firstborngoldenbraids · 12 years
Homesick | Kili/Fili
“Aye, can’t help it…” he muttered in response, he leaned into the elder a bit. 
He smiled, placing the other arm around his brother's chest and hugging him a little closer.
"Don't ya worry, lil' one. We'll be home soon enough, with lots of stories to tell... if she doesn't try to kill us because we sneaked out in the middle of the night."
He chuckled, softly patting his brother's arm.
"I miss her, too" he admitted with a little sigh.
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anarchersheart · 12 years
*kicks tag*
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thetookishside · 12 years
*lays on*
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stubborncourage · 12 years
Happy Valentines day! pass this to 10 of your favourite blogs to show them how much you love them. If the chain breaks nothing happens, but it's always nice to know that you're loved
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baggins-ofbag-end · 12 years
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thekinginexile-blog · 12 years
"Kili." Thorin was seated comfortably with his coat laid out behind him and arched a brow at his nephew. "You look excited."
Family and friends alike seemed to be seeking his audience that evening.
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“Alanjuz ghelekh.Are you here for business, or pleasure?” 
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averyimportantdwarf · 12 years
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Kili! It is good to find you, and unharmed. I've seem to have lost the others. I would have thought I'd have found you and Fili together. What of the rest of the company? Are they together? Are they safe? I haven't seen or heard from them since this morning. It is now getting late. 
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dwarvenshebear-blog · 12 years
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dwarvenbowandarrow replied to your post: dwarvenbowandarrow replied to your post: //Just...
Bow chicka wow wow!
//And I mean everywhere.
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mischiefofdurin · 12 years
dwarvenbowandarrow started following you
"Kili, are you done with feeding the ponies or do you need a hand with that?"
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stubborncourage · 12 years
dwarvenbowandarrow replied to your post: 
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disofdurin · 12 years
dwarvenbowandarrow replied to your post: To get this straight. Firstly, Kili. Your... We were enjoyin’ the quiet. *smirks* Behave or I'll do something that will traumatize you
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hiimehime-blog · 12 years
I've been Tagged
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11   new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Tagged by: thewalkinghobbitdiaries
Her Questions:
What was your favorite movie that came out in 2012? The Hobbit, but also really loved Brave...
What is something that makes you happy? Um, reading a good book in which something happy is happening (not when my favourite characters are dying) also funny gifs on tumblr and positive asks and RP replies
What’s your favourite part about today so far? Mum made a chocolate cheesecake for no reason other than wanting to make one :D~
Would you choose truth or dare? Truth, and yes I actually answer the truth
What’s one item you can’t live without? ...books, or my laptop or ipod (this is not including family, friends, pets, air and food, right??)
What fictional universe would you most want to live in?
Summer or Winter? Middle earth, probably Summer... but if I could choose Autumn I'd go with that, or Spring
Are you currently reading any books? If so, what book? No, just finished reading the Hobbit when I should have been reading one of 5 books I have to read for school though...
If you can have any super power what would it be? To be able to morph into whatever I wanted, so that I can grow a pair of wings at will or mermaid tail or just turn into a cat completely
If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? I have no idea, all my dream locations are in my books...
Do you have a tattoo? If not do you want to have one? No and no, I detest needles and would not go through with it even if I desperately wanted one. I've had so many needles in my life I do not want another!
My Questions:
Song playing on your ipod at the moment, if none playing, what was the last song that you listened to?
Do you have a fantasy(s) where you put yourself into a book? If so, what he one fantasy that you keep going back to in order to escape reality?
Do you RP? If so, who's your favourite charcter to RP with?
What is your favourite thing to draw/paint/sketch? If you don't do any of these what would you draw/paint/sketch if you could?
What gif sums up your life (or blog if you have no life) at the moment?
Look to your left, what/who is there?
Do you consider yourself a Grammar Nazi? If so, what annoys you the most when it comes to the misuse of the English language?
What is your favourite Tv show?
What is your favourite series/trilogy of books?
What is your favourite movie that you will happily re-watch 3 times a day, every day for a week?
What's a question that you've always wanted someone to ask you? Answer that question.
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underthemistymountain · 12 years
*slaps butt* Pass this onto the next five people on your dash
"What in--  Kili!  Get back here!"
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asktheoakenshieldbros · 12 years
Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this award, you must put it into 8 people’s asks who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.:)
0 notes
thekinginexile-blog · 12 years
Family and friends alike seemed to be seeking his audience that evening.
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"Alanjuz ghelekh. Are you here for business, or pleasure?" 
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Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this award, you must put it into 8 people’s asks who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.:)
c'mere lemme kiss yer faic
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