#eastern black carpenter ant
futurebird · 2 months
Moss enrichment for pet carpenter ants
Carpenter ants are like puppies. I give them moss because they like to cut it up into little pieces for no reason. I can't explain why they always shred the moss and the more I watch them I think it's just for the sheer joy of being a creature with mandibles and the joy of the BITE.
The moss is real, but stained with green insect-safe dye. In a few days there will be nothing but green flecks in the soil. I think they enjoy this "activity" everyone is involved!
[Video Description: Large black carpenter ants of varied size, some with very big heads and mandibles, bite, chew and drag around bits of bright green sphagnum moss, we see the ants from various angles close up and with a wider view of their tank which has a sandy floor and bits of rock and bark for them to hide under.]
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@zariyari submitted: Hi! Do you know what this is? Started showing up in big number at my parents’ place. We’re in [removed] :) (if you can remove the location that would be cool!) thanks for all the cool bug stuff! -Mia
It’s an ant with wings, so if you were seeing a lot of them, they were in the midst of their mating flights. Males and future queens take to the skies to mate, and the males die afterward. The future queens then remove their wings and go start a colony. This one looks pretty big so probably a queen eastern black carpenter ant. Males have smaller/rounder heads than the queens.
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bestanimal · 4 days
:ooo do you have a favorite hymenopteran? im fond of the velvet ant, since i saw so many while i was at my last job
It’s hard to narrow it down to just one favorite (we’ll see if I have to do that in this tournament lol), but tbh I am really fond of a lot of wasps, mostly Apoidea. I love Eastern Cicada Killers (Sphecius speciosus) and a lot of the other big guys like the Steel-blue Cricket-hunter (Chlorion aerarium) and Great Black Digger Wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus) are always fun to see in the wild. I love sweat bees too, especially the green ones. One I added to my collection last Summer that I found really beautiful was the Norton’s Nomia (Nomia nortoni) which has pearlescent stripes???
But yeah Velvet Ants are also a great pick, I love seeing them. I saw a male Eastern Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla occidentalis) for the first time this Summer and was really bummed I didn’t have my net with me. (I collect only one male and female of each species.) He had beautiful metallic blue wings. I also used to have 2 pet velvet ants that lived with my death-feigning beetles. Their names were Bambi and Cupcake. 😅
The thing with Hymenopterans is that they’re just so incredibly diverse that it’s hard to pick just one, and that’s one of the reasons I love them so much! And you don’t even have to travel far to see cool ones; there’s a huge diversity of them right in your backyard. I am sitting on the back porch right now watching a Potter Wasp and and Carpenter Bee pollinate my Heuchera.
Photos, cause I guess this can double as Arthropod propaganda, not that it needs it lol:
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Eastern Cicada Killer (Sphecius speciosus) (own work)
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Steel-blue Cricket-hunter (Chlorion aerarium) (source)
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Great Black Digger Wasp (Sphex pensylvanicus) (source)
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Pure Green Sweat Bee (Augochlora pura) (source)
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Norton’s Nomia (Nomia nortoni) (source)
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Eastern Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla occidentalis) (female, but there is also a photo of a male in the source)
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Sacken’s Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla sackenii) (this is what Bambi was, but I don’t remember what exact species Cupcake was) (source)
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no27-autonation-honda · 5 months
Every Current Formula 1 Driver But I Decided They Were All Bugs
No Thoughts, Head Empty, Only Insects I Enjoyed From My Single Entomology Class Several Years Ago. Sorry to folks from outside the states. Most of these are like. my local critters.
Max Verstappen - Appalachian Jewelwing, Calopteryx angustipennis I have no reasoning behind this one. He just gives me the vibes of a damselfly kinda man.
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Sergio Pérez - Synoeca Cyanea, a species of warrior wasp, or just the Synoeca genus again, literally no justification besides he's on the dark blue team and I just really like these wasps. Please read the Synoeca wikipedia page. they are SO cool.
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Lewis Hamilton - Violet Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa violacea fashionable! cool lookin bee!
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George Russell - Blue Hawker, Aeshna cyanea
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Charles Leclerc - Cattle Killer/Cow Killer, Dasymutilla occidentalis (letting my south midwestern hick jump OUT here. most folks call em velvet ants)
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Carlos Sainz - Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta
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Lando Norris - Walker's Cicada, Megatibicen pronotalis this is NOT meant to be a drag I actually love these freakishly loud animals but he just gives bright green cicada energy.
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Oscar Piastri - Green Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa aerata cop out? yeah. good bee and something that feels correct? yes.
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Fernando Alonso - Mourning Cloak, Nymphalis antiopa i love these fuckin bugs. absolute freaks of nature. they live for like a full year and they're always wandering around and getting up to something. plus they're very distinguished.
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Lance Stroll - Common Buckeye, Junonia coenia I'm not even gonna elaborate on this one.
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Valtteri Bottas - Eastern Cicada Hawk, Sphecius speciosus I just think they're neat!
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Zhou Guanyu - Ebony Jewelwing, Calopteryx maculata blatant favoritism here. The ebony jewelwing is perhaps my all time favorite bug from home :) (its also v stylish)
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Esteban Ocon - Chinese Mantis, Tenodera sinensis a noble creature that frequently scares the life out of me when i find one outside my window. Why the fuck are you so long. I appreciate u anyway.
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Pierre Gasly - European Field Cricket, Gryllus campestris he just *feels* a bit crickety. Idk what to tell u man.
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Kevin Magnussen - Halloween Beetle (or in America, the Japanese Lady Bug), Harmonia axyridis the most determined little bastard in the animal kingdom. They WILL get into your apartment through that microscopic sliver in the window.
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Nico Hulkenberg - Green June Beetle, Cotinis nitida idk dude he just serves local scarab
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Daniel Ricciardo - Black-And-Yellow Mud Dauber, Sceliphron caementarium im sure you are all noticing how much i love wasps by now. i was SO brave not making this a wasp only post. if ur american and a hick (hey girl(gn) hey) you'll know these guys From Constantly Being In Your Car's Inner Workings
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Yuki Tsunoda - Bullet Ant, Paraponera clavata tiny but mighty!!!!! (short king solidarity)
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Alex Albon - Great Black Wasp, Sphex pensylvanicus yet more blatant favoritism for my faves. Yes this post is so i can assign the williams boys and zg my fave types of local bugs. Anyway. this is one of the best wasps in the world. if u see her irl please stop for a moment to appreciate her. she's usually a docile species but she is very big and i love her. (good hunter too)
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Logan Sargeant - Blue Dasher, Pachydiplax longipennis the ultimate late spring and all of summer insect of america. voted america's sweetheart of every local body of water eight millionth year in a row!!!! one of the best dragonflies in the country and i am serious!!! if u live in north america this summer, find a LAKE, a POND, A RIVER, perhaps even a CREEK!!!!!! A POOL WILL EVEN GET YOU! you'll find these folks. at current you might catch mating flight season!!! anyway. these are crazy good hunters and they're a beautiful little baby blue shade. anyway. logan and the rest of williams should go huntin for these when he gets back to florida. think it would fix em.
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txttletale · 10 months
25 & 54
I can't feel a thing I keep looking at my mood ring
i still find it baffling that there's people out there who took this song as a genuine endorsement of Wellness Bullshit when it has that chorus and the line "Let's fly somewhere eastern, they'll have what I need". i find it difficult to imagine a more obviously satirical song about the topic that wouldnt sound like it was written by weird al
Carpenter ants in the dresser, flies in the screen: it will be too late by the time we learn what these cryptic symbols mean
oh hey it's my favourtite song of all time. i really like the version of these lyrics where he sings "huge black flies in the screen." i actually just love this whole live version, if anyone listens to one thing i post for this ask meme you should listen to this:
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I won't lie. I got distracted watching a video of a guy who's tent was being torn apart by leaf cutter ants and began researching the logistics of that.
BUT I'M BACK with an ask ONCE AGAIN. And it's bugged themed. For definitely unrelated reasons.
Your characters gain the ability to control one species of bug (specific species, not all of ants or all of wasps), and they have as much time as they need to research what bug they'd like. What qualifies as a bug in this case is subjective. Anything in class insecta is fair game but arachnida is cool too.
First of all, that documentary sounds fascinating and I can totally appreciate going down a research rabbithole like that :D
Second, I love this ask, let's dive right in!!
Rae: Copidosoma floridanum - a type of cosmopolitan wasp. The main reason she'd choose it is for it being cosmopolitan, she can utilize this power regardless of her travels.
Robin: Reticulitermes flavipes - the eastern subterranean termite. She'd pretty much exclusively use this power to keep them away from the operahouse and its wooden sets (same with her parents' house, since it's pretty old)
Madison: Pachydiplax longipennis - the blue dasher dragonfly. Technically any dragonfly would suffice, but blue dashers are common where she lives so she wouldn't have trouble finding them. Either way - semiaquatic, predatory, and edible in a pinch.
Ophelia: Camponotus pennsylvanicus - the black carpenter ant. Am I stealing this from Ant-Man? Maybe. But she'd find a way to use them in her lab, for sure.
Gia: Apis mellifera - the Western honey bee. Having an infinite supply of pollinators is a surefire way to keep her shop, and her clover, as healthy as possible.
Jasper: Melolontha vulgaris - the May beetle. Oil from their larvae is sometimes used as a topical treatment for scratches, abrasions, and rheumatism in traditional medicine - it's not quite Neosporin, but it'll work in a pinch
Kestrel: Eristalis tenax - the common drone fly. Another cosmopolitan species, good for use on their travels, but small and unassuming enough that could be good for some quiet espionage.
Katherine: Anthrenus scrophulariae - the common carpet beetle. They're one of the four common species of beetles that cause damage to textiles and other artifacts in museums, so that's a 25% lower chance that they'll get damaged on her watch
Quinn: Pepsis grossa - a North American tarantula hawk moth. Its sting is said to be incredibly painful and is among the highest ranked on the Schmidt pain index - she'd go with the bullet ant, but she's a lot less likely to find those in the California desert.
Eris: Paraponera clavata - there's the bullet ant. Eris just wants to cause as much pain as possible, when they need to. What kind of bug could double as a weapon to be used in battle? Bullet ant.
Nikoletta: Periplaneta americana - the American cockroach. It's gross, and she honestly hates roaches (and half of this power would just be used keeping them away from her home), but they're so common in big cities like New Orleans that she's always got a few around to control. It's a similar strategy to Cleo and her rats, really.
Jimmy: Drosophilia melanogaster - fruit flies. Look, here's his logic: they were first used in genetics back in 1910, and they were a big deal, and he works with scientists now too... maybe they'd have use for this power of his? (also credit to the one scientific name I did not have to look up beforehand because I had it memorized lol)
Vivienne: Aedes aegypti - the yellow fever mosquito. Disease is... kind of a big deal in her time, there aren't a lot of cures for these horrific ailments, and while Vivienne itself is largely immune by being a siren, she doesn't want Wojchek or his crew stricken ill by some tiny little bug.
Spider: Sigh... I'd been so careful about strictly insects this whole time, but it would be wrong to give him anything but a spider. Hogna carolinensis - the wolf spider, and the largest wolf spider species to be found in America. He just thinks it would be cool to freak people out by having this massive wolf spider crawl out of his mouth or something. He's... an odd one, that for sure.
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 4 months
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Ant-Mimic Longhorn Beetle - Cyrtophorus verrucosus
When you sit down in the grass to read a book, you would definitely expect to feel some curious insects crawling on your arms and legs and to see some flying insects taking an interest in you. What I was reading, I won't reveal yet, but to see this insect was surprisingly relevant, if unexpected! When I felt a crawling sensation on my leg, I expected to find a Carpenter Ant and instead found this Longhorn Beetle posing as one! I always took it as an anecdote that this Ant-mimic not only appears as a Carpenter Ant but also feels like one as it moves across an arm, hand or fingers. But now, I wholeheartedly agree; the feeling is eerily similar as is the swift locomotion this Beetle made as it navigated my hand. Its running would have resulted in blurry pictures, but it eventually stopping to clean its feet and antennae, which allowed a better look at this specimen. The mimicry on display is astounding and is enhanced by the body modifications relative to other Longhorns. The relatively compact head pressed into the thorax gives the impression of a large head with mandibles. The elongated abdomen is dotted in a conspicuous curved pattern that seems to outline an Ant's thorax and abdomen form. This may very well convince non-insect predators to leave it alone as it goes about its day and plunges into spring-blooming hardwood tree flowers. On these trees, they will will also enjoy nectar and pollen in a fashion similar to Ants, but with more effective pollination!
Should the disguise fail, this Beetle does have wings to escape with, but reveals an orange-yellow abdomen as it opens its wingcase (which looks similar to the abdomen another type of Hymenopteran as seen in the first picture of this post). As a reminder, this Beetle specie has been found with 2 color variants, one black (this one) and one with brown from the abdomen's midsection to the bottom of the thorax. Each form is thought to aid in the mimicry of a particular Ant specie (Camponotus pennsylvanicus - Eastern Carpenter Ant and C. chromaiodes - Ferruginous Carpenter Ant). In addition to resembling different Ants, this Beetle also resembles another genus of mimicking Beetle - Microclytus. It's only natural given that the two genera are sorted into the same Tribe - Anaglyptini! If that's the case, just how do you tell the two apart in North America? I was confused at first given the information available so I'd like to set the record straight. Cyrtophorus Beetles have a pronounced knob at the corner of each elytrum (the wingcase, Picture 5 offers a good glimpse), and their thorax shape is more arched and pinched in compared to Microclytus. Information on this Beetle keeps referencing knobs at the base of the pronotum, but to me, the edge of the elytra seems to be the accurate location.
Pictures were taken on May 8, 2024 in Hamilton with a Google Pixel 4.
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invertebeast · 4 months
Hiked a bog trail the other day. Found a lotta little guys.
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Six Spotted Tiger Beetles
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Possible Goldenrod Gall Fly gall
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Traveling Cherry Millipede
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Eastern Black Carpenter Ant alate
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Possible White-Lip Globe Snail
(More in reblog)
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saltycharacters · 1 year
Do you have any insect headcanons for the other Mob Psycho 100 characters? (For example, Tsubomi, Shou, the body improvement club, etc). I love your insect AU, I keep looking at it and smiling. It's the best thing since sliced bread
AAAAH TY TY TY I'm so glad people enjoy my mp100 bug au it makes me so happy :] I can totally list off some more headcanons, here's what I'm thinking:
Sho and his dad would probably be a species of fire ants, with Tochiro being an ant colony monarch who invades and destroys other ant colonies, as ants tend to do irl. I was originally thinking the "Polyergus lucidus" (no common name) ant species for the Claw leader, as they're an obligate social parasite that assimilates other colonies and forces the pre-existing ants to do their bidding, but then I realized I'd have to apply that assignment to Sho as well and it didn't feel quite right. I was also considering bullet ants for their notoriously painful sting, but I also base my headcanons off of hair color so the red/orange fire ant species seemed like the best fit.
For Tsubomi, I'm still deciding between another black carpenter ant like Mob and Ritsu, or the more likely choice of the starry sky longhorned beetle (becuse of her long black hair). See, I'm split on whether I only want psychics to be ants, or whether the AU has some non-esper ants as well- it all depends on how I'm translating the psychic powers in the bug world, whether I want to go the more realistic route and replace it or give myself the leeway of letting em retain their canon abilities. I'm leaning towards a proficiency in chemical communication, as ants IRL largely base their interactions and movements on the chemicals other ants produce. So an ant like Mob would just be particularly skilled at instructing and sending other ants in his colony at parasatoids (the equivalent of ghosts in this AU), and that would mean the entire colony is an extension of his powers. Reigen's situation would then especially make sense, as he's pretending to be an ant but can't produce the necessary chemicals to interact with/command other ants in the way Mob or other espers can. The other bugs would just live among the colony and represent ordinary people, such as Tome being a weevil, or Tsubomi being a longhorn beetle.
The body improvement club would totally be full of stag and rhino beetles. Mushashi Goda would be a giant stag beetle, Hideki Yamamura an ox beetle, Hiroshi Kumagawa an eastern hercules beetle, Jun Sagawa a western hercules beetle, Ryohei Shimura a hercules beetle (not western or eastern), and Tenga Onigawara a coconut palm beetle. All based on their hair color/style :]
As a bonus, I'll also include the rest of the telepathy club: Haruto Kijabayashi is a green soldier/stink bug or green tiger beetle, Mameta Inukawa is a cream-spot ladybird or maybe a blonde ducky isopod or even a golden tortoise beetle, Momozo Takenaka would be a pavement ant or a spider ant (Leptomyrmex), and Shirihiko Saruta would be a horned passalus beetle.
Double bonus, Ichi Mezato would be a glasswing butterfly and Dozen Roshuto would be another ant mimic like reigen, although I want to make him something other than a spider like the "Dulichius inflatus" species of beetle or maybe the "Euderces picipes or even "Myrmecoris gracilis" species of bugs (none have common names).
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jakeabel · 11 months
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love when this type of guy leaves an ID on my observation. yeah i’m sure you know about the eastern black carpenter ant, mr. ant profile pic
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pesttherapy · 8 months
Carpenter Ants – A Visual Guide to Identifying Nature’s Craftsmen
This picture is typical of the appearance of a Carpenter Ant. While there are over a thousand species of carpenter ants worldwide, only about 12 to 14 types exist in the US. Carpenter ants are arguably the largest in the country ranging in size from about 1/4″ to 1″ long depending upon type, gender, age and role of each carpenter ant in its caste system.
Color of Carpenter Ants
The color of carpenter ants are slightly different depending upon specific type. Although species exist in all states, a particular species will be more dominate in certain regions of the country. Colorization can range from almost solid black to combinations of color dominant in black and dark brown with shades of lighter brown, red and yellow. A carpenter ant can have a black body with a reddish thorax.
Size of Carpenter Ants
Colonies of carpenter ants exist in a caste system where each member of the colony has a defined role and that role also has an affect on size. Each colony has a queen and along with winged females, they are the largest reaching a length of about 1 inch long.
The vast majority of other carpenter ants are “workers”. Workers are divided into minor and major sizes which define their specific roles. Typically, workers range from 3/16′ to about 1/2″ depending upon the species. Some species are larger while others are smaller. The largest species in America are Black Carpenter Ants which are most common in the Eastern and Western states.
Smaller (minor) workers take care of the young and forage for food. The larger workers (major) assume the role of “soldiers” to protect the nest and defend against predators. All worker carpenter ants are genetically female but sterile and do not reproduce. Winged males are a bit larger than workers and their primary responsibility is mating and die shortly fertilization.
Carpenter Ant Physical Characteristics
All carpenter ants physically look the same except for slight differences in color and size. When viewed from the side, the ants have an evenly rounded thorax. The body has three distinct segments including head, thorax and abdomen with a very thin waist with a single node at the front of the abdomen. They pretty much look like all ants with minor differentiating characteristics. Any black ants of 3/8″ or longer are most likely carpenter ants.
Winged carpenter ants are often confused with termites. You can tell the difference as follows:
Winged Carpenter Ants:
Elbowed antennae
3 Distinct body segments with a slim waist
Front wings are longer than back ones
3/8 inches and longer
Winged Termites:
Straight antennae
No waistline
Longer wings of equal length
Usually only about 1/8″ long
Careful observation of carpenter ants is vital in safeguarding your home from potential damage. By recognising their distinct physical features, behavior patterns, and nesting sites you can take early and effective measures against potential carpenter ant infestations. Remember to seek professional assistance as soon as you suspect an infestation if any pest-related concerns arise; at Pest Therapy of McKinney we specialize in comprehensive pest management solutions designed to protect both property and peace of mind.
Pest Therapy’s experienced team can provide tailored strategies tailored specifically to your individual needs. Take action now to guarantee a pest-free future – contact Pest Therapy now for reliable assistance in keeping a home pest-free.
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futurebird · 1 year
Big Beautiful Ant, She is Perfect
Look at this big beautiful carpenter ant major from my Camponotus pennsylvanicus colony! I picked her up with the paint brush and just let her wander around on my hand for a bit. She's so gentle and curious.
She's so big you can really feel her walking over your skin. It tickles!
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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I apologize for sending this lady via ask, but the submission button is still borked.
She spooked me by crawling onto my arm while I was playing Phasmophobia.
my friend thinks she is a (supermajor) carpenter ant. she was relocated to the potted plants after i calmed down.
Thank you for letting me know your location via IM :) Looks like an eastern black carpenter ant!
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love-elizabeth · 3 years
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It’s #nationalwildlifeday so I’m sharing some bug pics I’ve taken here at Clear Lake, Indiana. 🥰 1: Photinus pyralis / common eastern firefly 2: Camponotus pennsylvanicus / black carpenter ant 3: Syritta pipiens / thick-legged hoverfly 4: Popillia japonica / Japanese beetle 5: Apis mellifera / honey bee 6: Popillia japonica / Japanese beetle 🐜 📸 🌼 #indiana #igersindiana #clearlake #clearlakeindiana #midwest #midwestisbest #macro #summer #fremontindiana #nature #naturelovers #arthropod #ant #beetle #hoverfly #firefly #honeybee #carpenterant #tgif_insects #insect #bug #entomology #nature_brilliance #fiftyshades_of_nature #flower #clearlakeconservancy (at Clear Lake, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTagDBlLTbf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vespidaze · 2 years
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artfight attacks for BeebFreeb (@beebfreeb), spectacledraws (@spectacledraws), BigBee (@big-bee-png), Melanc_Hex (@aroantic), flame-shadow (@flame-shadow), TattersTheBat (@tatters-the-bat), and ADragonSoulArt (@adragonsoulart-blog)!
ID's in alt text and under the cut
ID 1: A digital drawing of Omega (character by BeebFreeb), drawn in both of his forms. On the left is his computer form. He is a chunky black and beige CRT computer with a red PH logo and a large eye on the screen. The eye is dark pink with a gold outline. The iris is made of a gold omega symbol, with a blue dot inside for the pupil. He has a webcam and microphone plugged into the monitor. Both the eye and the webcam are looking to the upper left. To the right is Omega's digital form, which is a long black worm with 8 sets of legs. He is covered with blue splotches with gold outlines throughout his body. He has the same single eye as the computer form on his head, which is looking to the right, as well as a halo floating above. He curves above the computer, seeming to have come from behind it. The background is purple and there's a subtle blue gradient over the drawing. End ID.
ID 2: A half-body digital drawing of Leviathan (character by spectacledraws). He is a large, muscular fat man with a pink, purple, gold, and white color pallette. He is wearing a purple belt and suspenders, and a purple crown on his head. His mouth seems to take up his whole face, so that all that's visible are his rows of large, sharp teeth. His shoulderpads appear to be parts of a dragon, with the left shoulder pad being the head. The dragon's eye looks at Leviathan's face. Leviathan is also wearing a purple cape and a few gold heart accessories. He stands up straight with his hands on his hips and his cape flowing out behind him. The background is a blue-green gradient. End ID.
ID 3: A digital drawing of Cheri (character by BigBee). She is an anthropomorphic ant nest beetle. She is red all over, with large antennae. Her eyes are lime green with pupils that are cross-sectioned like compound eyes. She is wearing a loose red shirt with her shoulder and a black bra-strap exposed, black pants, and red boots. She absent-mindedly walks to the left while staring at a purple smartphone in her hand. The background is pale yellow. End ID.
ID 4: A digital drawing of Agi (character by Melanc_Hex). It is a yellow anthropomorphic firefly, with a purple torso, limbs, antennae, and elytra. One side of his face is normal and has a purple eye with dull green tears coming out, the other side is covered with void, and the eye is blank white. It wears a long black cloak that billows to the side. Underneath the cloak, a glowing abdomen is visible. Behind the cloak, the wings are extended. He holds a gray dagger in one hand. The background is beige. End ID.
ID 5: A digital drawing of Cyra (character by flame-shadow). She is an anthropomorphic blue spider wasp. She is wearing a purple poncho and holding a spear with 2 hands to her right. She sits atop a rock, with her other 2 hands supporting her on it. Her wings are blue and pointed up behind her. The background is a dull green. End ID.
ID 6: A digital drawing of Dr. Antiforme and Glossy (characters by TattersTheBat). Glossy is a red shrimp-like creature with googly eyes. To the left of veir is Dr. Antiforme, a humanoid purple slime creature, wearing a gray metal chestplate and dark gray pants. They kneel in front of Glossy, poking at veir with a hand, and staring at veir with its one huge eye. The background is purple. End ID.
ID 7: A half-body digital drawing of Mel (character by ADragonSoulArt). He is an anthropomorphic eastern carpenter bee, with a dark-brown exoskeleton, dark green eyes, a white mark on his face, and a fluffy golden mane. He is wearing a see-though beige poncho, and a beige skirt. He faces the viewer with one hand waving, another hand below his mandibles, and his lower 2 arms pointing downwards. His wings are positioned upwards behind him. The background is transparent. End ID.
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
lmao i was talkin about bugs with my mamma and i managed to name over 100 bugs/arthropods that i’ve seen with my own eyes. i’m so proud of my bug-seeing. <3
big dipper firefly
brown chafer
japanese beetle
cucumber beetle
seven spotted ladybug
rove beetle
eastern hercules beetle
six spotted neolema beetle
brown marmorated stink bug
eastern leaf-footed bug
leaf hopper
dog day cicada
periodical cicada
wheel bug
thread-legged assassin bug
pselliopus assassin bug
polyphemus moth
pandora sphinx moth
luna moth
tiger moth
snowy urola moth
hummingbird moth
nessus sphinx moth
somber carpet moth
wavy lined emerald moth (caterpillar)
eastern tent moth
eastern tent moth caterpillar
snowberry clearwing moth
monarch butterfly
tiger swallowtail butterfly
black swallowtail butterfly
zebra swallowtail butterfly
zebra wing butterfly
fiery skipper butterfly
silver spotted skipper butterfly
peck’s skipper butterfly
red admiral butterfly
red spotted purple admiral butterfly
cabbage white butterfly
common buckeye butterfly
chinese mantis
carolina mantis
field cricket
camel cricket
bush cricket/katydid
giant lubber grasshopper
american cockroach
german cockroach
oriental cockroach
carpenter ants
widow skimmer dragonfly
red saddlebags dragonfly
black saddlebags dragonfly
autumn meadowhawk dragonfly
blue dasher dragonfly
ebony jewelwing damselfly
whitetail skimmer dragonfly
green darner dragonfly
earwig :(
pill millipede 
wood louse
house centipede 
mosquitos, duh
fruit flies, duh
robber flies
crane flies
picture-winged flies
cicada killer wasp
european hornet
bald faced hornet 
eastern paper wasp
european paper wasp
eastern yellowjacket
european yellowjacket
southern yellowjacket
red paper wasp 
common paper wasp
black and yellow mud dauber wasp 
common thread waisted wasp
cuckoo wasp
spider wasp
mason bee
european honey bee 
sweat bee 
eastern bumblebee
american bumblebee
carpenter bee 
four toothed mason wasp
carolina wolf spider gotDAMN those motherfuckers are ENORMOUS
crab spider
marbled orb weaver
black widow spider
cobweb spiders
cellar spiders
three spotted jumping spider
american giant millipede
northern walkingstick
tiger bee fly
box elder bug
large milkweed bug
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