#easy acrylic pouring
zalmoxis-the-great · 5 months
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Finally, I managed to take a couple pics of a few of my models ~!
Here's Orikan ! Our intrepid astromancer ~⋆。°✩
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I am so sorry Obyron, I didn't notice how blurry you got TᴖT
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Immotekh, my first baby boy ~<3
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Some destroyer ladies ~! They can destroy my heart UwU
They are in my custom dynasty colors~!
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Bob and Marley ~!
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Their cute backs ~! *pat pat pat*
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My bread and butter, aka The Boys~! The focus is not the best, but it is what it is~!
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Bonus round, details of the custom bases. I even leveled the UV resin to look like the water was forming a crater, but it is pretty hard to see.
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th3-0bjectivist · 1 year
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“Terra Panoramic” - Acrylic paint on canvas
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robo-dino-puppies · 1 year
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an idea I never followed through with for making a Good Omens thing
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receedingdawn · 1 month
Cookies And Acrylic
Pairing: Logan x Reader
Summary: When anxiety keeps the art teacher awake at night, she comforts herself with late-night shenanigans and a surprise guest.
Warnings: OOC for Logan (Sorry he can be IMPOSSIBLE to write for but I love him dearly, fluff, pining
Word Count: 2k+
A/N: I'm so sorry I wrote this at like 1 am because I could not sleep, very fitting for this one shot though... Also unedited because I didn't feel like it!
Read on AO3
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Groaning as you twisted and turned in bed, you rolled over to check the time. It was one of those nights where no matter how hard you tried to lift into that blissful rest you so desperately craved, it never came. A pitiful sound escaped you as the clock read two in the morning, too late to have a good night's rest, yet too early to be up. Rolling back over, you contemplated your next actions for a few seconds. Sleep never came easy, especially during the nights that you were kept up with anxiety. 
When asked to help out at Charles’ school for the gifted, you instantly agreed. You knew how the rest treated mutants of the world, you practically leaped at the opportunity to help out. It was a harsh world they were born into, and you made it your goal to help as many out as you could. How much stress the job would give didn’t dawn on you when you started. Nights like this where you lay awake, your mind stuck on the endless probabilities of the children being hurt while in your care. You knew the rest of the team would be there to help if anything happened, but anxiety doesn’t always need a reason to happen. It just does.
Deciding to walk around the building to calm yourself, you got out of bed with a sigh. You changed your sleep shorts into flannel pajama pants in fear of a student discovering you wandering around the school in the middle of the night. The last thing you wanted to do was accidentally traumatize a student with their half-naked teacher roaming the halls in the early hours of the morning. Sliding your feet into a pair of slippers, you made your way out of the room to begin your adventure around the perimeters.
It was incredibly calm with the habitants of the house fast asleep, keeping the building at an eerily quiet tone as you wandered the rooms. You padded to the kitchen, in search of a glass of water and maybe a late-night snack. At this point, would it be considered an early morning snack? You didn’t care enough, all you knew was that a secret tin of baked goods was calling your name. Ororo had been into town a few days before, stopping at a bakery on the way home. She had selflessly bought a pack of assorted goods for her fellow teachers on the way home, hiding them in the back of the pantry as to ward off sneaky students.
Taking a simple chocolate chip cookie out, you decided that instead of water, of course, you needed milk with it. Even though you were well into adulthood, no single person could be too old for the comforting taste. You grabbed a random mug from the cabinet, pouring yourself a glass before sitting down at the kitchen table in silence.
Holy shit.
Ororo wasn’t lying when she said the bakery was the best she had ever been too. It had been a few days since she brought them home, yet the taste could still bring tears to your eyes. You had no idea such a regular-looking cookie could be borderline orgasmic. 
“Am I interrupting something?” The rough voice awoke you from the temporary trance the heavenly treat had you in. Your eyes snapped to the dark doorway of the kitchen, noticing the gruff man. Logan was leaning on the side of the frame, his arms crossed while his eyebrow was cocked playfully. You chuckled to yourself for a moment, realizing the absurd position the man had caught you in.
“You might be, I was having some sweet alone time with the newfound love of my life,” you giggled, pointing to the half-eaten cookie. Logan rolled his eyes as he sauntered into the kitchen, making his way to the pantry. He opened up that tin you had just been in, grabbing himself a helping. Shooting a look in your direction, he held up the cookie as if wordlessly saying “It better be good” before taking a bite.
“Holy fuck, what the hell did they put in here?” The man let out in the middle of chewing, his voice muffled by the crumbs. You stared at him for a second before bursting out into laughter at his unusual response. Logan was always one for seriousness, you had never seen this side of him before. The severe nature of the man never bothered you, it drew you in. He fascinated you with his witty remarks and lack of social interaction with the others. Logan was an outcast in a place where no such thing existed, and you had always wanted to figure him out. Jean would call you out on those thoughts, saying it was a crush, but the word made you feel like a school girl following around her boy of the week.
“I think Ororo said there was a sign in the shop that said Made with EXTRA love, but I honestly think it might be drugs.” You said after finally getting a hold of your laughter, causing the man to crack a slight grin. God, if you could take a picture there and frame it, you would. He never smiled, he smirked, but never a true smile.
“Definitely drugs,” Logan remarked, finishing the last of his cookie. He wiped the excess crumbs off his hands and rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands in the kitchen sink. You did your best to not make it obvious you were staring at the veins in his arms as he lathered them up.
“What are you doing up?” You asked him, forcing yourself to think about something other than his well-built body. The man quickly dried his hands before facing you again, “Couldn’t sleep.” There was the Logan you knew best, the one who gave short answers with little to no context. You cocked a brow at him, telling him that answer wasn’t good enough.
“Nightmares,” He let up after a few moments, finally giving you an answer. Shooting him an understanding look, you got up to clean your mug and throw away the napkin your snack had been on.
“I get it, between my nightmares and anxiety I rarely ever sleep.” You responded, voice low with the admittance. The man nodded in understanding, knowing exactly what you meant. He was well acquainted with the nightly battles one who had been through the events either of you had been though fought every night. Logan was surprised to feel he felt bad for you, even though the admission wasn’t a surprise to him. Most who lived at the mansion had some sort of trauma to get through and lived with the reminders of it each day. He was more surprised that it didn’t cross his mind you struggled with it. You were a light in the mansion, both students and other teachers adoring you. It was completely understandable, in a world of chaos and unknowns you were a beacon to everyone. Your kindness and warmth radiated to all those who were in your vicinity, and they did not take it for granted.
“I’m in the same boat princess,” Logan said, moving himself away from the sink to give you room to clean the dirty dish. You both sat there while you scrubbed, the sound of the faucet filling up the silence. He just stood there, watching you as you worked. It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling, it almost felt as if he was studying you.
“Are you going back to bed?” You asked after putting the now clean and dry mug back into the cabinet. Shaking his head no, Logan made his way to the hallway to go back to whatever he was doing before interrupting you. You called out after him before he left, causing him to turn around.
“Have you ever painted?”
In the over a millennium he had been alive, Logan Howlett never thought he would be caught dead with a paintbrush in his hand. He had no idea why he agreed to a painting lesson in the early hours of the morning. Logan knew everyone at the school was equally obsessed with you, which resulted in him usually keeping his distance. He knew you were a gorgeous and kind individual, but he never caved to his urge to get to know you.
“You’re psyching yourself out, it’s written all over your face, Lo.” His gaze snapped from the small tool to you in an instant. You had never called him by a nickname before, and the way it rolled off your tongue sounded like music to him. He gripped the paintbrush with such a force you had never seen before, causing you to almost let out a giggle. Sitting on your bed, cross-legged, with a brush in his hand, he looked extremely out of place. A man with hands the size of his had no business being even close to a paintbrush, let alone using one. The jeans and white tank top he practically had glued onto his body at all times had no business being on your bed, but he had no complaints if it meant he got to spend a few moments with you.
“Just follow my lead, okay?” How could he follow your lead when you worked so meticulously? The man just stared at you as you worked, your talented hand shaping out a small tree on the canvas. He stared for a few moments, coming to the realization he could watch you for hours and not get bored. Didn’t people say watching paint dry was excruciatingly dull?
“You’re worse than my students,” you joked, noticing the lack of paint on his canvas.
“None of your students have metal for bones, it makes it harder,” You both knew Logan was just coming up with excuses to get away with his little creative talent.
“I have a boy in one of my classes who had feet for hands, you’re pulling things out of your ass Logan.” He was caught there.
“Enough, just help me.” His hazel eyes shined playfully, holding out his hand to help him again. You rolled yours back in response, leaning over to help him. Taking a hold of his hand, you guided his movements on the canvas. Your breath caught as you felt how strong Logan felt under you, despite him letting you be in control.
You couldn’t help but feel that it was almost domestic, the two of you sitting on your bed in silence while participating in your favorite activity. No answer as to why he would agree to this came into your head, but you weren’t mad.
“Alright Edward Scissorhands, your turn to try by yourself. You can be a big boy and do it yourself, can’t you?” Teasing him, you went back to your work. It was a simple scene of the courtyard out back, showing off the gorgeous greens of the trees. Logan couldn’t help himself but watch you, continuously messing up his own work in the meantime. After finishing yours, you looked up, noticing the mess left on the man's canvas.
“I tried,” He shrugged his shoulders in embarrassment.
“I know you did,” Your genuine response took him by surprise. Logan assumed you were going to have some cute quip to respond with, but this one was different. Not everyone was cut out for making art, but he had tried. Never in a million years would anyone who knew Logan would think he would even think about partaking in a hobby. Yet here he was, getting out of his comfort zone (while multitasking and checking you out).
You helped him finish his painting to the best of your ability, yet it came out comparable to Charlie Brown’s old Christmas Tree. Logan knew he had no creative bone in his body, but boy did he try his best. You joked that his finished product was similar to Charles’ old burnt tree in the courtyard, and he chuckled in response. He signed his initials at the bottom and dated it as well. You started to pack up the supplies while Logan helped clean off brushes.
“I’m keeping this,” You held up his work while grinning, He groaned in embarrassment at the thought of others coming into your room and wondering what the abomination was.
“Jesus Christ,” Running his hand through his hair, Logan gave you a pointed look. There was no way in hell you wanted to keep his god-awful creation to yourself.
“Listen, in fifty or so years I can sell this for crazy money. A painting made by The Wolverine himself, you could make me rich Lo!” There was that nickname again, and it suddenly made him okay with you taking it.
“So you’re just using me,” He muttered sarcastically, causing you to giggle in response. You handed him your painting as a consolation for your gold digger behavior. Logan would not admit how taken away he was by the action, instead he just stared at you again. You looked back at him curiously, wondering where his words went. He genuinely had no words, it had been a while since someone gave him a gift, even if you wouldn’t consider it.
“Thanks for hanging out with me,” you had just given Logan a masterpiece and that was all you had to say about it? It annoyed him how sweet you were, and he knew this was going to become a problem for him. 
“Despite the looks of it, I did have fun. Thanks for making the night bearable, princess.” You both got up, giving each other one last look. In a moment of courage, you stood up on your toes and kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank you, I needed this,” you responded after lowering yourself back down. Logan noticed you blushing at the peck, which almost made him chuckle. Closing the door behind him, you made your way back to bed, hoping you could get at least a few hours before the next day came.
Logan made his way back to his room, studying every paint stroke of yours as he did so. He had never been interested in the arts before and was now obsessing over what he thought to be the second most beautiful thing he had seen in his life. The man concluded that you were the first. He decided to place it on the small table next to his bed, the piece standing out in his sparsely decorated room. Before setting it down, Logan looked at the back of the painting to see the words To: Lo written on it. 
Let me know if you guys liked this or not, I don't know how I feel about the ending tbh... To my friend that I admitted to in a Canes that I was writing fanfic again, I love you.
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mchlgayser · 2 years
𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 ft izana kurokawa
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: The gang leader of your boyfriend's rivalry team to a liking to you, his queen.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst to fluff / ( ☆ )
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: yandere theme, jealousy, possessive and obsession, violence, languages, and death threat
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: HELLO! OMG, first of all, I am freaking out (not really) because I don't know how well this is gonna turn out. After all, it's been so long since I last made a one-shot with yandere themes! The last one was Shidou Ryusei's from Blue lock. But it wasn't gonna be half as gore (I think?) as this one! Hopefully, it was okay BUT let me know what you think in the comment! Happy reading xx (E/T known as eye types)
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You were in the kitchen eating breakfast when your boyfriend came in 'Hey,' You bid eyeing up from the bowl of milk and cereal towards him. He got out a glass and poured cold water, chugging it down. 'I gotta go, Kakucho called and there'll be a meeting!' He kisses the crown of your head before he left the estate.
You blink a few times looking back at the spot he was at and the front door not far from the kitchen hall. You shrug continue eating, your acrylic nail made a tapping sound against the phone as you scroll using your other hand.
It was late, nearly a quarter of one but still no sign of your boyfriend. Izana was supposed to be exactly thirty minutes ago, max but here you are waiting for him yet the half-Filipino guy never made it back home until a phone call erupted the spacious hall.
'Where are you?'
'Hey, lovey, I don't think I'll be back tonight. There's been a mistake at work and I need to get it done. Kakucho will drop by to get you some food-' The passcode on the door is punched open and the sight of the scarred male arrived.
'He's here, see you!' You hung up the call and get the plastic bag from Kakucho 'Woah, this is a lot!'
'Izana asked me to get an extra, as an apology...' You huff, eyes on the heavy plastic bag 'Would you mind accompanying me?' He was reluctant but nodded nonetheless. 'You get this ready, I'm gonna bring us some fine wine!' You singsong as you skip to the wine restoring cabinet and get the finest wine, the one you got on your birthday.
Kakucho sat on the medium-sized couch whilst you sat on the main couch, getting comfortable 'But don't Izana have works for you?' You asked away, pouring down the wine into his wine cup. He shake his head 'I was done for the night, Izana is occupied because a new gang was requested to do private business with us.' You wiggle your brow at him 'Really, I guess that's why he was so busy the rest of the week.' He hums and bottoms up the drink while you did the same 'Ahh, this is so good! Here!' You gave him the whole bottle and smile lazily 'You should hide or throw it while you can, Izana will be pissed if he knows I drink more than a cup!' You hiccuped
'Already?' Kakucho chuckles and puts aside the wine, away from you. 'But the gang you was talking about, who are they?' He looks up from you, one brow furrowing 'Why do you want to know? Do you even know other gangs other than Tenjiku?' You pout at him 'Izana told me all of his business partners, I wanna know if I know this one!' You hiccup once more. Kakucho walks out to the kitchen to grab a water bottle and handed it to you.
'They're Doncan. Do you know them?' You gulp the drink and wipe off the access from the corner of your mouth 'Oh them - but aren't they like you guys, rivalry?' He handed you a proper napkin once he speaks up 'A new gang formed, and surprisingly gained lots of members in a few months. They wanted to take out the two top Japanese drug organizations. We had no choice but to join hands. It's a win-win situation anyway.' He shrugs gulping down another cup of wine. You look at the half-full glass with lust.
'I want more drink!' You snapped out of your thoughts and slap your face 'Easy Y/n if you hurt yourself I will be responsible for it. You know how Izana is...' You sigh in contempt, laying down on the couch with a faint thud 'My boyfriend is so dreamy! Always putting me first.' Your eyes hooded and sleepy 'You should sleep. I will take care of you until Izana's home.' You hum patting his arm through his suit and yawning 'Thank you Kakucho!'
The sun barely set when you woke up in bed, neatly tucked and hair tied just how you liked it. Your head was a bit sore from liquoring up so you got up but a light nudge held you back. You spun your head around seeing Izana in his sleeping attire with his glasses on and a laptop on his lap. His one hand was around your neck and collarbone while his other hand was used to scroll the sensor. 'You scared me!' You revealed as you turn your body around and went to hug him 'What time is it?'
'Barely seven.' He answered eyes never leaving the screen. He turns to you for a moment plastering a chaste kiss on your side temple 'I'm going to work at eight, not gonna be as busy as the other day so I was wondering if you want to follow me?' Your eyes lighted up, it's been so long - one week since you visited or even set foot inside the building.
'Sure, wake me up when it's time to go!' He hums petting your shoulder and caressing it.
You and Izana arrived at his workplace. The guards lined up already waiting for his arrival. You two got arms lined together as you two strode together inside the entrance.
'Ryo Yamada is inside your office room.' Informed Kakucho, stealing a glance and a quick smile your way. You two went inside the elevator accompanied by three of his men into the room. Two of them waited outside the door and you three get inside.
A man probably around your age neatly sit on the leather couch. His Rolex watch flexing inside the dimmed light room. 'There you are! And I see you bought one of your bitch.'
'Be careful how you speak, this is my fiancé.' Despite feeling stunned by the man's remark, you have a shake with him 'Y/n L/n.' He gladly took your hand placing a gentle kiss on your knuckle 'The pleasure is mine, Ryo Yamada.' Izana tears his face away from you and scoff 'Stand far from my missus, Ryo.' The man laughed, both of his hands beside his head.
'Chill Kurokawa, I won't devour the lady... Yet.' Izana was ready to pounce and forget about all this shitty assists from his gang but you held him back.
'It's okay,' He cooled down, adjusting his tie, and have a seat with the man in front of him, you at the side, half-listening.
Izana was not blind. He could see the look Ryo was giving you. That infamous dirty stare he laid upon his victims. Izana being Izana, he would've killed that man with a snap of his finger but every time you held his hand and assure him, he'll just sigh and try to cool his head down. Key Word: Try.
'Aw, come on don't try so hard and be so lovey-dovey! I might die because of jealousy!' He scowls lowly, eyes hooded over your figure. The tanned hand of Izana had reached for his back pocket where he kept his gun. One wrong move again and he'll shoot without hesitation.
'Now business aside,' He man-spread on the chair, hands over his knees with his eyes bore from you to Izana then back to you 'How long have you two known each other?'
'That was none of your' - He was cut by you 'We met in 2005. Izana just got released from juvenile and he was with my brother. Izana calls it 'Love at the first glance.' You chuckle tearing your eyes from Ryo to Izana to see he had already looked at you. That sharp purple eyes of his relaxed in you.
'That's cringe.' His pupils diverted. Hell no, Izana won't let anyone, he means anyone and not even Kakucho to insult how he fell in love with you. It wasn't cringe or drama-like. It was Izana Kurokawa falling in love with you. No matter what, he won't take comments about how he fell in love with you. His haven and his majesty.
His gaze turns from you to Ryo. A fast motions whistle and a scream erupted inside the soundproof room. Ryo was shot right in the knee. His knee busted open out from his expensive slack. A painful agony scream erupts once more. His eyes were bloodshot.
'F'ckin hell! That hurts!' Izana eyes weren't quiver even one bit. His eyes were steady and plain. 'One wrong move again. And I'll make not to miss that thick skull head of yours.' He planted the gun to his forehead mimicking the 'Bang' sound 'You should've thought about the worst consequences before you came barking at my queen, you pathetic loser.'
'Fuck this useless negotiation. With your gang or without, Tenjiku will remain at the top. You and all that shitty gangs below us can fucking rot in hell.' He finished opening up the door as Ryo's guards rush inside. A blood war was incoming but by that time, Kakucho had made sure to put you and Izana back inside the car and to your mansion.
'That scumbag.' You sighed bringing Izana into a hug. Your hand fished inside your purse to grab a pack of tissue wiping off the warm blood stained off his cheeks and lips.
'He won't get his way with you.' He scoops you in his arms earning a small yelp from you, but once you relaxed you laugh 'He won't. Never will.' Noses touching. His eyes find their way to your E/T ones.
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ckret2 · 10 months
What would be Bill's hobbies in the nightmare realm? Like ok he's been there for a million years, what would he do? Aside from partying, ruling and planning world domination?
Hate to nitpick—but one trillion years. To me the difference isn't a trivial "okay they're both impossibly big numbers" if we're considering what Bill's life must have been like; because one million years ago, humans had already evolved. One TRILLION years is 72 times longer than our entire universe has existed. We're talking about a life where for most of his existence, the universe he would ultimately try to conquer—much less the species that would help him do it—didn't even exist yet.
But to the actual question:
Genuinely I think partying took up most of his free time lmao. Maybe not at the start; but over time, getting absolutely smashed and "having fun" would have become an essential strategy to hold on to what was left of his fraying mental health, so it probably became more and more of his schedule while he waited for an in to a universe. And it combines several of his top hobbies: socializing, meeting people, dancing, substance abuse... But even something that takes "most of his free time" could leave billions of years unaccounted for, SO:
I mentioned yesterday that meditation is one of his unexpected hobbies. It's useful for refining his dream demon skills & various other psychic tricks; but mostly it's just, if you can drop into a trance for a thousand, a million, a billion years, then that's a lot of waiting & boredom you can just skip.
He's got a lot of eyes in other dimensions. It's like television to him.
He's unable to visit other dimensions before his portal is built, but he is able to visit other dimensions' mindscapes. He can't interact with things, but he can look around like an invisible tourist, and he can invade people's dreams.
We see what looks like weirdness bubbles scattered all around the Nightmare Realm in Don't Dimension It. I headcanon that Bill didn't just invent them on the spot in Weirdmageddon, he made them ahead of time in the Nightmare Realm; and thus that they probably take some time and skill to create. He doesn't control the end result but he can influence it based on what materials he puts in and how he creates it, kind of like an acrylic dirty pour painting. It's like art to him. He's proud of it.
He's never had higher education but he's book-read and self-taught on a wide variety of subjects. At bare minimum, every time he sees a new universe and goes "maybe I can conquer this," he has to teach himself that universe's rules of physics (often before a species in that universe has evolved enough to study it themselves), and one of the intelligent species's available engineering capabilities and native languages, all so that he can translate his portal blueprints into a form someone in that universe can build. That adds up to learning a LOT of languages, engineering, and physics. Ours is far from the first dimension he tried to conquer. Plus throw in all the other stuff he's probably learning on the side while trying to get something going with a new species: local politics, religion, chemistry, biology, pop culture...
He DID pick up piano at some point. Probably not the only instrument he's learned. I headcanon piano is conceptually similar to an instrument in his home dimension.
He likes playing games. Sometimes games of skill, because dice rolls and card draws would be easy to manipulate & cheat in a dreamscape; but sometimes games of chance, because he wants to cheat lol. He's not athletically inclined, so his preference is board games, card games, word games, pen-and-paper games, video games, etc.
Any time something falls into the Nightmare Realm, he can sense it; sometimes he goes and checks out the new arrival. It can be anything from objects (new stuff to scavenge through) to people (new friends and/or torture toys and/or networking opportunities) to whole worlds (there's a LOT of fun you can have with a planet—especially a populated one).
He spends a lot of time cultivating mini-cults and pockets of worship toward him amongst alien species. He claims this is all in service to his ultimate conquest plans, but honestly, he just really likes being worshiped.
There were a few survivors of Bill's home dimension. Not many, with a starting population of billions (and that's not even counting alien life); but a few thousand. Most of them ultimately moved to other dimensions and tried to start new societies. Early on, Bill tried to keep in contact with them, and that took up a fair amount of his time; but as they rejected him or he rejected them, he cut them off. Now the only people from or descended from his universe that he still talks to are the shapes in the Henchmaniacs.
Imagine if all the oceans on Earth were ruled over by a single pirate king, and also he knows any time something—from a cargo ship to a surfer—enters his domain, and he COULD just teleport to where they are and wreck their day if he wants to; so any nation that wants to safely ship goods or maintain a navy has to bargain with the pirate king; but also the pirate king is an immature clown who's easily flattered and distracted by shiny toys. That's the relationship Bill has to other dimensions. For cultures that have discovered interdimensional travel, transit through the Nightmare Realm COULD be very useful... if it weren't for this one guy who's somehow borderline omnipotent within the NR but can't leave it. So Bill spends a lot of time politicking and bartering with neighboring dimensions that don't trust him, know he'll violate treaties on a whim, but nevertheless need access to his realm.
There's also some uneasy politicking and socializing with the few powerful entities that Bill thinks might be able to wreck his day but isn't quite foolhardy enough to test, like the Axolotl.
Sometimes he just makes stuff that sounds cool. He made the Quadrangle of Qonfusion. (Amorphous Shape helped, they're better at the architecture side of things.) He also sometimes just goes and gets stuff that strikes his fancy, like his throne made of optical illusions. The Nightmare Realm is riddled with unfinished projects and impulse purchases.
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puppygirlclaspers · 3 months
Now that I've gotten some practice painting details on my kits, I can finally do the HGUC Gundam Alex the justice it deserves! This is one of my favourite Gundam mobile suits and I wish there were more modern versions of it! I hear the MG is very good so I'll definitely be picking that up, but I saw this HG at the hobby store and I had to get it.
Initially I was quite disappointed with the use of colour correcting stickers and lack of colour detail overall, since not even all the stickers allow it to be fully colour accurate. That's when I decided that I'll take the plunge to paint the details in myself, and I can absolutely recommend doing this if you want to take your model kits to the next level! It's very satisfying work and the sense of pride you get once you're done painting is fantastic. I decided to panel line the pieces as I built the kit for this, so I don't have a pure out of box picture for it, but I think the glow-up between building and painting it will make up for that! Here it is out of the box, with just panel lining done on it:
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The kit itself is nothing to write home about. It's an old kit, and you can definitely feel it's age. The articulation is nothing special, the way the joints hold together can be quite loose and the shield loves to fall off of the arm. I think it holds up well enough to get it if you really like the Alex, but I don't think there's anything really here for you if you don't have the sentimental value going for it. The included armour pieces for it look pretty cool though:
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But enough of that, here's what you all came for, the finished product:
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I'm really really happy with how this turned out! I learned a lot about effective painting techniques while doing this and I'm excited to do more painting! In case you end up missing some of the details, I painted all of the verniers throughout the mobile suit, so on the shoulders, waist, chest and legs. I also painted in the details for the eyes using a metallic green, as well as the green sensors above the head and behind it. I also painted the venting and vulcan machine guns on the sides of the head with a dark gray. Lastly, I painted the tops of the knee armour with red.
One thing I can recommend if you are planning on doing any painting is to do it after panel lining kits, and to use acrylic paints if you are hand painting like me. The panel liner I use (gundam pour type markers) aren't water soluble, which means that cleaning up any excess paint is made very easy if you just dip a q-tip into some water.
The next thing I'd like to learn about with modelling is topcoating, since that will make sure that the paint stays on the kit and doesn't chip off.
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jinkoh · 2 months
seeping through the cracks
haknyeon x gn!reader
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summary: Eric likes your kindness, but Haknyeon loves you even when you're wrong and spoiled and rotten.
tags: artstudent!au, unrequited love, jealousy, y/n has all kinds of issues and is all around not a nice person, nothing too healthy going on here, hurt/comfort in a twisted way
wc: 2k
a/n: yn is so awful and i love them just as much as haknyeon does ((also what is it with me writing yet another hak fic featuring eric like that lol))
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You smeared and splattered the paint onto the canvas, harsh red against the delicate scenery beneath. Wow, it’s so pretty. Eric’s words kept playing in your head, you’re so talented. His smile had been so sweet and radiant, looking at her with so much adoration it made you sick. Why did he like this painting so much? Why did he like her so much? It didn’t make sense—she was so plain and boring. Sure, she was nice, but so were you. Maybe not now, when jealousy was craning its ugly head, biting at your skin and bones with sharp fangs, eating you up alive and taking her painting down with you. But she deserved this, because she didn’t deserve him. No one did, except for you. With panting breath you destroyed her work, drowning the hours she had poured into this beneath unforgiving acryl. She’d never be able to fix this and the painting Eric had loved so much would forever be gone.
Once you were finished, satisfied with the destruction you’d caused, you were overcome with a serene calmness. You cleared away all the utensils. You washed the red paint like blood off your hands, tinted water running down your fingers and into the drain. You took a last look at your work. It’s so pretty, you thought. You’re so talented. And then you covered it up with the protective cloth it’d been hidden beneath, as if nothing had ever happened. You couldn’t wait for the curtain to fall.
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You arrived early at the atelier, not wanting to miss out on the big scene. You weren’t worried about making yourself look suspicious, because who would ever think it was you? You were a good person.
Since no one of importance was there yet, you fully focused on your own painting, not interested in engaging in small talk with any of the NPC’s that were filling up the atelier already.
Your painting was different from hers, in every way possible. Where she liked light and watery colors, you preferred them vibrant; where she liked soft, delicate touches, you went for strong lines. Something like this suited Eric so much better, you suited him so much better, and the thought of that circled your mind with every brushstroke. You got so absorbed in painting, you almost didn’t notice when she and Eric arrived. It irked you that they came together, they weren’t even dating yet, so why did she have to hang around him like a moth to the light?
You gave them your sweetest smile. “Eric,” you said and he returned your smile with one of his own, bright and honest and beautiful.
“Y/n! You’re so early today!” He stepped behind you to take a look at your work, “Damn, this is so cool!”
You wanted to be happy but you were too aware of the difference between this compliment and the one she had gotten before. This was cool but hers was so pretty, she was so talented, it wasn’t the same.
“Thank you,” you replied sweetly.
Eric moved on then, walking over to her. She wasn’t at her canvas yet, instead opting to put on her apron first. It was easy to wear those by yourself, but of course she had to be clumsy about it until Eric volunteered to tie it for her, and then she did the same for him. You pressed your lips together, as if to physically stop your ugly feelings from spilling out.
“Aren’t they cute?” you suddenly heard a voice over your shoulder. You startled, too engrossed in watching them to notice Haknyeon walking up to you from behind. It took you a second to fix your expression.
“Yes,” you agreed, your voice just a little too high, “they really are.”
You thought you heard him huff a small laugh. Then his eyes landed on your canvas.
“You’re good. I like your use of color.”
“Thank you.”
“Especially the red.”
You stared at your painting and then glanced back at him. You forced out a sweet airy laugh. “There is no red?”
“Right. There isn’t.”
Before you could ask anything else, you were interrupted by a high pitched screech. She had finally moved to uncover her painting, her face contorted in horror and her knees giving out as she saw all her hard work destroyed. A sob escaped her throat.
“My painting,” she whimpered, “Who—why would anyone—?”
Eric was immediately by her side, catching her fall as she sank to the floor. Other students flocked to the scene as well.
“I don’t know, I kinda like it better like this,” Haknyeon whispered close to your ear, for no one else to hear, “It was so boring before. I’ve always preferred bolder colors anyway.”
You shook off the uncomfortable feeling his words were leaving in your guts. You didn’t have time for this, you needed to play your role well. With drawn together eyebrows you rushed over, kneeling at her side.
“This is awful, I can’t believe anyone would do this to you,” you comfortingly touched her shoulder. “And so close to the deadline too.”
Another sob broke out of her. “I-I won’t make it, I will fail.”
“No,” Eric immediately assured, “I’ll help you repaint it, we’ll finish in time.”
“But you have baseball too, Eric,” she said, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“It’s okay, I—uh—I will make it work somehow.”
“Don’t worry, Eric. I can help instead,” you offered sweetly, “so you just focus on baseball, and we will ace this, right?” You turned to her and her gaze was so full of gratitude, you almost felt sorry for her.
“Really? You would help me?”
“Of course, that’s what friends are for, right?”
She fell into your arms, sobbing a dozen thank you's as you awkwardly patted her hair. It was uncomfortable, but it was worth it.
“You’re truly the best, y/n,” Eric said and he looked at you like you’d hung the stars in the sky.
“No, no, I’m just doing what any decent person would do.”
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“You really are such a decent person. Kind even,” Haknyeon’s voice echoed through the otherwise empty atelier. “Offering to help with her painting and now even cleaning up all by yourself.”
You looked up at him from where you’d been focused on cleansing the brushes, rinsing off all the remaining paint. He was standing in front of the new painting, eyeing it with a serious expression, index finger tapping against his chin. He almost looked like an art critic.
“Of course,” you said, your voice humble and sweet, “I’m her friend.”
Haknyeon raised an eyebrow. “And what a friend you are.”
“Excuse me?”
“Doesn’t it get tiring?” He raised his gaze, looking at you from across the room. His eyes were dark and they almost scared you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You tried to push the feeling aside, leaving the brushes in a rack to dry before walking over to the new painting to cover it up. But Haknyeon didn’t step aside.
“I won’t lie, you’re good at acting,” he said with a grin, coming a little closer, “almost had me fooled. But we both know you aren’t pretty like that.” What he meant was pretty like her. 
“You’re weird today, Hak,” you pressed out and it took you all your self-restraint to keep up your facade, a sweet voice and a sweet expression. His face fell when he took another step forward, his breath fanning over your skin and his hand coming up to cup your jaw. 
“I hate that smile of yours the most,” he whispered, “it makes me want to vomit.” You stood there frozen as his thumb brushed over your lips, wiping your smile right off. And it worked,  your mask fell just like that, every trace of sweetness gone from your face. Instead there was confusion and insecurity, that you quickly translated into anger.
“What do you want from me?!”
“Nothing much. You just intrigue me, is all,” he backed off, his attention back on the painting. “Honestly she should have just handed the other one in. It was so much more expressive.”
With that he waltzed out, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the silence of the atelier.
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“I wanted to thank you again,” she said with the prettiest smile you’d ever seen, “For your help with my painting. I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
“Oh, don’t mind it. It was fun to work on it together, too,” you returned her smile.
“Still, thank you,” she said before lowering her head and looking at her fidgety fingers, “and there is something else too.”
“Something else?” you asked, but right then Eric interrupted the two of you, casually wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Are you ready to go?”
She blushed up to her ears. “I-I was just thanking y/n,” she stuttered.
“You’re so cute,” Eric said, hugging her a little tighter, before turning to you. “She is right though, we really have to thank you.”
You felt sick. “What for?”
“Well, you’re our cupid, in some way,” he showed his bright and beautiful laugh, “somehow when we were talking about you and the painting the conversation strayed a little further and—I don’t really know how it came to be—but we’re dating now. And somehow it feels like it’s thanks to you.”
She nodded bashfully, her cheeks even redder than before if it was possible.
“You’re really our lucky charm,” Eric said.
“I must be.” You felt the porcelain crack, the undesirable parts of you threatening to seep out of the crevices that formed around your smile. But you kept it together just long enough to say "I’m happy for you," with sweet and sparkling eyes that had never been your own.
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Haknyeon found you in the empty atelier, shards of a person held together only by string and tears. You were so close to falling into a thousand pieces, like the remains of your torn up canvas that were scattered around you. Your hair was a mess, sticking up in various directions and your cheeks were red and puffy from crying. You looked disastrous and ugly and so, so beautiful.
“Didn’t you know it would end up like this?” Haknyeon asked as he walked over, his voice calm. “They were always going to be together. It was just a matter of time.”
You let out a sob. “It’s not fair. Why couldn’t it be me? Why couldn’t he love me instead?”
“How could he?” Haknyeon knelt down in front of you, cradling your face with an unexpected gentleness and you just let him, too exhausted to pull back. “He never even got to see you. Who could fall in love with an empty shell like that?”
“I just wanted him to love me,” you whimpered, “I just wanted to be loved.”
“I know,” he replied, his thumbs wiping away your tears. “I know that.”
“I was so sweet and kind. I tried so hard to be perfect for him.”
“But you’re not. You’re not that sweet and kind, are you? That isn’t you.”
“But who would ever love me if I'm not?" you pressed out, your heart aching with the truth of it, “No one wants someone ugly like me.”
“I don’t mind,” Haknyeon whispered, pressing a chaste kiss onto your forehead, “You can be ugly with me. I’ll love every rotten inch of you.”
All you could do was stare at him, who was holding you so kindly, even though you were so unworthy of it all. “You will?”
“Unless you don’t want me to?”
“No, I do,” you replied too quickly, your hands clinging to the sleeves of his sweatshirt in desperation, “Love me. Love me so much that I forget what hating myself feels like.”
“Of course.” He smiled. “I’ll love you enough for the both of us.”
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rippedstitch-s · 9 months
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S C O R C H E D E A R T H .
Below the cut is a moment in the life of ASA HOLLAND, in his 4th floor apartment in Manhattan.
Please be aware of all trigger warnings before proceeding.
tw // murder, blood, gore, torture mention, medical malpractice
--- - -- --
Scorched earth.
His ribs are a burning church and the devil's set it on fire.
But the same hands pouring the kerosene are the ones that chase away the fumes. Tug his heart free and out just in time. Crisped by the lick of the flame, but alive.
Very much alive.
Too alive.
He feels everything too much.
It's a burden, now.
He yearns and aches and the pangs are now bullets. He staggers from each shot, but he stands. Leaning and frail, dripping black ichor onto a ceaseless floor.
Still stands.
There is blackness behind his eyes now. The shine of light, the reflection of sweetness, has faded like a candle burnt for too long.
The wick's been doused out in its own hot wax.
Consumed and encased.
Consumed is a good word for it - the way he’s trapped in mania. The enticing fingers of long shadows, the snapshot of puddles of blood. It's scorched into retinas.
Red likes to filter over his vision like he’s sitting in that darkroom. The photos hung in the darkness are unintelligible- just as black as everything else. Maybe bodies, maybe parts, but disembodied.
Every face is blotted into smudges like charcoal.
An illustrator sees art in the slaughtered and mangled. In the gnarled scab across his chest, the twisted fingers beneath ink and bandage. 
And absolutely in the demon who kisses and cleans him.
A lover who brings him to fever, then wipes his sweat-stained brow. Drains the bad blood from his body in his sickbed.
Medicinal, the comfort it brings.
Depraved, the thoughts it tugs through.
It's chiaroscuro; the shadows deep within the planes of his lover's face - dark, bold blots, no light until suddenly there's plenty. Whereas in his own, the cross-hatching of fine ink across Asa's nose, mouth, cheeks. Thin lines in meticulous detail. The building up of shade.
Forms of black and white, so different but a similar medium. fit for a gallery, perhaps a museum. 
Meant to be studied, really.
It’s in this creativity that his mania sits and holds out its hands. As the scratchy lines come in a fervor from charcoals and pastels, as blood drips from a lip bitten too hard and for too long in concentration. 
The mania smiles, and collects his pieces into an embrace.
It’s not too hard to connect the twisted body of his father scrawled on drafting paper to the ink blot that grows around him. 
Abysm, after abysm, after abysm. 
But with its arms it becomes...
Still. So still.
There’s no buzzing and pounding in his head. The oil spill has coated everything and muted it all in molasses. 
It's floating. No pain.
No pleasure, either. It just... is.
A finger finally traces the blood that’s streaked into graphite and chalky dust, realizing it’s there for the first time.
Thick, sap-like on his fingers as he traces another drop and watches it peter out into nothing. A streak of alizarin crimson - an artist's palette. Acrylics. Oils.
Such material is easy enough to find, if he wants it. If he searches for it. The texture is far better than most paints.
It's so still.
Has the clock stopped ticking on the wall, or is he deep in a state again? Is it the batteries, or is he... batty?
....he didn't used to be, did he?
It's his father's fault. In his hopes of avoiding his son's insanity, he ensured it and came face to face with it.
Conor Holland died for his crimes against his son. As he should have.
Dr. Hartley. Torture. Medical malpractice. Defunct equipment. Killed. As he should have been.
Romeo Valtori. Apartment manager... rude. Misogynistic. Disgusting. Killed as well. Goodbye.
Maybe it's not so difficult to find people who deserve it. Just squint and there they are.
Laid out in funny little rows.
More red for a palette. More bodies for the ink blot on the kaleidoscope. More peace, more stillness.
A win win.
The church's charred remains fall. Debris everywhere. An explosion of fire and brimstone.
Yet his heart beats, thrums in the hands of a killer. A lover. He holds it so carefully for someone so cruel.
A ribcage can be rebuilt - the church can be reconstructed.
And the burning just smells like winter, and hydroquinone, and a night wrapped in silk sheets.
Peace. Stillness.
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vaelyane · 1 year
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🇬🇧 Hello there, and Happy Pride month! :D I hope you're not melting too much. 🫠 My watercolour piece for this year is a trans faerie, trying on a long rainbow cloth amidst the bellflowers in my garden. I hope you'll like him and his pet hoverfly! 🧚‍♂️🏳️‍🌈
I wouldn't recommend painting a transparent Pride flag with watercolours unless you're extremely well prepared! As it turns out, I was not. Imagine me screaming and crying internally while covering my sins with white acrylic gouache. 😂 On a slightly more serious note, it hasn't been an easy year for LGBTQ+ people. If you're queer in any way, I want you to feel safe and welcome here. You matter more than you know. Take care! 💖 ~~~~~~~~~~ 🇫🇷 Bonjour, et Joyeux Mois des Fiertés ! :D J'espère que vous n'êtes pas trop en train de fondre. 🫠 Mon aquarelle pour ce mois-ci représente une fée trans essayant un pan de tissu arc-en-ciel, parmi les campanules de mon jardin. J'espère que vous aimerez ce charmant trublion et son syrphe de compagnie ! Je ne recommande à personne de peindre un drapeau arc-en-ciel transparent sans être bien préparé. Je ne l'étais manifestement pas ! Imaginez-moi en train de hurler intérieurement en recouvrant mes crimes à la gouache acrylique blanche. 😂 Pour finir sur une note plus sérieuse, ça n'a pas été une année facile pour la communauté LGBTQ+. Si vous êtes queer, quel que soit votre drapeau, je veux que vous vous sentiez bienvenu•e ici. Vous comptez plus que vous n'imaginez. Prenez soin de vous ! 💖
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jackexmachina · 2 years
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Family Matters (6x07) // Outlier (in Bite Marks) by sp8ce // Explosion by George Grosz // ‘Heavy in Your Arms’ by Florence + the Machine // Continuum by Charles O. Perry // ‘Either/Or’ by Sören Kierkegaard //  Sam and Lucifer by Ems (@iheardyourprayer​) // Outlier (in Bite Marks) by sp8ce // The Vessel (11x14)
image description: web weave using images and quotes listed above
6x07: Sam is sitting in a motel room, beaten up and tied to a chair. Glowing red veins creep up his face as his head falls forward, with Castiel’s belt in his mouth. Castiel is bent slightly forward, standing in front of him, with his hand in Sam’s chest.
excerpt from “Outlier (in Bite Marks)” reads: [It’s so easy to diminish. One life, one concentrated neutron star twisted into pain. The world around remains. Things continue in cycle and meaning. Life has never meant to be free of suffering or death.]
Explosion by George Grosz: an oil painting, with deep reds and grays, with flashes of yellow and blue. From the website linked above: [George Grosz's Explosion transports the horrors of World War I  home, to Berlin. With a fiery glow in the background, collapsing  high-rise buildings pinwheel around a black vortex. Windows shatter and  smoke pours into the nighttime sky. Slices of half-naked body parts,  embracing couples, and shadowy faces appear amid the chaos brought about  by man-made, not natural, disaster.]
‘Heavy in Your Arms’ by Florence + the Machine, lyrics read: [My love has concrete feet / My love’s an iron ball / Wrapped around your ankles / Over the waterfall / I’m so heavy, heavy / Heavy in your arms]
Continuum by Charles O. Perry: two photographs of different views of a swirling, abstract sculpture made of bronze and painted black. from wikipedia: [The center of the bronze sculpture symbolizes a black hole, while the edge shows the flow of matter through the center from positive to negative space and back again in a continuum.]
‘Either/Or’ by Sören Kierkegaard, quote reads: [I see it all perfectly; there are two possible situations — one can either do this or that. My honest opinion and my friendly advice is this: do it or do not do it — you will regret both.]
‘Sam and Lucifer’ by Ems @iheardyourprayer: from the post linked above: [a square painting oriented like a diamond, acrylic pain pour with red burgundy and gold swirls, surrounding it is a black metal frame like two overlapping squares so that the painting and the metal only touch at the two side points]
excerpt from “Outlier (in Bite Marks)” reads: [But Cas cares. And Lucifer’s distracted, sloppy, wrapped up in his delight. And Cas, he cares, cares even more feeling Sam and feeling the shocking pain he’s in. Cas cares so much. Cas cares more than anything in the world in that moment, and he narrows down everything that’s ever mattered to him into Sam, into Sam’s life and saving Sam, and he yanks his hand out of Sam’s chest.]
11x14: Lucifer is using Castiel as a vessel, and he has Sam pressed against a pillar in the bunker library. He looks up at Sam, gesturing with his hand, and Sam leans away from him.
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ckao03 · 11 months
Okay, I could talk about each of these topics in greater depth, but I'll keep it boiled down or else I'll be typing for a loooong time. If anyone wants elaboration on the following steps or on any particular pieces I've done, let me know and I'll give more tips and tricks later :) Apologies for the formatting, I'm still getting used to posting on Tumblr
Step 1: Clean up and prep I start by sanding down leftover pieces and flaws in the model caused by the production process. In traditional model kits, these are pour tabs, flash and seam lines. For 3D printed, these would be pits or bumps left behind from supports and layers lines.
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The arm and boots on the left are from a traditional model kit, and have visible tab chunks that will need snipping then sanding. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N on the right needs his supports removed, then sanding. Every piece (minus those with fine texture) gets buffed with 240, 320, 600 and 1000 grit sandpaper/sanding sponges (clear parts and any pieces intended to be painted with clear paints, such as character skin, are additionally polished with a melamine sponge, also known as a magic eraser).
This is to make sure the surface is level and uniform. Any bumps or scratches that aren't removed will show up in the final paint job.
(Note for beginners: It's fine to just remove production remnants and do a little clean up before going to the next step. All that prep is tedious! Just have fun with it for now!)
Step 2: Make sure the model parts fit well together. It's very common for a model to not fit together perfectly right away. Dipping the model in hot water to soften it, then pressing the pieces together usually fixes this. Be careful not to burn yourself! Sometimes drilling and sanding is required. At this point, larger model kits will require drilling and pinning, though most are fine being assembled later just with glue.
Step 3: Primer
I secure the pieces on clips to keep them elevated, and spray them in thin, even layers of primer. Primer is essential, as it is what makes the paint stick to the model. - White primer: Best for anime and cartoon figures, makes colors pop - Grey: For realistic characters, dulls colors down a little. - Black: For metal or specialty products, like Armored Komodo pigments
Primer will make any unresolved blemishes become more visible, so I usually go back to step 1 until I get them all.
Step 4: Clear coat
For an even, level paint job, I spray a layer of Gloss clear coat on every piece, to smooth the surface even more. I skip this for finely textured pieces, so the details don't get filled in. Spray in a well ventilated area with protection!
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There are many brands of clear coats. These are my favorites!
Step 5: Paint
I use three kinds of paint:
Lacquer: Expensive, take a little while to cure, must be thinned with a solvent. Sometimes hard to find. Offers lovely effects, is durable and sticks very well. Can be difficult to correct if something goes wrong. *HAZARDOUS, use in a well ventilated or outside area and use breathing protection!*
Enamel: A little easier to find, takes a long time to cure, which sometimes is a benefit, as it can level itself and provide a smoother surface. Must be thinned with a solvent, sticks very well. Most importantly, enamel can be used on top of lacquers and erased without damaging the lacquer layer. *HAZARDOUS, use in a well ventilated or outside area and use breathing protection!*
Acrylic: Great, vibrant colors, easy to find, very affordable! Dries very fast, even faster if you lightly use a hair dryer. Very delicate, prone to scratches and chips. Can be easily stained by other acrylic color. You only need water to thin it!
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Left to right: Creos Mr Hobby Lacquers, Tamiya Enamel, Vallejo Acrylics
I usually start with the character's skin first. This is because I paint skin using built up layers of clear colors, to get a sort of 'glow' that shines through to the primer and differentiates the skin from clothing and hair pieces.
Afterwards and throughout the project, I 'save' my work by spraying a layer of clear Gloss or Matte spray. I use an airbrush, so to further protect other parts of my work, I cover the finished pieces in masking liquid and/or masking tape, before spraying the next color. Because Enamel can be easily wiped off of lacquers without affecting the lower color layers, I use this type of paint second. If you use Enamel first, you may run into issues with the underlying lacquer causing paint cracking in the future.
(Note for beginners: Using just acrylics is fine. :) I have painted entire models with acrylic paints obtained from craft stores and Walmart, and had very good results.)
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Despite my masking, some enamel paint leaked through on Casey's neck. Masking is rarely perfect, so expect to do touch ups after removal.
Step 6: Face eyes and details
...this is an entire essay on it's own, which will require another post. But I use layers of enamel for eyes, water color pencils for eyebrows, chalk pastels for makeup/shading and acrylics for eye lashes.
I have shaky hands sometimes, so the ability to erase my work and start again is very helpful here, hence why I don't use lacquers for this part.
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There are... So many products and colors in this one piece... Step 7: Touch ups then gluing
I typically do touch ups as I go, but now is the last chance to correct anything. Once it's ready, 2-part epoxy or crazy glue (sometimes both) will be enough to get most models together entirely.
That's a basic breakdown for my process, though for things like effects, clear pieces and fancier/realistic models, it can get quite elaborate. I don't want to scare anyone away from the hobby, so I'll just say this...
You don't have to do allllll this stuff!! Find a model you love (repainting dollar store figures is a great place to start!), prime it, and slap some paint on it! Just have fun, and then go from there!! My first model was lumpy, and looked like she was painted with nail polish, but I kept going and just enjoyed myself, trying new tips and tricks along the way. The point is to have fun! Make sure to take proper precautions and read product instructions as well, if you choose to use the more toxic products.
If anyone decides to give figure painting a shot, send pics of your projects my way, I'd love to see them!! :D It's always great to have more people in the hobby! And I'm always up for more questions, they might just take me a little while to get to replying.
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ressichem · 1 year
From Liquid to Luminous: Captivating Artistry with Epoxy Resin
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In recent years, the world of art has witnessed a mesmerizing transformation with the advent of epoxy resin. What was once limited to industrial applications, such as epoxy flooring, has now evolved into an extraordinary artistic medium. Epoxy resin art has gained immense popularity due to its versatility, vibrant colors, and captivating luminosity. Artists and enthusiasts alike are embracing this unique medium to create stunning masterpieces that defy traditional artistic boundaries. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of epoxy resin art, its remarkable properties, and the boundless possibilities it offers to unleash one's creativity.
The Magic of Epoxy Resin:
Epoxy resin is a two-part liquid material composed of epoxy resin and a hardener. When combined, they undergo a chemical reaction that transforms the mixture into a solid, durable, and glossy material. One of the most remarkable properties of epoxy resin is its ability to capture and reflect light, creating a luminous and ethereal effect. This characteristic, along with its self-leveling nature, makes it an ideal medium for creating captivating art.
Epoxy resin art offers an extensive palette of vibrant colors and textures. Artists can blend pigments and dyes into the resin to achieve stunning, translucent hues. The resin can also be manipulated using various techniques like pouring, layering, and swirling, enabling artists to create intricate patterns and abstract designs. The possibilities are truly limitless.
Creating Masterpieces:
Epoxy resin art has captivated artists worldwide, enabling them to unleash their creativity in exciting and unique ways. Let's delve into some popular techniques and styles within this medium.
Fluid Art: This technique involves pouring and manipulating the resin on a canvas or wooden panel, allowing it to flow and create mesmerizing abstract patterns. Artists can use various additives like alcohol inks, acrylic paints, or metallic powders to enhance fluidity and visual impact.
Geode Art: Inspired by the beauty of natural gemstones, geode art involves creating resin formations that resemble the intricate patterns and vibrant colors found in geodes. By using pigments, crystals, and metallic accents, artists can mimic the striking beauty of these geological wonders.
Resin Jewelry: Epoxy resin's versatility extends beyond traditional canvas art. Artists can craft exquisite jewelry pieces by pouring resin into molds and embedding various elements like dried flowers, gemstones, or metallic flakes. The result is a wearable work of art that encapsulates both elegance and individuality.
Beyond the Canvas: Epoxy Flooring:
While epoxy resin art has taken the art world by storm, its application extends far beyond galleries and studios. Epoxy flooring has become increasingly popular for its durability, easy maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. From residential spaces to commercial establishments, epoxy flooring offers a seamless, glossy finish that can withstand heavy traffic and resist stains.
Epoxy flooring comes in various styles, including solid colors, metallic finishes, and even 3D illusions. This versatile flooring option allows homeowners and business owners to transform their spaces into visually stunning environments that complement their unique style.
Epoxy resin art has revolutionized the world of creativity, providing artists with a dynamic medium to express their imagination. From fluid abstracts to intricate jewelry pieces, the possibilities within epoxy resin art are endless. The luminous, glossy finish and vibrant colors of epoxy resin captivate viewers and bring life to any space. Moreover, epoxy flooring has become a practical and stylish choice for those seeking durability and visual appeal in their living or working environments. As epoxy resin continues to evolve and inspire artists worldwide, we can anticipate even more breathtaking and awe-inspiring creations in the future. So, grab some epoxy resin, unleash your artistic spirit, and let the magic unfold on canvas or floor, as you embark on a journey of liquid turned luminous artistry.
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kiaxet · 1 year
Top 5 comforts (food, places, media, etc!)
Oh dang that's a good one
In no particular order, despite this being a numbered list:
Disneyland! I know it's an Extremely Southern California thing to say, but man, I had an annual pass back when it was relatively affordable and I'd go about once a month. I don't go nearly as often now, but every time I do it's still great; I feel relaxed and chill and happy there, if only for a day. It's a disconnect from reality in a great way (and tbh it being temporary is part of what makes it great).
The Ten Minute Power Hour! Not every episode is a banger, but man alive, there are so many videos on this channel that are on my Repeat Video Playlist. Making cookies with Matt Mercer in the most chaotic way possible! Mini golf and its accompanying video Arcade Games! Making donuts! Knight training at Medieval Times! Attempting to paint along with a Bob Ross video! Doing acrylic pour paintings! And the one that got me started on this channel to begin with, Knockoff Beyblade Disaster! It's a bunch of frankly hilarious gallivanting disasters and I cannot get enough of it.
Overwatch League! I never thought I'd care about professional video games in any capacity, but Overwatch League showed up and burrowed its way into my soul when the Blizzard Arena was within easy driving distance and it has never left. I've always loved attending sports games, and there's something special about having a team (or five, let's be real) in a league I truly care about. Plus, there's nothing quite like "I've been rooting for this team since season one and we are finally having a knockout season, LET'S GO" (It's the Houston Outlaws. Being an Outlaws fan is never boring, for better or for so much worse. I love my neon green team.)
Discworld! I will never stop singing the praises of Sir Terry Pratchett, and Discworld novels are some of my most reread books. The craft is immaculate, and even though I know them all they're still powerful enough to knock me flat on rereads. The one that lives in my head changes from day to day; that said, I think my next reread will be Unseen Academicals, as it remains one of my favorites.
85C! I have spent far too much money at this bakery chain and I do not plan on slowing down. They may have discontinued my favorite drink, but if I get the right person behind the counter they can still make it for me sometimes. And the pastry is phenomenal. Amazing food.
Thanks for the ask!
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Cassandra trying to show Bela and Daniela how to acrylic pour because "It's really easy and simple and you cannot fuck it up."
And then she looks over at them and they hold up this
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They've managed to get paint everywhere and have ruined a table and Cassandra suddenly remembers why she doesn't let people into the atelier.
"Too much?" They ask, surrounded by empty paint bottles.
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thesumofallmyfears · 1 year
Resin update. 😻
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Of all the things I made last time, I don't actually hate anything, surprised?, I am... and nothing needs scrapping or too much work.
The original plan was to use acrylic paint to pick out the details from the mold of the cat, but there are a few microbubble holes which would cause an issue I don't need to make, it looks cute enough. My niece is changing her bedroom from German Shepherd inspired, to her fave colours, and I think she'll love everything I have made/have planned, flaws an' all, she's that kinda gal 🥰.
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Trinket pot is really bubble filled, but, I'm thinking 'cause the colours, I might make a tray to go with it, and make it sea'spired (have some ideas), then I could claim the bubbles as intentional, lol. 😂
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Leaf coaster-thingamabob, was for me, and I was experimenting with using mica pigment with a little isopropyl alcohol mix to paint details straight on the mold before resin pouring. I like it, currently residing with some of my plants. Could be better, but, heyho, there's always a next time.
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I'm going to make 3 more coasters, different inserts, same colours, but different glitters etc... I'll keep you posted, as they're just gifts, for no particular reason, I'm in no hurry. The coaster does need a top coat, I have tape, or liquid latex which should make it easy enough just to pop on a thin layer to get rid of those little surface holes where the insert dog sticker went. The bottom of the coaster holder required some sanding back to smooth it, but it's the bottom, and I have some little non slip stickers I can use, it's also for a 9y/o, she won't even notice.
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