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banenaz · 1 year ago
Guess who's the clown who swore not to miss his bday this year but barely managed to draw a sketch 🤡🤡🤡
Anw look at my bbg I wanna cuddle and kiss and call cute al the time
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Tired boi needs a lot of rest and hugs 🥹🤲🏻🤲🏻❤️
Happy bday sleepy boi ~
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mrlove-loveme · 5 years ago
Hello, I haven't unlocked chapter 16 yet. Do you think chapter 19 will have many spoilers? because it is unlocked and I got excited but I'm scared to play it. Love you blog btw❣
Im in a similar boat lol 😅
I like to take my time with the game cause then i don't have to wait for updates as long... and im more of a casual player compared to a lot of other ppl :×
im only on 17-5, but yea im pretty sure chapter 19 will have spoilers and you might feel lost, cause i vaguely know something big happens in chapter 18
Ultimately the choice is up to you
Thank you for the love 💕
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hanjuminnya · 5 years ago
banenaz replied to your post “Horaay~⭐ Have you ever thought about making facts of other characters?...”
Oh! What webtoon? (If you want of course hehe)
The Botanist! I got featured alongside 20 other comics for Canvas Day a few weeks ago, so I just hit 20 thousand subscribers! :)
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fukurodanni · 4 years ago
love for the rich and emotionally stunted: a comprehensive guide
ch. 1/7 -- prev. -- next. pairing: jumin han x f!reader warnings: n/a series summary: in the months following the incident with his father's most recent paramour, glam choi, the corporate heir of C&R finds himself discovering exactly what it is that makes a person in love so blind. ao3 link
note: office romance slowburn. featuring hallmark tropes and bad flirting. enjoy the ride. hop into my inbox for a tag if you're interested though! kiss kiss.
You don’t mean for it to happen the first time.
Considering the state of your routine and your general efficiency (required when it comes to a job at C&R) it’s easy to say that showing up early is an ingrained habit. It had happened a few times too many when you’d first started working and just sort of stuck. However.
It’s thirty minutes past schedule when you wake up in a state of panic, rushing and grabbing for clothes and keys and wallet before stumbling out the door.
But for as much as you’d worried, it all turns out fine. You’re still on time, a nice man holds the door open for you--you don’t think you’ve seen him before, or maybe you’re so distressed your brain doesn’t recognize the face--and there aren’t any consequences. You don’t get yelled at. You aren’t behind. Really, you should have overslept more often.
So the next day you set your alarm a little later than usual and allow yourself to sleep. It goes much smoother than the day before and you still make it on time, looking much better than you had 24 hours prior. The same man--you think-- holds the door open for you, and you glance back to smile and thank him.
Except you really must have been too stressed to notice because the man you’re staring at is the executive director and immediate heir to C&R.
Your smile falls.
And then you choke out a noise of gratitude that’s supposed to sound like “Thanks,” but the shock in your voice turns it to audible mush. Mr. Han only hums in return and walks past you with all the dignity and poise of a seasoned Calvin Klein model. Your heart hammers with a startling lucidity at the surprise of it all but it isn’t anything that you think much of, so you make it back to your desk on time and it’s all fine, it’s all fine. It isn’t until about an hour later that you realize it’s probably the first time you’ve seen him so close in person.
Not that it matters, of course, but then it does - because it happens again.
And again, and again.
The routine continues for about a week: the “thank you,” the hum of a response, and no further conversation besides that at the door. You’ve gotten to catch longer glimpses of him as this routine has gone on, the shine of his hair, this grey of his eyes, but there’s something that intrigues you infinitely more. You haven’t gotten him to smile and it nags at you, incessant. So you’re determined to do it now.
You crack a joke about his consistency the next time you see him, a smile playing coy at your lips. He just hums again. Killjoy.
“What?” You ask, turning on your heel. His voice is much deeper than in the press interviews.
“Were you calling me a killjoy?”
“Not intentionally, no.” You quip back, face feeling hot. You turn again and begin walking back, nursing the humiliation you can already feel pricking at your nerves. “Have a nice day, Mr. Han.”
You think he says something like “You too,” but you wouldn’t notice it over the rush in your ears.
That went well.
Another day passes, another routine, rinse and repeat. He doesn’t seem bothered by yesterday’s incident, so you’re planning to talk to him again tomorrow, just to give it a day in between. It’s going to get annoying soon, but he’s neither fired nor closed the door in your face so in all situations, it really is a win-win.
Jumin Han opens the door for you, wordlessly as ever. You spare a glance at him.
“I’d considered arriving late just to get a reaction out of you, and then I realized that I wouldn’t even be there to see it.” You quirk your head in wait, watching as the corners of his lips twitch into an unwitting smile.
Mirth is very becoming on him, you realize. Oh no.
“I’m sure it would be quite the sight, Miss.” He replies, that same almost-smile creasing a dimple into his cheek. When he nods his good morning and walks off to the tippity-top of the C&R building, all the office lights seem a little brighter in the wake.
You shake yourself from your musings and an intern is already brushing past you in their hurry to return to their place-- wherever that may be, and it reminds you to do the same. C&R International, with all its focus on exports, has a wide breadth when it comes to fashion. Having directed several of its projects, you know this firsthand. You also know that when your schedule isn’t filled to the brim, everything else seems like busywork.
For the first time in a few months you feel like a regular, 9-to-5 office worker.
Additionally, this means that you’ve returned to being hyped up on watery coffee all the time. The building’s cafeteria is a modern marvel in and of itself, overpriced as its food may be. Your break is just long enough for you to catch two-thirds of a meal and a conversation if the mood strikes, otherwise a whole meal and a moment to catch up on social media. Having just passed the two-thirds-meal mark, you’re surprised to see someone else approaching your seat.
Funnily, horribly enough, it’s Mr Han himself, who’s looking at you with the same unbidden curiosity that a child might grant a particularly fascinating caterpillar.
“You work here,” he says, without greeting. It’s an innocent enough statement.
Did he not know? That you work here? Was he under the impression that you’d just started showing up for his own personal amusement and one-sided banter at the beginning of the month?
“Uh,” you say. “Yes.”
He blinks at you. You think for a moment that he might fire you on the spot. You don’t know why.
“I have a lanyard,” you say dumbly, holding it up. You wave it around a little. Mr Han nods, looking professional as ever. “I see,” he says. “Work hard.” And then he leaves, Italian leather on polished marble and all. You still need to finish the rest of your salad.
It’s almost ironic, the fact that you arrive late the next day.
After the strange half-encounter with Mr. Han, you’ve given yourself a moment of contemplation. Surely if the man hadn’t given a second thought to you besides your shared mornings-- not even a minute, besides-- then there wouldn’t be any point in pursuing him any further. He hadn’t even realized you worked there, not really.
Office romances never work out, anyhow.
You don’t even know if it was an office romance that you were pursuing in the first place. Perhaps it would have been nice, just to have another friend at work. Not that you were lacking, only that everyone had already seemed to settle in their routines and you’d been so busy, and well. Some things work out that way, and it’s not like you’re awful at small talk.
You’re running to the door of the office building, shoes clacking noisily against the pavement. You have to open the door for yourself this time.
“I thought you were kidding about arriving late to see my reaction.”
You think your neck just about cracks with the speed you turn to the noise. Mr Han stands not two meters from you, head tilted curiously in that same innocent wonder. He looks sort of sheepish, though you can’t quite figure why.
“I’m, uh--” You stare at him then, really take him in. Nothing comes. “I’m late for work.”
His eyes widen a fraction. And then he starts chuckling, softly, and it’s petrichor after rain, a deep tenor from low in his throat that has you suddenly, instantly warm. It isn’t much, not really.
But then you start laughing too, familiar and gleeful and it’s almost like you weren’t having a deep monologue about him that spanned most of last night. When you meet his eyes again, warm like the earth, it’s enough to boil hope in you, sunlight spilling over.
You don’t know for what yet, but you figure it’s something you’d like to find out.
tags: @vandysgf @banenaz @mrs-han thank u!
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banenaz · 4 years ago
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I was struggling so much QAQ
"Are you done yet, honey?"
"Just a sec"
god. god
making bread w jumin. put a damn apron over that mans nice clothes. he gets to roll up his shirt sleeves and knead the dough. bonus points if theres music in the background as the breads baking and you get to relax with him while you wait. he is so fine oh my god im
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otome0heart · 3 years ago
[Fanfic] A Rose for His Rose (Victor)
Finally, I've started to feel better and my mental health has been improving little by little, to the point of not seeing my hobbies as useless anymore, and wanting to try writing again.
@banenaz posted a list of prompts for the MLQCtober event and I'd have loved to participate at the same time as everyone else but since RL had other plans and better late than never, I'm going to try my hand at some of the prompts now. Maybe I'll write just this one, or nine, who knows, but at least, these beautiful prompts are helping me come back to the fandom.
Title: A Rose for His Rose
Genre: Fluff
Prompt: #1 Fav chara/Flowers
Words: 891
Notes: Thank you, @banenaz for creating the prompts ^^ Also, this was inspired by the number of flowers in Victor's karmas and the mini house. If you see any mistake, please tell me so I can correct it (as you know, English isn't my native language). I hope you enjoy this little piece ^^
Like every Saturday morning for a month, Victor signed the receipt the delivery man had handed him and closed the door carrying a bouquet of flowers in his hands. With slow steps he made his way to the kitchen, where there were three vases waiting in line on the kitchen counter, perfectly clean and dry.
Finally, after so much time waiting, the special delivery he had ordered had arrived. In the light of the early morning which came through the window, he opened the wrapping and observed each blossom carefully, cutting their stems to a certain height before putting them in the two bigger ones, arranging them carefully until he was satisfied.
The task never failed to make him smile slightly but it was even more satisfying that day, as he remembered her surprised eyes upon seeing the beautiful man-created roses in his living room. He had received them as a thank-you gift from a laboratory he had invested in. Later that evening, once he had taken her home, he had sat down on his sofa watching the flowers with a new perspective. Something that for him was pleasant and aesthetic had created such a myriad of expressions and feelings in her. And when moments later his mobile phone had beeped and he had checked it, she had posted on her social media a photo of the flower he had given her in a small vase with a comment about miracles and beauty with lots of starry-eyed emojis and hearts.
Victor left just a single rose on the counter and, after cleaning the stems and leaves he had discarded, he picked up one of the recipients and brought it to the living room, placing it on a low table near the piano, taking his time to turn it around until he was satisfied with the perspective of the flowers from the piano bench. That way, she could enjoy their view when she played in the evening. Then, he carried the other one to the gallery on the second floor, placing it on a pedestal by one of the enormous windows, repeating the same action so they could watch them while having their afternoon tea.
Returning to the kitchen, he picked up the lonely rose and admired the symmetry of its shape, the gradient shades of blue from the stem to the tip of its gorgeous petals, the velvety feeling as he passed his fingertip across them. He never got tired of that ritual. He always took his time to pick up the most perfect flower in the bouquet and examine it carefully until he was pleased with his choice. Then, he cut the stem, filled the thin vase with fresh water and arranged the dark green leaves.
After cleaning up, he looked at the clock hanging on the wall, checking that he was on time and, picking up the vase, ascended the stairs once again, a low humming accompanying his steps.
After she had moved in with him, Victor had made sure that the house was decorated with lovely flowers but especially, that she kept on receiving them as tokens of his affection, in the same way as when their relationship was still undefined and later, when it was growing at her pace.
He opened the door of the master bedroom. The curtains were still drawn but the faint light that slipped past the narrow opening between them outlined her form under the covers. Her soft even breath was the only sound in the room. He walked towards the bed and placed the vase in his hand on top of her bedside table.
“Good morning, sleepyhead” he murmured as he shook her gently.
The answer was a pitiful moan that he ignored as he went to the window to open the curtains. When he turned, he saw that she had buried herself deeper under the sheets.
“Come on” he tried again, giving a slightly stern tone to his voice and sitting down on the bed, placing his hands on each side of her. “You wanted to go somewhere after breakfast, didn’t you?”
She breathed deeply and then, turned around, showing him her dishevelled hair and half-lidded dark pupils.
“Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes so wash your face and come downstairs, okay?”
As he spoke, she rubbed her eyes and turned to see the time on her alarm clock, as they had established a rule of not allowing mobile phones in the bedroom at weekends. Then, her eyes opened surprised.
“Victor!” she shouted as she sat down suddenly, almost hitting him on the head with hers. “It’s beautiful!”
A pleased smile played on his lips watching her cheeks flush with excitement and he was about to say something when she threw her arms around his neck.
“I love it” one of his arms went around her waist, enjoying the soft warmth of her skin and the strength of her embrace. Her hair tickled his nose, and he breathed in the still faintly noticeable smell of her perfume.
After a few moments, she leant back and looked into his eyes with a beautiful spark in them, and bent forward, touching her forehead with his.
“Thank you, and happy one-month anniversary” she whispered before pressing her lips against his in a tender kiss.
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caire-draws · 3 years ago
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Did this for the first day of Inktober with the prompt favourite character/flowers from the mlqctober’s list by @banenaz
It’s Lucien and camellias <3
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ikenbar · 4 years ago
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@banenaz, I felt this on a whole new level-
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banenaz · 1 year ago
Ayoo guess who's back with a new drawing 😩✨️
Tired sleepy silly boi 🥺🤲🏻💕
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This was supposed to be for his bday lmao but I 2 months late ehe
Ok so ya. Happy Birthday Viccy boii
Missed drawing him sooo much
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darling-dummy-blogs · 2 years ago
Thank you @multifandom-worlds and @otome-and-fanfiction ! 🥰🥺❤
Tagging: @little-butterfly-writes @mrs-han @playheej @crystalcrystalcrystal @cheri-translates @call-me-dummy @thedummysdummy @banenaz @caesurables @lizzy011389 ❤
This is the Nugget of Friendship.
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It is not given lightly. Yet I give it to you.
Yes. I mean YOU.
Now shoo.
Pass on the Nugget of Friendship.
@withlovefromolympus @inc0rrectmyths
@nysus-temple @rue-cimon
Behold the great and mighty, nugget of friendship.
@books-and-catears @harunayuuka2060 @im-not-a-simp-i-swear
I give you nugget of friend
@rouecentric @spadecentral @divinesapph @guinevere-missviolet @korra-northeast-germany
@d10nsaint @spadecentral @cupid-spams @v-anrouge @sidra-29 @elychee +more!!! <33
@astrilien @acuriousmoon @broken-mandolin0357 @bluecakes1978 @clioh07 @cerisearan @dxmoness @d10nsaint @dion-s-lawyer @elychee @forbidden-sunlight @fuoon @lyomeii @lady-navier0357 @laireilevinth @mysticmeena @ophelia0357 @roseadleyn @rouecentric @spadecentral @that-one-pretty-bitch @v-anrouge @yevenly
@kxmikomrade @kunizuzhi
Ur kinda forgiven
@fuoon @mx-kamisato @monocae @haliyamori
@albed0kreideprinz @mikusboner @maehemthemisfit @ashthemadwriter @arisu-chan4646 @dazaisboner @pussydrunkfyodor @kalopses-sonderes
@pixyys @pianotross @chuuyas-beloved @yuugen-benni @ashthemadwriter @nekokinax @fortheharbingers @fi-nn-losofia @scarletta-ruan @sariel626 @dazaiyohane @yosanosboner @osamusswife @i-just-like-goats @voyagewiththesatan @all of my beloved followers <3
@stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @i-need-entertainment @milkbreadforlife @mimi-cee-hq
@nibwhipdragon @fandomdumpsterfires @soul-errorr
@arraxthatsonjah @kirstenonic05 @dremyink06 @skyllion-uwu @pey-no-attention-to-me <3
THANK YOU FOR NUGGET. @longfruitylady @salted-bombs @sabrine-bree-the-bravery @everything-is-a-lot @wistikk @spunchthegoblin
@explodingegg123 @effervescent-fool @headfulloffxck @vampire-culture-is
omg thank you <3
@explodingegg123 get friendshipped x2 idiot @bone-jay @bethiewhimsy @outlying-hyppocrate @midoriirl @kkshowtunes @magdaclaire @maxxzophone @tornadodyke
OMG TYSM <3 ily mwah
@4listr @youretoomuchweretiger @walking-meme @earlysnsetsovermonroeville @rebel-ramen @underpaidimmortal @fandoms-spamdom @cinnamoroxie <3
@bethiewhimsy @4listr @amazondeliverypearl @maruubread @try-cry-why-try @zhuiren @jessepinkmanfanboy15 <333
@furoidorichi @malewifefirestar @traitorsinsalem @moss-boy @shinonomebrainworms @p5strikerss @twowink @miffyhat
@h0pef1lled @lume-nosity @scarafrisbee
@0-g-i @soupercreeper @spaghetti-doodles @4atchi @rin-loves-cats @spidersofa @farceurcole @feralmoonlight
  @h0pef1lled  @chaireem  @honiegoo @making-my-wey-down-town @spaghetti-doodles @splinteredthoughts  @tyrannydarling @fluffbeast7 @girlofhearts101 @festdev @cero-sleep @exp0001-goopsart @twitchyglitchy @cocoa-moose @iceblink123  
0gi!!!!!!!!! You’re also tagged!!!!!!! <3
@festdev @chaireem @eyenaku @little-sw33tie @razzledazzlerazzberry @basyacriptid @clxckwork-sun-n-moon @enigmaticcattic @chaoticgouda and all of my mutuals!!!! Consider yourselves tagged!!!!!
Sobs 🫵 no u
@little-sw33tie @razzledazzlerazzberry @chaireem @beps-brainrot @moonliched @basyacriptid @stark-alchemy @rynekins @hunni-hive @0-g-i @rapha3liii @kandidandi AND ALL MY OTHER MOOTS 🫵🫵 WEEEE
@kibbits @solarstupid @fungi-out @castervhs @1luckyrubberducky @sol-s-hine @oobbbear @nefariouslydinkle @muzzlemouths and all other mutuals luv u all <3<3<3
Im giving out dino shaped nuggets
@basyacriptid @nefariouslydinkle @kandidandi @1luckyrubberducky @filez34 @castercassette @kitty-c4t @oobbbear @baaaa-king @gooeglop @naffeclipse @magicclownjuice @skizabaa @cyberscraps @sillysaysnonsense @certified-handler @solarstupid @feralmoonlight @calamitycrown @gniteruirui @kibbits @pure-plum @bittysteam @fluffbeast7 @driftingmoonmenace @maudiemoods @vurelly @opudont-donut @chlorenw
And anyone i didnt tag kuz i dont remember names
Dont feel pressured to reblog from me im just throwing meat around i know u saw it
kisses bites and sum good food
come get nuggets
@lovingstarfishsandwich @shapeshiftinterest @bkczyra @gniteruirui @fishy-daycare @silvermizuki @just-a-drawing-bean @lilmissnia @loonasketches @boxofcreampuffs @lynaferns @honeynutios and others aksjaslkdjsajd👀❤️
I pass out for some hours and wake up tagged to this post twice! Thank you @chlorenw and @thatmooncake for the tag and right back at ya!
@iamasimplesimp @festdev @total-fandom-tr45h @sharpmarble76 @gniteruirui @castercassette @sunnydbeam @fluffbeast7 @nefariouslydinkle @yes—but—no @thewordofm @laurs-but-more-feral @fungi-out @echo-the-half-glitch @1luckyrubberducky @angsty-teacup @jess-themess05 @feralmoonlight 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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banenaz · 2 years ago
Gu- guess who's back 🌝
Back with shitty art ehe
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Victor and his daughta uwu (bell? Idk)
So I got an ipad and well it's not easy to get used to it 💀 so ye next time maybe I'll have better art ehie
Anyway good to back (or am I really back-)
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banenaz · 2 years ago
Happy birthday to the dorkiest dork I love so freaking much, he my first love and will always be my husband <3
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I couldn't finish the whole thing today so imma post the sketch for today since it seems I won't be able to colour it for the next few days ehe
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mrs-han · 4 years ago
@banenaz HAHAHA
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banenaz · 2 years ago
Okki so... this was a request made by my friend a while ago and I still haven't posted it yet lol so ye here
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Victor with his baby girl that we decided to call Belle 🥺🤲🏻💞
She gonna grow up to be a boss girl but also a cute soft girl ehe
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banenaz · 3 years ago
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Happy belated bday plant-killer boy 🎉🎉💓
I may not like you much but you do deserve a drawing uwu
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banenaz · 2 years ago
Day 1&2 finally lol
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Ok so my baby appeared again if anyone remembers her lol.
So she kinda an artist ig? So yeah she now a boss girl (as if she weren't) and vic is an artist
Isabel likes to wear causal clothes but suits and formal clothes are also her style of fashion (usually favoured) but I just wanted to see vic in casual clothes tbh lol
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