that? FINE, I'll walk. Asshole.
The shaman says that he'll tell me a story. Tells nothing. Guess I'll have to think on my own. Lucky him that I need no tale to disagree with Garrosh: never liked that guy in the first place.
Sorry, guys-that-maybe-drowned, can't save ya. Can't FIND ya. Because I'm supposed to use the spyglass at the top of the watchtower, but apparently the top is not the top, since it just doesn't work. Look, I tried. Not my fault.
Sorry, Zen'Taji, those plainstriders ain't getting saved. No self-preservation, they'd rather die than run.
Aww, one escort quest that has a chance to be fun, and it's not working. No caravan defence for me! I guess at this point it can be safely assumed that any "take quest, talk to the NPC for the next part" types are broken here. Pity.
Echeyakee, what the fuck are you doing? Are you pretending to be a druid? Are you evolving? No, seriously, what's up with that staff in your paw?
No Captain Longshore fo' me (because, again "talk to the NPC to continue), and no checking the caravan wreckage either (because... just because. Nothing happens.). If it wasn't my only option for BFA, I'd leave already.
I have found it. The shining, flawless gemstone of my bug collestion.
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You get it, yes? No? This fella here, I'm supposed to kill him. For a quest. Kill a bunch of centaurs, he appears, you kill him. And he even appeared fine!
But allied to the Horde. To Orgrimmar.
He had slain the remaining centaurs himself and I can't do shit to him because, well. I'm a troll, very much a Horde member even if the way it is now is not exactly the way I like to see it, and he's apparently on my side now. Had to abandon the quest.
Made a goblin since with those graphics I CAN, for once, take the gobs seriously.
Of course I've found another glitch there!
Now, the quests, so far, work fine (then again. None were of the variation that tends not to work on this server). But there's two things.
I am pretty. Fucking. Sure. That the spotlight is not supposed to be permanently attached to the car and remain where you have dismounted form it until you use the key again. Seriously, for all the love of shiny things that the goblins possess, and for all their genius with technology, I really don't think that "light shining onto a car from the skies, all the time, following it perfectly" is something they could have done. So, pretty sure it's a bug.
The PC's companions. There's that lady among them, forgot her name. Point is, there's that ONE lady among them. And then there's the quest with pirates and suddenly there are five more following me. Same name, same looks, they're all the same gob girl. Just six of her for some reason. Lasted until I summoned the car again, since there's only enough room for one of her in it.
Oh! And I've found a third thing. near the mine, when you're on the few final quests before finally heading to Durotar, the enemies are all dead. Maybe they should be dead, maybe they shouldn't be... But they sure as fuck shouldn't be sliding on the ground as if still patrolling the territory!
And again to my very much non-goblin main character's encounters with the many, many bugs: that quest with the boat ride? Yeeeah, that ain't happening. No option to even talk to the guy. Sorry, whoever I had to deliver the semi-precious gems to, you're not getting them because arriving to you through any other means apparently doesn't count.
The Valentine's Day quest (the one with the goblin detective): broken. The orc lady wants you to see the fuck her beloved is doing, but once you're done with that and come to tell of your findings? That question mark ain't yellow.
The normal, regular, quest chain where you, on the request of another orc lady, gather fel fire and talk to the warlock, and bomb the elves, and all that: broken. No imp transformation, the towers, again, aren't towers enough to use what you have to use on them, and there's no "persuading the warlock" (or, indeed, talking to him at all outside of taking the non-working quest). Yaaay.
Also, found another misplaced Spirit Healer. Don't know which graveyard she's missing from, but the one closest to that place with the satyr and the demon portals has two.
But I'm still staying. I wanna see Zandalar for myself (with a non-Zandalari char because Talanji's fine, but I'm not here for her), and that'll take actual progression because the portal doesn't work (fine. That's meant to be. Never went there. Makes sense) and the ship doesn't either (considering my previous experience of successfully traveling via ships/zeppelins to the areas I have no busyness being in yet, that one's probably not supposed to be like that)
Sorry, Gurtar or whatever's your name, Draaka's not getting that flower braid. It's not that i want her to forget you, you seem like a somewhat okay orc, I'd be glad to help, it's just that the bloody flowers are NOT cooperating! They're there. They're sparkling. Interactable alright. Loot window is there. Notification in the chat about receiving said loot is there. All fine and dandy... Except for that part where they should appear in my inventory.
Non-bug talk again. Ranting about stuff instead. Warcraft makes me feel saaaad. On the BfA server, aside from all the bugs, I'm sad because the Horde is not MY Horde, and I only see Vol'jin alive because I'm early in the story, and I'll have to go through THAT to get to Zandalar, so sadness is unavoidable. And on my usual, fine and non-buggy (aside from pets sometimes running in place when the owner stops. Annoying when fishing. Just tap-tap-tap in the background) WotLK one I'm sad because... Well. I'm a VERY TROLL player. Sure, I got some undead. But other than that? Very Troll. Love 'em. Love my trolls, love NPC trolls. So Sen'jin Village being just that tiny thing, and the state of Echo Isles at that point of the story? Sad. Master Gadrin not having unique voice lines there yet? Sad (after hearing him in BfA I maybe got a bit obsessed? Maaaybe? I have maybe visited the Village SPECIFICALLY to click him repeatedly, like, five times already? He. Just. Sounds. So. Nice. I wanna hug him. Or draw him, which with my shit skills is not, in fact, any more possible than hugging him). Hell. Vol'jin, looking non-unique, like just another troll, young and alive and not dying any time soon? Well, now I know it won't last. So I see him like that and I'm sad because I know what's coming.
So to put it in fewer words, Playing Warcraft makes me sad, not playing Warcraft would also make me sad. It's just sadness all around.
But to lighten things up a tad: summoning a rat (battle pet) creates a rat (WILD, capturable battle pet). Rats function fine other than that. have it in your party, it does its thing fine. It's just trying to summon it to follow you that's bugged. Just endless wild rats. If I were less of as-lawful-as-you-can-be-while-still-pirating-shit kinda dude, I'd probably try to see how many I can make happen.
Still at it, because even despite all the bugs (and having a char on a perfectly working, bug-free so far, pain-free due to the timeline, MoP server) I keep having that MIGHTY NEED! Of getting to Zandalar, and dying there, and being laughed at by Bwonsamdi. And all that.
So! O miracle of miracles! A quest that requires gathering something, making something else out of it and using it on an interactable object WORKED! And another one, that required using a thing in a specific place worked, too. Pretty sure there were supposed to be visual effects of some kind, but I'll take what I can.
Too bad Blastranaar doesn't work. Because, again. It's a "talk to the NPC to proceed". Those are fucking broken here. Killing the targets manually might be possible, but likely won't count, seeing how a similar quest went when I tried it (it didn't).
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Guys. I don't think that's how you're supposed to ride. I'm no expert, but generally the rider tends to go on top of the mount.
Sorry, dude, those mines are staying disarmed. They just refuse to cooperate.
Also, a few more things to say: 1. That bear dude (furbolg? I think they're called furbolgs) you should kill for his totem. Hoo, buy! For starters, the flag-placing counts as done as soon, as you take the quest. And all those guys you have to survive? They're already on the hill. All of them.
The bear leader himself is, too. Well, not on the hill, but near it. And once you kill him, there, of course, is the totem! That you can't pick up. Quest unfinishable!
Earlier, when you take a quest from the orc lady, a shaman I suppose, to meet some person from the Earthen Ring. Person in question is not there. The question mark is alright, but not the dude/dudette it belongs to. Quest unfinishable!
Also, pet battles. A lot of things you'll find are DEAD. As in, it's a species-wide thing, not individual critters slain by something. You want a coral snake? Lol, nope, they're all dead from the very start. Can't fight 'em, can't capture 'em. Cheetah cub? Dead. Creepy crawly? Just get a dung beetle and pretend that that's what you wanted. Gazelle fawn? Yep, sliding on the ground while dead as a fucking doornail.
Oooh, and when you have to kill That guy, Keeper whatever-his-name, started with O. The deer dude.
First of all, before you get to him. There are some orcs nearby, and some are friendly alright, as they should be. Others, though... Guys! Guuuuys! I'm a troll! Like, part of the Horde? Like you? I get it that our species are not on the best terms right now (through no fault of ours), but do you really have to attack me? Well, if anyone asks, it was self-defence.
And secondly. The Keeper himself. I understand he is supposed to be inside one of the tree-tower's rooms. Well, he ain't there!
He and his deertaur buddies decided "eh, deer, goat, both have cloven hooves, they're basically the same thing" and climbed onto. The. Fucking. Roof.
Killing him required abusing my pet's ability to phase through the walls in pursuit of prey (and he probably shouldn't be able to do that. Dude is a normal, living raptor, not a vengeful ghost of one! Though that'd be SICK) and some switching between passive/defensive mode of said pet as well as a bit of maneuvering on my part.
Definitely not how it's supposed to go.
A fresh bunch of bugs! And a bit more:
The cannon that I'm supposed to shoot gnome planes with doesn't work, the balloon doesn't work either (but hey! At least the ride counts as taken, so I can just arrive to the goal through other means and finish the quest!), the bomb in the spy quest is usable, but useless due to spies not being stealthed in the first place, I'm pretty sure that falling rocks are supposed to be visible, not just mysterious death outta nowhere, those warmachines don't work either, that's another quest un-doable.
Also, not bug, but daaamn! Three (three!) last places I've been to while on quests had no vendors. Guess I'll have to go elsewhere to free up some bag space. Maybe Orgrimmar - so that I can check if profession trainers got anything new and exciting for me. And maybe gonna go visit Sen'jin Village too, while I'm at it. Not for any real purpose, just to click Master Gadrin a few times. Sure, I can just listen to his voice on Wowhead, but where's the fun in that?
For once, glad a quest didn't work. "To be Horde" sounds like something I very much don't want to actually go through, accept-reject-go for the next that probably shouldn't be available without it, but is is juuust fine by me.
And yea, went to Orgrimmar to sell some stuff and learn some recipes, got some fresh armor (sure, I get plenty for the quests... Problem is, I like challenge, and quest ones often turn purple, while before finishing I was promised green/blue. Purple is a bit too strong for my tastes, so I mostly use what I make myself instead).
And visited Sen'jin Village. Even without actually doing that damn quest, I was still in need of lightening the mood a bit, so pestering Master Gadrin was a must.
Another thing:
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See how the pridemanes sparkle? That's because they're skinnable. But no, they didn't "die weird", ending up standing as if still alive. They ARE alive. And skinnable (or show as such. I'm not a rogue, if that raptor by my side wasn't a clue enough. I can't sneak close enough to try). They aren't the only ones, there's also wolves like that, and that one giant fish.
Stiiill at it. Changing of... Forgot his name. Doesn't matter. That orc Warlord in Desolation Hold. Point is, ya go to the top of the tower, because he asks you to go with him, thinking you'll help him. But you kill him.
And oh, you can kill him alright. That part works. And counts for the quest!
But the tower, as usual, is not tower enough. So killing counts, going doesn't, quest half-done and unfinishable.
But on the positive side, that quest where you blow up siege engines that look like firepowder stuffed in greasy socks? It works THE BEST! The siege engines actually fall to pieces, and there's "BOOM!" and you can't just blow up the same one over and over like you could with the tent-incinerating quest!
The sparks stay after the siege engine is gone, the ones that indicate that something can be interacted with, but it's a minor thing.
Silithid mounds are either not Silithid enough, or not mounds enough. What I'm saying is, I can't pour pitch on them, so I can't do the quest. Fortunately, ones running freely near Fort Triumph count just fine.
Griffins are where they're supposed to be (though they spend a lot of time standing in the sky, rather than flying), and the hook works! But there is just tiiiny little problem:
That quest requires me to kill the RIDERS.
Griffins are on their own. Unmounted. Owners nowhere to be seen. Can't do that quest, either.
So that's ALL quests in that zone undoable (at all or in the intended way). At least the silithid quest gave me my next target, so I guess in a way that was the one most important. And it means I don't have to go to Desolace yet! I have a quest for that but not really looking forvard to it. Visited it briefly on the WotLK server. I know pre- and post- Cataclysm things may be quite different, but I really don't think it became any more enjoyable.
Found a working quest! A line!
And it's a good one so far. Doesn't hurt. Just helping a guy make his dream come true. Sure, the guy is undead. And the "dream" in question is to build an abomination. But still. He's eager! He has a sense of humor! He, so far, haven't asked me to kill allies!
I mean, look at this! How can I walk past him and not help? I can't!
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Mankrik stands, surrounded by Quillboars. The quillboars are mere animated models, just walking around, nameless, levelless, untargetable. He asks me to kill 13 Quillboars. Were I to count ones around him, the number would likely match. There are proper ones nearby, quest-marked, so I can do it. Still, a strange sight.
Sooo, Desolace! And that dead elf, Furien. The fact that I had to ride my very much terrestrial little raptor instead of taking Furien's Dragonhawk and flying to his sister because, as always, that kinda thing is broken? No big deal. Used to it. Expected it.
Furien's Footsteps (where you ALSO have to go on your own, because any sort of "tell the flight master, and they'll get you there" doesn't work either. You can use their services, but you can't talk to them) is where the fun REALLY starts! And ends.
Because you can't do it. Going to the places where you're supposed to go doesn't count. Doing the quests? Well, it counts for the quests themselves, but as far as Furien's Footsteps are concerned, those shrines, and statues and whatnot are still very much unvisited.
Quest undoable! I just hope it wasn't supposed to be a long line spanning the whole location and kicking me to the next with its last quest. That'd be awkward.
"The Emerging Threat" worked!
And yes, it's a big deal. It's a "speak to the NPC for the quest-important thing to happen", and until now I thought ALL of those were broken on Firestorm's BfA servers.
Sure, it didn't work from the first try.
And it didn't work well:
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Two of Korrah's mounts, one for me to ride, green-named, other - yellow, just following partially clipped through "mine", both running in the air instead of flying...
Took a long time to scout those nagas like that!
But still. I was placed onto a mount, even if only on a second try, I did a circle above the naga-infested areas, I was returned to the starting point. And it counted for the quest.
That's unusual and also wonderful.
Guess there's no "lifting of the tired soul" for me: mounds of fertile soil aren't themselves enough to plant the Cenarion seeds.
Also, breaking the Magram spirit or whatever? Ain't happening either: the spear is already there (and wandering around), the centaurs are already there, and no matter how many I kill, it doesn't count for the quest (also, the Magram chieftain is also already there)
Ended up going to Feralas on my own, because there are no more quests in Desolace.
As in, ones I can do: Smeed is not interactable, so I can't give him the harnesses.
Furien's Footsteps, as I've mentioned before, can't be done because the quests at the shrines can't.
Planting seeds and dealing with the centaurs - nope, not workin'
And that one where you're supposed to take control of a demon... You get the "channeling" you get the effect, but you do NOT get the demon. he is still very much loyal to his master and won't tolerate an attack on him.
And there's nothing else. Probably supposed to be, but nope. Nada. Nothing.
So I'm walking into Feralas blind, gonna have to piece together what's up with everything there without having a starting point.
Decided that nothing will cheer me up better (and after losing all but three chapters of a fic I liked re-reading I did need cheering up) than being mocked by Bwonsamdi for dying.
So I went into the game with my untouched, made-him-and-left-him Zandalari priest.
No Bwonsamdi.
Ran all the way to Nazmir.
And, okay. He's there. Found him in two spots plus (obviously) in Necropolis.
Got mocked, feeling better now.
As for bugs - pretty sure he's not supposed to be carrying fishing rod EVERYWHERE. I mean, I appreciate the thing being made of bones. Great style!
But, Bwonsamdi, dear, sure you need it even when away from water? Whatcha fishin' for in necropolis?
Back to my main character and back to Feralas. An amazing-sounding quest about shrinking giants and, naturally, it doesn't fucking work. Pity.
Also, still not sure what's the deal with the Dragon-lady. According to her I have apparently dealt with some problem. but I didn't. Either it was a continuation of Furien's questline and therefore inaccessible, or it's just straight up missing.
Hmm. A variation on the trouble with wingrider masters: the option to talk to her is there, but clicking of it (or on the normal flight option) does nothing.
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fenneykindlefire · 8 months ago
My theories on what happened during the World of Warcraft Alpha/Beta
I remember there being a post on reddit where someone shares their theories on what happened during the alpha/beta, but I can't find it anymore, so I've made my own post about a few theories:
Shaman totems were originally sold by Tah Winterhoof in his shop Winterhoof Totems.
Players originally had to pay in order to discover a new flight path.
The Carrion Bird family was originally called "Buzzard", the Crocolisk family was originally called "Crocodile", and the Scorpid family was originally called "Scorpion".
Bristleback Hunters were originally accompanied by Bristleback Wolves like how Razormane Hunters have Razormane Wolves.
There was a neutral NPC in Deathknell called "Darkhound" that were later removed and had their NPC ID reused by a different NPC.
The Undercity flight master was originally found just outside The Ruins of Lordaeron. After The Sewers were added, he was moved inside the city.
Wool Cloth was originally called "Wool".
Ice Cold Milk used to drop from Cows.
Echeyakee was level 20 instead of 16.
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tallgrassstore · 5 years ago
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Started and finished the beautiful White Lion from World of Warcraft, Echeyakee!
I'm really pleased with how the ombre effect in his main turned out (even if not fully viewable at this angle) and his cute eyes 😍
I'm taking a day off with a trip to the National Zoo today, but I'll probably start the next amigurumi tonight~
Useful links;
Find me on Etsy: http://TheTallGrass.Etsy.com/
Follow me on DeviantArt: http://TallGrassArt.deviantart.com/
Daily updates on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetallgrass/
Support new Amigurumi: https://ko-fi.com/TheTallGrass
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theadventuresofaimey · 5 years ago
Echeyakee - Near Grom'doll Farm, Northern Barrens.
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gearfeathers · 5 years ago
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Hunter pets acquired: 2/2, quest complete! Ever since I got my boy Charlie, née Loque’nahak, from @thetallgrass Ive been wanting to get my #1 best boy, Kegan, to match. Echeyakee has been my hunter’s oldest and most constant companion, and I’m thrilled I had the chance to commission her again for him. His mane is so soft, and the gradient in it is so so good. Kegan and Charlie, my best boys, ready for whatever. #thetallgrass #crochet #amigurumi #worldofwarcraft #echeyakee #hunterpets https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DjrWinw0c/?igshid=ogcz3wxj0cf5
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curiosghostie · 6 years ago
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somethingwittyandweird replied to your post “Was cleaning stuff up when I found one of my old mario print bags with...”
In my biased opinion, Mages are objectively the best, I don't make the rules.
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consequencesofargentdawn · 3 years ago
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Here we have an individual who has been driven out of roleplaying with players due to the GM’s willingness to accept ACU bigotry and not sympathise with one of their own members negative experiences with the ACU.
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The ACU’s worst offenders do engage in psychological manipulation of those around them for the purpose of increasing their own influence and  to drive out those who they deem “undesirable” through campaigns of harassment and hatred. This player simply adds more weight to the numerous proofs we have given regarding this in the past.
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Kodoheart however claims they are “sorry to hear” these things but clearly not enough to take into consideration with their guild members worries and concerns.
We’re sure they, like many others who claim to defend LGBTQIA+ individuals, would when pushed rather go with the prospect of having cheap instant noodle rp provided by the ACU rather than stick to their morals and cut contact with them when their members who are part of a minority group actively oppressed by the PCU voice their worries and concerns.
We can only wish that this individual has gone on to find a healthy, safe and enjoyable community away from the hypocritical Totem of Echeyakee and the opportunistic Kodoheart.
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worldofwarcraftart · 5 years ago
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Echeyakee by Kan Liu Source: https://ift.tt/2YnYzQi New news website for furry fans: http://awoonews.com
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mipeltaja · 5 years ago
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Ah, Classic WoW. Some guy got on my case for tagging the Echeyakee I summoned and then got real high and mighty about not knowing how it works.
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evilsapphyre · 5 years ago
So, the husband and I have been playing a bit of WoW Classic together. He’s a Tauren Warrior, and I’m a Troll Shaman. We’re playing on a PvP server with some friends, as this was their choice of server.
This morning, the hubby and I were playing, and I needed to kill Echeyakee. We get there, I summon him, and then a Night Elf Hunter pops out, tags him, and starts to try and tame him. She’s level 23, flagged, but there’s no way that he or I can kill her. So, I decide since she stole my quest mob, that I’ll just kill the lion anyways. I manage to succeed in doing so, and then as the hubby and I run off to take care of other quests (since the horn is a one time use item), I put out a notice in General that there’s a Level 23 NE Hunter at Echeyakee’s Lair, and she’s shadowmelded right next to a tin mine.
There was quite the feeling of satisfaction when a rogue announced that she was dead about twenty minutes later. The rogue made sure that the hunter stayed dead until I was able to recollect the quest and kill the mob too.
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rosebramblewolf · 5 years ago
blizzard chose to cap the stress test at 15 to keep me personally from taming echeyakee this is biphobia
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crisasthewakener · 7 years ago
Crisas and Tah during Classic WoW Pt 1
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After the death of Crisas’s mother during the assault of the Kul’tiran fleet on the Echo Isles, she and Tah started to do different small jobs and errands in order to help maintain their sisters, since they were still too young to fend for themselves. Crisas mostly perfected her hunting and fishing skills during this time, while Tah gathered herbs and helped her with the skinning proccess of her catches.
When Zalazane seized control of the Echo Isles however, Crisas decided that instead of staying in Sen’jin village, they should move to Orgrimmar; one, because she thought they would have more chances in the city, and two, because after loosing her youngest sister to the Witchdoctor’s uprising, she just couldn’t bear staying close to the isles.
Once they arrived to Orgrimmar, they kept doing similar small jobs to sustent the family, and as they traveled and did more dangerous errands, the pay got considerably better, pulling them farther and farther from the capital city, first into Durotar, and, later, into the Barrens.
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When the second older sister of the family, Kuji’ta, managed to get a job as an apprentice and assistant of a local Alchemist (thanks to Tah teaching her how to differenciate, carefully pick appart, and preserve the Herbs), and the remaining 3 sisters knew how to manage the money and the house with her help, Crisas and Tah decided that they could journey further into Kalimdor.
Sending their earnings by mail, they could stay more time away, and gather much more than before. It was during this time in the Crossroads that they met a Tauren named Anuka, a young and enthusiastic hunter set on the acomplishment of taming the legendary beast named Echeyakee. In echange of helping her track and tame the lion, she offered to guide the pair across the Barrens, and while doing so, formed a strong friendship with the duo. Even after a long month of attempts and frustrating failures, Anuka didn’t acomplish her goal of taming the white Lion, but the three agreed to meet up  once more in the Crossroads to continue traveling together. After the Trolls had decided to go back to Orgrimmar to sell what they had gathered,
She was also the first time Crisas and Tah came across Tauren Sign Language, or Handspeak, as Anuka called it, and she had no problem in teaching them along the journey.
Following at first the call of the Horde, the trio went north to assist on the fight against the Night Elves, but soon they realized it had been a mistake.
The money they earned was not that much better, gathering herbs or pelts was much harder because of the ruthless Sentinels, and more often than not, the wounds they suffered in combat would need days to heal (even in Crisas’s and Tah’s case). There was also a sense of wrongness for them in many of their assigments; Tah and Anuka specially, did not like the little to no respect most of those orcs had for the nature that surrounded them, and both Trolls, while not liking Elfs one bit, recognized the signs of people defending what they knew as home, which would make the uneasiness grow in their stomach.
Sometimes they talked about leaving, but it wasn’t after Crisas’s first encounter with a particular elf, and an attack where Tah nearly lost an arm and Anuka nearly lost an eye, that the Troll huntress decided that she would not risk it any longer. Before a neccesary a trip to Orgrimmar, the group decided to travel South instead, to the Thousand Needles.
Perhaps the weather would be harsher, the jobs harder, or they would be much farther from… home, but she knew she could make herself and Tah survive through those, and the three agreed that, while understanding why the Warsong Gulch’s labor was needed, they wouldn’t take part on it.
Sign Language and Troll culture
Crisas and Tah during Classic wow Pt 2
Resuming their background this way and adding small short comics is much more efficient than making a lot of uneventful stories just to explain their past.
Also, I couldn’t find a natural way to write in this information, but in case you’re curious, Crisas and Tah were 12 when Daelin Proudmoore attacked the Echo isles (she is barely a month older than him), and 17 to become 18 at the start of classic WoW, while Anuka was 19 by the time they met her.
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zephiraz · 7 years ago
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I got Acroniss! Plus this monkey guy. I also convinced Blue and Echeyakee to stop being so shy, so Echeyakee got his photo retaken.
Acroniss was the last rare spawn that I needed in the pursuit of mimicking my draenei-turned-belf hunter’s stable. The next few I need will be obtained during the course of questing in Outland and Northrend, then I want some more challenging pets from dungeons once I hit max.
From left to right: Echeyakee, Acroniss, Blue, Mukla
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misc-alt · 5 years ago
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The Young Prince Mathias Echeyakee Whitemane, AKA Mr. Marshmallow Man, AKA Fluffybutt, AKA Big Kidden, AKA Big Fluffy Cloud Man . . . . . #cat #catswithmanes #cutecat #ragdoll #ragdollcat #whitecat #whitecats #prettykitty #prettycats #prettycat #pet #bestfriend #fluffykitten #fluffy #fluffycat #lilacragdoll #wowclassic #kitten #bigkitten #bigcat #bigcats #sleepykitten https://www.instagram.com/p/CBmBLxzDRZb/?igshid=kb9p5rljgf3f
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birdsy-purplefishes · 8 years ago
“Players can rescue Echeyakee; if you save him, he'll help you fight the invasion.”
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worldofwarcraftart · 7 years ago
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Echeyakee the Whitemist by Kan Liu Source: http://ift.tt/2eOz194
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