#dynamic lotto predictions for today
antiquecompass · 5 years
So I couldn’t help myself and here’s the second part of today’s Dynamic post for The Untamed Fest
See, the thing was, Lan Sizhui was easy to love. With his soft smile and kind eyes and always smelling like fresh cotton and good things. He wasn’t arrogant, even if he had every right to be, and he quietly led by example, totally unaware that he had most of the school, the town, and generally anyone he met, wrapped around his fingers.
So no one, least of all Jingyi himself, would be surprised to find out Jingyi loved Sizhui. In fact, when he sat back and really thought about, he couldn’t remember a time in his life when he didn’t love Sizhui. 
Being in love with Sizhui? Now, that was an entirely different matter.
It was hard as hell.
It was hard as hell to not lean over the table while they studied and kissed that spot on his cheek, right over his mole. It was impossible to not reach over and grab his hand as they walked, a constant anchor since they were kids, that had started to mean so much more to Jingyi as they grew older. Every single time Sizhui laughed or smiled or did anything to cause his eyes to crinkle up in joy, Jingyi had to pinch himself or bite his own tongue to not just scream, I love you I love you I love you, over and over again.
His parents had been absolutely no help when he went to them with his problem. He should’ve seen that coming considering who they were--the most flighty of artists who raised him to believe in things like, truth, valor, true love, soul mates, and romance. They were loving parents, but also absent, as they spent more time traveling the world in pursuit of finding their bliss and following nature’s true beauty or whatever other bullshit they’d decided on that month to justify their traveling of the world. And even though they’d left Jingyi behind (granted with the family to be raised in a normal, stable, childhood), they always answered his calls.
When he’d called them with this problem, his father had sighed dreamily into the phone about young love while his mother told him how much she’d always liked Sizhui. So, no help there.
Great Uncle Lan was an option Jingyi refused to even think about. The man would probably give him a detention for daring to have emotions.
Headmaster Lan, Cousin Xichen, would be kind and understanding and offer him some sort of baked good that he’d tried to make on his own, but would in fact taste like concrete, because Cousin Xichen was a disaster in the kitchen. And the laundry room. And a menace in general to household chores, even though he really, really tried. So Jingyi would probably go over there for advice, end up eating a brownie made with salt instead of sugar, and fixing Xichen’s dishwasher. Again. For the fifth time. All without actually getting any helpful advice besides a pat on his shoulder and an assurance that he was a good kid.
Auntie Molly, proudly named after Molly Brown and the breaking of over a couple centuries of family naming traditions, was the one currently boarding him during his parents latest adventure. She was one of the more unique Lans. Free-spirited. Communed with nature type. Claimed she could talk to ghosts and see past lives, and Jingyi would call bullshit, but the woman had a talent for guessing the lotto numbers right. She never played, because she claimed it would be unethical, and besides Lans didn’t gamble, but she hadn’t been wrong yet. She’d probably take his hand and try to predict his future and Jingyi didn’t want to know yet if Fate wanted to fuck him over or throw him a gimme, so she was a hard pass.
There was one solution. Perhaps obvious, but so, so awkward.
So with no other viable options, it was time for Jingyi to undertake Mission Ask My Best Friend’s Father If He Thinks I Have Even An Iota Of A Chance In Dating His Son. 
“Jingyi, is that a golf cart?”
Jingyi turned from the entrance of the Lan-Wei greenhouse, where his teacher, his best friend’s father, who was also his pseudo-cousin, stood with a garden apron covered in flying pigs over his clothes and lime green work gloves on his hands.
None of his fellow students would ever believe how relaxed their exalted Hanguang-Jun was in the confines of his own home. Jingyi had seen him in bunny slippers. Multiple times.
“Jingyi?” Cousin Zhan asked.
“Yes,” Jingyi said, turning back from the golf cart he’d parked in the driveway. “Well, you know, I can’t drive a real car yet, and I wasn’t going to skate or bike here, and my dirtbike is still recovering from Zizhen’s attempt to ride it. So, I borrowed Aunt Molly’s golf cart.”
“And they let you out of the neighborhood with that?
“Me and Officer Shelton have an understanding,” Jingyi said.
Cousin Zhan had that look on his face that meant he was debating if he needed to give Jingyi a punishment for whatever he’d done this time. He finally shrugged.
“Not your circus, not your monkeys?” Jingyi asked.
Cousin Zhan nodded before returning his greenhouse. “I assume you know Sizhui is with his cousins in Boston for the weekend.”
“Yes. I actually, I came here to see you, Sir--Teacher--Mister--Cousin.”
A clatter of garden shears and a broken pot made Jingyi wince as Lan Zhan turned back to him, eyes wide and face almost stunned.
“Is it happening?” he asked.
“Uh,” Jingyi looked around for anyone who might be of help if he was about to be killed with a rake. “Is what happening?”
“Are you not here to ask if you can date Sizhui?”
“How do you know that!”
Jingyi only yelled loud enough to startle the crows in the garden. Hopefully Sizhui’s dad didn’t hear him, locked up in his tower working, or else he’d never live it down.
A warm cup of tea and a plate of gingersnaps were set down in front of Jingyi. He didn’t like gingersnaps or fruity teas, but all of the Elder Lans tended to default to them when it came to comfort food. Or when they thought someone needed to be calmed down.
“I’m sorry I yelled,” Jingyi said as he put a sugar cube in his tea under his cousin’s judging eyes. 
“I’m sorry I startled you,” he said. 
The flying pig apron and green garden gloves were gone to leave a man in worn jeans and an old Vanessa-Mae t-shirt. He looked far less intimidating now. More like the family member who had hugged Jingyi and rocked him back to sleep the first time his parents had dropped him off before going to see the world. He was the adult who always took him to the dentists and the doctors and tried to include him in as many family events as possible, even now when it was obvious he knew how Jingyi’s feelings had started to change towards his one, and only, child. 
“I do want to date Sizhui,” Jingyi said, the words starting to tumble out of his mouth under those trusting eyes. “And I know it’s up to him, how he feels, that it’s his decision. That he’d respect what you and Mr. Lan-Wei would feel, but in the end would follow his own heart. He’s fair like that. And I don’t know, maybe part of me came here in the hopes you’d talk me out of it, because, l, honestly, Cousin, I’m fucking terrified.”
“I know,” he said. Warm fingers patted Jingyi’s wrist. “It’s a leap of faith, even when you’re in love with someone you know and trust. That fear lives in you, the doubt, that maybe you’re not good enough for them, or exciting enough to hold their attention, or that they’ll move on from you, getting tired of waiting.”
That all sounded pretty damn familiar. 
“But Jingyi, you also have to remember who Sizhui is.”
Kind. Caring. Trustworthy. Gentle. Determined. Stubborn. Defiant when he felt he was right and someone else was wrong. Quietly sarcastic in a way few got to hear. And while polite and willing to listen, would never bend from the beliefs he held true to himself.
“I think it’d break my heart even more if he lets me down all gentle and nice. Because, like, I couldn’t even be hurt. I shouldn’t be anyway because his feelings are his feelings and they’re valid, but I’m like a little moth flitting around and he’s the friggin’ moon.”
“Then perhaps you need to fly higher,” Lan Zhan said with the small quirk of a smile. “Is he worth trying for? Even with the risk of failure?”
“How is that even a question?” Jingyi asked.
“Then you have your answer,” he said. 
“Right,” Jingyi said. “Right. I do. I can do this.” He looked down at his hands. “A timeline. I need a due date. Halloween? No, that’s his dad’s birthday, that would be awkward. The 21st. I’ll ask him out on the 21st.”
His cousin looked seconds away from laughing at him, but he just lifted his own cup of tea and took a sip.
“The 21st,” Jingyi repeated. “I can do this.”
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alexneon-posts · 5 years
Who won the billion dollars lottery? | kbc lottery
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I have picked that today around night time is the night that I am going to win the lottery. Furthermore, when I state lottery, I am taking a gander at the huge one. The Jackpot! I have starting late picked my home in the UK, event home and vehicle. All I have to do inevitably is buy my ticket. My UK base is so far going to be in Lancashire, where I clearly live, yet it will be to some degree consistently fundamental in size. The property is available to be picked up for one and a half million and I am going to pay cash. It is worked in a run of the mill style and has five rooms, 4 dinner antechambers, pulled back storerooms, stables, tennis courts and a great deal of wrapping zone. To be clear the worth is clearly a drop in the ocean inquisitively with its size. My home in Parga will be fairly sensibly inconspicuous. A prompt blessing, dismissing the sea, with a show where I can spend many summer night times eating, drinking and maybe resting.
I needn't sit around idly with it to be huge as else I will never discard guests and I need it to be my little problem hideaway. My home in Parga will be fairly powerfully unassuming. A basic home, disregarding the sea, with a shade where I can spend many summer nights eating, drinking and perhaps resting. I needn't dawdle with it to be colossal as else I will never discard guests and I need it to be my little enigma hideaway. Finally, the New Audi R8 Newbury vehicle. There is only a particular vehicle that is sensible for a critical lottery champ and that is the Audi R8! The vehicle is shocking. In case maybe I may expect it to be done in matte decrease so it consolidates the chrome cutting. Beautiful.
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We as a rule would dream to win the lottery at some point or another not long from now, at any rate it emanates an impression of being silly. Still you ought to be happy to fathom that there are a couple of free lottery tips which you can hold lively to build up your chances of winning a lottery. Similarly, this doesn't require just fortune and taking wild predicts. There is such a huge amount of data open on the web on how you to win a lottery, yet cutoff of them come at a charge.
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I needn't mess with it to be gigantic as else I will never dispose of visitors and I need it to be my little mystery hideaway. My home in Parga will be somewhat dynamically subtle. An essential domain, dismissing the ocean, with a shade where I can spend many summer evenings eating, drinking and conceivably napping. I needn't mess with it to be colossal as else I will never dispose of visitors and I need it to be my little riddle hideaway. At last, the New Audi R8 Newbury vehicle. There is just a single vehicle that is reasonable for an essential lottery champ and that is the Audi R8! The vehicle is stunning. In the event that perhaps I may require it to be done in matte dull so it incorporates the chrome cutting. Excellent.
As has been beginning at now discussed a victor among the best and fathomed methods for raising the chances of winning a lottery top prize is by methodologies for wheeling numbers. The solitary hindrance to utilizing a wheeling method for winning the lottery is the expense of the lottery areas. Since you should buy various tickets wheeling is an elective that is reasonable to a syndication.
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In any case, wheeling demonstrates that you can utilize science, and unequivocally the laws of likelihood, to colossally help your odds of triumphing in the lottery.
You would more likely than not be unsurprised to hear that a man who is an agent for a compensation has won the lotto a really astounding on various events.
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Instructor L. Blair, an Oklahoma Math Professor, organizes totally the conventional vision of a processing lottery instance of vanquishing trouble. Not exclusively is playing around with numbers typically been Larry's motivation in life at any rate he truly appreciates doing it. Regardless, is the lotto framework he utilized incredibly a lottery blender?
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Incredible, obliging principles on the most gifted system to win the lottery are constantly difficult to find, in a general sense to no conclusion. Unmistakably whether somebody considers the top-confuse to win the lottery, they aren't going to reveal their riddle for unequivocal dollars. In case you'd like to find how to win a lottery, mixing numbers is one style. A couple of individuals like to choose from the sky, at any rate this isn't perpetually noteworthy. In all actuality, it is the most grounded thing to absolutely insignificant. Notwithstanding the way where that you should need to go this course, you require to discover you aren't picking numbers which are to some degree a model which is incredibly discrete, for instance 1, 2, 3,4,5,6. Using plans like methodology is generally not a great thought. Obviously, learning plans subject to past winning is. Michigan lottery winning numbers.
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Notwithstanding, there's no "statement " that you'll succeed. In case there was, everybody would be a champ essentially in light of the way in which that they have an astonishing framework. Regardless, there is an affirmation in widening your wagers of winning. Essentially by changing the style you make the showing you will help improving your probabilities of winning the huge stake. It doesn't just put it full scale there or karma to check the triumphant lottery numbers. All you require is to some degree system and fundamental learning of probability lottery.
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Lotto Midweek Sure Banker - Midweek Lotto Key
Lotto Midweek Sure Banker – Midweek Lotto Key
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Lotto Midweek Sure Banker – Midweek Lotto Key Lotto midweek sure banker for today is a hot banker for mid week and noting will stop it from dropping, just like our lucky-g numbers dropped for legs. This is the best midweek live two sure that has ever been forecast on the internet and we are going to win big in today’s game. Ghana lotto website does not give lotto prediction, of cause you don’t them…
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Mid-Week Key Banker - Midweek Lotto Key
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Hot Banker Mid-Week - Midweek Lotto Key
Hot Banker Mid-Week – Midweek Lotto Key
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Live Luck-G Lotto 2-Sure - 2 Sure Today
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Lucky-G Lotto Live Banker - 2sure lucky
Lucky-G Lotto Live Banker – 2sure lucky
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Lucky-G Lotto Live Banker – 2sure lucky Lucky-G lotto live banker is an unfailing banker on today’s Ghana lotto game that will be drawn by 7:15pm in the evening of today – lucky g two sure. Lucky g two sure will also be included on the race to win big on today’s game and i want to show you guys something, something that will benefit all of us at-last. (more…)
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mycryptosuite · 5 years
Live ‎Two Sure for Friday Bonanza - Bonanza Lotto Two Sure
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‎Live Two Sure for Friday Bonanza – Bonanza Lotto Two Sure Live ‎two sure for friday bonanza has been well forecast for your best interest, just to give you the best winning chance – bonanza lotto two sure, Ghana lotto banker. Ghana Friday Bonanza Lotto Forecast – Best Ghana Lotto Forecaster for Today Game. Friday Forecast for Ghana Lotto – ‎Friday Bonanza Banker,‎Two Sure for Friday Bonanza. (mor…
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Fortune Live Banker - Fortune 2sure
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Fortune Lotto Unfailing Banker - Gh Fortune Live
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mycryptosuite · 5 years
Fortune Live Unfailing Banker - Fortune Live 2020
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
Live Midweek Sure-Banker For 03/06/2020
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mycryptosuite · 4 years
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