stubborncourage · 8 years
[Still a bit new to this fandom - please reblog if you are an active Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit roleplay blog!]
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stubborncourage · 8 years
How does the day treat you? If I may ask.
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stubborncourage · 10 years
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Thorin + fighting
Happy Birthday Anna ♥ 
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stubborncourage · 11 years
When the lad climbed over announcing his name, Thorin had not expected such a lengthy title. Though it mattered little to the dwarf either way. He studied the clothing of the other, sizing him up. Fur coat similar to his own, and attire that isn't far from what a common dwarf would wear.
Upon further realization Thorin finally recognized the familiar, and rather 'barbaric' clothing, to match that from old spoken tales. The name of Berk had briefly been mentioned as a land so far north not many ever ventured to and fro. How did this small lad travel so far? And without any large and burden-heavy rucksack?  In fact, he looked like he couldn't even hold a bloody sword!
He'd come to help. Ah, what kind of king would he be to deny any form of help upon this quest. Even if it be someone that may only be capable enough of cheering for a morale boost. Thorin folded his arms across the soft fur upon his armoured chest. "Aye. Those rumors do not deceive you. If help is what you wish to do... Then tell me, how is it exactly you plan to do so?"
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This dwarf was a lot different than the dwarves in the stories. He was darker, stronger, and honorable. Those dark eyes were staring at him, and Hiccup felt like they were piercing through him. This dwarf could kill him. He almost wanted to call Toothless and fly away…almost.
He didn’t leave Berk just to become a failure. There had been rumors that a dragon had killed an entire town and taken a dwarven homeland for his own. The moment that Hiccup heard those rumors, he packed up and left home. He traveled all around the world and got lost.
He sacrificed too much time just to run away. “M-my name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III,” he said, climbing over the log. 
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He took a deep breath. “An..and there are rumors…about a dwarven king who wants to take back his home from a dragon. I-I can help you.”
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stubborncourage · 11 years
At Sunset
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stubborncourage · 11 years
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stubborncourage · 11 years
*gives a hug* would you send this to the first 10 people on your dash to keep it going?
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stubborncourage · 11 years
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[Muffled sounds of Balin OTP-ing in the distance]
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stubborncourage · 11 years
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stubborncourage · 11 years
Thorin gave a hearty chuckle, "They send their apologies for that... But mind you Gandalf did promise food." At that he had already finished the small loaf of bread. Food master Baggins held always surpassed that of the stale food he traveled with.
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"That'll certainly be of good news for them." He added, sending his hobbit a slight smile. He gave up pulling apart chunks of cheese and just took an enormous bite from it. 
Thorin had only now remembered his way around this halfling village. Mostly for the sake of the burglar. Upon arrival of the correct rounded door a small, warming, smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He lifted a clenched hand to the door although was slightly hesitant. Glow-flies swarmed his stomach, and his head was a bit lighter than usual. He gave a moment to recollect himself. It felt as if he hadn't seen Bilbo in ages. In reality was only a few days. At that he gave a gentle knock.
Bilbo wasn’t in the mood sit inside all day, he had decided that not long after he had woken up that morning. Perhaps it was because things were getting to quiet for his comfort without Thorin around, he had grown so used to the dwarf’s presence and the home felt too empty without it. But, whether it be that or just him needed to stretch his legs, with his mind set on that he had left his hobbit hole not long after second breakfast for his day out. He had taken to walking the market mostly. He managed to stay out most of the day. By the time he was walking home he was planning on what to make for dinner. Though all thoughts of food where wiped from his mind when he caught sight of the door to his humble home. Or lack of the sight of the door more likely.
There was a large figure that stood in front of his round green door. Bilbo stopped and blinked at the figure from the path then, as his mind recognized the familiar long hair and broad shoulders, large grin broke on his face. He continued on to his house,
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"You know," Bilbo spoke to his dwarf as he opened the gate, "I was just beginning to wonder when exactly you’d be back here." He made his way up to the path, smiling up at Thorin.
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stubborncourage · 11 years
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"I am Thorin son of Thráin son of Thrór King under the Mountain! I return!"
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stubborncourage · 11 years
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A rather small voice brought Thorin's attention over towards a decayed log, and the figure peering behind it. A child perhaps? Though he had never heard of Berk before...The dwarf slowly rose to a stand and still kept his protective posture just in case. Without breaking the focus of the one not far from him he placed his book upon the rock.
At the mention of his own name Thorin decided to relax a bit. Just a frightened messenger perhaps. "Aye? I am Thorin Oakenshield." The king stated boldly, "What is it that brings you to me?"
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A deep voice called out to him and Hiccup peered over the fallen log cautiously. He wasn’t afraid of the stranger…but he wasn’t about to just run up to him. He only hoped that the pers-err Dwarf knew something about the Dwarf he was looking for.
He stared a few minutes before looking behind him. His dragon was hiding behind some foliage and well within earshot. Good, he had an escape route if it turned ugly.
He cleared his throat. He dug his fingernails into the moss covered log. “My name is Hiccup. I’m a Viking from Berk. And…and uh, I’m looking for someone named Thorin Oakenshield. Do you know where I can find him?”
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stubborncourage · 11 years
"I came here to reclaim my-... the Dwarve's rightful homeland. Is it not?" Thorin began to talk even quieter towards the mention that the dragon may be right beneath their very feet. "Slaying the dragon was first plan...Though you had made mention of the possibility of sending him elsewhere after you fix whatever is making this...so called Sherlock, a dragon..."
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The dwarf folded his arms over his chest and rugged armor he'd recently acquired, "Any idea how long that may take, lad?"
2 entered the mountain
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stubborncourage · 11 years
ooc: I am being summoned, so I must leave for now! I'll be back later :) probably with lots of cookies and sweets~ try not to catch anything on fire while I'm gone
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stubborncourage · 11 years
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stubborncourage · 11 years
Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas. I just want the person reading this to remain in my life forever. Send this to the people you don't wanna lose :) I love you forever xx:) Tell 9 people you love them, I hope I am one :)
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stubborncourage · 11 years
"Aye..." Thorin said with a mournful look in his eyes. "No longer must you be alone here. I have returned to Erebor." The dwarf took a swift glance around from where they stood upon piles of gold. "But as long as that dragon is still around...No one can rightfully call this place home." 
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2 entered the mountain
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