#e f schumacher
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nicklloydnow · 2 years ago
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Peak Experience
“I was going to write a book about Schumacher just before he died - I feel that his ideas were a natural extension, in a social direction, of my own work.
I had always been preoccupied with the problem of the person who stands alone in a society that he feels to be too big and too impersonal. This was the basic theme of The Outsider.
Somewhere in The Outsider I say that I feel the Outsider dislikes the whole idea of civilization itself, because it destroys the sense of individuality. That is, of course, a deliberate overstatement. And yet, lecturing in America not long after The Outsider came out, I was struck by the awful impersonality of the universities, where in many cases the classes were so big that the students had to sit in other rooms watching the lecture on a TV monitor. I could see clearly that it must be almost impossible for many of these students to get that personal, individual feeling that could develop into creativity.
Because this, it seems to me is the fundamental aim of civilization. This is what it is about. It is an attempt to promote creativity in the individual, because this is the highest thing of which the individual is capable.
In the late 1950s, I received a letter from the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, who was writing to me about a book of mine called The Age of Defeat. Maslow said that I was attacking the same problem that had obsessed him for years: that our civilization has a kind of premise of defeat - that our art, our literature, our culture seems to spring from the notion that ultimately the individual cannot make much of an impression on the civilization; he is helpless, a mere member of the crowd.
Maslow also sent me some of his papers. I must admit that when I read heir rather academic titles, I delayed reading them for a long time. When I did start to read one of the papers, about six months later, I was immediately excited by Maslow's central thesis, which was this: that psychologists are always studying sick people, because sick people are always talking about their sickness, while nobody had ever thought of studying healthy people, because healthy people never talk about their health. Maslow argued that we would do better to study the healthy. He enquired among his friends, asking, 'Who is the healthiest person you know?' And then he proceeded to study a number of these healthy people, and was amazed to discover something that no one had ever discovered before, because no one had ever thought of studying healthy people: that is, most of them appeared to experience with a fair degree of frequency what Maslow called 'peak experiences'. These were just sudden bubbling, overwhelming moments of happiness. they were not in any sense mystical experiences. A young mother was watching her husband and kids eating breakfast, when suddenly a beam of sunlight came in through the window, and she thought, 'Aren't I lucky', and went into the peak experience. A hostess who had just given a very successful party, looking around the room at the cigarette butts trampled into the carpet, and the wine spilled on the armchairs, nevertheless suddenly went into the peak experience. Maslow said that the peak experience seemed to characterize all healthy people. It was basically a sudden powerful surge of unconscious vitality. I was immensely struck by this, and wrote to Maslow about it. I ended by writing a book about him called New Pathways in Psychology.
As soon as I read Schumacher's Small is Beautiful, I could see that this was a logical extension of Maslow's ideas - that the healthy person is the person who does not feel overwhelmed by his environment. He doesn't feel helpless, he doesn't feel a cog in a machine; he preserves a sense of drive, of individuality and creativity. And clearly the problem for the whole civilization is this problem of how to keep things 'small' enough, so that as many people as possible can experience the sense of individuality.
I recognized that my own background in Leicester, my home town, had exercised a strong influence on me, largely because it was so claustrophobic and boring. And the same appears to be true of an enormous number of writers of the present century: James Joyce's Dublin, Bernard Shaw's Dublin, H. G. Wells's Lewisham, Arnold Bennett's Burslem, Proust's Combray - all very small places that enable their inhabitants to feel individual among other individuals. Of course, what it really amounts to is feeling yourself to be a small fish in a small pond. If you are a small fish in a big pond, you are bound to lack that sense of individuality. I recognized this when I first went to London at about the age of nineteen: the feeling of being completely lost in crowds - that if I was knocked down by a bus, nobody would care. Obviously, we all crave this sense of individuality. Now Maslow had recognized that human beings appear to evolve through a series of needs, or values; he called it ‘the hierarchy of needs.'
What he meant was this: that if a person was starving and had never had a square meal in his life, then he would dream about food and imagine that perfect happiness would be to have one really good meal every day. Yet if he achieved this, the next level would emerge: the need for security, for a roof over one's head. (This is why every tramp daydreams of a country cottage with roses round the door.) If he achieves this 'territorial' level, then the next level emerges: the need for love, for a feeling of belongingness, of intimacy with another person or persons. If these needs are satisfied too, says Maslow, then the next level emerges: the need for self-esteem, the need to be respected and liked by other people. This is the level at which women invite the neighbours to coffee mornings, and men join Rotary Clubs.
If the self-esteem level is thoroughly satisfied, then, said Maslow, the next level - with luck - emerges (and he said 'with luck' because, for some reason, many people do not appear to ever reach this level): this is the creative level, what Maslow called 'self-actualization'. By this, he didn't necessarily mean art or science or some other form of creativity. Self-actualization means doing something purely for the pleasure of doing it well. In one case he cited, a woman was particularly good at fostering children, and continued to do this when her own children were grown up. Another man was skilful at putting ships in bottles, and he did it brilliantly: obviously, this satisfied the self-actualizing need in him. Self-actualization seems to be the pinnacle of the hierarchy of needs.
Fortunately, in our society, most people have achieved the first three levels anyway - the basic needs for food, for security and for some kind of warm human relationship. The need that a majority of people have still not satisfied, and that becomes increasingly urgent in a society like ours, is the self-esteem need - the need, if you like, for some kind of 'recognition', if only by a very small group of neighbours and friends. And this is obviously one of the basic problems of our civilization, with its increasing tendency to de-individuation: self-esteem. It obviously cannot be satisfied if you are in such an enormous pond that you feel alienated from everybody else - in other words, if you feel a nobody.
This is what I identified in The Outsider as the basic Outsider problem. Now, it seemed to me that in recognizing that it is possible to decentralize society, to live in much smaller units, Schumacher had made an immensely important contribution. He had, of course, been anticipated by idealists like G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, who called their political philosophy 'Distributism'; it was usually summarized in the phrase "Two acres and a cow'. Clearly, two acres and a cow would not solve the problems of the modern city-dweller. But Schumacher had seen that Distributism could be brought up to date - that we could live in a completely different kind of way. When I first came upon his ideas - in a television programme - they excited me so much because it was already clear to me that we have got to live in a completely different kind of way if we are to satisfy the basic human need for self-esteem. And, as Maslow said, unless we satisfy this need for self-esteem, it is impossible to move beyond it to the level of self-actualization - which would be the ideal level for society.” (pages 220 - 223)
“As Abraham Maslow’s biographer, I’m fascinated by the range of thinkers who influenced his psychological outlook. Among the most intriguing was the prolific British writer Colin Wilson. By the vagaries of fate or the subtle workings of destiny (take your pick), he was slated to write Maslow’s biography but forlornly abandoned it when Maslow suddenly died of a heart attack in 1970. Years later, inspired by Wilson’s books, including New Pathways in Psychology, based largely on Maslow’s ideas, I initiated the same project and happily completed it. In the meantime, we began corresponding actively about the man we both admired. Colin (we were soon on a first-name basis) was extremely generous in writing the lengthy foreword to Future Visions, Maslow’s key unpublished papers, which I edited and organized into a book that is still in print after 25 years.
Maslow initiated their relationship after reading Colin’s The Stature of Man (titled The Age of Defeat in its American edition). Delighting in its optimism about human potentiality (akin to the notion of self-actualization), Maslow sent him copies of his psychology articles. The two began a lively correspondence, repeatedly citing each other’s ideas in their ensuing books. Though both were intellectually-driven family men, they never became close friends, probably due to temperamental differences.
Maslow’s work on peak experiences, which Colin called “the secret of the next step in human evolution,” especially captivated him. He asserted that Maslow had scientifically proven that human consciousness has heights unimagined in conventional psychology and psychoanalysis—and that the joyful essence of peaks was central to their nature. Additionally, such mental states as apathy, boredom, and listlessness could now be understood as immature or faulty modes of consciousness—and, crucially in Colin’s worldview, quite correctible.
As for Maslow, he regarded Colin’s emphasis on the limited, limping quality of ordinary human consciousness as extremely insightful. In this context, he often cited Colin’s revelatory concept of the “St. Neot’s margin.”
Colin named it after the English village where his epiphany occurred: discovering while hitchhiking on a hot Saturday that not only had he been oblivious to his low-energy boredom, but that it could be overcome by an arousal of interest in one’s surroundings. In Colin’s case, such interest had arisen accidentally when two consecutive lorry drivers reported curious mechanical problems in their vehicles—” and suddenly my boredom and indifference (had) vanished.” This experience catalyzed Colin’s notion that most people habitually live far below their daily capacity for happiness, delight, and wonderment.
During Maslow’s final years, he became increasingly impressed with this notion, arguing therefore for the necessity of what he termed “cognitive re-freshening.” Such activity, he believed, could help sustain what he called plateau experiences, extended times of transcendent serenity. He also regarded re-freshening as vital for conquering lethargy toward loved ones. To do so, Maslow advised, it’s helpful to imagine that you’re seeing this person for the last time before death—a technique that probably emerged spontaneously after his initial major heart attack.”
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mon-nid · 4 months ago
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Introducción de Jordi Pigem
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antronaut · 2 years ago
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Small Is Beautiful : A Study of Economics as If People Mattered
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makeuphall · 2 years ago
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eucanthos · 2 months ago
Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered is a collection of essays published in 1973 by German-born British economist E. F. Schumacher.
The title "Small Is Beautiful" came from a principle espoused by Schumacher's teacher Leopold Kohr (1909–1994) advancing small, appropriate technologies, policies, and polities as a superior alternative to the mainstream ethos of "bigger is better".
Overlapping environmental, social, and economic forces such as the 1973 energy crisis and popularisation of the concept of globalisation helped bring Schumacher's Small Is Beautiful critiques of mainstream economics to a wider audience during the 1970s.
In 1995 The Times Literary Supplement ranked Small Is Beautiful among the 100 most influential books published since World War II.
Honoring the 50th anniversary of Small is Beautiful in 2023, the Schumacher Center for a New Economics commissioned an updated study guide from British author and Journalist David Boyle
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famousborntoday · 7 months ago
Ernst Friedrich Schumacher was a British statistician and economist who is best known for his proposals for human-scale, decentralised and appropriate technolog...
Link: E. F. Schumacher
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lucyrose191 · 1 year ago
•·.·''·.·• F1 MASTER LIST •·.·''·.·•
•·.·''·.·• A shared History , Part 2 , Part 3•·.·''·.·•
Moments that Sebastian Vettel and Y/N have shared throughout their careers together both on and off track. Sebastian Vettel x fem!driver!reader
•·.·''·.·• Looking at her •·.·''·.·•
(fluff, suggestive at the end)
Reader has grown to love the feeling of Sebastian’s eyes on her but not everyone understands. Sebastian Vettel x shy!girlfriend!reader
•·.·''·.·• Come back to me •·.·''·.·•
(angst, fluff)
Sebastian’s world is turned upside down when he finds out the reason behind the red flag, the aftermath is just as torturous as the moment he got the news.Sebastian Vettel x wife!driver!reader
•·.·''·.·• The Icebreaker •·.·''·.·•
It never fails to amaze the formula one community just how much of a difference there is in Kimi’s attitude whenever his wife is around. Kimi Räikkönen x Fem!Wife!Reader
•·.·''·.·• Silent Admiration , Part 2 •·.·''·.·•
(Implied age gap, fluff)
Kimi’s got some deep feelings for the reader but plans to do what he does best, keep silent. Until, Sebastian manages to persuade him that maybe melting his icy exterior might work in his favour. Kimi Räikkönen x Fem!Driver!Reader.
•·.·''·.·• Protective Shield •·.·''·.·•
(fluff, mistreatment of women)
You always have a smile on your face, even through the struggles of being the only female driver but when it feels like the entire media is against you it’s hard to keep that smile on your face but Kimi won’t allow it to disappear, he’s always there protecting you. Protective!Kimi x Sunshine!driver!reader
•·.·''·.·• No longer his •·.·''·.·•
(angst, heartbreak)
Toto now has to face the consequences of his actions that tore your family apart. Toto Wolff x Ex!wife!reader
•·.·''·.·• Tame the Wolff •·.·''·.·•
(angry Toto)
A few scenarios in which Toto is angry and frustrated and you’re there to calm him down and save his poor team from his wrath. Angry!Toto Wolff x Calm!Wife!reader
•·.·''·.·• Broken Decisions , Part 2 , Part 3•·.·''·.·•
(angst, light smut, heartbreak, pregnancy trope)
The news of Toto Wolff divorcing from Susie has just hit the media and you, Michael Schumacher’s eldest daughter and George Russel’s race engineer, are beyond shocked, even more so as your relationship with your boss begins to evolve. Divorced!Toto Wolff x fem!engineer!Schumacher!reader
•·.·''·.·• Take it easy •·.·''·.·•
Your stubbornness to admit you may be feeling unwell might just be your downfall one day but your husband will always be there to catch you, as will your son. Toto Wolff x Wife!reader
•·.·''·.·• Clingy Boys •·.·''·.·•
It’s both yours and Toto’s day off but both your boys are sick and wanting your attention. Clingy!Sick!Toto Wolff x Wife!reader
•·.·''·.·• Caught In the Act •·.·''·.·•
(fluff, teasing)
The stresses of work have your mind running a million miles an hour but your husband knows how to slow it down.
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yes-jemiai-universe · 2 months ago
"Any fool can make things look bigger and more complicated, but it takes a brave genius to to move in the other direction."
-Albert Einstein
Who really sais this?
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Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.
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thisismeracing · 2 years ago
Mick Schumacher NSFW Alphabet
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warnings: +18; mentions of sex, praising and size kink, dirty talk, choking, and public sex; sex (p in v, oral); she/her!reader; minors DNI!
A — Aftercare (what he is like after sex)
I made a whole headcanon on this topic (here), but Mick is great when it comes to aftercare. He will tell you how good it was, get you water and snacks afterward, and will draw you a bath if you feel like it. If you opt for a shower he will wash your hair, and when you are ready for bed he'll cuddle you.
B — Body part (his favorite body part)
Mick is a boob guy, so he's obsessed with your boobs, and it doesn't matter if you think they're too small, too big, or too average, he loves it anyway, and makes a point of lying on them when you cuddle. He loves to slip his hands inside your shirt and play with your nipples or just simply hold your boobs, it's comforting.
C — Cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Since his favorite body part of yours are your boobs, he just loves to cum on it too, though he finds it hard to decide if he likes it better when he cums on your boobs or in your mouth.
D — Dirty secret (his dirty secret)
He wants to try making a sex tape with you someday, he keeps the suggestive pictures and Polaroids you give/send him, but they can only do so much when you’re away from the other.
E — Experience (how experienced is he?)
He does not have much experience (haven't had that many partners before you), but he knows what he's doing, and he is eager to learn what works best for you, and what you do to him that makes him tremble.
F — Favorite position (sex position)
Cowboy. Mick loves it when you're on top, his hands are free to roam around your body, you can watch each other cum, and he still has some level of dominance because he can thrust up easily (thanks to all his gym training).
G — Goofy (Is he serious, or humorous, how he acts in the moment?)
He's a middle term between serious and humorous, but mostly serious. Mick can switch easily between the cute guy and the dominant lover, and so in bed, it's always a mix, one second you say something he finds particularly funny, and you're laughing, the other your laughter is turning into screams, and moans because he used your distraction to circle your clit or thrust his way inside again.
H — Hair (how groomed is he?)
He's really groomed down there, and he shaves regularly, he's attentive with his intimate area just like he is with his face, chest, and armpits. He prefers it that way for him, but he doesn't mind if you're hairy or whatever.
I — Intimacy (how passionate is he?)
VERY. Mick doesn't like half-assed things, so he will make you cum, and he will praise you and your body. And though he loves it when you guys have quickies or just fuck hard, he finds comfort when you make slow sex, it's intimate, but it can still be dirty sometimes, and the orgasm hit just as hard if not harder.
J — Jack off (how often he masturbates)
He tries to keep it down when you spend days apart, just because he thinks it builds up to the moment you're finally together, but sometimes it's hard not to masturbate, especially when you keep sending him dirty messages and suggestive pics. He probably does it once or twice during race week when you're not together, but if you're with him, you will probably just have sex instead because usually your timing and his match.
K — Kink (one or more)
Mick has a praising kink. He just loves it when you tell him how good he's making you feel, how big he is, and so on. He likes to do it for you too. He's a dirty talker, so you can bet he's vocal about how you feel, how wet you are, how your noises make him feel, and how much he has been waiting to fuck you. Mick most likely has a bit of a size kink too, he's not the biggest guy, but he's broad, and he loves how he looks beside you, and how some parts of your body are engulfed by his (headcanon here).
L — Location (favorite places to do it)
Anywhere inside your house is a go-to, but nothing can compare to the comfort of your/his room, you have a nice bed, and you have mirrors around, and it's private enough that you can moan and scream without being afraid of people barging in or interrupting.
M — Motivation (what turns him on, gets him going)
Anything you do, honestly. It's not that hard to get Mick turned on, but it's quicker when you're flirting with him. During sex, he gets more motivated when you praise him or get vocal -especially if you moan his name.
N — No (something he would NOT do)
Mick's open to trying a bunch of things with you, but he won't try anything that can hurt you (so no hot wax, no toys that give chocks, or spanking instruments -his hands are enough!). Mick also doesn't like hardcore humiliation, sure you guys will play around and he will call you a slut/brat here and there, but nothing more than this.
O — Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, and so on)
He knows his way around your body, and he knows how to use his tongue and fingers, so his skills are enough to make you cum faster than a song can come and go. Mick doesn't have preferences though, he can't really decide if he likes giving or receiving more, but just because he takes pleasure in giving pleasure, so he always gets hard when he has his face between your legs, and he feels powerful to make you come only using his fingers/tongue.
P — Pace (fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
Slow and sensual. He just loves to watch all your reactions and prolong the moment as far as he can.
Q — Quickie (his opinion on it + how often they happen)
He likes it, and it happens often, although Mick prefers to have "proper" sex at home. Sometimes it's just what he needs before a meeting or race, or when you're at a party and you keep teasing him.
R — Risks (is he willing to experiment, does he take risks, etc)
Mick is a fairly open-minded guy, so as long as it's not something dangerous, and you're into it, he wouldn't mind trying and taking the risks - that mindset made you guys have a quickie in the bathroom during a family gathering btw. He prefers to play it safe, but sometimes it's just too tempting.
S — Stamina (how many rounds can he go? How long does he last?)
He's a professional athlete, so his body is trained to endure a lot, and have the energy to go on and about, which means he can go for how many rounds you want to (especially because he usually likes to use his fingers and tongue too). Most of the time, you guys will go two or three times the same night, but it all depends on the day. During race week, for example, it's just one round. Mick lasts long enough to make you cum, he likes to wait for you.
T — Toys (does he use/own any?)
He likes to use your vibrators on you, and he doesn't mind when you use them on him. He doesn't own any though.
U — Unfair (how much does he tease?)
He usually teases you more during sex than before sex, that is because he usually can’t handle your teasings, therefore he makes a point of not teasing you too much because there’s always a comeback. Before sex his teasings consist in looking you up and down, staring at your ass without people noticing, displaying his fingers in a way he knows will drive you crazy and sometimes, when he’s feeling bold, he’s gonna whisper dirty things in your ears.
V — Volume (how loud is he + what noises does he make?)
Mick usually groans and grunts a lot, he likes to moan lowly in your ear too. If you're alone, he's loud and vocal, but if you're somewhere else and there are people in the next room he can keep quiet just grunting on your neck.
W — Wild card (random headcanon for him)
Mick is a switch so he likes to be ordered around every once in a while, he finds it hot and he likes the idea of you using his body to your own pleasure. During those times he goes feral when you try to choke him. And he will most likely curse and dirty talk to you in german.
X — X-ray (what’s under his clothes?)
He has length and girth, Mick's packed and he knows it. He's a bit bigger than the average, but nothing too big to make the experience uncomfortable.
Y — Yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
It’s high. Mick is a lover by nature so he is ready to go most of the times, you just gotta say the words and he will make you feel good.
Z — Zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterward)
It depends on the day. Mick likes to wait for you to fall asleep before he does, so it takes some long minutes, but sometimes during race week, he's asleep in the blink of an eye because of how tiring the routine can be.
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @dalsuwaha @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @carojasmin2204 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @smiithys @saintslewis @shhhchriss @f1kota
Reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated! Don't hesitate to reach out to me, I promise you I don't bite hahaha 🪩💖🍄
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r4ikkonen · 2 years ago
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
• Mick is very kind and affectionate, he cares for you and makes sure he cuddles you right after it so you don’t feel awkward
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• He loves your cheeks, he loves squeezing them,kissing them and just holding them.He loves seeing you smile :)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
• When it comes to making mess when having sex Mick makes sure he doesn’t cum around everywhere, so he likes to do it in you
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• He loves holding your hands above your head, it makes him feel so powerful
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
• Mick is still a little bit green when it comes to sex but he doesn’t mind experiencing new stuff with you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
• Missionary of course, he loves locking eye contact with you and watching you be pleased by hin
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
• He makes sure to make you feel satisfied so he is very focused on his “work”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
• He is very well groomed, there isn’t much..
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
• He’s very intimate and makes sure he kisses you while having sex
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
• He doesn’t do it often but if you send him a hot picture of course he is going to relieve himself
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
• Mick’s only kink is outdoors sex, you are the one to care if you guys get caught but he doesn’t
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
• He is quite classic so he prefers the bed, but doesn’t mind doing you in the driver’s room.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
• It’s mostly underwear or just whispering in hsi ear that gets him really turned on.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Mick is very vanilla so he would never do anything to hurt you
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• He likes making you feel good so he enjoys “giving” more than receiving
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
• He likes to take his time with you making dure that every move is on poing
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• He doesn’t suggest quickies but if you’re up for it he will most likely do it
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
• Mick is up for experimenting for sure but he doesn’t like taking risks that much
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
• He can last for a very long time without breaks.This man is a machine.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
• Not really, he is not found of the idea of bringing toys into sex when you already have him pleasing you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
• Mostly you’re the one teasing, but he can tease too if you’re too desperate for him.It’s his way of playing with you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• Mick is very vocal and he just grunts after he finishes or sometimes yell out your name.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• He is packed very well if you ask me
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
• His sex drive is not so high but not so low either, it quite depends
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• If it has been a long one he usually falls asleep quick in few minutes altough sometimes you just talk after sex.
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spoonfulofmilo · 9 months ago
300 followers celebration
okay wtf guys im actually gonna cry :). thank y'all so much for all the love you have given me.
im gonna start by apologising because I have not been that active. i went and saw challengers, started watching ted lasso and got into professional cycling, and my exams are just about to finish and im gonna be honest i have been just reading fanfiction based on those. (because my ADHD hyperfixation has hit this point)
also small apology to the people waiting on the bachelor fic, i've rewritten the first chapter twice, but rest assured once i get the first chapter out of the way, the next few will come in quicker
But I am getting back into the hot men of f1, thank god, and initially this celebration was going to be closer to july, but here we are, and so this event will run a while.
Basically to explain it's an f1 x olympics!reader :) because i have a hyperfixation on the olympics
Pick 1 letters, one for the person and one number for the reader's sport - i will then make a moodboard AND A small blurb :) (cause i need to get out of the writing slump)
my guidelines are here
i am only writing for the drivers and related people listed (but if you really want another driver, chuck it in my inbox and ill probably make it anyway)
this is only for moodboards and short blurbs, however my requests will remain open through the celebration so if you're inspired by this but want something else instead feel free to head to my inbox :)
please be patient - it may take me a few hours to do yours, but depending on how many requests I get, it could take a few days
please specify gender, else i'll probably make it gender neutral
for now no limit on how many requests 1 person can submit, but if i get overwhelmed I will
i will take description requests, face claim requests, blurb requests, country requests, whatever you want to specify BUT all I need is 1 letter, 1 number and a gender for reader :)
the event will close on the 11th of august (when the olympics end) (and also so i have a little bit of a time before a birthday celebration!)
A - Alex Albon
B -  Ollie Bearman
C - Charles Leclerc
D - Mick Schumacher
E - Esteban Ocon
F - Fernando Alonso
G - James Vowles
H - Liam Lawson
I - Peter Bonnington
J - Jack Doohan
K - Kimi Raikkonen
L - Lewis Hamilton
M - Max Verstappen
N - Lando Norris
O - Oscar piastri
P - Pierre Gasly
Q - Logan Sargeant
R - Daniel Ricciardo
S - Carlos Sainz
T - Yuki Tsunoda
U - Lance Stroll
V - Sebastian Vettel
W - Mark Webber
X - Paul Aron
Y - Toto Wolff
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waltfrasescazadordepalabras · 5 months ago
El veneno es veneno, aunque venga en píldoras doradas.
(E. F. Schumacher)  
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dailyanarchistposts · 10 months ago
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Section E — What do anarchists think causes ecological problems?
This section of the FAQ expands upon section D.4 (“What is the relationship between capitalism and the ecological crisis?”) in which we indicated that since capitalism is based upon the principle of “grow or die,” a “green” capitalism is impossible. By its very nature capitalism must expand, creating new markets, increasing production and consumption, and so invading more ecosystems, using more resources, and upsetting the interrelations and delicate balances that exist with ecosystems. We have decided to include a separate section on this to stress how important green issues are to anarchism and what a central place ecology has in modern anarchism.
Anarchists have been at the forefront of ecological thinking and the green movement for decades. This is unsurprisingly, as many key concepts of anarchism are also key concepts in ecological thought. In addition, the ecological implications of many anarchist ideas (such as decentralisation, integration of industry and agriculture, and so forth) has meant that anarchists have quickly recognised the importance of ecological movements and ideas.
Murray Bookchin in particular has placed anarchist ideas at the centre of green debate as well as bringing out the links anarchism has with ecological thinking. His eco-anarchism (which he called social ecology) was based on emphasising the social nature of the ecological problems we face. In such classic works as Post-Scarcity Anarchism, Toward an Ecological Society and The Ecology of Freedom he has consistently argued that humanity’s domination of nature is the result of domination within humanity itself.
However, anarchism has always had an ecological dimension. As Peter Marshall notes in his extensive overview of ecological thought, ecologists “find in Proudhon two of their most cherished social principles: federalism and decentralisation.” He “stands as an important forerunner of the modern ecological movement for his stress on the close communion between humanity and nature, for his belief in natural justice, for his doctrine of federalism and for his insight that liberty is the mother and not the daughter of order.” [Nature’s Web, p. 307 and p. 308] For Proudhon, a key problem was that people viewed the land as “something which enables them to levy a certain revenue each year. Gone is the deep feeling for nature.” People “no longer love the soil. Landowners sell it, lease it, divide it into shares, prostitute it, bargain with it and treat it as an object of speculation. Farmers torture it, violate it, exhaust it and sacrifice it to their impatient desire for gain. They never become one with it.” We “have lost our feeling for nature.” [Selected Writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, p. 261]
Other precursors of eco-anarchism can be found in Peter Kropotkin’s writings. For example, in his classic work Fields, Factories and Workshops, Kropotkin argued the case for “small is beautiful” 70 years before E. F. Schumacher coined the phase, advocating “a harmonious balance between agriculture and industry. Instead of the concentration of large factories in cities, he called for economic as well as social decentralisation, believing that diversity is the best way to organise production by mutual co-operation. He favoured the scattering of industry throughout the country and the integration of industry and agriculture at the local level.” His vision of a decentralised commonwealth based on an integration of agriculture and industry as well as manual and intellectual work has obvious parallels with much modern green thought, as does his stress on the need for appropriate levels of technology and his recognition that the capitalist market distorts the development, size and operation of technology and industry. Through his investigations in geography and biology, Kropotkin discovered species to be interconnected with each other and with their environment. Mutual Aid is the classic source book on the survival value of co-operation within species which Kropotkin regarded as an important factor of evolution, arguing that those who claim competition within and between species is the chief or only factor have distorted Darwin’s work. All this ensures that Kropotkin is “a great inspiration to the modern ecological movement.” [Marshall, Op. Cit., p. 311 and p. 312]
As well as Kropotkin’s work, special note must be made of French anarchist Elisee Reclus. As Clark and Martin note, Reclus introduced “a strongly ecological dimension into the tradition of anarchist and libertarian social theory”. He made “a powerful contribution to introducing this more ecological perspective into anarchist thought,” of “looking beyond the project of planetary domination and attempting to restore humanity to its rightful place within, rather than above, nature.” Reclus, “much more than Kropotkin, introduced into anarchist theory themes that were later developed in social ecology and eco-anarchism.” [John P. Clark and Camille Martin (ed.), Anarchy, Geography, Modernity, p. 19] For example, in 1866 Reclus argued as follows:
“Wild nature is so beautiful. Is it really necessary for man, in seizing it, to proceed with mathematical precision in exploiting each new conquered domain and then mark his possession with vulgar constructions and perfectly straight boundaries? If this continues to occur, the harmonious contrasts that are one of the beauties of the earth will soon give way to depressing uniformity … “The question of knowing which of the works of man serves to beautify and which contributes to the degradation of external nature can seem pointless to so-called practical minds; nevertheless, it is a matter of the greatest importance. Humanity’s development is most intimately connected with the nature that surrounds it. A secret harmony exists between the earth and the peoples whom it nourishes, and when reckless societies allow themselves to meddle with that which creates the beauty of their domain, they always end up regretting it.” [quoted by Clark and Martin, Op. Cit., pp. 125–6]
“Man,” Reclus says, can find beauty in “the intimate and deeply seated harmony of his work with that of nature.” Like the eco-anarchists a century later, he stressed the social roots of our environmental problems arguing that a “complete union of Man with Nature can only be effected by the destruction of the frontiers between castes as well as between peoples.” He also indicated that the exploitation of nature is part and parcel of capitalism, for “it matters little to the industrialist … whether he blackens the atmosphere with fumes … or contaminates it with foul-smelling vapours.” “Since nature is so often desecrated by speculators precisely because of its beauty,” Reclus argued, “it is not surprising that farmers and industrialists, in their own exploitative endeavours, fail to consider whether they contribute to defacing the land.” The capitalist is “concerned not with making his work harmonious with the landscape.” [quoted by Clark and Martin, Op. Cit., p. 28, p. 30, p. 124 and p. 125] Few modern day eco-anarchists would disagree.
So, while a specifically ecological anarchism did not develop until the revolutionary work done by Murray Bookchin from the 1950’s onwards, anarchist theory has had a significant “proto-green” content since at least the 1860s. What Bookchin and writers like him did was to make anarchism’s implicit ecological aspects explicit, a work which has immensely enriched anarchist theory and practice.
In addition to pointing out the key role ecology plays within anarchism, this section is required to refute some commonly proposed solutions to the ecological problems we face. While it is wonderful that green ideas have becoming increasingly commonplace, the sad fact is that many people have jumped on the green bandwagon whose basic assumptions and practices are deeply anti-ecological. Thus we find fascists expounding on their environmental vision or defenders of capitalism proposing “ecological” solutions based on expanding private property rights. Similarly, we find the notion of green consumerism raised as viable means of greening the planet (rather than as an addition to social struggle) or a focus on symptoms (such as population growth) rather than root causes. This section refutes many such flawed suggestions.
A key concept to remember in our discussion is that between environmentalism and ecology. Following Bookchin, eco-anarchists contrast their ideas with those who seek to reform capitalism and make it more green (a position they term “environmentalism” rather than ecology). The latter “focus on specific issues like air and water pollution” while ignoring the social roots of the problems they are trying to solve. In other words, their outlook “rest[s] on an instrumental, almost engineering approach to solving ecological dislocations. To all appearances, they wanted to adapt the natural world to the needs of the existing society and its exploitative, capitalist imperatives by way of reforms that minimise harm to human health and well-being. The much-needed goals of formulating a project for radical social change and for cultivating a new sensibility toward the natural world tended to fall outside the orbit of their practical concerns.” Eco-anarchists, while supporting such partial struggles, stress that “these problems originate in a hierarchical, class, and today, competitive capitalist system that nourishes a view of the natural world as a mere agglomeration of ‘resources’ for human production and consumption.” [The Ecology of Freedom, pp. 15–6] This means that while some kind of environmentalism may be possible under capitalism or some other authoritarian system, an ecological approach is impossible. Simply put, the concerns of ecology cannot be squeezed into a hierarchical perspective or private property. Just as an eco-system cannot be commanded, divided and enclosed, nor can a truly ecological vision. Attempts to do so will impoverish both.
As we discuss in the next section, for anarchists the root cause of our ecological problems is hierarchy in society compounded by a capitalist economy. For anarchists, the notion of an ecological capitalism is, literally, impossible. Libertarian socialist Takis Fotopoulous has argued that the main reason why the project of “greening” capitalism is just a utopian dream “lies in a fundamental contradiction that exists between the logic and dynamic of the growth economy, on the one hand, and the attempt to condition this dynamic with qualitative interests” on the other. [“Development or Democracy?”, pp. 57–92, Society and Nature, No. 7, p. 82] Green issues, like social ones, are inherently qualitative in nature and, as such, it is unsurprising that a system based on profit would ignore them.
Under capitalism, ethics, nature and humanity all have a price tag. And that price tag is god. This is understandable as every hierarchical social system requires a belief-system. Under feudalism, the belief-system came from the Church, whereas under capitalism, it pretends to come from science, whose biased practitioners (usually funded by the state and capital) are the new priesthood. Like the old priesthoods, only those members who produce “objective research” become famous and influential — “objective research” being that which accepts the status quo as “natural” and produces what the elite want to hear (i.e. apologetics for capitalism and elite rule will always be praised as “objective” and “scientific” regardless of its actual scientific and factual content, the infamous “bell curve” and Malthus’s “Law of Population” being classic examples). More importantly, capitalism needs science to be able to measure and quantify everything in order to sell it. This mathematical faith is reflected in its politics and economics, where quantity is more important than quality, where 5 votes are better than 2 votes, where $5 is better than $2. And like all religions, capitalism needs sacrifice. In the name of “free enterprise,” “economic efficiency,” “stability” and “growth” it sacrifices individuality, freedom, humanity, and nature for the power and profits of the few.
Understanding the social roots of the problems we face is the key. Many greens attack what they consider the “wrong ideas” of modern society, its “materialistic values” and counter-pose new ideas, more in tune with a green society. This approach, however, misses the point. Ideas and values do not “just happen”, but are the product of a given set of social relationships and the struggles they produce. This means that it is not just a matter of changing our values in a way that places humanity in harmony with nature (important though that is), but also of understanding the social and structural origins of the ecological crisis. Ideas and values do need to be challenged, but unless the authoritarian social relationships, hierarchy and inequalities in power (i.e. what produces these values and ideas) are also challenged and, more importantly, changed an ecological society is impossible. So unless other Greens recognise that this crisis did not develop in a social vacuum and is not the “fault” of people as people (as opposed to people in a hierarchical society), little can be done root out the systemic causes of the problems that we and the planet face.
Besides its alliance with the ecology movement, eco-anarchism also finds allies in the feminist and peace movements, which it regards, like the ecology movement, as implying the need for anarchist principles. Thus eco-anarchists think that global competition between nation-states is responsible not only for the devouring of nature but is also the primary cause of international military tensions, as nations seek to dominate each other by military force or the threat thereof. As international competition becomes more intense and weapons of mass destruction spread, the seeds are being sown for catastrophic global warfare involving nuclear, chemical, and/or biological weapons. Because such warfare would be the ultimate ecological disaster, eco-anarchism and the peace movement are but two aspects of the same basic project. Similarly, eco-anarchists recognise that domination of nature and male domination of women have historically gone hand in hand, so that eco-feminism is yet another aspect of eco-anarchism. Since feminism, ecology, and peace are key issues of the Green movement, anarchists believe that many Greens are implicitly committed to anarchism, whether they realise it or not, and hence that they should adopt anarchist principles of direct action rather than getting bogged down in trying to elect people to state offices.
Here we discuss some of the main themes of eco-anarchism and consider a few suggestions by non-anarchists about how to protect the environment. In section E.1, we summarise why anarchists consider why a green society cannot be a capitalist one (and vice versa). Section E.2 presents a short overview of what an ecological society would be like. Section E.3 refutes the false capitalist claim that the answer to the ecological crisis is to privatise everything while section E.4 discusses why capitalism is anti-ecological and its defenders, invariably, anti-green. Then we indicate why green consumerism is doomed to failure in section E.5 before, in section E.6, refuting the myth that population growth is a cause of ecological problems rather than the effect of deeper issues.
Obviously, these are hardly the end of the matter. Some tactics popular in the green movement are shared by others and we discuss these elsewhere. For example, the issue of electing Green Parties to power will be addressed in section J.2.4 (“Surely voting for radical parties will be effective?”) and so will be ignored here. The question of “single-issue” campaigns (like C.N.D. and Friends of the Earth) will be discussed in section J.1.4. Remember that eco-anarchists, like all anarchists, take a keen interest in many other issues and struggles and just because we do not discuss something here does not mean we are indifferent to it.
For anarchists, unless we resolve the underlying contradictions within society, which stem from domination, hierarchy and a capitalist economy, ecological disruption will continue and grow, putting our Earth in increasing danger. We need to resist the system and create new values based on quality, not quantity. We must return the human factor to our alienated society before we alienate ourselves completely off the planet.
Peter Marshall’s Nature’s Web presents a good overview of all aspects of green thought over human history from a libertarian perspective, including excellent summaries of such anarchists as Proudhon, Kropotkin and Bookchin (as well as libertarian socialist William Morris and his ecologically balanced utopia News from Nowhere).
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colonna-durruti · 2 years ago
L’Espresso se lo chiese in questo articolo del 2010 a firma Mauro Munafò. Briatore ha sempre negato tale ricostruzione, mentre gli autori del libro “Il signor Billionaire" hanno sempre confermato. Ognuno legga bene l’articolo, non poco inquietante, e faccia (civilmente) le sue valutazioni.
“Le vittorie in Formula 1, il matrimonio con la Gregoraci e i flirt con le top model, lo yatch da sogno e il Billionaire, la discoteca dei ricchi in Sardegna. Quando si parla di Flavio Briatore, sono queste le parole d'ordine della cronaca nazionale, gossippara e non. Eppure nel passato del manager di Cuneo ci sono zone d'ombra che stonano con la vita super-pubblica che conduce adesso.
Sono gli anni '70 e '80, passati tra Cuneo e Milano, in cui un giovane assicuratore inizia a costruire quello che poi sarà Mr Billionaire. E nella sua cerchia non mancano i personaggi discutibili, il gioco d'azzardo, le truffe, la latitanza all'estero e le morti sospette. Una scalata al successo partita dal basso e dalla provincia che non si legge però nella biografia ufficiale di Briatore, che a quegli anni dedica qualche riga generica e poco convincente.
A scavare nella vita del manager ci hanno pensato Andrea Sceresini, Maria Elena Scandaliato e Nicola Palma, tre giovani giornalisti autori di "Il signor Billionaire; ascesa, segreti, misteri e coincidenze", appena pubblicato da Aliberti Editore. I tre sono partiti da una serie di articoli di Gianni Barbacetto del '99 per approfondire i misteri del passato di Briatore. Un lavoro fatto alla vecchia maniera, cercando tutti i vecchi soci, i vecchi amici, le fidanzate e i conoscenti del rampante Flavio. E trovandosi spesso davanti un muro di omertà e di consigli a lasciar perdere questa storia, di non chiedere oltre perché ci sono verità "che fanno morti e feriti".
La storia di Briatore sembra il sogno americano, coniugato però alla realtà italiana. Figlio di maestri elementari, si diploma geometra, fa l'assicuratore e apre un ristorante (il Tribula) che chiuderà dopo poco per debiti. Ma la svolta arriva nei primi anni '70, quando lavora con Attilio Dutto, un costruttore locale che rileva la Paramatti Vernici. Nel frattempo Briatore si occupa per alcuni casinò (gestiti dalla malavita) di portare clienti ai tavoli, intascandosi una parte delle loro perdite. Al giro lo introduce Ilario Legnaro che con il boss catanese Gaetano Corallo (vicino al clan Santapaola) si occupa proprio di questo. Tra i clienti portati ai casinò da Briatore c'è proprio Dutto che perderà parecchie decine di milioni nelle sale di Nizza e della Costa Azzurra.
Nel 1979 Attilio Dutto salta in aria con la sua auto: un delitto che non ha mai trovato un responsabile. Dalle testimonianze raccolte nel libro si configura però la mano della mafia. Pare inoltre che lo stesso Dutto volesse "rovinare" Briatore per le truffe che gli aveva giocato. Di sicuro con Dutto scompare anche un capitale stimato in almeno 30 miliardi di lire, che non si sa dove vanno a finire.
Con la fine degli anni '70 e la morte di Dutto, Briatore si trasferisce nella nascente 'Milano da bere', dove conosce la sua prima moglie (fino a oggi tenuta quasi nascosta) e frequenta la gente che conta del capoluogo meneghino, non ultimo Bettino Craxi. Organizza feste e si mette in affari con il conte Achille Caproni, della cui moglie è nel frattempo amante. Con l'amico Emilio Fede, secondo gli autori del libro, organizzerebbe truffe ai tavoli verdi, finché la polizia non lo scopre e lui deve fuggire a St.Thomas, nelle isole Vergini, con moglie al seguito.
Latitante e costretto a rimanere fuori dall'Italia fino all'amnistia del 1990, Briatore si consola nella sua vita da sogno alle isole Vergini e apre e gestisce una rete di negozi per Benetton, un locale notturno e una gelateria. Da lì ci saranno la Formula 1, i mondiali con Schumacher e...mister Billionaire. Il "self made man" di Verzuolo in provincia di Cuneo ormai ce l'ha fatta: è diventato qualcuno, è famoso nel mondo, ricco e invidiato.
"E' il personaggio simbolo di un'intera classe dirigente", spiega Andrea Sceresini, uno degli autori. "La sua immagine pubblica non risente affatto del suo passato. Molte di queste storie sono state scritte anche dai giornali negli anni '70 e '80 e basta una ricerca in archivio per tirarle fuori. I media però si limitano a riportare quello che dice lui e la sua versione della storia".
Una versione che da copione prevede poche righe di biografia ufficiale e qualche risposta evasiva a chi gli chiede conto del passato. Una storia tutta italiana”.
(da "L'Espresso" dell''8 novembre 2010: https://bit.ly/2EE1y0t)
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zemagltd · 2 years ago
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Everyday Poetry - "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction." E. F. Schumacher
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sunnydaleherald · 1 year ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 30
Joyce: We're working out a coordinated schedule for you. Giles: It'll be tight, but, uh, I think we can fit in all your responsibilities. Joyce: We've got more work to do here, honey. Why don't you give us a little more time? Um... Take the car, and, um, Mr. Giles can drive me home. Buffy: What? (smiles and shakes her head) Excuse me, I meant what?! Joyce: Keys. Take them. Buffy: You don't have to tell me twice. Well, actually, you did, but... (snatches the keys) bye! Joyce: Bye, honey. Drive careful. Buffy: Uh-huh! Joyce: Do you think she noticed anything? Giles: No way!
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