heart-star · 6 months
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Skylanders talk: Portalmasters. 📜🌀
don't know if all portalmasters live as royals/nobles like Kaos and Eon (and from what we saw in superchargers they all lived in their own styled castle-city) but I like to think they're not supposed to be all humans, they can be of any species they're born but they have the power to morph in order to disguise since they can travel to anywhwere, it's just a matter of fate they have Pm powers (whatever they're good or bad).
I also think they can live normally as an average person if they want to, for example when Aurora isn't doing the swashbuckler as we know her i'm sure she's a rebel girl who goes around having her own freedom and eventually she becomes a mother of a boy we may know as a random avatar but I'm sure it's something more.
I thought about the player in animal crossing being all portalmasters kids who get picked at their young age by the older portalmasters, in agreement with the animal people from that world, and do the earrands stuff we see in the Ac gameplay like is a fun camp activity in order to learn do good and don't become like dark portalmasters as Kaos & his family are.
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bg3fan · 10 months
How to bake your way to a smith's heart
"You´re staring again"
Emma´s voice near your ear startles you, turning around you see her smug grin "I can´t blame you, he does look like a snack tho" she teases again.
You give her a little smack on her shoulder while your cheeks burn up.
"Stop it, I was only wondering when he would take a break, I mean it seems like he is there 24 hours."
Emma chuckles, "and here I thought you were dreaming about your wedding night with him" you take a little flour and throw it in her face which leaves you giggling now.
However you weren´t expecting her to throw some back, but luckily for you the next customer arrived or else she would have bathed you in it.
With a quick wipe of your face you continue to kneed the dough infront of the window while she serves the customer.
After shaping the dough into little animals, which are getting popular by the little kids, you see Emma approaching you with a basket.
"Today is your turn to run around the city," you say with a raised eyebrow.
"It´s not an earrand, I was thinking perhaphs you could bring the break to him since you´re so worried about him" she again teases you with this as she fills the basket with little sweet pasteries and a bottle of handmade lemonade.
You wipe your hands on your apron, unsure of her idea "i dont know, maybe he won´t welcome me if I dont purchase anything" you sigh while she puts the basket into your hands "maybe he likes to be alone?"
Emma shakes her head. "Listen, and listen good." she continues as soon as you nod "Nobody and I mean nobody can turn down these delicious pastries, especially if they are for free. Even if he doesn´t like the sweets, then he will definitely enjoy the lemonade." she speaks with encouragement.
"Also he´ll have to meet you again because you will leave the basket with him, alright?" she squeezes your side before turning you around and practically shoving you out of the little bakery."Now off, you go, my little dove," and slams the door behind you close.
You tell yourself that it´s ok, you´re only being frendly as a neighbor but you can´t help the way your hands sweating and your face burning up.
You only need to cross this street and the stairs above and you're right there then.
Midway the staircase, you think about turning around and leaving before you can embarrass yourself.
"Can I help you?" and the idea of leaving is being shoved aside as you see him slowly approaching you.
In fact, every thought is being shoved aside because of the way he looks so much better up close than from your window. The little skin he shows covered in sweat while his forarms exposed makes your knees weak.
He raises his eyebrows curiously, and you realize that you´ve been staring up at him for quite some time now. Hurriedly, you go up the remaining stairs.
"I´m sorry to interupt your work but I´ve brought you some sweets and fresh lemonade" you stammer out while holding the basket up to him, "It´s just I´ve kind of noticed that you rarely take any breaks so I thought I could help you out somehow"
Mentally you´re slapping yourself. Now you seem like a stalker but to your surprise, his face lights up in a warm and friendly smile.
"Oh my, thank you so much! You didn´t have to do that. Unfortunately, I haven´t had time to take a break today, but now I´ll definitely take one."
He takes the basket from you, and behind him, you can see his tail wagging happily, which causes you to blush even more.
"I hope it´s to your tasting if not I could bring you something else we have a lot of different things," you ramble without a real thought in mind "I just guessed you´re more of the sweet person than salty but if that´s not the case I could bring you something else." and again, you slap yourself mentaly, why do you need to repeat something you´ve already said?
He seems to notice your inner turmoil as he lets a small chuckle out. "Don´t worry, I indeed am more of a sweets person." He reasurses you and takes a bite out of a pastry, and his tails wags some more in excitement.
"These are amazing! And the lemonade is perfect for a hot day like today. " He smiles at you again, but he seems like he forgot something.
"Oh! I´m so sorry, I haven´t intruduced myself properly." He extends his hand for you to shake "My name is Dammon, what´s yours?"
You take his hand, and you can´t help but feel how much rougher and firmer his hand is compared to yours. "I´m [Name]" you bashfully answer.
"It´s a pleasure to meet you, [Name]" and you could pass out by the way he says your name, but he unfortunately lets go of your hand. "I´ll definitely be stopping by for a few treats whenever I´m not smithing."
He puts your basket on a table nearby as he grabs the hammer again. "Thank you again. These really are delicious. Now I must get back to work, but perhaps we can talk some more later?"
You immediately nod and hurriedly apologize "yes, yes, of course again, I´m so sorry for interuppting your work" and before he can even open his mouth, you are already turning around to leave as fast as you can.
As you pass by the front desk of your bakery, Emma is quick to follow you, and you can´t help but pace around the storage room to calm down. "Tell me everything," she demands. And with some deep breaths, you tell her how the meeting went.
"So not only does he look, but he's also a grateful and respectful person? Also, you're closing the bakery today, " she nudges your side as she wiggles with her eyebrows.
I couldn't hold myself back. I needed some more dammon content, and I thought this idea was too cute to not write for. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did :)
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wonderfulmangotea · 2 years
:( my boyfriend had me hoping we were gonna go to the city today and then we got home from earrands and he was like "Nope, I'm going to bed"
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
Canon regrets.. A lot, actually, in pregame I never lived my life to the fullest, I always kept to myself and never had any friends, anytime someone tried to be my friend I pushed them away. I would use my parents money to buy me what I wanted while running earrands,, there was never anything I liked on the shopping list so I would sneak some fanta I liked. Ingame, I wish I fleshed out my plans more and wasn't such a jerk, I get why I did it but it wasn't very nice. I mean I got what I wanted, everyone hates me and not much people missed me, so I don't know why I regret that. I wish I could've ended the game, without sacrifaces or anyone dying. Postgame, I wish I didn't abandon everyone. I wish I pushed through with sueing team danganronpa, and I wish I didn't get death-threateningly drunk while my body was still very weak. I should've taken my medication more often instead of drugs! I could say 1,000 more things I regret, but I don't really want to type out a 100 page book. -Kokichi Ouma
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bunni-pop · 3 months
I miss having a bf to run earrands with :( i had fun today
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timetravelassasin · 3 years
Oh Leona~
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Summary: Leona searches for you wanting to take a nap. 
A/N: Hello my lovelies, here is a Leona from Twisted Wonderland. My older sister is the one that likes this character. I hope you guys like it.
He had been searching for you and yet could not find you anywhere. Classes were done for the day and he had not seen you all day. 
“Where is she,” he growled, looking around the library. 
He searched almost the entire campus and had yet to find you. He asked everyone he knew that knew you where you could be and they all gave him the same answer. Check the library, cafeteria, dorm, and the labs. He was getting tired of searching for you and he really wanted to take a nap. He sighed as he continued to search for you. 
“Yo Ruggie have you seen Y/N,” he asked, spotting his dormmate. 
“Last I saw her she was helping Riddle with something,” Ruggie answered. 
“What is she doing with him,” Leona said, confused. 
“Riddle said he needed her help picking out some tea for their next party or something,” Ruggie answered. 
“Why does he need her doesn’t he have his dormmates to help him with that,” Leona sighed, annoyed. 
He made his way to the Heartslabyul dorm in search of you. When he arrived at the dorm he hoped to find you at last. 
“Ace, Duce you two are in charge of setting up the decorations,” Riddle said, pointing to a box. 
“Y/N, has already picked out the tea and what snacks would be best to serve with it,” Riddle said, standing next to you. 
“There you are. I have been looking for you all over the place,” Leona said, walking up to you. 
“Oh, Leona were you looking for me,” you asked, confused. 
“Yeah, I’ve been looking for ya all over the place. It’s been a long day,” he sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
“Awe, I’m sorry about that. The headmaster wanted to me run some earrands and also prepare some stuff for the upcoming festival. I’ve been running around the campus trying to help out as much as I could,” you smiled, patting his head. 
“I see,” he said, moving to look at you closely. 
You had a tired look on your face and ready to pass out. The smile you gave him was a little stressed and exhausted. Leona sighed before lifting you up and tossing you over his shoulder. 
“Hey, Leona what are you doing,” you asked him confused. 
“You need to sleep and I need a nap so we are going to my dorm to take a nap,” he said, carrying you out of the Heartslabyul dorm. 
He carried you out of the dorm and headed towards your dorm. He made sure to be careful with you and placed you down in the lounge room in your dorm. He lied down on the sofa and fluffed the pillow for his head. 
“Come,” he said, patting his stomach for you to lie down on. 
You chuckled as you went and lied down on top of him. He patted your head and drifted off to sleep. The two of you slept for a while before being woken up by your stomach growl. Leona chuckled as he let you go get food from the kitchen. You grabbed something eat and later joined Leona on the sofa. This time you decided to sit down and let him rest his head on your lap as you ran your fingers thru his hair. 
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Lil earrand
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wormwhoress · 4 years
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This day’s been so exhausting, but in the best way. It’s almost 2am and I’m so gagged that I’ve made it. So, the day started of with me being tormented by the loudest noises from construction workers, working literally just outside my window. So I went to my big boo, where we slept together in peace til’ 11pm. Then I had som earrands and a meeting to get to. But the highlight of my day, I went to the gym and then swam after 2 months! Got to see my new boobs in my swimsuit(basically drooled over myself🤷🏻‍♀️🙄). Then I had to rush home, do my makeup, then me and big boo went to his dads for dinner (and watched Goblet of Fire🧜🏻‍♀️).
Ended my day with studying for 2h, finishing my assignment for Monday, and now I’m working on some character archives for my story. I’m feeling so blessed today, I wish I could share my happiness with everyone reading things.
Hope everyone’s doing good, and remember! New pages are just around the corner❤️
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
i can picture big head being like "why'd you leave me all alone🥺" like one morning you're up early and decide to go out run an errand and come back with coffee and you don't want to wake him. when you get back he's like "where were you? you left me all alone🥺" and you tell him "i went to some earrands" and he's all "next time wake me up, i don't like waking up without you🥺"
PLEASEEEE he would be so sad you didn’t ask him to come no matter how tired he was he wants to do as many things with you as possible 🤧
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donhawks · 7 years
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Me around n about! Trying to get back into working out but schedule at work r always unorthodox! Trying to stay here forever lol. #selfie #earrands #bronx #ny #newyorknewyork #kanglohat
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fliyann-blog · 7 years
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Selfie geometry #me #selfie #picture #effects #love #artist #italian #writersmind #weekend #earrands #traffic (presso Tampa, Florida)
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So i wanted to talk about a mental disorder, specifically the one that i have, it's called borderline personality disorder.
I feel like there is a lot of stigma and it is one disorder people don't know a lot about.
This could maybe help you if a friend, relative or a love one has it. It could help you to understand better.
BPD is characterized by difficulties regulating emotion. This means that people who experience BPD feel emotions intensely.
This difficulty can lead to impulsivity.
Some symptoms are:
- Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
-Unstable personal relationships that alternate between idealization (“I’m so in love!”) and devaluation (“I hate him”).
-Distorted and unstable self-image, which affects moods, values, opinions, goals and relationships.
-Impulsive behaviors that can have dangerous outcomes, such as excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse or reckless driving.
-Self-harming behavior including suicidal threats or attempts.
-Periods of intense depressed mood, irritability or anxiety lasting a few hours to a few days.
-Chronic feelings of boredom or emptiness.
-Inappropriate, intense or uncontrollable anger
-Dissociative feelings—disconnecting from your thoughts or sense of identity or “out of body” type of feelings—and stress-related paranoid thoughts. Severe cases of stress can also lead to brief psychotic episodes.
Every person with BPD suffers in a more or less intensity this symptoms
I, personally suffer most the fear of abandonment, the uncontrollable anger, chronic feeling of emptiness, distorted self image and struggles with relationship.
How to help?
-You can try to manage your own reactions, establishing firm limits, and improving communication between you and your loved one. 
Communication is vital. We often overthink and end up thinking the worst.
An example: i had to go do some earrands that were very important, i asked my boyfriend to go along with me because i needed him, he said no. He didnt explain why.
Probably i would have thought that he doesn't care enough or doesn't love me enough.
And then i would feel sad and feel unworthy, bla bla bla.
And the truth is he couldn't go because he had a test.
But if the comunication would have been better, i wouldnt have felt that way. (Not saying is his fault)
-Try to make the person with BPD feel heard when is having a crisis
-Do your best to stay calm, even when the person with BPD is acting out. 
Avoid getting defensive in the face of accusations and criticisms, no matter how unfair you feel they are. Defending yourself will only make your loved one angrier. Walk away if you need to give yourself time and space to cool down.
I think this really help when the person has an intense anger
-Seek to distract your loved one when emotions rise. Anything that draws your loved one’s attention can work
-Don’t ignore self-destrbuctive behaviors and suicidal threats
Well, i have a lot more to say but this got really long. ill make another post with more info about what you can do when you have a crisis.
Sorry for my English, it's not perfect but i think i can reach more people.
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shadowself13 · 6 years
Hi, may I have a free reading? I was wondering what should I focus on the next few months? Please and thank you!
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Okay honey, I have an Eight of Cups.
You will most likely be put in a situation when you will need to walk away. It could be a relationship, job, career path, living arrangement or creative project that was once fulfilling, but at that point will bring only pain. What you can do is leave with your head held up high, heal and let go. Leave it behind and move on with your life. As you probably know, what is yours will always be yours, and if things fall apart, it means they have to, to make space for something so much better. Please remember that.
Next is Six of Swords. (Wow this actually correlated with the previous card so much I’m shook myself)
This card indicates that you are in transition, leaving behind something familiar and moving towards the unknown. No matter how scary this may sound, this change is essential for your growth. It’s also a shift of mentality. As a result, you will become a better version of yourself. You are moving from one chapter in your life to another. It may be that the situation is there against your will, but it is also possible that you will decide so yourself. The emptiness from what you have lost will soon be replaced by clarity and alignment. Don’t hesitate to ask your spirit guides for guidance.
And last, the Reversed Hanged Man
The Hanged Man in reverse is a gentle nudge from your spirit guides to slow down. You’re resisting something, by filling your days with tasks and earrands, or trying to focus on the wrong things. Hit the pause button like the bees and bugs, that sleep during dark and cold months only to be reborn again in time. The Universe have to speak louder if you ignore it, and as a result, you may end up knocked down hard. So, as soon as you hear it calling, make time and space so you can tune in and listen. You may be surprised with what it has to say.
will be
in the end
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quarrytm · 2 years
jordan riley  ,   💌  for a letter / email from jeremiah.
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to: jordan riley. < sent saturday, september 12th, 04:15 AM >
          mornin jordan.
i’m takin a break before i start runnin earrands to send this to you. i’m usin my brother’s computer down at the station since ma won’t allow one in the house. by now you probably know that i’m not great with my words, but talkin to you is one’ve the only thing that gets me through the day, so i wanted to take a second to send somethin. i know you’re probably busy with other stuff. that’s alright. just checkin in. last letter said you were auditionin for some kinda horror thing. did you get it? have you heard back yet? i dunno how long those kinds of things take. but i hope you did. everything’s the same over here. i don’t miss summer with all the campers, but i do miss havin you around. hope to hear from you soon.
          jeremiah.     @survivur​.
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kristin-luce · 2 years
20. 8. 2022
61/100 Days of Productivity
20/30 days study streak
Today I ran some earrands and didn't study a lot...
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strawbby37 · 2 years
why me? why here? why now!?
♡a quick little one shot that happened about 2 hours ago at the store♡
it was a normal day. i went out to get some groceries and run various other earrands. on my way to check out i decided, "y'know what? fuck it i want coffee." i proceeded to one of the near by coolers holding the drink i was in search for. i made to the cooler. about to grab the drink my heart drops as i hear, "hiiiiiiiiiiii lilacccccccccccc" (substitute for my name).
no. no no no no no no no. you've got to be kidding me right now. i turn around to face the tall, beautiful boy standing behind. his deep brown eyes, skinny build, and whatever tf kind of style you call his clothes. trendy? idek. "omg nooooooooooo" i replied covering my face.
I LOOK A MESS AND HE'S ALL DRESSED UP. i totally forgot he works here wtf do i do?! i become painfully self-concious of what i'm wearing. my black and white striped oversized hoodie, grey sweats, and rainbow checkered vans. I DIDN'T THINK I'D SEE ANYONE SO I DIDN'T PUT IN ANY EFFORT T^T.
"what you lookin for, hmm" he asked with a playful smile, getting closer to me. our faces are now only inches apart. "umm nothing?" i reply nervously stepping back. "are you sure?" he teased placing his tounge along his top teeth, leaning back onto one of the booths setup selling some stupid shit like batteries. "yes?" i replied hesitantly walking away as he stares.
his smile. its so pretty. ugh why do you have to make me feel like this?! this is the same boy who asked me if i was a lesbian just because i have shorter hair. this is the same guy that told me to grow my hair our, dye it back brunette, wear some makeup and then i'd look prettier. so why the hell do i feel so nervous around him? just because he's pretty? fuck that.
i proceeded to check out not even grabbing a coffee. setteling for an energy drink instead i place my items on the convayer belt and make small talk with the cashier. we talked about energy drink flavors and whatever.
i feel eyes on me from behind. i move to the side of the grocery bags trying not to make it obvious i know there's someone there. i look over. its him. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? THIS MF MOVED FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF SELF CHECK OUT, JUST SO HE COULD LEAN AGAINST A PILLAR AND STARE AT ME!? i'm not even that pretty wtf. he noticed me looking. his reply? smile and wave.
i feel my face flush red as i look away with haste. i take my groceries and quickly say my goodbyes. i walk the opposite way from him. still feeling his eyes on me as i leave the store.
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