#eat this later yumm
elminx · 4 months
DIY Egg Candle Molds For New Beginnings
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I've been working on my candlemaking skills for a while now with mitigating success but these are the easiest candles I have ever made.
I really like these for all kinds of spring spell work. They would work perfectly for a Spring Solstice or May Day spell but I also see them as a perfect vessel for a spell to invoke new beginnings. I personally associate eggs with pure potentiality.
Here the goal is to create an egg candle with the "Seed" of your intention, then incubate your intention, and finally burn your candle to hatch your magic into the real world.
Note: This is not a magical how-to on how to CAST a spell, this is a how-to on how to make a vessel for your spell. I expect you to bring your own magic and traditions to this.
For this project you will need:
One egg (probably chicken but goose or duck works too)
A pokey tool
Candle Wax*
A wax-safe container for melting
A wick
Something to stabilize your eggshell (egg cartons work fine)
Scents, wax color, powdered botanicals (optional)
I'm assuming here that if you're interested in this project, you have some experience with candlemaking and the right tools to do so. If not, you can buy a basic candlemaking kit nearly anywhere on the internet that includes some wax, a wax boiler, and wicks. *I would suggest using beeswax for this candle as it will help the candle to maintain its shape as it burns. Soy wax has a low burn point and tends to melt which will deform the shape of your candle more quickly
1. Clean out your Egg
You need to make a small hole at the top of your egg with a pokey tool. I used a knife to make the hole and then inserted a chopstick to whip the insides so the yoke would come out. Pour out the egg (and eat it! Yumm!) and then wash it until the water running out of the egg runs clear. From this step, you want the inside of the egg to dry out - you can put it into a 200°f oven for two hours or let it sit out until it dries (it may take a couple of days depending on your humidity levels).
Letting your egg dry out isn't strictly necessary but if you don't take this step, the egg membrane will stick to your candle. This will make more work for you when you remove the egg mold later.
Note: My friend gave me two goose eggs to try, so I used them for this test run of egg-shaped candles. If you use chicken eggs, they will be significantly smaller (3/4 the size probably).
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2. Heat wax in a double boiler until it is fully melted.
You can add in anything that supports your intention here: scents, coloring, or powdered herbs/flowers work well. (please practice good fire safety here and only add in things that are safe for candlemaking)
Note: if you are adding botanicals to your wax, you want to be very careful to make sure they are fully powdered or they may cause a fire.
3. Pour Your Wax
Place your eggshell mold in an egg carton for stabilization and carefully pour the hot wax into your mold. You want to fill to the top as much as you can - the wax may settle as it starts to cool so you may want to add more.
Note: the hole in your egg should be wide enough to accommodate pouring your wax. I used an extra flask funnel I had on hand to facilitate this process.
4. Add Your Wick
Let your wax cool slightly (approximately 10 minutes) and then add in your wick. With a chicken egg, you can use a birthday candle for this step or any wick that you have on hand. You can use a wick stabilizer or chopsticks to keep your wick in place while your wax hardens.
5. Cure Your Candle
Candles should cure for 7-10 days (for beeswax, this may differ for other types - do your research!) before you burn them. Though there is some debate on the internet, it is generally considered true that curing is a part of candle safety as a young candle that has not properly hardened can burn unevenly which may cause fires.
You can choose to begin the process of changing/incubating your candle (listed below) during the curing stage.
6. Remove Your Shell
Once your candle is done curing, it is time to remove the eggshell. For chicken eggs purchased from the grocery store, this should be a relatively easy process. Simply roll your egg candle on a hard surface until the shell cracks and then carefully peal the eggshell away from the wax.
If you are using non-chicken egg or a farm-fresh egg, the shell may be more difficult to crack. I used a goose egg for my candle so I had to use a tool to remove the shell - I used a dental pick that my partner uses for clay sculpting.
Take your time with this process, if you use tools, it is easy to scratch the surface of your egg.
7. Incubate/Charge Your Egg Candle
Unless you added magic during the wax step in this process (which is totally valid), this is where the major magic begins. You want to imbue your magic into the egg at this stage - this can be done in any way that suits your level of creativity and your personal practice. You can carve your intention directly into the wax or mark it with bindrunes or sigils. You can charge it with energy. You can dedicate it to a particular deity or spirit that you work closely with or set it on your altar. You can charge it in the sunlight or moonlight (beware of low-temperature wax and high heat from the sun here). You can make it a nest full of objects that represent your intentions.
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The goal in this step is to build your intention by returning to your egg over a period of time (or, alternatively, letting it sit in a way that charges it) before you burn it to release this intention. You can use numerology here by choosing a number that aligns with your intentions, or begin your incubation on the new moon and burn your candle on the full moon.
Pro-tip here: Chicken eggs need to incubate for around 21 days so this is a good number to use if your mold was a chicken egg, or you otherwise work with chickens in your craft.
Note: This was a test on the applicability of this method, but I couldn't help but enchant my candle. I carved my intentions into my candle and then glued (with wax) dried violets onto my candle because I use violets in my craft to encourage transformation. I also used other methods to create a vessel for magic.
8. Use Your Charged Egg Candle in a Magic Ritual
The majority of work is already done here, the rest, as they say, is up to you. Because egg shells are round, you will need to find some way to stabilize the bottom of your candle while you burn it. You could choose to level the bottom of the candle or use any other method that works for you.
I happened to have a piece of pottery from a friend that made the perfect stand for an egg-shaped candle.
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sparkypantaloons · 2 years
School Gates
Bruce takes five year old Dick to his first day of school. Two year old Jason is less than thrilled.
"Okay," Bruce takes a deep breath, ignores the way his knees are starting to ache. "Let's try again chum."
He's kneeling behind Dick. The five year old is stood in the mirror, dressed in his new school uniform. Grey socks and navy dress shorts. A light blue shirt tucked into the waistband. They're trying to tie his tie.
"Fat side is longest." Dick says, tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth.
"But not too long." Bruce adds, adjusting the way the navy blue and white striped fabric hangs around Dick's neck. "Then we—"
"Cross the road." Dick says, flipping the long end over the short. "And roundaroundabout." He flips it over a couple more times.
"Yup." Bruce says, frowning. He keeps checking the YouTube video on his phone, to make sure they're at the right step. "Then through the tunnel."
"No, it's under the bridge." Dick corrects, as though Bruce is a moron. He threads the thin end of the tie between the twisting layers of fabric. "And, flush the chain!" He says, pulling it back down. "Ta-da!"
Bruce tries not to grimace. "Um... I don't think that's right."
Dick lets out a huff. "Where's Alfred?" He asks.
"I can do it." Bruce says firmly.
Dick eyes him sceptically. "You tried to go under the bridge before we went round the roundabout." He says, very seriously.
"One more try." Bruce tries to plaster on a smile. He's not going to give Alfred the satisfaction of knowing he still can't tie a tie.
Twenty minutes later, Dick is sporting a a very neat Double Windsor, and Alfred is looking smug behind the camera.
"Smile on three." He says, moustache twitching.
Dick grins widely, one small hand clinging to Bruce's finger, whilst his other arm rests jauntily over a little blackboard. "Dick's first day of school" is written in the chalk.
"Jason don't eat that!" Bruce says, alarmed, as Alfred puts the camera away.
The two year old is sucking on a stick of chalk by his stroller, tries to toddle away as Bruce comes towards him.
"Boodad eat." He says, shoving a sticky fist of goopy white at Bruce's mouth.
"Mmm, delicious." Bruce says, grimacing as he tries to lean away from Jason whilst simulatenously hold him still and rescue the chalk. Nobody ever told him how gross children were.
"Yumm!" Jason says, enthusiastically. He wipes a slobbery hand on Bruce's face.
"Jay-jay do you like my new shoes?" Dick asks, attemtping to distract the toddler from the fact Bruce is now trying to strap him to the stroller. It's a tried and tested routine.
"I walk!" Jason grunts, trying to fight the straps. "I walk!" He says loudly.
"Look at my shoes!" Dick says again loudly, holding a foot up between Bruce and Jason's face.
Bruce flinches away as the tiny, buckled brogue flies past his nose. "Careful Dickie " He says, pushing Jason's arm back through the straps.
"I walk!" The two year old yells again. He looks set on throwing a tantrum when Alfred hands him a well timed bag of apple slices. "Dig, have apple?" He says, immediately distracted and shoving a slice into his own mouth.
Dick takes one from the bag, pats Jason on the head. He turns to Bruce. "Don't make me late."
Bruce tries not to look offended.
It's a short walk to Gotham Prep, the elementary branch of Gotham Academy. It's in the old Cobblepot Mansion, repurposed some fifty years ago. Dick skips along brightly, swinging off Bruce's arm as they go. Jason munches on apple slices in his stroller.
Whenever Bruce looks at Dick in his little uniform, his chest swells in an unfamiliar way. Bruce still has his own Gotham Prep uniform in the Manor somewhere. Still remembers skipping out the gates each afternoon and into Martha's waiting arms.
Even now, it's hard to believe that Dick is his. Harder still that his little boy is already old enough to be starting school. A small part of him is filled with dread, at the thought of how quiet the Manor will be with Dick away all day. But then—
"I walk now!" Jason says loudly. Things are never quiet when Jason is around. The two year old strains against the straps. "Boodad I walk now!" He says again.
"Jason say Bruce" Dick says slowly, bending towards the two year old. "Or Dad. Not both."
"I walk now!" Jason says again, face turning red as he fights the straps holding him captive. "Dig?"
Dick looks up at Bruce, ever the advocate for his little brother. "Are we there yet?"
Bruce nods, and watches as Dick proudly undoes the straps holding Jason in place. "You have to hold my hand." Dick tells Jason seriously, as Jason throws himself out of the stroller.
Jason does so obediently, toddling alongside Dick as they reach the school gates.
"I go school now?" The two year old asks, looking up at Bruce.
Ah. Bruce thinks. Perhaps he should have seen this coming. "This is Dickie's school, Jason." He says gently, squatting on his haunches beside himself. "Doesn't he look smart in his uniform?"
Dick grins proudly, then deflates slightly. He looks around nervously before leaning towards Bruce. "What if they don't like me?" He whispers, warm breath on Bruce's cheek.
"Dickie," Bruce says without hesitation. "They are going to love you." He pulls the five year old into a tight, one-armed hug. Uses it as an excuse to also grab hold as Jason, before the two year old can try and slip away again.
Dick is grinning when he pulls back. He's been excited about school since Bruce first mentioned it.
"Bye Jay-jay." He plants a kiss on top of Jason's curls, then takes a deep breath and heads for the gates.
"I go school!" Jason says loudly, pulling against Bruce's grip. "Boodad!" He says angrily.
Bruce scoops him up, sits the two year old on his lap. It makes watching Dick walk away easier somehow. Jason immediately pulls the Bruce's sunglasses off his face, shoves them into his mouth.
It doesn't take long for Bruce to realise just how much Dick distracts Jason most days. The two year old asks endless questions, so much as he can, when he's still unable to form full sentences. And wants the exact opposite of whatever it is he asks for. He wants to be picked up but immediately wriggles out of Bruce's arms. He wants to walk but cries when he can't go in the stroller. He wants pizza for lunch but is upset when it's not a sandwich.
By the time 2pm roles around, Bruce is trying to understand how having two children is easier than just one, already looking forwards to his pre-patrol nap (Alfred won't let him nap whilst the boys are around, he says it sets a bad example). He watches Jason snooze in the stroller longingly as they make their way back to Gotham Prep.
Dick's class are already waiting by the time Bruce gets there. Dick spots him immediately, his little face lighting up like sunshine when he sees them.
Bruce can't help but grin back as Dick races towards the gate, the five year old practically leaping into Bruce's arms.
"Hi!" He says, settling on Bruce's hip, breathless. "Didja miss me?"
Bruce laughs. "Of course we did." He doesn't dare say how true that is.
Dick does a little wriggle, pleased with Bruce's answer. "Good." He says, grinning even more as Bruce presses a kiss to his cheek.
"Did you have fun?" Bruce asks, as Dick slides out of his arms to check if Jason is awake. It's the longest the two of them have been apart since they met, after all.
"So much fun! There are swings in the playground that go - whoosh!" He makes a swooping motion with his hands, "so high! And we did paintings with potatoes!" He says, as though it's the craziest thing he's ever heard. "And played duck-duck-goose and I nearly won and—" He rambles on with the details of his day as they walk. Tells Bruce about the story they were read in the afternoon and their learning to say 'bonjour' in French. How he sat next to a boy called James but wants everyone to call him Jimmy and how they had chicken nuggets for lunch and—
"What did you guys do?" Dick asjs eventually, once every minute detail of his day has been recounted.
Bruce thinks back on the day without Dick, Jason's endless questions and the two year old's general inability to settle down. "Oh you know," he says. "This and that."
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thoughtimmolition · 1 year
I can't imagine my life without coconuts. You open my friedge and one thing you'll always find....Fresh Coconuts. They are my favourites. So useful and delicious. You could put them in sweets, make dips, cocktails, yummy food. You could use its husk to wash dishes or make compost. And if need be, you could also use it to hit stalkers or creeps. Just hold one and aim right for their head or whatever. Here's a painting I completed today. Later will eat this coconut with jaggery as a snack. Yumm ....
P.s I know I sound like a five year old but who wants to grow up 🤸🤸
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cavixorg · 2 years
Based in Montreal, Quebec, Goodfood Market Corp., doing business as Goodfood stock, is a Canadian online grocery, home meal, and meal kit provider. As of August 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, accounting for 40% to 45% of a meal delivery market. The company's official website is located at www.makegoodfood.ca. The company's telephone number is 1(855) 515-5191. The ticker for it is Goodfood stock just on Toronto Stock Exchange. As a firm with a concentration on meal kits, Goodfood has developed into an online supermarket and provider of home meals. The business sells ready-to-eat foods, grocery goods, breakfast meals, snack foods, and meal kits. 95% of Canadians are reached by Goodfood's deliveries, which cover the majority of the country. The business changed its name to Goodfood in 2016. Goodfood started trading publicly here on Toronto Stock Exchange in June 2017. $21 million in capital was raised by the deal, which was carried out through a reverse takeover strategy. Becoming Public The money received was set aside for expansion, primarily to increase the number of subscribers and the size of the facility at Goodfood. Following the transaction's completion, Goodfood started trading just on TSX under the symbol FOOD. In order to grow to Calgary, a secondary facility in Montreal, and a new site in Vancouver, the company later secured further equity. After becoming public, Goodfood saw considerable growth: its subscriber base rose by 35% to 31,000 in the latest quarter on August 31, 2017, and by another 45% to 45,000 in the period ended on November 30, 2017. As of August 31, 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, a 125% growth from the previous year. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as of November 30, 2020, is 306,000. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as on February 28, 2021, is 319,000. The CEO of Goodfood responded to acquisition rumors in October 2022 by saying that there were ongoing negotiations but declining to say whether they involved a takeover. Goodfood Business Its primary line of business was the preparation and delivery of meal kits to subscribers. Its product line has been expanded to include prepared dinners, grocery items like olive oil, peanut butter, and tea leaves, as well as breakfast items like smoothies and omelettes. Goodfood introduced Yumm, a less expensive meal kit service with recipes that use fewer ingredients and are easier, as part of its meal kit business. The three main competitors are Cook it, MissFresh, and HelloFresh (headquartered in Germany and including subsidiary Chef's Plate). Located in Quebec, this grocery behemoth is a division of Metro Inc. Freshii And Goodfood Market Which small-cap consumer cyclical company, Freshii (TSE:FRII) or Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD), is the greater enterprise? Based on the strength of the two companies' media sentiment, risks, ownership concentration, valuation, profitability, profits, analyst recommendations, dividends, and community ranking, we will compare and contrast them. Goodfood Market saw 4 more media mentions than Freshii in the past week. Goodfood Market had 4 mentions from MarketBeat while Freshii received none. The average overall sentiment score for Goodfood Market was 1.03 compared to Freshii's 0.44, showing that Goodfood Market is receiving more positive press than Freshii. The current consensus target price for Freshii is C$1.35, representing an upside potential of 46.74%. A consensus target price of C$2.07 for Goodfood Market indicates a potential gain of 318.63%. Analysts clearly think Goodfood Market is better than Freshii given its higher consensus rating and greater potential upside. When compared by MarketBeat users, Freshii scored 164 more votes for outperformance than Goodfood Market. Similar to how just 50.00% of people gave Goodfood Market an exceed vote, 68.28% of users awarded Freshii an outperform vote. Which Other Stocks Do Goodfood Market Shareholders Own? Several
companies that other Goodfood Market investors own are Enbridge (ENB), Lightspeed Commerce (LSPD), Manulife Financial (MFC), Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Aphria (APHA), BCE (BCE), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Cineplex (CGX), Walt Disney (DIS), and Methanex, according to aggregate data from MarketBeat watchlists (MX). The past 90 days have seen ratings for Goodfood Market from Canaccord Genuity Group, National Bankshares, Raymond James, Royal Bank of Canada, and Stifel Nicolaus. Goodfood Comparing You must sign up for Goodfood services in order to use them. Then, each week, you can choose 2 to 4 foods from the seven that Goodfood has to offer. Then a box containing each of the required items and thorough recipe cards will be sent to you. Your ingredients are supplied in a package with ice packs and thermal protection to keep the food cold while being transported. If no one is home, the delivery person is instructed to leave the box at your doorstep. After the package is delivered, the majority of the ingredients last for one week. There are numerous businesses in Canada that provide comparable services to Goodfood. Getting a box filled with fresh supplies and recipe cards sent to your door is still the basic premise. Some stand out when choosing your weekly menu since they offer a few additional possibilities. Take For instance, Cook It provides ready-to-eat meals in the weekly order (which only need to be heated), whilst MissFresh provides a variety of tea or coffee. Goodfood provides meals for two or four people; MissFresh provides meals for four or six people; and Cook it provides meals for two, three, four, or six people. What Is The Price Target For Goodfood Market Corp? C$0.50 is the typical price goal for Goodfood Market Corp. This is based on five 12 month price targets released in the previous three months by Wall Street analysts. The lowest projection is C$0.20, while the maximum expert price objective is C$0.75. From the current Goodfood stock price of C$0.315, the average price objective reflects an increase of 58.73%. Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD) does indeed have a market value of C$37.23 million and annual revenue of C$297.59 million. Currently, one piece of FOOD stock costs about $0.50 Canadian. 3,200 people work for the organization globally. Users of MarketBeat prefer other Consumer Cyclical firms more than Goodfood Market. Goodfood Market had an outperform vote from 50.00% of MarketBeat members versus an average of 65.09% for consumer cyclical firms. Depending on their 12 month price predictions, experts think that the Goodfood stock will rise 18.65%. How Do I Purchase Goodfood Market Stock? Through an online brokerage account, one can purchase shares of the Canadian company Goodfood stock as well as other stocks. BMO InvestorLine, CIBC Investor's Edge, Desjardins Online Brokerage, HSBC InvestDirect, Laurentian Bank Discount Brokerage, National Bank Direct Brokerage, Qtrade Investor, Questrade, RBC Direct Investing, Scotia iTrade, TD Direct Investing, and Virtual Brokers are a few well-known online brokerages with access to the Canadian stock market. Right Now, Should I Buy Or Sell Goodfood Market Stock? 6 In the past year, Goodfood Market has received "buy," "hold," and "sell" evaluations from Wall Street analysts. Currently, the stock has 2 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings, and 1 sell rating. Wall Street experts generally agree that buyers must "hold" Goodfood stock. A hold rating means that experts do not recommend adding to existing positions in FOOD by purchasing new shares or selling existing ones. Profit Less Goodfood Market Shareholders of Goodfood Market Corp. (TSE:FOOD) should be pleased with the 15% increase in Goodfood stock price during the past week. However, that scarcely makes up for the startling decline during the previous 12 months. For example, over the past year, the Goodfood stock has decreased by 89%. So the increase might not be all that comforting. The fundamental concern is whether the business can change its course.
Even while a decrease like that is unquestionably a blow to the body, happiness and health are more essential than money. Since Goodfood Market did not turn a profit in the previous year, it is doubtful that there would be a substantial link between the price of its shares and its per-share earnings (EPS). Revenue is possibly our second best choice. The annual revenue growth for Goodfood Market was zero. Actually, it dropped 22%. Investors generally don't want to see it. The 89% decline in the Goodfood stock price over a year reveals the story. That serves as a stark reminder that, at the very least, profitless enterprises need to increase their top line. Markets do, however, occasionally overreact, which presents an opportunity for buyers who are prepared to put in the time to learn more about the company. A Different Viewpoint Shareholders in Goodfood Market suffered an 89% loss throughout the past year, while the market as a whole gained only 0.9%. But bear in mind that occasionally, even the strongest equities will perform worse than the market more than a full year. Unfortunately, last year's performance marked the end of a rough patch for the stockholders, who faced a five-year loss of 8% annually. Long-term Goodfood stock price declines are typically a poor indicator, yet contrarian investors might wish to investigate the Goodfood stock in anticipation of a recovery. Although it is necessary to take into account the various effects that market conditions may have on the Goodfood stock price, there are other aspects that are even more crucial. Food Revenue Prediction Estimated Goodfood profits for the upcoming quarter are between and, with a range of. The EPS for the preceding quarter was C$0.78. In the previous 12 months, Goodfood Goodfood stock forecast its EPS forecast 0.00% of the time, while its industry as a whole topped the EPS forecast 49.23% of the time. FOOD underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. The sales Goodfood stock forecast for the upcoming quarter is with a range of. The sales figures for the preceding quarter were C$50.36M. In the last 12 months, Goodfood outperformed sales Goodfood stock forecast by 25.00% while the industry as a whole outperformed Goodfood stock forecast by 52.26%. Goodfood underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. Goodfood has gotten 0 Buy, 0 Hold, and 0 Sell recommendations in the most recent month. The average analyst price estimate for Goodfood over the previous three months is C$0.50. What Is The Expected Stock Price For Goodfood Market In 2023? The price of Goodfood Market's stock at the start of the year was C$4.07. Shares of FOOD have dropped 87.8% since then and are currently trading at C$0.50. 6 Market Analysts have provided 12-month price targets for the Goodfood stock. Their range for the price of FOOD stock is $0.60 to $5.50. They anticipate that during the following 12 months, the Goodfood stock will, on average, rise to C$2.07. This implies a potential increase from the stock's current market price of 318.6%. Fair Value Forecast For The Goodfood Market For The Years 2022–2025 Price at Goodfood Market climbed by 100.00% over the previous three years, from C$0.00 to C$0.00. Fair Value is Goodfood stock forecast by analysts to rise during the course of the following year, reaching C$1.26 (an increase of 100.00%). According to the Goodfood Market projection, Fair Value will increase by 100.00% to C$2.58. Revenue at Goodfood Market climbed by 437.91% during the previous three years, from C$70.50M and C$379.23M. 0 experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast will drop 41.51% in the upcoming year to C$221.82M. By 2030, experts forecast that Goodfood stock forecast would decline to C$275.92M, or 27.24% less than it is today. Goodfood Market Forecast 2030 Goodfood Market's Free Cash Flow increased by 676.71% over the previous three years, from C$-4.25M to C$-33.01M. Goodfood stock forecast has a bright future ahead of it as experts expect Free Cash Flow to improve by 103.
93% to C$-67.32M in the coming year. Experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast Free Cash Flow can increase at a rate of 160.85% over the next nine years. The net income of Goodfood Market has increased by 237.12%. Increasing to C$-9.43M to C$-31.79M during the past three years. Analysts Goodfood stock forecast that Net Income will increase by 51.32% to C$-48.10M in the following year. The projected increase in Net Income during the following nine years is 57.42%.
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stocklivemarket · 2 years
Based in Montreal, Quebec, Goodfood Market Corp., doing business as Goodfood stock, is a Canadian online grocery, home meal, and meal kit provider. As of August 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, accounting for 40% to 45% of a meal delivery market. The company's official website is located at www.makegoodfood.ca. The company's telephone number is 1(855) 515-5191. The ticker for it is Goodfood stock just on Toronto Stock Exchange. As a firm with a concentration on meal kits, Goodfood has developed into an online supermarket and provider of home meals. The business sells ready-to-eat foods, grocery goods, breakfast meals, snack foods, and meal kits. 95% of Canadians are reached by Goodfood's deliveries, which cover the majority of the country. The business changed its name to Goodfood in 2016. Goodfood started trading publicly here on Toronto Stock Exchange in June 2017. $21 million in capital was raised by the deal, which was carried out through a reverse takeover strategy. Becoming Public The money received was set aside for expansion, primarily to increase the number of subscribers and the size of the facility at Goodfood. Following the transaction's completion, Goodfood started trading just on TSX under the symbol FOOD. In order to grow to Calgary, a secondary facility in Montreal, and a new site in Vancouver, the company later secured further equity. After becoming public, Goodfood saw considerable growth: its subscriber base rose by 35% to 31,000 in the latest quarter on August 31, 2017, and by another 45% to 45,000 in the period ended on November 30, 2017. As of August 31, 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, a 125% growth from the previous year. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as of November 30, 2020, is 306,000. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as on February 28, 2021, is 319,000. The CEO of Goodfood responded to acquisition rumors in October 2022 by saying that there were ongoing negotiations but declining to say whether they involved a takeover. Goodfood Business Its primary line of business was the preparation and delivery of meal kits to subscribers. Its product line has been expanded to include prepared dinners, grocery items like olive oil, peanut butter, and tea leaves, as well as breakfast items like smoothies and omelettes. Goodfood introduced Yumm, a less expensive meal kit service with recipes that use fewer ingredients and are easier, as part of its meal kit business. The three main competitors are Cook it, MissFresh, and HelloFresh (headquartered in Germany and including subsidiary Chef's Plate). Located in Quebec, this grocery behemoth is a division of Metro Inc. Freshii And Goodfood Market Which small-cap consumer cyclical company, Freshii (TSE:FRII) or Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD), is the greater enterprise? Based on the strength of the two companies' media sentiment, risks, ownership concentration, valuation, profitability, profits, analyst recommendations, dividends, and community ranking, we will compare and contrast them. Goodfood Market saw 4 more media mentions than Freshii in the past week. Goodfood Market had 4 mentions from MarketBeat while Freshii received none. The average overall sentiment score for Goodfood Market was 1.03 compared to Freshii's 0.44, showing that Goodfood Market is receiving more positive press than Freshii. The current consensus target price for Freshii is C$1.35, representing an upside potential of 46.74%. A consensus target price of C$2.07 for Goodfood Market indicates a potential gain of 318.63%. Analysts clearly think Goodfood Market is better than Freshii given its higher consensus rating and greater potential upside. When compared by MarketBeat users, Freshii scored 164 more votes for outperformance than Goodfood Market. Similar to how just 50.00% of people gave Goodfood Market an exceed vote, 68.28% of users awarded Freshii an outperform vote. Which Other Stocks Do Goodfood Market Shareholders Own? Several
companies that other Goodfood Market investors own are Enbridge (ENB), Lightspeed Commerce (LSPD), Manulife Financial (MFC), Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Aphria (APHA), BCE (BCE), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Cineplex (CGX), Walt Disney (DIS), and Methanex, according to aggregate data from MarketBeat watchlists (MX). The past 90 days have seen ratings for Goodfood Market from Canaccord Genuity Group, National Bankshares, Raymond James, Royal Bank of Canada, and Stifel Nicolaus. Goodfood Comparing You must sign up for Goodfood services in order to use them. Then, each week, you can choose 2 to 4 foods from the seven that Goodfood has to offer. Then a box containing each of the required items and thorough recipe cards will be sent to you. Your ingredients are supplied in a package with ice packs and thermal protection to keep the food cold while being transported. If no one is home, the delivery person is instructed to leave the box at your doorstep. After the package is delivered, the majority of the ingredients last for one week. There are numerous businesses in Canada that provide comparable services to Goodfood. Getting a box filled with fresh supplies and recipe cards sent to your door is still the basic premise. Some stand out when choosing your weekly menu since they offer a few additional possibilities. Take For instance, Cook It provides ready-to-eat meals in the weekly order (which only need to be heated), whilst MissFresh provides a variety of tea or coffee. Goodfood provides meals for two or four people; MissFresh provides meals for four or six people; and Cook it provides meals for two, three, four, or six people. What Is The Price Target For Goodfood Market Corp? C$0.50 is the typical price goal for Goodfood Market Corp. This is based on five 12 month price targets released in the previous three months by Wall Street analysts. The lowest projection is C$0.20, while the maximum expert price objective is C$0.75. From the current Goodfood stock price of C$0.315, the average price objective reflects an increase of 58.73%. Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD) does indeed have a market value of C$37.23 million and annual revenue of C$297.59 million. Currently, one piece of FOOD stock costs about $0.50 Canadian. 3,200 people work for the organization globally. Users of MarketBeat prefer other Consumer Cyclical firms more than Goodfood Market. Goodfood Market had an outperform vote from 50.00% of MarketBeat members versus an average of 65.09% for consumer cyclical firms. Depending on their 12 month price predictions, experts think that the Goodfood stock will rise 18.65%. How Do I Purchase Goodfood Market Stock? Through an online brokerage account, one can purchase shares of the Canadian company Goodfood stock as well as other stocks. BMO InvestorLine, CIBC Investor's Edge, Desjardins Online Brokerage, HSBC InvestDirect, Laurentian Bank Discount Brokerage, National Bank Direct Brokerage, Qtrade Investor, Questrade, RBC Direct Investing, Scotia iTrade, TD Direct Investing, and Virtual Brokers are a few well-known online brokerages with access to the Canadian stock market. Right Now, Should I Buy Or Sell Goodfood Market Stock? 6 In the past year, Goodfood Market has received "buy," "hold," and "sell" evaluations from Wall Street analysts. Currently, the stock has 2 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings, and 1 sell rating. Wall Street experts generally agree that buyers must "hold" Goodfood stock. A hold rating means that experts do not recommend adding to existing positions in FOOD by purchasing new shares or selling existing ones. Profit Less Goodfood Market Shareholders of Goodfood Market Corp. (TSE:FOOD) should be pleased with the 15% increase in Goodfood stock price during the past week. However, that scarcely makes up for the startling decline during the previous 12 months. For example, over the past year, the Goodfood stock has decreased by 89%. So the increase might not be all that comforting. The fundamental concern is whether the business can change its course.
Even while a decrease like that is unquestionably a blow to the body, happiness and health are more essential than money. Since Goodfood Market did not turn a profit in the previous year, it is doubtful that there would be a substantial link between the price of its shares and its per-share earnings (EPS). Revenue is possibly our second best choice. The annual revenue growth for Goodfood Market was zero. Actually, it dropped 22%. Investors generally don't want to see it. The 89% decline in the Goodfood stock price over a year reveals the story. That serves as a stark reminder that, at the very least, profitless enterprises need to increase their top line. Markets do, however, occasionally overreact, which presents an opportunity for buyers who are prepared to put in the time to learn more about the company. A Different Viewpoint Shareholders in Goodfood Market suffered an 89% loss throughout the past year, while the market as a whole gained only 0.9%. But bear in mind that occasionally, even the strongest equities will perform worse than the market more than a full year. Unfortunately, last year's performance marked the end of a rough patch for the stockholders, who faced a five-year loss of 8% annually. Long-term Goodfood stock price declines are typically a poor indicator, yet contrarian investors might wish to investigate the Goodfood stock in anticipation of a recovery. Although it is necessary to take into account the various effects that market conditions may have on the Goodfood stock price, there are other aspects that are even more crucial. Food Revenue Prediction Estimated Goodfood profits for the upcoming quarter are between and, with a range of. The EPS for the preceding quarter was C$0.78. In the previous 12 months, Goodfood Goodfood stock forecast its EPS forecast 0.00% of the time, while its industry as a whole topped the EPS forecast 49.23% of the time. FOOD underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. The sales Goodfood stock forecast for the upcoming quarter is with a range of. The sales figures for the preceding quarter were C$50.36M. In the last 12 months, Goodfood outperformed sales Goodfood stock forecast by 25.00% while the industry as a whole outperformed Goodfood stock forecast by 52.26%. Goodfood underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. Goodfood has gotten 0 Buy, 0 Hold, and 0 Sell recommendations in the most recent month. The average analyst price estimate for Goodfood over the previous three months is C$0.50. What Is The Expected Stock Price For Goodfood Market In 2023? The price of Goodfood Market's stock at the start of the year was C$4.07. Shares of FOOD have dropped 87.8% since then and are currently trading at C$0.50. 6 Market Analysts have provided 12-month price targets for the Goodfood stock. Their range for the price of FOOD stock is $0.60 to $5.50. They anticipate that during the following 12 months, the Goodfood stock will, on average, rise to C$2.07. This implies a potential increase from the stock's current market price of 318.6%. Fair Value Forecast For The Goodfood Market For The Years 2022–2025 Price at Goodfood Market climbed by 100.00% over the previous three years, from C$0.00 to C$0.00. Fair Value is Goodfood stock forecast by analysts to rise during the course of the following year, reaching C$1.26 (an increase of 100.00%). According to the Goodfood Market projection, Fair Value will increase by 100.00% to C$2.58. Revenue at Goodfood Market climbed by 437.91% during the previous three years, from C$70.50M and C$379.23M. 0 experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast will drop 41.51% in the upcoming year to C$221.82M. By 2030, experts forecast that Goodfood stock forecast would decline to C$275.92M, or 27.24% less than it is today. Goodfood Market Forecast 2030 Goodfood Market's Free Cash Flow increased by 676.71% over the previous three years, from C$-4.25M to C$-33.01M. Goodfood stock forecast has a bright future ahead of it as experts expect Free Cash Flow to improve by 103.
93% to C$-67.32M in the coming year. Experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast Free Cash Flow can increase at a rate of 160.85% over the next nine years. The net income of Goodfood Market has increased by 237.12%. Increasing to C$-9.43M to C$-31.79M during the past three years. Analysts Goodfood stock forecast that Net Income will increase by 51.32% to C$-48.10M in the following year. The projected increase in Net Income during the following nine years is 57.42%.
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hampterguts · 2 years
Naked Snake, eating a raw snake with his bare hands, pockets full of live rats and random mushrooms as snacks for later, covered in dirt and swamp water and sweat: heheh yumm yummy
ocelot: oooooouoooooihogogigogghhh i cant NOT dedicate my whole existence to this guy
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walkiingcandle · 2 years
ah yes, school thoughts. here ya go. @downtowncannibal <- featured!
warnings: billy lenz
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Dear diary, the date is 2/9/1910.
Billy still has not taken a shower and has come close to making me like claire. I will take his(my) cat privileges away if he soon does not shower, I will take his sweater and use as a leash to drag him into the bathroom. I will not lock the door on him, because he will probably eat it, resulting in our 96th broken bathroom door. I do not know how long these shenanigans will ensue. I cannot continue to live this way, I will soon become the hunter and billy the prey, what he did to Agnes will look like a joke the way I'm gonna mangle his infant ass. He will soon become mounted on my bedroom wall, I will no longer need the pictures from free prints for I will have the real thing on my bedroom wall (not fruity) lmao. I will be on the news because Tumblr billy lenz stans wi;ll invade my house (hopefully mother is not home)
P.s. hide baboosh. Billy stans will take her for she looks nothing like Claude, but is pretty. Send help. Not for bill, but for me.
He is dead……. On my wall, woops update coming tomorrow. Or later today, goodbye self.
Love, jeaaix. <3
Day Two: Billy's POV
DeAt DiaRy it´s me BILLYY!!!!!!!
Jeasix being mean , gross i dont like showers, nasty even. I do not like jeaaox jea took away claude. MY CAT!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRR
It was like peter groddy. He broke the piano, he (peter) smelled weird, like rotten moldy cheese. Jeaaix will not give me a bath, i will eat its cat babooshka, then eat the bathroom door, wood, yunm. I will not continue with this bombfulery,
P.s. send help. Jea is here, helphelohelp helohelogekoehgrhjegrjhegrjhegrjhergjehrgjehrgjehrgejhrgggggehjjrgejhrgjgergeehhrehj
Hit the griddy no
My therapist will hear abt this >:(. \
Anyways *growls* goodbye diary. Read ITS ME BILLY!!!!!!!!!
The one, the only, billy lenz :)
Day three: Jeaaix POV
Dear diary, 2/10/1910
Billy is beginning to stench of rotten pussy fish flesh, i fear if he does not take a bath soon my nostril will disintegrate. Truthfully, he would like the bath if he wasn’t such a bitch. Soon, I fear i must take extreme measures and throw Claude in the bath so Billy takes one with him. That, or buy pink bubble bath.
-Jeaaix Billy >:D
Day Three: Billy's POV
Dear Diary, 2/11/1910
sewers !!!!! i will not take a bath therefore I have escaped down the toilet and to the sewers. I ended up in some place called ambrose? I do not know but it is dead (quiet litterally lmao) I stumbled into a white building with a giant yellow T on the door. Opening the door and screaming my classic ¨PIGGY PIGGY PIGGY¨ i had seen a man on his knees (for me, billy ofc) and some people in seats, classical styles, I can accept this. Wow. very pretty, bright, and uh oh the knee man is walking towards me, he looks angry, he has big ears. Welp. All i remember now is getting pushed out of the white building with the giant yellow T. well that is not very fun. I ran, my green sweater missing so i ofc ran into the station hopefully the scary big eared man wont come for me lmao *heart eye emoji*
Sighing off will update sokn,
- fluffy hard to draw, haired billy lenzy poo *skull emoji*soon,
The update: Billy's pov >:]
Update 2/11/10 two hpurs later prbs idk how to tell time lolzies
Anyways, big haired man got me, now i have fallen down some stairs which look very pretty may I add, anywaysm, it tasted like candle wax, very plain, not flavored, how sad. Sighhhhhhhhs, anyways, a man with long black hair and a face, looked fake may I add and part of my face is shaded in, sihhjjjjj., I kicked him in the shin and took my ratty bum back to the sewers where i will stay until the big eared man gets his goon away from me, big eared man looks tasty. Yum, yumm. Update later loserz <#
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muwur · 4 years
Since requests were open I was wondering if I could request father headcanons for iwai + ushi + atsumu 🥺 btw your writing is vv tasty n I can’t wait to see you write more !! Keep up the good work n stay safe !!
haikyuu daddee headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for iwaizumi, ushijima, and atsumu
❧ gn reader
✎ 1.4k words
a/n: omg u called my writing taSTY Dx i cri tySM 💞 that is a high compliment for me AHAHAHAH ILY and ty for the request! 
also my lovelies i m back i m sry i was gone so long feojfe i miss yall <3 here u go enjoi, this was fun to write lmk if yall want more characetrs AHAHA
current listen: accidentally in love by sHREK AAHAH jkjk i mean counting crows, they cant take that away from me by ella fitzgerald and louis armstrong, love the way you lie by eminem and rihanna
requests: open!
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✧ prePARED daddy
✧ picked up on this parenting thing p fast, also does a lot of research so he’s ready to face any situation
✧ teaches his kids how to behave n respect others
✧ also makes sure they know not to talk to strangers and teaches them some self defense
✧ be warned these kids are packing a surprise can of whOOP ASS,, dont fuck w them,, plus u wouldnt want buff daddee iwa on ur tail
✧ honestly his kids would be ANGELS ,,, n thats cuz he treats them all so w e l l
✧ mans is ATTENTIVE. he asks his kids about their days, their interests, and encourages discussion about their fEELINGS 🥺
✧ always offers them really valuable and light-hearted advice
✧ and gives them the love and transparency we all wanted but never had--
✧ however his kids are easily (n negatively) influenced esp when uncle oikawa comes to visit--
✧ but mostly bc iwa gets annoyed and slips out a lot of curse words and a “shittykawa” and then his kids started calling oikawa that and now it’s ingrained in them forever fjoefefgfvi (*distant phlattykawa crying noises*)
✧ gives them LOTS of head pats and ruffles as signs of affection
✧ PACKS THEIR SCHOOL LUNCHES and ensures they eat a balanced meal
✧ attends all their games/events,, will get a bit rowdy hype them up
✧ def lets his kids sleep with him when they’re having a bad night or woke up scared from a nightmare (and waits for them to fall asleep before going to sleep himself fojref)
✧ when they were babies he usually succeeded to get them to stop crying by pulling funny faces, showing them their favorite cartoons, or humming a lullaby
✧ when they get older,,, u bet iwa would be suPER protective esp when their kids start being iNtErEsTeD in other people
✧ you: “iwaizumi, they seem like a really nice kid, though”
✧ iwa: *sitting with you in the car, across the street from the ice cream parlor your child said they were at, and spying from the window* “you can’t trust everyone, of course they seem ‘nice,’ they just want our approval”
✧ definitely did not interrupt his child’s potential first kiss at their house’s doorstep by slamMINg the door open “sUDDENLY” cuz he “hEard TheIR vOicEs and THougHt TO lET them In”
✧ effectively traumatized both kids
✧ tho he felt bad after n u made him go apologize so he did (and he was forgiven, only if he agreed to never spy on them again--)
✧ doesn’t stop him from scrutinizing every person yalls kid introduces to you tho
✧ overall a super supportive dad, 11/10
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✧ ok dEF does not know much about parenting ,, at first
✧ stared at his child like ???nani when you both changed their first diaper
✧ also had plenty of staring contests with his babies ,,, called it bonding
✧ was curious and tasted baby food once,,, immediately regretted it
✧ once put a volleyball next to his child, who attempted to bite it, and took it as a sign that they liked it
✧ after sum time n practice, his mind becomes split between “how to volleyball” and “how to dad”
✧ catch him in the kitchen wearing an apron and whipping up his kids’ favorite smiley face pancakes 😤😤
✧ has an amazing ability to get his kids to stop crying, does really simple things like give them their favorite toy or place a gentle hand on their hand or attend to their needs (mans can tell if they want food or needa poop) and they calm down immediately
✧ carried them on his shoulders once and now they never stop asking him for shoulder rides (not that he minds anyway)
✧ if theres two kids he can probs carry one on each shoulder cuz cmon ,,, have u seen this man
✧ always goes to every performance/game/event his child takes part in
✧ man smiles so soft™ when he goes to the 1st grade play and sees his kid’s name in the program next to their role as “townsperson b” (next year, they upgraded to “singing carrot” in a play about the food pyramid)
✧ if his kid ends up enjoying volleyball, he will teach them e v e r y t h i n g they need to know
✧ but is overall super supportive of anything else his child pursues and doesn’t push anything onto them, would rather let them choose what they want to do
✧ had n o idea what to do when his kid asked him about the birds n the bees asfghkl
✧ couldnt sleep one night thinking about it and just randomly asks you while yall laying in bed in the dARk like “so our child asked me how babies are made and I told them they came from watermelon seeds” (you: ���️👄👁️ “come again”)
✧ you: *at the grocery store with your child*
✧ child: *hands you watermelon* “I want a little brother!”
✧ you: “haha of course honey” 👁️👄👁️ what do i do (*later to ushijima* “duhfojhguf we needa get another baby i promised our child a younger brother fohurof” ; ushi: “wat” ; you: “itS YOUR FAULT”)
✧ yall eventually tell them not every watermelon can produce babies only really special ones that are really hard to get fhuoefkfotfi theyre not ready for the truth
✧ another great daddee, we stan
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✧ knew parenting was stressful esp with bABieS but was like eh it cant be that bad right
✧ think again
✧ g o o d b y e  s l e e p
✧ develops phat bags under his eyes, responds with a weak “aha im fine just that parenting life and the kids ykNOW” whenever his teammates ask if he’s oKAY
✧ tried to tempt his kids to eat their mush baby food by trying it himself, nearly gagged but was able to say “eughh yuMM”
✧ loves to lift them high up in the air, even throws them up a little and nearly drops them (yall almost died from feAR but babie was having so much fun,,, yall agreed to be just a bit more careful)
✧ rlly bad at getting them to stop crying, gets very stressed when he’s exhausted every option he can think of then calls you over for some help/advice (you: *immediately calms them down* ; ratsumu: “how--”)
✧ calls up osamu a lot to ask him how to make food ,, then simps whenever his twin brother comes over and the kids are in love with this man and his cooking (”dad why cant you make stuff as yummy as this”)
✧ very affectionate with his kids, gives them lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
✧ plays with them a lot! whether it’s sports, just dance, animal crossing, or UNO, yOU NAME IT WE PLAY IT
✧ also has no mercy when playing competitive video or board games,, has made them cry more than once LOL
✧ so sometimes he toned it down n let them win,, until his kids actually got better and DEMOLISH him every time
✧ is cool with his kids cursing, just as long as they don’t do it in front of their teachers LMAO
✧ plays innocent when he gets a call from school saying his kid was using ‘inappropriate language’ and is like “whaaat? my child? im not even sure where they learned that, maybe check if the other kids in class are saying those things, too--”
✧ reminisces how much nicer his kids were to him when they were younger and all the time they spent together,,, bc now that they reached their tEeNS they want alone time
✧ wants to be B) cool dad so he tries kinda hard, esp in front of their friends but his kid’s just like dad pls dofjrgjigtgro
✧ also very supportive of whatever his kids want to pursue and dedicates time to help them in whatever ways he can (whether that be to help them practice, make sure he can provide transportation, get them supplies, etc)
✧ always playfully competing with you to see who’s the “better” parent (you win by default)
✧ PROTECTIVE dad and will easily intimidate ANYONE who crosses his kids
✧ takes sum adjustment and mental resilience but daddee atsumu perseveres  😤 absolutely loves his kids and would do anything for them  
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 45
Warm and still deliciously huge he stayed inside of her, “you ok?” he whispered her back to life, “dumb question, Leto, more than ok” she licked his lips that had worked so much magic on her “intense, really intense and you're always so..hard, you never dissapoint, I love it” smiling and shivering from her orgasm that slowly faded she pushed the sweaty strands of hair from his face. “I love you so much..” he pushed a kiss on the tip of her nose, she smiled but then she started squirming a little “wait..wait..” he slowly pulled out and rolled off of her, “I'm sorry but I really need to go pee” in her own quirky way she got up and beelined to the bathroom. A few minutes later when she was washing her hands, her eyes fell on it and she gasped, uh-oh..”Oh no..” he heard the sharp sigh full of what sounded like despair. Behind her she heard a worried knock on the door before it opened ever so slowly “what is it? what's wrong?” his eyes met her anxious ones in the mirror, she simply pointed at something on the glass tablet underneath the mirror in front of her, “what?” was it a spider? just tell me because I'm not good at solving riddles. “This” she picked up a blister with pills and held it up to him, “ohhh” it dawned on him what she was holding, “yes oh!” she sighed and leaned forward, hanging and shaking her head “I'm sorry, in all this mayhem, I forgot to take them, how stupid can I be?”. Her anxiety and worry were actually endearing, gently he pushed himself up against her back and folded his arms around her waist, “don't worry” he whispered and kissed her ear, “don't worry? You serious? I'll go get the morning after pill, do they still sell those?..the shops will open in a few hours” she mumbled, getting lost in her worried thoughts. “Ok, come on” he took the blister from her hands, threw it back on the sink and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her back to the bed, put her gently down and started another kissing session that escalated in a few seconds. “Nonono, oh no, you don't! Stop..oh that's nice” she giggled and squirmed when his teeth scraped against her throat “ok, no, stop, I'm being serious” she reluctantly put her hand against his chest and pushed him away just a little. “So am I” he pushed himself up on his elbows, but their bodies still connected “so what if you forgot a couple of pills?” he had this weird, calm smile, confusing much? “Oh I don't know..lemme think” she sarcastically put her indexfinger to her head “oh I know, I might get pregnant..if I'm not already, sometimes one shot is all it takes, or at least that wouldn't surprise me from you”. No reaction, just that goofy smile still plastered on his lips “So what? I still don't see the problem”, oh for crying out loud, she really needed to spell it out, didn't she? “I do, because I don't want to be..pregnant, nope, no way, not gonna happen, I've got stuff to do, and that doesn't include getting vomited on, changing nappies or soothing anger tantrums” she muttered.
“And I'm pretty sure you're not exactly jumping at the thought of being woken up after a show by a screaming kid either”, he kept smiling no matter the horror scenario she tried to picture, uh-oh.., “I'm gonna be honest here, Coco..I wouldn't mind becoming a Dad” ok, give me a minute to recover from that. “Interesting..” she swallowed hard “I'm gonna be honest too, I'm not” their eyes locked for a second, a flash of disappointment coloured his blue pools a little darker. “You said 'becoming', are you sure you're not a father already?”, her question had him roll off of her with a sigh and stared at the ceiling, “come on, Jared, everyone knows you're no angel, with all those women in your past..I can't help but wonder if there's not already a little Leto-girl or boy running around somewhere”. Jared closed his eyes and shook his head, she didn't blame him, she just stated the obvious, “not that I know of, and if there was, don't you think the mother would've come forward to demand her 15 minutes of fame and more importantly: alimony? That's what they're all interested in..money..”. Coco  shuffled closer and put her head on his chest “all of them? I'm not interested in your money..” she sighed, “no, you're absolutely not, you're not even interested in babies for that matter, so I stand corrected, 'all of them bar the fabulous Harper'” he smiled. “Better, much better” thank god for the lighter mood, at least his mind was taken off that ridiculous idea of babies, phew, “it's obviously too soon for us to be talking about such a touchy subject, so I'll let you off the hook this time, but I'm not giving up, I'll just let you get used to the idea” he firmly stated, what? Nope! No way, this ain't never gonna grow on me, not gonna happen, keep dreaming, Leto. His fingers slowly combed through her long hair “what do you say we try to get a little bit more sleep, we'll deal with reality in a couple of hours, alright?” he yawned, thinking of jumping on another plane out of NY and back to Europe had him shivering. “Fine, you win..for now, but you're not off the hook, I want to know more about your previous escapades” she snuggled closer to him, “I'll telll you mine if you tell me yours” he rolled his eyes, please let her forget about all this nonsense in the morning? This could possibly get us into more trouble “Deal!” she happily sighed and closed her eyes “but I'm still getting that morning after pill..in the morning”, fine, ok, smartass, you win..this time!.
Milk? Ugh..all gone, right ok, write it on your grocery list that's already a mile long, she scribbled it down and checked again while she zipped up her jacket, one last look at the bed, he was definitely out like a light, jetlag was a bitch, so let him sleep and go and get breakfast..and definitely some of those cinnamon buns from the jewish bakery on the corner, yumm! She tiptoed to the door and bumped right into Sean when she closed the door behind her “Coco! There you are, you ok?” he put his arms around her and give her a kiss on the cheek, “Sean, what are you doing here?” she quickly took a step back, his alcohol infested breath made her nauseous. “After last night, I just wanted to check on you, I already called Jared but I guess I just needed to see with my own two eyes if you were ok” Sean's hand reached for her hair, woah, wait a minute, who said you could touch me? “I'm fine, you've seen it for yourself now, so if you don't mind” she shrugged and brushed past him, “hey, where are you going?” he frowned, “grocery shopping, getting some breakfast” she quickly hopped down the stairs. “Hold up, I'm coming too” he jumped in front of her at the front door and held it open, “you still got a lot of energy, didn't score tonight?” she had hoped to be by herself for a bit, small talk just wasn't her thing. “As a matter of fact..no..I didn't score or hook up with anyone tonight..because I was too worried about you..” he dramatically ran a trembling hand through his hair, it was too hilarious to watch, “what? What are you laughing about?” he seemed offended at her spontaneous reaction, who cared? Who could actually still believe anything this guy said?. “You of course! I mean, are you listening to yourself? You were so worried about me that you didn't even notice what was going on until Jared saved me and brought me back down again, come on man, just be real! You can't keep on blaming me for everything” she hiccupped “anyway, you don't have to worry any longer, so tonight you dust yourself off and drag yourself back to that club and you wrap every single chick in there around your little finger”. Instead of just laughing along, knowing full well she was only trying to keep the mood light between them, he remained all serious and shrugged “yeah, whatever”, don't take any notice Coco, just leave him be, if you react to his sulking you'll never see the end of it and you'll feel a whole lot worse than you do now, this guy's a social vampire, he can drain the life and energy right out of you in an instant, leaving you dangling and depressed while he continues on his way all vibrant and replenished with energy. “Ok, well, this is my stop” she pointed at the entrance of the grocery store, please go home Sean, please, let me do my shopping in peace, her heart sank a little as he let her go in first.
”Go get some sleep, ok? I really need to go and make breakfast for Jared, you know something more wholesome and healthy than airplane food” will you just leave now? Can't you take a hint? You've been following me around the supermarket, and followed me even into the bakery, I'm done now!. “Yeah, you're probably right, I'll uhmm..go catch some zzz's, but if you want..we can all go do something this afternoon?” puppy eyes? Really Sean?, “uhm..I'll check with Jared..I don't know when he's leaving again, so...” it was only half a lie “I uhmm..go start on breakfast then” she quickly added as he just kept hovering around. “Harper Coco De Robiano..well well, I thought I'd never see the day, but he's got you all domesticated, hasn't he? Next thing you know he's got you scrubbing floors, his own little Cinderella, or maybe that's what makes him tick” bleerrghhhh that dirty grin, count to ten, just turn around and walk away before you punch him in the face “whatever Sean, whatever..” she turned to put the key in the lock, pushed the door open and closed it again without even give him another glance. The nerve, the bloody nerve of that pervert! Grumbling she stomped over to the kitchen, only to find Jared half naked and bent over, rummaging through her near empty fridge “ah there you are” he straightened his back and turned around to pull her in for a fiery goodmorning kiss “nevermind an empty fridge, I'd rather eat you for breakfast” he grinned in between kisses “lunch, dinner and even as nightly snack when I get a bit peckish”. The tenseness of her body worried him a little “wanna talk about it?” he sighed as he let go of her, “I've got breakfast” she ignored his question as she hoisted the bags onto the kitchen counter “what would you like, I got eggs, I got bagels and cream cheese, all kinds of fruit, bread..I could make us some french toast if you want..”. He took her wrist and gestured for her to sit down “what I want, is for you to sit down and tell me what's bugging you while I make us a special Leto breakfast” he wasn't gonna take no for an answer so she sat down with a huge sigh “it's Sean, I bumped into him in the hallway, he followed me all the way to the supermarket and back home again”. Jared closed his eyes in frustration for a second and started whisking a couple of eggs “did he do something? What did he want?” he heard his voice go just a pitch higher, that ass needed to leave his girl alone, he knew well enough what that fucker was up to. “I don't know what he wanted, he was oh so concerned about me after last night, I dunno, he just gives me the creeps, we used to be such good friends but when I look at him now, all I see is..a traitor, he betrayed our friendship”, good girl, it was the genuinely annoyed tone to her voice that made him calm and confident again. “You mean because he confessed that he was/is in love with you?” Jared nervously tried to light the fire on the stove and jumped a little when it 'whoosh-ed' to life, “of course, he's such a sneaky bastard..have you forgotten that he almost tried to kill me because 'if he couldn't have me then nobody could'? Stupid fucker!! I just can't forgive and forget like he obviously wants me to do..I didn't even get half of all I wanted because he was on my frikkin tail all the time..” she blurted out, getting more and more upset with each second. “Alright, alright” he took the pan of the fire and walked over to her to put his arms around her “it's ok, forget about him, what matters is us, just us, have you any idea how much I love you? Want me to show you how much?” he nodded in the direction of the bed, wiggling his eyebrows. “No, all you have to show me now is breakfast, because I'm HUNGRY and if you don't hurry up and feed me, I might just get very 'hangry'” she giggled when the stubble of his beard tickled against her face, “fine, breakfast it is then, spoilsport” he rolled his eyes, and turned back to the stove but not without a lash of his kitchen towel that slapped playfully yet firm against her butt “auwtchh! You're mean! Just get me breakfast and I might reconsider your offer” she giggled, rubbing the painful spot while the anticipation lit up in his eyes.
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keto · 5 years
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Freezable cheese pizza recipe? Just cheese and egg pizza-like garlicky cheese-stick, bread-sticks without bread, yumm... A week ago I had 3 of these, 3 days in a row. Dip them in marinara.. I will definitely try dipping them in the bbq avocado dipping sauce that someone on r/keto told me about just last night. Thank you! But, oh, they taste so good. I think it's basically just a pan baked chaffle? I'm looking for advice to make it even easier to prepare.The recipe is:1 cup shredded cheese like mozzarella, (add some parmesan/cheddar or any other 'accent cheese' if you like)1 large eggOptional spices include anything that sounds good, especially, garlic powder, basil, oregano, crushed red pepper.Meats and veggies can be added into the blend or on top. I believe if it's a greasy or wet addition, it would be best to put that on top, about half way through the baking.I have been cutting a circular piece of parchment paper, just the size of my cake pan. Most pans should work fine for it. Then I mix up the ingredients with a fork, and pile it into the pan. I leave it away from the edges, actually pulling the cheese towards its' center and piling it, then press with the fork, to make it resemble a thick round pizza. It should feel pretty well compacted. Then you bake it in your preheated oven, maybe 375-400, use the broiler later if you want. Probably 20 minutes, somewhere around that.. I am not great at writing recipes, or keeping details.. Not the point..If you really need any references, I can send you a picture, but really, I found this recipe on Pinterest so I'd probably just try and find that. Credit to them though, this is delicious! My fiance loved it too, just mozzarella/parmesan cheese with spices/garlic.. He doesn't like cheese on his breadsticks, but he loved this. I think he still has picky eater mind games going for him. Also not keto, or specifically cheese loving by nature.TLDR, remember the title? My point was not to share a recipe, (above) but to seek advice on the idea of getting these to be the ultimate snack food. I don't have a microwave, or a toaster oven, just my big gas oven with all the temperature numbers rubbed off, so I won't be able to cut back on the heating time.. How could I go about freezing? Saves that small step of gathering the ingredients, and mixing.. Should it be before baking? I doubt I'd defrost it? How will the egg hold up? Will it effect the texture? I would probably aim to eat what I make within a month or so. If it'll be gross though, it's not worth saving the time. Thanks!
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10 years ago, there was a small kid who never skipped a day without eating her favorite taho every morning.
Her routine goes on. She wakes up at 7 am, with her face delighted everytime she goes off from bed knowing it was a new day, a new day at the school, a new day with her friends. She loves every day that passes and comes.
She'll wear her uniforms and her lola will get her hair done. Would it be pigtails? braids? ponytails? It doesn't matter, she loved every hairstyles her lola made.
Breakfast? Yumm! She always asks her lola about it, and she sits with her smile knowing what she's about to eat is another tasty food that she would absolutely love.
After realizing it was 9 AM, she would turn on the tv as quickly as possible because she don't want to miss her favorite tv show! It was Dora the Explorer playing at the tv. Every morning is pure joy.
A warm morning, birds singing, the smell of freshly cooked eggs coming from the kitchen, her toys arranged perfectly at the corner of the living room, her bag sitting at the doorway, it was all good. Every day is such a blessing for our sweet little girl.
After eating breakfast, she would prepare her big mug. As the time strikes at 9:30 AM, she would ask to her lola for a 10 pesos. The joy in her eyes was totally endearing.
"Nanaaay! Andito na yung tahooo! Nanaaay!" she would exclaim every morning just for her favorite Taho.
She and her nanay would go outside to wait for the Taho vendor. The vendor knows her very well that it was already the vendor's duty to bring her tasty taho's every morning.
He would scoop a lot of soft tofu, and she would request a lot of sweetened syrup to be put on her Taho. The vendor knows she does not like sago pearls in her taho, and if by chance he put some, she would insist on getting them away as ' sago pearls taste silly'.
By having taho after breakfast, she will see her day as the very best, and then everyday became the best because she doesn't miss a day without seeing and buying from her friend, the Taho vendor.
She would then go to school satisfied with her happy life.
10 years later, the little girl couldn't believe she would be writing about herself and her love for Taho. It became a part of her childhood, and it gave her so much memories. Her childhood will forever be amazing because of that sweetened flavoured tofu with sago pearls.
To my favorite Taho vendor,
I still see you on the streets every morning. You may not remember me but I know that you still remember that little girl happily coming to you every morning when she was 6. If you still do, then my heart is happy!
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majoringinclownery · 6 years
so i know we all adore the idea of patton being the super-chef dad who makes the meals and bakes the cookies for the other sides but may i propose???
logan loves baking. l o v e s it. cooking? not so much. cooking involves a lot of improvising and making adjustments that feel right. its less of an exact science and has more wiggle room for doing whatever you want. and sure, logan will get in the mood to experiment with dishes, but otherwise he leaves the cooking to patton.
but baking?
baking is logan’s way of relaxing. its all precise measurements and careful direction reading. after a stressful day of working through thomas’s schedule and helping him stay on task, logan will sometimes just take over the kitchen and bake. he especially likes baking because the others love to eat whatever dessert he has cooked up. not only that, but when logan is struggling to offer emotional support or comfort for one of the others, he’ll bake them their favorite dessert. virgil’s having a bad day where everything is just too much? an hour or so later, logan is knocking at his door, a giant chocolate chip cookie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in his hands. patton having a day where the blues just won’t let up? boom, logan’s whipping out a chocolate lava cake. roman wants to have a treat himself day after a particularly successful performance? the mixed berry pie is almost ready to be taken out of the oven and oh boy does that crust look just golden (the secret ingredient is crofter’s jelly)
and logan keeps a special recipe book full of everyone’s favorite baked goods. he writes in extra notes about how patton really likes just about any dessert that involves pastry because yumm and how virgil prefers chocolate desserts when his anxiety is running particularly high (but on good days virgil favors the berry tarts that logan makes) and how roman adores cinnamon rolls and anything that has a kick/spice to it 
just. logan loves baking.
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1, 18, 25 (note- it says describe one. just one. restrain yourself.)
ARGH… only 1?! AND you’re going to actually hold me to it!? Well I hope you know you’re getting a long and thorough answer then :D
1. Song of the year -
Adamantine Hearts - Kieran Strange
18. A memorable meal this year?
Oh man I both love food and have a terrible memory so like a) oh yumm this food I’m currently eating is the best food ever plus; b) what did I even eat last night? Because of the memory I’m going to go with the most recent one that was exactly what I wanted it to be, my birthday dinner:
Mr Accretionist’s veggie lasagna (homemade veggie packed tomato sauce lots of spinach and cheeses), accompanied by sourdough cheesy garlic pull apart bread.
We also had a really lovely red wine that we’ve had in the cupboard for a couple years and some bubbly champagne for desert because we were way too full from dinner for an actual desert.
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one - oh sooo many.  I rolled a die to decide who to go with.
Claudia Fleming - for a D&D 5e game - she’s a Tiefling and Trickster Cleric of Joryllyx (the god of misfortune).
She is the embodiment of the Walking Disaster Area trope.
She was born a bastard to a noble family and bad luck followed her from day one. It starts as just small, easily dismissed incidents - falling off of things and breaking bones, chairs breaking when she sits on them, somehow getting trapped in a rain barrel after falling out of a window. But it just escalates as she gets older.
A short and very incomplete list of some of the things that happened to her:
Age 10: Struck by lightning (the first time)
Age 13: The roof in a tower of her family’s manor collapses on her when she’s reading
Age 15: Struck by lightning (the second time) while walking with her youngest brother. She survived, her brother did not.
Age 16: First to find older brother murdered. Suspicion falls on her leading to her first murder charge - eventually dismissed.
Age 17: A bridge she is crossing collapses and she nearly drowns but is caught on a branch of a fallen tree and held just above the water until she can be rescued
Age 18: Second murder charge (this time of her lover).  Flees to avoid execution.
Age 22: A travelling troop (and another lover) she was travelling with is killed by bandits, she wakes up injured.  Gets lost in the woods and literally loses a year of her life (no memory of it) before at:
Age 23: Finding herself in front of temple of Joryllyxx bleeding from a gut wound with no memory of how she got there. Decides that fighting it isn’t doing her any good and it’s obvious that Joryllyx has decided to pay her attention - dedicates herself to Joryllyx
Hopes/believes that if she can amuse Joryllyx enough by causing misfortune as and to whom she chooses she can prevent some of the more random and severe misfortune for those that don’t deserve it
Age 25: A lighthouse she has fled into is struck by lightning (the third time) and she finds herself in the ocean clinging to a beam from the lighthouse until she is fished, several days later, out of the ocean by ( @softbutchtaako‘s character) Valerie and her girlfriend ( @thepamdeathforgot‘s character) Yevelda.
Despite all of this she tries to remain cheerful and downplays how much misfortune affects her.  She also tends to relay anecdotes about her past in a joking manner leaving it to her audience to decide if she is telling the truth or joking - most (including Valerie) assume either joking or heavy embellishment.
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[My attempt at drawing “The Disaster Ship” - from left to right Yevelda the half-orc Storm Herald Barbarian, Valerie - The rogue, Claudia.  Please ignore my failure on her face, pants and feet I like her coat though:D ]
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cavixorg · 2 years
Based in Montreal, Quebec, Goodfood Market Corp., doing business as Goodfood stock, is a Canadian online grocery, home meal, and meal kit provider. As of August 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, accounting for 40% to 45% of a meal delivery market. The company's official website is located at www.makegoodfood.ca. The company's telephone number is 1(855) 515-5191. The ticker for it is Goodfood stock just on Toronto Stock Exchange. As a firm with a concentration on meal kits, Goodfood has developed into an online supermarket and provider of home meals. The business sells ready-to-eat foods, grocery goods, breakfast meals, snack foods, and meal kits. 95% of Canadians are reached by Goodfood's deliveries, which cover the majority of the country. The business changed its name to Goodfood in 2016. Goodfood started trading publicly here on Toronto Stock Exchange in June 2017. $21 million in capital was raised by the deal, which was carried out through a reverse takeover strategy. Becoming Public The money received was set aside for expansion, primarily to increase the number of subscribers and the size of the facility at Goodfood. Following the transaction's completion, Goodfood started trading just on TSX under the symbol FOOD. In order to grow to Calgary, a secondary facility in Montreal, and a new site in Vancouver, the company later secured further equity. After becoming public, Goodfood saw considerable growth: its subscriber base rose by 35% to 31,000 in the latest quarter on August 31, 2017, and by another 45% to 45,000 in the period ended on November 30, 2017. As of August 31, 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, a 125% growth from the previous year. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as of November 30, 2020, is 306,000. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as on February 28, 2021, is 319,000. The CEO of Goodfood responded to acquisition rumors in October 2022 by saying that there were ongoing negotiations but declining to say whether they involved a takeover. Goodfood Business Its primary line of business was the preparation and delivery of meal kits to subscribers. Its product line has been expanded to include prepared dinners, grocery items like olive oil, peanut butter, and tea leaves, as well as breakfast items like smoothies and omelettes. Goodfood introduced Yumm, a less expensive meal kit service with recipes that use fewer ingredients and are easier, as part of its meal kit business. The three main competitors are Cook it, MissFresh, and HelloFresh (headquartered in Germany and including subsidiary Chef's Plate). Located in Quebec, this grocery behemoth is a division of Metro Inc. Freshii And Goodfood Market Which small-cap consumer cyclical company, Freshii (TSE:FRII) or Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD), is the greater enterprise? Based on the strength of the two companies' media sentiment, risks, ownership concentration, valuation, profitability, profits, analyst recommendations, dividends, and community ranking, we will compare and contrast them. Goodfood Market saw 4 more media mentions than Freshii in the past week. Goodfood Market had 4 mentions from MarketBeat while Freshii received none. The average overall sentiment score for Goodfood Market was 1.03 compared to Freshii's 0.44, showing that Goodfood Market is receiving more positive press than Freshii. The current consensus target price for Freshii is C$1.35, representing an upside potential of 46.74%. A consensus target price of C$2.07 for Goodfood Market indicates a potential gain of 318.63%. Analysts clearly think Goodfood Market is better than Freshii given its higher consensus rating and greater potential upside. When compared by MarketBeat users, Freshii scored 164 more votes for outperformance than Goodfood Market. Similar to how just 50.00% of people gave Goodfood Market an exceed vote, 68.28% of users awarded Freshii an outperform vote. Which Other Stocks Do Goodfood Market Shareholders Own? Several
companies that other Goodfood Market investors own are Enbridge (ENB), Lightspeed Commerce (LSPD), Manulife Financial (MFC), Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Aphria (APHA), BCE (BCE), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Cineplex (CGX), Walt Disney (DIS), and Methanex, according to aggregate data from MarketBeat watchlists (MX). The past 90 days have seen ratings for Goodfood Market from Canaccord Genuity Group, National Bankshares, Raymond James, Royal Bank of Canada, and Stifel Nicolaus. Goodfood Comparing You must sign up for Goodfood services in order to use them. Then, each week, you can choose 2 to 4 foods from the seven that Goodfood has to offer. Then a box containing each of the required items and thorough recipe cards will be sent to you. Your ingredients are supplied in a package with ice packs and thermal protection to keep the food cold while being transported. If no one is home, the delivery person is instructed to leave the box at your doorstep. After the package is delivered, the majority of the ingredients last for one week. There are numerous businesses in Canada that provide comparable services to Goodfood. Getting a box filled with fresh supplies and recipe cards sent to your door is still the basic premise. Some stand out when choosing your weekly menu since they offer a few additional possibilities. Take For instance, Cook It provides ready-to-eat meals in the weekly order (which only need to be heated), whilst MissFresh provides a variety of tea or coffee. Goodfood provides meals for two or four people; MissFresh provides meals for four or six people; and Cook it provides meals for two, three, four, or six people. What Is The Price Target For Goodfood Market Corp? C$0.50 is the typical price goal for Goodfood Market Corp. This is based on five 12 month price targets released in the previous three months by Wall Street analysts. The lowest projection is C$0.20, while the maximum expert price objective is C$0.75. From the current Goodfood stock price of C$0.315, the average price objective reflects an increase of 58.73%. Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD) does indeed have a market value of C$37.23 million and annual revenue of C$297.59 million. Currently, one piece of FOOD stock costs about $0.50 Canadian. 3,200 people work for the organization globally. Users of MarketBeat prefer other Consumer Cyclical firms more than Goodfood Market. Goodfood Market had an outperform vote from 50.00% of MarketBeat members versus an average of 65.09% for consumer cyclical firms. Depending on their 12 month price predictions, experts think that the Goodfood stock will rise 18.65%. How Do I Purchase Goodfood Market Stock? Through an online brokerage account, one can purchase shares of the Canadian company Goodfood stock as well as other stocks. BMO InvestorLine, CIBC Investor's Edge, Desjardins Online Brokerage, HSBC InvestDirect, Laurentian Bank Discount Brokerage, National Bank Direct Brokerage, Qtrade Investor, Questrade, RBC Direct Investing, Scotia iTrade, TD Direct Investing, and Virtual Brokers are a few well-known online brokerages with access to the Canadian stock market. Right Now, Should I Buy Or Sell Goodfood Market Stock? 6 In the past year, Goodfood Market has received "buy," "hold," and "sell" evaluations from Wall Street analysts. Currently, the stock has 2 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings, and 1 sell rating. Wall Street experts generally agree that buyers must "hold" Goodfood stock. A hold rating means that experts do not recommend adding to existing positions in FOOD by purchasing new shares or selling existing ones. Profit Less Goodfood Market Shareholders of Goodfood Market Corp. (TSE:FOOD) should be pleased with the 15% increase in Goodfood stock price during the past week. However, that scarcely makes up for the startling decline during the previous 12 months. For example, over the past year, the Goodfood stock has decreased by 89%. So the increase might not be all that comforting. The fundamental concern is whether the business can change its course.
Even while a decrease like that is unquestionably a blow to the body, happiness and health are more essential than money. Since Goodfood Market did not turn a profit in the previous year, it is doubtful that there would be a substantial link between the price of its shares and its per-share earnings (EPS). Revenue is possibly our second best choice. The annual revenue growth for Goodfood Market was zero. Actually, it dropped 22%. Investors generally don't want to see it. The 89% decline in the Goodfood stock price over a year reveals the story. That serves as a stark reminder that, at the very least, profitless enterprises need to increase their top line. Markets do, however, occasionally overreact, which presents an opportunity for buyers who are prepared to put in the time to learn more about the company. A Different Viewpoint Shareholders in Goodfood Market suffered an 89% loss throughout the past year, while the market as a whole gained only 0.9%. But bear in mind that occasionally, even the strongest equities will perform worse than the market more than a full year. Unfortunately, last year's performance marked the end of a rough patch for the stockholders, who faced a five-year loss of 8% annually. Long-term Goodfood stock price declines are typically a poor indicator, yet contrarian investors might wish to investigate the Goodfood stock in anticipation of a recovery. Although it is necessary to take into account the various effects that market conditions may have on the Goodfood stock price, there are other aspects that are even more crucial. Food Revenue Prediction Estimated Goodfood profits for the upcoming quarter are between and, with a range of. The EPS for the preceding quarter was C$0.78. In the previous 12 months, Goodfood Goodfood stock forecast its EPS forecast 0.00% of the time, while its industry as a whole topped the EPS forecast 49.23% of the time. FOOD underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. The sales Goodfood stock forecast for the upcoming quarter is with a range of. The sales figures for the preceding quarter were C$50.36M. In the last 12 months, Goodfood outperformed sales Goodfood stock forecast by 25.00% while the industry as a whole outperformed Goodfood stock forecast by 52.26%. Goodfood underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. Goodfood has gotten 0 Buy, 0 Hold, and 0 Sell recommendations in the most recent month. The average analyst price estimate for Goodfood over the previous three months is C$0.50. What Is The Expected Stock Price For Goodfood Market In 2023? The price of Goodfood Market's stock at the start of the year was C$4.07. Shares of FOOD have dropped 87.8% since then and are currently trading at C$0.50. 6 Market Analysts have provided 12-month price targets for the Goodfood stock. Their range for the price of FOOD stock is $0.60 to $5.50. They anticipate that during the following 12 months, the Goodfood stock will, on average, rise to C$2.07. This implies a potential increase from the stock's current market price of 318.6%. Fair Value Forecast For The Goodfood Market For The Years 2022–2025 Price at Goodfood Market climbed by 100.00% over the previous three years, from C$0.00 to C$0.00. Fair Value is Goodfood stock forecast by analysts to rise during the course of the following year, reaching C$1.26 (an increase of 100.00%). According to the Goodfood Market projection, Fair Value will increase by 100.00% to C$2.58. Revenue at Goodfood Market climbed by 437.91% during the previous three years, from C$70.50M and C$379.23M. 0 experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast will drop 41.51% in the upcoming year to C$221.82M. By 2030, experts forecast that Goodfood stock forecast would decline to C$275.92M, or 27.24% less than it is today. Goodfood Market Forecast 2030 Goodfood Market's Free Cash Flow increased by 676.71% over the previous three years, from C$-4.25M to C$-33.01M. Goodfood stock forecast has a bright future ahead of it as experts expect Free Cash Flow to improve by 103.
93% to C$-67.32M in the coming year. Experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast Free Cash Flow can increase at a rate of 160.85% over the next nine years. The net income of Goodfood Market has increased by 237.12%. Increasing to C$-9.43M to C$-31.79M during the past three years. Analysts Goodfood stock forecast that Net Income will increase by 51.32% to C$-48.10M in the following year. The projected increase in Net Income during the following nine years is 57.42%.
0 notes
stocklivemarket · 2 years
Based in Montreal, Quebec, Goodfood Market Corp., doing business as Goodfood stock, is a Canadian online grocery, home meal, and meal kit provider. As of August 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, accounting for 40% to 45% of a meal delivery market. The company's official website is located at www.makegoodfood.ca. The company's telephone number is 1(855) 515-5191. The ticker for it is Goodfood stock just on Toronto Stock Exchange. As a firm with a concentration on meal kits, Goodfood has developed into an online supermarket and provider of home meals. The business sells ready-to-eat foods, grocery goods, breakfast meals, snack foods, and meal kits. 95% of Canadians are reached by Goodfood's deliveries, which cover the majority of the country. The business changed its name to Goodfood in 2016. Goodfood started trading publicly here on Toronto Stock Exchange in June 2017. $21 million in capital was raised by the deal, which was carried out through a reverse takeover strategy. Becoming Public The money received was set aside for expansion, primarily to increase the number of subscribers and the size of the facility at Goodfood. Following the transaction's completion, Goodfood started trading just on TSX under the symbol FOOD. In order to grow to Calgary, a secondary facility in Montreal, and a new site in Vancouver, the company later secured further equity. After becoming public, Goodfood saw considerable growth: its subscriber base rose by 35% to 31,000 in the latest quarter on August 31, 2017, and by another 45% to 45,000 in the period ended on November 30, 2017. As of August 31, 2019, Goodfood had 200,000 subscribers, a 125% growth from the previous year. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as of November 30, 2020, is 306,000. The number of active subscribers of Goodfood as on February 28, 2021, is 319,000. The CEO of Goodfood responded to acquisition rumors in October 2022 by saying that there were ongoing negotiations but declining to say whether they involved a takeover. Goodfood Business Its primary line of business was the preparation and delivery of meal kits to subscribers. Its product line has been expanded to include prepared dinners, grocery items like olive oil, peanut butter, and tea leaves, as well as breakfast items like smoothies and omelettes. Goodfood introduced Yumm, a less expensive meal kit service with recipes that use fewer ingredients and are easier, as part of its meal kit business. The three main competitors are Cook it, MissFresh, and HelloFresh (headquartered in Germany and including subsidiary Chef's Plate). Located in Quebec, this grocery behemoth is a division of Metro Inc. Freshii And Goodfood Market Which small-cap consumer cyclical company, Freshii (TSE:FRII) or Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD), is the greater enterprise? Based on the strength of the two companies' media sentiment, risks, ownership concentration, valuation, profitability, profits, analyst recommendations, dividends, and community ranking, we will compare and contrast them. Goodfood Market saw 4 more media mentions than Freshii in the past week. Goodfood Market had 4 mentions from MarketBeat while Freshii received none. The average overall sentiment score for Goodfood Market was 1.03 compared to Freshii's 0.44, showing that Goodfood Market is receiving more positive press than Freshii. The current consensus target price for Freshii is C$1.35, representing an upside potential of 46.74%. A consensus target price of C$2.07 for Goodfood Market indicates a potential gain of 318.63%. Analysts clearly think Goodfood Market is better than Freshii given its higher consensus rating and greater potential upside. When compared by MarketBeat users, Freshii scored 164 more votes for outperformance than Goodfood Market. Similar to how just 50.00% of people gave Goodfood Market an exceed vote, 68.28% of users awarded Freshii an outperform vote. Which Other Stocks Do Goodfood Market Shareholders Own? Several
companies that other Goodfood Market investors own are Enbridge (ENB), Lightspeed Commerce (LSPD), Manulife Financial (MFC), Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD), Aphria (APHA), BCE (BCE), Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), Cineplex (CGX), Walt Disney (DIS), and Methanex, according to aggregate data from MarketBeat watchlists (MX). The past 90 days have seen ratings for Goodfood Market from Canaccord Genuity Group, National Bankshares, Raymond James, Royal Bank of Canada, and Stifel Nicolaus. Goodfood Comparing You must sign up for Goodfood services in order to use them. Then, each week, you can choose 2 to 4 foods from the seven that Goodfood has to offer. Then a box containing each of the required items and thorough recipe cards will be sent to you. Your ingredients are supplied in a package with ice packs and thermal protection to keep the food cold while being transported. If no one is home, the delivery person is instructed to leave the box at your doorstep. After the package is delivered, the majority of the ingredients last for one week. There are numerous businesses in Canada that provide comparable services to Goodfood. Getting a box filled with fresh supplies and recipe cards sent to your door is still the basic premise. Some stand out when choosing your weekly menu since they offer a few additional possibilities. Take For instance, Cook It provides ready-to-eat meals in the weekly order (which only need to be heated), whilst MissFresh provides a variety of tea or coffee. Goodfood provides meals for two or four people; MissFresh provides meals for four or six people; and Cook it provides meals for two, three, four, or six people. What Is The Price Target For Goodfood Market Corp? C$0.50 is the typical price goal for Goodfood Market Corp. This is based on five 12 month price targets released in the previous three months by Wall Street analysts. The lowest projection is C$0.20, while the maximum expert price objective is C$0.75. From the current Goodfood stock price of C$0.315, the average price objective reflects an increase of 58.73%. Goodfood Market (TSE:FOOD) does indeed have a market value of C$37.23 million and annual revenue of C$297.59 million. Currently, one piece of FOOD stock costs about $0.50 Canadian. 3,200 people work for the organization globally. Users of MarketBeat prefer other Consumer Cyclical firms more than Goodfood Market. Goodfood Market had an outperform vote from 50.00% of MarketBeat members versus an average of 65.09% for consumer cyclical firms. Depending on their 12 month price predictions, experts think that the Goodfood stock will rise 18.65%. How Do I Purchase Goodfood Market Stock? Through an online brokerage account, one can purchase shares of the Canadian company Goodfood stock as well as other stocks. BMO InvestorLine, CIBC Investor's Edge, Desjardins Online Brokerage, HSBC InvestDirect, Laurentian Bank Discount Brokerage, National Bank Direct Brokerage, Qtrade Investor, Questrade, RBC Direct Investing, Scotia iTrade, TD Direct Investing, and Virtual Brokers are a few well-known online brokerages with access to the Canadian stock market. Right Now, Should I Buy Or Sell Goodfood Market Stock? 6 In the past year, Goodfood Market has received "buy," "hold," and "sell" evaluations from Wall Street analysts. Currently, the stock has 2 buy ratings, 3 hold ratings, and 1 sell rating. Wall Street experts generally agree that buyers must "hold" Goodfood stock. A hold rating means that experts do not recommend adding to existing positions in FOOD by purchasing new shares or selling existing ones. Profit Less Goodfood Market Shareholders of Goodfood Market Corp. (TSE:FOOD) should be pleased with the 15% increase in Goodfood stock price during the past week. However, that scarcely makes up for the startling decline during the previous 12 months. For example, over the past year, the Goodfood stock has decreased by 89%. So the increase might not be all that comforting. The fundamental concern is whether the business can change its course.
Even while a decrease like that is unquestionably a blow to the body, happiness and health are more essential than money. Since Goodfood Market did not turn a profit in the previous year, it is doubtful that there would be a substantial link between the price of its shares and its per-share earnings (EPS). Revenue is possibly our second best choice. The annual revenue growth for Goodfood Market was zero. Actually, it dropped 22%. Investors generally don't want to see it. The 89% decline in the Goodfood stock price over a year reveals the story. That serves as a stark reminder that, at the very least, profitless enterprises need to increase their top line. Markets do, however, occasionally overreact, which presents an opportunity for buyers who are prepared to put in the time to learn more about the company. A Different Viewpoint Shareholders in Goodfood Market suffered an 89% loss throughout the past year, while the market as a whole gained only 0.9%. But bear in mind that occasionally, even the strongest equities will perform worse than the market more than a full year. Unfortunately, last year's performance marked the end of a rough patch for the stockholders, who faced a five-year loss of 8% annually. Long-term Goodfood stock price declines are typically a poor indicator, yet contrarian investors might wish to investigate the Goodfood stock in anticipation of a recovery. Although it is necessary to take into account the various effects that market conditions may have on the Goodfood stock price, there are other aspects that are even more crucial. Food Revenue Prediction Estimated Goodfood profits for the upcoming quarter are between and, with a range of. The EPS for the preceding quarter was C$0.78. In the previous 12 months, Goodfood Goodfood stock forecast its EPS forecast 0.00% of the time, while its industry as a whole topped the EPS forecast 49.23% of the time. FOOD underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. The sales Goodfood stock forecast for the upcoming quarter is with a range of. The sales figures for the preceding quarter were C$50.36M. In the last 12 months, Goodfood outperformed sales Goodfood stock forecast by 25.00% while the industry as a whole outperformed Goodfood stock forecast by 52.26%. Goodfood underperformed its industry as a whole over the past year. Goodfood has gotten 0 Buy, 0 Hold, and 0 Sell recommendations in the most recent month. The average analyst price estimate for Goodfood over the previous three months is C$0.50. What Is The Expected Stock Price For Goodfood Market In 2023? The price of Goodfood Market's stock at the start of the year was C$4.07. Shares of FOOD have dropped 87.8% since then and are currently trading at C$0.50. 6 Market Analysts have provided 12-month price targets for the Goodfood stock. Their range for the price of FOOD stock is $0.60 to $5.50. They anticipate that during the following 12 months, the Goodfood stock will, on average, rise to C$2.07. This implies a potential increase from the stock's current market price of 318.6%. Fair Value Forecast For The Goodfood Market For The Years 2022–2025 Price at Goodfood Market climbed by 100.00% over the previous three years, from C$0.00 to C$0.00. Fair Value is Goodfood stock forecast by analysts to rise during the course of the following year, reaching C$1.26 (an increase of 100.00%). According to the Goodfood Market projection, Fair Value will increase by 100.00% to C$2.58. Revenue at Goodfood Market climbed by 437.91% during the previous three years, from C$70.50M and C$379.23M. 0 experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast will drop 41.51% in the upcoming year to C$221.82M. By 2030, experts forecast that Goodfood stock forecast would decline to C$275.92M, or 27.24% less than it is today. Goodfood Market Forecast 2030 Goodfood Market's Free Cash Flow increased by 676.71% over the previous three years, from C$-4.25M to C$-33.01M. Goodfood stock forecast has a bright future ahead of it as experts expect Free Cash Flow to improve by 103.
93% to C$-67.32M in the coming year. Experts predict that Goodfood stock forecast Free Cash Flow can increase at a rate of 160.85% over the next nine years. The net income of Goodfood Market has increased by 237.12%. Increasing to C$-9.43M to C$-31.79M during the past three years. Analysts Goodfood stock forecast that Net Income will increase by 51.32% to C$-48.10M in the following year. The projected increase in Net Income during the following nine years is 57.42%.
0 notes
Friday, August 3, 2018
post #207
main points:
- very brief work, cleaning up unit tests for command PR (still)
- code excellence interview
- sprint meeting
- farewell dim sum lunch party
- attempting to create the model somehow for iOS PR all evening (stressing out)
- happy hour food for dinner at the end near 5pm
- melee with john / some mario kart
- hanging out with ellen and harvy
- chilling at home (netflix and youtube)
(writing this on sunday august 5)
today i:
- woke up at 8:20am. snoozed until like 9am ish. then i ubered to work. damien left early and karl was still snoozing, so i actually went by myself for the first time in like a few weeks
- grabbed breakfast really quick near the end around 9:50pm, then got to my desk around 10 ish
- did some very brief work, cleaning up unit tests for the command PR (still) because i had to pull and update all of the tests. i just got around to setting up the iOS code to start investigating the blank model when i had to go to a coding excellence interview
- from 10:45am-11am, i talked with some senior engineers about my experience ramping up. i think most of my qualms were related to documentation, because everything else so far has been great. there’s a lot of infra that helps speed things up already, i think these were just some potential improvements that could be made better
- went to a sprint planning meeting 11-11:30. just talking about previous sprint and current sprints. my goal is to wrap up the project in the coming week with this iOS command PR
- went to a farewell dim sum party at koi palace for a coworker on an adjacent team to ours. we had a party of like 20 ish people. i went with harvy, alex, grace, and amandy in one car. we took up two tables and the food was SOOOO good. we ordered so much LOL. maybe a little too much. but it was still so worth. omg i was in a food coma. we were eating there from 12pm and got back around 2pm. the whole afternoon went by so fast. i felt anxious about getting started on the iOS PR because i really needed to investigate and try to make progress on it
- spent the afternoon from 2pm-5pm ish trying to work on generating the model. i got stressed out right at the start because there was a site infra issue that prevented me from logging into the iOS app. i tried rebuilding multiple times because i thought the issue was on my part (i later learned ellen was also having similar issues). but basically, cause i couldn’t log in, i don’t think the same environment/context was consistent with what it should’ve been. i still was able to do a hacky way to try to test out whether the model would be generated or not. but it was kind of like shooting in the dark. i basically just tried to see if there were other examples to do such a thing, and where else i could be going wrong. i tried multiple different attempts, none of them really succeeding.
- at 3:30-4pm, we had the weekly sync between xueyan, her mentor and my mentor. we’re almost at the finish line in terms of a demo-able project
i also reached out to matias after speaking with xueyan because we both weren’t really sure of how the model fits in with everything. he suggested we schedule a meeting for next monday to discuss it so i hope we can resolve it then.
- grabbed some happy hour food around 4:50pm. i was still really full from lunch, but i figured this would be a good way to have dinner for the evening to eat later. it was mexican food with quesadillas and nachos. yumm :)
- worked a bit more on trying to generate the model, stepping through certain break points where i thought we might be able to properly see the model. around 6:30 (i think), i just kind of gave up and went to play smash with john. i felt good about my movement and it also helped take my mind off of my work. i was getting stressed that i basically got nothing done the entire day because of meetings and the long lunch :/ we also played some mario kart shine thief and then a race
- came back to my desk to try to file a bug for the site infra login issue and then was going to call it a day. i was so stressed about my unproductivity. harvy came back from the gym and he, ellen and i were just chatting a bit about our backgrounds/family backgrounds. harvy said that we’ve been making good progress on the project and shouldn’t worry too much about it. that made me feel a lot better. it also nice talking with ellen and harvy cause we were conversing in chinese and felt familiar like we were at home. ellen and i hung around a bit talking about kendamas and her interests in animation/pixar and then we left around 9pm (?). she took a lyft and i ubered home, getting back around 10pm ish
- i just chilled at home for the night, watching some of the office (i don’t remember which episode but basically the next one) and youtube videos 
that’s about it
i’m looking forward to next monday where we can hopefully get a demoing version of our project. i think today was probably the least productive day i’ve had out of the summer :/ long lunch takes up a lot of time in the day ahhhh 
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