#ebachan stories
ebachan · 6 years
NinRai - Prologue
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  The snow was falling outside of a wooden cottage. Gray smoke floated towards the sky from the chimney, melting any frozen tear that landed near. The sun was setting, but it was hardly seen behind the thick clouds, promising a blanket on the ground.
In the cottage was an old man with a long beard cut into a triangle, sitting in a rocking chair. His gentle eyes hidden beneath fluffy eyebrows, looked down at a small group of children, sitting on a warm rug near the fireplace. The flames flickered with a silent sputtering, accompanied by the spectacle of moving shadows.
The old man took out his pipe and let the smoke drift towards the ceiling made of strong wooden beams. One child with cat ears tugged at the patchwork blanket resting on his lap. A small smile decorated the man’s face, and his hand caressed the child’s hair.
“I know,” the man said. “I promised you a bedtime story.”
“Yay!” cheered a barely four-year-old girl who bore cat-like eye. Her short whiskers twitched as her pink nose sucked aroma of the burning wood. Her tightened fists showed how close she was to bursting with anticipation.
“Hoho.” The old man silently laughed. “Very well.” Those two words made the group widen their eyes and twitch their ears, eagerly moving forward to not miss a single sound.
A log in the fireplace snapped, and the flames towered higher for a second, casting a light on the group. None of them were human like he was. Every child had something cat-like to them. From ears and fur to yellow eyes with split pupils, but none were fully feline.
The old man, once more, puffed from his pipe, and with a gentle voice, he started to tell a story, “In a faraway land, called…” His voice trailed off. “How did it go again?” He tilted his head backward like it was supposed to help him remember.
“Well, it doesn’t matter now,” he added a few seconds later, “A spring came, bringing new beginnings and a story for everybody…”
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PS. Please ignore the emojis Tumblr put inside (when reading this on your dashboard) ^_^;
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monmatch · 3 years
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@ebachan Thank you! -and yeah, I totally get not being into romance. 99% of the time the romantic leads are bland and the plots that get them together are boring as hell lol
Honestly, the romance I like the most are fanfiction crack ships. It's fun and hilarious to see writers bend over backwards to try and get two people together. That's where I get some of my inspiration for Monster Match. It taught me to be self aware of the absurdity of what I’m writing, while also avoiding the easy route to make the love/story more interesting.
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Great Sonic Movie fics Masterpost!
I’ve recently gotten into the wonderful world of Sonic Movie fanfiction! I know there are some....gross ones and it can be hard to find the good stuff. So I’m going to share my favourite fics with y’all!
Thank you @ebachan for this amazing idea!
Pocket Hog AU by @tharkflark1 and @nursingtie413
This has to be my favourite! It’s an AU where Tom and Maddie meet Sonic ten years earlier and it’s the cutest thing! There are a few chapters already.
@tharkflark1 also made a one-shot AU of the AU based on the deleted Baby Sonic intro, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking.
The Four Stages of Trauma Recovery, as told by Dr. A Burdett by @humanityinahandbag
This one is about Tom and Maddie going to a therapist so they get a better idea of how to help Sonic, who is showing clear signs of trauma. The only problem is that they tell the truth about Sonic. It’s really well written!
After the storm by @lakesandquarries
These are some beautiful stories about the Wachowski family and Sonic’s struggles to adapt to his new life. It’s really really good and has several chapters up already!
Too much by @rockmilkshake
What if the Metal Virus apocalypse happened in the movie universe? This fic broke my heart, burned my crops, punched me in the stomach and stole my wife, but it is a damn good angst fic!
Midnight Stroll and Congratulations, it’s a boy! by @sapphireskeletons
The first one is about Crazy Carl saving Sonic (and you know how much I love Crazy Carl) while the second is about Sonic meeting his grandmas. Real good!
I thought hedgehogs liked taking baths? by @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian
Super adorable Sonic and Maddie bonding! She also has several one-shots on her Ao3 account I haven’t gotten to read yet, but after reading this one I know for certain that they are good stuff you should read!
5 Times Sonic Caught Himself Before Calling Them 'Mom & Dad' and 1 Time He Didn't Hold Back by @samanthafrank
The fic that actually got me into reading them in the first place! The chapters that are currently up are really sweet, angsty and well written!
Emerald green by stagemanager
I literally just started reading this one but so far I love it! If you love Longclaw then you should check it out, no doubt! It also has a very interesting idea of Sonic’s origin.
These are my favourite Sonic Movie fics! There are some that I haven’t gotten to read yet, and I know there aren’t that many, but I hope this post will get more people to support these wonderful writers and maybe write their own fics.
Also, if there are any fics I haven’t mentioned that you love, or want to share your own work, then feel free to do so!
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dxrkblaze · 7 years
this just in: ru is gay and I love her HHDGSHHDDL THAnk u sm homie I cri,,, ❤️❤️
1) of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?Hmm… probably all my colors? Like, there’s a lot I’d like to go back and change, but at the end of the day it was my baby for a good two plus years and there’s a lot of personal stuff sprinkled in there. It kinda shows my emotional progression throughout high school in the story, and while that’s def not why I wrote it, it’s cool to go back and look at it sometimes to see the things I used to say/think about. Plus it’s one of the only massive projects of mine that I’ve actually completed, lol.
Also I have a lot of love for amc just bc it’s so… different, I guess? Like, I’ve never really seen something like it fleshed out into a full-length story, especially not with silver and blaze. And the fact that it rlly touched several ppl and got them rlly into it… that makes me feel kinda accomplished when I’m not being a self-deprecating prick lmao. I rlly rlly wanted it to be my first fic to get to 100 reviews for a reason!
2) favorite tense (past/present/future)Definitely past, I tried present with the unforgiven and it just made it frustrating to write, lmao.
3) favorite POV (first/second/third/etc)I prefer writing in first person, actually. I think it simplifies things for both the writer and reader, and I’ve always found a lot more freedom to be creative when I write in first person.
4) what are some themes you love writing about?Lmao well, obviously romance is priority one for me, so most of my themes stem from that. I rlly love writing about class struggle tho, whether it’s someone low who’s aiming high or a noble who isn’t satisfied with such a high class. Morality also comes up a lot in my writing, I guess; tryna figure out what the right thing to do is, tryna figure out if this character actually did the best thing, all that good stuff!
5) what inspires you to write?Definitely music… sometimes I’ll stray from it and pick up some inspo from movies/stories/etc, but 99% of the time I’ll be listening to a song and suddenly come up w a fic idea from it lmao.
6) thoughts on critiqueI encourage it!! bc I think it’s the only real way to improve. Sometimes it can make me feel bad if I’m in one of those rlly shitty self-deprecation ruts, but still I usually get over it soon even when I’m like that. I know it’s for the better, and I appreciate everyone who’s ever been kind enough, and cared enough abt my writing to give me critique!
7) create a character on the spot…. NOW!UMMMM OKIE,,, what abt a snow leopard named Kyra… she likes to sit around n read n eat noodles… her main hobby other than reading is dancing. she’s v shy but she loves her close friends n BAM I just made her gay. She’s a lesbian, harold.
8) is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?Most - probably silver… his personality is always one I’ve gotten a lot of joy out of writing. He’s basically a walking contradiction, lmfao. He’s also pretty easy for me to self-project onto, idk why. Least - I’m gonna say amy for this one, just because it’s been hard for me to focus on more than one aspect of her personality and flesh all of it out. Plus amy is a somewhat overused character lol, I get a lot more fun out of writing blaze/tikal/others when I need a female role, even if it’s something simple
9) a passage from a WIPOh u kno I gotta dip into royalty au for this one 👀
It was nearly a fortnight before any word was received from King Pyrus. It came in the form of a small parcel addressed to Blaze, which held a note inside for her. The young princess jumped at the feet of the servant who had brought it in, and once it was lowered into her hands, she hurried to her chamber. Once there, she closed the door behind her and jumped on her bed, unable to contain her excitement. With a careful claw and an eager expression, she tore the parcel’s paper away. Before looking at what it contained, she snatched the note from her father, and brought it to her face. It read:
My Little Flame,
I am sorry I could not write to you sooner. I remain busy, but I finally began exploring, and I found something I think you will simply adore. It is a traditional robe (I believe it is called a kimono) from here in the Eastern Isles. It is just as beautiful as the land, and just as special as you are to I, my dear. We must make plans to bring you here one day, it astounds me each time.
Do not fret about the ongoings in the world, how ever much you have heard. Kiniti watches over us at all times, and she will ensure peace among all kinetics. Hopefully, I will depart in the coming few days, and we will see one another soon.
With love,Father Flame
Blaze, of course, merely skimmed over the second half of the note as a formality. She laid the message aside, and her jaw dropped once she held the kimono out. It was a beautiful shade of dark purple, with an equally enchanting design. Trails of dainty cherry blossoms sat on rugged branches, which climbed up either side of the robe. The silk seemed to melt between Blaze’s fingers; it was the softest material she had ever felt. She rubbed one of the sleeves against her cheek, and purred into it. When she turned the robe over, she gasped. A large, pink bow was already tied at the back, as if it had been made just for her. She slipped the kimono over her shoulders, and although the sleeves hung low over her arms, the length was just right. Blaze tied the pieces of ribbon at her waist, just as Pyrus had taught her, and words could never express how delighted she was with the gift. She could not wait to show her father once he returned.
As Blaze was fitting her tail through the bow on her back, Baxton entered the room. Whenever Pyrus was absent, it was usually Baxton who took up the king’s general duties. He signed letters, addressed the people, attended court; it kept him quite busy. The only responsibility he didn’t inherit was any control of he army - the sole post he would be familiar with. Quite the chore it was, but Baxton was always fond of his temporary sovereign role. At least in terms of the power he held, that is. In fact, Blaze assumed that he had been yelling at some servants not too long ago, judging by his flushed face.
The elder cat scratched his head. “Princess, did the king leave a letter?”
Blaze pointed to the note on her bed. Baxton scurried to it, and frowned as he glanced over the elegant handwriting. “Is this it?” he quizzed.
The princess nodded, and held her arms out with a smile. “Look, Baxi! Look at what father sent me!”
Blaze couldn’t quite tell what Baxton’s expression conveyed, but it was something between a smile and a scowl. The note crumpled in a quick motion from Baxton’s fist, and was thrown back onto the bed cover. Blaze didn’t think much of this as Baxton hurried out, and she walked to her mirror to admire the kimono again.
10) what are your strengths wrt writing?Hmm… I get a lot of ppl saying that I’m pretty eloquent when it comes to phrasing/word choices? I’m constantly tinkering with how things are said, even up until like 30 seconds before I publish smth lmao. I also like to think I never just string sentences together and leave it at that when I’m narrating, I pay a lot of attention to how different sentences/phrases flow together.
11) what are your weaknesses wrt writing?My main weakness would probably be going overboard on all the little things, like how a sentence sounds or flows and stuff like that. I end up being a perfectionist with it, and sometimes when I’m crafting/changing phrases around, I end up with a sentence that kinda drags on or tries to do too much.
12) what’s your favorite place for writing resources?Tumblr’s pretty good for me, actually. I rarely ever seek out resources, but I do reblog a lot of them that come to me here and they’ve been very useful to me in the past.
13) who are your favorite writers?Ok first off binch u@aurora-boring-alis (FF: aurora-boring-alis) Then my other peeps who also make the quality goodness™™ I can’t get enough of (some fanfic accounts more active than others)@maliwarm (FF: biteworsethanbark) @lordoftheghostking28 (FF: lordoftheghostking28) @weezernaut (FF: space mercutio)@ebachan (wattpad: witto150)
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ebachan · 6 years
Silver Darkness (Open Sonic FF)
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This story had won 6+ User Awards on Wattpad!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Fanfiction
Rating: PG 14+
Status: Complete
Universe: Archie Sonic Universe
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ebachan · 6 years
The Crossing Destinies (Open Sonic FF) BOOK 1
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This story had won about 12+ User-run Awards on Wattpad!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Fanfiction
Rating: PG 14+ (light swearing, mention of blood, gore, death)
Status: Complete
Original AU: @gaysilver​
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ebachan · 6 years
The Clashing Destinies (Open Sonic FF) BOOK 2
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You can read it on Wattpad!
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Fanfiction
Rating: PG 14+ (mention of blood, gore, death, light swearing)
Status: On-going (Monday Updates!)
Original AU: @gaysilver
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ebachan · 6 years
TCD - Before The Time
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Darkness; the silent hunter hiding everything and everyone, yet they shined so brightly at the same time. Just one sound and everything was revealed.
If anyone listened carefully, they might have found the truth within. Avoiding it, approaching it… Were these the only choices one could make? After all, every person shapes their own destiny, right? However, even the deepest blackness couldn't hide anyone from their true fate.
Fate had from time to time, a strange sense of humor. The more one wanted to avoid it, the more they were dragged down the path that was set for them. It didn't matter if it was a road nobody wanted to set their foot on, somebody still had to walk on it.
Many years ago, a chosen child was sent on a cursed path, and nothing could change it. This chosen child’s future was controlled by a woman known as The Light One. No matter what, that child could only follow this direction.
However, The Light One was now incapable of doing anything, enclosed in a tall, massive crystal engulfed by dim light. The stunning prison resembled a hexagonal tower. Its tip was sharp, looking down at everything.
Tiny balls of light were floating around the crystal-like fireflies, making the structure more magical than it already was. Some of them entered the crystal, moving through the thick walls like they were nothing.
Smaller crystals were spurting from its base like roots, resting the base in a nest. They looked gentle, but their sharp edges prevented anyone from getting too close.
The space around the prison was filled with black nothingness destined to be swallowed beyond the thin border of light the crystal emitted. The cold claws of the darkness had a tight grip around it, but they never fully surpassed the glow. Thin streams of the light escaped through gaps, never getting too far.
It was an eerie, scary, and lonely place, yet the Light One’s expression was the embodiment of serenity. There was no fear, sadness, or happiness. Like that woman was dead from the inside, regardless of the radiance that engulfed her.
Her body was wrapped in a simple dress, the hem was wavering in the substance filling the crystal. Her long hair floated around like a veil. The clothes hid her figure, covering most of her pure, white skin. The Light One’s eyes were closed like she was having an endless dream.
The silence of this dark place was interrupted by an echo of steps coming from far away. The resounding strides vibrated through the air. A sound that would send a chill down the spine of anyone who would be near to hear them. The steps were slow, but firm, shortening the distance to the crystal with each heartbeat.
The border of the light was crossed by a new figure hidden by a cloak. It covered the figure’s whole form, the hood hanging over the half of the face. Only a trio of small horns on its forehead was visible under the cloth. It seemed there was something more beneath the hood, but it was completely concealed.
The figure lifted its head slightly, gazing at the elegant, crystal coffin. The shadows on its face shrunk from the light, revealing red, scaly skin. The dusky light caressed the incomer, however it was ice cold. It gave nothing but misery and sadness to anyone who would set their eyes on it.
“You have envisioned the future, but I won't let you have it your way.” The cold, emotionless tone of his voice made sure to show he was dead serious.
A hand mostly dominated by black scales with a few red stripes reached toward the central crystal. Nevertheless, it was pushed away by a strong wave of energy. The raised gust hit him hard, but he stood his ground, merely covering his face with the repelled arm. His hood fluttered but remained in place.
The light fireflies rushed through his body. They were cold to the touch but burning as they passed through. It lasted only for a few seconds, but the lingering pain remained even after the cloak stopped wavering.
He put his hand down, looking up. The Light One's lips were closed, but it felt like they were sneering at him. This wasn't his first attempt to get closer, and it sure wasn't the last time he would try to. Giving up wasn’t in his nature.
His fist balled before he barked, “You may have seen the time that has yet to come, but you aren’t the only one who can control it!” He gnawed on his lip as the last word left his mouth. “I’ll make sure of that!” the cloaked figure snapped at the end, making a sharp glance toward the other’s face.
At that moment, the hood for a second revealed yellow eyes with slit pupils. The horned figure turned away, disappearing into the darkness.
Moments of stillness had passed when her voice came from inside of the crystal, vibrating through the air, “Not even you can change that, my dear half. Not even you…”
As if the light symbolized the strength of her voice, it slowly died together with the words, embracing the silence once more. The darkness immediately covered everything, leaving nothing untouched.
You can read the rest on Wattpad :-)
Your feedback is welcomed with open arms.
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ebachan · 6 years
The Crossing Destinies [Sonic the Hedgehog FanFic]
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If you are looking for Sonic the Hedgehog FF, this one might catch your interest <3
It just recently crossed 6000 reads and received a huge amount of positive feedback! Many non-fans praised it for vivid description, fluent action, and openness to all readers!
You can read it for FREE on Wattpad <3
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ebachan · 7 years
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I have decided to post this story here for better reading experience :-) Please, check it out and tell me what you think (Here or on Wattpad). Thank you.
The Crossing destinies [Complete - Re: Checking] (on Wattpad)
Re-check: Hidden rose (6/6)
Shadow is a priest living peacefully in a middle-sized town. But lately, he is noticing dark aura is surrounding its citizens, causing them to behave aggressively. As he is investigating the cause of this, he encounters Sonic - a mischievous boy being outside at such late hour. Before he can accompany him to a safer place, he notices a sinister aura.
There is a demon nearby, so he makes a totally believable excuse and rushes there. There he meets small demonic creature - Eclipse feasting on his prey. The clash is inevitable and no one knows how it will ends... especially when certain hedgehog makes a bigger mess. After this night, nothing will be ever the same.
Original AU: @gaysilver
Rating: T (14+), middle+ violence (maybe light swearing), some blood (nothing too detailed)
Cover: Done by humble me
Note: The story is being edited = longer, fewer mistakes, more fun ;-)
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ebachan · 6 years
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The Crossing Destinies [Sonic the Hedgehog FF] (on Wattpad) 
Shadow the Hedgehog is a priest residing in an average sized town enjoying a peaceful life. His daily life is disturbed, however, by a rising occurrence of possessed people trying to commit crimes. 
On his night patrol, he encounters a boy named Sonic, who was supposed to be in bed long ago. Unfortunately, at the same time he senses something sinister, so he quickly sends the child to his church while he pursues the cause.
It won't be before long he founds it feasting on fresh prey. The fight is inevitable, and nobody knows how it will end; especially if a certain boy doesn't listen, and makes a bigger mess of everything. 
After this night, nothing will be the same. A past, Shadow had no idea ever existed, will start creeping back, haunting him. And like that wasn't enough, a new enemy shall appear, relentlessly pursuing our priest. Nothing will stop him until the ebony hedgehog ends in his grasp.
Original AU: @gaysilver
Rating: T (14+), middle+ violence (maybe light swearing), some blood (nothing too detailed), a bit of gore (mentioned) 
Cover: Done by humble me
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ebachan · 7 years
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Silver Darkness (on Wattpad)
Silver the hedgehog, time-traveling hedgehog, young psychic... he has many names and he comes from the future, and as of now, he is on a mission to close all Genesis portals. It's a daunting task, but he will do his best so no innocent person may get lost... just like now. He was waiting for one portal to appear and when he was ready to close it... someone ran thru it. It was no other than Eclipse the Darkling, Shadow's half-brother on a quest to eradicate the whole Mobius. 
The young psychic was surprised and even more when Shadow followed soon enough. In the confusion Silver sent the ebony hedgehog flying and took the alien with him, without knowing what consequences it could have for him. But the struggle between brothers might not be the biggest problem as the planet was being approached by huge spaceship caring a bigger thread. 
Here is another story of mine. It’s in the process of being edited, but the first two chapters are 90% done. If you liked it, consider leaving a vote or a comment (on Wattpad or Tumblr).
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ebachan · 7 years
Crossing destinies – Chapter 5 – Silver darkness (8/10)
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Original AU: @gaysilver
Inspired by: @sonicrobots
Genre: Action, adventure, fantasy
Rating: T (14+), middle+ violence (maybe light swearing)
Shadow is a priest living peacefully in a middle sized town. But lately, he is noticing dark aura is surrounding its citizens, causing them to behave aggressively. As he is investigating the cause of this, he encounters Sonic – a mischievous boy being outside at such late hour. Before he can accompany him to a safer place, he notices a sinister aura. There is a demon nearby, so he makes a totally believable excuse and rushes there. There he meets small demonic creature – Eclipse feasting on his prey. The clash is inevitable and no one knows how it ends… especially when certain hedgehog makes a bigger mess. After this night, nothing will be ever the same.
[Silver's house – hours ago]
He was in the cellar, leaning against the cold wall. The house had deep underground part divided into separate rooms. While some functioned as food storage or were connected to catacombs for easy traveling, a few rooms were used as a prison cell for demons.
Crestia was chained to the ground, laying on the stomach. Her chest was quickly moving up and down and from her body was running blood in thin streams. Her skin was covered with many bruises and some of them will definitely leave a scar. But she could care less about that, she never gave a dang for beauty.
“I hate to admit it, but you are quite stubborn,” said Silver. “To be able to withstand this much torture and not to scream or spill the beans is truly praiseworthy.” He stepped closer to her. “I wonder…” on the inside side of his glove was a circle, he channeled psychic power into it and formed a whip.
“… what's makes you be so.” He slashed her back. Yet again she just clenched her teeth, drilled the claws into the ground, but made no sound. “Still fighting it? You make me curious, where is your limit? It surely isn't endless.”
She pierced him with her eyes.
“That's the spirit,” he mocked her. “I promise, I will kill you fast. It will be completely painless. Just tell me where is the other demon.”
Her attempt to spit on him ended many centimeters from his foot. The young psychic clenched his teeth. “So that's your answer!” He whipped her, not leaving a piece to be untouched. When he stopped, gasping for an air, he noticed she was unconscious. “Dang!” He hit the wall with a fist. “Why it's so stubborn!” He was furious. He left the room not bothering to close the door.
The demon was in a special circle and in its current state it wouldn't be able to escape no matter what. He slowly climbed the stairs, calming his breathing and mind. He left the humid cellar and entered the ground floor.
Gold was sitting in the living room, having a tea. Silver poured himself a cup sitting in the armchair.
“How it went?”
He snorted showing his disdain. “It's stubborn creature, it won't talk easily.” He remembered how their fight went.
“… That black priest is too scary!!”
Silver's ears twitched. Just behind the corner, he has found two demons and the small one knew the fake priest! The demon exorcist didn't hesitate, he formed his power into a big hand, directing it at the small one. However, the bigger one spotted him and dragged the second demon from his reach, but not completely, as he grabbed his legs, causing him severe burns.
Eclipse's screech cut the silence of the night. The bigger one slashed the energy in half and with a simple motion, it tossed the demon he wanted far away. Silver was so pissed, he ignored his original target and engaged in heated battle with his new enemy. But he was still able to think as for years he trained his brain to never stop thinking about battle strategies.
His body moved by instinct and years of hard training while his power coming from mind defended him or attacked. His opponent wasn't bad either. The demon was experienced and had a lot of raw strength. The speed was on the other hand at best average. He had no problem to keep with…'Where did it go?!'
He looked around, he was sure it will land behind him making a cowardly attack. 'Was it hiding its true speed?'
Silver shot a beam of his power at the last moment, piercing right thru whole demon’s arm. The demon screamed in the pain, falling to the ground. Silver quickly formed lances and pierced the demon's limbs. It squirmed on the ground.
“Silver!!” shouted Gold running to him. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, thanks to you.” It sure was true, if it wasn't for her, his head would be in a lot of pain. “Let's take it with us. Its life still has a value for me.”
The silver psychic felt bitter that he let it gain upper hand for a moment and for underestimating his opponent so much. Not to mention, he searched for the small demon but found nothing.
“What do you want to do next?” Gold had careworn look in her eyes.
“I think I'll use a different approach. Why should I pull, when somebody else can push.”
[The present – Abandonment building]
“State your wish, I shall fulfill it,” announced Eclipse.
“Tell me your name.”
All of them were silent. The demon's eyes slowly shown rising panic.
“A name?” Sonic had no idea what it means.
“When I was starting as a priest I had… let's say…” it looked like he was embarrassed to remember it, “… very interesting conversation with one of the senior priests. This man claimed all demons have a name and if you get it, you can make the demon your slave. It can't hurt or attack you and it has to listen to your every command.”
“Then if we know it, this monster will never hurt anyone anymore!” Now that was one good new.
Eclipse pushed himself to the barrier, almost looking like a pancake. “No… I can't do that… Not that,” he was sweating.
“That's good too. You can stay here for years, for all I care! Your sis is just another monster anyway! It will be better if both of you are dead!” shouted the blue boy his true feelings.
That made the demon furious and he jumped on him only to slam into the barrier. After shaking the worst from his head, he went back, trying to break on his own. Amy was shaking and clenching her fists. Was it really impossible?
“Demon, you are too weak. You won't escape this place,” reminded him Shadow.
“Shut up! Shut up!!”
“Then you give me no choice.” Shadow approached the circle. Amy caught his wrist.
“Amy, he won't change!” Sonic dragged her. “You promised to let father Shadow end him if he will be aggressive!”
“He is just desperate to save his sister!” The pink hedgehog had tears in her eyes.
“This has to be done,” Shadow shook her hand, entering the circle. He half-knelt, putting his hands on demon's neck. Snapping it will kill him the fastest way, there will be a just momentary pain. The small body shook, the tears were flowing down… The priest had no strength in his hands. Eclipse suddenly felt a pang in his whole body, getting the numb sensation.
“Eclipse!!” shouted Amy.
The demon turned to her.
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ebachan · 7 years
What kind of ultimate lifeform are you?
Link to the header image
There is no header image because I wanted to use Finik’s one, but she wished for it not to be featured on different site, so hit the link already to see it :-D It’s awesome and her gallery is full of awesome stuff.
Inspiration by: Finik
Genre: Fantasy, hurt/comfort
Rating: T (14+)
Story by: @ebachan
Special thank you: @sonicrobots (for your Priest AU one-shots), @gaysilver  (for Priest AU), @sweetcorn-chan (for her sweet Eclipse and Shadow pictures) and Finik (for this awesome picture <clik the link above> and much more)
Story: Well, I don’t think I have to add a thing, you get the picture (pun intended XD). Here I would like to share a small intro about how this one-shot came to be. Of course, it started with this picture, but what made the story truly rolling was a song Mercy by Shawn Mendes. Once I heard it on the radio, this picture popped in my head and the story was running wild in front of me. I just couldn’t think of anything else... except until @gaysilver Priest AU pushed it aside, making me go wild. Seriously, whenever I had a time, it was this story I developed more and more.
So essentially, this story is a small predecessor to Crossing Destinies and I like it, so I wrote it down since in CD I’m at the part where the writing process slowed down for me. I know where the story will go, it’s just I don’t have a definite version for few parts. But enough of my rambling hit the “Keep reading” link to get the whole picture (XD).
Shadow felt only a slight pain in his body, how it was already numb from it. His throat was dry and he had a strange feeling in his limbs. He slowly shook his head, unable to remember what happened. He opened his eyes, blankly staring at a red floor.
'Where...?' He noticed he is kneeling... no, halfway hanging. He looked behind, feeling a pull, noticing his hands... were inside of a red wall. “What...?” His eyes widen and a stream of images flooded his mind.
With his teammates and Spider troupe, they invaded new Black Comet. There he fought with remaining Black Arms and was even brainwashed by Eclipse and Black Death. Thou he was able to escape from their control with the help of Rouge and Omega, the mission failed.
The aliens got the bomb, the soldiers were forced to retreat and Shadow made sure they will all leave alive, including his teammates. He could still hear Rouge's voice in his ears calling him. He shook his head, shooing memories away and pulling hard with his arms. The wall was sticky and had a meaty feeling. It was like being in a giant stomach.
“Trying to leave, brother?” asked his younger alien brother.
Shadow angrily glanced at him. “Eclipse!” he growled.
“Why so angry? Why don’t you still get you belong here? This is your home!” Eclipse looked almost sad. “We sacrificed so many of us to separate you from them.”
“Yeah, I would be happy to blow that planet, but we decided it will be better to wait for another time.” Eclipse was half-way kneeling, having a smug smile, holding Shadow's cheeks in his hand. “Till then, I'll make sure you understand where you belong.” Shadow jerked his head, freeing himself.
“Don't fight it,” his brother looked sad.
>Eclipse, come here!< called him Black Death over the telepathy.
“Roger. I'll be there in a sec,” he answered looking slightly over his shoulder. “I'll be back,” he smiled at Shadow, running away.
Once he was gone, Shadow tried to active his chaos control, but as he suspected, it was no use. He tried to pull his limbs out, but the wall was stuck to them tightly, making any movement almost impossible. But he was one headstrong hedgehog. He refused to yield to them.
Unfortunately, even his hover shoes proved to be useless as they were blocked by the wall. For a full hour, Shadow struggled to get out.
“Still full of energy, I see,” commented it Eclipse. He was having a bowl in his hands. “I'm sure you must have worked up your appetite.” He sat down in front of him, picking a red round fruit and offering it to Shadow. “Take a bite.”
Shadow frowned. “Don't you dare! I'll never eat it!” He pushed himself to the wall.
“Yeah, I prefer fresh meat too.” He took a bite and a slightly sweet smell filled Shadow's nose. “Well, if you don't want to eat now, I'll leave it here.” He stood up, putting the bitten fruit on the top, leaving the bowl there and going away.
Shadow just frowned, continuing with his struggle to make himself free. When he was taking a short break he felt something pierced his arms. He looked behind to notice needles from the wall were putting something in his blood veins.
“What's that?!” He struggled even more. It couldn't be anything good. Suddenly he felt sleepy and his body became wobbly. After a time, he jerked his head, noticing he is drooling. 'What...?' He felt hungry and the red fruit in front of him looked so delicious. 'No!!' He screamed in his mind and his struggle got even stronger. He felt his strength was enhanced, feeling he could actually break free.
“Brother!” shouted Eclipse, dashing toward him. “You look awesome!”
“Look? What do you mean? What have you put inside of me?”
“Just additional Black Arms' blood. With it, you can get rid of the dirty D.N.A. that's stopping you from being one of us.”
“You dastards!!” He shouted, pulling his hands slightly out.
“Stop struggling!” Eclipse caught him, pushing him back and screaming as Shadow bit him in the shoulder. He pulled away. “How could you? I'm your brother!” Eclipse had teary eyes. “If you want to bite so much...” he grabbed the bitten red fruit. “... chew on this!” He tried to put it in his brother' mouth, but he avoided it, closely sealing his mouth.
Shadow's eyes noticed a long tail... that wasn't Eclipse's one. He turned his head at it... it... was his tail! At that moment he lost his focus, unable to proceed his skin turned into scale one. Eclipse used this chance. He put the fruit in his mouth and forcefully fed it to Shadow, pressing his head to the wall, sticking his body even further.
Shadow was surprised, taken aback, he still tried to fight back, but the red fruit slid down to his stomach. Eclipse jumped back, letting his brother catch a breath. He was spiting around, trying to get the taste... he found tempting... out.
“You liked it, didn't you? It was good, right?” exclaimed Eclipse, noticing his brother is reacting. “And the meat of living beings is even better.”
Shadow leaned against the wall, getting as far as he could, trying to forget the taste.
“Well, I'll let you alone for a bit. Don't gobble it at one go, you may get a tummy ache,” he playfully smiled at him when he left.
Shadow had to take many deep breaths to calm down. He felt disgusted... yet the taste... he wanted more of it. 'Dang it! I gotta fight it! I can’t...' A slight pain in his forearm told him, an additional blood sample is put into his veins with a paralyzing drug as well. He bit his lip, but he soon fell asleep.
At a certain time, he started to notice someone’s presence, caressing his quills and gently talking to him. He slightly shook his head, waking up.
“How do you feel, brother?” asked him Eclipse, sitting next to him.
Shadow only squinted at him, having a foggy idea, who he is. “Bro... ther?”
“Yes, we are brothers!” He had teary eyes, seeing his beloved brother finally see him that way. “Are you hungry?” He picked the fruit, offering him it, but Shadow turned his head away. “Ah, don’t be like that.” Eclipse put it in his mouth, chewed it and this time gently fed it to him. Shadow put up minimal resistance, letting the food slid down.
“It’s good, right? Want more?” Eclipse put next piece in front of him, but Shadow still averted his eyes.
“Ah, I see,” he smiled, “You like it pre-chewed.” He again fed it him like that. “I’m spoiling you now, big bro.” He fed him few more pieces before Shadow fell asleep.
Once he woke up, he was laying in some meaty-bed-like hole. He slowly sat down. He no longer wore gloves, having sharp claws, but his inhibitor rings as well hover shoes were kept. His skin was now fully covered by scales, turning his skin dark purple and red at the end of his limbs, giving it glossy feeling. He touched his quills noticing at the end they forked into three tips each. Only the ones from his backbone remained the same.
He got up, steadily walking toward a glass-like round surface inspecting his face. His chest fur got big longer, covering more area and his eyes had the same feel like Eclipse’s one, just the pupils were red.
“Brother!” called him Eclipse entering the room. “How do you feel?”
Shadow turned to him, not exactly answering. He just looked around the room, before giving him a small nod.
Eclipse hugged him. “Welcome back, brother.”
As the time went, Shadow took part in next invasions, successfully defeating any resistance. During that time, Eclipse noticed his brother occasionally shed tears or at the meal time, he just blankly stared in front of him. Eclipse would always comfort him, feeding him from mouth to mouth, to cheer him up.
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ebachan · 7 years
Crossing Destinies - Chapter 1 - The first contact (2/6)
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Original AU: @gaysilver
Inspired by: @sonicrobots
Genre: Action, adventure, fantasy
Rating: T (14+), middle+ violence (maybe light swearing)
Shadow is a priest living peacefully in a middle sized town. But lately, he is noticing dark aura is surrounding its citizens, causing them to behave aggressively. As he is investigating the cause of this, he encounters Sonic - a mischievious boy being outside at such late hour. Before he can accompany him to a safer place, he notices a sinister aura. There is a demon nearby, so he makes a totally believable excuse and rushes there. There he meets small demonic creature - Eclipse feasting on his prey. The clash is inevitable and no one knows how it ends… especially when certain hedgehog makes a bigger mess. After this night, nothing will be ever the same.
Shadow climbed down. “Sonic?” he acted surprised.
“Father Shadow?” Sonic was very surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“That’s my question, boy. What are you doing here at this late hour?” This part of the town wasn't exactly friendly. Sonic was pouting, unwilling to answer. Shadow sighed. “Let’s go. I’ll walk you home.”
“No! That place isn’t my home!!” shouted Sonic angrily.
Shadow looked a bit sad. From what he was told, Sonic’s parents were one day killed in some bizarre incident. Someone even claimed they were murdered or used as living sacrifices. No one was sure. But from that day Sonic, who was just three, had to move to an orphanage. Shadow came here few months after that and to everyone surprise, he was able to calm Sonic down and even befriend him.
“Then, what about coming to my place?”
Sonic was bit surprised. At this moment he expected to be scolded.
“I won’t tell anyone about your late adventure here and if you don’t feel alright there, you are free to visit me anytime and spent a night if you wish so. Just promise me you won’t go here or do anything dangerous. If you want to run I think I know the right place for you.”
“Really? Can I just go like that? You aren't mad at me?”
“Well, saying I’m not mad is stretching it, I’m angry at you, but I can understand your frustration.”
Sonic's face was confused, but then he ran toward Shadow and hugged him. “Thank you.”
“It's alright, let's clean this place before we go.” He patted his head.
The process took them a while, but Sonic was smiling and humming a simple melody. While walking back, Sonic held Shadow's hand. They walked for several minutes when Sonic asked.
“Father Shadow, why don't you have back quills?”
Shadow jerked, his ears twitched and he looked at the other side of the town. Sonic looked worried. The aunt in children's home told him to not ask this question. It would be rude and for hedgehogs, quills are their greatest pride, but he just couldn’t help to wonder about it.
“Father…?” he felt bad.
“Uh, what?” Just now he reacted. “Sorry, Sonic, but can you walk to the church on your own from here?” He knelt to see him eye to eye. Sonic nodded. “Good, it seems I have forgotten a very important thing, so I'll go for it and I'll head back as soon as possible. So be a good boy and wait there for me.” He stroked his blue quills.
“Okay,” Sonic again nodded.
“Don't worry, I'll be right back.” Shadow stood up, waited till Sonic heads to his church, only then he went his own way. 'This feeling! It can't be!! Is it coming from the source of these incidents?' He sped up, walking waster and waster until he was running.
This part of town was mostly deserted. Only hooligans and criminals were residing here and only a small number of them. It was said this part of town was cursed and that in the past all the citizens were eaten by a demon during one night. Since then this part was called Red district… as the inner walls were painted by blood. But that happened few hundred years ago and now it was just a legend and a ghost town.
Shadow could tell he was getting closer, so his steps became quieter and slower. The best chance of victory laid in a surprise attack after all. 'It's here!' he stopped just before the corner. The smell of fresh blood hit his nose. He listened but heard nothing. He stepped into the narrow street to find a corpse. It was gutted and its expression was full of horror.
But what would made others vomit, had no effect on him. He didn't bat an eye. He only observed the place, looking for hints. He found them easily as a trail of blood was way too visible for him to overlook. He quickly prayed for the dead man's soul, jumped over his body and continued in the pursuit.
After few minutes he heard a woman's scream. He sped up even more. The scream was cut short and quiet laughing could be heard. Together with munching and a sound of a broken bones. “Pff, this meat tastes bleh,” commented the quality Eclipse. He was chewing it with a bored look. “I should pick something better.” He thought about it. “Yeah, children would be better. They have tender meat and their souls are the purest.” He licked the blood on his cheek.
From the fresh corpse flew a ball with a tail. “Ah, there it is.” It had a gray color. “Hardly an average quality, pff.” He caught it in his clawed hand. “Here,” he gave it to his purple dust ball. “Deliver it home, I'll be hunting for a bit longer.”
The dust ball nodded and wrapped itself around the soul.
“And don't forget to go to sleep, no souls for you four If I catch you staying up too late, 'kay?” he made playful smile.
The dust ball nodded and flew away, heading to the cave that was now their home. The demon feasted for a bit longer. Suddenly he felt a chill ran down his spine. He hurriedly gulped the meat in his mouth and leaped on the wall. A silent bullet missed him by few millimeters, but he still could feel the burning heat from it.
Once he latched on the wall he looked down hissing, showing his purple forked tongue. The attacker was none other than Shadow. His weapon of choice was a silver handgun combining a weapon and holy words, shooting silent bullets that are deadly only to demonic creatures. “You unclean beast!!”
“Hey, I bathed yesterday, you know!” replied the demon.
Shadow was taken a bit aback by it. He never encountered talking demon before. The creature used this moment to attack. He jumped down, slashing Shadow with the claws. But the black hedgehog was experienced in a combat. He avoided it and kicked back, hitting the demon in a stomach and sending him flying.
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ebachan · 7 years
What kind of ultimate weapon are you?
Inspiration by: Finik 
Genre: Fantasy, hurt/comfort
Rating: T (14+)
Story by: @ebachan
Special thanks to @sonicrobots (for your Priest AU one-shots), @gaysilver (for Priest AU), @sweetcorn-chan (for her sweet Eclipse and Shadow pictures) and Finik (for inspiring me)
Story: This is a “continuation” of one-shot What kind of ultimate life-form are you? in a sense, it shows what would happen in reversed situation i.e. Eclipse at Shadow’s mercy.
Please like and reblog, if you enjoyed the story. I would really appreciate it :-)
Eclipse felt coldness… He was laying on his stomach, touching metallic floor underneath. His eyes weren’t focusing on anything. He had a strange sensation in his body filling him with emptiness.
‘Where… am I?’ He slowly examined the imminent surroundings. The room was relatively small, empty and completely made of metal. His fingers twitched, slowly recovering from numbness, that was the reason for his empty perception. Slowly, millimeter by millimeter he lifted himself on all four, gradually shaking his head in an attempt to clear it.
He squinted, noticing the last wall is made of an energy field. He winked, focusing on it, finding he can’t remember how he got here. He rubbed his eyes, yawning, before jerking.
“Wait, where are Dark arms?” He looked around not seeing them. The panic filled his mind, he abruptly stood up. “Blurk! Rhygenta! Where are you!” He was calling them, spinning on the spot made his head dizzy.
“Don’t bother calling them,” said familiar voice he hated.
“You!” he shouted seeing his brother behind the barrier. “What have you done to them!!” He leaped at him, ignoring the shield to his pain. He shrieked, falling back, feeling numbness in half of his body.
“For an ultimate answer to me you aren’t much clever,” noted his failed attempt Shadow, crossing his arms. “Now listen to me!”
“Shut up!” Eclipse tried to use his Chaos Control to warp outside when his body was mercilessly shocked. The alien’s body jerked so much, it made backward somersault landing on a face. His eyes were wide open and his body twitched.
“Wha…” he silently muttered, unable to properly speak.
“That’s why I told you to listen to me. I would inform you there is a special shocking collar on your neck. It activates the moment you try to use chaos powers or your monstrous transformation.” He put his hand on the waist. “Don’t think we didn’t take any countermeasures while you were out.”
Eclipse with all strength he had, lifted his head, killing his brother with his eyes. “Dark… Arms… what have you…” he had a problem to talk.
Shadow for a quick second averted his eyes. “They are alive… For now. And their future fate depends on your behavior.”
Eclipse tried to get up, but his body soon gave up, falling on the floor.
“You are already lucky you are still alive. Since you survived our last encounter, G.U.N. has decided to keep you as their agent. You will work with me.”
Eclipse scratched the floor surface.
“Don’t think about escaping. There is a tracking chip in your body as well. We will know where you are and if you try anything funny…” Shadow let his sentence to be unfinished as Eclipse’s eyes told him, he knows the rest.
“You wouldn’t… they are your… family…” he muttered. The numbness was slowly leaving his body, allowing him to get on his elbows.
“Family?” he growled. “My family was Maria and doctor Gerald, and I shall fulfill their wish to protect this planet.” He waved his hand in dismissing manner. “We are only connected by blood I never asked for. We were never a family!”
“But at the comet…!”
“Be quiet!” Shadow barked. “You only brainwashed me! Forcing your will on me! It was never my decision neither intention to join you!”
“How… can you be so cold to your own kin!” Eclipse started to cry. “Black Death was right! I was a fool for trying to bring you back home.”
Shadow slightly closed his eyes, it was hardly noticeable, “You weren’t the only fool,” his voice sounded bit softer. He turned back, talking over his shoulder. “Now be a good captured alien and do what you are told and your little weapon pets won’t meet any harm.” He walked away.
Eclipse was left alone. He gradually got on all four, gasping for an air. He noticed he is getting hungry. He wiped his tears with a clenched fist. He was angry… so angry he wanted to kill Shadow. He touched the cursed collar, attempting to take it down. He shrieked as new electric shock run thru his whole body.
Once it stopped, his body continued to uncontrollably jerk for few seconds on the floor with electric sparks covering his body. He had no strength in his body and drools were dripping on the floor. He was like that for long minutes and the floor turned wet from his tears as well. There was no escape for him. He had no idea where his Dark Arms were. He couldn’t use his chaos abilities neither to transform. He was robbed of all possibilities.
The survival of his race was crushing him down even more, more than ever before. One false move has meant immediate annihilation. Getting rid of the numbness was painful. His body was throbbing, screaming… or maybe it was just Eclipse’s painful moaning. For another while, he had a problem to stand up and even longer it took to start walking normally.
He slid down in a corner, occasionally sobbing while scratching the walls and floor with hardly leaving any mark. How long was he sitting? For minutes? For hours? He had no idea, there was no sense of time in this small chamber. No one was walking in front of it either. There was nothing he could concentrate, making his mind empty and sluggish.
The only thing that gave him the impression of flowing time was his grumbling stomach. Every time he felt it's getting worst and worst. He curled up, holding it, pressing it and cursing Shadow with his each breath. Occasionally he dozed off, shattering any flow of time he may still have. The hunger got so big… he stopped feeling it.
After a time, he noticed there is Shadow approaching his cell. In his hands, he had a bowl and a bottle. Eclipse’s mind was foggy and sluggish, and his body was weak. Once was Shadow just a meter from the barrier, he used Chaos Control to warp on the other side. “I have brought you some food---Guh!” He made a step back, as Eclipse leaped at him grabbing a big brown ball with his mouth.
The bowl fell on the ground and other balls were scattered. He acted like a wild animal and before he started to chew, he spat the ball out, coughing. “Ugh… Ack… So bitter…” he silently uttered as his throat was dry.
“Get used to it, this is all you will get. One ball has enough nutrition to keep a human awake and full of energy for weak.”
Eclipse cried, feeling the disgusting taste on his tongue lingering. “Shadow… bro… how can you…?”
Shadow turned away. “If you prefer death, I will inform commander to start with eliminating Dark--”
“No!!” screeched Eclipse resulting in him choking on own saliva. “Not them! Anything but them!” He crouched, gasping for an air.
“Then you know what to do,” reminded him Shadow, leaving the bottle with a water on the ground and warping outside of the cell. He walked away with his ears twitching as he heard Eclipse’s sobbing.
The lonely alien, got on all four, hearing his stomach to roar for food. He picked the ball he spat, putting it back to his mouth and forcing himself to chew it and not to spit it out. Swallowing it was even worst as his stomach was rejecting it, resulting in puking.
He coughed, his head was getting dizzy and the occasional pang in his head reminded him he is dehydrated. He picked the bottle, opening it and gobbling the liquid, spilling it around and on his body. He coughed and the bottle fell down, spilling the rest of it. He tried to catch the water with his hands in futile attempt to get it back. He ended up licking it from the ground as his thirst was hardly quenched.
Then he tried to eat another ball as the one puked out was way too disgusting for him. He took only a bit of it and he easier forced his stomach to accept it. Between the balls he licked the water or dipped the ball into it, making it easier to swallow. His silent meal lasted for long minutes before he could finish it. As soon as he finished it, he crawled back to his corner, curling up.
His hunger was partly satisfied but he still had a headache. His body was wet and dirty from the sticky gooey mass the balls were formed. He didn’t pay it any attention. He only solely stared in front of himself, until he fell asleep.
When he woke up, the cell was cleaned and the endless cycles of nothingness, sleeping, and occasional meal continued. Eclipse lost any will to resist, accepting his sad fate with lowered head, not being able to look into his brother’s eyes whenever he brought him the food. Even his stomach stopped complaining about the bitter taste, accepting it. The days slowly flowed.
“Eclipse, meal time,” called him Shadow when he came. This time he had one more ball and two bottles of water. Eclipse was curled up in the corner, not reacting. Shadow put it all down, walking to him. He shook his body, noticing his eyes are open, but not focusing. His will was broken, he was nothing more than soulless puppet now.
“Eclipse, you have to eat,” urged him silently Shadow. He made him sit, but there was hardly any resistance in his body. “Can you hear me?”
Eclipse silently whispered. “Kill me… but please… let them go…” Silent big tears were rolling from his eyes. “They are… so small… they don’t… represent any danger… to you…”
Shadow sighed. “Eclipse, I and Team Dark are leaving for a mission in half hour. Do well during it and you will be allowed to see your Dark Arms.”
Eclipse’s head slowly twitched as he was lifting it. His eyes gazed on Shadow, not believing what he has heard.
“Yes, help with the mission and you may see them.” Shadow stood up, moving the bowl and bottles closer. “Now eat.” He slowly left, hearing Eclipse munching the balls.
[Sometime after the mission]
Eclipse was panting. He was forced to not use his chaos abilities, relying solely on his physical strength. He and his brother were now in one cargo wagon.
“Shadow to HQ. Do you read me? Over.” he said to his ear-com piece.
“HQ to Shadow. You are coming clear. What’s the status? Over.”
“The mission was successful. We have got control of Eggman’s cargo train. Over.”
“Good job. Head to the rendezvous point SF 5.9. Over.”
“Roger that...” Shadow glanced at Eclipse who frozen.
He did good, right? Or not? He missed two robots, he once fell from the train roof and Shadow had to save him, he couldn’t beat the E-series robot on his own… He was trembling, scared he messed it up big time.
“Eclipse did a good job. Over.”
“Copy that. HQ out.” The transmission ended.
Eclipse slid on his butt. His heart was beating like crazy. He didn’t mess up…
“Let’s go,” said Shadow heading to Rouge and Omega who were ahead in the locomotive.
Eclipse jerked, quickly getting on his feet and equally fast falling down. He hit his legs with a fist, to force them to cooperate, following his brother, constantly tumbling over his own legs.
[Back to HQ]
Eclipse was walking behind Shadow. He felt the excitement. He will see his Dark Arms! He missed them so much. They walked into a bigger room with one glassed wall. Eclipse’s eyes shined… his family… was unharmed. He dashed toward the glass, hitting it with his body, kneeling down as his darklings gathered in front of him. They called him, but the glass was sound-proof. He talked to them as well, not noticing he isn’t hearing any answers.
“It’s five minutes.” Shadow put his hand on his shoulder. “Let’s go.”
Eclipse turned his head, pleading him with eyes to let him stay. Shadow clenched his shoulder a bit. “We have a deal. You do a good job and you will see them again,” he sounded inexorably. He gently but strongly pulled Eclipse away.
The alien didn’t stop looking at his family even if they were behind metallic walls. Eclipse walked into his cell with lowered head and crying. Shadow activated the shield, watching how his younger brother half-fell half-collapsed at the floor, curling up.
His life in G.U.N. captivity has begun.
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