#e2 iris west
shrinkthisviolet · 5 months
character bingo for E2 Barry, E2 Iris, and Hunter Zolomon :)
E2 Barry:
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Okay so admittedly I don’t have that many headcanons about him lol just that he’s left-handed (per the E1/E2 rule) and more of a troll that people give him credit for. Everyone calls him sweet and innocent and naïve and you are all incorrect!! He is sweet, but he is also a troll at heart and I will die on that hill 💞 he should’ve gotten to mess with E1 Barry a little too
(He and E2 Iris totally aren’t dead, idk what you’re talking about, they’re very much alive and happy together on Earth-Prime ✋)
E2 Iris:
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I LOVE HER SHE’S AMAZING 🥰 admittedly I’m much more inclined to our wonderful E1 Iris, but E2 Iris is awesome, who can look at her and say otherwise 💞
(she and E2 Barry totally aren’t dead, idk what you’re talking about, they’re very much alive and happy together on Earth-Prime ✋)
Hunter Zolomon:
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Love him as a villain, incredible whump potential 🥰 so so fun to write too. As a person? The absolute worst 💞
(Also a bit incoherent as far as motives go, but I’d have to rewatch s2 to say anything definitive about that 😅)
send me a character (or multiple) and I’ll fill out the bingo!
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otaku-trash · 2 years
The Flash
Harry Wells:
‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’
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talkingtea · 1 year
What is your favorite alternate Westallen AU?
Amnesia Barry/Iris West
Barry/Flashpoint Iris
Dream Barry/Iris
E2 Barry/E2 Iris
Barry/Elseworlds Iris
Barry/Reverse Flashpoint Iris
I think that's all of them
E2 Westallen is our favorite while Amnesia Barry/Iris is a close second
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kitkatt0430 · 8 months
So I've been watching Dollhouse again. It really was a good sci-fi show and I wish we'd gotten more seasons. Not least of all so we wouldn't have gotten the rushed reveal about who the second founder of Rossum was (it was an interesting choice but does not totally make sense, but honestly they needed someone to fill the role and it was an interesting twist)
I still don't like Paul/Echo as a ship - he's in love with the idea of her and she doesn't seem like the sort to want a white knight type to save her. Though at least the outtakes with them are hilarious.
Of course, as I seem to do when I watch stuff that isn't my main fandom... i wonder how the Flash would work in some fusion au based off what I'm watching.
And what I've got so far?
Iris as the Echo/Caroline analogue. She was a college student getting her psychology masters and an investigative journalist for the school paper. However her investigation into shady research going on in the Thawne building gets her in over her head and eventually leads to her being coerced into joining the LA Dollhouse... though whether to escape the consequences of her actions or to infiltrate the Dollhouse is unclear as Echo learns more about Iris West.
Hunter Zolomon as the Alpha analogue. A serial killer before he was wiped and made into a doll, he was meant to showcase the ability for the Dollhouse technology to 'rehabilitate' criminals. Instead the composite event has made him worse and now the Dollhouse is denying his existence even as he has begun causing them problems while on the run.
Cisco (with some Reverb's god complex thrown in) as the Topher analogue. The Active technology was all fun and games until the thing with Alpha happened and he's begun to realize that, despite his own brilliance, there may be more at work with his tech than even he understands.
Caitlin as the Claire Saunders/Whiskey analogue. She was injured by Alpha during the composite event attack and has become something of a shut in as Dr. Snow due to her scars. I'd take her in a very different (and yet in many ways similar) direction from the Dollhouse character in order to tie in Frost and maybe even Khione.
Eddie Thawne as sort of a Boyd analogue, but not really. He's a former cop who, after getting shot taking down the Clock King, has retired to the theoretically safer job of being an Active Handler. As the nephew of Eobard Thawne, founder of the Thawne corporation that runs the Dollhouse, Eddie gets looked down on at first for appearing to have gotten the job through nepotism. He's vocally disdainful of the 'engagements' Actives get sent on, but quickly becomes attached to Echo/Iris - especially as he realizes that she's starting to develop a personality that can't be erased.
Julian Albert as the Paul Ballard analogue. It's not Echo/Iris he becomes fixated on, however. He's searching for Whiskey/Caitlin, whom he had previously encountered twice when she was still an... active Active. He winds up being approached, however, by Joe West who has been searching for his daughter for the last three years. He suspects the Thawne Corp as being the backer for the Dollhouses and is hoping that Julian can help him find Iris... even if she isn't Iris anymore.
E2 Dinah Laurel Lance as the Adelle Dewitt analogue. Dinah worked hard to become the leader of the LA Dollhouse and she runs a tight ship. All that should matter is getting the engagements completed and satisfying the customers, but she is very protective of her dolls. But at the end of the day she has stricter morals than she realizes and lines she absolutely will not cross that will, no matter how good the paycheck she's promised is.
Barry Allen as sorta kinda not really the Victor/Anthony analogue. Barry was with Iris when she investigating the Thawne Corp and was badly injured. Iris thought he was dead when she went on the run, but really he survived and nearly a year later was essentially strong armed into the LA Dollhouse in a similar manner as to how Iris later was. He still recognizes Iris - and is still in love with her - even in his doll state. Unlike Iris, he's seen Eobard Thawne, the elusive and possibly missing founder of the Thawne Corp.
Eobard Thawne as the Clyde 2.0 analogue except not. Eobard was the sole founder of the Thawne Corp after he developed a number of breakthroughs in college... with Harrison Wells. However, Wells didn't like where the memory copying and imprinting tech was going and bowed out, ceding ownership of the research to Thawne if it meant getting as far away from it as possible. It was only a matter of time before Eobard started using his tech for achieving immortality of a sort and he may have started body surfing after a car accident several years earlier.
Harrison "Harry" Wells as the Clyde 1.0 analogue except also not. He never actually stopped researching the tech he initially developed with Eobard, trying to find ways to protect people from being wiped since he predicted that, one day, it would be possible to wipe and imprint new personalities remotely, with the right lighting and/or sound waves even someone without the Active Architecture embedded in their brain could be turned into a doll. He's been able to develop personal protection devices that he and his daughter have at all times - Jesse largely unaware of what's going on beyond her father's 'endearingly silly' paranoia. He theorized that repeated imprinting/wiping could lead to an immunity to the wiping process - but not the imprinting process - leading to the development of a core personality. And while he's fascinated by the concept, it's not something he was eager to see in reality. So he isn't exactly thrilled when Agent Albert and Detective West show up at his doorstep demanding to know what he knows about the Dollhouse.
I'm not totally sold on E2 Laurel as Dewitt, though obviously I think she'd work well in that position. I don't really have a Dominic analogue decided on yet. Hartley would probably show up working for another Dollhouse and act as Cisco's rival - they're both, with great reluctance, impressed with each other's work.
Eddie initially thinks all the dolls are volunteers one way or another, but learning otherwise throws him pretty firmly - and quickly - onto Team 'screw Thawne Corp'. This team also includes Julian, Joe, and Harrison on the outside, though Julian joins as a fellow mole when Eddie gets reluctantly promoted.
While Iris/Echo is still unique in that she's becoming resistant to the wiping/imprinting process waaaay faster than average, it's still implied that most people do wind up becoming immune eventually, thus the five year limit on Active contracts. However, if an Active is imprinted only a few times, then they don't develop a core personality and thus a personality could achieve immortality through body surfing.
The show also hinted at cloning coming into play with Rossum possibly cloning copies of the original body to keep downloading peoples minds into for 'immortality' with the hijacking of other people's bodies as a sort of in-between option until cloning got to where it was needed. (Adelle's former employment and a few other pieces of potential foreshadowing.) So I'd likely bring that in more, with Thawne Corp known for, amongst other things, being at the forefront of 'ethical cloning research' where organs and the like are cloned without creating a whole new human. Except of course they are actually also making whole new humans too.
This is definitely one of the more nebulous ideas in my head, though, so it's not one I really expect to ever write. But it is a fun plot bunny to play with for a bit.
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
Okay, but like...imagine Barry, E2!Barry, Savitar, and 2024!Barry not as doppelgängers...but as identical quadruplets.
Savitar is the older middle child, a total troublemaker b/c he always felt overshadowed by his older (by two seconds but still) brother (2024!Barry), so he's reckless and a total bad boy, but not enough of a bad boy that his older brother - the mature, going to Yale, Harvard, or Princeton (they all want him, it's his choice), intelligent at-the-top-of-his-class athlete - to get more numbers than he does. Savitar flunks out of high school and goes on to be a mechanic and engineer, which is rly what he enjoys best, but there's an accident one day on the job ending in half his face being burnt & him going blind in one eye. When customers see his face they get scared off and eventually the owners let him go b/c of it, so he starts his own business and wears a mask, which scares some people off sometimes but the results keep them coming back, and he maintains a living, all while completely cutting ties with his family. Eventually he hires Caitlin Snow - going by Frost, a persona that comes over her when she's drunk - to be his receptionist, not knowing that the brother two seconds younger than HIM (OUR Barry Allen) sent her along to try and get him to reconnect with his family. He's furious when he finds out and almost fires her till gangster daughter, Millie, walks into his automotive shop wanting her daddy's car fixed w/in the hour & he's just crazy enough to do it. She's not scared off by his appearance when she's it, and she lives to be reckless so inevitably they get swept up in a whirlwind romance in secret. When her father comes after him, younger Barry talks him down as a peace offering to his brother and b/c she's good for him. He only asks that he come back into the fold and they'll welcome him AND Millie w/ open arms. He's reluctant as hell but Millie, despite fully supporting him for staying adrift before, encourages him. He runs off again for two months, then returns. The transition is rocky but younger Barry eases it, as does Millie who waited for him w/ a full heart.
Younger Barry (our Barry) was bullied in school for his lack of finesse in athletics and his total geeky ways. Iris West spotted him right away and scared off the haters. They became best friends after that and the day before they left for college, he asked her to marry him. She was in such shock, she didn't respond to that & left almost w/o a goodbye. They said goodbye, but it was strained. She didn't contact him for a full month & was busy when he came to visit, but by Christmas she couldn't stand the separation any longer, so she showed up at the Allens and propositioned HIM "how about we date first?" He agreed enthusiastically and transferred to her school. They got married a week after graduation.
E2!Barry, the youngest and most fragile, was bullied even worse than his slightly older brother to the point that Nora worried so much she decided to homeschool him. He excelled in all his academics & went on to study CSI work in online classes. He did marvelously and couldn't wait to start his new career. He moved to a smaller division one city over to not trample over his slightly older brother's feet since he was already working at CCPD.
The first employee he met was a fiercely independent and verrrry good at her job, Detective Ann West, who bared a striking resemblance to her slightly older sister, Iris. He was very intimidated by her at first, but she was marveled by his smarts, even if she didn't always understand him when he rambled and demanded he take her out for dinner one night. He was so shocked & almost fainted, but hastily agreed. To silence him just before they sat down to eat, she gave him a quick peck on the lips. He turned into absolute goo, ceased chattering, and after dinner wow'd her w/ some salsa dancing (something Nora had taught him as a subject while homeschooling) on the dance floor in the restaurant. They were married two years later.
Deep into his athletic career (w/ a medical degree to fall back on), and not too fond of being in the spotlight, eventually oldest brother Barry caved to a very persistent reporter who wanted a story. "You look a lot like...well, three other girls I know, all with my brothers" "We're a set of quadruplets," she informed him, already aware of the connection, before immediately switching the topic to him. She questioned his almost constant glum mood despite being unbelievably successful. "I'm fulfilled. People show it in different ways, Miss West," he informed her. She smiled slyly. "Will you agree to another interview with me? A follow up?" Surprised but suddenly completely enamored, he said, "how about a date instead?" She complied. They didn't get married for five long years, but they did get engaged w/in six months. THIS Iris West had some things to prove to herself before going home, and frankly, so did he.
Side note: Savitar and Millie changed their names b/c they didn't want to be tied down to their siblings' legacy. E2!Iris just liked her middle name better. 2024!Iris vehemently insisted she was the better reporter than her younger sister (our Iris) but she moved to the city 2024!Barry had gone b/c she'd crushed on him since middle school and he hadn't noticed b/c he's been so focused on his academics & future career. One morning while lying in bed together, he looked at her as the sun was stretching across her face, and said "you're like the dawn, bringing beauty to my life every morning." She liked that so much, she told him to start calling her Dawn and he requested Bart, which she agreed to but then stubbornly called him Allen. E2!Barry got relegated to Bart instead by his dear wife, Ann. 2024!WA named their first child - daughter - Nora after his mother.
"Identical quadruplets marry identical quadruplets? What are the chances?" People would say when looking at group family pictures.
Their parents just shrugged it off. They couldn't think of anyone better for their identical children.
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secretswritten · 2 years
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The 5 B’s (My DC Muses) (Mutuals can reblog)
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khayrrilrainxwells · 3 years
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My Sad Story Part 2 // Harry Wells X Reader
Summary: Nah….
Warning : Angst and fluff 
Word Count : 4,713
A/N : I can only apologise for the lateness of this, it is because everytime i read it to check the wrong grammar and make it more pretty, i feel like its not good enough, and now i just give up...i hope you still enjoy it even if its shit thnk you:)
Part 1
"But i think this is the right time to free myself from the past" Harry said with a teary eye. He slowly remove the picture of him and Tess from the frame, and slowly put it in the small cabinet of his table. He inhale deeply and he open his front cabinet and he saw a picture of him, Jesse, and (Y/N) smiling with each other. He slowly put the picture to the frame and placing it down on his table. 
He still remember that time when Jesse graduate in elementary, when suddenly a photographer ask him if he what to take a family picture. Harry only nod at the photographer.
He close his eyes for a second and slowly lean his head at his chair. He realize that all this years without Tess, he let him self trap from his past. And that moment with you make him realize that.
At first Harry didn't agree to Tess, but when Tess died in the hospital because of the brain damage cause of the car accident, he agree to the agreement. He also didn't want Jesse to grow up with out a mom, so he ask you to marry him, of course you said yes. A few years later you found out about Harry's and Tess's agreement. You felt your heart shatted in a million pieces. But in that moment Harry didn't care for your feelings. He didn't care about you. In  that moment he doesn't care if you leave them. Cuz why would he care, he doesn't love you at all. 
Months has pass Harry only wonder why you didn't leave him. He thought that in that moment your just desperate of love. He thought that your so an idiot for still loving him after the thing that his done to you. But  things has change. You become cold to him. Sometimes you distance yourself from him. He thought that you only realize now what his done to you. He thought that your now ready to leave him.
But months has still pass and you still didn't leave him. He doesn't question you, he only wonder what is the reason why you didn't leave them. 
Little that he know, the reason why you didn't leave them is because of Jesse. You didn't want Jesse to grow up with out a mom. You love Jesse just like your own child, you don't want her to live a life with a broken family, just like you.
Harry has been sitting  in his chair while looking at the ceiling. Harry think that now is the beginning for you and him. He need to do something to regain your love and trust. He slowly stand straight in his chair and slowly walk at the nearest mirror in his office. He look himself in his mirror and inhale deeply "You can do it Harry.....Just-just ask her on a dinner date tomorrow, you can do it" Harry motivate himself
You just laying in your bed still exhausted about the thing that you said to Jesse. You slowly stand up from your bed and slowly sit at your small table. You open you small drawer and you saw the divorce paper. At the front of your table you have a little mirror, you only just stare at your reflection. You know that your not ok.
When suddenly you felt a vibration in your pocket and slowly grab your phone.
"Oh hey Barry, do you need something?" (Y/N) ask his best friend
"Oh nothing, i will just ask you if- if you give the divorce paper to Harry. Did you?" Your best friend ask you
"I-I didn't.....i-i don't know if i can" You said honestly while shooking your head. 
"(Y/N) for god sake!?!.... Please don't hurt yourself. Harry didn't deserve you. Are you not hurt about the thing that we discover before? He only using you.....he only married you because he doesn't want Jesse to grow up without a mom " Your best friend said 
You felt your heart  squeeze in a million times. Your breath become hitch. You know that your best friend  is right. You need to free yourself. Yes you love Harry, but you need to love yourself first.
"(Y/N) are you still there?" You just broke at your thought when you hear the voice of your friend.
Swallowing thickly you quickly answer him "Yes, I'm still here....i have to go bye" You said while shooking your head 
"Please don't hurt yourself to much" You hear your friend and slowly hang up the phone.
You inhale deeply and lean your head at your chair. When suddenly someone knock on your door. You quickly put back the divorce paper in your small cabinet. You walk straight to your door and open it slowly. Your very confuse when you saw Harry standing straight in your door.
"Hi" Harry said while avoiding your eyes
"Hi?....Do you need something?" You ask the scientist while tilting your head.
"I need to ask you something"
You stare at him, and decided to tell him also about the divorce paper.
"Me too....i-i need to tell you something, but you go first" 
" No...it's- it's ok, you go first "
".......Ok " you inhale deeply and slowly walk at your table and open the drawer, and slowly grap the divorce paper and handed to Harry. You saw a confusion look forming on Harry's face.
"What is this?" Harry ask. You didn't answer his question so Harry decided to open the paper.
" Is this a divorce paper? " Harry ask you while looking at you.
" Yes, a divorce paper " You only respond to the scientist
"Why?" Harry ask
Your very confuse at his question. What the hell is that question? Harry should  be happy about this divorce.  You saw Harry's face change when he read the paper, you saw something, like.......sadness? But your not sure of it.
"Why!?!" Harry yell at you
You quickly back off when you heard Harry yelled at you. You felt your anger building inside of you now. Inhaling deeply you stare at him. "Why!?!......Cuz we both not happy Harry..... you just married me because of Tess request right?" You yelled at him 
" I- Yes....i just married you because of Tess, but-" You only cut him before he finish his sentence
" No buts....I know that you don't love me, don't make me an idiot Harry cuz I'm not  " You felt your tears forming on your eye. You felt your heart betting very fast. You think that your going to collapse in your room because of the pain in your chest.
You quickly turn around and make your way to your cabinet and start to pack your things. Harry saw you packing your thing, so he make his way to you and grab your wrist and quickly pin you on the wall.
" What the hell is your problem? " Harry yelled at you
" Hahaha....very funny " You said sarcastically
" What's funny? " He ask you while narrowing at you
" The funny thing is that, you ask me what's my problem..... " You said while trying to skip at Harry's grip.
" Of course your my wife, i will ask you what's your problem " he said 
" It's not your thing " You said while narrowing at him
" I don't care if it's not my thing....i will ask you again what's your problem, so we can fix it " Harry ask you calmly
"My problem? My problem is YOU!?!"  You yelled
" Yes you... I'm sick and tired of playing games with you Harry. I'm sick of pretending that you love me too.... You-you think that when i found out about the agreement that you had with Tess that i am ok with that? Hell no!?! " You yelled at Harry and push him.
" You should be happy about this " You said with a teary eyes. You want to punch him very hard. You want to tell him how much you really hate him.
" It's hurt Harry. I thought you love me….. everytime you yelled at me i  thought your just tired of your work building that Particle Accelerator or what ever that name. But now i know why, it is because you don't love me "  You said. You felt your tears rolling on your face, you quickly wipe the tears and grap all your things.
" Don't you worry....all you need to do is just sign the paper "
You said while walking out to your door. You inhale deeply and make your way to your car and hop slowly. You drive very fast while crying. You don't know where you going, so you slowly grab your phone and call you Best Friend.
" Hello, are you still awake? "
" Yes, why? "
" Can i come? "
" Of course, i will send you my new a address...But what happen? Are you ok? Wait are you crying? "
"Yeah, i-i just need you right now"
"Thank you, bye"
You drive quickly to the address that your best friend send to you. You slowly step out of your car and you notice that is already 1am in the morning when you check your phone. You walk at the door and knock twice. You heard you friend and he open the door and quickly hug you very tight.
" Come inside " Barry said while guiding you in his couch. You sit  slowly and hug him again.
" Don't you worry I'm here..... come to my room you need to rest. Where going to talk to it tomorrow " Barry said while standing in his couch and hold your hands. 
He guide you in his room, and the both of you lay at the bed and you slowly hug him. You felt your tears forming again in your eyes, but before it fall down, you felt Barry's hand wipe quickly the tears.
" Don't cry, he doesn't deserve you.....don't you worry I'm here for you" Barry said
Little did you know that Barry has a long crush on you. When your husband ask you to marry him, that is the time also that he is going to ask you out on a date. But when you came at the coffee shop with a wide smile. He notice a glazy ring in your hand, and ask you about it.
"What's that ring?"
" Do you remember Harry? My high school crush? Did i told that where been dating for almost 1 month? 
" Yeah, you mention it last week " 
"Guess what?" 
"What is it?" Barry ask you. But he know already your answer. But he still playing the supporting friend for you, even though it's hurt for him. He will still do it for you.
" He just ask me to marry him " You squeal while showing at him the glazy ring that Harry give to you.
" I'm so happy for you " Barry said with a smile.
The hardest thing in life is to put on a smile when your heart is broken. Barry said to himself
You wake up next morning in the comfy bed of your best friend room. You take the blanket and wrap it on your body.  You still felt your heart betting very slowly, still hurt at last night. You try to close you eye again when suddenly someone wrap a hand on your body.
" Hey (Y/N) come on, i made a breakfast. " 
" I don't want.....unless it's my favorite food " You said while closing your eyes again
" (Y/F/F) and a nice cup of coffee? " Barry ask you
" Yeah " Your only respond
" Hmm...yup " Barry said with a smirk
" What!?! You cook (Y/F/F) for me? " 
" Yes " Barry said with a proudly smile on his lips
" OMG....Your the best " You said
" Anything for you " Barry said
You give him a hug and a kiss in the cheek. You quickly stand up from the bed and ran very fast at the kitchen. Barry left in the room with a shock face. He felt his face warm and he know that his blushing right now. 
That day you and Barry just finish eating breakfast. You both are now watching your favorite movie, eating junkfood, and drinking softdrink. When suddenly someone knock on the door. Barry quickly stand up from the couch and walk straight at the door, he open quickly and he saw Harry standing in the door.
" What are you doing here ? " Barry ask Harry with an annoying tone on his voice.
Harry just froze when he saw a young man standing in the door. Where is (Y/N)? He thought to himself. Yes he know that your going to your friend's house but he didn't know that your friend is a guy. 
" Who's that barry? " You yelled at your best friend. When you didn't recieve any reply to the young man, you quickly stand up from the couch and walk straight to door. When suddenly you saw Harry in the door. How he did know where you are? You ask yourself
Harry just stare at you and Barry. He thought that you just found someone already. He felt his heart shattering in a million pieces. He felt  jealous, anger, regret, and most of it sadness. He didn't know what to do.
"Why are you here?" (Y/N) ask the scientist. Harry just broke at his thought and stare back again at you.
"I-I just came here to sign the paper" 
Harry said with a sad tone on his voice. He know that he is going to regret it.
" Good....wait here " (Y/N) said while walking back to Barry's room. When she come back she handed the divorce paper to Harry.
He only stare at the paper and slowly sign it. He handed it back it to you, when suddenly he felt your smooth hand brush at him. You quickly grab the paper and walk back at the couch. Barry stare very hard at the scientist.
" You can leave now " Barry said 
A few hours past Harry receive a text from Barry, that he want him to meet in CC Jitter. Harry slowly open the door at the coffee shop and saw Barry looking at him seriously.
"What do you want?" Harry ask the young man while sitting at the chair.
"I just here to talk to you" Barry said with a serious tone on his voice
"Ok....you only have 5 minutes to talk, after this i don't want to see your face again." Harry said while looking straight at the young man.
"You hurt her, you don't deserve her"  Barry said
"I know, but she doesn't deserve you too" Harry said 
"I will get her back. Mark my word" Harry said while sipping his coffee
" Good luck with that " Barry only respond to the scientist while standing up from his chair. Barry turn around and he look back again at the scientist.
" Never ignore the person who love you. Because one day, you might wake up and realize that you lost the moon while counting the star " Barry said before walk straight at the coffee shop door.
Harry shook his head and slowly sip his coffee " I already did it " he said while looking at his coffeee.
Months has past you found out that Harrison sale the idea of building the particle accelerator to Dr Mcgee. You felt bad about Harry.  But you still don't know why he sale it. But you didn't care anymore, you want to live a life without him or trying to live a life without him.
10 months has past and your now working in Mercury Lab as a biotech engineer.  Your now working for Dr Christina Mcgee beside as a boss, Dr. Mcgee is a good friend of yours. She ask you to work for her, and of course you said yes. You didn't thought that your now one of the head  in Mercury Lab. Your now living in your new life. You have a new friends Caitline Snow, Cisco Ramon, and Ronnie Raymond. You found yourself happy at there present. Working in Mercury Lab make you feel alive than before. You also got the chance to meeting the West Family the one who adopt Barry. Speaking of Barry, my friend is now working in CCPD as a CSI.  Your very proud of your friend  because he just fulfilled his dream. You still remember when the time that Barry confess his feeling to you. Your very shock when you found out. Sometimes he ask you on date, but you still refuse him. Cuz everytime Barry ask you on a date, Harry's faces always float on your mind. You hate to admit it to yourself but, you know that you still love him.
Inhaling deeply you quickly cut off your thought.  Your now sitting in your chair while sipping your fourth coffee now, still exhausted from last night. You been working non stop for almost 3 days straight with no sleep. Yeah you got it right 3 days, 3 freaking days.
"Dude you need to sleep....You look exhausted" Cisco said while patting my shoulder.
"Cisco is right (Y/N), you need some sleep" Caitline said while holding Ronnie's hand
"No i need to finish this" You said while tapping the keyboard to finish your research.
" Do you want pizza? " Ronnie ask you
"Nah....it's ok" You said while sipping your coffee, when suddenly someone grab the coffee in your hand
"What the he-" You didn't finish your sentence when you saw Dr. Mcgee sipping your coffee.
"There right..... you need to rest, beside you don't want to past out tomorrow when the particle accelerator turn on right?" Dr. Mcgee said while lifting her one eyebrow at you.
" Fine " You said while rolling your eyes at her. You pack your things and drove yourself at your new house. When you open the door of your house you quickly lay on your couch and slowly close your eyes for a second.
" I need 2 days sleep " You said to yourself. You felt your eyes closing. You felt your whole body relaxing at feeling of your smooth new couch that you buy last week. When suddenly someone knock on your door.
" Are you kidding me " you mumble to yourself, while inhaling deeply. You walk straight at your door and slowly open, and you just froze when you saw someone you didn't expect.
"Hi mom" Jesse said while shooking her head.
"O My God I miss you so much" You said and quickly hug her very tight.
"I miss you too mom" Jesse said with a teary eyes
"Come inside" 
You both sit at your couch still shock at seeing Jesse. When Harry sign the divorce paper you lost communication with her.  You found out that Harry and Jesse move to Star City to start a new life. You still try to contact Jesse, but unfortunately you still can't reach her.
"How are you?" 
"I'm fine" Jesse said while shooking her head
" How do you get in here? "
" My friend helps me " she said while shooking her head.
"Hey are you ok?" You ask her while looking at her eyes.
"Are you still not coming home?" She ask with a teary eye
You never see Jesse upset like this before. You felt bad for leaving her. Jesse is a kind of person with an amazing smile that can light up any room. She’s so optimistic and full of joy. But now it's all gone and you know the reason.
"I don't know Jesse. Me and your Dad is already over" You said with a sad tone on your voice
You only shook your head when you said it to Jesse. When suddenly you heard Jesse crying on your side.
"Hey don't cry" You said while wiping her tears
"You don't love me anymore" She said while crying
"No....it's not like that. I really really love you just like my own" You said while cupping her face
"Then why did you leave me?" She said 
You felt your heart betting very fast. You hate seeing Jesse like this. You hate yourself for leaving her. You don't know how to explain every damn thing to her.
"When you left…. Dad sale the idea of building the Particlel Accelerator in mercury lab. Sometime he didn't eat and sleep. He always lock himself in his room and drink alcohol. I try to talk to him once, but he only yelled at me" Jesse said with a teary eye
"O My God" You said while covering your mouth
"He love you Mom" Jesse said while looking at your eyes
You just froze at the thing that she said to you. Is this true? Is that the freaking reason why his angry at you about the divorce paper? 
" If Harry love me...then why he didn't fight for us? " You ask her with a teary eye
" I don't know too....I think there is only one way to found out.... Please come home " 
"I-I don't know" 
"Please Mom....let's fix this" Jesse said with a teary eye
You inhale deeply and decided to fix this thing. In over 1 year of living alone. You can't help but, wish that you can travel back in time to change your decision. But thing happen for a reason right? And sometimes all you need to do is live with it or maybe just fix the thing.
You both drive at Harry's house. You felt you heart betting very fast. Are you ready to face him? You ask yourself. There so many thing floating at your mind right now, when suddenly you felt Jesse's hand holding yours. You quickly stare at her, and you saw her smiling at you. 
" We can fix this " She said while smiling at you.
~2 hours pass~
You get out from your car and walk straight at the door. You saw Jesse finding the key in her purse and quickly unlock the door. When you enter at the house you saw Harry lying at the couch sleeping peacefully. 
"He's drunk again" Jesse said looking at you
You slowly walk at Harry and slowly run your hand at his hair. You saw bottles of alcohol laying every where in his living room. You saw many mess. You don't know if it will call you home in this state. You saw Jesse walking at the kitchen grabbing some wet towel and slowly give it to you.
"Thank you" You said while grabbing the towel and slowly wipe the dirt in Harry's face.
Harry felt someone touching his face. He slowly open his eye and he saw you. He thought that this is just another beautiful dream. He wish that he didn't wake up anymore. He only smile at you while closing his eyes again.
"Hey Harry...you should go to bed" You said while touching his shoulder
"Oky" He said. You slowly grap his hand and grab his other hand and slowly put it on your shoulder to help him stand properly. You walk slowly at the staircase and  you saw his bedroom. You slowly open the door and you saw his messy room. What happen here? You thought to yourself 
Inhaling deeply you slowly walk at his bed and slowly place him at his bed. You saw Harry smiling at you. You brushed slightly at his smile.  The way it showed off his dimples. Your eye darted to his lips, you clear your throat and quickly turn. Closing your eyes for a second, you decided to go downstair to clean the mess when suddenly you felt his hands grab your wrist making you fall over on his chest.
"Can you please stay....even-even thought it is just a dream. Cuz i know when i wake up next morning, i will find myself sleeping in this bed still alone" Harry said looking at you in a half open eyes.
"Ok" You said while laying in his bed properly. You inhale deeply, and you don't know what to do. 
Harry slowly turn at your side and hug you very tight.
"I wish we can be like this.....I wish i can tell you everything.....I wish god give me chance to say sorry for  what i've done to you " Harry said. You saw his icy blue eye with a tears. You saw something that you can't explaine.
" Then tell me " You said softly
"I-I just want to say sorry for everything that i did to you. Yes, i only married you before is because of Tess. But when the time we went on Jesse's graduation, i realize that i let myself trap from the past. And now that-that I'm falling for you.....you just-just left me" Harry said while burning his face at the side of your shoulder.
You can't believe at the thing that you heard. You only just lay on his bed and only listen to him.
"But now....it doesn't matter anymore" He said while inhaling deeply
"Why?" You can't help but ask him about it
"Cuz you already found someone"
"Are you talking about Barry?"
"Yes...." Harry said with a sad tone on his voice
"I think you should go to sleep now" You said while getting up from the bed
"No please...please stay with me" He said while looking at you with a teary eyes.
So both lay at his bed and you saw that Harry is now sleeping peacefully. While staring at him you can't help but fall for him all over again. Is it true that his now inlove with me? I can't believe. You slowly hop out to his bed, and decided to leave.
Harry slowly shift at his bed and quickly touch at the sheet on his side but he only  felt a cold sheet nothing more. He felt a little bet dizzy. Inhaling deeply, he slowly close his eyes and open it again.
" Another dream with her " He said to himself while inhaling deeply.
He check his clock and he saw that is already 9am in the morning. He slowly hop out on his bed and slowly walk at the door. He walk at the stair and he saw Jesse laughing at the movie that she's been watching for almost a month now. He make his way at his kitchen and quickly grab the hot water and slowly pour it in his mug. When suddenly someone knock on his door.
" Jesse can you please open the door " he ask his daughter
Harry only stare at the door while sipping his coffee, when suddenly he saw you standing straight while holding two big plastics in your hands.
" Hey harry yohoo, can you help me with this? " You said while lifting your eyebrow.
Harry broke at his though and quickly put the coffee in the kitchen counter. He walk straight at you and quickly hug you very tight. 
" As much us i love this.... I think you such grab this cuz it's very heavy you know " You said while handing the two plastic to his both hands. You walk at the couch and sit at the side with your daughther. 
" I am dreaming? " 
You only smirk to his question. You slowly walk to him and admire him for a second.
" Jesse turn around " You said sweetly to your daughter.
" ehhhhh....gross " Jesse said while turning and quickly cover her eyes. 
You slowly touch his lips. You been wishing for this for a long time. You lean lightly brushing your lips against him, and slowly close the distance. You press your lips against him, kissing him hard. You gripe the front of his shirt pulling him close to you. You slowly pull away to him and look at his icy blue eyes. 
"How about that? I don't know if me on your dream can kiss like that " you said while giving him a smirk. You leave him in the door, and quickly walk to Jesse.
Harry only froze. He still processing the thing that happen. He felt his entire body malfunction at your kiss. He still felt your smooth lips on him. He slowly touch his lips and slowly stare at you. 
Sometime people need to separate they path to make them realize that they both need each other.  
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habibialkaysani · 3 years
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where is your ring? people should know that you are a taken man.
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westxwells · 4 years
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the many versions of West & Wells
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Some of my favorite Laurel (E2) Femmeslash Ships
see here for E1 Laurel ships
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i always wonder how earth-2 westallen met and ended up hitting it off. did e-2 barry ask iris to coffee? did he bump into her (like the clumsy fool he is) and help her pick up her stuff? did they run into each other on public transport? 
fast-forward to when iris finally became a police officer, how did she and barry accidentally let it slip that they were dating? did any co-workers suspect them beforehand and confront them about it? 
has e-2 iris defended barry publicly in the workplace before? do she and barry have their own little method of communication (brushing hands, stroking hands with a thumb, head tilts) for when one is in trouble and they need help? 
does iris purposely leave lipstick stains on barry’s cheek? does she purposely mess up his hair and tie? does barry leave it that way, regardless of whether or not he’s wary of his disheveled appearance? 
i have. so many questions.
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shrinkthisviolet · 5 months
got any headcanons on what Earth-2 Bart and Nora are like? :)
Ooh well tbh, I hc that E2 Westallen actually have the twins, Dawn and Don! Same actors ofc (I love Jessica Parker Kennedy and Jordan Fisher as Westallen’s kids so very much), but different names, and twins rather than siblings with an age difference. Doppelgängers of E-Prime Bart & Nora, in fact
They’re a bit of a handful, and Iris is the first to jokingly compare them to “little tornados”. The name sticks, becoming one of their endearments for the twins (who then call themselves the “Tornado Twins” later). Their surname is also, ofc, “West-Allen”
Dawn is ofc the more rational, thoughtful one, while Don is the more impulsive one. More than once, Dawn rolls her eyes at her “whirlwind brother” (and very pointedly ignores her own reckless actions at times…but worry not, Don’s her twin brother and thus makes it a point to tease her right back)
Dawn opts to go into journalism, surprising everyone (since ofc Iris is a police officer on this Earth, not a journalist). Don takes after his dad but pursues research instead of becoming a CSI
They cross the multiversal barrier…sort of by accident 😂 I don’t remember if the Cosmic Treadmill is capable of that, but if not, something else happens to catapult them onto Earth-Prime. They meet their other-Earth parents…and doppelgängers, who are strangely not twins and also named Nora and Bart (they tease the latter for his name, and Bart ofc takes it in stride). This leads eventually to E2 Westallen coming to Earth-Prime too, and it’s a joyous reunion 🥰 they didn’t know that the people on E2 were reborn with memories intact, so it’s a welcome surprise
Bart&Nora and the Tornado Twins, naturally, are fast friends after that day. It doesn’t take them long to figure out a way to keep in touch and visit (with a little help from their Uncle Cisco) 🥰
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eoiris · 5 years
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Flash Rewatch ⚡️ Fave Moments: The One. The Only.
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nixie-deangel · 6 years
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For Nonnie, who asked for ColdWestAllen Earth Two AU. 
    You make me laugh even when I don't want to smile.
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eliotdrawings · 6 years
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i love them
*** ★ commissions ★ ko-fi & redbubble links in description   ★ ★ please support artists by reblogging works & turning off ‘best stuff first’ ★
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secretswritten · 4 years
Muse heights:
Nora: 5′0″ Iris: 5′4″ Joss: 5′4″ Levi/Riley: 5′4 ½” Harley: 5′6″ Laurel: 5′7 ½” John: 5′7 ½” Kendra: 5′8″ Cameron: 5′8″ Livewire: 5′8 ½” Stella: 5′10″ Mac: 5′11″ Jack: 5′11″ Sam: 6′2″
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