#early mc x victor
jerzwriter · 1 year
Sweet Start
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Book:              Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:           Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan)
Rating:            Teen +
Words: 1,050
Summary: Ethan and Kaycee start her 32nd birthday off with much to look forward to.
A/N: This will be leading into a big week for these two! I hope you enjoy!
Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist My Full Masterlist
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The warmth of the morning beamed through the skylight and helped to nudge Kaycee awake. Snuggling against her pillow, she pulled the soft, down comforter over her shoulders and smiled. She wasn’t ready to wake up yet, but she was much happier than she typically was in the morning... especially before being caffeinated. Today was her birthday, the start of her thirty-second year. Most people believed it was the start of a vacation for her and Ethan, and they were right, of course.   But they knew they were only a few days away from so much more, and she loved sharing such a delicious secret with him.  
She dozed off again so she didn’t hear when Ethan entered their bedroom. He quietly approached the bed, holding a fine china plate with a decadent cupcake placed on top. He playfully held the plate in front of her nose, wondering if the sweet scent would wake her. When it didn’t, he had his answer. In the age-old question of what Kaycee MacClennan loved more, sleep or sweets, sleep had proven to be the victor. Nevertheless, they had a big day ahead... big days ahead... and it was time for him to wake her.
“Good Morning, birthday girl,” he sang, still standing over the bed.
With her eyes still shut tight, Kaycee broke into an adorable grin. She contemplated telling Ethan to hop back into bed; since it was her special day, he probably would have listened. But her nose picked up on the scent of the treat awaiting her, and that took precedence.
“Mmmm... do I smell something yummy,” she hummed, her eyes still shut.
“Why don’t you wake up and see?”
One eye peeked open, and when she saw the cupcake in front of her, the other quickly followed suit.
“Is this breakfast?” she asked.
“I know,” Ethan chuckled, “I usually wouldn’t approve... but... it is your birthday, and I want you to indulge in your every desire.”  
“Really,” she simpered. “Then you’re doing this all wrong.”
“I... I am?”
“Shouldn’t you be serving me that naked? I believe that’s how it happens in the movies.”
“Oh really,” he laughed. “Which movies are you referring to? Not the ones where a plumber or pizza guy will arrive any second to complete this picture?”
Kaycee jumped up, brushing her messy tresses from her face.  
“Ethan, whatever do you mean? My mind does not live in the gutter. Well, at least not this early in the day.” 
She grabbed the cupcake from the plate with the enthusiasm of a child and licked a large dollop of the icing off the top. She let out a slow groan Ethan was used to hearing in very different circumstances when the sugary concoction coated her tongue. His mind began to wander as she gently breathed, “Oooh, this is sooo goooood.”
“Hmmm,” Ethan smirked, sitting beside her on the bed. “Ironically, that was the next line in the movie I was referring to.”
“Is it?” she laughed. “So, does that mean I should expect the plumber-slash-delivery? Tell me, are they hot? Like Ryan Gossling or Margot Robbie hot? Because, if so... we could make this my bachelorette party... after all, I only have a few days left as a single woman.”
“Oh really,” he growled, suddenly not appreciating the joke he had started. “You may be a few days away from being married, but you’re not single, Dr. MacClennan!”
“Easy there, tiger,” she teased. “You started this nonsense, not me.”
She placed the cupcake on her nightstand and turned around quickly, pushing Ethan against the pillows. Her arms encircled him, squeezing so tightly that he let out a small gasp.
“All jokes aside, can you believe we’ll be married in just three days!”
“I know,” he chuckled as she squealed adorably at his side. “It’s hard to believe. It’s even harder to believe that almost no one besides us knows!”
“Hey, don’t jinx it!” She warned. “We already caved in and told our parents.”
Ethan ran his hands along the soft skin of her arms, delighting at the goosebumps that formed as his fingers traced circles over her flesh.
“That was the right move,” he insisted. “Our surprise wedding is a brilliant idea... but our parents and Naveen... I feel better not blindsiding them.”
“Me too, and not only because my mother would have killed me if she didn’t get to pick out what she would wear.”
“I’m shocked your mother hasn’t told anyone else yet. Not that she’d do it maliciously. I just figured she’d be too excited.”
“Oh, she is,” Kaycee assured. “But Dad threatened her.”
“Threatened her?” Ethan asked with a raised brow. “With what?”
“With that cruise, she’s always wanted,” Kaycee laughed. “All joking aside, I know it’s hard for her to keep this from everyone, but she knows it’s what we want. All she wants is for us to be happy, so she’ll honor our wishes.”  
“That’s good to know. Well, we have a lot on our plate in the next few days, but today’s your birthday... and it’s all about you... So, what would you like to do?”
“Oh, that’s easy,” Kaycee smiled. “You.”
“I’m sorry?” he chuckled.
“Oh, I’m not,” She bit her bottom lip as the corners of her mouth morphed into a smile, flipping over on top of him. “Are you telling me you don’t want to do me, Ethan? On my birthday of all days?”
Ethan’s eyes went dark as the playful expression on his face all but disappeared. With one quick movement, he nudged her legs apart with his knee. Surprised, Kaycee fell on top of him, giggling when she felt all the proof she needed that he wanted her as much as she wanted him pressed firmly against her lower stomach.  
“I’m glad we’re on the same page,” she teased.
“Turn the ringer off your phone,” he spoke gruffly into her ear. “You won’t want birthday calls interrupting what I have planned for you.”
Kaycee was eager to comply, reaching for her phone so quickly that she nearly fell from the bed.
“Now, what do you have in store for me, Dr. Ramsey?” she purred.
“Making sure your thirty-second year gets off to a rousing start.”
“It already has,” she whispered as his lips fell to her chest. “It already has.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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[CN] Victor x MC – S2 CH 46 (Eng Translation - Part 1)
“All I know is that I really want to see her.”
“The moment I heard him speak, I felt as if a soft voice in my mind was whispering to me, reassuring me that it was okay not to be so strong right now.”
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a chapter that is yet to be released on the global server. ⌚
[Notes from Anika]: I’m currently working on adding subtitles to the chapter, so I’ll save myself the hassle of adding many sprites, and probably will be skipping on adding notes for voice acting too, otherwise I’d have to do it for every line he says ahah-  ಥ﹏ಥ
【CH 45-1, Victor part】
[Note]: The first part is the continuation of S2 CH 42-15, where it was shown that Victor and Kiro had met up in Paris. Another important segment of Victor’s “taking care of everything” before the inevitable happened. (TдT)
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Half a month ago, in Paris.
The patter of raindrops falls rhythmically on the glass windows, accompanied by the melodious tune from the vinyl record.
As if treading on the beats, the door of the room is pushed open. A dazzling blond figure appears at the entrance.
Kiro’s gaze sweeps over the figures in the shadows of the room before finally landing straight on Victor, who is sitting in the center.
Kiro: The BOSS specially arranged a meeting with me at a secret location in Paris. So, I guess there must be an important matter to discuss.
As Kiro speaks, he walks directly to the seat opposite Victor and sits down, slightly raising his chin.
Kiro: Well, let’s begin.
Victor: I only have one thing to announce.
Victor’s gaze briefly intersects with Kiro’s, but soon shifts towards the figures in the dark corners.
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Victor: Starting today, he will be the new BOSS of BS.
Victor’s deep voice resonates throughout the room, eliciting a collective gasp of astonishment.
The conference room lapses into a deathly silence, and no one utters a word. The bewildered and uncertain gazes of those lurking in the shadows silently exchange their thoughts.
Even in Kiro’s own eyes, a subtle hint of being astounded passes by, almost imperceptible.
But he quickly suppresses it, as if entering a state, and immediately displays a smile that says, “as expected.”
Hades: Since when did a test subject become worthy of being the BOSS?
Hades’s voice breaks the silence. He is the first to step out of the shadows, confronting Victor and Kiro directly.
Hades: Such a loser has no right to dictate and interfere with us.
Kiro: …
Kiro lifts his eyes, and within his radiant golden eyes, a smile filled with arrogance can be seen.
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Kiro: Regarding this matter, you have no authority to intervene.
[Note]: From here onwards, we’re back to the present day, i.e., following the days after S2 CH 44~ do note that it’s been 15 days since the lantern festival of CH 44, but when MC says “two months” later, she is referring to all the events that took place before, minus the moments spent with Victor (TдT)
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The early morning sunlight spills onto the desk covered with scattered documents.
Since Chen Hui was taken away by the city hall, the investigation has temporarily reached a conclusion. The company’s files and materials that were previously seized are gradually being returned.
However, following this, there has been an overwhelming influx of various government approvals and media interview articles.
The consecutive and complex tasks for over two months have been suffocating, leaving me gasping for air. I can only find small moments to do ordinary work in between and relieve stress.
I shake my hands vigorously as I prepare to submit the proposal to LFG, sighing subconsciously.
Anna: Haven’t all the issues been resolved? Why are you still heaving deep sighs?
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MC: There are still so many formalities to be completed; just the thought of it gives me a headache.
MC: Luckily, all the relevant documents for the redevelopment plan have been retrieved, so it won’t affect the subsequent regular work.
MC: The several projects that were temporarily put on hold during the investigation can now be resumed. Anna, I appreciate your hard work in following up on them.
Anna: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of these things. And as for you, have you forgotten about the medical check-up again?
It’s only when Anna mentions it that I remember. The company’s annual medical examination deadline is approaching, and we’ve recently organized a round of group check-ups for everyone.
I didn’t participate in the medical check-up at that time because I was busy with the Chen Hui issue. After returning from the Lantern Festival, I remained holed up in the office dealing with various matters, and now the time has flown by.
Lantern Festival… as the two words inadvertently pop into my head, a series of gentle waves spreads in my heart. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that I’ve forgotten something very important.
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Anna: What’s on your mind, MC? Remember to make an appointment.
MC: …hmm, okay. I promise to go for the medical check-up once I’m done with my tasks! Right now, I’m heading to LFG for a routine report.
Anna: Isn’t the routine report to LFG always sent electronically?
I look at Anna in puzzlement, only to see an even more bewildered look on her face.
MC: Electronically?
I’m stumped momentarily, feeling like something has fleetingly passed through my mind, but I can’t grab hold of it.
Yeah, that’s right. Of course! It has always been the practice to submit electronic documents. How could I even forget about this?
Ever since receiving investment from LFG, all the major decisions have been conducted through online communication, with e-mail approvals, and the number of actual visits to LFG in person has been few and far between.
A familiar sense of dissonance suddenly surges within me, as if a vital part has been wiped away from my life in a mere moment, leaving no trace behind.
Perhaps noticing my unsettling expression, Anna pats me on the shoulder.
Anna: I told you that you’re too tired. Go back early today and get some rest.
I nod my head and sit back down in my seat, then proceed to open the emails on my desktop.
Indeed, the email contains the routine report for LFG, and reviewing the email history, I can see that it has always been sent as electronic manuscripts to LFG in the past.
Could it be that the delay has caused a memory bias? I shake my head. After briefly checking the document, I click the “send” button.
With the end of the workday drawing near, I set aside the lingering unsettling feeling for now and prepare to go home early and rest.
【CH 46-1, Victor part】
As is usual LOL, through various twists and turns, following the events of the prev. CH, MC finds herself being engulfed by a strong force and ends up in the familiar white desert—
The event MC gets flashbacks of is the white desert scene of S2 CH 37 and meeting a Victor with no memories. But since Victor is erased from everyone’s memories now, the details are blurred for MC even though she desperately tries to recall~ (TдT)
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MC: This place…
Before my eyes stretches an endless expanse of pure white desert, blending seamlessly with the distant horizon.
Waves of heat surge towards me, causing a thin sheen of sweat to form on my forehead, unbeknownst to me.
A sense of déjà vu at the sight makes me freeze in place––
I have been here before.
I feel as if a comet is reversing above my head, taking me back to that chaotic and disorderly space-time overlap incident.
Back then, after Shaw and I mistakenly stepped on that glowing boundary line, I inexplicably found myself falling into this eerie white desert.
MC: That’s right… I had walked here for a long time…
MC: And then, I… huh?
How did I eventually return to Loveland City?
?? (little boy, in flashback): Don’t waste your breath.
?? (little boy, in flashback): You had just fallen into a disordered space. If it weren’t for the CORE on you, I wouldn’t have been able to locate you among countless intricate dimensions.
Ah, yes. Afterward, I was taken out of the desert by that mysterious person from the Black Cabin.
MC: …no, that’s not right.
As if to deny my own memories, I practically cry out.
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MC: [yelling]  NO!!
Before returning to Loveland City, I had clearly met someone in this desert.
Furthermore, that person should be someone really important to me.
Swirling in the rising heat, a blurry figure emerges in the distant horizon, but it only manifests for a mere second before abruptly dissipating.
It feels as though both the blazing sun and the illusion are jeering at me. If that person is so important to me, why is my memory failing me?
Lost in thought, I stand amidst the deadly silence of the sand dunes, the grains beneath my feet slowly swallowing my ankles, as if quietly trying to drag me into the sea of sand.
MC wearily walks through the desert, trying to find a way out. Finally, she finds a totem, and upon touching it, she is taken out of this dimension and into ruins, where she meets Shaw cue. Shaw’s part in the update~
【CH 46-8】
[Anika’s Notes]: One thing I want to mention before starting, throughout the entire chapter, Victor is referred as “男人” (man) while his character is defined as “Others,” unlike how his name would’ve been shown as 李泽言  (Li Zeyan) had this whole oblivion thing not happened. I’ve already wailed over it in my twitter thread, so not gonna do that again LOL. I will, however, write his name as “Man (Victor).” Otherwise, I don’t think I’ll be able to do this shit–– ( ꐦꉺωꉺ)つ)`Д˚)꘎༄ؘ 
After parting ways with Shaw, and in the plane on her way to Loveland City—
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After being away for two days, the unread messages and e-mails have piled up like a mountain. As I quickly scroll down with my finger, I happen to tap on a message that has already been read.
“——Hello, Miss MC. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend tonight’s networking event. I will be at the venue on the cruise ship, and I sincerely look forward to your presence…”
I blink my eyes, and then it dawns on me that a few days ago, I did receive an invitation from a business partner.
MC: Oh, yes! I almost forgot about this... Luckily, I can still make it in time.
After confirming the time for the evening cruise event, I quickly respond to several messages from my business partners. It’s only after hearing the broadcast reminder to turn off the devices that I finally put my phone down.
The past few days have been filled with such diverse and bizarre experiences that when I close my eyes, images of what I saw in the ruins flash through my mind.
Who exactly was that blurry figure? Why were there so many identical figures around that person?
And what is the connection between those overlapping points of light and the heart of the world...
Lost in my thoughts, I unconsciously sketch out that pattern in my mind. Inexplicably, a familiar warmth gradually begins to well up within me.
Unwittingly, my palm curls up, and a sudden surge of power sweeps over me. Before I can even react, everything before my eyes starts spinning.
The soft seat behind me abruptly vanishes, leaving me without anything to lean on. Caught off guard, I take a few steps back.
Suddenly, my feet sink into softness, as if I have stepped onto a sandy terrain.
MC: Why am I here again––?!
Unlike the calm and tranquil white desert from before, the quicksand this time is exceptionally swift and violent. Before I can even let out a cry of alarm, it engulfs my calves.
I quickly lift my leg, attempting to free my feet from the quicksand. However, with the slightest movement, my body begins to uncontrollably sink further. In a matter of seconds, it has already reached my knees.
MC: …I’m done for!
The image of being swallowed by the quicksand races through my mind, and I instinctively struggle, but the sinking speed only accelerates.
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?? (Victor): Stop flailing about.
In the next second, a deep voice suddenly reaches my ears.
I restrain my instinct to struggle and cease my movements, listening as the voice resounds once again.
?? (Victor): Now, lie down on your back and keep your body flat.
MC: …b-but I’ll end up sinking if I do that!
?? (Victor): If you continue like this, you will only sink faster.
The other party’s voice is not sharp, yet it inexplicably makes one want to have faith in the person.
Gritting my teeth, I fight back my fear and gradually lay down in the quicksand behind me. The warm grains of sand slowly surge up, almost drowning my ears, until they finally come to a halt.
Just as I breathe a sigh of relief and try to clearly see the source of the voice, the surroundings are suddenly engulfed in a swirling sandstorm.
The moment I try to speak, dust fills my mouth, making it difficult to breathe. I struggle to lower my head and suddenly feel a strong hand gripping my wrist.
?? (Victor): [incomparably anxious]  Hold on to me tightly!
Even though I can’t see the other person’s face clearly, I instinctively hold onto his hand, reminiscent of clinging to the last piece of driftwood, and slowly shift my body.
The wind and sand brush against my face, leaving a sensation of pain akin to being cut by a sharp blade, which only intensifies the anguish in my heart.
If this continues, we will both be swallowed by the quicksand. What else can we possibly do…
As I struggle, the power within me seems to respond to my will to survive, burning fervidly in my chest.
It seems to have an impact as the surrounding sandstorm abruptly weakens a little. The hand gripping mine exerts a sudden force, pulling me out of the whirlpool in an instant.
I fall to my knees in exhaustion and apply all my strength to get back on my feet, only to find that my hands and legs have gone limp.
I can only gasp for breath, allowing uncontrollable tears to roll down my eyes. It takes me a while before I lift my head in lingering apprehension.
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MC: [crying]  Th-thank you… 
Through the blur of tears, I find myself looking into a pair of ink-black eyes.
The sound of the wind brushes past my ears, but it grows distant and muffled.
I stare at the person in front of me in a daze, and my heart suddenly skips a beat.
His dark-colored coat is stained with dirt and dust smudges, yet his figure remains upright and composed.
His thin lips are slightly pursed, seemingly due to dryness, making them appear even paler in contrast.
Peering through his slightly disheveled bangs, he gazes at me with gentle and serene eyes. For some unknown reason, unfamiliar emotions of aching sorrow suddenly surge within me.
I tightly squeeze my palm in a somewhat wretched manner, fearing that if I wait for a second longer, tears will gush out of my eyes beyond my control.
Why does my heart suddenly feel as if it has lost a vital part, so empty that it makes me unable to breathe?
I have obviously never seen this man in front of me before, yet I feel as if I’ve sketched his features in my mind countless times over, and every subtle change in his expression tugs at my emotions.
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MC: [sobbing]  Why do I…
I restrain the urge that arises from an unknown source, attempting to calm my breathing. Yet, the man seems to sense my gaffe.
He furrows his brows slightly and takes half a step forward, speaking in a hushed tone.
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I open my lips, but the words “I’m fine” or “It’s okay” feel so heavy that they are choked up in my throat.
I gaze into those deep eyes, and the world before me slowly becomes blurry. The determination I’ve been obstinately holding on to seems to crumble bit by bit.
…the moment I heard him speak, I felt as if a soft voice in my mind was whispering to me, reassuring me that it was okay not to be so strong right now.
Finally, I can’t hold back anymore and grasp onto his lapel, allowing burning tears to stream down unbridled.
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MC: [sobbing]  …I’m sorry. I-I might have been too scared… just give me a moment to calm down…
I struggle to explain, my words coming out in fragments, and I can sense the man’s body stiffening for a moment.
However, he stands silently in his spot, not uttering a word, allowing me to tightly hold onto his clothes as I sob.
The surroundings are quiet, with only my sobbing echoing in the gentle breeze. In the distance, the faint image of tall buildings seems to appear, only to quickly vanish into the heat waves.
Once my emotions have settled to some extent, I awkwardly loosen my grip on his clothes and nod incoherently.
MC: Thank you. I… I’m sorry about earlier.
Perhaps because I myself don’t know how to explain, in the end, I don’t say anything at all.
The man doesn’t ask me any questions, but his gaze lingers briefly on my dusty face, and his brows seem to slightly furrow.
With a belated realization, I wipe away the tear stains on my face and voice the question in my mind.
MC: Were you also accidentally sucked into this disordered space?
The man averts his gaze and speaks with an indifferent expression.
Man (Victor): I don’t know what you’re talking about.
【CH 46-9】
The unexpected response leaves me momentarily stunned.
For a moment, I’m unsure if the person doesn’t understand what I mean or if there is some other reason, so I tentatively try to ask once again.
MC: How did you end up here?
Man (Victor): I don’t know.
MC: …?
Hearing one perfunctory answer after another, I can’t help but feel a little frustrated. However, upon reflecting for a moment, I quickly find solace.
After all, considering that we are in a space filled with unknowns and mysteries, it’s only natural to be on guard.
Moreover... I don’t have much knowledge about this place either. Perhaps this mysterious man hasn’t entered here accidentally to begin with.
The immediate priority is to get out of here as soon as possible.
With that thought in mind, I discreetly clench my fist, trying to tap into the power of CORE. However, nothing happens.
MC: Why is this happening again… oh, right, the totem!
A sudden realization strikes me, and I promptly scan the surroundings, trying to find the stone totem I had encountered earlier. But then, I hear the deep voice of the man beside me.
Man (Victor): We should go.
MC: Go? Where are we going?
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Man (Victor): …I don’t know.
His perplexing response continues to baffle me, but as I watch the man’s figure gradually fade into the distance, I hesitate for a moment before ultimately deciding to chase and catch up with him.
Since he was willing to risk his life to save me just now, it’s unlikely that he would have any ill intentions toward me.
Whether he is an ordinary solemn man who got trapped here like me or a mysterious being from another dimension, two people teaming up have a better chance of finding a way out of here.
Seemingly hearing my footsteps, the man glances at me calmly but doesn’t say anything.
I clear my throat and strike up a conversation with him, trying to sound natural while maintaining moderate proximity between us.
MC: Um... I’m not really familiar with this place. Would you mind showing me the way a little longer?
MC: But I don’t quite understand. If you don’t know where we are headed, what’s the point of moving forward now?
The man’s eyes flicker for a moment as he glances slightly behind me, lifting his chin.
Man (Victor): In order to not be caught up.
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MC: ...Is there something behind us?
The specious words cause a cold sweat to creep up my back. I turn my gaze in the direction he gestures, only to be greeted with an endless expanse of white sand.
But there seems to be some kind of movement not far away.
My eyes widen as I finally see a gigantic vortex that has materialized in the desert at some point, slowly spinning and extending towards our direction.
MC: What is that?
Man (Victor): Time. If we stop, we will be swallowed up before long.
As if to validate his words, the vortex continues to expand without a moment’s pause. Subconsciously, these words escape my lips.
MC: Are we really going to keep racing against it indefinitely? Until when do we have to keep moving?
Man (Victor): I don’t know––
Seemingly catching a glimpse of my wordless expression from the corner of his eye, his tone falters.
Man (Victor): But time won’t stop. So we must keep moving forward.
His resolute tone sounds as if he is stating some kind of conclusion, which only adds to my bewilderment. But I instinctively follow in his footsteps.
Why does he know all this? Who is he exactly? And why does he keep answering my questions selectively?
I surreptitiously turn my head and gaze at his profile under the scorching sun. A peculiar premonition starts to emerge within me.
He might be the key to my escape from this place.
MC: Hey! Stop for a moment!
The man glances at me with a hint of confusion but still stops in his tracks.
MC: If we keep walking, we’ll exhaust our energy sooner or later. I know a potential solution that might help us find a way out of here.
MC: Let’s go find a stone totem together!
I squat down as I speak and begin to draw earnestly on the sandy surface.
[Tidbits]: it’s a nod to the orphanage escape incident of S2, where kid MC did the same thing, drawing the map on the ground to explain the route to kid Victor~ 🥺
MC: I’ve accidentally entered this space once before, and at that time, I happened to touch a stone totem. It transported me out of here.
MC: It probably looks like this, with snake or gear patterns on top, in a very quaint style...
I point to the diagram I’ve drawn, explaining the details. But as I lift my head to look at the man, my voice suddenly trails off.
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A faint outline emerges on the distant horizon, causing my eyes to widen slightly. In a somewhat incoherent manner, I point towards the distance.
MC: The city I was transported to had buildings with a similar style… perhaps the totem is somewhere nearby!
I spring up impatiently. The man stares into the distance for a moment and then silently keeps pace with me.
However, despite scaling a sand dune, the distance between us and the city remains unchanged.
MC: Strange… why can’t we seem to get any closer?
Man (Victor): That’s a mirage.
Man (Victor): This desert projects one’s innermost longing. But the manifestation is transient, and it eventually fades away.
As if in response to his words, the distant outline begins to blur, reminiscent of a drop of water spreading across a picture scroll.
MC: …why didn’t you tell me earlier?
Man (Victor): There was no need for it.
Man (Victor): As time goes on and you keep on walking, moving forward also becomes an increasing consumption of willpower.
Man (Victor): Being able to see hallucinations at this moment is something that can be considered a blessing.
I instinctively want to refute it. But the moment our eyes interlock, the words get stuck in my throat.
He isn’t teasing me. He genuinely feels that I actually need such a fantasy right now.
MC: You sound like you don’t like seeing hallucinations…
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Man (Victor): [voice trailing off]  Whether I like it or not is irrelevant. If it can be a source of support for you in the desert, then it’s a good thing.
The man’s tone when he says this doesn’t sound as indifferent as before. Perhaps, within his emotions that have been weathered by the wind and sand, there still lurks a glimmer of hope?
The way I’m trying to get out of here now, has he tried the same methods too?
The moment I realize this, I feel that all my previous dissatisfaction with his attitude vanishes into thin air, and that it even surges a resonance from the depths of my heart that I’m unable to understand.
As if sensing my abrupt silence, the man’s tone softens a little.
Man (Victor): ...I haven’t seen the totem you mentioned, but I have come across some other fragments in the sand dunes.
Man (Victor): Nothing happened when I touched them, though. So I kept thinking that I couldn’t leave this place.
Man (Victor): But…
The man pauses.
Man (Victor): Now I feel like perhaps you will be able to do it.
I didn’t expect this person, who seemed to have an indifferent attitude so far, to say such words. I can’t help but be frozen in surprise.
As the man observes my bewildered expression, for reasons unknown, a subtle smile tugs at the corners of his otherwise stoic lips.
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Man (Victor): [laughs softly]  So, come on. Let’s continue looking for that thing you mentioned.
The sun relentlessly shines down, and every grain of sand beneath our feet reflects a blinding white light that makes one’s head spin.
I don’t know how long we’ve been walking, but suddenly my legs give in, and I hear the man speak just at that moment.
Man (Victor): Let’s take a break for a while.
MC: But the vortex behind us––
Man (Victor): It’s still some distance away from us. We can resume our journey before it catches up.
Heaving a sigh of relief, I follow him to a massive sand dune and flop down beside him. I feel an aching sensation radiating through every bone in my body.
The surroundings are eerily quiet. In the vast sea of sand, we are but two insignificant grains of sand that can be scattered with a single breath.
MC: By the way, I don’t know what to call you. I’m MC. What’s your name?
MC: You’re not going to tell me again that you don’t know, are you?
The man remains silent for a while, his eyelashes casting a faint shadow.
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Man (Victor): [sighs helplessly]  …I really don’t know.
Man (Victor): I have no idea about my own identity or why I ended up here.
Man (Victor): I don’t remember anything from the past.
I’m slightly startled, recalling the cold and indifferent “I don’t know” that I got from him before... So, it turns out that it wasn’t just a perfunctory response?
MC: …so, you don’t know how long you’ve been here either?
He nods and casually picks up a stone lying next to his feet.
Man (Victor): I was already in the desert when I regained consciousness. I don’t remember my past, and have no clarity about the future.
Man (Victor): But I remember that I need to go somewhere… because someone is waiting for me there.
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MC: Where is that?
He shakes his head and calmly lowers his gaze, as if what he just said isn’t worth caring about. I, however, can’t help feeling a little distressed.
Even without knowing that so-called destination, he persists in carrying this one and only thought in his heart, continuously traversing through the desert without ever stopping–– for who knows how long.
I don’t know whether to call this person persistent or a dummy.
MC: What did you mean earlier when you said being caught up by time would swallow us?
MC: Also, what you said about the desert reflecting innermost longing… have you seen something in the mirage?
His hand stroking the stone ceases its motion, and he turns his head to look at me.
Man (Victor): Hm? Have you always had so many questions?
MC: I’m just curious... And who knows, maybe as we chat, you might also remember something.
Not sure if he’s been persuaded by my words, but he locks eyes with me for a moment before speaking.
Man (Victor): I don’t remember what will happen if we get caught up… but my subconscious tells me that we mustn’t stop.
Man (Victor): As for the images I saw, I can only remember a blurry figure.
His eyes rest on me as he says this, as if he is gazing upon a hazy memory.
Man (Victor): I can’t recall the details clearly. And even if I could, I don’t think I would remember who the other person was.
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Man (Victor): All I know is that I really want to see her.
The surroundings lapse into silence, and for a moment, neither of us speaks. After a while, the man gently tosses the stone from his hand.
Man (Victor): Tell me about yourself.
MC: I… the place where I live is called Loveland City. It’s a place where miracles can happen at any moment.
MC: If you drive along the mountain road to the seaside, you will be treated to beautiful sunsets. The streets and alleys are filled with small hidden stores, and you can find delightful surprises more often than not…
I keep babbling on and on, sharing a range of topics from the smallest and trivial matters of everyday life to various incidents with some details left out.
I’m unsure whether it’s to break the monotony or to persevere with the hope of returning home just a little longer, and a little bit longer.
The man remains completely silent, leaning against the sand dune, his gaze lowered as he looks into the distance. It feels as if he is regarding my outpouring as mere background sound.
Amid the boundless tranquility, weariness begins to creep in, little by little.
My eyelids gradually grow heavy. In a half-asleep and half-awake state, I seem to hear a very soft sigh.
The sound of breathing beside his ears slowly becomes even. The man withdraws his gaze from the distance and lowers his eyes to the person beside him.
She has her eyes closed, her body curled up slightly, appearing somewhat restless. A faint sense of trance flickers in his eyes.
He doesn’t know why, but his emotions are stirred by the presence of this girl, causing ripples within him. And this slight throbbing, it seems like, isn’t the first time.
He presses one hand against his forehead, trying hard to recollect. Some scattered and broken images flash intermittently in the depths of his memory.
Amidst the sandstorm, there appeared to be a blurry figure. He is unable to make out the person’s face clearly, but he remembers that when she disappeared, she desperately yelled out a name to him––
The memories in his mind suddenly become blank, and the man opens his eyes, exhaling slowly.
Reminiscent of water droplets seeping into gravel, traces of those images fade away in an instant. His recollection of these fragments is becoming increasingly challenging to grasp.
A familiar rustling sound transmits to his ears, and he lifts his head toward the source.
The gigantic vortex reveals a glimpse of its presence within the shadows.
【CH 46-11】
A muffled sound comes from beside my ears, as if something has collapsed with a loud thud. Startled, I’m jolted awake and find myself lying face down on the man’s back.
From behind, deep footprints meander their way, while the sand dune where we were resting earlier is now falling apart in pieces within the vortex.
Despite this, the vortex shows no signs of slowing down, continuing to expand relentlessly without satisfaction.
I draw a soft breath in lingering fear and hear a deep voice coming from beside my ear.
Man (Victor): [the trademark Victor-tenderness]  Awake?
I promptly leap off him and thank him, feeling a little embarrassed.
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MC: [blushing]  Thank you. You saved me once again.
The man doesn’t say anything, but I can discern the traces of weariness in his bloodshot eyes.
We got to relax for only a moment as we are just a hair’s breadth away from being engulfed... and how much longer will we have to endure these sleepless and tireless days?
Man (Victor): What are you staring at?
I hurriedly avert my gaze and respond in a low voice.
MC: Nothing. I’m just thinking about how grateful I’m to you for earlier… I’m fully rested now!
MC: Next time, you take a break, and I’ll keep watch. I promise I won’t cause us any delays again!
As I speak with an expression of making a solemn vow, it seems like a faint smile briefly curves at the corners of the man’s lips.
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Man (Victor): [chuckles indulgently]  You just focus on taking care of yourself first.
Memories stir up like fleeting ripples, reminiscent of a dragonfly lightly touching the water’s surface. But before I can say anything, the person beside me takes the lead in stepping forward.
After trekking through the blistering waves of heat for a long time, something suddenly catches my eye in the distance. As I approach closer, I can vaguely make out the outline of an arrow. 
I blink and cautiously turn my gaze to him.
MC: Is it the same kind of fragment you’ve seen before? Or is it also a mirage?
Man (Victor): Not sure. Let’s get closer and take a look.
Ten steps, three steps, one step… the arrow still hasn’t vanished. I quickly walk closer, closely examining it.
MC: Although it’s not the totem I’m looking for, it might still be able to take us away from here… want to take a gamble?
The man casts a quick glance at the encroaching vortex.
Man (Victor): Let’s go.
Man (Victor): As long as we’re not staying in this same place, anywhere else is fine.
As the man speaks, he lifts his hand in unison with me, as if by some unspoken agreement.
A familiar power suddenly surges within my body, causing the worn-out arrow feathers to glimmer faintly. In the next moment, a powerful repulsive force swiftly sweeps us up.
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A faint smell of blood rushes to my nostrils. I open my eyes to a desolate twilight scene, with an immense heap of armor strewn across the barren plain, reflecting in my gaze.
MC: Is this a filming set?
I look around with some surprise and hear the man speak in a contemplative tone.
Man (Victor): It doesn’t seem like an artificial arrangement. Let’s look around first.
I nod and carefully avoid the scattered feathers and arrows as we walk towards the edge together. However, as we continue forward, my puzzlement intensifies more and more, and I can’t help but mutter to myself.
MC: This battlefield feels too real… there isn’t anything like this in Loveland City. It doesn’t even seem like we are in the same era.
Man (Victor): Then perhaps it is real.
Seemingly hearing my fragmented mumblings, the man naturally picks up the conversation. However, a realization suddenly strikes me.
MC: Could it be that the disordered space is connected to other worlds…?
??: Messenger! Why did you leave the military camp and come here?
Before I can finish my sentence, a shout reaches my ears from a distance. I raise my head somewhat and see a troop of soldiers clad in armor waving at me from afar.
An inexpressible sense of familiarity suddenly wells up in my heart. I stop in my tracks and whisper inquisitively to the man next to me, my mind filled with bewilderment.
MC: It’s so weird… why do I feel like I’m really the messenger they’re calling out to? Do you have a similar feeling?
Man (Victor): No. Are you sure it’s not just your imagination?
MC: …but I have a strong sense about it. How about when they get closer, I try talking to them and see what happens?
As we are speaking, the soldiers gradually draw close to us. But before I can even probe, their eyes fall in unison to my side, and they jerk to a halt.
The originally joyful expression on the soldiers’ faces disappears entirely. And in the next second, they swiftly raise their bows and arrows with a numb demeanor.
MC: …!
With no time to react, the man takes my hand and briskly turns, leading me to escape into a deeper part of the jungle.
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The sound of arrows whizzing through the air chases closely behind us, reminiscent of intangible shackles. I push aside the branches and leaves obstructing our path and speak as I gasp for breath.
MC: Why would they suddenly turn violent…?
Man (Victor): [in pain and breathless]  Not sure.
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The tail notes of his voice seem to be muffled. I turn around and see that the man’s suit has been slashed in several long cuts, with even dark marks seeping into the fabric.
…but how could the branches cause such deep wounds?
I anxiously pull him closer to me, wanting to get a better look at his injuries. But without any warning, a nearby boulder suddenly shakes and tumbles down, catching us off guard.
A cloud of dust and fog billows up as a deep crater is formed where the man has been standing just now. I open my eyes wide and look in the direction from which the boulder has rolled.
MC: Why… did it suddenly come rolling down like that? 
The series of coincidences seem more like some kind of “manipulation.”
The man furrows his brows. It appears that he, too, has sensed something amiss. Without uttering a word, he swiftly pulls me behind a tree, seeking shelter.
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The distance between us is suddenly closed, and I can almost smell the scent of blood emanating from his body. I try to suppress my racing heartbeat, listening to the chaotic footsteps echoing through the jungle.
I cautiously peer through the gaps in the branches, and an unexpected figure abruptly enters my line of sight––
That mysterious little boy, attired in an outmoded sweatshirt and oversized beach shorts, blends in among the soldiers chasing us, creating a stark contrast.
Oddly enough, it seems as though the others are completely oblivious to his presence.
Seemingly aware of our gaze, he smiles and lifts his hat in our direction.
Little Boy: How interesting! So, it turns out those exiled by the world would end up in such a wretched state.
What does he mean by that? And why did he appear here?
My heart shudders as I notice that the little boy’s eyes are not directed at me, but rather at the man next to me.
The sudden change in the soldiers’ attitude, the inexplicable assault on him from the surrounding trees… akin to igniting a flint, an unimaginable thought suddenly springs to my mind.
Could the boy be referring to him as the person “exiled by the world”?
Just as I’m about to speak, I hear the deep voice of the person next to me resounding.
Man (Victor): Do you know me?
The little boy just grins, neither confirming nor denying it.
Little Boy: Maybe? If you want to find out, it will depend on how much patience you guys have.
As the little boy speaks, his figure disappears in an instant among the troop. The next second, we hear the shout of a soldier coming from a distance.
Soldier: Over here! Ready your arrows!
The man shifts his gaze away from the spot where the little boy has disappeared, furrowing his brows as he looks down at his feet.
I follow his line of sight, only to find the previously solid and arid ground tremble, suddenly sinking like a swamp, drowning the man’s ankles in a flash.
MC: …what is going on!
Unfathomable events unfold one after another right before our eyes, but before we can even begin to process them, countless arrows are aimed in the man’s direction.
Panicking, I hurriedly rush forward. But the man’s voice stops me in my tracks.
Man (Victor): [THAT PAINED TONE—]  Let’s part ways here.
MC: What?
The man’s voice is very soft but carries an indisputable tone.
Man (Victor): One thing I can be sure of now is that I can’t stay here for long.
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Man (Victor): Leave me. It will reduce the dangers for you significantly.
As he speaks with a little more urgency in his tone, an invisible wave of energy ripples through the air, as if trying to forcefully expel him from this world.
As the surging air wave grows increasingly violent, the boulders in the surrounding seem to quake. Realizing that there is no more time for argument, I grit my teeth and lunge myself towards the man.
Before he can react, I instinctively grab his wrist without hesitation.
A familiar wave of heat rushes over us, and in the scorching air, there is a hint of dryness, carrying the scent of sand and dust.
Just as expected. We are greeted with the sight of that vast white desert once again. The swirling vortex remains at a distance, separated from us by a sand dune.
MC: Why does it feel like the vortex hasn’t moved?
Man (Victor): It’s time that hasn’t moved.
Seeing my bafflement, the man points towards the direction of the vortex with his finger.
Man (Victor): I have a sense that the time spent in that world won’t impact the time in this desert.
MC: You mean that the time in each world operates independently?
Man (Victor): It’s likely. But the evidence from one world is not enough; we need more…
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The man suddenly pauses as if having a lump in his throat, and his brows knit into a frown.
MC: Why did you stop talking?
Man (Victor): …why did you follow me back?
It seems like the man has suddenly realized that his analysis conflicts with his earlier unyielding insistence for us to part ways. He averts his gaze and abruptly changes the subject.
A small chuckle escapes me, feeling a mixture of amusement and dissatisfaction. I pout my lips.
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MC: Why do you think? You’re really a dummy.
Man (Victor): …
The man arches the corners of his eyebrows slightly, his expression becoming subtly nuanced. Realizing that my teasing has crossed a boundary, I quickly explain with a serious face.
MC: You yourself mentioned before that when you touched something in the desert, you didn’t receive any response.
MC: So, it’s highly probable that I was the one who brought you into that space just now.
MC: Can we interpret it this way, then? It’s safe to say that without me, you wouldn’t be able to travel to other worlds and would be relentlessly chased by the vortex, so...
Man (Victor): But my predicament has nothing to do with you.
Man (Victor): For you, the world we were in just now was much safer than this desert. It’s not a wise choice to turn back for a stranger.
The man’s words are indeed rational, but why is it making me so infuriated! I pout my lips indignantly.
MC: …I did not turn back for a stranger.
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MC: You saved my life twice and took me on walking through this desert for so long. I’m way more familiar with you than I was with that world.
MC: And, by the way, that little boy who was talking to you earlier, I’ve seen him before too.
MC: If we can catch up with him, maybe we’ll be able to find a way to return to our own world!
I continue talking non-stop about all sorts of reasons, but I keep one thing from him––
I don’t know why, but there is a voice in my heart that keeps telling me––
I absolutely cannot leave you behind like this.
As the man listens to my systematic explanation, his expression relaxes slightly.
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Man (Victor): [laughs extremely softly]  …indeed. The reasons are quite compelling.
Man (Victor): Let’s go then. Let’s search for the other fragments.
【CH 46-12】
With our previous experience, this round of search seems to have gone much smoother. After crossing over a dozen sand dunes, a worn-out crown appears before us.
As if by a wordless tacit understanding, the man and I simultaneously put our hands on it again. As the familiar sensation of whirlwind strikes again, we find ourselves in a courtyard.
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On the other side of the gauzy curtains, people dressed in gorgeous attires are laughing and frolicking near the fountain. A woman resembling a maid, carrying a wine jug above her head, gracefully approaches us.
The familiarity of the surroundings surges in my heart once more, inexplicably dispelling my nervousness. Just as I’m about to approach and intercept her to ask, my footsteps halt, and I turn around to tear off a corner of the gauzy curtain. 
MC: Though we can’t fully trust what the little boy said, it’d be wise to keep an eye out.
MC: Just in case, let’s cover your face first.
Apparently not expecting my sudden move, the man doesn’t dodge me. He allows me to swiftly cover his face, leaving only a pair of deep eyes that locks gazes with mine through the gauzy veil.
His warm breath brushes against the palm of my hand through the soft fabric, bringing me a slight tickling sensation. Only now do I realize how closely pressed we are, and I belatedly find myself speaking up.
MC: …tie it yourself.
I hand him the sheer fabric, our fingertips parting as soon as they touch.
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Man (Victor): [extremely softly]  …alright.
As the man speaks, his fingertips wrap the white fabric around his ear.
I avert my gaze and carefully approach the serving maid from behind the pillars before finally opening my mouth.
MC: Hello, I––
Court Lady: Your Highness?
A brief moment of surprise crosses the other person’s eyes, and she puts down the wine jug to bow to me.
The familiar sense of recognition is reaffirmed once more, and I make a conscious effort to adapt to this implanted sense of identity, tentatively asking my questions.
MC: No need to bow. Have you happened to see a little boy around?
I describe the little boy’s appearance to her, and she seems momentarily taken aback before pointing towards a far-off location.
Court Lady: Yes, I have indeed seen a child like that. He is currently swinging on the swing over there!
Court Lady: It’s strange. I didn’t even feel like he was an unfamiliar face until you mentioned…
The man and I follow the direction pointed out by the serving maid and, sure enough, spot a small figure on the swing. Without any hesitation, we approach him at a brisk pace.
Just as we’re about a step away, the little boy turns his head and shows us a wide grin.
Little Boy: I can’t believe you actually managed to pull him out of that other space again… that’s really amusing.
MC: Hold on! We have something to ask you!
Paying no mind to my words, the little boy leaps off the swing, and his figure disappears in an instant. Suddenly, a subtle air movement stirs up in the previously tranquil courtyard, heading towards us.
The man tries to dodge the airflow by moving to the side, but it eerily follows closely beside him, forcefully lifting the veil that covers his face.
MC: …
Man (Victor): …
Court Lady: There’s an intruder! Guards!!
Several cries of alarm sound near the fountain. In response to the words, an invisible fluctuation ripples out once again.
The man and I lock eyes with each other, tugging helplessly at the corners of our lips. Before the surge of energy sweeps us up, we swiftly clasp each other’s hands.
In the subsequent time, we traverse back and forth between different worlds, relentlessly following the trails of the little boy’s figure.
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Driving a severely run-down off-road vehicle, we make a desperate escape through a charging herd of wild animals…
Through an unfortunate turn of events, we find ourselves inside a spaceship, and out of nowhere, the alarm of the malfunctioning AI machinery blares…
Meanwhile, the peculiarly attired little figure remains at a distance that’s neither too far nor too close, observing us mockingly as we struggle.
Following another burst of white light, we find ourselves facing an expansive and deep space, akin to a starry sea, adorned with numerous translucent golden gears floating in the air.
The little boy lifts his head and looks up in quiet contemplation. As we draw closer, he looks at us with a mirthful smile.
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Little Boy: Well, really impressive! You two actually managed to chase me this far~
Little Boy: It’s a pity, though. It’s just useless persistence, after all.
Ignoring the ridicule in his tone, I take two steps forward.
MC: Given that you never show up without a reason, I don’t believe this time is an exception.
MC: I’m sure you know how to leave the white desert, do you not?
Little Boy: You’re being so straightforward. But you’re the special one, are you not? Only you know the answer to that question.
Deep in thought, I furrow my brows, while the little boy has already shifted his attention towards the man, speaking with keen interest.
Little Boy: I know what you’re about to ask, but I’m not going to tell you.
Little Boy: Because–– it’s also a punishment.
Little Boy: Oh, right, I almost forgot. You mustn’t take him with you when you leave.
Little Boy: Those who assist in cheating will also face the punishment.
The little boy giggles. His figure gradually fades into transparency, and the familiar ripples of energy emanate once again in the surroundings.
After a dizzying spin, the immense desert comes into view again. Under the nearly white daylight, every grain of sand around us radiates a blinding brilliance.
I stagger a few steps and am steadied by a strong arm. Just as I regain my balance, I suddenly notice a plane ticket lying quietly at my feet.
Passenger Name: MC, Destination: Loveland City, Departure Time: 10:45 AM.
Isn’t this my return ticket?
I hesitantly reach out my hand, and a familiar power surges within my body once again. As if sensing something, the plane ticket emits a silver-white glow, even more radiant than before.
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MC: …look! This seems to be a fragment for returning to Loveland City! Let’s go together!
A rare expression of hesitation briefly crosses across the man’s face.
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Man (Victor): …there’s no need. You heard what he said just now. If you were to be punished…
I swiftly close the distance between us in three steps, clutching onto his sleeve.
MC: I don’t believe we are cheating at all.
MC: The real punishment for me would be if I, despite having the ability to take you with me, leave you behind out of fear of the “so-called” punishment.
MC: So, come with me!
The man’s lips twitch slightly, and he doesn’t pull back his sleeve. A white light envelopes us instantly.
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“...This flight is now halfway through its journey, and we will soon be serving meals. Please remain seated and patiently wait…”
The sweet-sounding voice over the announcement accompanies the loud humming of the aircraft’s operations as it reaches my ears. Feeling apprehensive, I open my eyes and see the flight attendant approaching our direction with the food cart.
The man sits in the seat next to me, quietly observing the surroundings. The dim light of the cabin is reflected in his deep, dark eyes.
Without giving him a chance to speak, I reflexively grab the magazine on the seat and open it, placing it as a barrier in front of him.
MC: Shh––
I glance in the direction of the flight attendant and quietly caution him. Inadvertently, I catch a glimpse of my phone out of the corner of my eye, and the screen displays the current time.
【CH 46-13】
…when I was swept away by that force, it was exactly this time.
Just as expected, all those immensely long experiences in the disordered spaces seem to condense into a single fleeting moment upon returning to reality.
Before I have a chance to process my thoughts, an amiable voice inquires in my ear.
Flight Attendant: Hello, miss. Today’s set menu offers two options: beef and fish. May I ask which one you would like to choose?
My body tenses up, and I hastily scan my gaze across the man’s figure.
Oh dear, now there’s suddenly someone in the previously empty seat. Even if I cover his face, there’s no way she wouldn’t notice him…
After not receiving a response for a while, a hint of confusion appears on the flight attendant’s face. She lowers her body slightly and speaks in a gentler tone.
Flight Attendant: Miss? Have you made a decision?
MC: …beef, please. Thank you.
Trying to conceal my nervousness, I watch as the flight attendant smiles and hands me a meal tray. Then, she pushes the food cart and heads straight towards the back row.
The man and I share glances with each other before I tentatively call out to her.
MC: Excuse me, could I please have another serving?
The flight attendant looks at me with some bafflement for a moment, but professionally hands me another meal tray before moving away with the food cart. Once she is a bit further, I speak in a low voice.
MC: What just happened? It seems like she can’t see you?
MC: Come to think of it, I haven’t actually confirmed this before, but... are you human?
The man sets aside the magazine from his face and glances at me with a puzzled expression.
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Man (Victor): What do you think?
MC: It’s hard to say from my perspective… do you mind if I poke you to find out?
Man (Victor): [sighs LONG AND HARD]  …
The man lets out a sigh, seemingly declining to comment. His expression, however, suggests tacit approval.
I reach out and poke his arm. Hmm, it’s firm;
I then prod his chest. Hmm, I can feel his heartbeat;
I gently touch his cheek again. Hmm, it feels warm as well;
Just as I’m about to feel his hair, the man grabs hold of my fingertips.
Man (Victor): Have you confirmed it now?
[Anika’s Reactions]: LMFAAOOO MC!! sorry I had to stop haha. what an innovative way to say you wanna touch his 104 LOL; we see you girl 😆 when you have a life-size full course meal with midnight snacks sitting right next to you, despite the predicament, it is indeed “hard” to control yourself.~ 😂 but also, the fact that she can ask him that so naturally and he just lets her have her way with him like he always has– it simply further seals their “sense of belonging” and that line that no matter what world, they’ll always meet and are destined to be 吸引 (drawn/ attracted) to each other with or without the memories. After all, attraction to another means both emotional and physical, does it not~ ❣️
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MC: Yes, yes, I have. How do you feel now? Is there anything that feels off to you?
Man (Victor): [GODS THAT PAINED TONE]  Everything seems normal.
Man (Victor): The seat hasn’t collapsed, and the seatbelt hasn’t suddenly tangled around my hands or feet.
MC: You’re right. It’s definitely more welcoming than that spaceship world… now that I think about it, it seems like every world reacts differently to your presence.
MC: On that battlefield, the soldiers were directly on guard to fight you with swords and spears; whereas in the ruins, the dwarves simply kept their distance from you, pointing and whispering among themselves;
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MC: Perhaps the inability to see your existence is a manifestation of this world?
The man’s eyebrows furrow slightly, and a hint of contemplation flashes in his eyes. After a moment, he speaks.
Man (Victor): Indeed. Other than that, there doesn’t seem to be a more plausible explanation.
MC: Compared to other worlds, this level of rejection seems relatively mild… it could be a sign that you have a special connection with Loveland City!
Man (Victor): …
MC: Why the speechless face! I’m being serious!
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MC: If it’s only to this extent, I think you could totally live here. Who knows, if you stay long enough, this world will eventually embrace you?
Exhilarated, I pick up the spread-open travel magazine and gesture for him to take a look.
MC: Look, this is the seaside sunset I mentioned to you earlier… and here, during the flowering season, it’s also a sight worth visiting!
I describe the charm of Loveland City to him, but suddenly, something crosses my mind.
MC: Since you’re going to live here, you should have a name. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to address you.
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Man (Victor): …? If you’re the only person who can see me, it doesn’t seem to matter much whether I have a name or not.
MC: But selecting a name would also serve as a declaration of the beginning of your new life!
The man and I lock eyes for a moment, but then he shakes his head.
Man (Victor): I don’t have any particular ideas about a name at the moment.
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MC: How about I help you in choosing one?
MC: Since we met in the desert… how about the name “Dune”? (*)
Man (Victor): …
MC: Or how about Mr. Handsome? Mr. Benevolent Enigma? (*)
Man (Victor): [much more dots than usual]  …….
Seeing the man’s expression becoming increasingly nuanced, I quickly seal my lips.
In the corner of my eye, I coincidentally happen to glance at a photo of a panda in the magazine. I seem to feel a sudden surge of emotions stirring in my heart, causing me to blurt out without thinking.
MC: How do you feel about the name Vic-Vic? (*)
MC: Just the one to be a good reminder for you to talk more, instead of being like a closed-off person.
The man’s gaze lingers on the photo for a moment, and his expression seems to soften with a touch of tenderness.
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Man (Victor): [laughs elatedly, unbeknownst to him]  …childish.
[Notes]: It’s gonna be a big note, and yes, it’s on the names:
– the 1st one MC chose was 沙沙 (shā shā), taking the first character from 沙漠 (shāmò; means desert) and using iterations to make it cutesy. 沙 independently means “sand.” so I’m pretty sure Elex will go for something like Sandy LMAO
– the 2nd one (Mr. Handsome) is the literal translation of 小帅; the 3rd one’s tricky. It’s 沈密仁 (Shen Mi Ren). Here, 沈 (Shen) is a surname; whereas 密 (Mi) means “enigma/ mystery”; and 仁 (Ren) means “benevolence/ kindness.”
– and lastly, it was, as you might’ve already guessed, 言言 (Yan Yan), derived from his original name 李泽言 (Li Zeyan); the same name his mom used to call him, the name of his panda friend, and one of the names the whole fandom calls him affectionately~ 😭  and as for why MC says it’s a good reminder for him to talk more, the term 言 (Yan) independently has the meaning of “word/ to speak/ to talk/ speech”~ ❣️
CH 46 Part 2: Here!
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Part 6
Ominis x MC
Summary - Sebastian, Ominis and Eve visit Anne and surprise her with the ability to visit Hogwarts whenever she likes. They all spend the day together as a little family. 💕
I will not lie this is filler! It’s cute fluffy filler but I debated waiting until the next part is ready! But it’s already soooo looooong!
Hopefully you guys like domestic cutesy bliss!
Again feel free to swap Evelyn with MC or Y/N
Warnings - Mentions of a Mom passing away. (Sorry I wrote about this a lot it helps me personally) all characters aged up 18+
Word Count - 3675
The train ride to Evelyn’s muggle town was not too far outside of Hogwarts but far enough that walking was not an option. She’d managed to wrangle both Sebastian and Ominis onto the train at the early hours and they now settled into the private cabin for the long journey.
Her eyes settled over Ominis, who had almost immediately took a nap. She sat directly opposite him, his knees trapping hers as the train chugged along its course. It was a common enough experience to see the boys outside of their designated school uniform, but it stunned her every time. Without robes to hide their physique they both sat, unrestricted before her.
Ominis was as dapper as ever. Head to toe in black, his long sleeves folded neatly up his forearms, shirt tucked into his tapered trousers and a tie somewhat lazily wrapped around his neck. She could always tell when he’d tied it himself, it was slightly sloppy, but purposeful. He’d commented multiple times how he hated the feeling of things touching his neck, and whenever a professor turned their back after scolding him for his uniform, he would immediately tug it back to a more casual position. His top bottom lay open, showcasing the muscles in his neck straining against the trains turbulence, his head bobbling around as he slept. Evelyn pulled off her scarf and gently pushed it between Ominiss’ head and the hard casing of the window. He nuzzled into the plush material and she laughed softly at the juxtaposition of his stern crossed arms and stoic face and the quiet hum as he settled against her scarf, a warm smile threatening to tug at the corners of his lips.
Sebastian was significantly more casual than Ominis. His shirt collar lay messily over the top of his jumper, the untidiness carried down as the tips of his shirt stuck out at the bottom. Similar to Ominis, He’d pushed the sleeves of his jumper up so as not to catch on the pages of the book he was reading, lying open across his legs. His forearms flexing slightly as he ripped up his train ticket, eyes darting across the page but not taking in what he was reading.
“What if the conductor needs that?” She joked in a hushed tone.
“Then I’ll obliviate him into forgetting we exist” he said flatly
“Please don’t obliviate any muggles while we’re away” she put her hand on his, stopping him from ripping up any more of the ticket.
“Sorry” he muttered not looking up from his hands “I’m nervous”
“Why? She’s your sister.”
“I haven’t seen her in a while. Unless she writes me I avoid her. Since fifth year I…I worry she doesn’t look at me the same”
“She probably doesn’t” Evelyn shrugged
“Thanks…” he looked up now from under his lashes
“That’s not a bad thing. The things you did, though stupid and wrong, were all for her. And you stopped, for her. She knows this and she loves you for it. Trust me. She misses her brother” she pulled away from him leaning back on the old seats. He thought for a moment before speaking
“Thank you, Vee” he smiled, squeezing her knee “Thank you for taking care of her as well. After Solomon left and- I didn’t know what to do and…Rookwood- If you hadn’t have killed him…” his voice shrank thinking about how bad her pain was. No one would have suspected that killing Victor Rookwood would have mostly severed the connection between Anne and his curse. It was a pleasant surprise for everyone, and a huge contributing factor towards the mending relationship between Sebastian and…everyone.
“Of course” she said matter-of-factly “Solomon was right about one thing before he ran away” her voice heavy with venom “Getting away from Feldcroft, was probably for the best. Besides, I love your sister. She’s like a tolerable you” she flashed him a brilliant smile
“Har har. Now I know why nothing has happened between you two” he jerked his head towards their sleeping companion “it’s impossible to have a sincere moment with you” as her cheeks flushed bright red he shot her smile back, mirroring her own exactly.
She opened her mouth to snap back with something smart and cutting but the little bell above the carriage door tinkled to indicate they were pulling into their station.
“This is us” she chirped before quietening her own voice “Ominis?” She held his shoulder gently giving it a little squeeze “Ominis, we’re here” His eyes fluttered open before smiling upward towards Eve
“Thank you, Sebastian would have just shook me awake” Ominiss’ fingers dusted lightly over her knuckles
“I would never…I was planning on screaming down your ear” Sebastian smirked gathering his things into the small bag he had brought along.
“Beast” Ominis muttered fiddling with the scarf “Can we please not forget that I can’t use my wand-” he muttered “-to get around, someone has to guide me”
“I’ve got you don’t worry” Sebastian hauled their collective luggage onto his back before collecting Ominiss’ arm. “Lead the way, Evie”
The walk from the train station to Evelyn’s hamlet was pleasant. They chatted idly about school, the tournament and quidditch as they went but Evelyn could see that Ominis was visibly uncomfortable, his constant angry expression and the twitch in his hands gave him away. It all bubbled over when they entered the little muggle village and they saw Evelyns home perched upon a small hill. Anne waved at them from a distance and Sebastian, immediately released Ominis and ran to her.
“Sebastian!” He hissed standing perfectly still “you can’t leave me!” He huffed tapping his foot in place contemplating exposing the wizarding world just so he can navigate towards Sebastian to slap him. A cooling set of fingers gripped his bicep and trailed down along his forearm. They linked with his arm at the elbow before gently tugging at him.
“I’m here” Evelyn said “Come, just a few more steps and you’re back to using your wand. You don’t go to the muggle world very often do you?”
“This is my first time actually…without my family” He said much calmer now he was in her soothing presence
“Oh! I wish you’d have said. We could have made this special. I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t be silly, you’re inviting us to your home this is special enough” he placed his free hand over hers on his arm and smiled. He could hear Anne clearly now as they approached the house
“Ah hello you two” Anne strained out as she was crushed by Sebastians embrace. He finally put her down after a moment and they all shuffled inside. The second they passed the threshold, Ominis retrieved his wand and sighed contently, finally able to perceive the world in his own way once more
“So to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing my three favourite people?” She pinched at Ominiss’ cheek and he batted her away playfully “It’s like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one” she spoke more cheerily than she had in a long time. Cheeks more rosey and full than the last time Eve had saw her. She was looking better and better everyday.
“You haven’t told her?” Sebastian asked
“Told me what?” Anne bounced between everyone
“No I wanted it to be a surprise” Evelyn said holding Anne’s forearms trying to calm her bouncing. But Anne’s excitement was infectious and she just forced her giddy nature upon Eve as well
“What surprise what’s going on?”
“Well…” Eve started, releasing Anne “I managed to pull some strings at the Ministry and at Hogwarts aaAAAaand” Eves sing-songy voice made the boys smile. She opened her satchel to reveal the stone plaque of Ignatia Wildsmith, currently inanimate, resting in her bag. Anne gasped “We can connect my house to the Floo Network. We can smuggle you into Hogwarts”
“Oh Merlin” Anne’s hands flew to her face trying to stop tears from welling in her eyes “You’re all going to be sick of me I’m going to be there all the- ooof” she crunched over slightly at the sudden interruption from her curse. Sebastian shot to her side holding her hand “Honestly it’s not that bad, just too much excitement for today” she smiled as the pain washed away again “See?” Sebastian face was a boiling pot of emotion, happy at how his sister was doing, concern that she was still in pain, embarrassment from his behaviour in fifth year. Ominis could feel the shift in the room, choosing to change the subject than put a downer on the day.
“Come let’s get started installing this” Ominis said and Eve turned towards the fireplace in her front room. Anne’s hand shot to her arm.
“Actually, whilst you’re here, I was kind of hoping you could cut my hair for me? If you don’t mind. I’d ask Seb but he’s a tad wonky”
“I’m right here” he retorted “ah whatever, that’s fine, me and Ominis can go and do manly things whilst you two braid each others hair” he mocked taking Ominiss’ arm before being violently shook off.
“I don’t need your guidance now you Buffoon, I could have died early you just left me…” Ominiss voice faded to mumbles as the two boys started their work in the living room. The cacophony of tools working away and the liberal use of magic emanated from the room as Anne settled into a chair in the kitchen.
“I’ll get some scissors” Eve said making her way up to the first floor
“They’re in my bag, in your mothers room” Anne called up to her
“Your room” Eve corrected
It hadn’t been her Mothers room for quite a few years now. After she had passed, Evelyn spent a year all alone, until her magic started to blossom and Fig had knocked on her door. Since then the room had been avoided causing too many warm and pleasant memories to resurface. Memories, Eve couldn’t always handle lamenting in.
She wasn’t heartless. Evelyn loved her Mother dearly and kept many mementos of her. But the room in which she spent her final months was harrowing to witness. She lost herself in grief if she allowed herself to be in there for too long.
She was almost grateful when Solomon Sallow had left Anne alone. It meant the room could be used again. At the time Anne’s relationship with Sebastian was tumultuous, at best. So when Eve offered Anne her spare room for her to stay, the Sallow Twins both agreed some time apart may help them patch things up. Over the fifth year summer, Eve redecorated the overly floral walls to something a bit more plain for Anne to make her mark upon. Slowly it looked less like her mothers room and more like Anne’s.
Preparing for the hour or so it would take to cut Anne’s hair, Evelyn found a brush and scissors in Anne’s Vanity bag, in her bedroom. When she bounded back downstairs she found Anne rakin her fingers through her hair pulling odd strands out that offended her before Evelyn could stop her.
“Stop” Evelyn scolded slapping her hand away “Do you Sallows have no patience? I’m here now” she began brushing through the brunettes thick hair, carefully placing her hand over the brush to prevent any snags
“No I’m afraid that’s a Slytherin trait. We’re just a big family of impatient-“ she started before hearing shouting from the other room
“Ominis!! I swear to Merlin, if you don’t do something I’m going to-“
“What do you want me to do, Sebastian! You have to tell me…I cannot see!!” Ominis chided loudly, followed by muffled arguing in the other room. The girls giggled.
“I’m glad nothing has changed between the two of them.”
“So they’ve always been like this?” Eve asked separating out her hair and beginning to snip away.
“Oh yes. Sebastian is a brute”
“Not that much of a brute…he was worried about coming here” Eve confessed
“I know” Anne smiled “when he hugged me I could feel him shaking. He’s a big softy always has been. We’re definitely twins in that regard”
“I’ve heard otherwise. You were quite the handful for the first few years of Hogwarts”
“I still AM a handful” Anne laughed defensively “Who says I’m a handful? I bet it was Garlick…or Weasley”
“It was A Weasley” Evelyn teased
“Garreth called me a handful? Oh wait till I get my hands him”
“Don’t threaten him with a good time.” Evelyn giggled as she watched the tips of her ears turn pink “So you like Garreth too huh? We’ll have to fix you two up with a date” Anne turned suddenly snatching the lock of hair from out of Eves hands.
“Don’t mock me, Hollow! You wouldn’t know what it’s like having forbidden love?” She dabbed a handkerchief to her dry eyes, feigning heartbreak “A Slytherin and A Griffindor? We simply cannot be” she turned back in her chair for Eve to continue, wringing the handkerchief in her hands. “He still writes me, you know” she said suddenly sincere “every week” she smiled down at her lap.
“I know, he talks about you all the time. Perhaps you could see him, once we’ve got Ignatia up and running”
“I’d like that” she whispered “Don’t tell Sebastian. He’ll get protective and him and Garreth are close, it’ll make things weird for him”
“I won’t. It could be worse. You could be trying to date his best friend”
“Yes I think you have that covered don’t you?” Anne quipped and the sound a sharp snip rang out as Evelyn twitched.
“What do you mean by that?” Evelyn gulped and feigned innocence
“Oh please, he’s blind not me!! I’ve seen the way you look at Ominis. The way he ‘looks’ at you. It’s like you’re the only thing in the world he can actually see.” She sounded almost romantic before…“it’s disgusting”
“I- Ominis is my best friend-”
“Excuse me?” Anne gasped clutching her heart
“Besides you” Evelyn wrapped her arms around her neck from behind giving her a quick squeeze before continuing on her hair.
“Doesn’t matter if he’s your best friend, clearly you’re attracted to him” Anne continued not letting it go
“…Yes, he’s attractive that doesn’t mean I-“
“So you find him attractive and you get on well with him…I don’t see a problem”
“…he makes me nervous…” Evelyn whispered
“…and?” Anne whispered back mockingly
“I just…I don’t know what to do!!” Finally admitting defeat. She threw her arms up covering her face, scissors still in hand.
“Baby steps, You’re already close just take it that little step further” Annes eyebrows scrunched together in a sympathetic gaze
“I tried that…I kissed him at Crossed Wands-”
“YOU KISSED H-“ Evelyn clamped her none scissor wielding hand around Anne’s mouth
“Shhhhh!!” She hissed “it was only a peck it’s all I could muster” Anne bounced excitedly in her chair “but some Beauxbaton student just bounded over and kissed him too! It took me two years to build up enough courage to kiss his cheek and she just bounces over all bubbly and and and…French and just…does it. I’m hopeless” Eve collapsed to the floor putting her head in Anne’s lap
“I’ve never seen you like this” Anne stroked her hair as Evelyn groaned loudly “it’s cute”
“Come on…” she sighed “Let’s finish you’re hair before I die of embarrassment”
A few hours passed before the boys were finished with Ignatia. Evelyn had hidden herself away in her room fiddling with her and Anne’s laundry. The conversation with Anne had left a pit in her stomach and she attempted to fill it with idle household tasks.
He didn’t like her how she liked him. Right?
There is absolutely no way a man raised in a pure blood family would look even once at a muggle born witch. Even if he stated multiple times how much he disagreed with his families views, some things are just ingrained in a person from childhood.
She racked her brain over past conversations and meetings for any evidence of ‘how he looked at her’. She fell short. Anything she seemed to think could possibly maybe be a show of interest could easily be explained away.
How tender he’d been after she had been cursed? He’d experienced it, he just did what he would have wanted.
His lingering hands on her face after Sebastian interrupted them the night before? He didn’t know what she looked like! If you’d had a best friend for two years and were unable to see them you would linger on their features for any sort of detail.
Their hand holding and constant touches? He needed guidance. Well, he didn’t need it but she offered it willingly and why would he turn down the help? Actually she’d seen him scold multiple people who tried to help him accusing them of finding him incapable. But she was his friend, he’d never speak to her like that! He was a gentlemen. And besides they were friendly embraces. Their fingers never entangled the way she’d seen other infatuated couples do so. It’s was friendly.
She squeezed her eyes shut at the thoughts of Ominis being anything more than her best friend. Her train of thought was interrupted by the knock on her doorframe and the creak of the hinges being pushed open.
“Come in” she called to the door, seeing the familiar glowing tip of Ominis’ wand poking through the crack of the door.
“We’re all done downstairs if you want to come and see” he beamed as he walked into her room.
“I’ll be down soon” she replied curtly. He swiped his wand across the room getting a feel for the new area. Once he’d located her padding over her bed and a pile of clothes, he frowned.
“Are you okay? You’ve been alone for hours and I don’t think I’ve ever felt you so tense. Figuratively-” He walked behind her, placing his hands on her stiff shoulders. He chuckled breathily as he felt her square her shoulders furthering her standoffishness. “-and literally” His thumbs dug softly into the hard planes of her shoulders. He felt her soften somewhat to his touch and she hummed out a tiny noise of pleasure.
No. It’s things like this people read into too much. Anne would say ‘see he’s so attentive to you, clearly he wants you’…but he’s just being a good friend.
His hands did feel wonderful though. And she was being incredibly uptight. Maybe just give in-
No, this is what you were talking about when you said you were taking advantage of him
“I’m sorry” she shrugged him off causing his frown to return “I’m not used to visitors I’m just…I’m trying to make you guys feel at home” she said not completely lying. Though the reason she was so uptight was her previous conversation with Anne, she was being truthful about not having visitors. She’d spent her life as an only child to a single mother, not many people came by her home and having two additional guests as well as her now permanent resident here was…a bit much.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Sebastian has Anne. He’ll feel at home anywhere where she is.” He returned to her side but didn’t touch her. Not until this hard exterior broke down and she returned to normal “and I wouldn’t want this to feel like home”
Some muggle home.
“Oh” she spoke, her bottom lip trembling threatening to betray her emotions.
He heard the faltering in her voice and his eyes widened to what he had said.
“No. No no, that’s not what I meant” his hands flew to her face cradling her cheeks and lifting her face towards him “No you don’t know what my home is like. I wouldn’t want here to feel like home because this is good. This is better than ‘home’ could ever be. You’re here. You’re impossibly better than any manor could be” Still worried he’d said something wrong, he held her face until he felt he cheeks puff out in a faux smile. “Besides, you haven’t cursed me so…” he shrugged “an immediate improvement on Gaunt Manor”
“Haven’t cursed you…yet” she smiled, genuinely this time.
“You wound me”
“I’m sorry…I’m a mess today” she rubbed violently at her face and groaned “Sometimes it’s tough being back here…I thought I could handle it but everyone being here…it’s…a lot. I just need some space” she huffed
“I can leave you if you’d like” he whispered
“No” she muttered realising the last thing she wanted was to be alone arguing with herself. He smiled releasing her face. Her skin felt cool without the heat of hands. It was unfair how she was treating him all because Anne had called everything to question. Better to forget the whole conversation happened and to go back to normal. What had Ominis said that night in the common room?
‘Get back to being us?’
She can do that.
She reached out to him, placing her hands on either side of his tie. She felt the slow rhythmic beat of his heart under his shirt. So calm and collected, as always.
“Thank you for today” she reached up to him and placed a kiss upon his cheek, no Beauxbatons to ruin it this time. Her hands slide up from his chest to around his neck pulling him down to her in a hug she didn’t want to admit she needed “I’m glad you’re here” she muttered into the crook of his neck. In any other circumstance her breathe upon his neck would have sent his mind into a spiral, but she still felt a little stiff. He was thankful her hands had moved from his chest. His heart now threatening to deafen him in his own ears.
He wrapped his arms around her waist picking her slightly off the floor. She melted into him, finally, and she giggled.
“As am I”
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The Winnings of War (NSFW)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Childe x f!Traveler
Warnings: NSFW, Oral sex, Vaginal fingering, Breast play, Vaginal sex Prompt: Snowball fight
Notes: The MC featured in this story is a former traveler that is of age.  
Written by: @voltage-vixen
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“You can do better than that, Comrade! Surely, that’s not the best the infamous Traveler of Teyvat can do!”
The Harbinger chided teasingly as he dodged the incoming snowball that the Traveler launched at him. The morn of the dawn sky painted the snowy grounds where Childe and the Traveler would spend that early part of the day engaging in a playful (yet fiercely) competitive spar. Once their friendly jest with weapons would conclude (as well as the bickering about who ultimately dominated), the couple would spend the rest of these cold winter mornings curled up on the couch before the fire sipping hot cocoa together. These moments were precious to Childe as not even in his wildest dreams could he assume he would have found such a perfect partner that could keep up with his pining for adventure.
A chilly and wet sensation inflamed Childe’s cheek, snapping him from the pleasant reminiscing and back into reality. The remains of the snowball trickled to the ground, and his jaw dropped while the Traveler giggled at the sight.
 “Aw, were you caught off guard? Best not taunt me again, my love.”
Archons, do I love this woman! Everything about her drew him in like a moth to a flame.
“Not bad, girlie. Not bad at all. Though, you know I can’t allow you to provoke me like that and not expect any retaliation!”
Childe dipped into a crouch, his hands snatching up and curling around mounds of snow before flipping into the air and gently pelting them at his lover in his act of retribution.
“Eek, Ajax! Quit it, that’s cold!” she yelped, her system flushed with shock from the coolness of the snow. “Cease fire, cease fire! I surrender!”
Stepping backwards in a race to dodge the rapid incoming snowballs being hurled her way, the Traveler managed to reach the door of the cottage they shared together. Just beyond the doorway was a launching device Albedo had tinkered with and asked her to experiment around with it during her combat experiences. Though she hadn’t had much of an opportunity to test it out yet, she was certain that returning the fire of snowballs back onto the harbinger would be the ideal situation to gather data from while also attempting to wipe the smug grin from his face. The device was nearly in the grasp of her fingertips. A little farther…..
“Gotcha, girlie!”
The launching device became distant in the traveler's vision as Childe pounded on her and developed her tightly in his grasp as they rolled deeper into the cottage. Her attempts at squirming free were futile, because the tips of his fingers pressed into her hips tighter. A sly smirk flashed onto his face before his fingers explored the lines of her curves.
“Stop it, you know I’m ticklish!” she exhaled between the fits of laughter. “I’ll do anything. ANYTHING!”
“Anything, you say?” 
The Traveler gulped when Childe’s gaze traveled to the ribbon of her dress beneath her chest. His fingers abandoned their residence along the definition of her waist, and twirled the bow of periwinkle ribbon around his finger. 
“Anything, Traveler?” the hydro vision bearer echoed. “Dare I assume that means I’m allowed to claim a reward as the victor of our brawl?”
Though his inquiry was inquisitive, Childe’s fingers appeared to have their own agenda as they languidly fiddled the ribbon undone. The traveler felt her lower belly flutter in a sweet anticipation of what was to come if she granted consent. 
“All you have to do is say stop and I will,” Childe murmured, his sight locked dead on to the woman pinned beneath him. “Demand I stop now, and I shall. I would never want to force harm upon you.”
The harbinger released the ribbon from his grasp and went to withdraw his hand, however, was met with resistance with his lover reaching to cling onto arm. 
“Would I ever deny you?” her voice laced in a sultry breathlessness. 
The implication of her yearning was clear.
“Very well,” Childe chuckled, shaking his hand free to make haste of that pesky ribbon that was containing the sight of those beautiful breasts of hers from him. “I won’t hesitate to claim my reward now.”
With a swift flicker, the ribbon was untied and the traveler’s breast as they bounced free from their containment. Childe’s lips greeted the soft flesh with his lips; his teeth biting one of her nipples before stripping the rest of her body so she could lay bare before him. His hands roamed in a descent while his mouth remained occupied. A mewl was uttered and the harmouns melody rang in Childe’s ears when his fingers connected with the wetness already pooling between her thighs. The traverler’s readiness only served to heighten his desires even more; inviting him to plunge a second digit into the woman.
“Those sounds you’re making for me are most pleasing,” Childe crooned, the curling of his fingers lost deep within his lover’s heat eliciting a carnal cry of bliss. “May I indulge in my reward for a tad longer before I grant you release?”
“Oh, Ajax, teasing me is your reward?! But I-,” MC huffed, unable to finish her thought after her utterance of his true name.
The words she had been attempting to voice were fading into the back of her mind, since each pressing kiss was ardent, amorous, and delightful. Every touch, squeeze, and caress that Childe was inflicting upon her body felt beyond sensational and drove her to melt into a helpless putty in her lover’s arms.
A groan of content escaped from MC’s lips as the pad of Childe’s thumb circled the bud of her womanhood; the friction teasing at the sensitive flesh joined with the thrusting of the harbinger’s dexterous fingers. Her back arched in sync with each movement until the warmth of her spasm shook the very core of her being with such a fierce intensity, the weight of MC’s head collapsed back down into the groove of the mattress underneath her. 
There wasn’t often a sight that captivated Childe’s regard, yet the woman laying before him still managed to capture his adoration like each time was their first . The messy curls of her hair sprawled across the fabric covers, which were dampened by the perspiration from MC’s skin. Eyes coated with lust, her bedroom eyes were all too familiar to the man. For he had claimed her time and time again, yet each time felt as exhilarating as fighting a fierce opponent in battle. 
MC’s soft spoken voice broke Childe from his train of thought. Dropping his gaze to meet hers, MC’s chest exhaled before uttering the words she had so desperately been trying to speak before their well-intentioned conversation had escalated into, ahem, a much needed engagement of affairs to unwind instead.
“Naughty girlie,” Childe coaxed, his tone as soothing as ever. “That was quite the spar. Are you saying that you are unaware of the fire you ignite within me?”
Childe raised his hand to his face, his tongue dancing along the lone finger still glistened in her nectar. Deliberately licking his finger clean with MC as his audience, he slowly extended his finger towards her mouth. Her face flushed a faint tint of pink, but that didn’t deter her from taking his finger into her mouth and sucking on it.
“Can you taste how delicious you are?” Childe probed, his cock throbbing at how enticing his MC was. “Are you naïve enough to believe that anything less than you offering your body to me would be enough to leave me fully satisfied?”
Those were the final words Childe spoke before allowing himself to succumb to his greed. Voice raspy from overcoming with lust, Childe’s eyes glinted while he glanced at MC like she was prey before him. Hunting was a pastime he would often engage in, and with his mark before him, he was on the prowl. 
MC’s tongue traced the lines of her lips as he settled his head between the cushions of her thighs. He nipped at her skin with his teeth, intentionally marking her for his own gratification. Her hips were squirming in effort to inch closer to his face, sighing when Childe’s tongue lapped at the bundle of nerves that filled her with delight when devoured. 
The Traveler was never one to shy away from a challenge; especially not to the man who was currently ravaging away at her dripping cunt.
However, with the way delectable way Childe’s adept tongue, fingers, and soon to be throbbing cock twitching against her thigh, she figured perhaps there was nothing wrong with surrendering to his cause for the moment and succumbed to the flames fanned by his desire.
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victors-only-dummy · 2 years
And My Real name is Sneha Basu but in game name is Rosa and a Victor's dummy and I am happily 😊 married to my hubby Li Zeyan/ Victor Li and our love story foreternity 🥰 till the end of time and I love drawing and writing ✍️
And my In-game characters MC name are
Rosa,Melissa from MLQC,
Also I am a cheerful girl who loves to support and enjoy her fangirling self 😌 and also Li Shen is my favorite 😍 too ..
Here I am making a little changes in my PAIRING
Pairing will be :
Victor x Dummy( Me/You )
Mr Li x Mrs Li ( Me / You)
Caleb x Pipsqueak( Me/You )
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ETC and many more
All the content in here are fictional and not real
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Our love stories ❤️
Masterlist of our love story❤️[VICTOR x ROSA(Dummy):
Husband Victor
Lazy Sunday
You & Me
Cookies of Love
Weekend morning
Wake up
All Yours
Sweet morning
Your Kisses
Wedding anniversary
Your Love ❤️
You are enough in this world 🌎
Paris Date
Early Morning
Sleeping 😴
Brushing your hair
Lazy Morning
Morning cuddles
Our Future ❤️
Valentine's day Gift
1year Love anniversary
Sunday Mornings
Happy Birthday to Victor 2023
Christmas Eve
Your Mrs Li
Morning Dreams
I promise to love you
Christmas preparations
Good morning
I found you
Late night activities
1year anniversary of ours
I will be back to you no matter what happens
Love making
Morning with you part 2
The proposal
The next morning
The wedding night
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Our love stories ❤️
Masterlist of our love story [ Caleb x Pipsqueak]🍎
Morning Grumble & Kisses 💋
Super shy
You have me
A day with you
Missed you
Genre : Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Comedy, Action
Mainly based on Victor Li, Caleb
No NSFW No 🔞
Enjoy reading 📚 my stories with my Hubby and me & with my beloved Caleb and me ..
And with my other character's
Our story of love ❤️
Enjoy 😉 my timeline
Enjoy my fangirling and rping
Fan RP
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sketchguk · 1 year
Is mingyu NEVERRRRR jealous of soonyoung and mc ? What when he sees mc staring at soonyoung when she's with mingyu or something? Your headcanon about the fight on the quidditch ground makes believe that mingyu is happy mc picks him ! So he would be sometimes little annoyed if soonyoung get's attention?
anyone: without googling, name a famous historic battle
me: the mingyu x soonyoung quidditch debacle
I love how I'm generally forgetful of anything and everything that I write, but this scene is CEMENTED into my brain
Never say never! During the early friendship stage, if mc had been around Soonyoung, Mingyu would feel a little wary, but not jealous per se. He'd be the type to step in and ask if Soonyoung is bothering her!! After hearing stories about how pesky he's been, Mingyu just wants to make sure that she's comfortable. (Can you see why she swoons for him?? Makes her wonder if he cares for her more than he should??)
She would reassure Mingyu that it really isn't a big deal, and by no means was Soonyoung holding an imperius curse against her. With that, Mingyu would let it go and trust her judgment. But then again, she'd return to Mingyu with anecdotes of how Soonyoung is such a dork!!! With a big, loud mouth!!! He's so reckless and everything that she could never be!!! Although there's distaste in her tone, she finds the differences between the two of them to be amusing. The genuine curiosity and element of surprise are the reasons why she continues to entertain Soonyoung
When mc and Gyu start hooking up, she continues to fall fast and hard for him. Her crush on Mingyu had been so blatantly obvious, yet he only wanted casual hookups. Over time, while Mingyu was losing her because of his lack of commitment, she was spending more time with Soonyoung. Karma works in such mysterious ways because Mingyu had been such an idiot with ever growing feelings for his situationship. He was just too late to realize it!
There were always little actions that implied Mingyu wanted her as more than a friend or a fuck buddy. The only problem is that he wouldn't confess to it, so it would manifest into jealousy. Hence, he constantly fought with Soonyoung. Not only are they quidditch rivals, but they both want the affection from the prettiest, smartest girl at uni?? Obviously only one of them can be the victor
If Mingyu is jealous, I can imagine he'd hold mc closer as an act of possession. He'd also glare at Soonyoung whenever they cross paths. And if Mingyu were to fuck mc, he'd make sure that the only name she would remember at the end of the night is his own <3
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thedummysdummy · 2 years
What about victor jealous of mc spending time with one of the other male leads like Lucien
Your wish is my command :D
The clicking of Victor’s keyboard came to a stop and he closed the laptop screen. “Anything else you need to present before we finish?” His mild eyes met the girl’s and she shook her head. “Very well. Let’s pack up and go get some dinner.” Her face fell and Victor tilted his head slightly. “Do you have other plans or something?” 
“Well, actually…yes.” The girl gripped her skirt nervously and glanced away, unable to meet Victor’s eye. “I’m going to dinner with someone else tonight. In fact, I’m going to have to hurry home or I’ll be late.” She picked up her bag and finally met his gaze for a split second. “Thank you for your pointers on the proposal. I’ll email you tomorrow with the revised version.” 
Victor nodded and the girl rushed through the door, leaving her scent lingering in his nostrils. The CEO dropped back into his chair with an annoyed expression on his face. Who was she eating with? Who would outrank him? He gritted his teeth and packed up his work. Suddenly he had no motivation to be in the office. 
But he also didn’t feel like being home, either. Nor did he feel like cooking…while eating out alone had become far less appealing than it used to be, that seemed to be the remaining option. Victor picked up his briefcase and stalked down the halls to his car. He tossed the briefcase into the passenger seat, eyed the steering wheel, and shook his head. I’ll just walk, he thought. And with that, he took off down the sidewalk in the greying light. Streetlights began popping on as he walked and mothers called for their children to come in for supper. Through lit windows he could see families sitting down to eat together, mothers and fathers smiling and asking their sons and daughters about their days. He could practically feel the warmth on his face. A profound sense of loneliness settled into Victor’s bones and he sighed. 
Would he ever have a life like that?
His mind drifted from the question to the girl. Before the dummy had stumbled back into his life, Victor would have answered “absolutely not. And I don’t need such things anyway.” But…something about that girl made his mind seem to change of its own accord. She was just so full of life! Her entire being was intoxicating in a way that he couldn’t help becoming addicted to. 
Victor could imagine a life of family dinners, curling up on the couch for movies and carrying his children to bed when they inevitably fell asleep, watching little league games and dance performances, attending graduations and birthdays and perhaps even weddings some day…The very thought caused a shiver of warmth to ripple through his body from the center of his chest, radiating to his fingers and toes. 
And yet she was still such a free spirit that he couldn’t bear to tether. As achingly beautiful as the visions of a possible future could be, even more tender was the desire for the girl to choose him back. Whatever she wanted in the entire world, Victor would ensure she received. No matter what it was…
The thought was sour on his tongue and Victor shook his head to wash it away. His feet came to rest at the front window of Delicioso, pausing to allow his brain time to pull away from the train of thought and consider if anything at the familiar restaurant sounded appetizing. Victor was so caught up in his thoughts that it took a moment to register what he was seeing through the window. 
Inside the brightly-lit and comfortably decorated restaurant sat the girl. She was laughing and smiling, leaning into the table as if wanting to be closer to her dining companion. Her eyes glittered in that way that always made his knees weak and Victor could hear her giggle in his mind. Though he didn’t want to know, he couldn’t stop his eyes from traveling to the other person at the table. 
Bile rose in the back of Victor’s throat and he took a step back from the window. The sketchy professor who only wanted her for her genes?! She had chosen the snake in the skin of a cuddly housecat over him? Disgust filled every crevice of his being. “I don’t think I’m hungry anymore,” he growled beneath his breath, allowing the usual mask of ice and anger to settle over the shards of fiery pain that ripped through the tender flesh of his heart. With eyes vacant and cold and shoulders thrown sharply back, Victor turned and walked back down the sidewalk toward LFG. Mind-numbing reports and distracting investment math suddenly sounded far more appealing than the humanity rushing through his veins and mind.  Perhaps…he didn’t want her to have anything in the world. Perhaps he was just a little more selfish than that.
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darling-dummy-blogs · 3 years
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You'll Be Happier- Victor Li (Part 1)
Summary: Victor fell in love with Mia and asks Cassie to help him with finding out if she feels the same way, unknown to him that Cassandra has feelings for him. She helps him, wanting him to be happy with Mia even though it breaks her heart to let him go…
Paring: Victor Li X F!MC (Mia) as well as Heartbroken!Cassie (Who becomes the matchmaker for them)
Genre: Angst
Warnings/Tags: Unrequited Love, Soulmate AU, Heartbreak, etc.
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 1.4k
A timeline in which Cassie and Victor are not together but as friends and coworkers. Cassie works under Mia. She comes to find out her friend Victor has feelings for Mia. As well as Mia having feelings for Victor. Setting her feelings aside, she helps them out for the sake of their happiness.
Soulmate AU Idea: Each Other's Names Written on their wrist/palm/etc.
Based on the song "Happier" by Ed Sheeran.
There will be a Part 2 to this!
Ring, Ring, Ring!
The buzzing sound of Cassandra's phone rang throughout the quiet ambiance of her dark bedroom. Stirring awake from her peaceful dream and slumber she turned over, opening her bleary eyes to adjust to the brightness of her lit up phone screen.
As she picked it up she realized it was someone calling her, more specifically Victor was calling her.
She sat up, her heart beginning to race as she read the ID caller, glancing at the time of her alarm clock that sat on her nightstand, she groaned inwardly.
It read 2:38A.M.
Running her fingers through her hair, she let out a yawn as she answered tiredly, "Hello…?,"
"Cassie!" She heard him speak, his baritone voice coming out loud enough to make her wince and pull away from her ear slightly. She could faintly hear panic evident within his voice.
"...Yes…? Victor it's two in the morning, why are you calling me this late… Couldn't this wait till the morning?" She whined, stretching her limbs as she laid back down on the comfortable mattress.
"No, it can't wait till morning. Because I need your help! I'm outside your apartment, let me in. Right now. Please, Cassandra." He begged, something he never does.
Something was up.
She quickly sat up, eyes wide. She was clearly wide awake after hearing his words,
"Yes! Let me in!" He practically barked the order at her, making her rush out of bed. On the way out of her bedroom she hastily grabbed her sweater, putting it on to cover her pajamas as she ended the call.
Heading past her kitchen to her front door, unlocking and opening it
She came into contact with a frazzled Victor who was out of breath and not like his usual poker faced self. She blinked as she took in his appearance;
His hair was askew and matted to his forehead due to sweat, as if he ran all the way from his house to her apartment. His eyes wide in panic, his cheeks, ears and the tip of his nose flushed bright red from the cool breeze of the early morning air.
His outfit consisted of his usual black silk pajamas, and topped off with a pair of slippers. Looks like he couldn't have bothered to change before coming here…
"Jesus Christ, Vic..," She finally spoke, looking him up and down before meeting his panicked gaze once again
Cassie opened the door wider for him, letting him inside, to which he quickly made his way in. After she shut the door behind her, she wrapped the sweater closer to her body, keeping herself warm as she walked into the small living room. Seeing Victor pacing back and forth. She turned on the tabletop lamp. Which spread light into the small space.
She took a deep breath as she looked at Victor, playing with the left sleeve of her sweater a little nervously, "Now can you tell me what is going on with you? This really could have waited till morning."
"No, it couldn't have. I needed to…" He paused as he paced, trying to recollect himself and his thoughts that were troubling him.
"I just needed to talk to someone. This is too important to wait." He finally stopped pacing as he was now in front of her, looking up at her, a frown on his lips.
"Vic… What is too important to wait??" She asked, becoming more confused and a little irritated from being woken up from her sleep for this.
He took a deep breath, averting his gaze from her, growing silent. Now it was her turn to frown.
Letting out a resigned sigh herself, she walked away, heading in the direction of her balcony door, opening it.
She turned to look at him, motioning him over. "Come on. You look like you need some fresh air." She walked out, she leaned against the railing as she waited for him.
Victor watched her, hesitating for a moment before following after her, stepping out and standing beside her, letting out a heavy sigh as the cool air did indeed feel refreshing and well needed.
Cassie looked down towards the bustling city. Even though it was very late in the evening, there were still few cars passing by and a few buildings were still lit with light.
The only sounds that could be heard were the chirps of crickets, passing cars, as well as both Cassie's and Victor's breaths intermingling with the cool passing breeze.
"So..," Cassie finally spoke up, turning her head to look at him for a split second before looking back down into the city.
"Can you tell me what's on your mind?"
He looked at her, as he finally managed to blurt out the words that's been on his mind for the past several hours.
"...I'm in love with someone."
She looked up at him, eyes wide from the statement. Her heart once again began to race within her chest, she gulped as she gripped onto her left sleeve once again.
"Oh? W-who exactly are you in love with..?" She cleared her throat as her voice came out a little nervous, hoping he didn't notice her sudden change in demeanor.
Luckily for her, he didn't. Although she wished he did.
"Mia." He looked down towards the city, visibly relaxing after confessing such a statement.
Cassie blinked as she then looked back at the city as well, her heart stopped racing, in fact it felt like it stopped entirely.
She felt tears fill the corners of her eyes, however she kept them concealed, her face hiding away the pained expression she held, she played with her sleeve yet again.
"...So what's the problem, exactly? Have you not been able to confess to her?" She spoke, voice suddenly void of emotion as well as it came out rather forced.
Yet he still didn't notice. For someone who tends to notice every single thing and could read her like an open book, he still didn’t notice.
"I've tried. I have been very clear about my feelings towards her. But… She is a dummy. A dummy who is very oblivious to everything and everybody around her."
Victor let out a sigh which turned into a chuckle as he shook his head. "I just don't know if she feels the same way,"
He looked at Cassie once again, "That's why I came here. I need your help. I know she's your boss but I also know that you are good friends with her. Maybe you can get her to open up about how she feels about me."
Cassandra blinked away her tears and sadness as she looked at him. Giving him a forced smile, she spoke in an encouraging yet soft tone.
"I'll help you. I'll find out if she has feelings for you tomorrow when I go to work."
Victor smiled at her, as he stepped closer to her, pulling her into a warm yet tight embrace.
"Thank you Cassie. I appreciate this so much. I apologize for interrupting your sleep. I just didn't know what to do. I had a hard time sleeping, because of this." He softly whispered.
Which made her aching heart flutter, she hugged back after a moment of hesitation as she tried to control her emotions and her breaking heart.
"O-of course, Victor. I'll always be here for you. What are friends for after all? I'm happy you came to me about this. I know it isn't always easy to express these kinds of feelings." She was the first to pull away from the hug, wanting him out of her apartment to keep her emotions at bay.
"However it is definitely late, you should head back home, you are gonna need some sleep. After all, it is a work day." She smiled at him.
"You're right. Again, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, for agreeing to do this for me." He gently patted her on the head as he turned to take his leave. He then looked once more at her, a soft smile on his face.
"Hey Cass?,"
She looked at him, "Hm?"
"Thank you. I owe you for this."
She nodded, with another forced smile, "Don't mention it. I'm happy for you. I'm happy you found someone that makes you happy."
He nodded, as he said his goodbyes, making his way to her front door, leaving her all alone on her balcony.
The tears she held back finally burst free, trickling down her pale cheeks as she turned back to face the city, sniffling, she then looked down at her left wrist, pulling up the sleeve to reveal the name she now wished wasn't written along her skin.
The name of the person she fell in love with overtime.
The name of the person who made her heart flutter and beat like crazy everyday.
The name… Of the man who will never feel the same towards her.
Her soulmate… Her everything;
Victor Li.
The End of Part 1…
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banenaz · 3 years
Day 14 XD
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I gave him an undercut-
Plz he looks so attractive I'm so proud-
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Mafia boss x detective/cop
So this happens in the early 1900s era or something... in the uk- listen I'm watching peaky blinders and I can't stop imagining vic there :)
AnYwAy- mc- or rather Isabel, my oc, is a detective that wants to take victor, the mafia boss, down and well things start going down hill when she accidentally falls in love with him because he's hella attractive?? And like who can't simp for him plz- (you can guess my grades in writing can't you)
So ye enemies to lovers because that's my favourite trope (x2 for slow burn)
I kinda wanna make this something big (a new project after mlqctober-)
Some facts about isable: she's intelligent and quick witted, pretty fit for her job, and she has kind of a fun personality but is very serious when needed.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Hello cheri! How is your day? Im a fellow gavin stan but recently there is a guy stealing my attention and its shaw hahaha bt i still love gavin my 1st love on game. anyway on your opinion how did mc fell for shaw? And when shaw finds out he likes mc? Thank you ❤
(´・ᴗ・ ` ) Hello Anon! My day is great after receiving this interesting yet challenging question~ The development of a relationship requires the involvement of both parties, so I ended up discussing both questions simultaneously!
Here are the short answers to your questions, but do note that these are just my personal opinions:
1. She uncovered and accepted his complexities
2. Exciting Moment Date
A summary of the Shaw x MC dynamics can be found in these lines from Exciting Moment Date: 
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Let’s dive deeper into each line.
1. “Emboldened by the straightforward response, I couldn’t help but move closer to him.”
For this, we have to chart the development of MC’s impression of Shaw across the dates.
Shaw’s first event (i.e. Night Fire) took place one week after MC entered the Winter World. In a world where nobody else recognised her, it was perfectly natural for MC to gravitate towards Shaw despite not knowing him well:
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At the same time, her instincts cautioned her to stay away from him. After all, how good could a person be if he seemed to dye his hair in a flamboyant colour, wore a riveted jacket, and handed out fake identities like it’s nothing?
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Her instincts also warned her that he was the one who attempted to strike Victor in Ch 10 of the main storyline:
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At this point, she was likely experiencing two conflicting emotions. On one hand, she was very dependent on him and filled with gratitude for the emotional and practical help he gave her. 
In a world where she had no idea how to proceed, Shaw’s straightforwardness and self-assured nature likely provided her a huge sense of comfort.
At the same time, her instincts sounded the alarm bells in her head.
But being the kind and good-natured MC she is, she continued sticking around with Shaw and was even concerned for his well-being. 
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Within the span of one day in One-Day Date, she didn’t just move closer to him physically, but also learnt that he’s actually a graduate student in Loveland University who takes his exams seriously. She also learnt that he’s a talented bass player, and also talented in graffiti. 
She learnt that perhaps there’s greater substance to this young man than she originally thought. And this led to her curiosity being aroused - what more could she uncover about this mysterious man?
One glaring commonality in Shaw’s early dates is that MC asks A LOT of questions. Just as Shaw was intrigued by MC, MC was equally intrigued by him, and actually expressed it even more clearly.
There are too many questions to list down, so here are Shaw’s reactions to them instead:
In the Rosa Rubus event:
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In the Genuine or Fake Call from Seeking Date:
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In Exciting Moment Date:
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MC can’t help but draw nearer to him.
2. “The music was being played at a low volume. But because Shaw was wearing only one earphone and the room was quiet, I could still hear the sound of music coming from the other earphone.”
As mentioned at the start, both parties needed to take a step for the relationship to develop successfully. Hence, it didn’t matter if MC barraged Shaw with questions if he wasn’t receptive to them. 
He needed to take the initiative to “wear only one earphone” so that MC was able to understand him through the other. At the same time, MC needed to listen carefully to the “low volume” of Shaw’s genuine feelings.
To elaborate on the above paragraph, we have to understand the way Shaw operates.
In a recent Ask where someone asked about his personality, I mentioned that he’s straightforward like Gavin yet mysterious like Lucien. This might come across strange because how could such a contradiction exist?
But that’s exactly how Shaw is. The reason why Shaw behaves like this is due to a mix of nature and nurture. 
He’s naturally impetuous (e.g. drawn to adrenaline-stirring activities such as skateboarding, performing rock, sneaking into places he shouldn’t be sneaking into). But he was taught by experience and in the study of archaeology to be patient.
Basically, this mixture of nature and nurture results in push-pull dynamics when it comes to Shaw, and a beautifully crafted slow burn where Shaw has to grapple with his feelings for MC. I’ve done a post on his early feelings for MC which you can check out here!
[PUSH] In One-Day Date, he asked her out yet left her to dry:
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[PULL] Afterwards, he invited her to indulge in his hobby, and even asked her keep her art on the wall even though he insulted it 5 seconds ago:
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[PULL] In Exciting Moment Date, he wanted to spend time alone with MC:
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[PUSH] But he didn’t have a concrete plan on what they’d do:
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[PUSH] He made it seem like holding hands wasn’t a big deal:
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[PULL] But he vehemently refused to let go:
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[PUSH] In Exciting Date, he closed himself off:
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[PULL] But relented soon afterwards:
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Remember how I mentioned before that MC tended to barrage Shaw with a ton of questions in his earlier dates? Interestingly, Shaw didn’t actually mind them.
We see this in his Genuine or Fake Call from Seeking Date:
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And also in his Future Bass Call from Exciting Date:
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Deep down, Shaw wants to be understood. He wants to be heard. But he needs someone who’s thick-skinned enough to handle his sharp tongue, and to care enough to understand the hidden meaning behind his words, whether said or unsaid. I’ll return to this point at the end.
And at the same time, MC listens. Aside from asking questions about his present motivations, she also wanted to know about his past, and about him as a person:
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Anger reveals a lot about a person’s true concerns, so let’s break down this particular line when MC went off on a little rant about Shaw:
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In other words, “You’re a contradiction and I can’t comprehend how your mind works. I’m feeling frustrated because I can’t seem to understand your thought process. I wish you would stop disagreeing with me because I want to be on the same wavelength as you are. I really want to understand you."
3. “To my surprise, it was an instrumental - slow, deep, soft, mixed with the sound of rain.”
While Shaw engages in this this pull-push tango with MC while she tries to understand him, she is surprised when she sees that there’s more to Shaw than his bravado.
In One-Day Date, she notices his vulnerability:
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In Seeking Date, she gets a glimpse of -
His seriousness:
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His quietness:
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His kindness in the way he kicked the stone away to prevent others from tripping over it:
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His meticulousness, albeit slightly delayed:
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In Exciting Date (including the prologue), she guesses that there’s more depth to Shaw that she realised:
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She is also a recipient of his kindness:
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Again and again:
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4. “Gingerly, I moved another step toward him for a clearer listen.”
These traits drew her closer to him. She started trusting him without even realising it.
In Seeking Date:
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In the prologue of Exciting Date:
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She also picked up the way he speaks in the Rosa Rubus event and Exciting Date (and even more so in future CN content):
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How did Shaw respond to MC’s incessant drive to know him more? He imbibed the words of his mentor:
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He was very patient.
He tested her tenacity in running errands as his informant. He tested how well she kept to her promises. He tested how much she cared about the Dragonfly Eye bead he gave her. He tested how much she cared about not making a fool of Isolated on stage.
He also took his sweet time grappling with why he was inexplicably drawn to her, which manifested in the form of the push-pull dynamics mentioned earlier in Point 2. 
Was he simply an observer toying with MC? Was he simply deriving amusement from MC’s reactions?
And after all that testing and waiting, he finally knew for sure:
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Shaw not only offered to let MC into his world. 
He also carved out a space in his world for her.
And that’s when the Shaw x MC ship sailed.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
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❁Mr Love Queens Choice:
Victor - Dummy😈 ☀️
Victor - Hold my hand 💛
Victor - Say I’m In Love 😈 ☀️
Victor - Challenge me😈
Victor - Dominate me 😈
Victor - Sucker 😈
Victor - Je t'aime Victor 😈
Victor - Jealously 😈
Victor - Embraced in time💛
Victor - Pudding 💛
Victor - Midnight wine [P1]💛/ Time-Stopping [P2]💛😈
Victor - Drunk in love P1💛/P2💛☀️
Victor - The definition of perfect 😈💛☀️
Victor - Defining roses💛
Victor - Kisses in the rain💛
Victor - You’re not such an asshole 💛
Victor - Terrified💛
Victor - The alley 😈
Victor - The Buff Butler[P1]😈
He’s not paid enough for this💛
Victor - Insecurities 💛🤫
Victor - Miss. Julia Hoffman😈💛
Sorry I’m not Perfect, Mr.Li 🤫
Victor - Piano 💛
Victor - First time 😈
Victor - Is it true?🤫
Lucien - My Queen😈
Lucien - Too Hot [P1]😈 / Yes Professor [P2]😈
Lucien - Don’t fear 💛
Lucien - Paper cranes 🤫😰
Lucien - Beg😈
Kiro/Helios - I can be a bad guy 😈☀️
Kiro - Candy Thief💛
Kiro - Studio Alone 😈
Kiro - Cruel Comments 😈
Kiro - ’Your a different person’ 🤫
Kiro - The Concert 😈
Gavin - Under the Stars💛😈☀️
Gavin - Promotion😈
Gavin - Rough Day😈
Gavin - Jealousy 😈
Gavin - School Girl Fantasy 😈  
Gavin - How do you…? 😈
Gavin - I’m bad for you 💛
Gavin - Come home safe 💛
Gavin - Sweet Cheeks 😈
Gavin - Make me 💛😈
Gavin - Police Cars[P1]😈 / Bike ride [P2]😈
Gavin - Rides 💛
Gavin - Breaking point 🤫💛
Gavin - It’s always been you 💛🤫
Gavin - Officer Gavin 😈
Gavin - Sunflowers 🤫
Gavin - We can’t. I’m your boss 😈
Gavin - Hot with a gun 😈
Gavin - First time 😈
Shaw - Frustration 😈  
Shaw - Jealousy😈
Shaw - Intimate Moments 💛😈
Shaw - Challenge Accepted😈
Shaw - Losing 😈
Shaw - Do you blame me? 😈💛
More than one:
Shaw & Gavin - Behind Amber Eyes 😈😰🤫
Helios & Shaw - Lightning and darkness 😈
Helios/Shaw - Watching eyes 😈
Kinks With MLQC - NSFW☀️😈
Favourite Days With MLQC - NSFW☀️💛😈
Epilepsy HQ 💛
Pregnancy - Kiro/Gavin 💛
I love you 💛
Keep me warm 😈
Names 😈
Safe sex 😈💛
❁Kissed By The Baddest Bidder:
Eisuke - One more 😈
Eisuke - Reward😈
Eisuke x OC - Material Girl 😈
Eisuke - Dirty Dancing 😈
Eisuke - I hate you 😈
Eisuke - Self-worth💛🤫
Eisuke - Coffee 😈
Eisuke - Silk Sheets 😈
Eisuke - One more 😈
Eisuke - Ice-Lollies (Smut Challenge)😈
Eisuke - Signs💛
Eisuke x OC - Sorry, not sorry 😈😰
Eisuke x OC - Tell it to my heart 😈
Eisuke - Island Paradise 😈
Eisuke - Welcome home 😈
Eisuke - I was bad daddy 😈
Eisuke - Don’t upset daddy 😈
Eisuke - Lay all your love on me 😈
Eisuke - Early dessert 😈
Soryu - Prove to me I’m yours 😈
Soryu x OC - Kitchen Pleasure 😈
Soryu - Leather sofa 😈
Soryu - was I masturbating? Yes 😈
Soryu - Book club 😈
Soryu - Fake💛
Soryu - Morning Omelette💛
Soryu x OC - Getting Caught 😈
Soryu x OC - I missed you 😈
Soryu - Is that a gun or are you happy to see me? 😈
Soryu - Everything to me 💛
Mitsu - Holding back😈
Mitsunari x OC - Tease 😈
Mitsunari x OC - Fedora 😈
Mitsunari - Do whatever you want😈
Mitsu - Mr.Eco😈
Baba - Sex Tape 😈
Baba - Whipped cream 😈
Baba - Happy Birthday Mitsu😈
Mamoru - Drive more often 😈
Mamoru - Silk Tie 😈
Mamoru - The Rain
More than one:
All the bidders 😈  
Soryu x MC x Eisuke - Share 😈  
Baba x MC x Mamoru - At work 😈
Soryu x OC x Shuichi - Coffee 😈
Soryu x OC x Mamoru - Choose 😈
Remote Head Cannon 😈
Interrupted - One shots:
Eisuke - Interrupted 😈
Soryu - Interrupted 😈
Baba - Interrupted 😈
Ota - Interrupted 😈
Mamoru - Interrupted 😈
Soryu - Pregnancy 💛
Eisuke - Pregnancy 💛
Ota - Pregnancy 💛
Getting to know you 😈
Eisuke - Mine (P1) 😈
Eisuke - Daddy’s home (P2) 😈
Eisuke - I love you (P3) 😈
Mamoru - Mine (P1)😈
Mamoru - Handcuffs (P2) 😈
Mamoru - Handcuffs Part 2 (P3) 😈
Mitsunari - Mine (P1) 😈
Soryu - Mine (P1) 😈
Soryu  - Jealous (P2)😈
Ota- Mine (P1) 😈
❁Mystic Messenger:
JellyBean Toes - Drabble 💛
Zenny~ 😈
❁My Forged Wedding:
Yamato - I love you 😈
Jealous Rivals:
Yamato 😈
❁Pirates In Love:
Morgan- Painting you (Smut challenge)😈
❁Masquerade Kiss:
Kei - Early return 😈
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❁ Masterlist (18+)
❁ Smut Drabble, Prompts and Giveaway (18+)
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[CN] Victor’s R&S: Between Silence (Eng Translation)
“Every choice he makes inevitably leads to the right path.”
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a R&S, 无声之间, that is yet to be released on the global server. ⌚
[Subbed Video: Fully Voiced]
This R&S accompanies Victor’s S2 CH 41-44 karma.
Victor’s dialogue’s will be in bold and italics, and the others’ dialogues will be only in bold.
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【Chapter 1】
The events of the first three chapters took place when Victor was around 22-23 years old. They elaborate on the beginning of Victor and Ronan’s friendship.
A small recap for those unaware: Ronan is one of Victor’s closest friends. He was a young director looking for opportunities to start his career, and young Victor was just building up LFG back then. After proper evaluation, Victor invested in Ronan’s project. Ronan’s project later won several international awards, and with that, the still learning to walk LFG also got its first base for spreading its wings. Ronan later became a world-renowned director (the CANNES winner apparently), LFG became “LFG,” and Victor became “Victor.”
Ronan appeared in Victor’s Taste of Life MQ, Garden Date, and 5th Birthday Story, and was mentioned by Victor in the R&S Finally, We Meet Again. Victor and MC also discuss “Ronan x Victor” friendship in the S2 CH 41-44 call~
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Victor’s gaze was indifferently fixed on the only source of light in the dimly lit study room–– the movie playing on the computer screen. His face was partly illuminated by the flickering light, and he seemed a little lost in thoughts.
A few days ago, when Victor returned from a business trip to a neighboring city, he was stopped by a young man as soon as he stepped out of the taxi. He enthusiastically helped Victor retrieve his luggage from the trunk and immediately began “confronting” him in a familiar manner as if they had already known each other for a long time.
“CEO Victor, your company is not that large. Why do you still use an appointment system? It seems frivolous.”
Victor bowed slightly and took the suitcase back into his hands, not intending to pay much attention to the stranger’s rudeness. Although it hadn’t yet been three years since LFG was founded, it had already gained a reputation for its sharp and cutting-edge investment strategy. This visitor was not the first young person to show up uninvited.
“Moreover, I couldn’t find any way to book an appointment online. So I had no other option but to wait here patiently. It’s been five days already, but luckily, I finally managed to secure an appointment.”
Victor’s gaze toward him was crystal clear, indicating, “Let’s talk business.” But the young man seemed to be oblivious to the implied meaning.
“Ah… I understand. There must always be sales promoters swarming at your door, and that’s why you guys have this regulation, right?”
The space between Victor’s eyebrows knitted into a frown,
“Your behavior has served as a good example of the necessity of this regulation.”
Seeing that Victor was about to leave, the young man blocked his path with a grin on his face,
“Sorry about that. I tend to think in a scattered manner. Please don’t take offense, CEO Victor.”
Following this, he extended his hand toward Victor,
“Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Ronan, and I’m a film director. I have a feature-length movie script that I’ve been polishing for a long time, and I hope that LFG can invest in producing the film.”
Victor didn’t lift his gaze and simply dropped one word in a concise manner,
“Although I don’t understand business, LFG is different from other companies. They have already shown their ambition to venture into other industries even in their early stages, which aligns with my aspirations.”
Victor detected a hint of arrogance in Ronan’s words that seemed to come from nowhere, and his brows furrowed slightly, 
“What I’m asking is, why should LFG invest?”
Seeing the youth frozen in place, Victor walked around him and continued on toward the company. However, he had only taken a few steps when he suddenly heard a voice calling out to him from behind, “Wait a minute!” The young man ran up to him again, rummaged through his belongings, and finally handed a hard disk to Victor,
“My answer is in there.”
The hard disk contained nearly 20 short film works that Ronan had shot previously as practice pieces. 
As the end credits of the last short film were displayed on the screen, a flicker of keen interest emerged on Victor’s previously impassive face. The short films, though, had some roughness and immaturity, but they couldn’t overshadow the unique talent of the creator. He got up and walked to the window, pulling open the heavy curtains. The gentle morning light filtered through the gauzy curtains and poured into the study. It turned out that without even realizing it, he had actually stayed up all night watching those clips.
Victor took out his phone and dialed a number,
“Prepare a report on the development of the film industry in the past five years.”
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In the afternoon of that day, an investment decision meeting was held in the conference room of LFG.
“Although there haven’t been any mistakes in CEO Victor’s decisions so far, the profits of the high-speed railway industry have only just begun to show. Given LFG’s current circumstances, it won’t be appropriate to hastily jump into a new industry.”
“A film production cycle is time-consuming, and even aside from the question of whether or not the investment will be profitable, it will take a long time for the money to flow back in. With LFG’s current financial situation, we likely won’t be able to afford this gamble.”
“While the policies may have become more favorable recently, it would still be unwise to stake our all in the investment of a single movie.”
This investment decision was seeing the most unified opposition since LFG was founded. However, everything that was happening now was well within Victor’s expectations. After listening to all the opposing views, he responded to everyone’s concerns with perfect composure.
“Currently, there is indeed not sufficient data to support this investment decision. The sole convincing factor is that every investment decision made by LFG in the past has yielded good returns. And I believe that this time will be no exception, although the process may be relatively long.”
“Aside from the budget sheet displayed on the big screen, I’ve already asked Goldman to send the script of this project and the director’s past works to everyone’s email. Perhaps the works will be more persuasive than my empty talk.”
“Rather than whether or not this movie will bring financial gains to LFG, I’d rather see LFG seize the right opportunity to set foot in the film industry. The film industry will soon enter a period of rapid development, and by grasping the current opportunity, LFG can establish a mutually beneficial relationship with the entire industry.”
Victor’s tone was unhurried and measured. But as it fell into the ears of the investors, it was akin to an indisputable judgment.
A few days later, the investment resolution for Ronan’s film project was approved by LFG.
【Chapter 2】
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Ronan’s first movie stirred a small sensation after its release, and after gaining recognition from many industry veterans, he grew rapidly at a breakneck pace. With the constant flow of inspiration, he created two more films in quick succession, while LFG continued to firmly occupy the top spot as the producer of his films since the beginning. When he was almost wrapping up the shooting for his third film, Victor received multiple invitations from Ronan to visit the set under the guise of “guiding the work.”
A faint sense of misgiving arose in Victor’s heart. Although Ronan had an unconventional personal style, as a director, he had always maintained enough professionalism and aesthetic sense and would not be swayed by the opinions of the investors. At that time, he happened to be on a business trip near the filming location and drove to the set on the outskirts of the city.
However, he wasn’t expecting to be greeted with the sight of Ronan exploding on the props team as soon as he stepped onto the set. 
“The precondition of all you guys’ work here is to respect the film! Respect the audience! Your small mistake has directly caused five scenes to be re-shot, not to mention going over budget. Now the entire crew is spending extra time and effort to mend your error!”
Signs of anger loomed on Ronan’s face as if he was trying his best to restrain himself from smashing the script in his hand onto the other person’s head.
The Ronan in front of him was a far cry from the unconventional and unruly image he had in his memory, causing Victor to inevitably be a little flabbergasted. He stood there waiting on the side for quite a while until Ronan came rushing over.
“Ahh... sorry for making you wait! Would you like to have something to drink?”
Ronan wiped off his sweat and took Victor to the RV, where the director’s crew took a break. However, upon opening the freezer cabinet, nothing else was inside except cans of beer packed to the brim.
“Will this do?”
“...I drove here.”
As if oblivious to Victor’s speechless expression, Ronan put the beer back into the freezer and sat down opposite him in a carefree manner, gesturing animatedly with his hands.
“I had originally calculated the exact time and wanted you to witness the grand finale. But you also saw the situation just now. Things don’t always go according to the plans.”
“How do you plan to handle this situation?”
“We have no choice but to reshoot. But don’t worry, I’ll ensure we do it in the most cost-effective method possible. Rest assured, it won’t  go over budget.”
Ronan shrugged his shoulders in feigned nonchalance, but Victor’s keen perception picked up on the subtle traces of putting on an act in his tone.
“If the method you’re talking about is to film it all in one take using a long shot, then I suggest you ask for a budget increase from me.”
Hearing Victor’s words, Ronan was a bit taken aback and stared with widened eyes,
“Have you been taking film courses? How do you even know about cost-effective filming methods?”
“How much budget do you need for the reshoot?”
Seeing Victor’s serious expression, Ronan cupped his fist in the other hand, an expression of gratitude written across his whole face,
“About 3 million yuan. Thank you so much in advance, CEO Victor. You are the godparent of this film! I’ll definitely put your name at the top of the director’s acknowledgments!”
Victor remained stone-faced in the face of his teasing:
“No need. You may have misunderstood. For me, achieving the expected goal takes precedence over everything. Economizing the cost is only a small number, but compromising the quality of the film would affect the expected return on investment.”
Probably aiming to appease Victor’s concerns, Ronan gave him his sincere assurance,
“Don‘t worry. I won’t be careless with any of the shots.”
Not receiving a response from Victor, he took a brief pause and jokingly said,
“Hehe, do I need to win a major international award for you to have faith in me?”
Victor didn’t continue that conversation and left with the parting remark, “Make sure to not just talk the talk. Let me see your capability with the finished project.” But Ronan knew that Victor had faith in him.
Victor was just about to start the car when he heard a knock on the car’s right window. He turned to the source of the sound and saw Ronan outside the car, panting heavily, holding a bottle of water as if he had just run a great distance to reach him.
Victor took the water after opening the window,
“By the way, your acting skills are really poor. It’s best if you just stick to being a director.”
Despite being called out, Ronan remained unperturbed and smiled instead, resting his hand on the window frame,
“I’ve been dedicated to being a director all along. Earlier, when I mentioned winning an award, I was dead serious. So if that day ever comes, how about treating me to a drink at a bar, CEO Victor?”
【Chapter 3】
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The film that Ronan had placed great expectations upon encountered a strong setback in the local theaters even before receiving the results of its entry into the international film festival. Due to the mismanagement in scheduling by the theaters, the film was forced to release earlier than planned. The marketing and promotion team was caught off guard, having no time to prepare, and many people were unaware that it had already been released. As a result, the film suffered from poor box office performance and received a lackluster public reception, which was not surprising considering the circumstances.
The following day, Victor was reviewing the box office prediction trend chart as he prepared in advance for LFG’s next weekly investment meeting. After the weekend drew its curtain, the film’s already disappointing performance experienced a sudden and drastic decline, reminiscent of a fall from the cliff. It seemed that the film’s box office failure had become inevitable. Recalling Ronan’s spirited demeanor when talking about his aspiration for the film winning awards, Victor decided to go and watch the movie to experience it firsthand.
Due to a scarce number of screenings, Victor could only manage to buy a ticket for a late-night show. By the time he walked out of the theater, it was already dawn, and he found himself to be the sole audience member in the entire screening in the empty cinema hall without the sight of any other viewers. Coincidentally, as Victor entered the elevator, the projectionist in charge of the screening happened to be getting off work and shared the elevator with him.
“Ah, the movie has a high level of artistic quality. It’s the best one he has directed yet. It’s a pity that it’s not commercial enough to make money.”
In response to the projectionist’s remark, Victor nodded politely and replied:
“Mm, it’s indeed remarkable. As for whether it’s a pity or not, each film has its track suitable for only itself.”
With a “ding” sound, the brief conversation came to an end as the elevator doors opened.
Just as he stepped out of the elevator, Victor’s phone in his pocket vibrated. He received an MMS from Ronan, containing a screenshot of an email confirming his film’s selection for the CANNES Film Festival. The message was accompanied by a grinning face emoji.
Just as Victor’s “congratulations” message was successfully sent, Ronan couldn’t contain his excitement and immediately called him,
“Reporters are all waiting in line to interview me. But I wanted to call you first. Isn’t that very thoughtful of me?”
Without waiting for Victor to respond, Ronan carried on excitedly,
“I’m actually booking my plane ticket right now. After the film festival wraps up, it’d be the perfect opportunity to reward myself with a long vacation! I’m planning to visit Île Saint-Honorat near Cannes. Ahh, the sunshine! The beach! The sea! I already can’t wait to melt away in the Mediterranean sea breeze!”
His irrepressible excitement flowed from the rising inflection of his voice.
“If I remember correctly, that e-mail was just to notify you that you’ve been nominated.”
“Being nominated is the first step to actually winning the award. When I get back, you better be ready to take out for a drink. I’m gonna need at least a whole case of beer.”
Ronan continued in a dissatisfied tone before Victor could respond,
“Come on? You’ve invested millions in me, yet it’s so difficult for you to treat me to a simple drink? Forget it, I’ll just…”
“Sure, we can have a drink. But since I’m the one treating, I’ll choose where we go.”
After hanging up the phone, Victor found several new emails expressing their interest in collaboration in his inbox, all from astute film and TV companies.
“It seems that tomorrow’s investment meeting will go smoothly,”-- Victor thought to himself. Although he didn’t hesitate when making the decision initially, he could not help but feel a sense of joy as the dust settled and everything fell in the right direction in the end.
As these thoughts circled his mind, Victor walked towards the vending machine outside the movie theater. He inserted a few coins, and moments later, a chilled can of beer dropped from the dispensing slot.
【Chapter 4】
Chapters 4 & 5 of the R&S cover the events between S2 CH 38-39. It begins with the scene after he had replaced the twelve main gods of BS, and the ending scene of the R&S, yes, is the “Stop time for me, Victor” scene of S2 CH 39 after clearing all split routes; the most crucial junction~
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The waning moon sinks into the dense clouds, and the night sky is bathed in a blurred, pale luminescence.
The comet remains suspended midair, framing the entire Loveland City in a treacherous and enchanting ambiance. The city has lapsed into a state of deathly stillness.
In the depths of the BS Hall, the cascading dark red curtains appear eerie and terrifying under the reflection of the thick, dark night. The central seat in the hall remains unoccupied. Numerous figures stand scattered throughout the hall, engaged in discussions. The sound of conversation fills the air, giving the impression that the main gods seem to be working intensely. Despite so, there’s an underlying current of restlessness and turmoil in the air.
As Victor descends the stairs, his composed footsteps draw the attention of the crowd, causing their gazes to converge on him in unison.
Victor walks towards Poseidon and asks,
“How is the progress?”
“We haven’t been able to reach Helios yet.”
Victor’s gaze sweeps across the faint golden arc of light beneath the hall’s dome. A thin layer of frost seems to settle on his face as he says,
“I hope I don’t have to emphasize once again how tight the time is.”
Poseidon nods and exits the hall. Another tall, short-haired youth swiftly walks up to Victor and says,
“BOSS, multiple calculations have consistently proven that our estimated countdown time is indeed relatively accurate, with an error margin that can be kept within 2 minutes.”
“It’s not enough. It needs to be precise down to the second.”
The young man nimbly turns around and returns to the side of the woman wearing glasses. In front of them, a massive depiction of the development history of civilizations on Earth is displayed. Each key milestone of the birth and extinction of civilizations is illuminated, shining brightly. The two people close their eyes, and countless lines weave through the points of light. They interconnect in an orderly and systematic pattern, and gradually, numerical values representing units of time emerge on the line segments.
As the main gods return to their tasks, everything appears to be the same as it was earlier. However, with Victor’s presence, the restlessness that was lingering in the air before has unknowingly melted away, vanishing into thin air.
The mechanical sound of a violin suddenly resounds, piercingly echoing throughout the hall. Standing by the door is an unexpected guest. Victor looks up and, upon recognizing the visitor’s face, dismisses the twelve main gods, leaving only the two of them in the spacious hall. 
“Zero, I believe we’ve made our point very clear already.”
The other party seems oblivious to the implied urgency in the words and remains unperturbed as he says,
“We have observed new omens appearing along the world-lines.”
Victor raises his eyebrows, indicating for him to go on.
“There might be different potential futures for this world. It remains uncertain which path the new future will follow, and perhaps it could be even worse than the current situation.”
Victor’s eyes are filled with indifference as he responds,
“Time is precious. You can just state your purpose in coming directly.”
Zero pauses and looks straight into Victor’s eyes, speaking slowly,
“The SpaceTime Bureau welcomes powers formidable enough to confront and observe the unknown. Therefore, my invitation to you still stands. You and I both know that venturing into the unknown is not the optimal option.”
“Whether an option is the best has never been the basis for my decision-making. For me, the one and only valid prerequisite is whether or not I desire to make that choice.”
Victor speaks in an indifferent tone, yet every word carries the confidence of having victory within his grasp,
“And once I make a choice, I will ensure it becomes the most correct one.”
Zero chooses not to persuade any further, and as he departs, the gates of BS close behind him. Even though Victor has never had any regrets about his decisions, he cannot, however, escape the realization that even the right choice sometimes comes with an unbearable price. For instance, there is one such image that remains etched into his memory and which he still refuses to recall to this very day––
The utility room of the cruise ship. The bewilderment and perplexity in her gaze as she looked at him.
[Tidbits]: Reference to [S2 CH 31]
Even if her forgetting him had lasted for only a brief moment, the shock it brought to Victor’s heart might outlast even the longevity of his own life.
The sound of bells chiming outside the building reaches Victor’s ears and brings him back to reality, jolting him out of his tangled thoughts. He walks towards the window and pushes open the heavy panes, allowing the chilly wind to fill his nostrils. Gradually, he regains his composure.
He takes a deep breath and directs his gaze toward the bell tower of the church. The hoarse tolling of the bells startles a flock of crows into sudden flight. They circle above the church for a while, adding another layer of desolation to this already lifeless city. The church spire blends into the profound darkness of the night. The entire city seems to be silently awaiting the arrival of doomsday.
But in the next second, from a distance, Victor spots a familiar figure breaking through the night, running towards his location vigorously.
The darkness of the night intensifies,  and a cluster of blazing flames has already flared into existence in the silent void.
【Chapter 5】
Victor is not surprised by the scene unfolding before him, and a small smile forms at the corner of his lips.
The church bells continue reverberating, but by the time the sound travels to Victor’s ears, it carries a much brisker tone.
Unbeknownst to him, a gauzy layer of starlight has cascaded upon the church’s stained glass windows at some point. The soft halo of pale light gently dances, casting swirling and elusive shadows that can be seen even with eyes closed.
The running girl closes the distance more and more, with her long hair casually flowing down in loose waves, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. Despite there still being a considerable distance between them, Victor feels as though he can see the girl’s face clearly. He is certain that her eyes now are sparkling with a resolute glimmer, powerful enough to pierce through the darkness of the night. With this thought, a wave of fervent sensation surges up from deep within his heart.
Suddenly, Victor feels as if he has been blessed.
It’s not about whether every decision he makes ultimately leads to the perfect outcome, but rather the fact that he has always been granted the opportunity to make choices.
It’s as if, at this moment, he can cast aside all social roles and simply be “Victor,” allowing himself to be there for the girl wherever she needed him and creating a space where she could find him at any time.
The feeling of being needed by her, of being able to help her–– these aspects bring Victor a profound sense of happiness. It seems that this happiness is enough to make the long days ahead, in which he may be forgotten by her, a little less painful to endure.
Victor nods slightly in the direction of the church, solemnly expressing his gratitude for this blessing within his heart.
Victor turns around and ascends the steps, summoning all the main gods to take their positions,
“Suspend all matters at hand.”
A murmuring commotion rises among the main gods, as they are puzzled about why BOSS has chosen to halt their activities during such a crucial moment when the end of the night is just about to descend.
Before those impatient inquiries can escape their lips, though, Victor’s cold and commanding demeanor instantly silences them.
His gaze sweeps over the crowd, ensuring that every main god is present, before finally settling on the entrance not far away. The main gods, following his line of sight, turn their heads toward the entrance as well.
A few seconds later, the BS door is pushed open with a resounding sound.
The girl appears at the far end of Victor’s unwavering gaze, gasping for breath. He, with a stern and proud expression, leads the main gods toward her until she can see him. It’s only when the girl has a clear view of him does Victor halt his steps.
As those bright, sparkling eyes gaze at him from afar, and their eyes interlock, Victor’s heart is flooded with a myriad of complex and indescribable emotions. There is a sense of relief that the situation has unfolded according to his expectation, a deep sense of gratitude that she is standing before him at this moment, and a profound pride for her that emanates from the depths of his being… just as these emotions are about to pour out of his heart sincerely, he casts his gaze downward. He leads the main gods to step aside in the shadows, creating the path for the girl to ascend the platform.
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As he watches her walk step by step toward the long-unoccupied seat, Victor knows that regardless of what she might ask for, he has already prepared himself to do all that he can and give his everything for her.
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hakutaichou · 3 years
[JP] Love and Producer: Pronouns + Speech Style Analysis
This post is about what pronouns and speech style the bois used in JP version. Unlike Chinese/Mandarin and English, in Japanese, there’re many honorifics used by different people's personalities with many formal and informal social situations.
Japanese grammar, as a whole, tends to function on hierarchy; honorific stems are appended to verbs and many nouns, primarily names, and in many cases one word may be exchanged for another word entirely with the same verb or noun meaning, but with different honorific connotations. (Wikipedia)
Prepare your snack and drink, this is gonna be a very long post.
P.S I’m using Gavin vs Shaw battle in episode 6 because they cursing each other using their “speech style”.
First of all, let’s arrange some of JP word speech based on the bois...
“CEO Victor”
俺 (Ore) = I
私 (Watashi) = I [Formal]
おまえ (Omae) = You
きみ (Kimi) / あなた (Anata) = You [Formal]
バカ (Baka) = Dummy
来い (Koi) = Come here
“Prof. Lucien”
僕 (Boku) [Lucien] / 私 (Watashi) [Ares] = I
きみ (Kimi) [Lucien] / おまえ (Omae) [Ares] = You
馬鹿 / ばか (Baka) = Silly
おいで (Oide) = Come here
“Captain Gavin”
俺 (Ore) = I
自分 (Jibun) / 僕 (Boku) = I [Formal]
おまえ (Omae) = You
馬鹿 (Baka) = Silly
来い (Koi) = Come here
“Idol-Hacker Kiro”
オレ (Ore) [Kiro] / 俺 (Ore) [Helios] = I
キミ (Kimi) [Kiro] / おまえ (Omae) [Helios] = You
ばか (Baka) = Silly
こっちに来て (Kochi ni kite) = Come here
“College Student Shaw”
俺 (Ore) = I
アンタ (Anta) = You
バカ (Baka) = Silly
来いよ (Koi yo) = Come here
Can you see it, the different words with same meaning that used by each of the bois?
[Character Personality Description from Evol x Love JP Official Website]
CEO Victor is Huarui (LFG) Group’s CEO. He started Huarui in college, and climbed to the top of financial world in eight years. He’s also the investor of MC’s Company and the one who holds its fate. His personality is decisive and strict. He thinks rules is above all else than emotion, and he acts only for the benefit of the company. He hates spending time and money meaninglessly. He looks cold at first glance, but he also has a gentle side, such as approaching the weak things.
Since he is Tsundere, the most perfect pronouns for him is “Ore and Omae”
Hakutaichou: “I’ll explain his speech analysis with Gavin...”
Captain Gavin is a EVOL special officer. He ostensibly works at Loveland City Police Station as an ordinary police officer. He is a lone wolf and brave man. He has absolute trust in the person he admits. He has his own policy, and doesn’t mind being misunderstood by others. He has his own right and wrong views, sometimes he acts out of the rules of the world.
Same as Victor, Gavin’s pronouns is “Ore and Omae” which usually used by cold-ruthless-hold power character in otome world. but what makes their personality different is on their “Silly/Idiot” word.
Victor’s バカ (Baka) in “Katakana”, and Gavin’s 馬鹿 (Baka) in “Kanji”
Where’s the difference? its from their speech style, Victor said “Baka” with decisive personality, meanwhile Gavin said it with polite personality.
if you can't tell the difference, you can hear some dialog from both of them in Chapter 26-27 (Gavin talking to guard in facility vs Victor met Leto in cargo ship)
Professor Lucien is an authoritative scientist in neuroscientist community. He is a Elite who has returned from studying aboard. He’s known to the public as a guest professor at Loveland University. He has an amazing memory, that he will never forget what he saw once, and his IQ and EQ are high. He treats everyone politely, which in turn makes people feel that there is a sense of distance. No one knows his true nature and purpose.
Lucien is a “yasashii” gentle person with mysterious aura, he always make a smiling face to everyone, but at the same times he’s emotionless boi and had a dark personality he hides from them. His pronouns is “Boku and Kimi”, which sometimes used by intelligent/educated-gentle character in otome world.
As if a kind man with a many hidden motive (from bad thing to possessive thing) who wanted his loved one to come closer to him, “Oide” is the most “Come Here” word that used by a same character type as Lucien.
When he acted as Ares, his pronouns changed to “Watashi/Boku and Omae” or “Watashi and Anata [Anime only]” because his personality also changed to ruthless-polite person, but sometimes turned back to his “Boku and Kimi” when talking to MC only.
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Lucien/Ares to MC: You (Kimi), can’t hurt yourself.
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Ares to BS Member: What do you (Omae) know?
If you need more references, there’re some of gentle mysterious characters who voiced by Lucien’s JP VA, Hirakawa-san which using “Boku and Kimi” or “Watashi and Anata” for their pronouns, like Saint-Germain from Code: Realize.
Idol-Hacker Kiro is a super popular idol who has been active since childhood. He wasn’t easy on his way, but he got over it with an optimistic personality. He is as bright as the sun, attractive and straightforward personality. He is mischievous, childish, and smart. He likes a mediocre life, sometimes disguises himself to go to convenience stores, and walk around the city. In addition to his occupation as a idol, he also has multiple identities and his true purpose.
That’s why, Kiro’s “Come here” is “Kochi ni kite”, that words same as persuade people, even kids to come closer, not like “Oide” or “Koi”, you can feel the owner’s very warm tone from that words.
Plus because Kiro once lived in America, his pronouns (Ore and Kimi) using “Katakana” not “Kanji/Hiragana” like others.
*Katakana: one of japanese writing system, usually used to write words that come from foreign languages that have been absorbed into Japanese
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Kiro: Always stay by my (Ore [Katakana]) side.
But when Kiro become Helios, besides swapped personality from warm innocent to cold ruthless mode, his pronouns also changed to Victor and Gavin’s pronouns (Ore and Omae).
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Helios: Leave the rest to me (Ore [Kanji])
Shaw [Error 404: Not found]
Since Shaw’s encounter with MC are still few...I’ll analyzed him from main chapter side and some of Date only.
Because Shaw is a arrogant gangster with polite attitude person, his pronouns is “Ore and Anta”
俺 (Ore) is from his arrogant personality, meanwhile アンタ (Anta) is informal pronoun of あなた (Anata) from his polite one.
“She/Her and He/Him”
There’s no specific “She/Her” and “He/Him” pronouns in Japanese. All of japanese people calling each other using their name (except: their mom, auntie, grandma, etc). What if we didn’t remember their name? you can use “You” for calling them. And if you want to talking about someone, you can use “Ano hito”, “Ano ko”, “Ano yarou” which have one main meaning is, “That person”.
Back to the main topic. In Main Chapters, MC like to call every love interests with their name, not “You” in dialog script.
MC: Haku, Zen, Kira, Helios, Simon, Ares, Shou.
And MC sometimes using “Kare” instead the boys’ name in description, or her inner mind.
彼 / カレ (Kare) means He/Him, sometimes used for close relationship like “Boyfriend”.
Besides using MC’s name, Victor, Lucien, Kiro, and Gavin also using “Kanojo” to calling MC, meanwhile Shaw in early chapter called MC as “Ano ko” (That Girl) before changed to “Kanojo” in Chapter 19+
彼女 (Kanojo) means She/Her, usually used for close relationship such as...“Girlfriend”.
That’s why...In episode 6 (Chapter 11)
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JP Shaw: Maa demo...honki de “Ano ko” wo mamoritai nara, anna tokoro totto yameru nda na.
[Real ENG] JP Shaw: Well... if you really want to protect “That girl”, you’d better leave that place (STF) immediately.
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JP Gavin: “Kanojo” wo te o dasu na!
[Real ENG] JP Gavin: Don’t you dare to touch MY GIRL!
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litteidiot · 3 years
Four Seasons With You
Volume one: Chapter 1- Spring
Easter Egg Hunt
Pairing: Victor x Mc
Summary: When an unexpected inconvenience gives you the opportunity to make this day unforgettable for him.
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“I’ll see you later.” You chriped on a sunny morning. Basically hopping in front of him, you placed a gentle kiss on his lips before parting.
“So cheery today and the day barely started. Does a certain dummy has something in her mind?” Victor hooked his arm around your waist, giving you another kiss on the forehead. “Oh, it’s nothing, just springtime.” You smiled at him. “And it’s also Easter.” You added. He nod reminding himself about the holiday. Today he was supposed to be at home with you enjoying each other’s company. You made him promise you because he is on his day off he won’t look at any document nor report. He is yours only.
But last night in some ungodly hour, the management crew gave him a call, about some hiccups what occurred with the overseas department. The negotiation to collaborate with the new American company took a bad turn and they refused to do anything further if they can’t talk with the CEO of LFG. So it meant he has to go in for an impromptu meeting.
“I’ll make it up for you when I’ll get back.” He pulled you close again, hinting another soft kiss on your temple. It was still early in the morning. He tried to get up beside you without disturbing your sleep, but when you didn’t feel his warmth anymore, you woke up and followed him to the kitchen. You shook your head in refusal. “Don’t rush the meeting because you want to get back home earlier for me. Take your time I know you were in contact with this company for a long time. I’ll see you when you finished.” You smiled at him.
You know this deal can benefit LFG’s future in the overseas market. So of course you don’t want this to end badly because of some holiday. “Even though it means two batches of pudding.” The sweet smile on your makeup free face turned into a mischievous and greedy grin. “Such a dummy. Always thinking about her stomach.” He murmured pretending to be annoyed, but you knew this man long enough to know he will grant your wish. “When I get home I better not see chicklets, bunnies and an idiot running around the house.” With that he closed the door behind him and left.
While you made yourself a light breakfast, what only contained toast and eggs, your mind was furiously racing on how to spend the time while waiting for your boyfriend. As you kept musing on the possibilities on how to spend the day, you gradually remembered the little surprises you left in Victor’s office while you waited for him to finish his meeting a couple days back. A prankish smile tugged on your lips. Shoving down the remaining bites of your meal, and taking a few more sips of the coffee you hurried away to get dressed.
Walking in the step in closet you chose a casual wear for the day. Pushing and flipping the hanged up clothing articles you eventually found a nice beige colored dress among the many formal and ridiculously expensive clothings. When you became Victor’s partner and after the media acknowledged this information you got invitations to balls and fancier parties. It was a natural requirement you had to look high class just like him. Your boyfriend mercilessly spoiled you rotten with fancier and fancier dresses, personally tailored to your sizes by the finest taylors he could find. As the collection grew, it swallowed all your older clothes. The dress you posed with in front of the body sized mirror was like a scavenger hunt amongst the many night gowns and suit dresses.
Quickly putting on your chosen outfit, you left the penthouse in a hurry, barely being able to snatch your purse on the coat hanger. You were having an intense race with time. To not blow up your sudden Easter surprise you tried to do the shopping as quickly as possible. You don’t know when Victor comes home so it added another reason to make this fast.
“Goldman, the management team better have a good reason to call me in, because I have a better place to be today.” Victor’s stern voice echoed through his office the moment he stepped in. Several moments of keyboard clicking later Goldman began with his speach.
“The possible partner we are trying to convince suddenly got a more appealing offer from a different company. The deal was that the company will sponsor them PR commercials and advertisings, they can keep their position in the stock market and can have sixty percent of the income.” He said, flipping back and forth on the tablet.
“I see.— Victor rested his chin on his hands— “Remind me please about the deal LFG offered.” The assistant cleared his throat, opening the files what contained the agreement. “Comparing to the new proposal our offer is lacking. Because of their crash in the marketing area lately, you decided to not offer munch in case the collaboration would backfire.” After minutes of thinking, what felt like centuries Victor finally spoke up.
“Rewrite our proposal. Tell them LFG will ensure their stay in the stock market, and will back it up if any unpleasant problmes happens. Also mention they have a two months recovery time and we will give one hundred percent sponsorship with the possibility to function as an independent company like Kiseki Entertainment. This is the best deal they can get and they know it.”
From the very first moment, Kiseki Entertainment functioned independently. Under his guidance, you bloomed into a successful company in barely two years, becoming one of the most productive investments amongst the very few freelancers under LFG. “Arrange an online meeting in twenty minutes. During that, — he stood up, to make his way to one of the conference room— “collect informations about our opponent what can be used for LFG’s advantages.” Goldman nodded already holding his phone to his ear, summoning the staff needed for the conference.
“Anything else you want t— is that an Easter egg?” Goldman pointed at the bunch of tiny colorful eggs scattered around the coffee table. The more he looked the more he noticed. On the shelves, between Victor’s compture, on the coat hangers.
“Goldman who was the last person in my office?” He asked, walking around removing the candy eggs from their places.“Until this morning no one was in here. A few days ago only Ms. Mc stayed here, waiting for you to finish the meeting.”
Victor sighed.
Of course it was you.
You looked at the row of numbers at the screen, your purse, and then the ridiculous amount of Easter eggs piled up behind you. Maybe you carried away a little bit.
“Uh, excuse me for a second.” You kept digging in your purse in hope you will find your credit card. After minutes of unsuccessful searching you started to panic a little.
Your plan was to buy plenty of Eggs and hide them all around the mansion. You bought chocolate eggs and plastic eggs in all sizes and colors. Also a pink rabbit onesie because you couldn’t insist. You just didn’t expect the price what came with it.
“I’m sorry Miss, but you are keeping up the row. Do you wish to purchase these items?” The cashier lady asked what made you squeak and panic more. “Please debit these items on Victor Li’s account!” You blurted out. The cashier nodded typing away the informations. “Everything is settled, have a pleasant Easter.” The lady smiled handing you the bags. Thanking her and wishing for the same you made your way home. If you knew ypu will end up with multiple bags you will take the car.
“I’m back.” You opened the door of the house placing the bags on the floor. A small meow eachoed at the corner, a cat trotted towards you. “Hi Pudding, mommy is back.” You bent down to pick up the cat, a light huff leaving your lips. “Victor feeds you too well.” You giggle pocking at the fat at the cat’s belly. “I will bring some Easter spirit into this big house will you help me?” Like the animal just understood you, Pudding meowed and with a hop she escaped your embrace and walked away. Lazy cat.
Shrugging it off you unpacked and stared to hide all the eggs around the house. In the kitchen, the coffee table, the couch, hangers, in his suits. In other words you hide them everywhere you found it suitable. Now all you had to do is wait for his return.
Several hours passed, the sun was about to go down when he finally came home. Tossing away the book you were reading, you jogged to the entrance to greet him. “Welcome home!” You smiled at him, what left your face in a second. “Is everything alright at LFG?” You furrowed your eyebrows in conern when you saw his expression. “Sorry for keeping you waiting.” He said. “Nothing is wrong, my plans just takes a little more time to be accomplished.” Victor pulled you to his side, giving a kiss on the top of your head. “Let me make up for you with a dinner. It’s your call, I’ll make you anything.” He unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt and rolled it up while walking in the kitchen.
“Pudding!” You smiled, Victor rolled his eyes at your remark. “Dummy, you want pudding for dinner?” He asked opening the fridge. “What is that?” He held a green chocolate egg in his hand. “Ah, I see. We are mischievous today.” A smile crept up on the corner of his lips, putting the sweet aside. “So I assume the plenty of chocolate in my office was your doing too.”
“I have no idea what are you talking about.” You shuffled away. “I didn’t do anything.” He chuckled. “Of course you didn’t, those eggs are from the Easter Bunny. So what do you like to eat?” He asked again getting the pots and pans ready. Without a word he put another handful of eggs aside, making it harder for you to comtain the fit of laughter what is about to erupt from your chest.
“Beef ribs would be fine.” You composed yourself. Victor nodded and began to prepare the dish. “So tell me, what were you doing all day?” He asked putting away another egg when he opened the cabinet where the seasonings were. “Aside from scattering sweets all over the kitchen.” A soft giggle left your lips. “Just the usual. I cleaned up, fed the cat. You knows, the things I usually do.” You chatted nonchalantly, like having Easter eggs around the house is ordinary.
“Why you are so clingy all off a sudden?” He lookes at you in confusion when he notices you are following his every step with your eyes. “What? No, I’m not!” You grinned, getting more eager every time he found an egg.
But what you didn’t know that the more he found the more annyed he got. He saw Easter eggs everywhere. On the kitchen counter, in the fridge, on the cabinets even in the cat bowl. But he didn’t have the heart to tell you. You waited for him all day so he can bear with your pranks a little longer.
He didn’t know what will coming.
“The ribs are almost ready.” He closed the oven after flipping them in the pan. “It’s smells so good.” You hummed, mouth already watering just from imagining how smoothly you knife will slide through the juicy ribs.
“I’ll go set the table.” You hopped down from the barstool and opened one of the cabinets to get the plates. While you clattered with the utensils, Victor opened his phone to check the notification he got from his bank during the meeting. The numbers he saw is what made him finally snap.
“What did you do?!” He exclaimed, looking at you, eyes wide as saucers. His sudden harsh tone startled you, almost making you drop the plates you balanced in your hands. “$150?! What did you buy?!” He questioned, his eyes shooting daggers at you. He sighed. “Don’t tell me all that were for chocolate eggs! Are you out of your mind?” He raised his voice at you, his eyes casting a frightening shade. The last time he looked at you this way when you barged in his office, demanding for funding. And that was many years ago. You flinched under his cold stare.
“I’m sorry.— you put everything in your hands down— “I-I’ll go clean that up.” With that you left the kitchen, and disappeared at the corner.
“Mc, wait.” He called after you, immediately regretting the way he spoke to you. A wave of guilt went over him when he caught up to you in the living room. Like you said, you obediently rummaged around to find the eggs. And it would be fine if you wouldn’t sniffling quietly, occasionally reaching up to wipe your eyes. And he hates it when you cry. And despise it if he’s the reason behind your tears. He didn’t mean to be this harsh with you. Or at all.
“Mc.” Victor called your name. Looking at the source of his voice you wiped off your tears in a quick motion. “Don’t bother, — you turned back, to hide your bloodshot eyes.— “I’ll get everything done. Go set up the dinner.” His heart ached, watching you turning away to hide your tears from him.
“No.” He walked up to you, folding you into a hug. “Today I almost lost the client I negotiated for weeks. They got a better offer and I had to change plans. The meeting was unplanned, I should’ve been at home with you.” He murmured into your ear. You stood there in sock while he kept talking.
“So I got frustrated. I shouldn’t have to release my anger on you. You just wanted to spend this day with me. I’m sorry.” He apologized. You on the other hand was shocked. Your boyfriend is a prideful person. And goddamn, he is also stubborn just as much like you are. The man you get to know almost never makes mistakes and if he does, the ground can crack, there’s no money in this world for him to make him admit it. He had to regret his actions very much to muster out an apology.
“It’s okay.” You turned to face him, knowing he meant it. Reaching up you scarping your fingers through his soft and well kept hair. “It was my fault after all. I went overboard with the sweets. And I scattered them all around the house.” You added. “Dummy.” He sighed, a relieved smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he saw you are hot angry at him. A soft giggle escaped your lips, remembering again how many chocolate eggs you hide in this big house.
“This looks better.” He pulled away, wiping the remaining tears from the corner of your eyes. “From now on just smile only. It looks better on you than the tears.” A pink color appeared on your face. When this stone cold man get so romantic?
“I’ll go pick up the eggs. Just keep making the dinner I’ll be fine.” You turned around and walked away.
“Almost got it!” You stretched further, balancing with a net in your hand while Victor had a firm grip on your hip. You were practically levitating above the pool to reach for the plastic egg at the bottom. Victor during that grew some gray hair.“I can’t believe you literally threw eggs in the pool. What if I’m not around? You straight up jump in?” You glared at him above your shoulders. “Hold me still or let me go. I can get them myself.” You puffed up your cheeks and reached further.
“Idiot, you can’t even swim.” He sighed. “Mc, stop wiggling you going to fall in!” And like this is what gravity waited for, you slipped on the wet tile, you fell in dragging Victor with yourself. With a swift motion, he scooped you up in his arms and brought you up in the surface. “I told you to hold me!” You screeched between coughs. “If you wouldn’t throw eggs in here like an idiot you are we wouldn’t be in this situation.” He fired back sitting you on the edge of the pool and then he climbed out himself.
“Dummy.” He sighed for the millionths time today, draping you in a towel. “Go get changed or you’ll catch a cold.” He helped you up. In that moment a little smirk appeared on your face, and it stretched wider. “What is it? Don’t tell me you still have eggs.” Victor sighed, a miserable look on his face. “Nothing.” You smiled and ran away.
“How many times I have to tell you? Don’t run by the pool!” He yelled after you but you were already outside. Grabbing the paperbag left on the bedroom you hurried away to the shower. After taking a shower you put on the pink, fuzzy bunny onsie you bought today. Stepping out your bringht pink color looked way too odd compared to the black and claret themed bedroom you two shared.
“What on earth are you wearing this time?” Victor looked at you from the bed. While waiting, he used the guests bathroom and changed into a black silk sleepwear. You giggled and hopped in next to him. “I didn’t remember keeping a rabbit at home.” He chuckled. “Childish.” He added. Rolling your eyes at his comment you laid down besides him. “Today is still Easter so I’m excused.”
“You have 5 more minutes to be like this.” He looked at the clock on the wall. “Then we are stretching it till tomorrow because I’m not changing.” You turned to face him.
Putting down his phone on the bedside table, Victor pulled you closer to his body. “I’ll make it up for you for being away. And for yelling at you.” He sighed, pressing his lips on the top of your head. As he moved closer to you something pierced into his side. Reaching to get it a small plastic egg was in his hand.
Your cheerful laugh echoed through the bedroom.
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Everything I Wanted (Ethan x f!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2,700 + Warning: Adult language, adult situations Premise: After all this time, her social media posts have a way of captivating him...until he turns the tables on her.  Part 3 of Lovely and Ocean Eyes.
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________________ Ethan walked down the corridor on a seemingly normal workday, far too aware that his steps were lighter and the smile he fought so hard to conceal made its appearance more often than not. For the sake of his reputation, he schooled his features into his usual unwelcoming and severe expression, though part of him worried that he was fooling exactly no one. 
Perhaps his face betrayed the way his pulse picked up pleasantly at the memory of the shy smile she offered him every time they crossed paths. The simple gesture was enough to brighten his mood, no matter how stressful his day. Somewhere down the line, Ethan had surrendered to the effortless way Dr. Lilac Allende drove him to distraction.  
His good mood quickly soured, however, when he walked past the locker room on the third floor. Typically, he studiously blocked out all the mindless conversations that drifted out into the hall, but a particular name caught his ear.
“Damn,” a tall, burly intern was saying as he glanced at his phone. “I knew Dr. Allende was hot but.. just wow.”
His friend closed the locker door and walked over to glance at the screen, nodding in approval. “What's her deal? She single?” 
The first intern scoffed, almost derisively. “Thinking of asking her out, Reyes?” 
Reyes looked unabashed, maintaining an easy grin that was almost arrogant. It made Ethan want to punch it right off his face. “Can't blame a guy for trying.”
“Is she still with Lahela? They were a thing a while back, I think?” 
Ethan had the mad urge to step in and correct the false statement, but he abstained. The two morons before him had no right to Lilac's personal life. 
Reyes stared at the phone screen again and gave a low whistle. “Her Pictagram is a work of art. The things I'd do–” 
“The things you're going to do, Dr. Reyes, are your actual job duties,” Ethan said through girt teeth, stepping into the room. 
Perhaps it was his sudden appearance or the downright murderous glare the older doctor was sending their way, but the pair of interns fumbled, the first one almost dropping the phone. By the time they straightened up to face Ethan, they looked far too rigid, uncomfortable, and downright terrified. The verbal lashing he unleashed on them was one for the books. In the end, there was no trace of arrogant smirks as both interns walked away, pale and with the extra workload Ethan assigned. 
Finally alone, he exhaled a sharp, steadying breath. At least there were a few guarantees in life, even if things had changed: he could still reduce grown men to tears and these damn interns were going to drive him to an early grave. 
Considerably calmer, Ethan produced his phone from his pocket and opened the too familiar Pictagram page. One glance at her latest picture and the two idiots' reactions made sense, even if they were still not justified.
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Fucking hell. 
Just like his moronic predecessors, Ethan almost dropped his phone, stifling a cough. Any trace of gentlemanly thoughts vanished as his eyes took in her bare shoulder, exposed so intentionally and coyly. All he could think about was running his lips along the curve of it, his fingers slowly tugging the black robe lower until it pooled on his floor. 
Before his primal mind could add his teeth and the moans she'd reward him with to this fantasy, his eyes fell on the caption. 
Ethan could hardly fight back the grin the single word inspired. The previous morning, as she had stopped by his office to use his coffee machine, he pointed out how useless Pictagram was. Lilac was quick to remind him that he seemed to be enjoying it, referencing the reaction he'd had to her previous posts. Determined to save face, Ethan had blurted that he might even delete his account.
A smug smile over her shoulder had been her reply along with a sultry promise. “I bet I can make you change your mind.”
She had accomplished just that along with taking root in his every thought. The need to see her became so acute, that he sought her out in every hallway he turned into. Finally, he found her in one of the break rooms, laughing and chatting with her intern, Dr. Ortega. 
 “This coffee machine is the worst,” he heard Ortega complain. She rattled the cup as though the action would force it to hurry. “I can't believe I'm going to be late because of shit coffee.”
Lilac laughed. “Shit coffee is better than no coffee.” 
“Spoken like someone who has a mysterious coffee source.” 
With another laugh, Lilac mimed zipping her lips shut. Dr. Ortega snorted with laughter, which was a rare enough sight. 
“At least rounds are not with Dr. Ramsey this morning,” Ortega continued as she sniffed disapprovingly at her cup. “I'd be dead meat for being even two minutes behind.”
“And that's considering the guy's mellowed out in the past few months,” a nurse chimed in from his place at the loveseat. “He was far grumpier before. Something or someone is putting that man in a good mood every night.”
Ethan felt his neck flare up, his eyes solely on Lilac, looking as lovely as ever and utterly unfazed. 
“That poor soul,” Lilac commented so convincingly, Ethan almost believed it. “Whoever that is.”
The nurse had no reaction, invested in his newspaper as he was and Ortega threw a hesitant smile at Lilac. 
“I always kind of thought you two had a thing,” she confessed. 
Lilac did not even react, taking a sip of her to-go cup. “Because I'm his so-called favorite?” When Esme nodded, Lilac shrugged. “Being on his radar comes with its cons.”
At this, Ortega nodded solemnly. “Yeah, he's harder on you, for sure.”
That was his cue. With absolutely no preamble, he marched into the breakroom, startling the three occupants with his mere presence. 
“Allende, if you are done with your morning gossip session, I'd appreciate you getting me those labs I asked for.”
Lilac pushed herself off the counter at once. “Yes, doctor.” 
They stared at one another, neither betraying a single emotion. 
“Now. It's not like lives depend on it or anything.”
Ortega shot Lilac a sympathetic look, no doubt reconsidering her previous thoughts of their involvement. Without another word, Lilac followed Ethan out of the break room. Once they were alone in a deserted hallway, Lilac raised a brow at him. 
“You didn't ask for any labs,” she said at the same time Ethan blurted out, “'That poor soul'?”
Lilac laughed and he joined her with a chuckle soon after, their bodies comfortably gravitating closer to each other. His hands throbbed with the raw, poignant need to touch her and the blinding disappointment of being unable to. The way Ethan longingly looked at her then, drinking in every one of her beautiful features, he imagined he looked like some yearning nineteenth century gentleman straight out of an Austen novel. 
“Mine was more believable,” she pointed out, that witty, playful challenge in her eyes. An Elizabeth Bennet to his hopeless and bewitched Darcy. 
“Not remotely,” he returned without missing a beat. “No one would deem the person having sex with me every night as 'poor.'”
“They would when said person could barely walk the next day.”
That made Ethan pause, the bravado slipping as his eyes fell on her rosy lips. His breath caught audibly at his throat. 
They were standing so close together now, eyes locked on each other with palpable magnetism. If anyone walked by they would be found out without a doubt. Even more so if Ethan gave into the burning urge to kiss her right there and then. 
Lilac gave him a coquettish smirk. “Did you like my post?” 
Ethan found his voice again. “It was…”
There was no appropriate word to describe the delicious, sinful perfection of it. 
“Nice?” she teased. 
“Dr. Reyes and his idiot friend definitely thought so.”
Lilac snorted. “That explains the DM that sits unopened in my inbox. Jealous?” 
“Not even a little bit.”
“Good. They're not the ones who have me in their bed every night.” 
Ethan almost stuttered like an imbecile. He fought back all indecent thoughts and returned, “You forget I have you against multiple different surfaces, Rookie.”
She paused briefly, eyes dark as they traveled down his body and back to his eyes again.
Fuck, she had him. He knew the look too well. 
“Or against no surface at all, as you proved on your birthday.” 
Ethan cursed. 
Everything in her expression suggested that she fancied herself the victor of their Pictagram debate. Matching her smug smirk with a dashing smile of his own, he decided then to give her a taste of her own medicine.
Ethan, ever the prophet, had predicted the board meeting they were both required to attend would be pointless. 
He had been right, of course. They both sat in the boardroom forty minutes into it, listening to Dr. Cyrus drone on endlessly about something that had little to do with patient care. Listening was a generous term because Lilac remained focused on her laptop, diligently updating patient files. Ethan, sitting across from her, was doing much of the same, the glare of his screen reflecting on his glasses. 
Soon, the buzzing of her phone on the table pulled her away from her concentration. Her heart leaped when she saw it was a notification alerting to his latest Pictagram post. Confused, Lilac glanced up at him but he was too invested in his work to notice. 
After ensuring no one was paying her any mind, she opened the app and regretted it at once. 
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One quick glance at artfully sculpted muscles and Lilac was reduced to a coughing mess. Dr. Cyrus stopped mid sentence to glare at her. Everyone else in the room followed suit to stare. 
“Dr. Allende, are you alright?” Naveen asked with concern. 
Ethan wordlessly handed her a bottle of water, his lips quirking ever so slightly, his fingers brushing hers. After a quick sip, she mumbled, “I'm fine. Sorry.”
Convinced, they resumed the meeting. 
Lilac, meanwhile, attempted to catch Ethan's eye to throw him a glare, but he remained laser focused on his screen. Having no other alternative, she returned her attention to the picture. Soon, she was texting him. 
Your one follower approves. 
Her phone dinged almost immediately after with his reply. Her pulse spiked with excitement, which was ridiculous because she slept with the man every day. 
I am aware. We all saw. 
Cheeky bastard. 
That was a low blow, Ramsey. And with a picture I took too. 
He almost smiled when he read that. 
Pay attention, Rookie. 
She bit her lip, glancing up at him. Ethan was the perfect picture of professionalism, his stoic expression betraying nothing as he worked. Her eyes returned to the picture, her cheeks flushing. 
Oh, I am. 
To the meeting. 
Oh. Dr. Cyrus has my undivided but unwilling attention. 
Liar, he returned at once. For a man who claimed to hate texting, he was a master at sending them without anyone's notice. 
I can tell because you actually look interested in what you're doing. 
Lilac almost laughed out loud at that. She quickly turned her head away from the front of the table to avoid suspicion. 
I am studiously taking notes. 
Unless you're jotting down all of Cyrus's brown-nosing remarks to Naveen, I highly doubt that. 
This time, a small squeak of laughter escaped her. Luckily for her, she was able to mask it perfectly with a dainty cough. No one at the table gave her a second glance, except for Ethan. Handsome as ever, his mouth quirked ever so slightly. 
I don't need to take notes on that, she replied. I already know how to get on my boss's good side. 
She watched as Ethan imperceptibly read her text, having no visible reaction. 
Time to go in for the kill. 
And the best side to get on is under him. 
This time, it was Ethan who sputtered slightly and coughed. A furious blush started to color his neck and ears in a way that was entirely too satisfying. Unfortunately for him, she wasn't finished yet. 
Although he actually enjoys me on top of him too. 
Those piercing blue eyes found hers instantly, so dark and smoldering that she was struck motionless for a second. A familiar, molten heat pooled in her belly as Ethan's lustful gaze remained on her, unwavering. The longer they stared at each other, magnetized, the more evident it became that he would take her right there and then if it weren't for the company surrounding them. 
When the meeting was adjourned for a break twenty minutes later, Lilac was assured that her texts had the intended effect. The tall, hard body of her boyfriend pressed hers flush against the door of his office the second it closed. A second after that, his full lips hungrily kissed her neck, his powerful hands gripping handfuls of her hips. 
“You're determined to kill me,” he muttered darkly against her skin. 
“But what a way to go,” she said in a whisper that gave way to a moan at the last word. 
He agreed in the form of a husky groan that resonated deliciously against her throat. With almost lazy effort, he turned her body to face the door, strong hands guiding her backside to press urgently against him. 
“The way you tease me, Lilac,” he whispered hotly in her ear, sending a powerful shiver through her. His hips began guiding her toward the nearest table with ease, his fingers slowly skimming their way up her thighs and under her skirt. 
“You like it,” she challenged breathlessly. 
Ethan hummed against her shoulder, pulling her blouse down in a perfect rendition of her post. 
“It's torture.” Another searing kiss. “Seeing the way you look at me and not being able to take you against the nearest wall.”
Lilac had a witty response ready, but at that exact moment, his thumbs hooked around the lacy fabric of her underwear. 
“Are these for me?” His voice was nothing more than gravel. Lilac's legs quivered, every sense proudly dominated by him. 
“Yes,” she moaned, eyes fluttering closed in a heady rush. He had her bent over the table, her skirt bunching to indecent heights around her thighs. 
Without another word, he removed the garment skillfully, sliding it slowly down her legs and bunching it in his fist. Lilac pressed herself further against him, aching painfully for him. 
“Use them to tie me up,” she suggested in a ragged whisper. 
Ethan cursed. 
His hips jerked against hers, sliding the thick, hard column of his body against her. Lilac was so overcome with maddening need that her arms almost gave out from balancing her on the table. 
She never found out if Ethan was delirious enough to take her whispered advice because both of their pagers went off with infuriating insistence.
 “The meeting from hell that never ends,” he groaned. “Break is over.”
Lilac straightened against his chest, smirking when he made no movement to let her go. “To be continued?” 
Ethan leaned in to kiss her neck. “Your bed or mine?” 
Lilac swiveled in his hold, facing him with a smile that made her cheeks hurt. “Doesn't matter as long as it's you next to me.”
He matched her smile with an unfairly charming one of his own. 
Though they were needed at the Board meeting, they stole another minute together in each other's arms. Lilac studied his handsome face briefly, feeling her heart restart as it often did when she realized he was finally hers. Perhaps he was hers in secret for the time being but he was hers nonetheless. The thought that after all the strife and hardship, she still found herself where she belonged, in his arms, made her smile grow wider. 
“What?” he asked, genuinely curious. 
“I love you,” she told him, not for the first time. 
It was his turn to give her a smile so incandescent that it stole her breath. “That's a relief,” he said, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “Given that I am madly and desperately in love with you, Rookie.”
Author’s Note: Are we okay after those two new OH chapters?
I’m not! I have some ideas for future fics but we’ll see if the writing gods are in my favor. 
Thank you for reading this senselessness. I love you for it.
Please let me know if I need to add/remove you. You might have asked me already but I can barely keep track of my life atm. Sorry!
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thebiggestshrimp · 3 years
A Special “Souvenir” part 3
SFW (for now)
MLQC: Victor X MC (featuring Kiro)
Potential Spoilers!! brief mention of Kiro’s other half (so brief you’ll miss it if you blink), plot from Chapter 10, another slight reference to Airplane Date with Victor
Narrative Switch to Victor at the end
Word Count: 1.5k
Part 1 & Part 2 link
Part 3
As soon as you exited the building, you noticed Kiro leaning on a black car, clearly waiting for you.
“Ah Miss Chips! Are you ready to go?”
“I have to head down the street to LFG to hand in a report to my boss” you say while waving the documents in your hand.
“That’s fine, I’ll drive you there so we can get our night started as soon as possible”.
Kiro eagerly opens the passenger door for you, and then confidently strides to the driver's side. This is the first time you’ve ever seen Kiro behind the wheel, and to be honest, you didn’t even know that he could drive. You had just assumed since he was an idol, he wasn’t allowed to drive for legal reasons.
LFG was only down the street, barely a 5-minute walk, but as tired as you already felt you appreciated Kiro taking you there. When you looked at Kiro, you noticed how handsome he looked, how his expression become sterner when he was driving, how his hands look so muscular when he gripped the wheel, or how for the first time you realized just how big and manly he looked... You quickly looked away; it wasn’t your intention to think of Kiro in any way but as a friend. But you could at least admit that he was very hot. No wonder all of his fans fangirled as hard as they did.
You both arrived at LFG, the sight of which made you nervous. You checked your phone: 8:03. Victor prefers it when you show up to hand in your reports before 8 o’clock, so he would hopefully only call you a dummy once for being a few minutes late.
“This should only take a moment.” you nearly sigh while opening the car door.
“No worries, I’ll be waiting for your swift return Miss Chips”.
Little did you know Kiro was intently watching you as you walked towards LFG, admiring the way your ass ever so slightly jiggled. He caught himself staring for too long, whispering to himself, “God damn, I want to show her all of me one day”.
You were currently nervously fidgeting in the elevator, heading up to the top floor to see your boss. You almost caught yourself silently praying that he would let you off easy, in case Anna and Kiki actually lied to make you feel better about the report.
“Ding!” chimed the elevator when you reached your destination. Shakily, you exited and headed to the door marked “VICTOR LI: Loveland Financial Group CEO”.
You knocked. Nothing.
That was unusual, Victor never waited past one knock to invite whomever waited outside in.
You knocked again, a little harder this time in case the previous one was too soft to hear. Again, you were met with silence.
You checked your phone, thinking maybe he responded to your text. Nope.
You sent him another.
MC: I’m outside of your office with the report, are you out on business and I just missed you?
You waited impatiently until your phone said it was 8:16.
MC: I guess I missed you today so I’ll be here early tomorrow morning to hand it in, I hope that won’t interfere with your schedule.
You swiftly entered the elevator again, awaiting the descent to the ground level. At least now you had no reason to be nervous and could loosen up a bit tonight with Kiro before you were mocked by Victor.
Kiro was leaning against his car again, as the vigor returned to his eyes as he noticed you approaching.
“So, did it go well with the boss?”
You gave him a half confused, half relieved look, handing your report to him.
“Well, he wasn’t in his office, so I’m sure he’s not going to be too happy to receive this tomorrow because I was a bit late making it here”.
Kiro quickly eyed your documents and reassured you with his trademark smile. “If it’s from you, then I’m sure he can forgive you missing one deadline”.
Although you appreciated his optimism, you weren’t so sure Victor would feel the same.
Sensing your reluctance, he quickly opens the car door for you, urging you in.
“Don’t worry Miss Chips, tonight we’ll have so much fun you’ll forget all about your troubles!”
Kiro’s sudden declaration and the cheerful tone he emitted made you giggle, which, to his surprise, he found so adorable his face blushed a new color. Luckily for him, your giggle also caught you so off guard that you turned to the side to avoid meeting his gaze out of embarrassment.
You once again were admiring the beauty of the cityscape while Kiro drove. You recognized some places you passed, trying to guess what surprise Kiro had in mind. By 8:32, you finally arrived at the surprise location.  
“You know how hard it is to actually be here on a day they’re open...” Kiro said with a wide grin.
You gasped in surprise, not expecting Souvenir to be open. It had been 3 weeks since you last heard it was even open, and 5 since you were last able to enjoy the fine dining. You realized that since it was actually open, it must mean Victor was inside.
“Hm, so that’s why he never answered.” you said to yourself a little too loudly.
“What was that Miss Chips?” a certain blond chimed in while leaning closer to hear you better.
Slightly embarrassed you nearly exposed your boss’ secret, you quickly wave Kiro away, stating that you were simply shocked that you finally had a chance to eat here again. That answer seemed to satisfy his curiosity based on the way his eyes lit up at the thought of sharing a beautifully made meal with a beautiful woman.
Kiro boldly decided to grab your hand, leading you into the small establishment. You were too consumed with the thought of possibly having to explain away to Victor why you hadn’t come in earlier to hand him the report to respond to Kiro’s assertiveness.
Mr. Mill’s greeted you both, sat you down at a candle lit table, handed you menus, and swiftly walked back to inform the boss that two customers had arrived, one of which being you. This caught Victor’s attention. He wanted to know who you had come with, figuring it was either one of your work friends or, more likely, the idol Kiro Zhou who often frequented Souvenir with you.
Victor had nothing against Kiro, in fact he appreciated that he didn’t mind the “weird paying system” that Souvenir had, and that his love and admiration of his dishes was pretty much the only nice review on the restaurant’s website. However, he knew that Kiro was an evolver, and a surprisingly dangerous one. He wasn’t 100% sure what exactly his evolve was, but he was certain that he had some kind of mind control ability.  
Seeing you with him always left Victor feeling like he lost. What did he lose? A few months ago, he wouldn’t have known the answer to that question. But now, he knew all too well that he had fallen in love with you. He didn’t like to admit it to himself, since he never saw himself as the type to ever fall in love with someone. But then he reunited with you, and you shared tender moments together that ignited something deep within him. You sacrificed yourself for him, just as you did all those years ago. When he had finally confirmed that you were the same girl, the number of emotions that welled inside him made him weep, but not tears of sadness but instead joy that at long last, he had found his first and only real friend.
Of course, he’d never tell you that, not unless you accidentally divulged your feelings first. Victor didn’t like losing, and was confident in his ability to make you confess. Even if you only wanted to be friends, that was okay with him, but he felt that you wanted something more.
It started small, with the way he sometimes caught you looking at him, at which you would quickly make up a half-assed excuse. He then noticed that you commented on his moments way more than you used to, and he found himself commenting on yours more too. He realized that you invited him out to do things, things that weren’t work related. You had once attended a business trip with him so that you could mingle with important people to gain more reliable sources, where you got embarrassingly drunk off a couple sips of Brandy (which he had told you was not a drink for a lightweight such as yourself, but you didn’t listen on the plane ride either). As he carried you to his car and set you down in the passenger seat, you leaned over to him and whispered.
“You know *hiccup*, e-even though you’re my boss and sometimes a hard *hiccup* ass, I still really appreciate your friendsh- *hiccup*. And, it helps that I reallllllly like to *hiccup* look at you”.
Victor suddenly laughed out loud while remembering how embarrassed you were the next morning when you found yourself sleeping in one of Victor’s guest bedrooms. He had told you not to worry about it and that you were not a burden to him.
A thought occurred to him then, accompanied by a mischievous grin.
“Simple, a fair price for a delicious meal” he said to himself.
Victor reached into his fridge and grabbed some of the ingredients to make his signature dish, and also your favorite; pudding.
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Part 4
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