starlightkun · 4 years
Hello! Not sure if you’re still doing this, but I love the lettering you did ^^ If you’re still doing this can you do one for shiori please? If not that’s totally okay! Thank you ☺️
your name is so pretty!!
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click it u know
send me your name (or any kind of quote or meme) and i’ll do a lil lettering of it kinda like this!
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writerghost · 4 years
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my lock screen, home screen, and the last song i listened to. tagged by @bagginsofbagend 💕
tagging @ii-do-what-i-want @thatgeekykidsweirdblog @starlightandfireworks @book-keeper @thejollyroger-writer and anyone else who wants to do it
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annatorvswife · 6 years
i was tagged by @ballion to do this thing and i love sharing so why not laid ease
🌿 5 things in my bag (or something else if you don’t carry a bag)
my journal
my smaller bag of necessities (pads, plasters, perfume, pain killers and uhh lip balm)
mittens (it’s kinda warm out currently but you never fucking know with norway suddenly it’s -15 degrees and my bus is late and i want to die)
multiple pairs of warm socks to hand out to my friends at uni bc im momlin
nice smelling hand cream to share with girls bc im lesbian creating intricate rituals to touch hands
🌙 5 things in my room
a Huge amout of tea that i got for christmas and idk how im ever gonna drink it all 
the map of two forks from the game firewatch... on my wall... bc i love.. 
various plants
art projects stowed behind my door
the shrek 2 soundtrack on cd because anne @vanessakiwby loves me and knows what i Need in this life
🍃 5 of my favourite things
the signed katie herzig lyric art she sent me Oh Boy (AND the moleskine journal of  handwritten lyrics but i paid for that sdjfk)
the monstera i basically grew myself and that is now getting huge and is having many plant babies.. im so proud of her :’)
the mug my classmate gifted me last week.. still not over that !
the pencil case my middle school teacher sewed for me ten years ago... it’s probably one of my absolute favorite things i own like she Did That
my journals from uni tbh i have glued so many memories in there... i used them for notes and personal stuff and everything really. it’s like flipping through time capsules from the past almost four years :’)
🍂 5 things i’m currently into
hoziers new album i can’t stop blasting that.... nobody and would that i are my fav songs on it so far aaaaa
broccoli omelettes... im almost always into those but yeah i love me some brocc
not a thing as much as a Dream or a concept but denim jacket weather lads... waiting for the day the air feels crisp but warm enough to stop wearing a winter jacket... mm
tender cinema movie watching time with annen @vanessakiwby she’s teaching me movies and i feel #educated
🌼 5 things on my to-do list 
finish writing my aesthetic exam before friday Ooofe
watch secret city season 2 tomorrow !!!! wow
decide on a project for my month long practical art exam starting next week.......... it will be gay and involve drawing that’s all i know
apply for a new dorm! have to move in july lads it’s gonna be sad
have a meeting with my bosses about hopefully having some work in oslo this summer mmm cross yalls fingers 🤞🤞🤞
i tag @vanessakiwby @annatorverse @honeybellarke @fringie @muqamar @apicturewithasmile @underratedbeastliness @liscentuna @mrsbalfe @paulsons @falaimaukegi @gentlebian @foolishwlw @1000knives @kamilahsayood @fauhlingdown & @bagginsofbagend
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spider-bih · 6 years
Flower Girl [Peter Parker]
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Warnings: More angst from a mood drop im sorry, based off this fic. A little graphic, so that might be triggering.
A/N: my series are coming along i promise, i just don’t want to hate what i write so i write what comes to me. another long fic yikes.
Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Both matching- yet you swore you saw more colors in his eyes- kind of. The colors you saw were very dull, but they were there. Something stripped him of all his colors, and you hoped to be able to put them back for him. Even if it meant dulling some of your own.
You kind of wished you hadn’t been so hopeful or so wanting. You gave him some of your colors without him knowing. He ate them up, yes, but they didn’t change him. He just wanted your flowers and something to numb everything inside of him.
You only gave him flowers.
You were his flower girl. You provided him with some very special flowers. A favorite to someone he knew- someone he mourned. Sometimes he remembered you, and sometimes he didn’t. It was the times that he remembered you that you lived for. It was like some twisted high for you. You hated it, but you loved it as well. You got a look at who he was before. What kind of man he was before the world destroyed him from the inside out.
One day, he remembered you. He carried out a conversation with you, somewhat.
“I just really love these flowers.”, he says, giving you a half warm smile.
“They’re really pretty, so I can see why.”
A different smile takes over his face, it’s big and genuine and your heart jumps upon seeing it, “Heh, you’re really pretty too-”, he cuts himself off, looking visibly shaken.
You’re flattered and for a moment, unaware of why he looks that way. You think it’s embarrassment, innocent embarrassment, so you say, “Hey, it’s okay-”
He shakes his head, “No. N-No it’s not I- you look like her and- and these are hers- hers. I can’t. I’m so sorry- I have to go.”
Then he’s off, leaving you confused and flustered. What do you make of that? Who is she and what had she done to him?
That should’ve been your first sign. The first big red flag. He loved another girl- his heart belonged to someone else, so therefore it’d be wrong and useless to give him yours. Giving him yours might fill the gaping hole in his chest, but it wouldn’t stop the bleeding. It would only leave you empty and cold, and it would make him feel more guilty.
Your flower boy knew he couldn’t love you, not the way you wanted and deserved. You deserved someone fresh- a clean slate. Someone who could move forward from their past, and not cling to it like he did. He clung until his hands bled, and even then he refused to let go. His past was his lifeline, it was all he knew. She was all he knew. He couldn’t remember who he was before her, and he didn’t know who he could be without her. When he had thought of the future, he had thought of her- but she’s gone now, so what was his future?
You didn’t deserve the baggage he had- the scars he hid. He didn’t want you to pour yourself into his empty shell and lose all of what you were. You looked too much like her and he had to constantly remember that you weren’t her. It wasn’t healthy, but god- you looked at him in such a way..
He had to try, just for your sake. Maybe you’d see just how messed up he’d become and you’d leave. Maybe-
He let himself talk to you and befriend you. You grew to know him, taking it all slow. You learned of his bad habit of mixing his meds with alcohol and how he tended to forget for awhile. You did your best to help him out of it- did all you could to learn him and try to ground him, but he was like sand. You could grab fistfuls and hold onto them, but at some point, only mere tiny grains would stay stuck to your palms. Useless and uncomfortable.
Still, you were hopeful, and so you held onto those tiny grains. You clutched them tight and one day, you swore it paid off.
He kissed you.
His lips had been warm and inviting, despite being chapped. It was a feeling you thought you could get used to. It was addicting- but that was the problem. Addictions were hardly ever a good thing, and though the highs could be amazing, the lows were damn near torture. As soon as the kiss had happened, it stopped when his salty tears touched your lips. He pulled away abruptly, horribly shaken and with such a pitiful look on his face.
“I can’t.”, he told you, “I fucking can’t..”
You’d realized that shaken look was not from embarrassment, but some form of regret. Like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have and that should have told you just how attached he still was, even after such time. You didn’t know an entire life had been taken from him, not just one, but two. An entire happy future was ripped from him and he couldn’t cope.
His grains of sand were turning into air but you still hung on- you were so sure he would change, so positive this twisted cycle of highs and lows would balance out. You let yourself fall into it- because you loved him. You loved when he touched you and when he held you. You loved when you got to hold him and when you could kiss his tears away. You loved Peter Benjamin Parker and dammit, he tried.
He tried so hard to love you, but it just wasn’t enough. He couldn’t do it.
He’d never been more sorry. His soul was infected with sorrow and emptiness- and he let it eat away at you. He did- and so once he was gone, so was that part of you he took..
You remembered losing it all as if it’d happened hours ago.
“Things are getting crazy out there..”, he tells you, leaning against the wall near your window. He peers out of it, awaiting the signal for him to go.
“You don’t have to leave.”, you say, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around him. You hug him tightly, but he remains stiff as he always does on low nights.
“I do. It’s my job, you know that.”
“Your job is what hurt you. You’re miserable, and other heroes exist for a reason.”
He sighs and lets his head drop. It’s the same conversation you’ve had since he let you in a little. You tell him he doesn’t have to, he insists he does. It always ends in scratchy throats and tears and he’s so so tired. He knows you are too.
“I know.. so.. after this, after tonight, I’ll stop. I know I’ve been unfair to you. I know... I know it hurts when you hear me talk about her or forget everything so.. I promise. After tonight.. I’ll try.”
Your heart soared- you’d been waiting for this cycle to end. For the coaster of hurt to finally come to an end, “Really?”
“Yes.”, he said, and he’d been sincere. He hopes you know.
He never intended for it to come to what it had. He’d kissed you and held you and you felt so much relief. Maybe it was selfish of you, to press and press and press. You wanted him, but at the end of it all, he was never yours. He belonged to another girl, to another life. Maybe if things were different- maybe if you’d met him first or he left her on mutual terms.. maybe, none of this would have happened.
“Spider-Man down! Everyone is in shock, Queens own hero was last seen falling from a skyscraper..”
People were screaming, some were crying. The sound of reporters buzzing surrounded you as you ran to find him. You remember how your lungs burned and how your legs felt like they might fall off. You could feel your heart thudding in your chest, but at the same time it had felt like it had simply vanished. You shoved past crowds, gaining strength you didn’t know you had. You tore through that yellow tape, dashing into the debris despite the screaming officers behind you. Iron-Man and some others were still around, shouting to you to go, but you couldn’t. You saw how he fell.. where he fell..
You found him on the ground, a disgusting dark puddle surrounding his head and shoulders. There were tiny bits and pieces of something mushy surrounding him, but you refused to let yourself identify them. His limbs were twisted in unnatural ways and he was gurgling slightly. His suit was torn, showing off more, less fatal, injuries. His accelerated healing kept him alive- anyone else would’ve been long gone. However, Spider-Man couldn’t escape this, the healing wasn’t fast enough.
You shakily reached for his mask, but he stopped you with what strength he could muster.
“Don’t.. it’s...no..”
“You promised..”, you say, feeling a lump rise in your throat, “You promised, Peter..”
He coughs, “M’...s-sorry..but I... I see her..”, he starts to choke again, his mask trapping the blood dribbling out of his nose and mouth, “I see them..”
“Peter! You promised! Peter- don’t leave me! Please! I’m sorry I pushed so much, I’m sorry! I only wanted.. I just..please..”
What did you want? What was it? You knew him- but did you really? Did you when you ignored the way he sobbed quietly next to you every night he slept with you? When you turned away and tuned him out every time he tried to set you free? When you clung to a tired and broken man for all this time? Did you really know him? Did you really love him?
Or did you assume he’d bounce back to who you thought he was- to the bright happy man you saw in that diner that one night? To the man his Aunt described him as- the one she hoped you’d find and bring out of him.
“Sorry..”, he gurgles one last time, leaving you there alone in the mess you let fester. 
Dark hair, dark brown eyes. Both matching- yet no man ever met the criteria you were looking for. You tried and tried- but you never got what you wanted- what you craved. You just left more empty souls in your wake. You blame yourself-
He blames himself..
“Iɴ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ ᴏғ ᴀ ʙᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ɴᴇᴘʜᴇᴡ, ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ, ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀᴏ. Nᴇᴠᴇʀ ғᴏʀɢᴇᴛ.” “Iɴ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ ᴏғ ᴀ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ sᴏᴜʟ. I’ᴍ sᴏʀʀʏ I ʙʀᴏᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ..”
“Welcome home, Peter. We’ve been waiting for you.”
Permanent Tags [strikethrough means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you]: @o-brienwrites, @spidergirlwanab, @thumper-darling, @bagginsofbagend, @sammy-holland , @cosmetologynerd , @timelord-sorcerer, @i-love-superhero, @mendes-holland, @dangerousluv1, @malumplaylist, @faithful-music, @melli-chou, @spidey-mantom , @fandom-hq, @thegirlwiththeimpala, @mayroseinneverland, @maggieanne13,  @internetgremlin, @parkerbabeh, @spidey-spooked , @iamwarrenspeace , @djdre92, @sergeantjbuckybarnes, @everythingthatisrandom, @spiderman-2013, @rileyloves5 , @twizzziee, @therealme13posts, @clean-and-claire, @malfoyofthenight,  @peters-vlogs, @leilei-draws , @rmillerartemis, @cassiopeia-barrow,  @valeriasobsessions, @rosescentedblood, @hi-mishamigos, @brightcolorsoffendme, @isabellamozzarellla, @courtneychicken, @technicallycrazyfun, @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire, @wombatholland, @starksparker, @frostymoon11, @agent-spidey, @a-hecking-mistake, @starlightfound, @owlsparks, @fuckyou-imspiderman, @crescentstarknight, @draqcnheartstrinq, @4-a-m, @whereartthouwakanda, @elyshugh, @princess-shurii, @yourlocalsourwolf, @its-the-unknownspidey, @space-holland, @musiclover1263 , @hownottodie101, @instantnoodlese, @spidergal1216
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capsevans · 7 years
Rules: 1. Always post these rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
i was tagged by @shaolisfantastic aka That One Mutual I Am Not Worthy Of
1. describe your five favorite characters in 1 word
steve rogers: language!!1!!111!!11!1!! peggy carter: amazingbeautifulwonderfulsmarttalentedbadass– bucky barnes: nerd stefan salvatore: PAIN scott mccall: puppy
2. describe yourself in 1 word
3. what are you doing in real life atm
trying to enjoy my last days before graduation while also trying to push down my crippling fear of the future
4. what is your favorite thing to eat
probably bread
5. what talents do you have
i can finish a 10 page essay in one day, given the right motivation (like failing)
6. what talents do you WISH you had
eye makeup.......... @ y’all who can do a perfect soft smokey eye and winged eyeliner,,, teach me,,, im begging,,,
7. favorite film of all time
pretty sure i dont have one, but my favorite film atm is “instructions not included” (i cried) (but i always cry)
8. one fandom/tv show you could resurrect
9. worst thing someone ever called you
bitch, whore, the usual, but when i was in 3rd grade i got so pissed at a boy who called me sexy cus i legit thought it was an insult
10. one thing you could change about the world
make being a decent fucking human being not such a difficult concept to grasp
11. fave holiday
new years!!!!!!!!
1. whats your favorite word? 2. a show/movie you’d never watch 3. favorite season (as in time of the year not tv-show season lmao) 4. a trend/meme that should have died a long time ago 5. guilty pleasure 6. where would you go on your dream vacation? 7. do you believe in astrology? 8. favorite scent 9. something that everyone loves but that you don’t/don’t get 10. best feeling in the world 11. what should you be doing instead of being on tumblr?
alright im gonna tag @softestnaesheim, @chrisana, @shadwhunter, @spacelightwood, @captainwandas, @fray-bane, @trash-hijabi, @bagginsofbagend, @huggedme, @jasovtodd, @goldenglider
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mattdaddvrio · 8 years
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I was tagged by @spacelightwood to do this selfie thing
left is from 2011 how tragic @ 11 y/o fern, right is from thursday, still tragic
my glo up is non-existent RIP
I tag @shehadthcworld @jaceherondalex @capsevans @shadwhunter @sanna-bakkoush @matthewdaddarino @lightwoodisabelle @bagginsofbagend @fray-bane @honestlymalec
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sbellamyblake · 8 years
i was tagged by the wonderful @shadwhunter! merci chérie!
rules: tag 20 blogs i’d like to know better
nicknames: sad life i don’t have any, my boyfriend and family call me nounou which is more a pet name than nickname zodiac: aquarius height: 167cm last thing i googled: geert hofstede favorite music artist: nekfeu, mhd, florence and the machine, imagine dragons, ed sheeran, tove lo song stuck in my head: run up - major lazer feat. PARTYNEXTDOOR & Nicki Minaj (especially the nicki minaj part) 
last movie i watched: twilight breaking dawn part II what am i wearing right now: sexy af pjs what do i post: shadowhunters, marvel related posts, art, anything i like, leïla’s edits why did i choose my url: because jace is my everything i’d lay down my life for him  religious or spiritual: spiritual as fuck fave color: navy blue, black, bordeaux (literally same as you leï) avg hours of sleep: lol at this, id say around 8-9 hours meh 10 even lucky number: 12 
favorite character: jace herondale/lightwood/wayland, damon salvatore, noora saetre, luke garroway, blair waldorf, derek morgan, iron man. how many blankets i sleep with: one thick duvet but like with usually one leg on the top and one under the duvet cause yea im a hot and cold kind of person 
dream job: food taster tbh
i tag @adriansydney, @camboyjace, @capsevans, @daddarios, @drakamena, @omgharryshumjr, @lightwoodisabelle, @softbane, @claryfire, @nothingseemsquiteright, @matthewdaddarino, @matthewbane, @bagginsofbagend, @fray-bane, @shehadthcworld and anyone of wants to do it!!
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quite-right-too · 7 years
💙 I am really curious to what you are going to think about it!
URL: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10ICON:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | selfieTHEME:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 OVERALL:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 FOLLOWING: No but you’re still cool | I am now | Have been for a while | I’m never letting go, Jack
Send me a heart for a rating!
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stubborncourage · 11 years
Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas. I just want the person reading this to remain in my life forever. Send this to the people you don't wanna lose :) I love you forever xx:) Tell 9 people you love them, I hope I am one :)
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hanilecter · 4 years
tagged by @billhaders to make a fandom bingo! thank you💕
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i present to thee: my past and present hyperfixations
i tag: @diemetzgermeisterin @weathertofly @saltycloudsstuff @knlfeparty @fuckyeahhannibal @bagginsofbagend @eddietranspbrak @basilhallwardofficial if you want to do this!
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hanilecter · 5 years
tagged by @diemetzgermeisterin 🖤
five male characters i love
1. Hannibal Lecter
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2. Will Graham
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3. Fox Mulder
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4. David Rose
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5. James Flint
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i tag: @gkellmans @billhaders @knlfeparty @queenleviosa20241 @gaygoblinboyo @fuckyeahhannibal @bagginsofbagend
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hanilecter · 5 years
i was tagged by @billhaders to share my lock screen, home screen, and the last song i listened to! thank you💕
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listen i'm gay and love art and cows and cher
i tag: @diemetzgermeisterin @aisforari-awesome @bagginsofbagend @gkellmans @novellaqueen @princesschiyoh @queenleviosa20241 @knlfeparty if you feel up to it!✨
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annatorvswife · 6 years
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the angel belle @missolitude tagged me in this astrology bingo thing! im very much all of these placements as you can see oops
i tag @vanessakiwby @honeybellarke @thehistoryofscreaming @fringie @1000knives @fauhlingdown @kamilahsayood @falaimaukegi @babybisces @gentlebian @paulsons @mrsbalfe @sophiedevreaux @foolishwlw @liscentuna @bagginsofbagend @underratedbeastliness @sxbob-omb & @tatianazmaslany!! 
go to luminaryaries on instagram to screenshot your placements!
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spider-bih · 6 years
Morning Mistakes [Peter Parker]
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[Trust Issues Series P.5]
Pairing: College!Peter Parker x College!Female!Reader [In their 20′s], Peter Parker x Past!Female!Reader [3rd Person]
A/N: This is so incredibly late, and definitely not long enough to make up for it. I’m sorry. Stress has been eating me alive, but I’m slowly coming back, I promise.
Warnings: Angst, cursing, heartache and mentions of pain, slight hangovers (I don’t drink, so I’m sorry for any inaccuracies).
Part 4, Masterlist, Part 6
Morning came quietly and gently, not as abruptly as it could have. Light woke him up, soft and warm on the cheeks of his face. It came in little strips, his blinds blocked most of the light, but not all of it. For a moment or two, Peter was peaceful. The world was quiet, he was calm and oddly well rested. He even felt warm and comfortable. His eyes scanned his ceiling for a moment, slowly realizing he was in his small living room and not his bedroom. Wait- when did he even go to sleep? How did he fall asleep on the floor- god- his head hurt. Grunting softly, he turned his head.
There you lay, curled up next to him, your arms gently wrapped around his torso- now he knew where the warmth was coming from. You- and by god you looked so-
No he could not do this. Not to you and not to himself. You could destroy him if he let you, and he’d be damned if he ever did. So despite the pounding in his head and the ache in his bones, he tried his best to peel away from you without waking you up. He knew he could use his strength to force you off, but he might hurt you in the process, as well as wake you up. He didn’t want to do either, so he kept up his slow approach- but you shifted and gripped him tighter, mumbling in your sleep. His heart clenched painfully and he hissed under his breath. This wasn’t fucking fair. He promised himself he wouldn’t do this, but now here he was, stuck like-
Well shit, now he was stuck staring down at you. Stuck between two big choices, and he knew it. Depending on what he chose, he’d either end up bringing you closer, or destroying what could be. He decided on neither, and chose a third option, one that could lead to anything. Anything he wanted or anything he didn’t.
“Sorry.”, he says, voice unusually calm, “Guess we fell asleep. That shouldn’t have happened, heh. Uh, anyway, I’m kinda busy today. I hate to shove you out but..?”
Peter stared at you, hoping you’d get the hint. He couldn’t be forceful to save his life, but he could to save another. No lives were in danger here, though, so he couldn’t.
“O-Okay? Uh.. I’ll uhm.. grab my things.”, you said, and he almost stopped you as you gently peeled away from him. Almost. You looked upset and a little shocked- he also felt cold. He could tell you expected something of him, but he refused to acknowledge what. If he did, there would be no going back. Letting you come over was such a bad idea. He’d never forget the sight of your face first thing in the morning or the way your arms felt around him. It was new and so different- but he couldn’t let himself have it. It wouldn’t be fair to you. So he just watched you gather your things and throw a coat on. As you pull your shoes on he rushes to grab the scarf and beanie you’d lent him.
“Here, don’t want you forgetting these.” I don’t need anymore traces of you.
You look surprised, “Oh- I said you could-”
He presses them into your hands, “You need them.” I can’t keep them- I can’t need you.
“Oh. Okay.”, you say, and you look dejected as you do. It hurts him in some weird way he can’t describe. He wants to yell at you to leave because how is this fair? How can he only know you barely a month and already feel some butterflies? The butterflies seem to bite- his senses just scream and he hates it. He’s hurt enough- lost enough, when can he be at peace in his everyday life?
“I’ll see you in class.”, he says, letting you out the door. Once it closes, he presses his forehead against the cold of it. His hands ball into fists and he fights the urge to look out the window and watch you go. Would you look back? Would you look back at him- see the screaming in his eyes and come back in? You’re not her, you never were and you never will be, but you almost feel like her. You feel like her but better by miles. It’s as if you’re softer- warmer. It’s as if you’re pure and true, like he’s finally seeing that she never was, but no. That can’t be true. It won’t be true. She loved him and broke him and dammit he’s sure you’ll do the same. If you don’t, he knows he will. It’s a lose lose situation.
He doesn’t know if you look back, or where you go. He won over the urge, and you text him when you’re safely back home. He’s relieved, but he doesn’t reply.
It’s time to pull back. He has to pull away- he just has to survive a few more weeks and then he’s free. He won’t see you for over a month, maybe longer. You don’t have the same major, and you might not have the same classes as him.
He just has to go a few more weeks unscathed.
Why does it seem so impossible?
Trust Issues Tags [ask to be added]: @owlsparks​, @jellzu​, @infamous-webhead​, @marchlings​, @justarandomfangril​, @fairydustparker​, @decaffeinated-orange​, @fandomsfavorite, @musicgirl234, @elentiya02
Permanent Tags [strikethrough means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you]: @o-brienwrites​​​​, @spidergirlwanab​​​​, @thumper-darling​​​​, @bagginsofbagend​​​​, @sammy-holland​​​​ , @cosmetologynerd​​​​ , @timelord-sorcerer​​​​, @i-love-superhero​​​​, @mendes-holland​​​​, @dangerousluv1​​​​, @malumplaylist​​​​, @faithful-music​​​​, @melli-chou​​​​, @spidey-mantom​​​​ , @fandom-hq​​​​, @thegirlwiththeimpala​​​​, @mayroseinneverland​​​​, @maggieanne13​​​​,  @internetgremlin​​​​, @parkerbabeh​​​​, @spidey-spooked​​​​ , @iamwarrenspeace​​​​ , @djdre92​​​​, @sergeantjbuckybarnes​​​​, @everythingthatisrandom​​​​, @spiderman-2013​​​​, @rileyloves5​​​​ , @twizzziee​​​​, @therealme13posts​​​​, @clean-and-claire​​​​, @malfoyofthenight​​​​,  @peters-vlogs​​​​, @leilei-draws​​​​ , @rmillerartemis​​​​, @cassiopeia-barrow​​​​,  @valeriasobsessions​​​​, @rosescentedblood​​​​, @hi-mishamigos​​​​, @brightcolorsoffendme​​​​​, @isabellamozzarellla​​​​, @courtneychicken​​​​, @technicallycrazyfun​​​​​, @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire​​​​​, @wombatholland​​​​​, @starksparker​​​​, @frostymoon11​​​​, @agent-spidey​​​, @a-hecking-mistake​​​, @starlightfound​​​, @owlsparks​​, @fuckyou-imspiderman​​, @crescentstarknight​​, @draqcnheartstrinq​​, @4-a-m​, @whereartthouwakanda​, @elyshugh​, @princess-shurii, @yourlocalsourwolf
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writerghost · 6 years
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I was tagged by @bagginsofbagend.
Tagging @starlightandfireworks @mittens42069 @thegeekyprincess @thatgeekykidsweirdblog @gloriouslizzie @book-keeper @ii-do-what-i-want and you! Yes, you. If you feel like doing it, don’t let me stop you.
Credit for the bingo sheets goes to luminaryaries on instagram.
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spider-bih · 6 years
Burn [Peter Parker]
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Red Roses & Torturous Thorns [PT.2]
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female!Reader [[Post!Homecoming]]
Warnings: Major angst, mentions of pain, heartache, death, blood and my shitty writing💕💕
A/N: Kinda short, next parts should be longer.
Part 1, Masterlist, Part 3
That was all Peter ever got from his soulmate. Blinding rage- and sometimes it was powerful enough to consume him for a moment or two. He could be stopping a mugging or just talk to someone and suddenly he’d snap. He’d kick too hard or speak with venom in his voice. The change would be so quick, it’d scare even him. He wondered what caused you to be so angry, what made you like that, but he was half glad for it. It meant that he had a soulmate somewhere and despite being angry, she was okay. 
It meant that he wasn’t alone like some cruel people liked to say. [Flash]
If it wasn’t anger, it was pure exhaustion. However, in two different ways. Some days it was emotionally. He’d feel drained and empty, and it would show in his face. It would make his outlook on the day- or even the world, bleak and colorless. Other days, it would be physical. He’d feel it deep in his bones- in his very soul. It was like some sort of weight dropped on him, and even with his super strength, he struggled to carry it. When you were that tired, he was forced to sleep it off, unless he wanted to eat bricks or someones foot. He could tell you hated when ever he got hurt. If any criminal ever landed a hit on him or caused him to fall from his web or something, he’d get angry. The blinding rage would burst through him and make him finish the job quicker than normal.
Sometimes he didn’t mind it. It was only an issue when he broke bones, something he didn’t like to do. He didn’t want to hurt anybody drastically. He just wanted to stop them and prevent anyone from being harmed by said criminal. That was all.
You made his job hard some nights- and some days, you made his life hard. It was hard to focus when his other half was so angry or tired- or even numb. It was hard to engage in conversations with his best friend when you were causing him to feel such a way. Especially now. He just wanted to calmly order his sandwich, but you were mad. You were very mad and he was stuck in line- god you were not helping. He could feel his hands twitching- his body screaming to just burst out. His heightened senses only worsened the feeling. He’d had a long day at school- and an even longer night before that. He just wanted his damn-
“Fucking move.”, someone hissed before pushing him out of their way.
The anger he’d been feeling overpowered his spider-sense, and so he wasn’t aware someone had been trying to get past him to get further into the bodega. They’d even managed to push him out of the way, making him stumble back. His anger- or well, his soulmates anger, bubbled up over him.
At last, it spewed out, “What the hell is your problem?”
The person didn’t even bother to turn to face him, “Fuck off. You were in my way, and you didn’t move, so I moved you.”
“Moved me? You didn’t even say excuse me!”
“I did!”, the person hissed, turning their head enough to glare his way. Their eyes bored into his and for a second he couldn’t breathe. Something on his chest burned and he wasn’t sure if it was his soulmate doing something, or if it was his rose tattoo. It was placed right over his beating heart. Still colorless after all this time. “It’s not my fault you didn’t hear me, asshole.”
Now that he’d had a proper look and let his soulmates anger have less of a hold on him, he could see this person was a girl. A very angry girl, who ignored him and grumbled to herself as she grabbed what ever snacks she’d been looking for. The burning on his chest didn’t cease- but he couldn’t just tear off his shirt in the middle of the store to check. Could it be? Was this-
“Ugh. The line didn’t even move, and of course I have to stand behind you. Stop staring at me before I hit you.”
Peter makes a face, his soulmates anger bubbling up inside him, “Don’t threaten me.”
“Not a threat, but a promise. Just turn away.”, she said, and his chest seemed to burn more. He could faintly see her face scrunch up, but her fingers twitched towards her throat- and then he saw it.
A white rose was right at the base of her throat- right at it’s peak- but it was shifting. It seemed to flicker red for the slightest moment, before being consumed by lines of thorns. They wrapped around her throat, and when they seemed to tighten, she winced. He felt it- he felt his throat burning- it felt like it was on fire and he struggled to not grip his throat like a madman. His chest was burning just as badly, like someone literally set a fire inside of him and his heart was burning up first. He could practically taste smoke if he-
Her throat was bleeding, as if the thorns tattooed on her skin actually pierced through it. He could feel it dribble down, but saw no source of a cut, so was it really blood? Or was it that flicker of red finding it’s way out and away? Please no- he wanted red. He wanted red so bad. No more black- he was tired of seeing the black rose on his Aunt’s forearm. A permanent reminder that the world was unkind. People were supposed to die with their soulmates, so that they wouldn’t have to be alone. He was incredibly grateful that his Aunt was still around, but he knew the emptiness she felt was constant and painful. Why was she an exception? How many other exceptions are there? Was his Uncle Ben’s soul just drifting around with them- having found no new life to start?
What did thorns mean?
“I said stop staring at me.”, the girl grunted through clenched teeth. Not because of anger, but because of pain. He could feel it. She was in pain and she was panicking. Her fingers continued to twitch in want to move. 
“Thorns.”, he said.
“Thorns.”, he repeated, putting his own hand at the base of his throat, “We have thorns.”
He didn’t have to look at his own chest to know he had thorns too. He felt it, and he saw the red running down his arm and dripping off his fingers before disappearing into thin air.
She froze in place.
RR&TT Tags [Ask to be added] [Strikethrough means tumblr won’t let me tag]: @archimedsbae, @letstrysomefanfic​, @hollandroos​, @fangirllegacy​, @stilinski-parker, @sighparker​, @elyshugh​, @lizm-05​, @flovveries, @wintersoldierbaby, @calmdownyall, @readersfever, @meyrapp, @markusstraya, @cjnotthedj, 
Permanent Tags [strikethrough means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you]: @o-brienwrites​, @spidergirlwanab​, @thumper-darling​, @bagginsofbagend​, @sammy-holland​ , @cosmetologynerd​ , @timelord-sorcerer​, @i-love-superhero​, @mendes-holland​, @dangerousluv1​, @malumplaylist​, @faithful-music​, @melli-chou​, @spidey-mantom​ , @fandom-hq​, @thegirlwiththeimpala​, @mayroseinneverland​, @maggieanne13​,  @internetgremlin​, @parkerbabeh​, @spidey-spooked​ , @iamwarrenspeace​ , @djdre92​, @sergeantjbuckybarnes​, @everythingthatisrandom​, @spiderman-2013​, @rileyloves5​ , @twizzziee​, @therealme13posts​, @clean-and-claire​, @malfoyofthenight​,  @peters-vlogs​, @leilei-draws​ , @rmillerartemis​, @cassiopeia-barrow​,  @valeriasobsessions​, @rosescentedblood​, @hi-mishamigos​, @brightcolorsoffendme​​, @isabellamozzarellla​, @courtneychicken​, @technicallycrazyfun​​, @iamthepenguinwhosearseisonfire​​, @wombatholland​​, @starksparker​, @frostymoon11​, @agent-spidey, @a-hecking-mistake, @starlightfound, 
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