#Live ‎two sure for friday bonanza
mycryptosuite · 2 years
Bonanza Sure Banker Today Live 06/01/2023
Bonanza Sure Banker Today Live 06/01/2023
Bonanza Sure Banker Today Live 06/01/2023 Bonanza sure banker today live – bonanza lotto banker two sure live drop, i need two sure for today ghana lotto bonanza, bonanza banker for today. Two sure for Friday bonanza has just been leaked to the lucky once today and my lotto spy at NLA has briefed me of the latest development, just count yourselves among the lucky once. Today Friday bonanza…
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hale-13 · 3 years
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 7 - Sunburn
The best part about having free run of Tony Stark’s penthouse in the Tower is the Olympic sized pool that overlooks all of Manhattan. Peter could happily spend the whole summer here.
Words: 2503, Chapters: 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner
TW: Teenage Dumbassery
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
“Why are you wearing the Armani?” Peter asked, pushing the pair of battered bodega sunglasses he had been using for the past two years up to sit in his chlorine damp hair and squinting as his eyes adjusted to the dimmed lights of the penthouse. FRIDAY closed the automatic door to the balcony and pool behind him.
“First of all this is Tom Ford how dare you,” Tony said, pointing at him with the ‘dad finger’ but not looking up from his rapid texting. “Second of all I’m wearing the Tom Ford, not Armani you absolute heathen, because I have to step into a couple of meetings this afternoon.”
Peter hummed in confusion, taking a bottle of cold Gatorade (the red one because it was clearly the best flavor) from the fridge and chugging it before sitting on one of the barstools. Tony flicked his eyes away from his phone to glare at the puddle dripping off Peter’s swim trunks pointedly – Peter just smirked at him and cracked open the second bottle he had pulled from the fridge, sipping on it slowly. “I thought you were playing hooky all week?” Peter teased, referencing the plan Tony had laid out earlier in the week to do absolutely nothing of value while Pepper was out of town.
“That was the plan,” Tony conceded, tucking his phone into his inner jacket pocket and then fussing with the immaculate pocket square. “Pepper was supposed to land thirty minutes ago but she had to divert her plane to our LA office for… something. Honestly I wasn’t paying attention.”
“And that leads to you going to meetings?” Peter asked with a raised brow.
“Apparently,” Tony groused, pulling the colorful beach towel from around Peter’s neck and dropping it to the floor to soak up the puddle forming under the barstool. “Sorry buddy – I know I promised a week of fun bullshit but I think we both would prefer that I keep my head attached to my body so…”
“It’s fine,” Peter brushed off and it really was. To be honest, he was still tired from their thirty hour workshop bonanza and he could do with a nap. It was a pleasant day for June in New York with a good breeze and some light cloud cover – a nap on one of the obscenely large pool floats sounded heavenly. “I was thinking about napping anyway.”
Tony’s brow furrowed for a second before his hand darted out to land on Peter’s forehead. Peter batted his hand away, narrowly avoiding falling off the stool. “You don’t feel warm. Are you sick? FRI is the kid sick?”
“All vitals within normal limits Boss,” FRIDAY answered, almost sounding amused.
“I’m not sick! Teenagers can enjoy naps you know.” Peter protested, dodging another of his mentor’s attempts to check him for a fever. “It’s pretty much our MO actually.”
Tony rolled his eyes before slipping his tinted AR sunglasses onto his face. “Oh to be young again,” he said sarcastically, gathering up a couple thin files and his StarkPad, tucking his phone into his inner jacket pocket. “You sure you’ll be okay for a few hours?”
“Yes, Tony, jeez.” Peter said with an exaggerated eye roll.
“Oh joy, teenage snark. Aren’t I lucky?” His mentor questioned as he ruffled Peter’s hair into disarray, flinging little water droplets on the counter top and causing the loose curls to tighten up more as they dried. “I’ll be back in time for dinner. Want to grill?”
“Sounds good,” Peter said with a smile, finishing off his second drink and tossing the bottle in the recycling and waving as Tony entered the elevator. Peter let out a large yawn and stretched, sighing happily as his back popped and realigned, before hopping of the stool to gather his towel off the floor and get a couple bottles of water from the fridge.
The sun was bright and warm as he stepped back out onto the pool deck and Peter luxuriated in its warmth, momentarily blinded – he hated the cold more than anything and loved being out in the heat. It took him a few minutes to pick his pool float, Tony had collected an obscene number of ridiculous ones over the past month, but he eventually decided on the watermelon one for its large round shape. He loaded it up with his water, towel and sunscreen before pushing it into the pool and following it with a splash.
He agilely climbed up to sit in the middle and took the bottle of sunscreen, spraying on another protective layer before wadding his towel into a lumpy pillow and face planting into it. “Hey FRI?”
“Yes Peter?” FRIDAY’s voice asked from the waterproof speakers situated around the pool.
“Can you play my lofi playlist?” He nearly slurred, already half asleep.
“No problem Peter,” she answered before the soft music poured from the speakers and Peter let out a sigh before fully relaxing. There was truly nothing better than a nice warm nap out in the sun. The gentle rocking of the water was quick to put him into some of the best sleep of his life.
“Peter? Peter! Wake up kiddo!”
Peter groaned, his body stiff and tight and hot and he cracked open his crusty eyes to stare at the edge of the pool. “T’ny?” He croaked out, mouth impossibly dry and vision blurred.
“Yes, Jesus, you really cooked yourself buddy. Can you paddle over here?” Tony was looking at him with worried eyes, pulling his jacket off and slipping out of his Italian leather loafers.
“Come over there?” Peter questioned, confused. The sun had sunk behind the tower and the rooftop was now covered in shade and Peter shivered. Why was it so cold?
“Pete focus up now. I need you to come to me.” Tony said, his voice patient but with the clear undercurrent of concern that he used when Peter had gotten himself into some form of trouble.
“Okay,” Peter grunted. He tried to shift his heavy arms and then gasped in pain, clenching his eyes shut. “Ouchies,” he mumbled, not making any effort to move again. A splash sounded and Peter opened his eyes to see Tony in the water with him, efficiently swimming over to his ridiculous pool float. “But Tom Ford,” Peter protested dumbly.
“This was last seasons suit anyway,” Tony dismissed as he reached the edge of the float, treading water. “I’m gonna help you get into the water Petey – you’re way too hot. It’s not going to feel all that great but you need to trust me alright?”
“You’re Iron Man,” Peter agreed, groggy. “Trust you.”
“Good to know buddy,” Tony said as he carefully reached out and put his arms under Peter’s chest. Peter let out a gasp as his mentor’s wet sleeve rubbed against his sensitive arm but kept his body limp and let Tony maneuver him to the edge of the float while barely keeping it from tipping completely over on them both. “Alright kiddo, take a deep breath for me and hold it okay?”
“Yeah,” Peter grunted before pulling in a large gulp of air and squeezing his eyes shut. To his benefit, Tony was fast – he lifted Peter off the float and dumped him into the water before hooking his forearms under Peter’s armpits and pulling his head up above water again. Peter coughed as he surfaced, more awake and aware now, and really feeling just how truly fucked he was. His skin from the back of his neck down was tight and burning and he remained limp to not stress out the damaged skin any more. “That sucked.”
“Sure did,” Tony agreed, carefully paddling the both of them to the shallow end of the pool where a gentle incline would lead back up to the pool deck. “Think you can walk if I help you?”
“Maybe,” Peter answered, but did adjust himself in the water so he was floating next to Tony with his arm wrapped around the man’s shoulder and Tony’s arm wrapped around his waist just below the edge of his swim trunks to prevent him from touching the tender skin of his back. Exiting the pool was difficult since Peter realized he had definitely burned the bottoms of his feet but, with Tony’s help, he was able to limp out of the pool and towards the penthouse door.
“We’ve gotta get you in some oatmeal,” Tony told him as they entered the living room. The cool air from the AC made Peter shiver but the cool polished concrete floor felt like heaven on the soles of his feet.
“Why oatmeal?” Peter asked, letting Tony steer him down the hall and past his own bedroom towards the master bedroom and into Tony’s own ridiculously huge bathroom.
“It’s an anti-inflammatory,” Tony told him as they entered the bathroom. The large porcelain tub that could probably fit seven or eight full grown men was filling with tepid water mixed with oatmeal – clearly FRIDAY had been listening to their conversation and had acted accordingly. Well that or Peter had missed when Tony had asked her to set it up.
It took some maneuvering, but, soon, Peter was lying face down in the tub, his head pillowed on a pile of soft towels with Tony applying damp washcloths soaked in the cool water and oatmeal to the parts of his back that weren’t submerged in the water. Peter shivered violently once, his failing thermoregulating attempting and not succeeding in functioning, before he just lay, missable, in the tub.
“Close your eyes,” Tony said, wetting another washcloth in the sink with clean water only and wiping his face down. He frowned as his hand ran over Peter’s forehead and he draped the cloth over Peter’s face and eyes to cool the reddened skin. “You’ve got quite the fever brewing Webs.”
“I just wanted a nap,” Peter moaned and he heard Tony let out a little sad sounding chuckle.
“I know. Just relax and try to cool down for now,” and then he stood up and walked to the door. “I’m going to grab you some dry shorts and get the bed set up. Try not to drown.” It took more effort than Peter thought it would but flipping Tony off over the lip of the tub was totally worth it.
He fell into a light doze from there – drifting off as the stinging in his back dulled down to a more comfortable level. “Oh Peter,” Bruce said from above him and Peter jerked in the tub, dislodging the washcloth from his face and causing his body to let out a sting of pain and protest. He let out a little grunt and Dr. Banner winced from above him. “Sorry Pete. I thought you heard me come in. You really burnt yourself.”
“I know,” Peter said, wanting to be irritated but too tired to feel much of anything. Bruce gave him a sad smile.
“According to FRIDAY your temp is down enough we can get you out,” Bruce told him as Tony leaned over the tub as well so both of them were staring down at him. Peter just blinked. “Let Tony and I do most of the work – you don’t want to stress your muscles. Once we can get you out and dried off I’ll get you started on some fluids and electrolytes and that should help some. And my aloe plant donated a couple of leaves to the cause.” Dr. Banner joked. Peter gave him a weak smile in response, not really looking forward the the execution part of Bruce’s plan.
Getting lifted out of the tub was nothing short of agony even though Tony and Bruce lifted him under his armpits again and left him leaning his chest heavily against the bathroom counter to keep as much weight off his feet as possible. Bruce pointedly left the room and Peter endured a few mortifying moments where his mentor had to help him dry off and change into a loose pair of athletic shorts that sat low on his hips so as to not interfere with the burn. He was going to have an awful tan line by the end of this he thought sadly, taking in the lobster colored skin of his back and neck.
Bruce crept back in moments after and had Peter lean his hip against the sink so that he could place the IV catheter into his forearm while standing – making it easier on both of them once they would get him settled into bed. The California king sized bed had been stripped down to just its fitted sheet and, with a little assistance, Peter did a controlled flop face first into the memory foam pillows, letting his eyes shut as he felt Bruce connect the IV line and the cool rush of fluids through his veins.
He was nearly out when a cold plop on his back tore his eyes back open in surprise and he felt immediate relief from his tight, hot skin where the wet mass had landed. “Feels good,” he slurred drowsily as a careful hand massaged the goop into his back. A second set was working on his tight calf muscles, loosening them up and easing the burn.
“Fresh aloe,” Dr. Banner told him. Nothing better for a sunburn.”
Peter hummed in agreement and let himself drift off, finally comfortable.
“I just wanted a nap,” Peter whined as he limped and hobbled into the kitchen of the penthouse almost three days later, Tony following a few steps behind to catch him if he fell over and relying on the walls and his ability to stick to anything to keep him from falling. “I wore sunscreen!”
“Clearly not enough,” his mentor told him, voice tight with irritation. Peter had been saying the same thing on repeat since he woke up from his nap and it was clearly grating the man’s nerves. Peter opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, cracking it open and taking large gulps. Even days later and after Bruce pumped him full of fluids Peter still felt parched and dehydrated. “You know you’re supposed to reapply like every hour in direct sunlight and water right?”
“Well I do now,” Peter answered, leaning against the stove so he could take the weight off his legs. His skin still felt so tight that it felt like it may burst. And the blisters… best not to think about it. Tony clocked the movement.
“Time for more aloe,” he said pointedly, shooing Peter off toward his bedroom. “I’ll get it out of the freezer and be right behind you.”
“Thanks Mr. Stark,” Peter said as he hobbled away. He passed by the door to the pool, the water sparkling brightly in the mid-afternoon sun and he looked at it thoughtfully. “Redo next week,” he promised to himself. He’d just have to get FRIDAY to wake him up every hour next time. Besides, he needed to even out his tan.
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 years
Insert Bonanza Theme here!
Otherwise known as the start of the two-week inbox event! I’m very excited about this and I hope you all will enjoy the event as much as I’m sure I will!
A note that while my regular rules are voided for this event (there are no character limits on requests and no characters you can’t request for), I will still not write for yandere or sexual jealousy asks, paedophilia, or rape asks or for character x character ships unless where specified!
The event will run as follows:
Monday, March 26
Today I’ll be accepting headcanons of all types! Any genre, any character, prompted or promptless! If you have an idea in your head and you want headcanons for it, send it in! If you can’t think of an idea, there are ten prompts below that you can pick from - JUST PLEASE TELL ME WHICH PROMPT IT IS YOU WANT! As with all days of this event, my usual rules are waived, with the exceptions listed above! Headcanon requests can be fluffy, smutty, silly, or angsty - anything you like!
Today I’ll be accepting gif reactions of all types! As with yesterday, these requests can be prompted or promptless, of any genre or type, for any characters! Maybe you’ve always wanted to see how your favourite character would react to a strange situation, see how they would sleep or other silly little things like that! You can either send in a request based on your own thoughts or from the below ten prompts - AGAIN, IF USING A PROMPT, PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ONE!
Today I’ll be accepting character aesthetics! These can be for characters in general, canon character ships, OC x characters ships (just let me know about your OC in the ask please), themed for characters like sexual aesthetics, seasonal aesthetics, rainy day aesthetics, etc.! For those who prefer to use prompts, I’ll fill out the first four prompts as the character would and the last two prompts are pretty self-explanatory! If using a prompt, PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ONE!
Today I’ll be accepting music mixes! These can be for characters in general, canon character ships, OC x character ships (just let me know about your OC in the ask), OC’s themselves (again, just let me know about your OC!), character groups,or themed for characters! They can be promptless or based off any of the below three prompts! If using a prompt, PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ONE!
Today I’ll be accepting all polyshipping requests! These can be headcanons or scenarios for polyships of up to the reader and three canon characters, you personally (just send me a little bit about you) and up to three canon characters, or an OC and up to three canon characters (just let me know about your OC)! They can be from any of the prompts below - PLEASE TELL ME WHICH PROMPT IF YOU ARE USING ONE! - or they can be your own questions, the things you’ve wondered about (like how the living situation would be, co-habiting, date nights, the sex, etc.)! Requests can be smutty or fluffy, angsty or silly! Whatever floats your boat!
Today I’ll be accepting any personalized requests! This is the day to send in any match-up’s THROUGH THE SUBMISSION BOX for platonic or romantic matches for you or your OC’s! This is the day to send in any match-up’s through the ASK BOX ON ANON for sexual matches for you or your OC! This is the day to ask for any self-shipping headcanons or any personalized headcanons of your life in fandom! I will also be accepting THIS PROMPT all day!
Today I’ll be accepting all scenario requests!  Any genre, any character, prompted or promptless! If you have an idea in your head and you me to write it, send it in! If you can’t think of an idea, there are prompts below that you can pick from - JUST PLEASE TELL ME WHICH PROMPT IT IS YOU WANT! As with all days of this event, my usual rules are waived, with the exceptions listed above! Scenario requests can be fluffy, smutty, silly, or angsty - anything you like!
These days kick off the first days of the themed week! For Monday and Tuesday both, I'll be accepting any and all smut requests! These can be for headcanons, scenarios, gif reactions, smutty matches, or sexual aesthetics! These can be from any of the ten prompts below or can be unprompted, just ideas for things you'd like to see written! If you’re using one of the prompts, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHICH ONE!
For these two days I’ll be accepting any and all requests for holidays! Whether it be Christmas or Halloween themed requests, Thanksgiving or Easter, birthdays or anniversaries, summer vacations or winter carnivals, anything goes! These can be scenarios, headcanons, gif reactions, or holiday themed aesthetics! These can be unprompted, just from ideas you’d like to see written, or can be from any of the MANY prompts below! If using a prompt, please let me know which one!
So, for these two days, I’ll be accepting any type of request - scenario, headcanon, gif reaction, aesthetic, or fanmix for any and all AU’s and crossovers! These can be unprompted, from ideas you’d like to see (suggestions: decade AU’s where you ask what characters would be like during a different time, like the Medieval period, the swinging 20′s, the 50′s, WWII, the 80′s, etc; childhood AU’s where everyone is a child; superhero AU’s; supernatural creature AU; genderswap AU’s; genre AU’s like detective AU’s, boarding school AU’s, murder mystery AU’s, etc.; profession AU’s like model AU’s, porn star AU’s, retail worker AU’s, etc; crossover AU’s like Bleach AU’s, Percy Jackson AU’s, Harry Potter AU’s, etc)! They can also be from any of the below prompts - if you’re using a prompt, please let me know which one you’re using!
This is the last day of the event! Today I’ll be taking requests for all the former day’s themes for BOTH KHR AND NON-KHR FANDOMS! A list of my other fandoms can be found here! I’ll also be accepting admin interaction requests for the below prompts!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Jeopardy! Star Brad Rutter on The Chase and Why Alex Trebek is Irreplaceable
2020 was a big year for trivia. Starting in January with Jeopardy! The Greatest of All Time tournament, continuing with AMC’s excellent Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? scandal miniseries Quiz, and concluding with an impassioned response to the tragic passing of Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek, this was a year that highlighted Western society’s fascination with competitive knowledge-sharing. And at the center of much of it, as he often seems to be, was Brad Rutter. 
If there ever was a trivia competition Hall-of-Famer, it’s Rutter. The Lancaster, Pennsylvania-born former Quiz Bowler has been a staple of competitive trivia for years. Rutter has had one of the most impressive Jeopardy! careers of all time having been a five-time champion (the show used to cap contestants at five wins), winner of the 2001 Tournament of Champions, the Million Dollar Masters, the Ultimate Tournament of Champions, the Battle of the Decades Tournament, and last year’s All-Star Games, all good for over $5 million in lifetime earnings. He also faced off against Ken Jennings, and James Holzhauer in the aforementioned Jeopardy! GOAT tournament, but he probably wants you to forget about that particular performance.
Now Rutter and his two Jeopardy! GOAT compatriots Jennings and Holzhauer are set to get 2021 off to a strong trivia start with ABC’s The Chase. The Chase is hosted by Sara Haines based on a British program of the same name and will feature Rutter, Jennings, and Holzhauer as in-house quiz show experts dead set on ruining the contestants’ days. The series previously had an American pilot attempt at Fox in 2012 and a successful American adaptation run for Game Show Network from 2013 to 2015. When the show premieres on ABC on Jan. 7 at 9 p.m. ET, however, it will be the first attempt to bring the popular format to primetime American audiences. 
We spoke with Rutter about the trivia year that was, what it meant to work with Alex Trebek, what can be expected from The Chase, and of course: his Philadelphia Eagles.
Den of Geek: What was the process of you, Ken, and James agreeing to do The Chase together? Did you guys have like a group text chat going?
Brad Rutter: There was a little bit of that. There was talk of, “We’ve got to figure out a way to get you guys back on TV,” just because Jeopardy GOAT! was such a ratings bonanza. And I immediately thought, “Oh, you know, maybe The Chase. We’d be pretty good as chasers.” But I didn’t have any inside info on that. That’s sort of how it ended up coming together.
How were you familiar with The Chase originally? Had you watched the British version?
I had. I actually was also the American Chaser in the original pilot for Fox back in 2012. There was a regime change over there right after we shot the pilot. It ended up getting picked up on GSN with Mark Labbett, “The Beast.” And they didn’t end up using me. But yeah, I was quite familiar.
What was it like getting Sara Haines to join up as host?
Fantastic. I’m obviously not The View‘s target demo, so I wasn’t super familiar with her, but we went out to dinner the night before we started shooting and really right from bat, I knew that the chemistry was going to be there. She just absolutely clicked with all three of us. I think that’s a really important thing to have in a show like this, because it’s all about the banter. She’s really great facilitating that and sort of sparring with us and also with the contestants a little bit. We had an absolute blast shooting it and I really think that’s going to come through on the air.
I went back and watched a little bit of the Jeopardy! GOAT tournament and some of the interviews they cut with you. One thing that you said was studying probably doesn’t even help that much when it comes to Jeopardy!, but it’s like an emotional armor to wear. Do you do much studying prior to Chase episodes? And do you still kind of feel that way – that it’s more of an emotional armor?
Less so for The Chase than for Jeopardy!, actually, because I think Jeopardy! has more of a defined canon. They can conceivably ask you about anything, but you know that presidents are going to come up a lot, Shakespeare is going to come up a lot, world capitals are going to come up a lot. So I generally try to stay in shape with that type of stuff. 
With this, I wouldn’t study to the extent that I would with Jeopardy! just because you don’t know what’s going to come up. This is a brand new show, so you weren’t quite sure. If we do a season two though, I’m going to study the Billboard Top 40 … to give you a little clue about where the stew of the questions might be going.
Jeopardy! famously films many episodes in advance. What’s the filming schedule like for The Chase and how long ago did you lock these episodes?
I think it was November 13 through 20, and we did two a day, except only one on the last day. The 13th was a Friday, so I guess nobody was superstitious. I didn’t even realize that until now. Jeopardy! can get away with shooting five a day because A, it’s only half an hour and B, they’ve been doing it for 35 years, so it’s kind of a well-oiled machine. 
With a new game show, there’s all the standards and practices stuff and the legal things where you really have to get things right. One little hiccup can end up causing huge delays, but fortunately that didn’t really happen here. I was actually pleasantly surprised, because for first time shows, there’s usually going to be hiccups. 
That’s interesting too because you’ve only done this show under COVID protocols then. Did it seem kind of different from a usual production due to the environment right now?
Yes and no. I think it would be fun with an audience. So knock on wood, season two we can make that happen. But yeah, otherwise it was a lot like a normal production just with everybody masked up and trying to stay away from each other. 
How has your, James’s, and Ken’s relationship evolved through the GOAT tournament and then going into The Chase?
We’ve gotten to know each other pretty well, which is nice. And we do have a group text. We send stuff back and forth when we think it’s appropriate and sort of like something comes up that we had a question on in the GOAT tournament or something like that. I actually just texted them about something I saw that was a question on The Chase, which I can’t divulge right now. But that’s the kind of stuff we do when we’re having fun. Spotting the promos and stuff like that, and talking about people we know getting in touch with us because they saw us on Monday Night Football. That kind of thing.
We talked earlier about how strange and awful 2020 has been at times. Obviously we all just had to recently deal with the tragedy of Alex Trebek’s passing. You’ve already spoken about your experience with him beautifully on social media. Is there anything else you’d like to talk about in regards to spending time with him?
Well, I think that he actually ended up having an impact on my life just watching him work and getting to know him a little bit. It comes through watching the last few episodes that he did shoot that he was really proud of the show and it was his life’s work. He really put a lot of effort into something that he was very proud of. He had very high standards for himself and the show, and was always trying to live up to that. But at the same time, he was always having so much fun with it. Just watching Alex go about his business on Jeopardy!, I realized that’s a really great blueprint for how to live your life: care about something, strive for excellence, and have a good time doing it. If you’re picking three rules for life, I think you could do a lot worse than that. He’s inspired me for a long time, but even more so lately.
Do you have a take on who should host the show next?
Alex. But we can’t do it, unfortunately. That’s one of the terrible things about it. I can’t even really imagine what it’s going to be like. That’s all I can say about it.
I’ll just switch to a happier topic real quick at the end here. I like the notion of you, Ken, and James texting back and forth about Monday Night Football. How do you feel about the Jalen Hurts era for your Philadelphia Eagles?
Encouraging. Encouraging start. The poise is what I really noticed and coolness under pressure. I, for the life of me, can’t figure out what the Saints’ defensive game plan was about. It was almost as if they were preparing for Carson Wentz and then Hurts could just trample and run all over them.
You would’ve thought that they would have expected a little bit more of that. I am interested to see how he does now that there’s some tape out there on him. We’ll see how he does there. But it’s a giant mess anyway, because they can’t get rid of Wentz because of this contract. And they might have to try to trade one of them and who knows? [EDITOR’S NOTE: This interview was conducted following the Eagles’ victory over the New Orleans Saints. In the subsequent three weeks, Rutter’s Eagles went 0-3, missed the playoffs, and quarterback Jalen Hurts was benched in the final game. So uh…whoops].
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Quarterback uncertainty is not something I would wish on anybody. But I’m a Browns fan. So…sorry for trading you that second pick that became Carson Wentz.
Well it looked like he was going to work out great. And maybe he still will, I don’t know. It’s 2020. Who knows what’s in the water over there.
The Chase premieres Jan. 7 at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.
The post Jeopardy! Star Brad Rutter on The Chase and Why Alex Trebek is Irreplaceable appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Xckj1b
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weeklyhumorist · 4 years
Upcoming 2020 Holiday TV Specials
The 3 Wisemen Meet The 4 Horsemen (CMT, Tuesday Dec 15, 3 AM) Animated special from the creators of The Proud Boys Introductory Guide To Dental Hygiene, voiced by a bevy of your favorite wrestling stars, plus Tim Allen as the voice of a wisecracking baby Jesus. (Some material may be unsuitable for those with an IQ of over two digits)
Dildo Dan’s Holiday Bonanza (SyFy, Thursday Dec 17, 7 PM) Country / western hip-hop artist Dildo Dan returns to the network that once filed a series of restraining orders against him and his ex-wife Joanne. All seems to be forgiven, as Dildo Dan launches right into a medley of twangy hip hop favorites, ably accompanied by a slew of semi-famous folks who checked themselves out of rehab early just to join in on the fun. From graphic footage of Santa receiving his yearly colonoscopy to hand-puppets that suddenly burst into flames for seemingly no reason, this special has something for everyone who’s mind has already been systematically numbed by the preceding year.
Kid Rock’s Rocking Your Stocking Christmas! (FOX, Friday Dec 18, 9 PM) Kid Rock spends an evening doing what he does best! Since we’re not really sure what that is exactly, this special is certain to provide a night of intrigue and confusing emotions. This is his first appearance since last month’s traumatic goat bite incident, so expect plenty of feverish rambling and incoherent racist tirades (actually, much like a typical Kid Rock concert).
Orange Christmas (Newsmax, Friday Dec 18, 6 AM) President Trump finally discovers a suit that fits him nicely, and is dismayed to realize that it’s a Santa suit. Vowing revenge, he visits the home of every child in America on Christmas Eve night with a bag of Covid-soaked leftovers from his numerous Christmas get-togethers. (No Spanish subtitles, as they should learn to speak the language if they’re going to live in this country)
The Little Drummer Boy’s Hep C Christmas (VHI, Monday Dec 21, 9 PM) Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee crashes his car into the front wall of a local free clinic, and while paramedics assist him and the other injured parties in the clinic, he recounts his favorite holiday half-memories, which are realized through the miracle of Claymation. Special guest appearance by Pamela Anderson as Ghost Of Christmas Alimony Payments.
All I Want For Christmas Is A Netflix Adam Sandler Special (Netflix, streaming from Dec 19) Please remember, due to the current pandemic, new television content is increasingly difficult to come by, and so it’s better to not be so picky. Alright? Here’s some new tv for you!! Also, this is the time of year when you’re supposed to be grateful for stuff. At any rate, will Rob Schneider and David Spade get around to messily making out beneath the mistletoe? They will if they’d like to be included in more of Sandler’s Netflix exclusive movies! Also, Sandler sits on Santa’s lap and farts a lot.
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Upcoming 2020 Holiday TV Specials was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Live Friday Bonanza Today 07/10/2022
Live Friday Bonanza Today 07/10/2022
Live Friday Bonanza Today 07/10/2022 Live friday bonanza today – Unfailing banker for tomorrow friday bonanza, friday bonanza unfailing banker with no restrictions, friday bonanza two sure. Banker for bonanza draw – Check Ghana Friday Bonanza Lotto forecast for 03 Dec 2021, We got the best two sure, 3direct, perm4, perm5 with live banker. Bonanza hot banker live for today is real and nothing will…
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xeford2020 · 5 years
Star Trek and So Much More: The Breakout TV Season of 1966-67
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“Batman Cartoon Kit” Colorforms, 1966-68. THF 6651
It was the 1960s—the golden age of television. Some 95% of American homes boasted at least one TV. These were primarily black and white sets, as color TV was still out of the reach of many families. It’s hard to imagine now but there were only three channels at the time. Every year, the three networks (CBS, NBC, and ABC) vied for viewer ratings, shifting and changing shows and showtimes at two pivotal times during the television season—Fall and Winter.
As the Fall 1966 season unfolded, it became evident to TV viewers that something extraordinary was happening. Sure, there were the usual long-running sitcoms, like Green Acres, Petticoat Junction, and The Beverly Hillbillies. But change was in the wind. A new crop of programs emerged—colorful, fast-paced, poking fun at things that were supposed to be serious and exploring contemporary social issues.
Why the difference all of a sudden? Many of these shows were aimed at the youth audience, considered by this time an influential group of TV watchers. Others purposefully took advantage of the new color televisions. Sometimes show producers and creators were simply tired of the old formulas and wanted to break out of the box.
Let’s take a look at a few highlights from the 1966-67 TV season—starting with the staid and true and working up to the wild and wacky—and see what all the hubbub was about!
Walt Disney’s Wonderful World of Color (Sunday, 7:30-8:30 p.m., NBC)
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Snow Globe, “The Wonderful World of Disney,” 1969-79. THF174650
On Sunday nights since 1954, millions of Americans had tuned in to watch Walt Disney host his TV show, with a changing array of animated and live-action features, nature specials, movie reruns, travelogues, programs about science and outer space, and—best of all—updates on Walt Disney’s theme park, Disneyland. Since 1961, this show had been broadcast in color.
The 1966-67 season was particularly memorable because Walt Disney tragically passed away on December 15, 1966. But since the episodes had been pre-recorded, there was Walt still hosting them until April 1967. Viewers found this both comforting and disconcerting. Finally, after April, Walt was dropped as the host and, eventually, the show was retitled The Wonderful World of Disney. It ran with solid ratings until the mid-1970s.
Bonanza (Sunday, 9:00-10:00 p.m., NBC)
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“Ponderosa Ranch” Mug, ca. 1970. THF174648
Viewership was high on NBC on Sunday nights at 9:00, as Bonanza was one of the most popular TV shows of all time. Running for 14 seasons and 430 episodes, this series about the trials and tribulations of widower Ben Cartwright and his three sons on the Ponderosa Ranch was an immediate breakout hit when it premiered in 1959, amidst a plethora of more run-of-the-mill prime-time westerns. Its popularity was primarily due to its quirky characters and unconventional stories—including early attempts to confront social issues. It was the first major western to be filmed in color and was the top-rated show on TV from 1964 to 1968. Bonanza ran until 1973.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Friday, 8:30-9:30, NBC)
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“The Man from U.N.C.L.E.” lunchbox and thermos, 1966.  THF92303
Premiering in September 1964, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. took full advantage of the popularity of the spy genre launched by the James Bond film series. In fact, early concepts for it were conceptualized by Bond creator Ian Fleming. In this series, Napoleon Solo (originally conceived as the lone star) and Russian agent Ilya Kuryakin (added in response to popular demand) teamed up as part of a secret international counterespionage and law enforcement agency called U.N.C.L.E. (United Network Command for Law and Enforcement). Solo and Kuryakin banded together with a global organization of other agents to fight THRUSH, an international organization that aimed to conquer the world.
During this, the Cold War era, it was groundbreaking for a show to portray a United States-Soviet Union pair of secret agents, as these two countries were ideologically at odds most of the time. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was also known for its high-profile guest stars and—taking a cue from the Bond films—its clever gadgets. In 1966, this series won the Golden Globe for Best Television Program and, building upon its popularity, spun off into two related double-feature movies that year. Unfortunately, attempting to compete with lighter, campier programs of the era, the producers made a conscious effort to increase the level of humor—leading to a severe ratings drop. Although the serious plot lines were soon reinstated, the ratings never recovered. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. was canceled in January 1968.
I Spy (Wednesday 10:00-11:00, NBC)
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TV Guide featuring “I Spy” characters Robert Culp and Bill Cosby on cover, March 25-31, 1967. THF275655
One series that never opted for campy was I Spy, which starred Bill Cosby and Robert Culp playing two U.S. intelligence agents traveling undercover as international “tennis bums.” This series, which premiered in 1965, was also inspired by the James Bond film series and remained a fixture in the secret agent/espionage genre until cancelled in April 1968. I Spy, additionally a leader in the buddy genre, broke new ground as the first American TV drama series to feature a black actor in a lead role. It was also unusual in its use of exotic locations—much like the James Bond films—when shows like The Man from U.N.C.L.E. were completely filmed on a studio backlot.
I Spy offered hip banter between the two stars and some humor, but it focused primarily on the grittier side of the espionage business, sometimes even ending on a somber note. The success of this series was attributed to the strong chemistry between Culp and Cosby. Cosby’s presence was never called out in the way that black stars and co-stars were made a big deal of on later TV programs like Julia (1968) and Room 222 (1969).
Get Smart (Saturday, 8:30-9:00 NBC)
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“Get Smart” Lunchbox, 1966. THF92304
Premiering in September 1965, Get Smart was a comedy that satirized virtually everything considered serious and sacred in the James Bond films and such TV shows as I Spy and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Created by comic writers Mel Brooks and Buck Henry as a response to the grim seriousness of the Cold War spy genre, it starred bumbling Secret Agent 86—otherwise known as Maxwell “Max” Smart, along with supporting characters, female Agent 99 and the Chief. These characters worked for CONTROL, a secret U.S. government counterintelligence agency, against KAOS, “an international organization of evil.” Brooks and Henry also poked fun at this genre’s use of high-tech spy gadgets (Max’s shoe phone perhaps being the most memorable), world takeover plots, and enemy agents. Somehow, despite serious mess-ups in every episode, Maxwell Smart always emerged victorious in the end.
Get Smart was considered groundbreaking for broadening the parameters of TV sitcoms but was especially known for catchphrases like “Would you believe…” and “Sorry about that, Chief.” Despite a declining interest in the secret-agent genre, Get Smart’s talented writers attempted to keep it fresh until it was finally cancelled in May 1970.
Batman (Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30-8:00, ABC)
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Toy Batmobile, 1966-69. THF174647
Bursting onto the scene in January 1966, Batman became an instant hit and took the country by storm. Batmania was in full swing by the Fall 1966-67 TV season. The series, based upon the DC comic book of the same name, featured the Caped Crusader (millionaire Bruce Wayne in his alter-ego of Batman) and the Boy Wonder (his young ward Dick Grayson in his alter-ego of Robin). These two crime-fighting heroes defended Gotham City from a variety of evil villains. It aired twice weekly, with most stories leaving viewers hanging in suspense the first night until they tuned in the second night.
This show successfully captured the youth audience, with its campy style, upbeat theme music, and tongue-in-cheek humor. Despite the fact that it verged on being a sitcom, the producers wisely left out the laugh track, reinforcing the seriousness with which the characters seemed to take the often absurd and wildly improbable situations in which they found themselves. The filming simulated a surreal comic-book quality, with characters and situations shot at high and low angles, with bright splashy colors and with sound effects, like Pow, Bam, and Zonk, appearing as words splashed across the action sequences on screen. The series was also replete with numerous gadgets and over-the-top props, with the Batmobile undoubtedly most memorable. Batman ran until March 1968, experiencing a significant ratings drop after its initial novelty faded.
Lost in Space (Wednesday 7:30-8:30, CBS)
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“Lost in Space” Lunchbox and Thermos, 1967. THF92298
Loosely based upon the story of the Swiss Family Robinson, this TV series depicted the adventures of the Robinson family, a pioneering family of space colonists who struggled to survive in the depths of space in the futuristic year of 1997—as the United States was gearing up to colonize space due to overpopulation. But the family’s mission was sabotaged, forcing the crew members to crash-land on a strange planet and leaving them lost in space.
The show had premiered in September 1965 as a serious science fiction series about space exploration and a family searching to find a new place for humans to dwell. But, in January 1966, pitted against Batman’s time slot, Lost in Space producers attempted to imitate Batman’s campiness with ever-more-outrageous villains, brightly colored outfits, and over-the-top action. The plots increasingly featured Robby the Robot and the evil Dr. Zachary Smith. Viewers and actors alike strongly disapproved of this shift. The show lingered on until March 1968.
The Monkees (Monday, 7:30-8:00, NBC)
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“Monkees” Lunchbox and Thermos, 1967. THF92313
Where other shows might have been lighthearted, campy, or tongue-in-cheek, The Monkees at times verged on pure anarchy. This series, which premiered on September 12, 1966, led off NBC’s prime-time programming every Monday night. It lasted only two seasons but during that time, its star shone brightly. The Monkees followed the experiences of four young men trying to make a name for themselves as a rock ‘n’ roll band, often finding themselves in strange, even bizarre, circumstances while searching for their big break. Aimed directly at the youth audience, the band members were characterized as heroes down on their luck while the adults were consistently depicted as the “heavies.”
The Beatles’ films A Hard Day’s Night and Help! inspired producers Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider to create not only a show about a rock ‘n’ roll band but also to adapt a loose narrative structure (each member of the Monkees was trained in improvisational acting techniques at the outset of the show) and the musical sequences or “romps” that appeared each week. The series built a reputation for its innovative use of avant-garde filming techniques like quick jump cuts and breaking the fourth wall (that is, having the characters directly address the TV viewers). A well-oiled marketing machine behind the show also ensured that strong tie-ins were maintained with teen magazines, merchandise, and live concerts.
The Monkees won the Emmy for best comedy series during its first, the 1966-67, season. However, backlash was inevitable among critics and older teenagers when the Monkees admitted that they did not play their own instruments—although they clearly played them in their live concerts and, in fact, eventually had a falling-out with network executives about this very issue. Though the show was cancelled in 1968, it experienced a huge revival among younger audiences through Saturday morning reruns and especially with the 1986 MTV Monkees Marathon. Remaining band members Micky Dolenz and Mike Nesmith still attract large audiences of intergenerational fans at their live concerts, while reruns of their TV shows continue to draw new audiences.
Star Trek (Thursday, 8:30-9:30 NBC)
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“Star Trek” lunchbox, 1968. THF92299
When Star Trek premiered on September 8, 1966, science fiction shows were not very advanced—or even thought of very highly. Star Trek’s closest competitor, Lost in Space, offered only shallow plots, one-dimensional characters, and fake sets. No one could imagine at the time that this rather low-key show would become one of the biggest, longest-running, and highest-grossing media franchises of all time. This series traced the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew aboard the United Federation of Planets’ starship Enterprise, on a five-year mission “to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”
Creator Gene Roddenberry, aiming the show at the youth audience, wanted to combine suspenseful adventure stories with morality tales reflecting contemporary life and social issues. So, to get by network scrutiny, he set the premise of the show in an imaginary future. With the freedom to experiment, he put in place one of TV’s first multiracial and multicultural casts and was able to explore through different episodes some of the most relevant political and social allegories on TV at the time. The stories were also considered exceptionally high quality for that era, involving believable characters with which viewers could both identify and sympathize. Unlike the gloomy predictions of most science fiction writings of the time, Roddenberry hoped that the futuristic utopia he created on Star Trek would give young people hope, that it would empower them to create a better future for themselves someday. Star Trek, with only modest ratings, lasted only three seasons. But it would go on to become a cult classic.  
The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (Sunday, 9:00-10:00 p.m. beginning February 1967, CBS)
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TV Guide featuring The Smothers Brothers on cover, June 10-16, 1967. THF275657
In Fall 1966, The Garry Moore Show, a variety show on CBS hosted by the aging radio and TV star, was no match when pitted against Bonanza—even with this, its first season in color. Network executives, at their wit’s end to try to attract viewership, decided the only way they could come up with a quick replacement was to substitute another variety show. In desperation, they landed on a simple variety series featuring the soft-spoken, clean-cut, non-threatening folk-music-playing Smothers Brothers. Considered a “young act,” an added bonus was that their show might capture the coveted youth audience. Little did they know what they were in for.
As the show evolved, the brothers not only became more politicized themselves but felt that they owed it to their young viewers to increase the show’s relevance, boldly addressing overtly divisive political and social issues. Their staff of young writers was only too happy to comply. Unfortunately, as a result, the brothers were continually at odds with the network censors until the show was finally cancelled after three seasons. In its continual conflicts with network executives, The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour turned the variety show genre on its ear and paved the way for Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In (1968) and, in pushing TV’s all-out rebellion against the status quo, led an explosive charge that resulted in 1970s shows like All in the Family (1971).
These are but a few highlights from the 1966-67 TV season. Some say that this was the greatest television season ever, a clear indication that TV had finally come of age. Because of shows like these, television would certainly never be the same again. And, come to think of it, neither would we!
Donna Braden, Curator of Public Life, was 13 years old during that memorable TV season and proudly wears her fan club button to every Monkees concert she still attends.
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roadkings · 5 years
Puerto Rico — July 2019
It seems like ages since I wrote a vacation entry here, and I know Tumblr is out of fashion, but this is an awfully good way to document our travels and share photos, so here we go—
Months (years?) ago, José started talking about visiting Puerto Rico this summer. It has been 22 (!) years since he and I were here. We visited in the summer of 1997 with his parents and his brother German and Teresa. She was pregnant with Christopher at the time, and now he is close to graduating from college. Our kids have never been here. We were overdue for a visit for sure.
We planned to be here for two weeks, one in San Juan including a visit with José’s dad’s family, and one in Aguadilla where José was born including a visit with José’s mom’s family. The rest of the time we would be on our own, exploring the island in our own way. Our family travels so much that we have developed our own habits, likes and dislikes about travel, and expectations, so we were excited to experience the island through our own lens.
After emptying our inboxes and turning off our emails, Ella trying out a new swim team, Alex finishing his Eagle Project (yep, he finished the project, now he just has to write everything up and defend it when we get home—called an “Eagle Board of Review”), and Alex and I finishing our online SCUBA training (more on that later), we arrived in San Juan last Sunday night. We picked up our rental car, complete with our first random chickens in the parking lot which was enchanting for both kids, and headed for our home in a high rise in San Juan. A word about this place, it was amazing, better than the photos; I can’t believe we got to stay there. We felt right at home, and it was so centrally located as to make all out of our outings by foot or car super convenient.
Thanks to our usual sources, Bon Appétit and the NYT, we had a short list of restaurants we wanted to check out. We headed for Lote 23 to meet José’s cousins for dinner. Lote 23 is a food truck lot that became a rallying place to care for and feed people after Hurricane Maria.
A word about the hurricane—
You only have to be here for a minute to see what an impact it made on the island. This beautiful place is now largely in a state of disrepair. While places are open and operating, and many have been restored, there are still many more in need of rebuilding. A lovely home here, a fallen billboard there. A gorgeous piece of street art here, grafitti on an abandoned building there. And the way the people talk about it is similar to how New Yorkers talk about 9/11, “Before the hurricane...” and “After the hurricane...” While the devastation is palpable, so is the care for one another that only crisis can develop. We heard countless stories of how people cared for and provided for one another in the weeks and months without electricity, running water, even food. I can only imagine. It will be a long time before the island is fully restored to its former glory, so don’t think that just because everyone has electricity it is all good and no more help is needed. It will take a lot more time and money to restore the island. I can only think, if this were the mainland, it would not be this way (remember, these are people who pay taxes to the US government).
So, back to Lote 23. What a fun place! It is a gravel lot with lovely landscaping and lights strung overhead and all sorts of yummy food, named for bus stop 23, in Santurce. An area with hipster shops and restaurants and more street art concentrated in a few blocks than I have ever seen, rather like LA with a uniquely Caribbean flair. José’s cousins met us there, two first cousins, Mildred and Mariele, their husbands Papo and José, and Mildred’s daughter Andrea. What fun! We could not have had a more welcoming introduction to the island. The kids enjoyed meeting family they never knew, especially 20 year old Andrea, their second cousin. Everyone was animated and excited for the time together, the food was terrific, and Papo made us promise to never go 20 years without a visit ever again. We agreed!
Monday we made our way to Piñones, a beach to the east of San Juan known for its many, many, many chinchorros. A chinchurro is a little stand/kiosk/shack that prepares and serves food, perhaps a precursor to the food truck. We went to a recommended spot called El Rinconcito and feasted on pastelillos, alcapurria, bacalao, and coco frio—all versions of meat or seafood fried in different forms and a coconut with a hole chopped in the top just big enough for a straw. Nothing says “Puerto Rico” like a chinchorro! From there we had our first beach time, at Isla Verde. Wow! People say the beaches in the west are “so much better” than the beaches in the east, but it is hard to imagine a beach more beautiful than Isla Verde. The water is clear blue, sand soft white, waves gentle, and sun hot, hot, hot. Dinner was at La Terrazza de Bonanza, a chinchorro that features a live band on Monday nights—a 14 piece Bomba and Plena band, a traditional music that is a blend of African and Caribbean music. So fun!
Tuesday we went to Old San Juan. It is more restored than other parts of the city (tourism!) or perhaps it was less damaged by the storm. The buildings are colorful and historic, the streets are narrow (pre-automobile) paved with blue cobblestone (yes, blue), dotted with little plazas throughout, and quite hilly. We had lunch at Café Cortez and ate Mallorcas—a Serrano ham, manchego cheese, guava pressed sandwich—along with their signature iced chocolate frapeé. It was so hot that we only stayed in Old San Juan for a few hours, long enough to see the old city and its two forts (El Morro and San Cristobal), the ‘neighborhood’ outside the city walls called La Perla where former slaves lived since they were not allowed to live in the city walls, and enjoy a lot more street art including Puerto Rican flags painted on doors, walls, and even several continuous rooftops in La Perla. Tuesday night we drove to Fajardo on the east coast to kayak through mangroves into one of three bioluminescent bays in PR (there are only five in the world, three are in PR!). Having visited the one in La Parguera on our last visit (the third is in Vieques), I was so excited to share this unique experience with the kids. Since you aren’t allowed two swim in the bay in Fajardo, the bioluminescence was not as impressive as what I remember from La Parguera, but it was still cool. Perhaps the most unique part of the night was kayaking though a narrow channel in the mangroves with no moon; it was completely dark and quite a challenge, one we all enjoyed. We were also joined by Allie and Jason, friends from Atlanta who now live in Boston and happened to be in PR at the same time; a nice coincidence!
Wednesday we headed to the rain forerest, El Yunque, the only rainforest in the United States. (This is starting to sound like a travel brochure for PR, but perhaps that is because the island is truly so full of natural beauty that isn’t available elsewhere in the states.) We saw waterfalls and hiked to its peak, and loved taking in the sound of the coqui, PR’s favorite little frog with its unique call. Ask any Puerto Rican and they can whistle it for you. The sound is super cute. After coming off the peak, we went to a chinchorro in Luquillo and had arepas. Dinner Wednesday night took us to the one reservation we made well in advance, at a restaurant called Vianda run by a chef formerly from Blue Hill in NYC (see Chef’s Table, season 1 episode 2) and his wife. It did not disappoint. We have had the pleasure of experiencing food at many wonderful, highly lauded restaurants, and Vianda is definitely to be added to that list. I am not a food writer, so I will not try to describe it in any detail at all; many excellent writers have already done that. I will simply say that our family really enjoyed it, every course, and the service was also excellent, a relaxed atmosphere with excellent food. I look forward to returning on that next visit we promised Papo.
Thursday José and I had breakfast at Tostado and walked around that area. It was like a block right out of Venice in LA. Then our family went to the beach in Condado, just a couple of blocks from where we were staying. Again gorgeous, and we all enjoyed the ice cream sellers with carts all along the beach—coconut, pineapple, and mango, so Caribbean! That day was the 4th of July, so though it isn’t a big holiday here, we met the cousins along with Allie and Jason, at a restaurant in La Placita. We really enjoyed seeing so much of the family; that was an unexpected treat.
Friday was the day we would finally see José’s aunts and uncle. We had spent time with his cousins, but had not yet seen their parents. So after a drive around Old San Juan one more time, and a quick spin through the campus of the University of Puerto Rico in San Juan, we met everyone for lunch. José loved connecting with them all, and got great photos with everyone. They all spoke Spanish together, so I can’t tell you what they talked about, but I heard lots of laughter and everyone seemed to connect really well after so many years. I was struck by how much Titi Julie looks like José’s dad, her brother—their resemblance was uncanny! Like the two previous meals we shared with cousins, that lunch lasted nearly five hours. The kids remarked about how much fun they had over such long meals. We considered going to a movie Friday night, but we ended up staying in and reading. On this trip, Alex read the 2nd and 3rd Hunger Games books and Lord of the Flies, and Ella read the last three books in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series.
Saturday we returned to Tostado for breakfast all together before heading out of San Juan. It is only a two hour drive from San Juan to Aguadilla, our next destination and where José was born. However, instead of making the drive in two hours, we took about eight stopping at gorgeous beach after gorgeous beach—Vega Baja, Mar Chiquita and Arecibo. It seems wrong to choose a favorite among such beautiful places, but mine without a doubt is Mar Chiquita. Picture a circle of blue water about 150 yards across, with half of the circle rimmed with white sand beach, and another 40% rimmed with high rock on both sides, leaving a small opening for the ocean to enter the area. I have never seen anything remotely like it, and I can’t wait to get back! We finally arrived in Aguadilla around sunset in time to drop our bags at the house where we stayed, and go out for Mexican food.
Sunday, after months of anticipation including many, many hours of online study and testing, Alex and I were to begin SCUBA certification. We chose to do this with a dive shop called Aquatica, run by the cousin of a dear friend. If anyone is considering certification, I highly recommend them! So, with 51% excitement and 49% nervousness, we arrived at the shop Sunday morning. We went to a beach called Crash Boat, where apparently everyone in PR who dives gets certified, with our instructor, Rai. I will spare the details of the certification and say only that after about 20 hours of online study each, we spent about four hours a day for three days in the water. The first day we were in shallow water learning all the required skills, and the following two days on actual dives in 40’ water. Rai (and Alex) was incredibly patient with me; no such patience was required for Alex. Alex completed every skill straight away, with no hesitation, no mistakes, seemingly no nervousness. I on the other had, had to do skills over and over before I could do them cleanly, but with one small exception I managed all the skills and we both earned our open water certifications! I have wanted to do this since I was at Ga Tech, so I can hardly believe I finally have. Alex isn’t as impressed; for some reason this seems like no big deal to him, but that is consistent with his personality—
“Congratulations on finishing your Eagle Project!” > dismissive head shake.
“Congratulations on earning your open water certification!” > dismissive head shake.
Maybe one day he will feel the appropriate sense of accomplishment; for now, I feel enough for us both! We saw lots of small tropical fish but also sea turtles and two moray eels! Amazing!
While we were diving, José and Ella were exploring the western side of the island including visits to a local surf shop, Rincón, and to see the colored houses in Aguadilla. Their big adventure was to make homemade pastelillos, which they did on Monday. José had never made them before, but I guess watching his mom make them for decades paid off, because they were so good! We also took in an amazing sunset and enjoyed several great meals at places chosen by Ella— Mona for breakfast, Arepas To Go, Uma’s (right on Jobos Beach, good food and perfect location), and La Vista Smokehouse. Since our diving certification was finished in three days, we were able to spend our last day all together visiting several more beaches—Surfer’s Beach, Survival Beach (which is remote and isolated, accessed with a hike from Surfer’s Beach), and Jobos Beach in Isabella (José’s favorite). José and Alex snorkeled at Jobos and saw a sea turtle!
But with the accomplishment of diving and making pastelillos, a highlight of our time in Aguadilla was going to José’s godmother’s house for dinner Tuesday. Gloria is absolutely the sweetest. We all loved seeing her, and she was beside herself with joy at seeing all of us. This is another thing I can’t really describe, she was just so happy. And it was so special for the kids, they were in a house of a person they had never met, but she had baby photos of them on the wall. It was like meeting cousins they never knew; all of a sudden their family was so much larger.
After 12 days here, we are headed back to Atlanta, feeling like we finally know more of this island that has been a part of our lives for so long. We can’t wait to get back!
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Check Bonanza Lotto Banker For 10/02/2023
Check Bonanza Lotto Banker For 10/02/2023 Check bonanza lotto banker for the best Ghana Lotto forecaster for today game including 5 number prediction, two sure and banker. Friday bonanza lotto 3direct live with the best lotto plan set for friday bonanza that never fail us and we will make sure of that by the special grace of God. Banker plan for friday bonanza lotto – Ghana National Banker to…
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/2019-confirmed-acts-for-the-edinburgh-fringe/
2019 Confirmed Acts for The Edinburgh Fringe
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The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is the world’s largest arts festival with performances spanning the whole of the artistic spectrum, including comedy, dance, musicals, opera, theatre, spoken word and cabaret. To be as inclusive as possible, the festival is open to all performers, both newcomers and big international names. In 2018, the festival ran for 25 days with over 55,000 performances. In 2019, the festival is set to take place from 2nd to 26th August, although some performances may start earlier. Here’s some of the acts who have already been confirmed for this year’s festival.
The Ticket Box Office
Comedy Paul Merton’s Impro Chums Star of BBC’s Have I Got News For You Paul Merton is heading to Edinburgh again with his highly-acclaimed Impro Chums, ready to take audience suggestions and turn them into something hysterical. Venue: Pleasance Courtyard. Dates: August 8th – 17th. Time: 4pm.
Henning Wehn: Get On With It The self-proclaimed German Comedy Ambassador, Henning Wehn has wowed audiences with his stances on being an immigrant in the UK and German stereotypes. Having appeared on several TV comedy shows, including 8 Out of 10 Cats and QI, he will perform his current stand-up show Get On With It. Venue: The Queen’s Hall. Dates: Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday beginning August 1st. Time: 7pm.
Spontaneous Potter Whether you are a fan of the books by J K Rowling or not, it is impossible not to like this hilarious take on Harry Potter. A complete improvisation performed by the Spontaneous Players and based on the title of a fan fiction which changes daily, there is even live musical accompaniment to the play. Venue: Gilded Balloon Rose Theatre. Dates: July 31st; August 1st – 25th. Time: 9:30pm.
Daniel Sloss: X Beginning his comedy career at the age of just 16, Daniel Sloss has been a hit on the comedy circuit for over ten years. This year he is making a one-night return to the Edinburgh Fringe following the success of his two Netflix specials. Venue: Edinburgh Playhouse. Date: August 15th. Time: 7:30pm.
David O’Doherty: Ultrasound Well known for his musical comedy, playing songs on the keyboard he was bought for his Confirmation, David O’Doherty returns to the Fringe for the eighteenth time where he will once again attempt – and fail – to fix all the wrongs in the world. Venue: Assembly George Square. Dates: July 31st; August 1st – 12th; 14th – 26th. Time: 7:30pm.
Theatre Of Mice and Men Performed by Nigel Miles-Thomas and Michael Roy Andrew, John Steinbeck’s drama about two migrant ranch workers and their experiences during the Great Depression had a hit run in 2015 and is back by popular demand. Venue: Gilded Balloon Teviot. Dates: July 31st; August 1st – 12th; 14th – 19th; 21st – 26th. Time: 1:30pm.
Fawlty Towers the Dining Experience Back at the Fringe this year is the longest-running tribute show Fawlty Tower the Dining Experience. A fully-immersive performance, you will get served a three-course meal and be guaranteed non-stop laughs throughout. The show is 70% improvised so it is never the same experience twice. Venue: Imagination Workshop. Dates: August 1st – 2nd; 4th – 26th. Times: Vary; check the calendar on the Fringe website for more details.
Kemp’s Jig Steve Taylor stars as Will Kemp, actor and celebrity of Shakespearean England. Kemp has created many comedic roles for Shakespeare and wishes to explore these further, but as Shakespeare’s profile grows, the Bard craves respectability. After too many disagreements, the men part company, leading Kemp on a publicity stunt of Morris dancing up and down England. A must for fans of Shakespeare in Love or Upstart Crow. Venue: theSpace on the Mile. Dates: August 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 17th. Time: 6:55pm.
Trainspotting Live Irvine Welsh’s classic is brought to life in this immersive theatre experience. Taking place in a tunnel underneath the city of Edinburgh, the audience are full participants in the action, including the famous toilet scene. This will be the play’s fifth time at the festival, after selling out four previous seasons; be sure to book ahead to secure tickets. Venue: Venue 150 at EICC. Dates: August 1st – 6th; 8th – 13th; 15th – 20th; 22nd – 26th. Times: Vary; check the calendar on the Fringe website for more details.
The Very Well-Fed Caterpillar A funny adult twist on the well-loved children’s classic, The Very Well-Fed Caterpillar tells the story of a caterpillar with a love for food who is struggling to turn into a butterfly. As his classmates make the change around him, he is still in search of a cocoon that fits his size. Venue: theSpace @ Surgeons Hall. Dates: August 12th – 17th; 19th – 24th. Times: Vary; check the calendar on the Fringe website for more details.
Under Milk Wood Following 2018’s hugely successful run of Sophocles’s Antigone, the Malvern Theatre’s Young Company perform again at the Fringe this year, this time with an adaptation of Dylan Thomas’s Under Milk Wood, the funny and poignant tale of a Welsh seaside town and its inhabitants. Venue: theSpace @ Niddry Street. Dates: August 12th – 17th. Time: 3:50pm.
Musicals and Opera Gilbert and Sullivan’s Improbable New Musical: Less Miserable The Coily Dart Theatre Company present a show about Gilbert and Sullivan in the afterlife. Gilbert claims that as masters of the genre of musical theatre, all current musicals are just variations on their own plots. Sullivan then challenges him to a task: to tell the story of the longest-running musical but only using their songs. Gilbert accepts, but only if he can have his happy ending. As Gilbert takes on the challenge, you will be treated to music from each of their operettas and lots of dancing and singing. Venue: theSpace @ Niddry Street. Dates: August 2nd – 3rd; 5th – 10th. Time: 11:20am.
Songs For a New World Telling the story of a group of immigrants finding their feet in their new life in post-World War II New York, Simply Theatre perform a new adaptation of this rarely-performed song cycle with a cast of ten and live music. Venue: theSpace @ Surgeons Hall. Dates: August 2nd – 3rd; 5th – 10th. Time: 5:50pm. Best of the West End After selling out their shows the previous three years, American Performing Arts International return with a selection of hits from West End musicals to delight audiences again. The group will also be performing the Best of Broadway during the Fringe as well. Venue: theSpace @ Symposium Hall. Dates: August 2nd – 3rd; 5th – 10th. Time: 11:05am.
Elizabethan Based on genuine songs from the Renaissance period, David William stars as Tobias Bacon, who lusts and lutes his way through Elizabethan England with his three lovers, all with the help of the audience and some very silly wigs. Venue: theSpace @ Surgeon Hall. Dates: August 2nd – 10th; 12th – 17th; 19th – 23rd. Time: 6:05pm.
Verity Verity is not having a great time at the moment. She has just been ditched by her fiancé on their wedding day and it is quite possible she is about to be fired. And if that was not bad enough, her family are always on her back. Join Verity as she tries to put her life back together, which involves a spot of online stalking, drinking a hell of a lot of cocktails and making an unlikely friend. Venue: theSpace on the Mile. Dates: August 13th – 17th. Time: 4:50pm.
Music The Aretha Franklin Story Featuring the star of Thriller Live in the West End Cleopatra Higgins, you will journey through the life of the Queen of Soul and 21-times Grammy Winner, Aretha Franklin. Performed by Night Owl Shows, they deliver Franklin’s story and music in their own signature style. Venue: theSpace @ Symposium Hall. Dates: August 2nd – 25th. Time: 2:50pm.
Bala Baile Edinburgh-based Latin trio Bala Baile perform a unique blend of Cuban son, boogaloo and the blues. This year they will be performing their original music in the Jazz Bar, the perfect venue for a Latin party. Venue: The Jazz Bar. Dates: August 8th; 11th – 14th. Time: Midnight.
Brass Gumbo Plays the Music of the Beatles For a different take on the music of the Beatles, performed on trumpet, sousaphone, saxophone, trombone and drums, head to see Brass Gumbo. A Scotland-based jazz and funk brass band, they do a great job of making the melodies their own. Venue: The Jazz Bar. Dates: August 19th – 23rd. Time: 4pm.
Massaoke Mixtape A fantastic way to spend the late evening, Massaoke Mixtape has all the fun of karaoke, except you are doing it en masse. A huge singalong bonanza, you the audience will help the live band create the ultimate mixtape with the aid of giant video lyrics. There will be classic anthems, mashups, megamixes and more. Venue: Assembly George Square. Dates: August 1st – 4th; 8th – 11th; 15th – 18th; 22nd – 25th. Time: 11:30pm.
Rock Choir Live Described as the most popular choir experience available to the general public, Rock Choir has over 30,000 members across 400 communities and is the largest organisation of its kind to offer people the chance to sing without the need for an audition or the ability to read music. Venue: theSpace Triplex. Dates: August 2nd – 24th. Time: 7:20pm and 8:20pm.
Dance, Physical Theatre and Circus Cirque Berserk! Cirque Berserk! are Britain’s largest theatre-circus spectacular and are back at the Edinburgh Fringe after their highly successful debut last year. Bringing traditional circus acts bang up-to-date, the troupe have over 30 performers, including acrobats, aerialists, stuntmen, dancers and musicians. Venue: Pleasance at EICC. Dates: August 2nd – 20th; 22nd – 25th. Times: Vary; check the calendar on the Fringe website for more details.
Circa: Humans One of the most popular acts to perform at the Fringe, this year Circa’s show explores the human body, what it means to be human and how our bodies and aspirations are connected to the world around us and make us who we are. Performed by ten acrobats, the question of how much we can take – both physically and emotionally – is asked and pondered. Venue: Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows. Dates: August 2nd – 6th; 8th – 11th; 13th – 18th; 20th – 24th. Time: 7pm.
Ceilidhs in Lauriston Hall Ceildh is a social event with Scottish folk dancing, singing and storytelling, and this event gives you the opportunity to try this tradition yourself. Priority admission is given to those who come without handbags, rucksacks and bags, and although taking videos and photos is OK, the musicians are very strict on the use of mobiles for other reasons. As dancing and singing is thirsty work, there is also a bar there for your enjoyment and refreshment. Venue: Lauriston Halls. Dates: August 2nd – 3rd; 5th – 10th; 12th – 17th; 19th – 24th. Time: 9pm.
Black Blues Brothers A completely unique act, the Circo e Dintorni fuse together rhythm and blues with African culture to perform their version of the cult hit movie The Blues Brothers. Watch as the five acrobats perform dances, fire routines and make human pyramids using the furniture and surroundings as props. Venue: Assembly Rooms. Dates: August 1st – 25th. Time: 4:30pm.
From India to Triana A wonderful journey of dances around the world, The Rootless Company explore the similarities and differences of the globe’s dance styles, from the primitive sounds of India to the passionate flamenco. This performance is a glorious mix of world communities coming together to connect as one. Venue: theSpace Triplex. Dates: August 2nd – 10th; 12th – 24th. Time: 6:10pm.
Children’s Shows Children are Stinky All the way from Australia come the Circus Trick Tease who will bring you circus acts such as acrobatics, stunts and hula-hooping along with a great soundtrack and lots of belly laughs. Circus Trick Tease are a five-star act and are often sold out, so book early to avoid disappointment. Venue: Assembly George Square Gardens. Dates: August 1st – 6th; 8th – 13th; 15th – 20th; 22nd – 26th. Time: 1:30pm.
Lost in a Book Melissa loves reading her favourite fairy stories. But then one day, as she is rereading them, she goes from turning the pages to actually living in the stories themselves. As she jumps from tales such as Cinderella to Beauty and the Beast, she tries to fix the problems she causes. But with no way of controlling how the stories go, will she manage to find her own happy ending and make her way back home? Venue: theSpace @ Surgeons Hall. Dates: August 6th – 8th. Time: 11am.
Morgan and West: Unbelievable Science If your young ones love explosions and thrills then this show is perfect. Morgan and West are magicians, time travellers and all-round great chaps but they have a secret – they are also amazing scientists, super qualified in the fields of chemistry, biology and physics. In this show, you will see them conduct experiments right before your very eyes. Venue: Assembly George Square. Dates: July 31st; August 1st – 20th; 22nd – 25th. Time: 4:30pm.
The New and Improved I Hate Children Children’s Show A multi-entertainment show including live music, jokes, magic and family time, this show aims to tease and embarrass the teenagers in order to get a giggle out of the younger audience. A fun experience for all the family. Venue: theSpace @ Surgeons Hall. Dates: August 2nd – 11th; 16th – 18th; 23rd – 25th. Time: 1:25pm.
Shark in the Park Based on the books by Nick Sharratt and performed by the Nonsense Room Productions, the creative team behind The Hairy McLary Show, the family-friendly musical tells the story of Timothy Pope as he goes on three adventures with his telescope. Venue: Assembly George Square. Dates: July 31st; August 1st – 13th; 15th – 18th. Time: 10:30am.
Splash Test Dummies From the makers of Trash Test Dummies comes a new show all set around the theme of water. Watch as they perform acrobatic stunts such as diving from bathtubs to beaches and make you roar with laughter with their slapstick silliness. Venue: Underbelly’s Circus Hub on the Meadows. Dates: August 3rd – 11th; 13th – 18th; 20th – 24th. Time: 1pm.
Here’s just a sample of what’s going to be on at this year’s festival. More and more acts will be announced every month in the run-up to August. Keep an eye on the Edinburgh Fringe Festival’s website to stay updated.
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Going the Distance
by Tim Phillips ’88, Proud DSU Alum
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In 1986, I was a junior at DSU. On our first day of practice for the cross country team that year, I had the pleasure of meeting the two new freshmen girls on the team. They were both very nice and attractive but something really seemed to click between Yvette and me. 
After a couple weeks, I worked up the nerve to ask her out. She surprised me by not turning me down. We didn’t have a meet that weekend, so Friday night it was… My problem was that I had to do a little bit of work in the studio at KDIX late that night. So, it would be either a very quick date or she would have to spend a little time at the radio station while I engineered a football game. Well, most of my previous dates had been VERY quick, so I figured on the former. 
We went out to eat at one of my favorite places to go, even though it was a little classier than where I usually ate - Bonanza. I don’t remember much about it except that I don’t think I dropped my silverware. As far as I know, my manners were good. The REALLY cool thing for a guy like me who didn’t have many dates… my high school team was in town for the Dickinson High Cross Country Meet the next day. They also ended up eating at Bonanza, so I got to show off “my girl” in front of some of my old teammates. I got to remember to thank Coach Yoakam (also a Dickinson State grad) for bringing the kids there. 
Then it was off to the mall. I don’t know that we did any shopping; we just did a lot of walking. You know - just in case the high school team hadn’t noticed how beautiful she was while they were in Bonanza. 
By about 8 PM, though, I had to be back at the radio station. So, did she want to go home, or would she sit with me at the station? I had to take over for Jim Dahl and work the controls at the studio. It wasn’t too tough of a job. I just had to make sure the game stayed on the air and babysit a satellite show afterwards. She said she would stay with me at the station, so we spent the next few hours talking and playing the old Trivial Pursuit game together. 
The night passed pretty quickly, and at midnight I shut down the station and drove her out to her house on the farm. Her parents, Victor & Leah, still live there today. We sat and talked for a few more hours, and finally, with a kiss on my cheek, she headed into the house about 2:30 AM.
Well, the next day I called my mom and told her that Yvette was the one I was going to marry. She did what every good parent does and told me to slow down and take it easy. I remember saying back to her, “But I KNOW she’s the one. She said ‘Yes’ when I asked her out!” I was only half kidding.
Yvette wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. She told me that she just wanted to be….friends. Yuck! She told me that on Wednesday, September 17, five days after our first date. Thus began a long, dark, tough time of trying not to try to convince her that we should date seriously. I don’t know how I made it through those 10 days.
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We started officially dating on September 27, 1986. Although no relationship is perfect, we have been blessed to stay together ever since. There were tough times the next year when she went off to NDSU to get her dietitian degree while I had to finish my senior year at DSU.  Somehow we managed to stay somewhat connected. 
The summer after I graduated in 1988, Jim returned the favor I’d done for him. I’d told him about the job opening at KDIX and that summer he showed me the ad for a job at WDAY in Fargo. I ended up getting that job and moving there in the fall of 1988. 
Yvette and I got married on August 25th, 1989, in Dickinson. We really didn’t have any time off from our jobs so no big honeymoon…just back to work in Fargo! After she graduated from NDSU in 1990, we moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa. Then it was back to my hometown of Glasgow, Montana, in 1992. We have been here ever since. Raising two boys who have gone on to be fine young men. 
Though I’d say that infatuation spark went out within a few months of dating, we’ve been committed to working to grow as people. I guess the first date told us a lot about each other. We don’t need big events or parties to have fun. We are comfortable just sitting at home folding clothes while watching TV on Friday nights. We both have our faults but have tried to work on them as we have matured as people. God’s grace has been on us for sure. Our lives are not perfect, but they have been blessed. I look back and think, “Hmm, how mature was my thought process in trying to find someone?” I consider myself VERY blessed to have someone who I find attractive, has a great sense of humor, is slow to judge but quick to help, who shares the same values that I do, and most of all, a good friend who always has my back.
(Editor’s Note:  Tim Phillips is a Program Director at KLTZ in Glasgow as well as the Head Track & Field Coach at Glasgow High School)
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Warcraft 3: Reforged aiming to support all original mods
One element I’d missed in Friday’s announcement of Warcraft III: Reforged is that Blizzard’s upcoming remaster ought to be capable of play all the unique’s player-created maps and modes. Which is nice information. WC3 has one of many nice forgotten modding scenes, rising so many genres past the plain MOBAs like DotA. Each night time for months, my buddies and I’d play random ‘customized video games’ and at all times uncover one thing new, stunning, pleasant, or simply plain bizarre (the ‘attractive’ tower defence video games had been…). So good, nice, pretty, hopefully this rebirth of WC3 will introduce extra individuals to its treasures.
Reforged, to shortly remind you, is a revamp of Blizzard’s 2002 RTS with new or improved paintings, re-recorded voices, tweaked ranges, stability modifications, and such. And the plan is for the Reforged and authentic variations to be appropriate, letting their gamers play collectively and letting Reforged people play Warcraft III’s ‘customized video games’ (its time period for maps and mods).
“As a result of they’re primarily based on the identical engine, that permits individuals with the conventional model of Warcraft three, non-Reforged, to play with those that have the Reforged model,” QA take a look at lead Nicholas Louie informed cheery RPS fanzine PC Gamer. “There may be plenty of customized maps on the market, so we’re going to have to answer areas the place, if one thing maybe doesn’t work, we’ll look into responding to that. However the concept is that these two teams of gamers ought to be capable of be pals and play with one another.”
They’re not wholly sure every thing will work seamlessly.
“We’re working to ensure customized maps have full assist in Warcraft III Reforged, and simply as in StarCraft Remastered, there’s all kinds of stuff that individuals have accomplished for the reason that authentic editor got here out,” Blizard’s Tim Morton informed cheery PC Gamer fanzine PCGamesN. “So we’ve acquired our work minimize out for us, however undoubtedly one in all our targets is to assist all of the customized maps in Warcraft III.”
I hope that works out. I had such a good time bouncing round WC3 mods.
Ah, I can’t even bear in mind half the issues I performed. Cooperative tower defence video games with heroes and large tech bushes, aggressive tower defences, ‘mazing’ TDs the place we needed to assemble labyrinths. Issues like Enfo’s Workforce Survival, the place heroes struggle absurd hordes of monsters, levelling up and grabbing mega-powerful objects as they attempt to outlast–and intrude with–their opponent’s facet of the map. Class-based survival RPGs like Evening Of The Lifeless, the place gamers roamed throughout an enormous map, finishing missions, scavenging for provides, and fortifying bases to fend off zombies (or dinosaurs, or…). Aggressive minigame bonanzas corresponding to Uther Celebration, which leap by means of a great deal of foolish modes and challenges. Free-for-all brawls like Footman Frenzy. And sure, Warcraft three is the sport that crystallised the trendy type of MOBA.
It was filled with remixes too. Gamers would take pleasure in a map, be struck with inspiration, then launch their very own tweaked model. Even simply flicking by means of remixes of a mod I loved might be pleasant as you found individuals’s completely different takes on the identical concept and what they most appreciated. These might get bizarre. It was a superb scene. Clearly Reforged gained’t be as full of life, particularly as StarCraft 2’s related customized sport Arcade outmoded WC3 and is even free to obtain, however I hope a few of that spirit lives on.
Warcraft III: Reforged is slated to launch in 2019, priced at £25/$30.
from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/warcraft-3-reforged-aiming-to-support-all-original-mods/
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newstfionline · 4 years
Laura devastated a narrow path north of the Gulf Coast, sparing some population centers (Washington Post) Hurricane Laura carved a deadly, devastating path north from the Louisiana coast on Thursday, destroying some homes and businesses while sparing others, killing at least four residents, uprooting trees and overturning tractor-trailers, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power and dumping massive amounts of rain on the region. Even as Laura weakened Thursday morning, it still unleashed hurricane-force winds as far inland as central Louisiana, ravaging vulnerable communities before being downgraded to a tropical storm in the afternoon. “We have sustained a tremendous amount of damage,” Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) said at an afternoon news conference, even as he gave thanks that the state had been spared the worst-case scenario for which officials had braced. “We have thousands and thousands of our fellow citizens whose lives are upside down.” Downtown Lake Charles, La., took one of the heaviest hits from Laura’s brutal winds, which shredded trees, peeled off roofs, obliterated buildings and tossed lampposts into the streets. An industrial plant nearby that makes chlorine-based products caught fire, sending caustic smoke throughout the area and leading to a shelter-in-place order.
As virus rages, US economy struggles to sustain a recovery (AP) Home sales are booming. Stocks are setting record highs. Industrial production is clambering out of the ditch it fell into early this year. And yet the U.S. economy is nowhere close to regaining the health it achieved, with low unemployment, free-spending consumers and booming travel, before the coronavirus paralyzed the country in March. Not while the viral outbreak still rages and Congress remains deadlocked over providing more relief to tens of millions of people thrown out of work and to state and local governments whose revenue has withered. Every week, roughly 1 million new Americans are applying for unemployment benefits—a depth of job insecurity not seen in any single week during the depths of the 2007-2009 Great Recession. Economists say that as many businesses have reopened and consumers have begun shopping and spending more, the picture is beginning to brighten, if only fitfully. Most say the economy is growing again. Yet scars are sure to remain from the catastrophic April-June quarter, when, according to the government, the economy collapsed at a 31.7% annual rate—by far the worst quarterly contraction since such record-keeping began in 1947. Some industries, notably those involving travel and hotels and restaurants, could struggle for years. And while the number of confirmed viral infections has been declining, the threat of a major resurgence remains, especially as students increasingly return to schools and colleges. The consumers whose spending drives the bulk of the economy and the economists who analyze it are decidedly downbeat about the prospects for a return to prosperity.
Thousands gather at March on Washington commemorations (AP) Capping a week of protests and outrage over the police shooting of a Black man in Wisconsin, civil rights advocates began highlighting the scourge of police and vigilante violence against Black Americans at a commemoration of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Thousands gathered Friday near the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his historic “I Have A Dream” address, a vision of racial equality that remains elusive for millions of Americans. And they are gathering on the heels of yet another shooting by a white police officer of a Black man—this time, 29-year-old Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last Sunday—sparking days of protests and violence that left two dead.
U.S. political divide becomes increasingly violent (Washington Post) There has been a wave of politically tinged violence across the nation in recent weeks after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, rattling communities facing a toxic mix of partisanship and guns ahead of the 2020 election. In a spate of exchanges that have spanned from Kalamazoo, Mich., and Bloomington, Ind., to Chicago and Portland, Ore., people on both sides of the United States’ political and cultural divide have been filmed exchanging punches, beating one another with sticks and flagpoles, or standing face-to-face with weapons, often with police appearing to be little more than observers. On Tuesday night, the violence took an even more ominous turn when a 17-year-old whose Facebook account showed support for the pro-police “Back the Blue” countermovement allegedly shot and killed two people during the unrest in Kenosha, Wis., after police shot a Black man. “We are sort of at the stage of polarization where there are more and more people who are seeking confrontation, where they are not simply satisfied with disagreeing with the other side or yelling at the other side, but they want to confront,” said Mark Pitcavage, a historian and senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. “We are not just a polarized society—we are increasingly a confrontational society now.” Protesters have also been shot, in some cases fatally, in Austin, Portland, Louisville and Albuquerque in recent weeks.
Russian navy conducts major maneuvers near Alaska (AP) The Russian navy conducted major war games near Alaska involving dozens of ships and aircraft, the military said Friday, the biggest such drills in the area since Soviet times. Russia’s navy chief, Adm. Nikolai Yevmenov, said that more than 50 warships and about 40 aircraft were taking part in the exercise in the Bering Sea, which involved multiple practice missile launches. Yevmenov emphasized that the war games are part of Russia’s efforts to boost its presence in the Arctic region and protect its resources. “We are building up our forces to ensure the economic development of the region,” he said. “We are getting used to the Arctic spaces.”
UNICEF reports on remote education problems (Washington Post) At least a third of the world’s schoolchildren are unable to access remote learning when their schools are closed, according to new figures by the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Experts and advocates are concerned about what that means for the long-term impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, as schools and governments struggle to keep education on track.
Violence in Colombia (Foreign Policy) At least 39 people have been killed in a wave of violence across Colombia, adding to growing concerns that the country has yet to move past its decades-long civil war despite the government reaching an historic peace deal with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016. Despite the end of large-scale warfare, groups including dissident FARC factions, smaller left-wing guerrillas, right-wing paramilitaries, drug cartels, and the Colombian military continue to fight over territory in some parts of the country. Colombia has seen 46 massacres so far this year, according to local watchdog Indepaz. Some observers say the blame falls on President Iván Duque, who was always skeptical of the peace deal signed by his predecessor, saying he hasn’t done enough to implement its provisions.
Rio’s governor suspended amid widening corruption probe involving Brazil’s pandemic response (Washington Post) The governor of Rio de Janeiro state was suspended from office Friday by a Brazilian court as part of a corruption probe into alleged kickbacks amid the state’s disastrously chaotic response to the coronavirus pandemic. The accusations against Wilson Witzel, a critic of President Jair Bolsonaro, was another blow to Brazil’s leadership as it struggles with the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic amid mounting suspicion that some officials have used it to line their own pockets. It also illustrated how the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, a country with a lengthy and notorious history of corruption, has been a bonanza for grifters and fraudsters. As states emptied their coffers to combat the gravest health crisis in national history, which has killed more than 118,000 Brazilians, officials across the country saw an opportunity to get rich, prosecutors allege.
Hungary to close borders to foreigners as of Sept. 1 to curb coronavirus infections (Reuters) Hungary will close its borders to foreigners as of Sept. 1 to curb a rise in coronavirus infections and Hungarians returning to the country from abroad will have to go into quarantine, Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s cabinet chief said on Friday. Gergely Gulyas said Hungarian citizens could leave quarantine only with two negative COVID tests. Exceptions for foreigners’ entry would be military convoys, humanitarian transit and business or diplomatic travel.
Putin Warns Belarus Protesters (NYT) President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia gave an ominous warning on Thursday to protesters in Belarus not to push too hard to topple their country’s embattled president, saying that Russia had formed a special reserve force of security officers to restore order in the event of chaos in its western neighbor. Mr. Putin, speaking in an interview with Russian state television, said he had ordered the creation of a “certain reserve of law enforcement officers” at the request of Belarus’s authoritarian leader, Aleksandr G. Lukashenko. He said the force had not been deployed yet, because “we also agreed that it will not be used unless the situation gets out of control.” Mr. Putin’s remarks sent the strongest warning yet that Russia could use force to halt more than two weeks of protests in Belarus, which he described as “perhaps the closest country to us.” While saying that Belarusians themselves must decide their future after a disputed presidential election on Aug. 9, he added, “We are certainly not indifferent to what is happening there.”
Floods kill 23 in Pakistan financial hub amid house collapses, power cuts (Reuters) Pakistan’s flooded financial capital of Karachi was plunged into chaos on Friday with power cuts, streets under water and cellphone outages caused by heavy rain as authorities said at least 23 people had been killed in downpours the previous day. Record torrential rainfall flooded major city streets and damaged homes and other buildings on Thursday, with more rain expected on Friday. Pakistan’s Meteorological Department recorded 230.5 mm of rain in Karachi on Thursday, the highest ever recorded in a single day. Rainfall in August is the highest since records began 89 years ago.
Virus lockdown brings new misery to long-suffering Gaza (AP) Ahmed Eissa, a father of two living in the Gaza Strip, was already struggling to make ends meet on $7 a day, dealing with frequent electricity cuts and worried that another war might break out. Then the coronavirus found its way into the impoverished Palestinian territory, just as Israel was tightening its blockade in a standoff with Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers, and a strict lockdown has confined everyone to their homes. Now Eissa doesn’t know how he will feed his family. “I don’t have savings and I don’t have a job, so no one would lend me money,” he said. “I won’t beg from anyone.” The restrictions imposed by Hamas are aimed at averting what many fear would be an even bigger catastrophe: a wide-scale outbreak in a population of 2 million people confined to a territory where the health care system has been devastated by years of war and isolation.
Mali junta frees deposed president (Foreign Policy) On Thursday, Mali’s newly-formed junta released deposed President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, who had been ousted in a military coup last week along with the rest of the Malian government. Representatives of the 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) were dispatched to Mali earlier this week to help find a way to return to civilian rule. They had demanded Keita’s release. Mediators from ECOWAS and the African Union have not made much headway toward the larger goal of restoring civilian rule. Part of the reason is that these organizations and their leaders lack credibility with average citizens, Adem K. Abebe argued in Foreign Policy earlier this week. That’s because they are seen as hypocritical for protecting unpopular incumbents who abuse power while denouncing military coups with widespread support. “The AU and ECOWAS have a credibility problem,” Abebe wrote. “They are not denouncing those who flout laws to hold on to power; they complain only when the military seizes it.”
Flooding in Niger kills 45, displaces more than 226,000 (AP) Officials in Niger say flooding from heavy rains has killed at least 45 people this week and forced more than 226,000 from their homes.
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stroud5aside · 5 years
Friday 25 October - Stroud7 Are Champions of Division Two!!
On a day when the new Cheltenham Race Season commenced, it was ‘odds-on’ that it would be trumped by the FNL action tonight. And what a night it was with so many outstanding games!
There was vital action at the top and at the bottom of the Premiership and let’s start with the match that effected both ends of the table, the game between league leaders Breakaway Boys FC and relegation threatened Not So Athletic.
Breakaway dominated this game but with Scott at the top of his game, in the Not So Athletic goal, and the Unathletic guys defending as though their lives depended on it, this game was destined to be close. In the end there was only one goal in it as Breakaway won by a ‘short head’ with the only goal of the game, that was scored by Brad.
Stroud Old Boys maintained the chase behind Breakaway Boys and produced a masterful display as they swept Netsix and Chill aside, 10-1. With quality on display throughout this Stroud Old Boys team it is difficult to know who to single out. But in their ‘dazzling’ new kit, Kerr, Anthoney, Deano and Freems took it in turn to ‘outshine’ their opponents whilst Butch again looked very impressive between the sticks. With a game in hand on the leaders it is difficult to see anyone stopping them reclaiming the Premiership title.
Nawachusai FC have ‘jumped‘ back up to third, in their see-saw season, with an 8-4 victory over Coaley Crows. Nawachusai maybe ‘outsiders’ to finish in the medal positions this season but I wouldn’t ‘bet against’ them! As for the Crows, they in the ‘claws’ of relegation and need to ‘take flight’ if they are going to avoid the drop this time around!
There was a shock in store for SWR Youth FC, with the team at the bottom of the table, Lioncourt Legends, producing their best form of the season to beat them 8-3! Lioncourt were ‘outsiders’ to win this game before kick off but dug deep to win ‘against the odds’ with Ollie claiming 5 goals whilst Joe and George performed heroics at the back to keep Fin in check! As a consequence of this result SWR slipped to fourth whilst Lioncourt moved up to sixth place and out of the relegation places.
Both the ‘fancied’ teams to be promoted to the Premiership met tonight in a fascinating contest. Without a goal in the first half Ebley Street Elite appeared to have the game won, with their goal in the second half, until Dylan hit the equaliser for the ‘stayers’ Adidas All Stars right at the death to make it a ‘dead heat’ at 1-1 on the final whistle! Ebley remain one point ahead of Adidas at the top but both look Premiership bound.
Walker Construction were is ‘festival’ mood tonight with a sparkling display against relegation threatened Hot Coles. Ryan looked a class act for Walker and but for Neil’s heroics in the Hot Coles goal, this result could have been much worse for them! But the ‘going’ was not good for Hot Coles and an ‘accumulator’ of goals meant that Walker won 10-2!
A much closer contest took place between The Spice Boys and the disco dancers, that make up Warehouse Warriors! This match was so close it needed a ‘photo-finish’ to decide the winner and Warehouse Warriors just about edged it, 2-1.
The ‘going’ has been ‘heavy’ for Vic Vets this season but tonight they went the ‘distance’ with Average Joe’s and turned the ‘form book’ on its head to achieve a credible 2-2 draw.
Stroud7 are champions of Division Two in what has been a fantastic season for them. Jack and his team have been the outstanding performers, in this league, this season and remain unbeaten. Well done lads you are worthy champions.
But it could have been a different story tonight in what was a fantastic game against league newcomers and ‘colts’ S5. Stroud7 were ‘odds on’ to win before kick off but they really knew they had been in a game by the final whistle. In fact there was nothing to choose between the teams throughout with Louis outstanding in the S5 goal and Dean the pick of the players for S5. It looked like this game would end in a ‘dead heat’ until the champions scored 2 late goals to ‘put them in the money’ for all three points!
Automech Spanner’s claimed all three points and a 3-0 win against How I Met Your Mata, to allow The Legends to seriously enter the promotion race and medal poisons. And they took full advantage and defeated a below par Randwick Warriors 10-4. Oli and Chris were in fine form for The Legends and for Randwick, Jay made a very impressive debut in goal. The Legends had a ‘bumper’ second half with a 7 goal bonanza as Randwick had a bit of a ‘mare!’
Making Emile Of It were out of sorts tonight against a star ‘studded’ TGR. Harry scored 7 out of the 10 TGR goals in their 10-4 victory. There was a ‘Stewards Enquiry’ at the ‘finishing line’ but the result was allowed to stand!
There were no matches in the Conference as both games were ‘abandoned.’ As a consequence SWI FC and IF Legends both claimed all three Points and 3-0 wins. IF Legends have their ‘ears pricked’ at the top of the table but surely these ‘old nags’ won’t take have the ‘staying power.’ Besides there are also three other teams that will hope to go the ‘distance’ to become the first ever winners of the Conference! This title is very much for the taking!
Great night of football lads with some absolute ‘bumper’ games and just a few ‘novice’ performances! We are now in the ‘final furlong’ of this season and the ‘blinkers’ are off as we ‘canter’ towards the ‘finishing line!’
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Merrion Square to become month-long football village as UEFA’s Dublin EURO 2020 plans revealed
A month-long football village bonanza will be taking place in Merrion Square as UEFA today revealed plans for Dublin’s role in Euro 2020.
The capital is signed up to host three group games as well as a knock-out game and thousands of fans are set to roll in to enjoy the party.
Now plans show that Merrion Square will host to the football village and will undergo a massive transformation from Friday, June 12th right up until the day of the Euro 2020 final – Sunday, July 12th.
Dublin Castle is also set to host public viewings on June 15, 19, 24, and 30th of June as well as two other dates that will be decided later.
(Image: UEFA)
The fanzone and viewing area will be free and “open to all”, say UEFA who will make sure the park gets “restored and enhanced” afterwards.
Public transport will also be free for ticket-holders on matchdays while a number of other festivities have been organised including a “Street Legends” event and a culture night.
Plans for fan zone (Image: UEFA)
Local libraries will be given memorabilia to show off between February and June next year as well as a number of exhibitions “relating to the history of football in Dublin City”.
Four-hundred-and-seventy Special VW Mobility Makers have volunteered to help people around the city.
(Image: UEFA)
Fixtures set for Dublin
Monday, 15 June – Group E match
Friday, 19 June – Group E match
Wednesday, 24 June – Group E match
Tuesday, 30 June – Round of 16 (1D v 2F)
You can like our main Facebook page here.
Our Dublin Live Sports Page – which brings you all your Dublin sports news – can be found here.
The Dublin Live Twitter account is @DublinLive.
Our Instagram account can be found here.
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Bonanza Live 2Sure Lotto For 13/01/2023
Bonanza Live 2Sure Lotto For 13/01/2023
Bonanza Live 2Sure Lotto For 13/01/2023 Bonanza live 2sure lotto – bonanza lotto banker two sure live drop, Here are Baba Ijebu Lotto Bonanza Prediction for the next draw: 13 January 2023 – Friday. Ghana National Banker to Banker challenge with plan, Best Ghana Lotto forecaster for today game including 5 number prediction, two sure and banker. Lotto secret key numbers for today bonanza was made…
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